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16:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mission Briefing 2.

Posted by Quinn SebastianFor group 0
Quinn Sebastian
NPC, 13 posts
Delphi Council
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 04:50
  • msg #1

Mission Briefing 2

You are given a few days to rest and train, after which Quinn calls you into a conference room aboard the USS Ronald Reagan. A Russian man and an elf in an ill-fitting pinstripe suit sit on either side of him and then begins to speak.

"Sit down, agents. Allow me to introduce two of my Assistant Directors. This is Omar Bednarczyk, of the Cassandra Division, and Tenushath of the Marathon Division. They have information about the next mission. We'll begin with Mr. Bednarczyk."

Quinn sits down and the Russian stands up. "Thank you, Director Sebastian, for giving me this opportunity. The Cassandra Division takes the lead on all matters involving eternity shards and other strange but useful items that will help us win this war." He taps on a tablet and the monitor comes to life, showing the image of a Catholic priest whose crucifix is laden with circuitry.

"This is Brother Pierre Laplace, a leading official in the Cyberpapacy's Techquisition Division, an analogous division to my Cassandra Division. Often times, our agents have contested with his in acquiring eternity shards and other useful items.

"Our agents in France learned he had headed to Denmark, which has fallen under the influence of Ayslish reality. For him to leave France can only mean he is after something powerful, and we need to find out what he's after and either get it for ourselves, or at least destroy it so it can't be used against us. As I am unfamiliar with Aysle, and am stretched to the limit already, I invited Tenushath here to use the spy network of Marathon Division to pinpoint his location. Mr. Elf?"

Bednarczyk sits down and the elf stands up. "Thank you, Director Bednarczyk. Marathon Division is tasked with gathering intelligence that can be used by other divisions. In this case, we were to find where in Denmark Brother Laplace went. We found evidence he was in Copenhagen only a day ago, a city that is resisting transformation to Aysle, but seems to be losing its Core Earth identity. The Danish Army is tasked with evacuating Core Earthers before they can transform. Now that we have a place to start from, we decided that rather than wait for a more experienced team, we are going to send you, as you can leave immediately.

"And since I'm here, I can brief you on Aysle as well. You are going to see things that defy all scientific explanation. Centaurs, minotaurs, giants, harpies, and things that are impossibly large or impossibly small. Magic is big in Aysle. Not the sleight of hand tricks you do here, but real magic. Fireballs, lightning spells, and metal chunks that fly as fast as bullets. People wielding enchanted items. Light and Darkness are tangible entities with real power. And there are pantheons of deities that grant power to their faithful followers."
He sits down, and Quinn speaks again.

"Sadly, due to illness, Ash will be delayed. If it goes on too long, he will be reassigned to another team. Too bad, though, his magic and knowledge of the Cyberpapacy would have been quite useful. Still, I'll field requisitions now, and I'd like to ask the others to stay and field questions." They nod and wait for questions.

OOC: You can requisition equipment and ask questions now. Your equipment and Possibilities are reset to where you were at the start of the first mission.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:21, Fri 11 Feb 2022.
Ivan Borovich (Headshot)
player, 55 posts
Russian Soldier
and Realm Runner
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 10:05
  • msg #2

Mission Briefing 2

Ivan just shrugged. They always tried so hard, but he just killed things. "Nyet."
Jacob Amer (Revenant)
player, 107 posts
Cosm-Nile Empire
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 15:23
  • msg #3

Mission Briefing 2

Jacob raises his bandaged hand. "So...I know we had some realm issues in the Living Lands, mostly with our tech. That should not be a problem in the Cyberpapcy, right? Well, not for me anyways. I think everything the Nile Empire produces can, ah...'fit'...inside the realm rules of that place?"
NPC, 1 post
Assistant Director
Marathon Division
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 17:37
  • msg #4

Mission Briefing 2

"Cyberpapacy uses the most advanced technology we have faced. But you are not being sent there. You are going to Copenhagen to track this Techquisitor. Copenhagen is surrounded by Aysle reality, but it is holding onto vestiges of Core Earth reality for the time being. Our latest reports identify the city as a mixed zone, meaning that tools supported by either reality should work there. And from what we can tell, the only tools of the Nile Empire that are problematic from a Core Earth perspective are 'Pulp Powers' and other tools dependent on them."

OOC: This does affect Regeneration, but since you don't roll for that, it only comes into play on a Surge.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:38, Fri 11 Feb 2022.
Johnny Ichii
player, 98 posts
Pan Pacifica
Ion Gusoku
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 19:15
  • msg #5

Mission Briefing 2

"I would like to requisition an Electric Longbow, if you have one. It may be higher tech than the locals, but the look will fit in better than an M16."
Quinn Sebastian
NPC, 14 posts
Delphi Council
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 19:23
  • msg #6

Mission Briefing 2

"I will have to check our inventory. Tools coming out of the Pan-Pacific Alliance are hard to obtain, but I'll check."

OOC: Make a persuasion test. The difficulty is 16: 12 (value) + 4 rarity modifier.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:08, Sat 12 Feb 2022.
Quinn Sebastian
NPC, 15 posts
Delphi Council
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #7

Mission Briefing 2

Quinn Sebastian:
"I will have to check our inventory. Tools coming out of the Pan-Pacific Alliance are hard to obtain, but I'll check."

OOC: Make a persuasion test. The difficulty is 16: 12 (value) + 4 rarity modifier.

"We haven't obtained one yet, but we have plenty of regular longbows in stock. We can get you one and a couple of quivers of arrows."
Johnny Ichii
player, 100 posts
Pan Pacifica
Ion Gusoku
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 02:15
  • msg #8

Mission Briefing 2

"That is probably a good idea. Thank you."
Case Morrow
player, 91 posts
Core Earth
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 06:09
  • msg #9

Mission Briefing 2

"Will we need a passport or some form of ID?  I guess I need that and maybe an Delphi Council Aysle survival kit?"
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