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15:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[2.07] Loose Ends.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 768 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 4 Nov 2021
at 15:30
  • msg #1

[2.07] Loose Ends

The party informs the a guard patrol who is tasked with cleaning up the mess. A perk of being a specialist outside of the normal command structure is avoiding the drudgery and paperwork. The jester woman is bound and gagged as a spellcaster and brought under heavy guard back to Watch HQ.

The party was given time to rest and recover and the watch healers made sure to check them over for any signs of disease or injury before letting them mingle with the rest of the guards for fear of spreading blood veil among the guards.

That evening they were summoned by Field Marshall Kroft to her officer for a report.
Cressida Kroft
NPC, 25 posts
Human Female
Field Marshal
Thu 4 Nov 2021
at 15:34
  • msg #2

[2.07] Loose Ends

Kroft looked even worse than she normally had. The effect of the plague was taking its toll on her mentally even as she remained otherwise in good health.

"Report, and please let it be good news. I have almost forty bodies pulled out of that mansion, most of them among the wealthiest and elite of the city. The jester woman you pulled has been cleaned up and processed but isn't talking. She refuses to answer any questions we have for her. By the accounts of Ausio Carowyn she seemed to be actively spreading the plague which means that our efforts of controlling it will be for naught if terrorists can break quarantine like that. We have to find out if she is working alone or part of a larger network."

Kroft paused there, looking at the party with sunken eyes hoping they could give her some glimmer of hope in these dark times.
Bloodrager, 447 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 4 Nov 2021
at 20:23
  • msg #3

[2.07] Loose Ends

In reply to Cressida Kroft (msg # 2):

"If we can gather more information on this woman it would help to find a strategy to persuade her to cooperate with us."

"Perhaps if we had some ears in the city to learn more about who she is and who her known associates are."

"Then maybe we could find an angle to exploit to bluff or intimidate her."

"Or someone could Charm her, Or use Diplomacy to persuade her into revealing her secrets."

"Any other options available?"

Rogue, 683 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 4 Nov 2021
at 20:29
  • msg #4

[2.07] Loose Ends

Kraw says "the fact that it can be spread alchemically through a poison on the Bolts means there is an alchemical solution to it as well, not just magical. She's cult of Urgathoa I believe. Pain won't motivate her to talk, you need a different lever. Wish I knew what happened to the guy we were sent in to find....nobody can verify he was there."
Witch, 489 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 4 Nov 2021
at 21:30
  • msg #5

[2.07] Loose Ends

"Well, it can't hurt if we try talking to her again." By talking Kyra of course means using magic on their prisoner, but she does not say that in front of the marshal. She is not sure how legal that would be, so the less the marshal knows about it, the better.

Right, I have 3 open 1st level slots. I can take 15 minutes to load them with Charm Person spell, then use them one by one. That's 3 DC 14 will saves she will need to make, though she also probably gets a racial +2 against enchantment. If that fails, I can buy, say, 10 scrolls of Charm Person (or as many as DM lets me) and use them one by one until she fails her roll (though that's only DC 12 unless I'm mistaken).

We could also get her drunk before we try magic? That might crash her wisdom or saves. Any other ideas or should Kyra try her spells?

Bloodrager, 448 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 01:11
  • msg #6

[2.07] Loose Ends

In reply to Kraw (msg # 4):

A wand of Charm Person is 750GPs. Ill pitch in.
Witch, 490 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 08:14
  • msg #7

[2.07] Loose Ends

Or a wand, yes. Maybe we can find a used one to buy cheaper. But before we start spending cash I'll have Kyra try her own spells first. Another thing I can try is Evil Eye to weaken her save before casting spells.
Cressida Kroft
NPC, 26 posts
Human Female
Field Marshal
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 04:34
  • msg #8

[2.07] Loose Ends

Kroft nods as they explain what they saw and the situation with the jester.

"Right now she is our best living lead on the plague. It could be she is just a crazy mass murderer but it seems possible she was involved with whoever is behind this attack on the far the masterminds have been quite careful to keep their presence hidden. Storming into a masquerade firing bolts coated in disease or poison isn't exactly careful or methodical. Perhaps there are multiple organizations at play. It wouldn't be unheard of for people to be taking advantage of the chaos surrounding the plague for their own sick and twisted purposese.

Consider finding out the truth from the jester woman your highest priority. I'm sending word through the watch to see if anyone knows anything about her but so far nobody has heard of anyone like this and she doesn't seem to be easily forgettable. I suspect she is from out of town."

She leaned back, staring up the ceiling as as she started thinking out loud.

