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09:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC] Investigation At Sea.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 1032 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 3 May 2020
at 20:11
  • msg #1

[IC] Investigation At Sea

The group is searching for those responsible for stealing items of value and magic from the travelers and residents of Port Lyalee.  Items were being smuggled out in magically shrunken form, tucked into small bottles and the bottles being in casks of valuable wine sold by the Belorn's Brewing Company.  There are three islands within a day or so's sail of Port Lyalee where wine from Belorn's was sold:

Greenstalk Island, a mountainous island that grows and exports exotic woods, spices, and herbs, but imports much of its food

Sanding Island, known for its skilled boatsmiths who repair fishing and cargo vessels (oftentimes sending out smaller boats with repair workers after heavy storms to look for vessels in distress), and are also expert salvagers due to the currents that bring wrecks to their shores

Jeweled Island, known for its exceptional feathercraft and fibercrafts from its wealth of birds and sea plants

The ships bearing Belorn's wines also make landfall in the port of Gajin, on the mainland, about a week's sail from Port Lyalee.  It's a port known to be home to many lizardfolk, and has a rough-and-tumble reputation where many things that cannot be found or done elsewhere can be located.

There is a list of magic items suspected to be stolen by this ring of thieves, items that would indicate guilt and are not to be considered part of acceptable looting practices:
  • A necklace with a golden monkey amulet
  • A platinum ring with a dozen different-colored gems mounted around the band
  • A ebony wood bracelet set with cabochon emeralds
  • A silver mug set with lapis lazuli and moonstone in a pattern of moon and stars
  • A book with a rosewood cover and pages made of golden foil, hammered with elven script
  • A rose made of silver and gold
  • A purple plume that throws off false sparks
  • A yellow topaz mounted in a red gold diadem
  • An orange-hilted dagger with a green metal blade
  • A miniature statue of an opal panther

Finally, Captain Hubert and Mad Morrie have found an island or two through some reefs and channels previously thought to contain nothing but ship-wrecking rock, and they wish the assistance of the Leafblade Company in searching them and mapping them properly.


The Sea Lady sails off into the tide, the sun setting in a spill of gold to the west as the ship clears the harbor and broaches the open waves.  Those mounts who have not chosen to stone-sleep, or whose owners don't want to subject them to it, take a while to settle in this strange new environment, which occupies much of their attention for the first part of the voyage.

It's not until the moon is well-risen that the group can try to settle their own stomachs as the waves smooth out and the smells of dinner permeate the air.  Fresh fish is on the menu, sea-greens, and soup with potatoes and herbs, along with good bread bought while in Port Lyalee.

Captain Hubert is guiding the ship and will eat later, but Mad Morrie is there to serve up dinner and talk about the next steps the Leafblade Company wants to take.

"'Tis most of a sameness which island we go to first, so where are you wanting to go?  You need stories from this old tar?" he says, taking a swig of well-watered ale before serving up another bowl of soup.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 551 posts
Sun 3 May 2020
at 21:18
  • msg #2

[IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor nodded to Mad Morrie as he ate his soup.  Some of this food, especially the sea greens, was very exotic to him, but he was giving it a try.
"If all islands are equal as suspected targets, then perhaps the closest one works to start with.  And I'd love to hear any stories you had to share."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 687 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Mon 4 May 2020
at 12:46
  • msg #3

[IC] Investigation At Sea

On the walk to the docks, Narthian tells Bruenor, "I have prepared the Air Walk spell, but I do not think that there is space on the ship to train Demon properly. I think, that if we need it, I will use it on Lantamori or Averdante as our archers could make the best use of the elevation. But remind me when this adventure is over and I will be happy to start Demon's training."

Nathian sees to the horses, ensuring that they are prepared for what lies ahead, whether they are in the stone-sleep or not. He tries to find someplace on deck where he is out of the way of the crew and can feel the wind and watch the sea. The oral tradition of his conclave has many tales of the far off oceans teaming with life, and he's taking the opportunity to see what he can of it. He is most looking forward to visiting Jeweled Island and its wealth of flora and fauna. He encourages and listens in to any of Mad Morrie's tales.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 564 posts
Mon 4 May 2020
at 16:45
  • msg #4

[IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel soothes and pets Feather, and makes sure she has hay and water...and that a shovel and big pail are nearby.

He goes on deck to discover whether sea and stomach get along.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 505 posts
Mon 4 May 2020
at 17:20
  • msg #5

[IC] Investigation At Sea

"Closest makes sense, want to offload stolen things as quick as possible right?" Volsh replied to the different options after he had settled his few belongings into the ship's hold or cabin area he'd been assigned.

He checked on Eagle to make sure the horse was doing ok and then looked out over the railing at the expanse of the sea. It was more featureless than anything he'd seen before, so there was a bit of a quake in the stomach that he tried to not let show outwardly as he considered it.
Elf Archer, 618 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 4 May 2020
at 22:56
  • msg #6

[IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante is quite willing to listen to the sailor's tales, although much of his attention is on learning to find his balance on the boat's shifting deck. If they get into a fight, he doesn't want to have to think about staying on his feet while targeting a foe. Initially at least, it doesn't seem as if it will be too difficult; he's perched on tree branches that move more quickly. But there are unexpected drops when he's expecting sideways movement, and strong, sudden lurches up that go contrary to his instincts, so it will take a little time to fully adjust.

Hopefully, he'll have the time to master it before he's put to the test. As there are bandits on land, there are pirates on the sea... and the ones they hunt have had time to hear there is a hunt.
Elf Rogue, 449 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 5 May 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #7

[IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori didn't mind the water all around or the way the ship moved.  She could see the sky and feel the wind.  That's all she needed.

And she wouldn't sink like a stone if she fell overboard, she thought, looking over at Farian with that boat anchor of a shield she carried.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 618 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 5 May 2020
at 16:37
  • msg #8

[IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian sees that Lux is put into the stone-sleep and tucked securely into an interior pocket. She struggles some to find her sea legs, not being as nimble as the elves and having a higher center of gravity then all save perhaps Bruenor and Volsh. She keeps a steadying hand upon the rail, or rigging, or other item secured to the deck whenever she moves about. Despite any wobbliness, she is not one to go green about the gills. Whether from a hardy constitution or an indomitable will is hard to say. She keeps about her the air of one who is clear of purpose, knowing that she is in the right place, at the right time.

I don't know if there was time for the pennon to have been completed using traditional methods. But if it is done, she asks Hubert to have it hoisted and flown in the proper place.
Mad Morrie
Wed 6 May 2020
at 02:34
  • msg #9

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor nodded to Mad Morrie as he ate his soup.  Some of this food, especially the sea greens, was very exotic to him, but he was giving it a try.
"If all islands are equal as suspected targets, then perhaps the closest one works to start with.  And I'd love to hear any stories you had to share."

"Aye, that would be making sense, though it's not too much difference between them, depending on the weather.  Greenstalk is the first, Jeweled is about another half-day away, and Sanding is between them, but it's trickier to get into.

"Greenstalk's got a little bit of a haunted air, so you stay in Rooton, the main port, unless you're a native.  Gets heavy fogs, and sometimes the port fogs in.  You hear whispers in the fog, and the natives tell you not to listen to them.  When the fog comes in, you pack the taverns and sing so you can't hear the whispers.  Otherwise they say you'll follow them up into the mountains and off a cliff or straight off the dock.  Tarnished Bell's got the best ale you've ever wet your throat with, but the Wet Rocks have 'em cheaper and got a better bard.  Hmm... seen some folk who're like wood, skin like wood, or like tree-folk, out on the edges of town near the lumber yards. Someone said they help with harvest, but most of the crafter-folk I dealt with were half-elves.

"Jeweled Island's got lots of trees, but it's not got as many mountains as Greenstalk.  Lots of birds, lots of flowers, and it warmer 'cause of the fire-mountain in the middle.  I mean, not much of a mountain, kinda more of a big hill, but it's got hot earth blood that pours out of it and into the sea. Lots of fire folk, earth folk, and magma folk on the island, and they give the fire mountain wreaths of flowers every day or they say the earth blood will geyser up and explode.  Main port is Emerald Harbor, and it's green as its name, from plants and paint both. They got birds on every corner and doorway, and some of them talk like people!  They weave stuff out of the vines and feathers into these cloaks and capes that're prettier than you can believe and worth a lord's ransom, that's for certain. Best ale's at the Caldera, but best drinking songs are at the Golden Canary."

"Sandring Island saved the Sea Lady, once, when we got hit by a rogue wave during a storm and snapped the mast.  Two of their little ketches came out and towed us back to their harbor in Trickster's Bay, then helped me strap the mask as pretty as you please. Even has a spellster to weave the wood back together. I went there for repairs or overhauling every time I could; cheaper than the gougers in the port cities, and they take payment in trade and trade goods without turning up their noses. Got some water folk, some halflings, some half-orcs, odd sort of place. Everything made from odds and ends, bits of shipwrecks and foundling stuff. One of the master crafters told me everyone that lives on the island once washed up here and decided to stay. They can do a lot with a little. Worship a lot of small gods there, they do. Remember one, Juvarn, god of this meadow of sea grass.  Soft as a mattress it was, and a better place to sleep off a hangover I never had. Best ale I had there was at the Clamshell, but for best games of chance the Rusty Chain was the most fun."
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:15, Wed 06 May 2020.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 619 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 6 May 2020
at 03:01
  • msg #10

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian's ears perk up at the mention of the haunted island. "Has it always been haunted?" she asks. "Restless spirits are not known to be obedient to the living, so even though the mists and voices would discourage the curious, I do not think that smugglers would hide there if it is long haunted. A more recent occurrence may prove to be no more than a trick or deceit of some misguided wizard, though."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 552 posts
Wed 6 May 2020
at 10:43
  • msg #11

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor nodded his sincere thanks to Mad Morrie, then looked at his now very attractive cleric friend.
"Unless, Farian, the smugglers figured that a good 'haunting' would discourage searchers and the curious Adventurer.  In which case it might be the ideal place to store something."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 688 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Wed 6 May 2020
at 12:12
  • msg #12

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"There are other creatures that could be the cause of the voices," Narthian offers. "And might be open to a mutually beneficial alliance. Harpies come to mind, given the legends of leading people to their doom. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's solve one mystery at a time. The story that tweaks my interest are these tree-people of Greenstalk. You can take the timber wolf out of the forest, as the saying goes."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 671 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Wed 6 May 2020
at 18:21
  • msg #13

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas after making sure Honeybee was comfortable ran about the ship, trying to watch each person work and generally getting in the way. He was excited to be on the boat, which seemed great as they set off, but time went on he was not used to the rocking of the ship and caused him to lose his lunch. Which he promptly tried to remedy by finding more food... that too did not end well. After a couple hours he was finally able to hold down food, lamenting the loss of food.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 506 posts
Wed 6 May 2020
at 18:29
  • msg #14

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Maybe let's leave the haunted island until last? Deal with some flesh and blood people?" Volsh chimed in.

"But whatever everyone wants to do. Me'n Widowmaker'll go with the group."
Elf Rogue, 450 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 6 May 2020
at 21:32
  • msg #15

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori had to think a moment to recall whom Volsh was speaking of.  Widowmaker?  When did he start referring to his spear as if it were a mouse in his pocket?  She had to wonder if this were some side effect of his lycanthropy and what other, perhaps darker, changes were waiting in the shadows to be discovered.

"Wherever we start," the elf pointed out indifferently, "we should ask the harbormaster where we could get a glass of wine from Belorn's Brewing Company.

"Identifying those that deal with the casks would be a good starting point."

It was unlikely they'd stumble over anyone wearing some of the stolen goods, but she did spend some time going over the list in case they did.  It would certainly make the investigation easier if they spotted one of the stolen items.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 565 posts
Wed 6 May 2020
at 21:45
  • msg #16

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel has figured out that the freshest place to be is astern.
Elf Archer, 619 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 7 May 2020
at 22:47
  • msg #17

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Knowing the shadows were hunting for him, Dante didn't much like the sound of Greenstalk, but on the other hand, it might take the shadows a bit to follow them at sea. "Greenstalk sounds like the least pleasant of them. Let's start there and get it out of the way."
Mad Morrie
Sat 9 May 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #18

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian Raymellie:
Farian's ears perk up at the mention of the haunted island. "Has it always been haunted?" she asks. "Restless spirits are not known to be obedient to the living, so even though the mists and voices would discourage the curious, I do not think that smugglers would hide there if it is long haunted. A more recent occurrence may prove to be no more than a trick or deceit of some misguided wizard, though."

Mad Morrie considers the question for a moment as he stirs the soup.  "Well, that rumor's been around as long as I can recall. Now, I don't recall meeting too many people who knew someone who'd been called into the sea directly, but usually someone knew a friend of a friend."  He shrugs.  "Could be it's just the ale-tales y'tell around the fire on a misty night, writ large by a bunch of old tars who've seen too much. Or it might just be that the islanders don't want to give too much truth to those just passing through."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1033 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 9 May 2020
at 03:02
  • msg #19

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The destination sorted to start at Greenstalk Island, Mad Morrie passed up the information to Hubert.  The group could rest on bunks or hammocks as their interests and stomachs could stand, taking watch throughout the night as if they were the road.  Those on second watch see a faint flash in the darkened sea, a flowing current of glowing green darting shapes.

"Moonfish" whispers an unfamiliar voice, and they can turn to see the figurehead of the Sea Lady turn to point at the shapes.  "They carry the moon's light to the depths of the sea, so that the sea folk who never leave their kingdoms can see it."

No storms or pirates or sea monsters bother the Sea Lady that night, and by mid-morning the green mountains and misty shores of Greenstalk Island are in view.  Another hour's maneuvering brings the Sea Lady to Rooton, the main harbor and port town.  Quite small compared to Port Lyalee or even Redhaven, the buildings are made of half-stone and half beautifully laid and carved wood, often laced with vines or moss to give the city a very green feel.

The Harbor Master is a middle-aged half-elf man with very neat silver-blond hair tied back in a precise tail. He bears a small jeweled hand axe at his belt, and garbed in neatly-made homespun tunic and trews, impeccably tailored.  He's accompanied by two younger half-elves in sturdy canvas shirts and trousers, their builds suggesting they are no stranger to hard labor.  Both have short hardwood batons, polished with much use, at their belts.

"Captain, your purpose and cargo at Rooton?" he asks without preamble.  The Harbor Master addresses Mad Morrie, who ducks his head and shuffles his feet, redirecting the question to Hubert.

"Spices, your excellency, which I will convey to the customs house forthwith.  And my passengers will speak for themselves," the turtle says with a nod of his head.  The Harbor Master stares at Hubert, back at Morrie (who nods), over to Hubert again, and finally switches his view to the Leafblade Company, awaiting their answer.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 507 posts
Sat 9 May 2020
at 17:45
  • msg #20

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh knew better than to open his big mouth and try to say anything to a government or business official, so he looked at Farian or one of the others with a more well oiled tongue in the group than him to reply to the man.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 566 posts
Sat 9 May 2020
at 20:08
  • msg #21

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel, mounted on Feather, replies We call ourselves the Leafblade Company, equals all, Good Harbor Master, formed not so long ago. We wished to experience sea travel and are here  to discover any business opportunities to suit our collective and individual talents. Myself, I am Haazheel Thorn, a Diviner of some competence. Besides earning a living, I desire to further my studies. This stout fellow (indicating Volsh) has seen that I've come to no harm.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 672 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Sat 9 May 2020
at 23:12
  • msg #22

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas had a disappointed look on his face as they had made dock. He was holding the reins of Honeybee as he lead her up the walk way towards the dock. He stopped one last time to check the packs and chests were securely attached. "I'm disappointed" he called out, "no pirates. I wanted to see Pirates. Instead I saw my lunch. Twice..."
Elf Rogue, 451 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 9 May 2020
at 23:47
  • msg #23

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Where can I find the best wine?" Lantamori asked bluntly.  She was wearing her city dress and jewelry.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 553 posts
Sun 10 May 2020
at 01:40
  • msg #24

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor nodded in agreement to his Traveling Companions, especially about the wine
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 620 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 11 May 2020
at 12:44
  • msg #25

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian follows Haazheel's lead, quietly sizing up the harbor master as she gets used to the feel of phantom waves from the firm dock.

Sense Motive: 07:41, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 19 using 1d20+5 ((14)).

Trying to get a feel for the master's trustworthiness, is he being dutifully protective, or perhaps a "lookout" for smuggling? Both?

Elf Archer, 620 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 12 May 2020
at 00:23
  • msg #26

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Although Dante had heard about the living figurehead of the ship, it was still a bit surprising to actually hear her speaking. He found her words of interest, though, and spent some time watching the green-glowing creatures in the water.

If the folk under the waves did not come to the surface, what interest did they have in the moon's light? And if there were moonfish, were there sunfish as well, taking the sun's light down into the depths? Did Ehlonna and Pelor have followers below, drawing strength from such fish?

In the morning, well rested from a good night's sleep -- rocking in a hammock made the ship's motion surprisingly soothing -- he watched the first island rise on the horizon. It didn't look haunted; in fact, it looked rather inviting.

The natives, not so much. He nodded at Lantamori's inquiry, adding, "And maybe a good lunch to go with it." It'd be a good excuse to sit and listen for a bit.
Harbor Master
Tue 12 May 2020
at 08:11
  • msg #27

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel, mounted on Feather, replies, "We call ourselves the Leafblade Company, equals all, Good Harbor Master, formed not so long ago. We wished to experience sea travel and are here  to discover any business opportunities to suit our collective and individual talents. Myself, I am Haazheel Thorn, a Diviner of some competence. Besides earning a living, I desire to further my studies. This stout fellow," he indicates Volsh, "has seen that I've come to no harm.

"Very well, Diviner Thorn.  While our little island is too small to have an Adventurers' Guildhall, the Wanderfoot Inn's proprietor is a former adventurer who keeps a small board of odd jobs of that sort," he says with a nod.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas had a disappointed look on his face as they had made dock. He was holding the reins of Honeybee as he lead her up the walk way towards the dock. He stopped one last time to check the packs and chests were securely attached. "I'm disappointed" he called out, "no pirates. I wanted to see Pirates. Instead I saw my lunch. Twice..."

The Harbor Master's lips twitch a tiny amount, but he does not crack a smile as he answers, "I'm afraid there have been no pirates here in a generation or more.  Rooton has the only harbor on the island, and any miscreants would find cold comfort here."

"Where can I find the best wine?" Lantamori asked bluntly.  She was wearing her city dress and jewelry.

The Harbor Master sees Lantamori's fine clothing and jewelry, but does a small double-take at her abrupt question.  Nevertheless, he draws himself up to answer.  "The Jade Rose Inn m'lady.  The proprietor keeps an excellent cellar of both local and imported vintages, and her cook is second to none."

The Harbor Master takes a few moments to gather the docking fees from Captain Hubert, and then claps for his companions to come with a cart to assist Mad Morrie in bringing the Sea Lady's wares ashore to be assessed and sold.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 689 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Tue 12 May 2020
at 15:01
  • msg #28

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Nartian listens to the conversation from the deck of the ship. He commands Thunder to Defend the ship and lets the others know that he's going to take a look around the island. "I'll meet you at the Jade Rose for dinner," he says. He then transforms into an Albatross (small animal), casts Longstrider, and soars high into the air. He makes as big a circuit around the port as he can and still return by dinner.

From my little bit of research, there appears to be nothing special about albatross eyesight, which is OK. My main purpose is to get a lay of the land, see big things like hidden coves, poorly hidden camps, and the like. I picked the albatross for their low energy, long range soaring ability ( I'll fly at altitude, 300-1000 feet, to keep out of trouble. Should I face airborne danger, the escape plan is to dive, transform into a much faster bird of the small size (peregrin falcon? sea eagle?), and flee at top (magic boosted) speed. Which brings up an interesting question, does having the Run feat translate into animal form?

*Edited: Longstrider only works for ground pounders. *sigh*
This message was last edited by the player at 17:22, Tue 12 May 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 569 posts
Tue 12 May 2020
at 18:58
  • msg #29

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel replies Thank you for the information. It seems to me, judging from you and your assistants, that the harbor is in good hands. Should we happen to meet any of you off duty, I'[d be pleased to stand you a drink in return for the pleasure of your conversation.

To the Jade Rose Inn before the Wanderfoot? Then we'll decide where to take rooms.

Elf Rogue, 452 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 13 May 2020
at 01:06
  • msg #30

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori proceeded to the Jade Rose for a drink.  The island didn't sound big enough to need Cloud.  Perhaps they'd go for a ride in the morning.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 509 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 18:06
  • msg #31

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh walked over to Thunder and gave the wolf's head a nice rubbing before Narthian departed. "I could take him with me too Narthian. Thunder and I understand each other." he said and looked down at the wolf, "don't we Thunder? You and I can walk the town and meet boring Narthian for dinner."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 624 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 13 May 2020
at 23:53
  • msg #32

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"May Pelor's Light shine upon you and yours," Farian says to the harbor master as she passes, following Lantamori. As they move into the city, she watches for any people or homes displaying Pelor's symbols. After all, she is less likely to tip off their mission if she talks only to people of The Faith. She leaves other methods of information gathering to the more roguish members of the Leafblade Company.
Elf Archer, 621 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 18 May 2020
at 22:36
  • msg #33

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante took note of the harbormaster's directions, and with Prreet on his shoulders, headed into the town. It was reassuring to feel good, stable earth beneath his boots again.

Looking around as he moved closer to the buildings, he looked around to see if there were any shops of interest nearby, places distinctly different from what he'd seen in Port Lyalee... and for signs that the town wasn't as strictly legal as the harbormaster had tried so hard to imply. If nothing caught his attention, he'd drift after Farian and Lantamori, and see what else lay in the direction of the Jade Rose.

He kept an eye out for beggars, too. After his last meeting with some, he wasn't really certain if he wanted to risk another conversation. Given the officious half-elf minding the docks, however, he was curious to discover if such... imperfections... were allowed to marr the nearby streets. Or else, how close they dared to be.

15:34, Today: Averdante rolled 28 using 1d20+14 ((14)). Looking for any thieves' symbols marked on buildings, or shifty-looking loiterers....
Dungeon Master
GM, 1034 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 19 May 2020
at 15:18
  • msg #34

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Above Greenstalk Island

Narthian Goldleaf:
Nartian listens to the conversation from the deck of the ship. He commands Thunder to Defend the ship and lets the others know that he's going to take a look around the island. "I'll meet you at the Jade Rose for dinner," he says. He then transforms into an Albatross (small animal), casts Longstrider, and soars high into the air. He makes as big a circuit around the port as he can and still return by dinner.

From my little bit of research, there appears to be nothing special about albatross eyesight, which is OK. My main purpose is to get a lay of the land, see big things like hidden coves, poorly hidden camps, and the like. I picked the albatross for their low energy, long range soaring ability ( I'll fly at altitude, 300-1000 feet, to keep out of trouble. Should I face airborne danger, the escape plan is to dive, transform into a much faster bird of the small size (peregrin falcon? sea eagle?), and flee at top (magic boosted) speed. Which brings up an interesting question, does having the Run feat translate into animal form?

*Edited: Longstrider only works for ground pounders. *sigh*

Narthian soars over Greenstalk Island in the form of an albatross, soaring over the misty peaks and green-shrouded hills until the last bit of daylight is gone. Sentinels of wood and vine flank the rising land, and the occasional bare cliff only serves to highlight the intense abundance of plant life that blankets the island, reminding him of the Farlight Forest.  Aside from the harbor at Rooton, he spies a smaller harbor near what seems to be a lumber yard on the north of the island, and three minor coves.  Two have small piers where fishing vessels are tied up, seemingly for locals, and a third is more secluded, with a single empty pier.  The pier seems to be in poor repair, so perhaps it is abandoned, or perhaps the residents are out for the day with their vessels.

He sees a few clusters of houses that mark tiny villages in several places closer to the shore, and at least two villages further inland up the slopes, including an active logging camp.  Here, he can see the tree-people he heard Mad Morrie speak of, working with half-elves as they prune wood and trees, stacking them to cure, or else working them with a wide variety of tools.

He thinks he sees at least two places where there might be larger homes shaded by the canopy, one of which is near a cliff.  The forest-bound one seems to be an elaborate tree house or else has trees growing up through it, while the cliff-side one blends it well with the trees.  Thick vines spill down the cliff, and it seems to be a favored launching place of fish eagles.  Narthian actually has to swerve off to avoid being targeted for a potential meal!


In Rooton

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel replies, "Thank you for the information. It seems to me, judging from you and your assistants, that the harbor is in good hands. Should we happen to meet any of you off duty, I'd be pleased to stand you a drink in return for the pleasure of your conversation.

To the Jade Rose Inn before the Wanderfoot? Then we'll decide where to take rooms.

The rest of the group, including a seemingly pleased Thunder who trots alongside Volsh and Eagle, head into Rooton to take in the sights and find their targeted inn.  The crowds are thin compared to Port Lyalee, and mostly seem to be residents of Rooton, to judge by the plethora of half-elves and the occasional tree-person (who greatly resemble half-elves with skin the color and shading of wood grain, with small leaves growing in their hair) who move about with purpose, rather than wandering sailors or idling merchants. There are a few halflings in the richer garb of merchants who are speaking with one of the tree-folk, a pair of exasperated half-orc sailors supporting a fellow human who clearly ended a night on the town sometime this morning to judge by his singing, and a single gnome in light blue leather armor trailed by a lynx wearing a similar blue collar.

Farian notices a shrine to Pelor near the harbor, and another on Inn Street, this one large enough to be tended by a single young treefolk priest.  Likely this is for visitors' convenience, as on an island that is often wreathed in fogs and mists, one would want to make an offering to the sun god for clear weather.  If there is a shrine, there is likely a church elsewhere on the island.  Near the harbor were shrines to Procan (the god of oceans), Vogan (the god of weather), and Fharlaghn (the god of travel).  Alongside Pelor's larger shrine on Inn Street there was also shrines to Ehlonna and Obad-Hai (forests and nature, respectively), as well as Yondalla (hospitality).

The Jade Rose Inn isn't difficult to find.  Rooton is not nearly the size of Port Lyalee or even Redhaven, and Inn Street has perhaps a dozen or so establishments.  The Jade Rose is the chief of them all, made of half-stone and wood (as most buildings are here), but the stone is covered with a beautiful moss and the wood crawls with rose vines that have large, beautiful blue-green roses in bloom upon them.  A sign with a similar rose carved and painted onto it swings above the door, and the heavy shutters on the windows are painted a similar teal color.

Inside is a large common room with evidence of excellent carpentry and woodcarving skills everywhere, as no table or chair lacks some small carved decoration, and the beams and bar are works of high art.  While thin daylight is coming in through the windows, it is augmented by warm lanterns and a few everburning lights over the bar.  Only a few patrons are here at this hour, though as the sun soon westers towards luncheon, undoubtedly things will pick up. A middle-aged human in fine merchant's clothing is having a goblet of wine with an elegant half-elf woman in fine robes, her hair long and unbound nearly to the floor.  A lone dwarf woman sits at the bar, examining a series of coins strung on a chain, and a couple of treefolk (seemingly married or courting, judging by their lovestruck expressions and frequent holding of hands) are at a table in the back.

The innkeeper behind the bar is a half-elf man of middle years, trim and fit, wearing a plain shirt, but an elegantly-embroidered vest.  He looks up and smiles brightly at the group as they enter, blinking slightly at Thunder and Prreet before speaking.

"Good morrow, my friends!  What can we of the Jade Rose Inn get for you this day?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 570 posts
Tue 19 May 2020
at 19:48
  • msg #35

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel looks for a stable near or by the inn.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 625 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 19 May 2020
at 22:40
  • msg #36

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian excuses herself as they approach the shrine on Inn Street. She bows to the attending priest, "May his light shine through you, Sun's Ray," she says. "I am Farian Raymellie, priest of the Leafblade Company and the Order of Saint Bane. Might I make an offering?"
Elf Rogue, 453 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 19 May 2020
at 23:55
  • msg #37

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Do you have any Belorn's wine?" Lantamori asked the proprietor as she sidled up to the bar.   She was wearing her full regalia, her elegant green dress, silver cuff bracelet, and the everburning diadem perched upon her head.  The green leather bag with embroidered vines was slung over one shoulder and her dragon dagger was sheathed at her waist.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 556 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #38

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor also headed for the stables, to make sure his exotic and badly spoiled mount was happy.

He didn't mind spending a few silver to do it.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 571 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 02:50
  • msg #39

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel drops off his gear at The Jade Rose Inn after ascertaining that roomsa re available. Letting the others know what he's doing, he takes feather to the stable. After learning the rates, he offers three silvers if the hostlers will offer Feather an apple a day, walk her if she seems restless, and pet her as they go by&provided she appears willing to be touched.

Then, with any companion, such as Bruenor, he stretches his legs by strolling back toward the inn.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 513 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 07:35
  • msg #40

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Rooms and wine I suppose? How many can sleep to a room here? We've nine of us, ten if you count Thunder here," he said with a look to the wolf. His left hand held Widowmaker casually as he looked around the inn.

Volsh watched Lantamori with curiosity. He'd had less dealings with her and Averdante than some of the others in the company and he didn't quite know how to take her actions and words some times. So he watched to try and learn more about her.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 673 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Wed 20 May 2020
at 23:42
  • msg #41

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas was seemingly quiet as they wandered through the streets, his first few steps seemed awkward as he tried to get the feel of land again. Eventually mounting upon his mule, they trotted along behind the group as he smiled and waved at the various inhabitants of the town. As they neared the inn a big smile crossed his face, the smell of cooking food had his attention. He quickly handed a couple silver coins to the stable boy "Take care of Honey here." he spouted before he gathered up his stuff and ran inside with the others.
Elf Archer, 622 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 22 May 2020
at 00:27
  • msg #42

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Discovery of the shrine to Ehlonna shifts Dante's path from continuing on to the inn, as he detour to make an offering. He's low on funds, but still has enough to leave a few gold coins at the shrine. He lingers there a moment to make a silent prayer that whatever whispers in the island's mists at night is not something that will share its territory well with any invading shadows. He'd enjoy it if his visit to the island was entirely peaceful; it seemed a surprisingly pretty place in the daylight. Perhaps those whisperings were some form of protection for the lushly wooded land.

Stepping back from the shrine, he stretched and idly glanced around for any sign of followers before continuing his stroll on to Jade Rose.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1036 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 25 May 2020
at 12:09
  • msg #43

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel looks for a stable near or by the inn.

As the island is more suited for sure-footed ponies than horses, those with mounts often stable them at a large communal stable near the harbor itself, as most inns don't have extensive stabling.  A silver for stabling and feed in the form of a little grain and hay, two silver for extra grain and exercise by the hostlers while you go about your business.  The grooms there seem cheerful enough, and competent at their jobs, and those that chose to leave their mounts there feel they will be in good hands.  Bruenor does have to take a few moments to explain Demon's peculiarities, and also to persuade Demon that no, he cannot take a bite out of the grooms, because that would be rude.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian excuses herself as they approach the shrine on Inn Street. She bows to the attending priest, "May his light shine through you, Sun's Ray," she says. "I am Farian Raymellie, priest of the Leafblade Company and the Order of Saint Bane. Might I make an offering?"

The sun shrine's priest smiles at Farian and spreads his wood-grained hands in greeting.  Looking nothing so much as a half-elf carved from fresh oak, with a few leaves growing from his scalp, he seems young and friendly.  "Welcome, Sun's Ray, I am Acolyte Grult.  Please, offerings are always welcome."  He gestures inside to the shrine, where the altar is open to the sun.  It is lightly gilded as well as decorated with shiny wood, lovingly polished, and inlaid bits of shell and smooth stone with flecks of minerals, anything to catch the light.  Pelor's symbol itself is cut from a single large creamy shell, lovingly carved and touched with gilt.  "Should you wish, the greater temple is at the top of the Father Tree, as close to the sun as we can, atop Lanshul, the highest peak.  What can this smaller flame do to aid you, Sister Farian?"

Discovery of the shrine to Ehlonna shifts Dante's path from continuing on to the inn, as he detour to make an offering. He's low on funds, but still has enough to leave a few gold coins at the shrine. He lingers there a moment to make a silent prayer that whatever whispers in the island's mists at night is not something that will share its territory well with any invading shadows. He'd enjoy it if his visit to the island was entirely peaceful; it seemed a surprisingly pretty place in the daylight. Perhaps those whisperings were some form of protection for the lushly wooded land.

Stepping back from the shrine, he stretched and idly glanced around for any sign of followers before continuing his stroll on to Jade Rose.

The shrine to Ehlonna is untenanted at the moment, which is not unusual in small shrines, particularly if there is only a single priest that tends them.  Forests covering most of the island, Ehlonna's faithful likely live further inland in a sacred grove, and this shrine is here for the pious who are in town for long days.  Nevertheless, the offering bowl in the living, green shrine has its few offerings undisturbed, and a small blue flower blossoms as Averdante leaves his coins.  Prreet sniffs at in in approval. 


At the Jade Rose Inn

"Do you have any Belorn's wine?" Lantamori asked the proprietor as she sidled up to the bar.   She was wearing her full regalia, her elegant green dress, silver cuff bracelet, and the everburning diadem perched upon her head.  The green leather bag with embroidered vines was slung over one shoulder and her dragon dagger was sheathed at her waist.

The half-elf behind the bar gives a bob of his head to Lantamori, the sort given to those of high birth.  "Of course, m'lady.  We have a small selection available, two bottles of Handless Hills, ten years old, and a small firkin of Runberry Rouge, if you prefer a more robust offering.  We also carry our own vintages, a wonderfully sweet rose we call Dawn's Blush, a crisp, dry white called Whitewave, and two varieties of reds, a dry, fruity Wuller's Best, and a sweeter blend known as Invari's Heart. What may I pour for you?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 572 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 20:21
  • msg #44

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel, maybe with Bruenor, is strolling back toward the inn.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 514 posts
Tue 26 May 2020
at 00:40
  • msg #45

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh looked at the front desk person who welcomed them and just stared one hand on Thunder's head.

"So... rooms? How much? How many do they sleep?"

I had asked, but I think I was ignored in favor of pouring expensive wine choices.?
did we ask for rooms already?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:36, Tue 26 May 2020.
Elf Rogue, 454 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 26 May 2020
at 01:33
  • msg #46

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I'll have a glass of Dawn's Blush," Lantamori replied to the half-elf.  "I was just interested to see if you received deliveries from Belorn's out here."

She wasn't really sure how to fish for information.  This was a different kind of contract than the ones they'd previously completed.

"How often do you receive a shipment from their company?" she tried.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 626 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 26 May 2020
at 15:54
  • msg #47

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian drops 2 platinum coins as an offering, then stands before the altar, hands raised to the sun speaking the prayer of Praise for the Day. She smiles in the sunlight facing Grult. "Just to stand in this light is aid enough! I can feel the yellow rays melding with the sky's blue into the warm green of this living island! But, I have a difficult and odd question for you. My company is chasing a lesser shadow, one of deceit and theft of the mundane kind. If stolen goods were to come to Greenstalk, what person might stand one foot in the light, one in the shadow that he may know of the dark market, yet share the knowledge?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1037 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 27 May 2020
at 00:25
  • msg #48

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In Rooton

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel, maybe with Bruenor, is strolling back toward the inn.

The foot traffic is beginning to pick up slightly, and folks are beginning to be seen eating in the inns or buying foods from street vendors with their carts or trays, selling pastries or flame-roasted spiced vegetables.  There are also a few wandering vendors selling small charms that look like a blue eye pressed into glass, that seem to be popular with sailors.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian drops 2 platinum coins as an offering, then stands before the altar, hands raised to the sun speaking the prayer of Praise for the Day. She smiles in the sunlight facing Grult. "Just to stand in this light is aid enough! I can feel the yellow rays melding with the sky's blue into the warm green of this living island! But, I have a difficult and odd question for you. My company is chasing a lesser shadow, one of deceit and theft of the mundane kind. If stolen goods were to come to Greenstalk, what person might stand one foot in the light, one in the shadow that he may know of the dark market, yet share the knowledge?"

Grult's eyes bulge slightly at the offering, but he joins in the prayer with only a moment's hesitation.  As Farian asks her questions, he furrows his brow.  "Those who deal in such things usually take their business to hidden coves and darkened shores.  But the hunters in the woods often buy what they need or want with no particular care as to how it came to this island.  One I know, Buno, is a half-elf hunter who might be willing to speak.  He has a good heart, but courts someone with expensive tastes."  Grult gives a small shrug, as the ways of the heart are mysterious indeed.  "He does stop by the Wanderfoot from time to time, or will sell his catches at the Morning Market, in the square at midday."


The Jade Rose Inn

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh looked at the front desk person who welcomed them and just stared one hand on Thunder's head.

"So... rooms? How much? How many do they sleep?"

I had asked, but I think I was ignored in favor of pouring expensive wine choices.?
did we ask for rooms already?

"Of course, my apologies good sir.  We have eight rooms that would fit four comfortably, four rooms that would fit two, and two rooms suitable for one or two people in a grand fashion.  The rooms are four gold apiece, aside from the last two, which are six, and all come with supper and use of the bathhouse.  Additional meals are eight silver," the innkeeper says with a small bow at Volsh.  He pauses slightly, then adds smoothly, "Your trained companion is also welcome as a guest, with the same costs and luxuries included."

"I'll have a glass of Dawn's Blush," Lantamori replied to the half-elf.  "I was just interested to see if you received deliveries from Belorn's out here."

She wasn't really sure how to fish for information.  This was a different kind of contract than the ones they'd previously completed.

"How often do you receive a shipment from their company?" she tried.

The innkeeper gestures for a serving boy to fetch the wine for Lantamori, and he scuttles off to the cellar.  "An excellent choice, m'lady.  We receive shipments from them perhaps once a moon.  Delrun's Wine and Spirits does the actual importing, and I make my purchases from him.  Is wine your business, m'lady?" the innkeeper asks.  The serving boy returns in a moment with the appropriate bottle, and soon enough a fine wooden goblet is produced and the wine poured.  "The bottle is twenty-five gold," the innkeeper murmurs.
Elf Rogue, 455 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 27 May 2020
at 01:03
  • msg #49

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I dabble in wines," Lantamori answered the man as she pulled her bag around to see what coin she had.  "Where might I find this importer?

"Do you take Lyalee chits?"
she added, holding a few of the tokens up.  "Or is coin better?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 675 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Wed 27 May 2020
at 21:04
  • msg #50

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas wasn't too interested in the wine as his eyes wandered over the food being served for the evening "Is there room for us this evening? And what have you for food?" he blurted out as  he stared at the passing by platter. After a moment he looked back to the inn-keeper and then to Lantamori realizing what some of the information they had, perhaps the wine was a good choice. He shrugged though, content with the question on food and lodging. A warm meal that he'd keep in his stomach and a bed that didn't sway all day and night...
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 627 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 27 May 2020
at 21:36
  • msg #51

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Perfect! You give me a beacon in the night! May Pelor's Light shine within you!" She takes her leave of Grult and hurries to share her information with the others.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 515 posts
Wed 27 May 2020
at 23:49
  • msg #52

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh shrugged in dismissal, he was used to be ignored by fancy people in cities by now.

He looked at the others, "I can share a room with Narthian and Thunder in one of the rooms for four, not sure what the rest of you want."

He nodded at Lantamori's question, "the question on chits is a good one though."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 557 posts
Thu 28 May 2020
at 01:57
  • msg #53

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor bought some spiced vegetables from a vendor, just to snack on as he and Haazheel headed back to the tavern to join the others, of course.
Once there, he'd order a round of ale for the group
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 573 posts
Thu 28 May 2020
at 03:58
  • msg #54

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel follows a hearty aroma to a stand where he sees oblong brown-skinned vegetables split open with the whitish contents stirred, mixed with a generous amount of butter. He buys one and receives a small flat stick to eat it with. The vendor cautions Careful! It's hot. Haazheel tries a bite; his face lights up. Quite soon, the insides are gone, and he eats the skin "For the good of his colon". The stick he keeps as a souvenir. Let's check out these charms he suggests.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 558 posts
Thu 28 May 2020
at 05:46
  • msg #55

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 54):

Bruenor smirked.
"Talking about a man's colon is a good way to make food sound unappealing, my friend."
Looking at the stalls of trinkets, he made a sour face.
"I'll admit that I'm starting to see the value of all these magical doodads and thingamabobs, but aren't these things just superstitious nonsense for the locals?  After all, sailors are among the most superstitious professions, right up there with professional gambler."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 574 posts
Thu 28 May 2020
at 06:21
  • msg #56

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazhel laughs. An unhappy colon will weigh on you.

Truly, perhaps
Haazheel replies, addressing one of the trinket peddlers. If you please,we'd like to hear all about your wares.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 559 posts
Fri 29 May 2020
at 01:12
  • msg #57

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor smirked, but shrugged and didn't say anything as they waited for the con artist/merchant to give his song and dance routine about the charms
Elf Archer, 623 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 30 May 2020
at 05:39
  • msg #58

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante continues his stroll onward to the Jade Rose, regarding the tree-kin natives with interest when he sees them. He doesn't stare, being too busy looking around at the shops and vendors he passes by, but can't help but wonder how much like a tree they really are. Are they birthed, or hatched from some equivalent to an acorn? Do they remain mobile all their lives, or slow and eventually become immobile in old age, putting down roots to become, basically, a tree? Could they cross-breed with humans, as most bipedal races could? Human-dryad offspring, perhaps?

That thought reminded him of the company's recent jaunt to the woods outside of Port Lyalee. Could dryads crossbreed with lycanthropes? But if the werebear had started out as a human....

Shaking his head and chuckling at such wandering thoughts, he paused as he reached the inn and looked it over. It was an attractive building, with woodwork that would have been appreciated even back home.

Going inside, he joined those already settled with drinks and food. When the chance came, he opted to try a glass of the local dry wine. Only when he was sure there was no one lingering too close did he mention casually, "I believe we should check out the Wanderfoot later. They seem to play host to a different character of people than this elegant establishment. Also, you might want to mind your purse when on the street. There was a young fellow trailing us this way who didn't appear to do his fishing in the water. We might want to look him up later, actually, and let him earn a bit of coin honestly...."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 630 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sat 30 May 2020
at 17:58
  • msg #59

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian catches just the last bit of Averdante's comments as she catches up to the rest of the company. "Then we have two people to talk to." She tells him about the half-elf hunter named Buno. "Perhaps we can find Averdante's shadow as we walk to the market to find Buno?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1040 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 03:52
  • msg #60

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

At the Jade Rose Inn

"I dabble in wines," Lantamori answered the man as she pulled her bag around to see what coin she had.  "Where might I find this importer?

"Delrun's Wine and Spirits is on Harbor Street, one street closer to the harbor than here, and four stores further west.  Delrun himself doesn't run it anymore, of course, his son Dedrun is in charge as of five years ago.  Very well-trained, he is, as good as his father ever was.  He does well balancing importing versus our local vintages so no one feels cheated or slighted," the innkeeper says with a smile.

"Do you take Lyalee chits?" she added, holding a few of the tokens up.  "Or is coin better?"

"If they are chits from the Moneychanger's Guild, then we do."

Dellas Nump:
Dellas wasn't too interested in the wine as his eyes wandered over the food being served for the evening "Is there room for us this evening? And what have you for food?" he blurted out as  he stared at the passing by platter. After a moment he looked back to the inn-keeper and then to Lantamori realizing what some of the information they had, perhaps the wine was a good choice. He shrugged though, content with the question on food and lodging. A warm meal that he'd keep in his stomach and a bed that didn't sway all day and night...

"Yes, certain there is room this evening.  I have four of my four-person rooms available, three of my two-person rooms, and one suite.  Our dining offerings this day are fresh-caught roasted sea bream on a bed of cream and lemon-sauced noodles accompanied by fresh woodland vegetables, High Tree mushroom stew with fresh herbs, or pan-roasted wood pigeon with mixed mashed roots and a reduced red wine pan sauce.  Accompaniments include fresh bread, butter, honey, cheese crackers, an assortment of cheeses, and oysters," the innkeeper says with a flourish.

Dante continues his stroll onward to the Jade Rose, regarding the tree-kin natives with interest when he sees them. He doesn't stare, being too busy looking around at the shops and vendors he passes by, but can't help but wonder how much like a tree they really are. Are they birthed, or hatched from some equivalent to an acorn? Do they remain mobile all their lives, or slow and eventually become immobile in old age, putting down roots to become, basically, a tree? Could they cross-breed with humans, as most bipedal races could? Human-dryad offspring, perhaps?

