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09:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

S1 01c - Rising - Martin, Cecil.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
The Keeper
GM, 34 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 16:38
  • msg #1

01c - Rising - Martin, Cecil

At the Doctor's House, ~10am Saturday May 4th, 1771

Doctor Lovelace sipped his hot chocolate from the comfort of his well-padded lion-footed chair, the sunlight angling in across the room to touch the pannelling of the study walls and lie in long losenges across his desk and carpet. A warming fire burned low in the grate, spicing the sweet warm-milk and chocolate scents with smoke: although his man Polzeath seemed virtually impervious to cold himself, his observations as to his master's preferred temperature for any given activity were generally spot-on.

Right now the activity was lounging about mostway dressed with his dressing-gown over the top and contemplating a ride, and the room was as pleasantly cosy as though summer had already come. Yesterday had been long and tricky between Gaffer Ragge's gout (with harassment from his son Henry, who clearly thought himself more learned than the physician in terms of his father's health) and Mrs. Durbin's hysterics, or possibly histronics, though either way he'd had to find some wise-sounding remedy to merit his presence, if not the modest fee he might be expected to charge anyone of proper standing.

In fairness, the Durbin girl did seem to have vanished into thin air. She'd taken her cloak and favourite buckles, was what he'd ascertained between the wailing, but she might have simply left the latter on her shoes from the May Day revels the day before. Mrs. Durbin had looked on the point of offence that would have half the village riled against him if he'd inquired further about precisely when her daughter might have left, so he'd cautiously removed himself and wound up entangled with the hard-drinking crowd at the inn. They were toasting to Master Fox's upcoming marriage, though young Miss Criddle's family had agreed to set it by a week that morning, given the distraction of Polly's disappearance. John Collins had been musing on forming a dedicated group of searchers, noting the many empty places left while regulars sought their own leads and turned up nothing and nothing at all.

Martin had found himself pressed to a little too much cider and had found it hard to wake, though the groom-to-be had surely been in the same boat and likely came off worse, given he had no Polzeath to come rescue him and roll him home. Martin sipped, and forgot the village's troubles for a moment in sweetness and warmth. A runaway young woman was about the height of excitement around here, and that was nice.

A knock sounded at the door downstairs, interrupting Martin's idle musings and rousting Polzeath from whatever he'd been doing in the kitchen. "I'll ze to 't, sir!" he called up in reassurance he was on his way.

Reverend Palmer had passed a most instructive morning, striding through God's green hills and fields towards and then around and away from the sunrise that made the new shoots golden. There had been pheasants drifting across the landscape, and distant deer; fat woodpigeons at roost and one avenue of trees that rang so loudly with the sonnets of blackbirds it was a wonder the whole country was not awake. He'd spotted spreads of primroses and what he thought were red campion, and a hare, and when the land had warmed the rooks sifted themselves like cinders over fields to pick out insects or remnant grain from the rows.

He'd also found a heap of post, and close by, a sack. The latter turned out to contain his own correspondence with Reverend Whitley, and once he'd combed the soggy collection of letters and a vandalised parcel of some kind of glassworking tools back into their container to take along, he'd found a spot on the ramparts of Kennick's Camp to read about 1100s land divisions.

After that by purest chance he happened to spot a letter for Dr. Lovelace whilst gathering up the post he'd spread out to dry beside him: taking it over personally once the rest was left at the inn seemed a bit of gentle entertainment, and the doctor would surely be up by now. So the Reverend had wended his way back to the village, greeting those out early, dropped the sack off at the Hare & Sheaf and at last come to his friend's door like a post boy, the letters tucked into his coat. The doctor's man Polzeath answered his knock.

"Hm? Good mornen, Reverend." Polzeath dipped his head with a graceful motion, since his unusually broad mouth and ill-favoured features produced a smile that took many aback when he tried to be cheerful. "The master's up in his study and there's still milk in the pot if ye'd like to join 'im with the cocoa."

Polzeath showed Cecil up the stairs towards the back of the house, and into the study, announcing him in the proper fashion: "Reverend Palmer to ze you, sir."
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:40, Sat 17 July 2021.
Martin Lovelace
player, 5 posts
Mon 19 Jul 2021
at 15:10
  • msg #2

01c - Rising - Martin, Cecil

Martin had been preparing to greet whoever was coming to visit that day, but he was pleasantly surprised to find his good friend, the Reverend Palmer. While Martin himself may not have possessed the most sincerely held faith, not that he ever would admit such a thing, he nevertheless found the Reverend to be intelligent, well-read, and astute. There were certain matters where matters of science weren't of the most help, and the man's skill set certainly complemented his own for the village's benefit.