"Maybe this isn't some random attack. What if she was an assassin and this was just her method of targeting. No there are too many questions left unresolved. Do whatever it takes to get her to talk. Given her mental state I think magical charms are your best option. We do have a few other magic users on the books. If you can't get her talking maybe one of them can..."

Remember this is 8 hours later so plenty of time to reset your spells.
Bloodrager, 449 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 11:42
  • msg #9

[2.07] Loose Ends

In reply to Cressida Kroft (msg # 8):

Ayeesha thinks about all the innocents that have died from this plague and the possibility of more deaths to come if this is not resolved.  It puts her in a state of mind such that she start to rationalize doing things that she would not ordinarily consider doing to right this wrong!

"Kyra, give it your best shot and if that fails, Cressida can exhaust her resources, and if that fails you all may not want to be around when I talk to her next!"

Ayeesh thinks about the little ones affected by this plague and steels her soul to do what needs to be done to get to the bottom of this horror.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 11:57, Tue 09 Nov 2021.
Witch, 492 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 14:07
  • msg #10

[2.07] Loose Ends

"Not to worry, I can be veeery persuasive when I want." Kyra reassures Ayeesha.

After the meeting she consults her magic deck before trying her magic on the prisoner.  Staring intently at the mad woman, Kyra starts casting her spells. "Let's talk."

New plan: Taking 15 minutes to load 3 Charm Person spells in all my 1st level open slots. Then casting Paragon Surge to acquire the Evil Eye hex and spamming that until the prisoner fails her save (DC 17 with Paragon Surge). Once that happens Kyra can start casting Charm Person until the prisoner fails her save (DC 15, but she gets -2 to save from Evil Eye) or she uses up all three spells.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:07, Wed 10 Nov 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 772 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 11 Nov 2021
at 22:09
  • msg #11

[2.07] Loose Ends

After all their preparations it takes Kyra almost no time to break the jester magically. The first hex lands hard and while the jester does shake off the first charm, the second lands and the woman starts giggling as almost unprompted she starts revealing what happened.

"You see when Blood Veil was sent out we knew it would mostly just effect the poor gutter rats. I mean, that's what always happens and Rolth, you know Rolth right? Rolth didn't think that was very nice for the rich bastards at the top to be able to just shut themselves in and party until the danger has passed so he sent me to crash the party as it were..."

Even getting to this point was aggravating as her speech was constantly interrupted by little fits of giggling. Insane private jokes that only she seemed to understand.

"So he gave me some vials of the disease to spread it around and I packed some potions to prevent myself from catching it and I went and had some fun you know? I mean how often do you get to be the belle of a Carowyn ball?"

More insane giggling as she practically rocks herself off her chair with laughter.

"Now I was only to stay long enough to collect any full-blooded Varisians. As far as I could tell there was just one and Rolth came by on the second day after everyone was dead and gone...but I guess not so gone...<grin> to collect him. So I handed the lad over to the armored women and Rolth was so happy he gave me a couple of scrolls to play around with. Next thing you know I've got the party back on track. I was wining and dining with the best in the city in my own private party...until you lot crashed it."

That line of thought seemed to be leading her towards getting upset at the party but the magic quickly clouded her mind and her eyes unfocused and then she smiled again, giggling as she continued.

"But I guess that's what you heroes do, isn't it? Your nature and all that? It's fun, you know? We tear the city apart and you try and hold the pieces together. We really need one another, don't we."

To recap
  1. She works for Rolth the necromancer whose safehouse you raided to recover the barbarian body. Rolth is a known necromancer hiding in the city but so far the city watch have been unable to find him to apprehend him.

  2. Rolth told her to infect the party to kill the guests but any "full blooded Varisians" were to be handed over.

  3. After she killed almost everyone Rolth came by with some "armored women" and the jester turned over a single man to him.

  4. After that she has just been playing around with the bodies in her own crazy manner.

Witch, 495 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 11:53
  • msg #12

[2.07] Loose Ends

Kyra listens to the mad woman as patiently as she can, only stopping her to interject a few questions of her own.

"You see when Blood Veil was sent out we knew it would mostly just effect the poor gutter rats. I mean, that's what always happens and Rolth, you know Rolth right? Rolth didn't think that was very nice for the rich bastards at the top to be able to just shut themselves in and party until the danger has passed so he sent me to crash the party as it were..."

"Aha, but who's we exactly? You, Rolth, someone else maybe? Does Rolth work with anybody else?"

"So he gave me some vials of the disease to spread it around and I packed some potions to prevent myself from catching it and I went and had some fun you know? I mean how often do you get to be the belle of a Carowyn ball?"

"How nice of him. By the way, where can we find Rolth? We'd like to... chat to him as well."