That thought reminded him of the company's recent jaunt to the woods outside of Port Lyalee. Could dryads crossbreed with lycanthropes? But if the werebear had started out as a human....

Shaking his head and chuckling at such wandering thoughts, he paused as he reached the inn and looked it over. It was an attractive building, with woodwork that would have been appreciated even back home.

Going inside, he joined those already settled with drinks and food. When the chance came, he opted to try a glass of the local dry wine. Only when he was sure there was no one lingering too close did he mention casually, "I believe we should check out the Wanderfoot later. They seem to play host to a different character of people than this elegant establishment. Also, you might want to mind your purse when on the street. There was a young fellow trailing us this way who didn't appear to do his fishing in the water. We might want to look him up later, actually, and let him earn a bit of coin honestly...."

As the rest of the group trickles in, the innkeeper will serve them what wines, ales, or food they wish.

"Sounds like a good idea," Sir Aberlayne says, strolling up with Farian.  She had gone to see the shrine of Yondalla while Farian had been at Pelor's shrine.  "A little caution never hurt anyone, and given the opportunity for honest employment, well, we might be able to at least learn a few things from him.  I'm up for talking with Buno, once we can set our gear down.  I can share with someone, and I take up less room.
 Say we get three rooms, of the four-bed types?  Volsh, Thunder, Narthian, and Averdante in one, me, Farian, and Lantamroi in the second, Haazheel, Dellas, and Bruenor in the third?


In Rooton

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazhel laughs. :An unhappy colon will weigh on you. Truly, perhaps" Haazheel replies, addressing one of the trinket peddlers. "If you please,we'd like to hear all about your wares. "

While enjoying a fine lunch of buttered baked potatoes, Haazheel's question to the vendor of charms gets a quick response.  "Of course, noble visitors.  These are charms against the evil eye, to ward off misfortune and stray malevolent spirits.  Surely you have heard that ghosts ride in the mists of this island?  They can bring bad luck upon you, and these ever-watchful eyes can protect you by making the spirits think you are always watching them.  They prefer to do their trickery when they think they cannot be seen, you know.  Only a silver for a charm!  How many would you like?"  The vendor is a cheerfully wizened half-elf woman wearing a half-dozen colorful shawls over her blouse and skirt, making her a riot of color.  Several different charms, of animals and leaves and other things carved from stone or wood, dangle from her neck, but her tray is full of the blue eye charms.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:00, Sun 07 June 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 576 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 05:16
  • msg #61

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel looks alarmed. Ghosts riding fogs! And, gosh!, evil eyes here and there, and maybe everywhere? Why, it seems everybody should be wearing, better two...front and back. As it happens, I've arrived here with some ladies, of course none so colorful or benign as yourself. I wonder how one of these charms would look on them. Perhaps you'd care to drape one on so my friend and I could see the effect.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 631 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 11:53
  • msg #62

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian agrees to the room arrangements. "Who knows what might happen in the dark of night once we start asking questions," she says. "It is probably best not to be alone." She makes ready to head off and find Buno.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 677 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 21:12
  • msg #63

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dungeon Master:
"Yes, certain there is room this evening.  I have four of my four-person rooms available, three of my two-person rooms, and one suite.  Our dining offerings this day are fresh-caught roasted sea bream on a bed of cream and lemon-sauced noodles accompanied by fresh woodland vegetables, High Tree mushroom stew with fresh herbs, or pan-roasted wood pigeon with mixed mashed roots and a reduced red wine pan sauce.  Accompaniments include fresh bread, butter, honey, cheese crackers, an assortment of cheeses, and oysters," the innkeeper says with a flourish.

Dellas eyes widen at the list of food being offered "I'll take two of each" he said as he cared less about the room. He nodded to his sister's sensible room arrangement. He dug through one of his pouches setting odd ends of things, dried ear wax, some sand, other odd components, before he found the right pouch and set down some a pair of gold coins on the table before he gathered up the other items and shoved them back into his pouches.
Elf Rogue, 456 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 01:40
  • msg #64

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori frowned.  She was not thrilled to be grouped with the human woman once a man, but loathe to contradict Sir Aberlayne.

She pulled a few appropriate chits from Lyalee from her purse and showed them to the barkeep.  "I think they're from the Moneychanger's Guild.  I do have some platinum if that would be better."

She tasted the wine to see if it lived up to his description.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 561 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 08:34
  • msg #65

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dubious, but trying not to seem rude, Bruenor stays silent during the conversation
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 517 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 02:13
  • msg #66

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Are our chits from the goldsmith's guild?
Elf Archer, 624 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 20:19
  • msg #67

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Farian, sit down and eat something," Dante suggests to the priest. "I suspect we will have better luck with a bit of subtlety. Crashing like a bull through the brush is good for flushing small birds and beasts out, but in the chaos you'll only catch those closest to you when they break cover. The rest will escape to go to ground elsewhere."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:19, Fri 05 June 2020.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 632 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 01:23
  • msg #68

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Find a Pelorian in the full light of the sun when you need boundless energy," Farian says with a smile. "But for the hunt, it is wise to listen to the hunter!" She signals to the wait staff and orders a light meal.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1041 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 15:26
  • msg #69

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In Rooton

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel looks alarmed. Ghosts riding fogs! And, gosh!, evil eyes here and there, and maybe everywhere? Why, it seems everybody should be wearing, better two...front and back. As it happens, I've arrived here with some ladies, of course none so colorful or benign as yourself. I wonder how one of these charms would look on them. Perhaps you'd care to drape one on so my friend and I could see the effect.

"Well, of course dearie. Here now, you handsome lad, let your friend see now these look on you," the old woman says, picking up one strung on braided twine and putting it up over Bruenor's shoulder so they can see the effect of the bright blue glass.  "Most folks around here do wear them, or another charm against evil, 'tis just the visitors that need reminding about what's out there.  Looks quite fine, don't you say?  And helps keep an extra eye out for trouble.  How many are you needing, noble sirs?  For you and your friends?"


The Jade Rose Inn

Lantamori frowned.  She was not thrilled to be grouped with the human woman once a man, but loathe to contradict Sir Aberlayne.

She pulled a few appropriate chits from Lyalee from her purse and showed them to the barkeep.  "I think they're from the Moneychanger's Guild.  I do have some platinum if that would be better."

She tasted the wine to see if it lived up to his description.

"That will also work admirably, my lady.  He takes the chits and hands over keys clearly marked with numbers carved into wooden tags.  The wine indeed seems to live up to the innkeeper's expectations, being very sweet and light.  "Please, take your ease and let us know if there is aught else you need."

Farian Raymellie:
Farian agrees to the room arrangements. "Who knows what might happen in the dark of night once we start asking questions," she says. "It is probably best not to be alone." She makes ready to head off and find Buno.

Sir Aberlayne gives a small shrug.  "I intend to be ready for whatever might happen.  And the spread of rooms was just a suggestion; by all means bunk up however folks like!  I think I'll come with you when you go, but I'll hang back while you find Buno. I can help block him from escaping, if he seems skittish, or help calm him, if you think he needs soothing.  Just raise your hand up like you're about to bless him, and I'll come to you."

Dellas Nump:
Dungeon Master:
"Yes, certain there is room this evening.  I have four of my four-person rooms available, three of my two-person rooms, and one suite.  Our dining offerings this day are fresh-caught roasted sea bream on a bed of cream and lemon-sauced noodles accompanied by fresh woodland vegetables, High Tree mushroom stew with fresh herbs, or pan-roasted wood pigeon with mixed mashed roots and a reduced red wine pan sauce.  Accompaniments include fresh bread, butter, honey, cheese crackers, an assortment of cheeses, and oysters," the innkeeper says with a flourish.

Dellas eyes widen at the list of food being offered "I'll take two of each" he said as he cared less about the room. He nodded to his sister's sensible room arrangement. He dug through one of his pouches setting odd ends of things, dried ear wax, some sand, other odd components, before he found the right pouch and set down some a pair of gold coins on the table before he gathered up the other items and shoved them back into his pouches.

The innkeeper gives Dellas a tiny smile and signals to a serving woman.  She runs back to the kitchen while he takes custody of the coins, but pauses.  "A few are missing, kind visitor," he says in a low voice. (You get one meal with the room, but the rest are eight silver. Five extra meals at eight silver would be 40 silver, or 4 gold pieces.) Once Dellas provides the necessary extra money, the food (and drink) is brought soon for him and anyone else who desires lunch.  A few more customers begin to trickle in for a noon meal, mostly merchant-sorts in clean, embroidered leathers, and one noble-looking older man in brocaded cloth and more elaborate jewelry.

The food is quite delicious, delicately seasoned with herbs, the vegetables very fresh and expertly prepared, the meat skillfully roasted, the mushroom soup robust and creamy.

"Farian, sit down and eat something," Dante suggests to the priest. "I suspect we will have better luck with a bit of subtlety. Crashing like a bull through the brush is good for flushing small birds and beasts out, but in the chaos you'll only catch those closest to you when they break cover. The rest will escape to go to ground elsewhere."

Farian Raymellie:
"Find a Pelorian in the full light of the sun when you need boundless energy," Farian says with a smile. "But for the hunt, it is wise to listen to the hunter!" She signals to the wait staff and orders a light meal.

The serving woman will bring Farian the mushroom soup and bread, as well as oysters, and bring out whatever other meals the others request.  The Jade Rose begins to fill up as people take their midday meal, and a minstrel with a lap-harp arrives to provide a little light background music as people dine.  As luncheon winds down, the innkeeper presents himself at Lantamori's elbow again.

"My lady, I thought to save you a trip.  Dedrun of Delrun's Wine and Spirits is here, and if you would like to have a little business conversation, that could be arranged," he says politely.  He points subtly with his chin to a man nearer the minstrel, a human in his late twenties, dark hair in a neat tail, in the embroidered leathers that seem to be popular with merchants here.  He is idly nibbling on the fruit and cheese that makes up the last course of luncheon, and sipping slowly at a glass of wine.
Elf Rogue, 457 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 17:26
  • msg #70

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Yes, I'd like that, thank you," Lantamori replied to the inkeeper as she eyed the man he'd pointed out.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 577 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 17:27
  • msg #71

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"My apologies for not making my meaning clear," Haazheel says. "I have friends who are ladies, like you. I'd like to see how it looks on you when you wear it as a pendant."
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:28, Tue 09 June 2020.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 562 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 17:46
  • msg #72

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor good naturedly allowed himself to model the charm.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 07:07, Tue 09 June 2020.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 633 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 12:11
  • msg #73

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian leans in and whispers to Averdante. "I came in late, do you know why is Lantamori interested in that fellow?"

Meta reminder: He works for the company that whats-his-name was using to smuggle goods out of Port Layalee.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1042 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 07:34
  • msg #74

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

"Yes, I'd like that, thank you," Lantamori replied to the innkeeper as she eyed the man he'd pointed out.

The innkeeper nods and walks over to Dedrun, speaking with him quietly for a moment.  Dedrun's eyes flick over to Lantamori, and he nods politely, lifting his goblet to her.  The innkeeper returns and says, "The gentleman would be pleased if you were to join him at your convenience.  We have some alcove booths if you desire greater privacy."

Farian Raymellie:
Farian leans in and whispers to Averdante. "I came in late, do you know why is Lantamori interested in that fellow?"

Meta reminder: He works for the company that whats-his-name was using to smuggle goods out of Port Layalee.

Sir Aberlayne whispers back, "He buys wine from Belorn's.  Might know something more about that vinter," she says, eating her fish with relish.


In Rooton

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor good naturedly allowed himself to model the charm.

"Such a handsome lad, and so kind to an old lady.  We also sell them in bridle broaches too, if that is something you'd like," the charm-seller says with a smile.

Haazheel Thorn:
"My apologies for not making my meaning clear," Haazheel says. "I have friends who are ladies, like you. I'd like to see how it looks on you when you wear it as a pendant."

The charm-seller laughs, more of a cackle with her aged voice, and puts the charm over her own head to nestle amongst her dozens of other charms and pendents.  The blue glass does stand out startlingly against the melange of stone, wood, and bone.  "See!  With a sturdy cord too.  Now, one for each of you?  Or do you fine lads have sweethearts you also want to protect?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 578 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 09:08
  • msg #75

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

It does stand out, does it not? Haazheel remarks. Good dame, I find myself undecided.... He snaps his fingers. An idea! I invite you to take a meal of your choice at the Jade Rose while you meet my companions. I think they will be interested, and I think they will interest you.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:09, Tue 09 June 2020.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 563 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 11:41
  • msg #76

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor tried to keep a neutral expression, but he was puzzled by why his small friend was wining and dining a vendor of gaudy trinkets
He restrained a sigh and held his tongue
Elf Rogue, 458 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 15:37
  • msg #77

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I'll just be right over there," Lantamori said to the others at the table as she picked up her wine and went to meet with Dedrun.  They didn't need to scare him off with a crowd of heavily armed adventurers.  She was the only one truly dressed for the occasion.

"Thank you for speaking with me,"
she said, sitting down with the man.  "I understand you deal in the local wines and I'm interested in exporting some of the local wines and was interested in how it is done."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 678 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 21:54
  • msg #78

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dungeon Master:
The innkeeper gives Dellas a tiny smile and signals to a serving woman.  She runs back to the kitchen while he takes custody of the coins, but pauses.  "A few are missing, kind visitor," he says in a low voice. (You get one meal with the room, but the rest are eight silver. Five extra meals at eight silver would be 40 silver, or 4 gold pieces.) Once Dellas provides the necessary extra money, the food (and drink) is brought soon for him and anyone else who desires lunch.  A few more customers begin to trickle in for a noon meal, mostly merchant-sorts in clean, embroidered leathers, and one noble-looking older man in brocaded cloth and more elaborate jewelry.

The food is quite delicious, delicately seasoned with herbs, the vegetables very fresh and expertly prepared, the meat skillfully roasted, the mushroom soup robust and creamy.

"Am I paying for the rooms too?" Dellas asked "Otherwise 2 orders of food for me, 8 silver each would be 16 silver, 2 gold is more than 18 silver last I recall" he said as he eyed the food. "I can pay for the rooms too if need be."
Elf Archer, 625 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 00:22
  • msg #79

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante orders the stew to go with his wine, and pays the four gold to cover the cost of the room for himself, Volsh, and Narthian, as well as his meal. "There, our room is covered, Volsh. You only need order your meal."

At Farian's question, and Sir Aberlayne's answer, he nods, adding quietly, "We should keep an eye on him... if he starts looking skittish, it might be wise to follow him when he leaves, and see where he goes and who he talks to. Lantamori isn't much on being subtle."

Considering his glass of wine, he mused, "I wonder if they marked the casks containing stolen goods in some way, or if they just had someone on the receiving end detect magic to find out which ones had something hidden inside?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:27, Wed 10 June 2020.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 634 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 02:15
  • msg #80

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I will assume that when you say 'We should keep an eye on him', that you mean 'you should keep an eye on him'," she replies quietly to Averdante. "Subtlety doesn't describe Dellas, Ser Aberlayne, Volsh, or me very well either."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 518 posts
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 22:46
  • msg #81

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh put some chits on the table to cover whatever cost that Dellas hadn't without even thinking about it. Money had always meant little to him. They had had more money then he could even conceive roll through his fingers in the last months so it meant even less to him now.

He put the equivalent of 10 gold worth of chits down. "Will that do?"

Meanwhile he petted Thunder. "Do you have any haunches of raw meat for Thunder?"
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 694 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 18:03
  • msg #82

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Thunder tries to look very hungry. ;)
Dungeon Master
GM, 1044 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 12:45
  • msg #83

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel Thorn:
"It does stand out, does it not?" Haazheel remarks. "Good dame, I find myself undecided...." He snaps his fingers. "An idea! I invite you to take a meal of your choice at the Jade Rose while you meet my companions. I think they will be interested, and I think they will interest you."

The old half-elf laughs and places one hand on Bruenor's arm and the other on Haazheel's.  "Well, you make old Pakara feel young again!  I accept, you lovely lads."

With Bruenor's skepticism partially hidden, the pair head off to the Jade Rose Inn, entering to see the rest of their party around various tables.  A serving woman welcomes them, sitting them with the rest of their group after explanations are made, quickly explaining the lunch choices.  Pakara garners a few odd glances, and a couple sniffs of disdain, but prompt payment and the old lady's polite manners keep the serving woman entirely polite and prompt.

"I'll just be right over there," Lantamori said to the others at the table as she picked up her wine and went to meet with Dedrun.  They didn't need to scare him off with a crowd of heavily armed adventurers.  She was the only one truly dressed for the occasion.

"Thank you for speaking with me,"
she said, sitting down with the man.  "I understand you deal in the local wines and I'm interested in exporting some of the local wines and was interested in how it is done."

Dedrun smiles at Lantamori and tips his glass at her in a salute.  "Straight to business then; a lady after my own heart!  If this is your first venture into a business of this sort, then I would say it would depend on how much, what sorts, and how frequently you wished to export, so I could tell you if and when I would have enough on hand.  Presumably you'd wish to come for a tasting of the wines so you could properly evaluate our products, or else send your expert to do the same.  And, of course, it would be good to know if you had your own fleet, hired ships, or worked with a consortium to have use of ships to transport your wine, so we could work out a schedule that would be mutually advantageous.  Then we could have a contract written up and all the necessary duties and taxes worked into it so we would both have acceptable profit after the various Harbormasters, Captains, Guilds, and the King had had their various cuts.  So!  The usual sort of thing, done thoroughly and correctly.  I take it found the vintners of the mainland to be less than forthcoming to an independent operator such as yourself?"

Dellas Nump:
Dungeon Master:
The innkeeper gives Dellas a tiny smile and signals to a serving woman.  She runs back to the kitchen while he takes custody of the coins, but pauses.  "A few are missing, kind visitor," he says in a low voice. (You get one meal with the room, but the rest are eight silver. Five extra meals at eight silver would be 40 silver, or 4 gold pieces.) Once Dellas provides the necessary extra money, the food (and drink) is brought soon for him and anyone else who desires lunch.  A few more customers begin to trickle in for a noon meal, mostly merchant-sorts in clean, embroidered leathers, and one noble-looking older man in brocaded cloth and more elaborate jewelry.

The food is quite delicious, delicately seasoned with herbs, the vegetables very fresh and expertly prepared, the meat skillfully roasted, the mushroom soup robust and creamy.

"Am I paying for the rooms too?" Dellas asked "Otherwise 2 orders of food for me, 8 silver each would be 16 silver, 2 gold is more than 18 silver last I recall" he said as he eyed the food. "I can pay for the rooms too if need be."

"You ordered two of every meal, honored guest, of which there are three, for a total of six meals," the innkeeper says politely, gesturing at the plethora of dishes surrounding Dellas.

Sir Aberlayne smothers a laugh and quickly pays for the abundance of food and the other two rooms.  "The sea air has made you rather hungry, little brother!"

Dante orders the stew to go with his wine, and pays the four gold to cover the cost of the room for himself, Volsh, and Narthian, as well as his meal. "There, our room is covered, Volsh. You only need order your meal."

At Farian's question, and Sir Aberlayne's answer, he nods, adding quietly, "We should keep an eye on him... if he starts looking skittish, it might be wise to follow him when he leaves, and see where he goes and who he talks to. Lantamori isn't much on being subtle."

Considering his glass of wine, he mused, "I wonder if they marked the casks containing stolen goods in some way, or if they just had someone on the receiving end detect magic to find out which ones had something hidden inside?"

"That's a thought.  I don't have that particular spell, though I can certain try to suss out those you suspect who might have malicious intent," Sir Aberlayne says, popping another bite of wood pigeon into her mouth with a noise of contentment.

Farian Raymellie:
"I will assume that when you say 'We should keep an eye on him', that you mean 'you should keep an eye on him'," she replies quietly to Averdante. "Subtlety doesn't describe Dellas, Ser Aberlayne, Volsh, or me very well either."

"Or Prreet too, as our clever feline was so good at finding out the first end of the threat we're following," Sir Aberlayne points out, grinning at Averdante.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh put some chits on the table to cover whatever cost that Dellas hadn't without even thinking about it. Money had always meant little to him. They had had more money then he could even conceive roll through his fingers in the last months so it meant even less to him now.

He put the equivalent of 10 gold worth of chits down. "Will that do?"

Meanwhile he petted Thunder. "Do you have any haunches of raw meat for Thunder?"

The innkeeper takes on a surprised expression, but nods expansively at all of Volsh's questions.  "Of course, good sir.  Please sit and I shall have food brought for you and your canine companion."

With admirably swiftness, neatly trimmed meat with a bone on the side is brought for Thunder, and whatever Volsh wishes brought for him with solicitous attention.

As the group dines and Lantamori chats, the occupants of the Jade Rose Inn's dining room switch over at least once as people go back to their business.  Now the patrons seems to be residents who aren't as troubled by the demands of schedules.  There are a pair of elderly tree folk who look nearly as identical as peas in a pod who chat in front of the open window.  They dine on the mushroom soup and sip from large carved wooden tankards, occasionally stroking their root-like beards as they laugh.  Eventually they break out a small board game of chess to continue over a refill of their tankards.  Others now in the inn include a young half-elf mother who is apparently bringing her young daughter to a fancy inn for the first time and constantly reminding her of the correct manners, a young pair of half-elves who spend most of their time holding hands and whispering to each other, barely touching their food, and a very old tree folk who sits by the fire and smokes a sweetly-scented pipe, sipping from a glass of wine with great deliberation.

Outside the street traffic is picking up, and Averdante notices a particular young man make at least two separate passes by the Jade Rose over the course of lunch.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 579 posts
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 16:18
  • msg #84

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel intorduces "Lady Pakara" to the group and relates that she is offering the charms for sale. He point out that she is wearing other charms, and surely there is a story behind each. Oh, please forgive me for not thinking of it; I hope we're not detaining you from your family?
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 635 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 17:13
  • msg #85

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian welcomes Haazheel's guest before adding, "These charms are protection from the island's spirits? What can you tell us of them? The spirits, I mean."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 564 posts
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 21:32
  • msg #86

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor was hoping that his small friend knew what he was doing, and said nothing
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 680 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Thu 18 Jun 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #87

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas nodded to the Innkeeper and then offered a coy smile to his sister "Haven't been able to keep much down. Besides I'm feeding three."

As they sat down at the table he made room for Vish and Kelvren next to him and slid plates of food towards them, seeing what interested them. Meanwhile he ate as much as he could from each of the different offers, giggling the entire time at the look others gave him as he did so...
Elf Rogue, 460 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 18 Jun 2020
at 01:19
  • msg #88

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I did have some trouble on the mainland," Lantamori confessed.  "Belorn's Brewing wasn't interested in working with me as I don't have a fleet or a set route.  I just buy wine that I like and pass it along during our travels."

She could have gone on, but wanted to leave an opening for him to comment on Belorn's if he would.  A wine tasting did sound quite tempting, though.
Elf Archer, 627 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 18 Jun 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #89

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante considered Farian's observation over a sip of his wine, then laughed as Sir Aberlayne made her suggestion. "All valid points," he agreed, reaching up to stroke Prreet approvingly.

It wasn't until after he'd finished eating that he returned to the topic. "There seems someone else we should follow. The local I noticed earlier seems to be waiting for me, or someone else, to emerge. I could always have Prreet follow him following me, to see what he'll do. Or we could see if he'd bite on other quarry,"  and he tips his almost empty glass to the ladies, "first."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1046 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 02:15
  • msg #90

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel intorduces "Lady Pakara" to the group and relates that she is offering the charms for sale. He point out that she is wearing other charms, and surely there is a story behind each. Oh, please forgive me for not thinking of it; I hope we're not detaining you from your family?

Pakara takes a few bites of the good food and drink and smiles expansively at Haazheel, Bruenor, and their friends.  When Farian talks about the spirits, she vigorously nods her head, sending her necklaces and their charms dancing.  "The island's spirits are said to ride the mist, to reach into the minds of the unsuspecting and conjure voices to lure them out into the fog.  If you're on the shore, then you might end up walking into the sea.  If you're up in the hills, you could end up walking off a cliff!  Aye, that's been going on for years and years now, long enough that a wise woman hedges her bets and tries to protect visitors from such a bad fate.  'Tis not every fog, but it's often when the moon is more dark.  It is said there was a couple, a tree-girl and a half-elf boy, whose fathers opposed their love.  With their mothers' aid, the pair fled from their homes to try to start a life for themselves.  But as mist descended in the night and their fathers ran their packs of dogs after their errant offspring, she went over a cliff and he fell into the sea.  Now they whisper during the fog and mist, trying to find each other and instead luring the unwary to their doom.  The blue eyes are said to be like those of the hounds that pursued them, and they fall silent when the eyes are about," Pakara says, and pauses for a modest sip of wine.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas nodded to the Innkeeper and then offered a coy smile to his sister "Haven't been able to keep much down. Besides I'm feeding three."

As they sat down at the table he made room for Vish and Kelvren next to him and slid plates of food towards them, seeing what interested them. Meanwhile he ate as much as he could from each of the different offers, giggling the entire time at the look others gave him as he did so...

Vish attacks the wood pigeon with great relish, while Kelvren seems to enjoy the mushrooms with gusto (though occasionally he tries out one cap or another as a hat).

Dante considered Farian's observation over a sip of his wine, then laughed as Sir Aberlayne made her suggestion. "All valid points," he agreed, reaching up to stroke Prreet approvingly.

It wasn't until after he'd finished eating that he returned to the topic. "There seems someone else we should follow. The local I noticed earlier seems to be waiting for me, or someone else, to emerge. I could always have Prreet follow him following me, to see what he'll do. Or we could see if he'd bite on other quarry,"  and he tips his almost empty glass to the ladies, "first."

"Hmm.  Interesting that we would get such diligent attention," Sir Aberlayne muses.  "Now, we are a large group, and prosperous-looking, and not exactly a merchant's consortium, so I'd expect we'd attract some attention wherever we go, but this boy's diligence deserves a reward.  By all means, let him follow.  Who knows what or who he'll lead us to?"


At the fireside table...

"I did have some trouble on the mainland," Lantamori confessed.  "Belorn's Brewing wasn't interested in working with me as I don't have a fleet or a set route.  I just buy wine that I like and pass it along during our travels."

She could have gone on, but wanted to leave an opening for him to comment on Belorn's if he would.  A wine tasting did sound quite tempting, though.

"Ah, a dilettante then?" Dedrun says with a chortle and smile to show he meant his jest kindly.  "Well, I have a small stock, and I tend to sell to some of the prominent families on the island, the founding ones, if you will. Woadwood, Keelclaim, and Sartrish, notably.  Their cellars are deep, and they like to lay in stocks over the years.  One never knows if a season of storms will leave us without any incoming ships for a week or a moon or more, so they make certain to stock up frequently.  Woadwood likes Belorn's Brews quite a bit; buys the most off of me.  They like to entertain mainlander merchants, and a familiar sort of vintage can be useful.  Sometimes our own island wines are an acquired taste for those who keep close to home much of their lives."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 519 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 09:13
  • msg #91

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh ate the food brought to him and waited as Thunder devoured the haunches brought for him to dine on while he looked around at all the newer arrivals at the inn.

I hope Narthian is ok and gets here soon... he thought as he watched and ate.

When he'd dined and drank his fill he stood and walked over to the elder treefolk smoking the sweet-scented herbs. He didn't ask Thunder to come, leaving the wolf to make its own decision on the matter.

"Greetings elder... I offer respect and a question. What is the herb you smoke, and where can I find some of it for myself?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 565 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 10:53
  • msg #92

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor sat in stoic silence, hiding hos skepticism as best he could, for politeness sake
Elf Rogue, 461 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #93

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori took another sip of wine.  She liked the local vintage.

"Are you the only Belorn's supplier on the island?" the elf asked casually.  "I was just wondering if it was just me and my small order they didn't prefer or if they liked to work with the same distributors in particular regions."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 636 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 00:34
  • msg #94

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian nods at the charm merchant. "The Light sometimes has a harder path into the hearts of men," she says without a trace of irony. "The spirits of the lovers should be at rest while the fathers burn under the Radiance of Pelor's Justice!" She takes a moment to cool her exuberance. "Forgive me! The unquiet dead do bring out my zealous side. I will pray for them!" She murmurs a quick prayer for serenity. "Of those who are lured away, is there any commonality? Do they tend to be rascals? Or abusive or neglectful?"
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 695 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 00:40
  • msg #95

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Thunder wolfs down the hunch and lays near the wizards, gnawing and cracking the bone to get to the marrow while eyeing any stranger who ventures too close.

As I take it, we're around mid-afternoon. I'll be back in a couple hours.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 681 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 00:18
  • msg #96

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggles as Kelvren tries on various "caps" as a hat "That one looks good on you" he says with a giggle. Once he was full, beyond full really, he leaned back into his chair adjusting his breeches a bit. Looking to the others he tries to catch up on any conversations he mostly missed "So do we have a plan?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 582 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 02:45
  • msg #97

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel says Thank you, Farian. Lady Pakara, as you see, we have a care for the welfare of others. But I fear you have yet to explain the other things you wear around your neck. If they too be beneficent, I wonder that you do not offer them for sale.
Elf Archer, 630 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 27 Jun 2020
at 06:55
  • msg #98

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante listened to the old woman's tale with the others, guessing that was why Haazheel and Bruenor had brought her to the table. While lacking the flair and polish of a true storyteller, she certainly managed to convey a disturbing tale. Dante hoped that was one aspect of the island they missed experiencing.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1047 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 27 Jun 2020
at 07:58
  • msg #99

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh ate the food brought to him and waited as Thunder devoured the haunches brought for him to dine on while he looked around at all the newer arrivals at the inn.

I hope Narthian is ok and gets here soon... he thought as he watched and ate.

When he'd dined and drank his fill he stood and walked over to the elder treefolk smoking the sweet-scented herbs. He didn't ask Thunder to come, leaving the wolf to make its own decision on the matter.

"Greetings elder... I offer respect and a question. What is the herb you smoke, and where can I find some of it for myself?"

The elder tree folk, who seems to be an old woman, nods and smiles at Volsh. "'Tis bluemoss, and you can find it at a few apothecaries around the island.  My sister cultivates this blend, and a smoother one you won't find.  Sit."  She gestures at the seat next to her, and pulls out another pipe from a barkcloth pouch, one carved from a fine burl, packs it deftly, and leans over to light a small splinter of wood, handing them to Volsh so he can light it himself.  "What brings you to our island, wolf-brother?"  She nods at Thunders to explain her meaning.

"I did have some trouble on the mainland," Lantamori confessed.  "Belorn's Brewing wasn't interested in working with me as I don't have a fleet or a set route.  I just buy wine that I like and pass it along during our travels."

She could have gone on, but wanted to leave an opening for him to comment on Belorn's if he would.  A wine tasting did sound quite tempting, though.

"Oh, Belorn's likes those who cater to customers with deep pockets and a willingness to show that wealth.  They have high expectations, and can sometimes be dismissive of those who don't fit their views of what a wealthy patron should be.  In short, their wine is good, but they are snobs."  Dedrun chuckles.  "You didn't claim a fleet, so perhaps they thought you were going to bargain too sharply.  Or not buy in large enough quantities.  But I can sell you a firkin or three if that is your want, for they cannot object who I sell it to as long as it's not marked for someone special!"

Farian Raymellie:
Farian nods at the charm merchant. "The Light sometimes has a harder path into the hearts of men," she says without a trace of irony. "The spirits of the lovers should be at rest while the fathers burn under the Radiance of Pelor's Justice!" She takes a moment to cool her exuberance. "Forgive me! The unquiet dead do bring out my zealous side. I will pray for them!" She murmurs a quick prayer for serenity. "Of those who are lured away, is there any commonality? Do they tend to be rascals? Or abusive or neglectful?"

"Often 'tis sailors or the young who are lured away, so one could see the lost and missing as rascals, or at least foolish.  One must be a little mad to live one's life upon the sea, and aren't the young always foolish?  Young, I say, not children, just youthful and carefree, at least until the mist whispers.  Some may be cruel, for I certain do not know every heart that has been lost," Pakara says.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel says, "Thank you, Farian. Lady Pakara, as you see, we have a care for the welfare of others. But I fear you have yet to explain the other things you wear around your neck. If they too be beneficent, I wonder that you do not offer them for sale."

"Oh!  Some of these are made by my children, some show my family lineage, some were passed down to me by my grandmother, others are for the spirits of the forest, to show that I have been given leave to gather and hunt in the sacred spaces on the island.  Twould be unwise to intrude upon a druid's grove or a haunt of Obad-hai without leave, which I sought and gained long years ago," Pakara explains.
Elf Rogue, 462 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 28 Jun 2020
at 01:11
  • msg #100

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Anyone can get Belorn's on the mainland," Lantamori said, dismissing them.  "I'd prefer something local.  The distances we travel will make them more exotic.

"You mentioned you might be able to set up a tasting of local wines?"

She figured Woadwood was the most likely to have received any of the stolen goods, if not the ringleader himself.

However, now she really wanted to buy some wine!
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 583 posts
Sun 28 Jun 2020
at 02:55
  • msg #101

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Spirits and druid's groves. Interesting. We are tourists in a way. 'Tis said druids can, if willing, impart wisdom. Where are these groves?

[If her cup is empty] Here let me pour you some wine.

Elf Archer, 631 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 28 Jun 2020
at 03:36
  • msg #102

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

It was interesting that the druids of the island were content to let the mists continue to lure folk to their deaths. Dante wondered if there were more to the tale, parts not known to locals.

For now, though, his only interest was, "Are there particular circumstances in which the deadly mists with the voices occur? A season, or a weather condition? Places near water often get mists, so I'd guess the voices don't come out every time there is some mist." The locals wouldn't likely be so casual about people getting killed off, strangers from trading ships or not, if it happened too often.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 638 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 02:05
  • msg #103

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian nods at Averdante's question, and waits for an answer. The youth going missing reminds her of the small god from the swamp. She also makes a note to share this information with Narthian when he gets back. Now would have been a good time to dips into his realm of knowledge.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1048 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 09:11
  • msg #104

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Anyone can get Belorn's on the mainland," Lantamori said, dismissing them.  "I'd prefer something local.  The distances we travel will make them more exotic.

"You mentioned you might be able to set up a tasting of local wines?"

She figured Woadwood was the most likely to have received any of the stolen goods, if not the ringleader himself.

However, now she really wanted to buy some wine!

Dedrun nods.  "Certainly, my lady.  If you care to, we can retire to my establishment and I can get one set up in good time in our showroom.  Or if you are lingering on the island, please let me know another time that is convenient.  We should have several vintages that you would care to take with you."

Haazheel Thorn:
Spirits and druid's groves. Interesting. We are tourists in a way. 'Tis said druids can, if willing, impart wisdom. Where are these groves?

[If her cup is empty] Here let me pour you some wine.

Pakara takes a small refill of wine with a nod of appreciation.  "Up in the hills, for the most part, with one or two on the shore for those who take the to sea more than most.  The biggest trees of the island are sacred, so if you come across a forest giant too colossal for words, likely you've strayed a bit far.  Luckily most are tolerant of strangers, if they come with no malice and are willing to follow the rules."

It was interesting that the druids of the island were content to let the mists continue to lure folk to their deaths. Dante wondered if there were more to the tale, parts not known to locals.

For now, though, his only interest was, "Are there particular circumstances in which the deadly mists with the voices occur? A season, or a weather condition? Places near water often get mists, so I'd guess the voices don't come out every time there is some mist." The locals wouldn't likely be so casual about people getting killed off, strangers from trading ships or not, if it happened too often.

"More often moon-dark than not, and while most mists come off the water, some rise from the ground as well.  'Tis not something that happens that often, a few times a year at best, but one does worry and want to make certain that people are traveling or sheltering smartly and well.  It's very dangerous for ships when the mists come in, so no one can even patrol the harbor during mist-fall," Pakara says.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 584 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 18:15
  • msg #105

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Ah the rules..doubtless you know them? Were we to tour the island, see the sights, we wouldn't want to fall afoul of any residents.
Elf Rogue, 463 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 18:43
  • msg #106

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I'm not sure what our plans are for later, but I'm free now," Lantamori replied to Dedrun as she looked over at her companions across the room.

"Would you mind if I invited one of them along?"

She was thinking Averdante might enjoy the outing and be the least obtrusive of the bunch.  Did everyone have to carry everything they owned everywhere they went?
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 682 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 22:33
  • msg #107

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas seeing the others at the table with them did not seem to have a plan began to get curious about those that were to catch up with them later. "Wonder what others are up to? Maybe they have some information for us."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1049 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 03:08
  • msg #108

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel Thorn:
"Ah the rules..doubtless you know them? Were we to tour the island, see the sights, we wouldn't want to fall afoul of any residents."

Pakara nods, sipping her wine slowly.  "Of course, young man!  Stay on the paths, of course, and ask the wardens if hunting is allowed.  The wardens are usually about near the trailheads, so it's not much bother to ask them.  And most of the time hunting is fine; they usually ask folks to refrain during certain holy days or to not hunt a particular animal for a season if they are in need of replenishing.  Don't go picking things you aren't certain of - there are some mushrooms and berries that are not good for you.  Not deadly, not usually, but enough to park you at the chamberpot for a few days at the minimum.  Be respectful to the shrines you see, even if they are not your gods. That covers most of it, I believe," she says thoughtfully.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas seeing the others at the table with them did not seem to have a plan began to get curious about those that were to catch up with them later. "Wonder what others are up to? Maybe they have some information for us."

Aberlayne leans over to her brother and murmurs, "Farian and I and believe Averdante and I are going to go try to catch us a young watcher.  Not certain if we have a potential pickpocket or other miscreant, or someone who's watching us for a deeper reason, but we'd like to ask him some questions, quietly and politely."

"I'm not sure what our plans are for later, but I'm free now," Lantamori replied to Dedrun as she looked over at her companions across the room.

"Would you mind if I invited one of them along?"

She was thinking Averdante might enjoy the outing and be the least obtrusive of the bunch.  Did everyone have to carry everything they owned everywhere they went?

"That would be fine, my lady.  Would you care to walk together, or shall I let you know where my showroom is so you can meet me there?" Dedrun says.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 585 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 04:27
  • msg #109

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel replies Very informative! Truly, you are a font of lore. He stretches his arms sideways and and gapes a yawn. It's good to stretch after a meal; keeps the blood flowing. ... Settling back, he speaks business. Now, as to your wares. I believe you said "only a silver for one." To begin with, how much if I buy more than one?
Elf Rogue, 464 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 10:56
  • msg #110

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I'll join you on a walk," Lantamori said with a smile.  "Just let me see if my companion will join us and I'll be right back."

The elf stood and returned to let the others know of her plans.

"I'm going for a wine tasting with Dedrun,"
she explained.  "It's unrelated to our other business, but I did perhaps make some headway on that as well.  We can get into that when I return.

"In the meantime,"
she continued, turning to Averdante, "would you care to join me for an afternoon wine tasting?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 639 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 22:48
  • msg #111

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Wine tasting sounds lovely," Farian says to Lantamori, "But I am more interested in this woman's talismans and Averdante's shadow." She turns to Pakara, about to speak speak when Haazheel begins his haggling. She chooses to hold her tongue and see what price he can get.
Elf Archer, 632 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 06:57
  • msg #112

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante hears Lantamori's query with interest, then glances over at Farian's response. "Oh, I think this will be a good test for my shadow." Looking up at Lantamori he explains, "Someone who looks as if he does his fishing ashore followed me up here, and seems anxious to keep following -- although if it's me specifically, or simply any new target in town, isn't yet clear. Leaving with you might resolve that -- and I'd be pleased to join you for a wine tasting."

Shifting his attention to Prreet, he asks, "Can you slip out with us, but then stay behind a few minutes to watch for that man, to see if he follows? If he does, you follow him, too, until he decides to quit following and act, or leave?

"If he doesn't follow, remain near the door here until Sir Aberlayne comes out."
He looks over at the paladin then. "If Prreet is gone, the man's following Lantamori and me. If Prreet's still outside, the man might follow you and Farian, or someone else."

Looking sideways at Prreet, he finishes, "Once you've clued in Sir Aberlayne, come ahead and rejoin me. Can you work with that?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 640 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 15:10
  • msg #113

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Great idea!" she says with a broad smile for the two elves. "Let me add one thing. I have a Status incantation prepared, so I will know where you are and how you're doing no matter where you go in the next seven hours."

Valid for up to 2 Living Creatures, so I don't think Prreet can be included. Feel free to decline, or accept but resist with a DC 15 Will Save. ;)
Elf Rogue, 465 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 23:12
  • msg #114

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"That sounds like a good idea," Lantamori replies to Farian.  "But why seven hours?  That seems awfully precise."

The elf wondered if it now lasted longer of shorter than when she was a man.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 641 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 12:15
  • msg #115

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"What a great question! But we don't have time to go into the details of the Manifestation of Divine Powers in Mortals. That's a whole year of study in the abbey! Suffice it to say that it varies by the experience one has with her devotion to Pelor's Will. If seven hours is too long for me to keep track of you two, I can dismiss it earlier."
Elf Archer, 633 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 21:45
  • msg #116

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante shrugs at Farian's offer, and nods his agreement with Lantamori's. "So if they attempt to drug us with the wine, will you know if we're unconscious, or is it not that precise?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 566 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #117

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor looked at thr ladies with a serious expression
"There's nothing wromg with a good wine tasting, but if i can help with this 'shadow', let me know.  I'm not always the most subtle of men, but I'm here if you need me"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 683 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 00:37
  • msg #118

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas looking to his sister "Sounds fun. We're in" as he looks to his two smaller companions, before he lets out a burb and giggles.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1050 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 05:46
  • msg #119

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel replies Very informative! Truly, you are a font of lore. He stretches his arms sideways and and gapes a yawn. It's good to stretch after a meal; keeps the blood flowing. ... Settling back, he speaks business. Now, as to your wares. I believe you said "only a silver for one." To begin with, how much if I buy more than one?

Pakara laughs a little.  "You flatter an old woman, young man.  I do like a shrewd bargainer.  Well, if you wish to buy more for all your friends here, I could see to selling them for eight copper apiece.

Dante hears Lantamori's query with interest, then glances over at Farian's response. "Oh, I think this will be a good test for my shadow." Looking up at Lantamori he explains, "Someone who looks as if he does his fishing ashore followed me up here, and seems anxious to keep following -- although if it's me specifically, or simply any new target in town, isn't yet clear. Leaving with you might resolve that -- and I'd be pleased to join you for a wine tasting."

Shifting his attention to Prreet, he asks, "Can you slip out with us, but then stay behind a few minutes to watch for that man, to see if he follows? If he does, you follow him, too, until he decides to quit following and act, or leave?

"If he doesn't follow, remain near the door here until Sir Aberlayne comes out."
He looks over at the paladin then. "If Prreet is gone, the man's following Lantamori and me. If Prreet's still outside, the man might follow you and Farian, or someone else."

Looking sideways at Prreet, he finishes, "Once you've clued in Sir Aberlayne, come ahead and rejoin me. Can you work with that?"

Prreet takes a moment to wash a paw and ear with exacting care, just to point out that all things are done to his time, and then gives a nod of understanding before spilling off the chair and oozing through the shadows.

With everyone decided where they are going this afternoon, those who wish can get keys from the innkeeper and put away any items they don't wish to tote around town in their rooms before going about their various tasks.


Delrun's Fine Wines and Spirits

Lantamori, Averdante, and Dedrun can take a stroll down the street of inns, and cross over to where various shops are.  His establishment has a smaller showroom that clearly abuts a larger facility where the wine and spirits are made and stored, all made of sturdy wood that has weathered the sea air quite well.  Dedrun smiles as he waves his potential customers inside the finely carved doors.  Paved with fine wood and paneled in more, the showroom is an elegant but not ostentatious display of the woods of the island.  Boasting a long bar against one wall and several tables where one can sit in various private alcoves, there are racks of bottles and various sized barrels in careful display along the walls.  In a few places are paintings of (presumably) Delrun and his family, vineyards on sunny slopes, and cheerful wine festivals.

Dedrun will show both to a private alcove and excuse himself to talk to speak to one of the people behind the bar.  Two others are serving a few scattered guests, all of them finely dressed.

Dedrun returns after a moment with a servingman who brings several bottles and many tiny glasses for sipping.  Dedrun lets his employee explain as he sits down.

