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10:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: 001-F: High Noon.

Posted by TimebrokerFor group 0
Iron Fist
player, 62 posts
Danny Rand
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 20:38
  • msg #40

IC: 001-F: High Noon

Danny watches helplessly as the Goblin Queen gets her hooks into so many of the innocent bystanders. Turning them into soldiers against their will-- that was maybe the most evil thing he'd witnessed all day. Iron Man might be a jackass, and Bullseye was a scumbag, but this lady just took home the "Villain of the Week" award. They had to put her down-- quickly and decisively. But first, that meant surviving the onslaught of symbiote-ridden civilians. The Iron Fist remembers his training, weaving and dodging out of the reach of his enemies.

Living Weapon d8
Freedom d10 (I won't let them take me!)
Enhanced Reflexes d8
Acrobatic Master 2d8

13:24, Today: Iron Fist rolled 2,1,5,7,5 using 1d8,1d10,1d8,1d8,1d8.  Iron Fist uses acrobatics to avoid the attacks of the symbiote'd civilians.

Total: 17
Effect: d8
Opportunities: 1
PP's: 1

Spent 1 PP to add a 3rd die to the total. Still, Iron Fist takes d8 Physical Stress.

As several of the enemy's attacks find their mark, the voice of Lei Kung the Thunderer fills the warrior's mind, shouting at the Fist to strike back. But these are only innocent civilians, not enemies to be struck down in cold blood. Besides, those symbiotes leave him no openings to exploit, no opportunities to take advantage of. No, he has to cut off their power at the source...

I'll post Danny's action shortly. It will be a joint attack with Frank.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:19, Mon 06 Sept 2021.
Iron Fist
player, 63 posts
Danny Rand
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 22:00
  • msg #41

IC: 001-F: High Noon

"Frank! I need you to distract her," shouts Danny, spotting the Punisher nearby as he flips and maneuvers around the lashing tentacles. "I'm gonna take her out."

"Won't work," comes the vigilante's dry response, delivered as he sweeps the legs of a symbiote. "Your friend already tried punching her."

Danny gives his ally a surprised look as he shoves away an attacker. "Who said anything about punching?"

That seems to get Frank's attention. "Alright, you crazy kung-fu bastard. This better be good." He moves into their enemy's line of sight, popping off a few pistol shots that bounce harmlessly off the Queen's force-bubble.

"Trick-or-treat, you ugly @#$&%!"

If that didn't get her attention, nothing would. Hoping Frank was the subject of her focus now, Danny moved into position behind the villainess. He didn't know how that protective field of hers worked, but he was willing to chance it was strongest when hit directly from the front... and weakest when hit from a direction she wasn't concentrating on. A simple theory, and one he could easily put to the test.

Danny concentrates, summoning golden Chi into the palm of his hand. He narrows his eyes, focuses on his target... and then pulls the trigger of his handgun.

A Colt M1911, to be exact.

Living Weapon d8
Freedom d10 (Let them go, you freak)
Guns d10
Combat Master 2d8
Punisher's Weapon d8

SFX: Chi Bullets. Against a single target, step up or double a Guns die. Remove the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total, then shut down Guns. Activate an opportunity to recover the power.

14:44, Today: Iron Fist rolled 3,7,6,8,6,4 using 1d8,1d10,1d10,1d8,1d8,1d8.  Iron Fist shoots Chi bullets at the Goblin Queen.

Total: 19
Effect: d8
Opportunities: 0
PP's: 1

Glowing, Chi-enhanced bullets streak from the barrel, each one packing the concussive force of an Iron Fist punch. This ought to rattle her up a bit, Danny smirks as he slings lead.
player, 145 posts
Sally Dane
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 00:25
  • msg #42

IC: 001-F: High Noon

Sally already felt anxious about her group landing in the middle of a “civil war” between Captain America and Iron Man. She’d appealed to Stark’s better nature, maybe only buying a few minutes for peaceful discussion. Then, a woman identified as the “Goblin Queen” escalated the conflict. Unless it was Wade who’d escalated it by hitting first? Sally couldn’t tell in all the chaos.

She felt relieved when Sue showed up, smiling in gratitude to see her new friend. However, the Goblin Queen turned innocent bystanders into alien tarbaby menaces. Then, the maniacal woman threatened to obliterate Utopia and all this world's mutants. Utopia? She intends to kill the Brotherhood, the X-Men…and Alex!

