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02:31, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats.

Posted by MarshalFor group 0
GM, 21 posts
Sat 22 May 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #1

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

10 more miles and you'd be crossin' into Mexico.  Instead you find yourselves in flyspeck of a South Texas town who's welcome sign names it Sutter's Flats.  Sittin' in an area of low, grassy hills dotted with the occasional scraggly cottonwood tree, you can't help but wonder what brought anyone here in the first place let alone decide to put down roots and stay.

But accordin' to your contacts in the TL (that's Twilight Legion for those in the know), this is an active ranching area with several sizable spreads close enough to call Sutter's Flats their supply post and recreational local.  That would likely explain the towns two (and only two) business establishments: The Lonely Crow and Pettinger's Supply.  You don't even see a sign for a marshal's office along the street but there is a livery to mind the ranch hand's horses when they gather on Saturday nights for some R&R.

This is NOT a Saturday night so there's only a few scattered folks about and less than half a dozen horses in the livery.

Shakin' your head you look at the telegram again.

Famine building in the West.  2 drives have failed, critical to get cattle North.  Head to South Texas.

Pretty short on specifics but this isn't the first time you've gotten....orders, instructions, pleas...well, each of you has your way and reasons for workin' with the TL.  You've seen things, know things most folks don't.  It ain't charity what you, you make your way and livin' as you go.  And it sure as Hell ain't what most would call normal but you know it's important.

And now it's brought you here.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 7 posts
Sun 23 May 2021
at 00:54
  • msg #2

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Jing carried himself cautiously as he came into town. Looking over the place, it wasn't much, and it didn't seem outwardly dangerous. But if the drives were failing, there must be something going on.

Besides--Jing had come over on a labor contract, and endured the humiliation of a particular name for people like him who had accepted similarly exploitative contracts. When he was still bound by that contract, he found himself in a town much like this one. So he knew how it could be, if he wasn't steadfast around these Americans.

He came to the entrance of the Lonely Crow and pushed open the door, stepping inside with a pause to take in the establishment. He wondered what kind of people made their livings around Sutter's Flats.
Sister Deidre
player, 9 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Sun 23 May 2021
at 03:05
  • msg #3

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Sutter's Flat wasn't exactly large, and the audience was most likely small if anyone paid attention at all, but it was hard to not at least stare for a minute.  There was a soap box, turned bottom up, in the middle of the street so that the woman who stood on it blocked traffic.  She clearly had no sense of self preservation.  Well, perhaps, as there was a shotgun propped up against the box.

The nun habit might not be unexpected, but her face, painted white with blacked eyes and nose with a few lines drawn on suggesting exposed teeth with no flesh to hide them any more, that was different.  She didn't so much preach as scream.

"And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.  His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.  And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."

"Sutter's Flat, He Who Is Called I Am, Sees Your Sin!  He sees your perversions, your cruelty to your fellow man!  The poverty among you!  How you tell falsehoods to one another, and how you throw your rock and hide your hand!"

"These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate. Repent! Or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth."

"Who among you can stand up to the righteous wrath of God!?  Your days are numbered, you will die and be found wanting if you do not give yourselves over to his holy will!  Clothe the naked!  Feed the hungry!  Make peace with your brother with whom you have quarreled!"

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."

Whoever this nun was, she was mad at somebody.  This had been going on for hours at this point, and didn't seem likely to stop soon either.
Cooper Grannon
player, 18 posts
Sun 23 May 2021
at 18:33
  • msg #4

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Riding into town, Cooper didn't look like your typical cowboy or ranch hand. Yes, he had a saddlebag on his horse, as well as a backpack hanging off the saddle too. But the large ghost steel arm hanging down on the right hand side of the saddle, the armoured vest, the native shield, and contraption on his back, made it seem like he belonged somewhere more interested in New Science, than the middle of nowhere.

Trotting up to livery, Cooper climbed down from his horse, slipping on the mechanical arm over his right arm, and the backpack dangling from his shoulder to not hot the contraption on his back.

Patting the horse, he walked to The Lonely Crow, checking out the eccentric nun preaching in the street as he passes her.

Walking inside, he looked around to see how many people were inside, before going up to the bar.

"What have you got to drink?"
Thomas Landry
player, 7 posts
Sun 23 May 2021
at 20:38
  • msg #5

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

As Thomas rode into Sutter's Flats, he noticed there wasn't much in town. He thought to himself, Why would the Twilight Legion send me to this God forsaken place? And what could be stopping the cattle from getting north? Oh well, business is business.

As he came to the center of the town there stood a woman preaching the gospel. He tipped his hat to the woman and headed on to the livery. He'd heard enough of the Word growing up, at least he thought so anyway.

He made sure his horse was settled and walked to The Lonely Crow. He was parched from the ride and headed straight to the bar. "Afternoon sir,  Whatcha got t' drink?" He then looked to the other gentleman at the bar and said, "Hey Pardna. You from 'round here?"
Thaddeus 'Grubbins' Gable
player, 6 posts
Mon 24 May 2021
at 07:07
  • msg #6

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats


The figure gimping down the dusty street cursed colorfully, clutching at a boot that looked to have worn completely out several miles back. He sat down and worked to remove it, dropping a rather painful looking stone onto the ground in front of him.

"Don't they grow nothin' other'n rocks in this state!" He griped as he gingerly re-booted his foot, taking care not to tear out the last few remaining stitches. He got up again and limp-walked past the livery.

Standing outside the Lonely Crow, he invented a few new curses on the spot, many of which had to do with the questionable ancestry and fouled genetics of whatever Sutter had ever ventured here to begin with.

Of course he'd much rather cook his own food, he had neither the wares nor the supplies for anything more than a cup of hot, muddy water. The smells coming from inside weren't necessarily appetizing to one with such a refined palate, but it was better than eating overly dried roots on the trail like he'd done the last few days!

His stomach growled menacingly to reinforce this line of thought, and compelled him forward, through the door of the Lonely Crow.

Before proceeding however, he glanced over his shoulder at the woman who was raisin' Cain about sins and stones. "Hey lady! You got any pennies fer a poor, wayfarin' stranger?"
Sister Deidre
player, 11 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Tue 25 May 2021
at 01:04
  • msg #7

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Oh, that might have been a bad idea.  Or a great one.

"For thee, I have better fare than worthless tokens of greed!"

She re-positioned herself and called out loudly.

"When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, he left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee.

"And he must needs go through Samaria.  Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

"Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.  There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

"Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

"Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

"The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?  Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?

"Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:  But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

"Repent brother!  Repent and drink that sweet water no puny coin can buy, for death takes you soon!"

It was a lot of words for no, but apparently what the strange skull-faced woman lacked in brevity she made up for in recall.  And volume.  And lung capacity.
Gideon Bennett
player, 12 posts
Slinger of hexes and guns
Cursed but still roaming
Tue 25 May 2021
at 02:23
  • msg #8

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

It had been a long trip and Gideon was tired. He often had to travel alone, but that didn't mean he had to like it. It got boring as hell riding for days on end with no one to talk to...or at least have the option to tell them to shut the hell up.

However, it did give him time to read, even if the three books he owned he'd read cover to cover dozens of times, one of them hundreds of times. And the telegram he'd received - he'd read that every once in a while as well, frowning each time. That meant that the cattle drive would be dangerous as hell.

He rode in to town, eyes scanning but there wasn't much to see. He gave the...nun...a wide berth and headed to the livery to put his horse up. Then he headed over to the only other business...The Lonely Crow.

He walked in slowly and looked around before heading to a table to sit down with his back to a wall. He was thirsty, but he wanted to sit for a spell first.
Thaddeus 'Grubbins' Gable
player, 7 posts
Wed 26 May 2021
at 04:46
  • msg #9

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The newcomer to what some might jokingly call 'town', blinked a few times at the nun.

"Ya talk mighty fast lad- uh... Sister... If'n yer offerin' me water, I'll take it, if it be somethin' else yer gettin' at, well I don't rightly know as I've got much in the way of confessin'. Mostly my sins is between me'n God. But neither one of us's got the time for that nest of snakes!"

He held the doors open for her as a shorter desperado skirted the nun and made his way inside the Lonely Crow. "C'mon inside, you'c'n tell me about it while I choke down some eggs er beans er somethin'... You got a name Sister?"
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 8 posts
Wed 26 May 2021
at 06:39
  • msg #10

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Having kept himself to one side for a time to observe the various patrons of the bar, Luo thought on it. There had been a sudden influx of people, and that was no coincidence to him. At least someone here would be involved with the Twilight Legion.

While talking, Luo heard the din of hellfire preaching outside, and...well, he didn't think they were involved. He'd seen a lot of sorts like this, and although he could hardly understand this Christian religion, he had seen that these hellfire preachers were as likely to be the source of trouble as anything else. There were a few who came in, looking savvy. Two were already talking--traveling together, or just friendly? He settled on someone after a few more moments of thought.

Making his bet, Luo crossed the room, to where he saw Gideon Bennett sit down. Approaching, he first spoke as such: "Is this seat occupied?" As he spoke, he tucked his hat under his arm and made the shape of the setting sun with his hands, a sign by which members of the Twilight Legion could identify themselves to others involved with the group.
Sister Deidre
player, 12 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Wed 26 May 2021
at 23:04
  • msg #11

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The nun looked about.  Though she could get absorbed in her work, was she really saving any souls out here?

"Yes!  Just as Rahab hid the Israelites despite a life of sin and debauchery, The Lord sends this one to lead me to his lost flock!"

She jumped down from the soap box and kicked it up on its edge while scooping up her scattergun.

"I have been reborn, washed in the blood of the Lamb, and am now called Sister Deidre.  And all sinners must repent, for the time of his judgment is at hand."

The Lonely Crow was about to get that old time religion.
Gideon Bennett
player, 14 posts
Slinger of hexes and guns
Cursed but still roaming
Thu 27 May 2021
at 04:12
  • msg #12

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Gideon was clearly trying to relax a bit after a long ride. His eyes went from half-lidded to fully open as someone approached him. One hand instinctively moved closer to a gun but didn't touch anything yet.

He frowned at the man in front of him for a moment. Then he straightened up a bit and shook his head. Very quietly he answer, "Lux in tenebris." He gestured at the chair. "Please, feel free."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:16, Thu 27 May 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 10 posts
Fri 28 May 2021
at 07:22
  • msg #13

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Luo let the tension out just a little bit, and sat down across from Gideon. He put his hat on the table in front of him. First he spoke up: "My name is Luo Jing, but...most call me Lou. It is a pleasure to meet you." He gave a friendly smile.

Then, very quietly: "You received the telegram also?" He was very glad this person had been able to respond to his signal, he had attempted to connect with other members of the Twilight Legion unsuccessfully before. It was embarrassing, if mostly innocuous to those not in the Legion.
Cooper Grannon
player, 20 posts
Fri 28 May 2021
at 08:26
  • msg #14

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

When Thomas asked Cooper if he was from around here, he shook his head. "No sir. Just passin' through. Cooper Grannon, but most folks call me Coop." He extended his hand in the mechanical arm, as if he had either forgotten it was in it, or just didn't care.
Gideon Bennett
player, 16 posts
Slinger of hexes and guns
Cursed but still roaming
Fri 28 May 2021
at 19:27
  • msg #15

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Gideon frowned slightly at the other man's introduction. "Why would people call you by the wrong name? Just seems...rude." He shook his head.

"Anyway. My name's Gideon Bennett." He gave a small nod. "Yes. Not sure what's goin' on exactly but...the telegram seemed t'think it's up our alley, as it were, so here I am."

He took a deep breath. "You want anythin' t'drink or eat? It's been a long ride here."
GM, 25 posts
Sat 29 May 2021
at 02:25
  • msg #16

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The Lonely Crow's barkeep is an older Mexican woman, perhaps in her late 50's or early 60's.  If'n she's surprised by a host of newcomers she doesn't show it, answerin' a call for food or drink in a nearly stoic, no nonsense fashion.  You can order anything ya like and as long as it's beef and beans ya won't be disappointed.  The Crow's wide selection of drinks include watered-down whisky and watered-down tequila.  The service ain't speedy either.  You get the sense that things happen at their own pace round these parts.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:27, Sat 29 May 2021.
Thaddeus 'Grubbins' Gable
player, 8 posts
Sat 29 May 2021
at 05:29
  • msg #17

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

He'd followed the zealous nun through the doors of the Lonely Crow, after a brief pause to shake his head. He glanced around the establishment and then tromped over to the bar where he sat down wearily. He bade for whatever passed for a meal and waited for it to come. Meanwhile, he couldn't help but overhear some conversation going on as other newcomers were introducing themselves.
Sister Deidre
player, 13 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Sat 29 May 2021
at 16:25
  • msg #18

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The strange woman in the habit with the skull face paint looked over the scene carefully.  She did move out of the way, no mean feat given she was lugging a soap box, but she seemed to be looking for something.  Only the Almighty she purported to serve could possibly know what.

Her eyes were twitchy though.  Something about her appearance suggested she was ready to snap.  Perhaps the fact she wore a nun habit and painted her face like a skeleton's was a clue.
Thomas Landry
player, 8 posts
Sun 30 May 2021
at 17:32
  • msg #19

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Thomas extended his hand to Coop and said, "M' name's Thomas Landry but most folks call me Tommy.  Nice t' meetcha Coop. Say that's a fancy arm ya got there. Ya wouldn't happen t' be in town 'cause of th' cattle not reachin' the north would ya?" He paused for a response then looked to the bar owner and said, "I reckon I'll have some whiskey an' what ya got cooked."
Thaddeus 'Grubbins' Gable
player, 9 posts
Mon 31 May 2021
at 04:31
  • msg #20

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

He thought he heard mention of cattle, and turned on his bar-stool to eavesdrop on the conversation. There was no shame about him for doing this save for the odd nun watching him warily. In his pocket was a piece of crumpled paper which he fished out and glanced at for perhaps the hundredth time. Anyone looking his way would recognize it as the same type of paper used often by telegram offices to record messages for distribution to the recipient.

Just then he caught the look int he nun's eye, she looking about to launch into another sermon. "Hey Lad- uh... Sister, you oughta whet yer weapon. The Word requires a fair bit to sustain. Come an' sit before ya fall down"
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 11 posts
Mon 31 May 2021
at 09:14
  • msg #21

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Jing responded to Gideon in a measured sort of way: "Well, I think it is easier for some to use a nickname--it is one of the less bothersome things in this nation, I think." He nodded in appreciation, though.

"Well...looking around the place, I am certain we are not alone in being called here. I think we ought, in fact, to get something to eat, and maybe introduce ourselves to some of these folk?" He picked up his hat and stood up, turning to the rest of the room before heading to the bar to order something.
Cooper Grannon
player, 21 posts
Tue 1 Jun 2021
at 07:27
  • msg #22

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Tommy."

When Tommy mentioned the arm, Cooper raised it, holding his forearm in front of him. "Thanks, I made it myself. Have you ever been to the Junkyard, up in Deseret? There is a scientist who has discovered how to replace flesh and bone with ghost steel. Great idea, but I didn't want to lose my arm over it, so I looked at how to make something similar. I call it, the Hydro Puncher."

Realising that Tommy was likely making polite conversation and not wanting the intricate history of the arm, he didn't even answer his question about why he was here, which sounded like the same reason.

"Looking around the room, I'd take a guess that we all are. Not exactly a room of your typical ranch hands and cowboys." He gestures with his head to the Chinaman and Sister in particular.
Sister Deidre
player, 14 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Tue 1 Jun 2021
at 23:18
  • msg #23

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

"The Lord does work in mysterious ways."  The nun didn't look at her benefactor, but she did answer him.  She suddenly turned and accosted the barman.  "You!  Slinger of poison, have you the water of life, or the water of the earth?"
GM, 29 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 01:55
  • msg #24

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

You've each had just enough time to make an acquaintance or two, get a drink (from a bottle or for Sister Diedre from the hand pump out back) and maybe a plate of beans.  But bout this time the door opens and an older rancher walks in and knocks the trail dust from his clothes.  He greets the barmaid with an honest, "Howdy Maria," before surveying the room.  He raises an eyebrow at a couple of ya but nothin' more, probably a lot less of a reaction than you've had from others in the past.  Then with a slight shrug he introduces himself.

"Howdy, strangers.  Name's Bill Sutter.  I know most everyone hereabouts and I didn't recognize you, so I wanted to say 'Welcome to Sutter’s Flats.' Just to clear things up, the town's named after my daddy. He was the first settler in this area, but that's as far as my connection goes."

"Aw, Hell. I ain't no good at small talk. I'm lookin' for some extra hands. Gettin' ready to pull up stakes. Bayou Vermilion has got a stranglehold on the cattle trade 'round these parts, due to being the only railroad within hundreds of miles, and calling the prices they offer highway robbery is an insult to bandits."

He pauses a moment, tryin' to gauge your reaction before shruggin' and addin',"That bein' the case, I'm gonna take my herd and leave, so to speak. I've got a solid crew, but I'm shy a few hands. I'm lookin' for experienced trail riders, but I'll settle for anybody who knows which end of a gun the bullet comes out of and can sit a horse. Pickin's more'n slim and I want to get on the trail before we get too far into spring.  But I've held off since ol' Whatley lost most've his herd trying to make Kansas City short-handed."

