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17:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Posted by The Many Faced GodFor group 0
The Many Faced God
GM, 127 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Tue 16 Nov 2021
at 12:28
  • msg #1

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

The Great Hall was well lit by three well stocked three hearths, and brackets freshly stocked with new torches. On the walls hung great tapestries, showing ancient victories of House Lychester over many rivals, from the First Men and their fae allies, to Ironborn under Greyiron rule, and some few with heraldry that might well be Blackwood, Bracken, Vance, or Darry. Some others showed more fanciful events; parlays with giants, hunts for unicorns, riddles with stunted witch-women. All were faded, some repaired more than once.

Amidst the returning hunters, Ser Jasper’s wide entourage of wards, stormlander courtiers and foreign guests were added, creating a sense of novelty and cheer. This grew even more so as barrels of fine wine were tapped, and candied meats and soft bread were laid out upon the tables [Ser Berion’s prize being reserved for the wedding feast].

At the high table, Lord Lyman sat amidst his most high ranking guests, flanked by Father Matheus, ranking clergyman of Fairmarket, in star-studded robes of rich white cloth, and Lord Raylon Ravensong, Lord of Wendish Town. The red-haired and bearded Ser Jasper Wylde, the King’s High Reeve, sat only slightly to Raylon’s right and beside him, in a place of high honour, his ward and the bride-to be, Lady Sylvia Connington sat beside Lady Iris Lychester, who was impeccably dressed in silks of her family colours, trimmed in ermine. Beside Father Mattheus, Ser Adham was engaging the Most Devout in polite conversation, while Ser Naton boasted of his many victories to a rather bored looking Dunstan Tullison, and to their left, a raven-haired courtier.

Below the high table, two long tables ran perpendicular down the hall toward the low table where the Lychesters feted the smallfolk lucky enough to earn their lord’s favour, the hedge knights who had earned the good graces of Lord Lyman in their wolf slaying earlier in the day, in addition to some late arrived travellers Lord Lyman had decided not to leave prey to the wolves.

Many of House Blackfin sat at varying places along the middle tables, with Ser Berion and Lady Gwendolyn seated within the immediate eyeline of the high table. With them sat Lady Moiraine Tullison and Ser Lyonel Darry and his wife, the Lady Aliana as well as  the High Reeve’s wards, Saerai Page and  Bryn Blackfin, and the Reachman Ser Marq Durwell.

Ser Thoren sat a little farther down beside Ser Konrad Storm, a dour looking, young stormlander knight from Fairmarket, and Brother Wilber, a man of the cloth whose nose was already reddening from the free-flowing wine. Immediately across from them sat Jenny Goodbrother, the Lady Yve, and Eilene Wylde. A few chairs down, just within a comfortable speaking distance, Alyssa Knollwood sat with Valen Vance, Darvil Blackfin, Ser Gareth, Daveth Darry, and the Reachman, Ser Ronnel Beesbury.

Gerhart Blackfin was relegated to the very end of the middle tables, a bare notch above the hedge knights and smallfolk. Beside him sat a smattering of minor squires, but he seemed more inclined to lend his ear to the hedge knights, the Wandering Septon Father Brooks, and the bare handful of Poor Brothers who had accompanied the faithful as guards. With these poorest guests sat latecomers in the dress of a Septa, the simple tunic of a Warrior’s Son, and between them, a young lady in a slightly faded dress in the colours of House Mooten.

Abruptly the conversation died down, and Lord Lyman welcomed his guests, his manner seeming perhaps a little forced; strained, as he shouldered his formal responsibilities. When he finished, Father Matheus stood, a man hook nosed with short cropped hair and greying temples, and every ear bent forward to hear his voice, for this was the gods’ chosen servant in Fairmarket. He uttered a sincere and formal prayer, his neck bent reverently forward, though his voice carried easily to the back of the great hall, and when he had finished, there was a moment’s quiet reflection before festive conversation resumed.

