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, welcome to Players of [System]

00:16, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Voice of The SystemFor group 0
Voice of The System
GM, 2 posts
Mon 3 Jan 2022
at 02:22
  • msg #1


Floating in the void is a large steel circle covered in a layer of grass and soil.

Both gravity and an atmosphere seem to be present, despite this mass only having a diameter of a mere one hundred feet.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:24, Mon 10 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 13 posts
Mon 10 Jan 2022
at 19:30
  • msg #2


One moment, you were all living your daily lives. Perhaps you were out at work, lounging at home, or driving in your car.

Whatever it had been for each of you, in the blink of an eye you find yourselves somewhere completely different!

In front of your eyes is a blue window, with the text (displayed in your first language):

"Greetings, PLAYER {}!

Welcome to [System]. Please enjoy your time here!"

Voice of [System]

If you squint at this window, it becomes temporarily transparent and no longer obstructs your view until you try to focus on it once more.

As each of you glance around, you see other individuals, whom you have never met, and perhaps from different countries. Will you even be able to communicate with one another?

No matter what you had been doing before, you all quickly realize you have been left with nothing but the clothes on your back, and you are in a standing position. If you had any minor injuries, you will find they have been healed.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 21:47, Tue 11 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 8 posts
Mon 10 Jan 2022
at 21:06
  • msg #3


Emily stands still for a long moment, absorbing the scene.  She takes in all the information she can from every one of her senses before moving or speaking.

Sight:  She looks at the scene before her, moving her eyes to left and right as far as they'll go, but so far, she doesn't move her head.
Hearing: She quiets her breathing, listening first to the sound of her breath and her heartbeat but gradually to anything else she may be able to hear.
Touch: She concentrates on the movements of air against her face and fingers, the temperature of that air and how straight she seems to be standing.
Smell:  She breathes deep, trying to identify any smells she can.
Taste: She expects to taste nothing but she could be wrong.  Does she taste any kind of chemicals that might have been used to drug her for example.

Slowly, she begins to beat out a slow 4/4 rhythm with her curved palm against the side of her thigh.  After eight beats, she changed to 3/4 and then after nine beats she changes back.  She compares the beats with her own heartbeat.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 6 posts
Mon 10 Jan 2022
at 21:43
  • msg #4


In reply to Voice of The System (msg # 2):

Vladislav boggles at the blueness before his eyes. It made no sense to be there, to be floating without a computer screen to be in. He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head a few times trying to clear it before opening them again. But the blue was still there, if briefly transparent before solidifying again. His eyes move left, then right, looking sideways at the others present. Returning to gaze directly at the blueness, he reads it very carefully.

Oh. Crap. He'd read stories that had these things in them, but had always assumed that it was merely part of the genre, a fictional construct not something actually existed.

First things first... stop hyperventilating and try to calm down.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 1 post
Mon 10 Jan 2022
at 22:43
  • msg #5


Hmm. Trapped in a video game, and no clue if this is Hardcore mode. And it looks like we have others here. Well, let's see if this thing has a universal translator. He speaks in the language the message appeared to him used (i.e. the native Urlan he learned from his gamer parents as a means of keeping family secrets). "Slanli speka."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:44, Mon 10 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 3 posts
Mon 10 Jan 2022
at 22:55
  • msg #6


"Holy shit!" the words, said in American English and in earnest exclamation carried throughout the otherwise mostly silent chamber.

A robust young man stood wide eyed along with the others. He probably stood somewhere around six and a half feet tall (200cm), but with the unusual height had also come the all too common tendency to put on weight, he was thick set in general with meaty limbs and a roundness about the middle.

With a ruddy complexion and dirty blond hair in a shaggy mane around his face, his beard was full but untrimmed, his blue eyes wide in obvious alarm.

He was dressed in cargo pants, clunky looking black boots that made him seem even taller than he was and a faded t -shirt with some kind of rune on it and the words "Amon Amarth"

"Am I dead?" He asked allowed, and glancing around wildly he spotted the others and again asked. "Are we dead?"

About the same time he was asking the others, he finally seemed to spot the gigantic, obvious message above him and he stood there reading it a few times, the growing confusion evident on his face.
This message was last updated by the player at 22:55, Mon 10 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 2 posts
Mon 10 Jan 2022
at 23:09
  • msg #7


Oh, so at least one of them used the language of his long-lost daddy (not dead, just lost). I can talk with this one, regardless of the language capacity of this System, whatever it is.

"I am not sure how to make that holy, or even if it would be a good idea to do so, but for now our goal would seem to be to figure out where we are and what we are doing here." Dmitri holds out his hand. "Dmitri Reslin. Pleased to meet you."

Dmitri is smaller than this one the System HUD called "Otto Bruckner" (173 cm, or 5 feet 8 inches) and of average build wearing black dress slacks, a striped Oxford shirt, and wing tip shoes.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 7 posts
Mon 10 Jan 2022
at 23:16
  • msg #8


"Am not feeling dead. Am worrying is drugged, hallucinating," Vladislav answers Otto's question, his baritone voice bearing a strong (Russian) accent as he spoke in somewhat broken English.

He looks away from the blueness to examine the others. He is breathing in fast, shallow breaths and his heart is racing in barely controlled panic.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:32, Mon 10 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 9 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #9


"It seems we all speak English, more or less," said Emily, her own accent being close to received pronunciation, the posh British accent nobody speaks outside of the most prestigious schools, "That's a good start. I don't feel dead and I'm fairly sure I'm not drugged. not with any drug I've heard of either. There's no time distortion, my heartbeat is regular and my brain is not hallucinating any kind of background. We're in mundane reality or the virtual kind."
Voice of The System
GM, 14 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 00:20
  • msg #10


As Emily Khorashandi focuses deeply on her senses, perhaps to avoid rising panic, she feels a very light wind that is just a little cool, and quite refreshing.

There seems to be little or no humidity, but it is also not dry enough to discomfort the skin.

Breathing deeply results in the faint smell of freshly cut grass, which is strange because though the grass on this disc is quite short, upon closer inspection, it does not have the sharp ends you would expect from cultivated grass.

Depending on what she had last eaten, there may be some residual taste, and if she has not had the chance to brush her teeth in a day there may be slight halitosis. However, no chemical tastes or otherwise are present.

The first person to speak is the man in his late twenties. He does so in an uncommon language, of which most are unlikely to understand.

In that moment, a second blue window appears, overlaid in front of the previous one.

"New skill has been automatically generated!

Human Language Interpretation Lv. MAX"

Voice of [System]

Noticeably, there is no further description at the moment.

OOC: It's my mistake, but Dmitri would not know Otto's name from his status window alone. None of you can see any status windows that are not your own.
Otto Bruckner
player, 4 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 00:40
  • msg #11


As the others began to speak, and in English no less, the bearded man's posture relaxed a little and his eyes seemed to resume a more normal appearance.

He the began looking around with the demeanor of a person expecting people to jump out and laugh at him, or the kind of behavior one might expect from a person so just walked in on a surprise party.

"Alright...well." he said aloud and then saw the message change above them. "Huh." He reached up and pointed to the screen with a kind of "finger gun" gesture. "Did that just..."

Suddenly he seemed to remember Dmitri and went to shake his hand enthusiastically. "Oh, sorry man, Otto. Good to meet ya." he smiled broadly with lots of teeth. "Do you, ah, know what's goin' on? Cause I'm..." he trailed off and shook his head.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 3 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 19:53
  • msg #12


"We seem to have been dumped into something called a Video Game without the benefit of a manual of how to operate it. I know for me at least there's a Heads Up Display that has blips for each one of us, plus some others I'm not able to identify just yet. Somethind called System seems to have learned how to communicate with us, but I'm not sure yet if it's a good development or a bad one."

Dmitri then looks up toward the screen and says, "Mr. System, it appears you are now able to understand our communication. Are you also able to communicate with us? If you are, is there something we should call you, or will Mr. System be acceptable?"
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 8 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 20:20
  • msg #13


Vladislav listens to what the others are saying, and considers what he sees. Hmm. If this was not a hallucination, how should he proceed? In the stories there was a command often used to see character sheets.

"Status," the short Russian man requested of the blue image, using that command.
Voice of The System
GM, 15 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 20:38
  • msg #14


As Dmitri's inquiry to the sourceless entity leaves his lips, he lingers just a single one of his heartbeats before...


Accompanied with that purely-mental sound, a third blue window appears in front of only the eyes of Dmitri.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 21:48, Tue 11 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 16 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 20:39
  • msg #15


As Vladislav listens to the conversation of the others, he compares it to his knowledge from stories he has consumed before in his life.

With that, he has the idea, to say aloud 'Status'.

When he does so, a new blue window appears in front of the older ones, private to his eyes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:40, Tue 11 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 10 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 20:51
  • msg #16


Emily notes the pinging noise when Vladislav asks for his status and she considers for a moment what she in turn should ask for.  After a few moments she says, "Menu"
Otto Bruckner
player, 5 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 20:56
  • msg #17


It did not take a genius to figure out that as the others said these things, they then stared into something that only they seemed to be able to see.

Otto glanced around a little lost before he said. ", Character Sheet?"
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 9 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 21:00
  • msg #18


In reply to Voice of The System (msg # 15):

Though his breathing and heart haven't recovered from the initial panic yet, Vladislav felt a bit more centered emotionally seeing the new screen. Not a hallucination, and a game system that he does not immediately recognize. Hmm. His gaze sweeps down the image, and back up again, taking it in. He feels slight surprise seeing his stats; everything is in such a narrow numerical range. The three stats with the highest rating jump out at him. Endurance, Stamina, and... Mystic? Huh. The first two made sense, given what he put up with day to day from his alleged 'host family,' but that last seemed to suggest something.

His gaze roams the screen until he finds his class. Uh-oh.
Voice of The System
GM, 17 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 21:19
  • msg #19


Soon after the first, a second window appears in front of Dmitri's eyes:
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 21:49, Tue 11 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 18 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 21:23
  • msg #20


As Emily requests a menu, there is a few moments where she wonders if the term is not recognized, before the window pops up with an increasingly familiar 'DING' sound.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 21:41, Tue 11 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 19 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 21:26
  • msg #21


As Otto requests a 'character sheet', there is a short period of hesitation before a familiar sound indicates the opening of a new window.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 21:41, Tue 11 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 7 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 21:50
  • msg #22


Given that he was just mimicking the others, Otto did not seem to expect the sudden pop up of information, at the very least not information about himself.

"Whoah" he said aloud, glanced over at the others, then went back to reading his own "sheet" a few times, his eyes flicking back and forth in  concentration.

After he was done, he looked back to the others. "So...what does this mean? I mean that's like, a full on character sheet, like from a game You guys saw the same thing, right?" he asked uncertainly.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 11 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 21:55
  • msg #23


In reply to Otto Bruckner (msg # 22):

The shorter, also bearded man nodded. "Ja. Have reading stories these 'systems' about. Is large genre online. Not having any idea is real, though."

The fact that he (and they) was still a human being was a relief. Being stuck in a hunk of gemstone crafting a dungeon to protect himself from adventurers seemed like it would be a nightmare.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 11 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:00
  • msg #24


Emily nodded.  "So, I wonder what this expanded status is.  Only one way to find out gentlemen." 

After a few moments, she added, "View Expanded Status."
Otto Bruckner
player, 8 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:07
  • msg #25


Otto seemed genuinely surprised that the others had heard of this before, because he had not. "Huh, wild." when faced with the overwhelming shock of it all, what else could he do?

"Uh, right. Computer, expanded status please." he mimicked their only female.
Voice of The System
GM, 22 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:14
  • msg #26


At Emily's command, another window appears in front of her eyes

As Emily requests a menu, there is a few moments where she wonders if the term is not recognized, before the window pops up with an increasingly familiar 'DING' sound.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 22:23, Tue 11 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 12 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:16
  • msg #27


Vladislav listens, but does not follow the trend of asking for expanded status. Instead, he waits for his body to calm down a little more and considers how one would ask the system for help files on magic. Or on skills in general, come to think of it. But that did not seem to be as standardized in the stories he recalled as the status screen was.

He stood, and thought, and glanced around while thinking.
Voice of The System
GM, 23 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:23
  • msg #28


At Otto's mimicry of Emily's command, a window quickly appears in front of him as well.

As Otto requests a 'character sheet', there is a short period of hesitation before a familiar sound indicates the opening of a new window.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 12 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:41
  • msg #29


Emily begins walking around in a spiralling motion, covering wider and wider, almost circles as she moves to see at what point her view expands beyond this little space.
Voice of The System
GM, 24 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:45
  • msg #30


Everyone sees as the woman known as Emily begins to walk around in a strange, spiral motion.

Whatever their opinion of her antics, she keeps up with it for quite a while, all in order to know what lays beyond this disc.

Eventually, she finds herself walking along the edge of the disc, to the northwest. Belatedly, she realizes she had not begun from the true center of the landmass, and was actually positioned slightly northwest to start.

Eventually, her clockwise motion, which is extremely accurate due to her graceful movements, has her staring over her left shoulder, directly over the edge of the world.

Unless she breaks her perfect spiral motion, the next step will send her over the edge.

What choice shall she make?
Otto Bruckner
player, 9 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:50
  • msg #31


Otto regarded whatever had appeared with a wry, somewhat toothy grin, as if he found it all both amazing and amusing.

Eventually he gave a sort of exasperated laugh and threw up his hands. "Well alright, fair enough." he seemed to say to the System.

"Did, ah, you guys get a Class?" He asked, skipping past the far, farmore difficult questions like. How did this happen? Or How do we get out of here? This one at least seemed straightforward.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 13 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:55
  • msg #32


Still thinking to himself, Vladislav watches the lady walk, but does not comprehend what reason she might have for this spiraling path.

When Emily has gotten most of the way to the edge, he speaks. "System?" Vladislav asks the air respectfully, "help magic."

The existence of the Mystic stat seemed to him to be a clear clue that some form of magic system was available in this game world. And having it so high suggested to him that he might be wise to learn to use magic as early as possible. Thus, trying to get the help files on the subject.
Voice of The System
GM, 25 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:57
  • msg #33


Unfortunately, there is no response to Vladislav's polite request.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 14 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 22:59
  • msg #34


The Russian frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.

No help files? Hmm. Hmm.

"Nyet," he answered Otto. "No class. Just... enn slash ay."
Otto Bruckner
player, 10 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 23:18
  • msg #35


"Yeah, same with me. That means Not Applicable, but, ya know, given the circumstances is seems pretty applicable to me." he replied to the other bearded man and paced a little, no longer rooted to where he had arrived after he saw the woman walking what seemed to laps to his eye.

After a few moments he spoke up again. "I've had some pretty wild dreams before, but man, this is the best by far." he said with a smile.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 15 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 23:31
  • msg #36


Vladislav kept quiet that he knew what it meant. He'd had to translate it from the Russian abbreviation for the term to one that an American would understand, after all. But did not care to share that with the other man.

"If not have class, why does class appear on status? Must exist in game. How to play if not having help file learn rules?"

He considered the idea of trying to do something from other games he knew, and seeing what worked. But where to begin? That he did not have a clue about. Well, make of a fool of himself trying to cast a spell without knowing the system? Perhaps. He thought some more, watching the other three while doing so.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 13 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #37


Emily stopped spiralling and instead moved slowly around the edge of the disc, saying as she does so. "We're all on a disc. I plan to walk around and see whether there's a bridge or something or whether we just have to step off the edge and hope we don't die."
Voice of The System
GM, 26 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2022
at 23:58
  • msg #38


Emily completes her circuit of the disc without noticing anything beyond the edge.
Otto Bruckner
player, 11 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 02:05
  • msg #39


Otto watched the woman for a few moments and the looked up and around as he spoke. "Well, what do you do in a video game when you are lost or wondering what you are supposed to do?" He asked nobody in particular.

"System...Journal?" He tried with a hint of hope on his voice.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 4 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 02:16
  • msg #40


Dmitri generates a list of commands that others have used successfully: Menu, Expanded Status, Character Sheet. There are other "commands" that he wants to try, but first, he goes through each of the "known" commands in the order listed above:
"Expanded Status"
"Character Sheet"

Once the information from these known commands is obtained, he tries another, "Map"
Voice of The System
GM, 27 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 04:28
  • msg #41


Another window appears in front of Dmitri, after he tests for that command.

OOC: See Game Map :)
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 5 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 05:14
  • msg #42


Dmitri adds "Map" to the list of "Approved Actions" he is working on. He tries another: "Rename World Urlan"
Voice of The System
GM, 28 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 05:18
  • msg #43


There is no response.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 6 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 05:20
  • msg #44


"So I don't get to fully rename things. Oh well. Let's try this: Designate Urlan as alternate name for World."
Voice of The System
GM, 29 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 05:29
  • msg #45


There is no response.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 7 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 06:29
  • msg #46


If the World doesn't want to be renamed, even just for me, I will respect that for now. But time for another attempt.

"Attach Node to World."
Otto Bruckner
player, 12 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 07:24
  • msg #47


After his own attempt has seemingly failed, Otto was silent for a time as Dmitri tried his rapid fire commands with more luck.

"Uh...alright. System quests? System objectives?" he tried and kind of gave a shrug to the others.
Voice of The System
GM, 30 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 09:13
  • msg #48


At Dmitri's continued probing of the system, his third remark finally results in something, after a fairly short gap.


Unlike Dmitri, Otto's first attempt results in a success.


Furthermore, an additional window pops up after a brief few moments of pause...

Emily Khorashandi
player, 14 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 11:35
  • msg #49


"What have you got guys?" Asks Emily before re-examining her own status to try to get some idea of her capabilities.  "Hmm, mean just over 3.5 and SD just under 1.5 with a spread of 1.5, those look pretty random to me.  My highest are 'sense', 'intelligence' and 'vital' and my lowest 'mystic' and 'resistance'  Has anyone seen an explanation of the stats because most of those don't really make sense to me?"

After a pause she tried. "Help Stats"
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 16 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 12:42
  • msg #50


In reply to Emily Khorashandi (msg # 49):

(Presuming that Emily is back close by when she asked that)

"High stats mine 'стойкость,' 'выносливость' and 'мистический,'" the Russian man answered Emily.

"Notice range quite narrow. Umm... 1d4+1 looking like. Not seeing any file game mechanics on yet. If like stories system about, am expecting some form point buy system of for advance skills, maybe advance stats."

OOC: Presumably translated by that max interpretation skill, the stats would be "stamina," "endurance," and "mystic" in that order.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 12:43, Wed 12 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 13 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 15:51
  • msg #51


Suddenly Otto looked a little excited, he perked up and smiled and moved a few steps towards Dmitri. "Oh! Hey, Dmitri right? Did you get that Quest?" He asked excitedly and reached out to try to put a hand on his shoulder in a friendly way.

"This thing says that the first person to discover and activate all the System commands gets a title!" The First Archivist of System" he explained.

"So that box that says Title on our sheets? I bet you could get that one...saw you kind of repeating them over here. Also says that it causes a little penalty with the God of Order, so, yeah, cool." he nodded up at the screen as if they were finally making progress, talking all the while loudly enough for the others to easily hear.

"Says it expires in 24 hours though. Not really my thing, being known as the Archivist" he explained off hand with a grin and a shrug.

Noticing the others talking about their own Sheets, and Emily's general question about what the others had, he made his way a little closer to them.

"You have low Mystic you said? Me too, and Sense...and Speed" he admitted without seeming too concerned about that fact. "Strength and Luck though, I'm your man." He grinned and then seemed to remember himself. "I'm Otto by the way...isn't this wild? I" he looked up and around again, obviously excited.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:40, Wed 12 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 8 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 18:46
  • msg #52


Dmitri'a expression is a cross between excitement and confusion. He sees that Otto has responded to his overtures and switches into helpful mode.

"I didn't get the quest log, but that's probably because I haven't asked for it yet. I did get the map, and have apparently created a Node, but my Map still doesn't have it attached to the World yet. I guess the word "Attach" does not compute with this parser.

"Rather than have you try to relate the quests to us all, I will ask for it in a bit. But first, I want to know how this Node I created relates to where we are now."

Dmitri now looks vaguely upward, toward where he sees these display screens, and says, "Display Node on Map"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 15 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 18:48
  • msg #53


Emily checks her status once more and nods to Otto. "Do you remember how it felt to be you before you came here?  Do you feel the same?"

She smiles, "Let's see what we know." Then she begins systematically going through commands.  "View Simple Status... View Expanded Status... Link Node to System... Map... Quests... classes... define stats..."

She gives the system time to respond or not to respond to her commands one after another.

"Have I missed anything we've tried already?" she asks.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 9 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 18:56
  • msg #54


"Designate and Rename seem to be outside of the parser's capabilities, and Attach Node resulted in a creation of a Node but I haven't seen any evidence it actually attached yet."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 17 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 19:09
  • msg #55


"What is 'Node?'' Vladislav wanted to know. Possibly an earthnode, like in Rolemaster books? Or an elemental creature, like in Swordbearer? He was not sure what Dmitri meant by the term.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 10 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 19:18
  • msg #56


"I meant it as a new place for us to travel here, but as it has not appeared on the Map, I don't know what it actually is. Whatever it is, I now have skill in creating it."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 18 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #57


Vladislav looks interested, thoughts churning in his skull. He ran his fingers over his bearded chin. So... a node was like a waypoint? Think of the Unshaped, the Fair Folk in raw chaotic form, and the multiple places they exist as. A node than might be a single such location.

He tried a command. "System? Please create node 'circus'. System, connect south exit here to 'circus.'" He reasoned that designating where the new node attached to the current one might aid in traversing it.
Otto Bruckner
player, 15 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #58


In reply to Emily Khorashandi (msg # 53):

"Oh yeah" he replied when she asked him if he remembered everything. "It was just like, five minutes ago. I went I to the back room of the shop and flicked on the lights and, bam, here I am with you guys" he explained.

"I don't really feel any different honestly." he scratched idly at his beard. "Just...excited."

He looked around again. "Guess it's just trial and error eh? System!" He called out to the ceiling.  "Options? Start?"
Voice of The System
GM, 31 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 20:35
  • msg #59


When Emily speaks aloud, "Help Stats", there is a brief pause before a window presents itself before her.

When Dmitri declares, "Display Node on Map", a message window appears before him, with no hesitation whatsoever.

As Emily works through a list of known commands, many of them respond to her.

When she says, "View Simple Status", the following screen appears to her:

When she says, "View Expanded Status", the following screen appears to her:

When she says, "Link Node to System", there is no response.

When she says, "Map", the following screen appears before her:

When she says, "Quests", the following screen appears to her:

When she says, "Classes", the following screen appears to her:

When she says, "Define Stats", there is no response.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 11 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 21:17
  • msg #60


"OK, so while it seems I've been given the ability to create a Node, no node has actually been created yet. Let's fix that."

"Caretaker Voice of System! Create Node Dmitri1 and connect it to the north of World."
Voice of The System
GM, 32 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 21:51
  • msg #61


At Dmitri's command, a new window appears before him.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 16 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #62


"Curses!"* swore Emily.  "Looks like I've had a luck point docked for an overly invasive enquiry and further inquiries will cost greater penalties.  There are limits to what we can ask."

*She actually swore in Persian but the System translated it.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 2 posts
Selfish Sociopath?
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:21
  • msg #63


A tall, lanky man of South East Asian descent walks up to the small knot of people trying out commands. He is wearing a loosely tied, dark purple satin dressing robe with Chinese dragons embroidered across it, and quite probably nothing underneath it, given the fresh toothpaste smearing his face.

He may look vaguely familiar to you.

"Finally, somebody around here actually trying to figure things out. All these other losers are just standing around with their thumbs up, you know what I mean? So what have you guys figured out so far?"

He starts to copy Emily's command list, but then hears her expletive. ""View Simple Status... View Expanded Status..."

Then, shrugging to himself, he tries a few more:

"Open Options....Open Inventory....Assign Hotkey Commands. Access Debug menu?"
Voice of The System
GM, 35 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #64


As Arjun, a man who seems to have walked up from nowhere as he was certainly not seen before, inject himself straight into the conversation as if it's his birthright, while wearing nothing but a bathrobe.

Immediately, a private screen presents itself to him, as if it had been waiting for one such as himself to show up.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 4 posts
Selfish Sociopath?
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:32
  • msg #65


Casually scratching his practically bare chest, he nods. "Right, well, that makes sense. Show detailed error log?"

Turning to the group, he asks another question, even though no one had responded to his last question. "What's this stuff you guys are doing? Nodes? What are those?"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 19 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:41
  • msg #66


Emily takes another deep breath, trying to find out whether the cut grass smell still remains and whether it's getting stronger.  She bends down to check the grass beneath her feet.  Does it feel real?  Are the blades identical or sufficiently different to be convincing as real grass albeit much shorter than usual?
Voice of The System
GM, 38 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:49
  • msg #67


It seems every time Arjun speaks, he is answered with a smile by the System.

Strangely, soon after the first message, a second appears.

A loud DING resonates, for everyone to hear... That's unusual.
Otto Bruckner
player, 16 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:50
  • msg #68


Otto noted to new comer and kind of jerked his chin up towards him. "How's it goin? I'm Otto" He gestured up to the ceiling. "All trial and error over here man."

And when Emily said that she had been docked a point he looked mildly surprised. "Huh, well that's good to know. Wonder how you get that back?"

He rubbed at his beard again. "I'm still in like, video game mode, ya know? Like you got your main screen, and you have all these options and extras and stuff, but there is no like...New Game. We have sheets, looks like maybe we're in character creation?"

He noted that Emily seemed to have paused after she had last said "Classes".

"System, Classes?" And if that succeeded and after he had seen what there was to be seen he tried. "System, Class selection?"

It seemed that the new guy was making progress at least.
Voice of The System
GM, 39 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:53
  • msg #69


As Emily breathes deeply, the same pleasant smell still lingers.

However, as she bends down to inspect the grass, she gets a sharp whiff of a metallic scent.

As she carefully looks at, and feels the blades of grass with her fingertips, she quickly notices something quite weird...

Every single blade of grass is identical to the last.

By all means, this should be impossible. But she cannot find a single difference. It is unsettling, in the very least.

Still, this is not artificial grass, and she can tell this from both the shape and the texture. It is unclear how this could have occurred...

As Emily stands back up, she realizes she had been staring so intently at the grass that she had missed the sound of a new window appearing before her.
Voice of The System
GM, 40 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 22:55
  • msg #70


A window appears before Otto, as well.
Otto Bruckner
player, 17 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 23:01
  • msg #71


Otto did not seem very surprised at the results, but instead cross how meaty arms across his chest and shrugged. "Ah, well...not the first time I've been told I don't have any class." he smirked and looked to the others.

"Any idea what those loud sounds were?" He asked and meandered a little closer.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:08, Wed 12 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 7 posts
Selfish Sociopath?
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 23:08
  • msg #72


Arjun offers his fist to bump with Otto's, clearly prepared to do some extremely complicated fist-bump routine. "Arjun. How did you end up landing this gig?"

He eyes Emily's examination of the grass, and then at his own bare feet, which he uses to pick up a few clumps of grass, and then raises it, first to his hand, then continues to lift his foot higher, until he can bring the blades of grass between his toes right up to eye level.

(I attempt to assess whether our stats are already in effect, or if I still have my real-world levels of physical and mental capacity)

Nodding at Otto's comment about being in the new game mode, he informs the group, "I got an error message saying that we can't access our Inventories until we purchase it from The Marketplace, so I don't think we're at character creation. I think we might be in the...."

The idea occurring to him vividly, interrupting his own thought. He calls out to the general space around him. "Hey, no problem, Voice of System. But, like, if this is the Waiting Room, is there a list of Active Servers or Teams we can join? And can I make a new quest for all these punks here to try, too?"

He casually gestures to the entire disc.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:19, Wed 12 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 41 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 23:20
  • msg #73


Arjun manages to lift his leg rather high, but not quite to his eye level. Still, he noticeably doesn't feel too strained from the maneuver. It is also a little surprising that he feels like he has a solid grip on all the grass blades, even though he is using his feet.

Then, as Arjun speaks up to the Voice of System, something strange occurs...

An extremely large window appears in the center of the disc. No matter where everyone stands, they all have a perspective as if it is directly facing them.

Arjun and Emily both note that despite the distance, they are having no problems reading the text even without moving any closer to the window.

"This message has been generated by the administration, for the benefit of the PLAYERs, in conjunction with the wishes of the observers:

Dear PLAYERs of Untitled {System} World,

Make no mistake. Each one of you has already entered the 'full game'. This is not a 'tutorial' nor a 'waiting room'

And please, do not think of this as anything but reality. You will not last long, like that"

Voice of {System}

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:25, Wed 12 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 18 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 23:30
  • msg #74


The message sobered Otto up quite a bit.

Where as before he seemed to be treating this whole situation like some kind of strange lucid dream, but the specific warning about treating this any anything other than reality was timely, and it seemed that he took it seriously.

"Well." He said, his arms still crossed. "Clears that up." he said as he looked back to there others.

"I guess that means we can starve, and that we're gonna need sleep, and that we'd better find a way out of here sooner than later." he mused aloud. "But how?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 10 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 23:44
  • msg #75


Arjun's eyebrows furrow in concern. "We're also going to need weapons if we're gonna complete this quest to save each other's lives. I would say it's time to start punching trees and collecting sticks, but I'm not seeing any of those around here. We need to find something fast, too, before whatever baddies are around here attack us."

He looks around for a potential weapon.

"Hey, System? Can I get a weapon? Is there a Craft Menu?"

He also tries to minimize some alerts, and move other ones around so they're not blocking his line of sight.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:47, Wed 12 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 43 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 00:13
  • msg #76


Though he finds that he cannot move the alert from directly in front of him, Arjun learns that pressing any corner of the alert results in it being closed. It seems there is no 'minimize' function.

The entity known as "Voice of {System}" does also not respond to his inquiries on crafting menus.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 21 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 00:46
  • msg #77


Vladislav listens, mentally noting that the others were far more successful at discovering uses for the System than he was. He glowered at the big window upon reading the mention of observers.

Reluctantly, the Russian man requested "Extended Status," and "Classes" to see what the others had. If this was some kind of life or death show for an unknown audience, taken against their will, well, he'd need to see what he had to work with for acting. And hope against all odds that he wouldn't end up as sausage, something's poop, or worse in the end. With his past, Vladislav had no illusions about being 'the chosen one' or the like.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 12 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 01:00
  • msg #78


Dmitri glares at the newest "window" in disgust before shaking it off and addressing the newest person to land on "World".

"Nodes are proving to be a source of frustration. I got the skill to create them, but not the permission to add them here. Also, there are apparently Node Types that need to be determined. Unless we're supposed to be on this circle for the entirety of our existence, we need to find a way to connect other places to this circle.

"To that end, I will be working on this Node thing. I would suggest others take this time to figure out how to bring food, water, and shelter to us. Weapons can wait, as it's just us right now and I don't see any hostile intent from anyone here.  Regardless, please share any useful commands you think should be done by others."

Dmitri sighed, hoping for insight or luck in his self-imposed quest. "Display Node Types"
Otto Bruckner
player, 19 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 01:14
  • msg #79


"I don't know, I really liked the weapons idea personally." Otto chimed in and glanced to Arjun. "I think that's gonna be one of my first priorities once we get out of here."

When the conversation turned to what else they could work on, Otto continued to muse. "So we're not in staging, or creation or anything like that, it's like, game on." He began. "But there's no obvious place to go..." he heaved something like a sigh. "And we don't want to annoy the System with...spam..." He added thoughtfully.

"System...Party?" He asked experimentally.
Voice of The System
GM, 44 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #80


A window faithfully appears in front of Vladislav, as he repeats one of the found commands.

Then, another one, as well.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:18, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 45 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 01:25
  • msg #81


At Otto's words, a new alert appears in front of his eyes.

And with that,
Arjun Gandhi
player, 12 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 01:35
  • msg #82


Arjun interrogates Vladislav without preamble. "Classes? You guys have got classes?"

Listening to Dmitri, Arjun protests, "Dude, look around! We could form a chain with our arms extended and practically touch both ends of this place! How are we supposed to find water? How do you even know these Node things are new locations? We all need to work on finding a way out of here. And weapons."

In reply to Otto, Arjun worries aloud, "I dunno, man, that quest we just got was timed. I assume that means we'll have to protect each other at some point before the quest times out. If this is some kind of game show, then they'll give us most of the two hours to get ready, but not all of it."

After taking a breath, Arjun glances at Emily, who has been entirely preoccupied with the ground for reasons one can only imagine, frowns at an uncomfortable thought, and asks the group generally, "Can you all see her? Can everybody see all the people who are here, and only those people?" He points at Emily directly. Then he points at each of the others, indicating that he can see them as well.

He shivers, mildly worried that he might be seeing a ghost or another layer of reality where a second group of people entirely were being subjected to this same nightmare. He studied Emily, trying to learn what he could of her by her bearing and curious inquiries.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:42, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 22 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #83


"No classes. Is... odd. But am seeing comments gods from. Gods of rage, light, lies. Maybe am supposed be cleric in party, heal people?"

With that said, an idea percolates into his thoughts. Another item in his status might help in that direction, along with his apparently high Mystic score.

"System, cast Creoc Aquador," he said, using the basic words for 'create water' in the roleplaying game World Tree. A system that had excellent healing magic, in his opinion, though for his first attempt at a spell he went with something else useful.
Otto Bruckner
player, 20 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #84


Otto fell silent as he did some quick reading, then spoke up. "Yes, invite Arjun to party." He said experimentally, then looked to Dmitri.

If the command worked, he would attempt it again with Dmitri, the only other person he knew the name of this far.

"Hey man, heads up, I just lost that title Quest because I found a new command without accepting it, so if you want that title, I would officialy accept it." he advised helpfully, including the general group in the discussion.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:36, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 15 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 01:53
  • msg #85


Turning to Arjun, a slight facepalm (minus the palm) flashes across his body. "I'm trying all aspects I can think of to determine how to use this Node skill I was told I had. I was suggesting that others do something similar for the things we need."

The fact this Node thing seems to be going nowhere, he temporarily turns to a different source of information he has been wondering about and has been referenced. "Caretaker, Quests."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 13 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 02:08
  • msg #86


Arjun considered for a minute, then attempted to make the ASL hand sign for "Quest." He had studied ASL early in his career, so that he could make some extra cash as a stage translator. At least there was always a stage, usually cameras. They weren't exactly pointed at him, but at least it was regular, paid work, and it was on a stage.

While he waited to see if the system would respond to ASL, he said to the group, "It's a resource we have at our disposal. It might give bonuses or something. Somebody should take it. Or, I guess I think we should all take it, if there's no failure penalty."

Possibly needing to verbalize the command first, Arjun checked details for the quest Otto spoke of. Checking first to make sure everyone had the same option, and that there was no failure penalty, he accepted the First Archivist.

Nodding to Node-guy (Dmitri), Arjun tried to assess our other options. "Fair. You got Nodes covered. What is everybody else working on that will either get us defended or get us out of here?"

With a prick of self-doubt, he realized that he hadn't actually found anything useful to do yet in those regards, either. "I'll...uh, I'll try to find a weapon."

He proceeds to investigate the grassy disc for possible weapons, going so far as to reach the edge of the disc, and try to look beneath it.
Voice of The System
GM, 47 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 02:10
  • msg #87


In Arjun's mind, a DING is heard along with a sudden alert.

As Vladislav says that, he feels a strange sensation in the back of his head, before...

Two simultaneous loud DINGs emerges from him, audible to those near him or those with high SENSE. They are accompanied with alerts.

At Otto's words, a screen suddenly appears in front of Arjun.

The system responds to Dmitri with an alert window.
Voice of The System
GM, 48 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 02:15
  • msg #88


Arjun successfully opens the Quest menu using ASL, and finds the following.

Afterwards, another window appears before him with a DING

Afterwards, he takes some time to stalk the disc, and as expected, finds nothing on the surface of the disc.

As he circles the disc, he glances over the whole perimeter, and eventually finds something of note. The disc has a metal bottom, upon which rests the dirt and strange grass. It is not very thick whatsoever, only about six feet down.

Yet, it is not tipping despite the weight of those resting on it.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 23 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 02:31
  • msg #89


Vladislav smiled upon reading his alerts. But did not immediately act on what they offered. Instead, he tried another three spells seeking to unlock more options, perhaps skills.

"Cast Kennoc Magiador," he said, attempting World Tree's version of 'detect magic' through the verb Kennoc (to know or to divine) and the noun Magiador (magic).

"Cast Mutoc Locador," was his next magical action, trying to move himself by magic half a meter upward and then land as if he had jumped. Mutoc, the verb for change in World Tree's magic system, combined with Locador, the noun for elemental position or location (also covering volume).

And finally, "Cast Healoc Herbador," trying to magically heal the grass where he'd landed (or at least stepped on hard).
Arjun Gandhi
player, 14 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #90


Arjun runs his fingers through his hair, trying to rub a little stress out. "I didn't get that Archivist Title quest. So, we don't all get the same quests."

He pauses, his frown deepening. "But you all got the Defend Your Friends quest, right?"

Failing to hide his grin, he starts signing as he continues to talk. "First level in a skill is really easy to acquire. I made one handsign, and it gave me the skill."

Letting himself have a small moment of fun in the midst of this stress, he tried to accept Party Invitation as part of the movements of his hands. Learning how to access information and react to quest prompts without anyone noticing could be an important skill. If there were "observers," and "gods," but it was only just this group on the platform, this could end up a cage fight., given the range of skills they'd learned about already, this was more likely going to be far more machiavellian. Subtly could well be worth practicing.

Peering over the edge, Arjun pulls up some grass blades, and then tosses them over the edge one at a time, trying different angles and distances. "Uh, party members? Team? Dudes? Come check this out."
Voice of The System
GM, 49 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 02:54
  • msg #91


As Vladislav takes full advantage of this opportunity by attempting more spells from that same game system, a number of audible DINGs follow.

Anyone paying close attention will note four in total, with two being given for the final statement.

Meanwhile, Arjun's uses ASL to accept Otto's party request. After doing so, a private alert appears before him.

In an attempt to further his study of this strange platform, Arjun picks up a blade of grass and tosses it over the roughly-northern edge.

However, he does not have the time to do much more research because as he does this...

A private screen appears before each individual on the island!

World Notice

Automatic Expansion is occuring!

Searching for composition...

Searching for composition......

Searching for composition.........

Composition found!

New location has formed from [1, 0, 0] to [1, 0, 0]!

Remaining Daily Expansions: 1/2

At that moment, in front of the eyes of everyone, the blade of grass tossed over the edge seems to warp impossibly.

Before any of your eyes can refocus on that spot, you find yourself facing another disc platform, made of an entangled series of large, thick, verdant roots!
Otto Bruckner
player, 21 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:00
  • msg #92


Otto blinked a few times as his eyes refocused on the new platform. He glanced around warily, as if expecting some of changes to have occured, but in the end it was just the new disk and the tangled roots upon it.

"Nice." He smiled to Arjun. "Good find."

He approached slowly, then seemed to recall something. "Wait, you got a Defend your Friends Quest?" He asked, and said "Quests" once more to check his own before he moved too much further.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 16 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:02
  • msg #93


Dmitri moves toward Arjun at the edge of the disk. As he does, he says to everyone and no one all at once: "I got no quests at all. Lucky me."

He looks at the new entangling platform. Thinking this might be a Node, he kept it in the background of his thoughts for now. What he apparently needed was something he thought he already had: an explanation of this Create Node skill.

Apparently, Display is outside the parser's vocabulary, so he chose to ask for what he wanted directly: "Please explain the Create Node skill."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 15 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:03
  • msg #94

Re: Spawnpoint

Voice of The System:
As Vladislav says that....

Two simultaneous loud DINGs emerges from him, audible to those near him or those with high SENSE....

Hearing the notification dings as the Russian checked to see if he was the cleric, Arjun had a thought. The TV show he'd been on for the last five seasons had been set in a college for magicians, and they had developed this set of complicated hand movements as the way they cast magic in the show. He had never read the books they were based on, not wanting it to interfere with the way he portrayed his character, but apparently the book never actually specified how the magic was actually cast. Which, when you think about it, was a pretty weird omission from a book about people learning to cast spells. Anyway, the hand gestures had been fun to practice, and with his background in ASL, he'd had an easier time than most in getting down the rhythm and the isolated finger movements.

As he continued to peer over the edge, he made some of the gestures from the show, incorporating the word in ASL for what he hoped to cast, "Light"

His efforts were somewhat overshadowed by what happened to the blade of grass. His jaw gaped at the new landscape.

After a moment's pause, he asks, "I think that happened because I threw a blade of grass over the edge. Does anybody have any jewelry?" He gestures to his bathrobe. "I took mine all out right before I... got here. I wonder, if we toss over something else, will that determine what the 2nd piece of land will be made out of?"

After making sure everyone hears him tell them what he's going to do, Arjun begins walking the periphery of the Roots Disc, both trying to get a sense of its size and to scout out the new territory.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:19, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 24 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:09
  • msg #95

Re: Spawnpoint

"Have not looked quests yet," the Russian admits. "But classes unlocked now."

He walked towards the edge with the new disc, but stayed on their original one, watching Arjun with a critical eye as the man in the bathrobe moved.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 17 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:14
  • msg #96


"Sorry, I gave up jewelry for Lent." He waits for laughter from the group, but it isn't as raucous as he expected. "Well, it's a pretty funny joke where I come from."

Fortunately, the rules of business casual dress required a t-shirt under the Oxford, so Dmitri took his shirt off and tossed it off the disk in a different direction from where the root maze had appeared.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 17 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:14
  • msg #97

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto Bruckner:
He approached slowly, then seemed to recall something. "Wait, you got a Defend your Friends Quest?" He asked, and said "Quests" once more to check his own before he moved too much further.

Arjun makes the ASL gestures to pull up the quest, and reads it to the group.

"New Quest Offered: Defend Your Friends. Mission : protect their lives. Time Limit: 2 Hours, Other Conditions: N/A. Acceptance Reward: Moderate increase in reputation with Guest Observer: God of Light, and so on. There's a rejection penalty, a failure penalty, and a reward listed. It also repeats who gave me the quest."

He looks worriedly at Dmitri and Otto. "You guys didn't get the quest? Hey, Russian Cleric Dude? Congrats on being a cleric, by the way. How many skills did you have to... No, you know what, this isn't the time to get distracted. Did you get the Defend Your Friends quest?"

As he sees the refutation in their faces, Arjun gets slightly more desperate to find something he can use as a weapon on the new Root Disc.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:30, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 18 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:25
  • msg #98

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav Chigrakov:
... watching Arjun with a critical eye as the man in the bathrobe moved.

Arjun's movements are quick, sure-footed, and powerful. He's obviously had some kind of body training, but at the same time he seems to be surprised at his own strength and speed.
Voice of The System
GM, 51 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:25
  • msg #99

Re: Spawnpoint

As Otto double-checks his quest menu, he finds the following:

Meanwhile, Dmitri makes a direct inquiry to the system.

Meanwhile, Arjun reflects on the Russian man's actions, and mixed with his own inspiration from working on his big break, he decides to emulate him and try something...

As he says the word "Light", screens appear before him, as well with two audible DINGs.

Meanwhile, as Dmitri's joke does not land, he decides to take off his shirt instead.

And like before, a second private screen appears before each of you.

World Notice

Automatic Expansion is occuring!

Searching for composition...

Searching for composition......

Searching for composition.........

Composition found!

New location has formed from [-1, 0, 0] to [-1, 0, 0]!

Remaining Daily Expansions: 0/2

As Dmitri tosses his shirt in the other direction from the grass patch, it seems to stretch out impressively and then uncannily and then shockingly large until it has become a blanket half the size of the original disc!

You watch as it plummets down as if slammed, completely ignoring air resistance, and also not causing any wind to be displaced...

Once it lands, it seems to writhe and roil for a short period before it becomes hazy.

As you look at it once more, there now exists a third disc. This one is made of unidentified fabrics, but the color is the same single hue as whatever color Dmitri's shirt most was.

It is tied together in the same way as the root island, interestingly...
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 18 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #100


The sight of a medium blue fabric disk slightly revolts Dmitri, but the fact that there were places to go besides the basic disk mollified him somewhat. He steps onto the fabric disk and watches for new alerts.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 20 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 03:45
  • msg #101


Eyeing the fabric landscape, Arjun comments woefully, "I hope these vines are edible. And juicy. Because this is all the landscape we're getting for the day. You all got the same notices, yeah?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 22 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 04:02
  • msg #102


"Yup" Otto replied as he closed out his Quest screen and regarded the second disk.

