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17:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Elena Sazikova
Master-At-Arms, 554 posts
Thu 18 Nov 2021
at 05:06
  • msg #31

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Elena nodded in approval of Borric's direct approach.  "Too bad for you," she added, "We've already got a prisoner to ask about that."

Turning to Kael, she crouched down and cupped her hands together, forming a platform for the half-elf to step onto.  "Alright Kael, you wanted to go first.  Up and over!"

OOC: If it's possible and Kael agrees, Elena throws him over the edge of the stairs, onto G17.  If not, she uses her her alter self ability to become...herself, but slightly stronger.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:26, Fri 19 Nov 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1335 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 21:46
  • msg #32

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

The slippery substance is just in front of barricade so there is no hope of using it as a way through the barrier. The barrier is also stacked floor to ceiling so there is no gap over the top. Someone shrunk down to tiny size could fit through the "murder holes" that the bandits had built into it but otherwise pushing through or destroying it was the only option.

The barrier is almost entirely wood so lighting it on fire is an option. While the exterior of the tower is stone the interior structure is wood so there is the possibility of it catching and spreading.

So a few items to note:

1) You do have LOS through the barrier but otherwise passing through it is blocked.

2) It is a DC 18 strength check to push through it however....

3) To enter the space in front of the barrier is a DC 14 reflex save. Acrobatics can also be used as an alternative.

4) In order to actually take an action on the stairs (like pushing through the barricade) requires ANOTHER DC 14 reflex save.

5) Failing either reflex save sends you tumbling down the stairs to suffer a 20' fall (so 1d6 nonlethal for the first 10', 1d6 lethal for the second 10' modified by appropriate acrobatics checks). Yes it isn't straight down but smacking stone stairs sucks.

tl;dr: To push through the barricade is a DC 14 reflex/acrobatics check, a DC 14 reflex check, and then a DC 18 strength check. Failure on the reflex checks results in 1d6 nonlethal and 1d6 lethal damage.

Dominique Telvari
High Priest, 450 posts
"Inquisitor" of Abadar
HP: 27/27 F/R/W: +5/+2/+8
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 02:13
  • msg #33

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

While the others hesitate to puzzle a way through the clever obstacle, Dominique begins to attempt to keep the foes busy for a time and possibly cow them into surrender with all the charm of a seasoned Inquisitor, "We've come here for your benefit. It would be nothing for us to set this tower ablaze or collapse it and be rid of your nuisance--and now you've even seen to further cornering yourselves. There is only one way out of this for you: submit yourself to judgement. The judges of Abadar are fair and aiding the kingdom with your intrigue may earn you leniency. Perhaps others of your kind could even treaty for your release. But stay this course and you will soon join your victims on the River of Souls after your blood has boiled and your charred flesh has dripped from the bone."

Attempting to "Influence Opponent's Attitude." Should take 1 minute of conversation while the others plot.
21:13, Today: Dominique Telvari rolled 21 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 6.  Influence Opponent's Attitude.
Frickin' die roller...

Caramip Scheppen
Court Bard, 630 posts
Why fight when
you can charm?
Mon 22 Nov 2021
at 22:06
  • msg #34

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

At least! Something I also excel in Cara thinks to herself, nearly clapping her hand with glee.  "He speaks the truth" comes her tinky-tiny gnome's voice, though it fills the tower, as she plays it to a stage.  "We come to this tower not because we want to, not because we are some bloodthirsty monsters, no - - we come because we have to.  I know - I do, I swear - of the history between us.  But please, I implore you - listen to me.  To us.  There is another way out of here.  You've seen what the Inquisitor here can do; terrible and swift is his arm.  So to my other companions.  Each as fearsome as the last.  What can anyone do against such fury raise-ed?  Blood boiled? Flesh charred?  Why such hatred?  Please - it does not have to be so.  The ways of the world - and this wood - are changing.  There could well be an opportunity here, - hear me out - an opportunity where we both get what we needAnother respite might not comeCall out, then worthy adversaries - call out and let us speak together, plainly, and settle this with decency, not boiled flesh and charred bones and all that.  Ick!  Come, Speak as you would."

