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19:14, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hallus Station - Spacedock.

Posted by The VoidFor group 0
Volsung Takagara
Captain, 43 posts
Ship Master, INS-Angantyr
Sun 9 Feb 2020
at 21:37
  • msg #13

Hallus Station - Spacedock

Rituals and rites, considered Volsung as he oversaw his crew preparing to cast off. They were essential in the Black, the means for warding off accidents and ensuring the ship ran true.

He could see why his men hadn't found the value in them, rushed into the berths too swiftly following the war with the brotherhood. He could see why they clung to his minor celebrity. He could see where such things might lead.

Sighing inwardly, he leant on that, redirected it. He told tales of discipline, shared why the standing watch was relieved in a precise manner, the value in a trim bunk and shared comedies - and tragedies - of what happened when such things fell by the wayside. His stories tried for subtlety, parables rather than sermons or the patronising fables of the interactive media of his own youth. He wanted them to find their way to such things, to build them into habits. But he was strict outside the tales and the stories, his boundaries clear and unambiguous
Ensign Kathle Reedersen
NPC, 1 post
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 06:35
  • msg #14

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Diana Hersson (msg # 10):

Ensign Kathle Reedersen stepped forward at attention. She was tall, having the build of someone who grew up in microgravity. Unusual for this day and age, but there were still people who lived that way, due to poverty, cultural or religious reasons. Modern medical science would had resolved the complications long ago and she had obviously been cleared by the Military Medical Review Board. She looked down at you with a measure of respect and anticipation as she offered a resolute look on her face.

"Aye aye ma'am. We'll have that squared away ASAP." The tall slender woman turned to the other 18 members of the crew. "Valdar, dismissed!"

The crew concisely broke formation and filed out into the corridors back towards their ship, looking to be a well drilled and well prepared crew.

"Permission to speak, ma'am?" Your XO had returned to you once the crew had exited the briefing room. There was an eagerness about her, that was for certain in your mind.
Ensign Joyce Wardiaz
NPC, 1 post
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 06:40
  • msg #15

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Zazan Mysh (msg # 11):

Ensign Joyce Wardiaz was a patchwork thing. Strong, tall and broadly built with patch works of scar tissue all across her face and hands. Both her eyes were artificially grown and mismatching colors and her hair was an old spacer's implant, having long ago lost all her natural hair to hard radiation. A hint of faded tattoos peak out beneath her collar and wrists.

There was a weariness in her eyes and she stank slightly of gin, her uniform not clean, pressed or sitting rightly on her frame. She offered a quick snap salute though.

"Skipper. What're your orders?"

The rest of the crew stood there somewhat unevenly, watching you as if evaluating what was going on.
Ensign Artin Gerson
NPC, 1 post
INS-Harald Wartooth
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 06:46
  • msg #16

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Oscar Hargrave (msg # 12):

Ensign Artin Gerson is more machine than man at this point and he does not bother to hide it. Both his eyes, his ears and his mouth and nose are replaced with obviously cybernetic implants. Tubes sprout from his neck and coil around down his back. Both arms and both legs appear to be machinery that he does not bother to hide. Unlike the more discrete cybernetics that are common place, he appears to flaunt his augmentations with the panels and skins cut away to show the obviously unnatural mechanics of his new body. The skin he does have is fresh, as if it was grafted onto replace something horribly damaged.

Leading the five members of your crew, he approaches you precisely and speaks in a somewhat charming and entirely unexpected upper-class Phoenix accent through his voice box.

"It's our honor to receive you, Ship Master. The Harald Wartooth has been made ready for your inspection, sir."

The other men and women are as still as statues, none of them are as obviously augmented as Artin is, however.
Ensign Bertim Carte
NPC, 1 post
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 06:55
  • msg #17

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Volsung Takagara (msg # 13):

Ensign Bertim Carte is a career military man through and through. Though young, he's already served on a number of vessels and worked his way up through the ratings to earn his commission. He is cut from a different cloth than many spacers and you can see in his face and his bearing that he takes nothing more serious than this.

