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[INFO] Kingdoms & Warfare.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group public
Dungeon Master
GM, 1277 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 17:43
  • msg #1

[INFO] Kingdoms & Warfare

Table of Contents:

  1. Kingdom Stats
  2. Intrigues & Other Countries
  3. Warfare
  4. Units List

Rivermarch Stat & Armies:

Kingdom Stats:
Diplomacy: +2Espionage: +0Lore: +0Operations: +3
Communications: 10Resolve: 14Resources: 19

Kingdom Powers:
Domain Power
As a swift action add a power die to your state for 1 round
Domain Feature
Can raise a unit of Lancers as a special unit with a DC 13 operations test.
Court MageVyntis+1 highest spell slot
Court MinstrelCaraCan cast Hideous Laughter 1/encounter as swift action
High PriestDominiqueCan heal as part of an attack action
SpymasterKael+1d6 Sneak Attack
Master-at-ArmsElenaFree Teamwork Feat and can share it 1/encounter
RulerBorric+1d6 to a state 1/encounter

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:58, Sat 17 Sept 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1278 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 17:44
  • msg #2

Kingdom Stats

Kingdom Skills
Kingdom skills are used when you want to make your kingdom active. These are the bonuses you get to a roll when you attempt to do things like raise an army, spy on your enemies, negotiate an alliance etc. etc.

Associated Character Skills: Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive
The Diplomacy domain skill represents a domain’s ability to get what it wants without resorting to war or espionage.

Associated Character Skills: Disable Device, Stealth, Disguise
Espionage allows a domain to learn the secrets of other domains, including their plans, their current activities, and who they are allied with.

Associated Character Skills: Arcana, History, Religion
Lore represents a domain’s ability to research both magical and historical knowledge. This is a broad and wide-ranging skill, which can be used outside of intrigue to unlock arcane discoveries, dig up the details of forgotten history, discover the existence of lost spells, or reveal the answers to ancient mysteries.

Associated Character Skills: Intimidate, Survival
Operations represents a domain’s ability to muster new units, as well as to perform many of the basic functions of maintaining a domain.

<b>Kingdom Defenses

Kingdom Defenses come in two parts. The first is a defense score that is used as a resistance check against enemy actions. When the villain wants to undermine your authority or spy on you they will roll against a DC set by your Defense score. The second aspect is the Defense Level ranging from 3 to -3 which is raised or lowered during Intrigues and when the final battle occurs the level it is set at will provide bonuses or penalties as conditional modifiers to your final battle.

The Communications defense is a measure of how rapidly and accurately information is transmitted between a domain’s officers and followers. Every domain, from a hard-as-nails mercenary company to a grove of peaceful druids, relies on its network of followers, retainers, and servants to accomplish its goals. And without effective communications, those goals can easily break down.

Communication Levels:
Unbreakable (3). At the end of the next deployment, this domain chooses any allied infantry or artillery unit on the battlefield, then moves that unit to any unoccupied space on the battlefield.

Coded (2). At the end of the next deployment, this domain chooses two allied units in any rank on the battlefield and swaps those units’ locations.

Secure (1). At the end of the next deployment, this domain chooses an allied unit in any rank and moves that unit into any adjacent space.

Normal (0). No effect.

Compromised (−1). At the end of the next deployment, the opposed domain chooses one of this domain’s units in any rank on the battlefield and moves it into any adjacent space.

Garbled (−2). At the end of the next deployment, the opposed domain chooses one of this domain’s cavalry units, which is removed from battle and does not deploy until the end of the first round of battle.

Broken (−3). At the end of the next deployment, the opposed domain chooses two of this domain’s infantry units, which are removed from battle and do not deploy until the end of the first round of battle.

Resolve measures the commitment that the followers of a domain have to its cause, and depends on many factors—including how well those followers understand the domain’s cause. A domain’s followers and army, by default, share the philosophy of the domain’s officers and leaders, whatever that philosophy is. For example, the followers of an arcane order domain value neutrality and knowledge, while the soldiers of a despotic regime domain revel in the glory and victories produced by their ironfisted leaders.

Zealous (3). During any combat against officers of an opposed domain, each of this domain’s officers can reroll attack rolls until the end of their first turn.

Fanatic (2). As a reaction when an enemy starts their turn during the first round of any combat against officers of an opposed domain, one of this domain’s officers who has not yet acted can cast a spell or make a weapon attack.

Loyal (1). The speed of each of this domain’s officers increases by 10 feet during the first round of any combat against officers of an opposed domain.

Normal (0). No effect.

Discontented (−1). The speed of each of this domain’s officers decreases by 5 feet during the first round of any combat against officers of an opposed domain.

Rebellious (−2). During any combat against officers of an opposed domain, the first saving throw made by one of this domain’s officers against a spell or effect directed by an enemy is at -5

Revolt (−3). The first attack roll made by each
of this domain’s officers during any combat against
officers of an opposed domain is at -5

The wealth of a domain is measured as Resources, though this defense represents more than just money. Resources includes whatever a domain values and collects, whether gold, knowledge.

Booming (3). During the first round of battle, each of this domain’s artillery units that inflicts casualties inflicts 1 extra casualty.

Abundant (2). Each of this domain’s cavalry units can reroll on Power tests until the end of the first round of battle.

Surplus (1). Each of this domain’s infantry units can reroll on Power tests until the end of the first round of battle.

Normal (0). No effect.

Low (−1). Each of this domain’s artillery units is -5 on Morale and Command tests
until the end of the first round of battle.

Poor (−2). Each of this domain’s cavalry and aerial units is -5 on Morale and Command
tests until the end of the first round of battle.

Bankrupt (−3). Each of the domain’s infantry units is -5 on Morale and Command
tests until the end of the first round of battle.