[OOC- At this early stage of the scene, propriety dictates character eat and converse as seating dictates, though this will become less of an expectation later.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:38, Tue 23 Nov 2021.
Ser Jarrak
player, 8 posts
Tue 16 Nov 2021
at 15:37
  • msg #2

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

   He was an incongruous sight, the tree-trunk of a man, as he sat with the hedge knights and poor brothers.  His torso thick with muscle, his columnar neck short and ending in a blockish head.  Limbs heavy with corded muscle sprout from him, but where his arms might be just a touch too long, his legs were the opposite, seeming meant for someone slightly shorter.  His black hair, and emerald green eyes lending an attractive view to his plain face.  His beard and mustache cut neat, and sharp edged, are of medium length. Dressed in well tailored black pants, heavy leather black boots, a broad and gilt edged black leather belt, a long tunic of fine grey cloth with an embattled trim of sable on the bottom and wrist hems, and gold brocade.  From his neck hangs a heavy linked silver and gold twisted chain.
   His conversation was bellicose and free flowing, more like a companion of a free company (mercenaries), than the refined speech of a Noble.  His tankard, ever full, was none the less drunk from in deliberate moderation.  His heavy, calloused hand wrapped around it like a gorgoyle clutching a battlement.
   He paused in speech, in deference to his host when Father Matheus spoke.  His head though remained unbowed.  He took advantage of the grace to gaze up the tables with eyes sharper than one might think from his looks.  Perhaps searching for someone, or just noting the company present.  It was hard to say, for the never lingered long.
   As conversation resumed, he glanced down table, seeing there too who might be present.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:44, Tue 16 Nov 2021.
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 131 posts
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 03:15
  • msg #3

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Berion was a touch surprised to be seated in a place of prominence alongside Lady Gwendolyn, but in hindsight, it made perfect sense.  He had after all ingratiated himself rather well with the groom-to-be, and to a lesser extent, his father.  That and his relationship with the Brackens meant that he was afforded a fair bit more respect than might otherwise be the case.

Maybe it was his imagination, but he could swear that he saw Iris glance in his direction at the end of Father Matheus' prayer.  And so glancing towards the head table, he managed to catch her gaze for just a brief moment, flashing the noblewoman a warm smile before he was forced to look away, lest someone notice and draw any sort of unwanted conclusion.

Turning his attention back to the assembled peerage, Berion began engaging in the usual light, polite conversation in an attempt to get a better feel for his neighbors.  Court was not his chosen battlefield, and intrigue was best left to the true masters like his sister or Lady Gwendolyn.  But he wasn't so outmatched as to completely humiliate himself, which was all one could truly ask for in situations like these.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:16, Wed 17 Nov 2021.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 2 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 04:10
  • msg #4

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

The girl seated between the Septa and the knight is young, but not really young. It is a little hard to gauge, perhaps early teens and tall or perhaps mid teens and not yet reaching puberty. Either way, she is not imposing, being slender and just under 5' tall. The front half of her hair is pulled back from her face into braids wrapping around her head behind her ears, corralling the rest of her chestnut hair to fall down her back. She seems to be scrunched down a little between the other two, though from the look of it that may be to get her face forward to hide her brown eyes from them. Those eyes appear to be darting about, taking in the new setting quickly. To this point the only thing she has said is a quiet agreement at the end of Father Matheus's prayer to the Seven.
Ser Otto Kettleblack
NPC The Hedge, 1 post
Hedge Knight
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 09:11
  • msg #5

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

The largest and most intimidating of the hedge knights was a man in his middle-thirties, who introduced himself as Ser Otto, "Head of House Kettleblack, though we've no seat of out own, 'tis high time we did, for we've been true to every banner of the Trident at one time or 'nother!" he declared.

He scoffed up in the direction of Lord Lyman's table, "and with the woeful  showing of the hoighty toighties up yonder, I'll be taking home Lychester's jewelled sword, and my boy a lord's knighthood as well," he boasted, gesturing expansively to one large, if somewhat donkey-faced squire by his side.