"My lady, my lord, for your sipping pleasure we have a cool, dry white we call Morning Mist, a sweet white with a faint floral lily note called Snowdrop, a moderate rose with a hint of raspberries called Summer's Daughter, a sweet red with a taste of cherries called Noon's Fortune, and a robust red with plum notes called Wine-Dark Sea," he says with careful precision.  Dedrun nods in approval, so it seems he did well.

He speaks quickly to his employee as Averdate and Lantamori taste.  "Any more of that Belorn's wines?"

The servingman shakes his head.  "Just the shipment to Woodwode, as usual.  There was supposed to be another a week or so ago, but the captain didn't have an answer for me.  I was about to send a letter...?"

"Write it, and give it to Sandon.  Good thinking, Urle," Dedrun says, and quickly turns back to his guests.  "Sorry about that, I was just checking about Belorn's and, alas there's not much more to tell.  What do you think of our wines, my friends?"


Morning Market

Those going to the Morning Market to find Buno the hunter can find their way there easily enough.  Prreet is not waiting outside the Jade Rose Inn, so it seems that the watcher Averdante was talking about chose to follow him instead of anyone else in the group.  The Morning Market is at the end of the street where most of the shops are located, situated between the end of a path that leads up into the hills and a part of the harbor where fishermen, as opposed to merchants, more often dock.

It's a crowded place redolent of fish and game, as fresh catches of the sea and island (various game birds and rabbits) are on display in several booths.  Also present are mushrooms, fruits, berries, and various fresh wild vegetables.  There are occasional pelts, feathers, and many types of woven plant fiber in cordage or cloth, often with interesting patterns and dyes.  There are dyes themselves, spices, and a fine array of woodcarvings.

Asking about Buno the hunter, you are directed to a set of booths closer to the hill side of the market, where you eventually spy Buno's distinctive red hair (as one of the merchants who pointed you in his direction mentioned).  Buno is short and very stocky for a half-elf, sporting a slim pack and unstrung shortbow, along with a basket out of which he is laying a few rabbit carcasses on a table for a merchant to peruse.
Elf Rogue, 466 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 23:49
  • msg #120

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I do prefer the sweeter wines," Lantamori confessed, "but they are all very good.

"How much for a case of this one?"
she asked, pointing out her favorite.
Elf Archer, 634 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 01:12
  • msg #121

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

When Dedrun excuses himself to make arrangements for the selections, Dante murmurs quietly to Lantamori, "Either your elegant appearance today has left a certain local completely charmed, or I have quite a dedicated follower. He's outside waiting in an alley."

He enjoys the wine samples when they come, letting Lantamori lead the conversation with Dedrun as she will. She has gone about acquiring information quite differently than Farian did at the mages' guildhall, but seems to have found a good approach nonetheless, gaining some good leads on people -- places? -- to investigate after this.

As a regular wine drinker when circumstances find him in civilized places, Dante tries to keep alert for any off-notes in what he samples. It does make it harder to fully appreciate the experience. He'll have to try and arrange this sort of thing again, when he doesn't need to worry about being poisoned. Still, his favorite was the dark red, and it was hard to limit himself to only a few sips of the rich flavor.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 642 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 11:10
  • msg #122

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Before they head off, Farian casts Status and offers the pair one of her Far-Speech Stones. "The spell will let me know if anything bad happens. This can tell us of anything good."

Arriving at Buno's stall, she stands off and watches him until there is a break in any customers. She doesn't mind if Buno sees her watching, judging that it might be best if he gets the wrong idea. Once he's free, she approaches. "Buno the Hunter I presume?" she says.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 685 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #123

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas liked this game, someone was following Dante and Lantamori, and he and the others were to keep an eye on him. He stowed his chest and such in the room, though it was empty as he packed his books in his pack and made his way onto the street to follow behind. He was curious who would be watching them. His small size generally made it easier for him to disappear among the crowd though he had never much practiced it like so many of his other kin. Speaking of kin, this reminds him of the time his cousin got them in trouble in the market when they were kids... Bumping into someone brought his attention back to hand. He whispered softly to Vish as they wandered behind them, his eyes roaming for any overly curious eyes...
Dungeon Master
GM, 1052 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 16:17
  • msg #124

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Delrun's Fine Wines and Spirits

"I do prefer the sweeter wines," Lantamori confessed, "but they are all very good.

"How much for a case of this one?"
she asked, pointing out her favorite.

"Two-hundred-fifty gold, m'lady, and we can have that delivered to your inn or ship, whichever your prefer," Urle says with a small bow, touching the Snowdrop wine.  All seem to be well-made wines, though the Wine-Dark Sea red is not for the faint of heart.  The price seems to be in line with what you paid for at the Jade Rose, so Dedrun doesn't seem to be needlessly raising the prices for you.

"It is good to see a lady of taste and refinement come to our island for our wines. Are you staying for very long?  Is there anything else our fine island can offer you?  Do you come for the fine woods, or a stroll amongst our great trees?" Dedrun asks amicably.

When Dedrun excuses himself to make arrangements for the selections, Dante murmurs quietly to Lantamori, "Either your elegant appearance today has left a certain local completely charmed, or I have quite a dedicated follower. He's outside waiting in an alley."

He enjoys the wine samples when they come, letting Lantamori lead the conversation with Dedrun as she will. She has gone about acquiring information quite differently than Farian did at the mages' guildhall, but seems to have found a good approach nonetheless, gaining some good leads on people -- places? -- to investigate after this.

As a regular wine drinker when circumstances find him in civilized places, Dante tries to keep alert for any off-notes in what he samples. It does make it harder to fully appreciate the experience. He'll have to try and arrange this sort of thing again, when he doesn't need to worry about being poisoned. Still, his favorite was the dark red, and it was hard to limit himself to only a few sips of the rich flavor.

Carefully rolling the wine on his tongue lets Averdante experience a fine range of flavors, but nothing untowards comes across his palate.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas liked this game, someone was following Dante and Lantamori, and he and the others were to keep an eye on him. He stowed his chest and such in the room, though it was empty as he packed his books in his pack and made his way onto the street to follow behind. He was curious who would be watching them. His small size generally made it easier for him to disappear among the crowd though he had never much practiced it like so many of his other kin. Speaking of kin, this reminds him of the time his cousin got them in trouble in the market when they were kids... Bumping into someone brought his attention back to hand. He whispered softly to Vish as they wandered behind them, his eyes roaming for any overly curious eyes...

Dellas nearly trips over someone in the street, but recovers and can pause at a storefront where elegant woodcarvings are being created on the spot, sometimes being intricately painted.  It seems to be popular, and thus is a good place to linger.  Vish chitters and twines around Dellas' feet, then points his nose at the alley where the lurker is lurking with the clear impression of, hunting now?


The Morning Market

Farian Raymellie:
Before they head off, Farian casts Status and offers the pair one of her Far-Speech Stones. "The spell will let me know if anything bad happens. This can tell us of anything good."

Arriving at Buno's stall, she stands off and watches him until there is a break in any customers. She doesn't mind if Buno sees her watching, judging that it might be best if he gets the wrong idea. Once he's free, she approaches. "Buno the Hunter I presume?" she says.

Buno starts slightly, and then nods with a grunt.  "Aye, it's me. Think I'm beyond a blessing, priest. You need a new fur for your festival-day robes?"

Buno was actually selling his catches to a merchant, rather than running a booth himself, so as he disentangles himself from the merchant, he moves him and Darian out of the flow of foot traffic to talk.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:01, Sun 19 July 2020.
Elf Rogue, 467 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 21:02
  • msg #125

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"We're only here for a few days, and I do like expensive jewelry as well as wine," Lantamori confessed.  "I thought I might pick up a few items here if they suited me.  I hadn't expected to find any really expensive jewelry outside of the mainland.

"And I do believe we may be going for a ride or two through the woods while we're here,"
she added, looking over at her elven companion.  "We do like to explore."

She looked over the wines once more before making her decision.

"I'll take four cases of this one," indicating the one she'd preferred the most, "and one each of these."  She indicated two others she'd thought were also good.  She assumed they'd be equally as expensive or perhaps less.

"They can be delivered to the Sea Lady, currently in port.  I'll let them know to expect a delivery.

"How do we exchange payment?"

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 644 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 00:50
  • msg #126

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"No one is beyond the Light of the Shining One. But!" She looks furtively to either side. "I am looking for something. Some unusual thing. Now maybe you know nothing of unusual things in and of themselves. But maybe you know somebody..."

Diplomacy: 19:49, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 17 using 1d20+10 ((7)).
Elf Archer, 635 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 04:02
  • msg #127

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante smiled slightly at Lantamori's observation on exploring, and nodded agreement for the wine seller. "Exploring" was accurate enough, as far as it went; he was amused by how deftly she skirted the full reality of the matter. She was definitely far more clever with words than he was.

And while he liked the strong red wine, he had no place to keep a case of it, so didn't ask to buy any. He'd buy a bottle or two before leaving town, instead, to enhance the next stage or two of their travel at sea.

While the lady settled into sorting out the details of her purchase, he consulted with Prreet.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 569 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 23:24
  • msg #128

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Not wanting to intrude on the pastimes of his Traveling Companions, Bruenor lingered over his meal, savoring his down time.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 686 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Sat 25 Jul 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #129

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggled and apologized to the man, then remember the games of his childhood he check his own pockets. Before he nodded to Vish, he himself continued to linger watching the "painting" as best as he could.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 588 posts
Sat 25 Jul 2020
at 03:53
  • msg #130

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel lays out five silvers in a shiny, aligned row. This for nine. He holds up one more. And this if you will accompany us out the kitchen door and tell me what you know about those who are watching the front entrance.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1053 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 07:36
  • msg #131

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Delrun's Fine Wine and Spirits

"We're only here for a few days, and I do like expensive jewelry as well as wine," Lantamori confessed.  "I thought I might pick up a few items here if they suited me.  I hadn't expected to find any really expensive jewelry outside of the mainland.

"And I do believe we may be going for a ride or two through the woods while we're here,"
she added, looking over at her elven companion.  "We do like to explore."

She looked over the wines once more before making her decision.

"I'll take four cases of this one," indicating the one she'd preferred the most, "and one each of these."  She indicated two others she'd thought were also good.  She assumed they'd be equally as expensive or perhaps less.

"They can be delivered to the Sea Lady, currently in port.  I'll let them know to expect a delivery.

"How do we exchange payment?"

"We have papers for the Moneychanger's Guild, m'lady, if that would suit, or can take coin, however you prefer," Urle says with the utmost politeness.  "I will draw up the bill of sale at your convenience."  If she indicates she wants it now, he will disappear into the back room to do so, bringing along the papers for the Moneychanger's Guild at the same time.  The price is as expected, her second choices of wine similar in price to the first.

As Lantamori's mention of her other choices of activities, Dedrun says, "The Clifftop trail has one of the best views on the island, if you have a head for heights, or the Green Gallows road goes by some of the loveliest trees, if your tastes run more towards flora and fauna.  We don't have as many jewelers here, we import most of our ores, so the few we have work in amber and exotic woods rather than metals, for the most part. Silverbark Adornments is the name of the shop, and Sarla Chain is, in my humble opinion, the best on the island."

Dante smiled slightly at Lantamori's observation on exploring, and nodded agreement for the wine seller. "Exploring" was accurate enough, as far as it went; he was amused by how deftly she skirted the full reality of the matter. She was definitely far more clever with words than he was.

And while he liked the strong red wine, he had no place to keep a case of it, so didn't ask to buy any. He'd buy a bottle or two before leaving town, instead, to enhance the next stage or two of their travel at sea.

While the lady settled into sorting out the details of her purchase, he consulted with Prreet.

Averdante continues to look interested as he listens. 


Just outside...

Dellas Nump:
Dellas giggled and apologized to the man, then remember the games of his childhood he check his own pockets. Before he nodded to Vish, he himself continued to linger watching the "painting" as best as he could.

Dellas watches a small poppet get a colorful shirt and blonde hair with paint as Vish slinks off into the shadows.  After a few minutes, he gets the impression that Vish finds the one he is hunting to be impatient and nervous. Also young.  Dellas gets the impression of a young weasel kit from Vish, someone that is wanting their first kill to go well (though Vish doesn't seem to think this young kit is very dangerous compared to Dellas and his friends).


The Morning Market

Farian Raymellie:
"No one is beyond the Light of the Shining One. But!" She looks furtively to either side. "I am looking for something. Some unusual thing. Now maybe you know nothing of unusual things in and of themselves. But maybe you know somebody..."

Diplomacy: 19:49, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 17 using 1d20+10 ((7)).

Buno nods slowly as Farian explains what she wants.  "Aye, there's lots of unusual things out there if you know where to look.  I'm good at finding things, and if I'm not, I've got friends who are.  Come on, let's go find a place to talk."

He walks off into the crowd, but only goes to the edge of the market, to where the crowd thins a bit and they can find an alley to stand where they can see who might be lingering.  No one is for the moment, and Buno says, "What's a priest need and what are they willing to pay for it?"


The Jade Rose Inn

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel lays out five silvers in a shiny, aligned row. This for nine. He holds up one more. And this if you will accompany us out the kitchen door and tell me what you know about those who are watching the front entrance.

Pakara sets down a small fistful of charms, sweeps the silver into her hand and into her beltpouch quickly, and takes Haazheel's arm, tugging on him to "walk her to the door", Bruenor welcome to come if he wishes.  She looks more serious as she sweeps her eyes over the crowd, lingering on a small group of mixed half-elf and tree folk youths who are lingering over a dice game in the alley across from the inn.

"Jassin's Boys," she says with authority.  "They mostly keep their sticky fingers to strangers' rather than a native's purse, but it won't stop them from lightening anyone's load if they think they can get away with it.  Mostly it's just some pickpocketing, a little bullying, but a time or three I think some mainlander has given them the name of someone who they wanted shaken down.  They dream a lot, those Boys, of bigger things than this island, and have the swagger to match."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 570 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 08:05
  • msg #132

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor accompanied the pair to the door.  He nodded at the mild skulduggery Pakara talked about, more amused than angry
"Would some stern words accompanied by a sword be enough to get their heads out of the clouds, or would that cause more trouble than its worth ?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 589 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 09:03
  • msg #133

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel counts the group. Sunny out, Bruenor; looks like it might cloud up later, maybe even rain.

Thank you. Maybe we'll talk again. When your day is done, do you want an escort home? By the way, who is Jassin? Oh, and any of the guard or such on the take?

Mystique is perched on the roof.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 645 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 16:18
  • msg #134

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"A very specific thing," Farian says, trying to picture the description of some of the missing items. "A ring of platinum, with a dozen gems set about its perimeter, each of a different color. It was in Port Lyalee until recently. If you can put me in touch with those who may know where it is, I'll pay you two of these rare coins, assessed at 20 gp each. Should I come in possession of this object again, I'll give you the other three of these coins."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 687 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 17:25
  • msg #135

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas smiled at Vish, curious why this person was so anxious, he just about turned and walked towards him but instead he shook his head. They had a mission, this could lead us to this mission, instead he wanted to speak to the others. "Keep an eye on him Vish. You are so good at hiding and sneaking around" Dellas then tried to disappear into the crowd of folks to make his turn around another alleyway near by where he would pull out some ink, a quill on paper from his bags. He then began to write a note before calling upon his friend Kelvren, speaking softly at a whisper into his ear "You will need to fly up and around towards the alleyway. A young man is there watching. Keep an Eye on him for a moment will you. Do not let him notice you." He will indicate the alleyway before he calls upon his link to Vish to come back to him. Using a bit of loose string, he will tie the note to Vish's back "Go deliver this to our friends inside the shop"

He then returns to his viewing spot so that he can keep track of the young man as well while watching the delight going on.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
[Language unknown: Om terreaing ll saneenwhe osurme ur i fipl p beacatei sevor whi urno. Onestrour ngthi eiek andderure m nc letr un he teted. Eclo me stitiokor acicll m Res.]

                                          - Dellas

OOC: Hide is +10, Move Silently is +6. Not sure which you would want me to roll here for disappearing into the crowd.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:49, Tue 28 July 2020.
Elf Archer, 636 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 19:57
  • msg #136

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

When the wine seller goes to get his paperwork, Dante says, "Green Gallows road? That's rather ominously named, isn't it?" Making sure no one is standing close enough to overhear, he adds very softly, "My friend outside seems very concerned about how late it's getting, although there's no sign of any mist or fog out yet. I wonder if he's supposed to meet friends at the Wanderfoot."
Elf Rogue, 468 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 22:10
  • msg #137

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I suppose we'll be headed back now, anyway," Lantamori replied to her companion.  She was ready to go once Urle returned with the paperwork for the Moneychangers.  She did enjoy the convenience of not carrying around so much coin.

"I wonder if that jewelry shop is on the way back."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1054 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 05:56
  • msg #138

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor accompanied the pair to the door.  He nodded at the mild skulduggery Pakara talked about, more amused than angry
"Would some stern words accompanied by a sword be enough to get their heads out of the clouds, or would that cause more trouble than its worth ?"

Pakara looks thoughtful, eyeing Bruenor.  "Possibly, at least for those lads.  They likely hope you're wearing the sword for show, or you're less attentive to your belt pouch.  A strong hand wouldn't go amiss to chase off the riff-raff, but if they are willing to tell those who rule them, you might have a bit more trouble if you stray from the most well-lit of paths  You seem like sorts who can handle yourselves, but not everyone wants to have to be on watch every moment of the day."

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel counts the group. Sunny out, Bruenor; looks like it might cloud up later, maybe even rain.

Thank you. Maybe we'll talk again. When your day is done, do you want an escort home? By the way, who is Jassin? Oh, and any of the guard or such on the take?

Mystique is perched on the roof.

"Oh don't go to trouble about me, dearies.  I'll toddle off and sell to the afternoon crowd, then get on home well before it gets dark.  Jassin... he was a bully as a lad and grew up mean and proud.  He likes to bully folks into doing his work for him, stealing and the like, and keeps the young bravos around him impressed with his self. I'm not rich enough to bother with, and he seems to be able to avoid the wrath of anyone who'd really try to challenge him.  As for the guards, most of the ones I know are honest enough, though I'm sure there are a few, probably more dockside than not, who aren't above taking a little extra tip to not record every bit of information into the Harbor Master's ledger," Pakara says.  She pats both men's hands, and will walk off into the crowd, waiting until she's much further down the street before starting up her selling patter again.


Delrun's Fine Wine and Spirits

"I suppose we'll be headed back now, anyway," Lantamori replied to her companion.  She was ready to go once Urle returned with the paperwork for the Moneychangers.  She did enjoy the convenience of not carrying around so much coin.

"I wonder if that jewelry shop is on the way back."

Urle returns after a few minutes once Lantamori indicates her wishes, laying out the paperwork for her perusal and signature.

"Silverbark Adornments is on the next street over from the Jade Rose, so it won't take you too out of your way, if you wish to get more shopping in before tonight," Dedrun says with a smile.

When the wine seller goes to get his paperwork, Dante says, "Green Gallows road? That's rather ominously named, isn't it?" Making sure no one is standing close enough to overhear, he adds very softly, "My friend outside seems very concerned about how late it's getting, although there's no sign of any mist or fog out yet. I wonder if he's supposed to meet friends at the Wanderfoot."

"Green Gallows is actually a lovely trail. The name comes from an old legend that dates back to the founding of the island.  Supposedly terrible plant monsters roamed some of the obscure reaches of the forest, and those that disturbed those places were killed and the miscreants' bodies displayed in a place that any who ventured into the woods would see.  Then the druids ventured into the woods and made treaties with those who simply wanted their places left alone, while those creatures who were purely bloodthirsty and cruel were put down.  But that was hundreds of years ago, and now the Green Gallows mark a beautiful and protected trail.  It is said that some of the treaties were sealed by marriage, and that is how the treefolk came to be, though the druids do not detail the secrets of their ancient treaties," Dedrun explains.

As Dedrun goes with Urle to afix some seals to the paperwork, and Averdante confides what he knows secretly to Lantamori, Vish, Dellas' weasel familiar, slips in under their table and pulls off a small note with his teeth, handing it to Averdante.


Just outside...

Dellas Nump:
Dellas smiled at Vish, curious why this person was so anxious, he just about turned and walked towards him but instead he shook his head. They had a mission, this could lead us to this mission, instead he wanted to speak to the others. "Keep an eye on him Vish. You are so good at hiding and sneaking around" Dellas then tried to disappear into the crowd of folks to make his turn around another alleyway near by where he would pull out some ink, a quill on paper from his bags. He then began to write a note before calling upon his friend Kelvren, speaking softly at a whisper into his ear "You will need to fly up and around towards the alleyway. A young man is there watching. Keep an Eye on him for a moment will you. Do not let him notice you." He will indicate the alleyway before he calls upon his link to Vish to come back to him. Using a bit of loose string, he will tie the note to Vish's back "Go deliver this to our friends inside the shop"

He then returns to his viewing spot so that he can keep track of the young man as well while watching the delight going on.

Kelvren is happy to go watch the watcher, as gargoyles are excellent at perching and watching.  Vish slides off through the crowd, waits until the door opens to the wine shop, and slips inside.  Dellas, with his small stature, doesn't have much trouble keeping various tallfolk between him and the watcher being watched.


The Morning Market

Farian Raymellie:
"A very specific thing," Farian says, trying to picture the description of some of the missing items. "A ring of platinum, with a dozen gems set about its perimeter, each of a different color. It was in Port Lyalee until recently. If you can put me in touch with those who may know where it is, I'll pay you two of these rare coins, assessed at 20 gp each. Should I come in possession of this object again, I'll give you the other three of these coins."

"Don't have much need for old money. Folks ask me where I got it, and then want more. I like regular coin for that price. As for the ring, I know someone who might know.  But he won't be free until nightfall.  Come back here hour after sunset, and I'll know one way or the other," Buno says gruffly.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:57, Thu 27 Aug 2020.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 571 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 06:10
  • msg #139

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 133):

Bruenor nodded respectfully to the old woman, even bowing a bit, like the gentleman he was.  Granted, he was half convinced she was a con artist, a bit touched in the head, or perhaps both, but that was no reason to forget his manners.
After she left, he looked at his small companion and raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
"Well, my friend , how would you feel about going hunting for local ruffians?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 590 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 07:36
  • msg #140

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel shakes his head. "Let's stroll a bit. We want to connect with the information. I hope Pakara's information is worth six silvers. And let's see who follows us. By the way, if we start something, I think we'd get into legal trouble."
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:08, Thu 30 July 2020.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 572 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 08:00
  • msg #141

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 140):

Bruenor smirked playfully
"Well, to be honest, i wasn't planning on starting anything.   Perhaps just finishing something. If i do it right, i won't even have to draw my sword.  But we can just do a leisurely mosey for now, if you wish "
Elf Rogue, 469 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 16:34
  • msg #142

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Oooh, a secret message," Lantamori cooed.  "What does it say?"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:00, Thu 30 July 2020.
Elf Archer, 637 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 22:51
  • msg #143

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas' note suggested some other ideas to Dante, leaving him with a puzzled frown. At Lantamori's inquiry, he slipped the note to her. "I wonder who else is involved in this watching game?"

Something was starting to seem off about all this. Why target him so specifically? If the waiting man had a deadline to meet, why not find someone who was available to rob now?

Or was this a simple matter of pickpocketing or even a mugging at all?
Elf Rogue, 470 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 23:09
  • msg #144

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori handed the note back to Averdante and shrugged.  "Perhaps we'll see," she added noncommittally.

"Let's do stop at the Jade Rose on the way back,"
she added with a smile.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 591 posts
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 01:43
  • msg #145

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Indeed. If Pakara has a wagging tongue, I'll be targeted as a mark. We could browse shop to shop. How about you act as boss.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 573 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 01:47
  • msg #146

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor raised an eyebrow.
"I'll be Lord Moneybags, and you be my personal shopping monkey?  I suppose I could manage that. "
He grinned wryly
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 592 posts
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 01:55
  • msg #147

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel offers a semibow with p[arms out tilted 20% down, elbows tucked at sides. As the Lord wishes to proceed.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 574 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 01:56
  • msg #148

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor chuckled then spoke melodramatically.
"Onward, then, My Loyal and Trusted Servant!  There's Shopping to be done!!"
He headed towards the shops
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 646 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 03:06
  • msg #149

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Very well. I'll bring the first payment to the meeting tonight. I may have a companion or wo with me when I return, I hope that will be acceptable."
Elf Archer, 638 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 20:07
  • msg #150

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Back to the Jade Rose now?" Dante inquired as Lantamori finished her paperwork. "Or do you want to see what sort of wooden jewelry Silverbark Adornments offers first? I'm curious if its greatly different than what was common at home."

He looked over at the wine seller. "It's not too late today to pay them a visit, is it?" he asked the man.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:58, Thu 27 Aug 2020.
Elf Rogue, 471 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 00:00
  • msg #151

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I think I've already got the two of them mixed up," Lantamorit admitted.  "I do want to go shopping.  Whichever one has jewelry."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1060 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 04:08
  • msg #152

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Streets of Rooton

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor chuckled then spoke melodramatically.
"Onward, then, My Loyal and Trusted Servant!  There's Shopping to be done!!"
He headed towards the shops

Bruenor and his Loyal and Trusted Servant Haazheel, stroll along the shops, eyeing fine teas and pottery, jewelry and clothing, furniture and fine woodcarvings, paintings and sculpture.  With Bruenor's good clothing and expensive weapons and Haazheel's well-kept clothing and not overly imposing stature, they makes a tempting target for ruffians, particularly when they stroll by an alleyway.

But due to their forewarning of being followed they are not surprised when a group of toughs, nominally dressed in tunics that won't stand out on this street, bracket them.

"Look who's being all free with his coin, this fine lord and his fancy sword with his servant. Such a fine man can certainly spare some money for some lads down on their luck, can't he?  Just hand over that belt pouch and that blade, good man.  Someone like you can certain go buy another from just down the street, eh?"  The speaker is a sturdy half-elf with a clean blue tunic covering light leather armor, a pair of daggers at his waist, his blond hair tied back tight, his green eyes hard but his expression pleasant, likely to make it seem as if he were just having a friendly chat to passers by.

"I think I've already got the two of them mixed up," Lantamorit admitted.  "I do want to go shopping.  Whichever one has jewelry."

Heading in the opposite direction, Lantamori and Averdante make their way up the next block to Silverbark Adornments, a fine establishment that announces its wears by a small display of jewelry in one window: a wooden bead necklace carved to look like one sinuous piece, a slender silver chain with a fiery opal, a bracelet of carved woods of many colors, beautifully inlaid.  The door is shut, but knocking produces a young man who opens the door with a bow.  Inside the shop is set out more like a fine parlor, with small pieces gracing the tables here and there, tastefully lit with both oil and magical lamps.  An older treefolk comes from a lit doorway, wearing an elegant green dress, her hair under a pale green scarf.

"Greetings, my friends.  I am Sarla Chain, the proprietor.  What are you interested in today?  I can bring out whatever you wish to peruse.  Hair ornaments, perhaps?  Bracelets to catch the eye?  Ear bangles that don't weigh down your lobes yet keep up with the best mainland fashions?"

Dellas can follow his friends at a short distance as Vish gives him an impression of where they are.  Kelvren follows the uncomfortable watcher as he ambles through the crowd, eyes on Lantamori and Averdante, rather than looking behind for Dellas.  The watcher seems to be doing his best to remain unnoticed, even picking up a cheap woven straw hat to vary his look, though Dellas notices the man seems nervous, his movements jerky.


The Morning Market

Farian Raymellie:
"Very well. I'll bring the first payment to the meeting tonight. I may have a companion or two with me when I return, I hope that will be acceptable."

"Aye, that will suit.  I may have a friend or two myself," Buno says with a jerk of his head that seems to pass for "good-bye".

As Buno leaves, Farian is left alone for a while until bumped into from behind.  Turning to see, there is an elderly treefolk man with milky blind eyes standing there.  He murmurs apologies, and swings a long stick to make sure his next steps are clear.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:34, Sat 29 Aug 2020.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 581 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 06:08
  • msg #153

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor looked at the local street trash and smiled.
"Well, children, 'could' and 'want to' are two entirely different things.  If you want my coins, you're going to have to earn it."
He cracked his neck and shoulders, grinning in an almost feral way.
"Now, which one of you walking dead men thinks he can take if from me?"


01:05, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 20 using 1d20+9.  Intimidate

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 653 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 08:43
  • msg #154

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Oh no, my pardons elder!" Farian replies with gracious respect. "Is there anything that this Sun's Ray may do for you?"

I don't want to assume that he looks like a beggar, but if he looks like a beggar, she'll offer a meal.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 594 posts
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 18:34
  • msg #155

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Loyal and Trusted Servant, elbow at side, points four fingers of a hand at the half-elf, the thumb tucked underneath.
Elf Rogue, 472 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 20:43
  • msg #156

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Master Dedrun recommended your artistry to us," Lantamori began with a smile.  "I was hoping to find a bracelet to commemorate my first trip to the islands."
Elf Archer, 642 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 22:29
  • msg #157

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante offered Vish a ride out of the wine shop, to insure the small weasel didn't get stepped on trying to get out. He was casually subtle about it; if anyone noticed, hopefully they'd think he'd just come in with Vish in his sleeve. Outside, he let Dellas' familiar skitter down his arm and leap to the ground, giving it no obvious attention. Lacking anything to write with, replying to the halfling wizard hadn't been an option, but obviously he was around somewhere nearby.

Accompanying Lantamori to the jewelry shop, Dante didn't look too hard for his follower. He didn't want to give away that he was aware of the man, and with Prreet and maybe Dellas following, they weren't going to lose track of the man unless he left.

In the store, he looked around at the items on display. The wooden items were beautifully crafted, but it was the luster of the fire opal that kept drawing his attention back to it. He nodded in polite acknowledgement of proprietor, allowing Lantamori to direct the conversation for the moment.

He was starting to wonder if it wasn't time, after this, to catch the young man and find out what he wanted.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1064 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 10:14
  • msg #158

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Streets of Rooton

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor looked at the local street trash and smiled.
"Well, children, 'could' and 'want to' are two entirely different things.  If you want my coins, you're going to have to earn it."
He cracked his neck and shoulders, grinning in an almost feral way.
"Now, which one of you walking dead men thinks he can take if from me?"

With Bruenor's intimidating grin, and Haazheel's very casual pose (as if there were no threat at all, and these young men were foolish indeed), four of the six men quietly slink away from the two who seem to be the leader.  The half-elf in blue, and another half-elf with a few small scars and some extra knives visible under his tunic seem to only be somewhat impressed by Bruenor's show of menace.  Though their confidence wavers a smidge when they see they are no longer outnumbered.

"That'd be me, Kaldron the Blade," the leader says with a sneer.  "You can make this easy on yourself by just handing over your coin.  Elsewise not even those little charms will protect you when the fog moves in tonight. The ghosts will call you, mainlander, and we'd be more than happy to lighten your load of money and weapons so you'll have a fighting chance when you end up trying to swim the harbor during full tide!"


Silverbark Adornments

"Master Dedrun recommended your artistry to us," Lantamori began with a smile.  "I was hoping to find a bracelet to commemorate my first trip to the islands."

Sarla chain nods and gestures to a pair of bracelets on a small table.  One is several different colors of wood, white, blue, reddish-brown, deep brown, nearly black, all carefully laid out in a chevron pattern around the bangle.  Another has a fine deep sable wood, subtly carved to enhance the grain, set with thin pieces of abalone shell.

"There here are fine examples of my work, all done with materials native to the island.  The first shows off the diversity of our natural woods as they march from the hills to the sea, and the second shows off the combination of our sea and our land," Sarla explains, gesturing to each in turn.

Averdante watches carefully, and as he does he gets an impression from Prreet.  Outside he is watching the nervous watcher, who is also being watched by Kelvren, Dellas' little gargoyle, who is being watched in turn by Dellas, who is in turn following the watcher and both of you by Vish's impressions of where you are.  (Which Prreet says translates into something along the lines of "definitely steal-able, if not gnawable", adding a purring laugh.)


The Morning Market

Farian Raymellie:
"Oh no, my pardons elder!" Farian replies with gracious respect. "Is there anything that this Sun's Ray may do for you?"

I don't want to assume that he looks like a beggar, but if he looks like a beggar, she'll offer a meal.

The old man's clothing is not the finest, but it doesn't look like the unwashed or torn rags that are more common to beggars.  He straightens as Farian addresses him, swinging his stick slowly until he more-or-less faces where Farian is squarely.  "Nothing for me, Sun's Ray. Just giving a helpful word to a stranger.  Wouldn't want you to think badly of our island, eh?"

He reaches out and pats her hand, smiling slightly.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 583 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 11:54
  • msg #159

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 158):

Bruenor, seeing that his pre-combat smack talk hadn't lost its edge since he started traveling with his current eccentric bunch of friends, smirked eagerly, as if enjoying himself.

He feigned a sarcastic and amused shock. ""What?? You?  You're the one I'm charge?  And you have to do your own grunt work?  That's very disappointing.  In the big city, the boss man is back at the home base counting his money.  But here I guess the 'leader' is just another flunky.  I need to get back to a town with a better class of criminal. "

He shrugged, as if disappointed.

"Alright, then... if you think, somehow, that you're man enough to take it from me, then come get my coins, little man."

He assumed a somewhat stylish, and even foppish, defensive stance, and waited.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:26, Sat 29 Aug 2020.
Elf Rogue, 473 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 14:02
  • msg #160

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I do like this one," Lantamori said, fingering the bracelet with the thin pieces of shell.  She liked the juxtaposition of ocean and land.  "How much is it?"

She was disappointed she was running out of chits as there was just so much to choose from.  It was probably good that she'd bought the wine first as she could at least sell that further on.  She was much less likely to part with something like this bracelet.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 656 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 21:43
  • msg #161

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I wouldn't think of it! In my short time here I've found Greenstalk nothing less than intriguing." Her eyes dart involuntarily at realization that she may have committed a conspiratorial faux pas by using a derivation of the word 'intrigue'. She rushes to cover it. "A blessing on you and yours for your kindness." She's bows out of habit, not sure whether he can see it.

Trying out goldenrod as a speech color. I welcome comments on its readability.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:41, Sun 30 Aug 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 595 posts
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 21:50
  • msg #162

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Loyal and Trusted Servant clears his throat while his fingers remain pointed. With your permission, Master. Kaldron of the Blade, I preferred your friendly face; it might serve you better. Now, I'm somewhat of a scholar, a person interested in learning things. Now, one could take your words as friendly advice and willingness to help. In the same spirit, we don't want to burden you with any of our coins, and I'm quite sure you should not want to become intimately acquainted with my Master's weapons. So, maybe you'd like an alternative if my Master approves. We can go to a good inn where I personally will stand you quaffs of goodly ale. In return, you tell us, in detail, what you're talking about.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1066 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 10:22
  • msg #163

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Streets of Rooton

Bruenor Sedricson:
In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 158):

Bruenor, seeing that his pre-combat smack talk hadn't lost its edge since he started traveling with his current eccentric bunch of friends, smirked eagerly, as if enjoying himself.

He feigned a sarcastic and amused shock. ""What?? You?  You're the one I'm charge?  And you have to do your own grunt work?  That's very disappointing.  In the big city, the boss man is back at the home base counting his money.  But here I guess the 'leader' is just another flunky.  I need to get back to a town with a better class of criminal. "

He shrugged, as if disappointed.

"Alright, then... if you think, somehow, that you're man enough to take it from me, then come get my coins, little man."

He assumed a somewhat stylish, and even foppish, defensive stance, and waited.

Kaldron the Blade seems about to try something, to keep his own reputation amongst the billy-boys, perhaps, but then Haazhee speaks up.

Haazheel Thorn:
The Loyal and Trusted Servant clears his throat while his fingers remain pointed. "With your permission, Master. Kaldron of the Blade, I preferred your friendly face; it might serve you better. Now, I'm somewhat of a scholar, a person interested in learning things. Now, one could take your words as friendly advice and willingness to help. In the same spirit, we don't want to burden you with any of our coins, and I'm quite sure you should not want to become intimately acquainted with my Master's weapons. So, maybe you'd like an alternative if my Master approves. We can go to a good inn where I personally will stand you quaffs of goodly ale. In return, you tell us, in detail, what you're talking about."

Kaldron and his friend's eyes light up at the lively thought of good ale in a pleasant inn, but Kaldron is not the sort to let anyone get the better of him.  He puffs himself up a bit, stepping into Haazheel and Bruenor's space.

"Think you can wiggle out of what you owe us with a couple cups of ale?"  He scoffs and makes a dismissive gesture, "I'm not one for being bought so cheap."  He seems to dismiss the idea of Bruenor's martial skills entirely.


Silverbark Adornments

"I do like this one," Lantamori said, fingering the bracelet with the thin pieces of shell.  She liked the juxtaposition of ocean and land.  "How much is it?"

She was disappointed she was running out of chits as there was just so much to choose from.  It was probably good that she'd bought the wine first as she could at least sell that further on.  She was much less likely to part with something like this bracelet.

"Fifty gold for that one.  The shell was an exceptional piece, and the wood took a good while to safely harvest," Sarla explains.  "I try to make certain all the wood comes from lengths that give no harm to the trees, so they are pieces safely harvested, or come from those which fall naturally.  The shells are those which I find discarded by sea otters, so I know they've had a natural death."


The Morning Market

Farian Raymellie:
"I wouldn't think of it! In my short time here I've found Greenstalk nothing less than intriguing." Her eyes dart involuntarily at realization that she may have committed a conspiratorial faux pas by using a derivation of the word 'intrigue'. She rushes to cover it. "A blessing on you and yours for your kindness." She's bows out of habit, not sure whether he can see it.

The man nods at Farian's bow, though it seems to be in acknowledgement of the conversation rather than seeing her gesture.  "My thanks, Sun's Ray, and pardons."

He moves off through the crowd, swinging his staff to bump into people and obstacles to navigate, before finding the street that leads away from the city and towards the hills that make up the wild parts of the island.  He moves with more confidence then, and Farian can see the flash of wings as a small bird with blue feathers comes to settle on his shoulder, singing a brief melodious trill.
Elf Archer, 643 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 14:08
  • msg #164

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"And the fire opal?" Dante inquires, curious now that the woman has made a point that her materials are safely harvested. Perhaps the stone was found rather than mined from the earth?
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 584 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 20:35
  • msg #165

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor looked the man in the eye, smiling grimly and eagerly
"I remember the advice about pride my father, a noble warrior himself, gave me when he sent me out into the world to seek my fortune.

He said 'Son, it doesn't matter how big you are,
How strong you are,
Or how good you are.
Because there's always going tobe someone out there who's Bigger, Stronger, and Better.
And the louder you talk, the faster they're going to find you.' "

Bruenor grinned menacingly
"And now.....I've found you.  So, what's it going to be?  A nice couple of pints between men, or a short and nasty fight, that might not end how you like?"

OOC:  15:20, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 13 using 1d20+9.  Intimidate

This message was last edited by the player at 23:14, Tue 01 Sept 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 596 posts
Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 22:36
  • msg #166

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

With his fingers still pointed at the foolish half-elf, Haazheel addresses the other man. Shall we step aside? You seem a convivial sort who enjoys a good chat aided by the wherewithal to wet one's throat. By the way, how is it that Kaldron has lived so long?
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 657 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 01:26
  • msg #167

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian tries to commit the image of the elder and his pet to memory. She suspects that she had a rather fortunate encounter with some sort of guardian of the island. Perhaps even a small god. Perhaps if she gets a chance, Acolyte Grult might recognize who he is. Once she feels that she has it, she concentrates for a moment on the Status of the two elves and heads towards them. She tucks the token deep into her left (thigh high) boot, pretending to be scratching an itch.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:24, Wed 02 Sept 2020.
Elf Rogue, 474 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 03:02
  • msg #168

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori tried on the bracelet to see how it felt and held it up to the light.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 692 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 00:39
  • msg #169

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas played his little game outside as he watched the nervous one, it was most curious, this young hunter as Vish figured him. Dellas pulled out a loaf of bread from his pouch, taking a bite of it and ripping off a bit for Vish. His attention would shift to any of the street performances and towards this hunter... But he tried to continue to look inconspicuous...
Dungeon Master
GM, 1068 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 09:04
  • msg #170

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Silverbark Adornments

"And the fire opal?" Dante inquires, curious now that the woman has made a point that her materials are safely harvested. Perhaps the stone was found rather than mined from the earth?

"A foundling, one I came across lying in a scree pile at the bottom of a cliff.  And the gold was panned from a stream I know.  There is not much gold on the island, so it is far easier to pan it as it comes to the surface than try to dig what little there is out of the ground," Sarla says.  "That piece is one hundred and fifty gold, as working the metal takes more effort."

Lantamori tried on the bracelet to see how it felt and held it up to the light.

The bracelet is very smooth on the inside, clearly carved well, sanded until it had the texture of silk, and polished with care.  The inlaid shell catches the light and fills Lantamori's eyes with green for a moment, as if she were underwater.  The moment passes as quickly as it started, and the bracelet sits on her wrist, smooth and silent.


The Streets of Rooton

Dellas Nump:
Dellas played his little game outside as he watched the nervous one, it was most curious, this young hunter as Vish figured him. Dellas pulled out a loaf of bread from his pouch, taking a bite of it and ripping off a bit for Vish. His attention would shift to any of the street performances and towards this hunter... But he tried to continue to look inconspicuous...

The hunter paces back and forth between the stores, trying to look casual, trying to look as if he were only debating between being fitted for a new suit of clothes here or needed a woven belt with a carved buckle there.  As Averdante and Lantamori don't seem to be inclined to leave immediately, the hunter finally pauses at the side of Silverbark Adornments, back to the street, for a long moment.  Then the hunter moves on, walking briskly down the street in the general direction of the harbor.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor looked the man in the eye, smiling grimly and eagerly
"I remember the advice about pride my father, a noble warrior himself, gave me when he sent me out into the world to seek my fortune.

He said 'Son, it doesn't matter how big you are,
How strong you are,
Or how good you are.
Because there's always going tobe someone out there who's Bigger, Stronger, and Better.
And the louder you talk, the faster they're going to find you.' "

Bruenor grinned menacingly
"And now.....I've found you.  So, what's it going to be?  A nice couple of pints between men, or a short and nasty fight, that might not end how you like?"

OOC:  15:20, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 13 using 1d20+9.  Intimidate

Haazheel Thorn:
With his fingers still pointed at the foolish half-elf, Haazheel addresses the other man. Shall we step aside? You seem a convivial sort who enjoys a good chat aided by the wherewithal to wet one's throat. By the way, how is it that Kaldron has lived so long?

Kaldron narrows his eyes at the pair, looking for a moment like he might decide to choose the stupider of the options available to him, and then throws his head back and laughs.

"Aren't you two just a laugh?  Hah!  I'll take you up on your offer then, big man," Kaldron says. "I know a place that's not far, and it's even somewhat respectable."

The "respectful" establishment proves to be the Wanderfoot Tavern, a few steps down from the Jade Rose in terms of polish and poise, but containing a boistrous crowd with their foaming tankards of beer.  A single large room with bench seats, sturdy tables, and a length bar, the Wanderfoot is sturdily made from logs and decorated by souvenirs from all over Low'verok and its seas.  Travel tags, Guild markers, trophy teeth, horns, or claws, bit of inexpensive jewelry, small weavings, hats, even the odd worn boot are nailed to the walls or suspended from the overhead rafters.

Kaldron flings himself down into the nearest empty bench and gestures for his guests to sit as well.  His companion sits at his back, and signals a nearby server for ale, who brings several mugs forthwith.

"All right you two, now that we've had a bit of a laugh, what brings you around these parts?" Kaldron says, and takes a deep draught of his ale.


The Morning Market

Farian Raymellie:
Farian tries to commit the image of the elder and his pet to memory. She suspects that she had a rather fortunate encounter with some sort of guardian of the island. Perhaps even a small god. Perhaps if she gets a chance, Acolyte Grult might recognize who he is. Once she feels that she has it, she concentrates for a moment on the Status of the two elves and heads towards them. She tucks the token deep into her left (thigh high) boot, pretending to be scratching an itch.