The rest of the crew is certainly green, though perhaps so are you in comparison to your peers. You instantly get the impression that Ensign Carte is uncertain of you, but is doing his utmost to conduct himself as befits an Officer of the Astral Forces and the Executive Officer of the INS-Angantyr

"Captain. We're ready to cast off. What are your orders?"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:02, Wed 12 Feb 2020.
Diana Hersson
Captain, 60 posts
The line between disorder
& order lies in logistics
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 13:49
  • msg #18

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Ensign Kathle Reedersen (msg # 14):

- "Always."

Diana gave a brief nod, and motioned for her to sit down if she wanted to.

- "What is it?"
Oscar Hargrave
Captain, 47 posts
Ship Master
INS-Harald Wartooth
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 16:18
  • msg #19

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Ensign Artin Gerson (msg # 16):

Oscar nodded and smiled. “I look forward to working with you, XO,” he said, pronouncing the letters in the title individually. He gestured for his executive officer to follow behind him. Approaching the group of spacers, Oscar greeted each one after saluting and looking them over by shaking their hand. He couldn’t have been happier to have such professionals. Once he was done with the personnel inspections and introductions he turned back to Ensign Gerson.

“Lead the way, XO. It’ll be best if you give the tour. You know the quirks of this ship much better than me. Also, you’ll have to tell me what mods you have. I am sporting the Sabertronics Z-Line Optics Mark 9,” he finished while pointing to his own, more subtle implants. Looking closely, the tell-tale shimmer of metallic iris’ could be seen. Currently, the cosmetics were set to a light gray, bordering on blue.
Zazan Mysh
Captain, 42 posts
Commander. Ship
Master of the INV-Randver
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 17:54
  • msg #20

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Ensign Joyce Wardiaz (msg # 15):
With a small, wry smile, Commander Mysh addresses the bridge crew. "As zis is a ship, we are setting off for ze Float. Specifically we are for ze Ultima Black system. We of King Squadron are to search ze system and investigate as to ze reason for our listening outposts going silent. We are operating on limited intelligence, so be prepared for trouble from ze moment we spike in. Please make ready for departure and I will give further directions directly."

Zazan turns back to the XO before him.

"But ah, Ensign Wardiaz please walk with me." Leaning in to whisper to the disheveled XO "Zis shall be ze last time I see you in such a state. Elsewise you will be confined to ze Brig with three days bread and water. I hope zis provides clarity as to ze gravity of your position, nie? I cannot have you dispense discipline when you could be mistaken for an Astraling. ".

Zazan begins acting upon his observations during inspection and working directly with his crew to  smooth out the rough spots as the Randvar starts going through the checks.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:26, Wed 12 Feb 2020.
Volsung Takagara
Captain, 45 posts
Ship Master, INS-Angantyr
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 20:45
  • msg #21

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Ensign Bertim Carte (msg # 17):

"Excellent, XO", offered Volsung in a soft tone, though one that brooked no softness within, "Signal our readiness to the rest of the Kings Squadron and request they confirm their own status and ETA; command wants us in the Black as early as possible but as a squadron"

Studying the Ensign's serious manner, he let his lips curl in a smile, "Once everyone is underway, I expect there to be a captain's conference. I will want your opinion on the crew, the Angantyr and our proposed operations between then and when we hit the spike limit, Ensign"

"Unless there are any pressing matters that require more urgent attention?"
, he concluded
Ensign Kathle Reedersen
NPC, 2 posts
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 09:54
  • msg #22

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Diana Hersson (msg # 18):

She stayed standing, showing respect to a superior officer, especially one she is not familiar with. "Captain, I appreciate your gesture to us." she refers to the shields. "I think it is symbolic and I approve of it, however, please be careful with showing such familiarity with your crew, at least at this point. They are eager to please now, but they also remember the last captain who was not respected. He was too soft, too feckless. I recommend you set a strong example in your discipline first, show them that you are different and they will lay down their lives for you."

She bows to you in the way of the Deep Spacers, showing respect and deference. This is a personal gesture, not a military one.

"I will shield you as you have pledged to shield us."