Domain Size
Size determines how far a domain’s power extends, and the size of the power die used by the domain’s officers. Size is a relative measure of the reach and influence of a domain, though not an absolute measure of an area of land the domain controls.

The campaign will start with Domain Size 1 and every time you successfully defeat another domain you will increase your domain size by +1 to a maximum of 5.

Domain SizePower Die

Power Dice
Each officer in a domain—player characters and the villain and lieutenants of an opposed domain alike—gets one power die, with the die type determined by the domain’s size (see above). Any officer can choose to roll their power die immediately at the start of any combat (no action required).

Once a power die is rolled, it cannot be rolled again until the officer who rolled it finishes an extended rest. (An extended rest is defined as 1 week of study and training, and administration at the player's stronghold.

ny power dice that aren’t used are removed from a domain’s pool at the end of the combat in
which they were rolled.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:47, Sun 19 Sept 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1279 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 17:44
  • msg #3

Intrigues & Other Countries

During normal times of peace it is assumed that everyone is working together and growing the kingdom in the best way possible. Without outside stressors it is easy to guide a kingdom to peace and prosperity. But what happens when a villainous organization decides to start raising an army to threaten your lands or sabotage your development? This will kick off an Intrigue where you and the enemy organization will "attack" and "defend" your organizations against the plans and machinations of the other.

The system is designed under the assumption that ultimately war is inevitable against a villainous real and that war is determined by one critical battle, the climax of war. This is your Gettysburg or Waterloo or Stalingrad, the turning point of the war where you crush or get crushed that sets the tide of the war for months or even years to come.

As a prelude to that you get the opportunity to use your Domain skills (Diplomacy/Espionage/Lore/Operations) to prepare your kingdom for war. Raising troops, securing allies, breaking enemy communications, spying on enemy armies etc. are handled by domain actions during an intrigue:

  • Each Intrigue will last a number of turns equal to 4 + Domain Size
  • During each Domain Turn the player kingdom and villainous kingdom will take one domain action.
  • Each action is assigned to a PC officer or NPC officer to make the roll.
  • A character can add 1/2 of an associated skill to a skill check to one roll. I.e +1/2 your stealth bonus if making an Espionage roll.

Domain Actions
What can you do on a domain turn?

Features - each organization type has special actions they can take like raising special unique units or taking special powerful actions

Raise Defense Level - you can raise a specific defense level (Comms, Resolve, Resources) by +1 by passing a DC 13+current level check. Any skill can be used against any defense so long as it is justified by the player's action and RP. For example you could adjust Communications by using Espionage (to teach secret codes), Operations (improving courier security), Lore (finding and distributing magical items to improve communications), or Diplomacy (using allies to relay messages). These are just some examples, creativity and personalization is very encouraged!

Lower an enemy defense level - just like you can raise your levels, you can attempt to lower the enemy's defense levels. As above you decide the skill to use and roll against the enemy's defense score.

Recruit Special Units
You can use Diplomacy to try and recruit special units from other nations that you have contact with. Bring an undead horde from Ustalav, Technic League Artificers from Numeria, duelists from Mivon or Restov etc. Diplomacy vs. DC 8 (for allied) to DC 18 (for Hostile). You can use this action as much as you want but you can only target a specific country once per intrigue.

Spy on Enemy
By making a successful Espionage vs. Communication check you can learn 1 piece of information as follows: Target's current defense scores, Target's defense levels, Target's Skill bonuses, Target's current units, or something else that I agree to.

Learn Enemy Secret
If the enemy has a "mundane" style of government/organization then this can be used to discover the enemys "secret weapon" so to speak. A aristocratic enemy might have mustered up an elite unit of knights, a rich domain might have a mercenary company inbound, goblins might have allied with trolls or ogres to bring in some serious firepower etc.

Send an Expedition
By making a successful Lore check the Domain can fund an adventuring party to recover useful items and relics to aid in battle. The details will be determined at the time of the roll but, for example, if the party knows they will be facing Ice Elementals in battle they might send out adventurers to recover a staff of fireballs or rings of frost resistance.

Learn Enemy Magical Secret
If the enemy has a "magical" style of government/organization than this can b used to discover the enemy's "secret weapon". A necromancer might have brought in a pack of vampires or even a lich to command his armies. A fey court might bring in some otherworldy beast etc. or discover that the enemy has control of a powerful artifact.

Building Fortifications
As a prelude to war fortifications can be built to provide a tactical advantage during the final climatic battle. The time and DC vary based on what is to be built and how well the Operations roll goes:

Stone Fence11+1 Morale, +2 Defense
Tower13+1 Morale, +2 Defense, +2 Power

- If the operations roll succeeds by 5 or more than it is built at end of current Domain turn
- If it succeeds at 4 or less than it is built at end of next Domain turn (if time is available)
- If it fails by 4 or less then it is built in 3 turns
- If it fails by 5 or more then it doesn't get built at all.

Muster Units
Mustering units typically does not require a roll. Instead you pick a unit that is available to your nation and it is raised and trained and made combat ready. Normal units once mustered stay around until disbanded. Special units raised through Features and Diplomacy only last for a single climatic battle and then go back home and must be raised again.

Units are classified by tiers (I through V) and to raise a higher tier you must have one more of lower tier. So you need two tier I's to raise a tier II. To raise a tier III you need two tier IIs and three tier I's etc.

Upgrade Units
You can also work to improve the gear and training of an existing unit. No check is needed but there are restrictions what units can be upgraded and how players can upgrade them. When conditions are met all it takes is an action to perform the upgrade.

Disband Unit (free)
Eventually you will reach the maximum units a country can control and you might want to make room for new units so you can at any time during an intrigue disband a unit. NOTE that units raised through diplomacy actions and domain features are "special units" and don't abide by normal organization limits.

