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17:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Posted by The Many Faced GodFor group 0
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 139 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2021
at 17:25
  • msg #45

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

The lull in the feast as things began to wind down afforded Berion time to get up and meander about the hall.  While his position close to the salt meant that he wasn't able to meet many of those who might compete in the upcoming tournament, now was the perfect opportunity to change all that.  After all, you never knew when the tiniest little detail let slip during festivities might prove useful.

Berion Knollwood rolled 15 using 3d6+2 with rolls of 6,6,1.  Status
Ser Jarrak
player, 18 posts
Hedge Knight.
Tue 7 Dec 2021
at 17:37
  • msg #46

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Ser Jarrak mingles among the guests, mostly seeking information about the coming tourney.  Not much though is fourth oming.

I misread the post, when I read it again I realized the mistake and I'm using the first, lower, roll.
My apologies.

12:34, Today: Ser Jarrak rolled 7 using 3d6 with rolls of 3,2,2.  Awareness.

12:34, Today: Ser Jarrak rolled 5 using 3d6 with rolls of 2,2,1.  Awareness.

Septa Illa
NPC The Faith, 1 post
of the Quiet Isle
Thu 9 Dec 2021
at 11:41
  • msg #47

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

In reply to Lady Catelyn Mooton (msg # 42):

Recently returned from seeing the strange Seer to recovery in Lord Lychester’s guest rooms, Septa Illa pursed her lips in mild disapproval. “I would have you meet with your new Lady as soon as possible, but if you wish to greet your cousin Bryn first then I am sure that can be arranged. Naturally I shall accompany you at an appropriate distance until you are properly placed into the charge of Lady Gwendolyn.” The Septa stood, and gestures for Catelyn to follow her toward the higher tables, speaking in quiet tones with one guard tasked with ensuring the riff Taff did not overly disturb their betters, before the man nodded and allowed them to pass.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 12 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Thu 9 Dec 2021
at 18:05
  • msg #48

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"Yes, Septa. Thank you." While polite and friendly, there is less enthusiasm in this reply than in the original question.

Cat glances about as she follow the Septa, just trying to get a gauge on what's going on and who's talking to whom. But mostly she focused on finding Bryn. She politely indicates to the Septa when she spots him.

When they get to Bryn Cat restrains herself until his current conversation is over and she can launch toward him with a big hug. She might catch an earful from the Septa later, but come on, he's her first cousin and the only one she knows here. "Cousin Bryn! It's me, Cat, the one who played with you by the river when we came to visit Fairmarket ten years ago. You've grown a lot." Of course, so had she, even if she still isn't very big she's much bigger than when she was five.
Thoren Blackfin
House Blackfin, 78 posts
Thu 9 Dec 2021
at 20:30
  • msg #49

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Thoren went about the room, speaking amiably with those he knew well and spending less time with those who he didn't...for probably longer than he would have preferred. These types of events were not his cup of tea, but he knew there were things that he could learn which might be to their benefit at some point down the line.


Gathering rumors, generally. Awareness (Notice): 14

15:29, Today: Thoren Blackfin rolled 3 using 1d6 with rolls of 3.  Awareness (forgot the bonus die).
15:27, Today: Thoren Blackfin rolled 11 using 4d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 2,6,1,3.  Awareness (Notice).

Bryn Blackfin
NPC House Blackfin, 40 posts
Thu 9 Dec 2021
at 21:24
  • msg #50

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Bryn's eyes go wide as the small woman launches herself at him and he resists the urge to step aside, instead catching her awkwardly with one hand on the back of a nearby chair to steady them. There is a slight squeek from the chair as it slides under their combined weight.

"Cous-," he searches his memories before recognition flashes across his face. Little Redfin?

"Cat? It has been, well, ten years. Let me get a look at you," he laughs brightly with a broad smile as he takes her by the shoulders and pulls her off him enough to get a better look at her face.

"You have grown more than a little yourself Redfin. It is good to see you after all this time. I suspect your septa will not approve but will you sit and catch up with me over some wine?" he nods over her shoulder at the stern looking older woman.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 13 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Thu 9 Dec 2021
at 22:58
  • msg #51

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"I'd love to. Septa Illa will want to introduce me to Lady Gwendolyn soon, as I am to be her ward. But I'm sure Septa Illa would be willing to let use reconnect for a bit." She flashes some doe eyes at the Septa again, though she knows it doesn't work.
Bryn Blackfin
NPC House Blackfin, 41 posts
Fri 10 Dec 2021
at 04:43
  • msg #52

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"You will be Lady Gwendolyn's ward? How interesting. Well I hope that means we will be able to see each other more often then," he sends a charming smile towards the Septa as well.