"Man, I don't know about you guys, but this is all new to me. Like nothing I've seen in any game or movie, nothin' I've even read about." he told them as he meandered towards the "island of roots" and stepped into it.

He looked for any structure among the roots that might feasibly be used as a weapon, some straight bit of root that could be easily gripped and perhaps swung.
Something baseball bat sized would have been ideal, but he was not about to get his hopes up. And even if he did find what he was looking for, he would need to break it loose...
Arjun Gandhi
player, 21 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 04:16
  • msg #103


"This is some serious post production $#@! for sure. Those fabrics look like they might be different kinds. Maybe some of them could be used for armor or crafts or something."

Arjun continued to investigate the Root Disc for weapons, while also trying out additional possible spells. Since he had tried Light, he also tried casting Dark, and then the four elements, and then adding Wood, in case the programmers were those kinds of people. He tried using "Cut," to slice the vines. After a bit, he also tried casting, "Summon Blade," and "Weave Pants" on the roots, just for good measure.

"Can you think of any other uses for any of this stuff?"

He struggled between staying on task for his quest, and trying to stay creative and open to possibilities, but it was hard. Possibly, he was just getting tired from trying the magic.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:32, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 21 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 08:38
  • msg #104


Emily continues with observation. She stands and licks her finger to test the direction of the slight wind now that an extra piece has been added and 'direction' actually has some meaning.

She asks for status and checks quests and classes before moving to the new matted extension and slowly and carefully exploring that.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 23 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #105


Emily frowned as she examined the vines, in great detail.  Trying to tear them, trying to break parts off, checking among the roots, smelling everything.  Then she goes back to the grass dish and tries digging down between the grass, checking whether there is soil or metal underneath and if the latter, whether any of it is loose.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 22 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 12:31
  • msg #106


After a bit of walking, Arjun returns to the group. He continues to sign in ASL as he talks, because it was, frankly, stupid that the system had only assigned him a single level. He'd been using sign language professionally for years! It just irked him to imagine that rank one skill on his character. And he didn't have ANY other skills yet? Right, because the game didn't care who you were before this, it just assigned you stats like it knew you.

Of course, it's not like the rest of that sheet knew anything about him. What was that BS about his Alignment? F@$& whoever wrote that. That dude was an entire douche canoe, paddles and all. Where did that dude even get off?

With a shake of his head, he dismissed the tangent as best he could. Were the others staring at him? How long had he been standing there running through a gorram interior monologue?

"Uh, okay, so.... pretty sure that Root Disc and Shirt Disc are the same size, even though one was made with a single blade of grass and the other was made with...."

He looks at everybody, just to confirm his assumption visually.

" entire shirt. It's not based on volume or shape or anything. When we get another Daily Expansion Slot, we should think about what we want to try, and where. Until then -- does anybody have any way of checking the time, besides my quest countdown? Until then, it's safe to use the edge of the disc as a latrine. I'm going to try to tear stuff up and make something for a bit of privacy near one of the edges, to make using the latrines better."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:45, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 24 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 12:47
  • msg #107


"Make it as close to the Shirt disc as possible," suggested Emily. "Because that's one use for the fabric -  bog roll!"

She grinned and then added, "Also we should pace the discs as we add them.  Beginning with a new shirt disk next to the vine disc and a new grass disk next to the shirt dish, but we drop them off from the first disk, not the new one.  Fill the space around the first one until it's as full as we can get it before we start dropping outside the new discs, which I imagine might produce even smaller discs, working to test the assumption that we're in a fractal space."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 26 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 12:50
  • msg #108


In reply to Emily Khorashandi (msg # 107):

"Why fractal? Shirt disc looks same size grass disc as," Vladislav commented.

That each created 'node' was circular suggested some things to him as well, but not things that he wanted to try and test.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 25 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 13:08
  • msg #109


Emily nodded, "The shirt disc is half the radius of the original disc, so is the vine dish.  That's what we would expect from a fractal set.  I would expect nodes grown from the first level discs to be half the diameter of the shirt disc while those thrown from the origin disc would be the same size.  then the same would be repeated until, at infinity, we get new discs of zero size. With a circular fractal eventually, the space fills in and we get a composite disc of a radius infinitesimally less than twice the radius of the original disc and with all of the spaces almost but not quite filled in.  If this is true, then there's a limit to the space we find ourselves in."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 24 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 13:24
  • msg #110


Arjun relaxes as Emily demonstrates that she's in the same reality as everyone else. And British, apparently. Didn't see that one coming.

He continues to sign as he speaks.

"Dropping new Expansions off Grass Disc for as long as possible makes sense, though you'll have to track all this fractal math stuff for me." Arjun said, continuing his quiet campaign to establish nomenclature. "Though I was thinking we should intentionally try to make them overlap. Maybe literally throw something down with one foot on two discs. And I don't like the idea of making more root discs and fabric discs, unless we come up with really really good uses for any of that stuff. If Classy here can summon water, we should make that one of the next expansions." He gestures to Vladislav.

After pausing for a moment, he adds, "Oh, and for right now, I'm gonna call that direction Rootward. That way is Clothward. And, um.....that way is Acutely, and that way is Obtusely. Wait, no, I got those mixed up, that way is Obtusely, right? Until somebody comes up with anything better. So I'm going to try to rig up a latrine on the Acute side of Cloth Disc, right in the triangle."

"Also, I think these discs are double-sided. If we can make 10 ft, or 3 meters' worth, of rope, we can climb down and investigate further. With all the freaky nonsense that we've seen already, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a big ole' pond and a lake house on the other side. With a basement that should erupt through on this side, I bet. But the expansion sort of distracted me."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 13:26, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 26 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 13:30
  • msg #111


Arjun would also like someone's help to verify how sound travels, now that the possible distance between each other had doubled, how much volume is required to hear somebody. At 200 ft, most actors would be able to project loud enough to be heard in a theater, but the acoustics there were specifically designed to enable that. He'd only ever performed on an open stage using a mic. He knew how to project his voice, but he'd never had to do so in a gorram survival situation before.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:20, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 54 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 14:01
  • msg #112


Soon after the vine disc opens up, Arjun heads towards it to search for weapons.

While doing so, he tries to repeat his partial successes with the "Light" spell...

"Dark" causes an audible sound to echo, and an alert to appear.

"Fire" causes an audible sound to echo, and an alert to appear.

"Earth" causes an audible sound to echo, and an alert to appear.

"Water" causes an audible sound to echo, and an alert to appear.

"Wind" causes an audible sound to echo, and an alert to appear.

"Wood" causes an audible sound to echo, and an alert to appear.

Cut does not cause any response.

"Summon Blade" causes an audible sound to echo, and an alert to appear.

Weave Pants does not cause any response.

Meanwhile, Emily tries to test in which direction the slight wind is moving. It appears to be coming from the direction that would be your right if you were facing the grass disc.

Then, she repeats some common commands.

As Emily moves to the Grass Disc, where Arjun is, she begins to pull at the vines. They come free with a little bit of difficulty. Feeling the weight and texture of the piece she severed, it appears to be hollow, and is quite soft. It is rather dry despite being soft.

It has a diameter of maybe six inches, but more than that is probably the hollow part. It smells quite like leaves or other vegetation. It doesn't have any sweet or savory scent that most edible plants would have. Then again, it also doesn't seem particularly harmful.

Though she doubts it has any nutrition, she has a feeling it is not poisonous or anything.

She then gets on her hands and knees and sniffs around, which is a bit dog-like in behavior,  but she does notice something different about this island compared to the original one. This island is made entirely of these vines. They appear to be wrapped together in some sort of woven pattern.

Emily also notices they are a yellowish-green in color, which is notably different from the stark green hue of the grass on the first disc.

By peering over the edge, Emily can see that this island goes down a solid twelve feet, which is deeper than the first island.

Nearby, Arjun begins to perform ASL at the same time that he speaks his words aloud. It is not too difficult to multitask this way, since this is often how ASL is used, to translate for others. Thus, translating for himself is even somewhat easier than that!

Still, he is forced to speak a little slower and concentrate a little more, now that he is packing a lot more information together.
Otto Bruckner
player, 25 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 14:51
  • msg #113


Otto stooped near the center of the grass circle and began breaking the vines in the area around where he squatted into easily carried sections, and as he did so he consciously worked his way down towards the "core" of the disk on the off chance that the material was harder in the center.

"I figure some of this might let us get a fire going at least." he said to anybody who happened to be nearby. "No skills yet for me, still no class. Any luck with those Nodes Dmitri?" he asked as he worked.

He congratulated the other bearded man when it became know that not had a class as Otto took an armload of vine sections and dumped them on the center platform.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:09, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 27 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 15:10
  • msg #114


Emily takes a single section of vine back to the central disk.  She says to Arjun in passing, "If we could find a way to close off the bottoms, we could use these for storage."

She continues with her explorations though by tracing the wind back to its apparent source and then moving her hands and face up and down to see if she can estimate whether the wind is coming in at ground level or higher and whether there is any difference in wind speed depending on height.

Then she digs down into the grass until she reaches the base.  In particular she is looking for soil, rock, or metal.  Once she has reached her conclusions about that, she returns to Arjun and asks, "What result did you get from your experimental use of the elements etcetera.  Would you like to share it with the rest?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 28 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 15:24
  • msg #115


Emily Khorashandi:
Emily takes a single section of vine back to the central disk.  She says to Arjun in passing, "If we could find a way to close off the bottoms, we could use these for storage."

Hearing of Emily's discovery, he suggests, "We should see if those can hold knots to close off the end. Maybe Russian Cleric Dude can summon water, now that he's picked his class? At the very least, while they're still soft, we can braid these to form ropes and that privacy screen."

"As for the magic stuff, yeah, I think I found some important things. We should grab everybody real quick to discuss."

As he walks back with Emily, he introduces himself. "I'm Arjun, by the way. Is that a Yorkshire accent? I studied British accents for a while, but lately I've been getting cast as an American." He tries to entertain Emily with his different accents as they make the brief journey.

Returning from his explorations of the Root Disc, Arjun wraps his purple satin dressing robe around himself once more, retying the sash. He sticks his hand in one of the pockets, first to check to make sure they're empty, and then to covertly open the Party menu by spelling it in ASL, hidden from view.

After returning from his tromp through the roots, having found a weapon of a sorts, he gathers the group, making sure that Vladislav is there to contribute.

"Okay, folks, we should talk about magic. Classy Russian Guy and I have found out some stuff, but I don't know this gamer stuff very well. So, like, I'm using the hand gestures from a TV show to cast magic, and I'm getting success prompts and options to join classes, but I don't think I'm going to be able to successfully cast spells until I pick a class. [directed to Vladislav: ] What are you using for magic, Classy Dude? I've discovered elemental mage classes based on the four Western elements, plus Light Mage, casting Darkness gave me an option called Warlock, Wood gave me Druid, and then I tried to summon a blade, and that worked, that gave me an option: Magic Swordsman."

Arjun tries to see extra information about Magic Swordsman without seeing the class, asking (verbally, this time), "System, will you please show me expanded information on Magic Swordsman without me needing to take the class?" He then looked around to see if anyone had suggestions for more effective language for the query.

"So, first, is everybody going to join Otto's party? There's probably some team tracking options there that might be useful. Second, you should all try casting something, and if you don't get a notification, tell us what your Mystic score is. Those of us who can take magic classes should probably do that."

"But, also, I need ideas on how to further explore this Magic Swordsman class idea. Like, what does that imply about the other available options? When I play computer games -- which this isn't, but it's the only framework I can think of to give me ideas -- when I play multiplayer, I usually go for a ranged attacker. But this is a survival situation, and if we don't have food, water and shelter covered, being able to summon weapons isn't super useful, and a blade is probably more generally useful than a bow, for survival. Worst case, I can accept the best combat class right before we get attacked in..."

He makes a show of opening his Quest window to check the time remaining on his quest. He then fidgets with the display for a second, completely ignoring everyone else, to see if there's some way he can pin the time remaining on the Quest somewhere in his vision, since he didn't have any other way of telling time.

"....before we get attacked in the next [#Time Remaining]. Unless somebody thinks I should give myself a few minutes to get used to the class first?"

He casts gesturally, while also speaking his intent. "Summon Bow. Summon Arrows? Summon Fire Arrows?" He also tries ideas suggested by other players.

"Fire Mage, Druid, Magic Swordsman, these all sound like pretty basic classes. I dunno what a Warlock is, but it's related to darkness. Do you guys think there are, I dunno, some kind of combo class. Like, a ninja/warrior/druid type?"

OOC: Arjun will attempt to cast anything other people suggest, from now until he picks a class (at least). Other players are welcome to give him spell ideas to attempt to cast as part of their posts.

After the discussion (and this may be separating into too many simultaneous timelines for one post), he tries to take him mind off the current problem by attempting to construct a latrine out of the roots and the cloth stuff on the Cloth Disc, though how to do that without any anchor points seemed complicated.

Maybe I should take the Druid class, he thinks. I could probably make trees, and still use bows, unless that was reserved from some kind of Woodsman or Hunter class.

He asks for more detail on the Druid class.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:00, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 26 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #116


"My Mystic is at 2" Otto replied wryly. "So I think my plan is to stay away from all the magic stuff all together until we know more." he explained while still holding a severed section of root in one hand.

"As far as the party goes, yeah, I can make that my project, see what sort of options we might get as a group. I'll invite Dmitri now, and...I don't know if we were every really introduced or not." he said to the other two. "But I'm Otto." he raised the root a little in a sort of greeting gesture.

He verbalized "System, Party" and added "Invite Dmitri to Party"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:34, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 28 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 15:45
  • msg #117


Emily pauses in her work to watch and listen for the effects of Arjun's attempted spells.  "Does anyone other than Arjun speak Ameslan?  Oh no wait, these days it's called ASL isn't it?" She asks after a while.  "At least I assume that's what you're doing  Arjun, though I'm not entirely sure why unless spells need a gestural component."

In response to Arjun's comment about her accent she smiled and said, "It's received pronunciation.  I learned it at Roedean when I was a little girl and then used it further on BBC World Service."

After a while she said, "If you'll excuse me, I'm trying to work my way toward having the Observation skill but it's hard work."

Once she has some idea about wind speed and strength variations with level, Emily moves on to the shirt disc and tries to unravel a piece so that she can tie the thread around the vine section to form a kite.  She also looks around for pieces of plastic or whatever the buttons or zip were made from to see whether anything is useful as a weapons or armour but if not, she's still interested.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:51, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 28 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 15:49
  • msg #118


"Am Vladislav,"" the Russian man finally introduces himself. "Americans often calling 'Russkie.' Have not decided class on yet, but have several unlocked. Priest, druid, aqua mage, spatial mage, nature priest, diviner. Have been using game World Tree for magic. Thinking try more games, more type magic unlock before class take."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 15:49, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 30 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 15:57
  • msg #119


"How does one unlock Classes?" asks Emily politely of Vladislav. "Do you know, you look a lot like Alex Mitrafanov, from Kalevala?  I've been a bit of a fan since I came across them, I read Elias Lonnrott's version of the Kalevala in my teens, straight after A Thousand Nights and a Night and Lord of the Rings." 
Arjun Gandhi
player, 30 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 16:00
  • msg #120


Arjun tells Emily, "I'm practicing for later. There might be a situation where sound would give us away. Plus, I dunno, it's cool. The Human Language Interpretation skill is only supposed to work on spoken or written medium, and I wanted to see if ASL was covered by that."

Arjun is pleasantly surprised to find another on-air personality among the group. He suggests that the two of them can trade CVs later.

Vladislav Chigrakov:
"Am Vladislav,"" the Russian man finally introduces himself. "Americans often calling 'Russkie.' Have not decided class on yet, but have several unlocked. Priest, druid, aqua mage, spatial mage, nature priest, diviner. Have been using game World Tree for magic. Thinking try more games, more type magic unlock before class take."

Arjun offer Vladislav a fist to bump, and introduces himself. "I'm Arjun. I didn't get nature priest, spatial mage, or diviner yet. How did you get those? What's the difference between a Nature Priest and a Druid, do you think?"

If/When Vladislav tells him, Arjun tries casting those spells as well, hoping to unlock some kind of combo class.

Turning to Otto, Arjun suggests, "You should just try to cast at least one spell, just to see if you can get the class options. There doesn't seem to be any penalty for unlocking class options that you don't take, and we need to know if stats limit our options. If it does, then those with low Mystic scores should try to find skills based on their highest stats. If we're not limited by our scores, then we don't need to worry about division of labor and whose the best person for which job."

In response to Emily's question about classes, Arjun answers the question she had directed to Vladislav. "I was offered classes based on each type of spell I tried."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 29 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 16:04
  • msg #121


"Try cast spell. Did unlocking. Different spell open different class. Um. One spell open two classes did," Vladislav answered Emily. He just smiled when she mentioned his resemblance to his far more successful cousin.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 30 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 16:11
  • msg #122

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
Arjun offer Vladislav a fist to bump, and introduces himself. "I'm Arjun. I didn't get nature priest, spatial mage, or diviner yet. How did you get those? What's the difference between a Nature Priest and a Druid, do you think?"

If/When Vladislav tells him, Arjun tries casting those spells as well, hoping to unlock some kind of combo class.

Not accepting the fist bump, the Russian answered.

"Not knowing difference. One spell unlocking both same time. Was Healoc Herbador, healing plant magic. Diviner from try Kennoc Magiador, detecting magic spell. um... spatial mage from try small teleport. Locador hard element describe English in. Not knowing right words..." That last was a fib, a white lie, as he knew the words but did not want to let on that his broken English was deliberate.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:12, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 32 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #123

Re: Spawnpoint

In addition to trying to cast "heal plant," "detect magic," and "teleport," Arjun also tries, after some discussion to get the right word for his idea, to cast "identify" on the roots.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 17:09, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 27 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #124


"Well, good to meet you man." He replied to Vladislav after the introduction.

"System, invite Vladislav to party." He intoned in his now specific system conversation voice.

Otto looked about. "Huh, you both work in media?" He seemed to find this coincidence interesting, and with Vladislav being compared to an actor as well it seemed to set his mind turning.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 31 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 16:21
  • msg #125

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 123):

If Arjun asks Vladislav, his suggestion for identifying the roots would be "Kennoc Herbador." Which he will cast too, wondering what, if anything, the system might answer with.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 31 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 16:36
  • msg #126

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily shrugged and tried a spell that she'd known from childhood, not having been one for games.  Instead she said. "کنجد باز کن!"*

*Which the system automatically translated as "Open Sesame!"

After that, she returned to the shirt disc and began checking to see whether this disc consisted entirely of fabric or whether there was a bedrock of button material.
Voice of The System
GM, 57 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 17:17
  • msg #127

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun spends some time trying some more spells of his own, and waiting for suggestions from others.

When the actor says, "Summon Bow"", an audible DING occurs.

When he says, "Summon Fire Arrows" another noise is heard.

Thinking it may be good to get more information before making any class selection, Arjun requests of the system's caretaker to make it happen if possible. He is greeted by a screen.

After doing some reading, Arjun heads out to construct a latrine. Unfortunately, he is not familiar with this kind of work, so despite having decent materials and a decent plan overall, actually finishing this thing will take him quite a bit of time... if he works alone, it may take him a fair number of hours.

A bit of distance away, Otto invites Dmitri to his party.

Also, now that Arjun has accepted the party request, the party menu Otto had opened has changed.

Meanwhile, Emily spends some time concentrating on the wind, and finds that the wind blows about 5 and a half feet off the ground, and is basically absent anywhere further than a foot from that point.

Then, she gets her hands dirty as she does some digging. It does not take her long to break past the soil, and reach the steel underneath. There is about two feet of soil before the remaining four feet of steel.

After a moment, a DING is audibly heard around her.

Then, Emily has the idea to build a kite. She manages to do so over the course of a few minutes by pulling out some of the thinner pieces in the thick lengths of yarn-like fabric, and when she's done the small kite she has constructed on Dmitri's shirt disc wobbles in the wind quite proudly.

A DING is heard from around her

Meanwhile, Arjun and Vladislav are talking before Arjun decides to imitate some of the spells discovered by Vladislav, in hopes of unlocking similar classes.

After repeating "Heal Plant", "Detect Magic", "Teleport", and "Identify" in the language of World Tree that Vladislav had used, Arjun is maybe a little surprised to not have any alerts, for once.

Continuing with his mission to invite everyone whose name he knows to his party, Otto also invites the short Russian, the Water Cleric, the Less-than-famous Cousin, Vladislav Chigrakoooov!

Around the time of this talk of spells, Emily decides to try one for herself.

At her words, an alert and audible noise occur.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 33 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 17:19
  • msg #128

Re: Spawnpoint

Startled by the invite, Vladislav tries to accept it.
Voice of The System
GM, 59 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 17:53
  • msg #129

Re: Spawnpoint

As he does so, an alert appears before him, confirming his choice.

Simultaneously, Mr. Bruckner gets a message as well.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 34 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 17:55
  • msg #130

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto Bruckner:
Otto looked about. "Huh, you both work in media?" He seemed to find this coincidence interesting, and with Vladislav being compared to an actor as well it seemed to set his mind turning.

"Dude, I live in L.A. I don't know anyone that doesn't work in television. Even those upturned nose gwibblers who insist on saying they work in New Media." He makes a prancing gesture with his pinkies extended, obviously in some form of mockery, though what exactly he's trying to represent with that gesture might remain a mystery.

Vladislav Chigrakov:
If Arjun asks Vladislav, his suggestion for identifying the roots would be "Kennoc Herbador." Which he will cast too, wondering what, if anything, the system might answer with.

"Wait, so how are you specifying when you want to cast something, and when you're just using the phrase conversationally? Come to think of it, I didn't even have to tell the system that I was gonna use that to indicate I was attempting do magic. It just recognized the intent."

Arjun opens his Classes Window, using a verbal command, and studies it. "Okay, so Archer and Druid are both Common classes -- that surprises me, about Druid. I didn't get any of the ones that our fine Soviet friend suggested, though. Everything else is Uncommon. I wonder how many classes you can take? I'm really tempted to take Magic Archer, but that's not gonna be helpful if we can't make water and food. System, what are my class limits? If we can take several, that might be the way to go."

He looks for an option to reject offered classes, and if he finds one, he rejects Light Priest and Archer, in case there are limits to how many he can be offered at any one time.

On a whim, he tries casting Summon Bow of Light and Summon Shadow Bow. Having deduced the existence of Rare classes, he was now determined to find a Rare archery class, or better.

As he stares at the space he wants to turn into a latrine, he comes up with a basic plan. All he really needs is something to block line of sight, a way in, and some confidence that you won't fall into the hole. He can probably find anchor points among all these textile tentacles. He gathers some long, sturdy strands of vine to try to weave into a 6' diameter circle, then looks for a suitable swatch of cloth.

As he does this, he continues looking for combinations of the classes he's discovered, hoping to luck out while he's distracted by the other task.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:25, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 34 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 18:03
  • msg #131

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
"Wait, so how are you specifying when you want to cast something, and when you're just using the phrase conversationally? Come to think of it, I didn't even have to tell the system that I was gonna use that to indicate I was attempting do magic. It just recognized the intent."

Vladislav blinks, and rubs his chin thinking. "Not knowing. Good question."

"How seeing which class common, uncommon?" he asked.
Otto Bruckner
player, 28 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #132

Re: Spawnpoint

"Huh" Otto seemed to consider Arjun's reply for a few moments before he got back to work.

"Hey, uh, I didn't get your name." He tries one more time, seeming to assume that the woman was just distracted with her kite. "Did you want to party up with the rest of us? Not a problem if you don't, just trying to get on the same page."

Continuing his task to collect root segments, he continued to burrow deeper into the root disk, looking for any change of consistency the deeper he went.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 36 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #133

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Vladislav Chigrakov (msg # 131):

Eyes unfocusing in that way which means he's actually focusing on a notification window, Arjun tells Vlad, "I'm looking at the Class List of PLAYER {Arjun Gandhi} from Extended Status Window. So if you ask for Classes or Extended Status, or you can do what I did, and just ask it for the info in a sentence in your native tongue."

He blushes slightly as he realizes he's just said his full name, and covertly looks around to see if anybody recognized him, wearing that half-hopeful, half-humble face that is the hallmark of all professional actors who have yet to make celebrity status.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:15, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 62 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 19:11
  • msg #134

Re: Spawnpoint

Unfortunately, the system neither responds to inquiry on class limits, nor does it have an ability to reject class options. While searching for an ability to reject, Arjun does find he have the ability to accept, or to do nothing.

As Arjun pantomimes some more spells in search of a desired outcome, two DINGs accompany his actions.

With a renewed plan in mind, Arjun sets about making a latrine on Cloth Island. It takes around ten minutes, which is about as long as the place had existed before then.

During this time, Otto also does some digging (actually, closer to tearing and tossing, with his bare hands), and manages to dig nearly seven feet down in the center of the root disc before realizing he can't go much further down without risking getting stuck in his own hole. So far, the roots have not gotten more or less dense, but they are slightly colder.

As Otto raises his head, he sees two surprising alerts.
Otto Bruckner
player, 29 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #135

Re: Spawnpoint

"I am a Dwarf and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole..." Otto sang softly to himself as sections of root were hucked up onto the surface.

"Hah!, got one" Otto said in his own private celebration, which was difficult to hear given that he was down in his root pit.

As if that marked some predetermined stopping point, he clambered out and collected the scattered roots before bringing them back to his stockpile in the center, where he left them and brushed off his hands.

"Alright...progress" he regarded his stack of twisted roots with a hint of pride, his hands on his hips.

Finding this a good a time as any, he checked his Expanded Status and Quests again when he began to feel a little thirsty.

"Sounds like you guys are tearin' it up with your magic stuff." He commented to Arjun and Vlad. "You make any decisions yet? On class I mean?"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 32 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:03
  • msg #136

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily grins.  "Well, I wouldn't call what I work in, 'Media' I work for the BBC World Service Persian Service, we provide news and entertainment in English, Pashto, Farsi and Arabic."

Then she's offered some classes and she considers her options but first, she marks the spot from which the wind emerges.  She's 177cm tall so she has to stoop for the wind to ruffle her hair but never mind.

She has fun flying her kite as she makes her way back to the men and says, "Next node should be at the point I've marked and at its opposite. If I'm right, it should allow us eventually to reach the place the wind is coming from which MAY be a way out."

"Has anyone accepted a class yet?" She asks, "and if so, what happens when you do?"  She frowns as she thinks some more and then says, "I don't have much experience with games.  I've been offered, Huntsman, Wind Mage and Thief.  Like Otto I have mystic at 2 so I imagine the Wind Mage might not be a good idea but what about the other two, Do any gamers have any idea which might be better for the team?"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 33 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:06
  • msg #137

Re: Spawnpoint

"Expanded Status", says Emily.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 40 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:16
  • msg #138

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: Otto++ for singing Diggy Diggy Hole. You should try singing around Arjun. Gorram musical theater kids.

Arjun was carefully attempting to separate three study cloth tentacle/vine things long enough to reach the Grass Disc and form the structural elements of the latrine, and sturdy enough to hold onto when doing your business, when Otto checks in on him.

He throws down the piece he was untangling in a dramatic huff, dusts his hands off and issues the curt command, "Classes." He examines it for new information.

"I dunno, Otto, Our Beloved Party Leader. We properly screwed ourselves with these two Expansions. No food, no water -- you didn't find any water, did you? Under all those roots? If I'm supposed to protect their lives then I need to pick a combat class like Magic Archer, but that really doesn't seem nearly as important as food and water. I'm assuming Druid would let me make water and magically grow trees. Plus, I could probably summon, like, a rabbit or something else we could eat. But it's a Common Class, and the rest of the classes are Uncommon. There's got to be, like, Rare and Legendary classes, right? And those will presumably be better. Magic Swordsman would let me summon a blade, and after food and water, a cutting tool would probably be the 3rd most important thing we need right now. So I'm stuck in analysis paralysis. If I knew we could take two classes right away, I'd grab Druid now, get some water in us, and then keep looking for a good combat class. Summoning Fire arrows led to Magic Archer, which was only Uncommon, so I'm trying to think what might be a Rare or Legendary archer class."

On a whim, he tries casting "Summon Bone Bow," "Summon Skeleton" and, for a lark, "Summon Dragon Bow," all using both gestural and verbal components. If any of those create prompts, he refreshes his Classes window, closing and opening it with a now decidedly mystical-looking (and, let's be honest, rather pompous) gesture.

"Plus, I dunno how I'd cast spells like this if both my hands are full of bow."

He takes a deep breath. "How about you? Any progress on coming to grips with our current predicament?"

Arjun, a tall, swarthy stick of a gentleman of Indian descent, stands at around 190cm. He examines the well-mannered English woman as she lists off her credentials, old and new. "Has anybody actually received a prompt indicating that Nodes are locations? Or are we still just assuming the two things are the same?"

"Huntsman sounds useful. Thief is surprising to me. I don't play a lot of MMOs anymore, but I remember that you always wanted a Thief in your party. What is the rarity of those classes? I'm trying to hold out for a Rare Class based on my highest stats --"  (there's an awkward pause here) "-- but I'm about to pick one that will just let me summon a gorram drink, probably Druid. Or if I find a rare archer class, I'll pick that and then see if I can pick Druid second."

There's a pause and he adds, "Oh, and you asked before. Vladislav's spells seem to only use words, and mine seem to work fine whether I'm using words, gestures, or both. But, like, I haven't actually cast a spell yet, I've just earned class options."

Edit: He continues to sign as he speaks.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:01, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 30 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:35
  • msg #139

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto listened to the woman with obvious interest, but seemed a little uncertain when she didn't include her name. He let it go, not seeming to want to push the matter.

"Just my opinion, but I think you guys should go with whatever really calls to you, ya know?" He suggested. "Like, wherever we are and however we got here, we don't know the rules right? We're just all tryin' to figure it out." he shrugged a little. "But who knows if you're gonna be able to change it down the line, ya know? So instead of just doing whatever makes sense in the moment, I would give it some real you man, Arjun, who do you really want to be in life? Do you really want to be Arjun the Druid? Do you feel a deep personal or divine connection with the natural world? Do you revere it and want to protect it? Or do you just want a glass of water?

I'd give it some real thought...and don't worry about us so much, ya know. Like if you want to be Arjun the bad ass Assassin, or Arjun the world famous Bard, you should totally go for that. At the end of the day, you've got to live with it."
He glanced to the woman. "It's your call, not ours"
This message was last edited by the player at 21:22, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 34 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:43
  • msg #140

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily smiles and asks innocently, "Bard?  Like the chaps in the Eisteddfod with the interminable poems?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 31 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:46
  • msg #141

Re: Spawnpoint

"Hey now, there's no class shame here, whatever floats your boat, ya know?" Otto grinned. "And who says Bards can't be bad ass, it could be argued Snorri Sturluson was a bard, and he was a beast."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 42 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:46
  • msg #142

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun seems to be mostly following Otto's explanation for his opinion. "What's a Bard? Honestly, I just want a glass of water right now. But, hey, if cloth just grows out of the ground and can be affected by Druid magic, then I figure other stuff probably will too, which makes being a Druid more interesting as an option.

"And it's all well and good to hold out for something that speaks to me, but I have a quest saying that I need to protect everybody's lives for at least the next hour, which, first, suggests to me that I am going to have some seriously different obligations in this place than back at home. Second, we could all die if we don't find water in, what, the next 12 hours? Which is not exactly protecting your lives. And third, completing that quest gives me a reward, and I dunno what that reward means, but having it will be better than not having it."

Emily Khorashandi
player, 35 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:53
  • msg #143

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily thinks and wonders whether there's some kind of musician class.  She begins humming, quickly breaking into a clear soprano version of Bizet's L'amour c'est q'un oiseau rebelle from the Opera Carmen.
Otto Bruckner
player, 32 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #144

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed a little surprised, apparently being under the impression that they were all more or less equally nerdy.

"A Bard...well a Bard can be a lot of things, but generally they're known for being charismatic, clever, storytellers, actors, musicians. They're like, the ones that can talk anybody into anything, win hearts, fool Kings, they generally know a little magic, can still fight, but they're not really specialists. Good for lots of situations and everyone likes having them around." he explained. "But they're never gonna cast the big spells like a Wizard or slay dudes like a Fighter, ya know? But they might marry the Princess or become world famous and rich. Stereotypically, of course." He shrugged again.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 36 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 21:08
  • msg #145

Re: Spawnpoint

Heeding Arjun, Vladislav tried the command "Classes," reading his list and seeing what the rarities were.

Followed by a barrage of spell attempts while the other man worked on his... something. Vlad hadn't quite caught what it was Arjun was building.

First, get the rest of World Tree's magic terms.
"Creoc Sustenoc Corpador," A spell to create (Creoc) flesh (Corpador), in this case visualized as baked salmon, and given permanence (as opposed to vanishing when the spell duration ran out) via the verb Sustenoc that extended, preserved, or protected things.

"Ruloc Airador," was cast, trying to shift the direction of the breeze via controlling (Ruloc) air (Airador).

"Destroc Durador," was cast on exposed soil after a bit of digging in the grass disc. Destroc, the verb for unmaking, and Durador, the element of earth and the most difficult of the World Tree word skills, put together to attempt to remove a handful of dirt.

"Creoc Pyrador" was a very straightforward creation of elemental fire. Not any of the fancy fire tricks of the higher spells, just a basic gout of fire in his visualization.

For the art of illusion, he tried a variation, introducing the word Illusidor with an attempt at casting a specific spell from World Tree's rulebook. "Barrage of Baffling Bats... Creoc Illusidor" Had the spells been working, it would have generated a cloud of brightly hued, technicolor bats swarming around Arjun's head interfering with his vision for the short time they existed.

With Spiridor, the word for spirit magic, Vladislav tried a more complex spell (though still one within range for a normal World Tree beginning character). He had to think a bit to remember the combination used to cast Triune Armor which bound the target's mind, soul, and body together tighter, thus granting extra hit points temporarily. "Sustenoc Spiridor Mutoc Corpador Mentador."

A purer example of Mentador, elemental mind magic, followed. "Mutoc Mentador," he cast. The spell Open Mind from the rulebook, making the target (himself) more aware of their own senses for the duration. Improved perception, in game mechanics.

He paused, counting the verbs and nouns to make sure he had gotten the full 7+12. Whoops. One missed, from his counting. Tempador. The other pain in the neck alongside Durador, but for different reasons. Time magic. Best not to fool around on this one, just in case, and use the simplest, weakest thing he could recall. "Kennoc Tempador, he incanted, magically asking what time it was.

And to finish off his World Tree attempts for now, utilize a metamagic skill on top of a spell designed to improve skills while doing absolutely nothing. The infamous (in World Tree's setting) 'Useful Useless Spell' was a Creoc Magiador effect that you could put any or all of the other words/arts into to try and get experience in them without the magic doing a thing. On top of that, he added the hammercasting method, which would, in that game system, pump extra cley (mana) into the spell to increases the potency. "Hammercast Creoc Magiador, Healoc Mutoc Ruloc Destroc Sustenoc Kennoc Airador Aquador Corpador Durador Herbador Illusidor Mentador Locador Spiridor Tempador Pyrador."

Next... try a few spells from other games, other magic systems.
Swordbearer needed capturing elementals before you could cast anything. Epiphany needed elemental essences to unlock spells. Rolemaster was straight out... it had some nice spells, but a terrifying spell fumble system. Nephilim? He could try.

"Palmier de la dernière rosée, refuge du désert lumineux" he said in French, with not so great pronunciation. One of the simpler water summoning spells, that called forth a spirit in the form of a palm tree which watched over the caster's refuge and noisily dropped leaves when someone who was not properly introduced to it entered.

"Les Ashim, portes d’adamante aux pieds de métal," a spell that called up a being of the element of earth to possess a door and hold it shut.

"Gardiens des cinq portes d’Avalon," was a summoning spell that could be cast with any of the five elements regular Nephilim characters used (though not the other three elements in the system), manifesting as a suit of pseudo-medieval style armor that someone could don and providing protection dependent on which element it was cast as.

"Les ailes de la folie couvertes de givre, les chasseurs lunaires," was a somewhat nastier summons, calling on beings of the moon element to retrieve a designated person that the caster had a belonging of.

"Liqueur de bien-être, Réduction éolique du Cinabre" was an alchemical spell of the element of air, producing a potion which reduced pain suffered from magical sources. In the game rules it had been listed as a variant, the main version of the spell using water as the element and making a potion that alleviated physical pain.

"Les évaporations des humeurs antiques, Macération mithraïque de l’Alkaest," Les évaporations des humeurs antiques was another variable spell, alchemy usable with any of the five elements. In this case, though, he specified the fire elemental version, which would reveal the most recent act of violence done in the presence of the object it was cast upon.

And one more spell from Nephilim, calling a summoned being of the black moon element through the dark arts of the Selenim, "Les yeux omnivoyants," Sure, it was only the magical version of a security camera, watching and recording events, but it was the easiest of the black moon summons for him to remember.

There, Vladislav paused, calling up his class listing again to see what had been added or changed by the additional spells.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:26, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 66 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 21:16
  • msg #146

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily checks her status for any changes

Meanwhile, Arjun checks his class list for any changes, and also one more ping from among his spell utterances.

As he has been signing his words for quite a while, Arjun begins to feel quite tired. Soon, he will need to take a decent rest, or choose to push himself.

At Otto's warm words, he sees a message.

By now, Emily has begun humming to herself, lost in her own world at the idea of a musician class...
Arjun Gandhi
player, 44 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 21:16
  • msg #147

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun stops signing as he speaks, clearly weary from the effort.

"Win the Princess, huh?" Arjun makes a big show of looking around. "I think the Princess is another castle, Mario. Still, man, this still feels like a survival scenario to me. And that warning message we got said not to confuse this with a game. We're getting game-like feedback, but I'm pretty parched right now. Like, no way am I going to be hitting my 150 ounces today. I don't even know how many steps I've walked."

He pauses. "Wait, actually, I think I do know how many steps I've walked so far today. This....that is not my brain doing that math right now. That is not a thing I've ever been able to count without thinking before."

When Emily starts singing, Arjun joins in as soon as he recognizes the song, and engaging in some half-remembered choreography (which Emily can tell was NOT what one might call a Broadway Production of the opera).

Once he completes the incredibly basic latrine, Arjun feels a disproportionate sense of accomplishment, especially given the particularly crude nature of his outhouse, which is little more than a makeshift vine ring holding up a length of cloth over the edge of the known universe, and a couple of cloth vines to hold onto so you don't fall over.

Still, he's proud of it, and looks around for someone he can show it off to. At that particular moment, however, there's no one around, so he very quietly says, "System, look! I made a bathroom."

Arjun goes around to find the others, and informs them that the thing is complete, for now. Good enough. Well, functional, at any rate. He also checks in on how they're doing.

After that, he tries to collect some very long vines and cloth-vines, about 15 feet each, and begins braiding them into a rope. Arjun intends to use this rope to investigate the underside of the discs:

First, by checking to see if there are game-like gravity affects going on, and if he can indeed stand on the bottom side of this disc without falling off. (By checking if the far end of the rope "lands" on the bottom of the disc when it is thrown over the side).

Second, after checking the strength of the rope, by tying one end of the rope to something sturdy, and then climbing to the other side. He tells the others, "I will wait until this quest timer finishes before trying that, in case anything happens before then. What are you working on? Do you need any help?"

While collecting the vines and cloth-vines, Arjun waits for a moment when he is as private as he can reasonably expect to be, and accepts a class.

He then checks to see if he can select an additional class. If he can, he takes Druid.

And then he checks if he can choose a 3rd class.

After he picks, he opens his Expanded Character Sheet
This message was last edited by the player at 21:45, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 36 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 21:37
  • msg #148

Re: Spawnpoint

"Choose Class: Huntsman" says Emily, hoping this will give her some appropriate skills and or equipment.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 21 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:00
  • msg #149

Re: Spawnpoint

So having established that people can cross from one of these disks to another, Dmitri rests here and processes what has already happened, as he knows it.

When he's done, he notices that Otto has invited him to join a party. For lack of a better idea, Dmitri speaks "Accept invitation to join party." then goes back to the group.

Coming up to Otto, he says to him, "I have been thinking about our situation, and here are my insights:

"Each of the new areas is given three coordinates. Assuming Cartesian coordinates, we can imagine an infinite line going through the three disks. The center one is the origin, the fabric zone is -1X, and the root zone is +1X. By standard notation, that would make this" pointing to the area 90 degrees counterclockwise from the roots "positive Y and this" pointing directly opposite where he pointed before "negative Y. Up would be positive Z and down would be negative Z."

"None of these are Nodes I can create. The skill says I can make dirt, wood, and stone Nodes, but didn't have permission the last time I checked. Maybe now that I know more, I can try again.
Create ordinary dirt node at coordinates zero one zero."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 22 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:05
  • msg #150

Re: Spawnpoint

Before Dmitri gets an answer, he realizes that others are "picking classes." He wasn't used to this, as the only experience he had with role playing games was with Torg, where classes don't exist, but he had heard of other games so he knew enough of the concept to figure out what was going on. Time to get in on the action. "Caretaker, display available classes for PLAYER Dmitri Alvin Reslin"
Otto Bruckner
player, 35 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:11
  • msg #151

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto looked up and around with a Grin after apparently getting an update. "Well thanks System, appreciate that."

He then falls silent as Arjun and the woman break into a full on song. He doesn't know the song, and having never been able to sing well himself he found the whole thing quite impressive. He watched until they were done, then replied to Arjun when he expressed frustration about choosing his class.

"I get where your coming from man, I do. And trust me, I appreciate you lookin' out for us." He began. "But I think it works both ways, it's not a game to pursue a career that you will really enjoy, I would argue it's more gamey to pick something just to fill a niche I'm a party.

And if you feel you need to take whatever you can to deal with what's comin' I can respect that. I just hope that if you do decide before then, that whatever you pick really resonates with who you really are."
he left it at that, and went to go start on his next project, setting up some bedding.

Inspired by Arjun's eminently practical chore of having a place to relieve themselves, having a comfortable place to sleep and recover seemed like a good next step, and they did have a whole cloth island over there.

There he got to talking with his newest Party member Dmitri "I'll be honest bro, most of that went right over my head, but I'm glad that I'm stuck here with smart people like yourself." He grinned. "Sounds like your messin' with the fabric of this place, not that it's a bad thing, just be careful." he patted him on the shoulder and went to see if he could rip the material into large, blanket sized sections more convenient for bedding.

That was before Emily suddenly seemed to pick her class. Otto stopped what he was doing and looked at her as if expecting something dramatic to happen.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 37 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:17
  • msg #152

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily notices that Otto is watching her closely.  She too is waiting for a major change but in the meantime, she looks from one to other of her companions, seeking to estimate each man's height and weight and if possible, how strong each may be.
Otto Bruckner
player, 36 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #153

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto was previously described at around 200cm, although he looks far stronger than he is athletic, he is easily overweight for his height and is probably around 135kg. He has previously mentioned that he has been assigned a 5 in Strength
This message was last edited by the player at 00:39, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 38 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:43
  • msg #154

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily is 177cm but only around 75Kg. She is able to measure the others in comparison but she won't ask.  She is relying instead on her high sense stat and her skill in observation.  She will also use her senses to estimate whether there are any beasts in the vicinity or whether the only ones present are human.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 46 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #155

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily notices that Otto is watching her closely.  She too is waiting for a major change but in the meantime, she looks from one to other of her companions, seeking to estimate each man's height and weight and if possible, how strong each may be.

Arjun is about 6'3", and very thin for his height, probably under than 80kg. He's in his late 30s. Though he currently looks to be of average strength, there have been several times now where he has displayed obvious surprise at his own strength.

When Arjun notices her gaze, he straightens to his full height, and examines her in return, assessing what he can of her by her clothes and posture.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:51, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 39 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:49
  • msg #156

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily notices that Otto is watching her closely.  She too is waiting for a major change but in the meantime, she looks from one to other of her companions, seeking to estimate each man's height and weight and if possible, how strong each may be.

