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[In-Character Thread] Deciphering Tomorrow.

Posted by GMFor group 0
Empathic Nano, 111 posts
who Works Miracles
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 01:47
  • msg #535

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The older woman stirs.

"The ship has memories of times when this place was inhabited, and of coming here to exchange speech and goods... but my impression is that such memories are from very long ago.  However, it could be that remnants of goods once traded could still be found here, if we wish to look."

She blinks at the stars, and at the nearby planet.  Already profoundly moved at the telepathic contact with the ship, the sight of the stars and the planet makes her blink back tears.

"It is written, 'For I see Thy heavens, a work of Thy fingers, Moon and stars that Thou didst establish.' "

"Thank you, Sovereign One."

Imaginative Jack, 199 posts
who Talks to Machines
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 02:26
  • msg #536

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

"If the craft is still intact ... What are we calling them again?  Their name?"  Attilisk shakes his head to refocus.

"If the craft is still intact after all this time, hopefully components and tools for maintaining it and improving it could be found in the domes below.  If we can explore in relative safety and be assured of a welcome return to this craft, I will welcome the opportunity to make this vessel stronger, safer, and more comfortable."
GM, 233 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 08:19
  • msg #537

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Are we going to open the door?  Or are we going to try something else? Cube asks, sliding its body around the round lower hatch with a slow shimmer moving across its surface.

Delfino gives a shrug, but his eyes are shining with excitement.  "Take a step onto the moon itself?  Can't say any Form has done that before!  Shall we give it a try?"
Imaginative Jack, 200 posts
who Talks to Machines
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 11:31
  • msg #538

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Attilisk nods and moves toward the door (hatch?) that leads to the green dome they are hovering over.  He will attempt to open it, if no one else does.  If there is any kind of display or readout or even odd behavior from his associated orb, he'll pay attention to that closely.
Resourceful Seeker, 114 posts
a Resourceful Seeker
who Delved Too Deeply
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 17:45
  • msg #539

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The seeker by now feels a very, very different person from the Paraton of only a few days ago. The changes to their body and spirit are vast. Order and chaos, balancing each other out, the void pulsing along the crystalline lattice.

They approach the exit, undaunted. We weren't born to live as brutes, but to seek virtue and knowledge, I think.
[OOC: Will Paraton's crystalline state protect them from the potential absence of air?]
GM, 235 posts
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 03:55
  • msg #540

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

There are symbols around the lower hatch where Cube is, symbols that have begun to be familiar through Attilisk's study of the vessel.  With a little study, he finds the combination of symbols that allow for opening, and touches them with two hands (it seems the original users of this vessel were taller and/or had larger appendages).  The orb runs along Attilisk's right hand when he presses one of the symbols, humming and chiming slightly.  The hatch irises open, revealing a haze of sparkling blue that descends through a long, translucent shaft to the floor of the dome below you, some one hundred feet.  There air is still and smells faintly nutty, with a tang of ozone on your tongue.
Imaginative Jack, 201 posts
who Talks to Machines
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 04:04
  • msg #541

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Attilisk looks at the long shaft hesitantly.  He pulls a shin from his pocket and drops it into the haze.
Resourceful Seeker, 115 posts
a Resourceful Seeker
who Delved Too Deeply
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 13:06
  • msg #542

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Paraton, their quarterstaff propping them up, nears the exit shaft, and descends. They pick up the shin and make it twirl in the air.

So this is the moon. I never imagined.
Empathic Nano, 113 posts
who Works Miracles
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 06:21
  • msg #543

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The older woman looks upon the scene with great interest, but hesitates at the threshold.

"Should I remain aboard to help ensure our continued access to the ship?"
GM, 236 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 08:03
  • msg #544

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

As Attilisk drops the shin, it falls, but slowly, as if through thick gel or as if gravity were lessened.

As it reaches the bottom of the shaft, nothing happens, but it is, after all, a very small thing.  However, there is some movement just outside the shaft, a shadowy shifting that's difficult to discern through the blue.  Its movement is very straight and rigid, suggesting some kind of automaton, and something no larger than a large human.  After a moment it subsides again into stillness.
Imaginative Jack, 202 posts
who Talks to Machines
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 12:13
  • msg #545

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

"I think we need to trust that the ship will let us return when we wish.  Whatever is moving down there may require your knowledge to ... safely deal with."