She seems to have said her piece and waits to be dismissed.
Ensign Artin Gerson
NPC, 2 posts
INS-Harald Wartooth
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 10:18
  • msg #23

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Oscar Hargrave (msg # 19):

The rest of your small crew is clearly seasoned and prepared. They greet you with ease and respect and you can tell that they approve of your first impression.

Ensign Gerson follows you like a shadow, his bulk and size is somewhat intimidating perhaps, but he also moves with a swiftness that seems unlikely for his mechanical form. As you look for a tour, he leads you towards a gantry tube that leads to the Harald Wartooth.

Stepping aboard, he salutes you, welcome you aboard as commanding officer along with the rest of the crew in the small corridor. You are now, officially, in command. From there, he leads you deeper into the ship and you notice that his augmentations retract and fold in somewhat, allowing him a smaller frame onboard the ship. He makes no note of it and no one else seems to notice or care.

Artin chuckles. "I'm not a huge fan of Sabertronics. Most of what I have is custom or highly modified. I do have Marran v6.1 Digieyes as they are the latest service-approved version for uberbaseline ocular implants. My spinal column and powerpack is based on the Helix Systems Atlas Plus series core system package. The rest of it..." He shrugs "My partner is a cybersurgeon on Haven."

He leads you down the spinal corridor of the vessel and stops at a large door, opening it with a keypad to reveal a mostly empty cargo bay packed only with a few crates stuck down in the center. "Cargo bay. Pretty straight forward. Sixty tons. Not really using it much right now... that's basically a poker table." He gestured at the crates.

Further down the hall, he travels down some steps into a massive engineering department, housing the Class-2 Spike Drive and fusion powerplant. It's as noisy as any other ship and full of warning notices and electrical panels. He also points out a hatch that leads down to the extended fuel storage.

From there, he takes you to the armory, ships locker, showing you the weapons, armor, and equipment offered for the ship. Pretty much anything you could need is available here in numbers suitable for the size of the crew.

After this, he takes you back towards the bow of the ship and shows you the workshops. They take up a decent amount of space, but they are heavily patched into the power conduits. From here, you can manufacture or fabricate nearly any part you might need for any military purpose. The systems are modular and indeed can fabricate parts to expand their own capabilities if necessary. The only real limitation is digital blueprints and raw materials, the latter of which are currently being used as a poker table and chairs.

One the way to back to the bow, you see the lifeboat hatches installed along the floor.

You enter the bridge. It's large for a ship of this size, providing space for a small crew to combat loneliness and confinement in the Black, but there's a lot of space on board the Knarr-class. You have a offset seat to the starboard side of the bridge while two other crew stations stand ahead of you and to your portside. The center as pilot and tactical, and the far left handling sensors and comms.
Ensign Joyce Wardiaz
NPC, 2 posts
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 10:24
  • msg #24

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Zazan Mysh (msg # 20):

Ensign Wardiaz waits to the side while you give your orders directly. As you ask her to follow, she does and at your chastisement, you can feel her tensing at that but she seems to get over and nods. "As you command, skipper." Her mismatched eyes narrow slightly. "It won't happen again." She follows you to the docking tube to the Randver, a starship named after a legendary viking king like the rest of the squadron. The XO enters first and you find your ragged crew mustered to greet you and acknowledge your new command.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:25, Thu 13 Feb 2020.
Ensign Bertim Carte
NPC, 2 posts
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 10:41
  • msg #25

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Volsung Takagara (msg # 21):

"As you order, Ship Master." He turned back to the crew. "Angantyr, prepare to cast off and get under way." The crew files off orderly to the ship, presumably getting everything ready to go before you launch and break for the outer rim.

"Ship Master, my only concern is that for the mission and my crew. There are questions about why are we carrying out what appears to be routine milk run in an otherwise desolate star system." He paused. "You may be surprised, but yes, we hear rumors before orders are ever issued."