"Nobody comes to Sutter's Flat if they've got anywhere else to be, so I figured I'd make you the offer."

He purses his lips, pushin' out his bushy mustache for a moment, and waits to see if anyone's interested.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:08, Wed 02 June 2021.
Cooper Grannon
player, 24 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 08:27
  • msg #25

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Cooper was having a drink when Bill walked in.

After he finished explaining the situation, and that he needed help, Cooper got up, turned to face him, and gave a thumbs up with his mechanical arm.

"Sign me up. Not like I'm here for the museums."

Cooper could have asked about the pay, how long it would last, and other details. But he was impulsive, and could ask about those things once he had gotten started. Besides, he had come all this way due to a telegram, would he really turn it down?
GM, 30 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 18:02
  • msg #26

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Sutter seems to be a tough one, ranching isn't for the weak, but a hint of a smile shows and you think there's a small relaxing to his posture.

"Well that's one," he nods to Cooper, "What's you're name, mister?"

Then to the room he asks, "Anyone else?  I can offer a fair wage and a horse for the drive."

ooc: got quiet, I didn't loose everyone did I?
Cooper Grannon
player, 26 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 18:33
  • msg #27

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

"Cooper Grannon, but folks can call me Coop." He replied, wondering who else joins in. Hopefully they have an idea about ranching!
Sister Deidre
player, 15 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Sun 6 Jun 2021
at 01:18
  • msg #28

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The strange nun took notice.  There was a momentary silence, which she took as a cue from God.  "They who must listen, who will weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon them. Their wealth will rot, and moths will eat their clothes as their gold and silver are corroded! Their corrosion will testify against them and eat their flesh like fire!  They hoard wealth but do not pay their workmen who mowed their fields!  The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty! They have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence, and fattened themselves in the day of slaughter!"

She looked at Bill Sutter, and asked him.  "On the truth, do you testify it is so!?"
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 12 posts
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 08:43
  • msg #29

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Jing put his hat up in the air. "I'll be joining, as well." He looked over to his new acquaintance, wondering if he would also throw in his support.

OOC: Sorry, just been a long week. :)
GM, 31 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 02:12
  • msg #30

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Sutter regards the painted nun with a mixture of uncertainty as he tries to digest her words.  Finally he shrugs and admits, "Well I reckon that does describe the BV railroad pretty well. Bettin' the Almighty's none too pleased with their thievin' ways."

"Can't say I've ever had a nun on a drive before but you sound like someone who can head the lot of 'em in the right direction.  If'n that's somethin' you're interested in."

When Lou speaks up Sutter nods, "Well alright, what's yer name, son?  Guessin' you didn't grow in these parts, where ya from?  I ain't gonna assume it's China.  May never'a traveled past California but I do know there's more countries cross the Pacific than just that one."
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:47, Tue 08 June 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 13 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 07:52
  • msg #31

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

"Most people call me Lou--and I am from China." He continued after a second, following up on what the man said: "What did you say about the...BV Railroad?"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:00, Wed 09 June 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 17 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 02:04
  • msg #32

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

"Yes!  Speak bovine trader!  Tell of this wickedness, and a plague of locusts upon your house if you bear false witness!"  The out of control nun seemed to be getting a little animated hearing about these wicked men.  She wanted to know how wicked they actually were.
GM, 35 posts
Thu 10 Jun 2021
at 13:14
  • msg #33

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Sutter shrugs, goes to spit on the floor, catches himself and eyes the barmaid warily and apparently decides not to, instead answering the questions with a shrug, "Ain't nothin' I reckon you haven' heard before.  Big ol' outfit's only source a services in an area, starts takin' advantage o' folks cause they can.  Course this one's got a "security" team.  Guessin' if half the news o' what the different rail companies did in the race to reach the Maze were true they ALL probably got security teams."

"Anyway, I'm done with'em.  I can move my herd North the ol' fashioned way without the need to pay their ridiculous prices."

Thaddeus 'Grubbins' Gable
player, 11 posts
Fri 11 Jun 2021
at 05:37
  • msg #34

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

He wiped the residue of beans from his whiskers with the back of a hand and walked over to stand before the cattleman. His worn boots, patched shirt and dusty hat which could have been any color from tan to black, showed him to be in desperate financial straights. His tanned face was dusted as were his scarred hands. The trip here had not been a particularly easy one. He wore a gun on his hip in a way that looked as if he knew how to use it, but the cartridge belt had many more empty loops than full ones.

"Gable, sir, Thaddeus Gable. I ain't much of a cowboy I reckon, but I'm a tolerable cook. I c'n run yer chuckwagon outfit, but I'll be needin' a little bit up front. It was a long walk here and I could use a few things if ya take my meanin'... I'll feed the boys - an yonder Sister - well enough. Boys at the last outfit called me Grubbins. Reckon that's reference enough?"
GM, 36 posts
Sat 12 Jun 2021
at 02:04
  • msg #35

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Ol' Sutter looks Grubbins up and down before replying, "Be honest, I got a chuck wagon and a cook.  Javier.  Ain't gonna lie, food's hot but rough to swallow sometimes.  Don't need to replace him with someone's not any better."

"So tell me, what can ya cook?"

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:53, Sat 12 June 2021.
Thaddeus 'Grubbins' Gable
player, 12 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2021
at 06:21
  • msg #36

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Grubbins nodded and spat on the floor of the tavern.

"Apple pie: Green apples sliced thin, lard, flour, salt, water to bind... sugar, cinnamon, dab o'butter... three slashes on the crust - one for steam, and two because yer momma did it that way."

The man looked more like a two-bit gunslinger than a cook, but his recipe recital conjured smells that made one's mouth water.

"Be honest with you Mister, I'd rather split my time with chuck and trail anyway... Maybe this... Javier... well, maybe he needs a helper."

It was odd perhaps for a cook to stand with his shoulder so low and move without distancing his arm very far from the worn gunbelt, but then again, the West could be a Weird place sometimes...
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 15 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 06:49
  • msg #37

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Jing thought on what Sutter told him, pocketing that information for later.

"Well, if you all are joining them, I will address myself to you as well." Lou put out a hand to shake the hands of Sister Deidre and then Thaddeus, who he was standing fairly close to.
GM, 38 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 12:36
  • msg #38

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Ol' Sutter chucked, "Grubbins, that sounds more'n tolerable.  Tell ya what, we'll have you an Javier have a little cook-off.  See which one the drovers prefer.  Decide who's cook or helper or what then.  Sound good?"
Thaddeus 'Grubbins' Gable
player, 14 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 05:42
  • msg #39

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Thaddeus Gable squeezed the Chinaman's hand hard. He was about to say something when Sutter made the challenge.

"A cook-off? Well I reckon that's more'n fair boss!"

He seemed to relax a little, but there would always be something a little twitchy about this... cook.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 16 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 09:14
  • msg #40

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

"Well, what will you cook for this...cook-off?" Lou held his hat in his hand, scratching at his chin as he asked.
Sister Deidre
player, 19 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 23:11
  • msg #41

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The nun looked confused at the hand, but then took it in both of hers, turning it at the wrist, examining it carefully.
Charles Kennington
player, 4 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 10:43
  • msg #42

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Stepping through the saloon door to see the crowd within Charlie raised one expressive eyebrow at the sight before shrugging. He had seen stranger sights than those gathered on more than one occasion. He continued inside letting the door swing shut, strolling across the floor to cut down on the space between him and the group, noting how they were gathered around Sutter as though he had been addressing them and nodded to them all, "Evenin' folks."

Giving a sidelong glance at the bar as though contemplating a drink he instead turned his look back to the crowd, focusing on Sutter after a moment, "Heard there might be someone around here doing a cattle drive in the near future out of here. Any of you know 'bout that?"
Sister Deidre
player, 20 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 23:40
  • msg #43

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The nun examining the man's wrist (perhaps it was broken?) stopped and stared at the newcomer through a skull's face.  She pointed a long, thin finger at Sutter.

"The bovine trader brings ill tidings of wicked men."
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 17 posts
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 08:06
  • msg #44

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

"Yes, I think we all know about that. We are joining the cattle drive." He looked at Deidre, a bit uncertain what to do about this unusual handshake situation.
Charles Kennington
player, 5 posts
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 14:39
  • msg #45

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Unphased by the makeup, though mildly confused why the nun was holding the Chinese fellow's wrist like she was anticipating it popping out of place, Charlie nodded his thanks to her and the fellow before regarding Sutter, "Looks like you've got got a fair spread of folks signing up, room for another? Not exactly as spry as I used to be but I've a decent eye for tracks should some of the beasts take it into their head to go wandering and done a few drives in the past so I'm familiar enough with what we'd have to look forwards to. How many head you moving?"
Sister Deidre
player, 21 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 16:19
  • msg #46

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The sister, giving the wrist a final gentle turn, looked the stranger in the eye and recited unerringly.

"Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.  He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish. She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen's hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples.  At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.  The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots?"

She clearly meant something by telling him this, but at least she let go without incident.
GM, 41 posts
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 00:55
  • msg #47

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

"Well I'll be," Bill Sutter turned to face the newcomer, "That I do, old timer.  Gonna be runnin' close to 1500 head a cattle up the Goodnight-Lovin' Trail into Plains.  Kansas an' Oklahoma prices have bottomed out on prices; that leaves Roswell or Denver.  Figure once we're up North an' hear the latest news we'll know the best spot to sell.
 If you're still spry enough to sit a horse for 8 hours an' chase the stragglers, I'll sign ya here an now."

Shakin' his head in near disbelief the old rancher admits, "Ya know, I heard things had gotten a little rough, lots of folks out'a work in San Antone an Houston; might see some drifters lookin' for work but never expected they'd be movin' in such a big group."

If anyone has anymore questions for Sutter or each other feel free to ask'em.  Otherwise he'll tell ya to grab your horses (or jump in the back of his wagon if yer hoofin' it) and follow him on back to the Lazy S...
Charles Kennington
player, 6 posts
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 07:54
  • msg #48

Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Grinning widely in answer to Bill's remarks Charlie nodded back to him, "You'll have a whole mess of folk for that then. Not helped drive a herd that size before but it's still the same stuff to look forwards to. And as long as the coffee's warm enough most mornings I can manage a day like that easy enough."

In answer to the remark about drifters he regarded the mixed group again and shrugged, "All sorts of things get people looking for work. I took a job with a mail wagon wanting a bit of extra security heading down to a place not too far away and started asking around about any jobs heading out near as soon as I got there. Don't like letting myself grow roots nowhere." Nodding the nun's way he added, "What's that the lady said 'bout some trouble you'd been having?"

Once he got the answer to that assuming no-one else had particular questions he was happy enough to head for the Lazy S, untethering a fairly lively young horse that was laden with a spread of items before mounting up if not with grace at least with evident practice.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 18 posts
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 03:08
  • msg #49

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

Sister Deidre:
The sister, giving the wrist a final gentle turn, looked the stranger in the eye and recited unerringly.

"Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.  He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish. She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen's hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples.  At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.  The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots?"

She clearly meant something by telling him this, but at least she let go without incident.

Jing listened closely to the narrative, nodding as she spoke. At the end of it, he commented as such: "I will consider this closely."
Sister Deidre
player, 24 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 16:24
  • msg #50

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Sutter's Flats

The strange nun seemed satisfied and said no more.  She went outside to put her soap box back where she'd found it, and them climbed onto the wagon, shotgun in her lap.
GM, 43 posts
Tue 22 Jun 2021
at 01:05
  • msg #51

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

You either ride in the back of your new boss' wagon or follow along with him on your own horse.  The countryside remains much the same; good land with small thickets of brush or low trees and plenty of grass for cattle.  But anyone familiar with the area knows this just a little further South or West and the land becomes much more arid.  It's maybe an hour's easy ride before the Lazy S comes into sight.  Buildings look well cared for but nothin' fancy.

This ain't no genteel estate, it's a workin' ranch and Bill Sutter gives ya a bit of an idea what you can expect for the next couple a weeks - he's pushin' up his timetable to get his herd movin'.   That means work six-and-a-half days a week (allowin' for a half-day off on Sunday mornin's for those to feel the callin' to hear a sermon by the circuit preacher).  Fact is, most o' the cowboys choose to sleep in, some to recover from the work week an the rest to recover from card and whiskey on Saturday night.

Y'all can expect to be tuckered out by supper assumin' ya pull yer weight but get a good night's sleep an you should be ready to go by mornin'.  Sutter drops you off at the bunkhouse where the ranch's cowboys live and makes sure they show ya where ya can get situated, stow your gear and where you'll bunk.  There's separate sides for men and women and ya find the Lazy S has both workin' its herd.  Before he leaves Bill tells ya the foreman, Luke Canton, will be by in the mornin' to get ya started.

You spend the evening with your new team, gettin' to know a some of the folks you'll be workin' and ridin' with.  Come the mornin' you're shown where to grab a bite before the foreman shows and tell's ya what needs doin' today.

Canton's a leathery old cowboy, clearly of African descent.  You figure he's probably under 30 but somethin' bout the way he talks makes ya think he's seen a thing or two.  He certainly seems to know about ranchin' and explains, "Mr Sutter said ta start ya out with some a the basic chores.  When I point to ya step forward and I'll tell ya where ya need to go....."

Charles you're told to help 2 of the hands gatherin' and bailin' hay from the fields to feed the animals.

Cooper you start off shoeing some of the horses with another ranch hand but pretty soon you can tell somethin's eatin' at em somethin' fierce.   Soon they're tellin' ya of some personal issues they're wrestlin' with (anything from drunk, depressed, lost, injury).

Lou you're sent to the tack room and help oil and maintain the harnesses, saddles and other important equipment with another ranch hand.

Deidre and Thaddeus are both sent to the barns to help a 2 other hands nurse and assist with calf's birth.  Canton tells Thaddeus that Mr Sutter mentioned there would be a cook-off later in the week but he's expectin' everyone to work where needed.

Finally Thomas is branding steers with a 2 other cowboys at the fire.   Things are goin' well until just before lunch when the two, who've been snipin' at each other all mornin', finally look like they're about to throw down somethin' fierce.  One's hand is hoverin' close to his knife.

Welcome to ranch life!  But more than that, here's a chance to flesh the Lazy S:
- post a short description of how your work day goes
- you're working with at least 1 other ranch hand, maybe 2 - name'em, tell us a little bit about'em, where are they from and a personality note or two (use the Allied Personalities Table in Savage Worlds if you like)
- feel free to develop a friendship, a rivalry (some folks just get off on the wrong foot or maybe they're just bad news) or a love interest
- everyone you come up with will be added as NPCs to the game under the Marshal's control; they'll all be reoccurring characters as the game goes on (or somethin' happens to them...)

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:06, Tue 22 June 2021.
Cooper Grannon
player, 30 posts
Tue 22 Jun 2021
at 19:50
  • msg #52

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Cooper was awoken earlier than he was used to. When working for yourself, he found he worked better long into the night, rather than starting wit the dawn.

When Cooper was told to help shoe the horses, he figured it was due to experience of building his gadgets, which included forging and shaping ghost steel. So replacing and nailing horse shoes wasn't exactly pushing his abilities.

He was paired up with Irving Patterson, a seasoned ranch hand who has spent most his life working with horses, drifting from place to place.

When the conversation of where they are both from, Cooper explains how he was born and raised in Salt Lake City, though specifically the Junkyard. It's what inspired him to learn about New Science, and build the gadgets he has.

But when he asks Irving where he is from, he always changes the topic, or keeps it vague saying he has moved around so much, he doesn't have a home.

One night Cooper hears Irving murmuring in his sleep, before screaming and waking up, along with several other ranch hands. When pressed about it the next morning, Irving says it was just a bad memory, from something that happened in the war. Cooper could tell that it was weighing him down, like a steel ball chained to his leg.

Maybe in time, Cooper will learn what secret Irving holds dear...
Sister Deidre
player, 26 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 03:17
  • msg #53

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Well, they couldn't have done a better job matching the woman to the task and vice versa.  Sister Deidre was a very odd bird, but she didn't complain one bit about anything all day.

The Sister fearlessly birthed that calve, sticking her hands into horrible places without reservation or hesitation.  It was a good thing too, the process did not go smoothly.  At all.  The nun somehow, some way, seemed to both know exactly what she was doing and come off like she was completely insane and just making it all up.

She didn't quite give up the preaching entirely, though having something before her curbed it quite a bit.  She seemed to focus on the Proverbs.

"Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds."

Dory was an unlikely assistant.  Dory was very young, a boy still really, and he seemed terrified of the Sister, even though she did nothing to provoke him.  He looked very, very guilty around her and had to be told to do things twice.  He'd panicked when the calf actually started coming.

Dory was a very fair boy with a smattering of light freckles, with delicate features and a small frame.  He had long elegant fingers and soft skin.  He seemed to have a lot of hair all shoved up in a straw hat.  He didn't seem very sure of himself, and the Sister positively terrified him into submission.

For her part, the Sister quote Proverbs at Dory, and did give him a few very odd and thorough looks thoughout the day like she'd figured something out but didn't know whether to say it out loud was wise or not.
Charles Kennington
player, 8 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 16:32
  • msg #54

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Settling in at the ranch with the comfortable ease of someone used to making themselves comfortable in new places Charles observed the goings on around the ranch thoughtfully and took an early night when the chance came. The following day he took the assigned chore without comment and headed off  whistling cheerfully.