Farian memorizes the man and bird and moves to the richer shopping district of Rooton, where her sense of Lantamori and Averdante have her outside a shop called Silverbark Adornments.  Across the street she can see Dellas lingering at a street entertainer, seemingly not observing anything at all, though Vish is avidly looking right at the shop whilst he devours breadcrumbs that Dellas has dropped for him.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 598 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 16:17
  • msg #171

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Loyal and Trusted Servant waits for his Master to speak.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 585 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 21:09
  • msg #172

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 170):

Bruenor gave his "Loyal and Trusted Servant" an annoyed glance and then smiled at Kaldron as he also sipped his ale.
"When you approached us on the street, I'll admit that I had dismissed you gentlemen as common thugs and riff raff.  However, there seems to be diamonds in this particular rough, so perhaps we can talk business. As Men who value Discretion "
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 599 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 22:13
  • msg #173

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

At the mention of diamonds and business, Haazheel attempts to look avaricious.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 658 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 23:04
  • msg #174

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Not wanting to interfere with their operation, Farian walks on past the shop and rounds a corner about a block away. She moves out of the path of any traffic and leans against a wall. The Status spell will let her know if they need any aid, so she takes this opportunity to remove the token and inspect it closely.
Elf Rogue, 475 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 00:40
  • msg #175

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Now I really like this one," Lantamori said of the bracelet.  "I'll take it."

She fumbled around in her leather bag for a fifty gold chit to hand over
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 694 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 21:43
  • msg #176

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dungeon Master:
The Streets of Rooton

Dellas Nump:
Dellas played his little game outside as he watched the nervous one, it was most curious, this young hunter as Vish figured him. Dellas pulled out a loaf of bread from his pouch, taking a bite of it and ripping off a bit for Vish. His attention would shift to any of the street performances and towards this hunter... But he tried to continue to look inconspicuous...

The hunter paces back and forth between the stores, trying to look casual, trying to look as if he were only debating between being fitted for a new suit of clothes here or needed a woven belt with a carved buckle there.  As Averdante and Lantamori don't seem to be inclined to leave immediately, the hunter finally pauses at the side of Silverbark Adornments, back to the street, for a long moment.  Then the hunter moves on, walking briskly down the street in the general direction of the harbor.

Dellas grew tired of this waiting as well and as the "hunter" decided it was good time to move on, he decided it might be fun to play chase with him as well. So with a hop and skip, he followed along behind this hunter to watch where he may go. Vish sitting comfortably on his shoulder wrapped around his back onto his pack.
Elf Archer, 644 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 14:39
  • msg #177

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"It's quite beautiful," Dante told the jeweler with a smile. "Not colors I wear much, or I'd be buying it from you." The fire opal was lovely, and the jewelry design quite nice, but it wouldn't work well with the shades of blue and gray he'd been building his better attire with. Now a lighter color opal... that would be something to keep an eye out for, because he did like the shifting colors and depth in the stone.

As Lantamori arranged her purchase, he cocked his head at Prreet's report that their follower had apparently given up... and then that Dellas was now following as the man left.

When Lantamori finished her transaction, he told her, "I'm going to catch up with Dellas after this, and see if he's discovered where to find that friend of mine. Did you want to join us? I'm not sure where we're going to end up yet."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:40, Wed 16 Sept 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1069 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 10:17
  • msg #178

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot

Bruenor Sedricson:
In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 170):

Bruenor gave his "Loyal and Trusted Servant" an annoyed glance and then smiled at Kaldron as he also sipped his ale.
"When you approached us on the street, I'll admit that I had dismissed you gentlemen as common thugs and riff raff.  However, there seems to be diamonds in this particular rough, so perhaps we can talk business. As Men who value Discretion "

"Ha!  Aye, diamonds we be, we fine gentlemen.  And we're in the business of knowing others' business and what they might have. Some folks can spare more than others, and I thought you were of that sort.  But seeing that you're men of some... courage," Kaldron had likely been intending to use an earthier expression but chose to sound more refined, "it seems that you'd be more the sorts who'd want to be in the know instead of being sheep to be fleeced. Think you'd be up for a little side work to put you in the way of more men of quality, and fair wages to boot?  He's looking for respectable types who don't mind dallying on the edge of the law."


The Streets of Rooton

Dellas Nump:
Dungeon Master:
The Streets of Rooton

Dellas Nump:
Dellas played his little game outside as he watched the nervous one, it was most curious, this young hunter as Vish figured him. Dellas pulled out a loaf of bread from his pouch, taking a bite of it and ripping off a bit for Vish. His attention would shift to any of the street performances and towards this hunter... But he tried to continue to look inconspicuous...

The hunter paces back and forth between the stores, trying to look casual, trying to look as if he were only debating between being fitted for a new suit of clothes here or needed a woven belt with a carved buckle there.  As Averdante and Lantamori don't seem to be inclined to leave immediately, the hunter finally pauses at the side of Silverbark Adornments, back to the street, for a long moment.  Then the hunter moves on, walking briskly down the street in the general direction of the harbor.

Dellas grew tired of this waiting as well and as the "hunter" decided it was good time to move on, he decided it might be fun to play chase with him as well. So with a hop and skip, he followed along behind this hunter to watch where he may go. Vish sitting comfortably on his shoulder wrapped around his back onto his pack.

Dellas trails the hunter for a while until he circles back to the tavern district, stopping at the Wanderfoot.  The hunter ducks in a side door, that, from the sound and smell of it, leads to the kitchen.  Kelvren gives a small squawk and points out the small stone cat near Dellas' feet.  Prreet looks up, and then grooms a paw.  Looking at Vish, the two can get closer to the kitchen.  Strolling by the open door (open to get a hint of a breeze), Dellas can spy the hunter speaking to a large woman with a floury apron, tightly-tied kerchief, and angry expression.  She growls at him, then grabs him by the ear and thrusts him towards the common room, shoving a pitcher in his hand and gesturing for him to serve ale to the room full of customers.


Silverbark Adornments

"Now I really like this one," Lantamori said of the bracelet.  "I'll take it."

She fumbled around in her leather bag for a fifty gold chit to hand over

Sarla takes the chit with a smile, and will give Lantamori a small wooden case, lined with soft fabric, for her bracelet.  "Lovely, and I'm glad you found something to enjoy.  Is there aught else you need today?  A gift for someone?  A token for loved one?"

"It's quite beautiful," Dante told the jeweler with a smile. "Not colors I wear much, or I'd be buying it from you." The fire opal was lovely, and the jewelry design quite nice, but it wouldn't work well with the shades of blue and gray he'd been building his better attire with. Now a lighter color opal... that would be something to keep an eye out for, because he did like the shifting colors and depth in the stone.

As Lantamori arranged her purchase, he cocked his head at Prreet's report that their follower had apparently given up... and then that Dellas was now following as the man left.

When Lantamori finished her transaction, he told her, "I'm going to catch up with Dellas after this, and see if he's discovered where to find that friend of mine. Did you want to join us? I'm not sure where we're going to end up yet."

Sarla says, "Well, I have a few things in blue and gray, but most are various woods rather than stones.  I have quartz beads with a bluewood pendant, and a bluewood bracelet with some white shell, but that is about all of what I have in those colors specifically.  Bluewood is tremendously slow to grow, so I harvest it rarely."

After their business is concluded, Averdante can get a sense from Prreet of a kitchen, some cheerful yelling, and the sign of the Wanderfoot Tavern.


The Morning Market

Farian Raymellie:
Not wanting to interfere with their operation, Farian walks on past the shop and rounds a corner about a block away. She moves out of the path of any traffic and leans against a wall. The Status spell will let her know if they need any aid, so she takes this opportunity to remove the token and inspect it closely.

The token doesn't seem to radiate a sense of power or anything of that sort, though the bone could only come from a fairly large fish. The symbols of a ship and a fearful face could be a warning, but more likely are meant to identify the bearer in some fashion to another person. Perhaps the blind man was trying to protect you?  It's a curious thought.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 659 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 13:29
  • msg #179

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian tucks the token away in her pouch for now and waits to join Averdante and Lantamori when they're done shopping.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 600 posts
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 16:23
  • msg #180

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Showing some trepidation at his daring, the loyal and trusted servant speaks up. Master, it might be well to learn which laws Gentle Kaldron is referring to.
Elf Rogue, 476 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 16:27
  • msg #181

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Thank you very much," Lantamori said to Sarla as she admired her bracelet once more.  "This was just what I was looking for.

"I think I'll be heading back to the ship and then the inn,"
the elf said, turning to Averdante.  "I'd like to let the Captain know I have a shipment of wine arriving that is cargo, not crew rations."
Elf Archer, 646 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 15:24
  • msg #182

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"That sounds interesting," Dante told the jeweler when she mentioned the blue wood. "I think I'll come back tomorrow, dressed appropriately, to see what looks best. I'm in a mood for a bit of celebrating with my friends at the moment, now that I'm back on solid ground."

And when Lantamori voiced her intention to retire to their inn, he simply gave her a nod. Outside the shop, however, he told her, "My shadow's gone to the kitchen at the Wanderfoot, which is also marked as a place to contact thieves. With luck, I might find who sent him after me, and why." He gave her a parting nod and as he started away added cheerfully, "Start there tomorrow if Dellas and I disappear tonight!"

Advising Preet that he was on his way, Dante moved out briskly to join his companions at the seedier tavern. The wine seller's wine had been good, and the jewelry lovely, but he wanted to know why he'd been followed. He'd never been good at resisting curiosity.

He did keep an eye out, as he walked, for any other watchers -- or any other trouble, for that matter. For such a small town, it seemed quite a lively place.

08:26, Today: Averdante rolled 16 using 1d20+14 ((2)).
Heh. A bit impatient, it seems!
This message was last edited by the player at 15:28, Mon 21 Sept 2020.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 695 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 00:23
  • msg #183

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas kneels down to the pair, pulling a bit of bread from one of his packs and rips it for the three of them. "Go give a bit of a listen and stay out of sight?" he asks of them. It was interesting to see the cook being upset with him. He'd need to tell the others when he could.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:16, Mon 28 Sept 2020.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 587 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 02:24
  • msg #184

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 180):

Bruenor nodded to his Servant
"Yes, perhaps it was be better to hear more about the specific laws you mean.  I'm not saying I've ever broken a law, but let's just say that the laws for dueling a man who offended you, as a random example, seem to vary from land to land"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 660 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 17:42
  • msg #185

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Sensing that Averdante and Lantamori are on the move, Farian does too. They split up before she can catch up, though, and who knows why?  But Lantamori seems headed back toward the docks, not far from the shrine on Inn Street and its attendant, Grult. She hustles to catch up to the elf. "That's a lovely bracelet! The light playing on the, what is that, seashell? It's almost magical!"

Spot new bracelet:12:37, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 20 using 1d20+3 ((17)).
Elf Rogue, 477 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 00:38
  • msg #186

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"It's abalone shell," the elf replied to Farian with a delighted smile.  "The wood is native to the island as well.  Averdante and I found a wonderful local jeweler that works exclusively in local materials.  She has beautiful jewelry.

"Are you headed back to the ship as well?"

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 661 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 00:53
  • msg #187

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"No, but I wanted to show you and Averdante something" She retreives an item from her pouch ans shows it to Lantamori. It's a small token of fishbone, carved to resemble a moaning face of someone in fear or agony.  On the reverse side is a ship, small and with one sail, something used for local travel. "My visit with Buno leads me to believe that he treads in the Darkness. Then an old man bumped into me and gave me this, along with a whispered warning about Buno. I think that it is a token of identity, perhaps of some secret organization. I'm afraid that I'm out of my depth with this skulduggery."
Elf Rogue, 478 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #188

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Did this Buno know anything about what we're looking for?" she asked as she examined the coin.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 662 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 01:00
  • msg #189

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Well, maybe," Farian says hesitantly. "I described the missing platinum ring, implying that I was willing to buy it back. Not sure how that went over. He thinks that he knows someone who knows where we can find it. I'm to meet Buno and this other person again an hour after nightfall, and I think that we all ought to be together for that meeting. I don't think that this token is magical, but perhaps a sign of some affiliation to the... shadier occupations?"
Elf Rogue, 479 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 18:50
  • msg #190

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"It probably is some local group of some kind," Lantamori agreed as she handed the coin back to Farian.  "What they're into is anyone's guess.

"Now meeting after nightfall, however, is always going to turn out poorly for someone.  I'll see you at dinner back at the inn since you're not going my way.  Good luck until then."

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 663 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sat 26 Sep 2020
at 23:57
  • msg #191

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Thank you, and the same to you!" She pockets the token and turns towards Grult's shrine.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:36, Mon 28 Sept 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1071 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 03:39
  • msg #192

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot

Dellas Nump:
Dellas kneels down to the pair, pulling a bit of bread from one of his packs and rips it for the three of them. "Go give a bit of a listen and stay out of sight?" he asks of them. It was interesting to see the cook being upset with him. He'd need to tell the others when he could.

After some nibbles, Kelvren takes a moment to fly up to the rafters and hide himself in the shadows, while Vish and Prreet slip in when folks are distracted for a moment.  Dellas cannot hear Vish's thoughts directly, nor does he have a direct connection with the stone cat or tiny gargoyle, so he gets himself out of the way while his three spies work, watching for anything else odd.  There's a great deal of noise from the kitchen from the usual hustle and bustle of cooks and servers trying to get food and drink out to people, along with gossip at the top of people's lungs, all competing with the already loud buzz from the tavern proper and the musician inside, barely audible over the din.

After perhaps half an hour Prreet and Vish come back.  Dellas gets the impression from Vish of a mother scolding a stupid cub, then going to go finish the hunting herself.  Prreet pantomimes like he is a parent cat as Vish pretends to be a kitten, squeaking pitifully and looking around nervously behind him.  Prreet then pushes Vish down with an imperious paw and stalks off where Vish had been looking, a rolling stalking walk of an experienced hunter.  Then both look up at Dellas again.

"That sounds interesting," Dante told the jeweler when she mentioned the blue wood. "I think I'll come back tomorrow, dressed appropriately, to see what looks best. I'm in a mood for a bit of celebrating with my friends at the moment, now that I'm back on solid ground."

And when Lantamori voiced her intention to retire to their inn, he simply gave her a nod. Outside the shop, however, he told her, "My shadow's gone to the kitchen at the Wanderfoot, which is also marked as a place to contact thieves. With luck, I might find who sent him after me, and why." He gave her a parting nod and as he started away added cheerfully, "Start there tomorrow if Dellas and I disappear tonight!"

Advising Preet that he was on his way, Dante moved out briskly to join his companions at the seedier tavern. The wine seller's wine had been good, and the jewelry lovely, but he wanted to know why he'd been followed. He'd never been good at resisting curiosity.

He did keep an eye out, as he walked, for any other watchers -- or any other trouble, for that matter. For such a small town, it seemed quite a lively place.

08:26, Today: Averdante rolled 16 using 1d20+14 ((2)).
Heh. A bit impatient, it seems!

Averdante gets the impression from Prreet that he is in the alley, giving information to Dellas with Vish.  He seems to find things very funny.  He also gives Averdante an image of a fresh-faced young man who is hauling a heavy pitcher of ale out to the room to pour drinks, then toting it back to the kitchen to be refilled, and back out again, under the angry and watchful eye of a heavily-muscled woman ruling over the kitchen with an iron fist.  He has a slightly swollen eye, as if he's been cuffed upside the head.

Bruenor Sedricson:
In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 180):

Bruenor nodded to his Servant
"Yes, perhaps it was be better to hear more about the specific laws you mean.  I'm not saying I've ever broken a law, but let's just say that the laws for dueling a man who offended you, as a random example, seem to vary from land to land"

A server comes to top off the group's ale as they converse, before being waved away by Kaldron.  "Silly fees and taxes no free man should have to pay.  You go to bring your honest goods where you want them, and some puffed-up fathead wants their cut just for letting you move your things from here to there, and before you know it half your profit has gone into their coffers.  We're just cutting out the middlemen, eh?  Surely that sounds better than giving the Guild or the Harbormaster all your coin.  A strong back and a mum mouth is all you need, and there's profit to be had.  Interested?" Kaldron says, leaning forward.


The Harbor

Lantamori arrives at the docks to find the Sea Lady at her berth, with Mad Morrie doing some cleaning on deck while Hubert invokes some spell to stack coils of rope.  The turtle-captain waves a flipper as he spies the elf, and heaves himself over to the gangplank.  "Salutations!  What passes, Lantamori?  We've gotten our cargo off here for now..."  He listens to Lantamori's incoming purchases and nods solemnly.  "Good and good.  I'll make sure they're locked up nice and tight."  He lowers his voice a bit, "Morrie's been doing well, but I'd rather not wave a case of wine under his nose.  Also, I've been keeping my ears open whilst we've been tending to the Lady, just on the off-chance there was anything to hear.  People drop all sorts of talk when they're babbling about a talking turtle, did you know?  The weather-wise says they're going to be a fog tonight, and the particularly superstitious are either battening down the hatches already, or have decamped to the taverns for protection.  I say the Lady can defend herself, but I'll be ready regardless."  Hubert pats the ship affectionately, and the figurehead looks back at him and smiles.


Shrine of Pelor

After conversing with Lantamori, Farian can find Grult's shrine without difficulty.  The treefolk is delivering a small blessing to a lady and her young child (no more than six moons old), and then goes to tend to the bruised and swollen hand of a dockworker who swung a mallet with more enthusiasm than coordination.  A few more dockworkers and sailors are loitering around for tending, as it seems to be a shift change.  It seems Grult does a fair amount of Pelor's work in healing the wounded, though his talents lie more in the skill of his hands and mind than the invocation of divine blessings.  He looks up briefly to see Farian and smiles quickly, but turns his attention back to his petitioners.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 588 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 05:17
  • msg #193

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 192):

Bruenor leaned forward, with obvious interest
"I can definitely manage both a strong back and a mum mouth if the situation, and the payoff of my investment, are worth it. "
He grinned  and cast a sly look at his " servant"
"The night is young, but i cannot help but feel  that this gentleman and i are going to become fast friends "
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 601 posts
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 05:59
  • msg #194

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The servant, as if quoting a proverb, says Pay some, smuggle some.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 664 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 18:53
  • msg #195

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian nods a greeting to Grult then pitches right in with her healing skill to treat the visitors of the shrine. She makes small talk with as many patrons as she can, playing up her recent arrival and how she should spend her first evening here.

Once there is a suitable break, she shows Grult the token to see what he might know if it.
Elf Rogue, 480 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 12:19
  • msg #196

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"We think we have some leads, but do keep your ears open as well," Lantamori told the turtle with a smile.  "It sounds like something will be happening tonight and the fog might make a nice backdrop for mystery.

"I think I'll take Cloud for a ride if she's not too comfortable in your hold and stable her on dry land for the night at the inn where we're staying.  If anything happens, you can send a runner there to find us."

Dungeon Master
GM, 1072 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 02:33
  • msg #197

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot

Bruenor Sedricson:
In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 192):

Bruenor leaned forward, with obvious interest
"I can definitely manage both a strong back and a mum mouth if the situation, and the payoff of my investment, are worth it. "
He grinned  and cast a sly look at his " servant"
"The night is young, but I cannot help but feel  that this gentleman and I are going to become fast friends "

Haazheel Thorn:
The servant, as if quoting a proverb, says, "Pay some, smuggle some."

"Hah!  You've got the right of it there.  All right, fair is fair.  Payment's in mixed coin, spends easy, to the tune of thirty gold, though for your sword arm they'd go as high as fifty if there's trouble and you've got to bash a couple skulls.  That'd be rarer, but every now and then you get a nosy busybody, a would-be do-gooder, or someone who thinks they're more deserving of what we've got."  Kaldron shrugs.  "'Tis on their heads.  Meet down at the harbor, Leafglade slip, two hours after sundown.  Fog'll probably be up, so don't fall in the drink or get lured by the ghosts."  He snickers into his ale at that statement, and his friend chuckles as well.


Shrine of Pelor

Farian Raymellie:
Farian nods a greeting to Grult then pitches right in with her healing skill to treat the visitors of the shrine. She makes small talk with as many patrons as she can, playing up her recent arrival and how she should spend her first evening here.

Once there is a suitable break, she shows Grult the token to see what he might know if it.

Between the two of them the hour's injured are tended to swiftly, and soon enough Farian has enough time to show Grult the curious token.  He examines it, brow furrowed in confusion before he sees the back of it with the ship.  Then his expression clears.

"It's a passage token.  If you've paid for your passage on a ship, or paid for them to haul something, you'll get something like this to show that you've paid up. Captain collects it at the end of a voyage, and they change 'em fairly often so people can't carve their own and get a free ride.  You see them a lot with those as don't have their own boats and are part of another's fishing crew, or those who are sending cargo from port.  Sometimes you see them when someone is just taking things around the island; with the forests and mountains, it's easier to use a ship to take things from one side to the other.  I'd say it looks like a local ship," he says, tapping the ship side, then flipping it over, "Though I don't recognize the captain's mark."  He taps the moaning face.  "Most of them have a similar theme.  Captain Truetree, a friend of mine, always has an oak leaf somewhere in his design.  This looks a little like Captain Oren's mark, but his was always a frowning face, not... this.  The mark on the ship side, though,"  Grult flips it again and points to the line of the waves, which is not straight or regular, "shows the port of departure.  Grell's dock, just east of the major cargo ships, tucked into it own little overhang."


The Sea Lady

"We think we have some leads, but do keep your ears open as well," Lantamori told the turtle with a smile.  "It sounds like something will be happening tonight and the fog might make a nice backdrop for mystery.

"I think I'll take Cloud for a ride if she's not too comfortable in your hold and stable her on dry land for the night at the inn where we're staying.  If anything happens, you can send a runner there to find us."

"Certainly!" Hubert says.  Upon learning that the inn in question is the Jade Rose Inn, he nods solemnly and goes back to tending to the Sea Lady, whilst Morrie can help bring up Cloud and her tack from below.

The mare is grateful to be on land again, and responds quite eagerly to Lantamori's commands.  It's less common to see riders on the island, particularly in town, and Lantamori garners a few stares as she moves through town.  Cloud keeps turning her head to look at the achingly green hills above Rooton, undoubtedly smelling the fresh greenery that decorate the heights.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 589 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 02:43
  • msg #198

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dungeon Master:
"Hah!  You've got the right of it there.  All right, fair is fair.  Payment's in mixed coin, spends easy, to the tune of thirty gold, though for your sword arm they'd go as high as fifty if there's trouble and you've got to bash a couple skulls.  That'd be rarer, but every now and then you get a nosy busybody, a would-be do-gooder, or someone who thinks they're more deserving of what we've got."  Kaldron shrugs.  "'Tis on their heads.  Meet down at the harbor, Leafglade slip, two hours after sundown.  Fog'll probably be up, so don't fall in the drink or get lured by the ghosts."  He snickers into his ale at that statement, and his friend chuckles as well.

Bruenor leaned back, trying to look like a man who owned the world, just because he wanted it.
He smiled wryly.
"Well, Kaldron, my good man, it appears we have a date.  I look forward to chatting with you more during a more...private...time of the night."
The big man shrugged nonchalantly.
"Don't worry about me.  I'm pretty quick on my feet, and if these local spooks are smart, they'll stay out of MY way."
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 02:45, Sun 04 Oct 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 602 posts
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 04:21
  • msg #199

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The servant speaks again, humbly. "I beg a thousand pardons. The saying is a tip for smugglers. Bring some goods in openly, paying duties. Then it's much harder for the authorities to imagine one also is smuggling, though not necessarily on the same load. I offer this advice free of charge."

He turns to Bruenor. "As always, Master, I follow to serve."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 04:52, Sun 04 Oct 2020.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 665 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 14:21
  • msg #200

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian smiles broadly. "You have been helpful beyond measure! I think that I know now why this came to me. It may prove useful in my company's current task. You are a blessing and a ray of the morning sun, Brother Grult! If ever there is anything that I could do for you, you need but to ask. I am at your service." She bows deeply and takes her leave, heading for the rendevous.
Elf Archer, 647 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 21:05
  • msg #201

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante continued his walk through the town to rejoin Prreet and Dellas in the shadows behind the inn. Evidently, his follower worked at the inn... and whatever he'd been supposed to do, his failure had displeased someone.

Hopefully Dellas would have more information.
Elf Rogue, 481 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 01:25
  • msg #202

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

With some extra time on her hands, Lantamori acquiesces to the mare's request and heads for the green hills above Rootan.  The exercise would do her good after the long sea voyage below decks.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1073 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 03:46
  • msg #203

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor leaned back, trying to look like a man who owned the world, just because he wanted it.
He smiled wryly.
"Well, Kaldron, my good man, it appears we have a date.  I look forward to chatting with you more during a more...private...time of the night."
The big man shrugged nonchalantly.
"Don't worry about me.  I'm pretty quick on my feet, and if these local spooks are smart, they'll stay out of MY way."

"Aye, good, good, that's a right good thing to hear. Can't stand a coward," Kaldron says.

Haazheel Thorn:
The servant speaks again, humbly. "I beg a thousand pardons. The saying is a tip for smugglers. Bring some goods in openly, paying duties. Then it's much harder for the authorities to imagine one also is smuggling, though not necessarily on the same load. I offer this advice free of charge."

He turns to Bruenor. "As always, Master, I follow to serve."

"Hah!  Not a bad one either.  But it don't matter for the likes of us.  Certain things never see the Harbormaster's eye, eh?  Just gotta watch out for unwholesome characters."  Kaldron laughs again, finishes his ale, and stands up.  "I'll see you later."

He and his friend swagger their way to the back of the room and up a flight to stairs to where the rooms for rent presumably are.  Soon after he leaves, a nervous-looking young man in an apron comes over to their table, nearly dropping his pitcher, to see if they need a refill on their drinks.  The crowd here has increased during their conversation with Kaldron, some folks looking like they're going to settle in for the night.  Cards and dice are on several tables, one corner booth has arm-wrestling going on with betting, and a minstrel has strummed up a lively drinking song that some are singing along with.

Dante continued his walk through the town to rejoin Prreet and Dellas in the shadows behind the inn. Evidently, his follower worked at the inn... and whatever he'd been supposed to do, his failure had displeased someone.

Hopefully Dellas would have more information.

Averdante makes it to the Wanderfoot and finds Dellas idling near the alley behind the Wanderfoot, mostly concealed from view.

Dellas can give you the short version, "This one young man was following Lantamori and you, and I followed him here after he wasn't willing to wait for you at the jewelery shop.  He got a good yelling-at by the cook and has been toting ale out to the common room ever since."


The Streets of Rooton

Farian Raymellie:
Farian smiles broadly. "You have been helpful beyond measure! I think that I know now why this came to me. It may prove useful in my company's current task. You are a blessing and a ray of the morning sun, Brother Grult! If ever there is anything that I could do for you, you need but to ask. I am at your service." She bows deeply and takes her leave, heading for the rendezvous.

"Anytime, Sun's Ray.  You have made this day's work light," Grult says with a smile.

Farian can make her way back through the streets to the Jade Rose Inn, the sun beginning to wester.  Hopefully Narthian should be back soon, though trying to find a druid in the woods if they don't want to be found could be rather difficult.  The streets are noticeably emptier as the day has gotten older, though they are not deserted yet.  The population of the Jade Rose common room has increased as some folks are seeking an early dinner, and a treefolk harp player is sitting in one corner to provide serene background music.  Volsh, looking somewhat bemused, is sitting at one of the tables against the far wall.

The people here are very well-dressed, though their conversation is oddly subdued, taking place mostly in whispers as they eat and drink.


The Hills

With some extra time on her hands, Lantamori acquiesces to the mare's request and heads for the green hills above Rootan.  The exercise would do her good after the long sea voyage below decks.

Cloud seems to frisk along happily as Lantamori rides her, the scenery of the forest enchanting as the green closes in around them.  This path seems to be one frequently used, and Lantamori passes folks coming down or up with burdens strapped to their backs, or occasionally the backs of goats or once, a deer.  Cloud gets a few stares, as there are few horses on the island, but mostly folks just wave or nod at them in a friendly manner.  The path switchbacks up the steep cliff, making the ride much easier, at one point the path coming close enough to a treeless area to give a spectacular view of the ocean and harbor.

And the huge bank of fog creeping closer on the sunset breezes, looking to engulf the entirety of the island in its murky embrace.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 590 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 08:06
  • msg #204

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 203):

Bruenor smiled at the ruffian, nodding in agreement
"Aye, i couldn't agree more.    When i was a small lad, i had heard the old expression 'fortune favors the Bold'.  As a child, i took it literally, thinking that boldness have one wealth.   As I got older, i learned that Fortune refered to Good Luck.  Now that I'm older, AND wiser, i know that it means both.  Until  we see each other again, my friend. "
Bruenor waved off a refill, though he gave the boy a copper for his trouble.  When he and Haazheel had some privacy again, he spoke quietly to him.
"I think that Dellas' pet monster is in the room, up in the rafters.   Not sure if its here to watch us or something else "
Though the big man had gotten a bit more comfortable with his friends' "magical shenanigans"  the little stone still made his skin crawl, just a bit
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 603 posts
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 08:41
  • msg #205

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haaheel passed on a refill. He suggested, "Think we'd better find the others and compare notes and then figure out what to do. That server, like to get him alone and talking easy like; he's nervous about something."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 09:20, Wed 14 Oct 2020.
Elf Rogue, 482 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 14:50
  • msg #206

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The island certainly was a beautiful sight, but the fog reminded her of their evening activities.  She and Cloud turned back toward the town and the inn to join up with the others.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 591 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 14:59
  • msg #207

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 205):

Bruenor nodded in agreement
"I was presuming that the boy knew Kaldron by reputation.   You think it's something more specific?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 696 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 16:50
  • msg #208

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggles as he explains the situation to Averdante "The little cub as our friends like to think got scolded well for a job done poorly. But perhaps this will give us a link on where we need to watch. I got my eyes and ears inside watching."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 699 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 19:52
  • msg #209

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian drifted downwind, gradually approaching Rooton. His first transformation into an avian was spectacular, and gave him a better understanding of the island. It was a long flight, though, and he was looking forward to being firmly back on the ground. He concentrates on Thunder to get a feel on where the wolf is and spirals around the port city until he sees his companion. He dives down, flaring to bring himself gently within a couple feet of the ground, and returns to his elven form. Thunder, sensing his companion's presence, nudges Volsh and gives a low bark. "Hello Thunder and Volsh! I hope that no one got into trouble yet. But I am hungry. Let's get something to eat!"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 604 posts
Wed 14 Oct 2020
at 05:31
  • msg #210

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Probably so, but I think he hears things...and he may have aspirations. Would need flattery, though. Have to be careful. Unless Kaldron  or an associate is dumb, we'll be watched.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:33, Wed 14 Oct 2020.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 592 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Wed 14 Oct 2020
at 22:32
  • msg #211

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 210):

Bruenor nodded and pondered
"Do you want to sneak off to speak with him, while i draw attention here?  Perhaps with a round for the house, or something?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 605 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 03:40
  • msg #212

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel, looking meek, replies, "No, I think if and when opportunity offers. We're strangers here; don't know that we want to draw attention. Anyway, attention may come to us while you finish your ale."
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:52, Thu 15 Oct 2020.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 593 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 03:45
  • msg #213

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 212):

Bruenor shrugged and lifted his ale in a salute.
"So here's to good attention."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 606 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 21:30
  • msg #214

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haaqzheel bows his head respectfully. I shall watch you, m'lord, most attentively and with good wishes.
Elf Archer, 648 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 23:09
  • msg #215

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Crouched down stroking Prreet, Dante nodded at Dellas information. "Well, then, perhaps I can give you something to watch," he offered with a smile. "He seemed quite eager to meet me, but evidently on someone else's behalf. Let's give them what they wanted."

Standing up, Dante slipped over to the inn's back door.

Looking for a time when the cook, and preferably anyone else in the kitchen, wasn't positioned to see the doorway, he stepped quietly forward and to the side. That gave him a wall at his back, or at least enough of one to allow Dellas to still have a view of events. And he waited to be noticed.

When the cook saw him, he gave a single nod and inquired, "You wanted to see me?"

16:08, Today: Averdante rolled 25 using 1d20+13.  move silently or hide, whichever best applies.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 666 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 00:52
  • msg #216

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian joins Volsh and Narthian. "Welcome back, Narthian," she says. She concentrates for a moment. "Lantamori is on her way. Judging by the speed of her approach, I think she may have given Cloud some exercise. Averdante is not so far away. Dellas was near him the last I saw. I do not know where Haazheel or Bruenor are. I hope that they all arrive soon so we can share what we've learned. I have an appointment at nightfall."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 697 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Sat 17 Oct 2020
at 21:19
  • msg #217

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggled a bit when Averdante snuck their way into the kitchen, he kept a watchful eye from outside. His mind ran through the options of spells he had available, unfortunately some were not available but he would lead Averdante that way should they need to flee and could cast grease behind them.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1075 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 09:48
  • msg #218

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot

Bruenor and Haazheel hatch their little plot to let their quarry come to them.  He's not hard to spot, having a fresh shiner on one eye, and as he goes to refill ale at several tables, he seems to take longer at the ones around them, as if hoping to eavesdrop on something.  Finally he goes to their table to ask if they want more ale.

"Freshen your cup? Copper for it if you like," he says, shifting a bit from foot to foot.  "I like your sword!" he blurts out, nodding at the elaborate hilt of Bruenor's blade.

Crouched down stroking Prreet, Dante nodded at Dellas information. "Well, then, perhaps I can give you something to watch," he offered with a smile. "He seemed quite eager to meet me, but evidently on someone else's behalf. Let's give them what they wanted."

Standing up, Dante slipped over to the inn's back door.

Looking for a time when the cook, and preferably anyone else in the kitchen, wasn't positioned to see the doorway, he stepped quietly forward and to the side. That gave him a wall at his back, or at least enough of one to allow Dellas to still have a view of events. And he waited to be noticed.

When the cook saw him, he gave a single nod and inquired, "You wanted to see me?"

16:08, Today: Averdante rolled 25 using 1d20+13.  move silently or hide, whichever best applies.

Well-armed with enough information to make things entertaining, the cook starts when Averdante pops up seemingly out of the blue.  She glares at him once the shock wears off, and bellows over her shoulder for someone else to take over removing the bread from the oven.

She walks rapidly back towards the pantry, where a little accident of brickwork has made enough of an alcove that they aren't likely to get run over during the dinner rush.  "Oh ho, look who thinks he's a clever elf!  You think you can just waltz in here, in this town and just swagger around doing what you please?  I don't aim to give up what's mine for some newcomer who's barely got his boots wet."  She crosses her massive arms over her chest and glares at Averdante like he had just insulted her dog.


The Jade Rose Inn

Lantamori, Narthian, Volsh, Thunder, and Farian can meet up at the inn with little trouble (Lantamori either dropping Cloud off at the stables near the harbor, or back at the Sea Lady, whichever she preferred).  The kitchen is offering salmon baked on aromatic wood, seasoned with herbs and tart fruits, or a large squash and mushroom roasted like meat, accompanied by an herbed gravy and leafy greens dressed in flavored vinegar.  With a fine selection of berry tartlets for afters, along with fine wines, of course.  The harpist continues his music to give a serene background to the meal.

Two tables are populated by a group of treefolk who seem to be related, a few others by various couples having quiet conversation, and a few more by small groups of half-elven or treefolk contemporaries, seemingly friends or business partners.  The servers seem to be lighting a goodly number of lamps, as well as candles on every table, as if to dispel the slowly-gathering gloom.
Elf Archer, 650 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 15:07
  • msg #219

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante tilts his head and gives her a quizzical look. "Indeed... I'm curious to know the source of your information, madam," he tells her mildly, "because you were lied to." Straightening, he regarded her thoughtfully, using those few seconds to speak to Prreet.

"I'm only passing through with no intent to stay long," Dante told the woman quietly, so she'd have to put her attention into listening to hear him. "So I wonder if it was one of your enemies or mine trying to put us at odds." He cast an apparently idle glance about the kitchen, looking for other listeners -- or threats -- himself, and shrugged as his gaze settled consideringly back on her. "Most of my enemies are no longer among the living, but perhaps I've made a new one recently?"

He wasn't sure if he said that as a warning or a threat, but she could interpret it as she chose. The shadows hunting him were more unnatural than undead, but that distinction would likely be lost on most folk.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 668 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 16:29
  • msg #220

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian orders a meal and encourages Narthian to give his report without waiting for the others. She wants to know as much about the island as possible before her rendezvous.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 607 posts
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 20:03
  • msg #221

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazhel smiles friendly-like. Half, if you please. Here's a copper, and another for your thoughtfulness.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 594 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 08:27
  • msg #222

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor flipped the man a copper
"Sounds good.   Fill er up "
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 701 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 10:15
  • msg #223

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian orders a meal and something for Thunder as well. He describes the lay of the land (link to a message in this game) while they wait for the food.
Elf Rogue, 484 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 02:15
  • msg #224

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori has the squash and mushrooms.  She hoped Cloud enjoys her dinner as much in the stables as well.

"Do we have anymore information on our activities tonight?" she asked, taking a sip of wine.  She'd have to ensure her own purchases made it aboard the Sea Lady intact, though in fact, she wasn't really too worried about it.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 524 posts
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 12:25
  • msg #225

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

A beast of a man, both literal and figuratively, wanders down the main road looking about as if searching for something. His features are hidden by his cloak with the exception of his eyes that flash yellow when he turns his head. His movements are predatory, making adults avoid him and children actively run away. He stops at a produce merchants stall, saying something in a deep growl. The merchant points a shaking hand down the road, and gestures a turn or two. He man thanks him with a bow and leaves, to which the merchant gives a revealed glance to his fading form.

Finally arriving, he enters the Inn, his dark form blotting out the majority of light coming in through the open door frame. His head raises, flashing his yellow eyes as they search the crowd. Landing on his friends, he moves directly up to the congregated adventurers. "Hello friends," his voice practically growls as he pulls his hood back. Obvious to his companions, wolfen features are revealed - blocky cheeks, wide nose, and his fingers are abnormally thin and long. Sitting down, the smells of nature mixed with a hint of blood, emanate from is cloths just barely masking his unwashed form.

He orders meat, just meat, and a flagon of mead.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 608 posts
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 02:16
  • msg #226

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh earns a smile from Haazheel. Welcome! Please don't scare the children; be stoic. He turns to Bruenor. My Lord, I...your good and trusted servant...I hope you are are as pleased as I to have Volsh at our table.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 525 posts
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 15:37
  • msg #227

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The barbarian shrugs and mutters, "Maybe they should be," There's a hint of sadness in his deep voice. Covering it up quickly, he shoves a large leg of some fowl or another. He doesn't stop until it is completely picked clean before grabbing a pile of beef.

"So what's the plan? We're probably here for a reason."

I'm chalking his possible forgetfulness up to his lycanthropy.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 595 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 23:14
  • msg #228

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor chuckled at Haazheel
"Now, now, my trusted servant, Scaring Children is why we keep Volsh around "
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 609 posts
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 02:09
  • msg #229

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel ponderfs most seriously. Well, Master, if Volsh keeps eating and eating and drinking and drinking, he will be a round.....
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 526 posts
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 13:51
  • msg #230

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh chuckles darkly at Haazheel's joke as he takes a big drink of his mead. Wiping some of the foam of his mouth with a shirt sleeve, he goes in for another handful of his plate.

Though he's playing up the sloven barbarian, his eyes constantly sweep the crowd looking for potential. . . threats.

09:50, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 14 using 1d20+11.  Spot.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 702 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 17:19
  • msg #231

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian arches an eyebrow at the interaction between Bruenor and Haazheel. But he's clever enough to realize that they have some purpose to this manner of addressing each other. "I have no plan, as it seems that the rest of you have been quite active. I can only add that I have observed places typically associated with those wishing secrecy."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 669 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 17:26
  • msg #232

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I have a potential lead," Farian says. "A possible contact to the local black market. I have a meeting set up for tonight. I expect it to be dangerous."
Elf Rogue, 485 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 02:04
  • msg #233

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"How do you want to approach this?" the elf asked the now female human.  "What do you need from us?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1076 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 08:14
  • msg #234

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot

Dante tilts his head and gives her a quizzical look. "Indeed... I'm curious to know the source of your information, madam," he tells her mildly, "because you were lied to." Straightening, he regarded her thoughtfully, using those few seconds to speak to Prreet.

"I'm only passing through with no intent to stay long," Dante told the woman quietly, so she'd have to put her attention into listening to hear him. "So I wonder if it was one of your enemies or mine trying to put us at odds." He cast an apparently idle glance about the kitchen, looking for other listeners -- or threats -- himself, and shrugged as his gaze settled consideringly back on her. "Most of my enemies are no longer among the living, but perhaps I've made a new one recently?"

He wasn't sure if he said that as a warning or a threat, but she could interpret it as she chose. The shadows hunting him were more unnatural than undead, but that distinction would likely be lost on most folk.

The woman loses a little of her ire at Averdante's cool response.  "Hmph. You've got starch, that's for certain. Who sent you, then?  Group of adventuring-types stroll into Rooton like they haven't a care in the world.  Suspicious, that's what it is, very suspicious."

Dellas, the rest of the kitchen seems to be on pins and needles now that the cook is out of sight, and they go about their cooking with nervous precision, clearly not wanting the cook to come back into find them slacking.

In the common room, Volsh makes quite the entrance, getting a few glances from the crowd of boisterous fellows at the tables.  However, after looking him over, no one decides to try to challenge him to an arm-wrestling competition.  Probably wise on their parts.

The nervous young server with the blackening eye quickly fills Bruenor and Haazheel's cups, and quickly returns with meat for Volsh (not beef, not on the island, but there is venison, rabbit, and various kinds of seafood) as well as drink for him.

"Well, sirs," the server says in response to Haazheel's crack about Volsh being there to frighten children, "If that's his job, he's good at it.  Enough to scare ghosts and shame demons, that's for certain. You staying here through the fog?  They'll ramp up the party to keep out the whispers before too long."


The Jade Rose Inn

After Volsh departs for a venue more suited to his taste and sensibility, Narthian, Farian, Sir Aberlayne, and Lantamori are left to discuss the upcoming "job" this evening.

Sir Aberlayne nods slowly at Farian.  "For one, could you show up with more people and not spook the person you're meeting?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 611 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 19:39
  • msg #235

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Easy, master server, you're among those disposed to be friends with you. When are you off shift?
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 596 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 23:20
  • msg #236

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor sipped his drink, letting his silver tongued "servant" do the talking
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 670 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 21:18
  • msg #237

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian nods at Sir Aberlayne as she addresses the paladin's and Lantamori's points. "Yes. I'm thinking that we need to be numerous enough to viewed as, well, not 'pigeons', so to speak. But also not overtly threatening either. Buno will bring friends, some openly and doubtlessly some hidden. We may want to consider the same. I have prepared the blessing of Sanctuary, which I can use to make it more difficult for them to resort to violence, if that is on Buno's mind." She locks her blue-gray eyes on Lantamori's green eyes for a moment, then also Narthian's deep green eyes. "We're looking for information, or possibly to recover one of the stolen items. But we should be prepared to follow Buno or whoever he brings with him in the hope of discovering their base. That is, if they appear to be connected to the smugglers."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 528 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 22:14
  • msg #238

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Venison is just wild beef. 3:)

The wolf touched man takes a seat where he can watch Bruenor and Haazheel's backs, but still be close enough to hear what's going on. He smiles a sharp toothed grin at the servant before looking at the boy's eye with a frown.

"Keep the meat and drink coming boy," he says in his deep voice. Reaching out, he grabs his collar and slips him a gold for the special attention. "You can do that can't you?" A knot of anger boils in the pit of his stomach as his eyes light on the black eye again. He holds the boy maybe a few moments longer than should be comfortable. Then in a quiet growl that is felt more than heard, "Who hit you boy? I can make things difficult for them or you can keep getting beat. You're choice."

05:59, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 4 using 1d20-1.  intimidation diplomacy . Changed the intent so change of modifier.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:33, Thu 29 Oct 2020.
Elf Rogue, 486 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 03:18
  • msg #239

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori exchanged glances with Narthian and replied, "We can do that.  Stay out of sight and follow him back to wherever.

"I'm sure Narthian will be able to get closer than I will, but I'll be there to back him up."

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 704 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 13:03
  • msg #240

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Yes, there are a number of animal forms that I could take to remain inconspicuous. Although it would be simpler if one of the wizards were here and could make us invisible. If it will be just us making the meeting, then I think that it will be fitting that Farian and Sir Aberlayne are in the open. It is how a thief would expect people of their respective orders to behave."