"As for my opinion, I can give you that now." The Angantyr's executive officer continues, "The crew is devoted and disciplined, but they lack experience. They're mostly newly enlisted and I find this concerning. They should still be in training units, if I may be frank. As far as the Angantyr herself... she's a good ship. She has legs for patrol, she can dip into an atmosphere to attack surface targets if needed and she's got more survivability than some vessels I've served on. In terms of firepower, that Plasma Cannon will slag most ships in her class with a few hits and she's fast enough to catch anything she can kill and outrun anything she can't. The assault pods make it easy to tear open the hull of any freighter we come across... those boarding tubes will punch right through an airlock in a few seconds and like that your men can be across to the other side, taking quick control."

Taking a breath, he continued. "As far as the mission. I think it's a milk run, not worthy of a squadron of corvettes. However... this crew is inexperienced. Perhaps it's for the best. I doubt we're going to do much than spend a standard month scanning continents and asteroids, finding nothing but ice and rock."
Diana Hersson
Captain, 61 posts
The line between disorder
& order lies in logistics
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 13:33
  • msg #26

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Ensign Kathle Reedersen (msg # 22):

Diana nodded in return.

- "No need to worry, i already have something in mind. Now that i have you alone, there is a readiness drill i'd like to plan."

She took a deep breath, and continued.

- "You are to visit all the Void Masters individually, ask them for a date and time during the Spike, and that they do not share the selected date and time with anyone. Then, at said random dates and times selected, there will be a readiness drill where the ship will be put on full alert, with all stations to be manned. Each department will be timed, with the losing department earning themselves two or three days of latrine duty. For combat readiness, fast and efficient response is key, obviously we cannot be expected to comm an ambushing ship and ask them to wait five minutes for us to get ready to fire back, so i would like to emphasize this while we are Spiking."

She smirked.

- "The Void Masters also are not to be made aware of these drills beforehand and those times and dates are to remain a secret even to me, nor will i be exempt from punishment if i end up tardy. I have no intention of playing favorites, nor hold myself to a different standard than i would my crew. And if a time and date does end up getting leaked... well, we would be aware of who would not place a lot of value in discretion."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:35, Thu 13 Feb 2020.
Zazan Mysh
Captain, 43 posts
Commander. Ship
Master of the INV-Randver
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 19:16
  • msg #27

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Ensign Joyce Wardiaz (msg # 24):

As the crew of the Randver get to their stations to execute their assignments, the short frame of Commander Mysh is seen energetically walking the length of the ship. He focuses on identifying and questioning deficiencies (with instructions to follow up forwarded to the XO). He also clearly expresses a number of personal expectations specifically regarding cleanliness and order in the armory, the engineering deck, and the bridge.
Volsung Takagara
Captain, 46 posts
Ship Master, INS-Angantyr
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 21:44
  • msg #28

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Ensign Bertim Carte (msg # 25):

Captain Takagara nodded at his XOs worries as they were enumerated, letting him exorcise them fully before he spoke in response. His words were considered, spoken slowly as he watched how they were received.

"She is an excellent ship, the Angantyr, XO", he began with clear pleasure, "Her capabilities well-suited for handling raiders and smugglers, illicit operations and any scouting remnants of the Brotherhood we root out"

"It will be our task to season her crew, to ensure she can fulfil her potential", he suggested, reframing the XO's concerns as both challenge and duty, "It is a task I have undertake before, on the Chagatai for her combat pilots. Devotion and discipline will help, a firm foundation for learning if we are granted the time..."

"If the rumours you have heard are true, then we may be, but too long and they may lose the edge we give them..."

"But the Astra Force believes differently than the rumours, else they would not send a squadron, not for a milk run, not even to season them. No, I think they have heard other rumours and that are what we must seek out, Ensign"

Taking a deep breath, he forced a smile, "Now, let us be aboard and you can show me the ship whilst we make ready to cast off"
Oscar Hargrave
Captain, 48 posts
Ship Master
INS-Harald Wartooth
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 23:04
  • msg #29

Hallus Station - Spacedock

In reply to Ensign Artin Gerson (msg # 23):

Oscar nodded and made the appropriate comments and asked pertinent questions when required. He noted the spacious interior and his upbringing screamed at him that something was wrong, there was too much space to deal with. Ever since leaving Bothislia even the spaces aboard ships could seem vast. He pushed the feelings aside and resumed paying attention to Ensign Gerson.

