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07:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

Posted by The WatcherFor group 0
The Watcher
GM, 299 posts
Knows All, Sees All
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 02:32
  • msg #1

IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

As it always seemed to on Friday afternoons, the last minute of the last class seemed to almost freeze the clock.  But the bell eventually rang and the kids were freed.  To celebrate their first week back on campus, the staff had sprung for free pizza in the Student Lounge.  Teenage metabolisms had done the rest.

Afterwards, the student realized they now had the weekend free of school at least.  What to do with all of that time..?

1. OK, this is it!  This thread will soon be the only IC thread running and it will be linear and sequential.  Your characters are free in every sense with a weekend to fill.  What will you do?  You have no pressing homework or superhero business.  All PCs are together and, since you are 'off-duty' (so to speak), team affiliation doesn't really matter unless y'all want it to.  For a bit, you are free to mingle.  I will add some danger and spice when it is called for but y'all have a chance to just be together.

2.  You all have your UMF costumes that are set to your choice of either your super-outfit or ONE preset set of street clothes (they can switch between each).  You have your Avengers communicards on your person which act like a super-smartphone (it can be linked with a standard cellphone as well), a babelfish earpiece (which works like a Bluetooth earpiece linked with that 'phone') and your class ring.  The class ring is an image inducer that makes the more distinctive character more non-descript barring sudden moves.  The takeaway is that your characters are currently in communication with each other as they wish.  This allows the PCs to separate if they wish without too much effort needed to get them together again.

3.  Any of the older heroes with driver's licenses may have a 'hand-me-down' car.  It's not 'super' or anything, far from it.  You can assume the car is big enough to take several of your friends if you wish, perhaps an SUV or van, maybe even a station wagon (remember those).  While none of you would ever think of such a thing, your communicards can become an adult ID (driver's license or such) which is to be used only for emergencies when you might need a grownup identity.  I'm sure it would not ever cross your minds. ;-)

4.  In the very nearby infirmary, Bluebird and Copycat have been cleared for release.  If any one wants to invite them along for a night of teen scene, they will happily come along.  Otherwise, they will simply return to their own dorm and chill out in front of the TV.

player, 68 posts
Xin1 Xie2 Zhen4: Age 13
Sheng4 Xin1: The Beacon
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 03:28
  • msg #2

IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

It had been a full day, and the younger girl was thankful for some free time ahead.

She enjoyed the pizza, and she enjoyed the pleasant wash of ambient emotions from her surrounding peers.

However, a part of her heart was still in the infirmary with Vanessa and Sally, otherwise known as Copycat and Bluebird.

As the last of the pizza was devoured, she looked around, considering.  Were the others going to stick together, or to break off into their own teams, or to break off into random groupings?

Either way, she knew that she was going to seek out Vanessa and Sally.  Would Sasha, or perhaps Jen, or any of the others on her team, or any of the others who saw Vanessa lose control, want to join her?...
player, 37 posts
Andi Benton, Age 16
The Protege
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 04:56
  • msg #3

IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

Andi slid over the back of the couch into a comfortable sit beside Xie Zhen, holding a can of soda in one hand and licking a bit of sauce off of her other fingers.

"Kiddo, you up for some downtime? We're gonna go hit the mall and chill out, no evil robot people or anything. Hey, you okay? You look a million miles away."
player, 170 posts
Sasha Struck, age 16
The Bull
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 05:01
  • msg #4

IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

Sasha had been putting more focus than usual into her training today, still worried about what had happened that morning. Once the day let out and the students were starting to talk about stretching their legs, the former starlet made her way to the infirmary so she could check up on the pair of new kids. With a pair of knocks on the door, Sasha entered the room with Copycat and Bluebird.

"Knock knock. I hope you're both okay with a visitor."
The Watcher
GM, 302 posts
Knows All, Sees All
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 05:35
  • msg #5

IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

"So I'm sorry my ether egg went off prematurely." Sally said to Vanessa.  "When you don't have powers, you rely on gadgets.  And when your gadgets don't work, you got nothin..'"  The two young women were idly playing a linked video game via their communicards.   The game was really just a distraction, something to fill the empty and awkward places in their conversation.