Vladislav is 163 cm., or between 5 ft. 3 in. and 5 ft. 4 in. He's reasonably muscular and fit, but no bodybuilder. The player lacks the skills to guess at the weight of a human of his size and build.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 47 posts
Thu 13 Jan 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #157

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri Alvin Reslin:
"Each of the new areas is given three coordinates. Assuming Cartesian coordinates, we can imagine an infinite line going through the three disks. The center one is the origin, the fabric zone is -1X, and the root zone is +1X. By standard notation, that would make this" pointing to the area 90 degrees counterclockwise from the roots "positive Y and this" pointing directly opposite where he pointed before "negative Y. Up would be positive Z and down would be negative Z."

Arjun nods as he listens, clearly surprised that he has been able to follow this academic notation. "Okay, so what direction do we think that this airflow that Miss BBC mentioned is going to be? You know what? Hold that thought."

Seeing that she seemed do be done with the kite, Arjun suggests to Emily that we use it to mark the direction of the wind she had located. With her help, he uses some of the vines to hold it in place, essentially creating a windvane.

Afterward, he brings Emily back to the discussion and asks her, "Explain again about where you want to put tomorrow's nodes, and why. And for the record, I still think we should try to find something new to make landmass out of, because these two options are both small and barren of food or water."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:53, Thu 13 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 39 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #158

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily considers that and nods, moving over to the point where the wind came from and, while she couldn't tie the end of the string, she could bury it so that one end is buried and the other end flies.

"I recommend one disc here and another at the opposite side of the new disc.The idea being that we would come closer and closer to the point from which the wind is coming. Maybe that's a way to escape. "
Arjun Gandhi
player, 48 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 00:06
  • msg #159

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Emily Khorashandi (msg # 158):

"Why on the opposite side? These discs seem quite stable."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 40 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 00:10
  • msg #160

Re: Spawnpoint

"I'm trying to suggest two new disks one after another in a straight line.  I'm hoping we can see the boundaries of the potential world."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 49 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 00:23
  • msg #161

Re: Spawnpoint

Comprehension dawns on the actor. "Oh, right. I see. We need to generate much more land mass than we did today for this to work, then. But we don't have a lot of data points for figuring out how to do that. I dropped a blade of grass. Dimitri dropped a button down shirt. What do those two things have in common? What would be sufficiently different to be worth testing? "
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 40 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 00:28
  • msg #162

Re: Spawnpoint

"Exercise make sweaty. Flick sweat over edge?" Vladislav suggests.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 50 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 00:41
  • msg #163

Re: Spawnpoint

"That's an idea, but in the best case scenario, that'd give us salt water, and probably only a 50ft diameter's worth. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to summon a few magic items, like arrows and bows. Try one of those? Is anybody else close to picking a class? Something that might be able to summon stuff?"
Voice of The System
GM, 69 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 00:58
  • msg #164

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav checks his classes, then mimics some spells (of which the following produce audible DINGs: 1st through 5th, 8th, and 12th through 14th), before he checks his classes again.

The moment that Arjun picks a class, a grand, resonant sound is heard by everyone... The sound of a bell tolling deeply. Light cascades over the body of Arjun, causing him to momentarily gleam like a beacon!

Meanwhile, Dmitri accepts Otto's party request.

Of course, this causes Otto to get an alert.

Soon after, Dmitri attempts to create a Node.

After this, he checks his classes.

During this time, Emily does her best to size up the individuals around her. She finds herself a little surprised by her capability in determining each of their weights and heights, to a high level of accuracy.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 41 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 01:07
  • msg #165

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav reads the results of his dings, and swears quietly in fluent Russian.

"Having 3 class needing higher level. All 'epic' rare. Also one uncommon class marked 'not recommended for player,'" he lets Arjun know after reading it.

Not having picked his (first) class yet, he looks astounded at the sound when Arjun claims his, then congratulates him.
Otto Bruckner
player, 38 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 01:23
  • msg #166

Re: Spawnpoint

"Hey!, Congratulations!" Otto beamed a smile at the two and nodded a few times.

"What did you pick?" He asked Arjun conversationally, then looked to the woman. "Huntsman's right?" He confirmed. "That sounds cool. Wonder what that gives you?" he wondered aloud.

"I wonder..." He mused, then said aloud. "System, invite this Huntsman to party?" he tried experimentally.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 52 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 04:12
  • msg #167

Re: Spawnpoint

As the light fades from his body, Arjun comments to the empty bramble of vines around him, "I figured there would be a ruckus."

Arjun comments to Vlad, "Epic rarity sounds pretty good. Maybe you can pick it up later? What are the classes? You weren't offered any of the mage classes?"

When Otto turns up, Arjun tells him, "I found a Rare archery class. Shadow Archer."

He then tries to cast Summon Shadow Bow and Umbral Arrow, by way of demonstration.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:09, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 43 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 04:18
  • msg #168

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 167):

Vladislav grimaced. "All mages or clerics." His gaze ran over his still-open classes screen. "Epic classes: Spatial Mage, Chronomancer, and Mooncaster.
Rare classes: Elementalist, Diviner, and Aquatic Summoner.
Uncommon classes: Alchemist, Illusionist, Earth Mage, Aqua Mage, Wind Mage, Pyromancer, and Nature Priest.
Common classes: Just Priest and Druid,
" he reported.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:18, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 23 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 04:31
  • msg #169

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri frowns. "Y in the sky?! That's annoying. Now to see if these coordinates are left-handed or right-handed."

He then moves to the center of the original disk, turns to face the fabric node, then rotates himself 90 degrees to the right: "Create dirt node at location zero zero one."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:07, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 40 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 04:35
  • msg #170

Re: Spawnpoint

"Shadow Archer huh?" Otto seemed a little surprised. "And it's a Rare class? I must be lookin' at this all wrong, I figured you would have to actually do the related stuff to, ya know, quality for a class." he elaborated conversationally. "Like for a Shadow Archer I'd imagine you would need to sneak around, or at least shoot a bow a few times, something like that" He went on with some slight gesturing.

"But it seems like you can just say the right words, and that's pretty much it? Use some magic phrases about some shadows, a few more about bows, and boom, Shadow Archer?" He rubbed at his beard, as if considering the words he might use, or how he might go about.

"Well, however it works, seems like you found one you like." He broke into a smile.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 04:35, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 24 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 04:53
  • msg #171

Re: Spawnpoint

"This 'speak and make it happen' apparently only works for these mystic classes. Whatever it is I am to become seems to work as you expected, unless..."

Dmitri thinks for a bit. "Rabbits, chickens, cows, and ducks! Bring us water, Fiat Lux!"
Otto Bruckner
player, 41 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 05:04
  • msg #172

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto looked to Dmitri and nodded. "Yeah, guess we'll see what the System has is store for us." He agreed. "Also it sounds like she's a Huntman? Huntswoman?, and that doesn't sound that mystical to me, but then again I didn't see any hunting so." He shrugged. "You got me" he grinned, obviously excited about the prospect of a Class of his very own.

He watched to see if Dimitri's amusing "spell" would have any effect.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 55 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 06:15
  • msg #173

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto Bruckner:
"But it seems like you can just say the right words, and that's pretty much it? Use some magic phrases about some shadows, a few more about bows, and boom, Shadow Archer?" He rubbed at his beard, as if considering the words he might use, or how he might go about.

"Well, however it works, seems like you found one you like." He broke into a smile.

Arjun shakes his head emphatically. "Naw, man. Vladislav doesn't even know how he's telling the system which stuff are spells, and he's just found some Epic rarity classes. It's all about intent, as near as I can tell. I mean, this place is pretty magical before we even showed up."

Arjun throws out his hands, gesturing to the world around us. "I mean, how does this place even exist? Who can afford rent on this much emptiness? We are standing on a six foot deep metal disc with a goddamn plane of textiles over there. That thing's like half as wide and twice as deep. You're telling me somebody had that prepared for us? And it attached to this one while we were, what, blinded by the magic show and alert windows? My body just emitted light. Reason and sense flew out the window a long time ago, dude! Stop trying to chase your assumptions about parsers and game logic.

He gestures, rather wildly, at Dmitri, when he mentions the parsers. Apparently, the calm, cool exterior has cracked and Arjun is having a Proper Freak Out(tm).

"This isn't a game, it's just pretending to be one. This is a gorram magical experience we're having. Try anything. Try a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. because our lives are in danger right now in ways we have only ever seen on television."

He takes a deep breath, and the mask of cool collectedness and superiority gets put back on as he exhales.

"Naw, man. Huntsperson isn't a mystical class. That British lady, she's got a low Mystical stat. I think that limits what kind of classes get offered to you."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:44, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 41 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 08:06
  • msg #174

Re: Spawnpoint

"No it doesn't." says Emily, "I was offered Windmage and Songcaster, both of which use magic as well as thief and Huntsman which don't. Huntsman has given me some new skills such as range weapons but no bow so I guess I'll have to make weapons."

Next she says, "Accept Party Invitation", followed by, "Expanded Status".

Next she moves among the discs seeking materials that she could use to make a bow and arrow or a sling and bullets. She also searches among the dirt of the original disc for signs of animal life such as worms, insects and spiders.

She returns to the others and says, "I was offered Thief after using a phrase from A Thousand Nights and a Night or Arabian Nights as it's commonly known. Maybe you'd get common classes by quotes from other books and movies. Did anyone see Princess Bride, for example? "
Otto Bruckner
player, 42 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 14:29
  • msg #175

Re: Spawnpoint

"You quoted your way into a Class option?" Otto grinned, evidently very amused by this development. "I'm over here trying to Skyrim my way into a skill point where I could have been..." he stopped and looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Gotta try this out. Guys, do me a solid and ask me "What is best in life?", use your media voice." he gave the them a knowing grin.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:31, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 56 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 14:47
  • msg #176

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun gracefully accepts the bit role and gives it his all, in one step turning from himself into the character in the tent in that ancient scene. "Vat is best in life?" his accent is thick and ancient, crone like.
Otto Bruckner
player, 43 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 15:05
  • msg #177

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto fed off of Arjun's enthusiasm for the part, obviously having seen the movie a few times.

He settled his hands on his hips, took on a stern expression with his chin thrust out and stared hard into the void above their little island. His answer, also given in a fake pseudo-Germanic accent, was not too over the top as to be expressively comical, but it was obviously a far cry from the Austrian one he was emulating.

"To crush your enemies. To see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!" he stated seriously.

He nodded gravely a few times, then the act faded and he looked to Arjun with a spark of hope in his eye, gave him a discreet thumbs up and nodded approvingly before he glanced around the chamber expectantly.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 46 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 15:08
  • msg #178

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav watches the bit of acting with amusement and interest. Conan might not be to his personal tastes, but he was certainly familiar with the famous quote and rudiments about the barbarian character and his setting. Actors at work were viewed rather differently in Russian culture than in the American.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 57 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 15:31
  • msg #179

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: oh no! I missed this before. +pouts+

Vladislav Chigrakov:
In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 167):

Vladislav grimaced. "All mages or clerics." His gaze ran over his still-open classes screen. "Epic classes: Spatial Mage, Chronomancer, and Mooncaster.
Rare classes: Elementalist, Diviner, and Aquatic Summoner.
Uncommon classes: Alchemist, Illusionist, Earth Mage, Aqua Mage, Wind Mage, Pyromancer, and Nature Priest.
Common classes: Just Priest and Druid,
" he reported.

"You wanted to go for a priest class, right? Maybe try petitioning one of the 'gods' we know about for help? All my other class options (opportunities, whatever) went away when I picked, so we can't multiclass, at least not right away. I feel kind of bad about taking a class with only combat options, and not a lot of utility for our current survival situation, but maybe that's an assumption....I should try casting those other, out-of-class, spells again and see what happens now."

Over the next several minutes of discussion, Arjun tries casting the basic elemental spells, summon water, and the item summoning spells (blade, bows, arrows) again."

At some point in the discussion, he mentions, "Man, I've had this class for like 5 minutes and I've already got buyer's remorse. It just occurred to me that if I had taken Druid, I would probably could have shaped part of that cloth jungle into a pair of pants."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:44, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 27 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 16:32
  • msg #180

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri processes all this (mis?)information and muses to himself aloud. "Speaking classes into existence? Figures. Well, if speaking is so powerful..."

He was already on the center of the origin disk, so he could not only check out potential "spells" but also range. Channeling his inner Annie Lennox, he goes into a passable rendition of "Here Comes the Rain Again."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 47 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 18:52
  • msg #181

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 179):

"Hmm." Vladislav looked thoughtful, considering the idea. He didn't know more about the observing gods than their domains, and in one case her sex. But perhaps Dmitri's point would be helpful. Trying spells of a distinctly clerical bent, with more emphasis on healing and providing supplies might be an angle to attempt.

He asked the air for his extended status again, to see if the watching gods had any new comments before he got started with a barrage of prayers to fiction.
Voice of The System
GM, 74 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #182

Re: Spawnpoint

As Otto glances at the woman he only knows as "Huntsman", he tries to send her a party invite with just her class information. He gets the sense that it went through.

[5 blank lines suppressed]

Meanwhile, Arjun attempts to summon a shadow bow, but nothing happens.

As well as cast an 'Umbral Arrow' spell, which also fails.

Meanwhile, Dmitri tries again to place a node.

After that, he attempts to cast a spell, to no success.

During this period, Emily is accepting the party invitation sent to her by Otto.

Emily also takes a moment to view her expanded status.

Otto and Arjun share a moment of reenactment.

Afterwards, Arjun attempts to cast some spells. However, they all fail.

Dmitri spend some time doing some barely passable singing. Unfortunately, he embarrasses himself for no reason, this time.

Vladislav once more observes his status window.
Otto Bruckner
player, 45 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 00:14
  • msg #183

Re: Spawnpoint

"Hah! It worked!" Otto exclaimed at once and pumped his fist in a sort of victory gesture. "By Crom it worked, thanks System." he was all smiles now and he offered Arjun a fist bump. "Appreciate it man."

With that achieved, he set to figuring out where things stood. He said "System, Barbarian Class Information please" first and foremost to see what he could see. And after he had done that he brought up the Party screen to ensure that everyone was accounted for, and in curiosity to see if the new classes had been amended to the ones they belonged to.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:21, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 77 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 00:23
  • msg #184

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto checks for further information
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 48 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 00:43
  • msg #185

Re: Spawnpoint

Reading something visible only to him privately, the Russian man stroked his beard (what there was of it) thoughtfully. Thoughts of двоеверие and the eighth deadly sin floated across his mind, and he turned away from the group to find a place to sit down and focus.

Taking a seat with crossed legs and his hands lightly resting atop his knees, Vladislav closed his eyes and concentrated on games and novels with distinctive religions. Ones where one's devotion to their god was visible in what spells and miracles they could perform, not just in their symbols and faith. However... where there was light, there usually was darkness as well. Hnálla had Hrü’ü standing opposite in the Empire of the Petal Throne, while in Glorantha the brilliance of Yelm was countered by the underground depths of Subere. Though perhaps, he thought, Glorantha was a poor choice of example, since Subere's people were literally her descendants, a mortal race with elemental darkness in their genes. Memories of Gary Gygax's other major game came to mind, with images from Mythus Magick rising. Five kinds of priests, each with their own spells, among a buffet of other sorts of magic users. Priests of sunlight, of moonlight, of gloomy darkness, of shadowy darkness, and of... balance. Another gaming book, The Secret of Zir'an, crossed his memories. Seven gods who powered rune magic, though like World Tree any caster could study any runes they qualified for regardless of which god they honored.In counterbalance to the runic ways was shadow magic, rising from within the darkness of the caster's own spirit. His thoughts flitted away to Ironclaw, where the church of S'allumer the god of light was dominant but black magic had its' own rules in the system and at least four other faiths still struggled to exist despite the oppressive influence of the church. Back to World Tree, which had no god of light or darkness as such; Flokin and Shax Shay Shaz both had influence over both forces. Flokin being the Pyrador god of fire, Shax being the Illusidor god/ess of illusions.

What was light, in the context of the goddess here in this non-game world of magic and unreality? Did she reign over the physical illumination, the mental & emotional forms of light, both, neither, something else completely? He had no answer. Russian Christianity taught of eight sins and eight virtues rather than the seven of the more Western nations. What and how many of each applied here?

Philosophy might be well and good, he realized, but they had physical needs here that must be taken care of. A priestly rare or better class? He started to murmur the names of clerical spells from game after game, focusing primarily on those which were anything but generic and trying to visualize the pages of the source game when he said them.
Otto Bruckner
player, 46 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 00:47
  • msg #186

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto was silent for a few moments as he was obviously reading whatever had appeared before him, and his already generous smile grew to a toothy, almost manic grin. "Yeah...hell yeah." He declared, obviously excited by whatever he was reading, and he nodded readily as he spoke.

"Alright..." He looked like he was psyching himself up, clapped his hands together loudly and rubbed them together vigorously.

"System!" He called out without a hint of doubt in his voice. He then clenched his fists and stared up at the "sky" "Select Barbarian Class!"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 58 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 00:56
  • msg #187

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun seems furious. "That is BULLSHIT. I can't actually do the thing that unlocked the class I just joined! I thought I could summon a bow and arrows! I don't even get magic arrows, I have to imbue existing ones."

He tries to summon several types of bows and arrows.

When that doesn't work, he tries to craft bow and then buy bow. He starts checking the pockets of his robe.

"And where are my gorram Market Coins?

He grabs a nearby pile of vines, and shouts, "System, craft bow!"

Then he starts examining the vines again, trying to figure out how to make these hollow cords into a weapon of any kind.

"We have no idea how to find food, or water. And now I wasted my class pick on a class that requires shadows to work at all! Do you see any shadows around here? I don't even know how to see my Mana or Qi levels!"

He stomps off, looking for shadows among all this low-lying vegetation and textiles, while muttering and cursing under his breath. Eventually, he calms down, and goes back to trying to make a vine-and-cloth rope long enough to investigate the underside of the discs.

OOC to GM: Just to clarify, the character is angry. The player is not.
Voice of The System
GM, 79 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #188

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav becomes quiet as he wonders on the nature of the Observers named "Gods" that are watching this world, as well as some philosophy about sin.

OOC: I'm not generating classes for spells you don't specifically name. It's not to create more work for you, but because I lack anything to work with otherwise. If you just want to have him muttering as an atmospheric thing, that's fine too

As Otto makes his choice right away, filled with excitement, he too momentarily becomes a beacon of light and noise!

In contrast, Arjun was having a far less pleasant time. His attempts to summon bows and then arrows repeatedly fail.

Next he tries the command to 'craft' a bow, but no result is shown. Next, he sticks his hands into his robe pockets and yells out "Buy Bow"

At this point, he is too belligerent to realize he has gotten a response. He continues to complain about not having these 'Market Coins', before grabbing some vines and calling to craft once more!

He is making enough noise to attract some wary attention from the others, and Emily and Otto in particular can tell that he appears quite tired compared to everyone else.

By the time he calms down, he belatedly realizes some screens have appeared before him.

Then, he spends some time maybe reading these, maybe making decisions, but definitely trying to construct a rope either nine, or fifteen feet long.

His mood may also be slightly improved when he finds that the folds between the Root Disc and the Cloth Disc both have some shadows. Especially, the pit that Otto dug on the disc of writhing vines at [1,0,0] has a significant number of larger shadows.

Unfortunately, none of these shadows are close to his size, so it's unclear what would happen to him were he to try to utilize them for his skills, or if he would even be able to.
Otto Bruckner
player, 49 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 02:20
  • msg #189

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed exultant for a time as he is bathed in light and the momentus chime resounded in their little world.

He nodded in evident satisfaction, rolled his shoulders and clenched his fists as if feeling a new power there, but for all intents and purposes and despite his noise and light, he still appeared as the same excitable fat man that he was when he arrived a short time ago.

If there was any difference, it was subtle, and it was in his eyes.

It would be unfair to say that Arjun's distress detracted somewhat from the moment, but it was true that Otto was obviously feeling good about his fortune at the same time Arjun seemed to be regretting his own decision.

As such, when Otto realized Arjun's current state, he decided to let the man be and to give him room to cool off.

He lingered for a time on the center disk, obviously happy to speak to anybody that seemed interested in discussing his decision or anything else for that matter, before he moved off towards the Cloth Disk to try his hand at ripping the material into blanket sized sections.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:31, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 64 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 02:23
  • msg #190

Re: Spawnpoint

When he finally notices the new alert windows that have popped up before him, he mutters another quiet expletive, and raises his hand to sign once more, but then lowers it, and considers for another moment.

Finally, he tries something different as he returns to braiding his 15 foot long rope. "Open Party Screen. Open Party Chat?"

He waits a beat, and then, still kneeling among his little project, he attempts to communicate with everyone in his Party in a whisper, despite them all being further away than his voice should be able to carry. "Can you hear me?

Then he continues to slowly and methodically work on the rope, attempting to keep his mind focused on the present and on his current task.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:32, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 29 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 02:35
  • msg #191

Re: Spawnpoint

After the latest "adjudication", Dmitri's voice rises. "YOU THINK I HAVEN'T??!"

He realizes that the frustration over the Parser spilled over into an audible outburst that everyone else heard. "I'm sorry, System Parser (or should I say SPARSER just tried berating me for not reading my skills. As if I haven't..." He then reads information off one of his "private" windows:

Node Creation Lv. 1

{0/600 XP to Next Level}

(This skill allows the user to create Nodes in the World. Nodes can be used to harvest material resources.

Due to the level of the skill, user cannot place Nodes in regions for which they do not have permissions

Nodes Placed: 0/1

Available Node Types: Regular Soil, Regular Wood, Regular Stone)

"I've been trying to place a dirt node on a perpendicular axis to the one we've 'developed' so far. So when I tried the Y axis, I got:"


"Nodes cannot be placed in the sky, PLAYER {Dmitri Alvin Reslin}!"

"And when I tried the Z axis, I got:"


"Nodes cannot be placed over the void, either!

Siggghhh... Read your skills more carefully, please?"

"So far, SPARSER has been flexible on the wording, but maybe it thinks I need to be more precise because I'm smart. I've had that happen too many times to count. I generally dislike Precisionists like that, especially since they don't like having that standard applied to them.

But since I have already tried the other two axes..."
Dmitri moves to the farthest end of the root disk. "Create Regular Soil Node at Location Zero Zero Two."
Otto Bruckner
player, 51 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 02:57
  • msg #192

Re: Spawnpoint

As if on cue, Dmitri's frustrated outburst followed on the heels of Arjun's.

Otto, who was still in boisterous mood despite the vexation of his Party members, continued to move a little further out, giving both of them ample space to vent.

He glanced to Vlad to see what their stoic Russian was working on, and also to their Huntress to see what she was working on now as he proceeded with his plan.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:00, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 66 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 03:06
  • msg #193

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun tells Dmitri:

"Dude. I keep telling, check your assumptions. You're not making Expansions, you're making Nodes. Like the mining nodes in Kenshii. Stop trying to make them in the void, and try putting them in places that already exist. Try putting a Wood Node in next to the latrine. I bet it'll make a tree that'll be an endless supply of branches. And I can use the trunk as an anchor point to make a better latrine."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:43, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 83 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 03:16
  • msg #194

Re: Spawnpoint

Everyone in Otto's party has a small window appear in front of them, with a text version of Arjun's message.

Meanwhile, Dmitri gets a message from the system as he angrily continues his struggle to create a node.

As Arjun gives him some advice, the actor gets a notification.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 53 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 03:43
  • msg #195

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Otto Bruckner (msg # 192):

Vlad flinched, his concentration disrupted by Arjun's and Dmitri's very loud outbursts, and he opens his eyes to see what the heck was going on.

He raises an eyebrow, seeing the chat window. "Yes, am hearing," he confirms to the party. But doesn't quite catch that he's still talking into it when he resumes muttering spells.

"The Miracle of Divine Perversity," he says, starting into the temple-specific spell listings of the game Shakhan. "The Miracle of Eternal Serenity, The Miracle of The Eternal Stage, The Miracle of Heavenly Mercy, The Miracle in Deepest Shadows Dwelling, The Miracle of Shining Valour, The Miracle of Him Who Chastens, The Miracle of Warlike Victory, The Miracle of Triumphant Devastation, The Miracle of Wisdom, Symbol of the Fire-Lord, The Radiance of Heaven, The Wondrous Rug of the Lady of Wisdom," He pauses, going back to the start of Shakhan's spell list to name a few more that seemed useful but were not necessarily clerical. "The Bounty of the Hidden Arts, Catchblessing, Cornucopism, Cursehealing, Divinespicing, The Divine Tankard, Enflowering, Reflowering, Healthblessing, Lifegiving, Lightmaking, The Merciful Cure of Savage Bestiality, The Negation of Sinister Energies, Unintoxication, Venomhealing, Warmhealing..."
A pause as his mind shifted to scan other books for Shakhan, then, "The Incomparable Hexagon of The Azure God" ended the listing for that game system & setting.
Otto Bruckner
player, 52 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 04:27
  • msg #196

Re: Spawnpoint

As Otto works towards creating bedding for each of them the "Party Chat" pops up for the first time with Arjun's message.

The dissonance from simultaneously hearing or seeing the others as the messages arrived seems to disorient him at first, but as Dmitri pauses after his...list?

Otto decided to give it a try.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 71 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 06:36
  • msg #197

Re: Spawnpoint

While still working on his giant 15ft long braided rope, Arjun continues to document what he knows into the party chat from time to time, but predominantly focuses on crafting the rope.

While laying out the rope and trying to measure it, the Indian American actor, who had certainly taken his own sweet time experimenting, rather hypocritically asks Vlad, "What are you hoping to achieve with all those spells, my guy? It shouldn't matter what system you're using, just what your intent is while you're using whatever system you pick.

He does a double take then, glancing at what must be an alert window in front of him. With mingled notes of fear and hope in his voice, he mumbles, "Typo."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:41, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 57 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 06:41
  • msg #198

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 197):

"Intent? Must disagreeing. How did intent unlock epic chronomancer class from basic cantrip that tells time of day?"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 45 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 06:42
  • msg #199

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily checks for shadows underneath the kite she has attached to the original disc .If she finds any, she points them out to Arjun.

Next she suggests to Dmitri that his next node should be wood or stone, either of which could be used for tool making.

Emily makes a grass and fabric rope of about two feet long with a slightly wider piece of fabric shaped to contain an object to be thrown. (Emily tries to make a slingshot)
Arjun Gandhi
player, 72 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 06:49
  • msg #200

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Vladislav Chigrakov (msg # 198):

Arjun lays down next to his braid, attempting to measure it. "It was too do with time. You tried to magically interact with time. When E.... when the British rockabilly over there quoted Arabian Nights, she must have briefly fantasized about being Alladin. I can't actually summon a Shadow Bow even though that was the spell I tried to cast. It's just that I wanted to work with Shadow Energy, or whatever, and archery, at the same time, so it unlocked the option.

"I could be wrong, I guess."

This message was last edited by the player at 06:56, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 31 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 06:50
  • msg #201

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Voice of The System (msg # 194):

"SPARSER appears to have misunderstood. I am not asking for more non-help or for nor am I asking for more non-help from the System. I am concerned that what is being offered as help has turned into derision and snark. I am pursuing the taming of the snark in myself (for the Snark was a Boojum, you see); further snark does not help.

So what am I asking for? Arjun appears to have found an error in my perceptions; we shall see later. I must determine the vocabulary of SPARSER so I can communicate in a way that makes sense to us both. But the suggestion that I don't want help is remarkably judgmental for a computerized construct."

"Miss, I am working on Soil nodes as a place to grow food seems more necessary now." Since Dmitri only gets one Node per day, he may as well use it in a sensible way. As he is already on the Root disk and has no clue how big a Node is, he moves to a spot halfway between the center and the edge between the center and along the presumed positive Z axis (i.e. looking over the shoulder to the "right" would reveal the original disk) and speaks in the prepared monotonal voice that seems to attract responses, Create Regular Soil Node here!"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:01, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 47 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 06:57
  • msg #202

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily looks for signs of the passing of other members of the Party from place to place which she may be able to expand on in the future when tracking beasts.

Next she looks for animal or bird droppings, seeds and variations in the moisture of soil.

In response to Arjun, she says, "Ali Baba and the forty thieves"
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 58 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 07:12
  • msg #203

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 200):

"If is just intent, could declare 'I am not player!' and claim class lets us go home safely instead be here. Am thinking is much more intent than involved, Arjun."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 73 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 07:14
  • msg #204

Re: Spawnpoint

"Oh, yeah. There's a specific system here we've got to uncover. But it already exist. We're not defining it."
Voice of The System
GM, 90 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 10:40
  • msg #205

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav gets many notifications from his constant recital of spells, this time from yet another unique game system.

Arjun spends the next ten minutes working on making his rope. Eventually, he ends up with a decently sturdy rope that is nine feet long. He feels a little tired from it, and reasons if he wants to extend it another six feet, it will take him a quarter hour.

As Arjun does this, Emily decides to check the kite she made earlier, to see if or where it's casting a shadow, and report it to Arjun.

After checking it, she finds that it is indeed casting a shadow, in the direction of the Root Disc. It seems only about a foot long, yet Emily cannot see any sun in the sky of this space. How it is casting a shadow is unclear.

After doing this, Emily sets about attempting to build a rudimentary slingshot. At the five minute mark, she is nearly done, but she screws it up and has to start over. After another five minutes, for a total of ten spent on this task, she ends her work and raises her head to see some screens before her.

Meanwhile, Dmitri feels insulted by an inconceivable entity.

Then, as he stands somewhere on the Root Disc, Dmitri finally manages to activate his skill.

Anyone nearby will probably notice that as soon as the words leave his mouth, a mound of dirt appears from nowhere directly in front of Dmitri!

Soon after Dmitri's hard-fought success, Emily spends some time scouting around to see what traces - if any - the PLAYERs have left on the three discs. She finds that footfalls have indeed been left on two of them, and she gets the feeling that she can more easily make them out and notice them from a little further than she would expect from herself.

Interestingly, she also realizes near the end of her twenty-minute search that judging by the prints left, the PLAYERs' shoes' bottoms were sterilized when they arrived, since none of the prints have any filth other than whatever was tracked in from across the three DISCs. They are mainly depressions in the surface.

Notably, not a single blade of grass on the original disc seems to have been trampled, nor dragged along anywhere. In fact, Emily feels a small shiver down her back when she gets on her knees to inspect the blades of grass and finds she cannot spot a single speck out of place. They seem completely unaffected by the weight of the players...
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 59 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 12:53
  • msg #206

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 204):

Vladislav checks his screen again, and asks Arjun "Is heroic class rarer epic than?" after reading what his barrage of dings added to his options of unlocked classes.
Otto Bruckner
player, 56 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 14:19
  • msg #207

Re: Spawnpoint

The sound ripping and tearing could be heard from "Cloth Island" as Otto had found a good starting location and began lifting up the material before taking it between both hands and pulling it apart.

The squatting, standing and tearing routine was more work than he had expected, but after some ten minutes work or so he had pulled up and separated two roughly rectangular sections 6'×8' in size.

These he folded up and carried to the central island and set them down on the grass. "Two down, three to go..." he said, noticed the handiwork of the others, and then saw the dirt and smiled.

"Hey, you did it." He commented approvingly. "Any ideas on what you're gonna do with it?"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 48 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 15:12
  • msg #208

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily approaches Dmitri's new node and waits for permission before bending down to examine the soil, in particular checking for differences from the original sterilised soil of the original disc.

She looks again for seeds and small soil based fauna.  If she sees stones, she will take a small one and throw it over the side of the original disc in the direction from which the wind is coming.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 75 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 15:30
  • msg #209

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun glares at Vladislav for a solid minute, feeling vaguely certain the Russian was mocking him.

Continuing to stare directly at Vladislav, with a look of accusation and offense clearly displayed, if not downright projected, he very carefully wraps the Vine Rope(9ft) around his waist, and walks away, only breaking eye contact after 5 or 6 steps.

He then left to go gather more resources for his rope project. As he walked around the Vine Disc, he looked around, seeking more shadows. When Emily reports back to him about the shadow under the kite, he follows her back to it to investigate. As they go he asks Emily, "Hey, did you get a Mark skill with your Huntsperson class? I got a skill that lets me mark a target to do additional damage to him, but I can't do it very often. Doesn't really matter right now, since I still don't have a weapon of any kind, and it looks like we didn't get attacked during that quest I got after all. Since we obviously get XP in skills by using them, I thought if we both had that skill, we could Mark each other, just for the XP, and to see what it looks like. Interested?"

If Emily agrees, he tries to place his Mark of Shadows on her.

When she shows him the shadow under the kite, Arjun tells her "Thanks, but that's going to be way too small for what I'm trying to do. Unless..."

Arjun places his hands into the shadow of the kite, concentrates, and pantomimes making various whittling gestures while thinking very hard about crafting a Shadow Dagger for exactly 10 minutes. Just any kind of cutting tool would be fine, he thinks.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:47, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 95 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 15:51
  • msg #210

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily finds that she doesn't really need to make contact with the Node to examine it. She can get an equally good investigation done by simply being within a couple feet of it.

Thus, regardless of Dmitri's choice, Emily gleans the following from the node he has placed:

1. The soil type is different. The soil of the original disc was very soft and dark brown in color, while this is quite coarse and thin, and a light, almost grayish, brown in color.

2. She does not find any abnormalities in the node at first, but after closer inspection, she does find a few strange bits that seem fairly gross. They are hard, and smaller than a pebble, and are either light or dark gray in color. There only seem to be a handful of them across the whole of the node. Perhaps these are seeds, or just bits of silt or other ground material. Since she is not entirely sure whether they are 'stone' or just something similar, she does not immediately pick one out to toss to the wind.

Meanwhile, Arjun gives stink eye to a russian and asks a woman if they can cast magic spells on each other.

As he tries to cast a spell, the actor hears a strange distorted and elongated DING noise which becomes audible to the rest of the PLAYERs halfway through.

In Arjun's hand, a strange thing has appeared. A mass of evaporating, black... something.

The best way to describe it is solidified shadows... It has taken roughly the form of a darker-than-ebony dagger blade, and seems to be endlessly leaking some kind of pitch-black vapor. It is rather cold to the touch, and feels almost weightless.

It does seem to have a physical hardness, though.

A screen has appeared in front of Arjun.

Except that isn't the biggest problem, but that a screen has appeared once again in front of everyone else...


PLAYERs have exceeded the significance threshold of the current World!

Searching for solution...

Searching for solution......

Searching for solution.........

Solution found.

Initiating "Manual MONSTER Generation"





(2) New Species of MONSTERs have been spawned at [1, 0, 0] and [-1, 0, 0]

No further information.

Otto Bruckner
player, 58 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 16:07
  • msg #211

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto, who had been resting from his labors as he chatted with Dmitri, and who had watched as their Huntress was examining the soil, glanced over as Arjun seemed to manifest some kind of weapon.

But he did not have long to consider the matter...

"Here we go..." he said in a low and somewhat ominous way, the man looking like he had never been in a "real" fight his entire life. Despite this, with there being no real way to run and no real way to avoid the situation, he seemed as committed as anybody to doing what he could.

He blew out a breath and moved his arms as if to limber up for what he assumed was coming.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 49 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 16:47
  • msg #212

Re: Spawnpoint

"I hope you'll be using that dagger on a monster", says Emily.  "I won't use my mark until I find a monster to use it on.  Could you make me a bullet or two?"

With that, Emily begins moving as stealthily as she can toward the nearest monster to her position, aiming to use her sling as soon as she was both sighted and in range.  If she can't see it, she will try to track the monster, seeking to catch it before it catches any member of the party.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 79 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 17:04
  • msg #213

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun names his new skill after the magical "tradition" of the TV show he had been going to audition for later today, another fantasy show though not set in the modern day, with predominant themes about looms, circles and chronological repetition, called The Loom of Destiny. In that show, regardless of the magical substance you were crafting with, the act of magical crafting was always called Węæving (ooc: call it weaeving if you don't know how to make the diacritic marks)

"Name new skill, Węæving. Description: As per the Craft skill, only applied to raw magical material."

Nodding to Emily, he says, "Yeah, now that there are monsters, that makes more sense. I was planning to use the dagger on those cloth vines and make some gorram underwear. I can try to make you some...oh, some sling bullets, but I need to concentrate really hard while Węäving, so you're gonna have to be on watch for me. This'll probably take ten minutes. Also, fair warning, I might get an Exhaustion debuff or pass out entirely."
Voice of The System
GM, 98 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 17:07
  • msg #214

Re: Spawnpoint

(OOC - at the moment, if I'm correct, Emily, Otto and Dmitri are by the Dirt Node, while Arjun is by the Kite, and I don't know where Vladislav is?)

Otto and Emily readily prepare for battle. However, despite the fact that monsters have supposedly spawned on the root island they are standing on, nothing is immediately visible.

After a moment, Emily catches a site from the corner of her eyes. She immediately whirls in that direction, and is shocked with what she finds!

Barely visible to her at this distance of roughly 15 feet, even with her high SENSE and relevant skill, there is a very small bug that is dung brown in color. It crawls around a little bit along a vine before waddling down underneath it.

It does not seem to either mind or maybe just is not aware of their presence, at the moment.

Emily also would note that she lacks anything to shoot with her slingshot.

Meanwhile, Arjun gets a notice from the system in response to his naming.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 80 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 17:12
  • msg #215

Re: Spawnpoint

"Fine, you overpaid PA, call the new skill Węæving."
Voice of The System
GM, 99 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 17:45
  • msg #216

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun successfully renames his skill.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 81 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 18:04
  • msg #217

Re: Spawnpoint

Not noticing that Emily has neither promised to guard him, nor that she has moved off in search of prey, Arjun tries to węæve sling bullets out of the remaining shadowstuff underneath the kite for her makeshift sling.

He focuses, imagines the movements the casting agent showed him in the video, remembers the personality he had chosen for the character he would be auditioning for, and with his keen sense of time, ensures that he crafts these bullets for 10 minutes.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 50 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 18:10
  • msg #218

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily points the beetle out to Otto and then goes back to Arjun and says, "Not to worry, it's like this big."

She waits for Arjun to finish and only then does she go in search of the other monster.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 51 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #219

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily says "View Expanded Status"

She has to do that so I can cut and paste to her character sheet.
Otto Bruckner
player, 59 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 18:23
  • msg #220

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seems a bit confused at first.

"Seriously?" He asks, and peers in that direction, unable to really see anything.

He waited for maybe thirty seconds, continuing to look around, but when it seemed evident that their Huntress and Arjun were going to stand around and work their magic, he went in search of the Monster, trying to get a closer look.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 52 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 18:51
  • msg #221

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods.  "It's a little beetle but that doesn't make sense does it?.  Oh wait."

Emily thinks for a moment, calling up the map.  "If Dmitri placed the beetle at (0,0,2) and this beetle's here (assuming it's one of the monsters) then when we find the third monster, we will have sufficient co-ordinates to estimate the origin point (0,0,0) on the map.  It will be at the halfway point on a line from the place where the beetle was to the place where the other monster was, and it should be at a point where a line from it to Dmitri's soil node is at right angles to it."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 82 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 19:06
  • msg #222

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily points the beetle out to Otto and then goes back to Arjun and says, "Not to worry, it's like this big."

Upon hearing Emily's words, Arjun looks up into the featureless void above them and projects his voice out into the universe in the way that only an actor can do. "Hey, Hand of System!" He calls out. "I bet you 1 Market Coin that the Voice of System just said, 'That's what she said' or something stupid like that."

His latest test of their new captors accomplished, he turns to Emily, with an apologetic half-shrug that clearly expresses remorse, solidarity, and an attempt to share the joke together at the expense of their captors. (OOC: Body Language Lvl 4 has to be useful for something, right?)

Arjun says, "Bet it's poisonous or something. Did you Observe any useful information about it? Try any of your class skills on it? These'll be ready in ten minutes. How are the others coming along? Oh, hey. I have an idea."

Assuming that he's been making any kind of measurable progress on the sling shadow-bullets, he mentally addresses the Voice of System.

After holding the image in his mind of what he wanted to do for the length of 3 deep breaths, he asks Emily, "Did you get that? Read it back to me, so we can tell if these System staffers are reliable or not."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:19, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 84 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 19:12
  • msg #223

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
  "If Dmitri placed the beetle at (0,0,2) and this beetle's here...estimate the origin point (0,0,0) on the map.  It will be at the halfway point on a line from the place where the beetle was to the place where the other monster was, and it should be at a point where a line from it to Dmitri's soil node is at right angles to it."

Without even thinking about what he's saying, Arjun corrects the mistake. "Root Disc is at [1,0,0] and Cloth Disc is at [-1,0,0]. Monsters were placed on those locations."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:12, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 53 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 19:15
  • msg #224

Re: Spawnpoint

"I watched it crawling up a vine." said Emily, "And it was a plain brown beetle.  Maybe it's a cockroach and we'll wish we'd killed it but one thing I noticed was it wasn't aware of us.  Maybe the other monster's a hedgehog and we could introduce the two to one another."
Otto Bruckner
player, 60 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 19:18
  • msg #225

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto chuckled at Arjun's joke. "Ah! I get it now. We're actually in a stoner comedy." he declared as if it all suddenly made sense.

"I mean we've got the fat guy, East Indian dude, the hot chick, the smart guy and the Russian." he listed them off on his fingers. "All trapped together on a zany adventure. We just need a bad guy like an uptight Dean or the Highway Patrol or something." he explained, smiling as he narrows his eyes, put his hands on his knees and peered into the roots.

"A bug?" Otto seemed even more surprised and murmured to himself. "A bug...Monster bug..."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 55 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #226

Re: Spawnpoint

"What's a market coin", asked Emily, "and who is Hand of the System?  I only know there's a voice of the system but I didn't know it was a person."

"Okay Otto", says Emily, "let's go to the cloth disc and see if we can find the other monster."

She noticed that Arjun was showing signs of knowing things they hadn't worked out yet and also that many of her beliefs about directions and places were proving to be wrong.  She moves carefully and stealthily, keeping eyes, ears, nose and any other senses wide open as she began to hunt the second monster.  She had no useful weapons but perhaps she could tame it.
Otto Bruckner
player, 61 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #227

Re: Spawnpoint

At her urging, Otto went with her to look for the other Monster, hoping perhaps that it would be easier to find on the broad, open terrain of Cloth Island.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 61 posts
Sat 15 Jan 2022
at 19:45
  • msg #228

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav did not know what he had done to insult Arjun, as he interpreted that look. But he went back to his meditative listing of spells when the actor moved away.

"Quoober's Quick Meals. Noolcoomb's Conjuration of Milk and Honey. Korgen's Conjuration of the Cloud of Kindness. Korki's Kosmik Kookies Konjuration. Doroman’s Conjuration of the Fiery Fingers of Light. Tuatha’s Ritual of the Binding Chains of Light." His recitation of spells from The Black Grimoire of Arduin was suddenly broken by the appearance of a large screen with the announcement of monsters, and a look of consternation crossed his face upon reading it.

Glancing around fearfully, he did not see anything monstrous immediately, but worried that he may be running out of time finding a class that would provide healing, food, water, and other necessities for the group. Not what he would have gone for, had this been a fun place, but with the high likelihood of life & death situations he was putting his own desires and dreams aside. Even if it hurt giving up such a chance. Survival and keeping all of them alive was more important.

He rattled off some more combat-oriented spell names while being wary of possible creatures unknown... "Ishorg’s Spell of the Awful Sting. Jasterman’s Bolts of Blue Bedevilment. Masayuki’s Mist of Malevolent Misery. Tirinyo’s Wall of Ice and Fire. The Black Bands of Cytorakk. Suspatch’s Stupendous Spit Spell. Karchwynn’s Conjuration of the Devouring Sun. The Ten Tigers of Tamura. Avicenna’s Spell of Slime to Shards. Stanford’s Silver Prismatic Barrier vs Undead. Abskambar’s Abysmal Blast Pellets. Sigestamundo’s Silver Screamers..."

He paused, and somewhere deep inside struggled to make a decision. A test of faith? Perhaps. But his next words were not spells, nor addressing any of the other humans present. "Goddess of Light?" he asked the air above. "I can't find what class I need to provide for the group. Would you be allowed to pick one for me, something that is needful?"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:45, Sat 15 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 87 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 01:47
  • msg #229

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
"What's a market coin", asked Emily, "and who is Hand of the System?  I only know there's a voice of the system but I didn't know it was a person."