Does this island have any animals of the ape / monkey variety? Specifically small or medium sized ones?
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 612 posts
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 19:47
  • msg #241

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel hastens to explain. My friend is a little rough around the edges, but he has compassion, in his way. A very good friend to have. Volsh, You're scaring the lad; indeed, you make my skin tingle.
Elf Archer, 652 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 18:29
  • msg #242

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante chuckled at the cook's accusations. "But we don't have a care in the world," he told her with a grin, mostly honestly; shadows aside, of couse. He was unsurprised that she hadn't shared her informant's name, but maybe they could get a lead on that at the docks. "Is there really enough going on in this sleepy little bit of nowhere that someone would hire from the guild and send them here?" he asks a bit incredulously. "It's pretty enough, but a bit quaint for a serious business."

He let his smile drop then, and reminded her, "You didn't send your little boy out after a group of adventurers, though. You sent him after me. Why?"

She seemed like the type who'd take the little barbs peppering his words personally. Since she was being cagey, he wanted to provoke her into doing or saying something useful. And if he'd been specifically targeted, he wanted to know had identified him to her. If this was all about the smuggling ring, he'd not been the only one to testify at the trial....
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 701 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 20:17
  • msg #243

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas grew more curious each moment as the Dante and the cook had slipped out of sight, he knew his friends were there watching as well but now he couldn't see and giggle at the sight of the cooks face... His eyes roamed the street for anyone that may be watching him before he moved a little closer to the open door to see if he could get a better view.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1079 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 09:39
  • msg #244

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot

Haazheel Thorn:
"Easy, master server, you're among those disposed to be friends with you. When are you off shift?"

He winces and looks back at the kitchen briefly before answering.  "Ah, likely not until after supper... But why would the likes of you be wanting to be friends with the likes of me?"  He seems genuinely bewildered at that, as his dress is fairly plain and he only has a small eating knife at his belt, while Haazheel, Bruenor, and Volsh are much better clothed and/or armed.

Volsh son of Vor:
Venison is just wild beef. 3:)

The wolf touched man takes a seat where he can watch Bruenor and Haazheel's backs, but still be close enough to hear what's going on. He smiles a sharp toothed grin at the servant before looking at the boy's eye with a frown.

"Keep the meat and drink coming boy," he says in his deep voice. Reaching out, he grabs his collar and slips him a gold for the special attention. "You can do that can't you?" A knot of anger boils in the pit of his stomach as his eyes light on the black eye again. He holds the boy maybe a few moments longer than should be comfortable. Then in a quiet growl that is felt more than heard, "Who hit you boy? I can make things difficult for them or you can keep getting beat. You're choice."

05:59, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 4 using 1d20-1.  intimidation diplomacy . Changed the intent so change of modifier.

The young man nods, and gulps in fear that turns into surprise as Volsh grabs his collar and then gives him gold.  When Volsh asks who hit him, his eyes slide back to the kitchen before going to the floor.  "Don't do what you told, get a lick to mind your manners. 's how it is, right?"  He dashes off to go get more meat and drink, coming back with a platter and pitcher after making a quick round of the rest of his tables.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel hastens to explain. "My friend is a little rough around the edges, but he has compassion, in his way. A very good friend to have. Volsh, You're scaring the lad; indeed, you make my skin tingle."

The young man shakes his head as he tops off mugs.  "I'm not much of anything, really."  His hand goes to his pocket, probably where he has Volsh's gold coin stashed.  Then he whispers in a rush, "Whatdoyouwanttoknow?"


The kitchen and alley of the Wanderfoot

Dante chuckled at the cook's accusations. "But we don't have a care in the world," he told her with a grin, mostly honestly; shadows aside, of course. He was unsurprised that she hadn't shared her informant's name, but maybe they could get a lead on that at the docks. "Is there really enough going on in this sleepy little bit of nowhere that someone would hire from the guild and send them here?" he asks a bit incredulously. "It's pretty enough, but a bit quaint for a serious business."

He let his smile drop then, and reminded her, "You didn't send your little boy out after a group of adventurers, though. You sent him after me. Why?"

She seemed like the type who'd take the little barbs peppering his words personally. Since she was being cagey, he wanted to provoke her into doing or saying something useful. And if he'd been specifically targeted, he wanted to know had identified him to her. If this was all about the smuggling ring, he'd not been the only one to testify at the trial....

"You never know when some knucklehead from the mainland is going to get a notion lodged in his brain. They decide Greenstalk is a good place to hide things or move things and the next thing you know you find yourself in a sad state as some newcomer declares themselves your boss. I don't aim to have dryfoot landwalkers or their bosses set their sights on my home. When a group of folks both rich and well-armed come a-traipsing up the pier with no clear agenda, you get suspicious or you get taken advantage of, one or t'other.  You looked more reasonable than some of the brutes in your little band, and you didn't have a strong whiff of magery about you, so likely you'd be safer to watch than some others.  But it's hard to find good help these days," she grumbles, clearly in ill temper.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas grew more curious each moment as the Dante and the cook had slipped out of sight, he knew his friends were there watching as well but now he couldn't see and giggle at the sight of the cooks face... His eyes roamed the street for anyone that may be watching him before he moved a little closer to the open door to see if he could get a better view.

While Dellas can't quite see down where the cook and Averdante are talking, the kitchen staff continues to prepare, cook, clean, and refill pitchers, as well as gossiping.  You hear them talking about the love lives of various people they know, the likelihood of certain people cheating at cards or other games of chance, the profit likely to be had tonight due to the fog.  Some ghost stories are exchanged about folks they've known who've been lured into the mists, but that gets stopped quickly by one of the undercooks.  Someone mentions the minstrels they're getting in who are going to be playing loud enough to make the evening lively.  One of the dishwashers laughs loud at that, and says that the "back room" will be doing even better.  "Couple-three 'o new coneys sitting out in the front right now, with Keev a'tendin' them.  Boss' cuff t' 'is face givin' him some sympathy from the big bear of a man. Like as not he'll tender the invitation soon, if Boss' hit knocked enough sense into him, right?"

The Jade Rose Inn

Farian Raymellie:
Farian nods at Sir Aberlayne as she addresses the paladin's and Lantamori's points. "Yes. I'm thinking that we need to be numerous enough to viewed as, well, not 'pigeons', so to speak. But also not overtly threatening either. Buno will bring friends, some openly and doubtlessly some hidden. We may want to consider the same. I have prepared the blessing of Sanctuary, which I can use to make it more difficult for them to resort to violence, if that is on Buno's mind." She locks her blue-gray eyes on Lantamori's green eyes for a moment, then also Narthian's deep green eyes. "We're looking for information, or possibly to recover one of the stolen items. But we should be prepared to follow Buno or whoever he brings with him in the hope of discovering their base. That is, if they appear to be connected to the smugglers."

Sir Aberlayne nods.  "Likely as not they're probably smuggling something, even if it's not the items we seek. So wouldn't be bad to find an honest official if we need to tell someone.  That's something I could do before the night gets too much older; innkeeper likely knows someone."

Lantamori exchanged glances with Narthian and replied, "We can do that.  Stay out of sight and follow him back to wherever.

"I'm sure Narthian will be able to get closer than I will, but I'll be there to back him up."

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Yes, there are a number of animal forms that I could take to remain inconspicuous. Although it would be simpler if one of the wizards were here and could make us invisible. If it will be just us making the meeting, then I think that it will be fitting that Farian and Sir Aberlayne are in the open. It is how a thief would expect people of their respective orders to behave."

Does this island have any animals of the ape / monkey variety? Specifically small or medium sized ones?

Sir Aberlayne nods thoughtfully.  "I don't think those invisibility spells last too terribly long, but it would be nice.  I'm confident in your and Lantamori's abilities to remain inconspicuous, though."
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:26, Wed 11 Nov 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 613 posts
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 20:02
  • msg #245

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

You're quick, and you know how to work. We'll talk business.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:59, Wed 11 Nov 2020.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 530 posts
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 00:11
  • msg #246

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

To the boy's comment he growls, "Only if you want it to. I'm sure a dagger in the dark will end the abuse." Otherwise the barbarian keeps to his own council and let's things just play out. When they need his special skills, he was ready.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 702 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 00:32
  • msg #247

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggles a little, then put his hands over his mouth trying to stifle the noise. He curses himself under his breath for not having memorized an invisibility spell earlier in the day. It would make this type of thing so much easier. And the jokes he could play... he thought gave him another giggle that he immediately stifled. Dante wasn't to be seen though and that could be a problem. So he began to consider his options.
Elf Rogue, 487 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #248

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I think we have a plan, then," Lantamori concluded as she joined some squash and mushroom for a scrumptious bite.  The cook was quite good.

"I'll get ready when we're through with dinner and plenty of time to get set in place before the meeting."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 598 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 03:40
  • msg #249

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor smiled and sipped his drink
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 672 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 13:25
  • msg #250

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Yes, I agree. We should head out as dusk falls."
Elf Archer, 653 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 23:47
  • msg #251

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Your resources are limited here," he agreed, shrugging indifferently, "which is certainly not to my tastes. Still, I had hopes of being able to find someone... useful, here at your tavern, after I passed by earlier. One of my cousins seems to have misplaced a family heirloom, and it found its way to sea from the mainland. You wouldn't happen to know anyone engaged in the trading of rare books, would you?" He gave the space they stood in a quick lookover, then added as an afterthought, "Although probably they trade in a variety of exotic items; I can't imagine there's enough trade in books alone around here to specialize in it."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 706 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 12:30
  • msg #252

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I will be ready," Narthian says. "I will go in wolf form, and Thunder and I will take a position downwind of the meeting. In the dark, it will be hard for most people to differentiate us from common dogs."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1080 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 10:21
  • msg #253

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot, now

Haazheel Thorn:
You're quick, and you know how to work. We'll talk business.

The young man looks uncertain, but nods minutely.  "All right. You don't look like you're in the same business as the boss," he says in an undertone.

Volsh son of Vor:
To the boy's comment he growls, "Only if you want it to. I'm sure a dagger in the dark will end the abuse." Otherwise the barbarian keeps to his own council and let's things just play out. When they need his special skills, he was ready.

At this, the young man's jaw sags, as clearly he's never known anyone who would consider doing something like that on his behalf.  "That's..." he trails off, not certain what to say.

The young man considers for a minute, and then speaks in a slightly more normal tone of voice, but makes some subtle changes of expression and gesture as he talks, "There's a back room for some games, games of skill or chance, and good prizes for the winners.  Nice way to spend a fog."  He slides his eyes back to the kitchen, and makes a slight shake of his head as he talks, a warning about the back room.  Bruenor, Haazheel, and Volsh are fairly rich by the standards of those in the Wanderfoot by the quality of their clothes and weapons alone, and such wealth can easily make one a target for thieves more subtle than the footpads who accosted Bruenor and Haazheel in the street.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas giggles a little, then put his hands over his mouth trying to stifle the noise. He curses himself under his breath for not having memorized an invisibility spell earlier in the day. It would make this type of thing so much easier. And the jokes he could play... he thought gave him another giggle that he immediately stifled. Dante wasn't to be seen though and that could be a problem. So he began to consider his options.

Dellas isn't the only halfling on the island, though they seem to be in the minority. It's unlikely he could pass himself off as a server or undercook, at least not without a good disguise or a dollop of magic. But he could likely try to scamper in pretending he was a pot-boy or other young kitchen drudge, as long as he didn't try to do anything odd.  He could send Vish and Kelvren to snoop, or send someone to sleep or put grease under their feet to cause a little commotion if necessary.  Or set something on fire.

"Your resources are limited here," he agreed, shrugging indifferently, "which is certainly not to my tastes. Still, I had hopes of being able to find someone... useful, here at your tavern, after I passed by earlier. One of my cousins seems to have misplaced a family heirloom, and it found its way to sea from the mainland. You wouldn't happen to know anyone engaged in the trading of rare books, would you?" He gave the space they stood in a quick lookover, then added as an afterthought, "Although probably they trade in a variety of exotic items; I can't imagine there's enough trade in books alone around here to specialize in it."

"Eh, not so much.  We make books, but don't write 'em, unless you want something about woodcrafting.  Best one I know who might be in the way of unusual goods would be Firvian. He's the sort who comes in the way of odd things, but he's up to his elbows in his fifth hand of King's Run* and unlikely to leave unless the inn burns down around his ears. If you want to buy in the next hand, he might listen to you.  Back room at the rear of the common area. Tell the one at the door that Kara sent you.  Hope you're flush with cash."  She gives a more expansive shrug, flipping her dishtowel back around her neck and relaxing slightly.

*King's Run is a card game played for stakes, like poker

The Streets of Rooton, later (so that the Jade Rose Inn group doesn't have to wait on the Wanderfoot group)

With Narthian in wolf form, the pair of canines can pad along the mist-shrouded streets of Rooton in near-perfect silence.  The whispers and siren song of the fog that had caused nearly everyone to get themselves indoors have not started yet.  Or perhaps were only the products of imagination.  The chill, damp air presses down on Farian, Lantamori, and Sir Aberlayne as they make their way to meet with Buno in the now-empty Morning Market.  In the dim light of fading dusk, the deserted stalls loom menacingly, like the teeth of a huge beast.  You can hear faint sounds from the harbor below, of the creak of rope and wood and the susurrating of the waves and tide.  From above is the faint sound of wind through the trees, and the rustling of grasses... or beasts?  If there are animals about, Narthian and Thunder can't detect them yet.

There's only very dim lights on many of the homes, not surprising given the high population of half-elves and treefolk, who seem to all have low-light vision and have no need of brighter torches.  It gives the market plenty of shadows where Buno can lurk right where Farian expected him.  And behind him are two others, treefolk with heavy tresses scraped back in tight tails.

"Nice night for a party. You still game?" Buno asks, eyes flicking to those with Farian.

OOC: Sir Aberlayne will walk openly with Farian, but I am guessing Lantamori wished to keep out of sight?
Elf Rogue, 488 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 22:51
  • msg #254

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

From her vantage point a ways back where she'd dropped off near the market, the elf could see whom she expected was Buno say something.  She was too far back to make out what was said, but it didn't seem unfriendly.

She was once again in her traveling apparel with her bow slung over her shoulder.  There wasn't any need to assume this would end in hostilities, after all.  They'd meet and then she and Narthian would follow Buno back to his lair to see if it provided any more clues.

That was plan.  Now if Buno had his own plans, that could complicate things.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 707 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 03:04
  • msg #255

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian keeps downwind, his canine hearing is not much better then elven hearing, but the breeze carries a few words, enough to get the gist. He and Thunder sniff the air, searching for the scent of anyone other than Buno and his tree friends.

Hide: 20:56, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20+2 ((15)).
Listen: 20:57, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20+10 ((7)).
Search: 21:01, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 24 using 1d20+6 ((18)).

Hide: 21:03, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 12 using 1d20+3 ((9)).
Search: 21:04, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 12 using 1d20 ((12)).

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 673 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 03:20
  • msg #256

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian keeps the light of her mace covered, not wanting to make Buno feel exposed, but feeling secure herself in her own internal light. She also has a defensive spell, Fire Shield (warm), ready in her mind should an aggressive action be taken. "I would say that it is a better night for a pleasant stroll," she answers, thinking of various euphemisms for party that would not be welcome. "And a chat. What have you for me?"
Elf Archer, 654 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 22 Nov 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #257

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Gambling," Dante says with a disappointed sigh. "That's always so boring."  Then he smiles slightly. "Well, until the accusations of cheating start and the knives come out." He puts his hand on his hip, beside the pouch of his readily available coin, and asks her, "What's the buy in? I don't like to carry a lot of coin when following skulkers."

He's not fond of the idea of getting so isolated, and isn't sure Farian's spell is still active, or that she's still monitoring it. Given this place is plainly a thieves' den, the games are likely rigged to fleece newcomers, anyway. Dante has considerably more important things to do with his money than freely waste it, these days.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:57, Sun 22 Nov 2020.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 531 posts
Sun 22 Nov 2020
at 11:08
  • msg #258

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

At this, the young man's jaw sags, as clearly he's never known anyone who would consider doing something like that on his behalf.  "That's..." he trails off, not certain what to say.

"You have a choice boy, be predator or prey," he grabs a chunk of meat, his eyes are a little extra golden, his teeth a little sharper, his facial hair a little thicker. After a few bites, he forces the beast inside him back down into the darker recesses of his mind, though never to far away as the beast hungers.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:08, Sun 22 Nov 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 614 posts
Mon 23 Nov 2020
at 06:29
  • msg #259

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel adds We're offering you a chance. Some risk, yes, but how are you liking how the way your life is going now?
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 703 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Mon 23 Nov 2020
at 21:08
  • msg #260

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggled as a thought occurred to him. Whispering to Vish and Kelven "Watch this fun. Keep an eye out." Dellas pulling out a bit of pork rind he began a short incantation, extending his hand as he points towards the door to the main area, the floor around it becomes coated in a layer of grease. With a giggle he waits and watches for the havoc to begin... Once the focus is towards the entrance he slips into the kitchen and follows the direction Dante went.

OOC: Cast Grease, Range: 40' Area of Affect 10' square Duration 6 rounds. Ref Save DC 14
This message was last edited by the player at 21:09, Mon 23 Nov 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1082 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #261

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot kitchen, now

"Gambling," Dante says with a disappointed sigh. "That's always so boring."  Then he smiles slightly. "Well, until the accusations of cheating start and the knives come out." He puts his hand on his hip, beside the pouch of his readily available coin, and asks her, "What's the buy in? I don't like to carry a lot of coin when following skulkers."

He's not fond of the idea of getting so isolated, and isn't sure Farian's spell is still active, or that she's still monitoring it. Given this place is plainly a thieves' den, the games are likely rigged to fleece newcomers, anyway. Dante has considerably more important things to do with his money than freely waste it, these days.

"What's gambling without a little danger? That's what makes it fun," the cook says with a strange smile.  "Buy-in's five gold to start.  Good luck."

Dellas Nump:
Dellas giggled as a thought occurred to him. Whispering to Vish and Kelven "Watch this fun. Keep an eye out." Dellas pulling out a bit of pork rind he began a short incantation, extending his hand as he points towards the door to the main area, the floor around it becomes coated in a layer of grease. With a giggle he waits and watches for the havoc to begin... Once the focus is towards the entrance he slips into the kitchen and follows the direction Dante went.

OOC: Cast Grease, Range: 40' Area of Affect 10' square Duration 6 rounds. Ref Save DC 14

Dellas' casting of the incantation brings one person to look over at the doorway, but as the spell goes off, one server carrying a heavy armful of dishes steps into to the kitchen, right onto the greased floor.  The predictable happens with spectacular results, the young man's legs going out from under him, and the whole pile of dishes being flung in the air and then raining down like enormous hail, shattering with an ear-splitting crash.  All eyes go to the commotion, and Dellas easily can slip in and head towards the back hallway where he sees Averdante talking to the cook.

The cook's face goes red with anger at the noise, and she abruptly stops talking to Averdante and stomps past Dellas so quickly she nearly plasters him to a wall, bellowing the entire time, "Can't I leave this kitchen for a second without you damn fools muckin' it up?!  Get this cleaned up, now!"

Volsh son of Vor:
At this, the young man's jaw sags, as clearly he's never known anyone who would consider doing something like that on his behalf.  "That's..." he trails off, not certain what to say.

"You have a choice boy, be predator or prey," he grabs a chunk of meat, his eyes are a little extra golden, his teeth a little sharper, his facial hair a little thicker. After a few bites, he forces the beast inside him back down into the darker recesses of his mind, though never to far away as the beast hungers.

"Don't want to be a dead eagle," he says.  "But maybe I can be a fast ferret."

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel adds, "We're offering you a chance. Some risk, yes, but how are you liking how the way your life is going now?"

"Got a roof and food, and that's no small thing, but not likely to get much more, lest I show some good skill.  Hard to get that when you're running pillar to post and got no teachers or time to learn," he says, looking a bit more hopeful.  He says a quick apology, does another quick round of his tables, and comes back to talk to them.  As he gets back, however, there is a crash loud enough to wake the dead from the kitchen, which brings a couple of daggers out of sheaths of the jumpy, and laughter and applause from those deeper into their cups.


The Morning Market, later

Lantamori, Narthian, and Thunder well-concealed from view, the three keep a sharp lookout over their companions.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian keeps the light of her mace covered, not wanting to make Buno feel exposed, but feeling secure herself in her own internal light. She also has a defensive spell, Fire Shield (warm), ready in her mind should an aggressive action be taken. "I would say that it is a better night for a pleasant stroll," she answers, thinking of various euphemisms for party that would not be welcome. "And a chat. What have you for me?"

"Aye, I think I know someone who has that trinket you seek.  He's on t'other side of the island, though. You want it, gonna have to take a little boat ride. Suits?" Buno says, squinting at Farian and Sir Aberlayne.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 600 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 02:09
  • msg #262

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor frowned, looking towards the kitchen, just in case
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 704 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 03:39
  • msg #263

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggles as the Cook stomps by and walks up to Dante "The help always so clumsy. They really should watch their step. That big meanie say why they were following you?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 675 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 29 Nov 2020
at 00:50
  • msg #264

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"We're not opposed to a little boat ride," Farian says. "I'm curious about where we go from here. By which I mean, do we have to go with you, or do you give us directions and a contact?"
Elf Rogue, 489 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 29 Nov 2020
at 03:51
  • msg #265

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In the shadows from afar, the elf wondered if they had badgers on the island.  She couldn't remember how she'd gotten on this train of thought, but now she couldn't think of anything else.  She'd have to ask someone in the morning or it would drive her crazy.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 533 posts
Sun 29 Nov 2020
at 15:05
  • msg #266

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The barbarian just shrugged at the boy's comment. If he wasn't willing to stand up for himself, he disserved what came with it.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 708 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Mon 30 Nov 2020
at 00:05
  • msg #267

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian keeps a wary eye on the treefolk.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 615 posts
Mon 30 Nov 2020
at 02:53
  • msg #268

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel says Decide. Sit with us or dash to the kitchen. Take a chance or more of the same as the days go by.
Elf Archer, 655 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 15:22
  • msg #269

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Realizing the crash in the kitchen was somehow the halfing's doing makes Dante chuckle. Given the pyromaniac wizard hadn't sent the place on fire, whatever he'd done was quite subtle, for him.

"Maybe," he answers Dellas quietly. "She claims she believed we were here to take her operation over. I've assured her we have no interest in that." He keeps an eye toward the kitchen proper, to be sure the cook was still busy sorting out her staff. "I did mention I was looking for the elvish book that's gone astray -- a family heirloom carelessly lost -- and she suggested I speak with someone named Firvian -- who is playing cards in the back room here." Frowning slightly, he said, "I could join the game, the buy-in isn't extreme, but I'm not sure I'd get much information during it -- and even less sure they won't try something more offensive than cheating. This place does seem to be part of the local thieves' den. What do you think?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 705 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 16:54
  • msg #270

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"We should discuss that with the others. It seems like a decent lead. I am not very good at cards. Can never pay attention long enough. But should who ever play, we can keep eyes on them. Our friends are good eyes and scouts." Dellas giggles as he looks back towards the kitchen, knowing it would be a few moments before they figure out what happened and in a kitchen, grease on the floor wouldn't be unheard of.
Elf Archer, 656 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 14:10
  • msg #271

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"That's what I'd prefer," Dante agreed with a nod, "but there's not really time to find them all, and it's an invitation that won't likely be extended to everyone. Room at the table is usually limited."

The halfling's reminder that he had his own companion similar to Preet gave Dante the beginnings of a plan, though. "Can you leave your little gargoyle here to keep watch, and act as a messenger? That would let me keep Prreet close to watch my back, and if things start going bad, I can have him alert your gargoyle that I need help. Then while he flies to alert you, Prreet can back me up until you can get here. That way, you can find the others and let them know what's going on, and what we've learned." He glanced down the hall in the direction the cook had indicated, adding, "If they've had warning of what happened back in the city, I might be recognized. Or if I try to leave before they feel they've gotten enough coin from me, they might decide to be more straightforward about it.

"Can your gargoyle do that for you?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1083 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 10:10
  • msg #272

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot, now

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor frowned, looking towards the kitchen, just in case.

No explosions, fire, large monsters, small monsters, swarms of critters, or bands of howling orcs meet his eyes, so it seems likely to have been a kitchen accident rather than something requiring a steady blade or ready fist to solve.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel says, "Decide. Sit with us or dash to the kitchen. Take a chance or more of the same as the days go by."

The young man looks back at the kitchen, hearing the shouts of the formidable cook, and squares his shoulders as he turns back to the table, sitting in a chair.  "A fanged ferret, then. If you'll teach me, I can learn fast.  Keenorn's not real fond of anyone that doesn't do what she says, and I failed at following strangers but also somehow being back here in time to tell her what you were doing when you weren't done doing it. Not that you were doing anything that she had to worry about, but she sees enemies behind every door and tree.  I go by Rand," he says, his voice just low enough to not escape the circle of people at the table.


As Dellas and Averdante converse near the pantry, the cook seems more interested in dealing out punishment and restoring order than worrying that Averdante will steal her flour or peas.

As the two consider their plan for Averdante to follow the lead given to him, the chaos in the kitchen is still going strong.  For the next few minutes, they still have the freedom to leave (or slip into the game room) without being noticed...


The Morning Market, later

Farian Raymellie:
"We're not opposed to a little boat ride," Farian says. "I'm curious about where we go from here. By which I mean, do we have to go with you, or do you give us directions and a contact?"

"Go wit' us, 'less you have a ketch up your sleeve.  Need a slim boat to get where we're going, and no need to wake the Harbor Master," Buno says, spitting to the side at the last two words.  "We don't got all night, so let's get movin'. You want your trinket, and person I know won't wait forever."

OOC: Ketch being a smaller, coastal ship, sometimes with only one mast, used for short trips.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 706 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 18:09
  • msg #273

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"That's what I'd prefer," Dante agreed with a nod, "but there's not really time to find them all, and it's an invitation that won't likely be extended to everyone. Room at the table is usually limited."

The halfling's reminder that he had his own companion similar to Preet gave Dante the beginnings of a plan, though. "Can you leave your little gargoyle here to keep watch, and act as a messenger? That would let me keep Prreet close to watch my back, and if things start going bad, I can have him alert your gargoyle that I need help. Then while he flies to alert you, Prreet can back me up until you can get here. That way, you can find the others and let them know what's going on, and what we've learned." He glanced down the hall in the direction the cook had indicated, adding, "If they've had warning of what happened back in the city, I might be recognized. Or if I try to leave before they feel they've gotten enough coin from me, they might decide to be more straightforward about it.

"Can your gargoyle do that for you?"

Dellas looks at Kelvren and then to Vish "Just learning what he can do. But he's a great observer. He can keep an eye on you and come back to me if need be. Vish does that well too. And he loves to explore places. Perhaps we should just go join the gambling room now. What they gonna say when we show up?" Dellas looks down hallway "Cook sent us is all they need to know. You do the talking and we can play some cards. Perhaps it'll be fun. Don't know never played."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 616 posts
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 18:41
  • msg #274

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Welcome, Rand. Do you have anything you want to take with you. It's time for us to us to get together with our comrades and compare experiences, if we can find them.
Elf Archer, 657 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 22:44
  • msg #275

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Good point," Dante agrees with Dellas' observations. "Let's go." As he turns, he calls silently to Prreet to join them. Slip in unnoticed, if you can, and stay hidden, he asks the stone cat, and if they try anything aggressive against Dellas and I, we can give them a nasty surprise. But if someone does notice, join me as if you'd always intended to do so. Let them wonder if you even meant to be sneaky at all.

He knew enough of live cats that it was often never quite clear if a cat meant to do something, or was simply covering for an unplanned incident. Few people would suspect Prreet's high degree of intelligence, particularly if he acted like a typical cat of flesh and fur.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 707 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #276

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas grins and whispering to his stoney friend "Keep an eye out here for us if you could please my friend" as he follows Dante towards the gambling room. He excitement barely contained as he skips along behind Dante.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 676 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #277

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Very well," Farian says after a moment's assessment. She knows Narthian had prepared the Air Walk spell, so no matter where they went, he and Lantamori would be near. She resists the urge to let Pelor's light shine from her mace, just barely, and settles for a casual knuckle cracking to show off her well muscled forearms. It never hurts to let thugs know that those who walk in The Light have nothing to fear. "Lead on."
Elf Rogue, 490 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 11 Dec 2020
at 01:33
  • msg #278

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

From where she stood in the shadows, Lantamori thought things were going in a civilized direction.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 709 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 02:44
  • msg #279

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian overheard enough to know that they were going somewhere else, sounds like in a boat. He'll content himself with following on the ground for now. But also keeps a nose to the air for Lantamori's scent. It wouldn't do to accidentally leave her behind.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 535 posts
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 11:02
  • msg #280

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Slurping the last bit of meat off a chicken bone, the big man takes a large pull on his mug. After a large belch, he says, "Boy, why is this cook so paranoid? A simple cook shouldn't be concerned with what happens outside her business. Why is she interested in what visitors are doing?" The others at the table would know he's not being rude by not using Rand's name, it was just his culture that children didn't get names until after their first kill.

Finally having his fill of food, he picks up a beef, or maybe it's a pork, bone and chews on it, sucking out the delicious marrow that is within.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1084 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 04:56
  • msg #281

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Wanderfoot, now

Haazheel Thorn:
"Welcome, Rand. Do you have anything you want to take with you. It's time for us to us to get together with our comrades and compare experiences, if we can find them."

Rand gives a small shrug.  "Not much back in my space that's worth getting. I keep the important stuff with me. Your friends, the two elves, is the lady a noble?  She dresses like one!"  He looks a little star-struck, and Haazheel gets the impression he has a bit of a crush on Lantamori.

Volsh son of Vor:
Slurping the last bit of meat off a chicken bone, the big man takes a large pull on his mug. After a large belch, he says, "Boy, why is this cook so paranoid? A simple cook shouldn't be concerned with what happens outside her business. Why is she interested in what visitors are doing?" The others at the table would know he's not being rude by not using Rand's name, it was just his culture that children didn't get names until after their first kill.

Finally having his fill of food, he picks up a beef, or maybe it's a pork, bone and chews on it, sucking out the delicious marrow that is within.

"She's the boss, Keenorn is.  We do what she says, and she runs everything.  The inn, the gaming rooms, the lift 'n lay, lightfingers, all of that. You got nothin', she'll give you work and a roof and food, but you gotta dance to her tune. But I don't want to dance any more," Rand says, keeping his voice low.


Dellas and Averdante's plan set, with Kelvren and Prreet as backup, the twain can make their way around the frantically-cleaning staff and quietly slide into the common room while the cook's back is turned.  As they cross the floor, they note that Haazheel, Bruenor, and Volsh are sitting at the table with the young man who had been following Averdante and Lantamori for part of the day.  He seems to be there of his own will, and talking earnestly with the other members of the Leafblade Company.

The door at the back of the common room is subtly guarded by some more burly men sitting at a table nearby.  One is on his feet by the time the two end up at the door.  Uttering the passphrase they'd been given, "Kara sent us," gets him to stand aside and open the door for them.  Beyond is another room, nearly a size as the common room, but more luxuriously appointed.  The walls boast carved paneling, the tables have intricate inlay, the chairs upholstered in fine fabrics, occasionally draped with soft fur pelts.  Good clear lanterns provide most of the light, as the windows here are shuttered firmly.  There are various games of cards, three dicing games, and two board games (one of Seven Stones, a game similar to go, and another of Conqueror, a chess-like game), all of them attended by anywhere from three to seven folks, one of which is always a dealer or judge.  A few more strong-looking sorts flank a sturdy table at the back that is built into its own little room with a barred window; it seems this is where money is exchanged for the carved wooden counters used as stakes.  The conversation here is low and intense, with the occasional wave of cheer or groans of disappointment as luck ebbs and flows.  A few young men and women circulate with drinks and snacks, and a harpist plays a soft melody over by the fireplace.

One woman, slightly older than the other servers and wearing a more expensive dress dyed indigo and embroidered with birds in lighter blue greets you with a smile.  "Welcome noble sirs. What game interests you today?  We have openings at games of King's Run, Knucklebones, and Seven-Scatter, and I expect the Conqueror board will be free within the hour."


The Morning Market and Docks, later

Farian Raymellie:
"Very well," Farian says after a moment's assessment. She knows Narthian had prepared the Air Walk spell, so no matter where they went, he and Lantamori would be near. She resists the urge to let Pelor's light shine from her mace, just barely, and settles for a casual knuckle cracking to show off her well muscled forearms. It never hurts to let thugs know that those who walk in The Light have nothing to fear. "Lead on."

Buno gives a grunt of acknowledgement and turns, gesturing for Farian and Sir Aberlayne to follow.  The five (and the three watchers) head down towards the docks, and then take an abrupt turn to parallel the coast.  There is enough cover from buildings, alleys, stalls, and later trees and brush to provide cover for Lantamori, Narthian, and Thunder, though there are a few close calls.  One was close enough that it makes Narthian wonder if Buno might not already know, or at least strongly suspect, that Farian would have brought along more than one halfling to her meeting about goods (illegally) acquired, and is just allowing it to go unchallenged for now.

After nearly a half-hour of walking, the mist off the water has thickened and blown onto the land.  While bringing a chilly dampness and a need for caution in one's footing, the ghostly whispers that some about town were warned against are not in evidence.  Buno makes a few comments, mostly directions, and once to, "Watch yer step, the slope's steep and if ya miss it you'll be in the drink and I ain't fishin' you out."  But everyone makes it down to a tiny cove that's out of sight of the edge of Rooton.  The watchers don't see an easy path down the slope that isn't also rather obvious, but the path above is not more than thirty feet above the little dock that holds the ketch.  While it would be difficult to hear a whispered conversation, the two elves (and wolf) could certainly make out gestures.

"Hop on.  Won't be a long trip, but keep yer mouths shut. Sound carries on the water," Buno says.  The two treefolk begin to move in practiced motions, beginning to untie the ketch, coil ropes, and putting out the oars to use to push away from the dock...
Elf Rogue, 491 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 14:24
  • msg #282

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori was nonplussed that they were getting into a boot.  She had no intention of swimming after them.  She thought perhaps Narthian could take some form large enough to ferry herself and Thunder in pursuit.  Or at the very least maintain the pursuit on his own.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 710 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 03:19
  • msg #283

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian transforms back into an elf. "Our best bet is to find a boat," he says quietly to Lantamori. "A small one, preferably, like a canoe. I would guess that they would be heading for the secluded cove I saw earlier. Barring that, I can grant you the power to walk on the air for a little over an hour. Once in the air, the same wind that propels their boat will assist you. If we have to go with this second plan, I will send Thunder back to the others. If you have writing materials, we can send along a note with an idea of where we are."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 708 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 03:23
  • msg #284

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas smiled at the others but didn't do anything else to raise their attention. It would be best for those that don't know that the group was not all together. But it was good to know they had allies within the building. As they walk into the gaming room, Dellas's eyes light up in excitement at all the options, Conqueror looked most interesting, but they were here for cards. So he looks over to Dante to take the lead, people preferred to talk to the tall folk anyways.
Elf Rogue, 492 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 04:19
  • msg #285

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I don't have any writing materials," the elf confessed as she turned her head to look for another boat.  It would be less than ideal to follow in a boat, though, as it would be easy to spot.  Even in the darkness.

"Too bad we didn't bring Mystique," she lamented.  "How does the walking thing work?"
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 711 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 14:07
  • msg #286

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"It is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other, except instead of landing on the ground, you will the air to hold you up. You can climb as easily as walking up a stair. Come back down the same way. When the spell loses it's power, it brings you down gently, as a leaf falling from a tree. However, like the weather, it can be a bit unpredictable in this final stage. As the time wanes, it is in your best interest to be near the ground." He describes this as he looks about for a small boat - or even a suitable large bit of wood.

One more level and I'd be able to transform into a Large sized creature. Manta Ray shape and Water Breathing (2 hours per per level vs 10 minutes per level) would have been an awesome combination. Or Dire Bat? A Very Dire Eagle? :D
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 677 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 14:13
  • msg #287

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian takes her time navigating the treacherous and fog dampened slope. She nods it acceptance of the warning to remain quiet, and climbs onto the boat. She positions herself to be faced opposite of Sir Aberlayne, the better to watch each other's backs.
Elf Rogue, 493 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 14:47
  • msg #288

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Let's do the walking and hope we reach land before it runs out," Lantamori conceded to Narthian.  "They can't be going that far."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 712 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 23:38
  • msg #289

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"You'll be air walking," Narthian says. "The spell only works for one. You might have to run as well, or you might consider trying to use your cloak as a makeshift sail, their boat may move faster than a walking pace. I'll still have to send Thunder back, but he can lead the others here, at least."
Elf Rogue, 494 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 01:50
  • msg #290

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Let's get it done before they get too far ahead in this mist," the elf said, assuming the druid was going to swim after all.  At least she'd be dry.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 601 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 03:53
  • msg #291

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor looked at his small friend and smiled.
"It might be easier for them to find us, but we can give it a try.  I'm ready to head out when you are."
He was content to be more "quiet muscle" than negotiator.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 617 posts
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 05:01
  • msg #292

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

As you wish Hazheel says. He rises. When the group is leaving, he places himself in the middle and gestures for Rand to be on the side away from the kitchen.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 537 posts
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 10:17
  • msg #293

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Crunching on the bone, the large man mutters, "Seems she does a service to the community. If she didn't give you lot jobs, seems like you children would have starved. City folk are so soft," he chuckles at this, a slight hint of a growl in the back of his throat. "If you leave her service, are you prepared for the potential penalty? Will there even be a penalty given the large amount of directionless waifs that choke any given city?" He shrugs, "Well? Boy, are you ready to possibly defend yourself with blade and brawn? Or will she just let you go with a pat on the head?" His eyes lead the boy's own to a knife on the table used for cutting up meat. It would do for a child's weapon, though a spear would be better. He doubted the boy would even know how to fashion one, but that could be taught.

The man stands, to which his chair groans just loud enough to be heard over the constant din of patrons. He doesn't try to protect the lad from sight. If there was going to be a fight, he'd rather head straight into it then hide. A dark entity growls in the back of his mind, an almost joyful noise as the beast inside relishes at the prospect of fresh, warm, fatty blood.

Quick check of alignment. Uhuh, yep, okay. ;)
This message was last edited by the player at 10:26, Thu 17 Dec 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 620 posts
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 10:23
  • msg #294

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Post out of time: Haazheel leaves enough coin n the table to pay for what was ordered.
Elf Archer, 659 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 21:10
  • msg #295

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante eyed his companions sitting in the common room -- and with his earlier tail -- with some wry amusement. He'd been unsure about finding any of them only minutes ago, and here most of them were only a room away. What story was the young man spinning them? he wondered. Should he say something? But he'd described the man back at lunch to them, so they surely knew who he was. Maybe they'd get a different story from him than the one the one the cook had given to Dante.

For now, he didn't stop, and following Dellas' lead, didn't openly acknowledge them. It was likely many of those present, like the cook, already knew they were all associates; it was a small community. Certainly the cook had heard quickly enough to send someone out to follow him before he'd even walked as far inland as their inn.

Dante slowed passing through the door the guard opened for them, with a wordless, "Hmmm," of surprised interest at the room beyond. It gave Prreet time to dart through the opening and, hopefully, drew their attention to his face, so they wouldn't notice the stone cat moving by down near their ankles. And in fact, he was mildly impressed with the extent of the cook's endeavor. He'd expected only a small, single-table backroom. Apparently there was more profit flowing through the little town than he'd realized. As he took in the extent of the room, he noted the clientele as well, trying to determine how many were sailors, or locals, or individuals with shadier backgrounds. His appraisal had to rely on primarily on attire and other obvious indicators at the moment, but it was a start.

"Lady," he nodded politely to the woman who came to greet them, giving her an easy smile. "I think a game of King's Run would make a good starting point, but it looks like we'll need to change some coin for the house's markers first."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:11, Thu 17 Dec 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1088 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 07:56
  • msg #296

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Waters and Air of Greenstalk Isle

Plan in place, Narthian can cast his spell of air walk upon Lantamori, allowing her to mount the air as if it were stairs, then run as if across a suspended bridge.  There is no breeze to catch, not with the fog in, but she can jog across the air atop the water with no impediment.  Luckily, the lack of wind worked in her favor, as the ketch had to be rowed, and the roiling fog meant it was easier to keep concealed.

Narthain, looking about the departure cove, found a decent-sized branch not too far away.  By changing into a sea creature of some sort he could follow the boat, and tow the branch (once a harness was made) if that was his wish.

On Buno's ship, Farian and Sir Aberlayne take their seats as Buno and his two companions pushed the boat free and began to row around the isle with carelessly efficient motions.  They hug the coast for the most part, occasionally turning abruptly out to sea at certain point for reasons not immediately clear.  At one point one of the treefolk mutter, "Watch the rocks," and at another point Buno says, "Looks like the old gaffer's in bed. Tack in closer."

The fog makes the trip rather dreamlike, as there are only a few very dim lanterns aboard the ship, and if there are any strange whispers within it, they are not audible over the swish and clunk of the treefolk rowing.  Despite the size of the ketch, the twain do not seem to have trouble moving it; either it is lighter than it seems, they are stronger than they seem, or there is some magic at work.  If someone was casting spells, however, that act was missed by Farian and Sir Aberlayne.

It only takes perhaps a bit under an hour before Buno directs the treefolk to pull into a little hidden cove, impossible to see from the outside in the fog, and likely very difficult to see in daylight as well.  Overhung with trees, it nevertheless provides a snug berth at a slightly dilapidated dock that stands there.  Buno takes one of the dim lanterns, and raises it up, showing a steep path marked with tree roots marching up from the cove.

"My friend's at the top. Don't fall in. Some things like t' hunt when the fog's in," Buno says.  The path recedes into the fog, but dimly Farian and Sir Aberlayne can see some faint colored lights far up the slope.  From the ruggedness of the terrain, if it came down to fisticuffs here, it would be a very difficult proposition to keep one's footing.  The treefolk move behind Farian and Sir Aberlayne, though one treefolk leans down the sets his rat upon the ground, leaving it to scamper up the path.

Lantamori, your long jog leaves you winded, but you can lurk as Buno pulls the ketch into the cove.  From your vantage point you can see what appears to be a hut set into the hillside above the cove, slightly illuminated by colored lights.  You don't believe that Buno or his friends caught sight of you or sea-beast Narthian, or at least they gave no indication that they had.


The Wanderfoot common room

At Bruenor and Haazheel's suggestion, Rand moves on the opposite side of the table from the kitchen, just so he is less likely to be seen an noticed by Keenorn, the formidable cook and gang leader.

Volsh son of Vor:
Crunching on the bone, the large man mutters, "Seems she does a service to the community. If she didn't give you lot jobs, seems like you children would have starved. City folk are so soft," he chuckles at this, a slight hint of a growl in the back of his throat. "If you leave her service, are you prepared for the potential penalty? Will there even be a penalty given the large amount of directionless waifs that choke any given city?" He shrugs, "Well? Boy, are you ready to possibly defend yourself with blade and brawn? Or will she just let you go with a pat on the head?" His eyes lead the boy's own to a knife on the table used for cutting up meat. It would do for a child's weapon, though a spear would be better. He doubted the boy would even know how to fashion one, but that could be taught.

The man stands, to which his chair groans just loud enough to be heard over the constant din of patrons. He doesn't try to protect the lad from sight. If there was going to be a fight, he'd rather head straight into it then hide. A dark entity growls in the back of his mind, an almost joyful noise as the beast inside relishes at the prospect of fresh, warm, fatty blood.

Rand looks actually angry for a minute, though not at Volsh.  "Penalty's the same whether I scarper or never joined; starve and get beaten.  If I had done more, known more, she might want my liver on a stick, but I never been that deep into the business. I just never had anyone who wanted to give me a chance before."

It is going towards sunset as Bruenor, Haazheel, Volsh, and Rand leave the Wanderfoot, the three members of the Leafblade Company providing a visual screen for Rand so that Keenorn doesn't get a chance to see him (though from the sounds of the yelling still going on in the kitchen, it may be a while before she emerges to deal with petty problems like Rand).

By the time the four are back at the Jade Rose Inn, the sun has set, and Farian, Sir Aberlayne, Narthian, and Lantamori are nowhere to be seen.  However, after about a half-hour, Thunder runs up to Volsh with a note scribed on birch bark in Narthian's hand.  Following potential lead on missing items by boat, by hunter named Buno.

That does leave the four at slightly loose ends, until a few of the overnight guests at the Jade Rose begin to stir and murmur.

