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10:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

Posted by TimebrokerFor group 0
player, 53 posts
Sally Dane
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 19:43
  • msg #36

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

“It sounds like Magneto and Xavier switched roles in your world.” Sally shuddered at the description of Xavier’s own evolution. Brrr! He sounds like Brainchild, an act of kindness gone wrong back home.” Sally brushed her hair back behind her ears as she pondered the grave stakes of mutant relations in birth their worlds. “Don’t get me wrong. Magnus didn’t always get it right. It’s what he does right, that’s what I’m fighting for.”

With that, Sally’s face brightened. She touched Sue’s arm. “Look, I don’t know if the Timebroker would let it fly, but...if for some reason, you can’t go back to your world, you can come back with me to mine! I know there would be a home for you with The Brotherhood.” She looked at Wade. “You, too, Wade. Maybe you wouldn’t have to spend your life pursuing vengeance. We could help you find peace, and belonging...”
player, 73 posts
Susan Richards
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 01:55
  • msg #37

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"Nobody always gets it right.  It's the intent, acting from a place of love, and mostly doing good that matter." 

Sue smiled.  "If for some reason I can't get back to mine, yours sounds like it might be the very best of possible alternatives.  Less shades of grey than my own, is my impression...for which I envy you, if it is the case.  But, even though my love life's a shambles, I've still got loved ones who I'm gonna fight very hard to come home to."    She glanced to Wade.

"Yeah, she's right; you could use some flower-power and transcendental time-out!"
player, 16 posts
Grant Nelson
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 23:40
  • msg #38

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

In reply to Unseen (msg # 37):


"I'm really confused by how different our story seems, Sue is the leader of the Fantastic Four, Dr. Fantastic,  brilliant woman, also very hot, but sadly married to Mr. Invisible, and they have a daughter. She's a cutie, babysat for her once, something special about that tiny package of mayhem, baby mayhem, but still. At least she likes cats." Tigro says. "I don't know Magneto but I know his son, the Scarlet Sorceror, oh are the Beatles still around in any of your universes? I'd love to get a signed vinyl of one of their albums. Wild ladies, I've heard, in their time."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:40, Thu 04 Feb 2021.
player, 97 posts
Gwen Stacy
Thu 11 Feb 2021
at 16:58
  • msg #39

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

In reply to Tigro (msg # 38):

"Are none of them alive in your world?  My timeline is 60 years ahead of when they started and there's still two of them around.  And what is their drummer named in your world?"  Gwen is dying to know what the feminine version of Ringo is.

"And, are most of your world leaders women?"
player, 25 posts
Grant Nelson
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 06:53
  • msg #40

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

In reply to Spider-Woman (msg # 39):

"Yes, all the Beatles have passed on, violence for one of them, cancer for two, and accidental death for the last if drug overdose counts there. Starr was killed by her ex-husband, Kenny, with no last name. McCartney got ovarian cancer, Lennon got breast cancer and Harrison overdosed. McCartney and Lennon died more recently, still a few years back, though." He sighs sadly. "It really sucked to lose those ladies, and their music was astounding. It was considered older music in my time a previous generation"

"I'll be honest here, women leaders outside the superhero world, are rare and more recent. I'm happy for that change though sort of they've not all been good, sexism mostly was the problem. Our first woman president was named Willa Clinton, a Democrat, almost got impeached over...uh, well, crap there was a lot of stuff thrown about and I'll be honest I was a bit younger, and it was my first vote for president, but something was off and I tried a third party vote. She managed to dodge getting ousted though. I'd voted for Rosilla Padrosa, she was the first Latina-American to run, had good plans for the country though they called her a socialist. Better than the Bush guy, or Mrs. Clinton she came off even for a democrat a bit out there, and heavens she stared at the camera and lectured people like she was a queen when being interviewed. Bush's son was next for two terms!"
This message was last edited by the player at 06:55, Fri 19 Feb 2021.
player, 111 posts
Susan Richards
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 20:02
  • msg #41

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"I'm really confused by how different our story seems, Sue is the leader of the Fantastic Four, Dr. Fantastic,  brilliant woman, also very hot, but sadly married to Mr. Invisible, and they have a daughter. She's a cutie, babysat for her once, something special about that tiny package of mayhem, baby mayhem, but still. At least she likes cats."