Suddenly, Sally felt her ears throbbing from a tumultuous mess of anxiety and rage. She clenched her fists and stepped toward Madelyne Pryor. “So, you’re, like, the ‘Goblin Queen’, huh?” Sally’s lips curled up in a mocking sneer. The peace-loving Flower Child was gone, replaced by Polaris, Mistress of Magnetism, intent on fighting for her people and her man! “Are you any relation to the Lizard King?” She shrugged. “I just thought I’d ask, what with your whole ‘No one here gets out alive’ trip!”

On the street, a Brinks armored truck lifted off the pavement. The truck hurtled toward Goblin Queen, magnetically deconstructing itself and reshaping into a fist that grasped at the madwoman who’d tried to summon Hell! “You won’t kill anyone today, you whacked out witch!” Maybe she couldn’t save her own Alex yet, but by God, she’d save the Alex of this world!


Duty 1d10 + Loving & Kind/Cold & Aggressive 1d4 (+1 PP) + Magnetic Mastery 1d10 + Tech Expert 1d8.
I’m also using SFX: Magnetic ConstructsM adding a d6 and stepping it up to 1d8 to create a Magnetic Construct (Armored Hand) to grab Goblin Queen.

19:51, Today: Polaris rolled 5* using 1d8.  Reroll d6 (it’s a stepped up d8).
19:50, Today: Polaris rolled 2,1,3*,7 using 1d10,1d4,1d10,1d6, 1d8* Magnetically grab Maddy w/a Construct.

Total: 15 (using 1 PP for extra Die).
*Dice used for my Total.
Effect: d10 (I used the 2nd one that rolled 7 for my Total).
Opportunity: 1


GM, 244 posts
-~- Trust Me -~-
DOOM: 2d10, 1d8, 4d6
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #43

IC: 001-F: High Noon

18:35, Today: Timebroker, for the NPC Goblin Queen, rolled 3,2,3,5,4 using 1d10,1d10,1d8,1d10,1d8, unique dice.  Solo 2d10, Goblin Queen, Force Field, Durability, Combat. – 3,2,3,5,4

Danny knocks a d10 off of her Solo rating.

The Goblin Queen smirks at Frank's distraction, taking a moment to appreciate the sparks as his bullets ricochet harmless off her force field. Danny's barrage of glowing magical bullets wipe the smirk off of her face, tearing through her symbiotic biomass with wet splorching sounds.

She glares at Danny with pure hatred in her eyes, but Polaris is on her before she can react.

18:43, Today: Timebroker, for the NPC Goblin Queen, rolled 6,8,9,3,3 using 1d10,1d8,1d10,1d10,1d10, unique dice ((6,8,9,3,3)).


With a panicked gasp, Madelyne throws up her hands in a warding gesture, tracing an arcane sigil before her. Polaris' ferromagnetic tomb closes around empty air.

The Goblin Queen shrieks in fury... and everyone feels her barbed thoughts clawing into their minds.

19:07, Today: Timebroker, for the NPC Goblin Queen, rolled 4,9,2,4,2,2,4,6,4,2 using 1d8,1d10,1d10,1d10,1d6,1d6,1d6,1d6,1d6,1d6, unique dice ((4,9,2,4,2,2,4,6,4,2)).

15. Spending d6 from the Doom Pool to grab another d6 for 19. Danny, Polaris and Funnybone get d10s, Gwen gets a d8, Frank and the Rhino get d6s.

That's five Opportunities for anyone who wants them.

REACTIONS NEEDED: Danny, Polaris, and Funnybone 19/d10, Gwen 19/d8, Frank and the Rhino 19/d6.

The symbiote swarm screams in singular agony as the splinters of the Venom symbiote withdraw from their hosts and rejoin the Goblin Queen; the innocent civilians are left catatonic or comatose, but appear to be in no further danger for now.

I'm dissolving the Swarm to restore a Solo die for Madelyne. 2d10; would've been 3d10 if someone hadn't trapped the majority of the symbiotes inside forcefields. Unless I keep spamming that attack, your advantage in the action economy and her dwindling resources means you have her on the ropes.

NEXT: Tony Stark

Iron Man's armor starts making a weird humming noise-- some sort of anti-psionic gear?-- moments too late; he's bleeding from the ears and nostrils when his helmet reattachest to his armor. He doesn't take the time to switch off his PA system before shouting into his comms: "REED! THUNDERBOLT IS LIVE! GO! GO! GO!"