The fog has become quite thick, and beyond the carved shutters of the Jade Rose can be heard whispers, moans, like something, many somethings, dying by inches...


The Wanderfoot Gambling Room

Dante eyed his companions sitting in the common room -- and with his earlier tail -- with some wry amusement. He'd been unsure about finding any of them only minutes ago, and here most of them were only a room away. What story was the young man spinning them? he wondered. Should he say something? But he'd described the man back at lunch to them, so they surely knew who he was. Maybe they'd get a different story from him than the one the one the cook had given to Dante.

For now, he didn't stop, and following Dellas' lead, didn't openly acknowledge them. It was likely many of those present, like the cook, already knew they were all associates; it was a small community. Certainly the cook had heard quickly enough to send someone out to follow him before he'd even walked as far inland as their inn.

Dante slowed passing through the door the guard opened for them, with a wordless, "Hmmm," of surprised interest at the room beyond. It gave Prreet time to dart through the opening and, hopefully, drew their attention to his face, so they wouldn't notice the stone cat moving by down near their ankles. And in fact, he was mildly impressed with the extent of the cook's endeavor. He'd expected only a small, single-table backroom. Apparently there was more profit flowing through the little town than he'd realized. As he took in the extent of the room, he noted the clientele as well, trying to determine how many were sailors, or locals, or individuals with shadier backgrounds. His appraisal had to rely on primarily on attire and other obvious indicators at the moment, but it was a start.

"Lady," he nodded politely to the woman who came to greet them, giving her an easy smile. "I think a game of King's Run would make a good starting point, but it looks like we'll need to change some coin for the house's markers first."

"Of course sirs.  If you'll just step this way..." she says, gesturing them to step towards the banker's box.  As she turns, the woman's hair shows the twining rootlets of treefolk - her skin, you realize, is the cream color of birch rather than the pale skin of one from mountain climes or deep forests.  She will change your coin for tokens in increments of five silver, one gold, five gold, ten gold, twenty-five gold, and fifty gold.

Prreet slips in amongst the crowd, and while he doesn't seem to draw much attention, he does draw some, as one half-elf notices him and reaches down to pet him idly.  He looks down, perplexed at the smooth stone feel, as Prreet gives him an utterly innocent expression and a mrrt that would melt the hardest of hearts.

At that moment the hostess turns back to Averdante and Dellas with their tokens, and gestures to a table of King's Run where the dealer is gathering the cards from the last round to get ready to deal out the next hand.

"I believe we have room at that table, gentlemen, at a stake of ten gold for that game.  Does that suit?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:30, Fri 01 Jan 2021.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 621 posts
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 08:04
  • msg #297

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel relaxes at the table. Rand, are you hungry? And we'd like to know more about you. How much do you remember of your childhood, and how did you survive? Have you ever used a weapon...knife, sling, whatever. Be at ease; we just want to know how best to fit you in and what we might need to buy to equip you.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 604 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 08:17
  • msg #298

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor looked at the windows, and the murmurs beyond them.  His impulse was to head outside to find the source of the disturbance, but remembering the warnings of the various haunted and magical shenanigans, he, with a grimace, tried to ignore them, instead focusing on their new recruit.  He tried to evaluate the young man, having had some limited experience with training regimes for soldiers
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 711 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 18:26
  • msg #299

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas pulls out some Platinum coins "Will these work?" he asks feigning more innocence than really he has.

OOC: Looking to exchange for 50 Gold coins (10 plat if I remember my exchange rate properly).

11:25, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 18 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 17.  Bluff if needed.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:26, Mon 28 Dec 2020.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 680 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 18:28
  • msg #300

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian heeds the advice and follows Buna carefully up the path. She pauses part way up and whispers a quick prayer while touching her left hand to her holy symbol and her eyes, "[Language unknown: Ast Encproset, foaima eaunt thoforica se iserer i ichaou ch enc iveuremanith artoneles.]"

Detect Magic for 7 minutes.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 714 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 18:44
  • msg #301

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian took the form of a porpoise, to better stay near the surface while remaining inconspicuous. Although he doesn't hear any of Buno's commentary, he does see the rat being set down. He tries to keep it under observation, feeling fairly certain that it was left behind to watch for anyone following. He swims lazily about the cove, watching.

As he swims about, he Natural Spell casts Spider Climb (effective for 70 minutes), just in case he needs to exit the water and climb the bank in a hurry.

Spot: 12:36, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 19 using 1d20+10 ((9))."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 540 posts
Tue 29 Dec 2020
at 11:58
  • msg #302

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Vosh doesn't exactly shield the boy, but his not heard to hide behind his large frame. The smells of the area assault him as they move to leave and then a familiar smell.

Crouching down, the barbarian takes the wood and returns the welcoming sniffs of Thunder, though he stays near the head of the wolf. Sniffing the hundsire that way would no doubt bring unwanted attention. Truthfully, he didn't really need to, though the instinct was still there.

He reads over the "paper" slowly, the words, the letters, coming out in his mind as he struggles. After a few moments, he hands it off to his party members for them to read for themselves. Not fully literate yet, he at least understood the basics.
Elf Rogue, 497 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 04:07
  • msg #303

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Trusting Narthian's explanation of her stride, she crept at tree top level to find a good branch above the hut to alight upon.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 622 posts
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 06:21
  • msg #304

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel takes the paper from Volsh. He holds it so Volsh can see it and reads the message aloud, moving the fingers of one hand slowly under the words as he does so. He then hands the paper to Bruenor.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1090 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 1 Jan 2021
at 05:31
  • msg #305

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

Dinner of butter-poached whitefish with grilled vegetables, or beans with spices and herbs in a savory broth, can be brought out, or else lighter fair of cheeses, breads, cured meats, nuts, or fruit can be brought to nibble on, along with wine, cordial, or beer.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel relaxes at the table. Rand, are you hungry? And we'd like to know more about you. How much do you remember of your childhood, and how did you survive? Have you ever used a weapon...knife, sling, whatever. Be at ease; we just want to know how best to fit you in and what we might need to buy to equip you.

Rand is sitting easier now, looking far less downtrodden than he had in the Wanderfoot.  "I could eat," he says, though it's clear from the way he sniffs the air that he hasn't smelled or eaten food like that here at the Jade Rose before, but desperately wants to.

"I only had my family for a short while; they were peddlers, traveling from town to town.  I was too little to be much help, but I would sing and chant to try to bring customers in, which worked some of the time.  Then there was a sickness in a town we passed through, a fever.  My parents got it, and died, and then I got it, and lived long enough to stumble back into the road from our camp.  Someone found me and brought me to an orphanage in Port Lyalee.  It wasn't bad, but there were a lot of kids and not as many keepers.  I ran away a few years later and lived on the streets a bit, begged for a while, and then stowed away on a ship to try to find something better.  The crew booted me out when they found me, and luckily we were already docked here.  Keenorn called me 'Keev', because she already knew a Rand.  I picked up how to handle a knife a bit, and a staff and club and sling, but not much more.  I'm not a bad hand with palming coins and things, and still know a good few tunes, though I don't get much call for 'em here.  Keenorn's got her own minstrels she favors.  "

"Keenorn says I have luck; that's why she brought me on.  Otherwise I would have been begging.  I can figure out what folks are saying, even if I don't speak their lingo sometimes, and I remember some of what my parents used to do to keep us patched up on the road. Other than that, I've got a knack for staying alive, which considering some stories I've picked up, isn't a bad thing to have," Rand explains, his hands gripping each other tight as he talks.


The Wanderfoot Gambling Den

Dellas Nump:
Dellas pulls out some Platinum coins "Will these work?" he asks feigning more innocence than really he has.

OOC: Looking to exchange for 50 Gold coins (10 plat if I remember my exchange rate properly).

11:25, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 18 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 17.  Bluff if needed.

The woman's eyes bulge slightly at the amount of money Dellas pulls from his beltpouch, and then smiles even more brightly than before.  "Of course, sir.  I'll let Amalia get that changed for you, and I'll bring over your tokens to your table.  Is there something you'd prefer to drink?"

Once she's heard their requests for a beverage, she brings them to a table where the game is getting ready to start, and returns with their tokens, and then their drinks in short order.  The other players around the table are an older half-elf with a shock of white-blond hair, wearing deep red linen with impeccable tailoring and fine silver jewelry, an old human woman in scarlet wool plush wearing carved wooden roses in her hair, and a treefolk man wearing emerald green leathers with intricate cutwork.  The dealer, a half-elf man of perhaps fifty, is neatly dressed in dark linen shirt, trews, and vest, and has his light brown hair tightly scraped back in a tail at the back of his neck.

"Gentlebeings, please place your bets for the next turning of the Court," he says in a quiet voice as he deals out five cards to each of the players, and placing three before himself.  The three previously-seated gamblers examine their hands, the treefolk trying to keep a smile off his face and failing, the old woman showing no expression, and the half-elf stroking his short goatee while nodded solemnly.

"You'll never be a star player with such honesty as that, Pelas," the old woman admonishes the treefolk.  He shrugs and begins to lay out ten gold worth of tokens, chuckling slightly as he does.

"Perhaps I am so honest that I am a liar, then," Pelas laughs.

"The Lady terrifies us all with her honesty in assisting. I do expect all our coin will end up in her possession by night's end, as per the usual," the half-elf man says, and nods in sympathy at Averdante and Dellas.  "Just so you know what you're getting yourself into, my friends."

OOC: King's Run is basically like blackjack, so an Intelligence or Profession (gambler) or Sense Motive check could assist you in winning your bet as to what cards are in the "Court" (the dealer's cards) by either deducing what cards are in play or watching the reactions of the other players and/or dealer.


The Hidden Cove

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian took the form of a porpoise, to better stay near the surface while remaining inconspicuous. Although he doesn't hear any of Buno's commentary, he does see the rat being set down. He tries to keep it under observation, feeling fairly certain that it was left behind to watch for anyone following. He swims lazily about the cove, watching.

As he swims about, he Natural Spell casts Spider Climb (effective for 70 minutes), just in case he needs to exit the water and climb the bank in a hurry.

Spot: 12:36, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 19 using 1d20+10 ((9))."

Buno, the treefolk, Farian, and Sir Aberlayne begin their climb up the root stairs, and Narthian does notice the rat skittering up a tree, disappearing with the distance and fog.

Trusting Narthian's explanation of her stride, she crept at tree top level to find a good branch above the hut to alight upon.

An excellent vantage point attained, Lantamori can now see that the "hut" is not an independent structure, but rather an extension of a cave.  The colorful lights around it come from several different lanterns englobed in differing hues of glass, though the glow is more steady than your typical lantern.  As she watches, she sees a broad-shouldered figure step just through the doorway, apparently watching or listening to the people coming up from the cove.  The figure seems quite tall as well, and has to stoop to fit through the door.  They wear what looks like a dark tunic and loose, baggy trews, as well as a brimmed hat that droops over their face.

But when they put their hand up on the doorframe to lean out slightly, Lantamori can see the glint of metal and gems on their hand, including long, pointed fingernails also seemingly encrusted with gold.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian heeds the advice and follows Buna carefully up the path. She pauses part way up and whispers a quick prayer while touching her left hand to her holy symbol and her eyes, ""

Detect Magic for 7 minutes.

Examining the area, Farian can see an amulet around Buno's neck as well as both treefolk that glimmer with faint magic, as well as one of the treefolk's belts.  Looking behind her, she can see some magic on the dock itself, as well as the boat.

As she looks around, Sir Aberlayne murmurs in her ear, "Buno does not have the kindest disposition, nor do his friends.  Doesn't mean they'll do anything, but they could be cheats, thieves, or worse."
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:35, Wed 13 Jan 2021.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 623 posts
Fri 1 Jan 2021
at 07:45
  • msg #306

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel beckons to a server. When s/he arrives, he says Please tell this gentleman (pointing to Rand) what's good for a growing lad. Rand, order as you will.

That done, Haazheel says An experiment, Rand. I'm going to tap the table with the fi;ngers of one hand in sequence. Look and listen, and then repeat the sequence using the same hand...with the same tempo and loudness if possible.

[If it's of interest, Haazheel keeps up with the experiment. Haazheel, not being trained, starts with 4-5 taps, increasing gradually until he himself has no idea whether Rand is accurate.]
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 605 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 1 Jan 2021
at 08:13
  • msg #307

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor watched with interest.
"You're a survivor.  I can respect that."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 681 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 1 Jan 2021
at 20:05
  • msg #308

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian nods agreement. She has great faith in her and Sir Aberlayne's ability to take on Buno and the two treefolk. But walking into their den with uncounted additional enemies is a line that the wise will not cross. "How far into your snake's pit do you expect us to follow, Buno?" she says resolutely, stopping short of the entrance. "We are far from prying eyes here on your doorstep. If you have what we're seeking, bring it out."
Elf Archer, 662 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 22:34
  • msg #309

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Following the halfling's lead, Dante exchanged fifty gold coins for the appropriate the gaming tokens. Absently glancing at the tokens as he followed Dellas to the table, Dante mostly used the walk to casually look over the others in the room. He hoped to get a feel for the type of people most of the gamblers were -- and see if he could spot the house players. They would not leave everything in the hands of the dealers, after all.

He ordered a glass of one of the local wines from the treefolk hostess when invited to do so. As he settled into his seat, Dante considered the other players at his own table more closely. Was one of them the man for whom he was looking?

While he'd always favored archery competitions for wagers, done over a woodland course, to sitting for hours around a table -- it was difficult to spend much time with humans and not learn something about their games of "chance." And since he wasn't really here for the gambling... it made it easier to smile cheerfully at the half-elf's warning. "Perhaps," he agreed. "But it's still a better way to pass the evening hours than simply drinking them away." He tossed in his first ten coins into the pot with the rest of the players.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 716 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 01:48
  • msg #310

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian continues to swim in lazy circles and figure eights, never too far from the surface.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 712 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 03:35
  • msg #311

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggles at the half-elf's warning. A bit sheepishly he joins the hand by placing in similar markers to what Dante placed in. He would have to be a quick study to the game. At the offer of a drink he looked at the young waitress "Some warm milk?"
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 542 posts
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 10:16
  • msg #312

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Not having much to add to the conversation, Volsh just watches the area around them. He thanked Haazheel for his help on reading the letter completely, nodding with the words he'd sided out and notes the words he wasn't sure of for later study. Later on he works copy and practice those words once there was time. For now it was time to be vigilant, because, though they had gotten from of the kitchen, the barbarian was sure there were other eyes out keeping the cook informed.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1091 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 10:59
  • msg #313

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel beckons to a server. When s/he arrives, he says, "Please tell this gentleman," pointing to Rand, "what's good for a growing lad. Rand, order as you will."

That done, Haazheel says, "An experiment, Rand. I'm going to tap the table with the fingers of one hand in sequence. Look and listen, and then repeat the sequence using the same hand... with the same tempo and loudness if possible."

If it's of interest, Haazheel keeps up with the experiment. Haazheel, not being trained, starts with 4-5 taps, increasing gradually until he himself has no idea whether Rand is accurate.

Rand takes the recommendation of the fish, as it's clear he's not been in an establishment of the Jade Rose's caliber before, and then listens to Haazheel's odd request of tapping in sequence.  He seems a little confused as to why, but does it anyways.  He proves adept, able to remember the sequence with very good fidelity (not quite perfect, but very good). He has an excellent sense of rhythm, and keeps it up until the food arrives on the table.

He does have mastery of his eating knife and the provided fork, but does eat quite quickly, as if worried the food will be taken from him.

"What was all the tapping about, sir?" he asks in between bites.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor watched with interest.

"You're a survivor.  I can respect that."

"I did my best. Wasn't going to let everything go to waste, right?" Rand says, crunching his way through buttered sea beans.  "I always liked those stories I used to hear as a kid, the ones with the brave warriors and wizards and all.  I wanted to be one of them... but can't get an apprenticeship without money or talent or at least a blade of your own."

As the four talk amongst themselves, some of the diners look uneasily at the shuttered windows, where the moans rise and fall like the lapping of the waves.  A few are making arrangements to stay the night, some with more enthusiasm than others.  One older couple is nearing the end of their meal and are arguing amongst themselves about whether or not to stay.

"...never been this loud before. Puts tingles up my spine it does! No need to go out walking in this weather, not tonight," the woman says, pulling her shawl around her more tightly.

"It's just nonsense!  Sound echoing off the cliffs from the whale calls; Urthat told you he's been out on the sea when the pods swim by!"

"Itharn Drysdale, your brother is half-deaf and a yarn-spinner; I don't intend to go out where I can't see my hand in front of my face, link-boy* or no link-boy to light our way. Something out there sounds hungrier than it ever has, and I don't intend to test those old stories about how it leaves natives alone. I'm too old for that nonsense. We'll spend a nice night here-"

"Hethia, I am not spending gold for a bed when we've got a good one at home! It's just a short walk!"

Hethia hushes Itharn and their conversation continues at a lower volume, though no less heated.

*Link-boy would be someone with a lantern, hired to lead the way on dark nights.

The Wanderfoot Gambling Room

Dellas Nump:
Dellas giggles at the half-elf's warning. A bit sheepishly he joins the hand by placing in similar markers to what Dante placed in. He would have to be a quick study to the game. At the offer of a drink he looked at the young waitress "Some warm milk?"

That gives their hostess a moment's pause, clearly not expecting that request, but she blinks and finally nods.  "Of course, sir.  I'll get that for you."  She'll take Averdante's order of wine as well before heading off to a hatch in the wall to make her request of the kitchen.

Following the halfling's lead, Dante exchanged fifty gold coins for the appropriate the gaming tokens. Absently glancing at the tokens as he followed Dellas to the table, Dante mostly used the walk to casually look over the others in the room. He hoped to get a feel for the type of people most of the gamblers were -- and see if he could spot the house players. They would not leave everything in the hands of the dealers, after all.

He ordered a glass of one of the local wines from the treefolk hostess when invited to do so. As he settled into his seat, Dante considered the other players at his own table more closely. Was one of them the man for whom he was looking?

While he'd always favored archery competitions for wagers, done over a woodland course, to sitting for hours around a table -- it was difficult to spend much time with humans and not learn something about their games of "chance." And since he wasn't really here for the gambling... it made it easier to smile cheerfully at the half-elf's warning. "Perhaps," he agreed. "But it's still a better way to pass the evening hours than simply drinking them away." He tossed in his first ten coins into the pot with the rest of the players.

As Averdante and Dellas receive their tokens and beverages, Averdante assesses folk around the room.  He thinks there are a couple of likely house gamblers at the dice games (half-elves who are warmly encouraging and make dramatic throws), and spies one or two others at the card games who may be in the cook's employ, folks with good clothing and generous purses.  He couldn't finger them precisely, but with more observation he thinks he might figure out if they have a set system.

As the players around the table assess their cards, the Lady examines hers again and sighs.  The half-elf smiles and tosses another token in the pile.

"Firvian, I swear if you sweep this table again tonight I shall be forced to drink tea wine to deal with the pain," the Lady says, sorting through her tokens and matching his bet.

Firvian, the half-elf, just nods at her, "My Lady, I am nothing but an honest gambler and student of Luck."

Pelas, the treefolk, just laughs and turns to Averdante and Dellas.  "Pay them little mind, my friends, they will needle each other all evening and enjoy it immensely.  What brings you newcomers to the Wanderfoot, other than a thirst for a thrill of chance?"

Averdante and Dellas find their cards to be a little low to reach the "inner circle of the Court" - they would need to ask for more cards or would have to hope that their opponents have lower cards than them.  Their cards need to match but not overwhelm the Court of the dealer, as that would be "presumptuous to the Monarch", as the terminology goes.


The Secret Cove

Farian, Sir Aberlayne, Buno, and the treefolk move out of Narthian's earshot and most of his line of sight, though they are now much closer to Lantamori's vantage point.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian nods agreement. She has great faith in her and Sir Aberlayne's ability to take on Buno and the two treefolk. But walking into their den with uncounted additional enemies is a line that the wise will not cross. "How far into your snake's pit do you expect us to follow, Buno?" she says resolutely, stopping short of the entrance. "We are far from prying eyes here on your doorstep. If you have what we're seeking, bring it out."

Buno nods up at the lights at the top of the path.  "Just up there.  Boss likes his privacy.  Asides, if I wanted y'dead I would have pushed you overboard on the trip around the isle. That much armor and you'd sink like a stone."

The group mounts the steps and they end in a small clearing overlooking the cove, finding a wooden hut that is partially built into the hillside.  Several lanterns of colored glass are hung about the front of it, though their glow is much steadier than your typical oil flame or candle.  In the doorway stands a broad-shouldered figure in a hooded robe.  He raises his head as the group crests the hill, and you can see his face is pinched and long, with a thin beard in a long braid, and his hair back in a long, thin, dark tail.

"So, you're the ones Buno says are looking for a bit of jewelry you lost.  Sounds like something I've seen.  What's it worth to you to get back?" he asks without preamble, his voice rough and grating, as if rarely used.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 624 posts
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 22:19
  • msg #314

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel smiles A test of an ability. Now a two-part question: Can you sing, and do you like to? That you can learn to play a musical instrument well I have no doubt.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 19:06, Thu 14 Jan 2021.
Rand Andren
Foundling, 1 post
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 09:59
  • msg #315

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I know a few songs; I pick 'em up easily enough, I just don't get to sing them much these days except for to some of the other lads if they're bored.  I can play the bones, drum, and pipe; easy to find and to make.  There just wasn't much scope for a songster where I was, so I didn't have much of a chance to make a go at it before Keenorn picked me up.  I like it, but I didn't want to be competing with the minstrels who were already hired.  Or rather, it would have been worth a thrashing, and I wasn't about to take a thrashing for their ego!" Rand says.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 625 posts
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 19:28
  • msg #316

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel looks around the table. Thank you, Rand. I think we should find a place that sell musical instruments so I can buy Rand here bones and a drum. He can entertain us as well and helping us with various tasks...carrying, cleaning, and so on. Hmm, and get his some more garments too. ... And I'd really like to find the others. I'm growing more uneasy about us being separated.
Elf Rogue, 498 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 02:58
  • msg #317

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori crouched quietly in the tree to observe the interaction.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 714 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 02:59
  • msg #318

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggles at his cards and begins to state them out loud before he gets a couple looks and gets quiet "I'll stay" he says tossing in more coins to match the pot.

OOC: Uh I rolled a 5.

19:58, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 5 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 2.  Gambling (int check).

This message was last edited by the player at 03:00, Fri 15 Jan 2021.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 606 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 03:12
  • msg #319

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor nodded to Haazheel
'That works.  I'd love to have a musician in the ranks"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 683 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 12:57
  • msg #320

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"That depends," Farian says cautiously. Although she is a competent diplomat, she never cared much for haggling. And it suddenly dawns on her that she's not aware of its actual value. This 'Black Market' is so distant from the Light. "Let's just say that the finder's fee will be doubled if it comes with information about the thief." There's no hiding hers and Sir Aberlayne's holy symbols. She feels it's better to lean into it at this point. "It is a better outcome for you then what you'll get from the Hieronions or Cuthbertites when they come calling."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 717 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Sat 16 Jan 2021
at 12:08
  • msg #321

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian picks out a sheltered spot on the bank, something likely considered too steep or tangled to allow for infiltration. He dives to the bottom of the inlet and swims to this point, emerging slowly from the water and returning to elven form. He climbs slowly and carefully up the embankment until he can see or hear Farian and Aberlayne again.

Hide, Move Silent: 06:05, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17,18 using d20+3,d20+3 ((14,15)).
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 544 posts
Sun 17 Jan 2021
at 10:24
  • msg #322

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The barbarian understands his role in ah this, security. He stands a little back watching the crowd and the other players for physical threats.

05:23, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 15,14 using D20+11,d20+11.  Spot/listen.
Elf Archer, 666 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 15:52
  • msg #323

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Glad he's not actually in the game for profit, Dante adds the correct tokens to the pot to remain in, for the moment. At least he's discovered who Finian is, so he's gotten something out of this hand.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1095 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 10:33
  • msg #324

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel looks around the table. "Thank you, Rand. I think we should find a place that sell musical instruments so I can buy Rand here bones and a drum. He can entertain us as well and helping us with various tasks...carrying, cleaning, and so on. Hmm, and get his some more garments too... And I'd really like to find the others. I'm growing more uneasy about us being separated.

"I can make a pipe or drums or bones that'll do in a pinch, but a proper one would be wonderful!" Rand demurs slightly, but you can tell the idea of an instrument made by a professional seems like a dream, and the promise of new clothes seems like the height of luxury.  Likely he's either been given or bought everything third-or-fourth-hand.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor nodded to Haazheel
"That works.  I'd love to have a musician in the ranks"

"I won't let you down, sirs!  Is there something I can do now, after dinner?" Rand asks.

As those around the table converse, the older couple nearby seem to have reached an agreement, or at least a settlement.  Itharn, the old man, gives coin to one of the inn's errand-runners to act as a link boy.  The boy dresses in a cape and gets a lantern to hang on the end of a short, hooked staff, better to both light and feel their way through the fog.  Itharn's wife Hethia puts on her shawl and links arms with her husband as the link boy pushes open the inn door to see them back home.  And suddenly shrieks as something slams into the opening door, a rotting, waterlogged corpse that looks as if it were caught in a fishing net and drug across the sea floor!

At Bruenor's side the prince's sword begins to flame as the patrons of the Jade Rose begin to scream in horror!  Thunder snarls at the undead, lips skinned back to show his fangs.


The Wanderfoot Gambling Room

Dellas Nump:
Dellas giggles at his cards and begins to state them out loud before he gets a couple looks and gets quiet "I'll stay" he says tossing in more coins to match the pot.

Glad he's not actually in the game for profit, Dante adds the correct tokens to the pot to remain in, for the moment. At least he's discovered who Finian is, so he's gotten something out of this hand.

The cards of the Court are played, revealing that Averdante's cards were good, but the Lady's cards were better.  Tokens change hands, more cards are drawn, and several rounds of gambling ensue.  Dellas loses several hands, then wins big unexpectedly on the last hand, making Pelas groan and Firvian smile, while the Lady calls for a round of tea wine in exasperation.

As the dealer goes to reset the deck for the next round, small talk resumes around the table.

"Unnatural luck, young man!  If warm milk gives you such favor, you may set entirely new trends!  Well then, what brings you and your elf friend to our humble isle, for I am certain I've never seen either of you before," Firvian asks, sipping a small glass of something golden.


The Secret Cove

With Lantamori perched above and Narthian carefully moving in from the side, the boss continues his conversation with Sir Aberlayne and Farian.

Farian Raymellie:
"That depends," Farian says cautiously. Although she is a competent diplomat, she never cared much for haggling. And it suddenly dawns on her that she's not aware of its actual value. This 'Black Market' is so distant from the Light. "Let's just say that the finder's fee will be doubled if it comes with information about the thief." There's no hiding hers and Sir Aberlayne's holy symbols. She feels it's better to lean into it at this point. "It is a better outcome for you then what you'll get from the Hieronions or Cuthbertites when they come calling."

"Good community-minded sorts, eh?" he says, and lets out a bark of laughter.  "The Lords of Law aren't minded to track down petty thieves, not unless they did some damnfool thing and killed a body to get it.  Now, I'm an honest businessman, and I don't do business with thieves.  That'd be wrong.  And illegal."  He grins, and his teeth seem oddly sharp.  "But if I'd bought from someone who was less than honest about how he came by a thing, then for certain I'd help you catch him.  Someone like that isn't worth my trouble, if he'd bring trouble on me.  So likely if what you're looking for was taken improper-like, I'd be inclined to take that finder's fee.  What's it you're looking for?"

Lantamori, you can see the boss' long nails scratch slightly into the wood, leaving behind little curls of it as he talks to Farian and Sir Aberlayne.

Narthian, at ground level you can catch some odd scents as you move into position, something like wine or mead or sweet beer.  Did this operation have a distillery or winery back here?
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 718 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 14:05
  • msg #325

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Ordinarily the thought of a distillery wouldn't grab Narthian's attention. But then, this situation isn't ordinary. Perhaps a little extra knowledge of what these people are about wouldn't hurt. And, if needed, a threat to their livelihood may serve to diffuse a potentially violent situation. Of course, it could be just a henchperson warming a drink to while away the night hours. He slinks towards the aroma's source nonetheless.

Thunder launches himself at the undead, seeking to pull it to the ground where Bruenor can cut it into slightly barbecued chunks.

Thunder Initiative: 08:03, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 18 using 1d20+2 ((16)).

Attack, Damage, and Trip: 08:04, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 26,5,18 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((19,3,16)).

Elf Rogue, 499 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 18:56
  • msg #326

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

It was a bit peculiar to have one's nails so sharp as to scratch wood, but humans were a peculiar folk.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 607 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 23:35
  • msg #327

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor was idly watching the surrounding crowd, more from boredom than because he was feeling especially paranoid, as he was letting small friend take the lead in this social situation.
The attack of the undead shocked him, but only for a second,  as long honed instincts kicked in,  and the big man launched himself into the fray to help Thunder.
His magic sword lit up with fiery light in bthe presence of the dead man, and Breunor swung it at the abomination.

17:30, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 2 using 1d6.  Fire damage .
17:30, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 7 using 1d8+4.  Damage .
17:30, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 31 using 1d20+11.  Sword (i presume no crit?)

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 626 posts
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 01:31
  • msg #328

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel stands while attempting to hold on to Rand's forearm. Let's back up and let the swords do their work he says calmly.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 684 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 01:46
  • msg #329

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian nods knowingly, but a chill runs down her spine at the sight of the sharp teeth. She flashes back to the battle with the lycans and their vampiric master. She hesitates a few moments before answering, searching for the telltale signs ingrained through the teachings of Saint Bane. Unconsciously, her hand lets her cloak uncover the light emitting from her mace. "A platinum ring with a dozen different-colored gems mounted around the band," she says. "So no petty theft. Have you heard of it?"

Knowledge: Religion, ID the boss as undead? 19:33, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 25 using 1d20+9 ((16)).
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 545 posts
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 15:59
  • msg #330

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"YES!" The large man says as he stands sending his chair clattering to the floor behind him. The beast inside shrunk back at this undead as they tended not to taste very well. Wolves would eat decayed flesh if there was no other option, but it never tasted good. Maybe that was a good thing, because he didn't immediately shift, but instead simply moved closer so as to back the other warriors up.

Move: Stand from seated position
Standard: Move closer while grabbing his spear, Widowmaker

10:56, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 6 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:24, Sun 24 Jan 2021.
Elf Archer, 667 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 22:26
  • msg #331

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"We are just visiting," Dante agrees with a smile. "A tour of the islands, right now, although for me it's a bit of a quest as well. A cousin of mine managed to lose a family heirloom, and I'm chasing rumors that it has gone to sea." He glances over at Firvian. "I didn't notice any bookstores here, but I probably need to find someone who deals in rare books, either in trade or as a collector."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 715 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 22:59
  • msg #332

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas nods along with Dante "I'm a Chef and my friend here said we were going to visit a bunch of islands. So I thought why not. Always looking for the next hot pepper to add to my dishes." It was all mostly true, he was a chef and he did like Hot peppers. "And we heard about this card game and wanted to give it a go. Get a view of all sides of the city right?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1096 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 09:38
  • msg #333

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

Narthian Goldleaf:
Thunder launches himself at the undead, seeking to pull it to the ground where Bruenor can cut it into slightly barbecued chunks.

Thunder Initiative: 08:03, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 18 using 1d20+2 ((16)).

Attack, Damage, and Trip: 08:04, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 26,5,18 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((19,3,16)).

Thunder rips into the waterlogged undead with fury, pulling on its leg, ripping its sodden flesh and tumbling to the floor before the horrified elderly couple.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor was idly watching the surrounding crowd, more from boredom than because he was feeling especially paranoid, as he was letting small friend take the lead in this social situation.
The attack of the undead shocked him, but only for a second,  as long honed instincts kicked in,  and the big man launched himself into the fray to help Thunder.
His magic sword lit up with fiery light in the presence of the dead man, and Breunor swung it at the abomination.

17:30, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 2 using 1d6.  Fire damage .
17:30, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 7 using 1d8+4.  Damage .
17:30, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 31 using 1d20+11.  Sword (i presume no crit?)

Bruenor takes quick advantage of Thunder's swift action and slices his sword down, carving an ashen runnel into the undead creature!

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel stands while attempting to hold on to Rand's forearm. "Let's back up and let the swords do their work," he says calmly.

Rand looks a little wild-eyed as Haazheel urges him back, but moves out of the way of the wolf, warrior, and barbarian.  He begins to chant a simple but driving song, a victory of the coming dawn used at some Midwinter celebrations, and folk seem to take a little more heart from it.

OOC: Inspire Courage, everyone at the Jade Rose Inn gets a +1 to attack and a +1 to saves vs fear.

Volsh son of Vor:
"YES!" The large man says as he stands sending his chair clattering to the floor behind him. The beast inside shrunk back at this undead as they tended not to taste very well. Wolves would eat decayed flesh if there was no other option, but it never tasted good. Maybe that was a good thing, because he didn't immediately shift, but instead simply moved closer so as to back the other warriors up.

Move: Stand from seated position
Standard: Move closer while grabbing his spear, Widowmaker

10:56, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 6 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Volsh charges in with Widowmaker, driving the spear deep into the creature's guts and twisting.  It howls in rage and lunges at Volsh, just catching his leg with long, filthy claws and raking into his flesh!

More moans come from the street outside, and it seems that this undead thing might not be the only roaming corpse tonight...


The Wanderfoot Gambling Room

"We are just visiting," Dante agrees with a smile. "A tour of the islands, right now, although for me it's a bit of a quest as well. A cousin of mine managed to lose a family heirloom, and I'm chasing rumors that it has gone to sea." He glances over at Firvian. "I didn't notice any bookstores here, but I probably need to find someone who deals in rare books, either in trade or as a collector."

"Ah, my friend, then I may be able to help you.  There are a few who deal with books here, mostly semi-private collections, and I am one of them.  We do make some lovely books here, though not in huge quantities.  We have very fine illuminated manuscripts and a good variety of subjects.  What are you looking that is of interest to you?  I collect a wide variety of things," Firvian asks.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas nods along with Dante "I'm a Chef and my friend here said we were going to visit a bunch of islands. So I thought why not. Always looking for the next hot pepper to add to my dishes." It was all mostly true, he was a chef and he did like Hot peppers. "And we heard about this card game and wanted to give it a go. Get a view of all sides of the city right?"

The Lady chuckles and takes a sip of her tea wine, grimacing a bit at the taste.  "I've not often seen spicy peppers here, but Pelas knows all that's fit to eat.  Best palate on the isle, he has."

Pelas gives the Lady a small bow and turns to Dellas.  "We just have one, the Sea Scorpion, more of an aquatic plant than a true pepper, but it will add good fire to a dish.  It grows near the shore, so one can harvest it during a short pleasure sail rather than having to mount an expedition for it!"


The Secret Cove

Narthian Goldleaf:
Ordinarily the thought of a distillery wouldn't grab Narthian's attention. But then, this situation isn't ordinary. Perhaps a little extra knowledge of what these people are about wouldn't hurt. And, if needed, a threat to their livelihood may serve to diffuse a potentially violent situation. Of course, it could be just a henchperson warming a drink to while away the night hours. He slinks towards the aroma's source nonetheless.

Creeping around the back, he freezes in place once when he thinks he might have been heard, then resumes his stalking as he goes around the back of the hillside where the hut is build into it.  He can see some kind of chimney poking through the loam, as well as a small trapdoor, one he wouldn't have seen unless he had been nearly on top of it.

Lantamori can see Narthian's passage from above, as her unique vantage gives her a superior view and better angle on his stalking path.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian nods knowingly, but a chill runs down her spine at the sight of the sharp teeth. She flashes back to the battle with the lycans and their vampiric master. She hesitates a few moments before answering, searching for the telltale signs ingrained through the teachings of Saint Bane. Unconsciously, her hand lets her cloak uncover the light emitting from her mace. "A platinum ring with a dozen different-colored gems mounted around the band," she says. "So no petty theft. Have you heard of it?"

Knowledge: Religion, ID the boss as undead? 19:33, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 25 using 1d20+9 ((16)).

"Hmm, no petty theft indeed.  Annoying.  Eh, cover that bloody light up, you want t' announce to the whole Coast Watch that I've got visitors?!" he rasps.  If Farian lets her cloak fall back down, the boss continues.  "Lemme go look and see if someone left that pretty or something like it."

He disappears inside his hut for a few moments, and his voice drifts out.  "I think I got it, but it's in the back of this blasted shelf.  Give the finder's fee to Buno, there, while I wrestle this stupid piece of wood!"

Lantamori, you see more fog begin to pour out of the chimney at the back of the hill, and begin to flow along the ground like water, hiding the forest floor from view.  It races not just downhill but up it as well.,,
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 608 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 09:57
  • msg #334

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor gave an angry smirk as the corpse attacked Volsh.
"Don't turn your back on me, Dead-boy!!!"
He swung his fiery sword with two hands, in a quick succession
03:49, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 16 using 1d20+12.  1st attack
03:50, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d8+4.  1st damage
03:50, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 1 using 1d6.  1st fire damage
03:49, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 27 using 1d20+7.  2nd attack
03:50, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 12 using 1d8+4.  2nd damage
 03:50, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 3 using 1d6.  2nd fire damage .

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 627 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 20:16
  • msg #335

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel says Rand stay behind me; watch my back. If there are more of these abominations, we'[ll be going outside, and I'll be casting spells.

[Fireball, Flaming Sphere, Lightning; depending on situation. Friends would know he has these spells memorized.]
Elf Rogue, 500 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 01:07
  • msg #336

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The elf frowned and slowly pulled her bow around.  That fog wasn't natural.  Perhaps it was the fog the villagers spoke of.  She wasn't sure how an arrow would do against fog, but she might be able to do something else.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 719 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 01:53
  • msg #337

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian remains still, within 60 feet of the trap door, listening and watching. Being aware that Farian is not far inside, he decides that the only real use of the trap door is for those already inside to get out and flank them. He chants softly, making a twisting motion with his hands. He wills the wood to warp and swell, wedging itself in its jamb. Cast Warp Wood to make the door stuck, requiring a STR check to open.

The loose, water-soaked flesh tears easily under Thunder's teeth, and the force of Bruenor's and Volsh's blows make it impossible to hang on. He has trouble finding solid bone to grasp and break.

19:49, Today: Thunder rolled 9,7 using 1d20+7,1d6+2 ((2,5)).
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 685 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 02:16
  • msg #338

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian withdraws 200 gp worth of platinum, gold, and valuable ancient coins from her purse with one hand. With the other, she collects a small pouch of powdered silver. She gives Sir Aberlayne a look that says that she has little more cash left. In the pit of her stomach, she feels that there is little need in paying anyway. "[Language unknown: Po Lantiv korvenate we k ni Sttho ar Leladita!] she says, quickly spilling the powdered silver around herself.

Casting Protection from Evil.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 716 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #339

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"The Sea Scorpion. I will have to try that one. It sounds interesting. How do you prepare it? Anything in particular that needs to be done?" Dellas asks as he continues to gamble away his small pile of chips.
Elf Archer, 668 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 14:20
  • msg #340

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Regarding Firvian with more obvious interest, Dante said, "That sounds promising, but I'm not looking for just any book... I'm searching for a particular one. Elvish, made of rosewood, with gold foil pages. Have you seen one like that?"
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 546 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 72/79 (DR 1/-)
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 10:06
  • msg #341

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh takes the hit with a grunt before signing his spear into two thrusting attacks. His first attack lands true, but his second hits the door jam. An audible snarl escapes the man's lips at the attack, his eyes flashing yellow as he pushes the beast within down.

OOC: I assumed I couldn't charge, that's why I didn't roll. Did you take into account my DR in the damage? I assumed you hadn't, so I adjusted it myself.

Full: Full Attack

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:58, Tue 16 Feb 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1098 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 23:09
  • msg #342

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor gave an angry smirk as the corpse attacked Volsh.
"Don't turn your back on me, Dead-boy!!!"
He swung his fiery sword with two hands, in a quick succession of fiery slices.

Bruenor's strikes at the undead's back sever it in twain, leaving two stinking halves upon the floor.  But two more lurch into the doorway, unheeding of the fact that they are trampling upon their brethren's guts.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel says, "Rand stay behind me; watch my back. If there are more of these abominations, we'll be going outside, and I'll be casting spells."

There are, indeed, more of these things, but they are clogging the doorway and it would taking forcing yourself past two more net-bedraggled undead plus Thunder, Volsh, and Bruenor to get clear space.  But the kitchen must have a door out to the alley, and that's where Haazheel can venture if he wants to try to circle around.  Elsewise he can try to target the undead clogging the doorway, or beyond...

Rand nods at Haazheel's words, but continues his chanting song, hoping that the regular beat and encouraging words will stop the customers and staff in the inn from panicking and give heart to his new friends.

OOC: Continuing inspire courage, +1 to attack and damage, +1 to saves vs fear.

Narthian Goldleaf:
The loose, water-soaked flesh tears easily under Thunder's teeth, and the force of Bruenor's and Volsh's blows make it impossible to hang on. He has trouble finding solid bone to grasp and break.

Thunder can't quite make his attack on the next undead crowding the doorway, but his presence keeps the foul things from pushing past him to the screaming diners and inn staff within.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh takes the hit with a grunt before signing his spear into two thrusting attacks. His first attack lands true, but his second hits the door jam. An audible snarl escapes the man's lips at the attack, his eyes flashing yellow as he pushes the beast within down.

Volsh's next stab with Widowmaker easily penetrates the waterlogged flesh of one of the two newly-arrived undead, though his second is momentarily tangled in the nets and hooks embedded in its skin and fails to penetrate.

The undead moan and grasp for Volsh and Bruenor, missing Bruenor cleanly, but grabbing Volsh.  The hooks thrust through their flesh also penetrate Volsh, and the nets tangle up the barbarian's limbs, drawing him into the undead's embrace!

OOC: Volsh takes 10 points of damage and is grappled.


The Wanderfoot Gambling Room

Dellas Nump:
"The Sea Scorpion. I will have to try that one. It sounds interesting. How do you prepare it? Anything in particular that needs to be done?" Dellas asks as he continues to gamble away his small pile of chips.

Pelas arranges his chips as the dealer sets up for the next game.  "Generally you soak it in clean water for a day, as it's salty as well as spicy, sometimes so salty it can make a dish inedible if too much is used.  I've tasted some success using some only lightly rinsed in a large dish of stew, so it salted and spiced at once, but for most dishes you'll need to soak some of the salt out or you'll regret it mightily.  It likes to grow in mats twined with certain seaweeds, which can sometimes be hiding place for certain sea predators, like sharks or sea lancers, so best to pluck them with a gaff rather than your hands.  Bright purple, they are, and about the size of your fist, so easy enough to spot.  Or for creatures to avoid so they don't eat it by accident!" Pelas says with a laugh.

"Oh he regales us with stories with his close calls when procuring culinary delicacies.  One would think he was an adventurer in the guild with the way he carries on," The Lady says, putting her tea wine down.  "Tell me, young man, do you collect the fiery peppers like Pelas does, like baubles to put on a shelf and bring out at fancy dinner parties, or do you use them in a more interesting fashion?"

Regarding Firvian with more obvious interest, Dante said, "That sounds promising, but I'm not looking for just any book... I'm searching for a particular one. Elvish, made of rosewood, with gold foil pages. Have you seen one like that?"

Firvian pauses as Averdante describes his book, and nods slowly.  "That does sound familiar.  I believe I recently acquired one that sounds similar.  Do you have the title or author of the book, perhaps?


The Secret Cove

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian remains still, within 60 feet of the trap door, listening and watching. Being aware that Farian is not far inside, he decides that the only real use of the trap door is for those already inside to get out and flank them. He chants softly, making a twisting motion with his hands. He wills the wood to warp and swell, wedging itself in its jamb. Cast Warp Wood to make the door stuck, requiring a STR check to open.

Moments after Narthian casts his spell, the door rattle slightly and he hears some cursing from within.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian withdraws 200 gp worth of platinum, gold, and valuable ancient coins from her purse with one hand. With the other, she collects a small pouch of powdered silver. She gives Sir Aberlayne a look that says that she has little more cash left. In the pit of her stomach, she feels that there is little need in paying anyway. "[Language unknown: Nce Alloos proticnti m il arver Herhi el Erlasihi!] she says, quickly spilling the powdered silver around herself.

Casting Protection from Evil.