Meeting up with the others handling the same task and getting into the baling with a will Charles took advantage of the lulls when applying twine or taking a whetstone to the scythes to chat with his fellow balers, a pair of sibling sharing the surname of Sunderland. They had been working for a rancher who sold their entire herd to the Little S with the intent of moving back east and the pair followed the animals and the work to the new ranch. While they were familiar with the work the scale of it was relatively more than they were used to and in contrast to their prior roles where they tended to work a variety of tasks for a small number of animals for this many cattle any single task could be an entire day's worth of work.

Hot work combined with the weather meant that Charles was soon the less chatty of the three but by then the Sunderlands had loosened up enough to keep the conversation going even if largely between themselves. The younger of the two, Kate, was the more gregarious of the two and was hoping to move on when this job was done to pursue some other line of work. What exactly that would be she was not so sure yet but these parts were fairly lacking in employment unless you were looking to sign up with the larger businesses most of whom tended to be fairly rigid in terms of the sort of people they were looking for. She was hoping somewhere further afield might hold more opportunities and as such was eager to get going.

Her brother Owen was somewhat more tight-lipped but still willing to fill in the are gaps when his sister paused. Unlike her he was fairly content with the work, if the Little S was willing to keep him on he would stick with them as long as the money was coming. He was in favour of his sister striking out on her own and given how little options there were for her to find anything around here had been the one to suggest they sign on with the Little S to get them further afield. More relaxed than his sibling he worked patiently in the manner of someone who would be content to keep doing the same task right up until the heat death of the universe.

Even Owen's placid manner was faintly worn by the time the day was done though, the monotonous repetition of cutting, raking, baling and repeat wearing slowly down on all three of them. Despite that Charles kept grinning, putting on a positive face and offering an encouraging word of two when things started to wear on them and stepping in to swap his own tasks when whatever they were currently on started to wear on either of the two other workers.
Thaddeus 'Grubbins' Gable
player, 16 posts
Mon 28 Jun 2021
at 06:29
  • msg #55

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Thaddeus found the continual litany of scripture and preaching more than a bit annoying at first, but throughout the day, as the Sister became more engaged in her work, she toned it down a bit and some of what she said even made some sense. His own wide hands, thick fingers and burly forearms were not made for fetching legs inside a cow and he was happy the Sister had volunteered for the job, being much more suited to the task. Using his own bodyweight to press against the cow and keep her held against the barn wall, he watched. When Sister Deidre finally had gotten two pieces of thin rope around the calf's hocks, he plied his weight and strength to helping her pull.

When the calf was on the ground, he quickly knelt and stuffed a long, stiff piece of straw up the nostrils and wiggled his finger in the calf's ears to invoke the responses of snorting and head shaking, resulting in shallow, watery sounding breathing.

Thaddeus gave Dory a wink and smiled. The expression seemed foreign to his face however, like it was something used about as often as a sunday-go-to-meetin' suit at a Comanche war rally. He tossed the boy a 'totter', a dried ball of flour, sugar and cinnamon, something like hard tack only sweeter.

Popping one into his own mouth, he stood up and offered a hand to the Sister. "Well done. Now we just need t'get these otherns to suck..."

Thaddeus tied one of each cows' legs back to the fence and knelt down, perching a calf over his knee and guiding it to the teat. One took latch fairly quickly... the other was more of a knot-head. He felt a rag drape over his shoulder and looked up, expecting to see Sister Deidre handing it to him. Instead he saw a grizzled old cowboy.

The old hand, gestured to wipe the mud and manure off the udder and squeeze a bit of the colostrum into the hand to rub on the teat. The man's leather face was a study of lines and angles and was so tanned that it was difficult to tell if he was a half-breed. He stood hunched with age and badly healed bones. His whiskers were sharp. A tobacco cigarette, rolled in old newsprint stuck to his bottom lip and from time to time he'd take a drag from it. His battered hat, his worn boots and his many-patched chaps had seen some considerable mileage. When he spoke it was mostly unintelligible grunts and profanity.

But Thaddeus did as directed and was pleased to see the calf finally figure it out, beginning to suck loudly.

"Thaddeus Gable, folks call me 'Grubbins'," he introduced himself to the old cowboy, extending his hand.

The veteran of countless brandings and drives took the hand in an iron grip that belied his frail and battered appearance. "Rio."

Not sure if that was a name or instruction to go wash off in the river, Thaddeus nodded and began to help the Sister and Dory clean up.

"Thanks for the help Rio...," Thaddeus said, turning back around to find that the old cowboy was no longer there...

"Where'd he go?" Thaddeus asked Dory and the Sister.

"Where'd who go?" the boy returned. "Just us three here Mister Grubbins."

Thaddeus kept an eye out for the gnarled old cowboy the rest of the day, but didn't see him anywhere, and nobody he asked seemed to have any idea what he was talking about...
GM, 45 posts
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 02:34
  • msg #56

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

By the time the sun's sinking on your first day on the Lazy S you're plum beat.   Many of ya are dozin' off where ya sit or make your way to your bunks early.  Sleep comes quick and daybreak sooner than ya'd like but you're ready when Luke Canton, the foreman, comes by for the new day's chores.

"Y'all pulled your weight with the odd chores yesterday," he nods to your group once he's called you aside from the other hands, "but here's your first real job.  See those six mustangs over there?  We've been breaking a mess of horses for the upcoming drive for a while but that bunch is particularly ornery.   Get in there and finish breakin' 'em.   And be careful of that one wit the weird look - we call her Devil Eyes."

Walking over to the corral where the mustangs are waiting, Luke adds, "This probably ain't somethin' you'll knock out quick but you can spend today workin' on 'em.  Mr Sutter's a hard man but fair and shares the wealth when he can.  Work hard and you'll be rewarded.  Slack off and you'll get the boot."

With that he gives you a nod of confidence and leaves you to it.  Anyone familiar with beakin' horses knows Canton's right after this not being a quick task; gettin' a horse to tolerate a saddle and rider will take weeks of repetitive trainin'.   Wild ones like this Devil Eyes maybe longer. "Breaking" a horse means getting it to trust its handlers, accept a saddle, understand basic commands, and finally take a rider.  Training wild horses isn't usually worthwhile, but there are always exceptions.

Maybe the Lazy S hands are closer than they they with these troublesome mares and you'll surprise 'em.  And maybe you're in for a lot of air time gettin' thrown from their backs...

Everyone get's to pick a horse, step forward if you want to tackle ol' Devil Eyes.

You're gonna have to start off working to gain the creature's trust Get a Raise with your Riding skill and you succeed in breaking the horse - -2 penalty if workin' with Devil Eyes.  If you happen to roll a Critical Failure you end up with a Wound from an rough landing (Devil Eyes gives an extra Wound from an angry stomp).

No requirement that you stick with the same horse if you decide things ain't workin' out.

Good luck ranch hands!

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:53, Mon 05 July 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 20 posts
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 07:58
  • msg #57

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

OOC: Sorry for the wait, I've had several days of technical issues stopping me from posting.

Luo Jing had seen a saddle, once, in the old country. It wasn't quite like this one, and he hadn't known then how to care for a saddle. That one had lacquer and it was fiercely decorated, seeming to Jing like an object of power and influence out of legend.

Had the young Lou been asked to do the work of upkeep on that saddle, it would have been difficult for him to get started. It would have been worse for the lacquer, of course, so he found himself thankful that no one here was some kind of pompous official.

This day, Lou had a ranch hand named Lenny at hand. This young man had some knowledge of the life and readily imparted it to Jing.

When Jing calmly, and without humor, admitted his total ignorance of the subject with the first of many saddles in front of him, Lenny laughed pretty hard and started explaining in some detail. "Well, Lou, you gotta clean it a bit every day, but about every week or two it needs it deeper, like." He started by showing Lou how to thoroughly dust a saddle off.

Then, deeper. In just a few moments, Lenny had pulled the saddle all apart. Lou had to see that happen a couple of times just to get there--later, he had to watch Lenny put the saddles back together a few times before he got the hang of it for himself.

Lenny took a slightly damp sponge to that saddle, wiping away the rest of the surface dust. The young man worked so very carefully, and yet more quickly than Lou could imagine. He explained getting the right consistency in the lather after that.

Then, the drying. It didn't take that long, but it felt like ages. Lenny chewed on a piece of grass while they waited. Lou didn't.

So the first part of the day went on, at length, cleaning saddle after saddle. Their teamwork improved rather quickly, so that by the time they got to oiling and conditioning, Lou could follow along with rather little in the way of direction. He was becoming exhausted, but...he was no stranger to hard work, and it only showed a bit. Lenny was entirely unbothered.


Lou hadn't told anyone this, except for Lenny earlier, but he had never worked with a horse before. He knew this would be trouble, that was certain.

Luo Jing was willing to give it a try, though. He felt bad for the one with the "funny eyes." So he picked it. Lenny watched on in amazement, and fear, as Lou started.

OOC: "01:53, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 5,4 using 1d8,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,4.  Boost Trait (Riding)." Cost of 2 PP. Current Power Points: 13/15.

First, he focused his energies, ensuring that chi was flowing through his body freely. Then, he approached the beast known as Devil Eyes, and he did his level best to imitate the others present, who had no doubt worked with and ridden horses before, he thought.

OOC: "1:55, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 0,1 using 1d4-2,1d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of 2,3.  trying to work with the beast." Not so good!

So I spent a Benny: "01:56, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 13,0 using 1d4-2,1d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of (4+4+4+3)15,2.  trying to work with the beast,  Benny spent."

After a short time, Lou realized he had gotten seriously lucky here not to have been seriously injured by this wild thing, but he felt like...maybe it was working out.
GM, 49 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 18:46
  • msg #58

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

The day wears on as you pit your grit against those of the wild mustangs.  By lunch your mouth tastes like the dust of the corral and you got bruises in some very uncomfortable places.  Some of the hands have come in to grab a bite to eat and wander over as you're finishing up.  Canton and old man Sutter along with Sutter's niece, Abby Morton, lean against the fence and watch.  There's more'n a few chuckles and jibes thrown by the hands, especially from the ones that failed to break these mares before.

And then Lou gets up on Devil Eyes one last time and it's a ride everyone will remember.  They battle around the corral, you're sure time and again there's no way he can stay on.  The cheers stop soon, a collective sense of something about to change.  It seems like hours but it couldn't be more'n a minute and the giant, midnight black mare is standing still, wheezing like a locomotive with Lou still on her back and just about as winded as she is.  After a few seconds, Lou motions for Devil Eyes to head towards the fence...and she obeys.

"Holy s.." Canton's mouth drops but the rest of his words are drowned out by the whoops and hollers of your fellow hands.  Stutter slaps his foreman on the back with a wide grin.
Charles Kennington
player, 11 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 19:09
  • msg #59

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Rising with a twinge or two in his back Charlie made his way through breakfast without complaint despite that. Rusty was all he was, once he had been through a few days of this he would be back in shape. Or at least that was the assurance he gave himself as his body provided a complaint from his lower spine.

So naturally the following day it was something else entirely. Eyeing the various animals to be taken in as Canton spoke he after a few minutes turned his gaze from horses to the corral they were to try to break them in considering the ground itself for the slightly softer places to fall off when whatever animal he rolled out decided to bounce him off and onto the floor as well checking the space between the lowest rung of the fence and the earth to make sure it would fit a man trying to roll out of the way of an irritable mustang's hooves. He was a good enough rider but breaking in a horse always meant a few falls even for the best rider and he assuredly was not that.

Despite that caution like the others he spent most of the morning collecting bruises of one kind or another and in between hollering enthusiastic support for whoever was slogging through their own bout of trying to bring the equines to heel, putting in some especially hoarse cheers by the time Lou rolled up atop the most irritable beast in the herd due to a combination of prior cheering and enough grit collected in his falls that his mouth was too dry to spit most of it out anymore. His own attempts continued as expected, collecting more bruises than success.

OC: 2 so bruises but no wounds.
Sister Deidre
player, 30 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 20:35
  • msg #60

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

The Sister found this whole situation very strange, but God had tested her many times before with much stranger ordeals.

"Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat."

She was a fair hand at a horse from her days before the habit, though not exactly impressive, but she'd had to learn to not get killed on horseback when gaining some speed.

She approached an animal and stared it in the eye.

"Behold, we put bits in the horses' mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body.  Amen."

15:31, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 7,5 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,5.  Faith.

All right, the Sister will Boost her own Riding, seeing this time at the ranch as an ordeal sent by the Lord.  That'll help, hopefully.

15:33, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 11,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (8+3)11,1.  Boosted Riding.

Well all right then!

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."  The nun then added.  "And that includes horses!"
GM, 52 posts
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 23:49
  • msg #61

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Not as many are present to see Sister Deidre's ride but they speak of it later when the day is done and the hands are preparing for bed.  Her habit spread wide as it caught the wind, no doubt or fear in her eyes as she sat upright in the saddle.  Some might claim the Lord kept her in her seat, it's difficult to prove otherwise, but the sister's horsemanship was more'n up to the task that day.  There were a few less wonderin' glances to her round the ranch after that.

Ol' Charlie had the worst of it but that only matched what others had experienced with them mustangs.  Maybe it was for the best given 2 of the wild mustangs includin' old Devil Eyes herself broke that day.  If'n more had been tamed it might have shaken the confidence of the rest of the Lazy S's hands.

Diedre roll a d10 and let's see what's special about that mare you've tamed.

The next day you'll continue your chores round the camp but you'll also have time for a go at the mustangs.  If Sister Deidre wants to boost Charlie's Riding, roll for it.  Charlie, once the good sister's made her decision feel free to roll.  In fact, roll until you get your Raise.  Let's see how many days it takes to break another of the mares.

Sister Deidre
player, 32 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 00:02
  • msg #62

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

18:55, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 6 using 1d10, rerolling max with rolls of 6.  Is the mare a knight?

You know, let's boost Charlie, that seems like the Sister Deidre thing to do.

The Sister's actions on the next day were peculiar, even for her.  She went out with a few oats and gave each mustang a small mouthful.  Was... was she giving the horses communion?  No, that couldn't be, that'd be mental even for her and she was a certifiable loony bird.  An oddly adaptable loony bird, but still a loony bird.

She stopped Mr. Kennington in his tracks right as he was proceeding to get to work, and proceeded to lecture him but briefly.

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.  Amen."

Let's see...

19:00, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 7,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,3.  Faith!

I'll take that!  I think my Edge that lets me reroll it requires me to actually fail the first roll... in any event this is low stakes it's fine.

That'll give Chuck here an additional die type boost on his Riding roll.

Charles Kennington
player, 12 posts
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 16:37
  • msg #63

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

"Like as not sister though I can't say as I do unto men or the Lord as I do unto horses. Which is like as not for the best as I'm certain the book's fairly clear on that sort of thing."

OOC: 2 days till the dice actually explode since that's what it's waiting on. Second roll was a success but since those success are the same result as normal failures it's only the third roll that actually explodes
GM, 55 posts
Wed 14 Jul 2021
at 03:48
  • msg #64

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

William Eagle Feather
It's right at the hottest part of the day when you enter the Lazy S ranch proper, makin' your way towards buildings which could only be the ranch house, bunk house, barns and corral.  Native American's aren't unknown in these parts but it's always a wonder if there's tension or trouble brewing one of your people enter the White Man's towns.  Maybe being alone put the ranch hands that watch you at ease a bit though; for the most part the curious looks you get are nothin' more'n just curious.  That's a good sign, they might just accept you for the upcomin' drive.

It's a tough business, ranching, and tougher still here in Southwest Texas lately.   Course, you have a little insight into some of the things really going on out in the world.  Bein' a member of the Twilight Legion has exposed you to a lot of things that would turn most folks into puddles of nerves.  But sometimes even the smallest act can make a big difference, and that's the word you've gotten from your contacts in the TL about the need for beef to feed the West Coast.  A good drive can cut down on famine out there and hold back the Reckoner's and their ilk from gaining ground.  So here you are, lookin' to join a cattle drive and tryin' make sure it succeeds, without ever lettin' on your true goals.

An older man and younger girl (couldn't be more'n 18) approach you from the corral where you can see a group in the process of tryin' to tame some mustangs.  "Howdy," the man greets you, "Bill Sutter, this here's my ranch.  What can I do you for?"

William feel free to describe yourself.

While you're workin' on breaking the remaining mustangs you notice a lone Native American enter the grounds.  Bill and Abigale move to speak with him.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:51, Wed 14 July 2021.
William Eagle Feather
player, 2 posts
Wed 14 Jul 2021
at 08:37
  • msg #65

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

The tall athletic looking native American slowed his horse as the ranch owner approached.

He swung his leg across the dappled plains horse’s flank and slid off it onto the dried earth.

He was dressed in traditional Indian attire all made by hand with braiding and bead work. His hair was long and black with a single eagle’s feather in it.

At his waist tucked into his woven belt was a stone coved hand axe and across his back a simple but well-made bow with a quiver of black feathered arrows.

He gave his horse a pat on the neck, this creature was slightly smaller than the ranch horses but sturdier and light and fast. The plains horse was bred for this country and it could be seen the man valued it by its superb condition.