Sue smiled sadly at this revelation.    Remembering the joy she'd felt in expecting, at a time when she still believed in Reed.  Believed that his 'better side' would assert itself at the prospect of becoming a father.    Before he'd proved not to have one.   And she was left with the horrid, stabbing suspicion that he had caused her to miscarry...

"Yeah.  She sounds adorable alright.   Even if her parents seem to have the same funny preferences in names as some of the other realities.   Dr. Fantastic?  What, pray tell, do I do that led me to dub myself such an ostentatious name? It is less somber than Dr. Doom, at least!" 

Gwen's line of questioning restored her mood a little, making her laugh some.

"Really?  Those four are the Beatles?"   She shook her head, wonderingly.    "Lennon and Harrison are both in the Stones.    And, McCartney plays in WonderMac, with Stevie Wonder.   Ringo Starr is in the Beatles --  or was -- they just called it a day at the start  of the year. Both Clapton and Steve Winwood were itching for solo careers."

"It is great to hear there's more opportunity for we gals, in the future. Even if I despise politics with a passion, and feel the whole system needs an overhaul.   Hope it's better in your worlds -- but doesn't sound it."

"So, Tigro --  tell us about cat people.  Who are they?  Where do they live?   How did you become involved?   I know a cat person, who lives in a place called the Great Refuge.  Being quite a cat lover, I thought meeting one - or now two - was pretty groovy. But, a whole race of them?  We need to hear this story."   
This message was last edited by the player at 20:10, Fri 19 Feb 2021.
player, 26 posts
Grant Nelson
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 07:50
  • msg #42

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

In reply to Unseen (msg # 41):

"I think she chose that name, because of her intellect, her picture shoot in time, before the ship launch, she was already being called "Fantastic" or "Fantastic Woman" but she asserted she would be 'Dr. Fantastic, thank you very much. I didn't earn a doctorate in physics, biochemistry, aerospace engineering' and well it went on with the "to be called just 'woman'" He smiles "She has a remarkably brilliant mind, which is honestly one of the things making her so hot. I guess I fall for smart women, well, I'll be honest since I became a cat-person by magic, sort of, its a complicated story. I kinda like most women, kinda hard to ignore the pheromones as he taps his nose. But I do have some self-respect, more than a wild tomcat, slightly more, anyway." he grins, and thinks for a bit. "Long story, is the scientist who gave me super-powers was a cat-person, and things got complicated, and I almost died, she used science but her people used magic, they're varied a lot in feline forms, some people say they're demons, but so far they've been pretty close to a human when I've dealt with them, better than some."
He frowns then and half growls "No matter how charming, promise me, PROMISE me, you won't go talk to Dr. Doom; he dismissed our Susan because she was a woman! Despite her correcting his math! That's childish, and petty, and chauvinistic, oh he oozes charm when he wants to, but I think he's a narcissistic ass." Remembers the time he helped rescue Dr. Fantastic, as new Avenger, and how the man dripped lies like honey, but he knew in his gut the man only wanted to conquer her.
player, 79 posts
Sally Dane
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 08:38
  • msg #43

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

“Is there a universe where Dr. Doom isn’t a narcissistic ass?” Sally gave a low whistle. “Dr. Doom, despot of an isolationist Balkan nation. He keeps Latveria even more cut off rom the world than Red China or the other countries behind the Iron Curtain.”
player, 114 posts
Susan Richards
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 01:46
  • msg #44

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"Well, in Gwen's world, I'm called Dr. Doom.  But, you say it's someone else, in yours? And in Sally's?  A guy?"  She shook her head.   "God, he sounds like Reed." She waved a hand dismissively.

