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17:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 3C: The Wolves of Lychester.

Posted by The Many Faced GodFor group 0
The Many Faced God
GM, 113 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Sun 24 Oct 2021
at 09:13
  • msg #1

Chapter 3C: The Wolves of Lychester

The oncoming storm thundered, and horses pulled at their tethers, the whites of their eyes flaring in terror. Loose cloth and chattels were caught in the gathering gusts and cast about, abandoned to the elements. Lychester men gathered around their liege, wielding crossbows and spears. As the rain began to fall, the first volley of crossbow bolts spattered into the night, though precious few found their targets.

Wolves darted around the edge of the firelight, confusing the men at arms with their contradictory and encircling movement. Ser Lyonel bellowed orders, and the half-dozen spearmen surrounded the crossbows, who themselves encircled Lord Lyman, forming a small defensive star. A handful of other retainers joined them, wielding staves, knives, and clubs. Others sheltered inside tents, upon which the wolves cast strange and tormenting shadows as they stalked by.

The wolves came in a rush, with several falling to quarrel and spearpoint. Still more made it past that initial defence, and the fight became a sprawling melee, lit only feebly by torchlight, and soon obscured by mud, rain, and blood.

Within Lady Gwendolyn’s pavilion, the mood was tense. Without their senior commanders, the trio of men at arms seemed near as frightened as Gwendolyn’s maids, darting glances back and forth as the circling shadows of wolves were cast upon the pavilion’s cloth. Gwendolyn’s female retainers were split, with some hanging close to her as though her status offered some shield, and others weeping uncontrollably, clutching at pillows like a small child might a toy.

From the forest, the hunting parties, having gathered in force and heeding the call of the Lychester camp, rode for the treeline at speed.

Round 1:

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)

The Forest
Darvil, Thoren, and Berion
FIRST – Ride for the treeline
All conduct a simple Animal Handling/Riding test [DC 6] to ride at a fast speed. Failure results in a -1B to the choice below. Two degrees of success results in a +1B bonus to the choice below.

THEN designate a priority:
1. Gallop to the rescue in hazardous weather [Animal Handling/Ride]
2. Coordinate for an orderly charge [Warfare/Command or Will/Coordinate]
3. Look out for hidden dangers [Awareness/Notice, with a -1D penalty due to poor light]
4. Another option cleared with the GM.

Lady Gwendolyn’s Pavilion;
Gwendolyn, Jenny, and Alyssa
FIRST – Find your courage – Will [Courage] DC 6. Failure results in a -1B on any of the following rolls. Two degrees of success [11 or more] results in a +1B on any of the following rolls.
Then choose how to respond to wolves seeking access to Lady Gwendolyn’s Pavilion.
1. Attack when a foe presents itself [Fighting/Weapon] [Without a penalty due to poor light, because of torches within the tent]
2. Bolster a guardsman’s resolve [Persuasion/Specialty]
3. Take Charge [Will/Coordinate or Warfare/Tactics]
4. Distract a wolf! [Cunning, or Thievery/Sleight of hand]
5. Avoid danger [Agility/Dodge]
6. Another option cleared with the GM.

Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 117 posts
Sun 24 Oct 2021
at 09:31
  • msg #2

Chapter 3C: The Wolves of Lychester

Having ensured that the wounded Lychester heir was safely ensconced in the middle of their formation, Berion and the other menfolk made for the camp with all due haste, though the weather seemed to be doing its level best to thwart them.

As thunder boomed and the wind howled, Berion couldn't help but be thankful that he was riding his own steed, one trained for war, rather than simply riding about the countryside.  Truth be told, it was likely the only reason his horse was willing to proceed further, to say nothing of his ability to make any sort of decent time.

The young knight served as the vanguard of the rapidly approaching group, expertly picking his way through the gloom with a deftness that belied his large frame.  While hardly the most nimble of men, on horseback, he moved with a fluidness and grace that made it quite clear that he was no stranger to mounted combat.