He studied the rancher for a moment keeping his eyes on him seeming to assess the man’s character “ I was named William by the pale skin’s orphanage I found myself in. William Eagle Feather” he seemed to smile at a private joke at that.

“ I understand you are driving cattle west. I wish to travel that way so I offer my services as a scout to you if you will have one such as me along for the ride” He added the last bit as he was well aware of the tension between the white man and the Indian and had been refused countless jobs because of it.
Sister Deidre
player, 33 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 00:24
  • msg #66

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Since it was distant, the Sister couldn't really interact with the occasion directly, but she sensed it was a ripe possibility for a meddling nun.  She hadn't stopped except when told to since she got here.  But she stopped now.  They could say what they wanted, she didn't care if they with-held her wages because she wasn't keeping them anyway.

"And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the Lord of hosts."  She murmured, seeming to waddle because of her habit.  She needed to see this and witness it.
GM, 56 posts
Fri 16 Jul 2021
at 13:17
  • msg #67

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

"Could use a good scout and rider and well, pickin's is been pretty slim for a while round these parts so I'm takin' bout everyone that shows up.  You look like you can handle yerself pretty well.  So if $30 a month suits you and a lot a long days and nights on the ranch and then on the trail, you're hired."

Assumin' William agrees (or if'n he wants to haggle feel free to bring it up) but eventually Sutter will point to the corral, "My foreman, Luke Canton, will be along in a bit.  Meantime why don' ya see if you can help the hands help break these mustangs.  Gonna need all the horses we can for the upcomin' drive."

This will be a Riding check, described a few posts above.  A Raise is needed to successfully break a horse that it will accept a rider.

Oh and I should add since this is unplanned gonna say the sister isn't prepared to boost William's Riding skill at this time (not sure he'd need it anyway)

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:51, Fri 16 July 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 23 posts
B: 2/3 PP: 13/15
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 08:55
  • msg #68

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Much like the good Sister, Lou found himself pausing suddenly when the newcomer arrived. And he didn't interact with the newcomer himself, but only turned to the Sister to listen to her commentary.

He listened, thought on it, and turned back to the situation. He thought to respond with his own tradition: "When Zhang Fei brought his cherished new ally to Liu Bei, the latter gifted to this ally his own golden mantle, saying to him: 'General, my brother's quick arrival owes to your aid.' The ally Yan Yan thereafter became a stalwart ally." He waited to see if the good Sister found this meaningful.
William Eagle Feather
player, 3 posts
Sun 18 Jul 2021
at 07:11
  • msg #69

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Eagle Feather nodded and moved off in the direction indicated.

His horse followed next to him without any coaxing. As they came close to the stable area he lightly padded his horse on the neck and it moved off at a slow walk to find some grass to eat.

Seeing the white man called Like Canton he approached " I have been asked to help break some horses" he said matter of factually before climbing the fence into the breaking area.

He noticed a horse one of the hands was trying to get under control and took the reins off him and let his hand relax.....turning side on to the horse he started to match the creatures movement.

07:59, Today: William Eagle Feather rolled 3,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  riding roll

The horse resisted so Eagle Feather stopped and waited for the horse to calm some before starting again

08:01, Today: William Eagle Feather rolled 1,11 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,(6+5)11.  ride roll free roll due to born in the saddle.

This time the dance between horse and man was in time and slowly the indian moved ever so slowly closer to the the horse until his hand touched the quivering animals neck.

With a gentle word in its ear Eagle feather took hold of its mane and swung himself up onto its back. It stamped nervously having someone on its back for the first time but Eagle Feather leaned forward bringing  his legs up so that he was laying the full length of the horse, his weight distributed along its full length.  his head close to the creatures ear where he whispered old words of comfort until the animal settled to the feel of the man.

After a few minutes he sat back up and rode the creature around the paddock a few times a twitch of a heel here a slight pull on the rein there until the horse looked like it had been ridden all its life.

Stopping near the fence Eagle feather slid off and slowly put the blanket and saddle on its back before remounting and riding it round again.

Indicating one of the ranch hands to open the gate Eagle Feather clicked his heels and the horse sprung forward like lighting and man and horse raced across the dusty field before trotting back to the ranch.

Sliding off the indian handed the reins over to Canton " he is a good animal, treat him well and he has promised to allow someone to ride him"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:11, Sun 18 July 2021.
Charles Kennington
player, 14 posts
Mon 19 Jul 2021
at 19:39
  • msg #70

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Having been merrily bounced off by yet another animal when William arrived Charlie settled himself down for a watch of the next attempt, leaning on the fence and bellowing the same enthusiastic encouragement as ever for the latest arrival. The philosophical exchanges between the others largely went over his head being neither a bible scholar nor reader of the Three Kingdoms but watching a contest between human and horse was more his speed anyway. Applauding appreciatively as the newcomer rode the horse out Charlie resumed watching the latest one being brought in, ready to bellow a fresh bit of encouragement.
Sister Deidre
player, 34 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Mon 19 Jul 2021
at 22:54
  • msg #71

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

The Sister simply watched the whole thing with interest.  She seemed to be considering something.

If she got the point, she didn't make it obvious.  Or did she?

"And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.  But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.  And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry.  For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found."

Deidre never made any sense even at the best of times.  She went back to her tasks, she had seen whatever it was she wanted so badly to see.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 24 posts
B: 2/3 PP: 13/15
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 08:30
  • msg #72

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Lou nodded thoughtfully, and seemed pleased with that response. He could not say for sure whether the exchange had been meaningful, but he certainly seemed to think it might be so.

Just before returning to his own labor, he stepped forth to introduce himself to the newcomer, saying: "Greetings--they call me Lou." He nodded to William.
GM, 58 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 01:54
  • msg #73

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

New acquaintances are made as the afternoon's work finally comes to an end hours later.  Luke Canton does make his way by the corral as you're finishing up to introduce himself to William Eagle Feather.  The trail boss is impressed enough with your progress on the mustangs that he tells you all to expect somethin' different tomorrow.

"Once y'all are done with your regular chores tomorrow I need ya to put those mustangs ya broke to work.  See we let the cows roam free over the winter to find the best grazing grass. Then round 'em up in spring. The boys have been bringing them in for a week but there are a few wayward steers unaccounted for."

"Concentrate on the area southwest of the ranch near the Rio Grande. The cows tend to congregate at the water but the crew ain't found too many along the shore. I reckon they're probably trapped in one of the box canyons out that way."

That night the bunkhouse is hoppin'.  There's a heated exchange durin' a game a cards between two of the wranglers that nearly come to blows.  Seems like somethin' that's been brewin' between these two for a while, near as you can figure.  Sister Deidre and Kennington are there when things get rough, what were ya doin' in the bunkhouse then and how do you react when the pair square off?

Meanwhile some hands have fire goin' outside and are sharin' some stories.  Lou and William Eagle Feather are there as well.  Who's there with ya?  Do you just listen or have a story to two to share yourself?

Similar to before we're gonna flesh the Lazy S ranch hands some more:
- post a short description of the situation
- pick one of the hands in the scene and tell us a little bit about'em, where are they from and a personality note or two (use the Allied Personalities Table in Savage Worlds if you like)
- feel free to develop a friendship, a rivalry (some folks just get off on the wrong foot or maybe they're just bad news) or a love interest
- everyone you come up with will be added as NPCs to the game under the Marshal's control; they'll all be reoccurring characters as the game goes on (or somethin' happens to them...)

Also, Charles and William Eagle Feather, roll a d10 & a d20 for me if ya would.  We need to see what's special bout the mare's you tamed and their personality....
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:58, Thu 22 July 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 36 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 02:06
  • msg #74

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

The sister calmly walked right into it, like she was invincible.

"Why do you raise your hand against your brother in anger?  On the day of judgment, will you give account of this and be prideful?"

It wasn't a Bible quote this time at least.  She shifted suddenly, from conciliatory, to aggressive like she wanted to fight too, though her body language didn't indicate that.

"Let it be heard, speak your grievances. Speak!"

It was the most sense Deidre had made since she got here to boot.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 25 posts
B: 2/3 PP: 13/15
Mon 26 Jul 2021
at 07:50
  • msg #75

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Jeb, an older white man with a great handlebar mustache, was the type of fellow who saw just about everything, but could blend into the background for years at a time. When he spoke, you just knew it would be good.

So he started telling a story with a knowing grin on his face. It was about a town he used to work in, but he wouldn't say where, to keep the privacy of those involved, you see.

Things went back some time before Jebediah showed up, but he didn’t know about none of that then. For him, the story started with a wildly drunken poker game he hit up. The whisky flowed free at that game, and Jeb lost around a hundred dollars, all told. There were a handful of local notables there, but it was a local farmer who got done in on his way back home. Someone had plugged him in the back and poured whisky over his body, leaving the bottle at his side.

Old Jeb, who was in the habit of these things back then, had got roped into tryin’ to understand what happened. The suspects were many: a local gang, local animals (“Don’t ask,” Jeb warned with a shake of his head after he said this), local vigilantes, and a few odds and ends here or there.

The important thing was the whisky, of course. He went out to the farmer’s house, and with a bit of searchin’ he found a cache of whisky. The old bastard had been hoarding the stuff. That’s about when someone burned down the farmer’s home and robbed the saloon of its supply of whisky, only saloon in town in fact (and it went out of business, too). People thought it was this local trapper, but in the end it turned out it was the got-dang preacher who did it all.

That wasn’t quite the end of it, of course, nor the start. Local politics had for some time revolved around the possibility of going dry, so some folks in town had started taking measures--so they would never have to go without whisky. Others in town either coveted the vast hoards of whisky their neighbors kept, or sought to deny them one of God’s great joys at any cost. (The preacher, of course, loved whisky and was an infamous drinker, although it never really got in the way of his preaching.)

Jeb got out of town after that, but over the years he had chance to write letters to a woman he met there a few times, and it seemed like the conflict between the two factions eventually died down following a massive fistfight in town hall which ended with the mayor and two other locals dead.

Lou found the story pretty amusing, if shocking. He wondered if it was true.
Charles Kennington
player, 16 posts
Thu 29 Jul 2021
at 19:00
  • msg #76

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

While Charles had been avoiding the cards he was still in the bunkhouse chatting that evening, trying to get some information from others who had been rounding up the wandering herd. While most of those in there were less than eager to talk about work given the days they were all keeping a few of those present were willing to talk and a smattering of others were listening in. One of the better trackers there, a well-built woman going by the name of Eunice, was waxing fairly lyrical about how the steer must be holed up somewhere and if it had been down to her she would have moved the search on from the river sooner. While not shouting the woman had a voice that could carry and as such the ambient volume as a whole had risen to compete with her.

That meant Charlie almost missed the escalating argument to one side until the sister went over shouting at folk. Eyeing the pair thoughtfully he shook his head, confronting them like that with an audience was not going to be a fun outcome. Best case she might manage to put a cork on something that still planned to fizz over. Then again he would have been tempted to let them swing a few punches before he tried to talk anyone down too. Sometimes people just needed to blow off steam. But then again he had not been on a drive this size before, might be doing so would only lead to more trouble.

OOC: Dice rolls 8 (d10) and 11 (d20). I managed to roll 2 d20 at first in error.
GM, 61 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 23:16
  • msg #77

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Well the pair a hands are not up to facin' the legendary Sister.  Maybe they don't exactly cower but they simmer down an cool off.  Rest of the evening passes quietly and all too soon dawn's here and you're draggin' your tired bones out of bed again for another day on the ranch.

Lost Doggies

Followin' your Luke's orders, y'all saddle up the mustangs you broke and set out searchin' for some o' the steers that ain't been gathered yet.  Pointin' your mount's nose to the southwest you spend most of the morning checkin' brush, canyons and anywhere else that catches your eyes where a dump ol' cow might wander.

Let's see if your Marshal can get his &#(!@ together an' get things rollin' again

Out of the ranch proper for a change.  If anyone hasn't given me a d10 and a d20 roll yet, please do so. It's for any interesting qualities about your horse.  Feel free to name 'em too; you're gonna be spending a lot of time together in the days to come.

Gonna need a Survival roll at -2 from someone to see how the day's search goes.

Feel free to describe any special tactics or strategy you use in your search.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:16, Fri 27 Aug 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 29 posts
B: 2/3 PP: 13/15
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 02:36
  • msg #78

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Lou didn't do just so great on horseback--oh, sure, the mad beast respected Jing, and let him ride, but the beast didn't always make it easy. So he found himself...tagging along with the more experienced hands in this group.

OOC: I assume having tamed Devil-Eyes, I don't need to roll for the traits, since "crazy evil horse" pretty much sums it all up?
Charles Kennington
player, 19 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 12:13
  • msg #79

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Having left his original horse back at camp with someone to keep an eye on them while he got used to the new animal Charlie was finding the going a bit rough at times since the beast seemed to get a faint enjoyment out of his complaints when they went over bumpy patches at speed. Despite that he pressed on with minimal vocal objections.

Having been chatting with others the previous night about where the wandering animals might be spotted he had narrowed down a few areas that had likely been swept over thoroughly already and instead paid attention to the other areas. Given the animals were not exactly bright enough to be moving on single file he looked for wider patches of tracks and ignored those more unstable terrain that might be fine for goats or sheep in favour of routes better suited for cattle.

OC: Nope, rolls of 2 and 1
Sister Deidre
player, 40 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Wed 1 Sep 2021
at 01:57
  • msg #80

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The Sister was enthusiastic, but didn't have a clever idea beyond the one already proposed and implemented, and though she was clearly trying this was not her niche of competence.

20:56, Today: Sister Deidre rolled -2,0 using d4-4,d6-4, rerolling max with rolls of 2,4.  Survival.

Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 30 posts
B: 2/3 PP: 13/15
Wed 1 Sep 2021
at 06:52
  • msg #81

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

OOC: Well, decided to give it a try:

"00:51, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled -1,1 using 1d4-4,1d6-4, rerolling max with rolls of 3,5.  trying Survival on.."

"00:51, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled -2,-1 using 1d4-4,1d6-4, rerolling max with rolls of 2,3.  Survival with a Benny :)."


GM, 63 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 00:30
  • msg #82

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

It's no surprise folks not familiar with the wide open range might struggle a bit their first time out on their own, even with a simple task an' wasn't exactly simple.   It become clear pretty quick that there were a mess o' places a full sized steer could wander into, bed down in, or otherwise get lost and a cowpoke could ride right by'em and never notice.  Needles in the proverbial haystack.

Come late afternoon you've only managed to find two of Sutter's herd an it's time to head back.  You pass through a cottonwood grove on your way to the Lazy S and come across several desiccated cow corpses.  But before you have a chance to even try to think about what might've cause the carnage....a hairy black spider the size of a large dog suddenly bursts from the ground!

The repulsive critter latches onto the first of your rescued steers before you can so much as blink.  The beast screams piteously as it loses its footing and topples to its knees.  A heartbeat later the other steer breaks through the ground, dropping into a small pit.  Out o' the pit swarm hundreds of palm size spiders, flowing over the thrashing cow and out onto the surrounding ground.

Seems like the terrantulas have developed a taste for hamburger; none make a move on you or your horses.  You can skedaddle right now if you choose...

Well shoot, y'all done walked into a nest of terrantula's.  If you make it back you can at least let Sutter know what's happened to a good portion of those missing cattle.  Question is, you goin' back empty or you gonna try to rescue the two you found?
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 31 posts
B: 2/3 PP: 13/15
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 10:33
  • msg #83

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Luo looked at his companions, then back at the arachnid. With a heavy sigh, he leapt off his mad horse, charging at the creature with intent to strike.

He figured he might as well contribute in this way and help in bringing home at least a couple of the poor creatures.

OOC: Let me know if I should roll before initiative.

Yep these simple creatures, minding their own business, content in their place in the circle of Life, are focused on the survival of their species (well at least their immediate portion of it) and are not engaged in further aggression.  You can take your actions prior to Initiative.

You've 2 targets:
- Large Tarantula (single critter)
- Tarantula Swarm (Medium Blast Template in size)

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:06, Sat 04 Sept 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 41 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 21:37
  • msg #84

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The Sister had honestly expected no different.  Were these creatures evil?  Perhaps.  Why not find out?

Same question as Lou

Yes we'll say the party acts more or less in unison.

The critters aren't Surprised, just aren't startin' anything unless y'all do

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:31, Fri 03 Sept 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 44 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Sat 4 Sep 2021
at 21:58
  • msg #85

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The Sister raised her rosary.

"And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered."

All right let's see if I can Sloth that Swarm

16:56, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 1,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,2.  Faith.

Not a critical failure, but close!

Yikes!  Thankfully the Sister is a True Believer

16:57, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 2,5 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,5.  True Believer.

Charles Kennington
player, 22 posts
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 18:15
  • msg #86

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

His horse rearing up at the sight of the sudden eruption of arachnids Charlie steadied himself atop it, shaking his head in dull astonishment at the swarming beasts, "Ain't nothing with more than four legs that should be that size. Darn things. Beef ain't on the menu tonight!" Attempting to swing himself down and get his shotgun free, since he had no desire to ride his steed into that mob, he cussed a couple of times as he did so.

