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Chapter 1: The Wizard's Amulet.

Posted by DM PawnFor group archive 0
DM Pawn
GM, 147 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 01:07
  • msg #1

Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

It has now been four days since the party departed Bard's Gate, traveling by foot westward, toward the village of Fairhill. Rain and cloudy weather have marred the journey, forcing the party to keep off the road and travel under the eaves of the light woods to the north of the Tradeway.

Those with any knowledge of local weather might find it a bit uncharacteristic for this time of year, as though a dark cloud has been following the group from the City of Tales, City of A Thousand Gods, the City of the Liar, and any number of other names the trade city of Bard's Gate is known by across the land.

This adventure began much as many others have, predictably, in a tavern. Corian, a young wizard, posted a simple notice, "Seeking Fellow Adventurers! Companions to share in glory, gold, and adventures unnumbered! Inquire at the Starving Stirge on Whetting Way."

Corian's offer turned out to be simple:

Trek to a ruined wizard's tower. Delve the tower. Find hidden treasure. Equal shares for all.

When asked what made Corian so certain they would find treasure in the ruins, the wizard discretely produced an amulet he claimed belonged to the tower's original occupant--Eralion. Corian claimed the amulet would grant access to hidden chambers that had thus far escaped scrutiny in the 20 years since Eralion's disappearance.

When pressed for more details, Corian relayed the following:

In the intervening years, vermin, orcs, goblins, and bandits have occupied the tower, but the Duke's Army laid siege to the keep and routed its last occupants. Since that time, the site has remained forlorn and desolate. As to the nature of Eralion's disappearance, Corian claimed all his research into the matter pointed to the wizard coming to his end through what is commonly known in wizarding circles as a magical mishap. Wizardry is not without its own perils.

In any event, Corian was no fool and never claimed the ruins would not contain any danger, which was precisely why he wished to join a fellowship for this venture. "Equal shares, all! Join me, friends. Let us discover fame and fortune!" Corian implored; his eyes filled with zeal.

That was four days ago...

Glancing down at muddy boots, feeling the cloying dampness throughout, and knowing another four days of travel lies ahead, it is understandable if any member of this fellowship might begin to have second thoughts about this expedition's prospects. Eight days' journey is an awful long way to go with naught to show for it but a young wizard's zeal.

One can only hope the weather turns for the better. More to the point, that tower better have treasure!

Fortunately, save for the gloomy weather that marked much of the first four days, the journey has been uneventful. Finally, late on the fourth day, the rain subsides, and the party manages to find a nice, dry campsite before darkness falls.

The waystation has seen frequent and recent use and appears to have serviced countless caravans and travelers over the years. A patchy but serviceable wooden palisade surround the waystation. Inside, the party finds a stone well with a good supply of clean water, several banked fire pits, and a small shrine dedicated to Avandra.
player, 15 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 01:49
  • msg #2

Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

"I'm going to dry my gear out over here if anyone wants to lay theirs out as well," Zeric proposed as he found a convenient fire pit to designate.

He really needed to get his chain dried out properly and hoped it hadn't already started to rust.  It hadn't been brand new to start with.

He expected they'd use the standard watch schedule they'd been using.  As always, alphabetical order made him the last watch, but it wasn't a bad deal in this case.
Folly Stonethroat
player, 21 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 02:01
  • msg #3

Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

Scraping the mud of his boots, the flamboyant Dwarf known as Folly muttered something foul under his breath in a language neither human nor Dwarven, but certainly well suited for sounding nasty.

Finding a place to sit, he removed his broad brimmed and sent a dirty glance in the direction of their patron, Corion.

"A foul day indeed, an omen most foul Master Corian. Plus you have a travel with one of the..." he holds his tongue, but it is clear he is referencing Sharn.

Folly had made it clear he didn't much like the green folk, nor the idea of relying on a woman for his safety. The grave-rat covered a lot of bases for the bard. His lute had been destroyed during his last arrest, and he seemed bound and determined to take his unhappiness out on those around him.

Rather than continue his diatribe, however, he struggled to remove his boots, after which he spent a good amount of time scraping the mud off the bottoms, sides, and even some of the top.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:27, Tue 12 Oct 2021.
Clatsi Clatterstones
player, 12 posts
Gnome Magic-User
AC 10 HP 5 Thac0 20
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 04:15
  • msg #4

Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

A sodden and muddy Clatsi Clatterstones weighed nearly twice what a dry one did, and the horrid weather had weighed heavily on him in other ways, so the little gnome was quick to join Zeric at the fire pit. Quick, but deliberate, so as not to drip excessively or muddy up the relatively dry and clean waystation. He carefully spread out his cloak and boots and pack, and even more carefully pulled out from his pack the bundle of waxed, waterproof canvas that held his book.

From somewhere he drew forth a clean, dry cloth which he used to clean and dry his spectacles. Without them, Clatterstones' eyes looked small, and he kept glancing at his well-wrapped tome. "It's dry and undamaged," he explained to no one in particular. "I know it is. But I want to look anyway. Isn't that strange? Quite irrational. Unpacking it now, you see, before the wrapping cloth dries, would only put the book at risk." He gave it a deep stare before finally looking away and setting his spectacles back into place and making an unsettled noise deep in his throat.