Riding Quickly:  Berion Knollwood rolled 14 using 5d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 5,2,5,2,2.  Animal Handling (Ride).

Gallop to the Rescue: Berion Knollwood rolled 16 using 6d6, dropping the 2 lowest rolls with rolls of 3,6,5,2,1,1.  Animal Handling (Ride).

This message was last edited by the player at 09:31, Sun 24 Oct 2021.
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 27 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Mon 25 Oct 2021
at 03:22
  • msg #3

Chapter 3C: The Wolves of Lychester

Jenny shivered for a moment, as her lovely day had become a nightmare. The Storm God has come for me. I'm going to die here, far from the sea, and my spirit will wander forever. Or would she be welcomed to the Mother's Mercy, even though she wasn't from the green lands? That was a comforting thought.
Jenny began to sing to get her courage up, a song of Ser Serwyn. "We'll be all right, the knights will be here soon." she said soothingly. That was part of what she loved about Westeros.

She positioned herself where she could protect the other women. Her heart was pounding, and she could almost feel the blood of the Isles in her veins. When the first wolf appeared, she shifted to a combat stance and drew her stiletto. "Forward, forward, King's Men, God's Men!" she cried out, mentally finishing the battle cry Ironmen!. She lunged and stabbed at the wolf. She wanted to be a Westerosi maiden, but she needed her Iron Isles blood to stay alive long enough to be heroically rescued.

10:43, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 12 using 3d6 with rolls of 3,3,6.  Will (Courage).
19:47, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 14 using 4d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 4,5,2,5.  Fighting (Small Blades).

Thoren Blackfin
House Blackfin, 68 posts
Mon 25 Oct 2021
at 14:59
  • msg #4

Chapter 3C: The Wolves of Lychester

Thoren was an average horseman at best, never the like to enter the lists with Ser Berion and the knights of the realm, nor was he likely anyone's first choice to lead or even join a cavalry charge, though he may have been a good choice to plan one. Nevertheless, there was a thrill that entered him in moments like these, and he summoned what ability he had to keep ahorse as they moved forward, and to keep his wits about him.

As Berion moved ahead, Thoren quickly crafted a formation that took advantage of the young knight's momentum and martial prowess, barking orders to the Blackfin men among them, and any others of appropriate status that would maximize their advantage in the situation.


Riding: 6 (barely passed it...)
Warfare (Command): 20 (hopefully manage to get everyone into an orderly charge!)

09:50, Today: Thoren Blackfin rolled 20 using 6d6, dropping the 2 lowest rolls with rolls of 3,1,4,5,6,5.  Warfare (Command).
09:47, Today: Thoren Blackfin rolled 6 using 3d6 with rolls of 4,1,1.  Animal Handling.

Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 97 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Fri 29 Oct 2021
at 06:53
  • msg #5

Chapter 3C: The Wolves of Lychester

Gwen took a deep breath to steady herself and to appear in control, even though no human truly was at the moment. She looked over at the guardsmen that seemed to be ready to jump at shadows. "Remember your training, men. You have drilled many and more hours for this. Act as a team and we will all be the better for it."

At least her words sounded convincing, and hopefully more beneficial than if the lady had decided to test her own skill with a blade.

OOC: 8 courage and then 18 convince in an attempt to bolster the guardsmen's resolve.

23:47, Today: Gwendolyn Blackfin rolled 18 using 5d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 6,1,2,4,6.  Persuasion (Convince).

23:45, Today: Gwendolyn Blackfin rolled 8 using 3d6 with rolls of 1,2,5.  Will (Courage).

Darvil Blackfin
House Blackfin, 20 posts
Fri 29 Oct 2021
at 19:50
  • msg #6

Chapter 3C: The Wolves of Lychester

Darvil frowned when he heard the wolves. Would any of the rest of the group be in danger if he left to go track the wolves down? Who would stay back to help protect some of the ladies who had joined the hunt?