OOC: Support roll: Persuasion +1d8 for Work The Room. Rolls of 3, 1 and 15 means only one person is getting a boost and since +2 to the Sister's roll doesn't get it to a raise it's going to you Lou. +2 to your next Trait roll.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 32 posts
B: 2/3 PP: 13/15
Tue 7 Sep 2021
at 05:52
  • msg #87

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Lou began to move steadily but swiftly toward the arachnid which was then latched onto the cow. As he stopped, he moved his hands with the flow of chi, breathing in deeply, and then out slowly as he pressed his hands forward in an offensive position. As he breathed out, his hands reddened, releasing steam, and he blew a gout of steam from his mouth.

OOC: I figured, since you went to all that trouble, I should at least get the raise:

"23:40, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 9,5 using 1d8+2,1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 7,3.  Activating Smite (Spending my last Benny, because why not?).

23:39, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 6,3 using 1d8+2,1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 4,1.  Activating Smite."

GM, 67 posts
Sat 2 Oct 2021
at 13:59
  • msg #88

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The Sister's prayer settles over the swarm o' hatchlings.  The may just be spiders but they know what they DON'T like.  Some primal sense of preservation tells them the big ol' creatures in their clearing must be the cause.  A river of legs seems to flow off of the steer and towards Sister Deidre.  Fortunately they aren't able to reach her.....yet.

Terrantual Swarm is Slowed, pace is now 5 until they can make a Spirit roll to resist.

Even though there's no rapport of a rifle or serious harm inflicted on her young, the large tarantula's maternal instinct is strong enough to recognize they are threatened.   Though maybe not what the source of the danger is exactly.  She lets go of the steer she'd sank her fangs into and skitters surprisingly quickly towards the nearest outsider: Lou.

But maybe the oversized spider is too used to surprising thick headed beef than a nimble chi master.   Lou is easily able to avoid the creature as it leaps for him.

08:57, Today: Marshal rolled 1 using 1d8, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  Large Terrantula Attack Lou.
GM, 69 posts
Sat 2 Oct 2021
at 21:47
  • msg #89

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Turn 1

Iniative Draw
16:39, Today: Marshal drew the 8 cards: 2H, KC, 8S, JS, AD, 8C, 6H, 3S using a deck of 54 cards.  Initiative (Lou, Deidre, Charlie, Tarantulas).

- Tarantula Swarm is Slowed (Pace 5) - it is intent upon Sister Deidre currently, Range 5 (inches, hexes, whatever)
- Large Tarantula - is unharmed and currently next to Lou, Range 0
- Sister Deidre - on her horse
- Lou/Charlie - on their feet
- Horses - are Extras, please include a description of what your horse does (by name if you've given them one)
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 34 posts
B: 2/3 PP: 13/15
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 05:58
  • msg #90

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Luo Jing avoided the first leaping attack of the tarantula, and he thought better of just letting it try again.

So he lashed out at the tarantula, aiming a precise strike at it.

OOC: "23:55, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 3,7 using d6,d4+4, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  damage, assuming I hit.

23:50, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 8,5 using d8+1,d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 7,4.  fighting (d8) against large tarantula."

Charles Kennington
player, 25 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:3
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 19:42
  • msg #91

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Slapping his horse on the rear to get it moving away from the oversized arachnids Charlie moved away from the swarm of the spiders. As he went he kicked over rocks and hollered enthusiastically to try to distract the larger one, making it split its attention between him and Lou.

OOC: Using Taunt to Test vs the large tarantula with the intent to make it Distracted. 6, 1
Sister Deidre
player, 49 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 19:56
  • msg #92

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The Sister kept it simple.  She crossed herself, and then let loose the blessed (well, technically not, but figuratively speaking, yes) buckshot upon the horror.

"Back Jezebel."  She told the horse.  She wanted to keep this up, blasting it with the shotgun, letting it close in but not get close enough to do any harm, and so on.  She just hoped the horse could take it, horses don't like swarms or gunfire.

So what better to shoot a swarm with than a shotgun.

14:54, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 3,7 using d8+2,d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 1,5.  Shooting.

No raise.  Well that's just how it goes.

14:55, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 6 using 3d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,2,1.  Short Range Damage.

Wow.  That was a waste of a shell lol.

Let's have the horse move back, I want to end my action 12 units from the swarm.

Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 35 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Sat 9 Oct 2021
at 08:29
  • msg #93

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

OOC: Woops, forgot about the horse! I'd also like to have the horse move away. The horse is crazy, but it doesn't care enough about Lou to intervene in a giant tarantula killing just yet.
GM, 75 posts
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 13:25
  • msg #94

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Sister Deidre
The good sister draws the swarm after her but manages to stay well ahead of them thanks to her trusty steed.  Her shotgun sends one after another of the little critters into the air but the swarm itself appears unshaken.

Large Tarantula
The momma spider's riled now, what with these strange creatures interruptin' her brood's dinner and then attackin' her young.  Her speeds fast, even for Lou and she tries to sink those fangs of hers into him.  He can see the poison dripping from those fangs as they try to latch on but somehow he manages to avoid them....though his shirt is ripped and some of the poison stains it in spots.

08:03, Today: Marshal rolled 7 using 1d8, rerolling max with rolls of 7.  Large Terrantula Attack Lou.
- that's greater than Lou's Parry

08:17, Today: Marshal rolled 4 using d8+d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,1.  Large Terrantula Bite Dmg.
- but that won't beat Lou's Toughness

The swarm crawls after Deidre, barely closing half the distance her horse covers.

20:48, Today: Marshal rolled 1 using 1d12, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  Swarm Spirit .
- a d12 Spirit and they roll a 1?  You're lucky

Maybe it was all the hollerin' an such ol Charlie was kickin up that had thrown off the critter's attack on Lou?  Maybe Charlie had started after it jumped?  Hard to say but the thing definitely took notice.

09:09, Today: Marshal rolled 2 using 1d4, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  Large Terrantula Resist Taunt.
- haha, no!  In fact....since Charlie rolled a 6 vs a 2...does that mean he got a Raise or would that require rolling 4 above the critter's Smarts of 4?
Large Terrantula is now Distracted...possibly Shaken

Edit: Confirmed, I won't be spending a Bennie for so Large Terrantula is Shaken

Lou's counter-strike to the dog-sized arachnid lands solid...
Lou please confirm, was your total damage 7 or 10?  Not sure if the die roller applied your +4 correctly

Found it in SWADE rulebook, 10

Solid enough to crumple the giant spider.  The terrantula falls over on its back, it's legs twitching and curling together above it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:52, Tue 12 Oct 2021.
GM, 80 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 02:13
  • msg #95

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Turn 2

Iniative Draw and Order
20:55, Today: Marshal drew the 8 cards: KD, 8C, QC, 9D, 9S, 7H, JC, 10H using a deck of 54 cards.  Initiative (Lou, Deidre, Charlie, Tarantulas).

Order this round is:
1. Lou - KD
2. Charlie - QC
3. Terrantulas - 9D
4. Deidre - 8C

Terrantula Swarm is still Slowed (Pace 5).  It is Range 12 from Deidre and 8 from Lou and Charlie.

Large Terrantula - Incapacitated

Sister Deidre - on her horse

Lou/Charlie - on foot
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:14, Tue 12 Oct 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 38 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 08:45
  • msg #96

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

After having dispatched the large tarantula, Lou turned around to rush against the swarm, hoping to threaten the swarm with his movement.

Unfortunately, at this distance it wasn't helpful at all.

OOC: Luck wasn't with me this time, unless the spider can somehow roll under a 1 on Smarts (per my edge, Feint). :)

"02:42, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 0,1 using d6-2,d8-2, rerolling max with rolls of 2,3.  Fighting Test."

Question: Did you move your full Pace?  How close did you get to the swarm?
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:21, Thu 14 Oct 2021.
GM, 83 posts
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 05:50
  • msg #97

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

While ol' Lou's tryin' to grab that terrantula swarm's attention, how's about Lou and Charlie give me some Notice -2.

Nothin' to worry bout.  Everything's fine.

But Lou, do give me an answer to that question above please.

/thumb's up

Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 39 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 07:53
  • msg #98

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

OOC: Yes, I moved full distance towarda the swarm!

Now rolling exclusively in binary:

"01:52, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 0,0 using d6-2,d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of 2,2.  Notice!"

Charles Kennington
player, 29 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:3
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 08:14
  • msg #99

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Relieved to see the larger one down the legions of crawling critters were still an immediate concern. Calling in Deidere's direction encouragingly Charles suggested, "Keep on shootin' there Sister. If nothing else the nhoise is going to confuse 'em."

Notice identical to Lou, 0, 0

Support check, no point in trying to boost two since Lou's ahead of me in the initiative. 6 the high so +1 to your next action Deidre

Did ya stay put or move after Lou?
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:33, Sun 17 Oct 2021.
GM, 84 posts
Sun 17 Oct 2021
at 14:19
  • msg #100

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Large Terrantula

As Lou goes sprinting after the river o legs chasin the good Sister he ain't payin much attention to what's around him.  Just like them steers y'all had...

In a sudden burst of dirt and webbing, a second large Terrantula erupts from its hole and has your companion in its grasp!

08:54, Today: Marshal rolled 5 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5.  Odd - Lou, Even - Charlie.
- attacks Lou

08:56, Today: Marshal rolled 14 using 1d8+4, rerolling max with rolls of (8+2)10.  2nd large Terrantula vs Lou, has The Drop.
- hit with 2 raises, no benefit for raises

09:11, Today: Marshal rolled 12 using d8+d6+4, rerolling max with rolls of 6,2.  Bite dmg with The Drop.
- 12 damage vs 5 Toughness = Shaken + 1 Wound

Lou do you have any Bennies left for a Soak roll?

If you are at least Shaken you'll need to make a Spirit roll vs Knockout Poison

Terrantula Swarm
Even spread over a mass of creepy hairy bodied that'd cover a cabin floor the critter's are unable to shake off the will o the Divine which Sister Deidre has directed upon them.  They pay no attention to Lou and continue their relentless march after the horseback nun.

09:22, Today: Marshal rolled 3 using 1d12, rerolling max with rolls of 3.  Swarm Spirit
- you get another round of reprieve, Swarm remains Slowed.   They move 5 closer to Deidre (now Range 7 from Deidre, 7 from Lou, 13 from Charlie)

The sight of Lou under serious attack by the Large Terrantula is a terrifying sight! (Lou, prolly for you most of all)

All characters please make a Fear check (no modifier)

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:59, Sun 17 Oct 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 53 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Sun 17 Oct 2021
at 19:26
  • msg #101

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

The sister steeled herself in The Lord, though not as well as she might have.

14:25, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 2,5 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,5.  Fear.

Didre you can go ahead and take your action or wait for Lou to resolve his turn.

Your call.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:47, Fri 22 Oct 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 54 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 00:51
  • msg #102

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Realizing the creatures were likely still slowed for a bit, the Sister resolved to fire the other barrel and see if that didn't work out better.

Right, so same drill as before, shoot it, then back off so I'm 12" away from it at the end of the turn.

19:49, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 6,6 using d8+2,d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 4,4.  Shooting it Again.

That's a hit.

19:50, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 24 using 3d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+5)11,2,(6+5)11.  Short Range Damage.

There we go, now we're getting somewhere.

Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 40 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Sun 24 Oct 2021
at 09:23
  • msg #103

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Lou held on, just barely, against the effects of the knockout poison, but the bite of the tarantula was painful and wounded him pretty badly--Luo Jing had to hold his ground at any cost.


Against the knockout poison: "03:16, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 2,4 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,4.  spirit!" I don't see anything about a modifier, so I imagine a 4 succeeds.

And for the fear check: "03:20, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 5,3 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,3.  spirit for fear check!"

GM, 87 posts
Mon 25 Oct 2021
at 14:16
  • msg #104

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Ol Lou falls prey to the low-down Terrantula's ambush and earns some scars but the Chi Master fights through the pain of the bite and manages to get the oversized arachnid off of him.  Meanwhile Sister Deidre unloads her second barrel on the mass of younguns....and cuts a swath clean through em.  With a splatter a bug guts there's suddenly more legs stickin up or torn to pieces than there are followin her now.  In fact, the remainin critters are split into two separate groups, an neither one looks to be in very good shape either.

But all this commotion,  what with the hootin an hollerin and shotgun blasts an such, are overheard by some other a the Lazy Z's drovers.  Jessie Bellville and ol Leopold Gruber pause in their search for missin steers an ride up wonderin what the fuss is all about...

09:01, Today: Marshal drew the 8 cards: 6S, 6C, 3S, AH, 2S, KD, 10S, 3H using a deck of 54 cards.  Initiative (Lou, Deidre, Charlie, Jessie, Tarantulas).

Iniative Order:
Jessie - AH
Lou - 6S : Shaken and 1 Wound
Deidre - 6C
Charlie - 3S
Terrantulas - 2S

The 1 medium sized swarm is now 2 smaller swarms and is Wounded. They're both more or less Range
- 7 from Deidre
- 7 from Lou,
- 13 from Charlie
- 24 from Jessie

The large Terrantula gnawin on Lou is:
- in Lou's face
- 6 from Charlie
- 24 from Deidre
- 32 from Jessie

Well looks like y'all got the jump on these critters this round, better use it.

Jessie as this is your first time seein a spider the size of a large dog, why don't you give us a Fear check to see how ya handle it.  I'll roll for ol Leo.

Give'em Hell!

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:17, Mon 25 Oct 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 41 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Tue 26 Oct 2021
at 08:08
  • msg #105

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Lou rallies from the strike, lashing out at the oversized thing with a reckless and forceful attack that would leave Lou dearly exposed should he fail to hit.

OOC: First, the Spirit roll:

"02:01, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 3,11 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,(6+5)11.  spirit roll :)."

Now, I attack: "02:04, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 5,5 using d6,d4, rerolling max with rolls of 5,(4+1)5.  damage (+6 to the total).

02:03, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 9,5 using 1d8+2,1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 7,3.  fighting roll, using wild attack."

That's 4 extra from Smite, and 2 from Wild Attack. So 16 damage, assuming a 9 hits.

Jesse Belville
player, 2 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Tue 26 Oct 2021
at 09:04
  • msg #106

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

10:50, Today: Jesse Belville rolled 3,13 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,(6+6+1)13.  Spirit v. fear.

Jesse reigns in his horse Rango, exclaiming in surprise: "Christ on his cross!", then spurs on his horse, drawing his carbine from the saddle holster, takes aim and fires at the giant spider about to eat his fellow's face!

((Alright, moving Rango's full pace (14 inches (12 from the horse, +2 for Born in the Saddle) brings me into short-range for the carbine.
Using Riding to shoot it (lower of Riding and shooting), -2 for multi-action:

11:00, Today: Jesse Belville rolled 10,2 using d8-2,d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of (8+4)12,4.  Benny for re-roll. –

11:00, Today: Jesse Belville rolled 1,-1 using d8-2,d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of 3,1.  Riding to fire carbine.

Damage: 11:01, Today: Jesse Belville rolled 14 using 2d8+d6, rerolling max with rolls of 6,4,4.  Carbine damage, bonus die.
10 damage if bonus doesn't apply.))

GM, 88 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2021
at 13:08
  • msg #107

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Ol Leo looks just as shocked as Jesse at the sight of the group bein' chased by critters what ought to be small enough to squish under yer boot.   But ranchin in the South is a hard life and the hands of the Lazy S are just as hard.  While Jesse takes off full tilt towards the big'un, Leo slaps reign to rump and heads towards the Sister and her two sets o problems.

07:57, Today: Marshal rolled 4 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4.  Leo's Fear Check.
- passed

Leo moves 12 towards small swarm, brings him to 12" range, Short range for Colt Army Revolver.  He's got Steady Hands, negates firing from unstable platform

08:06, Today: Marshal rolled 2 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  Leo Shoot Small Swarm 2.
- miss

He's a whoopin and a hollerin as he charges in, tryin to draw at least one of the groups off of Deidre but his shots are wide.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:22, Tue 26 Oct 2021.
GM, 90 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2021
at 13:21
  • msg #108

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Spiders may have 8 eyes but none of em see the bullet from Jesse's carbine and splatter its brains across Lou.  It's still twitchin when the Chi Master crushes it with a pair of powerful strikes that leave it broken and oozin out its insides on the ground.

Large Terrantula is toast

Deidre you're up

Sister Deidre
player, 55 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:3
Tue 26 Oct 2021
at 23:32
  • msg #109

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Deidre involves herself with the tactics of the holy:  the blessed reload and the, uh, sanctified tactical retreat.

I see no reason not to quit play this game of blast and retreat to the maximum of Short range (12) until this power wears off.  But alas, it's a double barrel, so it must be reloaded.
Charles Kennington
player, 32 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:3
Wed 27 Oct 2021
at 17:40
  • msg #110

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Faintly relieved to see some backup riding up along with the reassuring sight of another of the oversized arachnids going down Charlie did not bother trying to close on the now divided swarm, instead opting to continue to shout and stamp his feet to confuse the splintering spoders.

OOC: Test vs the closest swarm to make it Distracted,  5 on the check.

Since you're at range 13 currently from either swarm gonna have to apply a penalty of -2 so that'll miss this time.

Shoot, if only you had a horse to get closer....

