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00:10, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A stormy night.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
player, 34 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 01:08
  • msg #70

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Storyteller (msg # 69):

Daniel looks towards the sirens, "Crap. Scales, get her inside your place. Introduce her to coffee. I'll be right in, I need to get my vest in the back of the Wrangler before the cops show up. And, you, Anna, no weapons. You'll be outmatched and taken where we can't help you."

Daniel and Rover head for the Wrangler to stash his S&R gear.
GM, 37 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 04:42
  • msg #71

Re: A stormy night

The sounds of sirens get closer you can already make out at least one fire truck, one ambulance and a motorcycle  cop.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 21 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 05:20
  • msg #72

Re: A stormy night

 "Yeah, well since I had them called they're probably going to want to speak to me." Killian answers, offering the skinny 'elf' woman a hand as he steps forwards and then points over at the building he came out of, the flickering neon sign visible through the rain "Look, get over there and tell one of the fur girls Killian said Scrappy said to find you a table and a hot drink."

 That said, he watches Daniel take off and then moves, sighing to toss the chain on top of a bus (where he can snag it in a minute) before walking out into the road so that he can flag down the cops while working out what the hell he's going to tell them...
Ilyas Keal
player, 6 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 12:24
  • msg #73

Re: A stormy night

Ilyas stepped back out of the light and waited for the lady should she decide to take the offer and go inside. "After you Miss Annallee." He would go with her if she chose. Just to keep an eye on things until the authorities were gone.
GM, 38 posts
Sat 14 Aug 2021
at 03:39
  • msg #74

Re: A stormy night

Annallee follows llyas and good thing she does because seconds later the EMTs pull up and start examining  the trucker who is now unconscious. The fire engine just idles sitting at the gas station.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 22 posts
Sat 14 Aug 2021
at 04:46
  • msg #75

Re: A stormy night

 Killian, no longer armed with anything more dangerous than a fire extinguisher heads over to the fire truck, raising a hand and calling out "Hey, thanks for showing! We got lucky though... None of the bikes caught in the end.", indicating the half-dozen pretty scraped-up motorcycles sitting in a heap in the parking lot of the club as he does so, by way of making it clear that he had a good reason for wanting fire services present when this all got called in.
GM, 39 posts
Sun 15 Aug 2021
at 03:43
  • msg #76

Re: A stormy night

The fire captain slides out of the truck.

"Good to see no new fires, well we'll just tag the rig with a DNO and be off. Some kind of firebug must be torching places. This is the third call tonight!"

Shortly after the engine pulls away, the cop pulls up and looks straight at you.

"You call in a screaming person earlier?"
She looks clearly upset.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 23 posts
Sun 15 Aug 2021
at 04:43
  • msg #77

Re: A stormy night

 "Uhhh, sure." Killian answers when the fire chief indicates that the recent trouble has him well able to believe that there were problems without stopping to investigate the pile-up... Which leaves him with only the cop to handle, towards whom he's polite to a fault (because while he doesn't have form, he has friends who do) "Yeah. Bunch of bikers chasing a fat guy up the street. Couple of 'em totalled their bikes, fat guy got away, bikers made like smoke. Oh, and there was some screaming over at the petrol station. Weird fucking night, I tell you."
GM, 40 posts
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 04:01
  • msg #78

Re: A stormy night

"Interesting, we haven't  got any reports of a fat guy chasing bikers." She grabs her shoulder mounted radio.
"Dispatch, be advised reports of a fat guy chasing bikers away from Golden Safari."

She looks at the gas station, "Reports indicated another person was here besides our unconscious trucker."
player, 35 posts
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 04:37
  • msg #79

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Storyteller (msg # 78):

Daniel returns, sans vest, "Did they mention my dog, too?" He indicates Rover, by his side. "I wanted him out of the way while you folks were driving up Getting run over by a fire truck is a hell of a way to lose your dog."
Killian Shadowkin
player, 24 posts
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 05:00
  • msg #80

Re: A stormy night

 "Kind of the exact opposite actually. Fat guy being chased by bikers. Couple of the bikers came off their wheels, and in all the confusion the fat guy got away, after which the bikers lit out. Haven't seen 'em since." Killian clarifies, for a given value of the word 'clarify', although nothing he's saying is strictly untrue "When that started happening, I had someone call 911 because we still had half a dozen angry bikers and a pile-up out front."

 Mention of the other guy does make Killian pause and seem to think for a moment, "Hey, yeah... There was another tubby guy in the alley over there. I think he was the one that caused the pileup, distracted the bikers or something. It all happened sort of fast."
GM, 41 posts
Tue 17 Aug 2021
at 03:52
  • msg #81

Re: A stormy night

"Really? Another fat guy disappears after causing a pileup?" She pulls out a card "Call me if you remember anything else. Names Officer Sara McDonnell." She says as she closes up her notepad and puts it in a belt pouch.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 25 posts
Tue 17 Aug 2021
at 04:47
  • msg #82

Re: A stormy night

 "I'll do that Officer MacDonnell. Uh, visibility was for shit, but you might get something off the video camera that overlooks the parking lot... If it's not broken again. Other than that, I think the guy at the petrol station saw about as much as I did." Killian reasons, taking the card and actually attempting to be helpful on the basis that he didn't do jack shit that's out of line and if some out of town bikers are causing trouble, no one who matters will care.

