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15:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mission Briefing 2.

Posted by Quinn SebastianFor group 0
Quinn Sebastian
NPC, 16 posts
Delphi Council
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 13:56
  • msg #10

Mission Briefing 2

"Your Delphi agent ID has been authorized in Aysle and Core Earth as a passport equivalent. You will be provided a standard passport for other areas or for collecting entry stamps.

"As for survival kits, Tenushath suggested the following equipment issue:
*Pitch torch
*Simple compass
*Lantern with shutters
*Small polished metal hand mirror
*Individual collapsible tent
*Sleeping mat and blanket
*20 meters of hemp rope
*One week’s worth of dried ration
*Animal-bladder canteen

"This will also be considered part of issued equipment, so you can still requisition something."

This message was lightly edited by the player at 22:27, Wed 16 Feb 2022.
Case Morrow
player, 92 posts
Core Earth
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 09:46
  • msg #11

Mission Briefing 2

Case looks up from the stack of newly issued equipment, "Anything else we might need?"
NPC, 2 posts
Assistant Director
Marathon Division
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 17:13
  • msg #12

Mission Briefing 2

"I haven't heard anything from our newcomer. Miss, was there anything else you needed?"
Quinn Sebastian
NPC, 17 posts
Delphi Council
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 17:24
  • msg #13

Mission Briefing 2

"When you're ready, head to the airstrip. Ms. MacMurphy will be there to fly you to Copenhagen before heading to her next assignment in Cairo."
player, 3 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 02:59
  • msg #14

Mission Briefing 2

There was a shadow in the room in one of the corners. Or, rather - an absence of light as this shadow was cast by nothing anyone could make out. It had been there the entire briefing and only appeared when the Assistant Director called out to it.

She - for the figure was female, based on the face - leaned forward and shook her head, her black eyes settling on each of the others in the room before moving back to the Assistant Director.

"I have never needed before so I have no idea what I might need," she said in a voice that echoed eerily and seemed to hiss in the air, twisting and turning before and after she spoke. Her first words still hung between them when she spoke again. "If something comes to mind I will be sure to ask. Thank you. Thank you, Director, for the Delphi Council's aid."

She leaned back - a pale face that was neither old nor young, but was beautiful and unsettling as were the black eyes; seemingly floating in the void in the room that was the corner in which she sat.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:19, Sat 19 Feb 2022.
Quinn Sebastian
NPC, 18 posts
Delphi Council
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 02:15
  • msg #15

Mission Briefing 2

"Well, if that's it, time's a'wasting. JJ is waiting for you at the airstrip. Remember, we need to know what Brother Laplace is after and get it ourselves or at least keep it out of his hands."

OOC: Use this thread to engage in any discussions you want before landing in Copenhagen.
EDIT: Cards are dealt, but they can't be used until you land.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:53, Sat 19 Feb 2022.
Jacob Amer (Revenant)
player, 110 posts
Cosm-Nile Empire
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 00:35
  • msg #16

Mission Briefing 2

In reply to Quinn Sebastian (msg # 15):

Jacob nodded, taking whatever he was given. Granted the survival gear meant very little to a being like him, but he could carry it for the others when they got hungry and thirsty. He does glance over at the odd inhuman-seeming woman, but keeps his thoughts to himself.
Case Morrow
player, 93 posts
Core Earth
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #17

Mission Briefing 2

Eager to see JJ again, Case stuffs his issued equipment into his backpack and head out to the airstrip.
Johnny Ichii
player, 101 posts
Pan Pacifica
Ion Gusoku
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 02:19
  • msg #18

Mission Briefing 2

Johnny loads up and follows Chase.
JJ MacMurphy
NPC, 14 posts
Core Earth
Realm Runner
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 04:51
  • msg #19

Mission Briefing 2

JJ greets the Storm Knights as they board. "Hey, guys! Sorry I can't stay for your adventure, but I got one of my own. I get to meet a Rocket Ranger in Cairo! She sounds like fun!"
Jacob Amer (Revenant)
player, 111 posts
Cosm-Nile Empire
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 12:59
  • msg #20

Mission Briefing 2

In reply to JJ MacMurphy (msg # 19):

"Yeah, yeah. Everybody loves the Rocket Rangers." Jacob said with a groan.

"Its all anybody ever talks about over in the Nile Empire. 'Oh, do you know one of THE Rocket Rangers? They are soooooo amazing! Can you get them to sign this for my kid!?' Blah, blah, blah. The most amazing part of them is they dont blow up in midair in one of those tin buckets suits." He grumbled.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:00, Sun 20 Feb 2022.
Case Morrow
player, 94 posts
Core Earth
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 16:26
  • msg #21

Re: Mission Briefing 2

Jacob Amer (Revenant):
In reply to JJ MacMurphy (msg # 19):

"Yeah, yeah. Everybody loves the Rocket Rangers." Jacob said with a groan.

"Its all anybody ever talks about over in the Nile Empire. 'Oh, do you know one of THE Rocket Rangers? They are soooooo amazing! Can you get them to sign this for my kid!?' Blah, blah, blah. The most amazing part of them is they dont blow up in midair in one of those tin buckets suits." He grumbled.

"Ooooh they do sound cool!" Case adds oblivious to the Revenant's jealousy.
JJ MacMurphy
NPC, 15 posts
Core Earth
Realm Runner
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 01:34
  • msg #22

Mission Briefing 2

"Yeah, it would be fun to fly without the benefit of a plane. But to be fair, I've grown attached to Bubba and Ralph. I've kinda grown attached to you guys, too, though I think y'all have too much red meat in your diet."
Jacob Amer (Revenant)
player, 112 posts
Cosm-Nile Empire
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 06:52
  • msg #23

Mission Briefing 2

In reply to JJ MacMurphy (msg # 22):

Jacob looked at Case, but it was hard to tell his expression behind goggles and bandages. Then he nodded as JJ spoke.