"Market coins are a reward I got for being the first to pick a class. Haven't figured out what they're for yet cuz I've been focused on trying to get us equipped with weapons for that quest, which is total bs because now they're spawning monsters in response to me finding weapons to fight the threat implied by the quest."

"The Hand of System started commenting on the notifications Voice of System sends me...." He takes a deep breath, clearly trying to recollect the order of things.

".... he showed up when I started Shadow Weaeving. I think he's the entity that implemented it, maybe? He seems to be the Waldorf to Voice's Statler. I didn't realize Voice was a person until Hand started needling him in comments on the alerts Voice sends. Voice REALLY can't take what he dishes out.

"Generic he, to be clear. No idea if either of them have even got a body. But now that I'm thinking about it, Voice's messages have always been pretty full of lighthearted banter, at least compared to the one notification I've heard anybody read aloud. Why, what are yours like?"

It does not take high stats to notice that Arjun only started crafting with shadows about 11 minutes ago.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:19, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 57 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 11:48
  • msg #231

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily smiles.  "From my point of view, wood are stone are equally good.  Stone gives me stones to fire from my sling while I could use wood to make a bow and arrow.  Stone could also be useful in starting fires."

After tracking the second monster, with Otto, depending on the nature of the creature, Emily either
goes to the furthest east point of the original disc.  There she pulls up a lump of grass and soil and tosses it low, beneath the wind, into the void or
Attempts to tame the second monster She does this ONLY if the monster is smaller than her but at least the size of a mouse.
Voice of The System
GM, 101 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 11:55
  • msg #232

Re: Spawnpoint

As Arjun settles down to craft some sling bullets, expecting it to take ten minutes...

He feels a number of cold, spherical objects in his hands. Glancing down at them, they appear extremely dark, almost hard to see because it absorbs so much of the light in this area.

They also seem to emit a bit of vapor. In his hands, there are a total of three of these small balls, less than an inch in diameter. Strangely , they are each as heavy as the dagger itself, about 75% of a pound, which he now holds in his other hand.

They are also a bit easier to feel the hardness of, because of their small size fitting in his palm.

Arjun's hands are now full of these strange items of his own creation.

Meanwhile, Emily immediately loses interest in the strange bug she found on Root Disc, and heads 'down' to Cloth Disc, crossing by Arjun on the way.

Before that though, Otto decides to investigate those bugs a little further, as he bends down and squints to the place the little guy vanished.

Due to him being in bad shape, he doesn't get too close. However, that may be fortunate, as when he bends down to look in the small gap that thing disappeared into.


He flinches and pulls back by instinct, as one of those small bugs, barely the size of a digit on his little finger faked him out by elastically shooting towards him before returning. It didn't actually get very close, but attacked as soon as Otto got near.

Most likely, it is a territorial behavior, a warning of sorts. Also, Otto manages to see as he goes on the back foot that there is not just one bug down there...

From the mere glimpse he got, he caught sight of a number he could not count, but estimates to be at least a dozen. And that was from just the small sliver he managed to peer into.

It is unclear how many bugs are down there, but it is entirely possible it exceeds a hundred, or if those things are seriously crawling tight, it could be numerous thousands of them. At the moment, he has no way to know...

Afterwards, Emily tugs him along to the Cloth disc. He follows with her, either happy to get away from that place or thinking it may be good to move in pairs to see the second species.

Once the two have arrived at the Cloth disc (Emily may have chosen to pick up her sling ammo from Arjun, by now) they immediately begin moving about to inspect the place.

Emily is more successful than Otto, likely because of her high SENSE and Observation skill.

The first thing she notices is that the area smells a lot like mothballs. Dmitri's shirt didn't exactly have that well-known scent, so perhaps it was added when it became part of the World. However, this is Emily's first time noticing it, so maybe it is because of the new Monster species in this area?

Emily eventually manages to catch a glimpse out of the corner of her eye. She finds another small critter. It is a lighter blue in color, and seems to resemble a moth. It can be seen snacking silently on a bit of loose thread, left by the portion of the isle that Otto pulled apart to make the two blankets he deposited on the first disc.

It doesn't seem as frenzied as the root bugs did, as it seems quite at peace as it chews away in small portions. It's size is a bit hard to tell exactly for Otto, but Emily can see a bit more easily that it is around the size of her little finger. It is a bit bigger than the root bug, all in all.

While the two exchange bullets, Arjun asks Emily to repeat something he has communicated with her. It comes off as a bit strange to her, which Arjun picks up on from her expression.
Voice of The System
GM, 103 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 12:01
  • msg #233

Re: Spawnpoint

As Emily heads back to the original disc, she immediately stops with an eerie feeling.

She recalls that she had done some work about an hour ago here, where she had dug a small hole all the way to the steel portion of this disc... However, she can no longer find that hole.

Put off by this, she nevertheless continues with her plan to grab some soil and grass and give it a toss...

So, she reaches down to grab a handful of dirt and grass, and gets a big clump before standing up and-


She glances at her hand. It has no traces of dirt. It has a bit of grossness from the vines and cloth she had manipulated, but nothing remains from her interactions with the original disc... Also, she is not holding anythng?

The Iranian woman turns back to the spot she had just dug, but it is untouched.... She swallows her saliva, and bends down once more to take another handful.

She stands up and blinks. Her hands are completely empty. Not a speck of dirt. Did she... forget to pick it up this time?

She tries again. This time, she cannot get a grip, even though she makes contact... She blinks...

This disc refuses to be manipulated.

She feels slightly unwell.
Voice of The System
GM, 104 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 12:13
  • msg #234

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav recites some spells with an ever-increasing sense of nervousness and urgency...

Then, as his mantra-like repetitions seem to no longer keep his worries at bay, he calls out to an entity, whom it seems he has had some kind of private communications with prior.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 58 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 12:17
  • msg #235

Re: Spawnpoint

"View Expanded Status" says Emily.
Voice of The System
GM, 105 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 12:30
  • msg #236

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily checks her status.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 59 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 12:51
  • msg #237

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily goes back to Arjun and calls out, "Avengers assemble!" Then after a few moments of feeling stupid, she tries again, "Gentlemen, could we all come over here please?"

She sits down on the grass and says, "I think the time has come to try to change all the things that have happened to us, and whether they affect us differently.  If they do, it could be because of class differences, and we may have to think about who can do what.  If they're not, then we need to consider the form the System's hostility takes."

"In my case, I gained an ability to observe and later on an ability to craft although the latter has disappeared from my status window, although this seems to have been compensated by an increase in intelligence.  I've also noticed that the central disc no longer allows me to manipulate it and my hands are clean even when I try to lift out soil.  We also have two new monsters arising from (I think) us knowing too much.  Among the vines is a small beetle whose powers I don't know.  Among the cloth is a blue butterfly who eats cloth and seems to be able to feign invisibility.  What about everyone else?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 65 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 14:25
  • msg #238

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto's experience with the bug, which appeared to him to be the vanguard of its  hive, gave him a little start. Seeing them all down there crawling and writhing was not a great feeling, and it had jumped further than he would have guessed.

So in part to consider things, and in part to assist their Huntress, he moves with her towards Cloth Island.

Things began to get even stranger then. He saw the Moth after she had pointed it out, and then she tried to manipulate the grass as he watched her and seemed to fail, after which she called the others over.

Otto seemed interested in Emily's experiment.

"Good call. I only have points in one skill so far, and that's Digging. It's not even at level two yet" he admitted. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but it seemed like some of you got your skills more easily than that?" He glanced around, evidently just a little concerned that the System might be giving him points more slowly because of some sort of mechanical reason.

"But my Class, Barbarian, that gave me three Class Skills. Heavy Weapon Mastery, Battle Rage and Survival."  he went on. "Battle Rage seems more like a way to encourage violence all around, it seems like it would build up the more violent I get, or if something is violent towards me.

Survival also does not seem so much like the finding water, starting fires thing, although it might be. I get the feeling it might let me deal with harsh weather better, or maybe go longer without food, things like that "
he shrugged. "It seems like it would be really useful." he added sincerely.

"I'd like to try lifting some real weight." He admitted curiously. "But I'm not gonna be able to do that with a bunch of grass and cloth. Any volunteers for letting me lift them up a few times? Or trying to at least?" he glanced around at the others.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:37, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 63 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 14:28
  • msg #239

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Voice of The System (msg # 234):

Vladislav's eyes widen, and he bows his head. "Thank you, Your Divinity" he says before reading the description of the class that She had unlocked for him.

Reading carefully, the Russian accepted the class, Priest of Survival. Getting to his feet, he started over towards the others in response to Emily's call to assemble, looking over his class and skills on the way but remaining mindful of where he was putting his feet.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:18, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 61 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 15:26
  • msg #240

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods.  "Feel free to lift me, Otto.  Lift me as high as you can lift me safely and turn around slowly to see whether I can see any further in any direction." (Emily weighs around 70 Kg)

If Otto does as asked, she will make keen observations of anything revealed by the higher vantage point.
Otto Bruckner
player, 66 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 15:37
  • msg #241

Re: Spawnpoint

"Cool, thanks." Otto replied, and walked over before squatting down in front of Emily with his back facing to her. "Let's try just sitting on my shoulders for now, if that works maybe we can try to stand you up." he suggested.

Once Emily was ready, Otto attempted to stand up, something he would have felt comfortable doing before they had arrived at this strange place, and once they were up he tried a few "weighted squats" to see how those felt. If all went well, he attempted to hold Emily's ankles as she stood up on his shoulders to get maximum height.
Voice of The System
GM, 110 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 16:06
  • msg #242

Re: Spawnpoint

Carrying 150 lbs on one's back is not a totally easy task, but Otto finds it is not too difficult for him to manage. He does find himself breathing a little heavier, and there is some strain, but not as much as he would expect, especially given the fact that he is quite out of shape...

The squats are a bit tougher on him, and after a few he starts to break a sweat. His stamina, though still higher than before he arrived here, has not improved as significantly as his overall lifting capability seems to have had.

At this point, he feels like he can go a little further, and manage to hold it for a while.

Thus, he carefully helps Emily stand up on his hands. She wobbles once, but also manages to keep her balance notably well. Perhaps that is also influenced by one of these 'stats'?

His shoulders do feel a little bit of a burn from literally having a person handstand on his hands, but he feels like he could hold this for about two minutes before he would start to seriously be pushing his limit... But, is there perhaps some value in doing so? Wasn't there a trope of people "breaking their limits"?

Another factor to consider in this weight-training is that it is also serving the purpose of scouting around, and that the two of them, nay, the five of them don't have limitless time, since they still do not know if the MONSTERs will make moves against them, or if other threats may begin to appear, or be discovered, as well

Regardless of Otto's choice on how far to test his strength, as opposed to saving it, Emily has enough time at the minimum to do a scan of the whole horizon, as well as all three discs.

At this elevation, the wind seems a little fresher, and a little stronger...

Though she does not spot any bodies in the sky, she can just barely make out a faint bit of illumination in the direction of the cloth disc... No, even that is a bit too certain to say... At most, a tiny hue difference may be presence, likely indicating some light source at a great distance... Still, the fact that it does not appear visibly despite affecting the surroundings means one of three things:

1. It has some sort of physical form which is not observed in the same way as a star

2. There is something in between the two distances causing a disruption

3. Some unknown mystical effect is at play.

Finally, Emily notices one last thing as she uses the Barbarian, Otto to get a better vantage point. It is a bit ironic for her to notice this when she is further away, as opposed to when she was closer earlier, but nevertheless this is when she finds it.

The original disc does indeed have one thing different from when they all arrived. Despite the fact that it seems to reject being changed whatsoever, even to the tip of a single blade of grass, there is one blade of grass that is affected.

Specifically, the spot where Arjun originally plucked the grass blade to create the Root Disc is missing a blade.

Of course, even with her skills and stats, it would not be feasible for Emily to notice this if she had not been roughly aware of what changes they have previously made to that island. Furthermore, it would have been harder to spot if not for the extremely offputting repeating pattern of that island's grass.
Otto Bruckner
player, 68 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #243

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto's ruddy features flushed a shade of pink as he recovered from the squats, and a few beads of sweat stood out on his brow.

He seemed to be doing alright until Emily stood up to her full height, after which he seemed to really have to exert himself to keep his position.

His muscles began to strain and burn, and he shifted under her weight a little here and there, a task made that much easier by her exceptional balance.

He decided to try to push himself a bit, and he turned a few times, giving her ample time to look around, and when he eventually felt like he might be in danger of dropping her, he carefully squattedd back down to let her hop off.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 62 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 16:24
  • msg #244

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily explains what she has seen: the wind is fresher and stronger up there; the light source is from the direction of the cloth disc but there's no obvious body like a sun, it could be a long way away, whatever it is, or maybe there's something between us or perhaps it's a mystic force; lastly, the original disc is missing a blade where Arjun tore one to make the vine disc although when she tries to take bits from that disc, nothing happens.

"Could you let me down now please?" says Emily, and when she's down, she asks Arjun, "Can you take soil from the original disc or am I not the only one?"
Voice of The System
GM, 113 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 16:26
  • msg #245

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto is quite glad, despite the somewhat unfamiliar strain of exercise, when he manages to hold her up for another three minutes.

Still, he definitely felt like he could have gone for another minute, but his arms were starting to get shaky from the prolonged effort, so he decided it would be best to put her down for now.

He is a bit winded, but mostly just quite sweaty and red. His breathing, while labored, is not actually as difficult as you could expect from someone in his weight class. Perhaps the stats were doing some sort of adjustment?

Though he looks up, half expecting to see some kind of alert, there had unfortunately been no increase in stats. Though, there is a short message.
Otto Bruckner
player, 69 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 16:56
  • msg #246

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto let Emily down as gently as he could, then stood and wiped his brow, breathing a little heavier now. He grinned, obviously a little winded.

Suddenly a pop up evidently appeared in front of him, his grin grew by a fraction and he glanced up. "Thanks System, appreciate it." he said between labored breaths, and he actually did seem encouraged.

"Heads up" he said to anybody who cared to listen followed by more heavy breathing..."Does not look like there's, any kind, of Athletics skill."  A few more breaths. "Seems like that's all, covered by Stats."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 70 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 17:16
  • msg #247

Re: Spawnpoint

Vlad watches Otto and Emily doing their exercise and viewing test. And considers what her report might mean. Hmm.

And heeds Otto's words about athletics and stats. Well, he didn't expect to have too much trouble doing plenty of manual labor for whoever asked him to, given his physical stats. Though his lack of skills was starting to bug him.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 71 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 17:21
  • msg #248

Re: Spawnpoint

Something occurred to him. Only Dmitri could make nodes. Were the non-class skills other than languages restricted to one person apiece? That would not bode well for them as a group. More pondering.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 89 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 17:42
  • msg #249

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
"From my point of view, wood are stone are equally good.  Stone gives me stones to fire from my sling while I could use wood to make a bow and arrow.  Stone could also be useful in starting fires."

"Well, why wait until tomorrow?" Arjun asks, eyeing the shadow-smoke emitting from his shadowcrafts, as he hands the three sling bullets to Emily.

"These aren't going to last forever. Tell me how long they last for. But at least I can make us cutting tools now. That should make Crafting easier for everybody. Stone's good for a few things, but Wood seems more generally useful to me."

From his tone, it's unclear if Arjun means "I think wood is more useful generally," or if he means, "I have more uses for wood than stone." From his demeanor, it's possible those two things are the same.

He walks over to the latrine he built, and says, "System, Create Wood Node here," pointing to a spot where a tree could be used as an anchor point for an improved latrine, where Cloth Disc and Grass/Origin Disc meet. He adds, "Preferably in the form of a mango tree."

He returns to the group discussion, succeed or fail. While doing so, he checks his Alerts, and says aloud, "No worries about the quest, Voice. Thank you for letting me know."

Now he knows that these two entities can be bartered with and cajoled into taking actions. It's not just the setting that is malleable to the abductees, but the two captors that have interacted with them can be manipulated. He just needed to figure out a way to tell the others this important information without System realizing. I'd buy that for a dollar, he thinks with grim satisfaction.

When he returns to the group after his quick expedition, he tells them, "Looks like we can't generate quests, only Observers can, and I've only seen one reference to one Observer."

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily goes back to Arjun and calls out, "Avengers assemble!" Then after a few moments of feeling stupid, she tries again, "Gentlemen, could we all come over here please?"

Arjun gleefully leaps forward into a tuck-and-roll, and tries to come to a stop in front of her in a classic superhero landing pose, as was much maligned in that one movie that he didn't get cast in.

"I think the time has come to try to change all the things that have happened to us, and whether they affect us differently."

OOC: I cannot parse this sentence. Did you mean to type "change" there, or is that an autocorrect error?

"In my case, I gained an ability to observe and later on an ability to craft although the latter has disappeared from my status window, although this seems to have been compensated by an increase in intelligence.  I've also noticed that the central disc no longer allows me to manipulate it and my hands are clean even when I try to lift out soil.

Arjun chimes in, "First skill I learned was Body Language, from using ASL to try to test the flexibility of the system. Took me about 83 minutes of constantly signing to get to Level 4. Also, it's weird that I just said 83 instead of rounding it out -- that's not like me."

He takes a breath to school his thoughts. "I already talked in the Party Chat about the Craft skill and how I didn't get any points for it when making the latrine. Now I've got this new skill, which apparently wasn't even an option in the game until I tried to do it. I think that's what caused them to spawn the two monster-bugs you've seen, as some kind of balance for giving me a skill the original...level designer didn't intend for us to have yet."

His Body Language clearly conveys to everyone that when he says "level designer" he really means "kidnapper."

As the conversation continues, Arjun shares "Aside from my class skills, I've got Human Language Interp, Body Language, Craft (with only one recipe so far), and now Węäving, which anyone with a semi-mystical class can learn. I'm disproportionately tired from my ASL. I used to do translation gigs for events and would translate for people all weekend long, but I got really tired after only an hour, and I don't know why. Anyway, once I get at least to Level 2 in it, I'd like to try teaching the skill to everybody whose picked a class."

Otto Bruckner:
"Good call. I only have points in one skill so far, and that's Digging. It's not even at level two yet" he admitted. <DarkGreen>"Tell me if I'm wrong, but it seemed like some of you got your skills more easily than that?"

"Naw, man. I've got maybe 127 experience points across the skills that I've picked up so far, not counting the ASL stuff. I was worried that the ASL thing was keeping me from advancing as quickly as everybody else."

Otto Bruckner:
"I'd like to try lifting some real weight."

"I've been making this rope," Arjun explains, pointing to his latest fashion accessory. "Because I want to investigate what's underneath the discs. I'd 'preciate it if you could help me strength test the rope, and help me climb down and back up, when the time comes. I'll strength train with you until you feel you're up to the task, once I'm done with a few Craft projects."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:13, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 90 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 17:51
  • msg #250

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
when she's down, she asks Arjun, "Can you take soil from the original disc or am I not the only one?"

Arjun looks at Emily, carefully measuring her, possibly noticing her illness, then glances off to nowhere briefly, most likely examining an Alert window.

Then he crouches down and tries to interact with the grass. First, he tries to pluck a blade of grass. Then he to use his Shadow Dagger to cut into the turf, cutting first a line, then carving out a square patch about the size of his hand to pick up.

After that, he tries to Węæve a bowl of elemental earth from the dirt underneath the grass.

OOC: I am already regretting the name I picked, with its weird letters.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:53, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 72 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 17:59
  • msg #251

Re: Spawnpoint

Hearing what Arjun said shows Vladislav that his train of thought had a critical flaw in it. Insufficient data to work with.

"How beginning do this waeving?" he asks Arjun, failing to pronounce the odd word correctly on his first try. He watches closely when the actor uses his shadow-stuff and tries to do something to the ground.
Voice of The System
GM, 117 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 18:05
  • msg #252

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun's attempts to create a Node result in an awkward moment of silence, before he moves on.

Through his passive use of Body Language skill, everyone except Emily and Vladislav pick up that he has a negative opinion of these 'level designers', while Emily in particular understands him to be meaning something closer to 'kidnapper' specifically. Vladislav does not pick up the dissociation between his words and meaning.

After some talking, Arjun kneels down to pluck a blade of grass. However, as he pulls on the small plant, it doesn't come out. He tugs harder but it does not give even a little from the ground. He releases it to get into a better posture, and is a little awed to notice the grass blade has not been squished even a little by him gripping it between thumb and finger.

Utilizing his full body weight, and as much strength as he can, Arjun tries first yanking with full might, which causes him to hit himself into the ground instead as he suffers the force of his own pull rather than the tiny green thing. After, he tries to pull with a consistent effort, but it's challenging because it is not easy to keep a grip on such a small object when exerting such muscle power.

Next, he uses his shadow dagger to cut the ground, in an attempt to collect a square of turf. However the knife is unable to leave even a mark on the ground of the summoning disc.

He is tempted to test it's sharpness on something else, so he cuts a tiny bit of his rope, and is immediately surprised, as the dagger, while not exactly having an impossible razor edge or anything, is very very sharp. It is easily enough that slightly pressing your finger on the blade could break the skin if not outright draw blood. The grass is unaffected.

When he attempts to use his custom skill on the dirt which he can partially touch through the grass growing on top, he is given an alert of failure.

OOC: I don't mind if you want to retcon the name to exclude diacritics
Arjun Gandhi
player, 91 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 18:06
  • msg #253

Re: Spawnpoint

Briefly admiring Emily's rockabilly beauty aloft Otto's shoulders, it occurs to him that he should be looking for shadows and what they imply about the lighting situation here, if he wants to be able to use his class.

"Can we move this conversation over to Cloth Disc? This dagger has a limited shelf life, and I want to make myself some pants. Or was that everything? Otto, I saw you were working on something with the fabrics too, would you like a knife?"

He starts looking for shadows, and trying to figure out what that says about the direction of light, incorporating the information Emily has shared with everyone.

If Otto accepts the offer, Arjun will węæve another dagger for him out of the kite's shadow, then examine the shadow that he's made 2 daggers and 3 sling bullets out of, to try to measure how much material he has to work with there, and how much was used by his crafts, showing anyone who asks how it is done. (Edited to add: explicitly Vlad, since he wants to learn)

Then, whether with the party or alone, he goes back to the Cloth disc to cut up some fabric, passing the point where he had tried to make a Wood Node.

Examining the types of available cloths to work with, he crafts a langot and a pair of Thai wrap pants and puts them on. Once that's done, he tries to craft 6ft of cloth rope.

OOC: A langot:

It's a type of underwear made from a sort of T-shaped cloth. Think Sumo Wrestlers.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:12, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 92 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 18:21
  • msg #254

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: I don't mind if you want to retcon the name to exclude diacritics

OOC: Let's use weaeving and węæving interchangeably. Judging by my phone, it's probably all Otto is seeing anyway, since he's mostly posting from his phone
This message was last edited by the player at 18:42, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 70 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 18:22
  • msg #255

Re: Spawnpoint

"Sure, let me take a breather first, then I'll get back to it." He replied to Arjun, maintaining his grin as he paced a little and recovered from his efforts.

"Yeah, wood would be good" he agreed, speaking mostly to Dmitri, who seemed to be their "Nodamancer" "I would feel better with a weapon in my hand personally, and something like a club would be great."

At the offer of the knife, Otto seemed quite pleased at the friendly cooperation. "If you're feeling up to making another one, yeah, just don't strain yourself. Who knows when we did it go? Exceed the significance threshold or something like that?" he looked around. "Figured it would be nice to have a comfortable spot for everyone to bed down at the end of the day though, if it ever even gets dark here."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 93 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #256

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun quotes the relevant Alert message from memory, and then seems surprised that he had remembered it with such accuracy. "Guess all that line-memorizing comes in handy after all. And yeah, maybe a rest would be good.

"Hey, congratulations on classing up, everybody. We've got:

  • Otto the Barbarian,
  • Huntsman Rockabilly (Hunter? Huntsperson?),
  • Vlad the Red Cleric (what god did you end up going with?), and
  • Dmitri Node-Touched.... Dmitri, what classes are you thinking about? I bet you'd make a good mage."
  • And, of course, Arjun the Shadow Archer. I need a cooler title.

He considers for a moment. "Club for Otto, probably a better choice for fighting bug-monsters than a blade. Rockabilly's sling was a smart choice, and until we get a Stone Node, I should be able to keep her supplied with sling stones in a fight. We need to get you a bag to hold your ammo in. What kind of weapons does everybody else want? I should practice making them, see how long it takes to get everybody equipped for a fight."

He furrows his brow and sends a message over Party Chat.

"Actually, a bag is exactly what I need! A pouch full of shadow!"
This message was last edited by the player at 18:55, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 64 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 18:56
  • msg #257

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
"Well, why wait until tomorrow?" Arjun asks, eyeing the shadow-smoke emitting from his shadowcrafts, as he hands the three sling bullets to Emily.

"These aren't going to last forever. Tell me how long they last for. But at least I can make us cutting tools now. That should make Crafting easier for everybody. Stone's good for a few things, but Wood seems more generally useful to me."

"Will do," says Emily, "and that makes sense to me."

Arjun Ghandi:
Emily Khorashandi:
"I think the time has come to try to change all the things that have happened to us, and whether they affect us differently."

OOC: I cannot parse this sentence. Did you mean to type "change" there, or is that an autocorrect error?

Sorry that's an autocorrect error.  I meant consider.

Arjun Ghandi:
He takes a breath to school his thoughts. "I already talked in the Party Chat about the Craft skill and how I didn't get any points for it when making the latrine. Now I've got this new skill, which apparently wasn't even an option in the game until I tried to do it. I think that's what caused them to spawn the two monster-bugs you've seen, as some kind of balance for giving me a skill the original...level designer didn't intend for us to have yet."

"I had a similar issue," says Emily.  "I didn't get any points for crafting the kite (but I did open the Wind Mage class option) but I did for my rather cruddy sling"

Arjun Gandhi:
"Aside from my class skills, I've got Human Language Interp, Body Language, Craft (with only one recipe so far), and now Węäving, which anyone with a semi-mystical class can learn. I'm disproportionately tired from my ASL. I used to do translation gigs for events and would translate for people all weekend long, but I got really tired after only an hour, and I don't know why. Anyway, once I get at least to Level 2 in it, I'd like to try teaching the skill to everybody whose picked a class."

"I don't know whether ASL is the same but in my other life, I sometimes hire British, Irish and Iranian Sign Language interpreters and I always have to hire two so that none of them have to work more than an hour.  Teaching's a good idea, I think we should try teaching each other whatever skills we can.  We might even unlock the teaching skill."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 96 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:04
  • msg #258

Re: Spawnpoint

"My Crafting skill lists the Known Recipes I've discovered, and they made a new skill when I focused really hard on trying to do something they hadn't thought of before. I wonder if there's a list of things you can Craft, which doesn't have latrines and kites on it, and only those things trigger Crafting XP? I mean, that's why there's such an active moderator overseeing everything we do, right? Because {System} World isn't actually as reactive and developed as they want us to think it is, so these Observers need somebody watching and interceding."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 67 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:13
  • msg #259

Re: Spawnpoint

"If everyone's agreed, should we move over to the cloth disc as Arjun suggested?" asked Emily and if everyone agreed, she moved over there.  While there, she would try to tame a moth.  She also paid attention to her own senses, trying to guess whether she was ill or just a little queasy from the adjustment of her stats.
Otto Bruckner
player, 72 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:18
  • msg #260

Re: Spawnpoint

"Alright!" Otto seemed to feel better after his rest, and once again rubbed his hands together eagerly.

"I do kinda wanna go stomp that moth..." He admitted as he stared over at Cloth Island. "First kill in the System, figure that might be worth a Title or somethin', although Moth Crusher does not exactly inspire fear." he mused aloud.

"Still, maybe if I kill it, we might get something bigger, something we could kill and eat." He wobbled his head back and forth as if inwardly debating.

He looked to Emily "But yeah, try to tame it first, maybe see what happens. But if it's not goin' with the program?" He clenched his fist for comical effect and followed her over again.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:19, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 69 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #261

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily smiles. "I'll try taming the moth and you try killing the beetles."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 76 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:24
  • msg #262

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 256):

"Official name class for 'Priest of Survival' is. Cleric under Goddess of Light." Vladislav looked aside momentarily as if embarrassed. "No class skill until third level. She handling manually," the Russian answered Arjun's question when listing their classes, still sticking to using broken English on purpose.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 98 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:25
  • msg #263

Re: Spawnpoint

"Hey, you look tired, Rockabilly. Let's all take a 10 minute breather and just check in with each other, like Otto suggested. He's right, this is a marathon, not a sprint."

OOC: At least, until the GM responds to our next set of stated goals ;)

He sits down, and tries to pull Emily down next to him. His attempted grip on her wrist is quite possibly overly familiar and intrusive, in that way that actors often are. His Body Language clearly communicates that this is meant to be an invitation to establish group cameraderie, and not an attempt to get handsy with her.

"Okay, priorities. We've got a privvy, Otto is working on bedding. Still no food, water, or shelter, but that last one might go easier now. We need to figure out that Soil Node. What else?"

Turning to Otto, Arjun asks, The beatles might be edible, in large enough quantities. But you guys only saw the one, right?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 73 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:27
  • msg #264

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto paused as Arjun began speaking to them and "went for" Emily.

"Oh no, there's a whole swarm down in there. Still did not look dangerous, but more like, I don't know, an infestation."

He seemed agreeable in leaving the Moth be, and in trying to exterminate the beetles instead.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:28, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 99 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #265

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun hands Otto his shadow dagger, and then crafts another one for himself.

OOC: Minor retcon. Give Otto my 1st dagger, then weaeve 2nd dagger for myself while teaching Vlad how to do it. Then make the clothing mentioned in above post.

"Bye bye, Barbarian! Come home with dinner." Arjun's face is a stage-perfect mask of feigned excitement at the prospect of eating raw beatles.

Turning to Vlad, Arjun excitedly suggests, "Oh, neat! I bet you'll be able to Weaeve Light too!"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:49, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 70 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:43
  • msg #266

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily lets Arjun pull her down and says.  "If we're going to eat beetles, we need a frying pan, a way to make fire and some oil that will burn hot and destroy any pathogens.  How do we find oil.  Preferably sunflower or olive oil but during world war two during the siege of Leningrad, Russians made bread using a wild plant related to alfalfa and engine oil so I'm guessing any oil will do."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 100 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:48
  • msg #267

Re: Spawnpoint

"I don't think you're really grasping the concept of Survival Situation, Rockabilly."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:49, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 77 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 19:48
  • msg #268

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 265):

Vlad sat down. "How begin do weaeve?" he asked quietly, the manner of a student to a new teacher. Heeding the more experienced (though that isn't saying much in this case) man closely.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 71 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 20:22
  • msg #269

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
"I don't think you're really grasping the concept of Survival Situation, Rockabilly."

"Well we could just grill them but I doubt there would be enough beetle left to eat."  Then she paused, "Starving or not, have you noticed how even our shoes were clean when we got here, as if they'd been sterilised?  If they did the same to us inside, then we're vulnerable to any pathogens."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 78 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 20:29
  • msg #270

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Emily Khorashandi (msg # 269):

A deep frown. "If sterilized inside, are dead anyway."

Vlad was no pre-med student, but he remembered that one of the essential vitamins needed for human life was produced inside of the large intestine by symbiotic bacteria. And quite a few other important things were handled by the bacteria down there as well.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 72 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 20:31
  • msg #271

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nodded.  "I hadn't realised that but it makes sense."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 101 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 20:40
  • msg #272

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun looks at his bare feet beneath his bathrobe, and shrugs eloquently.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 73 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 20:48
  • msg #273

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods, "Perhaps someone needs to craft you a pair of shoes. May I borrow your knife?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 102 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 20:51
  • msg #274

Re: Spawnpoint

Per GM discretion, Arjun will either make Emily a 3rd knife, or they can share the 2nd one as both work on nearby crafts.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 74 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 20:55
  • msg #275

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily cuts part of the fringe from her leather jacket and says, "Perhaps it's time to throw this off the edge and see whether it makes a leather region."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 103 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 21:02
  • msg #276

Re: Spawnpoint

"Don't waste it until the next day. Nothing'll happen now."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 35 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #277

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri joins the group at their current meetup point. "Sorry for the distraction, but I was playing around on the new "Character Sheet" screen. System placed useful information there, but has no sense of style. I fixed most of the ugliness, but I could do better if a Word Wrap option were implemented.

"As for becoming mystical, I am at a disadvantage. If we assume that 5 is maximum for stats, my 3 doesn't bode well. On the other hand, I am rated at that 5 maximum for Intelligence, so that might make up for it in certain cases.

"Where I seem to be of most use is as a helper for others. Not sure how that translates just yet, but for now, I am happy to help others organize their character screens in a way that suits them.

"What bothers me right now is that the one skill I have, Node Creation, apparently only makes one Node per day. At least for now, that is. At this pace, it will take six days just to advance a level.

"In the meantime, forgive me if I am repeating what has already been discussed in my absence, but our priorities would seem to be as follows:"

Food CreationSeeds, water, and possibly digging tools
Surround FireHeat and a way to avoid expected rain, cold, and wind
MaterialsStone and wood I can handle (eventually), and we have temporary weapons, but a more permanent solution is needed and metal would be a great help

"So for now, working together seems like our only option. Anything I'm missing?"

Otto Bruckner
player, 75 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 22:09
  • msg #278

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto, who had accepted the shadowy weapon from from Arjun, seemed intent in finding out what would happen if he shanked an insect or two.

But before that could happen, Dmitri spoke up, and Otto smiled in a warm way to him.

"Five isn't the maximum for Stats, I've got one six after a reward from the System. Not sure if that helps." He shrugged somewhat.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 80 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 22:14
  • msg #279

Re: Spawnpoint

Vlad listened, but he was struggling with what Arjun had shown him, trying to weaeve something... anything... out of light. Maybe a holy symbol? But he didn't know the first thing about his goddess yet beyond her domain and that she seemed kind.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 37 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #280

Re: Spawnpoint

"Three out of five was bad enough. Three out of six means I would definitely be disadvantaged trying to wield mystical energy."

In the meantime, Dmitri had enough of manipulating the screens to his liking. Instead, he focused on the situation in front of him. Regardless of what their eventual "surround fire"* turned out to be, he would need something to keep him warm should the wind pick up. He examines the cloth area to see if there is a spot that can be cut or torn into a blanket for the expected "night".

Now that he thought about night, Dmitri also examines the "sky" trying to figure out how this area is lit to begin with.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 75 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 22:35
  • msg #281

Re: Spawnpoint

"Dmitri," suggests Emily, "if you, or even me with mystic of 2, were to be rewarded by the system with points for some mystical skill, it's possible you'd have four out of six, not three."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 108 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #282

Re: Spawnpoint

"If this Attribute stuff is modeled after MMOs, as it seems to be, then there's no upper limit on Stats."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 110 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 23:20
  • msg #283

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Vladislav Chigrakov (msg # 279):

"You have to hold the image of what you want clearly in your mind. It's not like mashing up a ball of clay and seeing what shapes you see inside."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 82 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 23:25
  • msg #284

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 283):

Vladislav heeded the Shadow Archer, quibbling internally over what to envision before deciding on just trying to make something. Something useful. He visualized a frying pan.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 38 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 01:21
  • msg #285

Re: Spawnpoint

"Possibly. But for now, I'm less concerned with gaining class than with surviving into the future. So if you need me for anything, I'll see what I can do. But for now, I will stick with getting what we need. We have some blankets now, but need more for everyone. We need water and food, but have yet to find a way to obtain them. We will also need a ... shelter." That last word took a while to form, as he had been using the Urlan word mescalesa which is literally "surround fire" but has the idiomatic meaning of "campsite" which morphed into "shelter".
Arjun Gandhi
player, 114 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 01:34
  • msg #286

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun considers Dmitri's question seriously. "Once we get wood, we can make pup tents at the very least. Can we make shelter out of Dirt from the Node? Have we even figured out how to get dirt out of it? I don't think I've even seen it yet, where is it?"

Arjun considers. "You've been working on that Node stuff for two hours now. It sounds like you got a lot of error notifications, and that some of them were insulting. What can we learn from the messages you saw embedded in the alert notifications?"

The lanky actor considers the resources they had at their disposal. "The vines are hollow and flexible, we could build some kind of macrame pattern for a framework and then pack dirt over top of it, if we're worried about temperature issues. I dunno how stable that will be, given that what I'm thinking of is usually made with adobe, which is basically mud. On the other hand, it might end up being like blocks of material..."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:51, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 43 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 03:28
  • msg #287

Re: Spawnpoint

"The Map now has a small brown dot inside the grass disk. That's where the node was placed, just like the dot between the other disks is the latrine. The parser objected to me referring to it as computerized and something else I don't remember right now and threw half a swear word at me for that. It also thought that my frustration was a sign I didn't want help, even though it's quite the opposite. I do want help, but I apparently can't express the kind of help I would want in words the parser can parse. Or maybe such help is beyond the parser's capacity. Either way, there is a disconnect here.

"Regardless, I still think my coordinate system is accurate. The only thing I would need to know is if the axes are right-handed or left-handed. When we next get a chance to expand the boundaries, placing a disk off the line formed by the ones we have should tell us."

Arjun Gandhi
player, 117 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 03:37
  • msg #288

Re: Spawnpoint

"Talk to the Rockabilly Queen, she's got a lot of ideas about where to put the next expansions. I just care about what we seed them with. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that Voice of System and Hand of System are people, moderators of some kind. I think there IS an operating system they're using, but the comments they're leaving are them reviewing the messages or handling error codes or something."
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 85 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 03:44
  • msg #289

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 288):

The Russian makes a harrumph-like sound, hearing Arjun say that. "More comments than just reviewing or error, am thinking," Vladislav says, his broken English slipping briefly.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 118 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 03:52
  • msg #290

Re: Spawnpoint

"Aside from my own alerts, I only heard that one that Dmitri read aloud. What are yours like?"
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 44 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 04:16
  • msg #291

Re: Spawnpoint

"Oh, yeah! The alert objected to me calling the Voice of {System} judgmental for a computerized construct. It objected to both terms. If it is computerized, I would have expected more of a response like We are unable to process your request. Frustrations are human traits, but if it is human, I would expect more conversational value and better explanations: Nodes can only be placed in places that currently exist for you for example.

"Does anyone think it's useful to try to ascertain the humanity (or lack thereof) of the System Moderators?"

Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 86 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 04:19
  • msg #292

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 290):

"Voice of System sounding like auction master, describing me as if lot for sale. Damaged goods. Seeing gods comment opinions. One offered help. I listen."
Voice of The System
GM, 119 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 05:23
  • msg #293

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun hands Otto his old dagger, but when he does so the item begins to noticeably wobble a little, and the evaporation speeds up as well... It is unclear how long it will last, at this rate.

Then, he takes a moment to Weaeve himself a second dagger. It takes a mere moment before the shadows coalesce in his hand. As he checks the shade cast by the kite for any changes, he sees a strange message in it's place instead.

As the group all gathers on Cloth Island, Arjun inspects what types of cloth are available. Unfortunately, there seems be only one type of material, which has had it's properties previously noted.

The way this material is threaded across the place is more variable than the uncannily pattern-esque nature of the original disc's grass blades. It is mostly tied up in large tubes like yarn, but some of the large tubes are actually knitted together. It's a bit ugly to look at, overall, because there is no aesthetic sense to the makeup of the land.

Meanwhile, Arjun attempts to use some of the cloth to create a langot. It is a bit embarrassing to be wearing knitted underwear, but it is still better than donald ducking it, without any bottomwear whatsoever.

It takes a solid twenty minutes for Arjun to succeed in making a langot. In the first place, it may have been undoable if not for the subtle influence of his Craft Skill. He had never really made his own clothes, in the first place.

Lastly, he tries to wrap some pants as well. It is a bit easier to do, now that he has experience with making a langot, but it's still a longer task because of the sheer size.

Both of these items are much unlike their inspirations, since they are made of a knitted fabric, which makes them look a bit puffy and silly overall.

At least the threading is quite tight, so there are not really any very visible holes in the garments to reveal anything private. Still, it's not a standard outfit, and not something Arjun would wear in public in any normal circumstance... No, very few people would have the guts to put something like this on to go out. Of course, it's different given the situation.

The pants take an additional forty five minutes to make.

OOC; For these items, I will say that you can reduce the time if others with the Craft Skill help you out.

For example; If one other person helps, the time is halved. If two others help, it is divided by three, et cetera

After this, Arjun tries to make more rope, and tie it to his current cloth. This will allow him to have enough length to properly scale the discs.

It takes precisely 18 minutes to make this additional rope.

OOC: This time can also be reduced in the same vein.

As the group organizes and such, Emily checks herself to see if she is still feeling unwell. Her sickness seems to have passed, but the more she glances at the three discs, the more it threatens to rise again.

She can tell there is something overall uncanny about parts of this world, if not the thing as a whole. It's hard to look away from, despite being unpleasant. Sort of like a car crash.

Emily recognizes she is not at any risk of being sick, or suffering too much from the symptoms, but it is a very clearly bothersome sense that she cannot shake off... Even without the physical symptoms, it is... unnerving.

Meanwhile, at Arjun's words that "it's a marathon not a sprint", the volume of his speech seems to increase a little, as well as the resonance... As if the World was nodding along with his idea, and elevating it for the other PLAYERs to realize.

Arjun and Emily also work together to create a pair of shoes, more similar to knitted socks really, perhaps after working together to create some more clothes for the regretfully half-dressed actor.

Meanwhile, Dmitri offers everyone works together

OOC; Once again, Dmitri, if you want me to enable Word Wrap please just ask me to do so. There has been no such thing as a 'character sheet' in game. This was done for the benefit of us all, OOC.

Otto contemplates crushing bugs... perhaps the influence of Barbarian class?

Meanwhile, Vlad tries to use the Weaeving skill, but unfortunately fails. He does get some alerts, though.

Even with Arjun's further aid, no progress is sadly made.

The group takes some time to discuss the strange entities that have been communicating with them since they suddenly appeared here.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:23, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 87 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 05:46
  • msg #294

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav paused, reading something that was privately visible to him. The Russian man groaned, putting one hand on his face and slowly sliding it downward in a slow burn like some old-fashioned cartoon characters (or like live action actor Edgar Kennedy).

He looks upward and sighs. "I know you God of Lies are, sir, but was that 'thug' referring to me or God of Rage?" he quietly asks no one physically there.
Voice of The System
GM, 121 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 06:02
  • msg #295

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav has a brief talk with some unknown beings.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:03, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 119 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 06:11
  • msg #296

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun offers to help with anyone's projects, and invites help on his own. But not the langot. He'll take care of that one by himself, thank you.

(OOC: apologies for the brief post. Will write a fuller reply tomorrow.)
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 88 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 06:15
  • msg #297

Re: Spawnpoint

The Russian rolls his eyes again with another deep sigh. "Five players," he all but spat when saying the word 'players,' "three Gods, and only one cleric. Would it not better be for me to getting along all of you with, sir? It isn't as if we have a copy rulebook of to read and learn our roles from to be entertaining you properly."

He considered uttering a phrase that he thought was from Finnish mythology, something that was both a truth and a lie at the same time, but held his tongue there.
Otto Bruckner
player, 77 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 06:47
  • msg #298

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto perked up a little at the mention of the "God of Rage" but said nothing.

Instead he was on his way towards Root Island with his faltering shadow dagger in hand, intent on killing at least a few of the bugs on the surface of the island in order to see what would happen.
Voice of The System
GM, 123 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 07:03
  • msg #299

Re: Spawnpoint

After the group takes a ten minute rest, many people feel their symptoms fading away. They are not completely gone, but are no longer posing much of an obstacle.

Arjun no longer feels overly fatigued, mentally. He still feels like resting his head, but it's more than bearable, at least.

Emily's stomach and sense of nervousness has been reduced to just a little bit of wariness, but she can still keep a calm mind and steady hand.

On Otto's behalf, he is actually still a bit winded, but his condition is close enough to his peak, even if not quite back there yet.

Otto makes his way to Root Island, with the intent to kill a few of these bug MONSTERs... Perhaps there will be some special reward for doing so, he considers.

Anyway, it will be good to get the experience, all things considered. Oh, also the 'XP'.

Arriving at the Root Island after a short, leisurely walk, Otto brands his shadow dagger, which is indeed slowly vanishing from his grip. It seems maybe ten minutes are left, at the very most. He isn't sure, but it could be gone as soon as a minute. Most likely, it will still last for a couple or a few more, though.