Attilisk looks at his traveling companions.  "Perhaps if Cube and Delfino remain here?  Cube can defend the craft, and Delfino is a mirror of myself, so that this wondrous vessel may find us familiar?"
Resourceful Seeker, 116 posts
a Resourceful Seeker
who Delved Too Deeply
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 13:27
  • msg #546

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

I think it's a good plan. And... I think there's something here. Orbs, please help us.

I guess there's no use waiting, though.

Changing their stance to a guard, Paraton emerges from the shaft.
GM, 237 posts
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 01:23
  • msg #547

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Cube shimmers, which seems to be its version of a shrug, and Delfino nods.

"Sounds like a fair plan.  Perhaps there is some way to see more of the surface of the moon.  The front chamber can become transparent, so maybe other places can.  And I'll see what we can make of what's in the storage spaces," Delfino says.

That decided, Paraton takes the plunge, stepping into the shaft and sinking slowly.  There is no sensation of wet or dry, but there is a scent of ozone and spice that permeates the shaft and their senses.  As they descend, they can see the dome below through the thick blue.  It is a clear, thick substance that encases a broad terrace with an elaborate mosaic that brings to mind the night sky, though the patterns of the stars are unfamiliar, and there are lines and colorful splotches and orbs that are scattered throughout.  Three consoles are at three equal points around the dome, one of the turned over, objects scattered across the floor in front of it.  There are three other exits from the dome, as well as the shaft itself, though you cannot see beyond the gleaming synth doors.  Something scuttles away from the shaft and you are fairly certain it lodged itself behind one of the two standing consoles, something long and low and segmented, though further details are blurred by the blue.

Finally, Paraton touches down, a triangular opening twelve feet high in front of them, and no other visible barrier.  Unlike the other three exits, there is no solid door here.
Imaginative Jack, 203 posts
who Talks to Machines
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 01:48
  • msg #548

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Having seen Paraton safely use the shaft to descend, Attilisk will follow, copying the cloaked one's movements and glancing in all directions as he is (hopefully) gently lowered.
GM, 238 posts
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 09:48
  • msg #549

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Attilisk falls down at the same slow, stately pace and lands softly.  The blue thins slightly as the two stand in the antechamber, revealing the brilliant colors of deep red and blue that criss-cross the dome above the star-scape-like floor.  The consoles you can see still have some illuminated symbols and buttons upon them, even the one that is tipped over.  The creature that had scuttled behind the leftmost console hasn't moved again, and is apparently being very quiet, as you haven't heard any other noise from it.

A series of soft, supple sounds ring upon the air as the blue thins, and one of the consoles flashes slightly before subsiding into a steady pulse.
Imaginative Jack, 204 posts
who Talks to Machines
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 12:42
  • msg #550

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Attilisk will move out of the beam a few steps to make space for his comrades and get a better look at the room he's in.  He keeps his staff at the ready.

OOC: Primarily looking for danger, but also easily accessible resources.
GM, 239 posts
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 01:18
  • msg #551

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The room's lights pulse slightly, then steady.  A shimmering figure made of multi-colored light appears in the center of the room; looking vaguely human but with elongated proportions and an additional pair of eyes above their slightly whorled ears.  If they have hair, you cannot say, as the top of their head is surmounted by a most fantastic hat that spreads out widely beyond the width of their shoulders, with dangling charms that sway as they move.  They spread their hands wide and begin to speak, their cadence smooth and their tone pleasant, even if the language is not one you know.  The light-being gestures at each of the three consoles (or at least where they would be if all three were in an upright position), speaking after pointing to each one.  They finish their speech by raising their arms level with their headgear and seeming to encompass the entire facility (or, perhaps, the entire moon?).  Then the light-being vanishes again.