 With that, he nods and starts to head back inside... Looking to see if Tubbs #1 is anywhere to be seen.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:30, Wed 18 Aug 2021.
GM, 42 posts
Tue 17 Aug 2021
at 16:42
  • msg #83

Re: A stormy night

Tubbs #1 is sitting at a table inside the Golden Safari chatting with a waitress drinking a soda.
"So the guy at the bar said "I'm not afraid of a little flour in a fight and started fighting the bandits. One spark later and KABOOM!" he yells and jumps up gesturing with his empty glass.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:53, Tue 17 Aug 2021.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 26 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 04:34
  • msg #84

Re: A stormy night

 Once the officer heads off, Killian takes a moment to look around and then takes a moment more to stash the gangs motorcycles out of sight, removing most of the evidence of things having gone weird and then heading inside with a quick click of his jaws towards Grrasha and a nod to the 'Lioness' nearby before he heads straight for the table of Tubby Guy #1, where he growls quietly "Hey Alice, mind if I have a word with your friend here?", reaching out to take a chair as he does so.
player, 36 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 06:19
  • msg #85

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Killian Shadowkin (msg # 84):

Daniel and Rover follow Killian into the diner. He needs some answers about folks ofdd nterest in himself and his dog.
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 14:56
  • msg #86

Re: A stormy night

"Sure, oh manager wants to speak with you soon." Alice says as she walks off to talk to Grrassha.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 27 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 17:36
  • msg #87

Re: A stormy night

 "Thanks Alice, I'll head over as soon as I've had a word with Traffic Stop here." Killian answers, motioning for Daniel to join him with a low call of "Hey, Scrappy. Over here."

 Dropping into the seat, he eyes the man who was running from the bikers for a long moment, then extends a hand "Names Killian, I work here. Care to tell me what that was all about out there on the street?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:47, Thu 19 Aug 2021.
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 02:18
  • msg #88

Re: A stormy night

The man takes Killian's handshake. "Greetings, the name's Lorvan Stormcaller. Elf-friend and adventurer-errant of Talos, those were imp searchers sent by The Spider Queen. Scrappy is it? Her ex-husband is the Elffather and he decided to use you acquiring a cooshee as a way to provide elves that get forced across the Barrier. The Spider Queen will try to kill you in several different ways. Luckily, his daughter the Moon Maiden will try to help."
Killian Shadowkin
player, 28 posts
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 02:46
  • msg #89

Re: A stormy night

 Killian - perhaps unsurprisingly - has a firm, friendly handshake that he holds for a moment before letting go and settling back to listen, which he does with a straight face before sighing, "Steady on there, Gondor Calling. I've never heard of Talos, to me Imps are little suckers you slap to mine gems faster, The Spider Queen sounds like the nickname of a Kardashian, and Cooshee sounds like a sex act - an impression not helped by elves having their barriers forced."

 "I already have one deadly woman in my life trying to kill me a couple of times a week, and 'the moon maiden' sounds like another euphemism, this one for the time I have to make with the chocolate ice-cream and the tip-toeing... So, y'know, maybe dial it back a bit there?" - a short spiel in which it's made pretty clear that the impact The Shadow had on Killians knowledge of the world was pretty extensive... Or he just didn't know a hell of a lot to start with, also a possibility.
player, 37 posts
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 03:20
  • msg #90

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Killian Shadowkin (msg # 89):

Daniel shrugs, "It's spelled C-U space S-I-D-H-E. Or, sometimes, S-I-T-H. 'dog elf' I think is the literal gaelic translation. And I didn't 'acquire' it, I rescued it." He shrugs. "I like Irish folklore and I have a lot of reading time on my hands. After the elf in the forest brought a sword to a gun fight, I started doing some research."

He turns to Lorvan, "So, 'elf friend', know that I am NOT an elf friend. The elves are doing their best to make sure of that. Both sides of the divorce, and the kids. I'll tell you what I told the elf with the new limp: This is NOT their word as I understand this Shadow journey. Its ours. Worse, they don't even know how it works (witness a sword used to threaten an armed federal agent). Demanding service of the locals, especially in THIS country is going to backfire. The elves aren't in charge here, whatever they think they were back home. Far from it. They need to change tactics. Ask, and MAYBE they'll get some help. Demand and, well, not so much."

He glances over at the language instructor to see if she got the message, as well.
Lorvan Stormcaller
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 04:04
  • msg #91

Re: A stormy night

He holds his hands up.
"I use titles as it is less likely  to draw their gaze. If I mentioned the Moon Maiden by name, she would look and soon The Spider Queen would come, maybe by sending one of her Maidens or even by sending an Avatar. Both are bad news, any victory against either would bring sorrow as her Maidens are formidable combatants, eclipsed by her Avatars. The extra damage to the surroundings would be immense and rend the Veil that protects new transplants. I'll  be here establishing roots for members of my faith that get Forced through.
Know that I can be an ally.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 29 posts
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 10:40
  • msg #92

Re: A stormy night

 "Oh, Gondor here's as much a charmer as your girl Winky was Scrappy." Killian states, attaching the name of a female house-elf to the language tutor they just met and, in the process displaying an uncomfortable familiarity with the Wizarding World, his tendency to append nicknames showing no signs of slowing down as he looks between them, and then asks of Daniel "So what, this guy here's like a coyote only for weird elves and the folks chasing him were what, red-hat militia sorts?"
Ilyas Keal
player, 7 posts
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 12:08
  • msg #93

Re: A stormy night

Ilyas sat quietly in the shadows at a nearby table listening to the conversation and waiting to see what would become of all the "Jawing" as an older gentleman he had recently met liked to call it.
player, 39 posts
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 15:13
  • msg #94

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Killian Shadowkin (msg # 92):

Daniel shrugs, "No idea, really, but I think he's just someone they buffaloed into doing their bidding, and the bikers were some sort of hired muscle supposed to convince me to behave. Awfully fragile, if so."
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