"Though I've not seen your face in any scrap I care to remember," Otto remarked sourly to the thick-necked hedge knight who had arrived just before House Lychester closed their gates. Abruptly, he lost interest and turned his attention to the simply dressed blonde man who sat nearby, identified by the lute at his side as a minstrel, draping his arm authoritatively over his shoulder "You there, man, let me bend your ear with the tale of how House Kettleblack saved the Lychesters from an army of wolves in their own lands...."
This message was last edited by the player at 10:07, Wed 17 Nov 2021.
Ser Jarrak
player, 9 posts
Hedge Knight.
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 22:06
  • msg #6

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"Most Lords and Lordlings don't remember the faces of the free companions or low-born levies.  Not till they're gasping their last breath on the end of a spear.  Or have to thank them them for saving their wife and heirs.". The stump like man rumbles out, in a bellicose baritone voice.  He raises his tankard to Ser Otto.  "I'll trade you tale for tale!  Pour the beer and tell us what you remember of the faces of these wolves!"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:29, Sat 20 Nov 2021.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 102 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Thu 18 Nov 2021
at 01:52
  • msg #7

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Gwen had found enough time between returning from the hunt and the start of the feast to freshen up and change into finery befitting her station. For this occasion, she had chosen a dark blue dress accented with black embroidery. The neckline was rather modest, though enough of her arms were left bare that Lady Gwendolyn arrived wearing elbow-length black gloves. Freshwater pearls on ears and throat provided contrast to the otherwise dark ensemble chosen by the Blackfin heiress.

Before the feast started, Gwen's gaze drifted across those gathered, including both those at the front of the hall and the back. She engaged in light conversation as expected, though she was still a bit spooked at the close scrape with death they'd all had earlier in the day.

She obliquely commented on such to Ser Berion. "I much prefer wielding fork and knife to axe and sword. Though the skill displayed earlier was commendable."
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 133 posts
Thu 18 Nov 2021
at 23:27
  • msg #8

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

His smile widening as Gwendolyn made a pithy quip, Berion turned to the Blackfin heiress seated at his side and nodded as he replied.  "Aye, the part where I fell off my horse was particularly impressive."

Pausing for just a moment, the knight chuckled softly before adding "In truth, I suspect most would agree with you.  I can certainly count myself amongst that number at any rate.  Any soldier who says that they're not scared shitless before going into battle is either a liar or a fool.  And I've yet to meet a man alive who can resist a good meal."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:27, Thu 18 Nov 2021.
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 37 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 06:22
  • msg #9

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Jenny had chosen a new dress, blue to match her eyes and remind one of her sea-born heritage but decorated with embroidered flowers, and spent ages fussing over her appearance (and Gwendolyn's.) She wore her blonde hair down, a sign that her friends would recognize meant she was trying to be a proper Westerosi maiden. After what had happened with the wolves, her every word was scrupulously correct, and Jenny acted rather shy, although she still chatted pleasantly with Yve, Alyssa and Theron. She smiled as she said "This is grand, isn't it? So kind of our hosts. I hope there will be jousting later. Ohh, how exciting"

Still, although she didn't wear it at the feast, she had taken time to carefully clean and sharpen her stiletto after the fight. The blood of the Isles flowed in her veins, even if sometimes she wanted to ignore it.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 3 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 10:53
  • msg #10

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

With talk of knights' tales nearby, the new girl focuses on Sers Otto and Jarrak. Here eyes still periodically dart about the higher end of the room, but the conversations there are too far away to pick up well. She doesn't stare at the knights, but it's clear they've caught her attention.
Lady Alianna Darry
NPC House Lychester, 1 post
Wife to Lyonel
Mother to Daveth
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 11:05
  • msg #11

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

In reply to Berion Knollwood (msg # 3):

Perhaps catching sight of Ser Berion's stolen glances with the Lady Iris, Lady Alianna Darry smiled sympathetically and engaged him in conversation. She well past the flowering of her youth, and carried herself with an established matronly air, though her face was thin, and her features angular.