Moments later, the sky darkens and stormclouds start brewing over Manhattan.

REACTIONS NEEDED: The Goblin Queen's telepathic attack: Danny, Polaris, and Funnybone 19/d10, Gwen 19/d8, Frank and the Rhino 19/d6.

ACTIONS AVAILABLE: Spider-Woman, Funnybone; Capain America, Luke Cage; Bullseye, Kraven, The Rhino, Moonstone; The Hulk.


This message was last edited by the GM at 01:36, Tue 07 Sept 2021.
player, 191 posts
Gwen Stacy
PP: 2
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 13:22
  • msg #44

IC: 001-F: High Noon

09:05, Today: Spider-Woman rolled <b>5,1,8,2,2,7 using d8,d8,d8,d6,d8,d8.  safety, rushing, reflexes+durability multipower, sci expert, push die.
Spend 1PP to add extra effort die for effort 20/effect d8
1 watcher opportunity

Gwen covers her hears quickly, because even though the sound is coming from inside her head, it feels right and lets her brace for it.  It's no louder than a concert if you think about it.  Wow, this bitch is really full of hate... that's not a good sign with the symbiote.  You get what you put in.

Her head hurts but she's actually used to this from the early days with the symbiote.  She'll deal.

PP: 1
This message was last edited by the player at 13:24, Tue 07 Sept 2021.
player, 103 posts
Wade Wilson
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 14:16
  • msg #45

IC: 001-F: High Noon

The Goblin Queen was going to use hate and rage as an attack? Against Funnybone? That was an insult which would not stand. The flaming skull head gritted its teeth and fought back, hard.

Funnybone vs. 19/d10

Violence d10
Spirit of Vengeance d8
Mystic Resistance d8
Menace Grandmaster d12

Funnybone rolled 5,8,6,1 using d10,d8,d8,d12 ((5,8,6,1)).
Using 1PP to keep a third die in total.

Total: 19
1 Opportunity

It was a tough fight, but Funnybone matched the Goblin Queen terror for terror, rage for rage.
The Rhino
NPC, 3 posts
Alexei Sytsevich
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 14:27
  • msg #46

IC: 001-F: High Noon

"Guh. Get out of my head!"

The Rhino wasn't exactly known for his mental faculties, but he had a will of iron... mostly from being too dumb to take commands. Even so, would it be enough against the Goblin Queen?

Rhino vs. 19/d6

Team D8
Not the Sharpest Knife d8
Menace Expert D8

The Rhino rolled 5,2,4 using d8,d8,d8 ((5,2,4)).
Total: 9
Effect die: d8

Iron will or not, the contest wasn't even close.
player, 192 posts
Gwen Stacy
PP: 1
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 18:47
  • msg #47

IC: 001-F: High Noon

Everyone else is attacking the evil witch directly and Gwen just sort of swung past her.  At least two people over there are on fire and... no thanks.  Gwen has another idea that requires surprisingly little punching.  She looks to the spot where Eddie screamed out.

He's not hard to find, there's only one completely naked dude in the square, (today) and he's curled into a ball, crying.

"Hey.  You're Eddie, right?"   The mask over her face disappears, leaving Gwen's face visible inside the "mouth" of the symbiote's preferred appearance.  This is probably more creepy looking to almost everyone, but Eddie might get it.  It at least stops her voice from echoing.
 "I know your sister, kinda.  Anyway, you're like me.  That symbiote is bonded with you, and Rumpelstiltskin over there is hurting people with it.  Fight her.  Take it back."

Shutting down Gwen's shapeshifting - the symbiote has shifted on its own when seeing its alternate self.  +1 PP from that, which I'm using for an extra effort die.
14:16, Today: Spider-Woman rolled 10,2,2,5,3 using d10,d8,d8,d8,d6.  duty,smartass,enh senses,science expert, venom(relationship)
Ideally I'd use this as a complication to shut down one of her Venom powers but I will leave it up to TB what's appropriate on a success.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:48, Tue 07 Sept 2021.
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 19:08
  • msg #48

IC: 001-F: High Noon

Kraven throws a series of carefully aimeed knives at the Goblin Queen from the dropship.  He seems thrilled to be

15:00, Today: Co-GM, for the NPC Kraven, rolled 2,6,5,1,1,4 using d6,d8,d8,d8,d8,d6 with rolls of 2,6,5,1,1,4.  team,grim hunter,enh speed,weapon,menace master, hunter's knives.
effort: 11 effect: d10 (stepped up from hunter's knives)
2 opps

Swarm attack: Hulk 19/d8
The Goblin Queen's telepathic attack: Danny and Polaris 19/d10, Frank 19/d6.
Gwen's action: Goblin Queen or Doom pool, 18/d8
Kraven's attack: Goblin Queen 11/d10

ACTIONS AVAILABLE: Funnybone; Captain America, Luke Cage; Bullseye, The Rhino, Moonstone; The Hulk.


