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Downtime in the Dalelands.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 3319 posts
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 04:25
  • msg #1

Downtime in the Dalelands

Final Night of 1360 DR

Your conversation with Forgesmith Lynar wraps up with him giving his provisional blessing to Talindra's presence and granting of temporary residence in Glen. You say the proper farewells and bow as you leave; Talindra making herself invisible again with a wave of her hand. Outside the room, Hammer of War Volar has been standing against the far wall. He straightens as you exit, and Lynar murmurs to him. Nodding, he gestures for you to follow him.

Night has fully descended, but as you step outside into the streets of Glen you find that the dwarves have pushed back the darkness with exuberance. There are a plethora of lamps and lanterns hanging from posts and the sides of buildings. Many of them glow with enchantment, others have brightly-burning wicks behind carefully-wrought glass.

Glen has three main streets that run the length of the village from east to west. The largest is the Dusk Road, which you've been traveling for the past several days. Houses line both sides of the street, most of them either touching or so close not even a starving halfling would be able to slip through.

North and south of the Dusk Road are a single road each. They diverge from the Dusk Road almost as soon as the road reaches the bottom of the ravine. Houses line both sides of the road; on one side the houses touch up against the back of the houses that flank the Dusk Road. On the other side, the houses are built up against the wall of the ravine.

Volar leads you to one of the latter, a narrow, six-story house that rises from the valley floor to just peek into the open air above the rim that hides Glen. It is narrow but well-built; its lower floors of stone the same color as the valley walls. Its upper floors are half-timber, and you assume its roof is of slate like the rest of the town.

The front door is locked; Volar unlocks it and gives Krackor the key. The door is sized for dwarves, but it's not too tight a fit for taller folk. Inside is a small cloak room, a place to hold muddy boots and keep the warm air of the house inside. Beyond that is a single room that takes up the entire rest of the first floor. It's empty save for a small table pushed up against the far wall and a stair case leading up to the right.

"This is yours, for the moment," Volar says. "If a dwarf family comes to the Forgesmith needing shelter, we may reclaim it. But for now, be welcome." With a bow, he turns and leaves.

((ooc: Welcome to Downtime. I don't have a detailed map of this house. A general picture of the style is below. The house is about twenty feet wide on each side. There are enough rooms for everyone to have a bedroom, if Tarron and Kali want to join you. This first room will do well for a sparring area.

Please let me know what you want to do during Downtime and how long you want Downtime to be. This thread does not have to be perfectly linear; so if you want to talk amongst each other while also talking to Neldor, Talindra, or doing other things, feel free.))

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:26, Sun 29 Aug 2021.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2418 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 05:18
  • msg #2

Downtime in the Dalelands

Corym likely hikes back across town to the Dark Door first to take a bath.  Finding a pot, boiling water, and assuming that there's a tub here seems like a stretch.

After he comes back refreshed, he declares his intent to dedicate himself to the study of the scroll so that he can treat with Neldor. "I'll only be taking breaks in order to keep up morale and eat what is necessary. Talindra, I'll entrust you to Kora's studies while I labor?"

"Kora--can you make me an appointment at a tailor?  The climbing, jumping, falling, and crawling has reduced these to rags. I'm fine with the local fashion, but I think anything they have on the shelves will require severe alterations."

"Krackor--you seem to have your own business, and we'll let you be about it."

"Kitheras--test Kali and Tarron to gain a measure of their sword strength, and see to instructing them in our patrol signs. Visual and audible. Explain our usual means of navigating the city and see what they may have to add to our paradigm."

"Nourishment, lodging, and mending are all company expenses.  We can take turns securing the day's food each morning such that everyone's tastes are suited on some day or another.  Nothing opulent, please."

This message was last edited by the player at 05:18, Sun 29 Aug 2021.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 435 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 19:32
  • msg #3

Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras smiled and inclined his head at the Captain's wishes.

"It seems we'll get our chance to take our measure of one another, Tarron.  Kali, I'm not sure that you needed a sword to make me sweat, but you'll get to use one nonetheless."

To the rest of the party, he bowed, and added "We'll be down stairs."

Kitheras removed his fur lined cloak and mantle and set them in a corner with his pouches, his bow and arrows, and his two harps. He retied his black hair behind his head and removed his sword belt and hung it on a chair, his twin short sword glinting in the candle light.

"Corym is a planner. He's an architect by trade and he plans our missions with the same vision and eye for detail that he'd use to design a soaring tower.  Sometimes that can make 'downtime' take a bit.  Add to it that Krackor seems to have a few designs of his own, and we may get to spend quite a bit of time together."

He gestured at the bottom floor, "As suggested, we'll keep in practice here. Once I've taken my measure of you, the three of us will go hunting.  When we travel through Myth Drannor we do so like shadows in the moonlight.  We made it out when so many don't because we only fight when we want to.  No one take us by surprise.  That makes things go slow, but it also keeps your blood on the inside of your body.  There are enough fights that can't be avoided to carelessly invite more."

"Most of the time when we move, we're cloaked in invisibility--so you won't be able to see each other. You'll have to listen and feel.  When we're cloaked in this way we use a set of audible commands like bird calls.  They each have accompanying visual signals.  We're going hunting so we can practice moving as a team, hearing and understanding the calls, and how to make the calls."


This message was last edited by the player at 19:33, Sun 29 Aug 2021.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2419 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 22:17
  • msg #4

Downtime in the Dalelands

"We should all have dinner at the Inn together one more time before Karilla and Elorfindar leave. A fond farewell."
Kali Xilrora
player, 13 posts
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 22:56
  • msg #5

Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 3):

Kali had a glint in her eye while she sized up Tarron.

"I'm always up to play with someone new. My, my, aren't you the very picture of the stoic elven warrior. I bet you even have a fancy title to go with that scowl."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 436 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 23:02
  • msg #6

Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras frowned at Kali's good natured prodding.  Tarron was touchy about these matters--a matter he'd nearly learned the hard way.

"I see, plain enough, the blades you carry. Are you skilled with any other weapons?  Or perhaps empty-handed techniques.  Corym and Kora studied wrestling with the Binder's faithful.  I'm proficient with a bow and with unarmed strikes."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:04, Sun 29 Aug 2021.
Kali Xilrora
player, 14 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 00:44
  • msg #7

Downtime in the Dalelands

"Well my dear, I do have many hidden talents. I adore boxing those who think far too highly of themselves for no good reason. Granted, that is mainly because I get to taunt them while punching them in the nose repeatedly. Messing with drunk people should be considered a national past-time, no?"

Even though Kali directed her words at Kitheras, she kept an eye on Tarron. She was slightly disappointed that he was unmoved by her prodding. Mainly because she knew that traveling with a person with such a disposition as him can be a terribly depressing experience for all involved.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 437 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 00:56
  • msg #8

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kali Xilrora:
Even though Kali directed her words at Kitheras, she kept an eye on Tarron. She was slightly disappointed that he was unmoved by her prodding. Mainly because she knew that traveling with a person with such a disposition as him can be a terribly depressing experience for all involved.

That player lives in AUS--he'll probably respond sometime tomorrow.

Kali Xilrora:
"Well my dear, I do have many hidden talents. I adore boxing those who think far too highly of themselves for no good reason. Granted, that is mainly because I get to taunt them while punching them in the nose repeatedly. Messing with drunk people should be considered a national past-time, no?"

Kitheras smiled but continued. "And missile weapons or blunt weapons?  Can you use any?"
Kali Xilrora
player, 15 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 01:07
  • msg #9

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Honestly, I'm just assuming that he wouldn't react just based on his previous posts. I will gladly change it if he takes the bait.

Kali rolls her eyes at the idea of using a club or flail.

"Ugh, blunt weapons have no sense of style. It feels so primitive while attacking and I have never felt the driving urge to literally bash someone's skull in. With that in mind, I am also not fond of ranged weapons for two reasons. One, I like to be right there in the thick of things when I cut down my opponent. And two, I have no patience for target practice."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1579 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 01:20
  • msg #10

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to Kali Xilrora (msg # 9):

As Krackor walks through the building, he sees Kitheras, Tarron and Kali bantering ahead, he searches the floors and then returns to the ground floor to hear Corym state to have a final meal in the Tavern they still had a room in.

Come on, let's go get food, then we can say goodbye to Elorfindar and Karilla, maybe Serenya too.

Corym, if we need food, I can call for it, even if that is lacking in some tastes.

And if the rest of you want to learn more weapons, I can aid you there!:-)

This message was lightly edited by the player at 01:21, Mon 30 Aug 2021.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 23 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 01:22
  • msg #11

Downtime in the Dalelands

OOC: Jesus wept, 2 hours time frame to react before you get all antsy :)

"In a former life they used to call me captain. For now, I have no such command of men." replies Tarron. "That's a tale for another day though." he added, knowing full well that he would be pressed for more information if he allowed it.

His hand moves to his side, where his weapon was held. "I practice the forms daily. I'd be happy to test my blade against your own in sparring, to better understand our capabilities." he replies. He almost smiles, but the slashes on his face cause him to grimace more than smile as the pain of the still unhealed wounds cause him to suffer.
Kali Xilrora
player, 16 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 01:46
  • msg #12

Downtime in the Dalelands

He, he, he. Kali has no chill. To be fair, generally if there is a massive change when someone else responds to my comments, I'll go back and change details to make it fit better.

The flash of pain that stopped his smile was not lost on Kali. She knew that he had the ability for humor, which was a start, at least. Kali bowed slightly in apology.

"Forgive me, I do love to poke and prod, but I fear I stepped too far. I would gladly have you trounce me in combat for recompense. It could be fun. I don't fight elves very often. Certainly, not professionally trained ones. I'd consider it an honor to beaten black and blue by you, my dear."
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 24 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 02:09
  • msg #13

Downtime in the Dalelands

11:16, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 4 using 1d10+2.  Initiative. – [roll=1630293411.74794.359800]
This message was last edited by the player at 03:27, Mon 30 Aug 2021.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 438 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 02:53
  • msg #14

Downtime in the Dalelands

d10--unmodified in most cases
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 439 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 02:55
  • msg #15

Downtime in the Dalelands

"Tarron is a Bladesinger, Kali.  His training specializes in the blending of sword play and magic.  I think it'll be interesting to see how well his style suits him when spells aren't called for. You can't 'pull' a Magic Missile in a sparring match."
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 25 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 03:16
  • msg #16

Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras Sunblade:
d10--unmodified in most cases

Should have RA applied, no?
Kali Xilrora
player, 18 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 11:05
  • msg #17

Downtime in the Dalelands

ooc: Where are we? Still at the inn or are we at the house that the dwarves have lent us? Personally, I think that it would be hilarious if we ended up fighting at the inn but mainly that's because of the possibility for chaos.

Here is my initiative roll regardless. 05:56, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 10 using 1d10 ((10)).

"Oh, I've heard of those. Now, I do have a question. Do you actually sing or is it a metaphor about how your blade seems to sing through the air? Or is your blade sentient and it sings in a literal sense."
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 27 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 12:21
  • msg #18

Downtime in the Dalelands

OOC: you get to go first. We are in the house.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2420 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 13:09
  • msg #19

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron Ianfiel:
OOC: you get to go first. We are in the house.

In 2E lower is better. Your six beats her 10. We’re also using Weapon Speed in this online game. Not my favorite at the table, but there’s no reason not to in PbP. Remember that your magic bonus on your sword reduces the weapon speed proportionately. So a +3 sword would reduce Weapon Speed by 3.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 28 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 13:26
  • msg #20

Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron carefully blocks out the chatter from Kali as he steps up onto the balls of his feet. He almost pirouettes as the blade flashes quickly and deftly at the defenses of Kali. Two strikes darting in and out, with the air whistling along the grooves of the blue sword as he embellished the attacks with a flourish.

Initiative: 2
Weapon speed: 2
Total: 4
Modified THAC0: 7
Attack: Attack 1 hits AC 0 for 11 damage, Attack 2 hits AC-4 for 12 damage
Damage: 3+8 (2 Str, 3 Weapon enhancement, 1 bladesinger, 2 specialisation), 4+8
21:19, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 12 using 1d8+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1630329597.74155.359800]
21:19, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 11 using 1d8+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1630329592.2016.359800]
21:14, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 11 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1630329256.62538.359800]
21:14, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 7 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1630329247.39948.359800]

This message was last edited by the player at 13:49, Mon 30 Aug 2021.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 440 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Wed 1 Sep 2021
at 13:15
  • msg #21

Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras and Tarron sparred over Skype yesterday.  All the dice were rolled, but I'm just presenting a narrative version of it here.

Fresh from the battle with Kali, Tarron has a mask covering his face that hides his scars. The blade at his side has no visible damage, and glows with a cool blue-white colour. All around him feels like it could be the start of winter. "It will be interesting to cross blades with you. How well do you know the forms?" he asked, preparing for an assault.

"Yours? I don't.  The oaths and ideals that come with them were thought to be too restricting for the scion of the house."  He unsheathes his twin shortswords--excellent but simple in craftsmanship--and adopts a high guard stance without pretension. "Ready?"

"Ready." says Tarron, and he adopts a flexible guard stance of his own. As he prepares, he can see that Kitheras has speed on his side, the weapons in his hand seemingly as light as a feather. He knew then that he would be unable to defend all attacks, but he would give it his best shot.

Seemingly at the same time, both he and Kitheras struck. Tarron's blade striking as true as it ever would. Tarron had a clear advantage in strength and the power of his blade's enchantment.  Kitheras' swiftness and bladelore were simply unparalleled. Three short lunges each connected with the Bladesinger.  The Bladesinger responded--nearly simultaneously--with two strikes only one of which landed.  The strength of that one, however, was powerful.  Kitheras reeled and reset himself.  Tarron took stock of the damage he'd been dealt--the Ranger's strikes were lighter but more accurate and frequent.  This could go poorly quickly.