"Powers are overrated, believe me."  Vanessa said.  Sally noticed that she kept touching that strange pendant.  It reminded her of when her golden retriever had to wear one of those strange cones around their neck after a vet visit.  It was for the dogs own good but it was uncomfortable all the same.  "At least you are somebody." she said.  "I'm everybody sometimes, which means I am really nobody at all." Vanessa answered.

It was uncomfortable listening.  Sally decided to change the subject.  "You think they will make us inactive?" She realized that subject was just as depressing as soon as she spoke and grimaced.  "Don't know.  Adults are more mixed up than you know."  "Really?"  "Yup, I've been one.  Well, at least seemed like one."

"You can do that?!" Sally asked.  Vanessa nodded and then smiled slyly.  "I'll show you. I'll be your dad and you can be my teenage daughter." "Whoa!  Wait, why my dad and not my mom?"  "Life's easier for men." Vanessa said with assurance.  Sally wondered how she could be so sure.

"But first we need to get out of here."  At Vanessa's words, Sally toggled various buttons on her communicard.  The card looked for open 'party lines' and also offered to start a new one.  And at that, Sasha knocked at the door.

"Knock knock. I hope you're both okay with a visitor."

Both girls smiled and welcomed their new friend in.

1.  The two young Junior team members have an idea for minor mischief.  They don't really mean any harm but aren't really using any adult reflection.
2. After sharing their idea, Sally has opened a communicard chat room for any who are interested.  Or she will join any others who allow her that permission.  In any case, a chat room can be started by any team member at will.  There is no current need for particularly secure communication.  The takeaway from this is that any characters can now talk to any other character regardless of the distance between them.
3. Sasha, along with other team members, have Influence over the two and they are glad to see the Senior members.  Not that they are going to just mention their little plan outright though...

player, 69 posts
Xin1 Xie2 Zhen4: Age 13
Sheng4 Xin1: The Beacon
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 04:51
  • msg #6

Re: IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

Andi slid over the back of the couch into a comfortable sit beside Xie Zhen, holding a can of soda in one hand and licking a bit of sauce off of her other fingers.

"Kiddo, you up for some downtime? We're gonna go hit the mall and chill out, no evil robot people or anything. Hey, you okay? You look a million miles away."

The younger girl smiled warmly, visibly touched by Andi's invitation and concern.

"I was just thinking about Vanessa and Sally.  They should be awake by now, and will probably leave the infirmary soon.  They have had a rough day, and probably need some tender loving care."

"Can we go invite them to come with us?"

player, 48 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 05:55
  • msg #7

Re: IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

Jubilee had finished off her pizza and was laying upside-down on one of the couches. She had set her ambitions for the weekend high. "So, who wants to watch TV? They've got the movie where Tom Selleck's a cowboy in Australia on, he's cool in that."
player, 13 posts
Jennifer Walters, Age 16
The Nova
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 04:20
  • msg #8

Re: IC Scene #4: Idle Hands...

Having casually finished off a single slice of pizza, Jennifer loitered around in the lounge to see what her fellow classmates were planning for their evening in the hope of getting ideas or possibly an invitation to join, even if it might not be something that she would have chosen on her own.

"Back at my old school, the big event for Friday nights would be going to see the varsity football team play a game under the lights," she contributed to any discussions about things to do.  "Maybe we can find another high school nearby who is playing tonight and join in the experience."

It wasn't so much about watching a game of football, which she did happen to enjoy by the way.  It was about getting a chance to hang out with other teenagers and see what kind of connections can be made, particularly exploring those of the romantic variety.

"Or maybe there is a school having something like a 'Welcome Back' dance that we can crash?"

Jennifer waited a moment to see if her suggestions would be shot down before pulling out her smartphone and searching to see what kind of activities might be happening nearby.
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