As Lantamori casts her spell, Buno jumps backwards away from the two women, giving a shout of alarm at her unfamiliar words.  Sir Aberlayne pulled her axe from her belt, but held her blows for now.

"No harm is needed, just the exchange of the ring and where it came from for the money!" she says quickly, keeping her voice calm.

Buno might have looked convinced, but soon enough you cannot see him, as thick fog rolls over everyone, obscuring friend from foe!  You can just barely tell where the entranced to the hut is from its light, but everything else in a murky blur!

The elf frowned and slowly pulled her bow around.  That fog wasn't natural.  Perhaps it was the fog the villagers spoke of.  She wasn't sure how an arrow would do against fog, but she might be able to do something else.

Lantamori, the fog curdles around everything and everyone on the ground, but no higher than the hut itself, and far too even to be natural.  Though you're not a magician, you've traveled with a few for a while, and it's likely someone is making this happen.  It seemed to stem from the hut itself, and you still have a clear view of the top of its porch and roof.  There's some banging from the back, around where its built into the hillside, and some cursing from the front, where your companions and Buno and his pals were standing.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 610 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 23:28
  • msg #343

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor,  clearly having fun up to that point, scowled angrily as his barbarian friend got attacked.   He swung the Prince's Sword with both hands, attacking the second of the undead, clearly wanting to make short work of it so he can help Volsh


17:16, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 26 using 1d20+12.  1st attack
17:20, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 10 using 1d8+5.  1st damage
17:21, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d6.  1st fire damage .

17:17, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+7.  2nd attack
17:20, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d8+5.  2nd damage .
17:21, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 4 using 1d6.  2nd fire damage


Elf Rogue, 501 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 01:14
  • msg #344

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Still unhappy with the unnatural fog, the elf slung her bow and began a silent descent.  The timing of this boded ill for the two below.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 686 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 04:02
  • msg #345

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"It is a simple prayer for protection," Farian says at Buno's reaction. "Something isn't right here," she adds just as the fog rolls in, as if to confirm her suspicion. "[Language unknown: Diningest ecit mancomill ho conte Thisonlat Tepoel wariof teith!]" A golden flame spreads out from her holy symbol, wreathing her entire body. She unlimbers her shield and mace. "Buno, is this the fog that this island is known for?"

Casting Fire Shield, Warm, for protection from cold and fire damage against melee attacks.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 720 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 04:52
  • msg #346

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Just in the nick of time, Nathian thinks. Certainly the cursing and the fog isn't good, but there isn't the sound of battle and thus no need to get too excited just yet. So who's banging on the trap door, and why? He sneaks closer to the trap door, keeping his bow in his left hand and getting a Tanglefoot bag for his right.

More prey! Enough to feed the whole pack! Thunder snaps at the legs of the new comers.

22:43, Today: Thunder rolled To Hit, Damage, Trip STR check: 13,8,5 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((6,6,3)).
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 628 posts
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 06:08
  • msg #347

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazxheel nods his approval of Rand. He looks around to see if he can spot anybody armed and ready to eliminate undead.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 548 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 19:38
  • msg #348

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh continues his attack through gritted teeth. The pain of the two hits weakening his control over the beast within. Eyes flash gold, his face darkens with hair, teeth sharpen, as he struggles with the wolf. Given this interior struggle, he lands two attacks mainly by accident rather than skill.

Full: Attack
Total damage:20 or 29 if a 7 confirms

10:45, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 24,7,25,13 using D20+10,d8+5,d20+5,d8+5.  Attack/damage.

11:01, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 12,9 using D20+10,d8+5.  Crit confirm/damage.

Oops, that should have been only a +5 on the confirm roll making it a 7 though I doubt a 12 would have confirmed anyway.

Elf Archer, 670 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 22:19
  • msg #349

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante frowned slightly at Firvian's question, sitting back slightly. "Nothing I want to speak in such a public venue. I'm not the only one in the family searching for it, after all, and to the finder go the spoils for returning it." He shrugged and added bluntly, "I don't want to share."

Prodding his remaining chips, Dante addresses Prreet silently.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 719 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 22:21
  • msg #350

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Allowing Dante to continue prodding the one conversation he kept the other going "Unique, some of my friends do enjoy eating different peppers. The hotter the better. And I do so enjoy preparing them in different ways. Some you have to slice into thin strips then slowly roast them over coals. Others you will want to boil a bit before your use them."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1101 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 7 May 2021
at 09:16
  • msg #351

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor,  clearly having fun up to that point, scowled angrily as his barbarian friend got attacked.   He swung the Prince's Sword with both hands, attacking the second of the undead, clearly wanting to make short work of it so he can help Volsh.

Bruenor's sword flashes twice, the flames reflecting in the dull, glassy eyes of the undead, felling his foe with a wet thud as the now-inert corpse hits the cobblestones.

More prey! Enough to feed the whole pack! Thunder snaps at the legs of the new comers.

22:43, Today: Thunder rolled To Hit, Damage, Trip STR check: 13,8,5 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((6,6,3)).

Thunder rips away some of the netting embedded into the undead's skin, but dodging around Bruenor and Volsh means he can't get enough momentum to tug the undead off-balance.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh continues his attack through gritted teeth. The pain of the two hits weakening his control over the beast within. Eyes flash gold, his face darkens with hair, teeth sharpen, as he struggles with the wolf. Given this interior struggle, he lands two attacks mainly by accident rather than skill.

Volsh, grappled by the net and the creature's filthy claws, cannot bring Widowmaker into play.  But enraged by the foul creature, he managed to get a fist free enough to slam into the creature's slack-jawed face with punishing power!  It still staggers and stands, but its head is partially caved-in by the force of Volsh's blows.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazxheel nods his approval of Rand. He looks around to see if he can spot anybody armed and ready to eliminate undead.

Rand continues to sing, and the steady beat and encouraging words seem to have partially penetrated the panic of the patrons and personnel.  The some of the inn's staff and the stouter-hearted customers begin to pull the more hysterical ones towards the secure storerooms at the back of the inn, clearing the main dining room of potential victims.

Haazheel, looking about, can see an older woman, moderately wealthy by her garb, has kilted up her skirt and commanded the fireplace poker to defend herself.  Two more burly lads in very plain clothes and aprons, likely undercooks or those who tote heavy things for the inn, have gotten ahold of cleavers and planted themselves as a second line of defense.

Outside, Mystique relays that there are definitely more of the undead outside, and he gets the impression of "as many as our group".


The Wanderfoot Gambling Room

Dante frowned slightly at Firvian's question, sitting back slightly. "Nothing I want to speak in such a public venue. I'm not the only one in the family searching for it, after all, and to the finder go the spoils for returning it." He shrugged and added bluntly, "I don't want to share."

Prodding his remaining chips, Dante addresses Prreet silently.

"Hmm..."  Firvian drums his fingers on the table idly before speaking.  "Well, if it is business, then perhaps you can come by tomorrow for a private consultation.  If I have what you're looking for, perhaps we can agree on a mutually acceptable price.  Beyond that, I shan't discuss business at the gambling tables, elsewise the Lady and Pelas will be certain to kick me under the table until my legs are as purple as blackberries."

Dellas Nump:
Allowing Dante to continue prodding the one conversation he kept the other going "Unique, some of my friends do enjoy eating different peppers. The hotter the better. And I do so enjoy preparing them in different ways. Some you have to slice into thin strips then slowly roast them over coals. Others you will want to boil a bit before your use them."

"Ah," the Lady says, "Then you are a culinary experimenter, one who actually eats for the fun, rather than simply to prove that your mouth is as flameproof as a salamander."  She wrinkles her nose playfully at Pelas, who chuckles at her sally.  "I have tasted some lovely dishes at Pelas' table, even so.  Fresh shrimp in fire sauce, spice-crusted blue flier, regelt with pepper broth, ahh, lovely!  So, what was the last kind you enjoyed-"

The Lady's conversation is cut off as one of the hostesses goes to the front of the room and claps her hands, bringing attention to herself.

"Ladies and gentlebeings, my apologies.  There is a profound disturbance in the streets, and for your safety, we must unfortunately close the games for tonight.  Carriages and security is being arranged, so if you will please sort yourself into groups of four to six, we will begin to move people out in an orderly fashion.  Thank you!"


The Secret Cove

Narthian Goldleaf:
Just in the nick of time, Nathian thinks. Certainly the cursing and the fog isn't good, but there isn't the sound of battle and thus no need to get too excited just yet. So who's banging on the trap door, and why? He sneaks closer to the trap door, keeping his bow in his left hand and getting a Tanglefoot bag for his right.

As Narthian heads closer to the door, he can hear someone banging on it, the heavy thuds of someone backing up to ram their shoulder into the door with no little force.  His spell of warping has made the passage difficult, but it won't hold the determined exiter forever.  Poised with the alchemical bag, Narthian waits until the door finally bursts open, revealing a cloaked and hooded figure who swears under his breath in almost every language Narthian knows (save Druidic) and a few more besides.

Still unhappy with the unnatural fog, the elf slung her bow and began a silent descent.  The timing of this boded ill for the two below.

Lantamori's descent is as quiet as she would have wished, and the fog closes in around her, making her nearly invisible.  She can hear the sounds of those talking (or shouting, rather) near the hut, and a rhythmic thud deeper into the woods.  She can just see the lights of the hut's doorway through the murk, and knows her friends, plus Buno and his two crew members, should be near there.

Farian Raymellie:
"It is a simple prayer for protection," Farian says at Buno's reaction. "Something isn't right here," she adds just as the fog rolls in, as if to confirm her suspicion. "" A golden flame spreads out from her holy symbol, wreathing her entire body. She unlimbers her shield and mace. "Buno, is this the fog that this island is known for?"

Casting Fire Shield, Warm, for protection from cold and fire damage against melee attacks.

"Bleeding hells, woman!  You want to light up everything a bit more, maybe make us a bigger target for the ruddy patrols?  Is that your game?  You working for the mayor?  The forest circle?  Finally come to replace, us eh?  Bought themselves some outsiders to clean us out and give what we earned to their own cronies?"  Buno steps back further into the fog, but then the doorway to the hut darkens.  "Take' em!"

With a rush, a dagger flies out of the fog, missing Farian completely, and one of the tree folk darts in to slash at Farian with a short, jagged blade.  Her shield flares even as the blade licks her, and the treefolk gives a cry of pain as the fires scorch her. 

The other treefolk mutters a few words, and Sir Aberlayne, who had been turning to track them, suddenly slips and falls with a painful-sounding thud!
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 631 posts
Fri 7 May 2021
at 19:02
  • msg #352

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Good work, Rand! Haasheel praises. I'm leaving to help outside.

Haazheel exits; and, guided by Mystique's observation, invokes a fireball wher it will do the most damage to the undead.

Let the fireball appear
So these undead will sear!

1d6 fire damage/level 20' Radius (7d6)
12:01, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 23 using 7d6 with rolls of 4,3,1,6,2,5,2.  Damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:03, Fri 07 May 2021.
Elf Rogue, 503 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 7 May 2021
at 21:23
  • msg #353

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Hearing a commotion ahead, Lantamori unslung her bow and knocked an arrow as she crept forward silently to see what they'd gotten themselves into.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 722 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Fri 7 May 2021
at 23:31
  • msg #354

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"A disturbance? What kind of Disturbance? Is it a fire? Cities always get caught on fire. Or perhaps a bar fight? Seen those happen all the time, usually someone complaining about someone else stealing stuff." Dellas's questions ramble off his tongue at an amazing pace as he looks a bit excited at the prospect? He gathers up what coin he has, and his bags, sending a feeling to his Vish who can feel his thoughts, wishing him to check on his friends. While he looks for his other friend.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 723 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Sun 9 May 2021
at 00:37
  • msg #355

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Someone sneaking out the backdoor, and now shouting out front, that's enough for Narthian to know that this cloaked figure is a person of interest to not be let free. He throws the tanglefoot bag.

19:33, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 24 using 1d20+8 ((16)).

"Where do you think you're going" he says, nocking an arrow.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 00:38, Sun 09 May 2021.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 689 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 9 May 2021
at 00:55
  • msg #356

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian takes a step back, holding her palm towards the treefolk, eyes blazing righteous fire. "[Language unknown: Sifipo pl wa Fihi oveillenc tine Unin laliom!]" A beam of pure light bursts forth towards the tree creature. "You have been in the darkness too long, Buno. And if you will not come to the light, Pelor will see his Light brought to you."

Searing Light ranged touch attack: 19:48, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 16,15 using d20+4,3d8 ((12,6,3,6)).
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 551 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Sun 9 May 2021
at 22:38
  • msg #357

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh, being tangled in the net, can no longer hold back the beast within. The hair on his head thickens and grows down his face, his fingers grow into thick fingers, his mouth extends into snout full of sharp yellow teeth, his eyes burn with golden fire. He howls as he moves to get free.

Free: Transform
Standard: Escape Grapple
18:37, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 16 using 1d20+11.  grapple check.

Sigh. . .

Elf Archer, 674 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 10 May 2021
at 15:00
  • msg #358

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Tomorrow sounds good," Dante tells Firvian. "Do you have a shop here in town?"

His conversation, and the one Dellas has been having on cooking and peppers, is interrupted by a hostess calling everyones' attention to her.

Dante's first thought, on hearing of the vague "profound disturbance," is to wonder what his companions have done, but then he mostly puts that idea aside. Bringing carriages around with security to see their clients off sounds like something that has been done before here. So maybe it's one of those nights when the mist is causing trouble? It can't hurt to ask.

Collecting his remaining tokens, Dante rises with the others. "This seems well-rehersed," he remarks. "Is this what happens when the mists here get strange?" He plans to keep an eye on Firvian, to see if he leaves with everyone or not, and if he does, where he goes.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:01, Mon 10 May 2021.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 618 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Wed 19 May 2021
at 12:37
  • msg #359

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor,  despite his better judgment,  set his sword on a nearby table and tried to physically pull the undead fellow on his friend.   It was difficult,  as touching the thing felt like reaching into a maggoty grave.  His disgust kept him from getting a good grip

07:35, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d20+3.  Strength

Dungeon Master
GM, 1105 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 20 May 2021
at 06:38
  • msg #360

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Jade Rose Inn

Haazheel Thorn:
"Good work, Rand!" Haasheel praises. "I'm leaving to help outside."

Haazheel exits; and, guided by Mystique's observation, invokes a fireball wher it will do the most damage to the undead.

Let the fireball appear
So these undead will sear!

1d6 fire damage/level 20' Radius (7d6)
12:01, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 23 using 7d6 with rolls of 4,3,1,6,2,5,2.  Damage.

Haazheel can see the shadowy forms of the lurching undead through the thickening mist, and places his fireball in the middle of them, making certain to miss the door of the inn.  The fire blooms and illuminates the mist, bringing with it a stench of burned seaweed and rotting flesh as several of the shuffling forms drop to the ground, inanimate!

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor,  despite his better judgment,  set his sword on a nearby table and tried to physically pull the undead fellow on his friend.   It was difficult,  as touching the thing felt like reaching into a maggoty grave.  His disgust kept him from getting a good grip

07:35, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d20+3.  Strength

Bruenor cannot quite get a grip on the slippery, soft flesh, but he does attract the undead's attention.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh, being tangled in the net, can no longer hold back the beast within. The hair on his head thickens and grows down his face, his fingers grow into thick fingers, his mouth extends into snout full of sharp yellow teeth, his eyes burn with golden fire. He howls as he moves to get free.

Free: Transform
Standard: Escape Grapple
18:37, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 16 using 1d20+11.  grapple check.

Sigh. . .

The undead's distraction and the bloom of fire beyond the doorway as Haazheel's voice rings out on the street is enough for Volsh to rip himself free of the undead's grasp.

Thunder darts in again, this time getting his teeth on the trailing net and pulling hard enough to send the undead thudding to the ground!

Rand continues to chant encouraging words as the undead swipes at Thunder, missing him by a hair.  Beyond the doorway, there are still some moans in the mist; though Haazheel's spell had killed some, more seem to be coming!


The Wanderfoot Gambling Room

Dellas Nump:
"A disturbance? What kind of Disturbance? Is it a fire? Cities always get caught on fire. Or perhaps a bar fight? Seen those happen all the time, usually someone complaining about someone else stealing stuff." Dellas's questions ramble off his tongue at an amazing pace as he looks a bit excited at the prospect? He gathers up what coin he has, and his bags, sending a feeling to his Vish who can feel his thoughts, wishing him to check on his friends. While he looks for his other friend.

The hostess gives a tiny, tight smile, quickly gone, before she answers.  "The mist, good sir, has brought some... unwelcome visitors to the streets.  And large concentrations of people tend to attract them.  It is better for people to return to their safe homes, rather than deal with such... unpleasantness.  Right this way, sir."

She gestures for him to walk towards a door at the back of the room, ushering the rest of the table to follow.

Vish scampers off, using coats or skirts to hide himself until he can get out the door and let darkness hide them.  Then he begins his run towards the Jade Rose Inn.

"Tomorrow sounds good," Dante tells Firvian. "Do you have a shop here in town?"

"Just up the road from the town.  I have a nice little manor house on a cliff above the harbor," Firvian said.  "I don't need a shopfront for the goods I usually trade in."

His conversation, and the one Dellas has been having on cooking and peppers, is interrupted by a hostess calling everyone's attention to her.

Dante's first thought, on hearing of the vague "profound disturbance," is to wonder what his companions have done, but then he mostly puts that idea aside. Bringing carriages around with security to see their clients off sounds like something that has been done before here. So maybe it's one of those nights when the mist is causing trouble? It can't hurt to ask.

Collecting his remaining tokens, Dante rises with the others. "This seems well-rehearsed," he remarks. "Is this what happens when the mists here get strange?" He plans to keep an eye on Firvian, to see if he leaves with everyone or not, and if he does, where he goes.

"It's not the first time," the Lady sighs.  "Though, granted, sometimes it is more of a political situation, bit of unrest, or sometimes a stampede, once an incursion of birds...  Either way, they know to keep us safe. We do lose a lot of money to them regularly, after all. But it sounds like the mist could be hungry tonight, which is certainly a cause for cutting the night short."

"Someone ought to quell the Ship's Graveyard more than once in a blue moon, that's what I say," Pelas mutters.

"Volunteering, Pelas?  Let us not stand here and chat, but get to the carriages before we get to see the results of that neglect up close," Firvian says, walking briskly towards the exit.  The staff members are gathering the small groups of people, and then opening the back door (with caution, the bouncers watching warily) and hustling them into a waiting carriage.  The carriage whisks away, the door shuts, and the staff wait until they near another carriage before repeating the process.

Prreet weaves his way amongst the crowd, using the tables and chairs to hide himself as much as possible as Averdante and Dellas' group moves closer to the doors.

"Are you staying in an inn?  On a ship?" Firvian asks.  "Because if it's an inn, I may have to offer you some hospitality, because I believe Inn Street will be not healthy to traverse."


The Secret Cove

Hearing a commotion ahead, Lantamori unslung her bow and knocked an arrow as she crept forward silently to see what they'd gotten themselves into.

Once closer, Lantamori's vision can see the light from Farian's mace illuminating the scene of Buno and the two treefolk attacking Farian and Sir Aberlayne.  Buno is in the doorway to the hut, one treefolk is next to Farian (a scorch mark on them) and the second treefolk is perhaps ten feet away from Sir Aberlayne, who is lying on her back, the ground wet and slick-looking underneath her.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Someone sneaking out the backdoor, and now shouting out front, that's enough for Narthian to know that this cloaked figure is a person of interest to not be let free. He throws the tanglefoot bag.

19:33, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 24 using 1d20+8 ((16)).

"Where do you think you're going?" he says, nocking an arrow.

Narthian's aim is true, and the bag splats right at the figure's feet.  With a growl, the figure sways, and Narthian realizes his foe his stuck to the ground for the moment.  When Narthian talks, the figure snaps their hooded face to stare at the elf.

"I'll pay you more than whoever is paying you to look the other way.  It'd be easy, ye just never saw me, eh?  I can tell you right were some good stuff is, and I'll be on my way before you know it," he says in a low, harsh voice.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian takes a step back, holding her palm towards the treefolk, eyes blazing righteous fire. "" A beam of pure light bursts forth towards the tree creature. "You have been in the darkness too long, Buno. And if you will not come to the light, Pelor will see his Light brought to you."

Searing Light ranged touch attack: 19:48, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 16,15 using d20+4,3d8 ((12,6,3,6)).

The searing ray of light burns the treefolk with the dagger, making him scream in pain as the divine light crisps his flesh!  Though still standing, it's clear he's in a lot of pain.

Sir Aberlayne doesn't even try to get up, but just rolls sideways and chops hard at the treefolk, laying open their calf with a swing of her axe!

The burned treefolk retreats and throws a dagger at Farian, but it flies past her, missing cleanly.  The one by Sir Aberlayne screams and limps backwards, frantically downing a small vial of liquid from their belt.  From the doorway to the hut, a bolt flies out at Sir Aberlayne, but sails right over her head, and Buno can be heard cursing his foul luck!
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 619 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Thu 20 May 2021
at 07:17
  • msg #361

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Although annoyed that his normally powerful grip didn't seem to help much, Bruenor was nonetheless grateful beyond measure to be able to let go of the filthy walking corpse.  Grabbing his sword with deft, practiced hands, he let it catch aflame again and hacked at the creature with renewed vigor.

02:12, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 20 using 1d20+10.  1st power attack.
02:13, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d8+9.  1st power attack damage.
02:14, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 1 using 1d6.  1st flame damage.

02:13, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 16 using 1d20+5.  2nd power attack.
02:13, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 17 using 1d8+9.  2nd power attack damage.
02:14, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d6.  2nd flame damage.

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 632 posts
Thu 20 May 2021
at 16:25
  • msg #362

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel looks to see where the undead seem to be bunched up enough for another fireball to be effective. He is heed in this by Mystique, who flies up for an areal view.
Elf Rogue, 504 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 20 May 2021
at 16:48
  • msg #363

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Not sure how the situation had escalated, the elf reslung her bow and pulled her silver dagger.  As no one seemed to have spotted her yet, she tried to keep it that way as she moved toward the most vulnerable of the tree folk.

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 690 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 20 May 2021
at 21:24
  • msg #364

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian advances on the seared treefolk and swings her mace, landing a glancing blow.

16:23, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 19,4 using 1d20+7,1d8+3 ((12,1)).
This message was last edited by the player at 21:25, Thu 20 May 2021.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 724 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Thu 20 May 2021
at 21:28
  • msg #365

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Oh? What kind of good stuff?" Narthian says with a slight dip of his bow, feigning interest to buy time.

Bluff? 16:27, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 15 using 1d20+1 ((14)).
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 723 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Sat 22 May 2021
at 16:41
  • msg #366

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas looked up to Dante in expecting glance, curious if they were moving along with the crowd or wanting to get back with the others. He then glanced about the room, finding Kelvren and just nodding for him to stay put hidden within the rafters. Vish he felt already scurried away.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 552 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Tue 25 May 2021
at 00:02
  • msg #367

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

With a one part jovial and one part hunger, the now wolf man pounces on the undead, jabbing his spear down as fast as he can.

OCC: I'm assuming that it is within a 5' step. If I have to take a 5' I will, but I rolled both attacks just in case.

16:54, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 17,12,12,9 using D20+10,d8+5,d20+5,d8+5.  Attack/damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:41, Sat 29 May 2021.
Elf Archer, 675 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 25 May 2021
at 20:50
  • msg #368

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Feeling a touch of concern at Firvian's words regarding the hazard to the inn, Dante glances down at Dellas. "At the Jade Rose. We have companions from our ship there." Although if the inn is at risk, and they had been talking about a ship's graveyard, was their ship safe? Were their friends at the inn in greater jeopardy, or the ship? "Will the undead go after our ship?"

He expected they gambling room would rather not have anyone around attracting an attack, because things could easily go missing in the chaos of a fight, but was there any reason to expect that those at the inn hadn't simply barricaded themselves inside to wait it out?
Dungeon Master
GM, 1106 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 06:56
  • msg #369

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

At the Jade Rose Inn

Bruenor Sedricson:
Although annoyed that his normally powerful grip didn't seem to help much, Bruenor was nonetheless grateful beyond measure to be able to let go of the filthy walking corpse.  Grabbing his sword with deft, practiced hands, he let it catch aflame again and hacked at the creature with renewed vigor.

Bruenor slashes the prince's sword down once, twice, and finally beheads the undead, leaving a smell of scorched seaweed and rotting fish in its wake!

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel looks to see where the undead seem to be bunched up enough for another fireball to be effective. He is aided in this by Mystique, who flies up for an aerial view.

Mystique dives low through the mist and you turn towards where he indicates, seeing vague, lumbering forms through the reflected flames against the night vapor.  With another incantation, Haazheel can sling another fireball through the groaning crowd, illuminating more undead and causing another handful to crumple to the ground, burning.

Volsh son of Vor:
With a one part jovial and one part hunger, the now wolf man pounces on the undead, jabbing his spear down as fast as he can.

OCC: I'm assuming that it is within a 5' step. If I have to take a 5' I will, but I rolled both attacks just in case.

16:54, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 17,12,12,9 using D20+10,d8+5,d20+5,d8+5.  Attack/damage.

While the undead at his feet is quite inert, the flare of flames from outside illuminates the others who are stumbling up from the harbor. Volsh can run outside, Thunder at his heels, and take on the nearest of the undead foes.  With the firelight you can see more than before, and Volsh and Thunder can go after a waterlogged undead wearing a tricorn hat of a pirate captain, one eye socket covered by a silvery eyepatch, the other gaping and empty, a ragged red coat around the sopping flesh of his body.  Thunder is able to knock the captain down, and Volsh's spear Widowmaker finds a home in the undead's belly!

Rand moves up closer to Bruenor, a log of firewood in his hands, continuing his encouraging chant...


The Wanderfoot Gambling Room

Feeling a touch of concern at Firvian's words regarding the hazard to the inn, Dante glances down at Dellas. "At the Jade Rose. We have companions from our ship there." Although if the inn is at risk, and they had been talking about a ship's graveyard, was their ship safe? Were their friends at the inn in greater jeopardy, or the ship? "Will the undead go after our ship?"

He expected they gambling room would rather not have anyone around attracting an attack, because things could easily go missing in the chaos of a fight, but was there any reason to expect that those at the inn hadn't simply barricaded themselves inside to wait it out?

Firvian shakes his head as their group moves up to the door.  "Drusilla, dear, where is the trouble concentrated tonight," he asks the hostess in a low voice.

"Upper end of Inn Street, sir, I'm afraid.  Apparently someone wasn't heeding the warnings.  There's sounds of a tussle down that way, and we'd rather get our customers away from any unpleasantness," the woman says.  There's a knock at the door, and she opens it quickly, gesturing for Firvian, Averdante, Dellas, the Lady, and Pelas to get into the waiting carriage.  It's a bit of a squeeze, but as Dellas and the Lady are not very big, it's doable.  The door us pulled firmly shut, and the horses begin to pull with a will.

"Well, with that in mind, I can offer you all the hospitality of my home for the night," Firvian says.  "The Jade Rose Inn is sturdily built, and should be able to weather this storm without problem.  Ah, in regards to your ship, I doubt it will be attacked, if it is mostly untenanted.  Those that haunt the night often go for concentrations of people, hence part of the reason we are being scattered."

Dellas Nump:
Dellas looked up to Dante in expecting glance, curious if they were moving along with the crowd or wanting to get back with the others. He then glanced about the room, finding Kelvren and just nodding for him to stay put hidden within the rafters. Vish he felt already scurried away.

Kelvren is happy to perch and watch - it is his purpose, after all.  As the carriage begins to move, Dellas feels a surge of fear from Vish, and gets the sense that there are dangerous, unnatural things on the streets.


The Secret Cove

Not sure how the situation had escalated, the elf reslung her bow and pulled her silver dagger.  As no one seemed to have spotted her yet, she tried to keep it that way as she moved toward the most vulnerable of the tree folk.

Moving like a wisp of fog herself, Lantamori eases herself behind the burned treefolk so quietly she doesn't even disturb a twig.  The treefolk, focused on their own pain, doesn't seem to notice her at all.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian advances on the seared treefolk and swings her mace, landing a glancing blow.

16:23, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 19,4 using 1d20+7,1d8+3 ((12,1)).

Farian moves in from the other side, her mace adding to the treefolk's obvious pain and illuminating the mist around her.

Sir Aberlayne gets to her feet, swinging her axe and using the top of it to punch her treefolk in the belly, knocking the wind out of them!

The winded treefolk limps backwards and downs another potion, fading from view!

The burned treefolk bends slightly and throws a handful of dirt into Farian's eyes, which hits squarely! 

From the direction of the hut, a bolt flies towards Farian's illumianted form and strikes her armor, but fails to penetrate, leaving nothing behind but a bruise.  There's another curse from Buno, and a sound of retreating feet.

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Oh? What kind of good stuff?" Narthian says with a slight dip of his bow, feigning interest to buy time.

Bluff? 16:27, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 15 using 1d20+1 ((14)).

"Coin, wine, jewelry, few bits of magic.  Two firkins in the back of the room I just came from, and a cedar jewel chest on top of them.  That's the best of it, and it can be moved quick enough.  Leave me be, and I'll tell you how to disarm the traps on 'em," the hooded figure says quickly, head moving side to side as if looking for another ambush.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 633 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 07:29
  • msg #370

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel looks and moves as suggested, and makes a gesture while intoning

Thus my fireball I aim as I turn.
May it land so undead burn and burn.

He asks Mystique to return  to a lookout position.

00:21, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 28 using 7d6 ((5,3,5,6,2,5,2)).
Elf Rogue, 505 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 21:27
  • msg #371

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Coming up behind the treefolk, Lantamori attempted to thump it on the back of the head with the pommel of her dagger.

OOC: Nonlethal sneak attack against flat footed.
Lantamori rolled 12 using d20+6-4 with rolls of 10.  Attack from behind!
Lantamori rolled 24 using 4d6+1d4+1 with rolls of 6,5,6,2,4.  Sneak Attack Damage with dagger.

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 725 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 50/50
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 01:39
  • msg #372

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Those all sound nice," Narthian replies. "But you know that we are not here for any old treasure. We are looking for something truly valuable..."

Narthian readies a Faerie Fire spell in case the slime ball works himself free.

Thunder rips at the downed undead.

Thunder! 20:43, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17,3 using 1d20+7,1d6+2 ((10,1)).
This message was last edited by the player at 01:44, Fri 04 June 2021.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 691 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 02:04
  • msg #373

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian intones a spell, hoping to get rid of the fog and, potentially, reveal the other treefolk. She does not bother to move out of combat range of the tree folk that she and Lantamori are now flanking.

Casting Dispel Magic as area affect centered 21 feet away (to prevent dispelling her own protective magic), around where the other treefolk was last seen.

Concentration vs. 10+damage taken: 21:01, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 28 using 1d20+17 ((11)).

Dispel check: 21:03, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 18 using 1d20+7 ((11)).

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 622 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 02:51
  • msg #374

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Gripping his sword with grim determination,  Breunor rushed outside
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 634 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 16:46
  • msg #375

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel sees a group of six undead. He extends thre fingers and

Scorching rays, one, two, three
Now do a good job for me!

09:41, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 33 using 12d6 ((4,6,3,3,2,1,3,4,3,1, 2,1)).

Damages: 16, 10, 7

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 554 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 13:54
  • msg #376

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

A howl of triumph as Thunder pulls the sodden being down. Continuing the pack tactics, he stabs down twice in rapid succession while growling and thick drops of saliva drips from his extended jaws.

Full: Attack twice
09:53, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 19,9,21,8 using D20+10,d8+5,d20+5,d8+5.  Attack/damage.
Total of 17 piercing and magical damage

Elf Archer, 676 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 21:07
  • msg #377

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

If there is a place on the carriage's exterior where Prreet can get a secure, unnoticed seat, Dante will direct him there, to keep that bit of advantage. If not, he'll have the stone cat return to his usual perch on his shoulders just before he climbs into the vehicle himself.

This is risky, he knows, but Dellas is a skilled and often overlooked wizard. They've found a part of the smuggling ring, and Firvian might be hard to find later, if he gets too suspicious. Settling onto the padded bench seat, Dante looks across at Dellas. Is he willing to follow this through now, or does he look as if he'd rather they take their chances in the street to return to the inn and check on their companions?
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 724 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 00:07
  • msg #378

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas looks back one last time, then turns towards Dante and Firvian "Well that does sound most dangerous. Lets get to some safety." As he clambers up next to Dante.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1110 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 08:27
  • msg #379

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Outside the Jade Rose Inn

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel sees a group of six undead. He extends thre fingers and

Scorching rays, one, two, three
Now do a good job for me!

09:41, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 33 using 12d6 ((4,6,3,3,2,1,3,4,3,1, 2,1)).

Damages: 16, 10, 7

Haazheel's rays of fire streak out from his fingers, one sizzling to harmless steam as it brushed one waterlogged walking corpse, but two more finding their marks, searing the sopping flesh!

Bruenor Sedricson:
Gripping his sword with grim determination,  Breunor rushed outside

Bruenor, seeing the flames illuminate a half-dozen more staggering foes, rushes to aid Volsh and Haazheel, quickly attracting the attention of one of the undead and he charges towards them.

Volsh son of Vor:
A howl of triumph as Thunder pulls the sodden being down. Continuing the pack tactics, he stabs down twice in rapid succession while growling and thick drops of saliva drips from his extended jaws.

Full: Attack twice
09:53, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 19,9,21,8 using D20+10,d8+5,d20+5,d8+5.  Attack/damage.
Total of 17 piercing and magical damage

Volsh makes quick work of the pirate captain and whirls to face the last five of his foes.

Thunder rips at the downed undead.

Thunder! 20:43, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17,3 using 1d20+7,1d6+2 ((10,1)).

Thunder targets the nearest undead, which fails to trip under the wolf's assault, but has a mouthful of waterlogged flesh ripped away by Thunder's powerful jaws!

Rand runs after Bruenor, shutting the door to the Jade Rose Inn behind him, and pulls out his dagger as he follows his new companions, continuing his encouraging chant!

Two undead stagger forward to swipe at Volsh, but their blows make no impact on his armor.  Two more lumber ahead to claw at Bruenor, one scraping his filthy claws against Bruenor's breastplate, but failing to find purchase, the other tangling himself in his own net.  The one Thunder is fighting, however, rips deeply into the wolf's fur, spilling hot blood onto the cold, slick cobblestones.


The Streets of Rooton

If there is a place on the carriage's exterior where Prreet can get a secure, unnoticed seat, Dante will direct him there, to keep that bit of advantage. If not, he'll have the stone cat return to his usual perch on his shoulders just before he climbs into the vehicle himself.

This is risky, he knows, but Dellas is a skilled and often overlooked wizard. They've found a part of the smuggling ring, and Firvian might be hard to find later, if he gets too suspicious. Settling onto the padded bench seat, Dante looks across at Dellas. Is he willing to follow this through now, or does he look as if he'd rather they take their chances in the street to return to the inn and check on their companions?

Prreet, from the images he sends, his able to leap onto the cargo area behind the body of the carriage and slip mostly out of sight.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas looks back one last time, then turns towards Dante and Firvian "Well that does sound most dangerous. Lets get to some safety." As he clambers up next to Dante.

"Indeed, I am not up for fighting through the haunts of the night to get to my own bed when yours are quite comfortable," the Lady says, and Pelas nods in agreement.

"Fair and fair.  Then, my old and new friends, let us head home for the evening," Firvian says.  He thumps on the roof of the carriage, and when a small hatch slides open, allowing the driver to hear, Firvian says, "Take us to Woodview, my good man."

"Will do, m'lord," the driver says, and slides the hatch shut again.  The carriage picks up the pace, the hooves the horses clicking rapidly on the cobblestones.  Soon enough the sounds transform into hooves on dirt, and the carriage tilts in a way that means you are climbing.  With the mist and darkness there's little to see from Rooton other than the occasional lit window or torch on the street, but nothing very far from where you are.  You travel for perhaps twenty minutes before the carriage comes to a halt.  The door opens, revealing a courtyard in front of a wood and stone manor that sits high above Rooton, likely looking out over the harbor.  A half-dozen servants stand with lit torches to illuminate the way and assist everyone from the carriage, revealing the fine carvings on the walls of stylized birds and beasts.

Soon enough everyone has been ushered indoors (the entry hall with its tapestries of scrolls and flowers, and small potted trees) and set down in a comfortable hall with a large fireplace, lit against the damp chill of the night, several lanterns providing adequate light.  There are no hunting trophies upon the walls, instead there are a few more tapestries of various pedigrees from prominent families of Low'verok, several bookshelves with a wealth of books, folios, and scrolls in cases, a number of living trees and potted plants, as well as a few colorful birds in large cages, mostly dozing.  Curiously, the walls are also adorned with the occasional glass-topped case with a quill or glass pen in it, labeled with a name.

The furniture here is either well-carved wood or stuffed leather, both elegant and comfortable, with small tables about for both lamps and books.  Pelas, the Lady, and Firvian settle themselves by the fire, and wine or cordial is offered all around.

"My servants are seeing that rooms are set up for all of you.  Once I get a chance to catch my breath a bit, perhaps I'll see if I can hunt down that text for you, Averdante.  After all, our night was interrupted, and if we cannot cheat one another at cards, perhaps we can expand our minds in the pursuit of knowledge," Firvian says.

The Lady laughs and Pelas shakes his head.  "Oh save us from too much knowledge!" she declares.

"You'll have to excuse the pair of them," Pelas says, shaking his head.  "They do so like to meddle with newcomers for their own amusement."

The Secret Cove

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Those all sound nice," Narthian replies. "But you know that we are not here for any old treasure. We are looking for something truly valuable..."

Narthian readies a Faerie Fire spell in case the slime ball works himself free.

"Bleeding hell, it's gettin' to be so's a man can't make a dishonest living anymore," the Boss snaps, and reaches, slowly, back inside and grabs a tiny barrel, even smaller than a firkin, and thrusts it in the dirt.  There's a faint thud within the barrel when it comes to rest.  "The ring yer godly girl wanted, it's in here.  Now, if m'lordship pleases, I'll be going," he says, and goes to walk deeper into the woods.

As the cloaked figure attempts to finish his transaction, Buno suddenly emerges from the door, crossbow at his side, looking frantic.  "Boss!  Boss, they got the twins and I think they're after-"  Buno stops almost comically when he sees Narthian standing there, then frantically digs for a knife sheathed at his side!

Coming up behind the treefolk, Lantamori attempted to thump it on the back of the head with the pommel of her dagger.

OOC: Nonlethal sneak attack against flat footed.
Lantamori rolled 12 using d20+6-4 with rolls of 10.  Attack from behind!
Lantamori rolled 24 using 4d6+1d4+1 with rolls of 6,5,6,2,4.  Sneak Attack Damage with dagger.

Silent and hidden in the mist, Lantamori's surprise attack connects with precision, knocking the treefolk face-down in the forest loam, unconscious.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian intones a spell, hoping to get rid of the fog and, potentially, reveal the other treefolk. She does not bother to move out of combat range of the tree folk that she and Lantamori are now flanking.

Casting Dispel Magic as area affect centered 21 feet away (to prevent dispelling her own protective magic), around where the other treefolk was last seen.

Concentration vs. 10+damage taken: 21:01, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 28 using 1d20+17 ((11)).

Dispel check: 21:03, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 18 using 1d20+7 ((11)).

Farian's cascade of magic washes over the area, suddenly leaving the formerly-invisible treefolk now quite visible indeed!  Sir Aberlayne takes advantage of Farian's spell and smashes the butt of her axe into the treefolk, knocking them to the ground and seemingly out like a snuffed torch.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:39, Wed 23 June 2021.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 626 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 08:48
  • msg #380

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Yelling an old fashioned battle cry, Bruenor rushed at the nearest undead,  sword swinging in a wide arc.

03:44, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+10.  1st power attack
 03:45, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d6.  1st fire damage .
03:45, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d8+9.  1st  sword damage .

03:44, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 9 using 1d20+5.  2nd power attack .

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 728 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 36/50
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 19:09
  • msg #381

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian completes his Faerie Fire, targeted to outline the "Boss" with a vibrant green sheen, and including Buno if near enough. "You misunderstand," Narthian says, giving Buno a warning glance. "The object is wanted, but we want to know more, specifically how it came to be in your possession. Run if you will, but you are marked and my wolf brothers will soon be on your heals."

No saving throw. Area of effect is only a 5' radius.
Elf Rogue, 506 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 23:03
  • msg #382

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Now what?" Lantamori asked of Farian as she hadn't exactly understood how the transaction went.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 635 posts
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 23:12
  • msg #383

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel, keeping away from harm, assesses what to do next.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 693 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 21:42
  • msg #384

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian returns Lantamori's look, rubbing the dirt from her eyes. "Buno and the main guy retreated into the shack, so we should follow," she says, advancing into the structure with her mace held up like a torch. "I don't know how people operate like this. So much shadow in their language and hearts. I feel like I need a bath from even trying to speak their 'language'. I am sure that they meant to rob us rather then give any information."
Elf Rogue, 507 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 22:43
  • msg #385

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Where is Narthian?" the elf asked, following the light wielder with a glance over her shoulder at the two recumbent tree people.
Elf Archer, 680 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #386

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante tried to keep track of the direction in which they traveled, at least relative to the town. He took note of the house at which they arrived, too, in case he needed to be able to recognize it again. The numerous servants he eyed with more curiosity as they left the carriage for the house; were they guards disguised as servants? Or was Firvian living as a lord in truth?

Judging from the mansion's interior, Firvian truly was interested in books. Dante had never see so many in one place. He drifted once around the room, trying to determine if there seemed to be a theme to the contents -- antiquities, expensively ornamented? -- before joining the others by the fire and accepting a glass of wine.

"If meddling means offering such hospitality," he tells Pelas with a lift of his glass, "I can't easily imagine that anyone would object." He gives Firvian a nod. "You are much more of a scholar than I've ever dreamt of becoming. It must be a true passion for you." Glancing over at Dellas, he asked the halfling, "Have you ever seen such an impressive collection, Dellas?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 694 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 20 Jun 2021
at 23:46
  • msg #387

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"I'm not sure. He is as resourceful as any of us, though. I am sure that eventually he will find my light."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 557 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Mon 21 Jun 2021
at 00:31
  • msg #388

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh is not mindless under his wolven pelt as he quickly turns to the undead that had attacked Thunder. With a snarl, he launches himself at the zombie that hit the wolf, ramming his spear in deep.

Charge giving me a +2 to hit, but a -2 to AC til my next round.
If I can't charge, I'll still move up and attack the same zombie, but it'll be a 25 and no -2 to my AC
20:28, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 27,8 using D20+12,d8+5.  Attack/damage.

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 729 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 36/50
Tue 22 Jun 2021
at 00:17
  • msg #389

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Thanks for reminding me Volsh!

Thunder yips in pain, snarls and bites back, but more as a warning then a serious attack.

19:15, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 9,5,20 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((2,3,18)).
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 726 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 17:44
  • msg #390

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas was worried about Vish as they travelled through the streets, trying to send a general hide feeling to Vish. He had not even noticed their travel until the carriage came to a stop, being ushered inside he looked about the room full of books. Quickly noting what tiles he could read from his position. He nodded slightly to Dante as he moved towards the books "May I?" he asked to their host.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1111 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 09:03
  • msg #391

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Outside the Jade Rose Inn

Bruenor Sedricson:
Yelling an old fashioned battle cry, Bruenor rushed at the nearest undead,  sword swinging in a wide arc.

The prince's sword flares brightly as Bruneor slashes down at the first of his undead foes.  The blade parts the wet flesh of the creature's chest and neck, and it drops at Bruenor's feet!  Now only one more foe is in Bruenor's reach...

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh is not mindless under his wolven pelt as he quickly turns to the undead that had attacked Thunder. With a snarl, he launches himself at the zombie that hit the wolf, ramming his spear in deep.

Charge giving me a +2 to hit, but a -2 to AC til my next round.
If I can't charge, I'll still move up and attack the same zombie, but it'll be a 25 and no -2 to my AC
20:28, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 27,8 using D20+12,d8+5.  Attack/damage.

Volsh turns away from the two undead attacking him and instead goes after the one Thunder has downed.  With wild strength, he thrusts Widowmaker hard into the prone undead, pinning it to the cobblestones!