OCC: I'm gonna feel dumb if the roll tanks.
17:07, Today: Caramip Scheppen rolled 21 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 10.  Using Diplomacy, though Oratory (+12) may help? pfft. Same result!
This message was last edited by the player at 22:09, Mon 22 Nov 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1337 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 23 Nov 2021
at 14:14
  • msg #35

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

The gnomes on either side of the satyr seem to shift and glance back at him but he just smiles and responds in his melodic voice.

"You say you want peace but when it is offered on the table you do not acknowledge it. Your actions betray your intentions no matter your pretty words so I shall say once again clearly that we also do not want to fight. You are invaders upon our land, you have stolen from us our woods and our meadows and we have fought back as best as we can but it is clear the might of man has overpowered the will of the fey. If you truly want to resolve things peacefully clear us a path and we will be on our way. We will leave your lands and ne'er return and the woods of the Narlmarches can be yours. You have won, do you really need to parade our heads around on bloody pikes to prove it? Are you so ruthless that you begrudge us defending our homes?"

The satyr's voice is like silk to the ears and his speaking pattern has a rhythmic quality to it that is almost hypnotic just from his cadence as if he was reciting some ancient poem and not negotiating in a ruined tower with the fragmeneted remains of his bandit group.

The Dark Pipers were responsible for some truly heinous acts of bloodshed but the pain and fear and sadness in the satyr's voice is clear for everyone to see. He seems very sincere and shamed at the actions he felt forced to take in defense of his home.

"As an act of good faith I have information on a threat to your kingdom. Someone else has designs on your land and is already gathering allies to stop you. They reached out to us to join them."

He pauses letting the bait dangle out there before continuing.

"You and your men have cut through our guards and the three of us are all that remains. We pose no more threat to you. Let us go, there is nothing else spilling our blood will accomplish."

While it is true that the Dark Pipers have been reduced from around a dozen or so to a quarter of their size it is worth noting that satyrs are fey and the fey are not known for keeping their word or telling straightforward truths. The fey mentality is that "truth" and "reality" just exist in the moment so while a fey might swear up and down to never return, in a month or a year or a decades time they might come back because in their own mind the time limit has expired. They did stay away...for a time. That much was true at least. Then again given how the Dark Pipers had been plaguing this area for at least a year prior to Rivermarch's creation and then hounded and cut down the fey might also stay away because it is true there is nothing left for them here and fey are not particularly suicidal.

The fey are used to a realm where they are effectively immortal, when in the First World a fey dies it is reborn so death and survival instincts do not come naturally to the fey. However most fey are intelligent enough to realize they are no longer in the First World and death is now permanent so while they don't hold a high value of life in others, intelligent fey typically recognize their own mortality and act accordingly.

FYI it is a DC 29 for Diplomacy, DC 21 for Intimidation and IF I could roll diplomacy against you guys he would have gotten a 20 for his own influence attitude action. I do not enforce that as PCs inherently have more agency than NPCs but feel free to incorporate that into your reactions if you so desire.
Elena Sazikova
Master-At-Arms, 559 posts
Tue 23 Nov 2021
at 18:30
  • msg #36

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Elena had long worried about whether Rivermarch could deal fairly with the fey while still allowing the lumber trade they needed to thrive, and she sympathized with the Piper's motivations.  Hearing his words, her grim countenance softened slightly.  But only slightly.

"You make a fair argument."  She replied.  "It's a shame we're only hearing it now.  When we first came to the Stolen Lands chasing down our human enemies, you could have greeted us as visitors to your land the way the kobolds did.  When we founded our town and put out an offer of forgiveness for the bandit clans, you could have come to us then, and worked out an understanding as neighbors and as friends.  But we didn't hear your pretty words then, did we?  All we saw was the bodies in your wake and the heads you stuck on bloody pikes."

"You didn't even try to talk when we showed up outside your home!  We tried to negotiate your surrender when we arrived, and instead you boarded yourselves up in here and made us come in after you.  So don't start getting all high and mighty about how we're a bunch of unreasonable brutes!"

