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07:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Criação de Personagem.

Posted by CronistaFor group 0
GM, 90 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 01:32
  • msg #1

Criação de Personagem

O Omega é o sistema usado no jogo Atlantis: The Second Age. Ele será usado neste jogo com pequenas modificações.

Os personagens são construídos com 125 pontos mais um pacote cultural.

A tabela abaixo mostra o custo das várias características.

Atributo5 pontos/nível
Habilidade1 ponto/nível
Especialização2 pontos

Há varias etnias em Atlânia. Abaixo, estão listadas as principais, mas há várias culturas menos representativas habitando as diversas nações.
  • Aquerônia: +1 INT, +2 Lore, +2 Scholar, +1 Technology, +10 Language (Aquerônio)
  • Celtéria (duada): +1 WIL, +1 Influence, +2 Lore, +1 Melee, +1 Shooting, +10 Language (Céltico)
  • Celtéria (firbal): +1 CR, +1 Beasts, +2 Melee, +2 Resolve, +10 Language (Céltico)
  • Deran: +1 CHA, +2 Influence, +1 Piloting, +2 Trade, +10 Language (Deranês)
  • Kajuta: +1 CR, +2 Brawling, +2 Melee, +1 Warfare, +10 Language (Kajutano)
  • Kheb: +1 PER, +2 Medicine, +2 Scholar, +1 Technology, +10 Language (Khebita)
  • Kozir: +1 DEX, +3 Beasts, Bows specialty (Shooting), +10 Language (Kozirin)
  • Lormyria: +1 STR, +2 Craft, +2 Resolve, +1 Survival, +10 Language (Lormyriano)
  • Moani: +1 CON, +2 Athletics, +1 Craft, +1 Piloting, +10 Language (Moani)
  • Nem: +1 DEX, +1 Shooting, +2 Survival, +2 Thievery, +10 Language (Nemita)
  • Reinos Médios: +1 em DEX, CON, PER ou CHA, +5 entre Art, Craft, Influence, Resolve, Thievery e Trade, +10 Language (Amorrano)
  • Thena: +1 WIL, +1 Athletics, +1 Brawling, +1 Melee, +2 Warfare, +10 Language (Thenaico)
  • Thromyria: +1 STR, +3 Resolve, +2 Survival, +10 Language (Thromyriano)
  • Tuula: +1 WIL, +1 Beasts, +1 Lore, +1 Melee, +1 Tech, +1 Warfare, +10 Language (Tuulano)
  • Umbira: +1 Influence, +2 Piloting, +1 Trade, +1 Warfare, +10 Language (Umbirense)
  • Valúsia: +1 em um atributo mental, +1 Art, +1 Craft, +1 Influence, +1 Medicine, +1 Scholar, , +10 Language (Valusiano)
  • Zargos: +1 INT ou PER, +1 Athletics, +2 Piloting ou Scholar, +2 Lore ou Trade, +10 Language (Zargoz)

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:54, Wed 08 Sept 2021.
GM, 91 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 01:34
  • msg #2


Em humanos, os Atributos variam de -5 a 5 (sendo 5 o pináculo da condição humana), com 0 sendo a média. Os 10 Atributos são:

Combat Rating (CR)

A measure of a character’s natural ability in combat situations. It reflects a combination of physical and mental attributes, cultural and social factors, biological traits, and personal inclination. Combat Rating serves as the modifier for most combat-related skills. Combat Rating affects a character’s ability to attack as well as defend.