Still, it should be enough to stab some things and return to the party, right? He is a little unsure of this, since these things may be poisonous, and they seem to be able to move quite quickly, at least in short bursts... Still, they are quite small, and don't seem alltogether that threatening... If he avoids large groups, he should remain in the advantage due to being a Human, and them being much smaller and, likely, stupider than him.

Once he gets to the Root Island, he mostly stays still for a while, since he doesn't know where large clusters may be buried. Eventually, one of the root shifts a little and he sees a group of four bugs crawling out from a nest of many more.

He waits for them to separate a short distance, which they do as they go to a nearby root to chew on. During this time, he gets a more complete look at them. Unlike Emily, he does not have the ability to see much more than the basics, but still he feels a bit more at ease knowing what he's against.

Overall, they are quite gross, but by no means the scariest of insects in the world. They are quite flat and pudgy, sort of like beetles, but unlike beetles they don't have a shell or anything like that. They also don't have the shape or extreme mandibles of things like cockroaches or grasshoppers.

They are definitely not capable of flight. They are kind of like if you squished a milipede or centipede down into a lumpy shape. Otto may be able to recall some images he had seen on the internet of an ancient fossil creature known as a ""Trilobite"" these thing somewhat resemble that shape.

They have fat dark green bodies, with brown legs on their sides. They do have some tiny mandibles in the front, but he cannot see much of their 'faces', given their angle towards the ground and the distance. Most likely, they have at least one eye, or optical nerve. Though, they could be feeling around with some kind of cilia.

Otto is certainly not an entomologist, so he just guesses a bit on how they work based on general knowledge he would have from living in the Age of Information.

They are definitely small, too. A bit bigger than the tip of his thumb, but small enough that he could fit several in his palm.

Honestly, they are around the size of a larger coin. Though, some really old coins that old fogies collect may actually be bigger than them by a little.

Regardless the four move a handful of feet from their nest, so Otto can make the choice to cross the remaining distance (about 40 feet) towards them, at whatever pace he decides. Or, he can wait for another group closer to him to appear. He doesn't know how often these things poke out, but he also cannot be sure that there won't be a pitfall in between him and his target. It would certainly suck, and maybe even be legitimately dangerous, to fall into a hole filled with these things.

He also knows if he waits to long to make an attack, his dagger will vanish and he will have to return to bother Arjun for another one. He would probably understand, but it's still a bit embarrassing to not know when he will be able to make progress on this task.
Otto Bruckner
player, 78 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 07:11
  • msg #300

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto slowed for just a moment as he spotted the four insects, and seems to believe that right then was a good a time as any. They were as out in the "open" as they were going to get, and his weapon was not getting any sturdier.

The prospect of potentially falling o a crevice with others of their kind seemed to be worth it for him to conduct the experiment.

And perhaps something else motivated him to act boldly.

Whatever it was, he attempted to close on the insects and to cut them apart where they stood upon the roots while he could.
Voice of The System
GM, 124 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 07:18
  • msg #301

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto decides to attack now, rather than wait.

Still, the distance of forty feet remains. He had two ways to cover it.

He could either make a run for it, or casually approach. Both options had benefits.

If he ran for it, he may be able to make a stronger first strike, and would probably be more likely to scramble out of any pits he collapsed inwards.

But, if he casually approaches, he will also save some energy, and will be less likely to alert the targets in front of him.

What choice will he make? Especially with his blood beginning to pump at the prospect of swinging his weapon, and the awareness of the potential danger in this environment?
Otto Bruckner
player, 79 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 07:24
  • msg #302

Re: Spawnpoint

Perhaps Otto felt the need, or perhaps just the desire to take up the stereotypes associated with the Class he had chosen. Maybe he thought it was the best tactical option? Maybe he was just concerned about losing his chance?

Whatever it was, the somewhat rotund man gradually picked up speed as he closed the distance, moving faster and faster until he had some momentum going.

The dagger was clutched tightly in his fist and held like one would handle a kitchen knife, having no real experience with these things. Still, a kitchen knife swung with a purpose could kill a man, and a magical dagger swung at a tiny creature could potentially do a great deal.
Voice of The System
GM, 125 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 07:44
  • msg #303

Re: Spawnpoint

Indeed, Otto makes the choice of a true barbarian. To dash into combat first, and worry about everything else second.

He surprised himself as he manages to build his momentum quite quickly, even though his speed itself is still a little disappointing. He was by no means a good runner, and it seems he has not gotten any better...

In fact, he finds it hard to gauge when he should slow down, because with this sudden inertia he has no idea if stopping early will have him fall short of his enemies, or if it will be the thing to prevent him from barreling past them, and into a worse situation...

At the very least, he is a little reassured he is not dashing straight towards the disc's edge.

Tightly holding his knife, Otto moves forward at a slow, but heavy speed. An observer would sooner equate him to a tank-like juggernaut engine then a talented warrior of any kind.

However, by the time he has crossed 2/3s the distance, he feels his foot catch and he half-trips. A rough pain hits his ankles, as if they have been scraped.

They feel warm, so maybe he is bleeding. Despite being a modern man, most adults can handle a bit of bleeding without breaking down, and Otto right now is more concerned with getting out of this hole than he is with tending such minor wounds.

Still, it does hurt a little. Not enough to distract him, but it is not ideal either.

He struggles a few times, still looking forward. In fact, he thinks it's better not to look back... But, he just cannot seem to free himself!

With a mental curse, he looks back to see the situation...

The first thing he notices is a lot of bugs... way too many to be funny...

At least two dozen bugs are currently biting onto his right ankle. They seem to have stretched a little as well, as their bodies seem longer than before as their mandibles tightly grasp onto him. Overall, the pain from those tiny bites is actually less than the pain from having scraped his ankle on the  rough roots around their nest.

The second scary thing he finds is that he is bleeding. It's not heavy, and fortunately his achilles' tendon hasn't been touched, so it's not serious either... but still, it's a little more gruesome to look at than he would have thought...

Still... the third and last thing he notices is that more bugs are coming out from deep underneath.

He swallows and with a bit of desperation, does a twist. The whole scene is indeed quite frightening, but he manages to push the cold fear away because the hot determination takes it place...

Fortunately, this twist frees him quite luckily. Many of the bugs lose their grip, and the ones attached to his ankle scatter within their whole and around the lip of it as he fixes his stance and moves back into his run!

At this point, he doesn't see the two notifications before him.

Two of the four bugs away from him seem to be looking in his direction, but they do a sort of double take as he moves more quickly towards them in particular. Perhaps their instincts had not thought he would come after them , and he would be held up in the other nest.

Crossing the last of the distance, Otto is once again lucky as he manages to time his stop right, and actually ends up crushing the nearest bug under foot!

He doesn't have time to check the alerts appearing to him, as he quickly dispatches another two bugs. One with his other foot (that is bleeding and beginning to hurt a bit more frm the running), and the other with his shadow dagger which actually only grazes the legs on one side of it's body as it tries to turn awkwardly to retreat. Not enough to defeat.

However, the shadow dagger at that moment bursts open in a cold and smokey flash. He instinctively coughs at the scent of ash and his lungs feel extra heavy.

In the midst of that misfortune, the remannts of the shadow dagger seem to surge towards the nearby bug in tendrils and it ends up bursting into a small cloud of smoke after the torrent of dark energy.

The final bug has turned around and is beginning to scuttle away. Otto can choose to chase after it, even though it's nest is nearby, or he can choose to turn his back to it and pay attention to the other nest he had stepped over on the way.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 76 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 08:14
  • msg #304

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily tried two things: first she looks at the uncanny parts of the discs and tries to see what it is about them that gives her this sense of the uncanny; after that, she goes looking for a moth that she can try to tame.
Voice of The System
GM, 126 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 08:18
  • msg #305

Re: Spawnpoint

The uncanny part of the original disc, to Emily, is the impossibly perfect pattern of the grass blades, as well as the unfathomable resistance it has to being altered.

The uncanny part of the root disc, to Emily, is that the vines are strange... they seem to be made of plant material... but they don't seem like plants? They are hollow tubes that move around weirdly... They don't get nutrition from anywhere, but yet they do not die... their color is also kind of sickly, along with their appearance...

Lastly, the uncanny part of the cloth disc, to Emily, is the strangeness of the material and the nauseating way it is all tied together.

Emily does manage to find a moth, near the same spot of the first one she spotted. Perhaps it is the same individual?

As she approaches it calmly with the intent of using her skill, it twitches a bit before fluttering off the ground and landing a distance away to watch her and chew some more.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 77 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 08:58
  • msg #306

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily frowns. "I am a Huntress. These discs are unnatural. I need to try to find the natural world." She returns to her companions and says. "Are these discs all there is? How would we find more? I, and I think Otto, need somewhere more natural. We should go on a Quest. We should become the party we were meant to be."

To Vlad in particular, she says, "I seek blessing on this undertaking. Can you help me?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 80 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 15:00
  • msg #307

Re: Spawnpoint

Sometimes it is the lesser pains that seem worse than they are. Smashing a toe against a solid coffee table, slicing one's finger with a sheet of paper.

The ankle hurt in a distracting way, and more than that the whole situation, all of it, was so surreal and disconcerting that it made Otto repulsed and anxious and angry all at the same time.

The bugs, although not yet dangerous, disturbed him. That many little crawling, writhing things latched on his flesh, their mandibles working. He felt a primal impulse to bat them off, to stomp on them, to stoop down and to hammer them with his fists like an angry ape might.

And this time he allowed himself to do so.  He went with it, fighting not just the bugs but a lifetimes worth of conditioning and modern social convention. He did not have to walk away from this, he could kill every single one of these things, could being the operative word.

He brushed aside the little pinging notifications and went back to the nest that had impeded him, flushed and with purpose, to see how many of these things he could kill with his fists and feet.
Voice of The System
GM, 127 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 15:29
  • msg #308

Re: Spawnpoint

Overwhelmed with a sense of violence, Otto - in a bad state of mind - resolves to escalate the conflict rather than just retreat after having accomplished his goal.

His feelings are quite understandable, since any one of those tiny creatures, the name of which he now knows to be "Vine Crawler", would not stand a chance against him. But still, they arrogantly started crap against him.

Trudging back to the collapsed nest, perhaps one good thing about the fact that Otto is here alone is nobody can see the scary expression on his face, which is not at all his usual friendly grin, but instead an upset and violent look.

With irritation, Otto jumps feet-first into that pit, crushing an unclear number of bugs below him.

Many chittering and screeching sounds begin to be heard as those around the impact scatter... He raises his feet to stop further, which quickly begins to tire him, as he finds himself having to pull his feet up as if lodged in mud, or crushing grapes into wine.

The number of deaths increase a little as he does so, but he quickly notices the creatures begin to chatter in high-pitched warbling tones. They are surprisingly violent in intent, and remind him of the angry buzzing of a wasp... not what he had expected, actually.

In retaliation, a huge group of creatures, which had been previously hidden further down in the nest begin to surge forward like a black wave!

Otto sounds at a swiping kick, which deals with many of them, but does not have enough power to kill those that are shot out of the whole. They get back up and move to rejoin the assault group against the giants' toes.

Right away, Otto's black boots begin to get ripped up with surprising force.

However, he fortunately gets enough protection to try another type of kick: this time he digs his heel into the ground with his toes up, and pushes forward, forcefully dislodging much of the ground and basically causing an avalanche of busted plant matter that knocks all the tiny insects back into their nest. The damage seems greater, perhaps because of the influence of the Digging Skill?

If his anger is stated, he may take this opportunity to return to base.

Or, if he plans to continue combat, he has two ideas (or maybe, more):

1. Wait for the swarm to surge back up and attack them with his feet again (perhaps he could use his heel to slam down on them, since that part of his boot has sustained the least damage from their bites?)

2. Try and break into their nest by crushing everything around it, either caving it in or lifting it up by pushing the opening up and out. This is likely to have him sustain some damage, but will allow him better access to more of their territory, rather than letting them choose when to attack him through the small opening he cannot efficiently attack through.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:30, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 78 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #309

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily sprints across the main disc as fast as she can, asks Otto whether he needs help.  If he answers yes, she will ask what help he needs, otherwise, she will tear off a section of vine, six inches in diameter and sprint back to the cloth disc where she will cut a one foot square piece of cloth and a length of twine two feet long.  She will use the cloth, the twine and the section of vine to craft a small drum.  She will begin beating out a rhythm on the drum.
Voice of The System
GM, 128 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 15:55
  • msg #310

Re: Spawnpoint

Due to her high SENSE and Observation Skill, Emily is the first one in the group at cloth disc to notice Otto has gotten into combat. It is not obvious because he is not being extremely loud, and the battle takes place half-underground.

Emily can only make it about 40% of the way to Otto before the combat he is in continues moving forward regardless of her. Doing so has her immediately breathing heavily with a pounding heart, as well.

She is within range to ask if he needs any help, but not within range to use a slingshot on an enemy. At this point, the enemy is not even visible to her from her angle.
Otto Bruckner
player, 81 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 15:58
  • msg #311

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto wanted to keep going, he really did, having vague notions that his boots had been damaged but that he was not really injured. He was on a roll, he liked those boots, and the whole thing was cathartic in a way he had never really known.

But as the saying goes, the mind was willing, but the flesh was weak.

Years of bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food and modern convenience had left him breathing very hard now after the exertion, not quite gasping for breath, but he seemed on the verge of having to stop from exhaustion.

With a desperate push and a throaty yell he dug in his heels and pushed the whole skittering mound over, and then covered in little bits of dry vine and sweat all over him, he began to backpedal, turned and began to hustle his way off the disk, red faced and sluggish.

He might technically be called a "Barbarian" by the System, but he certainly did not have the physique or stamina associated with the name.

After he reached the relative safety of the center disk he bent over at the waist, put his hands on his thighs and tried to catch his breath.
Vladislav Chigrakov
player, 89 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 16:02
  • msg #312

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily frowns. "I am a Huntress. These discs are unnatural. I need to try to find the natural world." She returns to her companions and says. "Are these discs all there is? How would we find more? I, and I think Otto, need somewhere more natural. We should go on a Quest. We should become the party we were meant to be."

To Vlad in particular, she says, "I seek blessing on this undertaking. Can you help me?"

"I try." Getting to his feet and folding his hands together in prayer, Vladislav concentrated, trying to visualize holy light coming down to envelope Emily in protection. But what actually rose to mind was a song and a music video, Pavel Plamenev's "Gamer" .

"May your light shine forever," the Priest of Survival said, laying his hands on Emily's shoulders, and trying to trust in the goddess to bless Emily in whatever fashion was needful for this.

He turned away from where he had been with Arjun, now knowing that weaeving was forbidden to him by the rules of his class, to go with Emily and assist her in whatever way he could. Though his Speed of 2 might lag well behind her in running.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 121 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #313

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri Alvin Reslin:
"Does anyone think it's useful to try to ascertain the humanity (or lack thereof) of the System Moderators?"

Arjun nods empathically. "Yes. Yes, it's really important. If they're people, then they will react to our interactions with the system based on how we treat them. If they're an algorithm, then their responses will be algorithmic."

His body language implies that if our captors are human, they can be tricked.

Arjun groans as he reads an alert, and then reads it aloud to the other pla-- to the other humans being. The voice he uses to read this message has a reedy, New York accent, filled with indulgent nurturing, and is distinctly feminine, despite Arjun having previously referred to the two alert-makers as "generic male."

"With the intent of providing the young PLAYERs a grace period against threats, the mundane shade of this mundane object is being transmuted into fuel for PLAYER {Arjun Gandhi}'s custom skill. Please be made aware, PLAYER {Arjun Gandhi}, that this mundane shade does not qualify as 'raw essence' and is thus only useable due to manual intervention, due to there being no true source of shadow essence."

He thinks to himself, Let's see if Voice of System has an ego, and cares if I portray them as male or female.

Then, in his normal voice, he says, "Rockabilly, we're going to need to protect your kite."

A chilling drop of sweat rolls down Arjun's neck as he reads his next Alert. His spine straightens, and his subtler body cues imply that he feels threatened. He makes some gestures in ASL.

Then he tries to shake it off, first by helping Vlad try to learn Weaeving to no avail, and when that doesn't work, he focuses intently on making himself some clothing, possibly with the help of others.

OOC: note to self, caught up to message 293.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:07, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 79 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 16:34
  • msg #314

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods.  "I thought we'd have to protect the kite sooner or later. But how about we build an awning instead, to give you more shadow to work with?"
Voice of The System
GM, 129 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 16:38
  • msg #315

Re: Spawnpoint

In response to Emily's extremely trite suggestion of 'going on a quest', and asking for the blessing of the party cleric, Vladislav responds almost on impulse by putting his hands forward to help Emily in whatever way he can...

However, something strange happens then... Instead of the light of his god enveloping her... something else emerges from his open palms...

A series of images flash by that even Emily with her keen eyes cannot make sense of... It's accompanied with a strange, resonant rumble that seems to shake the discs of the whole World...

Everyone begins to breathe heavily as the air becomes denser, and an unknown pressure appears on the back of their necks... Either their vision is getting blurry, or what they see next is actually real, because tiny cracks seem to cascading across the entire World!

However, as quickly as it came, it seems to settle.

Everyone takes a moment to look at a sudden, extremely large alert - bigger than ever before - that has appeared above the center of the first disc... they can all read it, no matter where they are, like the last global notice.





DeaLinG WI th INtru

Dea{ERROR} -- e




"Intrusion has beEn resolved by administration and world obserVers"

Voice of {System}


Hand of {System}


V oice of {System}


Hand of {System}


Voice of {System}


Hand of {System}


Hand of {System}


Hand of {System}

Warning: World Stability is Decreasing!


Voice of {System}

Everyone that is, except for Vladislav. He is unmoving, and pale...

A reflection of something strange shines in his eyes... and it's laughing
Voice of The System
GM, 131 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 17:03
  • msg #316

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun spends some time communicating, both with his words and body.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 45 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 18:22
  • msg #317

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri's realizes he's been going about this the wrong way. Unthinkingly, he starts chanting to himself, "Lavore arcanli disendasanli." As he does, he attempts to go into a hypermeditative state to recall as much of what has previously happened as he can.

From this state, he notices several things he was unaware of before:

1. The one who answered him about the Moderators said something about a kite. Even though the kite has been there for a while, Dmitri has just now noticed it.
2. The woman is trying to craft a drum and asked about natural terrain.
3. Otto seems to have wandered over to the root disk.
4. The "russkie" has just flipped out
5. A rather disturbing alert has appeared.

The chant has changed slightly: "Lavore wizardlies not warriorlies."

Dmitri isn't sure what to do about the kite or how it needs to be protected. He can answer the question about natural terrain, or so he thinks. "The best I can do is create Stone, Wood and Soil Nodes. You can see the soil node over there by Otto," pointing to the root disk. "My Node Creation hasn't refreshed yet, so I will have to wait to make more." The chanting under his breath changes again: "Work as wizard not as warrior."

He puts up a Party Chat, directed toward Otto. The chant finalizes into coherent English from the ultra-idiomized Urlan language he grew up with: "Work smarter, not harder."

The problem with the Russian guy and the alert seem to be connected, and given the current state of affairs, probably the most pressing. He carefully walks up to the pale Russian, prepared to dodge potential attacks and asks, "Are you all right?"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:09, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 82 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 18:40
  • msg #318

Re: Spawnpoint

Things seemed to be happening more quickly now from Otto's point of view.

As he tried to catch his breath and to see what sort of state he was in, including catching up on the flurry if updates, the world itself seemed to shudder and flex at the foundations.

The "Mega Alert" blared and he could not help but look up from here he was hunched over catching his breath. His blue eyes peered with concern as he read the message , and the worry on his face became that much more pronounced

"Oh shit." He forced himself to stand upright and looked around, not sure at all what he might find.

His attention was drawn to Vlad, who looked even worse that Otto did to his eyes. Otto made his way over towards Vlad to check on him, calling out as he got nearer. "Everyone alright? What was that?" Then the Vlad in particular. "You ok man? You don't look so good."
Voice of The System
GM, 135 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 18:45
  • msg #319

Re: Spawnpoint

Vladislav is not responding. His posture is unnaturally motionless, and stopped in the midst of his 'blessing pose'. He looks pale and his expression is not good.

It's hard to tell if he's breathing, since his chest is not moving much. Someone will probably have to use a finger to feel for his breathing manually, under his nose.

His eyes seem to look weird as well, but none of you have the understanding to discern in what way that is.

It is definitely a strange scenario. Emily, Dmitri and Arjun noticed something weird about the blessing going wrong, but only Emily in particular has the details.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 122 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 18:50
  • msg #320

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily nods.  "I thought we'd have to protect the kite sooner or later. But how about we build an awning instead, to give you more shadow to work with?"

Arjun begins to explain that apparently the kite is the only place to get real Shadow Essence and why, but Emily senses some kind of danger to Otto and rushes off before she can hear the explanation.

Arjun pauses briefly to check the noisy notification, finally notices that he's been talking to no one for who knows how long, and then grimly resumes the 1 hour and 33 minutes worth of work that he was determined to complete, even if no one was going to help him.

He had learned long ago not to expect assistance. It had been foolish of him to hope this time would be different.

He weaeved additional tools as he needed them for his crafting, including a needle.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:15, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 136 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:01
  • msg #321

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun finds that a needle apparently counts as a 'weapon' to his custom skill.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 48 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:12
  • msg #322

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeing absolutely no motion from the Russian, Dmitri mimicks the moves he saw on medical drama shows. He tries to lay Vlad flat on his back, then listens at his chest for a heartbeat and breathing.
Voice of The System
GM, 137 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:24
  • msg #323

Re: Spawnpoint

It's not easy for Dmitri to lift a grown man, and he barely manages without dropping him. Otto may step in to help, at some point, since it would be a simple task for him.

When he puts his ear close he does catch a heartbeat, but it's quite slow. Strangely, he cannot hear any breathing.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 80 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:28
  • msg #324

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily looks down at Vlad.  She blinks.  "What happened, she asks, Dmitri.  Is he breathing?"  When Dmitri says his heart is beating but he can't hear any breathing she says, "It's a long time since I did mouth to mouth at school but I could try?"  She sounded more than a little hesitant.

Then she considers the message.  "We have a new observer, the god of games.  I think Vlad's actual Goddess may have attempted to intervene, which has no doubt pissed off the system.  Could that even be possible?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 83 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #325

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto gladly stepped in to help. "Vlad's hurt!" he belted out urgently as he helped to urge Vlad onto his back. It was not strictly true, but it was short and got the point across.

"Not sure if he's breathing" he added as he worked to get Vlad's shirt off, in order to get a better idea if his chest was rising.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 49 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #326

Re: Spawnpoint

"Heart, barely. Breath, no such luck. Lady says she can help with that." Dmitri figured simpler words might help as everyone seemed to converge on the downed Russian.

Dmitri then feels Vlad's forehead to check for fever or the opposite.
Voice of The System
GM, 140 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #327

Re: Spawnpoint

It would be a bit tough to take Vlad's shirt off in this position, but ripping it off would be simple with brute strength alone.

Meanwhile, Dmitri places a hand on his party member's forehead, and finds it is indeed quite cold, and a little damp. What you might expect from a frozen face, pale with sudden shock.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 82 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:44
  • msg #328

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily moves over to try to give mouth to mouth respiration as remembered from school first aid lessons and practice on the doll.  She held Vlad's nose and took four quick breaths in his open mouth before trying to breath in steadily.  She hoped there would be sufficient carbon dioxide in her own breath to persuade his lungs to do their job.  After thirty seconds, she released his nose and checked his breathing by holding her face against his mouth then she started again, eight breaths, pause, check, another eight breaths, producing a steady rhythm, either to start his breathing again or to breath for him.
Otto Bruckner
player, 84 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:45
  • msg #329

Re: Spawnpoint

Lifting the shirt seemed sufficient to check for breathing in this case, so that's all Otto did at first, then leaned back and watched as Emily tried to breath life back into their Cleric.
Voice of The System
GM, 141 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #330

Re: Spawnpoint

She definitely feels the air moving into his lungs, which is a little weird but likely a result of her special talents.

However, no matter how well she performs it seems unable to kickstart his respiration...
Emily Khorashandi
player, 84 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:47
  • msg #331

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily keeps trying as long as she can, hoping someone else can think of something else to do.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 124 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:51
  • msg #332

Re: Spawnpoint

Trying not to get distracted from his crafting work, Arjun weaeves an extra 8 needles (for a total of 9), and uses them as pins to hold his sewing project together while using the first shadow-needle and a length of yarn he had pulled apart to hem the edges.

Oblivious to his surroundings, an intuition causes him to attempt to weaeve a blowgun, then he continues to work on his pants.

He figures he could probably make a vine blowgun, after he's dressed, if he still wasn't high enough level to craft the Vine Bow. That felt somehow cooler than a sling, which was Rockabilly's idea, anyway. He vaguely remembered that in the MMO he played, over a decade ago, that there were different types of weapon damage. He was pretty sure sling bullets were bashing damage, but arrows and needles would be piercing damage. A variety of ranged weapon damages would probably be good.

Somewhere out in this crazy world, he is vaguely aware of Emily, Dmitri, and Otto hovering over someone who was probably Vlad.

There was still so much to do. They still hadn't extracted anything from the Soil Node. Vlad needed to try to make food and water for everybody. Arjun might try to turn the kite into a pouch, so that he could carry this gift of Shadow Essence around with him and protect it. He wanted to see if there was a different way to make the latrine, possibly some kind of building mini-game, or maybe it would be a modular build sort of thing, like in that game his niece liked so much, and he needed to build it one wall at a time.

He needed to come up with some additional crafting projects if he was going to level up enough to make that bow. Maybe the arrows would be something he could already make? And a quiver. A cloth quiver, with a few rings of vine to help it hold shape. Arjun hoped the soil node would give them great big cubes of soil that could be used to build with.

He glanced angrily at the group that had rushed off on their own projects, and were now huddling together having some kind of whispered conference, deliberately excluding him. They were just jealous. He was charismatic and they weren't. He was doing better at this stupid trap of a "game" than they were and they all knew it, and now they were jealous and conspiring against him.

Well, screw them. He was gonna make some dope pants that were going to look simply stunning underneath his robe.

He stared at the striped blue knit material.

Stunning, he lied to himself.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:30, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 85 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 19:53
  • msg #333

Re: Spawnpoint

The situation suddenly looked incredibly dire, despite all their joking and the "gameyness" of their surreal predicament, Vlad was not breathing, and a person could not live very long without breathing. Otto's mind was flooded with morbid imagery and he pushed it aside.

"Come on Vlad!" he encouraged, and then when Emily pulled back to rest he made a fist with his right hand and thumped Vlad right in the sternum firmly, but not intending to do any harm so much as to shock him out of whatever fugue state he was in.

He followed that up with a firm slap to the face before he offered to jump in and breath after Emily whenever she got tired.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 50 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 20:04
  • msg #334

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri ran over to where Arjun kept the blankets he made. Arjun seemed to be busy with more projects so he didn't bother to ask as they were needed right now. He wraps Vlad's forehead with one blanket and leaves the other blanket nearby for when breathing is restored.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 126 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 20:10
  • msg #335

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun notices Dmitri running over to grab the blankets that Otto had made and rush back off, but was still intent on his little projects.

Is it that I can't stop these tasks once I've queued them up, or am I feeling this focused for some other reason? he wondered. His ex had yelled at him about how selfish he was that day she had stormed out of his life. How he had never listened to her, and didn't do his share of the dishes and....

Dishes! He could make some plates and maybe some bowls. The vines were hollow. What would happen if he filled those hollow vines with soil? Would that make a more useful....

Oh, and he still hadn't looked under the discs yet! He needed to test the strength of the ropes with Otto The Barbarian, and then....
This message was last edited by the player at 20:12, Mon 17 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 86 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 20:13
  • msg #336

Re: Spawnpoint

Eventually Emily nods and makes way for Otto.  "Don't hit him on the sternum," she says, "He needs his ribs"

As Otto continues to breathe for Vlad, Emily watches closely and carefully, examining his eyes, his skin and every visible part of him.  She tries to remember any kind of taste on his breath whether there was an electric shock when he tried to bless her, anything she can think of.  She breathes slowly, as slowly as she can and lets her senses extend to every part of the world around her, seeing all that she can see until Otto is tired.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 51 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 20:28
  • msg #337

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri imagined Vlad going through some kind of drug-induced coma. Normally, all he could do when friends had overdosed was to keep them warm and get help. Here, no help was coming and warmth was as good as it was going to get. What he wanted to do in the past was get inside the person's head and work with them to clear whatever was going on. Here, such things just might work. Either we get out of this together, or we perish together.

"My mind to your mind...My thoughts to your thoughts...Our thoughts are merging...Our thoughts are one."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:22, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 144 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 23:57
  • msg #338

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun does some busywork nearby, as the rest of the group frets over the strange and unusual condition of their teammate.

Otto is definitely feeling the panic, as his voice becomes a little tight and choked. He tries to slam some breath into the Russian, but the body doesn't react properly. It's almost lifeless in the response...

Even though he's not dead, it's really hard to tell what kind of line he is riding right now... In the first place, this wasn't an attack, was it? Most likely, the situation is outside of their control, and is related to something else going on with Vlad...

Meanwhile, Emily inadvertently enters a deep meditation by the side of her short-time comrade.

At the same time, Dmitri was also trying to somehow make a mental connection with Vlad, who still lived...

Little did these two know, their actions were like desperately climbing a fence, only to find that the top was too thin to stand on, and they were lurching forward-

Otto watches blankly as Emily and Dmitri also became pale and chilly in the span of a few moments, before they suddenly burst awake with gasps, their eyes filled with the same crazed sense of someone emerging from a nightmare.

They both glance around frantically, as if coming to their senses and confirming their surroundings.
Otto Bruckner
player, 86 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 00:18
  • msg #339

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto's anxiety turned to fear as around him the others seemed to slip into the same condition that Vlad had suffered from.

Seemingly unable to help at all, his eyes flick between each, although thankfully the two seem to quickly recover from whatever had just occured.

"You guys alright?" his voice filled with concern."Don' that, scared the crap out of me." he admitted, although Vlad seemed to still be on the threshold of death himself.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 52 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 00:35
  • msg #340

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri gasps as though he just surfaced from a long dive. "AAAA! What was that? Did he make it?"

After a few breaths, he explains. "Some...thing got a hold our friend here and is forcing him to 'play' with it. It promised to return him, but we didn't get a chance to explain how much contact with it harms us. It could strangle him without realizing what's going on."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 53 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 00:47
  • msg #341

Re: Spawnpoint

Looking through his Character Sheet options, Dmitri notices a Class option has opened up. He accepts it, muttering to himself, "Never again can it be said that I have no class." A few changes happen immediately, then the screen dims out and a message "{SYSTEM} updating this screen, please hold" appears over it.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 88 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 00:51
  • msg #342

Re: Spawnpoint

"They said he'd be alright," said Emily, "And I  hope they're right but I'm not convinced they know.  Oh. What's your new class Dimitri, if you don't mind us asking?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 129 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 01:12
  • msg #343

Re: Spawnpoint

Completing his various crafting projects, Arjun dons his new clothing, collects the various shadow-objects that still remain, and, somewhat sullenly, heads over to see what the his "party" had been excluding him from.

Upon arriving at the scene, however, it becomes quickly apparent that everyone is not okay. Otto looks the most obviously damaged, but two of the others look like they've been through hell, and Vlad isn't even moving!

Arjun checks to see if Otto's wounds are still bleeding, as he asks, "What happened to you? What's happened to Vlad?"
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 54 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #344

Re: Spawnpoint

"I got Telepath, which makes sense given the attempt to pull off a Vulcan Mind Meld."

Turning to the crafter, he says My best guess is that Vlad called down a hostile deity. Emily and I had to go into his mind to see this. I saw this thing 'playing' with Vlad in a room filled with games. It was also..."(struggling to find a word)"...slimoist. More slimy than moist. It promised to release Vlad when it was done, but who knows when that will be?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 130 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 01:31
  • msg #345

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun scratches his head. "Telepath? Given everybody else's class options, I would have thought it'd be called Psionicist or something. That feels weird, and could be a clue."

Listening to the rest of Dmitri's report, Arjun seems to have more trouble adjusting to this information than anything else that's happened to them so far in the last 3 hours and 32 minutes. "Inside his mind? How...what....? Uh...."

Addressing the Observers and System, Arjun raises his head to the blank void above them, and stretches out his arms, "Anybody want to fill us in? This really doesn't feel like part of the original script."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:38, Tue 18 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 88 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 01:52
  • msg #346

Re: Spawnpoint

As the others spoke Otto continued to attend to Vlad. Having already breathed for him before, he continued to check his pulse now and then and to continue to breath for him, obviously not put at ease by what the others had said.

If there was any consolation, it was that Emily and Dmitri both seemed fine despite the shock they had given him.

A lot had happened in the last few minutes, hos own first brush with combat, the shaking of the foundations of their world and the last of them selecting his class. All of this fell by the wayside as it seemed uncertain if Vlad would pull through at all.

"Glad I didn't mess around with magic, and I don't think I ever will." he said, almost to himself during one of his short breaks to catch his breath. "Seems to me we shouldn't be messing around with this System at all, or the Observers, after what just happened."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 90 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 07:27
  • msg #347

Re: Spawnpoint

"I wasn't messing with magic either," says Emily. "I was trying to see what was wrong with Vlad and found myself going into a trance accidentally."
Otto Bruckner
player, 89 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 14:09
  • msg #348

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed surprised and a little alarmed by Emily's reply, as if he felt a little less safe after her revelation. "No? Well, I'm glad you both came back quick. Had no idea what was going on."</DarkGreen

He threw up his hands a little in frustration with Class condition. <DarkGreen>"I guess we still don't."

He continued to help check on and care for Vlad, but seemed more wary now, and planned to get well away should Dmitri start experimenting with his Telepathy again.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 57 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 15:44
  • msg #349

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeing the apprehension in Otto's face, Dmitri tries to be reassuring. "Don't worry, Otto. The Code of Telepathy states that conscious people with the capacity to understand what is going on are to be respected in their heads. So I won't go into your head unless you're in a state like our Russian friend here—or you ask for it."

But this slimy one inside Vlad's head disturbed him. It seemed to have invaded this area, despite the efforts of the Voice and Hand of {SYSTEM} to keep it out. What was it referred to as? "God of Games", he seemed to recall. That makes sense, given the board games in the vision. It sounded like all this god wants to do is play, but decided to take it a bit too far with Vlad. An idea popped in Dmitri's head, along with an inner warning of how dangerous this could be. But leaving the entity to the kind of depravity it was showing was more dangerous, so Billy Bob Weevil time...

"God of Games! Why limit yourself to playing with one person—and in a way that is detrimental to that person's existence? Please come out of him, join us here, and bring some of those games on your shelf and teach us to play them? That way we all can benefit."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:48, Tue 18 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 91 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 16:17
  • msg #350

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily hears Dmitri talking to this God of Games and she steps away.  She hopes not to be in the same position when Tiamat or a slightly mad but otherwise close facsimile arrives.
Otto Bruckner
player, 90 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 17:13
  • msg #351

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto likewise gets up and begins to move away in the same direction as Emily as Dmitri begins to invoke the same entity that had brought Vlad into his concerning state.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 134 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 18:10
  • msg #352

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun glares at Dmitri with an extremely eloquent look, that nonetheless says nothing that could be aired on TV.

But at least he doesn't physically distance himself from the proposal.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 93 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 21:34
  • msg #353

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily makes another attempt to craft a drum from one six inch diameter section of vine, 18 inches of twine made into string, and a sufficiently large piece of fabric to stretch over the opening tautly.
Voice of The System
GM, 153 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #354

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun checks Otto's wounds, and they both notice that they have stopped bleeding, but are still open. They hurt quite a bit, but thankfully they are not serious. It looks a lot as if a cat had clawed the hell out of his right ankle.

Also, Otto's left boot is completely ruined, while his right boot is ruined at the ankle, making it somewhat like an ankle boot, if one were to remove and fix up the shredded rim.

After checking his friend's injuries, Arjun seems to address the sky as well. At his inquiry for information, a message appears in front of everyone.

"Indeed, there was an... unexpected situation. It has been resolved for now, you need not worry about the stability of this world.

It was nothing but a minor hiccough, in Human terms"

Voice of {System}


Hand of {System}

"... You know your way of speech will never soothe a Human, right?"

Voice of {System}


Hand of {System}

"... Are you... crying?"

Voice of {System}


Hand of {System}

"... Sure"

Voice of {System}

Meanwhile, Dmitri tries to appease Otto. After all, they are comrades at this time, so he doesn't need to fear his magic.

Otto feels calmed by his peaceful intentions, and has a sense of kinship with his totally nerdy idea of some "Code of Telepathy"!

However, after that Dmitri seemingly changes atmospheres very quickly, and makes a very severe choice that puts everyone else on edge.

The True-Form of a Transcendental named {INFORMATION REDACTED} is attempting to Descend into Untitled {System} World...!

True Descent is being strongly opposed by {System}!

Every Observer of Untitled {System} World is voluntarily interfering in the True-Form Descent!

The True-Form of a Transcendental named {INFORMATION REDACTED} continues attempting to Descend into Untitled {System} World...!

World Integrity has been damaged!

World Integrity has been damaged!

World Integrity has been damaged!

Damage report: 0.14% of the World has been destroyed


Updated damage report: 0.12% of the World has been restored


The True-Form of a Transcendental named {INFORMATION REDACTED} has ceased it's attempt to Descend into Untitled {System} World...!

As they read this message, everyone notices as the world shakes even more violently than before. Blades of grass seem to disconnect from the mainland as they float into the sky at an angle that is hard to trace...

They feel some of their memories leave their minds, and they watch it happen as they lose that sense of connection with the selves of the past...

The space between them seems to slowly twist so that they are no longer looking where they once were, and each step they back up in fear seems to move them in a slightly wrong direction...

And then, like an elastic band, everything SNAPS back together in place.

A sense of whiplash fills you all as your bodies and minds shake from the sudden event, which is gone as quickly as it began. You check your memories and the space around you. Everything indeed seems totally as you left it. Nothing is missing or twisted.

But... that message still bothers you.

Emily, you in particular notice something.
Otto Bruckner
player, 92 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #355

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed to brace for the worst as their world once again seemed to shudder and strain. He staggered, made his way down to his stomach and then covered his head with his hands, afraid and sick this stomach as everything seemed to begin to come apart around him for the second time in what had seemed like a few minutes.

When it stopped, he very slowly looked up and around before he rolled to his side. He saw the message of course, it was impossible to ignore, and his eyes travelled around the others to see how they had fared
Voice of The System
GM, 156 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 23:44
  • msg #356

Re: Spawnpoint

A new screen appears in front of Otto, who is the first to gather himself.
Otto Bruckner
player, 93 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 00:06
  • msg #357

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto took on that look he had when he was reading a screen, his eyes narrowed from where he lay on his side and darted back and forth rapidly as he slowly took on amore serious expression.

"System, accept quest." He said aloud in an uncharacteristically serious tone, then scrambled to his feet and began walking towards Dmitri.

"Dmitri, bro, I just got a quest to keep you from trying to summon that thing again." he said seriously, not in an angry way, but more in a way that suggested that he was just trying to be completely upfront with his Party member. "Actually, to stop you from "encouraging the Descent", specifically, the D in Descent was capitalized. It sounds like it's a thing that System's really concerned about"

He smiled in a faintly strained way. "Can we all just please let them be for now and focus on just getting through the day? Please?" He glanced around to the others briefly. "We still don't have any food or water, I've only made two blankets and a stack of tinder. At least Arjun made us a toilet and we've got some dirt, but I think there's plenty of other stuff we could be doing other than messing with..." He gestured towards the "sky" "All that."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 00:10, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 95 posts
Retro Musician
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 00:15
  • msg #358

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily walks over to the slightly different blade of grass. "Artemis give me strength", she mutters. "I only notice this because of the unnatural sameness of the grass".
Arjun Gandhi
player, 135 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 00:54
  • msg #359

Re: Spawnpoint

As he walks away from the kite towards his friends, Arjun pauses to read the response notification.

Adopting a resigned pose, his body eloquent and expressing both his discomfort with this vulnerability, and his understanding that displaying that discomfort was part of how he proved his honesty, no matter how much he hated it, he responded aloud to Voice of System, "There's no way for me to prove to you the truth of my gratitude, but I'll repeat it all the same. Thank you for doing this. I appreciate that we've gone off script, but, maaaaan we did not have a clue about how to proceed. And I, frankly, feel like the few bits we did figure out, we screwed up bad. That cloth disc, setting up a soil node instead of something that we could make tools or of first, fixating on class rarity instead of utility.....I think we really botched this, and that we could very well end up starving to death if we don't figure this all out. At least now, we won't die cold, as well as hungry."

Did it occur to Arjun to take responsibility for any of those choices? That was harder to tell.

After the earthquake response to Dmitri's supplication, Arjun is struggling to regain his composure. Somehow he could accept the classes and skill levels, and even the weird revelation of these expansions. He couldn't quite explain it, but all those all seems like things that could.. that could happen in post, somehow. This shaking of the world seemed somehow more real, more terrifying, more supernatural. He was at a loss to explain it.

His blank inability to comprehend was snapped back to the present with Emily's pronouncement.

"The grass? What about the grass?"

Apparently processing the conversations that had occurred while he was in his "fugue state," for lack of a better term, as he then turned to Ottoand Dmitri, and he vigorously supported Otto. "He's responsible for that quake?"

With one more concerned glance at Vlad, Arjun returned to business. "Unless we can eat those beatles, I still don't see how we can create a food source. I was hoping Vlad could help with that, but that was before I realized we would be having such a... Direct relationship with these gods. The water, too. I still want to check if there's anything on the underside of these discs, and I'll want to check the strength of this rope first. It seems like the sort of thing this setting would do. But maybe I should help you finish with the bedding first? At least that would be a sense of forward accomplishment. After that, I think I'm going to spend a good long while trying to craft arrows and stuff."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:04, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 59 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 01:12
  • msg #360

Re: Spawnpoint

""Rest assured, Otto. I am not trying to get us killed by that thing. My only concern is for him." gesturing to Vlad. "Despite the assurance of this God of Games to release him, there is no change in his situation. We can't keep breathing for him, and I for one don't want to let him die. So all I was trying for was to pull this God of Games out of him and maybe convince it nicely to interact with a measure of respect." (In all cases when Dmitri uses the term "God of Games" he puts them in air quotes.) "I won't bother it, if it won't bother us."

Still, something tickled at the back of Dmitri's brain. "I'm kind of surprised that our {SYSTEM} entities seem so powerless to interfere with this intruder. They couldn't stop it from entering Vlad and barely stopped it from coming here. I haven't seen such willingness on the part of those who have Game Organizational Director powers to let another interfere, except...No! It can't be!! Well, maybe...but not quite, Even so..." Dmitri sits down and holds his head like it was kicked by a mule.
Otto Bruckner
player, 94 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #361

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed a little reassured by Dmitri's reply and seemed to breath a little easier. He moved to stand next the man and seemed obviously concerned when Dmitri sat down and held his head in his hands.

"Is anyone watching Vlad?" He suddenly asked and looked around. "Could someone check on him please?"

Otto looked back to Dmitri where the man sat in front of him. "What? What's the matter?"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:03, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 159 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #362

Re: Spawnpoint

As Emily more closely inspects the blade of grass, she does not find anything further, but she does indeed find it unsatisfying for a single blade of grass to be twisted in a field where the rest are straight... or perhaps, it makes her hopeful... Hopeful of a way out of this place.

Regardless, it probably will not do any good to voice her personal thoughts, since she has no new findings.

However, as she is about to turn away, she does a double take as she notices something!

That blade of grass... It's hard to tell at first, but Emily does realize there is one thing she missed at first... the thing's shadow has not changed.

It would be normal in any other place, since the bend is not that severe, however the shadow remains completely identical to the other shadows, despite the fact it should be ever so slightly different...

What should be casting that light is missing... Is something actually there?
Otto Bruckner
player, 95 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 03:36
  • msg #363

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto cocked his head a little in the tell tale sign that another window had popped, but he continued his conversation with Dmitri in the same manner than one might check a phone.