Regardless of his misgivings, this was a chance for Darvil to prove his quality, and so he rode quickly into the woods, to help bring down one of these wolves.

22:53, Wed 27 Oct: Darvil Blackfin rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  riding bonus.

22:50, Wed 27 Oct: Darvil Blackfin rolled 10 using 4d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 1,6,1,3.  riding.

22:49, Wed 27 Oct: Darvil Blackfin rolled 12 using 4d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 1,1,6,5. Riding.

The Many Faced God
GM, 117 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Mon 1 Nov 2021
at 10:49
  • msg #7

Chapter 3C: The Wolves of Lychester

Round 2 – The Melee

Ser Berion, Ser Adham, Valen and Darvil all rode eagerly and well to close the distance to the camp as quickly as possible. They soon outpaced the other knights, who milled about for a moment, looking for leadership. They found it in Ser Thoren Blackfin, who began shouting for a formation.

“Who died and made you king o’ the Riverlands?” objected one Tall Squire, wearing a black pot on his tabard, and riding tall in his saddle. “Why should some pirate…”
Before he could finish the thought, Ser Naton rode alongside, and struck the boy in the face with the backhand of his gauntlet. The boy rocked back in his saddle, his nose spurting blood. Ser Naton, nodded to Ser Thoren and took position in the emerging line, and the hedge knights followed his lead, as did the Tullisons.

Within the melee, Lychester men and wolves did battle, with the Lychesters drawing advantage from their arms and training, but losing out due to the poor light and strange cunning that seemed to coordinate the wolves. Lord Lyman held two of the beasts at bay with longsword, his page sheltering behind him with a long gash in his wounded arm. Ser Lyonel stood toward the far end of the fray, his morningstar spattered with the bones and brains of his prey. He circled the Direwolf, whose teeth were wet with the blood of Lychester scouts and men-at-arms.
As Adham, Berion, Darvil, and Valen raced uphill, on the very edge of the melee they were ambushed by a set of wolves lying in wait, as if expecting their arrival, though such strategizing was known to be well beyond the ability of such beasts. Each man was pressed to dodge aside or be torn from his saddle.

The Blackfin men seemed bolstered by Jenny’s song, and found their courage at Gwendolyn’s words. When three wolves tore their way into the tent, the first was met with Jenny’s knife, the second by a Blackfin spear. The third leaped for Gwendolyn, but was tackled by a second guardsman, and the two went down in a confusion of thrashing limbs, shouts, and snarls. Jenny’s knife sank into the eye socket of the wolf she struck, all the way up to the hilt, and the creature went down with a bloodcurdling snarl. Outside the tent, two more shadows raced toward the ripped opening at the back of the tent, drawn by screams and the scent of blood.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
For <b>Darvil and Berion [who raced ahead]</b>
FIRST: Agility [Dodge] check to avoid being knocked from the saddle [DC 6, but account for the penalty from AP]
If knocked from the saddle, you are forced to Engage in the Melee for this round.
Engage in the melee [2 lesser actions if dismounted, 1 lesser action with bonuses for being mounted if mounted]
Find Lady Gwendolyn’s Pavilion in the Dark [DC 3 to succeed, DC 8 to Succeed Quickly]
Cunning [Memory]
Survival [Orientation]
Awareness [Notice] with a -1D penalty for the darkness
Another option Cleared with the GM

For Thoren’s Orderly Charge
Charge attack with -1D for Darkness, -1D  and +2 damage for Charging, +1D for being mounted against an unmounted foe, and +2B for your animal handling training.

For Gwendolyn and Jenny in the tent
1. Attack when a foe presents itself [Fighting/Weapon] [Without a penalty due to poor light, because of torches within the tent]
2. Distract a wolf! [Cunning, or Thievery/Sleight of hand]
3. Avoid danger [Agility/Dodge]
4. Pull the wolf off the guardsman [Athletics/Strength]

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