A second volley of lightning fast blows from Kitheras had Tarron hold up his sword to resign from the match.

"I thought about disarming you first. I should've done more than just think about it."

Kitheras nodded, and bowed in respect to his training partner.

"Things would likely have gone differently if we both used our spells, but there are many situations that negate the ability to draw on them.  Our blades must be the equal of our spells."

He sheathes his swords and hangs them back on the chair and stretches the sore serratus anterior muscle where Tarron's blow had landed.

"Do you shoot a bow?"

This message was last edited by the player at 13:15, Wed 01 Sept 2021.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 31 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2021
at 13:20
  • msg #22

Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron shakes his head. "I do, but poorly. Though we haven't tested the limits of our abilities, there is more to me than meets the eye. You were quick, but I have a feeling that our strengths may be combined to be deadly on the battlefield. Equally matched in defense, but each with tricks under our sleeves. Quite honestly, if you were at my side throughout my former life, I doubt that many of my troubles would have even eventuated." replies Tarron.

He bows towards his sparring partner. "Perhaps another sparring session would be useful, to get the measure of each other."

"When you have time, of course."
Kali Xilrora
player, 20 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 00:27
  • msg #23

Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to Tarron Ianfiel (msg # 20):

((ooc: Oh goodie, I get to hit with the fun one.
Initiative: 10
Weapon speed: 5
Total: 15
Modified THAC0: 10
Attack: 19:22, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 2 using 1d20 ((2)).
19:23, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 12 using 1d20 ((12)).
Damage: 20:02, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 7 using 1d8+1 ((6)).

Kali was definitely caught off guard thinking that more banter was going to be involved. The hits Tarron landed stung a bit but nothing that she hadn't experienced before. As she hit with her off-hand weapon, everyone heard a new and unknown voice mocking him.

"Ha! Away, you starvelling, you elf-skin, you dried neat’s-tongue, bull’s-pizzle, you stock-fish!”
This message was last edited by the player at 01:06, Thu 02 Sept 2021.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 32 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 01:00
  • msg #24

Downtime in the Dalelands

A 12 is ac-2 so a hit
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 33 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 02:16
  • msg #25

Downtime in the Dalelands

10:15, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative Round 2. – [roll=1630548903.7321.359800]

What's your AC by the way? Will make this a bit speedier knowing it. Mine is AC -1
GM, 3320 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 03:30
  • msg #26

Downtime in the Dalelands

((ooc: Kali's AC is currently 4. That may get adjusted; we're working out the last magical items and she may decide on something magical, but for now assume it's 4.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1581 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 19:08
  • msg #27

Downtime in the Dalelands

GM, is there a wall in the cliffside next to where we are staying that is unclaimed?  It was asked.  If so (and by next to, I mean within 30m or so), then Krackor will get started with collecting wood for scaffolding and then shaping the stone entrance of what he is hoping will become the Temple to the Bronze Mask.

The Entrance will look like a large face with the entrance being where the mouth is and the eyes will be shaped so a small brazier or sconce can be used to hold a flame, giving the impression of the other title for Gorm, 'Old Fire Eyes'.
Kali Xilrora
player, 21 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 23:20
  • msg #28

Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to Tarron Ianfiel (msg # 25):

My AC is currently 4. I rolled a 5 for initiative.

18:21, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 5 using 1d10 ((5)).

This message was last edited by the player at 23:22, Thu 02 Sept 2021.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2421 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Fri 3 Sep 2021
at 02:10
  • msg #29

Downtime in the Dalelands

Corym continues to decipher the scroll.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 441 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sat 4 Sep 2021
at 22:42
  • msg #30

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kali Xilrora:
"Ha! Away, you starvelling, you elf-skin, you dried neat’s-tongue, bull’s-pizzle, you stock-fish!”

Interesting. "Intelligent armaments, invisible familiar, or just looney?" Kitheras inquired.
GM, 3321 posts
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 07:01
  • msg #31

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Downtime Activities

Corym, please make 3 Intelligence checks to determine how long it takes to decrypt the scroll. Other characters can assist in the effort to make it go faster by making 2 Intelligence checks. It's probably going to take several months.

Krackor, most of the walls of the ravine already have houses built into them like the picture at the top of the thread. There are a couple of places where the bare rock is showing. More importantly, you cannot start a temple without first getting the permission of the town. That needs to be role-played out. Feel free to start that however you wish.

What else do folks want to do during downtime?
Corym Ildroun
player, 2424 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 11:57
  • msg #32

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

06:56, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 23 using 3d20 with rolls of 4,13,6.  Intelligence .
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 442 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 11:59
  • msg #33

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

06:57, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 18 using 2d20 with rolls of 15,3.  Intelligence .
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 34 posts
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 14:23
  • msg #34

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron's blade twists and arcs, the blue-white steel causing no end of trouble for Kali. As it nicked her skin, Tarron felt renewed, his wounds closing up before her eyes. "Neat's have wonderful tongues. Even a dried one would be preferable to kiss than your salty flesh." retorts Tarron, choosing to resort to insults since Kali had brought them to bear upon him.

Initiative: 3
Weapon speed: 2
Total: 5, 7
Modified THAC0: 7
Attack: Attack 1 hits AC 2 for 10 damage, Attack 2 hits AC3 for 12 damage (11hp returned).
Damage: 2+8 (2 Str, 3 Weapon enhancement, 1 bladesinger, 2 specialisation), 4+8

22:17, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 12 using 1d8+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1630851453.62317.359800]
22:17, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 10 using 1d8+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1630851446.22449.359800]
10:15, Thu 02 Sept: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 4 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1630548922.03995.359800]
10:15, Thu 02 Sept: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 5 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1630548914.8175.359800]

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1585 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 17:38
  • msg #35

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Krackor, most of the walls of the ravine already have houses built into them like the picture at the top of the thread. There are a couple of places where the bare rock is showing. More importantly, you cannot start a temple without first getting the permission of the town. That needs to be role-played out. Feel free to start that however you wish.

I have tried already by talking with the Forge Master but I've been blanked, so finding an unassuming bit and getting permission to build inwards shouldn't be an issue and then build the temple once inside the wall.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2425 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 20:25
  • msg #36

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Krackor Steelfist:
Krackor, most of the walls of the ravine already have houses built into them like the picture at the top of the thread. There are a couple of places where the bare rock is showing. More importantly, you cannot start a temple without first getting the permission of the town. That needs to be role-played out. Feel free to start that however you wish.

I have tried already by talking with the Forge Master but I've been blanked, so finding an unassuming bit and getting permission to build inwards shouldn't be an issue and then build the temple once inside the wall.

If you perceive that the Forgemaster is stonewalling you, maybe start doing some pastoral work at the existing shrine and start building a following. With enough community buy-in, the people might demand a temple.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2426 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 22:57
  • msg #37

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Especially with a dying faith like Gorm’s those associate clerics that man your temple while you’re adventuring have to come from somewhere. Maybe begin by initiating them at the shrine. Set them on their path to acquire the necessary XP so that you have the requisite followers when you’re able to build your temple.
GM, 3322 posts
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 02:24
  • msg #38

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Outside of the daily stress of hiding and adventuring in the most dangerous city on the planet, you're able to better devote yourself to the decryption effort. Kitheras also has several useful insights, though you're occasionally stymied by the fact that scroll's encryption is based on a very different magical tradition than either of you use. But you make fairly consistent progress, and are pretty soon able to feel confident in estimating how long it will take before you're able to read the scroll.

((ooc: The scroll will take 2 months to decrypt.))


I am going to try to get Glen's populace fully detailed (or at least mostly detailed) in the next day or two. So if there are people you want to meet, like town leaders or various craftsfolk, I should have names soonish.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2427 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 03:08
  • msg #39

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Awesome.  Give me an idea about how many days per week I need to work on it to hit that timeline, and I'll give you what I'm doing on the 'off' days.

I think I definitely need to set up a weekly tea party with Neldor.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 35 posts
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 03:12
  • msg #40

Downtime in the Dalelands

As a newbie to the group, I'll be focusing on learning what each member has to offer to the party and working at learning my potential place in the group.

Tarron has been in the Glen for a short period already so he's acclimatised with what the glen has to offer I would assume.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 443 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 04:37
  • msg #41

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron Ianfiel:
As a newbie to the group, I'll be focusing on learning what each member has to offer to the party and working at learning my potential place in the group.

Tarron has been in the Glen for a short period already so he's acclimatised with what the glen has to offer I would assume.

If we're going to be here a couple of months, Kitheras could take our new members on a field trip.  In addition to going hunting to learn the patrol signs (audible as well as visual), we could see Ashabenford, Oakengrove Abbey, and maybe a monster hunt in the Barrowfield.
GM, 3323 posts
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 05:08
  • msg #42

Downtime in the Dalelands


I'm assuming that you're working the equivalent of seven full days each tenday. Whether those are all full days or some of them are half-days doesn't particularly matter.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2428 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 15:08
  • msg #43

Downtime in the Dalelands

((OOC:  I had tea with Neldor the Sage and he'll be stopping by later to speak with Talindra.  Purely a social call.  I'm sure the DM will post the logs when he's able.))


I don't know what Talindra's study schedule for Kora is but on my three available days per week I want to make sure to teach a lesson once a week (apparently lesson take all day).  If Kora learned perfectly (given the Sha'ir's book as guide she would need 67 days of instruction.  She needs to successfully learn 67 lessons would be another way of thinking about it.  It's possible that Talindra's Intelligence is higher than mine, though, and that Kora would have earned EXP more quickly.

On the second day, I want to set aside time to make social calls.  With Talindra, with Neldor, local stone masons, engineers, and artists.  Explore the town, meet the shop keepers, take note of the building methods and designs here.  Make sketches. Most importantly, I want to start looking for a few remarkable undeveloped building sites. One of these days will be set aside for a farewell feast for Elorfindar, Karilla, and Sirenya.

On the third day, I want to focus on physical training.  Wrestle with Kora, sparring with Tarron, Blindfighting training, rock climbing to keep my skills in check. If the weather is inclement I'll try to go through each room on each story without touching the floor.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:31, Mon 06 Sept 2021.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 444 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 15:28
  • msg #44

Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras will take the new recruits (and any old members that care to) on some ranging hunting trips to teach the patrol signs--audible and visual. Whatever Kitheras harvests will intentionally be 'management' bucks.  Animals that are too old, malformed, or diseased.  The pelts should have their thick winter coat and could be valuable and make good winter cloaks--so he'll try to harvest those as appropriate.

He thinks the idea of training blindfighting could be very helpful and once he gets back in town he will see if Tarron can help him work out the technique.  Probably there are some dwarf fighters around here that learned the technique for dealing with Drow globes of darkness and so if its too troublesome he'll seek one of those out.

He'd like to take a trip to Oakengrove Abbey and may stop over in Ashabenford to carouse for a couple of days.

He'll try and get some information on the Barrowfields and see if a short expedition with three would be practicable.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:29, Mon 06 Sept 2021.
GM, 3324 posts
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 17:31
  • msg #45

Downtime in the Dalelands


Corym goes to Neldor's house in his new tailored dwarven clothing and brings along some cookies and a sketch of a typical dwelling in Glen and knocks on the door.

The door opens promptly. But instead of Neldor, he's met by a smiling dwarven lass. "Welcome!" She bows and steps back, waving him into the store. "I am Rethusra, of Clan Honedaxe. I am Neldor's factor. How can I help you?"

"Greetings, Rethusra!  I'm Corym Ildroun and I've sometimes conducted business with Master Neldor.  I was hoping to make a social call."

Rethusra shuts the door and steps back over to the desk. She has several locks spread out on top of it, and seems to be in the process of taking them apart, or putting them back together. "Of course. You were going to Myth Drannor, yes? Neldor mentioned your group to me. He didn't expect to see you again." She grins. "Was the city as magnificent as the songs say?"

"It certainly was once.  Its magnificence is now somewhat more macabre. He'll be glad to know, I'm sure, that not only did we all survive, we managed to rescue and return a few travelers to safety."

"Indeed he will." Rethusra has a force of personality that is very uncommon for a dwarf, and when she grins it lights up the room. "People who respect the past and don't treat it like an open gold mine are too rare, in his opinion." She glanced at the door into the back. "Neldor was working on some tricky alchemy, but I think he should be about done. Wait here, and I'll see when he can see you."

"With such company, waiting will be no burden.  And I well believe that we have a similar valuation on the past."

Rethusra gave him a little wave and disappeared into the back. She reappeared a short song later with Neldor just behind her. The older elf smiled when he saw Corym. "Well! Not even an open grave can keep ahold of you. Congratulations."

"Indeed not.  The impossible is my trade, and your words resonate more deeply than you know.  I'll be in town for a couple of months uncovering some mysteries we brought back with us, and I could use like minded company.  I thought that we could sample some of the local confections over a hot cup of tea or whatever they go best with.  I also brought this for you."  He extended the rolled parchment with both hands. "To better remember Glen when your career takes you elsewhere."

Neldor took the drawing and smiled at the rendition of the tall buildings contrasted with the gray stone of the incline down into the ravine. "You have an eye for detail. Winter is always a slow time for me. Fewer adventurers wanting me to identify strange magic and fewer merchants looking to buy my potions. I would welcome a chance to leave my laboratory and talk with a knowledgable traveler."