"System, yes please" he said offhand, as if talking to another person just behind himself.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 138 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #364

Re: Spawnpoint

Glancing at yet another of the endless windows in front of him, Arjun gets briefly distracted from the conversation in front of him, one of his eyebrows raised in query.

He wanted to get better at absorbing the information in these windows without losing focus on his surroundings, but he had lost the thread entirely, so he goes back to the last point he remembered (which is, of course, himself). "Right, so, I guess I'll finish trying to craft bedrolls & blankets for everybody, unless you want to do that thing with the rope and me dangling over the only bit of land we can see. Unless.... Somebody wants to do something else first?

He glanced back at the alert window, and tried not to get his hopes up. Better not to tell everyone else, until he knew what tone to convey.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:25, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 60 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 04:16
  • msg #365

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri checks on Vlad as he speaks. "I recall reading novels about a world called Xanth, where the daemon who managed the place would occaisonally take bets about how the residents of Xanth would react to interference and contrived scenarios from other similar beings. This God of Games appears to be one such being.

"If that's the case, we will not be told what our response is to be until after the outcome is decided. Expecting otherwise would compromise the experiment. We simply do what we do and hope that our Xanth clones bet correctly. If that's our role here, I am very worried."

After finding out how Vlad is doing, Dmitri refreshes all his alerts to see if anything new has appeared.
Voice of The System
GM, 160 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 04:52
  • msg #366

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto speaks to the System, Arjun glances at windows and prepares to do some crafting, and Dmitri makes an astute observation.
Otto Bruckner
player, 96 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 05:05
  • msg #367

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto listened to Dimitri's story about Xanth and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'll admit, the first thing I thought of after you told me about Vlad was something like possession. Add in that thing trying to rebel against the System, and destroying part of the world, I mean... there's a lot of parallels."

He offered a hand up. "Anyway, thanks for working with me. I appreciate it."

It seemed that after so much excitement that Otto finally had a few moments to get a look at his footwear, his injury, and to catch up on his messages.

Vlad was still out, but he had not died yet and Dmitri had just checked in him. Otto regarded the comatose Russian with obvious worry.

But some of the others had gotten back to work despite all the chaos.

After his self assessment, Otto wandered a but towards Cloth Island so as to be out of the way if the others and cleared his throat.

"System, please apply Title Seeker of First Blood" he asked, then after briefly checking in Vlad again, he wandered over to Arjun and Emily and started to help make bedding.

"Hey guys? Wanted to ask your advice." He interjected when they were both working on Cloth Island on their projects. "I've got this Stat Point, and I first thought, well Strength right? Barbarian, Strength...makes sense. But then I thought...maybe Luck? I mean a guy can work out, but he can't really do anything to improve his Luck right? Unless you've heard if something in a movie or game about people doing things to become more, well, Lucky I guess?" He seemed to value their input into what decision he should go with, and in part, it affected them as well being Party members.

"Also, the System mentioned that it thought it was a little strange that I was the one to make the first kill, but killing Monsters, I thought that's kind of what it wanted us to do right? That's why it added the challenge?" There seemed to be some sort of cognitive dissonance between who he was, or had been, and his decision to become some sort of Barbarian killer when a host of other options had been possible.

He looked to Emily in particular "Regardless, I really liked your idea about getting into a more...natural place, ya know? I think that would be good for us."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:12, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 139 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 06:07
  • msg #368

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun wasn't familiar with the book, but he thought he understood the point. "Let me rephrase a question Dmitri asked earlier: in what ways would it matter, if that was staged or real? How would we act differently, if we knew one way or the other? Is there a clue there?"

Working with Otto and anyone else who wants to join, Arjun continues to try to prepare with the group for surviving the night.

Regarding Otto's dilemma, Arjun takes his question very seriously. It's obvious from his body language that Arjun takes the Stats subject very seriously. He knows that it can have a real impact.

Still, he speaks immediately, clearly an answer given from the heart rather than a strategic mind. "Free stat pick, huh? That's very cool. I haven't gotten one of those yet. It's easy to think of ways to increase your strength normally. Only way I can think to increase your luck is, as they say, by Pushing Your Luck. This situation is dangerous enough, the last thing I want to do is push anything. If had a chance to increase my Luck an easier way, I would. Even Mystical, I can kind of see how you'd exercise that. But Luck?"

He pauses to examine a window, and then says, "Is it just me or has the window alert thing gone from Completely Disturbing, to Actually Pretty Familiar, in a disturbingly short amount of time?"

The Shadow Archer / Tailor starts laughing so hard, he first bends in half, clutching his stomach, and then actually falls to his knees from laughing so hard.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, he makes some hand swipes at the invisible alert windows. Collecting himself further, he stands up and stretches. Making a fair show of it, he grunts a complaint of his muscles soreness from all the crafting, and begins doing yoga

But not real yoga. More like, the kind of yoga he might do when there's a hot chick ogling me from across the park but he's got to play it cool and look athletic.

In his purple bathrobe and homemade pants.

He tries using his invented gestural language to cast the basic Elemental and Wood spells again as he does yoga, and mumbles to himself aloud, "Man, I hope I still get to do cool magic stuff with those hand gestures. They were always fun doing them. You know, people started posting videos of themselves doing these to music."

Then he turns in a way that is clearly addressing the Party Chat window. Team, I finally got a chance to figure out what those Market Coins are for. We can access a Market, but we have to earn enough to access the thing. But you can can take on Tasks and sell crafted goods to earn the Market Coins to do it. The two tasks I've seen are pretty innocuous, like asking me to make sexy poses like I do for drawing classes. The other Task was something I was going to do anyway."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:16, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 163 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 06:29
  • msg #369

Re: Spawnpoint

Sadly, the hand gestures no longer seem to give any class options. At least they still look "cool", though...?

Arjun bends down to do some as-seen-on-tv yoga.

Before verbalizing his intent to the party chat, and explains how he accepted a strange task.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:30, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 141 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 06:45
  • msg #370

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun shrugs, and then wiggles his hips experimentally.

Then he checks his Market screen for an updated balance.

"Definitely exhibiting human behavior..." he murmurs under his breath to the others, perhaps futilely hoping to not be overheard by these Observers or the System.

After that, he checks Market->Tasks, unsure how often it would refresh.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:47, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 164 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 07:20
  • msg #371

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun wiggles his hips, noticing it feels quite breezy....

Moving on, he checks the Market for any changes.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 96 posts
Retro Musician
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 07:33
  • msg #372

Re: Spawnpoint

Once her drum is complete, Emily begins beating a rhythm on the drum and dancing in as alluring a manner as possible, seeking to attract the attention of the system and whatever rewards it wants to give.
Voice of The System
GM, 165 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 07:42
  • msg #373

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily's musical talent shines quite well as she gets a good beat going on her hand-made drum... Her dancing style is provocative but also fluid, something like a ritual dance, maybe?

It definitely feels in tune with nature.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:53, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 97 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 12:50
  • msg #374

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto chatted with Arjun as they worked on the bedding, occasionally checking on Vlad to make sure that his condition hadn't changed.

"That makes sense I think." He agreed. "In some of the Icelandic Sagas they talk about Luck a lot, and not only were some men born lucky or unlucky, but men could hold different kinds of luck. Weather Luck, Weapon Luck, Woman Luck, and a man who was very lucky in one particular way might become know for it." He explained as if he found it interesting.

Shortly after this, he decided to take Arjun's advice and declared aloud. "System, I would like to use my stat point to increase my Luck please."


Shortly after Arjun does his "stretching" the man explains that he is closer to figuring out the Market. Otto seemed to find this very amusing and was not sure at first if he was making some sort of joke.

And then suddenly Emily, who had completed her primitive drum, began to play and dance.

Otto, who was seated cross legged working on a sheet, stopped to watch her for a time and she spun and writhed provocatively to the beat, letting his fingers rest and enjoying the display with a smile. While he did not seem intent on joining in, it seemed he thought his Luck had in fact improved, and he did not regret his choice.

After she was done, Otto tried to bring up his own Market screen out of curiosity.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:20, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 166 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 12:57
  • msg #375

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto make his investment, and later rests.
Otto Bruckner
player, 98 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 13:15
  • msg #376

Re: Spawnpoint

"No thank you" Otto said aloud, but seemed gratified that he knew a little more than he did.

After they had completed their bedding for the night, Otto decided that now was a good a time as any to try and collect some of the "Vine Crawlers' that he had killed earlier for further inspection. These had been mostly crushed by him on the surface beneath his now damaged boots, and he figured they might be hard to see against the green vines, if their comrades had not already cannibalized them.

So he figured he would enlist some help with sharper eyes.

"Emily, your eyes seem pretty sharp. Could you help me for a few minutes to spot some of the bugs that I killed earlier?"

He then spoke to Arjun when the moment presented itself. "I'm feeling a lot better now if you wanted to try out your rope idea some time. Although if you wanted to wait until Vlad comes back around, that sounds like something we might want to have everyone involved in if you are going to be dangling over the edge."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 97 posts
Retro Musician
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 14:11
  • msg #377

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nodded and agreed to come with Otto as spotter as long as he didn't expect her to jump into a nest of the things.  She'd seen his boots after his own encounter.
Voice of The System
GM, 169 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 14:20
  • msg #378

Re: Spawnpoint

You both make your way to the Root Island. Emily stops Otto as they approach the slightly-busted nest from the fight about an hour ago. It does not seem to have been automatically restored by the System, and the residents seem to have left it as is for the time.

As you guys get closer, Emily stops you with a gesture Otto, as she hears some noises.

Indeed, there are still many bugs left in that hole. Emily glances around and maneuvers the area a bit, not getting too close and making sure to avoid tripping on any uneven ground. She ends up seeing that all the bug corpses around the rim have vanished. Perhaps they rotted away, were vanished by the System like a video game monster, or were brought back into the nest.

What will you all do?
Otto Bruckner
player, 99 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 14:28
  • msg #379

Re: Spawnpoint

As Otto had feared, it seemed that the tiny bodies of the Vine Crawlers' were nowhere to be found now, and he was glad that Emily had been willing to help him, as it had saved risking getting too near to the hole.

Had his boots been intact and had he been unwounded he might have been willing to try killing some more, but the one way barely staying on his foot as it was, and his ankle hurt in a tolerable but distracting way.

"Well, now we know I guess. If you kill something, try to take the body with you." he glanced to Emily. "I think I'll wait and try my luck with that wood the Dmitri was working on before I try to tackle that nest again. Thanks anyway."

Deterred for now, he decided to try to give Vlad some more comfort and dignity by bringing him over to where they had laid out the bedrolls, and getting him into one with a folded blanket for his head.
Voice of The System
GM, 170 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 14:51
  • msg #380

Re: Spawnpoint

As Otto returns to Vlad, he finds that they have left him unattended for the last hour.

Of course, he's not breathing. But still, his heart is beating. It should be impossible, but the body is clearly still alive, even if it's totally inert.

Still, like a doting mother, Otto places the comatose Russian into a sleeping roll. It doesn't do much to alleviate his coldness, but it shouldn't hurt either.

It's depressing, but in truth they are not sure what the situation is, which makes it a much more nervous scenario. He is not dead, but will he return okay? When will he return? Will he return?

In the first place, when Dmitri and Emily were sucked into that vision, they said a statue of him looked terrified. It's reasonable to assume that figurine was a mental representation of him, or he could have literally been turned into it physically too... Still, beyond being scared, was he suffering elsehow? If he was, they had no way to know how severe it would be.

They were totally in the dark, and the side of Vlad they were left with was neither a grim nor hopeful omen, yet it was also strange to have a half-corpse lying around. Still, Otto tried to take care of him even though it seemed unnecessary, given that he was likely being preserved by some higher power, and things like sleeping on the ground probably wouldn't be a big deal if he could survive without breath at the moment?

In their own way, they had to deal with their friend's situation.
Otto Bruckner
player, 100 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 15:07
  • msg #381

Re: Spawnpoint

It may have seemed a little strange, but what wasn't under the circumstances?

Seeing their comatose companion laying unmoving upon the bizarre "grass" with his face towards the "sky" was not doing anybody any good, and on some level Otto liked to think that the others would so the same for him if he were ever wounded to that degree. It was these little rituals and gestures that helped him to add just a little "normal" into their lives to counterbalance the overwhelmingly surreal environment.

Once Vlad had been checked on, found to be still alive and had been "tucked in" to his bed roll, Otto turned his mind to other practical things.

"Part of me wonders if these islands have a time limit." he mused to the others in passing. "Like how we can't pick grass anymore, I wonder if after a while we won't be able to really change these others anymore either?"

As such he considered what other immediate uses the cloth might have, and what he might most regret if it suddenly went away. He came up with two things.

Toilet paper. If they did manage to get water soon, Otto figured that it would be a precious resource, and they would have little available for washing. Arjun had thought ahead with the latrine, Otto just figured they could make the experience a little...nicer. Plus is they had a stack of rags for cleaning and improvised bandages, that could not hurt either.

And thread, or "yarn" really given the consistency of the material. If they wanted to stitch stuff together in the future, having a spool of the stuff would be really handy. He figured he could use one of the cylindrical root sections as the spool and gently pull a layer up row by row. That was the plan at least.

But for now, he focused on making rags...
This message was last edited by the player at 15:11, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 99 posts
Retro Musician
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 15:51
  • msg #382

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nodded, "I think they might well have a time limit, not for the same reason but because the 'monsters' have no natural predators."

Emily goes back to working on her drum and continues for forty minutes until it is finished.
 After that she sits for a moment and thinks about what sort of creature might prey on bugs and moths.  Then she remembers a certain opportunistic predator.  She takes her drum and curls up around it almost as if she were curling up into a ball, slowly she opens and begins her dance, It is the Dance of the Hedgehog.  She tries to imagine a hedgehog wandering into their little world in the same way as the humans did.  She dances the feelings of the hedgehogs in the hope that the gods are sufficiently entertained.

When she's finished she says:
"View Expanded Status"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:59, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 143 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 15:58
  • msg #383

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun enjoys Emily's drum-n-dance performance as well, though he can't help but focus on a critique of the performance art. It was too close to his industry, and at some point, the importance of a professional demeanor when watching beautiful people act in sultry ways just outweighed any more instinctive urges. He didn't judge it or make fun of it, but rather considered her raw improvisational art and made notes about what feedback he would give, if anyone asked him.

Otto Bruckner:
"That makes sense I think." He agreed. "In some of the Icelandic Sagas they talk about Luck a lot, and not only were some men born lucky or unlucky, but men could hold different kinds of luck. Weather Luck, Weapon Luck, Woman Luck, and a man who was very lucky in one particular way might become know for it." He explained as if he found it interesting.

Arjun chats amiably while still working on the bedding. "Icelandic Sagas? I don't think I'm familiar with any. That's interesting about the Luck thing, sounds like that old saw about how Alaskans have a lot of different words for snow, because its important to their culture. I guess Luck is important to Icelanders?"

Otto Bruckner:
After they had completed their bedding for the night, Otto decided that now was a good a time as any to try and collect some of the "Vine Crawlers' that he had killed earlier for further inspection.

Arjun offers to come with them, needing a quick stop at the kite first. There he weaeves a blowgun, 4 needles, 5 sling stones for Emily, a two-handed mace for Otto, and a machete for Dmitri.. He distributes these, and then calculates how long these shadowcrafts last for, based on the previous stuff he's made.

Should he see any Vine Crawlers while they're investigating, he will attack a Vine Crawler with his blowgun, using Mark of Shadows and Umbral Arrow.

He then spoke to Arjun when the moment presented itself. "I'm feeling a lot better now if you wanted to try out your rope idea some time. Although if you wanted to wait until Vlad comes back around, that sounds like something we might want to have everyone involved in if you are going to be dangling over the edge."

"Resting was a good idea. I really needed it too. I don't see any advantage to waiting for Vlad, though. As soon as we're done with the Vine Crawler investigation, I want to try the rope."

Once Otto is ready, Arjun would like to work with Otto to first test and analyze the rope's strength. Next he'll make a big knot at one end, making it easier to control the throw, and then investigate the underside of the Spawnpoint Disc, first by tossing the knotted end of it over the edge of the disc to see if it will "land" on the other side of the disc, implying that there's gravity on the other side of the disc. Regardless, he will then replace the knot with a stirrup, hook one foot into it, and then carefully climb down the edge of the disc, with Otto's help, for a visual inspection.

Even if there's no landmarks to investigate, the lighting conditions on the underside of the disc should prove useful information.

Assuming he survives that ordeal, his next order of business will be to craft a vine and cloth Quiver, a Vine Bow, and Vine Arrows, using weaeving to make crafting tools as necessary. For the quiver, his plan is to make wreath-like vine rings for structure around a cloth tube, with a cloth strap.

If he isn't high enough level yet to make the Vine Bow, then he'll make 20 arrows first. If that isn't enough to level him up, he'll make another 5 bedrolls, aiming for higher quality.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:58, Wed 19 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 105 posts
Retro Musician
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #384

Re: Spawnpoint

While she is sitting with the others, crafting blankets and bedrolls, Emily will suggest that, when the time comes to sleep the group should have a watch rota with two people awake and three asleep at any one time (one of the sleeping ones will have to be Vlad until he wakes up).
Voice of The System
GM, 175 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 22:32
  • msg #385

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily tries to mimic a hedgehog, to no results.

Arjun weaeves a shadow blowgun, four shadow needles, five shadow sling pellets, a shadow mace, and a shadow machete.

At this point, all previous weaeves have vanished. The longest to last was his original dagger, which lasted for just about 1 hour. The other items lasted anywhere from 10-20 minutes (with weapons lasting longer than ammo), while Otto's dagger vanished after less than 3 minutes.

The time limit seems to be fairly variable at the moment, but perhaps that will change when the proper source material is used.

Arjun unfortunately does not see any enemies as the two others scout somewhat nearby.

To test the rope's strength, they need to see how much weight it can carry, rather than how much force it can withstand. Both are important, but the former is more so. They must first devise a method for doing so.

Once they do so, they can continue with that plan

OOC: A little confused what you're trying to do, so I'm putting this hurdle here to buy time for some more explanation, please

Later on, Arjun tries to weave crafting tools but finds he cannot. Only weapons can be weaeved with his skill.

Left with his bare hands and shadow weaponry (used as improvised tools, maybe) he begins some major work.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 62 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #386

Re: Spawnpoint

At Emily's suggestion of keeping watch, Dmitri mumbles a quick "Understood" and goes back to his intense study of the surroundings.
Voice of The System
GM, 176 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 22:45
  • msg #387

Re: Spawnpoint

Unfortunately, despite spending over an hour in intense focus, Dmitri comes back with no new findings. However, he is now very familiar with the layout of all three discs, to the point he is half-confident he could navigate around them once or twice with his eyes closed.

The only places he did not get overly close to are the known nest locations on Root Island, and there is also a spot near the far end of Cloth Island where some of those moth-like creatures hang out, that he did not thoroughly inspect.

Overall, he feels almost a sense of welcome now, as if this place has become , if not a home , at least well known to him. It's a little uncomfortable, but unavoidable since he has made himself so comfortable by getting more than a lay of the land.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 106 posts
Retro Musician
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #388

Re: Spawnpoint

Once the bedding is completed, Emily says to Dmitri, "Please wake me when you're ready to sleep."  Then to Otto she said, "You and Arjun should be the other waker and sleeper when it comes time to sleep."  For now Emily gets into bed fully dressed and tries to sleep.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 63 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #389

Re: Spawnpoint

Having scouted out the non-monster infested parts of the disks, Dmitri finds a spot from which to check for approaching enemies and sits down to keep watch. In the background of his mind, he processes the information he learned while keeping his focus on spotting threats.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 146 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 23:31
  • msg #390

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
While she is sitting with the others, crafting blankets and bedrolls, Emily will suggest that, when the time comes to sleep the group should have a watch rota with two people awake and three asleep at any one time (one of the sleeping ones will have to be Vlad until he wakes up).

Arjun gives Emily the hairy eyeball. "Uh, first off, I like, just told you that I got a quest to sleep through the entire night. I can take first watch shift, if you want, but I'm definitely not taking the middle one, unless you want to pay me the 5 Market Coins I'm going to earn by sleeping through the night. Second, there's nothing here but some bugs, a 2 man watch team right now feels pretty ridiculous. Later on, in some other environment? Sure.

"But most importantly, what time do you think it is? It's not even lunchtime for me. I got transported here before I had even gotten dressed! And now you want to go bed? Listen, if you're tired, let me grab everything I'm going to need to craft this stuff with, and then I'll stay up while you sleep, but we should probably figure out what kind of sleep schedule we're all on."

Since Emily seems, perplexingly, ready to sleep now, Arjun sets up his little crafting spot to guard her while he works.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 64 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 23:41
  • msg #391

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
While she is sitting with the others, crafting blankets and bedrolls, Emily will suggest that, when the time comes to sleep the group should have a watch rota with two people awake and three asleep at any one time (one of the sleeping ones will have to be Vlad until he wakes up).

Dmitri speaks up to Arjun: "I think we missed a part of her statement; "when the time comes to sleep". I may have gotten ahead of myself by moving into guard position now. But if there is time, I can certainly wait."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 147 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 23:54
  • msg #392

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun's Super Safe Plan To Visit The Underside With Otto's Help:

1. Test the strength of the rope by playing Tug o' War with it. This should be sufficient since there aren't going to be any violent vector forces (like jumping off the edge while holding onto the rope), just gentle, relatively constant ones.

2. Inspect the rope carefully for stability.

3. Slowly lower the 15' rope off the side of the grass disc, with a thick knot at the end acting as a weight. This will determine if there is any kind of invisible surface underneath the disc, and give them information about wind and other conditions below. This step will be done as far from either of the smaller discs as possible.

4. While holding onto the loose end of the rope, we will throw the knotted end directly off the edge of the grass disc, perpendicular to the (tangent plane) edge right where we're standing. Assuming there are no invisible obstructions, the pendulum arc created by this throw will send the weighted (knotted) end of the rope out to its length, then down, and will then swing underneath the disc. This is a critical test, because if Arjun is right, there will be "gravity" on the underside of the disc, and the knotted end of the rope will come to rest on the underside. This step will be done in the same place as Step 3.

Arjun and Otto will take turns throwing the knotted end over the edge, on the off chance that this will create a Thrown Weapon skill. It'll also be a Manly Test Of Strength(tm), to see which one of us can throw the knotted end 15 feet straight out.

5. Regardless of the data gleaned so far in this experiment, but definitely incorporating it into our plans:

  5a. Otto will then tie one end of the rope around himself, and brace himself as best he can against the metal lip on the edge of the grass & cloth discs, at the intersection that isn't being used as a latrine.

  5b. We will tie a short loop (actually, a bowline, if you want to get technical) where the knot was previously, big enough that Arjun can put his foot into it as a stirrup, but small enough that his foot cannot slip out by accident.

  5c. Arjun will then climb down the side of the grass disc with the aid of the rope, and the deeper cloth disc as a second surface to climb with, which I believe extends 12' down rather than 6' down. Note that Arjun will take his Stockings off to do this.

  5d. Arjun will examine the underside of the disc, and see what information can be gleaned. Is there a landscape there, indicating we can walk on both sides of the disc? Resources we could try to use? Is there a support structure? What are the shadows like under there?

Edit to previous post: Arjun will try to get Emily to sleep near Vlad, so he can "watch" both of them while he crafts.

Edit the second: this will involve moving the kite, as well, as he needs the shadow of that one specific kite, to craft with.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:26, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 104 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 23:57
  • msg #393

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto in the mean time listened and watched and occasionally checked on Vlad as he worked. The wash clothes were simple in comparison to the more complicated blankets, but they still took time and attention, and they were not particularly nice looking.

He had a stack going near their small camp in the center for whatever purpose they might serve.

Aside from taking brief break to watch the Dance of the Hedgehog, he continued on with his mundane work.

He did not get involved in the discussion about sleep. Today had been really, really odd and after all that had happened he would not begrudge anybody a nap, even if he was not ready for one himself.

Then, at some point Arjun started getting into the details of his plan to explore the underside of the disks.

He decided to go along as far as Step 5 before stopping to assess before the put Arjun at real risk, at which point he at least wanted to talk about what the man hoped to gain, and if it might really be worth dangling above an abyss by a home made rope.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 148 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 00:13
  • msg #394

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri Alvin Reslin:
Dmitri speaks up to Arjun: "I think we missed a part of her statement; "when the time comes to sleep". I may have gotten ahead of myself by moving into guard position now. But if there is time, I can certainly wait."

Arjun tries to make small talk with Dmitri, as the actor had started to feel like he was getting way too task focused. "So, what's the last thing you remember before coming here? Where are you all from anyway? I am guessing Otto's accent means he's from Midwest America, but I don't recognize Dmitri's accent."

Arjun will tell them stories about his own life back home in L.A., in return.

After a while of talking, he'll ask the group generally, "Is anyone working on figuring out that Soil Node right now? I feel like we went through all this trouble to create it and then have pretty much ignored it. What are you all hoping to do with it? Aside from chucking some soil over the edge for one of tomorrow's expansions?"

Otto Bruckner:
He decided to go along as far as Step 5 before stopping to assess before the put Arjun at real risk, at which point he at least wanted to talk about what the man hoped to gain, and if it might really be worth dangling above an abyss by a home made rope.

Arjun understands Otto's concerns, and is open to any suggested improvements. "We could check out the Soil Node and see if we can use whatever comes out of it make a bigger lip for you to catch yourself on, or you can hold onto the hentai tentacles from the cloth disc, but I don't see how we can make the rope any stronger. Do you have any other ideas?"

(further discussion will require a report back on steps 1-4)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:29, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 65 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 01:04
  • msg #395

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri talks about his getting an MBA and working his way up the corporate ladder in a large Midwest insurance company before this rude interruption in his life. At some point, the topic of focus comes up and he explains that he has two primary "modes" of action.

The first is "hawk mode". This is how he passed his MBA, by taking note of everything around him. "One of my professors never took attendance on paper, and based grades entirely on the midterm and final. I found out from one of his assistants that he mentally took note of which classes were the least attended and focused the test questions on the material covered in those sessions. So when I got this professor in my last year, I directed my notetaking accordingly and made sure to get as many notes as I could from classes I couldn't attend."

The second is "fox mode". By this, Dmitri meant that he tried to put that data observed in hawk mode together and reach conclusions no one else would think of.
Otto Bruckner
player, 105 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #396

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto has no issue discussing his own background. It seems like he is a History student at the University of Washington, with the goal of getting into Archeology.  It sounds like he had been involved on a few digs, but nothing especially notable.

More pertinent perhaps was that he working  part time at a little place that sold gaming stuff and held local tournaments for table top games. That was apparently where he was before all this happened, heading into the stock room.

"The main hang up for me is still the cost of failure." He said to Arjun. "What could be down there that would be so valuable that you would risk your life to go looking for it?"

He was all for helping with experiments, but he seemed concerned about Arjun needlessly putting himself at serious, perhaps even deadly risk for curiosities sake.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:49, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 150 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 02:22
  • msg #397

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun doesn't seem to have a really good answer. "It's the only place we haven't looked yet. If this is a computer game, then we're stuck in a puzzle dungeon, and in a puzzle dungeon, you gotta look everywhere for clues, including the places that seem like you can't get to them. Given the wackiness we've experienced so far, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was gravity on both sides of this disc, and there was an entire gorram door in the center of the Grass Disc. But even if there isn't, even if this is just a flat chunk of land floating somehow, somewhere back on Earth, then there's got to be something holding these discs up. They don't even wobble when we walk around on them."

He considers for a moment. "I could try to make a parachute or something, in case I fall, with all this cloth, but that seems like a much easier thing to screw up than rope. Besides, there's not going to be much more stress on the rope than there was when we tested it. Only other option I can think of is we make a big old shadow that I can practice Shadow Stepping in, and then I grind levels in that until I could Shadow Step from down there to back up here. Which means we'd need to make a shadow big enough for me to Step to."

The logical dissonance between insisting that the discs must be held up by real-world technology, and using World of {System} mystical skills as a backup plan, is not lost on Arjun.

"Bottom line is, it's the only place we haven't looked for water yet. And I'm getting thirsty. My trainer has me drinking 150 ounces of water every day to slim down for this role I was auditioning for, so I'm probably more hydrated than any of you, but I'm already getting thirsty, you telling me that you ain't? We don't have a plan to get water. We were relying on Vlad to summon some. We can't make a Water Node, and even if we could, it wouldn't happen until tomorrow. And even then, we won't have food. I doubt these Observers just brought us here to watch us starve to death. There's a way to get food and water, there's an intended process, we just need to look. Look everywhere, and figure it out."

He gives another one of his trademark shrugs. "The only other option I can think of is to grind out some Crafts and sell them on the Market, earn enough to buy my way out of Demo Mode, hope that there are food and drink options there that we can buy, and then grind out more Crafts until I can buy them. That will take, based on the stuff I've tried to sell so far, probably 50 hours, just to see the list."

Arjun seems to be getting defensive about his plan, though the defensiveness seems less aimed at Otto and more against his internal doubts.

"You want us to do something else, then tell me something else to try. This'll hopefully be quick. The dangerous part shouldn't take more than 30 minutes."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:08, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 106 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 03:16
  • msg #398

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto tried to keep the tone of the discussion light. "I agree, I do think this is all intentional too, and I don't think they are gonna let us starve to death right off the bat."

He glanced around. "If I had to choose something right now? I would say we could try to use all those weapons you made to go wipe out the crawlers over there. They thought the challenge was too light, so they brought in those things to test us. If we want to progress, if we want rewards, I think that's the way" he went on.

"But if you're dead set on doing this rope thing, I'll try my best to help. I owe you that much at least. careful, yeah?" he asked soberly.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 151 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 03:39
  • msg #399

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun took a deep breath, and then started pacing, clearly full of nervous energy. "Starve, no, but they do want to be entertained by us."

The actor-turned-Shadow Archer shook his head at the suggestion that we go killing things. "No good for a couple of reasons:

"First, I'm pretty sure they spawned the monsters -- I still can't believe I'm saying this stuff -- they spawned the monsters in response to me inventing the skill that gives us the weapons. From the notifications and messages I've received, the sense I get is that one of the Observers made that weaeving thing work, and they only did it because we were so far off the intended path. Somebody else got pissy, so somebody else countered with making the monsters spawn. I've been explicitly told that focusing on the Shadow Essence under the kite isn't going to get us back on track.

"Second, these shadow-crafted weapons don't last for bupkis once they're out of my hands. The bigger ones will barely last long enough for us to get from here to there even if I'm still holding them.... Though I suppose we can move the kite easily enough...."

He considered for a long moment and then shrugged again. "I wouldn't mind the combat xp, I suppose, but while I'm trying to hit them with blowgun darts, they'll swarm you, eat your boots off, and then I'll have to make you a matching pair of stockings."

He glances down at his Dmitri-colored stockings and wrap pants, meaningfully, and then glances at Vlad, clearly intending to imply, we don't have a healer in the party right now.

He invites Dmitri into the conversation. "Node Master! What has your hawk scented in the winds around here?"

OOC: It occurs to me that Emily probably went to sleep IC because she went to sleep OOC.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:47, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 107 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 05:18
  • msg #400

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto considered Arjun's point for the span of maybe half a minute.

" comes with some risk." He agreed. "But we're not static, right? We get a few more islands tomorrow, and who knows what might happen the next time we" be paused for a moment as he recalled the phrase "Exceed the threshold."

"Sure, we might seem stuck now, but like you's what, lunch time? We're barely getting started." he assured him.

"Any thoughts on what the next islands should be?" He asked suddenly, switching gears.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 152 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 05:32
  • msg #401

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Otto Bruckner (msg # 400):

Arjun responds immediately, clearly having given both the position, and the way in which he stated his position quite a lot of thought.

"For the first node, my vote is wood, but in the end, it's Dmitri's choice. We were supposed to discover the nodes first, and our first node was always going to be from the blade of grass. I think we screwed up their plan by getting the timing wrong. Vlad had another good idea, of using spit to make one of the expansions. That would probably make water. I'd like to give that a try too."

He was careful to not talk like he was in charge, or that the others should give him their vote. He had a bad tendency of talking in absolutes, which often led to other voices feeling squeezed out. It was just that he knew how to command a spotlight. But as he got older, he has realized that it was important to give everyone on stage a "speaking role."

He glances up from his work at Emily's sleeping form. Rockabilly had an idea about aiming the expansions towards a particular breeze? Hopefully, she's refined that idea with all her investigations. She should probably put her head together with Dmitri to pick where exactly they get dropped."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:36, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 66 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 06:36
  • msg #402

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri turns to Arjun. "Let me first clear up the confusion I fell into and may have dragged the group into. There is a difference between the new disks we made by tossing stuff over the edge and the Nodes I can create. My Nodes are small regions that change a portion of an existing disk.

"We have options for where to place a new disk. One would be to try to keep the coordinate system intact and build them at 90-degree angles from the current line. Another is to try to cram as many disks around the main one as we can. Given the size, we should fit somewhere between 8 and 12, but that would definitely mess up the coordinates. A compromise position would be to do six disks total, hoping to build a sort of honeycomb pattern.

"On another note, if you are willing, I could connect our minds just before you explore the underside. That would allow us to communicate instantly."

Arjun Gandhi
player, 153 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 09:14
  • msg #403

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun listens attentively, taking mental notes. "So where is thing to me? Have you figured out what it does? I was thinking it might be like a mining node, like I've seen in some crafting survival games. If we can get more soil out of it, what are we going to do with it? Maybe we can buy some seeds from this Market, but that'll take a while."

As for the location to place them, Arjun raises his hand in a stopping gesture and points to the sleeping Huntress. "Rockabilly has a direction she wants to investigate. Making the most efficient use of void is good if we're just building a base, but she thinks there's Somewhere To Go, and wants to build a path to them. I'm not super up on what she's discovered though. The exact direction she wants to go might change."

Arjun glances at the sleeping Emily, and then shrugs and heads over to the Soil Node with the others to investigate how to interact with it, confident that neither she not Vlad really needed guarding. On a whim, he tries to punch the Soil Node to see if it will pop out a unit of soil. If that doesn't work, he tries more obvious things like scooping it out by the handful.

"Do we want to fill up that hole that Ottomade? Maybe the vines will like it as a growing medium?"

When Dmitri offers to "ride along" in his mind, Arjun takes a step back, startled by the proposal. Okay, I have a complicated reaction.. I'm.. I'm just going to say that reaction out loud, cuz I I think it needs considering. So first I was like, that is scary and invasive, but then I also thought, damn I've got to find a skill as cool as that one. But that's, like, falling for their game, isn't it? They brought us here without our consent and now we're going to do what they want? Just because the things they want us to do is pretty cool?"

He shakes himself out of his emotional outburst."Anyway, that sounds like it could be surprising, so let's practice that a bit up here first before you get involved in the whole Dangling Me Off The Roof thing."

And then after a beat, he adds, "And you've got to help Otto hold up his end of the rope."
This message was last edited by the player at 09:17, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 108 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #404

Re: Spawnpoint

"I"m gonna pass on the whole mind reading thing for now." Otto replied emphatically. "No offense." he gave Dmitri a light pat on the shoulder and turned to Arjun

"Alright, step one Shadow Man." he stooped down, picked up one end of the rope and offered it to Arjun with a grin while he himself took the other.

Whenever he is ready, Otto will try to work through Arjun's rope plan.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 108 posts
Retro Musician
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 15:01
  • msg #405

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily sleeps until the rest are ready to sleep and then she keeps watch, ensuring she observes as much as she can of the environment using all of her senses.  She does this for as long as they are asleep unless a situation arises where she needs to defend her colleagues.  Her watch will include checking on Vlad every hour.
Voice of The System
GM, 177 posts
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 18:50
  • msg #406

Re: Spawnpoint

The rope plan is enacted!

As the two play Tug O' War, the rope does stretch a bit, but it seems to be able to handle Arjun's weight, which is nearing the limit. Otto would be too heavy for the rope to safely carry for any amount of time.

After the stress test, they check for stability and find that though none of the interwoven cords have ripped, the rope has actually elongated by about 1 1/3 inches. It will probably become too thin and snap after 15-20 minutes, by this rate.

There seems to be no breeze whatsoever below the disc, or at least nothing strong enough to sway the vine rope, as opposed to the breeze on the surface. The gravity of this space also continues downwards, even below the discs.

The full 15 ft of the rope is thrown, it swings, and it comes to rest as expected. No boundaries or strange/missing gravity to be found.

The two men also spend ten minutes throwing the rope, but gain no new skills from doing so. They both manage to throw it the full 15 ft, however.

The cloth and root disc are 6 ft deep, while the original disc is 12 ft deep, so Arjun cannot use it as a secondary foothold, unfortunately.

However, Arjun makes it down with no problem, as Otto's bodyweight is keeping the rope quite steady for his friend's descent.

As Arjun reaches the bottom, he immediately realizes something. That is that this ended up being a waste of time, sadly.

He doesn't even need to inspect, because like the surface of this disc, the bottom is extremely uniform, to the point that seeing a single portion is enough to understand the whole. After a quick glance, and a double check to be sure no tricks are hidden, Arjun finds nothing but smooth metal plating the underside.

After the finalization of their plan reaches a sadly hopeless end, Otto and Arjun at least feel better to know they checked for any hidden pieces below.

The whole event took around twenty-five minutes.

At that moment as they both breathe and prepare to move on, a screen appears in front of both their eyes.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 67 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 19:10
  • msg #407

Re: Spawnpoint

"Um, I thought we were going to test out the Telepathic Bond first, but whatever." After they come back (and Dmitri uses his limited strength to help out on the rope), he says, "Relax, Otto, it only works with one person at a time now."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 154 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 19:23
  • msg #408

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Dmitri Alvin Reslin (msg # 407):

OOC: I suspect that's just the GM trying to skim so he can get info out quickly. That's why I put my action requests in bold. Helps them stand out when the GM is in a hurry.

Retroactive:Shortly before Arjun comes down the rope, Arjun lets Dmitri use Telepathic Bond on Arjun, and concentrates on staying focused on the present, and guarding himself against any intrusion into mental spaces beyond what they had agreed. (Forgot to confirm to GM that I was consenting to this).

Once the shock of the mental intrusion passes, Arjun climbs down the rope (as described above), Dmitri's senses in tow.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:41, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 179 posts
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #409

Re: Spawnpoint

When Arjun, on impulse, decides to punch Dmitri's node, he is surprised that quite a bit of dirt is displaced from the impact of his fist, and flies to settle along the ground.

However, after pulling back, the mound has no collapsed, and in fact the depression seems too small to have released that much material... Then, the depression seems to bulge outwards, and within a moment is fully filled in.

The dirt on the ground remains scattered, while the node is still present in full.

It indeed seems to be a resource node to provide endless (?) dirt. However, punching does not seem the right method for gathering from it, as the dirt is way too scattered to efficiently gather. In fact, when Arjun tries to pick up one of the grains between his fingers, he ends up just poking himself instead, because all the nearby grains have disappeared after a moment.

Perhaps the node has a chance of failure? Or could it have been because the extracted dirt was spread too thin? More experimentation is needed, but this is a good thing, overall.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 155 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 20:09
  • msg #410

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Emily Khorashandi (msg # 405):

Arjun is still sitting nearby, working on crafts, where Emily and Vlad are laid out on their poor quality bedrolls.

Arjun has moved the kite to rest on Vlad's face, both for easier access while he crafted, and to place this tap of unlimited Shadow Essence over Vlad's crown, 3rd eye, and throat chakras. Perhaps Vlad would be able to siphon off some of that energy to protect himself.

Arjun was pretty sure that Vlad had chosen to work for the Goddess of Light, inferred from something he'd said while Arjun was trying to teach The Red Priest the art of weaeving. So as he had placed the kite, he has directed a short inquiry at the Goddess.

Not a prayer, but a performance of a sincere prayer, Arjun asks the Goddess of Light, Please let me know if this is helping or hurting. I am assuming that a Priest of the Light would be able to harness Shadow as a weapon, but I also see how I could be wrong. It is all that I know how to do."

He had, every 30 minutes or so, also tried casting various protective Shadow Spells over Vlad, hoping to tap into the limitless Shadow Essence inside the kite, though he didn't know any such spells. What he did know, was that these Observers were indeed here to be entertained by us, and they could be swayed with a good enough performance of an ambitious script.

OOC: Let's just call this a straight Luck roll or something, since I don't want to come up with specific phrases to try, just now.

Though he hadn't thought much of stepping away from his guard duties to examine the Soil Node while Emily slept, he returned to his vigil after only a cursory attempt. Preparing to give Emily a full night's rest, he made a few plans for other things to craft. Making Lvl 2 Bedrolls next, and attempting to sell the Lvl 1 bedrolls now that he's planned to replace them, seemed like a good idea.

Which is why, when Emily wakes up, she is greeted by Arjun saying, "Hey, I 'm going to make better bedrolls after this. Want to trade up? I'd offer you a cup of tea, but I'm afraid we haven't made that much progress while you were out."

After all, he won't need Vlad's consent to shift him to a nicer bedroll, and nobody else had claimed one yet. Arjun waited to sell all the poor quality ones at once, and would wait until nobody was around, just to avoid any drama.

Arjun continues to focus on his crafts as he updates Emily about what the lads have been up to while she was gone.

OOC to GM: looks like I will make those bedrolls after all, since it seems like we can interrupt down time activity at will to work on other tasks.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:48, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 109 posts
Retro Musician
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 20:55
  • msg #411

Re: Spawnpoint

When Emily wakes up, she stretches, makes a face and has a mouth that tastes like home to a dozen hopped up stoats.  While Arjun explains the goings on, she smiles and stands up to allow him to take the shoddy bedding from her.

Then, while she is waiting for the others to go to sleep, she makes another drum and makes another sling.

Only after that does she carry out the actions described here...

Emily sleeps until the rest are ready to sleep and then she keeps watch, ensuring she observes as much as she can of the environment using all of her senses.  She does this for as long as they are asleep unless a situation arises where she needs to defend her colleagues.  Her watch will include checking on Vlad every hour.

Otto Bruckner
player, 109 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 21:52
  • msg #412

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed quite happy with how the rope experiment had turned out despite his initial reservations. "Well that sounds handy." He told Arjun after they were done. "Sounds like we better be on the look out for secret places going forward."

He seemed glad that Dmitri understood his reservations and did not push the subject.

He seemed a little puzzled that Emily seemed to be making another drum, but said nothing.

Instead, since it seemed like everyone was busy with their own crafts, he decided to go ahead and get back to making washcloths.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:40, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 156 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 22:04
  • msg #413

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun takes Emily's bedroll, on his sincere-sounding promise to replace it soon, and happily tries to sell it to the Market, as well.

He continues to work with the shadow-crafted needle, which was more of a throwing weapon than a sewing tool, to carefully pry the yarn through the holes of his quiver, as he continues, "If you're used to living in GMT, then I think most of us are set on clocks that are 6 or 7 hours behind you, assuming we were all kidnapped at the same time. To me, you fell asleep just before lunch. I'll likely be up for at least half a day yet."

Glancing briefly to make eye contact before returning to his work, he continues, "Any updates on your theory about which direction we should build a path to tomorrow, or what materials you think we should try making them with?"

Turning his head to the direction of the Soil Node, he adds, "And if you have any ideas about what do with that dirt-node thing, I'm headed that way in a minute, and could use another brain or four."

When he completes his current project, he'll walk over to investigate the soil node further.

A brief flashback:

Arjun laying on the grass at Otto's feet, rope tangled all around him, as he struggles to catch his breath. "Well....that....that was....super valuable...good j....good job, Team!" He raises a fist in triumph from his prone position.

His mind continued to boggle at the sight of what lay beneath: just more void. He hadn't seen any hint of a support structure. They're just floating in an empty space. Maybe the disc was wobbling. Maybe it was flipping end over end, like a coin tossed into the air. How would he know? He had noticed no horizon, seen no source of light, noticed no obvious shift in light quality. Beneath was just like above.

He rasped out a noise that could charitably be called a giggle. "Jokes on me, kids. It's turtles all the way down."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:50, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 110 posts
Retro Musician
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 22:10
  • msg #414

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods to Arjun and accompanies him to join him in examining the soil to see whether or not the hard but gross stonelike objects have begun to grow in any way.  Either way, she will take a handful of soil and drop it over the edge on the side of the main disc from which the wind is coming.
Voice of The System
GM, 182 posts
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #415

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun tries to use magic, but despite their experiences it seems this world does follow a logic of it's own, and so he is just waving into the air.