Other Country Profiles
- Brevoy
- Mivon
- Drelev
- Varnhold
- Pitax
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:42, Sun 19 Sept 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1280 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 17:44
  • msg #4

Warfare Rules

Epic Finale
The most spectacular use of this system is to simulate a climactic confrontation between a heroic organization and a villainous realm. Even as the PCs are confronting their nemesis their armies will be clashing all around them!

At its core units are what an army is composed of. Each unit is defined by the following stats:

Name - Name of the unit. Most units will be generic but feel free to come up with fun names.

Commander - Every unit has to have a commander. This is the PC or NPC responsible for training and leading them.

ATK - Attack. Equivalent to a BAB. Roll a 1d20+ATK vs. enemy DEF to land a hit.

DEF - Defense. Equivalent to AC. Enemy attacks check versus this to see if they land.

POW - Power. A second check to determine # of casualties. Roll vs. target TOU to determine total casualties.

TOU - Toughness. Defends against additional casualties.

MOR - Morale. Defends against nonstandard attacks like fear, exotic spells etc. Failing a morale check can inflict casualties as they are turned to stone or flee the field etc.

COM - Command. Usually checked to perform special maneuvers. Roll a 1d20+COM to make a command check.

Sword - # of Strikes. Determines how many times per turn they can attack. Most units just can act once but elite or special units can attack 2-3 times.

DMG - # of casualties inflicted by a successful POW check.

Size - Equivalent to HP. This is not a representation of total units but overall staying power. A unit of trolls might only be 10 trolls while a unit of peasants might be 100 or 1000 per point. Every time a casualty is inflicted this goes down. When it first reaches 50% or less a DC 13 morale check is tested or it loses another 1 casualty as the unit starts to desert. If it reaches 0 the unit is either broken. Broken units could potentially be rallied and returned to battle through abilities.

Tier Tiers are listed I through V. In general IIs are better than Is, IIIs better than IIs etc. See Mustering Units for information about army composition limits.

Unit Types
Different unit types have different abilities on the battlefield:

Infantry: your most basic group of swordsmen, pikemen, foot soldiers etc. This also includes peasant levies that can be raised. In general infantry have limited movement and range (they typically only can move one spot on the battle field and only attack whatever is directly in front or next to them) however they are usually easier to raise than other unit types and always have access to the Follow Up and Set For Charge abilities. They cannot target aerial units.

Artillery: are your archers, mages, catapults and other ranged damage dealers. Artillery units MUST deploy to the Center rank but can target any unit on the battlefield, including aerial units and cavalry.

Cavalry: are your knights, centaurs, lizard riders, warg riders and other fast movers. They are so maneuverable that they can attack from any side of the map to hit enemies in the front/sides/rear of the enemy formation. They cannot target aerial units.

Aerial: Griffons, Pegasii, Roc Riders etc. Aerial units tend to have worse stats compared to similar tier units but they can attack any unit anywhere on the map (similar to artillery units) and can only be attacked back by other aerial or artillery units.


Each row of the battlefield has specific rules attached to it:

Vanguard - the vanguard starts on the front lines, likely in contact with the other enemy army.

Reserves - you can stack as many units as you want into a single square of the reserves during deployment however only the top unit can be activated. Once battle has started you can only leave the stack, you cannot re-enter it.

Center - the center is where you deploy all your artillery.

Rear - The rearguard are used to protect your center from cavalry attacks.

In addition there are two important concepts to keep in mind in regards to the battlfield:

Exposed units are those that have no other units protecting them from the front/back/sides. Exposed units are valid targets for cavalry charges.

Collapsed Rank - if a rank has no units in it it is "collapsed" and for purposes of adjacency is skipped until someone moves units into that rank to restablish it again. For example if the Vanguard has collapsed then the enemy Vanguard can directly attack the reserve rank "skipping" over the empty column until units are moved in to re-establish the vanguard.

Battle Turns
Normally the rules have each side activating one unit at a time however for purposes of play-by-post we are during entire side turn activations similar to how combat works.

When activated a unit can Move (typically one squre up, down, left, or right) and perform one action (Attack, use an item or maneuver, move an additional square)

To attack first check targets (infantry have to be adjacent, cavalry can target any exposed, artillery and aerial can target any unit)

Roll 1d20 + ATK vs. DEF. If successful the attack hits and inflicts 1 automatic casualty.

Roll 120 + POW vs. TOU. If sucessful additional casualties equal to DMG are inflicted.

If the target is reduced to 50% or less starting health it must pass a morale check or take an additional casualty.

If the target is reduced to 0 it is Broken.

When a unit moves, it must move into an empty adjacent space—a space in front, behind, to the left, or to the right of its current space. Units cannot move diagonally. Units that have movement greater than 1 can move into successive empty spaces. A unit can move through other units only if it has a special feature that says so.

Broken & Disbanded
When a unit is reduced to 0 it is considered "broken" and removed from the battlefield. However just because they are broken doesn't mean they are gone for good yet.

A broken unit can be targeted by a Rally maneuver (COM vs. DC 13) to reform with 1 casualty (2 on a natural 20) but if they fail they are disbanded and cannot be rallied again. A unit can only successfully rally once. Once a rallied unit is broken again it immediately disbands.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:04, Mon 20 Sept 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1281 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 17:45
  • msg #5

Unit Stats

Tier I

Tier II

Tier III

Tier IV

Tier V

Note: Goblin Smokers are my proxy for a unit of specialized kobolds.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:46, Mon 20 Sept 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1287 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 19:31
  • msg #6

Glossary: Conditions & Maneuvers

  • Broken. A unit that breaks becomes broken. It has lost its last casualty and is removed from the battle. Broken units can be reformed, usually by rallying.
  • Disbanded. A disbanded unit is removed from the game and cannot be reformed by normal means.
  • Disorganized. A disorganized unit does nothing on its next activation while it attempts to regain unit cohesion.
  • Disoriented. A disoriented unit can either attack or move, but not both. Unless otherwise stated, this unit condition lasts until the end of the unit’s next activation.
  • Exposed. A unit is exposed if there are no units between it and the edge of the battlefield. All units in the rear ranks are always exposed, as are any units in the leftmost and rightmost columns of the battlefield. The exception to this is units in the center and reserve ranks (see The Battlefield on page 105).
  • Hidden. When a unit is hidden, other units have disa reroll on Attack tests against it.
  • Misled. A unit that is misled cannot attack, and spends its next activation moving randomly into an available space. Cavalry and aerial units cannot be misled.
  • Weakened. A unit that is weakened has disa reroll on Attack tests and Power tests.

