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02:00, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A stormy night.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 28 posts
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 06:04
  • msg #45

A stormy night

Her ears are pointed.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 15 posts
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 12:57
  • msg #46

A stormy night

 Kyle... Or is it Kevin? Stands there for a long second when the women screams and brandishes a knife at him, his expression shifting from suspicious to resigned before he mutters gruffly "Awwwh shit, a screamer."

 A beat later and he adds "Fuck it." before tucking the length of fused chain into the bag of his belt, throwing up his hands and screaming in a high falsetto before trying to hide behind Diggs, pretty obviously pretending to be scared of her, just to cut through the process of looking less scary than he obviously is, to her at least.

 Okay, as a plan it might need some work.
player, 25 posts
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 15:03
  • msg #47

A stormy night

In reply to Killian Shadowkin (msg # 46):

Daniel's head drops again, "Another damned...cos player. Explains her issue with you, Scales. Still, the one that made demands last time spoke the language. His knife was bigger, but he'd never seen Raiders. Anyone speak...what she does?"
Diggs Futillo
player, 14 posts
Family First
Iron Lion MC
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 15:46
  • msg #48

A stormy night

Diggs hears the "fuck it," knowing how often that comes with someone doing something he himself wouldn't like done, but feeling the need to do it. It was the sort of statement that made one pbrace themself for incredible luck or incomprehensible tragedy. So Diggs leaned into his stance, lowered his gun, lifted the light, and waited for the inevitable fucklessness.

Of course, "Kellen" screams behind his head.

"Got-DAMN it!"

Diggs jerked his head in frustration, wondering if they were freaking out like the trucker. It dawns on him, with their raised hands, what they were trying, and Diggs would have agreed that the plan could have needed some work. Still, couldn't fault a man for trying. Just for screaming behind him.

And Daniel's question was just so STUPID!

Well, that just wasn't a fair. Sparky there was just trying to help them figure out what was going on. It was Diggs that was growing increasingly uptight. He tried not to think of his girls, his Club, that traitor that still waited in their midst.

Diggs knew long ago that he got more angry as he got scared, a classic defensive maneuver. He just refused to admit it to himself.

But Smokey the Ranger was on to something.

"Hola, amiga," Diggs said. "Entiendes lo que estoy diciendo?" His voice still held that same depth that seemed too deep for his frame...or just right for his length.

He cleared his voice, then switched gears to, "Mas gusto mo ba ang Pilipino?"

Diggs wasn't a fan of revealing the languages he knew, but sometimes, in the words of "Kenan", fuck it.
GM, 29 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 02:56
  • msg #49

A stormy night

The girl stops screaming, seeming to respond to your tone and the absence of Killian in her direct line of sight. She still cowers.

"Mellon?" she says looking at Diggs with dawning comprehension.
Diggs Futillo
player, 15 posts
Family First
Iron Lion MC
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 03:33
  • msg #50

A stormy night

Diggs squints his eyes. He wasn't ready to holster his weapon, but for the moment it was pointed to the ground at his side

"Yeah, sure. Mellon. Sweet shit."

I mean, he's big, but he ain't that scary. Perhaps she'd seen him in that crazy costume he wears at the gig. Who knew?

And what was a "mellon"?

Rolled a 4 Sense Motive. No good here, boys.
player, 26 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 04:10
  • msg #51

A stormy night

Danie shrugs, "Ok, let's do it the old fashioned way." He squats down next to Rover and points, "Rover". Then he points back at himself, "Daniel". Then he points at her and raises an eyebrow.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 16 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 06:01
  • msg #52

A stormy night

 Killmonger? (No, that's a stupid name) screams only the once and it's more of a warbling sound than anything, but he snaps his mouth shut once he does so and only opens it again to complain "Not my fucking fault she's never seen a doorman before. And uh, no... But...", once he stops - since she seems to have calmed down a little - leaning past Diggs to inquire in a language that doesn't sound even slightly like it ought to be coming out of the throat of anything that didn't Rule The Earth Two Hundred And Fifty Million Years Ago "Tir wux renthisj wer vis exelovich?"