During the speech, Attilisk realizes that the large segmented creature has moved behind a closer console, and seems to be waiting very quietly and nearly entirely out of sight...
Imaginative Jack, 205 posts
who Talks to Machines
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 01:25
  • msg #552

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The tattoos on Attilisk's leg, visible in places through the worn cloth, shimmer a moment with bits of violet light as he takes in the consoles indicated by the apparition.  He takes a few quiet steps toward the shadowy areas of the room, working to get a better look at the segmented thing hiding from the visiting ship's crew.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:28, Sat 12 Dec 2020.
Empathic Nano, 114 posts
who Works Miracles
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 08:15
  • msg #553

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The older woman experimentally attempts to maintain her mental link contact with the ship as she descends.  If successful, she queries to discern the purpose of this place and the automated greeting, and to get more information about the nearby creature.

She then stretches out her empathic senses, attempting to discern the intent of the nearby creature...
GM, 240 posts
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 10:05
  • msg #554

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The segmented creature looks to be about eight feet long, in a rounded mound with its segments a deep maroon that has a dull shine like unpolished synth.  A series of round golden eyes dot the larger of the two ends, along with a series of pale lavender feathery antennae.  The longer end tapers to a point, and if this creature has any kind of feet, it's impossible to say what they are, as it seems to be hugging the ground.  From the hints of movement you had noticed, it seems to scuttle about on some kind of limbs, rather than slithering like a legless reptile or a slug.

Attilisk gets a good look at the creature, and it swivels towards him, making a series of skittering sounds, almost sounding like sand hitting a glass window.  There's no mouth aperture he can see, but the antennae swing down towards him and back with tiny jerking motions.

Eleisai can still feel the ship quite strongly, and has a feeling that the orbs that have accompanied the travelers are responsible for that.  The ship has an attitude of "waiting" at the moment, like a soldier at parade rest.  As for the segmented creature, she senses curiosity, alarm, and a kind of hunger.  It's not the same as she had felt with other predatory creatures, not a hunger for flesh.  No, this seems to be a hunger for something less carnal and more cerebral - a longing for knowledge.
Imaginative Jack, 206 posts
who Talks to Machines
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 12:43
  • msg #555

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Attilisk continues to slowly move about the space, trying to take in their current location a bit more, all while keeping a wary eye on the creature.  He maintains a fair distance from it unless the confines of the room force him closer.  His staff is ready, but he does not attack, even occasionally poking around in the ruins with it.  He is also alert to impressions that his companions express, especially on their face or in their movements.
Resourceful Seeker, 117 posts
a Resourceful Seeker
who Delved Too Deeply
Sat 19 Dec 2020
at 12:05
  • msg #556

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The folds of cloth and synth over Paraton's visage betray little, but the Seeker does pay a homage to tactics and swaps their own staff for their bow, nocking an arrow. In a whisper, they ask Attilisk
You think it's friendly? I'm not good at relating, here. Shame we missed the welcome tour. That hat sure was something.
Imaginative Jack, 207 posts
who Talks to Machines
Sat 19 Dec 2020
at 14:37
  • msg #557

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Attilisk says, as quietly as possible while still being audible, "It's watching me, and it hasn't attacked yet.  It doesn't seem to be preparing to, either.  On the other hand, it isn't fleeing.  It's very confident or very naive, from a survival perspective."
Empathic Nano, 115 posts
who Works Miracles
Sat 19 Dec 2020
at 19:31
  • msg #558

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

The older woman considers thoughtfully.

"I sense some alarm, but also curiosity, and a hunger for knowledge.  I am going to try to make contact... and I need your assistance.  Could you both gently come nearer to me, without alarming it?  I need you for a demonstration..."

Assuming her companions agree, she gently turns to each of them in turn, gently extends a finger to them, and asks them to gently touch her with their own finger.

After these two gentle demonstrations, she then slowly moves a bit closer to the creature, gently squats down, and gently extends her finger toward it.

"'Peace be unto you', friend.  You seek knowledge, and so do we.  Come, and let us share thoughts together..."

She holds out her finger invitingly, and waits...
This message was last edited by the player at 19:32, Sat 19 Dec 2020.
Imaginative Jack, 208 posts
who Talks to Machines
Sat 19 Dec 2020
at 20:43
  • msg #559

Re: [In-Character Threat] Deciphering Tomorrow

Attilisk cooperates with Eleisai's demonstration.  After, he moves apart from her to watch the interaction with the creature and keep an eye on the space around them.  Even if this entity was not hostile, there could be dangers lurking, as yet unseen.
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