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04:15, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A stormy night.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
player, 46 posts
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 04:59
  • msg #120

Re: A stormy night

Closest I come to History is Current Events, I'm afraid.

21:58, Today: Daniel rolled 12 using 1d20+2.  Int roll.

Craig Farias
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 05:16
  • msg #121

Re: A stormy night

Craig laughs
"I like you too, as long as you keep it quiet. None of the bigwigs will care. I'd hate telling my fiancée and between  you and me she can hit a cat with a sneaker at 60 yards. Guess that goes with being a nurse." He said.
GM, 47 posts
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 05:18
  • msg #122

Re: A stormy night

Daniel you can remember some facts about a World War 2 Era gun from a documentary called a Luger
Killian Shadowkin
player, 39 posts
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 06:48
  • msg #123

Re: A stormy night

 "Gretchen'd be more likely to throw the cat... But yeah, not quite sure we're at the fiancée stage... We're more at the 'oh, hey Gretchen, please don't kill me' stage but we're getting there." Killian answers dryly, only to fish his own key ring out of his pocket, attach the work ring to it and then brighten "Still, the raise is going to help. You'll drop me the new schedule first thing tomorrow?"
Ilyas Keal
player, 8 posts
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 12:43
  • msg #124

Re: A stormy night

Ilyas kept quiet during the incident with the detective, if that was truly what he was. No need of drawing any unwanted attention. As the man left he politely returned the mans nod.

"Well that was somewhat interesting and amusing to say the least."

The talk about World War 2 and a Third Reich was lost on him. He had intended several times to learn more about this worlds history but time and other matters had kept him busy.
Craig Farias
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 12:51
  • msg #125

Re: A stormy night

"First thing." and then Craig went back to typing madly at his keyboard.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 40 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 03:42
  • msg #126

Re: A stormy night

 "Okay, I guess I'll go check on the crazies from earlier. Thanks boss!" Killian answers, heading out of the office and quickly checking the parking lot one more time from the back door, walking the perimeter then after a few minutes heading back in to where Daniel and the others are.
GM, 48 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 03:53
  • msg #127

Re: A stormy night

When you walk outside Killian, you see two of the riders from before. Apparently, they are chattering in some language amongst themselves.

They seem to be distracted by something; what do you do?
Killian Shadowkin
player, 41 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 04:21
  • msg #128

Re: A stormy night

 OOC: Depends on where they are. And where the two policewomen and the Fed who just went are. In fact some more detail in general might not hurt. ^_^
GM, 49 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 05:29
  • msg #129

Re: A stormy night

The policewomen and the Fed are near the side entrance and the Fed seems to be taking a message on a old looking phone that you need to pull the antenna out on. They don't  notice the bikers, just yet. Apparently  one of the bikers is trying to repair his bike and failing. Each failure in repair elicits a seeming tirade of disdain from the other.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 42 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 05:44
  • msg #130

Re: A stormy night

 Killian naturally enough growls and ducks back inside, waving for the attention of one of the staffers and then rumbling quietly "Hey, can you tell the guy with the dog out at table [tablenumber] that two of the guys who tried to run over Gondor are sniffing around out back." before putting on his leather jacket, zipping it up and stepping outside again to walk towards them, rolling his shoulders and stating - loudly enough to draw the attention of the two officers - "Hey! Assholes! What the hell was that about out front? Six bike pile-up and some guy claiming you were chasing him?"
GM, 50 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 15:01
  • msg #131

Re: A stormy night

The two "bikers" turn and start to advance.

OOC: Roll initiative
Killian Shadowkin
player, 43 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 15:28
  • msg #132

Re: A stormy night

 OOC: 11:28, Today: Killian Shadowkin rolled 13 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.
player, 47 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 16:14
  • msg #133

Re: A stormy night

I'm going to be away for most of the morning. I'll update when I can.DId you want seperate Initiative rolls for the dog?

09:13, Today: Daniel rolled 16 using 1d20.  initiative.

GM, 51 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 19:03
  • msg #134

Re: A stormy night

The police and the Fed round the corner.
"Halt! Or we will use lethal force!"
player, 48 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #135

Re: A stormy night

Killian Shadowkin:
Killian naturally enough growls and ducks back inside, waving for the attention of one of the staffers and then rumbling quietly "Hey, can you tell the guy with the dog out at table [tablenumber] that two of the guys who tried to run over Gondor are sniffing around out back."

Daniel heads for Killian (or, at least, the door the staffer came from) "Rover, let's go hunting."

Not sure when you want me, GM, so I'll let you tell me when I arrive at whatever combat is about to happen.

GM, 52 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 04:24
  • msg #136

Re: A stormy night

The "bikers" keep advancing and the officers send off synchronized shots to their center mass. But they keep on coming.
The Fed seems to be fumbling with something in his coat.

OOC: Killian they are ten feet away; you can move five feet to them and attack or wait, Daniel you can step out of the door and attack gaing 1/4 cover or wait one round and make an attack at their rear flank.
Killian Shadowkin
player, 44 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 04:50
  • msg #137

Re: A stormy night

 Two men stand up from their bike and start to walk towards him purposefully... Pretty much so far, so normal for Killian. They're a bit more sober than the sort of folks he usually has to deal with, but they're still just a couple of schmucks who don't know what they're in for if they start something and...

 'Halt! Or we will use lethal force!'

 ...snapping his head around to stare in disbelief at the cops, he asks "What the fuck?" before they start shooting and the big doorman dives for cover with a yell of "Are they fucking black or something? Shit!"
player, 49 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 05:01
  • msg #138

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Killian Shadowkin (msg # 137):

Daniel and Rover stay in the doorway and utilize the cover it provides until the shooting stops.
GM, 53 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 17:48
  • msg #139

Re: A stormy night

The Fed pulls out a small pistol.
"Halt! I am authorized to employ banishing force under the War Powers Act."
Killian Shadowkin
player, 46 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 23:50
  • msg #140

Re: A stormy night

 Killian - who is in the middle of this top-notch example of fine American-style policing - stays the hell down and attempts to extract himself from the line of fire as bullets fly towards the two bikers who haven't actually done anything except approach him yet.


 Staying on the defensive and trying not to get shot.
player, 50 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 23:52
  • msg #141

Re: A stormy night

In reply to Killian Shadowkin (msg # 140):

And Daniel and Rover are staying inside the doorway for much the same reason.
Ilyas Keal
player, 9 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 00:26
  • msg #142

Re: A stormy night

Ilyas watched as the staff member say something to the guy the elven dog had evidently taken up with. The comment to "Rover", humans had the strange names for animal companions, was interesting. Normally he would have followed along but he wasn't asked and he preferred to not leave Annalee alone at the moment. there was no telling what creatures may have crossed over during this recent event.

Motioning to the closest waitress he orders a round of beers for the table and motions for the gentleman calling himself Lorvan to join them. He thought he could hear the sound of gunfire out back but decided that should the two need help they would have asked.

"So Lorvan was it. How long has it been since you crossed the barrier?"
Lorvan Stormcaller
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 04:15
  • msg #143

Re: A stormy night

"Less than a day, by my reckoning, storm knows where I'm  going to start."
GM, 54 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 04:28
  • msg #144

Re: A stormy night

One of the bikers sprouts a chitinous tail and points it at an officer and sprays a stream of foul green acid.
The officer goes down screaming. "I'm  HIT, I'M  HIT!"
The other biker conjures  flames in its hand and narrowly misses the other cop igniting a bush.
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