The little gnome very, very carefully ignored Folly's grumblings and made a point not to look at the half-orc. Since his peripheral vision was poor, it was easy to pretend she wasn't there.

"You still have the amulet, don't you, Corian? I know apprentice wizards can be sometimes absent-minded and mis-place important things, so perhaps you'd best check on it." Clatsi had made the same suggestion three or four times each day thus far on this journey, and it seemed he had no intention of stopping now.
player, 16 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 19:27
  • msg #5

Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

Dropping his pack, Zeric set out to collect firewood to start a fire.
NPC, 1 post
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 22:57
  • msg #6

Re: Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

Folly Stonethroat:
"A foul day indeed, an omen most foul Master Corian. Plus you have a travel with one of the..." he holds his tongue, but it is clear he is referencing Sharn.

Corian attends to Folly's complaints with the slightest of shrugs and struggles to find any words at his immediate disposal to assuage the dwarf. In the end he decides to say nothing and immediately attends Clatsi's intrusion.

"You still have the amulet, don't you, Corian? I know apprentice wizards can be sometimes absent-minded and mis-place important things, so perhaps you'd best check on it." Clatsi had made the same suggestion three or four times each day thus far on this journey, and it seemed he had no intention of stopping now.

"Of course I do," he says with a slight measure of exasperation in his voice.

During previous queries, Corian made it a point to pat just below his left breast, but this time, he doesn't. He merely tilts his head to the side and sighs.

"It is safe and accounted for, as it has been each and every time you have asked, rest assure on this."

Sensing his response perhaps came out more agitated than he intended, he adds in, "But, I do appreciate your concern. It would be rather silly to walk all this way for naught."

Intuitive party members may have noticed Corian has seemed more on edge as the days have gone. Some folk don't travel well. Perhaps it could be attributed to travel fatigue. Perhaps not. Whatever the case, it's obvious to Folly and Zeric something appears to be weighing on Corian's mind.

OOC: I interpret intuitive party members to be Folly and Zeric, based on above average Wisdom scores.
Sharn Thanatol
player, 11 posts
Wed 13 Oct 2021
at 00:28
  • msg #7

Re: Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

Sharn rides along without complaints.  Her hair at times hangs in her face like wet strands of seaweed, but she doesn't seem to notice mostly.  She doesn't engage in conversations, but will answer if assigned a task.  She keeps her shoulders back, and might appear rather aloof, but if others are talking, she is often caught watching them, and listening.

As they break camp on the fourth Day, Sharn approaches Corian so directly, others distrustful of her might tense.  She stands staring at him a moment before saying quietly,

"You look so much like my younger brother, funny the fates, eh?" before heading over to help build the fire.
Folly Stonethroat
player, 25 posts
Wed 13 Oct 2021
at 00:44
  • msg #8

Re: Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

Finishing cleaning the mud off his his boots, the Dwarf glances around the shelter. The wooden palisades seemed stout enough, though of course stone would be better. Slipping his new cleaner boots back on, he heads over to Avandra's shrine, and send up a prayer of gratitude for another days safe travels.

She wasn't his deity, but it never hurt to be respectful. If he wasn't dead broke, he might have left a coin.

He really hoped this venture was as profitable as Corian's enthusiasm suggested. Heck, even half that would put him in ale and wenches for a good while. And if anything interesting happened, he would hopefully be able to make a decent tune out of things.
player, 17 posts
Wed 13 Oct 2021
at 04:00
  • msg #9

Re: Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

From Corian's demeanor, Zeric was getting the feeling their journey was becoming more dangerous the closer they got to the tower.  That didn't stop him from leaving his shield and battle axe with his pack while looking for wood outside the wooden walls.

How dangerous could it be?
DM Pawn
GM, 150 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 00:06
  • msg #10

Re: Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

Sharn and Zeric see to the campfire. Due to the fact there is a ready supply of cut firewood stacked within the waystation, perhaps enough wood to last a month or more, they get the fire going in short order.

Meanwhile, Folly visits the shrine to pay respect to Avandra, Goddess of Fortune and Travel. The shrine is like most others throughout the land, a single standing stone roughly four foot tall and one foot in diameter. The side facing the Tradeway has the symbol of Avandra, three green waves, etched on it. A simple earthen offering plate rests atop the standing stone. A single gold coin, a seashell, and a brittle dandelion flower are placed on the plate.

Clatsi, Corian, and Ullie unload their gear and presumably prepare the campsite for their stay.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:11, Thu 14 Oct 2021.
Folly Stonethroat
player, 26 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 01:26
  • msg #11

Re: Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

He needs to plan ahead better, it bothers him that he has nothing to put in the donation plate.

He decides to offer that he can, and opens his mouth, a rich, deep basso profondo emanating from his mouth, his throat, his heart.

"A grin, and a word, are my trade;
From these, my profit is made.
Though my body's not tall
My courage ain't small;
And my fame will take decades to fade.

He donates these words to the goddess, with a nod of his head and heart felt gratitude for her watching over their travel, thus far, and in the future.

*Loosely paraphrased from Michael Moorcock.
Ullian Greyheart
player, 15 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 01:43
  • msg #12

Re: Chapter 1: On the Road to Adventure

Ullian whistles as he does what he can to help set up the camp.  From his perspective, this trek has not proved unpleasant.
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