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:51, Thu 28 Oct 2021.
GM, 92 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 02:06
  • msg #111

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The good Sister's prayers had been a powerful blessin, keeping the mass of hatchlin's from overwhelmin anyone while the adults were dealt with.  But all good things do come to an end and sure enough the little critters are finally able to regain their full motion.  And boy do those little rascals move, surgin towards Deidre over anything an everthing in their path...but just not quite able to reach her

20:53, Today: Marshal rolled 10 using 1d12, rerolling max with rolls of 10.  Swarm 1 Spirit.
- shake off Slowed

20:53, Today: Marshal rolled 5 using 1d12, rerolling max with rolls of 5.  Swarm 2 Spirit.
- shake off Slowed

Deidre indicated she'd moved back to 12" from swarms, they only move 10, so they're now 2" from her
GM, 93 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 02:17
  • msg #112

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The little varmints are hoppin mad but tore up somethin fierce thanks to Deidre's buckshot.  But they're not done for yet...

21:07, Today: Marshal drew the 8 cards: RJ!, 2D, 8S, QS, BJ!, 7C, AD, KH using a deck of 54 cards.  Initiative (Lou, Deidre, Charlie, Jessie, Tarantulas).

Initiative Order
Lou - Red Joker!  +2 all Trait & Damage rolls, go when you want
Terrantulas - Black Joker! +2 all Trait & Damage rolls, they'll elect to go 1st
Jesse & Leo - QS
Charlie - 8S
Deidre - 2D

Both swarms are (more or less):
- 2 from Deidre
- 15 from Lou,
- 23 from Charlie
- 30 from Jessie

Lou I'll give ya the 1st opportunity before the littl'uns make their move.

Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 42 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 08:23
  • msg #113

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Lou picked up a pebble off the ground and ran toward the tarantula-swarms again, aiming a pebble to the side of one of the groups in an effort to scatter their movements momentarily.

OOC: I'll move my full Pace and then Test. I assume Athletics would be the correct Test here.

"02:23, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 2,5 using 1d8+1,1d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 1,4."

Due to Lou's distance from the swarms he incurs a -2 similar to Charlie's attempt and the test fails.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:17, Sun 31 Oct 2021.
GM, 94 posts
Sun 31 Oct 2021
at 19:42
  • msg #114

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The eclectic nun had managed to pull the swarm of hairy arachnids away from her companions but now that maneuver's hampered their ability to help draw off the critters.  In a swift increase in speed they manage to overtake the nun and her mustang, leaping on to the pair and attempting to sink those wicked little fangs into soft flesh.  The sight of Deidre holdin' on as both she and her mount swat an spin and jump tryin to get the buggers off is somethin to behold.

The swarms cover a small template and will automatically "hit" everything in it.   BUT...let's see if their damage is enough to threaten either Deidre or her horse

14:33, Today: Marshal rolled 6 using 1d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 5.  x2 Small Swarms vs Deidre (-1 Wouned, +2 for Joker)
- Deidre you'll be Shaken and must make a Vigor roll vs Paralyzing Poison

14:34, Today: Marshal rolled 4 using 1d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 3.  x2 Small Swarms vs Deidre's Horse (-1 Wouned, +2 for Joker).
- doesn't beat your Mustang's Toughness

Deidre will you accept the conditions above and make your Vigor roll or spend a Bennie to attempt to Soak?

Jessie you're up

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:48, Sun 31 Oct 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 58 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Sun 31 Oct 2021
at 22:16
  • msg #115

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

The sister bore it stoically, figuring the Lord would provide... somehow.

Yeah I'll spend the Benny to cast off/prevent the Shaken, that's a good use of a benny when it prevents a poison attack!

Jesse Belville
player, 3 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Mon 1 Nov 2021
at 13:27
  • msg #116

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Jesse called down at Lou "Are you alright?!" and waited for some sign in the affirmative, before wheeling his horse around and charging closer to the swarm.

((That would be 14 inches, takes me to 16 away and I'll save the bullet for this round, don't think it'll affect the swarm much.))
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 43 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Tue 2 Nov 2021
at 06:21
  • msg #117

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

"I feel better than I look! Quickly, we must help the Sister."
GM, 96 posts
Wed 3 Nov 2021
at 02:40
  • msg #118

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Leo continues his charge towards the swarm of palm sized spider's, plowing right into their midst next to Sister Deidre.  He never slows, intending to crush as many as he can under the powerful hooves of his mare.

21:35, Today: Marshal rolled 6 using 1d8, rerolling max with rolls of 6.  Leo Trample Spiders, Riding d8 (Ram Maneuver).
- hit

21:37, Today: Marshal rolled 9 using 1d12, rerolling max ((9)).
- one of the swarms is Shaken

Leo ends his movement next to Deidre in the midst of the swarms

Charlie you're up followed by Sister Deidre

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:42, Wed 03 Nov 2021.
Charles Kennington
player, 33 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:3
Wed 3 Nov 2021
at 15:03
  • msg #119

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Turning to see the dispersing spiders catch up to the Sister Charlie clicked his tongue sharply in annoyance, reversing his direction to move closer to the chaos there. With more than a few people closer than he and in a better position the older man held off on anything else, saving his breath for yelling some advice for those in a position to handle the creatures.

OC: Move Pace closer, Hold action for next round
Sister Deidre
player, 59 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Wed 3 Nov 2021
at 23:20
  • msg #120

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Well it was impossible to shoot something that was already crawling on you, so that option was out.  Instead the "sister" intoned for some divine insight.

"Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. "

Right, So The Sister will try to Lower the Swarm's Fighting ability to make this easier to put up with.  Mostly because I can't think of a logical physical action one could take in her situation lol

Also bonus, should decrease their Parry if it works so it's two for one

18:19, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 6,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 6,3.  Lower Fighting.


Despite her calm words however, the Sister was quickly off and in their midst, grunting and groaning and battering the little beasties with the butt of her scattergun!
This message was last edited by the player at 01:42, Fri 05 Nov 2021.
GM, 101 posts
Wed 10 Nov 2021
at 01:58
  • msg #121

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Well them young terrantulas have been stirred up and stomped on and there's certainly fewer of em now than there was when you first laid eyes on em.  Leo and Deidre are in their midst still (though Leo's more of a "passin through" as he let's his mare run'em over).  Rest of posse is closin' in.

But is it for the kill or to be killed?

Let's find out...

19:52, Today: Marshal drew the 5 cards: 9D, 9H, 4S, 2C, 8C using a deck of 54 cards.  Initiative (Lou, Deidre, Charlie, Jessie, Tarantulas).

Imitative Order:
- Deidre (9H)
- Lou (9D)
- Terrantulas (8C)
- Charlie (4S)
- Jessie & Leo (2C)

Both swarms are (more or less):
- 0 from Deidre & Leo
- 9 from Lou,
- 18 from Charlie
- 16 from Jessie

Lord be with ya Deidre, you're up!

Terrantula Swarms are both Wounded
1 Swarm is Shaken

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:58, Wed 10 Nov 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 62 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Wed 10 Nov 2021
at 02:01
  • msg #122

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

I want to boost Lou if I had any idea what he was doing, so I want to hold, see what he's doing, then interrupt him and boost whatever he's trying.

Then we'll see what Lou does first....
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:51, Fri 12 Nov 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 44 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Sat 13 Nov 2021
at 09:00
  • msg #123

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Luo rushed in as quickly as he could, intending to attack the swarm as soon as he could.

OOC: I believe a distance of 1 should be close enough to hit it:

"01:52, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 2 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  running!!!"

So I'm going to wild attack, because I'm a risk taker, giving me a +1 (-3 for multi-action and wound, but +4 for Martial Artist, gang-up bonus, and wild attack):

"01:58, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 6,4 using 1d8+1,1d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 5,3.  Wild attack on tarantula swarm menacing the good Sister."

And the damage, if that hits:

"01:59, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 5,3 using 1d6,1d4, rerolling max with rolls of 5,3.  +4 for wild attack + Smite active."

That comes out to 12 damage. This feels underwhelming after witnessing three of my players deal 16+ damage in a row in my own game, but rationally I know it's actually pretty decent. :)

This message was last edited by the player at 09:06, Sat 13 Nov 2021.
GM, 102 posts
Sat 13 Nov 2021
at 14:15
  • msg #124

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

When Lou joins Deidre and Leo in Terrantula stompin ya start to notice real progress.  Pretty soon anything with eight legs that ain't already crushed or stuck to the bottom of a boot is scatterin and scamperin away into the brush.  Hopefully there's some predators out here that'll clean up the rest before they grow as big as their parents.

Ya regroup at the site of the attack, the pair of steers are bit up and it takes a while to get them movin but soon enough they're able to start back to the Lazy S.  Sutter can decide if they'll be okay to make the drive or not.

You find the remains of more dessicsted cattle nearby.  No question where other missin steers went.

Lou deals another wound and since both swarms are right there covering the area seems like he'd deal the damage to both.

Feel free to make any posts for introductions or plans or such, including giving Sutter the news about his missing cattle.

Jesse Belville
player, 4 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 15:54
  • msg #125

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Jesse tips his hat to the group, once the spiders are dispersed.
"Pleasure to finally meet you all. You're the folks who signed up with Sutter the other week, right? I'm sorry we missed each other, I joined a couple of days before you. Good to finally meet up!"

If he thought the group before strangely compositioned, he didn't show it.

"My name's Jesse Belville."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:54, Mon 15 Nov 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 63 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Tue 16 Nov 2021
at 02:24
  • msg #126

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

The nun dusted off her habit and took a deep breath.  The newcomer distracted her however.  She replied.

"And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.  And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them."
Jesse Belville
player, 5 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Tue 16 Nov 2021
at 10:36
  • msg #127

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Jesse cocked his head and smiled in response.
"Can't say I'm too familiar with the Good Book, ma'am. Read my passages as I was told to, but I reckon' I won't be able to hold a conversation on the subject. I hope you're not injured?"
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 45 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 08:34
  • msg #128

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Grimacing at his injuries a bit as the spiders dispersed, Lou turned back to formally greet this newcomer. He dusted himself off and said: "Yes, my name is Luo Jing. Westerners generally like to call me Lou." He had learned that handshaking was an acceptable and polite form of greeting, so he stuck his hand out to this Jesse.

"And do not worry--Deidre seems to be indicating that you appeared at an opportune time."
Charles Kennington
player, 34 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:3
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 21:10
  • msg #129

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Stamping at more or less every skittering motion in the dirt as the swarms disperse as he makes his way to the general grouping Charlie touched the brim of his own hat in recognition, clearing his throat a couple of time times before spitting on one of the larger corpses, "Damn things. Good timing there, damn shame we didn't find this lot sooner might have meant they got to eat slightly less beef."
Sister Deidre
player, 65 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Thu 18 Nov 2021
at 03:14
  • msg #130

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

In reply to Luo 'Lou' Jing (msg # 128):

The strange nun didn't comment on whether Lou was right or not, but pointed at him, and in her strange haunting voice continued.

"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."

Let's try to get rid of that wound just in case.

Once again, saved by True Believer.  That is a powerful Edge!

22:11, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 5,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,1.  True Believer!

22:11, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 3,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,2.  Faith!

Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 46 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Thu 18 Nov 2021
at 10:54
  • msg #131

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

"Yet, we should still be glad we recovered even these cows, yes?"

Before he got back to his horse, Lou was of course intercepted by the good Sister. He nodded in appreciation and fascination at the display of faith healing. "Thank you, Sister."

Then, stretching his arm, he found that the ache in his arm had gone down significantly, and he was able to climb back up onto his mad-eyed horse.
GM, 104 posts
Thu 18 Nov 2021
at 14:22
  • msg #132

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Ya mosey back to the Lazy S an seein that brand over the entrance to the ranch proper is a welcome relief.  Ol man Sutter's with the Luke Canton, the foreman, by the corrals and come over.  The look of concern on their faces shows they're surprised you only brought back two.

"Y'all couldn't find any more'n these?" Canton asks with a frown, "And what happened to em?  How'd they get all tore up?"

Leo starts to speak, shakes his head chuckling and looks to the group in general, "I ain' got the words.  Somebody trin' explain that."
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 47 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 11:27
  • msg #133

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

Lou took a moment in silent contemplation before explaining. When he did, he took a hand and put his fingers through the large holes made in his sleeve.

He said simply this much: "Very big spiders."
Sister Deidre
player, 66 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 16:59
  • msg #134

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - The Lazy S

"And many of them."  The sister corroborated.  It seemed to be an excellent explanation to her, though the Sister was not one to conserve her words, they were still all purposeful.
Jesse Belville
player, 6 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 20:57
  • msg #135

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

"Honestly, we were lucky to only lose the steers we did, boss"
Charles Kennington
player, 35 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:3
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 16:05
  • msg #136

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

Dismounting Charlie glanced upwards at the others and grinned slightly at the taciturn summaries, "They summarised it well enough, once we get some food in us I'll spin a better yarn about it. But yeah, cottonwood grove back that direction had a bunch of dog-sized eight legged critters and a small legion of their smaller offspring along with a whole lot of cattle corpses."

Stretching slightly he went on, "Once we've got some light tomorrow might be worthwhile stopping on by and doing a body count, see how many the spiders have munched on there. There ones will need a check over too, one of them got bitten at minimum. Might be there's more still out there that have roamed further afield to avoid the spiders but this is all we dug up today."
GM, 105 posts
Tue 23 Nov 2021
at 19:11
  • msg #137

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

"Ya don't expect us to beli..." Canton starts to protest but Old Man Sutter raises his hand.

"Now hold up, Luke," Sutter pauses his foreman in his easy goin' manner, " You 'member when Kate and Owen found that steer couple weeks ago, all shriveled when we'd just branded it not two days before?  Them puncture marks?  We ride out to these cottonwoods tomorrow, maybe we'll find more like it."

Shakin his head, he admits, "I've heard tell of some big tarantulas, some of the Mexicans have talked bout em but thought they were just stories.   Swore they're bigger'n a barrel top.  But never heard of them across the Rio Grande or bringin down full sized cattle.  If'n y'all ran into a nest o them things that were killin' my steers then that had to be damn dangerous."

Noddin to ya he adds, "I'm obliged for that work ya today.  I know the herd looks big but I'm squeezed pretty tight here.  Ya expect to lose some of em, mountain lion or even coyotes when their calves, but to somethin like this.." he whistles "Well bein a hand has got it's dirty jobs but this's goin beyond.   Sayin' I'm obliged don' really cover it, especially since looks like they almost got Lou."

"Mighty glad y'all agreed to join the Lazy S when ya did."

Sutter don' strike anyone as a sentimental type.  Honest though, you're pretty sure a that.  Ya feel the honest gratitude of the rancher and it fills ya with a determination to help the man save his herd and his ranch.

Everyone earns 1 Bennie
GM, 106 posts
Tue 23 Nov 2021
at 19:26
  • msg #138

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

The next day's trip to the cottonwoods proves that more'n a dozen steers fed the terrantula brood.  The carcasses of the adult spiders are still there, only the ants seem to have any taste for em.

That evenin, just before chow at the chuck wagon outside Sutter's house, ya spy a small group of riders approachin. It's six rather surly looking gunmen following a better-dressed man sporting a pair of shiny Colt revolvers that halt a short distance away. Off to one side is a seventh man, a hard-looking Indian dressed in a threadbare Army jacket decorated with a
 smattering of bangles and fetishes.  The other hands of the Lazy S eye the strangers darkly but before anyone speaks up the well-dressed feller calls out for Sutter who's standing there with ya.

First thing old man Sutter does is pick up a shotgun and cradles it in the general direction of the strangers.   The leader of the group, cause you're pretty clear better dressed stranger must be the leader, doesn't take any notice of the scattergun nearly pointed at him and instead says, "Good day to you, Mr. Sutter. My name is Bartholomew Phelps and I'm here as a representative of the Bayou Vermilion Railroad. I’m authorized to purchase your cattle at the agreed-upon price of $5 per head."

Sutter screws up his face and snarls. "Like I told them other fellers from your railroad, you can pound sand. That ain't half what they’re worth on the open market!"

Phelps sneers. "Ah, but this isn't an open market. I understand no one hereabouts will purchase cattle with your brand and I'm afraid my employer's stock cars are booked up for the foreseeable future. I'd recommend you take the offer before prices drop further."

Sutter turns suddenly serious as a preacher. "Prices ain't the only thing about to drop around here, if you and your lot don't head out pronto."

With that, Sutter thumbs back both hammers on his shotgun.  Phelps looks round to you and the other hands gathered for chow.   He don't look too worried.

What do you do?

Y'all can give me a Notice roll at -2 if your lookin the railroad thugs over
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:27, Tue 23 Nov 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 67 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Wed 24 Nov 2021
at 15:12
  • msg #139

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

At least it's not a crit fail.

09:29, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 1,1 using d4-2,d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  Notice!

All right, being Blessed, the "nun" is going to try to resolve this without violence.  In her own, uh, unique way.

Oh, they had picked the wrong day for this.  The Sister, who was contrary and bizarre at the best of times, was in a mood and had come out in the grease paint.  This wasn't one of her pretty skulls either, this was shock white, with deep black streaks in the eyes, and around the contours of the jaw, creating a skull but a very crude and sinister one.

She wasted no time approaching these heathens, raising both hands to the sky, and belting out her words with great... enthusiasm.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God!