Strength (STR)
A measure of an individual’s physical power. Strength Rating determines how much weight a character can carry or lift, how much damage a character does with a hand-held weapon, and so forth. It is also the deciding factor in attempts to bend or break objects; force open or hold shut a door, and restrain other characters or creatures.
-8: Mouse, -6: Domestic Cat, -4: Eagle, -2: Preadolescent Human, +0: Wolf, +3: Donkey, +5: Lion, +8: Bull

Dexterity (DEX)
A measure of the individual’s agility, coordination, and maneuverability. Dexterity Rating is an important factor in most physical skills and determines how well a character can perform acts of manual dexterity, dodge or evade an attack, keep his or her balance, or catch a thrown object.
-3: Domestic Cattle, -1: Domestic Sheep, +0: Average Human, +2: Athlete, +4: Gymnast, +7: Squirrel

Constitution (CON)
A measure of the individual’s endurance, stamina, and durability. Constitution Rating determines how well a character can resist the effects of disease, wounds, poisons, toxins, exposure, hunger, and thirst.
-4: Phthisis (“Consumption”) Sufferer, -2: Indolent Epicurean, +0: Average Human, +2: Athlete, +4: Wild Boar, +5: Champion Marathon Runner, +8: Elephant

Intelligence (INT)
A measure of the individual’s intellect and powers of reason. Intelligence is the deciding factor whenever an individual attempts to deduce the basic meaning of obscure or unfamiliar maps, dialects, or writings; appraise the relative value of goods; solve puzzles and mysteries; and so forth.
-8: Insect, -7: Most Animals, -5: Social Predator (e.g. Wolf), -3: Dolphin, -2: Simpleton, +0: Average Human, +3: Genius, +5: Polymath

Perception (PER)
A measure of the individual’s sensory awareness, taking into account the abilities of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, plus such intangibles as instinct, intuition, and psychic talents. Perception is the deciding factor whenever an individual attempts to detect unseen presences or ambushes, detect illusions, locate lost or hidden articles, notice important details or changes in surroundings, or utilize any sensory ability.
-5: Mole, +0: Average Human, +4: Most Herbivores, +6: Fox, +8: Owl

Willpower (WIL)
 measure of the individual’s willpower, determination, faith, and wisdom. Will Rating determines how well a character is able to resist temptation, bribery, seduction, torture, coercion, interrogation, or influence.
-3: Human Child, +0: Most Animals, +2: Stubborn or Tenacious Wild Animals, +3: Dedicated Philosopher, +5: Oracle

Charisma (CHA)
A measure of the individual’s powers of persuasiveness, including such intangibles as leadership and the ability to command the respect of others. Charisma Rating affects a character’s ability to lead or persuade other individuals, make a favorable impression, negotiate, bargain, or haggle.
-5: Repellent Boor, -3: Sullen Introvert, +0: Average Human, +3: Natural Diplomat, +5: Inspiring National Leader

Speed (SPD)
A measure of how swiftly an individual is capable of moving, either on land, in the water, through the air, or by other means. Speed Rating determines initiative in combat, as well as attempts to pursue others or escape pursuit.
-5: Immobile, -4: Tortoise, -2: Mouse, +0: Average Human, +3: Serpent, +5: Champion Sprinter, +7: Fox, +10: Horse, +12: Deer, +14: Hare

Magic Rating (MR) [os PCs não podem ser magos, pelo menos não no início, então não faz muito sentido investir nisso]
A measure of a character’s natural ability to sense and manipulate the flows of magic in the world. It reflects a combination of mental attributes and physical senses, as well as cultural and psychological factors. Magic Rating serves as a modifier for magic-related skills and powers. The Attribute unlocks the inner power of the Hero to manipulate the universe.

Atributos secundários são calculados da seguinte maneira:

Hit Points: 20 + CON
Hero Points: 5 + CHA
GM, 92 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 01:34
  • msg #3


Crônicas Atlani usa 20 habilidades genéricas. Estas podem ser especializadas – gastando 2 pontos, ganha +3. Por exemplo, se um personagem com Melee 5 se especializa em espadas, sua habilidade ficará Melee (Espadas) 8. Quando estiver empunhando uma espada, o PC adiciona 8 ao rolamento; qualquer outra arma, 5.

O nível máximo de habilidade genérica é 10; de especializações, é 13. Ou seja, Melee 10 ou Melee (Espadas) 13 são aceitáveis; Melee 12 ou Melee (Espadas) 16 não são.