A faint smile came over the paladin's face.  "You've already tried to match Fey will against human might."  With a glance at Cara and Kael, she added "Er, humanoid might.  How about a different contest: Fey charm against human justice?  Come with us to Rivermarch and stand trial.  Our trials are open to the public.  You'll get every chance to use that silky baritone to sway our people to your cause, the way you should have from the start.  We'll promise a voice and safe passage to any other fey who wants to come and support your case, too."

Elena didn't know much about fairies, but she was pretty sure they liked games, and this one seemed pretty confident in his speaking abilities.  And from a certain point of view, a fair trial was as much a competition of wit and charm as it was about the facts. "You must have heard how we dealt with the other gangs, plenty of ex-bandits are still breathing air in our territories.  Especially the ones that surrendered without a fight, and were willing to provide restitution like the info you're offering.  I can't promise you anything, though.  Maybe you'll live, maybe you'll die.  Maybe you'll turn our people against logging, or rile up your own people to rise against us.  Or maybe not.  I suppose it all comes down to whether you can talk better than you fight."

Elena finished with a shrug.  "Or, if you don't think you can out-talk a few brutish humans, you can always try to fight us like your friends did." 

11:26, Today: Elena Sazikova rolled 31 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 20.  diplomacy: Suggest action.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:43, Tue 23 Nov 2021.
Borric d'Tor
Baron, 1023 posts
Tue 30 Nov 2021
at 15:12
  • msg #37

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Borric held his position and his guard with his sword. Elena made a clear argument from his point of view. "My general makes a valid point. Why didn't you reach out? The offer of forgiveness was sent out publicly so that people could returned and walk away from the life of banditry." Borric sheathed his sword. "We extend the offer, again. Give up the life of banditry. Find peace and justice."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1338 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 1 Dec 2021
at 06:04
  • msg #38

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

The satyr looks Elena and she sees a slight flicker of a smile cross his goat-like features.

"It will be the performance of a lifetime. So be it. If your honor and sense of justice is half of what you boast I expect safe passage will not be a problem. Fine then, I will stand trial to avoid any more bloodshed."

Given the heinous crimes they have committed it is hard to think of the Dark Pipers as being adverse to spilling crimson tides. Something is clearly up with the satyr though. The gnomes on either side give him worrying looks but a quick glance and subtle nod of his head has them lowering their crossbows and taking a step back.

>"I will face your magisters but you will let my friends go, right? I will need them free to prepare for my trial. To gather witnesses and evidence of course."

Yes...definitely some scheme was going on but it didn't seem to be anything as silly as invoking violence here and there. More like the actions and demeanor of someone who thinks they can beat you at your own game.

"Let my companions go and promise me a fair and just trial fully in the eyes of the public and I shall come willingly. Agreed?"
Elena Sazikova
Master-At-Arms, 561 posts
Thu 2 Dec 2021
at 23:48
  • msg #39

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Elena turned to look at Borric and the rest of her companions, her expression unsure.  "Well, this is probably the best deal we're gonna get," she reasoned quietly.  "But I didn't want to let the gnomes just walk away.  They're murderers!"

She glanced back to the barricade, where it loomed behind lubed-up stairs.  "I'm pretty sure we can take them, one way or another.  Uh, probably. But could we fight off a troll attack right after?  Or...maybe it's worth letting the small fry go, just to nab their boss quickly so we can deal with our other problem?"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:02, Fri 03 Dec 2021.
Dominique Telvari
High Priest, 451 posts
"Inquisitor" of Abadar
HP: 27/27 F/R/W: +5/+2/+8
Fri 3 Dec 2021
at 00:03
  • msg #40

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

"To the Hells with this." Dominique curses, unwilling to compromise justice just because the fey can stack a few boxes. "Let's back out and bring the tower down on them. Or cook them from below."
Kael Valleni
Spymaster, 685 posts
Fri 3 Dec 2021
at 13:19
  • msg #41

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

"For once I am in agreement with our inquisitor. I don't know what their leader is planning, but his henchmen are likely a part of it. He could be sending them for help. I say we tell them we'll think about it and let them stew in here surrounded by our men, at least until we see what's up with those trolls outside." Kael gives his input as well.