He gestures to a slightly quieter spot in the room where he pulls out a chair for her and then pours them each some wine, watered down quite a little of course.
The Many Faced God
GM, 143 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Fri 10 Dec 2021
at 05:20
  • msg #53

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Rumours swirl around the feast, with much speculation about who will attend, who will win favour, who will compete, and who will emerge victorious in the Tournament.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:27, Thu 16 Dec 2021.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 14 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Fri 10 Dec 2021
at 18:30
  • msg #54

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"Yes. My father's wife insisted I be sent to a good example of a lady while they focus on training my brother to be heir. Yes, we should see more of each other now, certainly far more than once a decade." She takes the offered seat and drink. Speaking more quietly she says, "You'll have to let me know about any excitement around here. Too bad I can't joust myself, but I'd probably go flying off the horse so fast given how big I am. Is there an archery contest? Do you think they'd let me into it?"
Bryn Blackfin
NPC House Blackfin, 42 posts
Fri 10 Dec 2021
at 21:47
  • msg #55

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Sitting down opposite, Bryn merely shrugs, "There is almost always something interesting going on, only some of it is exciting though."

He thinks a little then says, "I assume there will be an archery contest, but letting women participate would be unseemly," and gives an exaggerated roll of the eyes.

"It may not be ladylike but if you are any good at it I say have a go, the arrow does not care who fired it as long as it strikes its target. You could certainly not be any worse than me. Maybe ask Lady Gwendolyn what she thinks."

He leans in conspiratorially and suggests with a wink, "You could wear a disguise and then reveal yourself when you win, just like the heroic knights in the old stories, eh?"

He chuckles as he leans back again and takes a sip of his wine.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 15 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Fri 10 Dec 2021
at 22:42
  • msg #56

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"You think there is a chance she might say yes? Maybe this wardship might work out better than I fear. I'm worried I'll get locked in a room learning to sew for a couple years."

In response to the other suggestion Cat says, "I thought about that, but I'm not sure I could manage a disguise in time, and I think my size is recognizable enough that I wouldn't get away with it for long anyway. But that does sound glorious, doesn't it?"

Noting a nearby knight she asks, "Do you have any idea who the frontrunners are for the joust? Are you joining in?"
Bryn Blackfin
NPC House Blackfin, 43 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 05:47
  • msg #57

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"I have not seen her in a little while but I think she would either support you or give a very good reason why you should not, she has always been good like that."

He considers his cousin's question about the joust then shakes his head, "If I had not fallen ill while I was younger I might have squired for some knight and had a tilt, but the Crone saw fit to keep me from that path. It only takes one solid blow to the head to lose one's wits... As for frontrunners, I cannot say that I have any clue. No doubt all and sundry will try their hand, what with the Stormlanders having to prove they have better knights than the Riverlands and the same in reverse."

He peers around at a few knights before idly observing, "I imagine any knight not already in his cups stands a reasonable chance tomorrow."
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 16 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 14:02
  • msg #58

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"This sounds promising. Don't tell my stepmother about Lady Gwendolyn, though, or she might have me sent to be a ward elsewhere... Hmm... Perhaps you, rather than the Septa, could introduce me to Lady Gwendolyn? The Septa will be happy I've been introduced to her, while that would put a little more distance between Lady Gwendolyn and my stepmother. The Septa probably won't like that idea, though."

Hearing about his childhood illness she says, "I'm sorry to hear your illness so impacted your health. It should mean we see more of each other at the tournament, though."
Bryn Blackfin
NPC House Blackfin, 44 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 23:23
  • msg #59

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Bryn shrugs, "I am happy to introduce you if you would like, however if your Septa Illa has been given the task it might be better that I merely accompany you. A place for everyone and everyone in their place, eh?"

He smiles at his cousin over his wine.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 17 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 23:33
  • msg #60

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

"I suppose you're right. The Septa certainly would be happier to introduce me herself. Shall I let her know I'm ready and the several of us head over to Lady Gwendolyn?"

Assuming so, Cat will step over to the Septa and say, "Thank you Septa. Would you now like to deliver me to Lady Gwendolyn? Cousin Bryn may accompany us if you don't mind; he's both my cousin and Lady Gwendolyn's after all."
Bryn Blackfin
NPC House Blackfin, 45 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 23:46
  • msg #61

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Bryn soon steps up beside Cat and addresses the Septa as well, "It has been some time since I last saw Lady Gwendolyn myself, it will be good do so again."

He adjusts one of his cuffs and gives the woman a gentle smile.
Ser Jarrak
Hedge Knight, 19 posts
Hedge Knight.
Sun 12 Dec 2021
at 15:18
  • msg #62

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

As the feast slows down, and people depart to various places, Jarrak remains in conversation mostly with the Hedge Knights, and those at the lower table.  Not having gathered much information on the jousting, but sharing many stories amongst themselves.  He remains sober, but gives the appearance of drinking much.  Eventually, he seems the stables to check on his horse, and then the quarters set aside for himself.
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 43 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 08:29
  • msg #63

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Jenny chatted happily with Yve and the others. It was all very exciting. She let herself relax and enjoy the wonderful entertainment, although she looked over at Dunstan when she thought no one was looking, wondering what he thought of her.