"I'm afraid that most of my life has been spent acquiring on behalf of the knowers rather than knowing on my own.  After I was--ahem--excused from the Academy my parents had me learn several related trades.  Stone masonry, Architecture, and Engineering. I daresay that I may have more in common with these dwarves as a result as any elf alive!  They were uncertain that my mother's Yuirwood magical mentorship would take me far.

"Thankfully for my siblings the elders revised their rulings on the blood status of our family and allowed their entry to the Academy. In any case, that's how I attained my eye for detail."

"Academies can be like that," Neldor agreed. "There used to be all kinds of stories about the antics the students used to get up to in Myth Drannor. We didn't have any at home; I learned from my mother and my aunts and uncles."

"As a matter of fact we sheltered in a private academy in Myth Drannor while we investigated the surrounding neighborhood house-by-house.  Does the name Elaethen Bhepel sound familiar?"

Neldor's eyes lost focus for a moment, then he shook his head. "Unfortunately, no. I'm not familiar with either the person or the family. Was the academy at least partially intact?"

"Oh, remarkably intact.  Untouched.  There was even a noble efreet still bound in a summoning circle that we had to--er--release in order to make the place safe for us.  We only exited or entered under the power of invisibility, and obscured the opening and closing of the door with illusions.  The walls were made entirely of a crystalline substance and the windows were all sound-proofed one-way glass-steel. It would be amazing to convert it to an Instant Fortress, but that level of craft will be beyond me for centuries."

"Remarkable. Untouched? How?" Neldor shook his head. "For once I almost wish I had gone to the city with you. It sounds remarkable. Do you know how it survived the Fall?"

"There are a number of mysteries pertaining to that tower. For instance there is a crypt beneath it with the most ornate door.  Apparently when Master Bhephel acquired the tower he sealed it and warned his apprentices that what lay beyond the door was too dangerous to trouble. Also, there were several spells that had become sentient and self-sustaining.  The Living Lightning Bolt would surely have caused us more trouble if we had not been accompanied by a servant of Marthammor."

Neldor sighed. "We must talk about this further. Myth Drannor was always a city of mystery. It seems some of those mysteries have only deepened since its destruction." He glanced over his shoulder. "Though perhaps we can speak on a day when I am not needing to keep watch on a particularly fickle potion."

"Well, there is a matter on which I wanted to get your opinion.  A relatively sensitive matter that the Forgemaster is keen that I see to. You see, both of Master Bhephel's senior apprentices were still present and sentient in the tower.  Lianthorn was some violent undead apparition full of wild spells.

"But Talindra was alone in the dark, spectral, and weeping--unaware that she had even died.  Between Kitheras' bardic abilities and some magical improvising on my part we were able to restore her sanity.  She's been tutoring my human apprentice for the better part of a month now.

"To find and restore her sanity was very much a sort of religious experience for me.  Especially to find her so vulnerable.  I swore to her that I would find a way to see her restored--to undo what had been done to her. We know from our priests' testimony that the date of her death precludes a Resurrection--short of a direct divine intervention.  But her connection to Arvandor is severed now, and I fear that to end her consciousness now would not bring her the release we would wish for her. Moreover, she is a wealth of knowledge and a true manifestation of my philosophy that we may find the virtue of the past and use it to restore and revive our People in the present."

"So if the gods are out of the running--that leaves Wishes.  Djinn, Luck Blades, Rings, or Archwizards. "I have an item that I think may be of sufficient interest for you that may convince you to lend us your aid in spite of the taboos involved, but it will require two more months of labor to decrypt I've recently discovered.  Until that time, the Foregmaster has given Talindra leave to remain in Glen until we can arrive at a definitive solution for her situation.

"I was hoping that you might also consider coming over and meeting with her.  I love her well, but I fear she considers me--provincial.  I think she might like the company of a fellow academic from time to time. Which is really shocking to me--I've always considered myself cosmopolitan.  But I guess that counts for little when the lady hails from the origin of cosmopolitanism."

Neldor's eyes widened. "She is a survivor? And not a baelnorn? Yes, of course I will come and visit her." Giving himself a shake, he grinned at you. "I must say, your trip to Myth Drannor has far out-stripped my hopes for you. Well done. Very well done. This potion ought to be done tomorrow. Shall I come by the day after, and give her my greetings?"

"That should give us time to clean things up a bit.  Our warriors have been sparring out of boredom on the ground floor while Talindra tutors Kora."

"That sounds about right. Give a wizard a book and he disappears for days. Give warriors an empty room and they'll turn it into a battlefield."  Neldor smiled and shook his head, clearly amused.

"I'm afraid that we'll have to go back by the time I have this scroll deciphered.  It's incredibly long--sixteen feet!  And the cipher is like nothing I've ever seen.  Even Kitheras is stumped, and he worked in cryptography.  But we've finally wrapped our heads around it.  Two months.  I had wanted to research a new spell for our return, but I think it will have to wait. But I know this--no one would have encrypted a shopping list this way.  This must be something special. We have to be able to use it to help Talindra."

Neldor nodded. "I look forward to speaking to you more about it. But for now, I really do need to get back to this potion." Giving you a bow, Neldor disappeared through the door he'd come through, leaving Corym alone with the smiling Rethusra.

Corym looked to Rethusra. "We never even had tea. Sages, am I right?"

"Sages and alchemists," Rethusra agreed. "But he likes you. Stop by whenever you like; usually I'm here, even if he's neck deep into beaker fumes."
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:30, Tue 07 Sept 2021.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1586 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 18:41
  • msg #46

Downtime in the Dalelands

Blindfighting Training.

Krackor can do training for you.
GM, 3327 posts
Fri 10 Sep 2021
at 20:22
  • msg #47

Downtime in the Dalelands

Hammer 1, 1361 DR

After spending a restful night sleeping in proper beds for the first time in over a month, you awake to welcome in the new year. For your first day back in civilization you take things slowly. Backpacks are emptied. Clothes are washed, food is bought, including an lot of cheap of fresh fruit and vegetables that would be almost as expensive as their weight in gold anywhere else in the middle of winter. Plans are made, and what furniture and bedding the house is missing is tracked down.

In the evening, everyone comes together for a farewell meal. Elorfindar and Karilla are leaving to visit the healing waters in Deepingdale, and Sirenya has also decided to move on to other adventures. All of you push several tables together in the Dark Door and order a farewell feast. Tomorrow you split up, but for the moment you can all toast each other.

((ooc: I know that one of the things the group wanted to do was have a farewell dinner for the three who are leaving. So while we wait for the sparring to finish up, I'm opening the farewell dinner for roleplaying as well.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1587 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Fri 10 Sep 2021
at 21:01
  • msg #48

Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to DM (msg # 47):

Krackor had spent the night doing his Rituals, explaining what and who Gorm was to those drinking and eating at his prepared table outside the tavern where he kept Guard.  He would say a Prayer to The Bronze Mask or the Vigilant Host, the Ever Watchful One and Old Fire Eyes, any inquisitive eyes or ears, he would intone the name Gorm as though that explained things.

As the last of those partaking in his offering to the Community and his God, departed, Krackor said one last prayer to Gorm, returned the table and anything else that came from the Tavern, then went inside.  He thanks the Tavern Staff and went to his room where he dropped straight off to bed, as usual, without removing all of his armour.

Krackor woke when he should, it didn't matter what time it was, his Lord had set that rest period, not that he needed it but it was important that it happened this way, this time.  Important because of what had been achieved and the people he had helped along the way, important because of his Oath to The Company to keep them safe if he was able to and if not, then Alive would have to do.  He had kept that Oath and his Rituals were to reaffirm to himself and The Vigilant Host that he had fulfilled his word.

He washed, he cleaned, he almost polished every part of his armour, shield and helmet included; then he prayed to the Bronze Mask offering his thanks and his Open Faced Helmet as sacrifice to his God, the Helmet he had worn since he started his training in service to the Ever Watchful One.  He then went downstairs to break his fast with food and drink.  He talks to anyone not quick enough to leave, speaking of his dedication to duty and how it kept him and his family alive, a family that included Humans, Elves and a Gnome.  He doesn't embellish for his word means more to him than frivolous self-indulgences and self-glorification.

Once he had finished, he gathered his things, paid his tavern bill and started walking down towards the house that they had been given to live in for the moment. Greets and well Met his words as he passed each person, he was wearing his Full Armour, his weapons where they should be when in town and his Shield in full display, his Helmet carried in the arm of his weapon hand, it was after all, to be sacrificed to Gorm and a new one commissioned.  He acknowledged every single person with his most precious of cheery grins, he felt at home again and shared that joy with everyone that cared enough to be near him.

He would stop on his way should anyone address him, offering what assistance he could and accepting comments with non-judgemental appreciation.  When he got to the house, he went in and checked it out, claiming a location where he could watch and where he could sleep.  Comfort wasn't something he enjoyed but he enjoyed that others did.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1588 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Fri 10 Sep 2021
at 21:03
  • msg #49

Downtime in the Dalelands

Later that day and the next, Krackor could be found about town, finding out what happened there over the Winter months, who ran the place and if there was a Watch or Militia.  He wanted to know as much as he could and to help where he could.  He had a project to do but he needed help and if that meant sacrificing his own time to help others first, then he would do that.
Kali Xilrora
player, 23 posts
HP 38/61
AC 4
Sat 11 Sep 2021
at 00:17
  • msg #50

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras Sunblade:
"Intelligent armaments, invisible familiar, or just looney?" Kitheras inquired.

"Let's say it's a combination of all three."
Kali Xilrora
player, 24 posts
HP 38/61
AC 4
Sat 11 Sep 2021
at 00:33
  • msg #51

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron Ianfiel:
Tarron's blade twists and arcs, the blue-white steel causing no end of trouble for Kali. As it nicked her skin, Tarron felt renewed, his wounds closing up before her eyes. "Neat's have wonderful tongues. Even a dried one would be preferable to kiss than your salty flesh." retorts Tarron, choosing to resort to insults since Kali had brought them to bear upon him.

Kali took the blows with a slight flinch, but overall she was just generally confused.

"I didn't realize that you spent time kissing blades. Don't take offense, it's nought but metal." As Kali landed another blow, the sword cursed at Tarron again.

"Methink’st thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee.”

((ooc: Attacking back again
Initiative: 19:26, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 3 using 1d10 ((3)).
Weapon speed:5
Modified THAC0: [From combat sheet, show situational modifiers separately]
Attack: 19:27, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 12 using 1d20 ((12)).
19:27, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 12 using 1d20 ((12)).
Damage: 19:29, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 4 using 1d8+3 ((1)).
19:29, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 3 using 1d8+1 ((2)).

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 36 posts
Sat 11 Sep 2021
at 02:30
  • msg #52

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

10:25, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 15 using 1d8+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1631327152.5018.359800]
10:25, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 11 using 1d8+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1631327147.10874.359800]
10:25, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 18 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1631327131.50557.359800]
10:25, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 15 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1631327124.80603.359800]

Tarron takes the blows from Kali, but within seconds he is back in her face and twirling his single blade with deft strokes. As the blows hit Kali easily, he seems re-energized and ready to go once more.

He ignores the insults as they lend additional weight to his efforts...

First attack hits AC -7 for 11 damage, second attack hits AC -11 for 15 damage
Kali Xilrora
player, 25 posts
HP 12/61
AC 4
Sat 11 Sep 2021
at 16:25
  • msg #53

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

11:13, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 14 using 1d20 ((14)). Kali attack 1
11:14, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 1 using 1d20 ((1)). Kali attack 2
11:14, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 9 using 1d8+3 ((6)). Damage

Kali deeply feels the effects of the hits and knows that she can't do much more before falling. This thought was further compounded when she missed horribly with her second swing. Her sword now turned its ire on Kali's failure to land a blow.

"There’s no more faith in thee than in a stewed prune!”

She rolled her eyes at the insult and muttered under her breath.

"I know, I know. Shut up before he kills me."
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 37 posts
Mon 13 Sep 2021
at 01:39
  • msg #54

Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron took the blow with a wince, it was a solid hit. However, he used the pain to elevate his own endeavours and he swung so fast and hard that he near clean took Kali's head. Stopping at the last moment, the sword was lightly pressed to her throat....

"You're a tough nut to crack. When that sword of yours stops distracting you, you'll be a force to be reckoned with." he says.

Tarron sheathes his blade and offers his hand. "Well fought. I look forward to sharing a battlefield with you."

09:35, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 11 using 1d8+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1631496916.28494.359800]
09:35, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 16 using 1d8+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1631496911.04845.359800]
09:35, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 10 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1631496902.01952.359800]
09:34, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 15 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1631496896.84803.359800]

AC -2 for 11 damage
AC -8 for 16 damage

Corym Ildroun
player, 2431 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #55

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

((ooc: I know that one of the things the group wanted to do was have a farewell dinner for the three who are leaving. So while we wait for the sparring to finish up, I'm opening the farewell dinner for roleplaying as well.))

I started writing several things.  Its odd to RP with a PC that isn't present and the other one is just leaving so the player can play someone new.

I don't think we need to RP this.  It just needs to be said that we had a nice dinner, there were toasts, and they can move along and we can get on with things as far as I'm concerned.

IC its necessary to honor the bonds.

OOC, its unnecessary.  I'd be happy to move along.

GM, 3328 posts
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 05:00
  • msg #56

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Kali pauses, giving Tarron a nod to acknowledge her loss. Then her sword bellows, "Avast! Six hundred repetitions, you scallawag!" It pauses a moment, then adds, "Oh, uh, Fie! Fie on you, thou boar-pig!"