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

"Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.   But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was."

All right we've had time to recover Power Points, so The Sister is going to judiciously spend a couple here.  That harangue was The Sister using the Lower power on Phelps to lower his Spirit trait.

10:05, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 6,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 6,3.  True Believer!

10:05, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 7,5 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,5.  Faith!

So 7.  Again, True Believer is an amazing Edge.  Missed the Raise, but that should lower Phelp's Spirit a step.

The Scripture recited, now came the sermon.

"Repent!  Repent!  The wages of sin are hellfire and damnation!  Death comes for all, none are spared!  He who spends this life in the commission of evil will burn, burn, in the fury of He Who Is Called I Am!  Death awaits you, on a pale horse, and Hell follows with him!  It cannot be reasoned with!  It cannot be bargained with! It doesn't feel pity of remorse or fear and it Absolutely Will Not Stop. Ever. Until you are dead.  And hell awaits you my brother!"

Deidre was animated and crazy and of dubious mental sanity.  Granted, the others were probably getting used to that, but it was new to Phelps.

lol well just spent the bennie we just got, but that first roll was terrible, that's at least good enough to Support if someone else has a better Intimidation score.

10:08, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 4,4 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,4.  Wow that was terrible.

10:07, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 1,2 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,2.  Intimidation.

Jesse Belville
player, 7 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Thu 25 Nov 2021
at 16:08
  • msg #140

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

17:57, Today: Jesse Belville rolled 2,11 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,(6+5)11.  Notice, Bennie. –

17:57, Today: Jesse Belville rolled 3,2 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,2.  Notice.

Forgot the -2, so that's still a 9.

Jesse had been chatting with one of the other range hands, but moved a few steps away and to the side. That gave him at least somewhat of a clear path of shooting - if it would have to come to that.

He fell into his old "town marshall voice", as he thought of it. Calm, but authoritative. It hat worked on the drunkards and those who's emotions had gotten the better of them for a moment. It rarely worked on hardened criminals.

"You heard him. And her"
, he nodded his chin at the nun. His right hand hung loosely at his side, ready to draw one of his pistols if need be.

"I'd say it's pretty clear that you fellas overstayed your welcome and you're trespassing on Mr. Sutter's land now. This could still be a nice evening. Why don't you just take your leave and head back into town."

It was phrased as a question. But the inflection in his voice made it clear that it wasn't meant as one.
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:12, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 48 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Fri 26 Nov 2021
at 10:41
  • msg #141

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Luo Jing didn't particularly like the look of these fellows, but he certainly didn't pick up on anything that he judged to be important at this moment in time.

He also didn't particularly like the thought of his eating time being interrupted by violence. So he stood, fanning himself gently as he walked over to the ongoing scene. He snapped the fan shut and listened to the others present as they spoke.

He looked across each of the strangers, memorizing their faces.

Once Jesse had spoken, Jing spoke up: "Forgive my ignorance, but is it not Mr. Sutter's right to deny your business? Please, if he has rejected your business already, does it not seem pointless to press the issue? I think it best if you leave--you are disturbing the workers, as well." He took one more step, assertively he hoped.

OOC: "02:53, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 3,3 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  Notice! (-2)."

Then, activating Deflect, and yes, I did spend this benny already (the other roll was a 3):

"02:56, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 4,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,4.  benny spent to reroll Focus >:(."

With Dodge, this is -4 for ranged attacks, -2 for melee attacks on Lou.

This message was last updated by the GM at 13:12, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
Charles Kennington
player, 36 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:4
Fri 26 Nov 2021
at 14:55
  • msg #142

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

In the middle of yet another retelling to sceptical ears the stories of the over sized arachnids felled by the others Charlie didn't stop in the story at the arrival of the half dozen fellows, keeping the tale going without any signs of concern. Wrapping it to its close he shifted around in his seat to regard the posturing going on he didn't bother rising from his seat.

With everyone trying to make the fellows back down with thinly veiled threats the time for calmer words was already past and instead he shifted himself to get a clear look at some of those towards the back of the group rather than the fellow up front, letting his hand drift near his pistol patiently watching.

OOC: 0 on the notice with the -2 factored in
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:12, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
GM, 107 posts
Fri 26 Nov 2021
at 17:50
  • msg #143

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Phelps don' seem to know what to make of the good Sister's rambin, trying to follow it seems to wear on him as you notice his countenance drop a bit.   The rest of his hombres look to one another in slight confusion but the hardness never leaves their eyes.....all except the Indian, his eyes never waiver.  With the chest thumpin and threats, both veiled and clear, are made the BV gunman's black Stetson shakes slowly back and forth in a slow motion of disappointment.

"Well sir, I think you'll come to regret that decision, what with this being my employer's final offer."

His eyes make a slow sweep of your group as he turns his horse, with a second confused glace at Deidre, "You and your....odd assortment of hands have a good evening."

The other BV gunmen fall into line behind him, including the Indian in the Union Army jacket.

Once they pass the entrance to the ranch proper Sutter eases the triggers on his scattergun back in place.

There's some grumblin and tough talk from the other hands, cursin the BV and their bullyin tactics.  At least one mention of voodoo and strange BV employees is heard.  Once folks have settled down to eat Sutter addresses the group.

"Listen up.   I...well I owe y'all an apology for not sayin' nothin before about Bayou Vermillion.  They sent an agent out with an offer a couple days ago to buy the whole herd at $5 a head. As you know we can get a lot more from anyone trying to ship the beeves to the Maze. So I said no, that I was gonna drive 'em north to the big stockyards. They implied we'd never make it and I don’t like bein' threatened. We can handle what they got now, but if they send for reinforcements we'll be in trouble. Especially if some of the rumors I've heard about 'em are true. So I'm gatherin' the herd and headin' north in three days. There will likely be trouble. If that's more than anyone signed on for, now's the time to cut out."

You see Kate and Owen look at each other in concern, but Kate gives her brother a nod and he seems reassured.  Sutter's daughter Abby seems content with her father's decision.  Others around you look worried but seem to hold their cards tight.
Sister Deidre
player, 68 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Fri 26 Nov 2021
at 22:57
  • msg #144

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

The strange sister looked at the crowd and was silent for a moment, but such was not her natural state.

"I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day.  Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.

"Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

"Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.  For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

"Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus! That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us!

"This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes.  The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain, but, when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found me.

"The Lord grant unto him that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day: and in how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well."

It was perhaps one of the most normal things she had said up until this point.   Granted, she had her mug painted up like a skeleton when she said it...
Charles Kennington
player, 37 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:4
Thu 2 Dec 2021
at 11:24
  • msg #145

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Tugging his hat absently at the departing mean Charlie watched them go before relaxing and leaning back. Glancing sideways at Sutter as the man gave his explanations he dug into his food in silence, a small frown playing across his face. The sister's latest preaching gave him plenty of time to think it over though and at her conclusion he spoke up before the silence could be broken up too much more.

"You told 'em to go whistle their $5 a head, if they can't cope with that you can take your goods elsewhere. Signed up to help with that, you want to move them further afield I'm going with." Dabbing at his plate he added, "And I'm with you on not sticking around for them to get enough people together to argue about it. Railroads don't like being told no but it's good for them. Bit more of that and a few paddlin's when they were younger might have made them more tolerable to deal with. Still best to move on after telling them it though."
Jesse Belville
player, 8 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Thu 2 Dec 2021
at 13:17
  • msg #146

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

"I agree. I didn't like the look of his hired guns. I wouldn't put it past them to come sneaking in one night for some payback. Whatever that would be.
Or they try to block off the routes out of here, laying siege until you beg them to take the cattle off your hands.

Either way, best to move out and move quickly."

This message was last updated by the GM at 13:10, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 50 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Fri 3 Dec 2021
at 10:06
  • msg #147

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Luo continued fanning himself, mostly calmly. He listened to the conversation after their departure with some interest, not least to the short speech which the good sister had delivered. "You think these railroad men might come at night?" He had turned to Jesse.
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:11, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
Jesse Belville
player, 9 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Fri 3 Dec 2021
at 10:23
  • msg #148

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Jesse nodded.
"Depends on what they want. An attack at night of any sort would give them a lot of advantages. They could probably steal half the herd before we'd be able to do anything about it."
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:11, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
GM, 109 posts
Wed 8 Dec 2021
at 02:09
  • msg #149

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Sutter doubts that any more Bayou Vermilion thugs would come back tonight but he can't say for sure they won't.  He tells Canton to get a rotation goin; two hands on watch at all times durin the night.  Luke picks a pair (none of y'all are selected) and things more or less wind down for the evenin after that.

Next mornin Sutter asks to see all of you.  He watches as his niece Abby is gettin the wagon ready, he seems to be makin sure she's out of ear shot before he explains, "Now, I don't trust Phelps or Bayou Vermilion further than I can spit.  And I know that Indian with Phelps is trouble.  Now I ain't got nothin against the Comanche.  Spent a whole summer livin with em once.  But that bastard's made of nothin but hate and vengeance."

"Now Abby's gettin ready to head to Sutter's Flats to get the last of the supplies we'll need for the drive.  I want y'all go along, help load the wagon...but also make sure she's not hassled by any BV men.  Good sized group like this; that should keep any of them varmints at bay.  Seemed to help last night."

If anyone has any questions of their employer, now's the times.  Otherwise Abby will have the buckboard ready and be leaving the ranch proper in less than 5 minutes.
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:11, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 69 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 02:16
  • msg #150

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

The Sister had no questions.  She had come here to redeem evil men, and the evil men had showed.
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:11, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
Charles Kennington
player, 38 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:4
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 21:33
  • msg #151

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Genially grinning at the prospect of a bit of variety in the work offered by a supply run, even with the looming threat of rail workers lurking overhead, Charles did not have anything in the way of questions ahead of heading out though he did do a careful check of his gear before joining the party heading in the direction of the Flats.
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:11, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 51 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 10:15
  • msg #152

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Likewise, Lou had no questions. He made ready for the trip, preparing himself for the eventuality of conflict.
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:11, Mon 13 Dec 2021.
GM, 110 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 13:10
  • msg #153

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Sure enough Abby is ready shortly and eager to get started, forcin ya to quickly saddle your horses (or one of you can hop up on the wagon seat with her).  It's a pleasant day, starting off nice and cool, but otherwise the trip into Sutter's Flats is uneventful.  Once Sutter's niece has stopped in front of the livery she fishes out a list of the supplies needed and asks one or two of ya to come inside with her to help with the carryin.  The rest of ya can wait by the wagon to help load as items are sent out.

Who goes inside with Abby?

For those who remain outside, how do you pass the time?

Jesse Belville
player, 10 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 15:14
  • msg #154

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Jessie volunteers to help her carry the supplies and heads inside with Abby.
This message was last updated by the GM at 03:43, Fri 17 Dec 2021.
Sister Deidre
player, 70 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 01:00
  • msg #155

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

With an agenda that only she and her version of God can contemplate, the Sister silently follows Jesse.  Something about the situation had changed once those wicked men had come.  They would come again, like locusts, and God's children must shepherd the innocent through the valley of the shadow of death.
This message was last updated by the GM at 03:43, Fri 17 Dec 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 52 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 09:23
  • msg #156

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Lou stays outside, keeping an eye on the comings and goings, watching about for anyone approaching. He fans himself briskly, stepping into the shade if possible.
This message was last updated by the GM at 03:43, Fri 17 Dec 2021.
Charles Kennington
player, 39 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:4
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 11:29
  • msg #157

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Watching the others head inside and Lou head for some shade Charlie got the wagon turned ready for the return trip before making himself comfortable outside of the store, greeting any passers by amiably enough and striking up a conversation or two with those few who lingered.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 03:43, Fri 17 Dec 2021.
GM, 111 posts
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 04:28
  • msg #158

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Abby, Jesse and Sister Deidre ain't been in the store five minutes before before Lou and Charlie recognize Phelps walking out of The Lonely Crow saloon, right across the street and grin. He approaches with a swagger and 6 more men follow him out.

In a mocking tone he announces, "I commend you folk on your stubbornness, if not your common sense. Most would have cleared out ahead of the storm that is surely coming. Instead, you chose to leave the Lazy S where you held, at least for the moment, a numerical advantage."

Phelps and his men stop and spread out a bit.  Phelps eyes both Lou and Charlie but seems to settle on Lou, "I believe you asked me to leave yesterday, if you were a smarter man you would have done the same.  I don't see any iron on your hip, do your people not know how to make a pistol.  Are you that backward?  Or...or are you someone that likes to hide a derringer up their sleeve or behind their back?  I bet you are.  Not a bit of honor.  What do you think boys?"

The Bayou Vermillion gunmen with him laugh and agree.  Phelps' eyes narrow and he moves his hand near his pistol, "Watch him close, fellas.  He makes any sudden moves he might be going for a gun.  That's what a dirty little..." he continues with some cruel words for Lou.

22:19, Today: Marshal rolled 6 using 1d8, rerolling max with rolls of 6.  Phelps Taunt Lou.

Lou please make a Smarts roll to oppose the Taunt

Charlie and Lou may declare their actions
Phelps and his men are 8" distant in a rough semi-circle in front of the store
Sister Deidre and Jesse are unfortunately unaware at this time...

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:55, Fri 17 Dec 2021.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 53 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 11:06
  • msg #159

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

OOC: "03:57, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 4,2 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,2.  trying to resist this Taunt, thank you."

I assume he's trying to get me to start a fight?

That's correct.

Charlie you can choose to to roll to Support Lou and try to resist the Taunt or just let the fight start.  He'll need a +2 so will take a Raise to succeed.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:54, Fri 17 Dec 2021.
Charles Kennington
player, 40 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:4
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 17:51
  • msg #160

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

"Bit early in the day to be this riled up son." Eyeing the crowding men patiently Charlie nodded in the direction of Phelps as the man settled into his tirade, "Guessing your boss gave you some stick about not gettin' the price he wanted for them cattle. That ain't on you though, no need to to be sore about it." Keeping his tone genial as the fellow laid into Lou to try to disrupt the talk Charlie considered the group of me with a relaxed manner even as his hand stayed low enough to go for his own firearm if guns were pulled.

OOC: 12 means he's supported with more than 1 Raise
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 54 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Tue 21 Dec 2021
at 10:25
  • msg #161

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Lou, nearly enraged for a second at the offensive comport of this near-stranger, was reminded of where they were by Charles. With only a short pause, he continued to fan himself off without making any movements that could be registered as dangerous. He spoke evenly, in an inoffensive sort of tone: "I think my friend makes a fine point. I will not hold this against you, Mr. Phelps. How can we help you?"
GM, 118 posts
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 21:04
  • msg #162

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

((Lou, give me a Notice roll for Jesse))
Jesse Belville
player, 18 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 06:19
  • msg #163

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Lost Doggies

OOC: Quite a good result of 10 for Jesse.

"23:18, Today: Jesse Belville rolled 1,10 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,(6+4)10.  Notice!"

GM, 119 posts
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 06:36
  • msg #164

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Phelps scoffs.
"How you can help me? Fucking yellow bastard. You can go home, and I don't mean to Sutter's ranch, either. Not even man enough to protect yourself, are you? Relying on the old geezer to step in?"

Inside, Jesse suddenly gets a weird feeling. While Abby continues chatting with the store owner who's putting all the orders on the counter in front of him, offering alternatives for the things she's asking for that he doesn't have.

Jesse takes a few steps to the side and looks out the window. Outside on the porch he can see Charlie and down on the street Phelps, with three men on each of his side, nicely spread out in a half-circle. Nobody has any guns out, but the body language is obvious.
Jesse can't see Lou, who's hidden behind Charlie from this angle, but Phelps doesn't look at Charlie.
Jesse Belville
player, 19 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 07:08
  • msg #165

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

OOC: I need to check what text color Jesse had after this...

Jesse took one look and stepped back, putting a hand near his gun. "Sister, we got a problem out here. Phelps." He was ready to step outside in case something was about to go down.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:09, Wed 26 Jan 2022.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 60 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 07:33
  • msg #166

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Lou rubbed his chin, maintaining a fully neutral tone of voice. "Mr. Phelps, I was given to believe that yellow was a saying for cowardice. I am not a coward, but I would like to avoid a fight--it would not be fair to one of us, you see. Either you are the better boxer here, or I am. I do not like the idea that your fellows or mine might join in on such a fight, either. I have found that in your country, men fight in gangs, without regard for their own reputations."
Sister Deidre
player, 76 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Thu 27 Jan 2022
at 01:55
  • msg #167

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

"Stay with young Abby Mr. Belville.  If the shooting starts make her get down, take a position at the window if you must, but stay with her.  They are most likely here for her."  It was the longest, most coherent thing the strange nun had ever said to anybody.  "I go now to do a new thing, what none of those men can do."

With those words, she unceremoniously lent Mr. Belville her scattergun to better do the Lord's work.  That, and if things went sideways, she figured he could lay out a double barrel blast to surprise and awe to great effect, but it's something she couldn't do if this was going to work. She strode out into the ensuing mess in her usual style, wild eyed, limbs flailing, hands raised, ranting, almost screaming her voice was so loud.

"A man void of understanding striketh hands, and becometh surety in the presence of his friend.  He loveth transgression that loveth strife: and he that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction. He that hath a froward heart findeth no good: and he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.