"You rode with my son today, Ser Berion; Daveth. His father was a very great tourney knight, years ago, before the fevers took him. How did Daveth acquit himself?"

By her side, Ser Lyonel seemed intent on ignoring the exchange, taking hearty mouthfuls from the dinner's first course.
This message was last updated by the player at 11:07, Fri 19 Nov 2021.
Yve Tullison
NPC House Tullison, 3 posts
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 11:18
  • msg #12

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

In reply to Jenny Goodbrother (msg # 9):

Once seated, the Lady Yve greeted Jenny warmly, a shade less formal and shy than on their jaunt on the falconry. She wore a gown a touch more formal that the night merited, a necklace of polished silver, and own hair was pinned up neatly, like folded black satin from the ports of Yi Ti.

"I am so very glad to see you well my dear Jenny, by Iris's telling you had been shredded to ribbons! But of course, she had word only from one of the porters, as we were all in such a hurry to return. I trust you are not too shaken by events? Ser Mathers was most wroth at the Lychesters for putting us all at such risk, but mother would have none of it, and said such things happen with the change of the seasons."

Her words came in a gush, before catching herself and covering her mouth with one dainty hand, blushing as if she had said too much.
Ser Otto Kettleblack
NPC The Hedge, 2 posts
Hedge Knight
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 11:29
  • msg #13

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

In reply to Ser Jarrak (msg # 6):

"A fair contest man! But be warned, for my own is a tale of fell magics and villains vanquished."

And in some ways it was such a tale, for it featured an unlikely hero who befriended the noble Ser Naton and won invitation to the Lychester hunt, hunted a great white stag, discovered the den of a dangerous warg and its legion of followers, and returned to do battle for the lives of the assembled guests with a Direwolf of stupendous proportion. Every keen blow was a Kettleblack sword; every Stalwart shield bore their red field and black pot, every bold word sprang from a Kettleblack tongue. By the end of the tale most of the smallfolk gathered had eyes as big as saucers, though the knight with a wyvern crest who had fought with the Kettleblacks seemed unimpressed. Sam the Sweet had a grin on his face, and was already strumming a few notes of a new song "Ser Otto's Venture".

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
20:54, Today: Ser Otto Kettleblack rolled 7 using 3d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 5,1,2.  Deception - Act - Stories.
Those at Ser Otto's table can compete with a tale. Should it be true, they can roll Persuasion/Charm or /Convince, should it be false, they can roll Deception/Act]

This message was last edited by the player at 11:32, Fri 19 Nov 2021.
Ser Jarrak
player, 10 posts
Hedge Knight.
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 14:10
  • msg #14

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"A good tale!". He says with bellicose enthusiasm, and drains a draught from his tankard.  "Are the other here who would say a tale of this battle, before I speak of The Siege of Ironhold!?". Ser Jarrak rumbles good humoredly, as he leans back in his chair.
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 134 posts
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 17:32
  • msg #15

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Turning his attention to Lady Alianna as she addressed him, Berion's smile widened.  "I did indeed have that pleasure my lady.  And he did quite well, especially given the rather harrying situation we found ourselves in."

His eyes flicking to where Daveth was seated further down the table for just a moment, the knight quickly added "Most men would panic if assaulted by a shadowcat the size of a small horse, or when ripped from the saddle by wolves, but instead your son kept a level head and did his duty.  I've known many a battle-hardened soldier who couldn't say the same."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:33, Fri 19 Nov 2021.
Ser Lyonel Darry
NPC Lychester Banner, 1 post
Veteran Knight
"The Lesser Darry"
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 20:31
  • msg #16

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Lady Aliana smiled and nodded, throwing Ser Lyonel a look of supreme vindication.
The older knight grumbled a little as he turned from his food, clearly feeling the aches of the battle and ride back to Castle Lychester "The boy is no coward,” Ser Lyonel agreed, “but your flattery does him no service Ser Berion. I’ve been training squires since you were but a pup, but you’ve the experience to know what I do as well: Daveth will never be a knight.”