((ooc: Sparring is now complete, good job, everyone.))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2435 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Sat 18 Sep 2021
at 23:34
  • msg #57

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Actually, we need to elect a captain and ACTUALLY do the divinations on Syndra
GM, 3331 posts
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 05:40
  • msg #58

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Glen Breakdown

Since several people have mentioned wanting to get a better lay of the land, here are some additional details on the town of Glen that you're able to glean over the next few days.

Population: Somewhere between 150 and 250. As to be expected in a dwarven population, men significantly outnumber women. There is one halfling family, and Neldor and his daughter Merialeth. Everyone else is a dwarf.

Clans and Families: There are three clans in Glen: Boldenbar, Foehammer, and Honedaxe. Some of the more noteworthy families are: Battlewake, Duraxe, Frostbeard, and Stoneshaper.

Town Leaders: Glen does not have a single leader. The three most influential dwarves, who tend to be consulted on matters of import, are:
* High Forgesmith Lynar Boldenbar: Priest of Moradin
* Vorn Duraxe: Smith Guildmaster
* Garn Foehammer: Quarrymaster

Other People of Note:
* Uldred Honedaxe: Guildmaster of the Masonry Guild (the Masonry Guild is responsible for all new construction as well as repairs, so they know woodworking, plastering, painting, etc.)
* Jhax Battlewake: The town's sole dry goods merchant
* Zarna Frostbeard: Best weapon and armor smith in town
* Nandae Foehammer: Responsible for day-to-day operation of The Deep Mine (which is actually a quarry for granite, slate, and statue-quality marble). Also the town's main architect
* Yuth Redbeard: A highly charismatic former adventurer
* Captain Luella Boldenbar: Head of the watch

Town Watch: Glen does not have a dedicated watch. Instead, 6-8 people take it in turns each day to keep watch on the surrounding area (this would generally be a once a month duty, but there are several greybeards who enjoy the work and take shifts every other day or so, so it's closer to once every 2 months for everyone else). The watch are look-outs and general first responders around town. They are led by Captain Luella Boldenbar, a retired adventurer, who is also in charge of weapons training for anyone who wants it.

Inns and Taverns:
* The Dark Door (inn and tavern): Run by Urthos Forkbeard
* Undercellar (tavern only): Run by Borin Stoneshaper
* Beard of the North (alehouse): Run by Thurm and Dorna Frostbeard. Serves a variety of good beers and ales, and soft, salty pretzels

Town Products
Food: Out of season fruit and vegetables, mushrooms, beer. Also serves as the market town for the eastern end of Mistledale
General metalwork, weapons, armor
Stone: Granite (used locally), slate (sold in Mistledale and nearby dales), marble (sold widely)
Gold and silver work
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1592 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 18:49
  • msg #59

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Corym Ildroun:
Actually, we need to elect a captain and ACTUALLY do the divinations on Syndra

We've only just arrived, we have time.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1593 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 19:00
  • msg #60

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to DM (msg # 58):

Once he is aware of a number of people, Krackor makes plans to visit them in the days to come.  Having time and a send off to prepare for means he is able to work around visits, negotiations and divinations.
Krackor makes a list, he intends to see all the important people but has a priority list:

1) People to visit first in no particular order:
  • Uldred Honedaxe - To discuss possibilities of Temple
  • Vorn Duraxe - Introduction as Priest of Gorm
  • Garn Foehammer - Introduction as Priest of Gorm
  • Captain Luella Boldenbar - As Guardian Priest, he feels it is his duty to protect the community he lives in and the lives of Dwarves.
  • Some of the Greybeards

2) Company Work:
  • Divinations
  • Protecting Lodgings
  • Ensuring the company is in good standing
  • Elect new Captain

This message was last edited by the player at 19:01, Sun 19 Sept 2021.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2436 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 02:11
  • msg #61

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

For Corym, all that changes is that some of the "Social Call" time will be spent with Uldred Honedaxe and Nandae Foehammer.

With Uldred, if time allows (but it probably won't) Corym will attempt the Masonry Guild's entrance exam.

With Nandae he'd like to share some ideas about Gnomish and Halfling architecture that he's studied and get her thoughts on some scenic pieces of land nearby.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 445 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 02:14
  • msg #62

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

The town's denizens don't really alter Kitheras' plans.  He'll take Tarron and Kali on a hunt to teach them the patrol signs.  He'll limit his kills to 'management' bucks.  He doesn't have leather working, but Survival should allow him to skin them effectively and he'll make a gift of the hides to the town elders.  With the meat, he'll sponsor a hearty night's eating.

He'll range as far as Oakengrove Abbey, and try to get some information about the Barrowfields.
GM, 3332 posts
Tue 21 Sep 2021
at 04:25
  • msg #63

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Uldred Honedaxe

Most mornings, Uldred can be found in the first floor of his house, which has been converted into a large workshop. Here the mason guildmaster plans the day's repairs, directing teams of dwarves to fix things throughout Glen, while other apprentices and journeymen work in the shop shaping wood and stone for upcoming projects. He greets you warmly, and listens as you describe your desires for a temple.

"A temple, eh?" Uldred scratches his beard while he thinks. "We've only ever had Moradin's forge here. But with the elves leaving, and the forest growing dangerous, mayhap it wouldn't be a bad idea to have the Bronze Mask's faithful nearby. Wouldn't you want it up on the plain, though? If fiends come for Glen out of the woods, fat lot your boys will be down here on the valley floor."

Vorn Duraxe and Garn Foehammer

Garn spends most of his days underground in the Deep Mine, working his clan's quarry business. But he generally takes evenfeast at the Undercellar, and is often joined by Vorn Duraxe. You approach the two dwarves a few days after your arrival and introduce yourself. They both stand and bow, with all the solemnity your clerical rank deserves. "Be welcome in Glen, brother," Vorn says, gesturing for you to take a chair with them. "It is always a pleasure to know that Fire Eyes and his people are keeping watch. Will you be staying, or leaving with the rest of your group?"


You spend a morning in the attic of a house on the northern edge of the cliff. It was originally built for storage, like most attics, but at some point someone realized that it had the best view of the plain north of the village and it was converted into a watch post. There are wide windows, each with a comfortable stool in front of them. Four bell pulls snake down to alarm bells mounted above the front door. Each bell is a different size, so people can tell immediately between the alarms for, say, a fire or a monster attack. There's also a speaking tube down to the ground floor that can carry a shouted conversation.

The attic is the favored post of Garren Duraxe, a great uncle of Vorn and one of the oldest people in Glen. His old bones appreciate the warmth of the attic. His eyes, still remarkably keen despite his age, miss little. He enjoys watching the folk of Glen tending their glass-enclosed crops, and the waving grass and flying birds beyond them.

Garren is happy to share his watch and chat with anyone who joins him. He spends most of his off days being social in the Beard of the North, so he doesn't feel a need for company during his attic shifts. But he's not going to turn anyone away, either.


The morning you spend trying to scry for Syndra is a well of frustration in an otherwise tranquil time. Nothing you do works. You try to find her in a reflecting pool. It fails. You try to scry on her surroundings. Nothing. You try divining to determine whether approaching the city from a particular direction would lead to finding her. A blank. Scrying Myth Drannor is less useful than scrying a rock. At least you'd be able to see the rock.

The most you're able to determine is that Syndra is probably still alive, and that's only because when you ask whether it would be possible to speak with her corpse, you get a terse, "No."

((ooc: Going to pause here to give Krackor a chance to respond. I'm going to try to do Corym and Kitheras tomorrow, and will also soon be jumping forward to the scroll's decipherment.))
GM, 3333 posts
Wed 22 Sep 2021
at 22:41
  • msg #64

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Uldred Honedaxe

The guildmaster takes some time to warm up to you. He is very proud in Glen in particular and dwarven stonecraft in general. But the seventh or eight time you respond intelligently (and correctly) to his not-so-subtle quizzes about the finer points of stone working he seems to mollify slightly and admit that perhaps the tree dweller knows a bit about how to handle a hammer. Maybe.

You're good at reading people, and even you aren't certain whether Uldred is actually such picture-perfect dwarf-stubborn, or just playing the part to perfection to jerk your chain. Either way, he's willing to talk wood and stone with you, and allow you to hire his folks if you had a project that needed labor. So at least the aggravating days had a decent outcome.

Nandae Foehammer

You have better luck with Nandae. Like many architects you've encountered, she's stuck in a town with a whole lot of brick layers and quarreymen with as much artistic knowledge, or interest, as the stones they work with. When you show her some of your sketches of Hardbuckler, she nearly tackles you in her eagerness to finally talk architecture with someone who understands.

Much of your time is taken up with decrypting the scroll, and Nandae occasionally disappears for days on quarrying expeditions, but anytime she's in town she's delighted to speak with you.

((ooc: If you want to rp a conversation with either of them, let me know.))

Kitheras, Tarron, and Kali

With the group mostly in a holding pattern until Corym finishes his work with the scroll and the weather turns a little warmer, the three of you decide to take a trip to Oakengrove Abbey. It's a chance to get out of the sometimes-claustrophobic confines of Glen, stretch your legs, and work through the hand and vocal call signs Kitheras and Corym have developed to help the group move quietly on its adventures.

You spend most of your time just inside the forest. The branches are comforting to the People, and the bulk of the forest blocks the worst of the biting wind. A light dusting of snow covers everything, while a deeper layer blankets the grass to the south.

After a few days, you're moving together as a team. Kali brought along a number of... odd... items on a simple wilderness hike, including a pair of cloaks with colors so bright and clashing they seem to reach out and hit you directly in the eyes. But that idiosyncrasy aside, everyone is competent, and has a chance to prove their competence to the others.

Oakengrove Abbey is easy to find; you simply follow the edge of the forest until it comes into view. It looms at the edge of the forest, a great wall partially over-grown with trees, its stones covered with ivy whose leaves have fallen for winter. The wall is studded at irregular intervals with squat towers, and on its southern-most face there is a single gate. The door, made of stone the same light grey color as the walls, is open. Beyond is a wide enclosure of carefully-tended woodland, the plants sleeping under a light coating of snow.

An old man emerges from the gate as you approach. He wears a deep green cloak over a tunic and pants dyed a lighter green, and there is a green copper oak leaf that pins the cloak at his throat. His white hair is close-cropped and mostly hidden under a thick brown woolen hat, and he leans on a iron-shod quarterstaff. "Welcome to Oakengrove Abbey, travelers. What brings you to our door on such a brisk day?"
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 40 posts
Sat 25 Sep 2021
at 00:32
  • msg #65

Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron wasn't one for too many words, and since Corym was the current captain of the group he let the leader do the talking rather than butting in...
GM, 3334 posts
Sat 25 Sep 2021
at 04:30
  • msg #66

Downtime in the Dalelands

((ooc: Corym isn't there. It's you, Kali, and Kitheras.))
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 41 posts
Sat 25 Sep 2021
at 04:37
  • msg #67

Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to DM (msg # 66):

Oops :) I saw the name Corym and it stuck.

"Just exploring the wilderness, getting a feel for the simple life that eludes most adventurers." explains Tarron. "Maybe we could share a bite to eat and you can tell us more about the area and local legends?" he asks.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1594 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Sun 26 Sep 2021
at 18:54
  • msg #68

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Uldred Honedaxe

Most mornings, Uldred can be found in the first floor of his house, which has been converted into a large workshop. Here the mason guildmaster plans the day's repairs, directing teams of dwarves to fix things throughout Glen, while other apprentices and journeymen work in the shop shaping wood and stone for upcoming projects. He greets you warmly, and listens as you describe your desires for a temple.

"A temple, eh?" Uldred scratches his beard while he thinks. "We've only ever had Moradin's forge here. But with the elves leaving, and the forest growing dangerous, mayhap it wouldn't be a bad idea to have the Bronze Mask's faithful nearby. Wouldn't you want it up on the plain, though? If fiends come for Glen out of the woods, fat lot your boys will be down here on the valley floor."

Protecting the people could be to keep them away from harms way, having a temple away from the place most likely to spawn an attach could be the safest place for the rest of the populace should an attack come from the plains, of course any followers of the Bronze Mask would also guard against any such incursion, I intend to go see the watchtower at the edge of town, speak with the Greybeards since they will know the lay of the land better than most.  I shall take your words under advisement though. He spent the next drink with matters of the town and potential alterations to his ideas of the build, like creating it nearer the plains, maybe even underneath the Watchtower!

Vorn Duraxe and Garn Foehammer

Garn spends most of his days underground in the Deep Mine, working his clan's quarry business. But he generally takes evenfeast at the Undercellar, and is often joined by Vorn Duraxe. You approach the two dwarves a few days after your arrival and introduce yourself. They both stand and bow, with all the solemnity your clerical rank deserves. "Be welcome in Glen, brother," Vorn says, gesturing for you to take a chair with them. "It is always a pleasure to know that Fire Eyes and his people are keeping watch. Will you be staying, or leaving with the rest of your group?"

Spending some time talking with Garn and Vorn, it felt like talking with his uncles back at home again. My group, yes The Company, we intend to make a more permanent base here if we are accepted  He lets that comment sink in a little first before continuing, watching his hosts for signs to the contrary. We will be heading out a number of times, will I be there each time?  I'm hoping so as I know I have a mission to attend to, someone or something to rescue and bring back.  Settling down here over Winter is a surety though.  I will attend to the needs of the community of Glen and the surrounds until it is time to leave.  If I can get started on a Temple, then this will be even more of a reason to stay longer.

He continues to talk some more before giving his leave and heading to the Greybeards.