Generic Manuevers - usable by all units that meet the requirements
  • Follow Up -Prerequisite: Infantry
    As a reaction to an opposed unit adjacent to this unit breaking or moving out of its space, this unit makes a DC 8 Command test. On a success, this unit moves into the opposed unit’s former space.
  • Set for Charge - Prerequisite: Infantry
    As a reaction to suffering a casualty from a cavalry or aerial unit, this unit makes a DC 13 Command test. On a success, the attacking unit suffers 1 casualty.
  • Rally - Prerequisite: Any broken unit
    This unit makes a DC 13 Morale test (no action required). On a success, the unit reforms with 1 casualty. If a 20 is rolled on the d20 for the test, the unit reforms with 2 casualties. On a failure, the broken unit disbands.
  • Retreat - Prerequisite: None (any unit)
    This unit makes a DC 8 Command test. On a success, the unit is removed from the battle and its current casualties are recorded. On a failure, the unit suffers 1 casualty as opposed units take parting shots at it. If this does not break the unit, it is removed from the battle and its current casualties are recorded. A commander must attempt the Retreat maneuver for all their units if the commander’s army is defeated in battle. But a commander can also attempt the Retreat maneuver with any unit on its activation in order to save the unit from a potentially worse fate.
  • Withdraw - Prerequisite: Artillery or infantry
    As a reaction to failing a Morale test, this unit can move back into an empty space instead of suffering a casualty. If there is no empty space behind this unit, it cannot use this maneuver.

Specific Maneuvers
  • Feint - Prerequisite: Rogue martial a reroll
    As an action, choose an adjacent opposed unit and an empty space adjacent to that unit. This
    unit moves into the adjacent space and makes an opposed Command test against the target unit. On a success, the opposed unit moves into the space this unit just vacated.
  • Find Cover  - Prerequisite: Ranger martial a reroll
    As a reaction to moving, this unit can make a DC 13 Command test. On a success, any opposed unit attacking this unit has disa reroll on Attack tests until its next activation.
  • Mobility Trap - Prerequisite: Barbarian, monk, or paladin martial a reroll
    As a reaction when an opposed cavalry or aerial unit successfully attacks this unit, this unit makes a DC 13 Command test. On a success, the attacking unit’s type becomes infantry and this unit places the attacking unit in any empty space closest to this unit. The attacking unit’s type reverts back at the beginning of its next activation, and it is removed from its temporary space.
  • Rage Charge - Prerequisite: Barbarian martial a reroll
    As an action, this unit makes a DC 13 Command test. On a success, the unit moves up to 5 spaces. If it ends this movement adjacent to an opposed unit, it can attack that unit.
  • Strafe - Prerequisite: Fighter martial a reroll
    As a reaction to succeeding on a Power test made as part of an attack against an opposed artillery or infantry unit, this unit makes a DC 13 Command test. On a success, two adjacent opposed units in the same rank as the target unit each suffer 1 casualty.
  • Volley - Prerequisite: Fighter martial a reroll
    As an action, choose two adjacent spaces and make a DC 13 Command test. On a success, this unit attacks both spaces. On a failure, the unit attacks only one space of its choice.
  • Withdraw - Prerequisite: Artillery or infantry
    As a reaction to failing a Morale test, this unit can move back into an empty space instead of suffering a casualty. If there is no empty space behind this unit, it cannot use this maneuver.