“But his father…” Lady Aliana began, looking crestfallen.

“Was a good man, a fair lance, and my friend” Ser Lyonel granted, covering his wife's hand reassuringly with his own, his voice a soothing “but Daveth cares more for books than for steel.”

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Those at the high table can choose to observe, or participate in the second round of the intrigue, but only with the fast talk, manipulate, read target, assist, or mollify actions. -unless approved by the DM. No need for initiative.

R1 Ser Lyonel Darry rolled 13 using 3d6 with rolls of 5,4,4.  Ser Lyonel Convinces Lady Alianna.[+5 from disposition results in 3 degrees of success for 9-1=8 Influence.
Lady Alianna Darry rolled 13 using 4d6+1, dropping the 2 lowest rolls with rolls of 6,6,2,6.  R1 Lady Alianna Convinces Ser Lyonel (Assisted by Berion). [total is 18 with dispositions] for 9-1=8 Influence

This message was last edited by the player at 20:37, Sat 20 Nov 2021.
Sam the Sweet
NPC The Hedge, 1 post
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 21:30
  • msg #17

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

In reply to Ser Jarrak (msg # 14):

The minstrel laughed in agreement with Ser Jarrak's offer, "What man could give a truer telling of today's events that our brave Ser Otto!"

"I am but a singer of songs, so I can do naught but tell of others' victories, but I know well one such song - The Lay of Justman."

And without further introduction, he began strumming his lute. True to his name, his voice was melodic and engaging, and the song a gripping tale of a downtrodden Riverlands and the bastard of House Bracken and Blackwood who had risen up to unite warring factions against foreign conquerors. His song ended sadly, with the desperate battles against House Hoare, and the end of a united and liberated Riverlands.

Many at the table applauded his song, none louder that Ser Otto, who pounded the table in appreciation, but others seemed discomfited by a song that decried foreign rule. Amongst the Poor Fellows, a few shuffled in their seats and one,  sat stonily at their seat, staring at the table, as if in a trance.

"But as I say, these are the songs of better men than I," Sam admitted humbly, strapping his lute to his back and resuming his seat.

Sam the Sweet rolled 18 using 6d6, dropping the 2 lowest rolls with rolls of 3,6,2,4,5,3.  Persuasion - Charm - Stories [Disqualified from winning].
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 136 posts
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 22:24
  • msg #18

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Sensing that he had inadvertently stumbled into the middle of something larger, Berion resisted the urge to immediately flee.  Instead, he kept his face impassive as he met the older man's gaze and locked eyes.  "In fairness Ser Lyonel, I did not exaggerate, I was asked my opinion of the young man's performance today, and I gave it.  He kept his head and did his duty, which is, as I said, quite admirable."

Blowing out a heavy breath, Berion paused for just the briefest of moments before turning to the matronly woman and adding "That said, Lady Aliana, coolness of head and good judgment alone do not a knight make.  And it sounds like your son has other interests.  And so if Ser Lyonel here says that he is ill-suited for the rigors of life as a knight, then I would suggest that you heed his counsel."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:10, Sat 20 Nov 2021.
Ser Jarrak
player, 13 posts
Hedge Knight.
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 02:42
  • msg #19

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"Well sung minstrel!".  Jarrak spoke, his deep baritone approving, as he gives 4 silver to Sam. "You would find your songs well received among the Iron Banner.". His bellicose voice raises, heard by all at his table above the din of conversation.  "Now fill your your vessels well, and listen as I tell you the tale of the Siege of Ironhold!  A tale of a Lady fair, and a Noble hier!  Of wrongful war, and valiant defense.  Of blood spilled and rescue late!  Of great sacrifice, and victory in defeat!". He slams his empty tankard down, and it is soon refilled by the servants.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:54, Sun 21 Nov 2021.
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