This message was last edited by the GM at 19:30, Tue 07 Sept 2021.
The Rhino
NPC, 4 posts
Alexei Sytsevich
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 19:26
  • msg #49

IC: 001-F: High Noon

The Rhino wasn't like other villains. He was pure muscle, and very little mouth. He didn't make speeches, threats, or quips. He just charged.

Team: d8
Gamma Radiated Thug for Hire: d8
Superhuman Strength: 2d10
SFX: Rhino's Rage. Spend D6 from the doom pool (or 1PP, I suppose?) to double Superhuman Strength for one action
Combat Expert: d8

The Rhino rolled 7,1,4,2,1 using d8,d8,d10,d10,d8 ((7,1,4,2,1)).

Total: 11
Effect: d10
Opps: 2

player, 146 posts
Sally Dane
Wed 8 Sep 2021
at 05:34
  • msg #50

IC: 001-F: High Noon

The shriek reverberating in Sally’s mind felt like the psychic equivalent of dragging knives across a steel pipe! Sally screamed as she doubled over and clutched her head. None of the things she’d ever experienced felt like the punishment unleashed on her mind in that moment. Not even the worst psychedelic trip and migraine combined came close. Even worse than the excruciating pain were the sheer malevolence that she sensed behind the attack.

Sorrow. Rage. Hate.

The Goblin Queen poured all the churning emotions of her grievances against whoever hurt her into an act of hatefulness that Sally couldn’t fathom. A hatefulness that she sensed would devour Alex. If Sally fell, she knew that she, her time lost friends, and mutants like Alex would die. I can’t…I can’t let her hurt them!

Sally fought to stand upright, and to resist the psychic onslaught. She shifted from her mundane senses into the special senses that let her see the world in magnetic waves. A learning moment from her first year with Magneto showed her a way out of this crippling bombardment. Sally remembered a weekend getaway where Magnus introduced her to a woman named Emma. An icy New England blonde who’d reminded her of a severe Tippi Hedren. The mind possesses natural defenses against telepathic invasion. In their customary laziness, Humans neglect developing these defenses, but Erik requested my tutelage in helping you cultivate this skill. Psychic defense may one day prove a pivotal difference between life and death for you.

In desperation, Sally hastily retraced the steps of that lesson in her mind. Envision a barrier…that blocks her psychic attack! I’ll make…electromagnetic static…surround my mind in it. Screen out…her nasty vibes!


01:05, Today: Polaris rolled 10,8,7,6 using 1d10,1d8,1d10,1d8.  Reaction .

I’ll use one of the Opportunities to add 1 die to my pool.

Total: 24


player, 52 posts
Grant Nelson
Wed 8 Sep 2021
at 14:37
  • msg #51

IC: 001-F: High Noon

"You have issues, your ladyship, deep, deep issues. I suggest we all de-escalate this!" He says as he tries to maneuver back to her to distract her. "Why not calm down and talk about this, like adults as a start!?"  He tries to gently reason with her, "Please?" Spending a plot point to activate my Immunity to Psychic SFX and trying to continue to convince her
This message was last edited by the player at 20:44, Wed 08 Sept 2021.
player, 105 posts
Wade Wilson
Wed 8 Sep 2021
at 16:00
  • msg #52

IC: 001-F: High Noon

If he had eyes, Funnybone would have rolled them. Tigro wanted to talk in the middle of a battle? Who was the crazy one now? The Goblin Queen needed to be taken down, then maybe Tigro could have some tea and chat with her.

In the meantime, Funnybone was going to work. A blazing chain snaked out from his hand and with a whipping motion he struck at the Goblin Queen.

Violence: d10
Spirit of Vengeance: d8
Hellfire Blast: d10
Chains of Hell: d8
Create 'Grappled' Complication
SFX: Afflict/Grapple -- Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting Grappled complication on a target.