Unit Traits Glossary
  • AAAUUUGH!!! When this unit breaks, all adjacent units suffer 1 casualty.
  • Adaptable This unit has a reroll on Morale and Command tests.
  • Aerial Bombardment If this unit spends an activation doing nothing, it can use its next activation to target a fortification by making a DC 13 Power test. On a success, it deals 1d4 + 2 damage to the fortification.
  • Amphibious This unit does not suffer movement penalties when fighting underwater, or in rain or mud.
  • Arcadian This unit has a reroll on Power tests to resist battle magic.
  • Archers This unit can attack any opposed unit. Successful Power tests the unit makes against opposed units that are not exposed inflict only 1 casualty.
  • Armored Carapace This unit suffers no casualties from artillery Attack tests.
  • Barbs An opposed infantry unit that makes a successful Power test as part of an attack against this unit suffers 1 casualty.
  • Battle Hymn This unit has a bonus to Morale equal to its commander’s domain size, as do allied units while adjacent to this unit.
  • Better than One When this unit attacks an opposed unit, it can also attack any other adjacent opposed unit.
  • Big This unit has a reroll on Power tests against units whose casualties are lower than this unit’s.
  • Blanket Fire 1/battle As an action, choose a rank on the battlefield. Attack each unit in that rank.
  • Blinding When an opposed unit fails an Attack test against this unit, the opposed unit is disoriented.
  • Burning Each opposed unit that activates adjacent to this unit suffers 1 casualty.
  • Burrow As an action, remove this unit from the battlefield. On its next activation, place the unit in any empty space. The unit is disoriented until the end of that activation.
  • Chaos Vulnerability This unit has disa reroll on Power tests to resist battle magic.
  • Charge If this unit moves at least 1 space before it attacks, it has a reroll on Attack tests for this activation as long as the target is in the direction the unit moved.
  • Chorus of Victory 1/battle as an action, choose a rank on the battlefield. Each allied unit in that rank increments its casualty die and has a reroll on Attack tests until the end of its next activation.
  • Close Range This unit can reroll on Attack tests and Power tests against adjacent units.
  • Cloud of Darkness Opposed units have -5 on Attack tests against this unit. Successful Power test against an infantry or artillery unit, the unit opposite the target also suffers 1 casualty.
  • Consume 1/battle as an action, choose an adjacent opposed unit with casualties lower than this unit’s. That unit must succeed on a DC 15 Power test or break.
  • Corrode When this unit makes a successful Attack test against an opposed unit, that unit takes −2 to Attack and Defense. Each opposed unit can be affected by this trait only once per battle.
  • Corrosive Breath 1/battle as an action, choose three adjacent opposed units. Each unit must succeed on a Power test (DC = 8 + this unit’s size) or suffer 2 casualties and gain one acid token.
  • Create Dead If this unit causes an opposed unit to break, replace that unit with a Ghoul Infantry unit under the command of this unit’s commander.
  • Damage Resistant Successful Attack tests against this unit inflict no casualties. Successful Power tests inflict casualties normally.
  • Daylight Weakness While in direct sunlight, this unit has -5 on Power tests.
  • Dead This unit always succeeds on Morale tests, and cannot be diminished.
  • Dig! As an action, choose a space containing an opposed fortification and remove this unit from the battlefield. On the unit’s next activation, the target fortification takes 2d6 damage and this unit breaks as though it were in that space.
  • Dire Hyena Mounts. This unit has a reroll on Attack tests against diminished units.
  • Disruptive When an opposed unit adjacent to this unit activates, it has a 25 percent chance of doing nothing on that activation.
  • Draconic Ancestry This unit cannot be disorganized or weakened, and it is immune to the Harrowing trait.
  • Dragonkin If there is an allied dragon in the battle or if this unit’s commander has some sort of draconic ancestry, this unit has a reroll on Attack tests, Command tests, and Morale tests.
  • Drone As an action, choose a rank on the battlefield. Each opposed unit in that rank must succeed on a DC 15 Power test or suffer 1 casualty and be unable to move on its next activation. This unit can use this trait only once per battle.
  • Elf-shot When this unit succeeds on a Power test as part of an attack, the target unit must succeed on a DC 10 Power test or become weakened until the end of its next
  • Embiggen As a reaction to activating, this unit’s size increases to 8. Its casualty die becomes a d8 and is incremented twice. Until the end of its activation,
    the unit has a reroll on Attack tests and Power tests. This unit can use this trait only once per battle. Eternal. This unit has a reroll on Morale tests against undead or fiend units, and on the Morale test to attack units with the Harrowing trait.
  • Ethereal This unit has +1 to movement. It can move through other units, but only if it can end its movement in an empty space. Other units do not gain bonuses to Defense from fortifications against this unit’s attacks.
  • Fade After a successful Attack test, this unit can move back 1 space. Opposed units cannot use the Follow Up maneuver in response.
  • Fast Siege Weapon This unit can attack a fortification. It automatically hits (no Attack test or Power test needed) and deals 3 damage.
  • Fast Siege Weapon (Heavy) This unit can attack a fortification. It automatically hits (no Attack test or Power test needed) and deals 5 damage.
  • Fearless This unit automatically succeeds on Morale tests.
  • Fearsome As a reaction to making an Attack test, this unit forces the target to succeed on a Morale test (DC = 8 + this unit’s size) or suffer 1 additional casualty.
  • Feast At the end of this unit’s activation, if any diminished unit is adjacent to it, increment this unit’s casualty die.
  • Fire Blast 1/battle as an action, this unit forces two adjacent opposed units to each make a DC 13 Power test. On a failure, a unit suffers 2 casualties.
  • Fire Breath 1/battle as an action, this unit forces three adjacent opposed units to each make a Power test (DC = 8 + this unit’s size). On a failure, a unit suffers 2 casualties and gains a fire token.
  • Fire Immunity This unit does not suffer casualties from traits or other effects with ‘fire’ or ‘flame’ in their names, or from fire tokens.
  • Flaming Weapons When this unit makes a successful Power test as part of an attack, it adds a fire token to the target in addition to the normal effects of the test.
  • “Follow the Standard!” When this unit succeeds on a Power test as part of an attack, each cavalry unit the unit’s commander controls can use a reaction to immediately make an attack against the target of the Power test.