"Oh, don't worry about me being taken in by a charming sociopath.   Been there, done that. Never again."     Then she realized:

"Wait -- Latveria?  Jesus.  In my world, Latveria has -- had a monarchy.  The ruling family was von Drede."   She pronounced that name just like Dread.   "Victoria von Drede - or Lady Dread, as she deemed herself - was really around the bend." Sue did the 'coo coo' finger twirl, next to her temple.

"The whole country exists in a place known as the Negative-zone, now. She made some sleazy, unholy pact with a being called the Annihilus.  Became his queen.  Some fear an invasion by them, if they ever stabilize a gateway." 

Sue sighed. "All these other Sues have such epic lives!    TV shows; award winning, multiple, doctorates."   She shook her head.  "I've spent my life around people smarter than me.  Reed called me 'the world's smartest dumb blonde.'" She smiled sourly.   "From him, it's sort of a complement."  Back to the topic of cat people:

"Huh.  Well, I'm pleased to hear cat-people are better than many.  It validates my faith in felines.  And they practice magic?  That's more rumor, in my reality."   She smiled. "No worries about being a tom-cat, Tigro."    She put a hand on Sally's shoulder. "Me and Sally are the sort of girls Mama-cat warned you about," she winked at him, tongue plainly in cheek.
player, 28 posts
Grant Nelson
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 01:57
  • msg #45

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

In reply to Polaris (msg # 43):

"Yeah, Victor Von Doom aka Dr. Doom. He's brilliant but arrogant and foolish, all the while I'm trying to be humble, and do this hero thing. Despite my feline urges..sometimes I just want to rip and tear things, but well, I'm doing my best." He thinks he said too much and so goes quiet.
player, 115 posts
Susan Richards
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 03:20
  • msg #46

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

Sue's demeanor became empathetic.

"Two different natures, in conflict?   I can dig it; my sun sign is Gemini. Seriously, though -  that must be hard, sometimes.  Having someone who understands would be best, I think. Like another cat-person --  which may be very tough to find, now. But, we're here to listen, if you need to talk.  We may not be able to relate exactly.  But everyone has wrestled with their feelings, in some way. You don't have to wrestle with yours alone."
player, 113 posts
Gwen Stacy
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 15:11
  • msg #47

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"Being part cat is probably a lot like having a hybrid alien spider.  It's a lot of work to control the instincts my symbiote has.  I try to teach it that there's a better way than always lashing out.

It really helped that I had my powers for a while before I had to share.  Let me figure some of this out on my own."

player, 80 posts
Sally Dane
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 22:41
  • msg #48

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

“Maybe you’re going about it the wrong way? Like, maybe you don’t need to conquer your feline spirit.” Sally affectionately touched  Grant’s shoulder with a gentle smile. “That Cat saved your life, right? You likely can’t live without it.

Perhaps what you need isn’t dominance over the Cat spirit? I don’t know any cat who’d get down with being dominated. Maybe you need a way of finding harmony between your human and feline selves?”

player, 30 posts
Grant Nelson
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 03:00
  • msg #49

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

In reply to Polaris (msg # 48):

"I appreciate the thought, I'm trying to balance the human and feline." He sighs. "You are all very kind and my human side is 'see, beautiful women, don't seem to mind the cat thing, and you are good and in control. Then the cat side adds 'so mate with them all, NOW!' It sucks, honestly."

He shakes his head. "Don't worry though, my head is on the mission. But thank you all for caring, still, most of you are beautiful women if you don't mind the compliment. I'll focus and get things done, pheromones and instincts of the cat aside."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:01, Wed 24 Feb 2021.
player, 118 posts
Susan Richards
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 21:56
  • msg #50

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"Being part cat is probably a lot like having a hybrid alien spider."

Sue considered that.  Arched a brow, smiled, "Is anything like having a hybrid alien spider?  Not so sure, about that one."