 Well, Diggs already tried Spanish and frankly, his ain't that great - he tries and all, but he's only been learning it for a while now.

 One way or another, he murmurs to the other two guys "Is it just me, or is this turning into a weird goddamn night?"
Ilyas Keal
player, 2 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 12:30
  • msg #53

A stormy night

Ilyas had stayed out of sight as the evening progressed. Things had been growing stranger over the last few days.

He had watched the bikers and the havoc that followed. When the two men and the reptile headed off into the alley following the screams of the trucker he slipped along through the shadows watching them and the lady.

OOC: 08:29, Today: Ilyas Keal rolled 26 using 1d20+10.  Hide.

08:29, Today: Ilyas Keal rolled 29 using 1d20+10.  Move Silently.

GM, 30 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 12:58
  • msg #54

A stormy night

The lady hugs Rover.
points at Daniel

points at Killian

"Lhúg plural lyg adan plural edain"

She looks at Killian and says.

"Baw im ceri- ú- ped- lúg lammen"
Diggs Futillo
player, 16 posts
Family First
Iron Lion MC
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 13:04
  • msg #55

A stormy night

"I got nothing. Maybe just let her keep that trucker fucker..."

Diggs debates walking away and leaving her be.
player, 27 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 14:25
  • msg #56

Re: A stormy night

Killian Shadowkin:
One way or another, he murmurs to the other two guys "Is it just me, or is this turning into a weird goddamn night?"

Daniel turns to Killian, "Do you own a mirror? It's mostly you. Well, and the Renn Faire guy, and the disappearing Bikers. "
GM, 31 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 17:20
  • msg #57

Re: A stormy night

She puts her hands on her hips and stares right at Daniel.
speaking in broken English.

"The Allfather definitely chose a dunce for us to travel to. The Lady of the Moondances bid me come and teach again! At least the dunce has some handsome friends."
Ilyas Keal
player, 3 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 17:44
  • msg #58

Re: A stormy night

Ilyas smiled to himself as he watched from the shadows. At least the lady spoke some English, it would make things much easier. Unlike when he had first arrived.

Stepping forward out of the shadows, his hands empty and in plain sight. "Good evening gentlemen. Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" Though with his hood pulled up his features were obscured but he tried to show that he meant no harm, at least at the moment.

Turning slightly toward the lady he bowed, "Man eve nin híril. Iolas Kealamin at cín service." 
player, 28 posts
Tue 3 Aug 2021
at 19:19
  • msg #59

Re: A stormy night

Daniel grins at the elf, "Not a dunce, lady. I refused the commands. As I told the idiot with the sword (and the bullet in his leg), I'm not your realtor, and this isn't your world. Ask, don't demand. MAYBE, then, I'll be inclined to help a bit. And try and not be some flaming obvious you're an alien here, huh? I was trying to cover for your sloppiness. Who's the dunce?" Then he turns to Diggs, "Or do you want me to keep pretending for your sake, and keep calling her a cos player?"

Daniel shakes his head and turns to Killian, "Damned Elves think they own you just because you rescue a puppy one of them deserted in the wild. They could buy several therapists new pools getting counseling for that sort of delusion."
GM, 32 posts
Wed 4 Aug 2021
at 02:52
  • msg #60

Re: A stormy night

The woman seems upset.
"A dunce won't learn a respectable Elven language when dealing with displaced persons. I care not for any demands placed on you by the Allfather, that is between you and him. I was just sent to teach Elven."
She makes doe eyes at Diggs "Although handsome friends help you."
player, 29 posts
Wed 4 Aug 2021
at 03:03
  • msg #61

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Storyteller (msg # 60):

Daniel grins, "Damn, Elves are Ugly Americans. They expect the folks are their destination to learn THEIR Language. Their is a poetic justice to that. Ok, lady, if your folks are too limited or self involved to learn the language of their destination, I'll learn yours. I wouldn't want there to be any misunderstandings, after all. But you could have just opened with that rather than insulting me for your lack of communication."
Killian Shadowkin
player, 17 posts
Wed 4 Aug 2021
at 03:49
  • msg #62

Re: A stormy night

 "Well, sure... There's an Ikea like, an hour north of here just outside of Boston." Killian answers, somehow managing to sound very gently offended by the question, something that keeps him from registering Ilyas until the other man speaks, whereupon he gets a sidelong look and a shrug, "It's a public street."