You spend a morning in the attic of a house on the northern edge of the cliff. It was originally built for storage, like most attics, but at some point someone realized that it had the best view of the plain north of the village and it was converted into a watch post. There are wide windows, each with a comfortable stool in front of them. Four bell pulls snake down to alarm bells mounted above the front door. Each bell is a different size, so people can tell immediately between the alarms for, say, a fire or a monster attack. There's also a speaking tube down to the ground floor that can carry a shouted conversation.

The attic is the favored post of Garren Duraxe, a great uncle of Vorn and one of the oldest people in Glen. His old bones appreciate the warmth of the attic. His eyes, still remarkably keen despite his age, miss little. He enjoys watching the folk of Glen tending their glass-enclosed crops, and the waving grass and flying birds beyond them.

Garren is happy to share his watch and chat with anyone who joins him. He spends most of his off days being social in the Beard of the North, so he doesn't feel a need for company during his attic shifts. But he's not going to turn anyone away, either.

Krackor enjoyed listening to the old timer, made him wonder how long he had followed the Vigilant Host without even realising!

He asked If I were to commission a Temple to Old Fire Eyes, to protect the people, the town and guard it's treasures, where would you recommend, after all, you have been here a long time and I'm guessing know a few special areas that would benefit from such construction!  He wasn't sure what he would gain from such a question but it was asked in a way to show how much the priest respected the old guard.


The morning you spend trying to scry for Syndra is a well of frustration in an otherwise tranquil time. Nothing you do works. You try to find her in a reflecting pool. It fails. You try to scry on her surroundings. Nothing. You try divining to determine whether approaching the city from a particular direction would lead to finding her. A blank. Scrying Myth Drannor is less useful than scrying a rock. At least you'd be able to see the rock.

The most you're able to determine is that Syndra is probably still alive, and that's only because when you ask whether it would be possible to speak with her corpse, you get a terse, "No."

Try as he might, he couldn't get any straight answers so, not quite as stubborn as he had been, he tried a different tact and tried to divine the state of the manor based that they had left unattended, tried to scry locations he knew to see if anything could penetrate the Mythal.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 04:05, Thu 30 Sept 2021.
Kali Xilrora
player, 26 posts
HP 12/61
AC 4
Sun 26 Sep 2021
at 19:46
  • msg #69

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

As they walked along the forest edge, Kali glanced over at Tarron.

"Indulge my curiosity for a moment, if you will, my dear. Is it true that elven archers will stalk trespassers through the boughs of the trees, ready to shoot the unsuspecting victim in the head?"
Corym Ildroun
player, 2438 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Sun 26 Sep 2021
at 22:39
  • msg #70

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Uldred Honedaxe

The guildmaster takes some time to warm up to you. He is very proud in Glen in particular and dwarven stonecraft in general. But the seventh or eight time you respond intelligently (and correctly) to his not-so-subtle quizzes about the finer points of stone working he seems to mollify slightly and admit that perhaps the tree dweller knows a bit about how to handle a hammer. Maybe.

You're good at reading people, and even you aren't certain whether Uldred is actually such picture-perfect dwarf-stubborn, or just playing the part to perfection to jerk your chain. Either way, he's willing to talk wood and stone with you, and allow you to hire his folks if you had a project that needed labor. So at least the aggravating days had a decent outcome.

This is pretty much what I want.  I want to establish a degree of familiarity with the locals, let them know that I'm not the average condescending Elven Court type that they may be familiar with, and see if an where I might be able to help. So at least initially, I'm happy with this.  If I can test into the Guild at some point, great.  If I can help on a local project when I have time, wonderful.

Nandae Foehammer

You have better luck with Nandae. Like many architects you've encountered, she's stuck in a town with a whole lot of brick layers and quarreymen with as much artistic knowledge, or interest, as the stones they work with. When you show her some of your sketches of Hardbuckler, she nearly tackles you in her eagerness to finally talk architecture with someone who understands.

Much of your time is taken up with decrypting the scroll, and Nandae occasionally disappears for days on quarrying expeditions, but anytime she's in town she's delighted to speak with you.

((ooc: If you want to rp a conversation with either of them, let me know.))

This is the one that I might want to RP with down the road.  For the mean time (because this will be a crazy week for me again) I'll just let her know that I really appreciate Glen's vibe. I like the discretion of the town, because I like to be discrete in my dealings too.  I don't WANT everyone to know that I'm the Myth Drannor explorer.  For one, its controversial, and for another, it draws the wrong sort of attention.  Security is easier to keep if no one knows that you have something you're trying to keep secure.

Given the lay of the land and the geographic features of Mistledale, I'll point out that grassland halfling construction has a lot to offer in terms of sustainability and discretion.  I certainly don't want to devalue what they've done, but the canyon floor will run out of room at some point, and if you don't plan the expansion of the community on a macro level, you'll end up with macro problems.  I'd be happy to work on such avoiding such problems.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:40, Sun 26 Sept 2021.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 445 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 26 Sep 2021
at 22:47
  • msg #71

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras, Tarron, and Kali

With the group mostly in a holding pattern until Corym finishes his work with the scroll and the weather turns a little warmer, the three of you decide to take a trip to Oakengrove Abbey. It's a chance to get out of the sometimes-claustrophobic confines of Glen, stretch your legs, and work through the hand and vocal call signs Kitheras and Corym have developed to help the group move quietly on its adventures.

You spend most of your time just inside the forest. The branches are comforting to the People, and the bulk of the forest blocks the worst of the biting wind. A light dusting of snow covers everything, while a deeper layer blankets the grass to the south.

After a few days, you're moving together as a team. Kali brought along a number of... odd... items on a simple wilderness hike, including a pair of cloaks with colors so bright and clashing they seem to reach out and hit you directly in the eyes. But that idiosyncrasy aside, everyone is competent, and has a chance to prove their competence to the others.

Oakengrove Abbey is easy to find; you simply follow the edge of the forest until it comes into view. It looms at the edge of the forest, a great wall partially over-grown with trees, its stones covered with ivy whose leaves have fallen for winter. The wall is studded at irregular intervals with squat towers, and on its southern-most face there is a single gate. The door, made of stone the same light grey color as the walls, is open. Beyond is a wide enclosure of carefully-tended woodland, the plants sleeping under a light coating of snow.

An old man emerges from the gate as you approach. He wears a deep green cloak over a tunic and pants dyed a lighter green, and there is a green copper oak leaf that pins the cloak at his throat. His white hair is close-cropped and mostly hidden under a thick brown woolen hat, and he leans on a iron-shod quarterstaff. "Welcome to Oakengrove Abbey, travelers. What brings you to our door on such a brisk day?"

Kitheras greets the old Brother.  "We've no business but to meet with you. I'm a ranger in the service of the Lady of Dreams, and those that seek to protect what others would exploit must find opportunities to greet one another when the occasion arises. I suspect that the men and women of my company will be in the area for some time, and I have come to know and be known. If you can offer us shelter, I would be happy to offer songs and tales beneath the moonlight and before the fire."
This message was last updated by the player at 22:47, Sun 26 Sept 2021.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 446 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 26 Sep 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #72

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kali Xilrora:
As they walked along the forest edge, Kali glanced over at Tarron.

"Indulge my curiosity for a moment, if you will, my dear. Is it true that elven archers will stalk trespassers through the boughs of the trees, ready to shoot the unsuspecting victim in the head?"

"For many a woodland archer, the boughs of the trees are his home.  When he has seen enough folks bring axe and flame to his doorstep, they begin their inquiries with arrows. A sad state of affairs for both.  The archer seeks to protect his home, and the interloper seeks to improve his fortunes. I know not the full disposition of the Elven Court, but many elves in this land live either as refugees in human lands or as fierce guardians of the ashes of their homes. The majority heard the call to Evermeet and abandoned this land as lost."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:52, Sun 26 Sept 2021.
Kali Xilrora
player, 27 posts
HP 12/61
AC 4
Mon 27 Sep 2021
at 11:41
  • msg #73

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kali looked quite a bit dejected at the answer.

"That's not nearly as romantic or adventurous as I had hoped. I always envisioned fashionably dressed elves with camouflaged faces patrolling the woods through the trees and if you managed to walk through the forest without being killed by an unseen arrow, it was only because you were allowed to pass. I never considered that they were never there to begin with. What a depressing thought."
GM, 3335 posts
Thu 30 Sep 2021
at 04:13
  • msg #74

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands



Garren scratches his chin and suddenly looks evasive. "Eh, that's not for me to say, boy. We don't get bothered much from the forest. And as you can see..." He waves a hand at the open plains. "There's no place to bottle up a foe. Not like a good tunnel with solid stone on either side. Anywhere you built a tower, or even a fortress, they'd just go around. Whoever 'they' might be."


You try to scry the manor in Myth Drannor. As before, the spell works but returns nothing. There might be scrying wards among the mansions fading defenses, of course, but you don't think you're even getting close enough to be blocked by them. You turn your target to several of the ruins you explored; the burned out house, Silvershingles, the dwarven fort. Still nothing. You've never encountered such an effective, and all-encompassing, ward against divination.
GM, 3336 posts
Thu 30 Sep 2021
at 04:35
  • msg #75

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Oakengrove Abbey

The gatekeeper smiles. "Be welcome in the sacred grove, then!" Pushing himself into motion with his staff, he waves you inside.

Stepping through the gate, you emerge on the other side of the wall into a woodland that is both wild and carefully tended at the same time. Great trees soar into the sky, their boughs bare of leaves. Below them are a wild variety of smaller plants. It is obvious to Kitheras after only a few moments that clearly a great deal of time and care has been taken to gather, grow, and tend everything, since only a small fraction would have been growing here whenever the priests of Silvanus originally came.

The old priest leads you on a path that crosses over several small streams, most of them frozen over with at least a thin film of ice. Though the path is dirt, at each crossing is a bridge of stone, and a small hut sits atop it. Some have open walls, some are firmly built against the winter, while others are somewhere in between. The priest runs the fingers of his free hand along the doorframe of one, smiling slightly.

About a quarter mile inside the walls, on a strip of land enclosed on three sides by streams, is an open-walled pavilion with several benches and tables. The priest waves you towards one, and steps over to what looks like just another ordinary hillock, its grass dead for the winter. He tugs at the top of the hillock, and the entire thing opens, revealing a cavity steaming with heat. He withdraws several mugs and an earthenware jug, which he carries over to your table. "We don't grow grapes here, but we make an excellent mulled wine."

He pours each of you a hefty amount, as wells as a mug for himself and a second mug. Then he returns the jug to the earth and folds the hillock closed again.

The mulled wine is indeed excellent, and its warmth flows through you in a comforting fashion after the cold walk here. Who the extra mug is for quickly becomes apparent when another man comes hustling along to join you. He is significantly younger, probably somewhere in his early thirties, and he moves with a power and a purpose in his stride. "Ah, visitors to our humble abbey!" He bows to you, then slides onto the bench and takes up his mug. "I am Oakfather Gannon Durei, and I lead our circle here. Winter is an odd time for guests, especially here off the beaten path. What brings you under Silvanus's boughs?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 446 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Thu 30 Sep 2021
at 18:44
  • msg #76

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Oakengrove Abbey

The mulled wine is indeed excellent, and its warmth flows through you in a comforting fashion after the cold walk here. Who the extra mug is for quickly becomes apparent when another man comes hustling along to join you. He is significantly younger, probably somewhere in his early thirties, and he moves with a power and a purpose in his stride. "Ah, visitors to our humble abbey!" He bows to you, then slides onto the bench and takes up his mug. "I am Oakfather Gannon Durei, and I lead our circle here. Winter is an odd time for guests, especially here off the beaten path. What brings you under Silvanus's boughs?"

Kitheras pulls deeply on the wine with satisfaction.

"Just as an acorn must learn to thrive where it falls, I find myself in a strange land far from the Hills of the Elders. To thrive I must have to branch out and set roots. While my other companions attend to their matters, I attend to mine. I am Kitheras Sunblade.  This winter rose is Kali, and my countryman Tarron.  They are newly added to our company and it fell to me to train them in our customary formations, signals, and signs. If one must brave the winter snows on such an errand, it is helpful to have a goal in mind. I am happy that our travels have ended in the presence of warm hearts and spiced wine."
This message was last updated by the player at 18:44, Thu 30 Sept 2021.
GM, 3337 posts
Fri 1 Oct 2021
at 19:13
  • msg #77

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Two Months of Decryption Later

While the rest of the group spends the first two months of the Year of the Maidens resting, refitting, and exploring Mistledale, Corym dedicates himself to decrypting the expansive spell scroll. Kitheras helps where he can, and Talindra drifts through every now and again. But Talindra continues to be somewhat... distracted. As though her thoughts are sometimes as ethereal as her body. Most of the times when she's fully present, she prefers to spend teaching Kora, or inventorying the material your group and the previous group brought to Glen.

After two months of solid work, Corym finally manages a breakthrough. The cypher isn't completely broken, and he can't replicate it, because it seems to be deeply integrated with a radically different way of viewing and working magic. But he's cracked it well enough that he's finally able to read the magic on the scroll, and could walk either himself or another wizard through casting the spells.

And when he reads what the spells are, Corym understands why the encryption was so brutal. Spellthieves steal magic for a living, and he's never even heard of a scroll like this, let alone see one. There are seven spells here, and all of them are of the ninth step. They are:

* Time Stop
* Shape Change
* Dragonshape
* Immianthe’s Immutable Circle
* Immunity to Undeath
* Elemental Aura
* Absorption

You went to Myth Drannor looking for treasures and lore. Well, you've found it. Now what?