When they were finished and on the bridge, Oscar looked over the three seats and rubbed his chin. "I would like your thoughts on something, XO. We are getting ready to follow the rest of the squadron into an unknown situation on the frontier. I think that we should run duty shifts in pairs for 8 hours until we arrive in the target system. We will then shift to the battle rhythm duty shifts of 12 hours in trios. Do you agree?"
Arne Karsen
Captain, 40 posts
Master INS-Sigfred LCCS
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 01:11
  • msg #30

Hallus Station - Spacedock

Arne, once aboard, has the XO beat to General Quarters; he knows what bad discipline looks like, and this isn't as bad as it is sloppy; lackadaisical.

But lackadaisical gets you just as dead.

"Im glad to see everyone at their post, and in good order too." It wouldn't do to be overly critical out of the gate, but there were problems here that couldn't be resolved quickly...or alone.
After the basic tour, Arne calls for his department heads to the bridge in 10 minutes; and pulls his XO into the bridge alone.

"Clear the bridge please; I'd like a moment with my ship and my XO."

Once the bridge is clear, Arne click-clicks his tongue; "Do you feel like there's a lot of work to do? I feel like there's a lot of work to do. Why don't you tell me a bit about the station heads, and the prior captain.

Once all the station heads are in, Arne makes clear, again, his four principles.  Then, hand to where his house blade would be, he faces them all; "As you were."  he looks to them all.  "We're going into harm's way, and the fastest way to die is to not know that you're in danger.  Right now, we're in danger, and not just to ourselves.  We're the only vessel of our type, and be the best that means people are relying on us.  The other ships, sure - but our entire civilization, our whole way of life may turn on us helping our crewmembers be the best they can be - to be the men and women that every citizen of the hegemony will look up to.

I ask you, in the name of all that is good in the all the worlds, will you do this with me?
 Will you give your sacred honor?"

Following the pep talk, Arne wants a time line for an extended briefing with each department head, and a 5 minute 'stand-up' right now, before any Captain's meeting.

OCC: sorry again about the blank-out
This message was last edited by the player at 01:12, Tue 18 Feb 2020.
The Void
GM, 1016 posts
The Judgement
of Deep Space
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 07:19
  • msg #31

Hallus Station - Spacedock

The massive hanger space sprawls out inside the concave side of the station, gravity panels on all surfaces allow for maximum space usage. It's a bit disorienting to a surfacer, but any spacer is used to being able to look up and see "upside down" people and equipment on the far "ceiling" of a hanger. Equipment, personnel and small craft cover all sides of the hanger except for the opening to the void, protected by a force field to keep the atmosphere contained. Beyond this, the huge arms of the docking spars project out within the curve of the station, where your vessels are waiting.

Unlike your last time here, this place has been decorated with podiums, banners and emblems of the Hegemony as well as images of the fallen, epitaphs to the lost crew and the Sigfred herself. All attending in their dress uniforms and camera crews around to record the events for family members who couldn't make it to the ceremony, part award ceremony for medals but also a memorial for men and women fallen in battle. Your commander, newly promoted Visarch Essena Valna is here to hand out medals, make a speech and in general conduct the dignity of the squadron on this station.

New members of the squadron are here as well, a mysterious new captain known only as Sara Gryphon has joined you as has Herrson's new XO, Chander. Volsung Takagara is in attendance, although he seems in a somber mood and as you all know, Arne Karsen is still in a coma, yet to awake from the brutal wound he received in the line of duty.

Before the Visarch will take part, you each have a speech to make, short or long and present medals to your own crew as you see fit. This ceremony is all about your crews, ships, your squadron.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:36, Wed 15 Sept 2021.
Chander Havail
player, 12 posts
For the glory
Of life
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 12:39
  • msg #32

Hallus Station - Spacedock

Agent Havail preferred to go by his first name after getting to know his teams better but knew that it was going to be his job to buffer for his new CO. He wasn't sure how good he was going to be though he knew he had all the qualifications. He was decorated, he was apparently capable... He knew he would be useful to have around on a personnel level he was just a little anxious about it all. Team leader to nearly ship leader. Most people wouldn't even see the man of only average grace as Shivari. Part of the reason he had been inducted. Despite all his... Averageness- he had a record and mindset that was anything but.