  • Guerrillas When this unit succeeds on an Attack test against any opposed infantry or artillery unit (but not siege weapons), that unit is disoriented.
  • Gulp 1/battle as an action, this unit forces an opposed infantry or artillery unit (but not a siege engine) to make a DC 15 Power test. On a failure, the target unit is diminished (or is broken if it was already diminished).
  • Hallucinatory Spores As an action, this unit forces a legal target to make a DC 15 Power test. On a failure, the opposed unit attacks one of its own allied units of this unit’s choice on the opposed unit’s next activation.
  • Hard Hats This unit has +2 to Defense against attacks from aerial units.
  • Harriers If this unit succeeds on a Power test as part of an attack, this unit becomes the target unit’s only legal target on its next activation.
  • Harrowing Any opposed infantry, cavalry, or aerial unit must first succeed on a Morale test (DC= 10 + this unit’s tier) when it attacks this unit. On a success, the attacking unit is not affected by any unit’s Harrowing trait for the rest of the battle. On
    a failure, the attacking unit’s activation ends.
  • Heroes of the Myriad Worlds Once per battle as a bonus action, this unit can gain a reroll on Attack tests and Power tests until the end of its activation.
  • Holy Undead and fiend units have -5 on Attack tests and Power tests against this unit.
  • Hop For its movement, this unit can move to any empty space on the battlefield.
  • Implacable This unit cannot unwillingly be moved or teleported, and it can ignore any effects of terrain.
  • Indistinct Attack tests for ranged attacks made against this unit have -5
  • Inexorable This unit is immune to any effect that would hinder or stop its movement, or that would deny it the ability to use actions.
  • Inspire Fear Whenever this unit leaves an opposed unit diminished, all goblinoid units in the same rank as this unit can immediately attack a legal target.
  • Into the Breach As a reaction when it successfully executes the Follow Up maneuver, this unit has +2 to Defense until the beginning of its next activation.
  • Invisibility This unit cannot be attacked until it successfully attacks an opposed unit.
  • Jaunt 1/battle in place of its movement, remove this unit from the battlefield. It returns to the space it left, or an unoccupied space of the GM’s choice if that space is occupied, at the start of its next activation.
  • Lightning Breath 1/battle as an action, choose a rank on the battlefield. Each unit in that rank must succeed on a Power test (DC = 8 + this unit’s size) or suffer 2 casualties.
  • Load the Bones While any diminished unit is adjacent to this unit, this unit has +2 damage against opposed fortifications.
  • Magic Resistant This unit has a reroll on Power tests to resist battle magic.
  • Magical Adepts 1/battle as a bonus action, this unit forces an opposed unit to make a DC 13 Power Test. On a failure, allied units have a reroll on Attack tests against the opposed unit until the end of the battle.\
  • Maneuver: Detonate 2/battle as an action, this unit deals 1d4 + 2 damage to an adjacent fortification.
  • Maneuver: “Evasive Maneuvers!” 1/battle as a reaction when an opposed artillery unit makes an Attack test against this unit, impose -5 on the opposed unit’s Attack test.
  • Maneuver: “Fire!!”1/battle as a reaction to a successful Power test made against a target unit, add a fire token to the target.
  • Maneuver: “Hold the Line!” As a reaction to being diminished, this unit makes a DC 13 Command test. On a success, this unit ignores the casualties that caused it to become diminished, and is not diminished.
  • Maneuver: “Lancers! Flank Them!” As a reaction when an opposed cavalry or aerial unit inflicts 1 or more casualties on an allied infantry or artillery unit, this unit makes a free attack against that opposed unit.
  • Maneuver: “Land and Charge!” 1/battle While this unit has the aerial type, it can use a bonus action to make a DC 11 Command test. On a success, this unit’s Power tests have +2 damage on this activation, but the unit’s type becomes cavalry for its next activation. At the end of its next activation, the unit regains the aerial type.
  • Maneuver: Outflank As an action, move this unit into any empty space. Any opposed unit that executes the Follow Up maneuver in response has -5 on the Command test.
  • Maneuver: “Prey on the Weak.” As a reaction to an exposed opposed unit being diminished, this unit makes a DC 10 Command test. On a success, the unit makes an attack against the opposed unit.
  • Maneuver: “Ram Them!” As an action, this unit targets an opposed cavalry unit and makes a DC 15 Command test. On a success, the target unit suffers 1 casualty and loses its next action.
  • Maneuver: Repair. As an action, a fortification this unit is on or adjacent to recovers 1d4 + 2 hit points, up to its starting hit points.
  • Maneuver: Spit Upon Their Horns As a reaction to succeeding on a Power test made as part of an attack, this unit makes a DC 13 Command test. On a success, the target unit suffers 1 additional casualty.
  • Maneuver: Strafe As a reaction to succeeding on a Power test made as part of an attack against an opposed artillery or infantry unit, this unit makes a DC 13 Command test. On a success, two adjacent opposed units in the same rank as the target unit each suffer 1 casualty.
  • Maneuver: Testudo As a reaction to suffering 1 or more casualties from an opposed artillery or aerial unit’s Attack test, this unit makes a DC 13 Command test. On a success, any opposed unit targeting this unit has -5 on Power tests until this unit’s next activation.
  • Mass Protection Against Evil Any opposed infantry or artillery unit must succeed on a DC 15 Morale test to enter the vanguard rank of this unit’s side.
  • Meld As a reaction to a successful Attack test against an infantry or artillery unit, this unit can move into the target unit’s space. While this unit is in the target’s space, the target unit cannot move and can attack only this unit. Units attacking either unit in this space have a 50 percent chance of targeting the wrong unit.
  • Mobile This unit has a reroll on the Command test when using the Follow Up maneuver, and can move back 2 spaces when using the Withdraw maneuver.
  • Nature’s Bond When an allied infantry or artillery unit suffers 1 or more casualties, this unit can take the casualty instead. This unit must deploy in its side’s front.
  • None This unit has no traits.
  • Noxious Fog 1/battle as an action, this unit places two poison tokens in each of 4 adjacent spaces. Any unit that moves into a space with one or more of these poison tokens or that activates there suffers 1 casualty per token. Each space loses one poison token at the end of this unit’s subsequent activations.
  • Pack Tactics When an adjacent unit that also has this trait successfully uses the Follow Up maneuver, this unit can move into any empty space adjacent to this unit’s current position.