It helped him to shake off the strange ruminations he'd been having about his even stranger dreams from the night before. He should have known better than to have that last cider. He set down his cup of cocoa and rose to his feet.

"A good morning to you, Reverend. Please, come in, and do sit. A cocoa? Polzeath here can whip one up for you if you'd like. I must say, it is absolutely sovereign when one's had a bit much of the good stuff the night before - but delicious even otherwise. To what do I owe the visit?"
Reverend Palmer
player, 2 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Tue 20 Jul 2021
at 21:04
  • msg #3

01c - Rising - Martin, Cecil

Cecil nodded his head politely.

"A good morning and the Lord's blessing to you, too, Doctor."
He scratched his ear at the mention of cocoa. The Reverend had a bit of a sweet tooth but did feel a bit guilty about it ever since Father Clement in the seminary had condemned the use of sugarcane, chocolate, or any other plant that had come over from the New World for being ungodly.

It would of course be impolite to refuse.
"I would love a cup, thank you Polzeath."

He waited for the manservant to leave the room, then with some fanfare produced the letter. "Today, I am not only a messenger of the Lord, but I also bring more mundane messages. I thought I would take it upon me to have this seen safely into your hands."

Once he had given over the envelope, a thought occurred to him.
Hopefully it's good news.
The Keeper
GM, 39 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 12:49
  • msg #4

01c - Rising - Martin, Cecil

After a little squinting at the scrawled address Martin determined that the letter came from his friend and mentor Doctor Boring. It promised an interesting read - Doctor Boring being vexed by the mere notion of nominative determinism, besides insisting that his ancestors must have been in the business of making holes - but rather perplexing was how it came to be in the hands of Reverend Palmer, or in a generally clammy state.

Cecil had time to fit himself cosily into the duck-footed armchair nearer the fire and receive chocolate with a pinch of nutmeg from Polzeath whilst Martin skimmed his correspondence. The valet had also thought to bring up some marchpane picking-pieces on a couple of saucers and enquired as to how the master would like his shoes arranged that day before taking them down for blacking.

It had to be said that grown by heathens or not, the chocolate was very good indeed. Polzeath reappeared shortly after Martin had finished his skimming, unobtrusively but with his long, oddly-proportioned fingers uncharacteristically stained with a smudge of blacking. He looked distinctly perturbed about something, but waited until called upon to speak.
Martin Lovelace
player, 6 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 15:18
  • msg #5

01c - Rising - Martin, Cecil

"Mundane messages indeed. Despite being from Doctor Boring, it does promise a rather interesting read when I have the time for it, on the subject of treating snake bites. He thought it might be helpful given that I'm now in serpent country."

He set the letter aside for later consideration - a cursory survey was well and good, but it would be impolite to read the whole thing in the Reverend's company.

"Strange, though...any thought on how this letter found its way to you, Reverend?" He paused in taking a sip of his delightful beverage - a smooth, creamy beige facade leading to a darker liquid underneath. His eyes caught the queer expression on Polzeath's face.

"Something the matter, Polzeath?"
Gregory Polzeath
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 22:53
  • msg #6

01c - Rising - Martin, Cecil

Polzeath shifted his weight and took a deep breath, perhaps taking the time to pick the most precise words he could muster: some took the man for being dull-witted at such times, though Martin knew he'd learnt English from scratch somewhere around ten years old, being raised on nothing but Cornish and some strange remnant tongue specific to his hamlet, and was quietly sharp as a razor.

Though somewhat prone to superstition, he'd usually laugh at himself if Martin caught him destroying used eggshells or murmuring something over new clothing or the like, qualifying his actions with a "just in case, sir, just in case". It was somewhat surprising, therefore, when after sincere thought Polzeath came out with his statement:

"Well sir, I don't know there's aught to do exactly, but it seems the Devil is stood on the village green, and it could be you'd want to know."
Martin Lovelace
player, 7 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 01:55
  • msg #7

01c - Rising - Martin, Cecil

"The Devil? On the village green? Why, I daresay we'd be interested. This is our good Reverend's province of expertise. Could you perhaps provide us some further detail on the subject?" Martin tried to be respectful and understanding, though at times he couldn't help but find a little humor when these things arose. He was having perhaps a tiny bit of fun with Polzeath here, but was also curious as to what specifically concerned the man and how he might set him at ease.
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