Funnybone rolled 2,6,1,7,6 using d10,d8,d10,d8,d6 ((2,6,1,7,6)).
Spending 1PP to keep 3rd die in total

Total: 19
Effect: (stepped up to) d12
Opps: 1

PP remaining: 1

Iron Fist
player, 64 posts
Danny Rand
Wed 8 Sep 2021
at 20:01
  • msg #53

IC: 001-F: High Noon

Shutting down my Guns d8 from using the Chi Bullets SFX last turn.  GM edit: this round.

Danny feels the white-hot knife of the Goblin Queen's telepathic assault enter his mind. The sudden, sharp pain is enough to leave even a Living Weapon reeling. Welling up inside him is the urge to panic... to plead... to  do whatever it takes to make the pain stop. The screaming in his mind right now is sheer agony, and in this moment, it feels like the torture will never end.

Worse, he'd emptied the gun's entire magazine, and he was in no position to reload. With the Queen well out of his reach, there was no way of landing a hit on her that would stop her assault. The Iron Fist was, above all else, trained to be a master of his physical environment. Mental combat was not his forte. Still, he was not completely defenseless.

The voice of Lei Kung the Thunderer enters his mind again:
"Used properly, the mind is a sharper weapon than any blade."

He remembers the lessons well enough. Wu Fongji, an Iron Fist of the distant past, had left behind texts on the art of mental combat. Danny had not only studied the texts, but sought out opponents who could put the skills he'd learned to the test. Like it or not, the Goblin Queen would now be his final opponent.

Iron Fist breathes deeply to steel himself, letting his panic dissolve away. He focuses, and rather than swim against the strong current assailing him, he tunes it out completely, concentrating only on his breathing. With any luck, the Queen will exhaust herself before he cracks under the pressure.

K'un-Lun Exile d8
Duty d8 (My friends need me!)
Enhanced Stamina d8
Psych Expert 2d6

SFX: Chi Focus. In a pool including a HEART OF SHOU-LAO die, replace two dice of equal steps with one die of +1 step.

10:32, Today: Iron Fist rolled 2,4,6,6 using 1d8,1d10,1d6,1d6.  Danny attempting to resist the Queen's mental attack.

Total: 16
Effect: d8
Opps: 0
PP's: 0

Spent 1 PP to add a 3rd die to the total, yet Danny takes d10 Mental Stress.

As Danny tries to focus, a booming voice cuts through the mental screaming. This is not the kind mentor from his past, but the cruel killer he later became. The living memory of Lei Kung berates the warrior:

"You dare use our secrets when you were never even one of us? You are not just a traitor, Daniel Rand, but a fool! You will fail here, just like you failed before!"

"No... NOOO!"

falls to his knees, clutching the sides of his head in a vain effort to silence the pain. The combined mental and emotional pain proves more than he can bear.

I'll have Frank's reaction up next.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:50, Wed 08 Sept 2021.
NPC, 5 posts
Fri 10 Sep 2021
at 17:12
  • msg #54

IC: 001-F: High Noon


The Hulk Batted against the swarms of black tentacles, trying to keep them off of her.  Each time she swatted, they changed shape.

13:03, Today: Co-GM, on behalf of She-Hulk, rolled 1,4,6,1 using d4,d8,d10,d8 ((1,4,6,1))
2 GM opps

d10 physical stress

It takes her time to recover, and the Goblin Queen ignores her for the mental attack.  Then the Hulk throws a car at her.

13:09, Today: Co-GM, on behalf of She-Hulk, rolled 5,3,9,3 using d10,d8,d12,d8.

The Goblin Queen's telepathic attack: Frank 19/d6.
Gwen's action: Goblin Queen or Doom pool, 18/d8
Kraven's attack: Goblin Queen 11/d10
Hulk's attack: Goblin Queen 14/d8

ACTIONS AVAILABLE: Captain America, Luke Cage; Bullseye, Moonstone


This message was last edited by the GM at 17:30, Fri 10 Sept 2021.
NPC, 1 post
Sat 11 Sep 2021
at 03:42
  • msg #55

IC: 001-F: High Noon

Oh Madelyne -- such delusions of grandeur!  When you're just somebody's failed science project, with fairly garden variety psychosis. Okay, your love life is even more f--ked up than Wanda Maximoff's.  But still...     

True to her general nature, Karla hadn't gone charging headlong into the fray.