I would be sorry to waste such a good roll, but there is obviously something off with this deal. So let's see what's up with those trolls first, then deal with the bandits - take them on their offer, enter the tower from the top, burn them out, collapse the tower on them, whatever. But we need to find out what is happening outside first - the troll situation could be time sensitive.
Borric d'Tor
Baron, 1025 posts
Sun 5 Dec 2021
at 18:32
  • msg #42

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

"Very well. You're companions may leave. BUT they must throw down their arms. We will escort them out of the area to ensure that they are not accosted by our soldiers." Borric sheathed his sword
Kael Valleni
Spymaster, 688 posts
Tue 7 Dec 2021
at 20:45
  • msg #43

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

For a moment Kael is unsure if Borric really means it or is just playing a trick on the fey. But that would just not be his style. He sheaths his own sword and waits for the bandits to come out. Maybe they can later mess up the bandit leader's plans, whatever they are, by creatively interpreting terms of surrender.

I think that whatever the bandit leader is up to, those gnomes will be a part of it. Why else would he insist on letting them go? And Borric did say that we would escort them away. So maybe we could "escort" them by chaining them to a ship or a cart heading far, far away from our lands? And only set them free once they are too far away to return in time to help their boss?

I suppose Kael could arrange for that to happen without others even knowing, if the more lawful alighted party members would prefer it that way.

Elena Sazikova
Master-At-Arms, 564 posts
Tue 7 Dec 2021
at 21:58
  • msg #44

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Following Borric and Kael, Elena brought her glaive into a less aggressive posture.  She wasn't any more happy with it than Dominique, but she told herself it was for the best.  They weren't just here as adventurers, they were representing their fledgling barony.  If they got a reputation for dealing fairly even with their enemies, then with luck they might find more enemies willing to negotiate.

"You can leave with your lives, the clothes on your back, and some basic supplies."  She added.  "Leave your weapons, your armor, and whatever stolen wealth you have on you.  You may return to Rivermarch for the trial, but other than that, you're banished from our lands."

"Also,"  She added, pointing a finger at the Satyr.  "They're being freed on your authority, meaning as far as I'm concerned, anything they do during the trial is also under your authority.  If they start hurting people or committing more crimes, especially if they do it to effect the trial, we'll treat you as an oathbreaker."

OOC: If you're gonna do the gnomes dirty, Elena would prefer to be left out of it.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:59, Tue 07 Dec 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1341 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 23 Dec 2021
at 21:54
  • msg #45

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

The gnomes look at the satyr who nods at them and they cast their weapons down in a pile. It is possible, even likely, they have knives hidden on their persons but they have dropped their obvious weaponry and don't seem to be in any position to be enacting some kind of reckless last ditch attack. Instead they begin to cautiously start dismantling their barricade, watchful for any signs of betrayal...

Let me know if anyone is going to stop them, otherwise the gnomes will unbarricade the chamber and be escorted out into the woods where they will disappear
Elena Sazikova
Master-At-Arms, 566 posts
Sat 1 Jan 2022
at 21:13
  • msg #46

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Once the way was clear, Elena pushed past the two gnomes and approached their leader.  Quickly and firmly, she disarmed the satyr; taking his pipes and staff, and removing any armor or magical items he had on him.  She tied his hands behind his back, then shoved a burlap sack over his head (after adding two holes in the sack for the Satyr's horns.)  Taking away the satyr's vision would make his inherent magical powers less dangerous, if not completely unusable.  He would probably have to be blindfolded for most of his time imprisoned, lest he mind-control his guards.

While she was seeing to the Piper's leader, Elena almost-intentionally paid no attention to his two gnome underlings.  There were a number of ways their release could go wrong, she realized: A miscommunication with the guards outside could leave them shot full of holes, or they might find themselves escorted further out than they expected, and left unarmed in a particularly dangerous stretch of the woods.

Or in a grave.

Elena didn't think the rest of her party would do anything like that, and she wouldn't approve of it if they did.  But frankly, she had bigger things to worry about than the fate of a few murderers.  If this was the last time she ever saw those particular gnomes, she wouldn't feel inclined to figure out why.

