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13:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Docking Bay 07, Blue Sector (Exedore)

Posted by The First OneFor group 0
The First One
GM, 10 posts
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 01:28
  • msg #1

Docking Bay 07, Blue Sector (Exedore)

His ship was where he had left it in it’s berth in Docking Bay 07, tucked safely behind a powerful camouflage spell, and tucked innocuously between a ubiquitous United Spaceways transport and an older Earth-model private transport with the name the Von Braun painted on its hull. Unbidden, the voice of Alwyn came to him, just as often a teacher and companion as his conscience and gifted him with its pedagogy.

”Seven is one of the great numbers of power and has held fascination for our species since the most ancient times in areas as diverse as religion, mathematics, alchemy, and magic. There were Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In the Old Testament, God created the world in six days and rested on the Seventh. In the New Testament, seven symbolized the four corners of the Earth in alignment with the Holy Trinity. Revelations speaks of seven churches, seven angels, seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven stars. The Islamic faith has seven heavens and its pilgrims circle the Kaaba in Mecca seven times.

Seven was the number of power in myth and folklore. The seventh son of a seventh son was fated to be a powerful wizard or healer. Seven is the number most often associated with luck. Look no further than the machines in the casinos here and you will see three sevens representing the jackpot.

The ancient psychologists in the mid-20th century believed most people could only retain seven items of information in their short-term memory. In mathematics, Seven is considered the optimal-prime number within the first ten numbers. It goes on and on. Root yourself in the Power of Seven, and you will be in rooted in the strongest of traditions.”

player, 4 posts
Tue 17 Aug 2021
at 01:13
  • msg #2

Docking Bay 07, Blue Sector (Exedore)

Exedore let out a slight grin at the memory of his former master's words concerning the number seven. It indeed was a powerful number and with the coming storm that is to come he will heed Alwyn's words.

He sensed his fellow Techno-Mages leaving the station in their ship and with them entering the Jump Gate, he lost the connection entirely.

Elric, Blaylok & the others will be very cross with me for staying behind, he thought to himself.

But with them on their way to the Hiding Place, there is little they can do - to me or Alwyn.

He took one more look at his ship cloaked in its Camouflage Spell to resemble a typical Delta Gamma 9 Transport and with staff in hand, he decided to find a place to call home. He held out his hand and a miniature holographic version of the station appeared hovering above his palm. The image took on a framework rendering of the station and the various sectors of the station lit up by color within & as he scrutinized the various places he could possibly call home, his eyes looked at the areas that were lit in gray - the areas were underdeveloped with varying gravity and a small number of inhabitants. A series of words appeared in the Taratimude language, denoting the name of this sector.

"Down Below", he said, reading the name of this sector.

The image faded in in his hand & now noting the nearest route to this place, headed for it to explore it and find a suitable place to dwell.
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