"He that begetteth a fool doeth it to his sorrow: and the father of a fool hath no joy.  A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.

"Wisdom is before him that hath understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth. A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him. Also to punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for equity.

"He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.  Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."

Right, so here's my game plan.  Deidre can't just shoot these guys, that's Sinnin', unless maybe they try to kidnap Abby or something, but they haven't done anything but be mean yet so let's try the creative option.  Feel free to ignore/penalize as needed but to keep things rolling I went ahead and laid it out.

While she's ranting, The Sister is Boosting her Intimidate by invoking the scriptures.

19:50, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 2,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,1.  True Believer!

19:50, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 6,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 6,1.  Faith.

So 6 is the best result, that gives her +1 step.

She stepped up to Phelps, positively muscling herself in.  The unarmed nun stared him right in the eye.  If he was going to strike or shoot anyone, he was going to go through her, literally.

And She.  Was.  Crazy.

So my hope is Phelps just won't know what to do here when confronted by a crazy nun who refuses to get into a battle of wits or cock jousting with him.

19:53, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 2,5 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,5.  Intimidation of the Heathens.

Well it's a 5, it could be worse.

GM, 120 posts
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 16:37
  • msg #168

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

18:32, Today: Marshal, for the NPC Phelps, rolled 4,5 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,5.  Resist Intimidate.

Phelps takes a step back, but only to be able to look past the crazy nun.

"So you're hiding behind women, too, you coward, huh? Why don't you borrow a piece and we settle this like men?"
He nods his chin toward the street.
Sister Deidre
player, 77 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 18:42
  • msg #169

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

The Sister intended to test Mr. Phelps' knowledge of Matthew 5:39.  She stepped right back up to him and poked him in the chest with the infamous Boney Finger (though hers weren't so boney yet, she was still a young woman).

"Pay attention to the Scriptures, sonny boy.  What's wrong with you?"
Charles Kennington
player, 46 posts
P:5 T:6(+3) W:0 F:0 B:4
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #170

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Not especially phased by the geezer comment, mostly because it was entirely accurate,  Charlie answered Lou's remarks with a small grin, "You're think of yeller rather than yellow Lou. Slight difference."

Watching Deidre launch out and begin screeching out scripture with the absent patience of one who'd grown accustomed to it by now Charles didn't look overly surprised as Phelps kept his cool, instead grinning even wider, "He already suggested settling it like men son, he offered to give you a lickin' with his bare hands. Pretty sure you Bayou Vermillion boys are tough sorts, you can throw a punch can't you?" Looking at the assembled men behind Phelps he added, "I'll put my money where my mouth is. What do you reckon fellows, your boy Phelps got what it it takes to punch him out? I'm betting five dollars Lou's able to put him to the ground three times before he goes down three times himself. Of course if either of the two can knock the other out I'm calling that to the conscious one."

OC: And with the added incentive of cash I'm going for a Persuasion roll to take this somewhere less blood shedding. 5 the high dice.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 61 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Sat 29 Jan 2022
at 10:20
  • msg #171

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Lou stood by, watching for the response of this Phelps. He was quite pleased with the intercessions of his new friends, who seemed like quite the trusty sorts.

He fanned himself, in a way he hoped would be annoying to Phelps.
GM, 121 posts
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 14:39
  • msg #172

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

There's a murmur among Phelp's posse, but the man himself remains unphased.

He spits on the ground. "This ain't no stupid game, old man. I demand satisfaction and it can only be paid in blood! So any of you got enough guts to meet me in the street right now or do we run you out of town like a pack of piss-bellied dogs?"

He takes a step back and to the side to get around Deirdre, focusing on Lou and Charles. His right hand falls casually down on his pistol grip, but he's not pulling it. Not yet, anyway.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 62 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 07:09
  • msg #173

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

OOC: I'd like to roll Notice to get a sense for what kind of thing might convince him to back down on this, if it's possible.
GM, 122 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 14:42
  • msg #174

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

((Hm. Smarts roll, please. Deirdre and Charles can roll, too.))
Sister Deidre
player, 78 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 23:59
  • msg #175

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

It's a miracle!

17:59, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 17,4 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+6+5)17,4.  You don't need to be smart with the Lord on Your Side.

Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 63 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 02:53
  • msg #176

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

OOC: Great roll, Sister!

"19:51, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 5,3 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,3.  Smarts."

GM, 124 posts
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 09:24
  • msg #177

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Lou and Charles see a man who's out for blood and wants to get it any way he can.

Deirdre sees a bit more. Phelps has backed himself into a corner in front of his cronies. He can't simply step away without... Lou would probably call it "losing face".
And like a cornered rabbit, there is only one way Phelps sees and it is violence.
Not that he doesn't seem to mind that too much. Clearly, the goal they had was to kill at least one of them. Fisticuffs in the street wouldn't help with that.
Sister Deidre
player, 80 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 23:45
  • msg #178

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

It came to the sister out of the blue.  It might not work, but then again it might.

"How dare you ignore me.  I challenge you."
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 65 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 07:52
  • msg #179

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

Lou plays it cool, for now, waiting for Phelps to respond to the Sister.

With a smile, he fanned himself, waiting to see if Phelps would perceive this as a slight. He expected the man would--in which case he was willing to step in and satisfy Phelps's aggression. He would have to learn right quick how to fire a gun, if this was the case.
GM, 126 posts
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 12:00
  • msg #180

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Phelps narrows his eyes.

"Why don't you go back to your bible, sister, and leave the talking to men?"

((Alright, I thought about how to resolve this in a better way than just having everybody draw their guns and all hell's breaking lose.

We'll run this as a Social Conflict instead of a Duel - Three rounds. Phelps will use his Intimidation skill, you can use either Persuasion or Intimidation. Each roll is opposed by Spirit.

Give me all the rolls at once, spend any Bennies you'd like to spend. Charles and Lou can offer supporting rolls, too, but only either on your Spirit or your "attack" rolls. Each success and raise over the other gains you 1 token.
Whoever has the most tokens at the end wins.
So three Spirit rolls to resist and three Intimidation or Persuasion rolls.))

Sister Deidre
player, 82 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:1
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 02:17
  • msg #181

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

"You fear that which you do not understand, for what you do not understand is the coming of the Lord is at hand.  I have a challenge for you, a challenge which transcends the mere trappings of this world!

"And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.  The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.  I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.  And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

"I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."

20:13, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 22,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (8+8+6)22,4.  Intimidation of the Heathens.

Maybe I should benny that... nah I'll live dangerously.

20:14, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 4,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,4.  More Intimidation of the Heathens.

20:14, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 6,9 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 6,(6+3)9.  Heathens Intimidated 3:  Electric Boogaloo.

Spirit rolls not as good...

20:15, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 7,1 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,1.  Spirit.

20:15, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 5,3 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,3.  Spirit.

You know what, one benny there because that's also my weakest Intimidation roll.

20:16, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 2,2 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,2.  one benny.

No help there

20:15, Today: Sister Deidre rolled 8,5 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 8,5.  Spirit.

Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 66 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 06:27
  • msg #182

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

OOC: Lou will support the Spirit tests, and do so pretty well!

"23:26, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 17,3 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+6+5)17,3.  spirit support roll #3.

23:25, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 5,4 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,4.  spirit support roll #2.

23:25, Today: Luo 'Lou' Jing rolled 11,1 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+5)11,1.  spirit support roll #1."

Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 17:32
  • msg #183

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Phelps Rolling...
19:25, Today: Marshal, for the NPC Phelps, rolled 7,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,2.  Spirit 3. –
19:25, Today: Marshal, for the NPC Phelps, rolled 13,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (8+5)13,2.  Spirit 2. –
19:25, Today: Marshal, for the NPC Phelps, rolled 5,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,1.  Spirit 1. –
19:25, Today: Marshal, for the NPC Phelps, rolled 4,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,4.  Intimidation 3. –
19:25, Today: Marshal, for the NPC Phelps, rolled 7,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,4.  Intimidation 2. –
19:24, Today: Marshal, for the NPC Phelps, rolled 4,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,1.  Intimidation 1. –

Alright, his intimidation tries:

4 vs. your 7
7 vs. 5
4 vs. 8

He gains a single token!

Your Intimidation:
22 vs. his 5
4 vs. 13
9 vs. 7

You have 4 tokens on the first, an extra one on the third. So your 5 handily beat his 1

Want to narrate this victory?

Sister Deidre
player, 84 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:1
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #184

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Bartholomew Phelps had no idea what he'd gotten into.  Being ignored had made the normally crazy Sister Deidre insane.  A woman who was usually as hard as nails and as nutty as a fruitcake on a normal day, she went off.

He hadn't seemed to know what to say to the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, and that outraged her.  She forgot her initial plan and caught up in the moment.  It started like many of her diatribes, disturbing in its own way, but nothing special if you were used to her.

"The word of the Lord came again unto me, saying, son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one mother and they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity.  And the names of them were Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister: and they were mine, and they bare sons and daughters. Thus were their names; Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah.

"And Aholah played the harlot when she was mine; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours, ahich were clothed with blue, captains and rulers, all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding upon horses.  Thus she committed her whoredoms with them, with all them that were the chosen men of Assyria, and with all on whom she doted: with all their idols she defiled herself.  Neither left she her whoredoms brought from Egypt: for in her youth they lay with her, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and poured their whoredom upon her.  Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers, into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted.  These discovered her nakedness: they took her sons and her daughters, and slew her with the sword: and she became famous among women; for they had executed judgment upon her.

"And when her sister Aholibah saw this, she was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she, and in her whoredoms more than her sister in her whoredoms.  She doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men.  Then I saw that she was defiled, that they took both one way, and that she increased her whoredoms: for when she saw men portrayed upon the wall, the images of the Chaldeans pourtrayed with vermilion, girded with girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity.  And as soon as she saw them with her eyes, she doted upon them, and sent messengers unto them into Chaldea. And the Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was polluted with them, and her mind was alienated from them."

She paused, but not to breathe, as she surely must have needed to.  Instead she withdraw what looked like a snuff box or small tin from somewhere in the mysterious black folds of her habit, and opened it.  The contents blackened her fingertips immediately, and she quickly began to work it onto her face, blacking out her eyes and the lower parts of her cheek and jaws, like she'd done it many times.  It wasn't her best skull face, but it was quickly applied and the rustic nature of it made it more primal.  Her voice seemed louder.  He speech became more animated, with wild gestures.

"So she discovered her whoredoms, and discovered her nakedness: then my mind was alienated from her, like as my mind was alienated from her sister.  Yet she multiplied her whoredoms, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt.  For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.  Thus thou calledst to remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth.

"Therefore, O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will raise up thy lovers against thee, from whom thy mind is alienated, and I will bring them against thee on every side, the Babylonians, and all the Chaldeans, Pekod, and Shoa, and Koa, and all the Assyrians with them: all of them desirable young men, captains and rulers, great lords and renowned, all of them riding upon horses. And they shall come against thee with chariots, wagons, and wheels, and with an assembly of people, which shall set against thee buckler and shield and helmet round about: and I will set judgment before them, and they shall judge thee according to their judgments.

"And I will set my jealousy against thee, and they shall deal furiously with thee: they shall take away thy nose and thine ears; and thy remnant shall fall by the sword: they shall take thy sons and thy daughters; and thy residue shall be devoured by the fire.  They shall also strip thee out of thy clothes, and take away thy fair jewels.  Thus will I make thy lewdness to cease from thee, and thy whoredom brought from the land of Egypt so that thou shalt not lift up thine eyes unto them, nor remember Egypt any more.

"For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will deliver thee into the hand of them whom thou hatest, into the hand of them from whom thy mind is alienated and they shall deal with thee hatefully, and shall take away all thy labor, and shall leave thee naked and bare: and the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be discovered, both thy lewdness and thy whoredoms.  I will do these things unto thee, because thou hast gone a whoring after the heathen, and because thou art polluted with their idols.

"Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister; therefore will I give her cup into thine hand. Thus saith the Lord God; Thou shalt drink of thy sister's cup deep and large: thou shalt be laughed to scorn and had in derision; it containeth much.  Thou shalt be filled with drunkenness and sorrow, with the cup of astonishment and desolation, with the cup of thy sister Samaria.  Thou shalt even drink it and suck it out, and thou shalt break the sherds thereof, and pluck off thine own breasts: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God. Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Because thou hast forgotten me, and cast me behind thy back, therefore bear thou also thy lewdness and thy whoredoms."

The thing is, she wasn't doing anything, but the way she just kept going with it, her body taught, her fists shaking to emphasize, there was so much energy.  She ought to have to pause, to breathe, to do something, but she was a machine, and got even louder.  Her body began to positively shake and convulse in strong, unnatural looking ways.

"The Lord said moreover unto me; Son of man, wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah? yea, declare unto them their abominations.  That they have committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, and with their idols have they committed adultery, and have also caused their sons, whom they bare unto me, to pass for them through the fire, to devour them. Moreover this they have done unto me: they have defiled my sanctuary in the same day, and have profaned my sabbaths.  For when they had slain their children to their idols, then they came the same day into my sanctuary to profane it; and, lo, thus have they done in the midst of mine house.

"And furthermore, that ye have sent for men to come from far, unto whom a messenger was sent; and, lo, they came: for whom thou didst wash thyself, paintedst thy eyes, and deckedst thyself with ornaments, And satest upon a stately bed, and a table prepared before it, whereupon thou hast set mine incense and mine oil. And a voice of a multitude being at ease was with her: and with the men of the common sort were brought Sabeans from the wilderness, which put bracelets upon their hands, and beautiful crowns upon their heads. Then said I unto her that was old in adulteries, Will they now commit whoredoms with her, and she with them?

"Yet they went in unto her, as they go in unto a woman that playeth the harlot: so went they in unto Aholah and unto Aholibah, the lewd women.  And the righteous men, they shall judge them after the manner of adulteresses, and after the manner of women that shed blood; because they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands."

There was finally some sign she was human when her voice finally cracked and became dry and raspy and incredibly unpleasant, as if it weren't already.  But she began to scream, each word issuing phlegm and spittle like she was a mad dog, which she apparently was.

"For thus saith the Lord God; I will bring up a company upon them, and will give them to be removed and spoiled!  And the company shall stone them with stones, and dispatch them with their swords; they shall slay their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses with fire.   Thus will I cause lewdness to cease out of the land, that all women may be taught not to do after your lewdness.  And they shall recompense your lewdness upon you, and ye shall bear the sins of your idols: and ye shall know that I am the Lord God!

"You whore of a man given to iniquity and wickedness, will you go forth as your sisters have!?  Every act of violence and wanton depravity you commit in these streets is your own whoredom, you wicked man doomed to death and damnation!  Repent!  Repent I say!"

The town could hear her and probably so could the next two towns over.  Something about the conviction of it and her willingness to just keep going, getting herself more and more worked up and animated, was unsettling.  She was already heaving like she'd been farming all day.

And she had not blinked once.
Luo 'Lou' Jing
player, 68 posts
B: 0/3 PP: 13/15
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 06:53
  • msg #185

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Lou stood at the flank of Sister Deidre, never wavering for an instant in his attention to Phelps. With every emphatic punctuation in Deidre's diction, Luo Jing flicked his fan, and occasionally nodded emphatically himself. A strange sort of camaraderie might have seemed apparent between the two in this moment.

In the aftermath of the sister's speech, Lou simply looked Phelps up and down and added, with a resolute voice as gentle as cotton and not at all evincing shock at the Sister's ranting: "I do not suppose you have anything to add, Mr. Phelps?"

OOC: I know the good Sister doesn't need it and already passed, but I suppose fictionally this would be how I would support on the Spirit tests. :)
GM, 128 posts
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 09:09
  • msg #186

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Phelps seems at a complete loss of words at this tirade and for a long minute, a great silence descends onto the street. Everyone seems to hold their breath.

Finally, the man to the left of Phelps shakes his head and then breaks the tension.
"That nun is crazier than a bull in a chicken coop." He tugged at Phelps' shoulder. "Let's go man, don't waste a bullet on this broad."

Another man, to Phelps' right quickly makes the sign of the cross.

Phelps spits onto the street.

"Yeah. If Sutter wants to ride with them crazies, I wouldn't want to rid him of that torture."

He raised hands and swiveled his index fingers, signaling his men to go and they back off, then turn around and walk away, leaving nothing but footprints in the street and some derisive words of good bye.
Jesse Belville
player, 20 posts
Former Law Dog & Soldier
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:2
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 09:15
  • msg #187

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

Jesse Belville had been bouncing his attention between the girl and the situation outside, and when the men left, finally stepped out, unsteadily moving into the midst of the posse members. "Damn if I didn't think it was gonna come to blows or worse. Guess I heard just as well as anyone else how it turned out, huh?"
This message was last edited by the player at 09:16, Wed 09 Feb 2022.
Sister Deidre
player, 85 posts
Momento Mori
P:6 T:5 W:0 F:0 B:1
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 03:33
  • msg #188

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Supply Run

The Sister was doing many uncharacteristic things today despite doing something very much characteristic.  She shut her mouth, because it was like cotton after all that.  She had to sit in the street for a bit.
GM, 129 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 08:28
  • msg #189

Re: Bad Night on the Goodnight - Unwelcome Guests

This thread is now closed, moving on to the next stage
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