How many times had she seen altruistic but not overly bright heroes do that, only to get 'clobbered,' in the juvenile yet faintly charming roughhouse speak of Ben Grimm?

And though the Goblin Queen was bat-turd crazy, and more artificial than Katie Price's face and rack, she yet wielded very real power.  As evidenced by the plucky but unlucky heroes grabbing their skulls in agony.  And the goopy, ebon freak-show that had erupted across the field.   Karla had an idea, but she required an opening...

Ah-ha! she thought, as emerald, powerhouse muscles proved flying cars were indeed a part of modern-day futuretopia.

Moonstone maneuvered so that she had a clear line to the Goblin Queen, but not too close. (there was a Buick hurtling through the air, after all) If SHulky's auto-onslaught flattened Madelyne, ending this, then Karla halted and laughed.    Not as though it were the funniest thing she'd seen -- because she'd seen much funnier that that.  But, a moment of mirth, nonetheless.

If Wicked Wendy was left standing, or at least conscious, then Moonstone immediately entered her intangible state and made a beeline for her.   And attempted a little maneuver she'd seen the Vision perform before:  faintly materializing a hand inside an enemy, to disrupt the crap out of them.    It depended on her being able to pass through that force field, of course...

The best laid plans of psychos and shrinks, etc.:

Moonstone rolled 1,3,3,2,3,5 using D8,D10,D8,D10,2D6 ::  Intangibility attack vs. Goblin Queen
Team + Stunt + Coldhearted Schemer + Intangibility + Combat expert
Total = 8; Effect = D10
1 PP to use opportunity for stunt die
1 Opportunity for DP

Next:  Any npc (or PC if any left)   

This message was last edited by the player at 03:55, Sat 11 Sept 2021.
player, 54 posts
Grant Nelson
Mon 13 Sep 2021
at 01:34
  • msg #56

IC: 001-F: High Noon

"Would you just, calm down!" Tigro says as he claws at Madelyne Pryor's weird freaky amoeba suit "This thing is disgusting!"
Frank Castle
NPC, 2 posts
Mon 13 Sep 2021
at 17:24
  • msg #57

IC: 001-F: High Noon

"Well, son of a @#$&*," Frank shrugs as Danny's bullets stagger the Goblin Queen. "Karate Kid actually got her."

Then, without warning, the psychic shriek of the Queen tears through the minds of the group. As it meets resistance from the others, it also butts up against the iron walls surrounding Frank Castle's inner mind. When it came to psychic combat, the Punisher had little in the way of formal training. He had only the advantage of an iron will, military discipline, and some serious @#$&ing intestinal fortitude.

There was a famous question he'd often pondered throughout his life. He didn't recall the original context, but no doubt he'd first heard it in one of his military circles. Maybe during a lesson from one of his commanding officers-- something about projectile physics, or the chemical interactions of incendiary material. But aside from the mechanics of warfare, the question could apply to the soldiers on the battlefield just as easily:

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? It seemed as though today, he'd finally get his answer.

"Bring it on, you @#$&ing freak!"

Reaction to Goblin Queen's psychic attack.

Former Marine d8
Team d6
Psych Expert d8

10:15, Today: Frank Castle rolled 8,2,7 using 1d8,1d6,1d8.  Frank resists the Queen's psychic attack.

Total: 15
Effect: d6
Opportunities: 0

Even a Marine-- even the Punisher-- had his limits, it seemed.

Apologies if this reaction took a while.
GM, 34 posts
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 21:15
  • msg #58

IC: 001-F: High Noon

Sensing an opportunity to help the civilians trapped under good, Luke, Captain America, and shockingly Bullseye start prying people out from whatever they're trapped under and peeling the goo off of them while it's inert.

Gwen's action: Goblin Queen or Doom pool, 18/d8
Kraven's attack: Goblin Queen 11/d10
Hulk's attack: Goblin Queen 14/d8
Rhino's attack: 11/d10
Funnybone's attack: 19/d12

Trying to get this round wrapped up.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:32, Mon 20 Sept 2021.
GM, 247 posts
-~- Trust Me -~-
DOOM: 2d12, 1d10, 4d8
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 21:40
  • msg #59

IC: 001-F: High Noon

15:34, Today: Timebroker, for the NPC DOOM POOL, rolled 6,8,2,6,3,1,6 using 1d10,1d10,1d8,1d6,1d6,1d6,1d6.