Art: dança, música, pintura etc.
Athletics: correr, esquivar, nadar etc.
Beasts: cavalgar, treinar animais, veterinária etc.
Brawling: lutar corpo-a-corpo
Craft: agricultura, confeitaria, marcenaria etc.
Influence: convencer, enganar, seduzir etc.
Investigation: escutar, perceber, ver etc.
Languages/Literacy: os idiomas de Atlânia (ver abaixo)
Lore: conhecimento antigo
Medicine: fazer primeiros socorros, operar, tratar etc.
Melee: lutar com armas de combate pessoal
Notice: perceber coisas
Piloting: dirigir, pilotar, velejar etc.
Resolve: resistir a ameaças físicas e mentais.
Scholar: conhecimento geral, humanidades
Shooting: lutar com arams de combate à distância
Survival: caçar, foragear, rastrear etc.
Technology: construir, reparar, operar etc.
Thievery: contatar o submundo, destravar fechaduras, ser furtivo etc.
Trade: barganhar, orçar, etc.
Warfare: estratégia, logística, tática etc.

Línguas são categorizadas em quatro níveis: Avançado, Nativo, Fluente e Básico.

Básicosotaque forte, erros gramaticais frequentes, imediatamente identificado como estrangeiro, pode não ser entendido
Fluentesotaque leve; percebe-se que não é a língua materna
Nativopode se passar por nativo
Avançadopode imitar sotaques regionais

Os principais idiomas de Atlânia são: aquerônio, deranês, valusiano, umbirano e zargosiano. São línguas usadas em vários lugares devido à influência dessas nações. Um PC que saiba algumas delas nõa terá muita dificuldade de se fazer entendido.

Além disso, quase todas as línguas de Atlânia são oriundas de atlanteano ou do lemuriano (as exceções são moani e nemita), possuindo elementos em comum. Assim, é possível se comunicar em outros idiomas, mesmo que o personagem não os tenha comprado.

A tabela abaixo mostra como as línguas estão conectadas. Cada linha implica em -5 na habilidade do personagem compreender outro idioma. Se a penalidade levar o nível da habilidade a zero ou negativo, o PC não tem conhecimento suficiente para falar.

Devido à grande influência da Aquerônia sobre Kheb, a língua natal desta convergiu muito com o aquerônio, permitindo aos falantes khebitas alguma compreensão intrínseca desta, mesmo os dois idiomas pertencendo a famílias linguísticas distintas (representado pela linha pontilhada).

Exemplo: Quintus tem Languages (Valusiano) 10. Ele consegue falar amorrano, deranês e valusiano antigo com fluência (10-5=5). Já Varo, com Languages (Zargoz) 10, consegue falar theraico fluentemente, mas não entende thenaico (10-10=0)

A habilidade Languages cobre apenas fala. Para poder escrever um idioma, o personagem precisar comprar alfabetização (Literacy) na língua, que usa a mesma tabela de proficiência acima. Com o Básico, o PC consegue mais ou menos extrair o sentido geral de um texto ou escrever frases simples para passar um conceito.

Personagens com alfabetização Fluente ou Nativa numa determinada língua, em geral, terão pouca dificuldade para ler, a não ser que seja um texto muito técnico ou erudito.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:36, Tue 14 Sept 2021.
GM, 93 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 01:35
  • msg #4


Each Hero must have three disadvantages that are rated in levels. The player has five levels to distribute between the disadvantages with no more than three in one and no less that one in any of them. The more levels in the disadvantage the more serious a hindrance it is.

Há três categorias de Desvantagem: Relacionamentos, Internas e Externas. O personagem precisa ter uma desvantagem de cada.

Relacionamentos: desvantagens que envolvem uma ou mais pessoas. Um (a) amante carente que sempre demanda atenção, por exemplo, é uma desvantagem de relacionamento.
Interna: traço de personalidade ou limitação mental que faz com que seja difícil interagir com outros, ou algum tipo de transtorno psicológico que tornam certas ações mais difíceis.
Externa: esta categoria inclui tudo o que não for relacionamento ou questões internas.


