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, welcome to 2e Realms - Treasures of the Past

13:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 3315 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 23:06
  • msg #1



Since the game is starting to reach the level where characters can get followers, I want to set out some coherent guidelines for how followers will work in this game.

Followers are completely optional. I will confirm with each player whether they want to have followers, and if a player doesn’t want to deal with them, then no followers appear. I make all rolls for followers, except where I request player input or dice rolling.

Many followers have a requirement of the PC having a stronghold or other type of holding. A single holding managed jointly by the PC’s can potentially serve to meet those requirements, provided each class’s needs are taken into proper consideration. Follower numbers are the theoretical maximum; depending on location and circumstance the PC may only initially attract a fraction of the full roll.

Multi-classed characters can get followers from one, both, or none of their classes, as desired, provided the combination is appropriate.

New characters do not gain followers until sufficient time has passed both in-game and in real life, regardless of level.


All fighters must have a stronghold, or raise their banner as a mercenary captain, before they begin to attract followers.

Human fighters roll for followers on the appropriate table in “Tables and Tables of Troops” from Dragon #99.

Demihuman fighters roll for followers on the appropriate table in “Elven Armies and Dwarves-At-Arms” from Dragon #115. Dwarven fighters roll on Table VIII in “Tables of Troops.”

Depending on where the stronghold is constructed, it is possible that a farming (or other appropriate type) of community will grow up around it. If encouraged and protected, such a community could provide revenue to the stronghold in the form of taxes. This will not happen if the stronghold is located in an already-existing community.


Upon reaching 9th level, paladins will generally be assigned one or more squires (1st level paladins) by their order or religion. Further details will be fleshed out, should the need arise.


Rangers receive followers based on the chapter Followers in the Complete Ranger’s Handbook. The player is allowed to say whether they want to include human/demihuman followers, or whether their followers should only be animals/monsters.


Clerics attract followers based on “Clout for Clerics” in Dragon #113, with some modifications. Before attracting followers, the cleric must construct a sufficiently large temple (at least 2,500 square feet on the ground floor) and be able to spread word of the temple among the appropriate faithful.

Once the temple has been established, the cleric attracts three types of followers: lesser clerics, temple guards, and temple inhabitants.

Lesser clerics are priests of the same deity, with a preference for the same type (cleric/specialty priest) as the PC. The number of clerics is set by a formula; for an 8th level cleric, the temple will gain 1 cleric each of levels 4, 3, and 2, and 3 1st level clerics. No more than 1/3 of the temple’s clerics (including the PC high priest) may be absent from the temple at one time, and if the high priest is away from the temple, the next two highest-level clerics must remain.

Temple guards are based on fighter followers for a fighter of the same race as the PC cleric. There is a downward size adjustment as a cleric is not a fighter. This adjustment is smaller for war-related clerics and larger for overly-peaceful clerics.

Temple inhabitants are non-combatant laborers and servitors drawn to the temple (i.e. cooks, cleaners, blacksmiths, etc.). Their number is proportional to the size of the temple and the surrounding community.

Depending on where the temple is constructed, it is possible that a farming (or other appropriate type) of community will grow up around it. If encouraged and protected, such a community could provide revenue to the temple in the form of taxes. This will not happen if the temple is located in an already-existing community.


Wizards attract apprentices per the rules in the Complete Sha’ir’s Handbook. If they have a settled base, 1d4 apprentices appear within a few weeks of attaining 9th level. If the wizard does not have a settled base, they gain 1 apprentice a few months after attaining 9th level.

Apprentices must be housed and fed, and can do chores or work minor jobs when not being instructed. They may accompany the wizard on adventures, if convinced. The wizard must hold classes at least once a month (classes generally last between 1 day and 1 tenday). Apprentices earn experience in each class based on the master’s Intelligence and the student’s ability to learn. When they reach 1st level, the apprentice may or may not stay on, depending on circumstances, and new 0-level apprentices arrive to replace them.

Specialist wizards can only train specialist apprentices. If the wizard has a specialized kit, the player and DM will decide whether the character is looking to train “normal mages” or is only interested in training people in their kit. Bladesinger PC’s cannot train new bladesingers, due to the time constraints, however they could train regular (single-classed) mages.


Thieves will generally attract followers based on the table in the PHB, but they have greater leeway to (try to) attract specific types of followers. Success will depend greatly on the steps the PC takes in the attracting. Thieves with kits have a higher chance of attracting followers with the same kit.

Thieves without a holding will only attract part of the total number of rolled followers.


Bards who wish to have followers should consult with the DM. Bards can generally either use the thief follower table (with an increased chance of attracting bards instead of thieves), or use the bardic fighter-type follower roll from the PHB. The thief table does not require a stronghold, but the bardic one does.
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