"Now I was only to stay long enough to collect any full-blooded Varisians. As far as I could tell there was just one and Rolth came by on the second day after everyone was dead and gone...but I guess not so gone...<grin> to collect him. So I handed the lad over to the armored women and Rolth was so happy he gave me a couple of scrolls to play around with. Next thing you know I've got the party back on track. I was wining and dining with the best in the city in my own private party...until you lot crashed it."

Kyra frowns on that bit of info. "This Varisian, he was alive when Roth came for him? What would Rolth want with Varisians specifically? And those women - who are they? You said they were armored - how?"

"But I guess that's what you heroes do, isn't it? Your nature and all that? It's fun, you know? We tear the city apart and you try and hold the pieces together. We really need one another, don't we."

"Riiiiight. Well, this has been quite an experience, but I just have to get back to work. You know, city to save, epidemic to stop, that kind of things."
Bloodrager, 450 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 12:00
  • msg #13

[2.07] Loose Ends

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 11):

Ayeesha can't help but feel relieved that Kyra has been so effective breaking the Jester; assuaging her moral dilemma of what to do in this desperate situation.

Ayeesha also can't help but ask some follow up questions to clarify her suspicions.

"What's your real name?"

"Is Rolth working with the Grey Maidens and the Queens Physicians?"

"Where did they take the Varisian?"

"Where (if we don't already know) are the Grey Maidens and Queens Physicians headquartered?"

Jolistina Susperio
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 22:40
  • msg #14

[2.07] Loose Ends

The jester is...annoying to say the least to talk to but the magic compulsion of the charm prompts her to answer the questions...eventually. Each one comes with a long winded soliloquy that is full of faux philosophy and wise sounding musings that quickly break down as meaningless drivel when one really ponders on them.

"My name is Jolistina Susperio but that is just what my parents called me. You see I never fancied myself as a Jolistina..."

"Rolth doesn't work for anyone, not in the sense that you are slaves to the city and the Queen. But necromancy is expensive so he sometimes offers his services out to those who can pay. He doesn't tell me whom we are working for or even if we are working for anyone but I can tell. You see I've always had this knack for noticing..."

"Rolth and I used to be inseparable but now I barely even see him. I think he is working in some kind of secret lab and it hurts that I, his greatest apprentice, am not privy to its location. Instead I am left alone and abandoned until he needs me for something. For a lesser mind I could see that being a problem but you see for someone as keen as Rolth and I you understand that the nature of one's relationship is not bound by proximity..."

"Can anyone who is blind and unseeing be considered truly alive? I mean I think you would agree many of those party guests I raised were much more animated in undeath than in 'life'. Seeing things from this lens of  "living" or "dead" is such a barbaric way of viewing the world. But yes, by your simple view of things the Varisian I turned over was "alive" and, for the most part, "unharmed" least physically <grin>. As for mentally I'm sure the wonderous tortures he was witness to in that glorious first night will haunt him for you see I performed a true masterpiece..."

"Oh the women? Why, are you jealous? Or maybe you think I would be jealous but I know my relationship with Rolth transcends the physical. Grey armored sword swingers will not capture Rolth's mind like I have for you see we share a bond that transcends the physical..."
Cressida Kroft
NPC, 27 posts
Human Female
Field Marshal
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #15

[2.07] Loose Ends

That last one goes on for awhile but eventually the group is able to describe the Grey Maidens to Jolistina Susperio and it does sound like members of the queen's Grey Maidens were escorting Rolth.

Croft is very quick to caution them not to jump to conclusions.

"First of all our only witness to this is clearly insane and second, she did not see their faces. It is entirely possible that the culprits are using disguises to move around the city...but it is possible that organizations meant to protect the city are working in some way to tear it apart. IF the Queen is involved we need to be extra cautious about our next steps.

I think the obvious next step would be to investigate the Grey Maidens and the Queen's Physicians while we try and track down Rolth's secret laboratory or whatever. The Queen's Physicians moved their headquarters to the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. It used to be a West Dock warehouse but was converted to a shelter and hospital for the poor. It's in the heart of the outbreak so nobody questioned why they would set up shop there."

Kroft pauses and lets out an exasperated chuckle.

"And because of the concerns of rioting or interference the place has been put under the protection of the Grey Maidens. Let me think...I believe there's usually about a half dozen Grey Maidens there overseeing about a dozen Queen's Physicians as they conduct their work on the plague."

She paused and rubbed her chin.