Removing the d8 from the Doom Pool.

Eddie isn't strong enough to take his symbiote back or rejoin the fight, but across his bond with the alien, he exerts a calming influence that undermines some of the Goblin Queen's vile magic. The effort overwhelms him, and he passes out.
GM, 35 posts
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 22:08
  • msg #60

IC: 001-F: High Noon

The Rhino charges into the Goblin Queen, but she knows rage and despite his strength he only knocks her slightly to the side, seemingly unharmed.

17:40, Today: Co-GM rolled 9,3,4,2,2,1 using d10,d10,d8,d10,d8,d10.  maddie vs rhino solo, GC, force field, Combat,stamina.

She tries to fly out of the way when Funnybone's chains grab hold of both her right arm and right leg.  At that point, everyone present learns something if they didn't already know:  The Symbiote hates fire.

All traces of the symbiote retreat from the affected limbs and the black goo everywhere in the square lets out a terrible scream.  She tries to pull against the chains but is dragged down to the ground, still wrapped in the chain.

17:46, Today: Co-GM rolled 1,5,5,7,2 using d10,d10,d8,d8,d10.  solo, GC, flight,combat, strength.  Maddie vs FB.
+1 opportunity

A car sails through the air in the spot she was last in.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:10, Mon 20 Sept 2021.
GM, 248 posts
-~- Trust Me -~-
DOOM: 2d12, 4d8
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 22:36
  • msg #61

IC: 001-F: High Noon

Tony Stark rises unsteadily to his feet. Captain America and Luke Cage are already long gone, escorting civilians to safety... leaving only registered heroes, registered "heroes", and eXiles behind.

"So... what now?"
player, 108 posts
Wade Wilson
Tue 21 Sep 2021
at 18:42
  • msg #62

IC: 001-F: High Noon

"So, now SHIELD gives Goblin Girl a timeout," Funnybone said, "and we leave."
player, 193 posts
Gwen Stacy
PP: 1
Tue 21 Sep 2021
at 19:08
  • msg #63

IC: 001-F: High Noon

"What he said.  But first she returns her newest kidnapping victim."
GM, 249 posts
-~- Trust Me -~-
DOOM: 2d12, 4d8
Thu 23 Sep 2021
at 00:42
  • msg #64

IC: 001-F: High Noon

"I'm okay with that. But with both Pryor and Brock unconscious... I'm not sure how to arrange it. And if we can't figure something out right now, I'm not going to be able to return an alien weapon of mass destruction to a wanted fug--"

The world vanishes in a flash of light, and you are falling.


The mission objective was to prevent Peter Parker from killing anyone. Peter Parker did not kill anyone on your watch... and you removed all of the circumstances that were going to lead to him quite possibly doing so.

Because you prevented Ragnarok from killing Harry Osborne or being bonded with the Carnage symbiote, Peter Parker is not going to defect from SHIELD in this timeline, leaving Mary-Jane Watson Parker vulnerable to attack by Peter's enemies. Likewise, because Harry survives and remains with SHIELD, Norman Osborn does not blame Parker for his son's death/disgrace and seek revenge.


Helping Peter and Mary-Jane (and Harry) come to terms with the loss of their timeline's Gwen Stacy, and giving them the means to help any future clones of Gwen Stacy that show up on their doorstep, strengthens their relationships and allows them to continue fighting crime, in their very public identities, for decades to come and to provide guidance for the next generation of superheroes.

After details of the Thunderbolts Program's attempted use of the Carnage symbiote in peacekeeping efforts were mysteriously linked to the Internet, the public outcry was great enough to allow Tony Stark and Peter Parker to successfully demand changes to the Superhuman Registration Act and SHIELD's Fifty State Initiative that encouraged Steve Rogers to turn himself in and work for further necessary reforms. The Superhuman Civil War, as news media dubbed it, was over in a matter of weeks and left fewer scars than its counterparts in neighboring timelines.

And while nothing could change Bullseye's selfish and violent nature, this brush with forces far greater than himself gave him pause-- and after that pause, a greater appreciation for the fragile balance between life and death. His personnel file revealed more active engagement with his mandatory therapy sessions and fewer disciplinary incidents for the remainder of his tenure with the Thunderbolts. He was eventually removed from field duty after the suspicious death of some of his former associates in SHIELD custody, but continued to serve as a SHIELD instructior until his retirement and pardon.

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