Once she had the Satyr secured, Elena almost casually threw him over her shoulder, picked him up, and carried him down the stairs and out of the tower.  There would be time to loot the Piper's lair before they left, but for now she was still a little worried about the potential troll situation.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:14, Sat 01 Jan 2022.
Kael Valleni
Spymaster, 690 posts
Mon 3 Jan 2022
at 13:55
  • msg #47

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Kael is not really happy about just letting those two gnomes leave and has a feeling they have not seen the last of them. But that's a problem for tomorrow, right now they need to wrap this up and see what is happening with those trolls. Maybe the two problems could solve themselves and  the gnomes will be eaten by the trolls or something else in the forest? It's a long shot, but if he has gets a chance, he plans to take the guard sergeant aside and instruct him to escort the gnomes further out than they expect and leave them unarmed in a particularly dangerous stretch of the woods.

He offers no objection on seeing how Elena deals with the bandit leader. In fact, he offers her his help with securing the bastard. He does not trust him any further than he could throw him.

I've shamelessly stolen your idea, Elena.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1343 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 3 Jan 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #48

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Up until the hood covers his head the satyr has a smug smile born of some secret plan but whatever it is the party sees no sign of treachery or disruption. The gnomes don't appear to be stupid and while they stay ahead of the party they don't charge straight out right into the waiting swords and crossbows of the guards. Instead they wait carefully so the leaders of the realm are in full view at all times so that the clear sign that nobody seems concerned they are running free is their exit pass.

Not that they really would have had any trouble leaving, the siege had completely broken down by that point. Instead ground was being cleared for the wounded...and the dead.

Two dozen dead or dying soldiers are being looked after by the unit's medic although a quick glance shows most of them are beyond care. Heads and chests caved in by some kind of massive blunt force trauma. Their army didn't suffer casualties lightly though and in the distance a group of soldiers are dragging the large corpse of an ogre to the tower.

The officer in charge, Jorum Kanton sees the party come out of the tower and runs up to deliver his report.

"They suddenly charged our formation. It was clear they were trying to head to the tower. We clashed but thank the gods they retreated once we downed one of them. There were five in total. The four fled back to the south but we didn't pursue..."

Jorum's gaze shifts to the line of the dead letting the sight of all the dead and wounded explain his actions better than words ever could.
NPC, 1 post
Male Satyr
Dark Piper Leader
Mon 3 Jan 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #49

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

From under his hood there is a slight chuckle from the satyr leader over Elena's shoulder.

"It seems you're in more need of my tales then I had thought."
Dominique Telvari
High Priest, 455 posts
"Inquisitor" of Abadar
HP: 27/27 F/R/W: +5/+2/+8
Mon 3 Jan 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #50

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Dominique holds his tongue after Boric makes his agreement with the enemy. This was not justice, letting killers go to plot further harm simply because they stacked a few boxes! But as Elena and Kael saw to securing their prisoners--Dominique lends them two pairs of his personal manacles to help--the Inquisitor is first to lead the gnomes out, with the goal of assigning a contingent of men to escort them into Drelev's lands under heavy guard.

The sight of the carnage shocks him and for a time he can't believe it--how could the attack have been so well-timed to their assault? How could they not have heard the attack? But soon, as the satyr callously and spitefully dishonors the sacrifices of their men, the Inquisitor's grief turns to anger and he spins about to grab the sack over the knave's head and pull it tight around his neck. "You had something to do with this, you cretin! My word to Asmodeus, if any more die by your schemes I will take an appendage for each before I let the headsman claim his bounty."

17:33, Today: Dominique Telvari rolled 25 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 10.  Intimidate, just 'cuz.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:35, Mon 03 Jan 2022.
Kael Valleni
Spymaster, 691 posts
Tue 4 Jan 2022
at 21:26
  • msg #51

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Kael raises an eyebrow when Dominique swears on Asmodeus. "Should have gagged him as well."