Then, he decides to try and reforge the sleeping bags into a proper System Craft.

After a mere hour of rest, not a true sleep but a power-nap, Emily gets up and decides to do some more crafts, before she joins Arjun with inspecting the Soil Node.

Neither of you notice any apparent change in the node, in fact despite having been punched and then restored from nothing, there is no variation to it, which Emily remembers after having studied it's texture previously. It's way too identical to before for it to feel normal for either of you.

On a whim, Emily takes a handful of soil and walks a bit away. Arjun notices that the handful she scooped out has refilled, but the dirt remains in her palm.

Then, Emily lightly drops the handful of dusty dirt into the direction of the wind, which causes some of it to be rebuffed and dirty her jeans. The rest merely falls down as the wind is not very strong in the first place.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 68 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 22:59
  • msg #416

Re: Spawnpoint

Having received permission from Arjun, in accordance with the Code of Telepathy, Dmitri intitates a Telepathic Bond with Arjun. Once that's done, Dmitri then enters "fox mode" to puzzle out ideas for obtaining or creating water, and invites Arjun to participate mentally.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:05, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 164 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 23:24
  • msg #417

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeing the impact of Emily's actions on the node, Arjun uses both hands like a shovel to scoop up a double handful of the stuff. He examines the soil, and then dumps it into the hole Otto dug earlier, for lack of anything else to try.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:41, Thu 20 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 185 posts
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 00:19
  • msg #418

Re: Spawnpoint

After a few minutes of doing so, Arjun stops to begin his various other works.


Settling down in a safe place on the original disc, with all his supplies gathered around him. It's not much, just plant fibers and fabric, but with it he begins to try and do some manual labor as he constructs two ITEMs using his craft skill.

Maybe it's the desperation of the situation, or a feature of the skill that allows the prideful actor to maintain his focus while working on such a meager task, but to him he does end up entering the zone and becomes one with his work, in that way.

Eventually, he finds himself finishing the quiver, and then he moves once more onto the bow, which he also soon accomplishes. During both these times, Dmitri's voice rings in his mind's ears, and becomes a sort of white noise to help him focus.

Inadvertently he lets his guard down, since the telepathic session lasts for three instances of two hours, and he is already preoccupied. However, Arjun maintains a strong intent to keep his private thoughts to himself, even while under the influence of psychic energy.

In the first place, he is zoned out and doesn't say much, and Dmitri seems happy just to have a board to bounce his ideas off of.

As he glances up at the sky, he notices that strangely the sky has not changed at all despite time having passed... Will it always be daylight in this space? That may make sleep more troublesome than on Earth.

Nevertheless, Arjun spends some taking a nap, which mostly includes wetting his mouth, which is very dry, and relaxing so as to not waste the water in his body. At least it isn't hot out, so he isn't sweating and wasting water that way.


Otto finishes making the washcloths he had started before, and then finds himself with lots of time on his hands as everyone seems to have gone their own way to do their own things.

Perhaps he should work out? The system told him it was right, but that doesn't mean it would be good for him to make himself sweat out the water in his body. Dehydration is a real danger, at the moment.


Dmitri intends at first to spend a short couple hours brainstorming with Arjun through Telepathic Bond, in which Dmitri does most the thinking towards, and Arjun does little responding. Still, Dmitri's skill keeps telling him that the other party is listening, though when Dmitri glances over to the actor working with his hands with half-glazed eyes, he thinks the skill may not be accounting for it going out the other ear.

Perhaps it's one of those situations where the brain is listening, even if the person does not realize it. Thusly, Dmitri is at least confident that even if Arjun isn't following along with him, he will still get the general gist of whatever conclusion is made.

In the first place, Dmitri was planning to be the brains of this little operation anyway, and simply having someone to talk to is surprisingly helpful to Dmitri. Perhaps the 'fox' part of him was actually pretty talkative? It would make sense thematically, at least.

Regardless, the time spent is quite a bit longer than the original two hours, because as soon as Dmitri enters this deep dive, he finds himself in a sea of possibilities.

He reflects lots on the existence of the system itself, the way the entities running and observing it behave, the functions displayed so far, the way it calculates, and it's other protocols... While doing so, he does not even notice several alerts going off.

By the five hour mark (third cast of telepathy bond), Dmitri is lost deep in though, and making progress by the minute. He stops talking, and Arjun does not reprimand him, also likely lost in his own tasks.

The next two hours Dmitri sits in silence and the gears in his head whirr...

He slowly begins to draw many new ideas about what is around him, and finally, about where he could go from here.

As a natural born problem-solver, he also has great organizational abilities, and even catalogues his own mental state as either 'hawk' or 'fox'... for this reason, Dmitri necessarily sorts his final ideas in list form, as the hours come to an end.

List of Assumptions of the Past

1. Only Humans were summoned.

 1a This could be for another reason, or because only a certain population was sampled by the System.

 1b The individuals who were summoned are not related to one another. They also do not have extremely good chemistry, indicating this was done at least semi-randomly.

 1c Though everyone speaks English, that could just be a coincidence. If you math out a group of 7 random humans from earth, and find that all of them speak English (one of the most popular languages globally), the chances would probably not be unbelievably low.

 1d Furthermore, despite the fact that everyone speaks the same language, a translation skill was still given to them. Perhaps it was done automatically? The message did not say 'New skill acquired' but that 'New skill has been automatically generated'... by who? Dmitri reasons it is most likely the observers, the system managers, or the system itself, which has sometimes been referred to in ambiguous form.

2. The People he was with.

 2a Everyone hear is progressing differently, from stats to skills to classes.

 2b For stats, it has been said that not everyone had the same to start with, and it is also not clear how these were assigned. The range is between 2 and 5, for certain though. Still, they do not all seem to reflect everyone well, and Dmitri personally even feels that his intelligence may have decreased, given the fact that previously it would be far higher than any other stat of his (excluding those that do not exist on Earth, like MYSTIC or maybe LUCK). Then, were the stats assigned to everyone, and then they were changed to fit them?

 2c For skills, it has been shown that people can learn the same skills, but not reliably. Perhaps it has to do with the method? Is there a hard limit, or just a soft limit?

 2d For classes, those with backgrounds interacting with fandoms like Arjun the actor on a cult urban fantasy show or Vladislav who seems to have a lot of knowledge about various tabletop settings both analog and digital seem to have an easier time obtaining many classes. Thus, maybe understanding of ones' words matter for generating class choices?

 2e Also for classes, it seems that actions unrelated to one after they pick a class no longer generate new options. Thus, versatility is being limited at the cost of power. Is this an acceptable trade, or was it unavoidable anyway?

3. The discs and automatic expansion.

 3a The original disc indeed feels unnatural to everyone, but Emily seems the most concerned. Perhaps this is the influence of her background, her stats/skills, her class or something else about her or her system-given abilities. Dmitri had not felt it until he spent this time to go over it, but he realizes he will have a much easier time processing the information of this place in 'Hawk Mode', thus he does not think he will be able to fully uncover the truth of these 'discs' until he does so.

 3b The root disc is not made of a normal plant, the 'fox' understands this. The 'hawk' would be better to refer to for more detailed thoughts on the matter. Also, the thing has bugs now, which may mean it is going to be slowly eaten away. They seem to build their nests anywhere that two roots meet, whether it be on the ground or under it.

 3c The cloth disc is the strangest of them all, to Dmitri. Firstly, he can tell that the fabric being used is not the same material as his shirt. The hawk would maybe be able to discern more. Secondly, the pattern of the weaving is indeed headache-inducing, which is strange because he is currently in fox-mode and should not looking at things from a calculative rather than observative viewpoint... Still, even the most logical parts of his brain find something about this disconcerting... He does not yet know what the pattern is, and it has also been disrupted by mining so maybe he is already missing pieces. This frustrates him, but also feels like a tasty mystery to bite into later.

List of Assumptions of the Future

1. What can they do with the functions they know how to use?

 1a. The main abilities given to every one of them is to use automatic expansion, as well as clearly have some level of influence over the system...

 1b. The automatic expansion does not always appear identical in process, yet perhaps that is just from their view. The first expansion was immediate (in between blinks), while the second had a physical transformation take place (the coat fluttered)... This does not seem like a clue, but that is just intuition speaking. Dmitri also understands that the root disc was basically always going to be that way, due to the fact that grass was originally pluckable on the first disc before becoming unaffectable by them.

 1c. Those are his observations, but now he wants to make predictions on what a disc will be after it is initiated. Dmitri figures it is possible some discs will spawn with monsters on them, and maybe even items, now that both those things have been accessed by the players. Secondly, the material seems to be at least in the same category as whatever is thrown. In truth, a blade of grass is not biologically very closely related to bendy bamboo things, and the fabric from the shirt and the disgusting fabric of the disc are quite far apart as well.

 1c. Dmitri thinks this is one of his biggest and cleanest conclusions of them all. The system clearly does not let them do whatever they want, but it also adapts to their will to some extent. Some ideas clearly existed here beforehand, judging by their class choices not always being the exact thing they were thinking of, but at least conceptually similar. Secondly, some individuals have done things which did not exist in the system, but were accepted nonetheless. For example, Arjun's weaeving seems to be close enough to 'normal' for the system to give it to him as a 'custom' skill. Perhaps this could be of much use?

2. The dangers and opportunities

 2a. The biggest thing to note right away is the dangers. Monsters exist, just like in video games or tv shows, which means this could become a place where death is always at their backs. If so, they will not be living very civilized or emotionally stable lives... Also, magic exists. Clearly some wild things happen when they use their skills, but it's not actually clear if that is 'magic' or the systems power, or even holy power. One thing Dmitri notes is that the Observers as they are called are not called 'Gods', those appear to be their aliases or titles of some kind. Furthermore, they seem to have ranks among them, or at least some form of identification, judging how all the gods until the God of Games were 'Guest Observers' but he was the first 'Member Observer', which could be higher or lower rank, but Dmitri judges it would be higher if the terminology is similar to on Earth.

 2b. The strangest thing of this all, and the one Dmitri has mostly only heard of from others is not about what they can do with these strange abilities, but rather what these entities around them even are. Arjun seems to think they are at least somewhat human, in some sense or another, but Dmitri is not convinced overall. He has not enough information to come to a conclusion, but he rejects the notion that they are either machine-like or person-like... Also, the number of entities they meet has increased, so he does not even know if he's met only small fish or the top dogs... do they even have a power structure?

All in all, Dmitri feels like he drew some conclusions, but also made some work for himself, and is left a little unsatisfied with what he couldn't figure out.

As the last use of telepathy bond runs out, Dmitri checks and sees he has some alerts.


Emily makes a spare slingshot and spare drum, and then can choose to complete her sleep.

Near the end of the hour, everyone has lost track of exactly how long they've been here for... it feels around ten hours to some, but for some it may even feel like fifteen.

Regardless, at one moment, while Arjun is resting and Dmitri has finished his thinking, while Otto and Emily are doing whatever else and Vlad is still out of it, you all scream by reflex as your vision changes!

Emily (if you are still awake) you make sense of the situation right away. If Emily is asleep, then Dmitri is the first to figure this one out.

Everything has become dark, but you all quickly (with the help of Emily or Dmitri) are shown to the cause, which is that the light source has vanished almost entirely. There is still a tiny bit of illumination, and it is a silvery color.

Also, in the direction where the wind comes from is where it seems to be sourced from.

Perhaps it is an analogue of the moon, but it is not in the right direction if so.

Regardless, it appears to be 'nighttime' in the system.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 165 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #419

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun wakes up with a terrible cottonmouth and a brief concern that he had been blinded.

Once this initial fear passes, he waits for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, thinking deeply about the class he has picked and how this night-time space was supposed to be a new kind of home to him. What had that prompt said about Mana and Qi?

Worriedly, he reaches for his bow and empty quiver, silently. And then tries to weaeve a handful of arrows to place in his quiver, and looks around, expecting danger.

In a more playful mood, he thinks to himself, I am one with the night.
Voice of The System
GM, 186 posts
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 01:44
  • msg #420

Re: Spawnpoint

During this time before night falls, Otto spends two hours doing a light workout. It is mostly muscle training and very lame cardio since he is trying to avoid sweating since they do not have a water source.

Near the end of the hour, he just feels like he is wasting his time and he is a little tired from the sort-of-workout. He comes out with a dry mouth and heavy eyes... He recognizes he is quite thirsty, as he has not had anything to drink for hours now.

Looking up, he sees no message and is a little distraught.

Over the next hour, he tries to wrap his wound, but is struck with inspiration. He decides to try and craft bandages with his skill. After getting some of the soft and loose fabric he bunches it together into what is hopefully soft padding, and then stitches it to a more cloth-like portion of shirt island textiles.

After doing so, he gets an alert.

Otto then spends some time bandaging his wound. It is a little swollen, which is worrisome but it doesn't feel itchy or anything, so at most it is probably a small infection that his body is already winning against by fighting off. It could also just be tissue aggravation, and nothing else.

Otto looks up from doing so and sees an alert.

After this, Otto makes a large spool of yarn. This earns him some rewards.

Finally, Otto spends some time resting and watching the bugs. Unfortunately, the ones he fought originally do not leave their nest, but he does notice a few more pop up now and then from nearby places. In total, he counts two new spots where these fellows emerge from, indicating at least four total nests (the one he fought earlier, and the one that he was originally planning to attack). Maybe there are more, just without access to the surface.

All four nests are rootward and windward of Otto's Pit.

The fellows that come up usually only do so in pairs of two or three, and they do not much but munch on nearby roots, and sometimes walk a little distance before returning. Perhaps they are scouts, or marking their territory, or just idling. Otto does not know.

He spots less than thirty bugs throughout the hours, and some may have been the same guys, but he cannot tell them apart.

As night falls, Arjun enters battle mode, considering it usually goes this way in video games. Indeed, as he tries to force his eyes to adjust he finds that he can in fact see easier than before... His eyes are fully adjusted in a matter of moments! It's still too dark to see well, so his vision is not much better, but at least he has this.

Meanwhile, he picks up his bow and tries to Weaeve some arrows using his special skill. Since he can hold about three arrows in his hand, that would be a handful, but since he has a quiver he can actually keep around twenty five in there. He finds it takes him at least five seconds to create 25 shadow arrows, and maybe due to the amount of them they are more quickly dissipating. He knocks one and keeps the rest over his shoulder.

He has a moment where he thinks he is pretty cool using a bow and arrow, made of literal darkness. If only his fans could see him now! Actually, he's poorly dressed so maybe that would be a bit of a scandal...
Otto Bruckner
player, 113 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 02:25
  • msg #421

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto had been sitting there watching the Crawlers when the lights seemed to suddenly go out.

"Whoah that's dark." He said fairly loudly. "Everyone alright?"

"Hey, if you're near the beds can you guide me in?" He asked, and slowly began to crawl in what he believed to be the right direction.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 72 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #422

Re: Spawnpoint

One of the advantages of "hawk mode" is that deep observation gives an innate understanding of the thing being examined. Dmitri spent time walking through the areas of all the disks that weren't "monster infested", so he is able to guide Otto over to the area used for bedding almost instinctively.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 166 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 03:35
  • msg #423

Re: Spawnpoint

Once Otto has safely made it back to camp, Arjun will take a few steps away, and keeps an eye out for threats.

Then he fires off a few arrows, just to practice. One of them, he'll try to imbue with Umbral Arrow.

He'll forget to warn anyone ahead of time. But then apologize if anybody cries out or anything.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:44, Fri 21 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 187 posts
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 04:44
  • msg #424

Re: Spawnpoint

The arrows he fires do not hit anything, and are also pretty random in their direction. they also don't go very far or hit very hard. Arjun is immediately shunted from his cool fantasy, realizing that none of his class features give him any sort of mastery with the bow, they just augment him to be more powerful while using it...

Perhaps this was the downside to picking a rare class? A common archer would definitely have had ranged weapon usage as a trait...

Making the best of a bad situation, one of Arjun's arrows that is shot in the direction of some place vaguely on Cloth Island. There is a small hissing noise when it lands, so maybe some damage was done? Fortunately it's not fire attribute, so it shouldn't spread.

Still, randomly attacking the place he is living on is probably not a great idea.

Also, Arjun gets an alert for the action.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 167 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 05:47
  • msg #425

Re: Spawnpoint

Frustrated with his inability to hit a target, he focuses on taking the shot and learn to shoot his bow, given his nearly unlimited supply of ammunition. He quickly realizes that taking his time and looking for threats will be as much a part of learning the skill as his finger on the bow.

What was the old joke? He wasn't an archer, but he'd played one on TV. Once, in the background. He had received a one hour group lesson. And been on set for maybe three hours, but that had mostly been just holding the bow. Could he remember the lecture, with his Intelligence stat?
Otto Bruckner
player, 114 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 14:37
  • msg #426

Re: Spawnpoint

With the help of the others Otto slowly crawled his way back to the relative safety of the bedrolls, gripping ahead blindly out of fear that he might fall into the unknown from the rim of the "disk".

When he found a bedroll, he took off what was left of his boots and wormed his way into it. Why he was not cold, it seemed familiar and more comfortable than simply laying upon the bizzare "grass"

Suddenly a sound made his start a little and he sat up to listen. "What is that?" He asked to nobody in particular, not knowing really where it was coming from.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:34, Fri 21 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 115 posts
Retro Musician
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 15:58
  • msg #427

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily awoke in darkness after a full sleep to Otto's shock at a sudden noise and Arjuna's archery practice.  She was wide awake now but the others ought to be wanting to sleep.

"Hush", she said quietly and listened carefully to see whether she can hear what it is that Otto has heard.  She listened carefully, letting her hearing be he primary sense for a moment.  Then she tried to see whether she could smell anything as well.

After a while she said to Arjuna, "There's no point in practicing in the dark unless you have the vision of an owl.  How about I teach you next time it's light?"

After that she asked the system,  "View Expanded Status".
Arjun Gandhi
player, 168 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 16:51
  • msg #428

Re: Spawnpoint

After firing a few arrows, Arjun apologizes for the noise and then agrees to Emily's offer. "I figured.... you know, Shadow Archer. but it doesn't come with the archery skill.  Anyway, you're right, I should be going to bed anyway."

And with that, Arjun tries to set about his "sleep through the night" task.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:56, Fri 21 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 115 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 16:59
  • msg #429

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto, not really having anything to add to that, rolls over and tried to get some sleep as well. "Alright, gonna try to get some rest too."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 116 posts
Retro Musician
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #430

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily keeps watch while her colleagues sleep.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 73 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 19:02
  • msg #431

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri turns to the huntress. "Can you handle watching us by yourself? If not, I will help out, but if you can, I am happy to try to meditate on our water problem in my sleep."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 117 posts
Retro Musician
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 19:30
  • msg #432

Re: Spawnpoint

  n"Don't worry," says Emily, "I'll keep watch. It will be good observation practice."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 74 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 19:59
  • msg #433

Re: Spawnpoint

"Thanks, milady." Dmitri sets up for bed and while lying there, he thinks about the many ways people brought water to the people in stories: striking a rock that a powerful being led the man to (though the one powerful being he had contacted here seemed more inclined to harm than good), rain dances (though he didn't know any by heart), seeding clouds with chemicals (though where the airplane or the relevant chemicals would come from remained a mystery), etc.
Voice of The System
GM, 189 posts
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 22:52
  • msg #434

Re: Spawnpoint

Perhaps due to the difficulties of the day, but you all remain asleep for a solid 12 hours. You all begin to rouse and wake at the same time, when the light suddenly returns to the world.

Emily has been up alone for 12 hours. Is there anything she would have tried to do during her watch? (There were no incidents, as the monsters did not make any moves, and nothing untoward occurred otherwise)
Otto Bruckner
player, 116 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #435

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto slept quite deeply. With all that had happened, his contact with the Vine Crawlers', his supporting Arjun on the rope, his work out, his injury and just plain mental exhaustion from so many new experiences, his body and mind both needed the time to recover.

He awoke with the light however, stirring in his bedroll before sitting up and feeling like he needed to brush his teeth, like he needed to use the restroom, like he needed a shower. His t-shirt and pants were both wrinkled as he hauled himself up.

"Mornin'" he told the others as he looked around bleary eyed. "We're still here..." He said, perhaps a little dejected. He looked to Emily to see how she was holding up.

When everyone seemed awake enough he looked around. " islands?" he suggested. It seemed to logical thing to him, and they had discussed it at length the day before.
Voice of The System
GM, 192 posts
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 00:22
  • msg #436

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC - Gonna throw you all something here

As Dmitri wakes up, he remembers how he had went to bed recalling stories of people getting water through mystical means... It had not given him any ideas, since most stories don't take place on one to three floating discs... but just as he had fallen asleep he had struck gold somewhere else in his line of thought.

Specifically, he had discarded an assumption.

As soon as he woke up, he heard Otto's suggestion and was eager to explain his new idea.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 170 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 00:24
  • msg #437

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun stretches without getting up, working his tongue around mouth, desperately trying to wet it. He says, "Node first, if we're doing Wood or Stone. Did we ever agree on what to try? Vlad had suggested spit, to try to get water. And again, my vote is for wood, if Dmitri agrees."

Pointing at the Huntress, from his prone position, he asks, "Rockabilly, you still have a path that you want to follow? And how exactly did you pick it? Cuz, I'm all for getting out of here."

He finally pushes himself upright, and quickly rolls up his bedroll and blanket, and tries to secure them to his (empty) quiver. It takes him several minutes to figure out how to carry his bow over his shoulder.

He then begins to "police the area," cleaning up scraps of fiber and cloth.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:31, Sat 22 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 118 posts
Retro Musician
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 01:01
  • msg #438

Re: Spawnpoint

Voice of The System:
Emily has been up alone for 12 hours. Is there anything she would have tried to do during her watch? (There were no incidents, as the monsters did not make any moves, and nothing untoward occurred otherwise)

Once she's sure that nothing is happening, she'll gather materials to try to make tents (don't know how many she can make). When (if) the 'Sun' comes up, she'll try to estimate how wide the monster infestations have spread albeit without engaging them.

Then she will want to see her latest status.
Voice of The System
GM, 193 posts
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 01:34
  • msg #439

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun does some disc-keeping.

Emily begins trying to make a tent, but only ends up wasting some materials, which she tosses off the edge. It is about 40 fabric worth per attempt (according to the system), and each attempt takes her an hour. She quickly becomes very sick of trying to make tents, but sticks with it because she notes that she gets experience even for her repeated failures.

OOC: You have too low level in Craft to let you make a tent, sorry.

Once the light returns, Emily does not see any above-ground changes, except that the busted nest seems to have been filled in with dirt. By the residents, probably? The system would have restored it perfectly, if it had done so. Observers do not seem able to physically interact with the world, or at least not interested in doing so for the most part.

Emily also notices two or three moths on Cloth Island, compared to the single one she spotted the other day. Perhaps some are hiding underground? Though, maybe they are just low in number...

Lastly, Emily checks her status.

OOC: You don't have to write everytime you want to check your status. Also, if you did that so I would update it, please know that it's been entirely up to you to keep track of your own information, like XP gains and new skills or whatnot. I only edit your page if there are errors or details I didn't share with you (for example, I normally just tell you the name of the skill and write the description in later)

Regardless of the type of node Dmitri tries to create, he quickly finds that his skill will not activate. In fact, he re-reads his ability and finds that his maximum nodes is listed as '1', and he just assumed for some reason that it refreshed daily. That is not the case, and he is also not able to change or delete nodes he has already placed.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 171 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 01:50
  • msg #440

Re: Spawnpoint

"Well," Arjun says fatalistically. "I guess I change my vote to spit and soil."

He heads towards whatever point Emily had first indicated, making loud throat noises as he attempts to work up some saliva. It's very clear that he will spit over the edge for the first expansion spot. Assuming he is not so parched that he can't work up any.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 75 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 02:19
  • msg #441

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri's "fox mode" kicked out an idea either just before waking up (or just after, he wasn't quite sure). But first, it was time to make the next node. The most logical place to build it was in the root disk near the soil node. But when he tried to make it, he got an error message. Refreshing status eventually showed there was no reset to the number of nodes creatable. "Great, how am I supposed to improve my skill if I can't use it again?"

Then he noticed something: Emily had absentmindedly tossed the fabric from the failed tent over the edge, but no new disk appeared as a result. This means that either disks must come from things we had when we came in, or that there can't be duplication of disks, or possibly both. Either way, he will have to engage "hawk mode" for clarification.

But onto the plan. First, he wants to see if Arjun's spit trick works. It may not, given the fact that the nodes didn't reset uses. If not, he will have a talk with Arjun about his other idea.
Voice of The System
GM, 194 posts
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 02:48
  • msg #442

Re: Spawnpoint

Unfortunately, Arjun had spent the morning wetting his mouth, and so now he could not produce any more saliva. In fact, the same goes for everyone else. Even the unconscious Vlad has a dry mouth, from the shock he felt at the moment he became frozen.

This could be bad...

Meanwhile, the problem solver is once again stuck on how to solve a problem.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:48, Sat 22 Jan 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 76 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 03:24
  • msg #443

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri wasn't stuck yet. He was simply waiting for the result of the ideas of others. Seeing that the disk idea was being actively hindered by the {SYSTEM} Parser (he had developed a measure of respect for it, or at least pity, thanks to the God of Games incident) and the other {SYSTEM} entity, it was time to try the other idea.

"Hey, Arjun! How many knives do you have available right now?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 172 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 03:48
  • msg #444

Re: Spawnpoint

"They disappear after about an hour in my hands, about 5 minutes in somebody else's."
Otto Bruckner
player, 118 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 03:52
  • msg #445

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto gathered with the others facing the direction where he believed Emily had wanted to set up the next disk. He looked rumpled and a little bleary eyed, his meaty arms crossed as he stared out.

"Day two" he said, as if officially beginning sole sort of test they would all be expected to pass.

While the others debated about how to go about creating the next island, Otto reached down and checked his wound.
Voice of The System
GM, 195 posts
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 04:11
  • msg #446

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto still has some nasty red marks, but all the wounds have shut and seem to be going through the process of healing. It's tender when he touches it, but that's because not all of the layers of skin have grown back. Still, Otto feels like it's healing a little more quickly than it usually would.

OOC: Keep in mind, those who need to use the latrine should do so only after you've used your daily expansions xD

Well, unless you want to live next to a pretty nasty island lololol

Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 77 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 04:16
  • msg #447

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
"They disappear after about an hour in my hands, about 5 minutes in somebody else's."

"Well, then, I would like you to accompany me to the edge of the fabric disk. And bring (or make) a knife."

Along the way he explains what he is planning: "One of the ideas I got in fox mode was that we may be looking at the water situation the wrong way. Apparently we can't build water, and we can't summon water the normal way. So, where else do we find water? Rivers and lakes. But to do that we need depressions, so maybe if we cut out a space for a river, we can petition the {SYSTEM} entities to provide us one. We may have to separate off a full island, but the idea is the same. I would help, but if the knives are "keyed" to you, it would be a waste of your talent to create one for me.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 173 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 05:44
  • msg #448

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun considers Dmitri's idea. "You know, I think you're on to something, but maybe we don't have to build a ditch. I'm going to go grab some soil from the node. I'm gonna see if I can sculpt it to look like the landscape we want. Otto is better at digging anyway."

Arjun goes to the node, and tries to do just that: make a little mini landscape out of soil, with little scraps of fiber to look like trees, and scraps of cloth to look like... Something else. He'll let the process guide him. Honestly, he's not even sure if it will clump well enough for him to sculpt a river bed.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:27, Sat 22 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 119 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 05:51
  • msg #449

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed pleased with the progress his ankle was making, although he still moved with a very slight limp from the aggravation and stayed barefoot for the time being rather than try to deal with what was left of his boots, which lay side by side at the foot of the bedroll he had used.

"I still think we should try to kill those monsters..." Otto chimed in, not really expecting anybody to agree with him. "But you guys seem to have a better handle on this weirdness than me." he admitted.

"If I could get ahold of a weapon...sounds like we are stuck with the dirt? No hope of any wood?" he clarified with their Nodamancer Dmitri.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 174 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 16:16
  • msg #450

Re: Spawnpoint

"I'm down to kill some stuff. And Rockabilly promised to teach me how to use this thing properly anyway. You rile them up, and I'll shoot them?"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 119 posts
Retro Musician
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 16:24
  • msg #451

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily began to demonstrate to Arjun the skill of ranged combat. If this doesn't work, she will teach him through explanation either directly or by creating rhymed or alphabetical mnemonics, little things to make it easier to remember.

While teaching she asked if some of the blood could be collected. She needs something to make into ink.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:26, Sat 22 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 120 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 16:37
  • msg #452

Re: Spawnpoint

"Alright, now we're talkin'" Otto seemed quite pleased at the groups support in clearing out the Vine Crawlers'.

"Sure, I can lure them out hopefully. I don't suppose you could make another one of those shadow weapons before I go in?" He asked hopefully as Emily tried to relay the basics of ranged combat.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 175 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 18:59
  • msg #453

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun is almost dismissive in his acceptance of the request. "I'm going to need the kite to make arrows, anyway. When this one disappears just run back to me for another."

Arjun then weaeves a dagger for Otto, and arrows for himself so that he can learn the skills Emily is trying to teach him.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 120 posts
Retro Musician
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 19:44
  • msg #454

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods and agrees to make another kite, as soon as she has finished teaching Arjun the basics.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 176 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #455

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun appears confused at Emily's offer to make another kite. "What do you need another kite for? I thought you were done with that experiment."

Arjun still seems confused about what the plan with the Expansions is going to be. But for now is disturbingly comfortable with the idea of killing Vine Crawlers for their potential nutritional value.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 79 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 22:01
  • msg #456

Re: Spawnpoint

"I think the kite is there to track wind patterns, as archery is affected by the wind."

Dmitri laid out the plan; now it's up to the others to eventually implement it. But a backup won't hurt while they're pursuing their own options. He sits in the center of the grass disk and recalls to memory times he was caught in the rain, trying specifically to bring back the sight, sound, smell, and feel of the events, as well as trying to taste the raindrops on his tongue.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 178 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #457

Re: Spawnpoint

"Instead of using that tiny blade, we could make another pair of these stockings and fill the ends with dirt. Kind of a dueling sap sort of thing?" Arjun suggests as he draws another arrow out of the shadow.

"And would wind socks be easier to see directions with?
Voice of The System
GM, 197 posts
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 01:27
  • msg #458

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily attempts to teach what little she knows of ranged combat to Arjun. Unfortunately, she neither has the proficiency with it to be considered much good at it, nor does she know enough about the subject to impart any wisdom whatsoever.

Simply having the skill has not suddenly made her an archer, nor taught her to use a bow. The adjustments are surely more subtle than that.

Arjun weaves some weapons for himself and Otto while he is failing to learn anything.

Still, at the very least, he manages to get a handle on his Vine Bow. He's probably not going to make any stupid mistakes now, but he still doesn't think he's very likely to hit his shots either...

Emily attempts to craft a second kite, and she has the idea to use both some plant fibers and cloth to accomplish this. Mainly, the body will be made from sections of the tubular plants, while it's tied together by strings of cloth.

While Arjun practices his bow and Emily spends some time crafting, Dmitri also spends the early morning in meditation.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 80 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #459

Re: Spawnpoint

Since it appears that everyone else is busy with their own projects, Dmitri uses his new skill (meditation) to focus on a specific question for each person in the group: What is this person's best option to obtain/generate drinkable water?
Voice of The System
GM, 199 posts
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 03:10
  • msg #460

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri begins meditating on these questions. Depending on his time commitment, he will make more or less progress.

OOC: I'll keep track of the time passing until you post that you stop meditating.
Otto Bruckner
player, 121 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 03:13
  • msg #461

Re: Spawnpoint

"Alright, we ready?" Otto asked, dagger in hand as be stood on the periphery of Vine Island.

He looked like he was psyching himself up for the second assault, his boots having been more or less ruined in the last one and his ankle receiving a nasty abrasion.

Still, he looked eager to get to it, and rolled his shoulders as he paced around the edge of the disk.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 179 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 06:06
  • msg #462

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Otto Bruckner (msg # 461):

"I'm as good as I'm going to get," Arjun says, narrowly dropping an arrow."You want to do some heroic one liners first? Something like: It's smashing time! No, wait, that's not really a pun. Hold on, I can think of something better...."

OOC: I'm ready to fight the Vine Crawlers with the shadow & umbral arrows. Arjun.... Not so much :)
Voice of The System
GM, 200 posts
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 06:11
  • msg #463

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily (?), Otto and Arjun head out to fight the Vine Crawlers. They move cautiously, as they are aware that nests close to the surface may act as pitfalls.

They make it safely to the nest Otto had damaged before, they also see that it has been closed up by some sort of dirt... or rather, another substance of similar hue, since there is no soil on this disc at all.

How will you make your attack?
Otto Bruckner
player, 122 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 13:54
  • msg #464

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto thought for a few moments "I got nothin'" he shrugged. "I'll try to pull them back here a little where they'll at least be out in the open for you." he explained.

Then, after a brief glance backward, he moved onto Root Island once more, looking for the nearest bug to the grass disk to cut with his shadowy dagger, mentally prepared to retreat towards the others once he got their attention.
Voice of The System
GM, 201 posts
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 14:01
  • msg #465

Re: Spawnpoint

There are no bugs on the surface, even after Otto prowls for a couple minutes.

Also, Otto only knows the location of four nests, all of which are as far from the main disc as possible.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 123 posts
Retro Musician
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 14:11
  • msg #466

Re: Spawnpoint

"Perhaps you would be better with a machete", suggests Emily.  "Cutting a wide swathe into vine island around the known nests with a narrow way through which they can spread.  If we build a trap there, we can leave them to eat a minor part of the vines while we keep the rest for ourselves.  After that, we try a systematic combing of the rest of the vine island and killing any bugs we can find, forcing them back toward the quarantined area we have allowed them?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 124 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 15:28
  • msg #467

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto nodded towards Emily's sentiments as he stalked back and forth on the island. After realizing that he would need to assault the nests themselves, he went to test the brown substance with the point of his dagger.

After he had done that, he made his way back "That's not a bad idea, although I have no idea what we would use for a trap." he shooked his head and looked back at the island. "I'm gonna try to make some foot wraps before I push my luck any further...." he said with a determined tone, and made his way back towards Cloth Island to gather the material.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:28, Sun 23 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 203 posts
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 16:10
  • msg #468

Re: Spawnpoint

The brown stuff is thicker and wetter than the soil node. Still, it crumbles pretty easily, once you get past the crusty outer layer. It smells faintly like dung, but is not very strong nor offensive.

It's closer to the smell of a marsh or an animal pen than a full-on rotten stench. It's definitely not 'pleasant' but it's not much worse than any old plot of land for rural folk, and probably better than an over-packed subway station for urban folk.

Then, Otto promptly decides to make himself some foot wraps, and leaves the group to prepare that before entering combat.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 124 posts
Retro Musician
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 16:25
  • msg #469

Re: Spawnpoint

"C'mon", says Emily to Arjun.  "Let's go back for now" but she pauses and says, "hmm, I wonder whether the system would grow a beetle shit disc?  I bet plants would grow in it beautifully." She gathers some in a cloth and goes to ask Dmitri what he thinks.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 180 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 19:07
  • msg #470

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun lowers his bow with a look of disappointment.

"Alright, well, I guess I'm going to go make the soil disc, at least. Could you show me where you wanted that put again?"

He heads to the soil node to gather the resource into his empty quiver, and then try to sculpt it the way he had discussed with Dmitri earlier, with a sense of rivers, and using scraps of fiber and cloth as landscape features.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 125 posts
Retro Musician
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 22:08
  • msg #471

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods and takes Arjun to the place from which the wind is coming on the main disc (although last time she checked, there was no wind at ground level) and says, "This should be it but kneel down to do it because there's wind above a bout four feet."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 81 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 02:41
  • msg #472

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri moved after hearing Emily's voice. He realizes she wanted to talk to him and asks her to repeat the question. After hearing it, he looks at the pungent substance and says, "That could work. I noticed we threw cloth over the edge and it didn't trigger expansion, so I'm guessing new expansions only happen with new material. This could work, and would solve the problem of having enough space to grow food."
Voice of The System
GM, 204 posts
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #473

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun spends some time totally filling his quiver with soil from the infinite node. By the time he does so, all his arrows have disappeared.

However, when he takes the stuff out to sculp, it is not clumpy enough to be worked with and is closer in viscosity to sand than it is to mud or clay.

I noticed we threw cloth over the edge and it didn't trigger expansion

OOC: This happened while you were sleeping, so you would not know it unless Emily told you about it.

Also, none of you are certain when the 'daily reset' occurs for automatic expansion, so Emily may have done that before it had refreshed

Arjun Gandhi
player, 181 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 20:26
  • msg #474

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun stares at his intended craft project with a look of profound, almost pouty, disappointment on his face.

On top of everything else, he was used to going to the bathroom first thing in the morning, along with a rigorous skin-health and body maintenance rituals (all of which were basically work requirements, given the amount of makeup he has to wear on set), and his treacherous, disobedient bladder was getting rather insistent.

He had half a mind to relieve himself on this sand so it could be sculpted better. But of course, then his hands would be covered in urine and he had no way to wash it off. He probably still had a smear of toothpaste on his face from yesterday. <i>Was it really only yesterday?

He stares at the quiver full of sand before the futility and frustration of it all overwhelmed him, and he let out a vitriolic burst of offensive (and socially unacceptable for public broadcast) cursing, and he hurls his quiver, full of sand, straight down over the edge with his full force. Luckily, he was still standing pretty close to the point where Emily wanted the next expansion to be.
Voice of The System
GM, 205 posts
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 20:41
  • msg #475

Re: Spawnpoint

As he does so, the quiver bursts and vanishes in a pop of dust, and then the moisture in the air plummets for a moment as a wave of dust sweeps away in the direction Arjun threw his soil-filled quiver.

Everyone watches as in front of them, a disc of uneven and crappy soil materializes, with a few small protrusions sticking out. From this distance, it's unclear their specifications, but they seem somewhat rigid as they quiver only slightly as the wind breezes past their tips. The land overall looks like a barren wastes with weird pointy bits.

A window appears in the center of the main disc, somehow visible from all angles as before.

World Notice

Automatic Expansion is occuring!

Searching for composition...

Searching for composition......

Searching for composition.........

Composition found!

New location has formed from [0, 0, 1] to [0, 0, 1]!

Remaining Daily Expansions: 1/2

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:41, Mon 24 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 182 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 21:05
  • msg #476

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun stomps to the center of the new disc, scanning for resources and information along the way, determined to demonstrate what he thought of this world, and relieve his bladder at the same time.

Unfortunately, the pants he'd made, and the underwear beneath them, were not designed to allow one to allow one to make this sort of spur of the moment decision, and actually required quite a bit of time to take off.

Still, Arjun was a man determined to urinate in the center of a brand new setting, and he was not to be deterred.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 126 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 21:09
  • msg #477

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily watches as Arjun stomps to the centre of the new disc and urinates and only then does she too step onto the disc, not to urinate but to explore, very carefully, exploring and observing every inch of it, seeking monsters, seeking plants and very carefully examining the protrusions.
Voice of The System
GM, 207 posts
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 21:37
  • msg #478

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun bravely pees where no man has peed before.

Meanwhile, Emily carefully explores the place. From doing so, she finds no monsters. The soil seems to be similar to the one from Dmitri's node, except with none of those smaller bits and also is darker in color overall.

From a distance, she observes the protrusions. She cannot figure out exactly what they are, whether it be a weird plant, or some kind of marker. Perhaps they are even bones or some kind of mineral formation?

Regardless, the shape is somewhat like if an octahedron were stretched out vertically. It is also not a perfect shape, and rather uneven. Each protrusion also seems to have a number of small 'arms' sticking out evenly on two of the sides, evocative of a spine with vertebrae.

After some surveying, it appears these things are partially buried underground, anywhere within the range of 20% to 40%. The number of arms seems to range anywhere from 6 to 28, and they are usually the same on both sides, but sometimes a side has one more than another. Even numbers of arms per side seem more common than odd numbers per side. Four out of five seem to have a multiple of 2 on each side, in fact.

Lastly, the texture of these formations. They are definitely quite brittle, but the arms seem slightly more flexible. Physically, they don't appear very heavy, but not notably light either. The weight is hard to tell without touching, but from the depression it makes in the ground and the way the weak wind moves it, it seems to be quite close to Arjun's shadow dagger. Visually, these weird objects appear to be somewhat similar to obsidian glass, but the arms seem almost furry rather than glossy.

Emily can also tell there are roughly 50 to 100 of these things, at a quick glance. They do not appear to be identical, either.

They all have a height from 2.5 feet to 4.5 feet and only the tallest ones are jostled by the wind. Despite being different shapes, they all have near-identical diameters (at the thickest and thinnest points) of 1 1/3 inches and 2/3 inches (respectively).

They make a bit of an ominous sound when the wind moves them, and they smell... stale?
Arjun Gandhi
player, 183 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 22:36
  • msg #479

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeming to have spent his rage along with other, more obvious fluids, he manages to get his pants back on just before Emily gets a chance to see anything NC-17.

He tries to gather some reeds, as he walks over to Emily. "Shall we use these for the second disc for today?" he asks, clearly not in the mood to overthink things.
Otto Bruckner
player, 126 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 23:15
  • msg #480

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto surveyed the new island from where he stood, arms crossed.

"Crap island huh?" He chuckled. "Well, it's not like we had many options."

While Arjun pees and Emily does his initial exploration, Otto perks up as Arjun seems to want to throw one of the "reeds" over the side.

"Hold up a sec." He suggested. "We've got other stuff here. My boots here have leather, and whatever the soles are made of. I've got keys." He pulled out his former work keys, a fabric lanyard with a ring of keys of various colored metals, some bronze colored, others more silvery or basic steel and they jingle in his hand. "And my wallet, there's some cash in there, some plastic cards. We've got options."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 127 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 23:23
  • msg #481

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods.  "Why not, how about throwing them over the side from the new disc?  Let's see whether my theory is correct.  If so, the second disc today should be about half the diameter, if not, then my theory is wrong..." but then she stops as Otto speaks up. "Oh wait! Leather would be interesting.  Try throwing a bit off this soil disc at right angles to the line to the centre of the original disc."

Then she goes back to examining the protrusions.  She beckons over Dmitri and explains her findings, asking him what he thinks they could be.
Otto Bruckner
player, 127 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #482

Re: Spawnpoint

"You want to go Leather?" Otto repeated, then walked over to his most seriously damaged boot. Prying off a piece of the thicker, tougher outer leather he held it in his hand and walked out towards where she had indicated. "Cause we have steel too..." he held up the keys. "Leather or steel? I see both being pretty useful."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 184 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 23:49
  • msg #483

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun nods agreeably to the suggestion of using any of the materials suggested, though he's clearly getting a bit more distracted by the new material in his hand, examining it and assessing it's use for Crafts.

"This material seems to be called Ebony Reed, judging by this crafting recipe. I wonder what it can be used for?"

When Otto suggests different parts of his boot, Arjun adds, "Way I see it, Out of the last three, I picked two and Dmitri picked one, Vlad is still out, so the next two choices are for you or em--Rockabilly to pick. But if you're asking for my advice, I think that we should test whether Shadow-weaved daggers can cut steel before we use up our last slot for the day."

After a second, he looks uncomfortable and adds, very formally, "My apologies to you all for throwing my quiver full of dirt without checking with everyone first. That was unfair. I recognize that we're all in this situation together."


Arjun screams in pain while rolling on the ground, clutching his bleeding hand, while (helpfully) screaming, "My hand! My hand!"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:13, Tue 25 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 208 posts
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 00:06
  • msg #484

Re: Spawnpoint

Unfortunately, Arjun may not get to say what he wanted.

Because as soon as he reaches out to uproot one of these strange protrusions...


The actor blinks twice, not comprehending. Then, he notices the pain.

Whichever hand Arjun used to grab at the dark plant has been... well, sliced up. Lots of dark red blood is flowing out, and the pain is even more intense than he would have imagined.

The damage is about as severe as if he had tightly gripped the blade of a sharpened knife, and then tried to pull it out at full strength, while it was fully lodged in a surface.