"It would be nice to eat anything..." Jacob grumbled under his breath, and then winced when he realized it said it out loud. "Er, I mean, who are Bubba and Ralph?" He quickly added, trying to change the topic.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:55, Mon 21 Feb 2022.
JJ MacMurphy
NPC, 16 posts
Core Earth
Realm Runner
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 16:07
  • msg #24

Mission Briefing 2

"Bubba's my C-130. Left him in Rio after I had to make a quick getaway. If you make it there, look for the bright pink cargo jet.

"I'm actually going to be flying a few agents in Ralph when I get to Cairo. They need a helicopter ride, and a competent pilot. They promised to put a fresh coat of purple paint and on and get him washed. That Sikorsky seems to fly better when spruced up like that."

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:28, Sun 27 Feb 2022.
Case Morrow
player, 95 posts
Core Earth
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 11:52
  • msg #25

Mission Briefing 2

"So you like the colors pink and purple?"
JJ MacMurphy
NPC, 17 posts
Core Earth
Realm Runner
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 18:32
  • msg #26

Mission Briefing 2

"For planes, sure. But as you can see, when it comes to clothing, I'm black leather all the way."
player, 4 posts
Sun 27 Feb 2022
at 03:00
  • msg #27

Mission Briefing 2

She had no idea what the others were talking about but she followed, nonetheless. Watching and listening were how she had managed to learn to this point so she saw no reason to stop doing what she had been doing.

She boarded the aircraft with the others, found a seat, and seemed to vanish into a state of uncertainty until she was directly observed or talked to.
Case Morrow
player, 96 posts
Core Earth
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 02:00
  • msg #28

Re: Mission Briefing 2

She had no idea what the others were talking about but she followed, nonetheless. Watching and listening were how she had managed to learn to this point so she saw no reason to stop doing what she had been doing.

She boarded the aircraft with the others, found a seat, and seemed to vanish into a state of uncertainty until she was directly observed or talked to.

"I think you look good in leather too," escapes the young man's lips before he quite realized what he said.  Getting a little red faced he leaves JJ to do her flight check and flees to an empty seat.  Noticing Void he tries to shift gears and offers a tentative smile, "Uh...I'm sorry I didn't catch your name.  I'm Case by the way.  Ah, Case Morrow."
Jacob Amer (Revenant)
player, 113 posts
Cosm-Nile Empire
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 03:08
  • msg #29

Re: Mission Briefing 2

"Stay safe, JJ. May the light of the ever living sun guide you home. Or some such gibberish. I never really bought into all that mumbo jumbo. Even now..." he sighed, not really explaining what that meant as he headed off with the team.
player, 5 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #30

Re: Mission Briefing 2

The odd woman seemed to snap back into focus when she was addressed and turned to look at the speaker, her head cocked to one side. "I am nameless but the Delphi Council called me Void which indicates a lack of something."

She smiled. Or rather, she tried to smile: it was the look of a being for whom such expressions did not come naturally. Not yet, at least.

"Case. Case Morrow. It is...good to meet you, Case. Case Morrow."
Case Morrow
player, 97 posts
Core Earth
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 04:45
  • msg #31

Re: Mission Briefing 2

Undaunted Case continues, "Huh.  So where are you from?  I'm from New York myself."
player, 6 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 23:45
  • msg #32

Re: Mission Briefing 2

"I am from nowhere. I was never born. A chance coming together of forgotten things in a place that doesn't exist. A place where there is neither creation not destruction because it is not a place. I am from a place that is not a place and where nothing is from."

She gave him one of those unnerving smiles again.

"New York...I heard much from New York when I listened to Creation. It was loud in a place that was not a place that had never known anything but silence. It is part of the reason I came here."

She leaned forward. "Tell me of New York. Tell me of pretzels and Broadway, Times Square and Central Park. All of these I heard, and more, but I do not know them. Would you do that, Case. Case Morrow?"
Case Morrow
player, 98 posts
Core Earth
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 01:12
  • msg #33

Re: Mission Briefing 2

"Just call me Case."  He pauses a moment as puzzles out the woman's words a moment, "I don't think I like nothing."  Realizing that might be a rude observation he apologizes quickly, "No offense."

The young man chews on his lip a second as he thinks of something nice to say about his home.  "Uh...well I'm originally from Brighton, New York, not New York City New York.  Though when I got into trouble I went to a special school in New York City...ah, I didn't see much of the City 'cept for a few hours before the beanstalk fell out of the sky.  But Brighton was nice, it's pretty much a piece of Rochester.  It has a nice lake and a lot of trees my family used to picnic at.  And lots of snow in the winter.  I wonder what it looks like now.  I haven't lived there in a while."

Remembering a few trips into New York City before...everything...Case adds, "Oh I guess I did see some of New York City before I was sent to the Program.  Pretzels are okay I suppose but they get cold fast and maybe a bit too bready and salty.  We weren't allowed up in the Statue of Liberty.  That was a bummer.  But it has some neat museums.  I liked the one in Central Park with Roosevelt."

Realizing he's chewing up all the air time he asks, "So how did you get involved with the Delphi Council?  Did Mister Sebastian find you?"
GM, 213 posts
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 04:05
  • msg #34

Mission Briefing 2

The plane enters landing protocols at this point. Your opening scene is up, and cards are active.
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