Hesperos the butcher (Relacionamento 2). The butcher is a pirate ringleader who sold Iolaus into slavery with the Zargos years ago
Hot-blooded (Interna 1). Iolaus is quick to anger when challenged or crossed
Indebted (Externa 2). Iolaus owes a debt to Strategus Dylon for saving his life. Sometimes Dylon uses the debt to bend Iolaus to his will making him do things he would normally not do.

It gives a player Hero Points to add to rolls in the scene equal to the level in the disadvantage.

The player may call upon the disadvantage in any situation. The GM must approve it but when activated the Hero is essentially bringing down the pain upon his own character, creating drama in the plot. Because he is in some way causing trouble for himself he gets disadvantage points that he may bank and use at a later date. These Disadvantage levels act in the same way as Hero Points but they must be used before the end of the game or they are lost.

The Hero may activate a disadvantage only once per game and no more than 5 Hero Points per game can be acquired in this way.

Once the disadvantage Hero Points are used they are gone and can only be replenished if the Hero activates the disadvantage again. The player may do this again later with his other disadvantages and receive disadvantage bonus until he hits his Max (5 levels), calling on his 1-level disadvantages to max out his limit of five level per adventure. Disadvantage bonus must be spent during that adventure or they are lost and must be activated again during later adventures.

GMs may try to activate a disadvantage because of plot developments, and if the player agrees to his disadvantages being activated he receives the disadvantage bonus (up to his max). If the player doesn’t want the disadvantages activated he may spend points out of his Disadvantage bonus pool to buy off the activation. If the Hero does not have points to spend he may either spend actual Hero Points or take one Fate Point.
GM, 94 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 01:36
  • msg #5

Hero points

Hero Points represent the cosmic luck that all Heroes have in fiction — that little bit extra that gets him through the harrowing ordeal. There is always something different about a Hero which helps him stand apart from his more mundane counterparts. He is able to climb the mountain no sane person would; he can fight, and best, a lion, barehanded; he can endure an injury that would lay a common man low. This is illustrated by the Hero spending Hero Points.

Your Hero starts the game with a pool of points which can be used to affect the outcome of dice rolls or damage taken. The maximum amount of Hero Points a character may have in her Pool is equal to 5 + her CHA Attribute (minimum of 5 Hero Points). This amount goes up as the Hero gains Renown.
  • Players may spend Hero Points to increase a roll by +2. Hero Points may be spent after the roll is made.
  • One Hero Point may be used to negate a mishap or Critical Failure.
  • One Hero Point will add +4 to damage inflicted.
  • Hero Points may be spent to negate 4 points of damage per point spent. The Hero can spend up to his maximum amount of Hero Points in this way
  • Two points will give the Hero one extra action for one round of combat without any multi-action penalty.
  • Two points can be spent to negate the unconsciousness effects of a critical hit.

A Hero can gain more Hero Points during play a few ways and all of them can be used as plot hooks and jumping-off points.
  • Ativar uma desvantagem
  • Pray to or blaspheme the gods Em análise
  • Offer sacrifice or votives to the gods Em análise
  • Indulgência
  • Desafiar o Destino

Hero Point Limit per Roll
Whenever a player makes any roll (Attribute, Skill, damage, power, and so on), she may spend Hero Points to increase the total. She may use Hero Points up to a maximum based on the Hero’s Renown score. Use the following chart to determine the allowable number of Hero Points.

Renome      Limite
1-49                2
50                   4
100                 5
150                 7
200                 10
300+           Ilimitado

GMs may try to activate a disadvantage because of plot developments, and if the player agrees to his disadvantages being activated he receives the disadvantage bonus (up to his max). If the player doesn’t want the disadvantages activated he may spend points out of his Disadvantage bonus pool to buy off the activation. If the Hero does not have points to spend he may either spend actual Hero Points or take one Fate Point.
GM, 95 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 01:38
  • msg #6


O sistema inclui um mecanismo de lifepaths que ajuda a determinar a história pregressa do personagem – infância, eventos importantes, aventuras anteriores – com bônus mecânicos. Essa mecânica pode resultar em PCs um pouco diferentes em termos de pontos, por isso o seu uso deve ser acordado pela maioria.
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