Sue nodded, flashed the peace sign at Tigro. "Cool. Able to make nearly impenetrable force fields, I'm not sweatin' any fresh felinoids." 
player, 117 posts
Gwen Stacy
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 22:04
  • msg #51

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

In reply to Unseen (msg # 50):

"Cat in your head, spider in your head.  They're both predators with instincts to overcome.  I think I get some of it.  The cat impulses certainly manifest differently.

Then again, there's a whole race of cat people that have an actual culture and my symbiote came from a lab and needs me to teach it."

This message was last edited by the player at 22:14, Fri 26 Feb 2021.
player, 82 posts
Sally Dane
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 05:48
  • msg #52

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

Sue nodded, flashed the peace sign at Tigro. "Cool. Able to make nearly impenetrable force fields, I'm not sweatin' any fresh felinoids." 

“Right on, Sister!” Sally held her palm out so she could “Give Her Five”. “I’m no slouch with a force field, either, and I’ll bounce any cat who gets TOO fresh.”

Sally’s eyes widened as an epiphany struck. “Hey, Sue!” She met Sue’s gaze with a wild-eyed delight. “Can you, like, expand your force fields so you can peacefully remove a grabby guy?!”
player, 33 posts
Grant Nelson
Mon 1 Mar 2021
at 07:35
  • msg #53

Re: IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

Before he left:

"Don't worry, I'll stay at arms reach unless someone asks, I do like the whole dating thing first, have to remember I still am part-human too."

He sighs softly.
Even if the pheromones tell him he's not human, enough!

This message was last edited by the player at 07:36, Mon 01 Mar 2021.
GM, 254 posts
-~- Trust Me -~-
DOOM: 2d12, 4d8
Fri 24 Sep 2021
at 01:33
  • msg #54

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

MARKER: This is the End of Mission 001 and the Start of Mission 002.
Iron Fist
player, 106 posts
Danny Rand
Fri 7 Jan 2022
at 05:30
  • msg #55

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

Danny starts awake from his nap, having drifted off at some point in the conversation. One might never have known he was asleep, given both his silence and the way his yellow mask covers his face. A hand reaches reflexively toward the butt of his pistol as he stands, scanning his surroundings. Then-- seeing he is among friends-- he relaxes, sits down, and draws his trench coat around him again.

Friends. Is that what they've become? Sure, they were no Luke, Misty, and Colleen, but they'd fought alongside Danny enough times by now to earn his friendship. They might not know every intimate detail of each other's lives, but to a warrior like the Iron Fist, knowing they had his back in a fight was all he needed from them. It was time to let his guard down and tell these friends a little bit about his past. And just a little bit.

"Sorry, it's a habit," he shrugs. "Had to catch those power naps whenever I could, back in my old life. Never knew when K'un-Lun's assassins might get the drop on me. One wrong move-- one sloppy mistake-- and it would have been my last. I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep." He draws the bandages tighter around his fists, searching for the right words as he continues.

"Don't know if any of you saw what happened back there, with me and that ugly cyborg brute," he says, holding up his fist. "The Chi was there, but it was like I couldn't..." He chambers his fist and pantomimes a punch. "Y'know."

He shakes his head, staring off into the distance. "It all started when I discovered the corruption in K'un-Lun-- my home-- and exposed the people behind it. The Yu-Ti-- he's K'un-Lun's ruler-- had, for years, been banishing his political opponents into a hell dimension that only the Iron Fist could free them from." He looks around at each of his companions with a grave expression.

"And I did free them... but it cost me everything. The gate to Earth was destroyed, and I was trapped in K'un-Lun, never to see Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, or any of my other friends, ever again. And every night, the Yu-Ti sent his assassins after me, to kill me and take back the Chi they believed was rightfully theirs. I knew how dangerous it would be to let them have it... and so I ran."