((ooc: Immianthe’s Immutable Circle is an elven version of the Tome of Magic spell Tobian’s Ultimate Circle, which none of the group's wizards have ever heard of.))
GM, 3338 posts
Sat 2 Oct 2021
at 02:59
  • msg #78

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Oakengrove Abbey

"We do like our mulled wine," Gannon said with a smile. He has a relaxed, easy charisma to him that sets you at ease almost despite yourselves, and despite the chill air. "We embrace the balance, and the turn of the seasons. The warmth of the vine in the chill of the wind."

He takes a sip of the wine, studying you over the rim. When he sets the cup down, he smiles again. "Forgive me. I am a humble priest, and this place, while magnificent, is not what it once was. All of you seem skilled, and you have enough interest in the Oak Father to walk through the cold northern winds to visit us. I am in the process of creating an adventuring order, to help maintain the balance, and bring glory to Oakengrove Abbey. I have several recruits already, but people of your stature would be most welcome. Might I convince you to rally to Silvanus's banner?"
GM, 3339 posts
Sat 2 Oct 2021
at 04:13
  • msg #79

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Encrypted Scroll

Once he got his wits about him, Corym went to see Neldor. The alchemist came out of the back room almost as soon as Corym called, wiping his hands on a rag.

"Neldor--you'll have to forgive me.  I'm not as composed as usual today.  I've done it.  I've cracked the scroll's code. I know what's in it."

Neldor finished wiping his hands and set the cloth aside with the deliberate motions of someone who mixed reagents for a living. "Based on your reaction, it was either very good, or very bad. What did you discover?"

"Both? We both knew what I was looking for--and that wasn't there.  But what I found is likely priceless, and whichever way I dispose of it will require an archmage.  And that will require trust."

"Which is in such great supply among wizards of power," Neldor chuckled.

"Indeed.  But I like to think that we've at least developed a rapport which is the first step on the path to trust."

"Perhaps." Neldor was smiling. "What would you have of me?"

"Frankly, you and I both know that I need a Wish. Whether you can cast it, acquire it, or deal for it. That's the only fix for Talindra.  I haven't asked before because I had nothing to offer. Now I do.  If you don't have it, and don't know how to acquire it what I have still needs to be disposed of discreetly so that it can be preserved and studied for the betterment of the People."

"I do not have it," Neldor says. "There have been times I wished, if you will excuse the expression, that I did. But it is not in my spellbooks." He cocked his head to one side. "That does not necessarily mean that I could not find one. Are you offering this scroll in trade? And are you so certain that it will be sufficient?"

"More than.  It contains seven 9th circle spells, one of which I've never even heard of before, and it took Evereskan intelligence's top code breaker two months to penetrate the cypher that guards its secrets. I believe I also know the name of the maker. Immianthe."

Neldor's eyes widened. "You're right. That is a treasure indeed."

"You could destroy me and take it," Corym said, watching Neldor closely. "But so could any that could make use of it.  If I even tried to, even at my level of proficiency I would most likely destroy it.  So now we discover how well we trust one another."

Neldor leaned back against the wall, his eyes losing focus. "Immianthe. Elven name. A woman, probably. Old style. Probably born at least two thousand years ago." Then what you're saying penetrates and he jerks in surprise. "No. I probably couldn't. At least not unless I was willing to take Glen with me. I... have no skill with battle spells. And anyway, I'm of Eueurarlor. That's not how we did things."

"I'd love to hear more about it at some point. My Cormanthan lore is lacking, I'm afraid."

"Perhaps."<coral> Neldor shook his head. <coral>"Or perhaps not. When you lose something you love, sometimes the best you can do is forget."

"Here's what I'd like to offer if you're able to acquire a wish and use it on Talindra's behalf.  You get the scroll. The company authorized the use of the scroll for Talindra's renewal.  You and I both know that it likely exceeds the value of a Wish but that it is not able to be broken up like coins. As valuable as it is, it is also useful to only a tiny minority and my interests are for the broader community.   So additionally, you take on five apprentices from Velethuil ((Bristar)).  I will walk you through the cypher so that you need not take the months to uncover it yourself, but I haven't mastered it yet--and the cypher itself is incredibly valuable. That I'd like for myself. Finally, there is my homeland to consider. The star of my father's house was dimmed when his marriage was determined by love rather than position. Allow one scholar--your choosing--to study the scroll with you. The ownership remains yours, but the lore must be preserved in a place of strength."

Neldor laughs. "You have a good heart, but you thrust yourself into things that you do not understand. Few wizards would enjoy being forced to take an apprentice if they do not want one, and the apprentices would not thank you, for they would bear the brunt of the master's ire. As for Velethuil, they will not leave their little corner of the forest. They are a scared, blinded people. If one of them came to me, I would likely teach them. The Art is a beautiful thing, and it is meant to be shared. But I have been in Glen for years, and in Cormanthor my entire life. They have not come."

"Their leaders have abandoned them.  They have good reason to be fearful. A new breed of leader must be bred. But if I bring them, you will take them? If they meet with your approval?"

"They have been terrified long before the Elven Court's recent foolishness. And frightened people do not make for good students, or wise users of power."

"My mother says that it is the sovereign test of intelligence to hold two mutually exclusive truths in your head and yet retain the capacity for action. For instance, knowing the hopelessness of the world and yet also the boundless capacity for hope. The hopeless causes are the ones most worth fighting for. If I bring you apprentices--from whatever district that are committed to improving the community of the people here in the bones of Cormanthor, you will train them?"

Neldor sighs. "I will take a look at this scroll. If it is what you say, I will find you a wish, or find where such a scroll or item may be found. I will also allow you and the other wizards in your group to learn three spells from me of such power as you can actually use. And I will help train your apprentice. Talindra is a fascinating person, and a quarter of the time she is a good teacher, but Kora could use a more modern, and more focused, hand on her training. But I will not have magic forced upon people. I won't have it done by those who would blast and warp for their own power, and I won't by you, for altruistic reasons."

Corym nods. "Done. That's one provision. And for the record--that you are an elf of conscience improves my trust. Even if your conscience is inimical to my vision. Good friends push back rather than go along."

Neldor looks at you. "Your vision for a moment sounded like the worst days of the Crown War. Who are you to declare that this person must do this, must study this, merely because you say so? It must be their choice, or none at all."

"I didn't say that I was going to compel anyone. But I don't think the people of Velethuil have very many opportunities to grow in their isolation.  That sort of provincialism feeds on itself and becomes Xenophobic, and the outcomes of your life become limited to the only examples in front of your eyes. And yet some of their spirits stir--this Syndra for whom we seek is one such. Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. I was hoping that you might serve as a stimulus to awaken what sleeps inside them.

Or else their fate is as good as written--to continue to diminish until they are overwhelmed in a spasm of violence by those that seek what they have or else in a suicidal outburst."

Neldor shrugged. "A few leave every generation. A few of them return, with a wider perspective. But those people have always been narrow-minded. And it is neither your job nor mine to force them open."

"Nonetheless, I accept your counter.  I have no interest in offending your conscience."

"I appreciate that. So. Let me come and see this scroll of yours, and then I will sit down and think about where we might find you a wish."

Corym held up a hand. "The Cypher and the Scholar? The second and third provisions. And I have the scroll here--it hasn't left my person since I discovered what it contained."

Neldor looked confused. "You said you don't understand the cypher. You can't offer what you do not have. And you still haven't said anything about why your parents' marriage has any bearing on this."

"I know what's on the scroll--but I don't know the cypher thoroughly enough to reproduce it at this point.  I'd like to continue to play with it as I can, and as your knowledge of it deepens I'd appreciate your perspective."

Neldor shrugged. "I don't see any problem with that."

"My task appointed by my order is to reclaim lost Art and return it to The People.  Typically that is my superiors, a priest, or the academy. None in my order--none--have ever laid hand on such an item as this.  Such a feat would be a mark of high honor and help to elevate my mother and siblings among their peers.  I will stand to benefit little--I was born among the hills but I live now as a citizen of the world. But it will help my family if I am able to deliver the lore if not the scroll."

"Is there any lore on the scroll? Most spell scrolls don't also have treatises."

"I am not an academic, so the distinction is lost on me.  I've collected Kiira, and journals, and other items. I've broken the back of illicit networks trafficking in the cultural history of our people. I've suffered capture and slavery in these efforts.  Never has this been found.  Perhaps by treatises you mean the papers of Elaethen Bhepel.  If Talindra can be persuaded, we will see those passed on too."

"I... am not understanding you. This is a spell scroll. A means of transporting magic ready to cast. Or, with a great deal of research, recreating it in someone's spellbook. There are no great magical insights here. Useful spells, yes. But this is not a magical library. It is not even a book in a magical library. I think you need to take a step back and figure out what you're actually trying to say."

"Recreating the spell--that's the lore. If you're the only one that knows it, only one benefits.  If a scholar from the academy performs the research and is able to reproduce the spells its use it multiplied and may be passed on to those he instructs." He lists the spells:
"Time Stop
"Shape Change
"Immianthe’s Immutable Circle
"Immunity to Undeath
"Elemental Aura
"Aside from Time Stop--these are all out of the ordinary."

Neldor shrugged. "That's being a wizard. We share, sometimes. But not usually. I will not leave Cormanthor. And most mages of my power would have little trouble killing me, as most of them are better at war magic. So would you be trying to drag some archmage east from Evereska, and then hope you get a scholar's conference and not a spellstorm? You seem to know your history. You know that not all of the People are goodness and light."

"You won't leave--they'll come to you. Wizened Silveroak will know who.  Will a recommendation of the head of the church of Labelas Enoreth be a sufficent character reference?"

Neldor crosses his arms. "Since it's my life you're putting on the line, no. But if it means so much to you, I can promise that once I learn these spells, I intend to share them with at least one other person."

Corym nodded. "That suffices. I can tell that my peculiarity has annoyed you.  I'm sorry for that.  It frequently does."

Neldor waved it away. "We're wizards. Peculiar goes with the title. Now, are you willing to walk me through this scroll?"

"Indeed.  I perceive that the problem I'm having with the cypher is a conceptual one.  It was designed by someone with a wildly alternative world view of the Art. I think if I knew that, I'd know the code. I'm excited to show it all to you! It's as if I've learned the reading of letters, but not of words."

After studying the scroll for several hours, Neldor leans back and nods. "I think I've figured out why this encryption is so hard to understand. Whoever wrote this wasn't a mage. She was a dualist. An Alurakar, if I remember the term correctly. That would explain why all of these spells are either abjurations or transmutations. I suppose we're lucky; I've heard that some dualists could create dualist version of common spells that were effectively a step or below their actual level, but that were utterly incomprehensible to anyone not also a dualist.

"I doubt we'll ever be able to use this cypher ourselves, but I'll copy out what I can make of it anyway." He grins at you, pulling out a pair of glasses and a bottle of very old, and and fine, liquor. "In case you manage to bring back a Silver Age dualist with you next."

He pours out the liquor and hands the glass to Neldor. "Congratulations."

Corym grins back. "Thank you." He hesitated. "Actually... I do have a potion that allows the imbiber to learn a language permanently by concentrating on someone that already knows it."

Neldor shook his head. "Save it. This would be like trying to learn the language of the druids. All you'd get would be a headache."

The two wizards spent the next couple bells making significant headway through Neldor's bottle, before eventually Corym headed back to their house. Corym was feeling like he was on top of the world, and the drink in his stomach was great as well.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 447 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sat 2 Oct 2021
at 05:15
  • msg #80

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Oakengrove Abbey

"We do like our mulled wine," Gannon said with a smile. He has a relaxed, easy charisma to him that sets you at ease almost despite yourselves, and despite the chill air. "We embrace the balance, and the turn of the seasons. The warmth of the vine in the chill of the wind."

He takes a sip of the wine, studying you over the rim. When he sets the cup down, he smiles again. "Forgive me. I am a humble priest, and this place, while magnificent, is not what it once was. All of you seem skilled, and you have enough interest in the Oak Father to walk through the cold northern winds to visit us. I am in the process of creating an adventuring order, to help maintain the balance, and bring glory to Oakengrove Abbey. I have several recruits already, but people of your stature would be most welcome. Might I convince you to rally to Silvanus's banner?"

"As I've said, we have our own company but happen to be on a bit of a break at the moment.  It would be poor form to join another. But if there were a task that needed to be seen to for the Abbey and it were in our power to perform it, we would be amenable I'm sure."
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 43 posts
Sat 2 Oct 2021
at 05:19
  • msg #81

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Oakengrove Abbey

"I have no ties to company nor man, but would gladly join either or both given the opportunity." replies Tarron. "For too long I have dwelt upon my failings. It's time to hone my skills once more and make my mind whole."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1595 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Mon 4 Oct 2021
at 13:34
  • msg #82

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to DM (msg # 74):

(ooc: sorry, I'd responded to this but it looks like it didn't send or I was a numpty and only thought I'd sent it but then closed the window.)


Garren scratches his chin and suddenly looks evasive. "Eh, that's not for me to say, boy. We don't get bothered much from the forest. And as you can see..." He waves a hand at the open plains. "There's no place to bottle up a foe. Not like a good tunnel with solid stone on either side. Anywhere you built a tower, or even a fortress, they'd just go around. Whoever 'they' might be."

A good tunnel is what I was looking at for the entrance to the Temple, tower or small fortress at the entrance wouldn't go amiss.  Thank you for the suggestion  Krackor then continues to enjoy his drink with the greybeard, discussing history or Glen, things he has seen and general chit-chat.