  • Pike Training This unit has a reroll on the Command test for the Set for Charge maneuver.
  • Point Blank When this unit succeeds on a Power test as part of an attack against an adjacent unit, it inflicts 1 additional casualty.
  • Poisonous When this unit succeeds on a Power test as part of an attack, the target unit is also weakened until the end of its next activation.
  • Pool of Soul’s Blood Any opposed infantry or artillery unit adjacent to this unit cannot leave its space.
  • Quadruped 1/battle for its movement, this unit becomes a cavalry unit until the end of its activation. The unit leaves the grid and then returns to the space it left at the end of its activation (or to its army’s reserve rank if that space is occupied). Power test as part of an attack, the target unit must succeed on a followup DC 10 Power test or become
    disoriented until the end of its next activation.
  • Reckless This unit can take -5 on any Attack test in order to have that Attack test inflict an additional 1 casualty.
  • Reflector When this unit fails a Power test against a wand, it can use a reaction to roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, this unit suffers no effect from the wand and the unit activating the wand suffers the effect instead.
  • Regenerate Each time this unit activates, increment its casualty die by 1.
  • Relentless As a reaction to suffering a casualty that would cause this unit to break, this unit makes a DC 13 Power test. On a success, this unit does not break and has 1 casualty.
  • Resolute This unit always succeeds on Morale tests.
  • Rime Any opposed infantry or artillery unit adjacent to this unit has its movement reduced to 0 and cannot benefit from bonus movement.
  • Rock!2/battle as an action, this unit can make an Attack test against any opposed unit, with -5 if the target is an aerial unit.
  • Rockbreaker This unit deals double damage against fortifications.
  • Rolling Thunder As an action, this unit makes an opposed Power test against an adjacent opposed unit. If this unit’s result is equal to or greater than the target’s, the target unit must move back 1 space or break. This unit immediately moves into the target unit’s vacated space.
  • Rush This unit automatically succeeds on the Command test for the Follow Up maneuver.
  • Savage Each successful Attack test by this unit adds a bleed token to a target unit. Each bleed token inflicts 2 casualties.
  • Scourge of the Wild This unit has +2 to Attack and +2 to Power against orc, goblinoid, or elf units.
  • Scouts This unit can deploy into the rear rank of an opposed army.
  • Screech 1/battle as an action, this unit forces an opposed unit to succeed on a DC 15 Power test or become misled.
  • Shock Troops Each time this unit causes another unit to be diminished, this unit gains +2 to Attack and +2 to Power until the end of the battle.
  • Siege Engine This unit must spend 1 round of battle doing nothing before each attack. This unit can attack a fortification. It automatically hits (no Attack test or Power test needed) and deals 1d4+ 2 damage.
  • Siege Weapon This unit can attack an adjacent fortification. It automatically hits (no Attack test or Power test needed) and deals 3 damage.
  • Slam When this unit succeeds on a Power test as part of an attack, the target unit is also disoriented.
  • Smoke Screen When this unit succeeds on an Attack test against another unit, that unit is also disoriented.
  • Solar Flare Once per battle as a reaction to targeting a fortification, the damage this unit deals to fortifications is maximized, and it deals that damage to all fortifications in one rank.
  • Soporific Spores As an action, this unit forces a legal target to make a DC 13 Power test. On a failure, the opposed unit is disorganized.
  • Sow Chaos Each opposed unit within 1 space of this unit has -5 on Morale and Command tests, and suffers 1 additional casualty if it fails the Morale test to avoid becoming diminished.
  • Spike Shot 1/battle as an action, this unit forces a target unit to succeed on a DC 12 Power test or suffer 2 casualties and become weakened. An affected unit can repeat this power test at the end of each of its activations to lose the weakened unit condition.
  • Split When this unit is diminished, place an identical unit with the same current combat statistics and casualties in an empty adjacent space.
  • Spores When this unit is targeted by a successful Attack test from an infantry, cavalry, or aerial unit, the attacking unit must succeed on a DC 13 Power test or become disoriented.
  • Stalwart While this unit is diminished, opposed infantry and cavalry units have -5 on Power tests against it.
  • Stinky Any opposed unit adjacent to this unit has -5 on Attack tests.
  • Stone Each opposed unit that activates adjacent to this unit suffers 1 casualty.
    Stoneskin. As a reaction to suffering 1 or more casualties from any opposed artillery unit, this unit can ignore 1 of those casualties.
  • Strength in Numbers This unit begins the battle with 1 additional casualty for each other undead unit in its army.
  • Stupid Each time it attacks, this unit has a 25 percent chance of ignoring its intended target and attacking a random adjacent unit.
  • Swords of the Dragon Lord When this unit makes a successful Attack test against a target unit, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Morale test or suffer 1 additional casualty.
  • To the Death If this unit breaks as a result of an opposed unit’s Attack or Power test, the attacking unit suffers 1 casualty.
  • Veterans of a Thousand Wars This unit’s movement increases by 1. When attacking units of a lower tier, its damage increases by 1.
  • Wail Once per battle, this unit can use an action to force each adjacent opposed unit to make a DC 15 Power test. On a failure, a unit suffers 1 casualty, and its Morale bonus is reduced to 0 until the end of its next activation. On a success, a unit has -5
    on Morale tests until the end of its next activation.
  • Warbred As a reaction to succeeding on a Power test as part of an attack, this unit can make a DC 10 Command test. On a success, this unit can attack again.
  • Wave When this unit succeeds on a Power test as part of an attack against an opposed unit, the opposed unit is pushed back 1 space if there is an empty space behind it. If there is no empty space, the opposed unit and the unit behind it each suffer 1 casualty.
  • Whirlwind When this unit succeeds on an Attack test against an opposed infantry unit, that unit takes −2 to Attack and Defense. Each opposed unit can be affected by this trait once per battle. \
  • You Follow! Whenever this unit successfully uses the Follow Up maneuver, each goblinoid unit in the rank this unit leaves can move 1 space.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:49, Mon 04 Oct 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1295 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 4 Oct 2021
at 21:28
  • msg #7

