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11:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

General OOC.

Posted by DirectorFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 20:14
  • msg #1

General OOC

While I was researching Amsterdam for the start of this game, I read that there are a couple of diamond factories there that offer free guided tours.  I imagine that every dad who ever goes through asks if they give out free samples.

And on that note, let's get going with this deadly serious game!
Tyr Thorvald
player, 1 post
Insurance Investigator
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 01:12
  • msg #2

General OOC

So, with only 4 Health, that would seem to indicate (if I understand the rules correctly) that we really shouldn't get into combat very often.

Also, Tyr has 1 in his Streetwise Pool and 1 in his Tradecraft Pool? Is that right, or have I screwed up my character sheet already?
GM, 7 posts
Heat: 1
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 01:47
  • msg #3

General OOC

You start with 4 Health, but you can add more when you buy general abilities (a later step in char gen).  Same with Stability.  Even so, the book does recommend being very careful with combat, and doing whatever you can to stack the deck in your favor.

You start with points in Streetwise and Tradecraft for free, so I put that on the character sheet template.  You can put more points into those if you want, but that's up to you.
Antoine LeCoeur
player, 1 post
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 01:49
  • msg #4

General OOC

So, we’re in Amsterdam at the start? What year? it could help to build my background. :)
GM, 8 posts
Heat: 1
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 10:20
  • msg #5

General OOC

Somewhere in the region of 2012-2015.  Basically present day, but without all the extra garbage we've been dealing with the last couple years.
player, 1 post
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 10:29
  • msg #6

General OOC

Hello all!

I am driving a lot today, so will post later on or, probably, tomorrow.

Hope to join the fray soon.

The idea is that we all know one another, and have been working together for a bit, correct?

My idea of Rob is that he is a Dutch guy.
Probably in his '60's, an ex-Hippy dude (born in the 50's, late 60's & 70's as a young man) maybe (ex-)pot head. Who then ended up in the Dutch FBI, the AIVD--
--I'll flesh all this out when I have some time soon.

I am fine going with whatever is lacking in the group if people have specific roles they want.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:33, Mon 17 Aug 2020.
Tyr Thorvald
player, 2 posts
Insurance Investigator
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 13:27
  • msg #7

General OOC

In general, NBA doesn't really deal with roles per se. You have 39 Investigation skills that are supposed to be covered by the team so that something doesn't slip through the cracks. The other assumption seems to be that everyone is law enforcement or espionage trained.

However, if there are roles (sometimes makes it easier to grasp your character), I'd think the Leverage roles might fit better than classic fantasy roles.

So, Hitter, Hacker, Grifter, Thief and Mastermind would work.

My character is a Swedish insurance investigator specializing in recovering art and antiquities thefts.
GM, 10 posts
Heat: 1
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 13:59
  • msg #8

Re: General OOC

The idea is that we all know one another, and have been working together for a bit, correct?

Yes.  It's up to you how you know each other, and it doesn't even have to ever be defined, we just assume that as the game begins you have all been working together for a bit.

Like Tyr said, there are no "official" roles.  You will probably develop roles within the team based on what skills you bring to the table.  Some of that might come out with figuring out who covers which investigative abilities, or if you choose any of the templates I listed in the char gen thread (which, again, are optional).  But there will definitely be some overlap, and there's no problem with saying something like Rob would usually be the go-to person for breaking into a secure location, but he's busy with another task right now so Tyr is going to do it instead.
player, 2 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 19:55
  • msg #9

Re: General OOC

Having now had the time to read everything in detail, here are some remarks/questions.

I am fine w. all our Director stated re. Mature ; w. warning if away etc..

Personally I dislike PvP/PK games (where PCs/players attack/cheat/steal from/lie vs. other PCs/players). Since we are a united group, I imagine that is not the case here, but I just wanted to say that I just do not like those types of situations myself.
Also, though I am not against seeing people RPing prejudiced remarks, I would prefer, if possible, not to see such things in PC/Player vs. PC/Player dialog.