You try to scry the manor in Myth Drannor. As before, the spell works but returns nothing. There might be scrying wards among the mansions fading defenses, of course, but you don't think you're even getting close enough to be blocked by them. You turn your target to several of the ruins you explored; the burned out house, Silvershingles, the dwarven fort. Still nothing. You've never encountered such an effective, and all-encompassing, ward against divination.

When Krackor next sees his companions, he will explain what he can't see and how this is a learning exercise regarding the Mythal.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2441 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 03:25
  • msg #83

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Corym is excited to bring the news to his companions recently returned from their journey.

"The scroll turned out to be fabulous. Absolutely loaded with magic that none of us will ever live long enough to become skilled enough to use.  I've made a beneficial trade for us, and for Talindra.  Each of our spellcasters will be able to learn three new spells of any level we can cast, and Neldor will tell us where a Wish can be found for him to restore Talindra! Isn't it amazing! He'll be getting us the details soon."

Corym turns to Kora, "What's more, Neldor has agreed to expedite your training personally.  He likes your spirit.  From me, to a Myth Drannan Academic, to an honest-to-goodness modern archmage. You'll have quite the pedigree!"
GM, 3342 posts
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 03:39
  • msg #84

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Oakengrove Abbey

"It is always good to make friends, especially those who respect the forest," Gannon says. "There are no immediate threats to the temple, thank Silvanus. However, the grove is, as you can see rather out of the way, and most of its servants have Aralent's years of faithful service. We need to show that Silvanus is the exhilaration of a white-tipped river, and not just the calm of a dawn meadow. I have gathered the willing people, but they are in need of guidance and great deeds. I hoped..."

He shakes his head. "Well. Many acorns fall, and not all of them find fertile soil. Come. Tell us news of the wider world; we haven't had any visitors since the first snow."
GM, 3343 posts
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 04:20
  • msg #85

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Corym - Post Neldor

Corym rushed to the room where Talindra and Kora have been training. Today is one of Talindra's better days, and he finds the two of them around the room's central table, Talindra quietly saying something about the flows of magic. Both of them look at him as he opens the door.

Corym grinned from ear-to-ear. "Do either of you know how best to eat a horse?"

Kora nodded. "Take it to the butcher."

"One bite at a time. Today, my ladies, we've taken a very large bite!"

Kora gives Talindra an aside glance. "Did the People speak in circles in your days as well?"

Talindra smiles slightly. "Always. Very well, oh most excitable of adventurers. What bite have you taken?"

"I cracked the scroll!  It turns out that it belonged to an arch-dualist. I've just come from engaging with Neldor and we have secured an agreement.  It seems Neldor is from a different high magical ruined city in Cormanthor and he knows where a Wish remains. All we have to do is go get it for him, and he will use it to restore you!"

"That..." Talindra blinked, and sinks several inches into the floor. "That would be marvelous." She glanced down at her feet, noticing what has happened. "Forgive me." Turning, she walked to the nearest wall and disappears through it.

Corym looked at the wall. Then he looked at Kora. Then the wall. Then Kora. "Uh... You know, I've come to accept certain truths about myself, Kora.  One of those things is that I have a sort of obsessive exuberance about matters which most people care little for.  At times that dissonance creates a sort of social--er--awkwardnes. This being the case, I'm afraid that I'm a little--confused. About this."

"I've noticed," Kora said, grinning. She nudged the book she had been studying. "You seem to have deprived me of my teacher. Care to substitute?"

"Of course, but I feel like the ignorant one here.  What did I do?"

"Threw her greatest hope and greatest fear at her with no warning," Kora said.

"Ah. Fear you say?"

"She doesn't like what she is, but at least she knows it." Kora shrugs. "And there's probably a whole bag of weasels wrapped up in if she's alive again she has to deal with the fact that her world is actually gone and what does she do now? But she doesn't really talk to me about that, so I don't really know."

"Hmmm... I was hoping that the improbable horse metaphor would be a sufficient ice-breaker, by the way. No elf could ever eat an entire horse, you see.  It's absurd. She always wanted to be a teacher, and she can be. She knows what no one else can know. I guess you mean that she has a lot in common with Karilla now. Rr she will, once she's 'saved'.  Karilla was saved, but didn't feel safe afterwards."

Crossing one knee over the other, Kora leaned back and braced herself against the chair. "I've been thinking about it, in the dark part of night when I can sleep. What it would be like, if instead of throwing us into Myth Drannor, that wizard's basement had frozen us in time. It can happen; you hear stories. How I could have seen that flash of light, and then wander outside two, three hundred years later.

"All of my family, dead. All of their families, dead. Hill's Edge, gone. Say Cormyr gets wiped out by an orc horde. That's my family history gone. Everything I've ever known or loved or even seen is gone." She snapped her fingers. "Like that. Honestly, the fact that Talindra didn't curl up in the corner crying again once she realized what happened is... well, maybe Ilmater has been sitting vigil with her."

"I really wish Elorfindar was feeling more like himself in the ruins.  He's normally quiet good at pastoral work.  A good priest can ease the heart with counsel."

"She may decide to follow them, do whatever elven spiritual mud bath Karilla was planning." Kora glared at you. "But if she does, I expect you to take over my teaching. I can't learn with an arrow between my eyes."

"This is turning one of the foundational truths of my life upside down.  My commander in the Tomb Guard told 'The dead know only one thing: that it is better to be alive. Well Kora--I've got news for you too."

"I bet. When do we leave?"

"As it turns out, the scroll was worth considerably more than a Wish, and I cut a hard bargain."

Kora raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Neldor additionally agreed to teach each of our spell casters three new spells. I further pressed him to take on apprentices from Bristar--to help stiffen the backbone of the community.  This held no interest for him--indeed he took some offense.  But there is one person whose training he was interested in completing." Corym made his eyebrows dance as he looked at Kora, "How about learning magic from an actual archmage--for free? Now I don't mean that you'll be staying here--except when you want to.  But when we're in town? He's at your disposal."

Kora blinked. "Really? You mean... He... Really? I tried to get my father to apprentice me to Firemane, but that old goat said that taking apprentices was a fool's game. Neldor's an archmage? And he's teach me?"

"He's going to cast wish for us.  Only an archmage can.  And the high priest of Shevarash named him an archmage--twice proven. And he likes your spirit."

"Thank you!" Kora looks down at her clothing, which has been cleaned from the grime of travel but now also bears several ink blotches. "Um, when do I start?"

"He thinks the elves of Bristar are callow, weak willed, and fearful.  He'd rather teach you than his own people. And to be fair, I can't say I disagree.  To the extent I've been able to, I've been very happy to be your teacher. I would say as soon as practicable.  I don't know how long each day Talindra drills you.  I would very much like for you to continue studying with her as well.  I think she needs it. Relationships, I mean.  And she certainly needs your hands. I'm very fond of her. I worry about her."

Kora blushes furiously, her eyes drifting down towards her shoes. "Um, thank you. I've... I've really enjoyed learning from you, and tramping all over Faerun with you. Certhick deciding to steal the griffon was the best gift he ever gave me." She stands up. "I'll... I'll just go check on Talindra, then. And then go see Neldor. Just don't..." She's halfway to the door, and glances over her shoulder. "Don't leave without me!"

Corym put his hand on hers "It has been a relationship that we've both grown in.  I look forward to continuing to grow with you for years to come, and look forward to the inevitable day that you outstrip me in Art."

"I... you... Oh, yeah, right." Kora rolls her eyes, and then dashes out of the room. Unlike Talindra, she uses the door.

Corym observes to himself, "In the end, I always manage to empty the room." He smirks to himself. "Time to tell the rest of them."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2442 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 04:46
  • msg #86

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Corym composes a letter to be sent to Karilla and Elorfindar's father via Neldor the Sage.

Greetings Wizened Silveroak,

It has been long since we last spoke, and much has transpired.

Whether by malfunctioning Gate or will of the Gods, our group was transported into the heart of Myth Drannor--seemingly at random.  Many others were with us from around Faerun. I will spare you the details until we are reunited as they are many, laborious, and tangent to my point.

Your children are convalescing on the shores of Lake Eredruie--or soon will be.  Karilla is unwell from her journey, but it is not an injury that can be healed with spells.

I write to you from Glen in Mistledale via Neldor the Sage.

We were, obviously, able to escape from Myth Drannor unharmed, and have since returned with piecemeal information to guide our efforts in reclaiming the Treasures of the Past.  We were able to pass through Myth Drannor largely undetected and engaged in battle only at our own choosing.  Our initial foray has proven vastly profitable in wealth and lore.

The most notable treasure was a scroll with seven mage spells of the ninth circle.  We have traded this in exchange for assistance with a restoring a survivor of Myth Drannor. Talindra Braegen is her name. She was made undead during the Fall by a means unknown to her and was unaware of the passing of time.  Our magic pacified her soul and we have sworn to see her restored.  We will shortly be travelling to acquire wishing magic to see it done. Can you let me know if there are any survivors of the Braegen family in Evereska? It would hearten her to know.  Similarly, the fate of her master, Elaethen Bhepel is unknown to her.  Knowing whether he escaped or how he fell would be welcome knowledge. In any case the scroll is now owned by Neldor the Sage.

The item of greatest interest remaining is a Robe of Archmagi bearing the emblem of house Echorn.  If there are surviving members of the house, we would like to see them reunited with their heritage.

I hope that we are able to meet before our next expedition.  My knowledge of the City of Song is limited, and better details about the functioning of the Mythal, layout of the city, and some common passwords and command words would be useful. Our success is made possible by extensive cloaking magic, but these arcane preparations leave our spells depleted every time we head out.  The cloaks and boots of our People would be a great assistance.

The Strength of Corellon, the Beauty of Hannalli, the Joy of Aerali,

Corym Ildroun

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1596 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 17:25
  • msg #87

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

At some point over the week, Krackor approaches the head of the Crafting/Masonry Guild, reintroduced himself and Sir, I have a proposal. The land under the watchtower points in the direction of the watchtower that the Greybeard was sat in would it be possible to check with the other elders of Glen and see if they agree, that a Temple to Gorm build into the cliff under the tower, with stairs up or down from it, a place to protect the populace and be used as a guarding place. So down a tunnel out of the way, dependable, safe, where any follower of Gorm, should they wish it, may train and guard important things and in times of need, the people of Glen and its surroundings!

I know there are a few whom pay lip-service to the Bronze Mask, with training, there may be others.

What say you?

He hoped he pitched it right, he had noticed a distinct lack of protective structures around other than houses against cliffs and the watch tower. So close to the Forests and from what he'd been told by Corym, potential Drow passageways, who knows what else could be around!
Kali Xilrora
player, 29 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 16:39
  • msg #88

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kali was impressed with the mulled wine and knew that she would like to have some more for later. As she drank, she spent time contemplating about whether or not it would be considered insulting or complimentary if she asked to buy some. She figured that, as long as she remembered her manners, there was no harm in asking.

"Forgive me if this is presumptuous, but I must admit that I absolutely adore this wine. Everything about it brings me satisfaction. Would you considered it uncouth of me to buy a cask or two? To be fair, I would drink not only for myself to enjoy, but to also spread the word with others of where it came from and the sights and enjoyable company we found there."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 448 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 02:24
  • msg #89

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Misdirection, Nondetection, and Mirror Image
Corym Ildroun
player, 2443 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 02:25
  • msg #90

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Fire Shield, Haste, and Evard's Black Tentacles
GM, 3345 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 02:43
  • msg #91

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Uldred shakes his head. "That house belongs to the Battlewake family. Jhax is an ornery cuss, and would close the doors to everyone not kin, but fortunately his brother is head of the family, and the watch is traditional. But they own everything underneath their house, same as everyone else here. Our cellars are already dug and deep; we don't want to undermine our own foundations with grand new works."

Oakengrove Abbey

Gannon smiles at Kali. "Sylvanus has been kind to the vintners these past two years, and as you can see, we are not many here. I would be honored to give you a cask. All I ask is that you share it, and speak well of our Abbey."
GM, 3346 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 02:50
  • msg #92

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Neldor takes your letter and your description of Elorfindar and Karilla's father and nods. "I've never been to Evereska. I've heard it's lovely, with a very different geography than Cormanthor. I'll get this to him. It may take me a day or two, depending on how tightly they have the city and temple warded, but I'll get it there."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1598 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 18:27
  • msg #93

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Uldred shakes his head. "That house belongs to the Battlewake family. Jhax is an ornery cuss, and would close the doors to everyone not kin, but fortunately his brother is head of the family, and the watch is traditional. But they own everything underneath their house, same as everyone else here. Our cellars are already dug and deep; we don't want to undermine our own foundations with grand new works."

That's understandable, so would have to be something, some space to build into the cliffside. Obviously you have miners and stoneworkers here, having those help out, I'll try get more funding sourced just in case.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1599 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 17:12
  • msg #94

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

It had been 'one of those days' for Krackor. He had tried to work out how to create a tunnel that opened up into a cave, making the tunnel end and sides look natural whilst the part in front looked pristine.  He decided to talk with Corym when he wasn't so busy with that Scroll.

Was this how it was going to be now or was the voting for new captain over due?  Not that he wanted the job, not by any means, and not that he didn't want Corym to continue, but the contract said it needed to be voted on and it was only fair for another to take the role on.  He was stuck as to whom to choose.

He searched for Kitheras and the Kora to ask each individually the same thing We are over due the vote for a new Captain, a "New Captain" implies someone different and I don't want the job.  Would you be interested?  Corym has done a good job and if able, I'd vote for him to continue but it is written in the Company Contract, 1 year.

Think about it.