The two undead Volsh left behind stagger after him, hands extended to grab and tear.  The one remaining facing Bruenor claws at him, but fails to find a gap in his armor.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Thanks for reminding me Volsh!

Thunder yips in pain, snarls and bites back, but more as a warning then a serious attack.

19:15, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 9,5,20 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((2,3,18)).

Thunder is able to keep his foe on the ground, by no more. The undead tries to bite Thunder, but the wolf is too swift for that.

Rand's voice raises in intensity as he keeps the group surrounded by encouraging music, guarding the door against further assault.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel, keeping away from harm, assesses what to do next.

Haazheel, you can see that there are two foes in battle with Bruenor, one undead prone next to Thunder and Volsh, and two undead who had staggered over to try to engage Volsh.  There are some fainter moans from down the street, and dull thuds, like fists banging on a door, but no screams or sword clashes or other sounds of violence.  You are definitely startled, though, when something nudges your ankle!  Looking down, you see Vish behind your boot!


Woodview - Firvian's Estate

Dante tried to keep track of the direction in which they traveled, at least relative to the town. He took note of the house at which they arrived, too, in case he needed to be able to recognize it again. The numerous servants he eyed with more curiosity as they left the carriage for the house; were they guards disguised as servants? Or was Firvian living as a lord in truth?

Judging from the mansion's interior, Firvian truly was interested in books. Dante had never see so many in one place. He drifted once around the room, trying to determine if there seemed to be a theme to the contents -- antiquities, expensively ornamented? -- before joining the others by the fire and accepting a glass of wine.

"If meddling means offering such hospitality," he tells Pelas with a lift of his glass, "I can't easily imagine that anyone would object." He gives Firvian a nod. "You are much more of a scholar than I've ever dreamt of becoming. It must be a true passion for you." Glancing over at Dellas, he asked the halfling, "Have you ever seen such an impressive collection, Dellas?"

As Averdante circles the room, the books, scrolls, and folios he sees seem to be in excellent shape, though it's clear many are quite old.  There is a variety of languages - Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, even Draconic (even if you don't speak those languages, the lettering is enough to identify its origin).  The titles you can read seem to point to primarily historical and natural history books, various wars from differing perspectives, reigns of notable monarchs, biographies of various figures (political, magical, famous, and notorious), overviews of various religions (some gods or sects being entirely unfamiliar - "Ashfae the Darkhidden", "The Scarlet Stars", "Norgula of Broken Teeth", "The Wavering One"), journals of explorers and adventurers and their travels and travails, and books on flora and fauna of different regions of Low'verok.

The quills and pens in small cases on the wall, each one labeled with a name, seem to have been a pen owned by a particular person, some of who were the authors or subjects of some of the books on the shelves.

Firvian nods graciously at Averdante's compliment.  "My thanks for your praise.  It seems a waste to not use the education my parents gave me; they each had their own scholarly bent, and my mother brought some rare books with her in her dowery. Now, the elven book with rosewood covers and gilt pages you spoke of.  If I had something of that nature, it likely would have migrated to my private library, so you shall have to pardon me for a few moments, my guests, whilst I go on a hunt."

Dellas Nump:
Dellas was worried about Vish as they travelled through the streets, trying to send a general hide feeling to Vish. He had not even noticed their travel until the carriage came to a stop, being ushered inside he looked about the room full of books. Quickly noting what tiles he could read from his position. He nodded slightly to Dante as he moved towards the books "May I?" he asked to their host.

"Of course, Dellas.  Just treat them gently.  I shall be back soon."  Firvian nods and turns to pace out of the room, heading back towards the hall and the stairs.

Dellas can examine the books and finds a few in the Draconic tongue that speak of the magical practices of certain monstrous races (harpies, minotaurs, nagas, merfolk, amongst others) as well as a peculiar slim folio entitled, "My Interview with Markcifilius, a Beholder Most Grand".

In perhaps a half-hour, Firvian returns wearing a pair of kidskin gloves, and holding a book-shape wrapped in red silk.  He goes to a table and unwraps the package upon it, revealing a rosewood-covered book with gold foil pages, the spine marked with Elvish script - "Memory".

"Ah, I found it.  Recently acquired, quite rare, a real beauty.  It's not often one can find a book written from the perspective of an elf about elven mental disciplines.  It's a rather niche subject if one is not an elf," he says with a slight nod at Averdante.  "Being as such things are more useful for an elf's trance state and less useful for a human's sleep, but sometimes such things can be helpful nontheless, if one has the patience.  Is this the volume you were seeking?  May I ask for what purpose?"


The Secret Cove

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian completes his Faerie Fire, targeted to outline the "Boss" with a vibrant green sheen, and including Buno if near enough. "You misunderstand," Narthian says, giving Buno a warning glance. "The object is wanted, but we want to know more, specifically how it came to be in your possession. Run if you will, but you are marked and my wolf brothers will soon be on your heels."

No saving throw. Area of effect is only a 5' radius.

The boss and Buno are illuminated in green light, making the boss snarl and Buno curse.

"I sees you have no wantin' to be a gennelman about this," the boss says, his voice thick with a low-city accent.  "Runnin' an honest crook out of business, makin' him talk about his folk."  He spits off to one side, and says, "Brought into the harbor in wine barrels and firkins.  I gets some, others get others. We gets them where they need to go, we get paid."

Buno, now glowing green and his boss apparently about to sell him out, runs back the way he came.

"Now what?" Lantamori asked of Farian as she hadn't exactly understood how the transaction went.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian returns Lantamori's look, rubbing the dirt from her eyes. "Buno and the main guy retreated into the shack, so we should follow," she says, advancing into the structure with her mace held up like a torch. "I don't know how people operate like this. So much shadow in their language and hearts. I feel like I need a bath from even trying to speak their 'language'. I am sure that they meant to rob us rather then give any information."

"Where is Narthian?" the elf asked, following the light wielder with a glance over her shoulder at the two recumbent tree people.

Farian Raymellie:
"I'm not sure. He is as resourceful as any of us, though. I am sure that eventually he will find my light."

Sir Aberlayne rolls to her feet and pulls out some lengths of rawhide.  "I'll make sure these two don't go anywhere, and keep a weather eye out for any more surprises," she says, briskly tying the treefolk hand and foot.

As Farian turns to the hut door, a glowing green figure runs out from within, banging straight into the priestess!  Buno shouts and goes top over teakettle over her, then struggles to get back to his feet, pulling himself towards the steep staircase down to the cove!
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 627 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 09:53
  • msg #392

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor tried to cleave the undead horror in twain, but in his haste to escape its vile grasp, he stumbled backwards, the swing going wide, as the creature's broken fingernails rakes across his very expensive armor.   He shuddered.
" the gods.... I'll be hearing that scrabbling sound in my dreams tonight for sure..."

Gritting his teeth,  he brought The Prince's Sword across in a back swing, trying to strike down the dead man.

OOC: 04:34, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 4 using 1d6.  Fire damage .
04:34, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 16 using 1d8+9.  2nd damage .
04:34, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 20 using 1d20+5.  2nd power attack .
04:33, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d20+10.  1st power attack

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 558 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 11:12
  • msg #393

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Volsh continues his assault on the downed zombie completely ignoring the two that were behind him.

Full: Attack x2

07:09, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 24,8,12,11 using D20+11,d8+6,D20+11,d8+6 ((13,2,1,5)).

So, with the nat 1, that's only 8 potential damage

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 636 posts
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 00:25
  • msg #394

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel picks up Vish, looks the familiar in the eyes, and says Lead me to him. He hods Vish lightly to feel which way the familiar wants to go.
Elf Rogue, 508 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 00:59
  • msg #395

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Do we need to stop him?" Lantamori asked idly as she watched the glowing man attempt to flee.  Had he eaten the wrong kind of fish or something?
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 695 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 01:36
  • msg #396

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In response, Farian utters another spell, reaching a hand out as if grasping a tiny version of Buno in it. "[Language unknown: P adtra Chriut m beni Waat Ositbe, ndie strstihou een nidin!]"

Casting Hold Person, Will vs DC 15."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 727 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 00:48
  • msg #397

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas walks among the stacks of books, picking out particular interesting ones, glancing through them before placing them back. He was mostly interested in what Arcana may be present, but the interview with a Beholder. He's heard rumors of one of them, Interesting he thought and he picked up that book and was skimming through it as their host returned.
Elf Archer, 681 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 00:52
  • msg #398

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

There seemed to be no unusual preparations going on outside, which seemed to support Dante's suspicions that Firvian is an end buyer more than a fence. With two libraries in his home, he was clearly dedicated to acquiring books. So had they approached him with the book, knowing his interests, or had he arranged for someone to go and retch it for him?

When Firvian returns, Dante gets up to look at the book. "That does appear to match the description," he tells Firvian. Looking up at his host, he continues, "If I return it to my grandmother, I'll get the promised reward... and make my cousin look even more of an idiot than losing it did. He smiled slightly and added, "Also not a bad reward, as it happens."

Dropping the smile, he studied the book a few moments longer, then looked back at the half-elf. "Of course, that all depends on whether or not you're willing to part with it. You said you'd recently acquired it, and it's obvious you take your book collection quite seriously."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 730 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 36/50
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 18:51
  • msg #399

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Yawn," Narthian literally says. "This we know already. How do you think we found you? Look, you obviously didn't get on well with Farian, and she's the nice one. Surely you can appreciate your current position, and that we couldn't care less about your status at the end of this discussion. If you won't tell us now what we want to know, we'll ask your corpse later. I think I'll call my wolf brothers now..."

Spontaneous Cast Hold Animal as Summon Nature's Ally II, summoning 1 growling wolf behind the Boss.

13:46, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 1 using 1d3 ((1)).

Intimidate?: 13:48, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 14 using 1d20+1 ((13)).

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 732 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 36/50
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 19:15
  • msg #400

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Thunder rips into the undead flesh.

14:14, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 23,5,3 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((16,3,1)).
Dungeon Master
GM, 1114 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 06:42
  • msg #401

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Outside the Jade Rose Inn

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor tried to cleave the undead horror in twain, but in his haste to escape its vile grasp, he stumbled backwards, the swing going wide, as the creature's broken fingernails rakes across his very expensive armor.   He shuddered.
" the gods.... I'll be hearing that scrabbling sound in my dreams tonight for sure..."

Gritting his teeth,  he brought The Prince's Sword across in a back swing, trying to strike down the dead man.

OOC: 04:34, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 4 using 1d6.  Fire damage .
04:34, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 16 using 1d8+9.  2nd damage .
04:34, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 20 using 1d20+5.  2nd power attack .
04:33, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d20+10.  1st power attack

Bruenor's second swing catches the undead, tearing out its soggy throat and tossing it to the ground.  For the moment, no foes are near him, and the closest he can see are the two who have converged on Volsh, and the one at Volsh and Thunder's feet.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh continues his assault on the downed zombie completely ignoring the two that were behind him.

Full: Attack x2

07:09, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 24,8,12,11 using D20+11,d8+6,D20+11,d8+6 ((13,2,1,5)).

So, with the nat 1, that's only 8 potential damage

In his fury, Volsh stabs down with Widowmaker again and again, missing the undead entirely the second time, but wounding it further with the first.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Thunder rips into the undead flesh.

14:14, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 23,5,3 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((16,3,1)).

Thunder aids him, teeth ripping at the creature and finally succeeding in tearing the undead's throat out!

The two remaining undead claw at Volsh with mindless hunger, their claw-like hands pulling at his limbs, armor, and spear, but are unable to get through to the tender, bloody meat they so desire.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel picks up Vish, looks the familiar in the eyes, and says, "Lead me to him". He holds Vish lightly to feel which way the familiar wants to go.

Vish squirms out of his grasp and goes up onto Haazheel's shoulder.  The weasel nudges Haazheel's head to the side, towards the interior of the island, and then nudges his chin up, until he can see lights from an estate partway up the steep hill above Rooton.  Vish chitters, pointing with his nose at the lit windows dimly seen through the mist in the hills above.


Woodview - Firvian's Estate

Dellas Nump:
Dellas walks among the stacks of books, picking out particular interesting ones, glancing through them before placing them back. He was mostly interested in what Arcana may be present, but the interview with a Beholder. He's heard rumors of one of them, Interesting he thought and he picked up that book and was skimming through it as their host returned.

Inside the folio the author, a minor noble called Baron Ilwild Wendare, was apparently a traveler and gadabout sort of person. Despite warnings to the contrary (which he dismissed) he approached the beholder Markcifilius in his lair on the Border of the Unexplored Lands, and through supreme self-confidence and judicious application of flattery, managed to have a conversation with the beholder, rather than be turned into a statue, disintegrated, eaten, or otherwise killed in some spectacular fashion.  Baron Wendare then self-published his folio, mostly to other nobles.  The interview seems to be mostly gossip and trading stories about how to keep one's staff and minions in line, along with some travel stories and name-dropping from unusual creatures that Markcifilius had met in his journey (Yarkax the Jade Terror - a green dragon carving out a territory in the west, Janrisha the Delicate - a medusa artisan, Tel-De-Ra - a chimera who haunted the Unwanted Desert). The folio is signed by Markcifilius himself, which does make it rather valuable on uniqueness alone, regardless of its content.

There seemed to be no unusual preparations going on outside, which seemed to support Dante's suspicions that Firvian is an end buyer more than a fence. With two libraries in his home, he was clearly dedicated to acquiring books. So had they approached him with the book, knowing his interests, or had he arranged for someone to go and retch it for him?

When Firvian returns, Dante gets up to look at the book. "That does appear to match the description," he tells Firvian. Looking up at his host, he continues, "If I return it to my grandmother, I'll get the promised reward... and make my cousin look even more of an idiot than losing it did. He smiled slightly and added, "Also not a bad reward, as it happens."

Dropping the smile, he studied the book a few moments longer, then looked back at the half-elf. "Of course, that all depends on whether or not you're willing to part with it. You said you'd recently acquired it, and it's obvious you take your book collection quite seriously."

Firvian looks troubled.  "Well, yes.  I had heard of this volume nearly three decades ago, and have been looking for it for quite some time.  I was given to understand it was in different private collections for a time, and when it came up for sale, I was very happy to make the acquisition..."


The Secret Cove

"Do we need to stop him?" Lantamori asked idly as she watched the glowing man attempt to flee.  Had he eaten the wrong kind of fish or something?

Buno doesn't even spare Lantamori a glance as he keeps trying to scramble away.

In response, Farian utters another spell, reaching a hand out as if grasping a tiny version of Buno in it. "[Language unknown: Wa mini Ardtinund i sa Atpa Ionproera, ngti anloic pewhi ica!]"

Casting Hold Person, Will vs DC 15."

Farian feels her blessing loose and fly towards Buno, but it seems his fear is stronger for the moment, and he keeps scrambling away down the path.

Sir Aberlayne starts after Buno, moving as fast as she can on her short legs.  "I don't want to be left here without a boat, and I think he has some things to tell us!" she says, scooting down the path after him.

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Yawn," Narthian literally says. "This we know already. How do you think we found you? Look, you obviously didn't get on well with Farian, and she's the nice one. Surely you can appreciate your current position, and that we couldn't care less about your status at the end of this discussion. If you won't tell us now what we want to know, we'll ask your corpse later. I think I'll call my wolf brothers now..."

Spontaneous Cast Hold Animal as Summon Nature's Ally II, summoning 1 growling wolf behind the Boss.

13:46, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 1 using 1d3 ((1)).

Intimidate?: 13:48, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 14 using 1d20+1 ((13)).

"The Throne!" the boss snaps out quickly, as Narthian begins his chant.   "Cap'n Vardun of The Throne. He brings stuff in in the firkins on his ship, we get it to buyers. Lots of rich sorts come 'ere for out spices and stuff, and some got deep pockets. It's a quiet place fer business!"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 628 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 12:28
  • msg #402

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Seeing thr big barbarian in trouble,  Bruenor rushed over to help, not wanting any of his friends to fall prey to the filthy undead.
He swung his sword at the back of one of the creatures

OOC:  07:26, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 1 using 1d6.  Flame.
07:26, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 17 using 1d8+9.  Damage .
07:26, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 14 using 1d20+10.  Power attack

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 637 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 19:38
  • msg #403

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel says Message received, Vish. He starts off at a sustainable trot.
Elf Rogue, 509 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 00:57
  • msg #404

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Agreeing with Sir Aberlayne's synopsis, Lantamori sets off after Buno as well.

"Stop or get an arrow in the back!" she shouted at the man as she pulled her bow around as she skipped down the trail after him.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 735 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 36/50
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 01:07
  • msg #405

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Thunder snaps at a "fresh" undead leg, looking to help is wolf brother.

To Hit, Damgage, Trip STR check: 19:38, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 16,3,9 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((9,1,7)).

Narthian completes his chant anyway. "Easy, Yele Draug," he says to the wolf as it appears and eyeballs the Boss. "He's not worth eating yet." He ponders for a moment. "I guess you better come with me for now. Yele Draug here will listen to me, the rest of the pack might, or they might not. You'll be safer with me for a while." Narthian motions back towards the dock.

Bluff: 20:04, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 11 using 1d20+1 ((10)).

Sense Motive: Lying? 20:06, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 12 using 1d20+3 ((9)).

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 696 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 23:26
  • msg #406

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Feel free to shoot him!" Farian says to Lantamori before chasing after Aberlayne.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 728 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 00:25
  • msg #407

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas giggled as he read different excerpts from the beholder book, before he closed it and gently returned it to it's resting place "A wonderful collection you have here." Dellas commented as he continued on down looking for any books on cooking. He was listening to Dante's conversation intently but was trying to conceal it as he did so by looking and skimming books.
Elf Archer, 683 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 01:02
  • msg #408

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Firvian's words on how he'd come to acquire the book sounded rather different than Dante's wholly spurious tale of an inner family rivalry, although it had gotten him this far. But perhaps knowing the book had ended up here was enough? An end buyer on the smuggler's chain?

No one had paid them to buy the stolen items back, and he had no intention of spending his own coin doing so without a certainty of being repaid. What he needed was a lead on whomever had sold Firvian the book.

Tilting his head, so he could appear to still be looking at the book, but also be watching Firvian, Dante mused, "Maybe it's a different book, then? I was told what it looked like, but books are not of particular interest to me. Is there an inscription dedicating it to Torian Silverleaf in the front? Because if there isn't, I must keep looking. Perhaps speaking to your broker could be a help."

17:37, Today: Averdante rolled 3 using 1d20-1.  Bluff check.
LOL He still sucks at lying!

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 559 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 11:53
  • msg #409

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

volsh snarls/laughs at the clumbsy attacks and lashes out with his own on the one to his right.

Actions: Full Attack
07:46, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 24,10,15,11 using D20+11,d8+6,D20+11,d8+6 ((13,4,4,5)).
Assuming both hit, that's 21 damage, though it's more than likely only 10

Dungeon Master
GM, 1116 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 08:54
  • msg #410

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Outside the Jade Rose Inn

Bruenor Sedricson:
Seeing thr big barbarian in trouble,  Bruenor rushed over to help, not wanting any of his friends to fall prey to the filthy undead.
He swung his sword at the back of one of the creatures

OOC:  07:26, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 1 using 1d6.  Flame.
07:26, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 17 using 1d8+9.  Damage .
07:26, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 14 using 1d20+10.  Power attack

Bruenor's fierce attack slices the undead's throat, and its soggy head thuds to the cobblestones, its body dropping to its knees, then sprawling, a moment later.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Thunder snaps at a "fresh" undead leg, looking to help is wolf brother.

To Hit, Damgage, Trip STR check: 19:38, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 16,3,9 using 1d20+7,1d6+2,1d20+2 ((9,1,7)).

Thunder rips at the leg of the one remaining undead, though cannot quite drive to to ground!

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh snarls/laughs at the clumsy attacks and lashes out with his own on the one to his right.

Actions: Full Attack
07:46, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 24,10,15,11 using D20+11,d8+6,D20+11,d8+6 ((13,4,4,5)).
Assuming both hit, that's 21 damage, though it's more than likely only 10

With Thunder distracting the last undead, Widowmaker plunges in twice, and then thrice, spewing rotten gore as the final undead falls with a sickening death rattle!

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel says, "Message received, Vish." He starts off at a sustainable trot.

Streets quiet once more, Haazheel heads off towards the road up the hill.  Rand, seeing Haazheel wander off with a weasel on his shoulder and an owl flying overhead, calls out to his benefactors.

"Uh... Haazheel went off towards the hill with a weasel on his shoulder?" he says uncertainly.

Woodview - Firvian's Estate

Dellas Nump:
Dellas giggled as he read different excerpts from the beholder book, before he closed it and gently returned it to it's resting place "A wonderful collection you have here." Dellas commented as he continued on down looking for any books on cooking. He was listening to Dante's conversation intently but was trying to conceal it as he did so by looking and skimming books.

Dellas keeps his ears open, examining more books and curios upon the shelves.  Some of the quills and pens in cases on the walls are marked with various names, some with accompanying documents, and he realizes that these are writing utensils used in famous writings, such as notable books, treaties, decrees, and proclamations.  Several books shelved near the cased quills are various histories, likely meant to give context to the artifacts.  While some of the pens of various books, monographs, or folios are fairly mundane, some of the treaties and proclamations were signed by fairly exotic items, such as feathers from phoenixes, thunderbirds, steel shrikes, and radiant peacocks, or pens made from exotic hardwoods with unusual colors or fantastic patterns.  There is even one exceptionally large case that holds a roc feather, four feet long, apparently used in signing a treaty with a cloud giant tribe on the northern border of Low'verok some five hundreds years ago.

Firvian's words on how he'd come to acquire the book sounded rather different than Dante's wholly spurious tale of an inner family rivalry, although it had gotten him this far. But perhaps knowing the book had ended up here was enough? An end buyer on the smuggler's chain?

No one had paid them to buy the stolen items back, and he had no intention of spending his own coin doing so without a certainty of being repaid. What he needed was a lead on whomever had sold Firvian the book.

Tilting his head, so he could appear to still be looking at the book, but also be watching Firvian, Dante mused, "Maybe it's a different book, then? I was told what it looked like, but books are not of particular interest to me. Is there an inscription dedicating it to Torian Silverleaf in the front? Because if there isn't, I must keep looking. Perhaps speaking to your broker could be a help."

Firvian looks rather skeptical at Averdante's claim, but at the mention of the inscription, he relaxes slightly and opens the book with gloved hands, showing the front pages with no dedication.

"I'm afraid you're on a wild eagle chase, in this case.  But Isfaran Vardun is a man of many talents when it comes to finding rare things, so perhaps he is the one you need to speak to.  He captains a ship, The Throne, out of Port Xialar, though truth be told he is more merchant than sailor.  He was supposed to be due by week's end at the latest, so you would not have too terribly long to wait, if you need to speak to him," Firvian says, closing the tome gently.


The Secret Cove

Narthian completes his chant anyway. "Easy, Yele Draug," he says to the wolf as it appears and eyeballs the Boss. "He's not worth eating yet." He ponders for a moment. "I guess you better come with me for now. Yele Draug here will listen to me, the rest of the pack might, or they might not. You'll be safer with me for a while." Narthian motions back towards the dock.

Bluff: 20:04, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 11 using 1d20+1 ((10)).

Sense Motive: Lying? 20:06, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 12 using 1d20+3 ((9)).

The sight of the wolves made the boss freeze into stillness.  He seemed to very much believe that Narthian could have him ripped to shreds in a heartbeat, too much so to even consider lying; he had spoken the truth of those who had passed him stolen goods!

"As long as there's a fast trip elsewhere once we're done.  I don't fancy being the butt of another's anger, aye?" he says, slowly rocking his feet to free himself from the sticky tanglefoot bag goo."


Farian Raymellie:
"Feel free to shoot him!" Farian says to Lantamori before chasing after Aberlayne.

Agreeing with Sir Aberlayne's synopsis, Lantamori sets off after Buno as well.

"Stop or get an arrow in the back!" she shouted at the man as she pulled her bow around as she skipped down the trail after him.

Farian's cry, along with Lantamori's threat, plus a thud from the trail ahead that sounded like an axe hitting wood, caused the commotion ahead to stop. After a moment, Sir Aberlayne's voice emerges from the fog.  "Silly clunch tripped and fell and damn near knocked himself out."

She appears a moment later, dragging Buno behind her, his hands tied with the sleeves of his shirt in crude bindings.  "I don't think he's in much danger of dying, but he's going to have the grandmother of all headaches, I think.  Where's the boss fellow?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:56, Tue 03 Aug 2021.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 629 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 20:25
  • msg #411

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Streets quiet once more, Haazheel heads off towards the road up the hill.  Rand, seeing Haazheel wander off with a weasel on his shoulder and an owl flying overhead, calls out to his benefactors.

"Uh... Haazheel went off towards the hill with a weasel on his shoulder?" he says uncertainly

Bruenor chuckled as he strode forward.
"That sounded almost dirty when you say it like that. "
He looked over towards the hill and shrugged
"If this area is clear of danger,  perhaps we should follow our small friend,  in case he needs help?"
Elf Rogue, 510 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 21:01
  • msg #412

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Lantamori slowed to a stop and returned the arrow she'd selected to her quiver.  She wasn't sure she knew who the boss was at this point.

"Back up to the hut, then?" she asked.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 560 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 17:16
  • msg #413

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

A howl of triumph lances the night as the now wolfman form of volsh tips his head back and spreads his clawed hands wide. His body begins to shrink as the howl plays out until it is just another man in the midst of a primal scream. Suddenly realizing what just happened, he looks around nervously for anyone that might think him a beast to put down.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 697 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 15:16
  • msg #414

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"Yes," Farian replies to Lantamori. "I fear that it may be too late to catch the boss, though. Surely there is a back door. If only we could have brought Thunder to track and chase." She helps Aberlayne drag Buno back to the hut.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 736 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 36/50
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 15:23
  • msg #415

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"As long as there's a fast trip elsewhere once we're done.  I don't fancy being the butt of another's anger, aye?" he says, slowly rocking his feet to free himself from the sticky tanglefoot bag goo.

"I think that I can guarantee that," Narthian says. "Get yourself free, then let's go back to the front."
Elf Archer, 684 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 17:01
  • msg #416

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante sighs, and nods his head. "Thank you. I'll check my captain's schedule, and look for this Vardun," he tells Firvian. "With luck I won't have to backtrack too far this time to find the right trail."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1117 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 09:50
  • msg #417

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Streets of Rooton

Bruenor Sedricson:
Streets quiet once more, Haazheel heads off towards the road up the hill.  Rand, seeing Haazheel wander off with a weasel on his shoulder and an owl flying overhead, calls out to his benefactors.

"Uh... Haazheel went off towards the hill with a weasel on his shoulder?" he says uncertainly

Bruenor chuckled as he strode forward.
"That sounded almost dirty when you say it like that. "
He looked over towards the hill and shrugged
"If this area is clear of danger,  perhaps we should follow our small friend,  in case he needs help?"

Casting about for further signs or sounds of danger, Bruenor peers into the thick, muffling mist.  There are some distant sounds of people, though it's hard to tell if it's revelry or something else.  But no screaming, at the least.  Most tellingly, the prince's sword has stopped flaming, meaning no undead are near.

Volsh son of Vor:
A howl of triumph lances the night as the now wolfman form of Volsh tips his head back and spreads his clawed hands wide. His body begins to shrink as the howl plays out until it is just another man in the midst of a primal scream. Suddenly realizing what just happened, he looks around nervously for anyone that might think him a beast to put down.

Rand chuffs out a small laugh at Bruenor's comment, and leans forward, hands on his knees.  He's still breathing hard from all the excitement, though the stink of rotting, waterlogged flesh has him regretting his deep breaths quickly.  He stands back up and swallows a few times to keep his dinner down.  "That was amazing to watch, all of you!  I've never seen things like that before. Does your sword always burn, Bruenor?  Were they hunting you?  Volsh, do you have druid magic?  Are you a wolf warrior?" he blurts out all at once.

Volsh, you note that with the sudden silence, the cook of the Jade Rose Inn tentatively, poker-first, opens the door and cautiously looks around.  He covers his nose at the stench from the inert undead, but looks around wide-eyed at the carnage.  He nods solemnly at Volsh, Bruenor, and Rand, giving them a salute with his poker.

"You boys all right?  Anyone hurt?  Damn, you must have fought like ten devils to kill those horrible things!"

If anyone indicates they need some tending to their injuries, the cook and barkeeper will provide fresh herb poultices.  (There are five available, each will heal 1d4 damage.)

Thunder sneezes and shakes his head to rid himself of as much of the nasty taste of undead blood as possible, and paws a bit at the mess at his feet.  In the thin light from the Jade Rose Inn a glint of metal can be seen on some of the bodies.

A cursory search of the dead reveals some salvageable goods: a pair of electrum bracers with a stormcloud etching inset with deep blue stones as raindrops, a fishing net made of glittering golden wire that seems curiously untouched by the rot, a slightly pink rubbery pouch (sealed tightly enough to be waterproof) that contains a tightly-packed ball of pepper wrapped in linen and a dozen rough-cut gems, a gold ring with sparrows inlaid in green jade around the band, an alligator-hide scrollcase with two parchment scrolls still inside, and an enameled amulet that resembles five twisting snakes in a star-like formation each in a different color of aqua, purple, goldenrod, chartreuse, and mauve.

Haazheel, as you follow the directions provided by Vish, you soon realize you're headed for the road that leads to the clifftops overlooking Rooton.  As you head further away from the inn, you see what looks like uniformed men dragging away bodies by their heels.  Vish shudders, as a curdling of the mist brings a renewed scent of rot to the air before it disappears into salt and seaweed.  Above you, you can see the far-off lit windows of the larger homes in what is apparently a prime place to build.  A moment into your contemplation, you hear a peculiar grating cry waft through the night.  Prreet!


Woodview - Firvian's Estate

Dante sighs, and nods his head. "Thank you. I'll check my captain's schedule, and look for this Vardun," he tells Firvian. "With luck I won't have to backtrack too far this time to find the right trail."

"Hopefully not, and I wish you luck in your endeavors," Firvian says.  He sets the book aside in a case, closes it, and removes his gloves before lifting his glass in a toast.  "To books, to luck, and to family," he says.

"May they never rot!" the Lady says with a bit of a chuckle, lifting her glass as well.  Pelas only shakes his head, but smiles and raises his glass as well.

"Vardun is a man who drives a sharp bargain, but he is able to obtain many wonderous things. He knows a great many people, so I do hope that he, or one of his associates, will be able to find your family's tome," Firvian says, after he takes a sip of his wine.

Averdante, Prreet gives you a mental picture of Rooton, as seen from the wall of Woodview.  His sharp eyes spy a moving figure near the start of the road that climbs into the hills, a large bird shadowing their every move.  It seems there may be one or more folks making the trek up out of the city yet tonight.

Dellas, as you consider the contents of the library, you feel a faint tug on your bond with Vish.  He is with friends, and seems to slowly be drawing nearer.


The Secret Cove

Lantamori slowed to a stop and returned the arrow she'd selected to her quiver.  She wasn't sure she knew who the boss was at this point.

"Back up to the hut, then?" she asked.

"Likely so," Sir Aberlayne said, sighing as she picked up Buno's collar to drag him along.  "The boss, the one in a cloak, darted back in the hut.  I was hoping either you or maybe Narthian had gotten him cornered, if our druidic friend had managed to shadow us.  Though maybe Buno knows more than he lets on."  She shoots the semi-conscious man an annoyed glare, and hauls him back towards the hut, one hand on her axe.

Farian Raymellie:
"Yes," Farian replies to Lantamori. "I fear that it may be too late to catch the boss, though. Surely there is a back door. If only we could have brought Thunder to track and chase." She helps Aberlayne drag Buno back to the hut.

Sir Aberlayne is grateful when Farian helps her with some of the burden.  "Well, if he ran fast enough, maybe he left some clues or even some of the things we were looking for behind.  Let me tie these miscreants up more securely, and I'll watch them while you see what is to be seen." she says.

Sir Aberlayne, once they get Buno back to where the treefolk are, will tie them up more securely, back-to-back-to-back, and stand over them, hand on her axe.

The hut is still pleasantly lit, and there is a faint hint of voices coming either from within it or behind it.  Those that take a look through the doorway can see a room full of crates, kegs, firkins, and barrels, along with a simple stove and cot with some bags shoved under it.  The torches along the wall burn with a peculiar golden light not quite like flames.  There's a faint animal scent, along with wine, burned food, and earth.

Narthian Goldleaf:
"As long as there's a fast trip elsewhere once we're done.  I don't fancy being the butt of another's anger, aye?" he says, slowly rocking his feet to free himself from the sticky tanglefoot bag goo.

"I think that I can guarantee that," Narthian says. "Get yourself free, then let's go back to the front."

The boss takes a few moments to wrest himself free of the sticky stuff, eyes on the wolf the whole time.  He then backs away through the doorway, where Narthian can follow.  Inside the place is stuffed full of crates, barrels, kegs, and firkins, lit by odd golden torches, a simple living area and kitchen set up nearer the front of the room.  If any of the crates or other containers had harbor tax stamps at any point, they've been scraped away, though the original seal from the vintner or crafting guild are sometimes visible.
Elf Rogue, 511 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 16:56
  • msg #418

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"We don't have to search through all of the, do we?" the elf asked, seeing how full the room was.  She didn't bother lowering her voice as she walked into the hut as she wanted to discover how the voices would react.

"Perhaps it's time to bring in the local authorities?"

Lantamori walked over to the wines to see if any of them were familiar from her recent tasting.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 630 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 23:40
  • msg #419

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Bruenor gave Rand a lopsided grin.
"The Prince's Sword can burst into flame when Undead are near. It's the perfect weapon for such magical filth.  It can give you a warning about them drawing near, and the flame does extra damage."
He took the valuables from the walking dead, burning bodies afterward to make sure none of the dead get any smart ideas about rising again.

OOC:  I'll take the look for now, unless someone wants to divy it up now.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 737 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 36/50
Sat 14 Aug 2021
at 13:29
  • msg #420

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian only observes the loot from the corners of his eyes, staying focused instead on The Boss. "My, you have been a busy lot." He prods the boss to keep moving, knowing that his summoned wolf won't hang around for long.

Thunder stays near Volsh and Bruenor, gently licking his wounds.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 561 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Sat 14 Aug 2021
at 15:16
  • msg #421

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

volsh stammers at the boy's questions, but is able to mutter out a "No," before he moves to stroke Thunder's fur and check the wolf for injury. Giving calming words and noises to the canine, he'll use his offered poultice on Thunder. Wearily he then gains his feet and helps with looting and removing the rotten bodies out of the street and into a pile for burning. "We don't want the dead in the water, it'll foul it and drive off fish we want and attract those we don't." This is said not out of knowledge of the sea, but rather knowledge of the wild. Dead bodies attracted all manner of scavengers and predators aren't far behind.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 698 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 15 Aug 2021
at 02:00
  • msg #422

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Farian wanders deeper into the smuggler's base, holding her mace high to spread the light. She ignores the plunder for the most part, looking for the back door. "We may have to sort through this at some point," she tells Lantamori. "There's no telling where some of the missing items are."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 639 posts
Sun 15 Aug 2021
at 23:39
  • msg #423

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel keep walking the way Vish wants to go. He "asks" Mystique about the noise, and he turns 360 degrees to look up and out.
Elf Archer, 685 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 20 Aug 2021
at 21:06
  • msg #424

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dante lifts his own glass at Firvian's toast, and starts to take a sip -- then stops as the Lady's addition to it startles a huff of laughter from him. Giving her a nod, he manages to take a drink when the hazard of inadvertantly inhaling the wine is past.

"Thank you. If this Vardun can direct me further, my venture to sea will still yield success," Dante said. Vardun sounded like more than simply a fence; perhaps he was one of the core people helping to direct the smuggler's ring.

Sharing his appreciation for the information Prreet provided to him, Dante isn't too concerned about it yet. Unless all those individuals were converging on Firvian's home, they were probably not coming up to ambush Dellas and he. Still, he asks Prreet to continue watching, in case that appeared to be happening. I'm fine in here, as yet, he advises Prreet silently. I think he has the stolen book, but he was a bit suspicious of me. I'm not very good at outright lies! No one's paying us to get it back, anyway.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:07, Fri 20 Aug 2021.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 729 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 (18) HP: 31/31
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 00:11
  • msg #425

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Dellas smiled as the bond increased, he sent a sense of calm and warmth to Vish. He raised his glass in the toast but continued to scan the book titles. Most interesting he thought.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1118 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 08:58
  • msg #426

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The Streets of Rooton

The staff of the Jade Rose Inn can provide firewood so that the industrious Bruenor, Volsh, and Rand (with Thunder guarding and assisting) can burn the undead.  It takes perhaps an hour to get the fire well-started, and despite the waterlogged condition of the corpses, they burn with ease.

Bruenor can take the valuable items for the nonce, and the kitchen staff and provide their saviors with water to pour over themselves to get rid of the worst of the stink and to rinse off the things they found.

Rand questions Bruenor and Volsh a bit more about their travels and what battles they've been in.  Clearly his spirits are still rather high from the night's excitement, though the labor of toting and burning of the undead makes it clear that the life of an adventurer is not all glamorous.

"Now what do we do?" he asked, the heat of the flames drying him off slightly.  "Go find Haazheel?  Or the others?  Or do we stay here in case they come to find us?  Or do we go hunt for more undead?"


Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel keep walking the way Vish wants to go. He "asks" Mystique about the noise, and he turns 360 degrees to look up and out.

From Mystique, Haazheel gets the feeling that Prreet is likely near where Averdante is, and Dellas was with Averdante.  And Vish is presumably taking him to Dellas.  So therefore Prreet has spied Haazheel, or perhaps Mystique, and is letting him know where he is.  Haazheel does recall that there were several estates on the hills above Rooton, so at least this will narrow it down to one!

As he draws close to the road that goes up to the hillside estates,  he can hear and soon see a large carriage, pulled by two horses, trotting back down the road and into town.  The driver is concentrating on the road and what little is revealed by the lanterns, while a treefolk with a staff-sling crouches next to him, eying the side of the road warily.  He notices Haazheel and calls, "Whoa up!"

The driver reins in his horses a length or so past Haazheel, and the treefolk calls to him.  "What passes?  Are the streets sane again?"


Woodview - Firvian's Estate

Dante lifts his own glass at Firvian's toast, and starts to take a sip -- then stops as the Lady's addition to it startles a huff of laughter from him. Giving her a nod, he manages to take a drink when the hazard of inadvertently inhaling the wine is past.

"Thank you. If this Vardun can direct me further, my venture to sea will still yield success," Dante said. Vardun sounded like more than simply a fence; perhaps he was one of the core people helping to direct the smuggler's ring.

Sharing his appreciation for the information Prreet provided to him, Dante isn't too concerned about it yet. Unless all those individuals were converging on Firvian's home, they were probably not coming up to ambush Dellas and he. Still, he asks Prreet to continue watching, in case that appeared to be happening. I'm fine in here, as yet, he advises Prreet silently. I think he has the stolen book, but he was a bit suspicious of me. I'm not very good at outright lies! No one's paying us to get it back, anyway.

Prreet gives the impression of a feline shrug.  Coin matters little to him, though a little glory (which can lead to admiration, petting, and appropriate amounts of worship) is not necessarily a bad thing.  Typical cat philosophy, really.

Firvian nods at Averdante's comment, and smiles at the Lady's.  "I do hope your searches bear fruit.  I met Vardun some five years ago or so, and he's become only more reliable as time has gone on.  He's gotten far better at finding what is likely to tickle his customers' fancy."

Dellas Nump:
Dellas smiled as the bond increased, he sent a sense of calm and warmth to Vish. He raised his glass in the toast but continued to scan the book titles. Most interesting he thought.

Checking the shelves for more entertainment, he spies several histories of various wars and conflicts, nestled side-by-side with those describing treaties, trade journeys, and explorations of the lands and isles outside of Low'verok.  Then he notices a rather shiny book, the cover made of two large concave red...  For a moment he was going to say "shells", but a second look at them makes him think that these are not painted shells, but instead two large dragon scales!  The book has hinges, rather than a spine, and the cover is written in Draconic, bearing the title of, Elemental Lords - Masters of Magic  It is latched by a green mental lock that seems to be firmly fastened shut.

Vish gives you the impression that others are near your friend.  Vish feels no fear yet, but he holds himself wary.


The Secret Cove

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian only observes the loot from the corners of his eyes, staying focused instead on The Boss. "My, you have been a busy lot." He prods the boss to keep moving, knowing that his summoned wolf won't hang around for long.

The Boss steps inside, out of sight of the summoned wolf for now, tugging his hood against the glare of lights from the hut.  He moves towards the front of the hut, stopping short as he nearly runs into Farian and Lantamori.

"We don't have to search through all of the, do we?" the elf asked, seeing how full the room was.  She didn't bother lowering her voice as she walked into the hut as she wanted to discover how the voices would react.

"Perhaps it's time to bring in the local authorities?"

Lantamori walked over to the wines to see if any of them were familiar from her recent tasting.

The Boss glares at Lantamori underneath his hood, giving the hint of dark eyes and complexion and a bitter unhappiness.  His hands are tucked up into his sleeves and his shoulders are slumped under his cloak.

"There's no bloody need for that!  I'll tell you where the bits ye want are!  Getting sos a man can't make a dishonest livin' anymore..." the Boss snaps irritably.

A few firkins of wine do look familiar - Wine-Dark Sea, a rather robust vintage of fortified wine, amongst the same kind that were going to the Woodwode Estate.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian wanders deeper into the smuggler's base, holding her mace high to spread the light. She ignores the plunder for the most part, looking for the back door. "We may have to sort through this at some point," she tells Lantamori. "There's no telling where some of the missing items are."

The Boss does not look pleased at the thought of a priest pawing through the stack of goods here.  Considering the varied nature of everything assembled, the items may come from, and be going to, many different people.  That is a lot of tempers to soothe should the Boss prove to have lost someone's pretties, or profit.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 699 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 12:07
  • msg #427

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

"You should count yourself lucky to be alive at all, and give serious consideration to banishing the shadow from your life," Farian virtually spits at the dark and selfish soul before her. "Now, hands where we can see them. We already had at least one misunderstanding that lead us down this path. Let there be no more. Force will be met with force. Lies will be met with Justice."
Elf Rogue, 512 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 20:18
  • msg #428

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

The elf tapped idly on the name scrawled on the side of the firkin.  "Woodwode..." she said aloud trying to recall why it sounded familiar.  She repeated it a few more times before she recalled why.

"Woadwood likes Belorn's Brews is what I've heard," she said decisively.

"Tell us about this," she said, looking pointedly at the beaten scoundrel as she tapped once more on the firkin of wine.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 631 posts
Noble Fighter
HP: 73/73 AC 19
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 21:39
  • msg #429

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 426):

Bruenor,  pausing to rest aftrr his labors, both heroic and mundane,  nodded to Rand
"A fine idea.  We need to find Haazheel, but if we see more of these undead bastards, they take priority"
He looked around to make sure his big barbarian friend was still with them before heading off to find the halfling
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 640 posts
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 02:54
  • msg #430

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Haazheel replies I think the undead plus whatever are eliminated or almost so. The cause...that will be important and interesting.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 738 posts
Narthian 43/43
Thunder 36/50
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 13:28
  • msg #431

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Narthian sends the summoned wolf back into the forest before The Boss can see it fade. Otherwise he's happy to let Farian and Lantamori handle the inquisition. He stands a few paces back, taking a few moments to switch from his bow to his spear, holding it ready to prevent an escape back out the hatch.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 563 posts
AC 20/12/20; Rage 2/2
HP 63/79 (DR 1/-)
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 23:48
  • msg #432

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

In reply to Bruenor Sedricson (msg # 429):

Catching the other man's eye, he nods in agreement and follows.
Elf Archer, 687 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 9 Sep 2021
at 23:45
  • msg #433

Re: [IC] Investigation At Sea

Inclining his head to Firvian, Dante tells him, "Thank you. I hope so, too. Is this Vardun base here, or at one of the larger ports? If my ship can't stay the week, I'd like to try and look him up later. Pretty as this place is, I'll get bored if I'm stranded here much longer than a week, I think. I'm not sure how flexible my ship's schedule is."

Glancing over, he notices that Dellas seems to have found an interesting book as well. Leaving him to it, he looks at Firvian and the Lady. "So whatever happened in town tonight isn't all that uncommon? The response was well organized and timely, and no one seemed overly distressed by it. I've heard about the mists here stealing folk away in the night, but seems you have other issues here to deal with as well."
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