01:28, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 16 using 5d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 2,5,4,5,1.  Persuasion (Charm). gathering rumors.
Septa Illa
NPC The Faith, 2 posts
of the Quiet Isle
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 06:54
  • msg #64

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

In reply to Bryn Blackfin (msg # 61):

The Septa seemed glad the short audience was ended, as though fearful that Cat might shame her family name with even a few moments of chaperoned interaction “Of course” she replied, dutifully.

She led the way to Lady Gwendolyn, and bowed deeply in deference to Gwendolyn’s rank of heir and place of high standing at the feast. “My Lady, I apologise for seeking you out at the feast, but your father and Lord Mooton have been corresponding for some time regarding a sensitive matter. Events have forced Lord Mooton’s hand before he has had time to make proper arrangement, and so I bring with me his letter and granddaughter, Lady Catelyn Mooton.” She offered the letter for Gwen’s inspection, and gestured toward her temporary charge to step forth.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:54, Tue 14 Dec 2021.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 18 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 10:49
  • msg #65

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Cat steps forward when Septa Illa gestures for her. She gives an appropriate bow and keeps her mouth shut for now.
Darvil Blackfin
House Blackfin, 27 posts
Wed 22 Dec 2021
at 18:19
  • msg #66

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

In reply to The Many Faced God (msg # 41):

Darvil would simply listen to any rumors going on.

13:18, Today: Darvil Blackfin rolled 2 using 1d6 with rolls of 2.  rerolling a 1.

13:18, Today: Darvil Blackfin rolled 11 using 4d6 with rolls of 3,2,5,1.  Awareness.

The Many Faced God
GM, 154 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Sun 26 Dec 2021
at 16:27
  • msg #67

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Lady Gwendolyn smiled courteously, and took the written letter from Lord Mooton. As she broke the seal and quickly scanned its words, her face became inscrutable.

“My father has spoken in passing of this matter,” she revealed, “Though neither he nor I believed it to be such an imminent affair.”

She nodded her head in respect to the Septa, “you have done your Motherhouse proud, Septa. I gladly take responsibility for the well-being of Lady Catelyn Mooton. I shall ask Lord Lyman to have her things moved to our quarters so that she feels at ease.” She gestured to one of her hand maids, Lanna Dun, and the girl moved off to speak with some underlying of Lord Lyman in a steward’s coat.

The septa bowed in turn and her eyes flicked to Catelyn, “I have served faithfully, but thank you for your compliment, lady.” Her role as Chaperone fulfilled, she withdrew, giving Catelyn some privacy with her new mistress, though another hand maid, Myranda, waited on her nearby.

Please, be at ease,” Gwendolyn reassured Catelyn, “you will be among friends from here on. I would ask though, what has motivated such a sudden change in your fortunes? My understanding of your grandfather’s letter is that he has planned for you to spend more time with your family, and the Mooton’s are not known for hasty dealings.”
Lady Catelyn Mooton
player, 22 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Sun 26 Dec 2021
at 22:25
  • msg #68

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

As the Septa starts to leave Cat says to her, "Thank you, Septa. I really do appreciate the effort you two went through."

Then she hears Gwendolyn out. "Thank you, my lady. Things have changed at home. My step-mother wishes more focus on training my half-brother to take his place as heir. Meanwhile, she feels someone more refined than my father might train me to be a better lady."
The Many Faced God
GM, 157 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Tue 28 Dec 2021
at 06:45
  • msg #69

Chapter 4: Welcome Feast

Septs Illa smiled as genuine warmth momentarily penetrated her cool demeanour. “Thank you Lady Catelyn. I pray the seven guide you  in your time with House Blackfin.” She frowned a little, as if wondering how much their intervention might be needed. “I believe Ser Randyl has been invited by Septon Mattheus to remain for the wedding; we will remain until the festivities are concluded.”

Lady Gwendolyn nodded politely at Cetelyn’s explanation. “Such things cannot be avoided of course, and House Mooton is burdened both by its great prestige and many ventures of trade and industry; my father often speaks of them in admiration. You will find that there are many wards within House Blackfin at this time, and the tourney shall brocade your with the chance to meet most of them. My handmaidens are dispersed for now, but will gather later this evening, after the feast, for refreshment.” There was a note of curiosity in Gwendolyn’s eyes, as if she had not fully accepted Cat’s explanation, but would not disrespect her by questioning her further.
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