 That naturally leads him to remark "Alien, seriously? And how the fuck is that an 'elf'?", making it pretty clear that of The Old World if he remembers much, that's not in it, and that he also hasn't read Lord of the Rings... Harry Potter, on the other hand? "I mean, shouldn't she be like, two feet tall and lumpy, dressed in a pillowcase or something?"
GM, 33 posts
Wed 4 Aug 2021
at 04:21
  • msg #63

Re: A stormy night

She gives Killian The Look of Doom.
"I am not a grubby gnome."
She sighs and looks at Daniel. "Most Elves can't  learn the Trader's Speech before being plucked from our world. All learn Elven though, not even the Allfather can stem the merciless tide of transport. I was merely thrown through to try and smooth our forced migration."
player, 30 posts
Wed 4 Aug 2021
at 04:46
  • msg #64

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Storyteller (msg # 63):

Daniel looks at Killian, "I worked Border once or twice after Rover was fired and I quit. Freelancing sucks, and you take what you can get. Anyhow, 'Alien' is what the Powers that be call folks from other lands that are here without the permission of said Powers." He turns the the elf, "Usually just before they get locked up for coming here." Then back to Killian, "And she isn't one of Santa's, she's more Norse or Celt/Brit. Alfar or Sidhe. I'm not sure which, but I suspect Alfar." He shrugs, "I've had reason to do some research."

He turns back to the emissary, "What you need to do is set up a school. Teach the local language, and teach them how not to get killed or arrested due to a bad attitude. You know, like acting like they're in charge in the strange land they are in. I shot the last one that acted that way. And I am a nice guy." Then he looks thoughtful, "I wonder where he limped off to?"
Ilyas Keal
player, 4 posts
Wed 4 Aug 2021
at 12:33
  • msg #65

Re: A stormy night

Ilyas looked over at the one called Daniel, he seemed rather arrogant and rude. But he didn't know him or his past and it wasn't his place to judge.

"Bad attitude seems to be universally contagious. It's not like they are crossing over voluntarily or on a whim just to see what this world is like. I wonder how you would fair if you were torn from your home and dropped in a strange world with no family or friends or even the ability to speak the language." He sighed, "You have to remember in the world they come from the people are much like this world. Only a few know this world even exists. And if they start teaching everyone the various languages of this world, on the off chance that they may get dragged over, it would likely cause confusion and fear. And possibly even alert the more dangerous creature to your existence and then they would come looking."
player, 31 posts
Wed 4 Aug 2021
at 14:55
  • msg #66

Re: A stormy night

Daniel shrugs, "Well, I wouldn't say 'I recognize that breed of dog, now you're our bitch.' They did. At sword point."
GM, 34 posts
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 03:41
  • msg #67

Re: A stormy night

"Well, before we get any further I believe I need to introduce myself, Annallee of the House Elkas." the woman states.

She saunters up to Diggs
"Of course, you big boy can call me Anna."
Killian Shadowkin
player, 19 posts
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 04:35
  • msg #68

Re: A stormy night

 Shockingly, the evil look from someone who, soaking wet probably weighs less than the tail most people can't remember seeing on him doesn't result in Kill...monger? backing down, rather he just grins and rumbles "So, not a... gnome.", while leaving 'grubby' on the table.

 As folks start talking meaningfully and with knowledge of things he's spent a modest amount of time Not Thinking About (for lack of helpful answers, mostly) he shrugs and leaves it to them until the elf starts putting the moves on people...

 "Because of course she likes the bad boys." Killian rumbles with a degree of amusement, finally relaxing enough to tuck his chain through his belt and move over to the downed trucker whose abduction kicked all of this off, giving him a once-over in preparation to y'know, let him go and all that - since he did ask someone to call the police a while back and it's just a bad look to have folks tied up on the tarmac for no particularly clear reason.
GM, 36 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 00:29
  • msg #69

Re: A stormy night

You now hear sirens, clearly multiple sirens in the distance.
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