Commander Bonuses

Depending on the "class" of the commander it can provide additional benefits to a unit. This bonus is based upon the current domain size and is a representation of both the overall resources available to a country's military as well as specialized training that the commander drills into their troops.

NOTE: These can be re-skinned as needed. A fire scroll ability can become an acid scroll or frost scroll etc. but once picked cannot be easily changed.

NOTE: All abilities only apply to units under their command

(A) = Action
(R) = Reaction

Borric - Cavalier
Cavaliers excel in warfare. Their soldiers are the most highly trained on the battlefield, and they know an astonishing range of techniques to direct and engage troops in the middle of a battle.

Domain SizeAbility NameDescription
1Heavy TrainingEach medium, heavy, and super-heavy infantry unit inflicts 1 additional casualty on a successful Power test.
1Martial RallyCan rally a broken unit under his command. DC 13 morale test, on success gain 1d4 casualties and immediately activates.
2StrafeEach aerial and cavalry unit has the Strafe maneuver.
3Charge(R) When any cavalry unit makes a successful Power test as part of an attack deal +1 casualties
4VolleyEach artillery has the volley ability
5Field Promotion(R) 1/battle after diminishing, increase a units Attack, Power, Command, and Morale by +2 and gain +1 # of attacks

Cara - Bard
As characters who excel at inspiring comrades in the middle of battle, bards make excellent leaders. They focus mostly on battle magic to inspire their soldiers or trick the forces of the enemy, but their troops also enjoy the benefits of being well taken care of.

Domain SizeAbility NameDescription
1Songs of Battles WonIf unit has lower casualties than attacker, attacker is at -5 attack
1Troops of Fame and Great Renown(R) During deployment choose an enemy commander. All their troops must make a Morale vs. DC 11+Domain Size or take 1 casualty.
2Scroll of Mass Hypnosis(A) 1/battle Target opposed units of 1+ Domain Size. Must make a Command DC 13+Domain Size or be Disorganized.
3Scroll of Aroden's Trumpt(A) 1/battle Each allied unit gains a reroll to power and morale tests until next turn.
4Tales of the Heroes BoldGain reroll to Attack when adjacent to 2+ enemy units.
5Impassioned Speech1/battle target all broken units. Each unit that passes a DC 12 morale check regains 1d4+1 casualties and returns to battle.

Dominique - Cleric
As fighting priests, clerics master a dangerous combination of martial prowess and battle magic. They excel at healing troops and rallying them in combat—and the heavy infantry they train hit hard.

Domain SizeAbility NameDescription
1Divine RallyA broken unit can pass a Morale vs. DC 13 test to come back with 1d4 casualties and +2 Defense and Toughness.
1Wand of Healing(A) Target unit gains 1d4 casualties.
2Heavy TrainingEach medium/heavy/super-heavy infantry inflicts +1 casualties on a power check.
3ExorcizersAutomatically passes attack checks and +1 casualty vs. Undead or Fiend units.
4Blessings of Strength+2 Power and Toughness to units.
5Scroll of Mass Healing(A) 1/battle - target up to 6 units, they all gain up to 4 casualties.

Kael - Magus
Skilled in both magic and fighting, the magus' troops are terrifying to behold as they smash into the enemy with spells and steel.

Domain SizeAbility NameDescription
1Death CommandosWhen passing a power check, enemy must pass DC 13 morale check or take an additional casualty.
1Arcane RallyA broken unit can pass a DC 13 morale check to come back with 1d4 casualties, +1 movement and reroll on their next attack and power check.
2Terrifying TroopsInfanty and Cavalry gain Harrowing trait.
3Scroll of Firestorm(A) 1/battle target unit must pass DC 13 + Domain Size Power test or get 4 fire tokens (2 if passed). Each token inflicts 1 casualty per turn.
4Sacrificial GambitChoose a unit with 1 casualty left. It immediately disbands and another unit the magus commands gains rerolls on attack and power until end of battle.
5Scroll of Mass Haste(A) 1/battle - activate all allied cavalry in any order.

Elena - Paladin
When the paladin calls, soldiers answer. Troops loyal to these dedicated warriors fight with fervor, and enemies fear facing them.

Domain SizeAbility NameDescription
1RighteousWhen a unit passes a morale check as an (R) can gain a reroll on next attack. Opposed enemies that are diminished by commander are -5 to morale check.
1Templar's RallyA broken unit can attempt DC 13 morale test to come back with 1d4 casualties and +2 Attack and Power
2Scroll of Clarity(A) 1/battle - target 1+Domain Size units. They gain 1d4 casualties.
3CavaliersEach cavalry unit has reroll on attacks and +1 damage.
3Hell's HammersEach infantry/cav unit has advantage on power checks vs. undead or fiend units.
4Blessings of SpeedEach infantry unit gains +1 # of attacks.
5Scroll of Templar's Blessings(A) 1/battle - target a unit, it gains +2 size, +1 # of attacks and auto passes command tests.

Vyntis - Wizard
Few armies can stand resolved to fight while a wizard’s lightning rips through them or opposed units appear from thin air to attack. A wizard specializes in battle magic that can both protect the troops they train and let their units unleash cataclysmic power upon the battlefield.

Domain SizeAbility NameDescription
1Arrows of Dancing LightsWhen an artillery unit succeeds on an attack, all other attacks on that target gain a reroll until end of targets next turn.
1Wand of Lightning Storm(A) Target unit and adjacent units must succeed at a Power vs. DC 11+Domain Size or take 1 casualty.
2Wall of Fire(A) Make a line across four adjacent spaces. Any unit that crosses that line takes 1d4 casualties.
3Scroll of Translocation(A) 1/battle Choose a unit in any rank and move it to any battlefield spot. Enemy units can pass a Power vs. DC 11+Domain size to negate.
4Antimagic ShieldThis unit is immune to enemy wand and scrolls and automatically succeeds at power tests vs. enemy traits.
5Scroll of Cataclysm(A) 1/battle Pick 5 adjacent ranks - each unit in those ranks must pass a DC 18 Power check or suffer 1 casualty and be disorganized.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:46, Fri 08 Oct 2021.
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