He clears his throat and goes on. "The Iron Fist is, above all else, a living weapon. But when I discovered my true purpose-- that I was expected to be a puppet of the Yu-Ti, used to strike down his enemies-- that part of me died. I became a pacifist. Tried to elude my pursuers, or to defeat them non-lethally. But as the days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, I got tired. Sloppy. Until one day..."

His voice cracks. "His most elite assassin chased me into a cave. It was pitch-black inside. And I was tired... so tired. My back was against the wall. He had me outmatched in every way. It was kill or be killed. And so I lit my fist up and hit him with every ounce of Chi in my body. The glow was blinding. He screamed. And I knew I'd punched my fist straight through his heart."

His expression darkens. "That assassin had a name. Lei-Kung. The Thunderer. Or as I knew him... "Shifu." The man who taught me everything. In many ways, my own father. With his dying breath, he begged me to forgive him. The Yu-Ti had his family, and would only release them upon my death. He had no other choice. I tried to heal him... begged him to live... but he died in my arms. I found out later his family had been dead for years. The Yu-Ti was only ever manipulating him."

Danny draws a deep breath, clearly shaken but determined to finish his story.

"I kept running. Tired. Broken. I don't even remember how I died, in the end. Bastards couldn't beat me man-to-man, but they had all kinds of dirty tricks. Maybe they poisoned my tea... or Khal Drogo'd me in my sleep... or maybe my heart finally just gave out. Who knows? All that matters is I'm here now. And though I've sworn to never use the Iron Fist again..."

He suddenly whips both pistols out and shoots a nearby boulder with glowing bullets. The Chi-enhanced rounds carve away solid rock, whittling it away until all that remains is a pile of loose, smoking gravel.

"... I'm still a Living Weapon."
player, 80 posts
Grant Nelson
Sat 8 Jan 2022
at 01:33
  • msg #56

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"Wow, that's terrible. I feel you, I was a cop, supposed to get superpowers, got turned into a cat, well, some whisper "demon." But I don't bite it. No horns, no pitchfork, so anyone have questions about my world? I know a few people and don't know others. I think I covered some of it. Really though? It's tough to know 'what you need to know versus what you'd like to know.." He shrugs and just swishes his tail. "Seems like I've got more well female heroes than y'guys, but who knows.

Iron Fist
player, 120 posts
Danny Rand
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 03:33
  • msg #57

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"I'll bite," Danny nods to Tigro. "Does your world have the Heroes for Hire?"
Vic Doom
player, 355 posts
Victor Doom, P.I.
Plot Points: 1
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 03:00
  • msg #58

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"You know, I reckon more than the gender swaps and the personality differences, the thing I can't wrap my head around is how our... our history isn't all that different, but it somehow happened at different times. I am a few years older than Susan in my timeline, and my cognate in hers-- this 'von Drede' woman-- is a few years older than her, but I was eleven years old in 1968. I didn't catch what year any of the other gentlemen fell out of, but..."

"I mean... the moon landings, John Jameson, 1967 and then Reed Richards in '74? Captain America and the Avengers? The Legacy Virus? Anthony Stark's coup d'etat? How similar are the worlds we came from?"
player, 297 posts
Susan Richards
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 04:02
  • msg #59

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"While I'm hardly the most metaphysics savvy of this little troupe, my impression so far is that time doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot.  Beyond serving as a progress marker inside each individual reality.   In terms of the broader picture, I think it has little bearing on much of anything.   Collective reality seems far more qualitative based, than quantitative.   And personally, I find that very reassuring."   
player, 86 posts
Grant Nelson
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 00:08
  • msg #60

IC: SIDE: Tell Us About Your Homeworld!

"My timelines is VERY different than yours. We had the moon landing in '69 Nancy Armstrong that was, she was a tough woman. The Fantastic Four had little to do with space in its traditional sense, they'd build a ship with a Negative Zone Drive and were trying to transit there with it instead of the dangerous gateway that opened outwards and let some nasty sorts through." Tigro thinks a long moment.  "That was just four years ago! It feels like much longer ago than that for some reason"

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