Finding Corym he asked Corym, it's past time for the Vote for a New Captain.  I know you have enjoyed the role and done a great job at it, the company contract says 1 year.  I don't want to job, I mean that so please don't think I'm trying to get you to put my name forward.  What I would like from you is, for you to design the tunnel and entrance to the Temple of the Bronze Mask.  What say you?
This message was last edited by the player at 17:13, Fri 15 Oct 2021.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2444 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Sun 17 Oct 2021
at 12:15
  • msg #95

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Corym considered what Krackor said, and realized that he never intended there to be a term limit when he wrote the document. Someone that did well and earned the respect of the Company should be enabled to continue.  But neither did he ever expect to be the first Captain of the Company.

Corym began a dissertation--mentally--regarding these matters but then took a deep breath.

"I think its clear that my passions are not always aligned with the majority of our members.  That so many have gone along with my ideas for so long, I have taken as a sign of great respect.  But this mantle was never mine, and I resign it now with gratitude for the lessons it has taught me and the experiences it gave me."

He bows and takes a step back.

"There are those among us born, bred, and educated to such take up such mantles though.  I nominate Kitheras Sunblade as my replacement."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 449 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 17 Oct 2021
at 12:35
  • msg #96

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Krackor Steelfist:
He searched for Kitheras and the Kora to ask each individually the same thing We are over due the vote for a new Captain, a "New Captain" implies someone different and I don't want the job.  Would you be interested?  Corym has done a good job and if able, I'd vote for him to continue but it is written in the Company Contract, 1 year.

Think about it.

Corym Ildroun:
"There are those among us born, bred, and educated to such take up such mantles though.  I nominate Kitheras Sunblade as my replacement."

Kitheras only half-caught the nomination initially. He found Kali to be intoxicating with her rare beauty, boundless energy, and graceless curiosity, and it was she that held his attention at that moment.

The awkward pause at the end of Corym's nomination is what grabbed his attention.  As he looked up and noticed the eyes of the company on him, he played back the last few seconds in his brain and then he heard it anew. Nominated.

His training kicked in.

He inclined his head slightly to Corym in repayment of the compliments, and took a step forward.

"Thank you for your confidence, Corym. But thank you also for your leadership, your ingenuity in contriving our charter, and the successful navigation of boundless perils during your term." He pumped his fist into the air,  "Three cheers for the Captian!"

After the cheers subside, Kitheras, addresses the companions.

"Corym calls upon my breeding to qualify me for this position. Nobles are born to govern those whom they have been born in superior position to, which does not qualify me to be a first among peers.  Though my house is an honor to me, please disregard it as a consideration for your vote."

The difference between the two elves was stark.  Corym an idealist and intellectual and possessed of every strength and limitation of the avant-garde aesthetic that only he could envision.  Kitheras, born of the same country and possessed of the same genius lived fully in this world, knew its perils, applied his genius to the careful management and negotiation of the real.

"I am happy to serve and lead. Will another put themselves forward so that the election may have a choice."
Kali Xilrora
player, 30 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Sun 17 Oct 2021
at 13:44
  • msg #97

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Gannon smiles at Kali. "Sylvanus has been kind to the vintners these past two years, and as you can see, we are not many here. I would be honored to give you a cask. All I ask is that you share it, and speak well of our Abbey."

Kali bowed her head slightly at the generous offer.

"I kindly thank you for your generous offer. Since you will not allow me to buy the cask out right, would you then permit me to make a donation to the temple? Truth be told, it would ease my conscience. I would hate to think that your god might look upon me with dissatisfaction for taking advantage of your kindness."

The last thing that Kali wanted was the negative attention of a god. It would be terrible for business.

IC:Once Kali is given the cask, she excuses herself for a moment and when she comes back, the cask is no longer in sight.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:11, Sun 17 Oct 2021.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1600 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Sun 17 Oct 2021
at 21:36
  • msg #98

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 95):

Your mind has been so distracted of late, I see no reason for you to not take up the matter once more next year.

If I have understood your words and the charter, please forgive me. My stance is we have things to do and creating a base here is different to creating a home. We could all do with a home to come back to, Myth Drannor's secrets are so vast that we could be here years, maybe eventually you or Kora could create some portal to travel from here to our other places, like Oak Home.

Krackor knew there was more to do but wanted, felt he needed to let his God know he was determined and secure in his faith and duties.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2445 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 02:30
  • msg #99

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

"I take no offense, Krackor.  My personal goals have become obsessions, it will be good for me to step back.

"I agree that building lasting relationships here in Glen would be a good use of time.  We are unlikely to be done with Myth Drannor soon, and I would covet the opportunity to design your temple."

"Gatecraft--indeed even the creation of even simple scrolls and potions--will elude me for a decade yet perhaps.  That's not what my magic is for.  With her new teacher, Kora will doubtless outstrip me in that Art before then."

"But who else shall put their name forward.  Kitheras has not refused my nomination.  Kora will be occupied in her studies with Neldor for some time yet.  By seniority, Elorfindar or Karilla would be next but they are absent in convalescence.  Krackor has denied interest.  Tarron? Kali? You are new, but you are full members. Will you give us another name to consider?"

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 45 posts
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 05:42
  • msg #100

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

"Taking the title of captain should be earned, not requested." says Tarron, clearly not interested in putting his hat in the ring.
Kali Xilrora
player, 31 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 11:45
  • msg #101

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kali was fascinated by the lack of intrigue in this group. She doubted that it was feigned interest since it seems that power was the least attractive aspect of the position for the people involved. Interesting.

She had noticed Kitheras studying her intently before he spoke about his nomination. Kali was unsure as to his motives since she knew little about him besides for the fact that he was a wonderful dancer. She knew that she had a habit to captivate people with her flair which she welcomes until she realized that they were either terrible people or incredibly boring looking to live vicariously through her. That probably wasn't the case here, but she decided to get to know him better in the future to get a feel for his actual character. Especially since he it looked like he was going to be leading this troupe.

"I have numerous skills, darling. Leadership can be one of them, especially if a trade deal needs to be struck. However, I would feel more comfortable to be held by experienced hands when going into deadly ruins. Kitheras is more than acceptable for that position."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2446 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 14:15
  • msg #102

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

"Then by default, Kitheras is the only eligible nominee." He begins to dig out the company accounting log and charter to turn over to the new captain.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 450 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 14:20
  • msg #103

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras raises a hand to prevent Corym from handing over the paperwork.  "It's not good for a leader to be his own accountant.  I delegate you to continue marking and assessing the company inventory and accounts."

Kitheras continues, "I first propose to stay the course in terms of our immediate business.  My Ranger's oath causes me to seek wealth in other commodities than coin.  I've had many an occasion to save lives, but never to restore one. Neldor will shortly be providing us the means to acquire the magic necessary to restore Talindra.  All in favor of pursuing this avenue for the time being, say aye."
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 46 posts
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 14:28
  • msg #104

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

"Aye." says Tarron, agreeing to help the others.
Kali Xilrora
player, 32 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 23:12
  • msg #105

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

"You'll hear no argument from me, my dear."
GM, 3349 posts
Tue 19 Oct 2021
at 06:03
  • msg #106

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands


Shortly after dawnfry three days after Corym shared the news of the scroll's decryption with Neldor, Rethusra knocks on your door. The grinning dwarven maid who works part time as Neldor's factor gives you a formal bow when you open the door. "Fortune bring you joy. Neldor sent me to ask you to meet him. He says he's located the item you were discussing."

You gather up your gear and troop across town to Neldor's store. The alchemist is waiting for you in the front room. Rethusra waits by the door as you enter, and when you're all inside she gives you another bow and closes it, leaving you alone with Neldor.

"You asked me to find you a wish spell," Neldor says, jumping in without any preamble. "That is not an easy task. Few wizards are capable of casting it, and few of those who can would go to the expense and effort of transferring it to a scroll. But after two days of fruitless searching, I realized I knew where you could find one."

He spreads a map of the eastern-most stretches of the great forest of Cormanthyr out on the counter. It's a fairly new map of human make, tracing the River Lis from Ylraphon north to the Moonsea and Elmwood. Harrowdale is marked, but the forest itself is just a mass of undifferentiated green. Neldor has marked a particular spot on the Lis's western bank in red.

"This was Eueurarlor. My home. It was older than Cormanthyr, older than Rystal Wood. It's gone now, destroyed in a terrible day of monster-infested spell battle. It used to be a beautiful city of crystal towers, but as I left I felt ours start to buckle..."

He trails off into silence for a long moment, then shakes himself. Next to the map, he places a flat, opalescent stone the length of an elven thumb. "Our treasury and most valuable lore library was hidden in an extra-dimensional space on the fourth floor of our tower. One of the enchanted swords was a luckblade with at least one active wish. We were too busy evacuating people, or fighting, to empty the vault. Whoever destroyed Eueurarlor was searching for treasure like our vault, but I've confirmed that it's still intact. This Imbran wardstone will let you see and enter the extra-dimensional space."

Neldor looks around at you. "Eueurarlor was destroyed one hundred and seventeen years ago this spring. I have never returned. I do not have the skills, and I cannot bear to look upon it. And I have never met a group that I trust to hold my family's lifeblood and not run off with it. But I trust you. Take my wardstone and go to my home. Bring back everything, or as much as you can. Do that, and you can have the luckblade, and I'm sure there will be a few other old Imbran things I can share as well. What do you say?"
Kali Xilrora
player, 33 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Tue 19 Oct 2021
at 12:47
  • msg #107

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kali clapped her hands together in excitement.

"Sounds like a grand adventure! When shall we head out, oh fearless leader?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 451 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 19 Oct 2021
at 18:20
  • msg #108

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Kitheras considers the story.  "A tragic tale, and one that we'll happily work to salvage.  What were the nature of the invaders, and do you know if they yet linger?  We need to be prepared as best we can."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2447 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Tue 19 Oct 2021
at 18:28
  • msg #109

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

"Another thing--will we need to access the space 40' feet in the air, or will it have fallen with the tower?  The minimum enchantment to do the trick would be Levitate and that's a lot of casting to take care of everyone.  Do you have scrolls we could use for this purpose?  And what we can bring back will be significantly assisted with something like a Bag of Holding or the like.  I've used the Item spell to great effect as far as that is concerned, but it has its limitations, and I can only carry one such spell at a time."

"I would reunite you with as much of your heritage as is possible, Neldor."

GM, 3350 posts
Tue 19 Oct 2021
at 22:14
  • msg #110

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Neldor shook his head. "I don't know who destroyed the city. Not precisely. We'd been attacked three years earlier by a group of humans, but they were killed easily. There had been other probes by various Moonsea cities, and we had been sending children and elderly out of the city while we determined how serious the threat was. But that attack was something different."

He shivered. "I didn't see much. I was in our family tower when the explosions started. I heard the roar of monsters, of dragons. My sister shouted for me to get people out. I saw some wizards out of the window, but whether they were human or elven, I couldn't tell. I spent maybe a quarter of a bell teleporting the people of House Imbran away before something big hit the side of the tower and it started coming down. I got myself out, and that was the last I saw of Eueurarlor."

Neldor turned to face Corym. "The vault was keyed to a door in the house matriarch's working chambers, but it would have remained where it was when the tower fell. Which means you'll need to go up to reach it. I'm afraid I don't have anything that can help; I've always relied more on my Art than on items of frozen fire. Though I'll remind you that while useful, the Art is not the perfect tool in all circumstances."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 452 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 11:01
  • msg #111

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

"How will we know which ruin is your family tower?  Are there symbols, or unique composition?"
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1601 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/17
Sat 23 Oct 2021
at 16:33
  • msg #112

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

In reply to DM (msg # 106):

Patting Kitheras on the back Time to shine again young lordling.  Lead us well, you have all our support.  Krackor was glad that nobody had put his name forward as they were going to do for the first such vote until he put his name against Corym's.  He was safe for another year at least.

Before setting off on a new adventure, Krackor spoke to the towns people, the leaders he trusted, letting them know he was off to see if anyone needed saving and that they would be back later in the year but may hear from them way before their return. When we return next, it will be to start crafting our home.  We shall not forget you and will bring enough money back to help the people of Glen prosper as well as to help us fund such an endeavours.  They had supplies and spells to suppliment.  He was ready.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 47 posts
Sun 24 Oct 2021
at 01:58
  • msg #113

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Tarron had spent time learning some new spells from Neldor that he thought would come in really handy. Given the exploration and intention to haul back equipment, the Deeppockets spell seemed most invaluable. Hallucinatory Terrain would provide ample opportunity to hide the group while they rested, whilst the ever useful Wizard Eye would go down well for exploration purposes.

He winced at the thought of having to choose which one to cast with his available spell power. There would only be the option to use one of these daily. But he also considered that he would be able to share these with the others in the group if they had the ability.

He had very little to say to the townspeople, but he wasn't rude about it. He just kept himself to himself.
GM, 3351 posts
Wed 27 Oct 2021
at 01:32
  • msg #114

Re: Downtime in the Dalelands

Neldor laid another map on the table, over the one of the Dalelands. This one was crude, just a series of lines on a piece of paper, drawn by someone with a steady hand but no skill at cartography. "I made a map of the city as it was," Neldor said. "The city was built on a low rise a mile west of the river. Most people lived in the great towers of the six noble clans, though there were many smaller towers scattered around them like saplings around a shadowtop.

"I've marked the six towers on the map. Tor Imbran was in the center, and was a mix of turquoise and opaque clear crystal. Each tower's coloring was unique; you shouldn't have any difficulty finding it once you're there."

He looks around at you. "Any final questions?"

((ooc: Eueurarlor doesn't have a published map, and I'm not the artist able to make it. So this venture will be very much theater of the mind. If there are questions about the city or its layout feel free to ask.))
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