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23:36, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by ArkrimFor group 0
GM, 387 posts
Mon 19 Jul 2021
at 04:56
  • msg #1



You can take up to three creeds. In a d20 game, each creed grants you 2-3 bonus feats (depending how strong feats are in the game) but you only start with one and get another at 10th and possibly another at 20th level. If you have two creeds you start with two bonus feats and get another at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level. If you have three creeds, you start with three bonus feats and get another at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level. Non-d20 games may set the up a little differently.

Violating any one creed causes you to lose all bonus feats from creeds for 24 hours. Multiple violations within the same 24 hours causes you to lose them for 1 week. Multiple violations within the same week causes you to lose them for 1 month and so on and so forth. Atonement can restore their function early.

Prerequisites: You must be Good or Lawful.
Requirements: You start with half the normal starting gold and always give 50% of all loot you acquire to charity, regardless how it was acquired and you refuse to hoard more gold-value in items or wealth than half what is normally expected of your level. You can donate at churches or other nonprofit organizations or give directly to NPCs in need. You only give to those less fortunate than you and prefer to do so for only the poorest and most downtrodden you can find.

Prerequisites: You must be Lawful and never put ranks in Deception (after character creation).
Requirements: You are always true to your word and keep your oaths. You never use the Deception skill, feint or dirty trick maneuvers, nor do you use Illusions or trickery. You also never gain the benefits of flanking and willingly forgo them. If you are aware of lies, you openly and brazenly correct them, even if this inconveniences you or your allies.

Prerequisites: You must be Chaotic.
Requirements: You never resort to or allow others to resort to enslavement and you refuse to take prisoners or hostages for long periods of time (short periods are okay given certain circumstances). You prefer punishment to come in the form of steep fines, self-imposed penance, humiliation, oaths, torture, or even death rather than imprisonment or slavery. This is somewhat more flexible with animals and mindless creatures, but not sentient ones. You may prefer beasts be off a leash and out of a cage and don't feel any which way about mindless machines, but these things don't violate your creed either way.

Prerequisites: You must be Good or Lawful.
Requirements: You never intentionally kill a living sentient creature nor allow others to do so except by lawful execution (and even then, you don't necessarily approve and attempt to negotiate for alternatives when you can). You'll always use nonlethal force when possible (though constructs and undead may force you to resort to lethal). You'll drag a prisoner for miles and miles to find appropriate authorities to take them into custody if need be.

Prerequisites: You must be Good or Lawful and have max ranks in Diplomacy at every level.
Requirements: You never pick a fight and prefer negotiation and avoidance. You only engage in battle after some else has already attacked you or your allies or innocent bystanders and you have attempted deescalation and negotiation first. If you come upon a fight between others, you attempt to resolve it peacefully first or attempt to walk away. Demanding people comply with your requests and them refusing and standing their ground does not constitute them engaging in battle. Your allies attacking others and them defending themselves also does not constitute them as having started the fight, even if they were doing something wrong (but nonviolent) or are wanted for doing something wrong.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:29, Mon 19 July 2021.
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