That averageness was certainly put into the background here, while wearing his crisp dress uniform because his perseverance was pretty much his only unusual trait.  He moved among the crowd and the sea of people and equipment parted around him like he existed in a different phase of reality. His ceremonial skana was an impractical weapon for him but he'd be damned if it didn't gleam more since it came to him than any time in its existence.

The unlikelihood of someone he had to kill being here did make him a little on edge, his mind not even consciously calculating the variables for stopping key people in the bay to allow egress.

By reflex he snapped sharply to attention and his instinctive listening to his precognition had him give a respectful if slightly sharp, "Ma'am," though he didn't cognitively know who he was addressing.
Diana Hersson
Captain, 357 posts
The line between disorder
& order lies in logistics
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 14:23
  • msg #33

Hallus Station - Spacedock

Diana arrived in the Spacedock, feeling uncharacteristically nervous. It was the size of the room, she decided, looking up and seeing people walk on what her senses told her should have been the ceiling was making her somewhat disoriented. Mostly to distract herself, she gave a quick look over her shoulder to see if she could spot the face of Chander, her new XO, but her fairly short height made it difficult to make out much among the hundred-or-so crew members that made up King Squadron. She wondered if among the sea of unfamiliar faces beyond those of her own crew, the new arrivals were present as well. Knowing the Hegemony, they probably were.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around again after giving Kathle, her former XO, a smile, and waited for the others to arrive in time for the ceremony to begin. She figured her new XO must have already spotted her, as her hair and height made her easy to pick out of a crowd provided she reached above shoulder height of the people around her, but she did not have the opportunity to go walking across the seating area looking for someone just to make small talk. She felt eyes would be on her enough as it was, given that she had only been an Ensign mere months ago.
Chander Havail
player, 13 posts
For the glory
Of life
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 15:01
  • msg #34

Hallus Station - Spacedock

His reflexive action brought him out of his reverie and he saw the distinct woman he was apparently behind. He repeated a more proper salutation again this time adding, maybe a bit of unnecessary formality, "Captain, Chander Havail reporting as ordered."

Having only one blade kill in his career his awards looked more like an assault trooper of much larger presence. His callsign of Harbinger hardly fit him face to face. "It's my first assignment to a ship as anything other than security, so please be gentle with me, Ma'am. I hope to keep the small details out of your way day to day so you can handle the larger picture things."
Zazan Mysh
Captain, 261 posts
Commander. Ship
Master of the INV-Randver
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 15:52
  • msg #35

Hallus Station - Spacedock

Off to the side stocky Zazan stands next to his tall  XO discussing cyberware as Zazan shows some of the cyberware he recently acquired.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:14, Wed 15 Sept 2021.
Oscar Hargrave
Captain, 235 posts
Ship Master
INS-Harald Wartooth
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 16:26
  • msg #36

Hallus Station - Spacedock

Oscar entered the hangar and looked at the assembled group. He habitually rubbed his mustache before quickly stopping and forcing his hands to be still. Seeing Zazan speaking with his XO and Diana talking to someone new, Oscar made his way to mingle with various attendants and dignitaries in attendance. More than once he caught himself about to run his hand over the freshly shaved scalp and the multiple new cyberports and criss-crossing sub-dermal wires running down his neck.
Diana Hersson
Captain, 358 posts
The line between disorder
& order lies in logistics
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 16:32
  • msg #37

Hallus Station - Spacedock

Diana returned Chander's salute after it had been her new XO that initiated it, smiling in response to his introduction.

- "Not to worry, i've found XO duties to be quite similar to security in that it requires you to identify problems before they become a problem. You'll be fine."

Of course, she didn't know the kind of security Chander had been referring to due to his mostly redacted file, so her definition of problem solving was quite possibly very different from the ones Chander had been used to solving. A common misunderstanding.
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