Since we do not know one another, and it is hard to know what might hurt someone, or what might be not seen as said in jest etc., please tell me if anything I post makes someone/you uncomfortable. It very most probably was not intended, and can surely be worked out to not happen again.

Please use colored text for dialogue.
I'll go with goldenrod for my Rob Zwartnacht.

There is no mandatory posting rate
What is the desired posting rate, dear Director, or at least the one aimed for?
Personally I prefer faster rhythms (1 post / day).
GM, 11 posts
Heat: 1
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 20:15
  • msg #10

Re: General OOC

Well said, Rob.

Ideal posting rate would be something close to 1/day, but I have a busy life outside of gaming, and I assume that most (or all) of you do as well, and sometimes it's just not possible, what with time constraints or just plain running out of steam for the moment.  So all I really ask is post when you can, and say something if you know you're going to be away for a bit, or to confirm that you're still around if you haven't said anything recently.
Rob Zwartnacht
player, 3 posts
Rob Zwartnacht
ex-AIVD (Dutch FBI)
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 21:03
  • msg #11

Re: General OOC

Fine by me!
re. Rob, here is what I came up w. so far (can change the stuff here to fit w. others)
Rob Zwartnacht
A 60 year old Dutchman, Rob started med school in the 1970's, at the same time as being a Hippy.
Though he obtained his MD, specializing in forensics, it took him some time, as he also traveled the world (Goa, India ; Chile...), loving to learn languages, and delve into the local lore and legends - financing his travels by making pharmaceutical drugs.
Having encountered elements that made him feel there were threats out there, he soon turned to helping his country, and was able to join the AIVD, the "Dutch FBI" (The General Intelligence and Security Service ; Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst) in the late 1980's.
He worked there mainly as an analyst and medic (pathologist), not much in the field.
After 30 years of service, during which he rose in the ranks, finally running the research & analysis service, Rob retired from the AIVD a few years ago.
Mainly to not be bored, he became part of the team (offering "security consulting" work on the gray markets of Amsterdam).

1 Bullshit Detector (Interpersonal)
1 Bureaucracy (Interpersonal)
1 Chemistry (Technical)
1 Cop Talk (Interpersonal)
1 Criminology (Academic)
1 Cryptography (Technical)
2 Diagnosis (Technical) he is an MD
2 Forensic Pathology (Technical) Degree
1 History (Academic)
3 Languages (Academic) Dutch, English, +9 languages
(don't know if it best to choose some now, or leave all open for as we go?)
Was imagining some old ones (Latin, Greek, Sanskrit...) some current (Spanish, German, Russian...)? No idea which we might be using.
1 Law (Academic)
1 Notice (Technical)
1 Occult Studies (Academic)
1 Pharmacy (Technical)
1 Photography (Technical)
1 Reassurance (Interpersonal)
1 Research (Academic)
1 Vampirology (Academic)

Name: Rob Zwartnacht
Background: Analyst-pathologist w. the Dutch FBI
Drive: discovering the Mystery (he guesses there are Vampires, something Occult?)
Sources of stability

Vehicle training: none
Special weapons training: none
Noteworthy gear: a pencil stuck over his ear
Tyr Thorvald
player, 3 posts
Insurance Investigator
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 21:53
  • msg #12

Re: General OOC

This is pretty much what I saw Tyr as needing. Obviously there's some room for flexibility.

Investigative Abilities:
Accounting  Bullshit Detector1 Astronomy  
Archaeology1 Bureaucracy  Chemistry1 
Architecture1 Cop Talk1 Cryptography  
Art History2 Flattery  Data Recovery1 
Criminology1 Flirting  Electronic Surveillance1 
Diagnosis  High Society1 Forensic Pathology  
History  Interrogation1 Forgery3 
Human Terrain  Intimidation  Notice  
Languages2 Negotiation2 Outdoor Survival  
Law2 Reassurance  Pharmacy  
Military Science  Streetwise11Photography1 
Occult Studies  Tradecraft11Traffic Analysis  
Research   Urban Survival  

This message was last edited by the player at 18:55, Wed 19 Aug 2020.
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