"I can get the watch to block off the surrounding streets and temporarily isolate it but nobody official can step foot in that place. Right or wrong that would be a direct violation of the Queen's trust and it would likely end with all our heads on the chopping block. But your whole point is a deniable asset, a group we can use outside of the normal structures so if you "go rogue" and uncover the truth I can still be in a position to shield you from any backlash that might happen."
Witch, 500 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 14 Nov 2021
at 13:21
  • msg #16

[2.07] Loose Ends

Kyra summarizes what they have found so far. "Right, so from what we gathered so far, it does look like the plague came with the ship that was sunk. From its wreck we recovered some papers with what appears to be the name of the Queen's physician on them, one closed and very ominous looking box, and one dead body wearing a doctor's mask. We figured a priest taking a look at the last two would be for the best. And now we have women in armor similar to those of Grey Maidens working with a known necromancer who also appears to be spreading the disease. Very suspicious, but with the possible exception of doctor's name on the cargo manifest, nothing really solid either."

I forgot about the box, what did we do with it? Are we still caring it around like a ticking bomb? Was the plan for a priest to take a look at it along with the dead body? If so, can we make that happen before we move on?
Bloodrager, 451 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 14 Nov 2021
at 23:51
  • msg #17

[2.07] Loose Ends

In reply to Kyra (msg # 16):

"Yea, we have had that corpse sitting around for a couple of days now, even if it seems like months."

"Kyra, are you as charming with the dead as you are with the living? Or will we need some clerical assistance?"

"Time for some answers from the box and the dead!"

Speaking quietly to only the party members.

"Would it be ridiculous for one of us to infiltrate the hospice wearing that Doctors mask?"

" I think we need to investigate the place to see if the Mirukova brother is there."

"Have we heard any rumors or what can we gather information about the Grey Maidens, the Queens physicians, and Dr Davulus in particular?"

Rogue, 688 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 06:18
  • msg #18

[2.07] Loose Ends

Speaking privately to the group

Kraw says "I can try my contacts in the Cerulean society, see if I can get an idea where Rolth is. Bloodveil threatens the poor more than anyone else, so they have a Motive to find him."
Witch, 501 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 14:00
  • msg #19

[2.07] Loose Ends

In reply to Ayeesha (msg # 17):

"Regarding the body, I believe Kraw has arranged something with a priest of Abadar, Ishani. But if he does not show, I could try speaking with the dead man myself, assuming I can find a scroll to buy on such short notice. As for the box, I am at a loss. We could probably think of a safe way to open it, but I am not sure that would get us anything. Whatever foul magic is in it could just fade away, leaving us with a perfectly mundane box. Maybe Ishani could tell us more."

Likewise, when she has an opportunity she talks to the party in private.

"I'm afraid I would not be a good pick for such a disguise, as remaining unseen is more my forte. But if someone wishes to try, I could lend them these." She points at her perfectly ordinary looking sleeves, and to show what she means, her clothing briefly transforms into that of a physician.

Sleeves of Many Garments. Kyra has decent stealth and can fly, so if she had to do this she'd wait for nightfall and then quietly enter the place from above. In disguise however, she has a big fat zero. DM, does Kyra know how this building looks like, at least from the outside?
Cressida Kroft
NPC, 28 posts
Human Female
Field Marshal
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 21:32
  • msg #20

[2.07] Loose Ends

Kroft sees Kyra transform and frowns.

"I believe there are only twelve Queen's Physicians so that isn't a big group to blend in with. If you are correct and they are spreading the plague I doubt they will let you live if you are caught."

She pauses and considers it.

"Except for Dr. Davaulus I have never heard any of the other physicians speak so there is that to consider as well. We don't know if they speak at all or if they do what language they might use..."

She pauses and waves her hand.

"You know what, I trust you. You've gone above and beyond with everything I've tasked you, it isn't my place to second guess you at this point just...that plan sounds incredibly dangerous. what you have to do."

As for the building it is a converted warehouse. It's not a place anyone in the group has visited but once you've seen one warehouse you've seen them all. A large open area, catwalks and a manager's office on the top floor which is probably actually three stories up. Maybe five or six rooms in total comprising a few offices but the bulk of the building is probably wide open. If its been set aside for blood veil victims it is likely using the main warehouse space as a giant triage space and the offices and storage areas for private medicine or storing food and medical supplies.
Witch, 504 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 18 Nov 2021
at 14:08
  • msg #21

[2.07] Loose Ends

"We could case the place first, maybe with a better idea of what we are facing we could think of a plan of action. I'd advise against an actual assault though, at least until we know what we are dealing with here. We don't really have anything concrete on the creepy doctor, and this place may actually be a hospital."

Maybe there's a balcony or a window high up or some other way of getting in beside the front door. Kyra and Kraw could then take point before the less stealthy party members follow us in.
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