He digs out a couple of vials from his pocket and hands them over to the medics, to perhaps help at least some of the casualties. Then he heads over to examine the corpse of the monster the army slew. Strange that even giants would blindly charge into an army like that.

Giving away my 2 potions of CLW, mostly to give the impression of caring for the troops. And CLW potions are quickly becoming useless to us as we level up anyway. But, ogre? Were the attackers a mixed group or ogres and trolls then?
Elena Sazikova
Master-At-Arms, 567 posts
Fri 7 Jan 2022
at 00:04
  • msg #52

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Elena looked in horror at the results of the skirmish.  It had clearly been a mistake to ignore the trolls.  Her mistake, that the rest of the party had simply been caught up in.  She had been so confident that her organized, 500-strong professional army could hold it's own, and arguably it had: The trolls didn't get what they wanted, which was to reach the tower.  But a small handful of giants shouldn't have been able to smash right into their lines, kill over a score of her people and then casually walk away like that.  The archers alone should have brought down a troll or two before they even reached the front lines.

Worse than the casualties was the breakdown in order:  The encirclement of the tower had been completely abandoned, half the army was out of formation, and there was a senior commander abandoning his post and running out of position to deliver a message that could have easily been sent by a messenger.  Hell, it was a message that should have been sent by a messenger 5 minutes earlier, when the attack started.  How the hell had all of this happened so close the the tower without the party hearing anything?

Elena hated being the bad guy, but she would need to whip her officers into shape once the army returned from the field.  A 5% casualty rate was pretty high for a minor skirmish like this, but it was no excuse for the level of disarray she was seeing now.

Still, that could all wait.  They were still in danger, and Elena's first priority was making sure no more of her men died unnecessarily.  So instead of laying into Jorum immediately, Elena simply placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.  "Good work." She replied.  "If nothing else, we've shown the troops that common folk like themselves can stand up against worst monsters this land holds and come out on top.  But right now, you need to get the men back into formation, guard the wounded and keep them ready.  We're not out of these woods yet, and the trolls don't usually run away for much longer than it takes their wounds to close up."

Sitting the Satyr down, Elena gently removed Dominique's hands from their prisoner's neck.  "Easy there.  Our friend here has important information he's promised to share, and now he's going to share it."  She prodded the Satyr lightly, to make sure he knew she was talking to him.  "Alright now: tell us a tale.  Those giants were organized, and they were trying to get to you.  Where did they come from?"

Elena's grip tightened on the glaive in her hand.  "Where are they headed right now?"
Borric d'Tor
Baron, 1028 posts
Fri 7 Jan 2022
at 06:39
  • msg #53

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Borric watched as his companions had everything well in hand. He was concerned about whatever the Satyr was about to share. "Perhaps we should move to a better secured area to have this conversation." Borric wanted to make sure that whatever information that the
Satyr would not spread through the ranks like wildfire.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1345 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 8 Jan 2022
at 23:15
  • msg #54

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

The soldiers are very grateful that their leaders are dispensing aid, and for a few in critical condition it makes the difference between life and death.

Kanton explains that it was a mixed group. Two trolls with three ogres. It isn't common for trolls to work alongside other giantkin but it isn't completely unknown either. Trolls tend to be willing to work with anyone that keeps them properly fed which due to their insane magical metabolism is a sizable feat.
NPC, 2 posts
Male Satyr
Dark Piper Leader
Sat 8 Jan 2022
at 23:27
  • msg #55

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

When they were satisfied they were alone Zackot began to tell his tale.

"You creatures of clay are not the only ones with dreams for this land. While you were attacking from the North, another was seizing the South. We had, of course, heard the rumors of a mighty army securing the southern Nalrmarches and declaring their own kingdom.

They posted a notice at the edge of our lands, a notice they would be sending a delegation to talk to us and seek an alliance in...heh...pushing you out of the region. If we had known they were ogres and trolls...well that would have been an interesting meeting.

The letter was signed but we could not make out the name. Giant's aren't known for their penmanship after all, but it did start with an "H", that much we could figure out."

The group scrutinizes his tale for lies or half-truths but it seems like Zackot has no desire to protect giants from the party.
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