The pain is much worse. Would it be similar to high-fiving a cactus, or resting your hand in a pit of angry wasps?

Arjun's eyes are unfocused and he feels dizzy immediately from the sudden rush of warmth and agony, that seems to send surges through his veins up his arm with every beat of his heart. countless tiny sources of constant stinging pain wrack his hand, each one the same severity as accidentally touching a hot stove.

Perhaps due to the pain, he has lost the sense of his hand. Not the tactile sense, mind you, but the awareness of how and where it is in relation to the rest of him.

Furthermore, if he even has the mind to do so, he cannot inspect the damage visually due to the gushing globs of blood that have stained his entire forearm at this point.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:07, Tue 25 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 185 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 00:13
  • msg #485

Re: Spawnpoint

Edited my last post account for this new information :)
Otto Bruckner
player, 128 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 00:31
  • msg #486

Re: Spawnpoint

It took Otto a few moments to realize what had happened. He stared uncomprehendingly until he suddenly burst into motion as he declared.

"Oh holy shit." He began to run, his belly and generally our of shape body bounding over towards where he had stashed the clothes and yarn. "Grabbing bandages!"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:18, Tue 25 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 128 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 00:39
  • msg #487

Re: Spawnpoint

"Steel", says Emily, "Leather would be better for slingshot or armour, but steel tools would be useful for cutting down whatever just bit Arjun."

Then she made her way to said actor and examined his wounds, doing whatever she can to bind and treat them.  If she doesn't have bandages then she'll make them. She'll makeshift whatever she can, first for first aid and then for any other possible treatment.
Otto Bruckner
player, 129 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 01:09
  • msg #488

Re: Spawnpoint

Lacking dedicated bandages like the one he had made for his foot, Otto resorted to the wash cloth sized sections he had made earlier.

Running back over he felt his stomach turn a little at the sight of so much blood flowing down the arm and dripping onto the "sand".

"Hold on buddy, we'll get this stopped."  folding the cloth onto a more narrow section, he worked with Emily to wrap the improvised bandage around the wound and to get pressure onto it before tying it off and twisting the knot in an effort to stem the flow
This message was last edited by the player at 16:19, Tue 25 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 186 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 01:14
  • msg #489

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun helpfully continues to exclaim about his hand and how much it hurts while gratefully accepting whatever help is offered.
Voice of The System
GM, 209 posts
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 01:16
  • msg #490

Re: Spawnpoint

While not as helpful as a bandage would have been, Otto very luckily manages to tightly tie Arjun's sudden wound closed by using two of his washcloths. The blood is still leaking badly, and the pain in fact has gotten even a small bit worse, but there is at least something covering it at the moment.

He won't be in danger of bleeding out, or fainting from blood loss. Though the highly aggravated is another matter entirely.

Arjun feels lightheaded and crazed from this horrible experience, and is in fact about to faint, but finds that his consciousness is staying together... Does he try and use that newfound willpower to endure wakefulness, or does he ignore it so that he can escape from this terrible pain?
Arjun Gandhi
player, 187 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 01:34
  • msg #491

Re: Spawnpoint

Once his hand is bandaged, Arjun clutches his injury to his chest protectively, while mumbling about poisons, tetanus, infections, and how it's never lupus.

He had fallen to the ground in his initial shock of pain, and now rose to sit on his knees, rocking himself and continuing his litany of fears, undirected threats, and inarticulate noises of pain.

His eyes drift close and he slaps his own face with his good hand, struggling to stay awake.

Among the offensive diatribe, he says, "... get kite... does Shadow cut steel?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 130 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 01:39
  • msg #492

Re: Spawnpoint

The sensation of Arjun's warm blood making his own hands slick nearly caused Otto to reach a little, the coppery smell thick in his nose as he worked, albeit a little clumsily, towards getting the knot tight without causing too much pain.

"That thing must have been...razor sharp." He spoke as he worked, and when he was done he sat back and looked to Arjun with a concerned but friendly expression.

"Guess they were serious about this place bein' hostile huh?" he added quietly. "Wish we had some water to wash it off with...wish we had some water in general." he said somewhat to himself.

"I'll see if I can make you some more bandages, we should have some on hand anyway and that one is already soaked through." Otto stood and brought the kite over, and left Arjun with the most promising looking key before he went to go make some more bandages (x10).
Voice of The System
GM, 211 posts
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #493

Re: Spawnpoint

Perhaps due to the screaming, the excessive blood loss, or both, but Arjun's mouth and throat have completely dried, and he has an emerging headache.

As he sits still, Arjun finds himself struggling between the pain, the exhaustion, and dawning dehydration. As he holds his hand, which hurts slightly less now that his mind is so hazy, he becomes quiet as his focus is entirely consumed with staying awake.

Will he continue struggling in this isolated moment, where all he can perceive is his self? Or, will he find no meaning in it, and give up? If he manages, what will keep him going? Will it be fear? pride? something else?

Meanwhile, Otto begins to craft some bandages.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 82 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 02:07
  • msg #494

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri tries to renew the Telepathic Bond he had established with Arjun yesterday. If he accepts, Dmitri will try to bolster Arjun's endurance with his own.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 188 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 02:42
  • msg #495

Re: Spawnpoint

For his entire life, Arjun had lived principally by two mottos. The first, Never order Chinese Food in a Mexican Restuarant, while both eloquent and surprisingly deep, didn't really seem to apply. The second motto was less poetic, but had proven its utility time and again in nearly every aspect of his life: "Get to the next screen."

Get to the next screen meant that what kept you afloat wasn't anger, wasn't pride, wasn't love, wasn't any intrinsic character of who you were as a person. What keeps you afloat is momentum.

Momentum. Forward motion. If you stop moving, your plans and dreams will wither on the vine. If you stop moving forward, the world and the wind will push you back down. Momentum is what keeps him going.

And so, with his mind slowly receding into a fog of pain, he reminds himself that his Self is not this Body. His body is just a tool that his Self uses to achieve what He wants. And as his Body (not just "body" but "Body") was struggling even to do something as simple as slowly, carefully, precisely reach into the kite's shadow essence to weaeve a dagger, his Self went about quietly testing, checking, and honing all of his tools, internal, external, mental, physical, spiritual, within this weird alternate world, within the reality he was born into, and in other, even more ephemeral places.

Distantly, he feels Dmitri attempt to re-establish the Telepathic Bond, but Arjun is too lost in his own internal landscape to remember what that sensation even means, let alone accept the request.

OOC to Dmitri: I'm rejecting the Telepathic Bond for now, due to "Reasons(tm)," but don't let that stop you from heroically saving Arjun with your strange mind magics if he gets worse.

OOC to GM: Totally cool with letting Dmitri's Telepathic Bond let him observe from a distance, though. Arjun's just used to having to walk alone, and it's too soon for him to accept this kind of help.

Voice of The System
GM, 214 posts
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 03:19
  • msg #496

Re: Spawnpoint

As Dmitri sees this man, who until recently was a total stranger, struggling with an injury that does not seem to belong in the modern world, Dmitri takes only a beat to reach out.

The beat comes from his own selfishness. He had always had that tendency in him, yet he was a smart person and knew the benefits to being a helpful person. He had both the reasoning and the motivation to back up his efforts to become a better person.

Perhaps, he would even think, that this world may help him accomplish that. Or maybe he would think he could have done it himself and be pissed.

Either way, he makes the choice to share the burden of this man, even though he doesn't need to. Altruism may not be a perfect science, but he can swear there is deep meaning to it.

However, he is momentarily deflated as the request is rejected. Why? Was it the limits of the skill, or something to do with Arjun's mentality?

Yet, this does not make him feel down. Rather, it bolsters his desire to help those around him. Yes, he would share in their struggles, and become a more reliable person.

Whether it's actually selfish of him or not, since it's partially to better his self, Dmitri doesn't know. But at the moment, it doesn't matter.

In this place where there is only him, the pain in his hand, the exhaustion in his mind and the question on whether it's worth it to go on, Arjun's thoughts do not slow, but speed up.

He looked back on his life, and found reason within it.

Had he really never seen it until now?

It was obvious. He was an actor. He commanded the stage, he flowed from set to set like a natural disaster, and people couldn't help but be caught up in his storm!

Momentum is what matters. If he stops, it's all over. If he keeps going, it will work out.

Maybe this unfamiliar experience of terrible pain was similar to a realization after great training, or when by the door of death.

Whatever it is, Arjun sees the path forward. Ironically, it lies not in the spotlight on the stage, but in the shadows of those behind the curtains.

He reaches out and, despite barely maintaining his mentality, uses a skill of this wonderful and terrible 'system'.

In that moment, a dagger of dark energy appears in his horribly damaged hand, right at his command. Strangely, he feels a little better when he holds it. The coldness is soothing, even if it barely counteracts the extra pain from squeezing the grip of the weapon.

In the darkness of his half-shut lids, Arjun sees some messages.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 190 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 04:06
  • msg #497

Re: Spawnpoint

His eyes darting back and forth, seeing an internal landscape of greater beauty than he had ever truly believed was inside him, he unconsciously gripped the cold, delicious relief from the Shadow Dagger, sucking that sweet, chilling relief into his hand as he felt the tool that he so inadequately called 'his body," he imagined that he could feel the differences that the World had done to his body compared to how it had been in the real world.

Feeling around, he sought out the parts of him that had been added to his true self by this System: the skills, the class, the levels, these "experience points" littering his internal landscape, and the more obscure stats: Sense, Luck, and Mystical,  trying to gain a more intuitive understanding of these things.

His eyes landed on the key that Otto had left nearby him, and his thoughts were filled with metaphors of locking and unlocking. He wanted a key, a path to unlock this world, a path forward that led to.... water, to life, to the true essence of all things. He imagined himself slicing the key in half with the dagger, but the cool shadow under the kite was too soothing for his hand to move away from it.

In truth, he had only ever become an actor in order to understand others, in a bid to empathize, connect, and share. He saw this now, laid out as easily as a script with his parts all highlighted.
Otto Bruckner
player, 133 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 04:35
  • msg #498

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto's morning had been a bit of whip lash.

He had woken up very ready to wade back into their fight against the vine Crawlers', only to find that they had repaired the damage he had done. What's more he suspected that they had multiplied overnight and now he did not even have the protection of his boots.

Then the excitement with the new island, and Arjun injuring himself on the wickedly sharp new structures, and now he was more or less back to where he was yesterday, trying to make stockpiles of useful things with cloth.

If there was any silver lining, he thought as he sat there carefully tearing the cloth into long, easily manageable strips, is that this seemed like the kind of thing he would need practice with.

His Class description had specifically said that Barbarians could wear armor made of Hide and Bone. If he was going to have armor like that some day, it would likely take a lot of practice to make.

This and other thoughts ran through his kind as he sat cross legged and dutifully worked through the task he had set before himself, knowing that after this he would be back to making foot wraps before he would set himself to something else.

It was practical, but sort of boring, he had to admit.
Voice of The System
GM, 216 posts
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 04:40
  • msg #499

Re: Spawnpoint

The shadow does seem to respond to his will to some extent, but unfortunately it does not seem to be so easily absorbed into his body. In the first place that may be beneficial, since the effects of doing so may not be as pleasant as the half-dehydrated Arjun is envisioning!

Meanwhile, Arjun meditates strongly on his thoughts. It is slow and burdensome due to his circumstances, but still feels rewarding due to this strange and unfamiliar sense of enlightenment.

As he stares at the 'key', the actor begins to have an idea. Despite the Quests and Tasks, there do not seem to be any overarching goals for the players to accomplish.

In that case, perhaps the situation is more similar to improv than a scripted play? The system managers and observers had never directly responded to his requests on how to fulfill his role anyway... Perhaps there was no set role for him?

In the same way... maybe the situation was more malleable than it seemed. Well, some things certainly may not be that way... but the System had always made it clear when something was NOT permissible... However, it never said anything about what WAS...

Is that intentional? A design flaw? Is this 'system' even made by anyone? Could it be similar to 'god' or a fundamental force? Too many questions, not enough answers... or perhaps they just were not the right questions...

Despite there being no practical applications, Arjun does have the hunch that they because they feel like they are trapped, they have been limiting their freedom more than it actually was... At the moment, there were few dangers present... the most pressing danger was actually the LACK of certain things...

Arjun feels a bit inspired, though still almost nauseous with how circular his thoughts have been going. He does not even know how much time has passed. It could have been 30 seconds or ten minutes... it's not clear to him in this painful and highly-focused world of his...

Lastly, Arjun wonders on these strange new parts of him... it's weird to admit it, but yes he has changed simply by being brought here. How much do these new changes reflect his original self, and are they foreign to him or fully part of him?

It was curious, and not just a little horrifying, but was there anything he could find out on his own at this time?

He tries to feel around inside him, but as soon as he does the pain overwhelms him. Damn, it seems his focus is close to spent. No time for a deep dive into the self, right now.

The pain is intense, but it's become familiar... perhaps due to his heightened concentration. As Arjun lifts his head, he is overcome with unbearable nausea and immediately vomits. It is mostly dry heaving, as he has very little left in his stomach from his last meal on Earth.

His eyes and head feel heavy, so do his lips... His nose is crusty, and his skin is dry... His eyes are itchy and his breath is offensive.

He realizes belatedly that he has been sweating. A lot. A pounding headache also.

It's worse than getting blackout drunk and waking up with a hangover. Except if you had imbibed nothing but alcohol, and salty foods the night prior. Oh, and that's without the dizzying, terrible pain in his hand.

The comfort offered by the shadow dagger seems less, and Arjun is tempted to sleep away his problems. At this point it may be okay to do so, since he really doesn't have much strength left. He cannot see himself shooting a bow properly, let alone standing up without emptying his guts or fainting.

His muscles feel weak. He recognizes that he needs rest. This does not feel too bad, because he won't lose momentum by sleeping when he needs to sleep. That's what everyone does, every night. You can still move forward if you stop to take breaks. You just have to keep to your pace.

A song would never be good without rests. Rockabilly would agree.

Arjun smiles internally when he thinks of giving a nickname to a basically-stranger. Still, he feels uncomfortable about growing sentimental so soon. Then again, the people around him are fairly likeable... Maybe he's just lonely and scared.

Despite recently waking, it's time to sleep... or at least to calmly rest.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 194 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 04:58
  • msg #500

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun feels his head slowly sinking to the ground, and realizes that he had just thrown up, so he was probably about to faceplant straight into his own puke.

He was pretty sure he had a bedroll around here somewhere. He should sleep in that. Not in his own puke.

He just needed to reach....for...
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 83 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 07:04
  • msg #501

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri seems a bit miffed that the attempt to bolster Arjun's endurance had failed, but at least he was able to comprehend more of what the shadow warrior was going through. And having seen him puke and nearly pass out, the first goal was to get Arjun to his bedroll. Then, he noticed Arjun was clearly sweating out what little water he had left in him. Grabbing the nearest unused washcloth, he wiped the sweat off Arjun's brow. Then, he realized he could test his assumption that the automatic expansion only wants new material and walks to where Emily suggested the next expansion should go. If this works, we can explore other expansions tomorrow, but if not, there are still other things to test. As he throws the moistened cloth into the void (or at least tries to), he says to the air, "If this is wrong, let me see what I'm missing."

OOC: Edited to get the correct person's sweat removed.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:30, Tue 25 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 129 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 08:12
  • msg #502

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily spends time crafting bandages and as she does so, her sight and touch are both absorbed in the task, leaving her ears and nose to observe what's going on around her.
Otto Bruckner
player, 135 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 12:25
  • msg #503

Re: Spawnpoint

As soon as Otto realized that Arjun was going to have a hard time moving around on his own, he helped Dmitri get Arjun into his bedroll.

"Easy man, we got you. Just watch that bandage." he told Arjun in a comforting tone as he helped to wrangle him into the roughly stitched sleeping bag.

But as he was doing this the strangest sensation came over him.

It was not like the others did not care, that did not seem fair to say, but they had been so calm and silent about it that the whole situation had taken on a very surreal quality.

There was a lot of blood on Arjun, a lot of blood on the ground. His own hands were stained with it, and yet the others, besides the screaming and concerns if the wounded Arjun, had not uttered a word.

Back home there would have been some running around, some dialing of emergency services, some reassurances and clean up.

While the others had helped, it had all seemed very strange, and given where they were and what they had been doing, that was saying something.

The fear, a sort of deep set existential dread flickered up inside him, a distinct solipsism that whispered into his mind...

What if the others, Dmitri, Vlad, Arjun, Their Huntress, what if they are not real.

What if they had been created, for him, by the System and that's why everything feels so off.

What if they are...Non Player Characters?
This message was last edited by the player at 15:42, Tue 25 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 130 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 12:32
  • msg #504

Re: Spawnpoint

After an hour or so crafting bandages, Emily gets up and walks back to the new disc.  She watches and listens carefully, observing the swaying of the dark plants on the new soil.  What makes the sound ominous?  Is it the sound itself or does it remind her of something?  They don't look like any plants she's ever heard of but do they have the sharp surfaces observed by there effects on Arjun's hands?

She sniffs again.  They have a stale smell certainly, but like stale WHAT, she wonders.

Then she walks over to the place where Arjun peed to observe whether, (a) she can still smell the pee and (b) the soil here is stained darker by moisture.

Afterward, she flies the second kite for a while before pulling it in to check whether it is cold and/or wet.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:39, Tue 25 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 137 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 16:28
  • msg #505

Re: Spawnpoint

With nearly half of their number now resting in their bedrolls where they could be easily checked on, and with Otto and their only female making bandages, the Barbarian decided to press things a little bit.

It was day two, a new day, and it had gotten off to a very rough start. Disturbed by the recent encounter, he looked over at the woman who was also making bandages.

"Sooooo..." He tried a little comedy, drawing out the word like he was trying to be casual. "Are you gonna tell us your name today? Or were you hoping to go by Rockabilly for the rest of your time here?" he asked her, looking into her eyes this time as he briefly stopped working in the strip of bandage in his hand.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 132 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 19:11
  • msg #506

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily smiled.  "My name is Emily Khorashandi.  Nobody asked before.  Yourself?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 138 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 19:16
  • msg #507

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto smiled in a knowing way. He had asked a few times, but in all the chaos he supposed it was easy for any of them to get a little distracted. "Emily, nice, that's pretty. I'm Otto, Otto Bruckner." he continued to work on the bandages as he spoke.

"Khora...Shanti?" He tried to repeat her surname and botched it just a bit. "What nationality is that? If you don't mind me asking."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 134 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 19:58
  • msg #508

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily smiled, "Enchante, Herr Bruckner.  It's Iranian as it happens but I'm English.  Hence the accent."
Voice of The System
GM, 220 posts
Thu 27 Jan 2022
at 23:59
  • msg #509

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily begins to craft some bandages.

Meanwhile, Dmitri takes matters into his own hands and tosses a damp and salty rag off the edge with an expression of desiring to gleam some unclear hints, at least to him.

Furthermore, the direction of this new disc is to be in continuation of a previously-existing disc, to test Emily's theory of fractal sizes. It is thrown off the edge of the newest disc, in particular.

World Notice

Automatic Expansion is occuring!

Searching for composition...

Searching for composition......

Searching for composition.........

Composition found!

New location has formed from [0, 0, 2] to [0, 0, 2]!

Remaining Daily Expansions: 0/2

This time there is no animated effects of any kind. Rather, there is nothing there and in the next moment each of you lose focus on the area for a moment as if dizzy or tired. You do not feel dizzy or tired, but if you were closely watching that area you will feel that it slipped your mind for a moment. It's quite subtle, but all of you have the wherewithal to notice this slightly bizarre experience.

As some or all of you refocus on that area, you find a new disc has indeed formed. Right away, you all notice that it has not shrunk by half, though none of you are close enough to be certain if the exact measurements differ or not.

Anyways, right away, a slightly nauseating odor comes from the disc. Also, the moisture in the area around it is higher and is quite uncomfortable.

The new disc itself is made of some strange light material, which seems sort of like a fabric? Honestly, it's closer to a sponge... though it seems almost organic... which is quite offputting. There is dampness to it, and it's color is a lighter and pinkish version of the same blue of the fabric disc.

The landscape is bumpy with many mounded portions of the material that reach almost waist-high in some points, but generally are wide enough to not be real obstacles instead of just shifts in the terrain that are not too sharp.

The strange odor is sort of sickening, and is also distinctly wet... perhaps it's similar to a garage with water damage, or a sink full of dirty dishes? It's not the smell that is bad, but it's definitely not kind on the stomach.

The material of the island itself is covered in some splotches and some threads. The latter of those two are long enough and shaded the right way to be uncannily similar to veins found in either plants or maybe even animals...

The temperature of the place is not apparent without stepping onto it.

At this distance, Emily is the only one who notices one further thing.
Otto Bruckner
player, 139 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 00:54
  • msg #510

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto had been absorbed in his work when Dmitri had tossed the sweaty cloth off into the abyss. It was not until he had realized that something was definitely going on that he looked up from where he sat cross legged upon the ground.

He saw the announcement, looked over, and that's about when the smell hit him.

He crinkled his nose in disgust as he stood, walked over and stared openly at the new area, his arms crossed. He did not exactly seem thrilled.

"Well...." He began as if he did not know what to say, but disappointment clear in his posture. "How about Emily and I take the next two?" He suggested, and glanced between Arjun and Dmitri. "That sound fair?" he asked, obviously trying to bring a little humor into the situation with his tone, but there was a slight edge of seriousness to it.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 198 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #511

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun continues to snore lightly, his body color gray and ashy from the blood loss.

His fever sweats seem to have abated, possibly signaling his body had fought off an infection or some kind of poison from the plant that has ripped open his hand. Maybe the fever sweats has simply been a physiological symptom of his psychological terror at the prospect of bleeding to death in this strange and unknown world, and now his resting mind had found some minor sort of peace.

The only thing one could say for certain is that his sleeping face looks more vulnerable and open than the guarded, jovial-seeming demeanor Arjun wore when awake.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 85 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #512

Re: Spawnpoint

"Hey, at this point, I'm game for letting others try. Bear in mind that I've been getting hints that there is more than one way to expand."

Dmitri never was big on visible emotional reactions, whether to a major bleeding event, or to watching what he tried go as wrong as possible. Instead, his normal reaction was to sit somewhere and work out whatever feelings he had in private. After all, why bother anyone else with something that they couldn't ultimately solve for him? So after it's clear that Arjun is being helped, Dmitri contemplates what just happened.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 136 posts
Retro Musician
Sat 29 Jan 2022
at 18:39
  • msg #513

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily stares for long moments at the newly formed disc that grew out of a sweaty cloth.  Something is sticking out of it but she can't see what.  First she checks that Arjun and Vlad are okay, checking their foreheads for temperature, their breath and their pulses.  She also checks Otto and Dmitri, her remaining conscious companions and asks each in turn.

"Are you feeling okay?  Do you recognise that smell?"

Then she asks Dmitri, "Can you tell us about those hints that you've had about other ways to expand or is it simply that there ARE other ways to expand?"
Voice of The System
GM, 221 posts
Sat 29 Jan 2022
at 18:52
  • msg #514

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun's temperature is stabilized, but his breathing is still a bit heavy. He doesn't seem in serious condition, and is probably just now recovering. Rest should do the trick, since nobody has any magic that could help him, be it healing magic or blood magic (since he lost a fairly big amount of blood).

Like it has been since fainting, Vladislav is not breathing, but still has a pulse. He is not dead, but not seemingly fully alive. Perhaps in a stasis of some sort?
Otto Bruckner
player, 141 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 15:08
  • msg #515

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed a little hesitant at first to explore this new area, but as Emily tried to puzzle out their "expansion" problem, Otto stepped out gingerly onto the new terrain and began to walk around the circumference, peering this way and that, looking a little displeased as he did so.
Voice of The System
GM, 222 posts
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #516

Re: Spawnpoint

As soon as Otto steps on the strange newest disc, he feels revulsed by the spongey texture of the ground... Also, he immediately regrets his choice as his cloth footwraps become soaked through with a strange, cold liquid.

Each step he takes makes the unfamiliar but stomach-churning smell shoot into his nose, along with a fine spray of moisture.

Does he keep walking on this disgusting disc, or does he retreat?
Otto Bruckner
player, 142 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 15:16
  • msg #517

Re: Spawnpoint

Despite his revulsion, which was clear on his face, Otto paused as if testing the stability of the thing before he continued. If his wraps were already ruined, and he assumed they were given the lack of anything to clean them, he might as well continue as his hard work had already been somewhat ruined.

"Gross." he said fairly loudly as the "ground" shifted beneath his weight.

Slowly Otto crept forward, like walking on the banks of a rocky, slippery shoreline.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:17, Sun 30 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 223 posts
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 15:35
  • msg #518

Re: Spawnpoint

As Otto traverses the uneven disc, he eventually comes across a small variation in the landscape... it seems to be some sort of bulging fold...

He can see the edge of something with a different color than the rest of the place underneath.

It is not moving.
Otto Bruckner
player, 143 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 15:51
  • msg #519

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto stopped, places his hands on his hips and looked around.

He seemed resigned to the disgusting nature of the chore, although how he was going to clean himself off he had no idea.
At this point it didn't make much sense to him for anyone else to come Wade through whatever cool liquid had soaked into his foot wraps.

And he did not want to come back out here again unless he had to.

He seemed to inwardly debate checking out the "bulge", and after a glance back to the others he approached it, bent over at the waist and took a closer look.

Followed by some prodding with his foot.

If nothing else seemed notable and nothing happened, he would reach down and try to gently open the fold.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:51, Sun 30 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 224 posts
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 16:05
  • msg #520

Re: Spawnpoint

Looking more closely at it isn't easy, since it's mostly covered by the surface of this landmass.

Prodding it with his foot caused it to give a little but it bounced back. He didn't really get much of a sense of texture through the action either.

After making himself sure that it's safe, Otto reluctantly decides to investigate further, and peels back the strange surface, which feels all of rubbery, fleshy, and spongey more than it feels like a damp cloth...

As he uncovers the hidden piece, the fold gives some resistance as if it's adhered to the item underneath, but Otto easily tears it off, causing thin strands of some sort of slime to stretch out before snapping one by one.

It is really upsetting.

As he steadily increases his strength output as he tears this thing off he begins to see what is underneath... A strange dark purple mass which seems sort of glossy is all he can see at first, but by the time he has ripped up the whole bit of the land, he sees something shocking.

The strange mass is composed of four roughly-spherical shapes which are conjoined with layers of loose... skin? Not really the right texture, but it's bunched up like it. Creases in a jacket or pair of sweatpants would also be a similarly appropriate analogy.

The thing itself is smaller than Otto's forearm but larger than both his hands together.

It is a glossy dark violet color, and besides the creases where the masses meet only has one other feature...

At several points along it's surface, there are wrinkled dents, which have some sort of pale-colored print underneath... he cannot see it clearly immediately but finds the contrast in colors to put the hair on the back of his neck up.

Otto has not yet lifted the thing, but merely unearthed it. The whole is covered in a viscous pale green slime which reeks of an indeterminable stench, halfway between a festering wound and a flooded New York subway station. It's intensity is much stronger than that of the island itself, but despite the terribleness of it, Otto finds it's not enough to trigger his gag reflex, though it does induce a sense of nausea.
Otto Bruckner
player, 144 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 16:23
  • msg #521

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto...needed a break.

Unsteadily he got to his feet and walked a few steps away before he coughed dryly and stood there with his eyes closed, his now soiled hands held out away from his body and his clothing as he just focused on breathing and not vomiting.

Otto had never seen anything like an autopsy, but that's what had come to.mind somewhere around the time he had really started to feel back the "fold". He felt a little sick and dizzy and just not very good in general.

You wanted to be a tough guy, right? he thought to himself, and that elicited a forced sort of smile as the amusement vied with disgust.

Over the span of a few minutes he worked in slowing his breathing, he rolled his head back and forth, he opened his eyes.

He figured his logic was still sound. He didn't want to have to come back out here, at all, and if that...thing, was the only item of really interest out here, he would need to bring to back. The others would want to "study" it for sure.

Then, images of Arjun getting his hand sliced to the bone came before his mind as he paused. Was that really a good idea?

He debated. They did not have a lot of options. Their world was tiny, and they realistically needed to investigate these things.

"Hey guys, can you toss me one of those blankets?" He asked, and presuming they did, he took the blanket by two corners and squatted over the "crater" the violent thing occupied.

Slowly, deliberately, he tried to feed to edge of the blanket under the "quad sphere" by tugging on the corners of the blanket, intending to get it centered, then to pick up the four corners in order to transport the thing back to the 'home edge" of the crap disk like some sort of macabre stork with its bundle.
Voice of The System
GM, 225 posts
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #522

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto spends some time calming his racing heart... It wasn't only disgust he felt, but also something close to fear... this place was something that shouldn't exist.

After obtaining a blanket, Otto went to work hesitantly lifting the strange thing out of it's pit. He manages to find the edges quite easily, but it doesn't come out easily. Otto is forced to pull before suddenly


The thing comes free, wrapped in the cloth. Otto looks at the place it came out of just a moment before he can remind himself he doesn't want to see it.

A mass of darkened, ridged... stuff... is left behind. It has a strange pattern to it that swirls as much as it makes Otto's head swirl. It's supremely uncomfortable to look at, especially with the thin layer of liquid soaking out of the edges, as if in response to his interactions with it.

It reminds him of the inside of a mouth, even though the color and texture are not quite that.

Worst of all is the warmth that he can feel on his ankles as he stands near the thing...

He doesn't want to be here for any longer. And he doesn't want to think about what any of this stuff is, other than that there is something distinctly... gruesome and unsettling about it.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 137 posts
Retro Musician
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 18:09
  • msg #523

Re: Spawnpoint

"Dmitri, are you okay?" asks Emily as she awaits his explanation about what hints he has had that there may be other ways to make extensions.  Then she remembers that Dmitri is a node maker and so she asks, "Could you perhaps make a wood node, Dmitri?  One perhaps that could allow the making of bows and clubs and firesticks?"

She sits watching Otto as she waits, ready to ask about his observations when he returns but she also thinks about how she may be able to find a way to make water.  Arjun is still able to sweat which suggests a humidity above zero and less than 100 percent.  In which case, surely if there was a way to lower the temperature, then there should be some way to make dew form.  She wished she'd paid more attention to physics lessons in school.
Otto Bruckner
player, 145 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 19:06
  • msg #524

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto, his face a rigid mask of concentration tinged with disgust walked back across the disk as if he were trying not to step in something foul, or like he was trying to avoid broken glass.

His hands glistened and the fabric sack in his right hand swayed with an unsettling weight.

When he reached the edge of the newest disk, he reached down with his free hand and untied his foot wraps, stepping out wet and barefoot onto the "sand disk" and leaving the wraps behind.

Slowly, gingerly, he set down his moist burden on the edge of the newest disk and left it covered up.

Now clear and free he b-lined for the pile of rags he had made, selected the upper most from the stack and began to wiped his hands off. "Careful with that thing." he advised the others, his voice quiet and serious as he jerked his head towards the bundle. ""

He used as many of the rags as he needed to to scrub his hands and feet, and discarded them over the edge unceremoniously, obviously believing that they were not worth saving with that sort of stench to them.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:06, Sun 30 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 138 posts
Retro Musician
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 21:01
  • msg #525

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily notes with some concern the expression on Otto's face as he carries his burden over from the nauseating disc.  She has yet to experience the unpleasantness that is the new disc and so she is somewhat at a loss to know quite what it is that is making her barbarian friend feel so bad.

"What is it?" she asks when he lowers his bundle of horror to the ground and asks her to be careful with it. "Is it similar to the plant that bit Arjun or is it something different?"

She moves closer to try to recognise the smell and also to see what this thing might be from the shape of it.  She doesn't want to get too close and she hopes Dmitri can produce a wood node soon so that she can make a spear to kill the thing or push it off into the void and see what happens when it falls.
Otto Bruckner
player, 146 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 21:33
  • msg #526

Re: Spawnpoint

"No came out of some kind of, like, abscess."Otto replied as he scrubbed vigorously. "But it wasn't like a pimple, it wasn't under pressure. Just kind of trapped in there. There was like a, stem or something though it was attached to." he obviously did not enjoy talking about it, but it seemed important.

"Whole thing over there just feels, wrong." He gestured to the newest disk.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 200 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 22:17
  • msg #527

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun wakes up, but is so parched that he can do little more than raise his hand when someone walks by.

After several minutes of gathering his strength, he rolls Vlad onto his side and pushes him into a sort of fetal position, all to make a more stable back rest for the weary actor.

Able to do little else, hestudies his surrounding carefully.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 139 posts
Retro Musician
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 22:37
  • msg #528

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods.  "Because it was made from the sweat of a sick man perhaps".  She didn't look that happy about the notion but she wondered.  Could it be that in pulling it out, you may have treated Arjun?  She wasn't sure but she decided to check.

She walked over to Arjun and checked his forehead before adjusting Vlad's position, bending the lower leg forward toward Arjun and stretching the other, plus ensuring that he has support for his head from one of his arms.  "If you must use Vlad as a pillow, I suggest the recovery position, like this."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 201 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 00:11
  • msg #529

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun gratefully accepts Emily's help in adjusting Vlad's position, explaining,"This way, I'll feel it if there's the least bit of motion. And I read somewhere that you can't keep coma victims in one position for too long..."

He speaks quietly, conserving both his energy and his voice. Glancing down at his bandaged hand, he adds a request."Could you bring me some of those Ebony Reeds? I should be able to make a Shadow Dagger for you to cut it with. I still don't understand how it cut me, so be careful. Wha....what have you discovered while I was out?"
Voice of The System
GM, 226 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 00:20
  • msg #530

Re: Spawnpoint

The three people converse as Arjun wakes up.

On Arjun's part, he's feeling mentally tired and weak, but physically he seems alright.

His hand still hurts though. However, the bleeding has stopped. Perhaps because the bandages had not been changed even once, but the wound is still raw and has not scabbed over.

Any contact or even a bad movement might cause it to rupture, since only a thin layer of... platelets? ... is covering it up.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 86 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #531

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri sighed softly. "I will consider the Wood Node as soon as I can make another one, but unlike the world expansions, my Node Creation is not on a daily refresh."
Otto Bruckner
player, 147 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #532

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto, as clean as he could make himself without water and now pink with the effort, went to answer Arjun.

"Well, today we've got beetle crap island and sweaty rag island." he told the injured man with a little of his old levity. "I was just over there and found this...abscess, and I dug some disturbing looking thing out of the...fleshy...crater, and it's over there on that sack." he gestured to the damp blanket laying in a bundle on the edge of the newly formed disk.

"So that was my morning..." he forced a smile for comedic effect. "Now I'm gonna make some new foot wraps...and, I don't know. Dream about water."

He seemed to remember something. "Oh, we are thinking that Emily and I will pick the expansions for tomorrow, given you guys have made them all so far." he suggested.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:43, Mon 31 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 202 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 03:48
  • msg #533

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun very carefully replaces his bandage, as he listens to Otto's report and slowly tried to stand up, using Vlad's comatose body for leverage.

"Good idea about you two taking the next couple of turns. I made the first disc from a blade of grass, and the 3rd from a quiver full of Regular Dirt from the Dirt Node. Dmitri made the second one with his shirt, what did he make the 4th one out of?"

He makes a disgusted face when he hears about the sweaty rag and the resultant island. "I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. But why would that create a Prolapsed Plum of Prolepsis? What even is that? Lapsed means, like, cancelling things by just stopping payment on them, so how would a Plum be professional level at that?"

Shaking his head, he changes topics.

"Not for nothing, but have we tried triggering the Expansions any other way? Like, verbal commands? I think we've just been tossing stuff over the edge. Anyway, I'm going to try to craft some proper bandages and then investigate the Ebony Reeds more carefully. I'll try not to injure myself this time, but they look sturdy, we might need them to make a travois or stretcher to carry Vlad with us."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 03:54, Mon 31 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 203 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 03:57
  • msg #534

Re: Spawnpoint

As he walks away, he asks, "Oh, and has everybody checked for new tasks?"
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 03:58, Mon 31 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 148 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 04:46
  • msg #535

Re: Spawnpoint

Reminded by Arjun, Otto checks his Quests, which then seems to cause him to remember something. '"Hey Arjun, did you ever figure the Market out? You got some Market Coins at some point right? Have you seen what's for sale yet? What do you think the odds are of something like drinking water being available?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 204 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 10:27
  • msg #536

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun scratches his head, considering the issue. "I dunno if the prices are the same for you, but it'll cost me 50 market coins to buy access to the general market. Pricing is determined by effort, material, and some kind of x factor. And then we'd need more coins to buy whatever is there, which might not be water."

He lowered himself slowly to the ground, exhausted from the combination of standing and talking at the same time. After several deep, steady breaths, he continued.

"On the other hand, tasks are part of the Market system, and they seem to be generated by the Observers, and if that's true, the tasks I've seen so far suggest that the Observers have motives that are comprehendible. So maybe they'll be the ones putting stuff on the market for us to buy. Presumably, they want us to survive, if only to Observe something besides us slowly dying of dehydration."

He tries to rise again but it is obviously a struggle. He sits again and then says, "Once I check out the shi.... The stuff that cut up my hand, I can sit here and craft for the rest of the day. It's not like we have food to hunt.... But I'm not up for trekking to the resource islands to gather material. And there's stuff I still want to figure out:

"Does the stuff on Vine Island grow? Does the cloth island fabric? Are they a limited resource?

"What can we make out of the Ebony Reeds?

"What happens when we pour the dirt node onto Disgusting Island?"

Waiting until he recovers his breath from talking so much, he slowly gets back to his feet, weaeves a Shadow Dagger, and investigates the Ebony Reed, as mentioned before.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 140 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 11:06
  • msg #537

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily frowns as she hears Arjun and Otto talking about tasks and Quests.  She has never had such a thing and wonders whether she has to Check tasks or view quests but either way she asks the other too.

"I've heard this talk of tasks or quests generated by the system but I don't seem to have had any that were not generated inside my head.  Do you know how I go about getting one."

With that said, she considers further ideas about the collection of water.  As part of this she lies down on the ground on the original disc, observing the temperature, humidity and the lack of wind.  After that she tries the same thing on hands and knees then on her knees alone, then standing up and finally lifting her hands as high as she can above her head, thus checking the differences at zero, one, three, five and seven feet.
Voice of The System
GM, 227 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 17:20
  • msg #538

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun begins replacing his bandages. It is not easy, given he can only use one hand. It takes him a number of minutes before he manages to do so, and it results in him feeling extremely frustrated, probably at least partially because of his overall dehydration.

In fact, everyone is now beginning to suffer from a lack of water. None of you can produce saliva, and anything more than light activity such as crafting or talking will begin to increase the severity of your dehydration.

Emily and Dmitri are both beginning to get headaches.

A bit later, Arjun begins to craft some bandages.

Then, he moves towards the ebony island.

Otto checks his quest list, but finds it is empty. He also recalls a bit belatedly the difference between 'quests' and 'tasks'.

As Arjun explains the difference between quests and tasks, he arrives at ebony island, he plans to weaeve a shadow dagger from the kite on his back, in order to gather an Ebony Reed, but when he does so...

...nothing happens.

As Emily considers those two options, she finds that two windows have opened up!

Despite these alerts appearing, Emily does not realize them right away and begins to state how she doesn't know about them yet. Dehydration seems to be kicking in, as she is losing focus on things.

She feels a little dizzy, and her lips are beginning to crack.

Regardless, Emily lays down and begins to observe the temperature, humidity and lack of wind. At the lowest point on the surface of original disc, the temperature is still the same before, as is the wind. However, the humidity is noticeably higher. It's not damp or anything, but it is slightly less dry than before. Originally, there had been very low moisture in the air, but it wasn't really "dry". It was more like being inside of a room, or something. A kind of comfortable level of moisture (if a bit bad for the skin in the long run), but not really noticeable.

After realizing this, she does the same tests at different heights. On her hands and knees, there is little difference. Same with on her knees.

However, by standing up, Emily finds that it is just a little bit colder (not to the point of being uncomfortable let alone harmful, maybe like half a degrees. It would be hard to notice without her skill), and the wind has also increased the same amount as before... Actually, there seems to be slightly less wind, but maybe that's just her imagination.

With her hands above her head, Emily finds the wind is in fact a tad bit stronger. Also, it's a little bit colder. The moisture is about the same.

In the end end, even from slowly standing up like this, Emily finds that her headache is throbbing worse now, and she feels very thirsty...
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:45, Mon 31 Jan 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 149 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 17:56
  • msg #539

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto was also surprised to discover a difference between Quests and Tasks. He had never considered it, and had never checked his Tasks.

How, he did check his Tasks now. before he continued to work on his foot wraps and bandages.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 141 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 18:04
  • msg #540

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily grins and says, "It seems we are here to entertain.  Does anybody remember the bit from Gladiator when Russel Crowe says to the people of Rome, 'Are you Entertained'?  Well then let's see."

With that, she grins at the gentlemen around her and, despite the pounding in her head and her cracked lips, she begins to move, taking hold of her second drum and beginning again to play the rhythm she had played once before.  She moves her feet with the rhythm, she shimmies her shoulders with the rhythm.  She sways with the rhythm, hips rotating, breasts heaving as she dances for the audience that is controlling the game.

Once the dance is complete, she curtseys, a deep, proper curtsey and says to the hands and voice of system, "Are you entertained?"

She checks to see whether she has received any market coins and if she can, whether she can spend them on water.
Voice of The System
GM, 228 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 18:42
  • msg #541

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto checks to see if he has any tasks

Meanwhile Emily dances to her own rhythm, hoping to entertain these lofty, but seemingly fathomable entities...
Voice of The System
GM, 229 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 18:44
  • msg #542

Re: Spawnpoint

Also, Emily checks the market for the first time.
Otto Bruckner
player, 150 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 19:16
  • msg #543

Re: Spawnpoint

Once again Otto stopped what he was doing to watch Emily dance. He sat down on the grass with his knees bent, and while he obviously enjoyed and approved of the display, his expression was tinged with a little sadness.

Here they were, exhibiting themselves and striving for nothing but a sip of water.


"Oh, wow." Otto exclaimed as he checked out his task list. "Did not know this was here..."

He was silent for about half a minute.

"Ugh" he made a sort of gruff noise. "System says it wants me to kill that thing I dug up, which's... alive." he looked over to the damp sack with a serious expression.

"That works for me actually, feels all wrong." He said, and looked to Arjun. "Alright Shadow Man, can I hit you up for a dagger?"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:24, Mon 31 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 206 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 20:40
  • msg #544

Re: Spawnpoint

Slumping his shoulders, Arjun laments to Otto, "I'm afraid the free ride is over. Actually, I guess it's kind of a Good News/Bad News things. The bad news is that the..." And here he enunciates very clearly and slowly, "very. generous. gift. of Shadow Essence through the kite has been all used up. The good news is that the faucet has been turned off because it's become available somewhere in The World. Admittedly, not awesome that we have to hunt for it now. Maybe those reeds? I don't remember if I tried to weaeve after making the ebony reed island."

Vague memories of a fever dream as he clutched his hand inspire Arjun to try weaveing a Shadow Dagger out of the Shadow Essence that he had soaked his hand in. Maybe he was the new source of shadow essence?

In a strained voice he says, "Actually, that's not true. I have a clarity of memory that is quite vivid, and I didn't try weaeving after making the Desert Island. You know, I kind of wish you had taken that title quest, Otto. Then we'd know if there was more of the interface to find."

Arjun seems to be trying out names for the new land masses to try to find one he likes.

Walking the few steps back to their campsite, he grabs his bedroll and ties a few knots into it, converting his bedroll to a makeshift bag and offers, "Tell you what, I'll Gather some Regular Dirt resource after investigating the Ebony Reeds a little more, if you gather Plant Fibers and Cloth, and we'll try to make a flail with it, so you don't have to punch the thing with your bare hands."

You can hear the capitalized letters in his names for things. Offer made, he turns and walks to the sandy island, checking for new tasks as he goes.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:42, Mon 31 Jan 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 231 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 20:59
  • msg #545

Re: Spawnpoint

Unfortunately, Arjun finds that the power was not inside him all along...

However, when he tries to make a shadow dagger with his custom skill, he sees a nearby Ebony Reed shudder for a moment before settling as the skill fails... What was with that reaction?

Regardless, Arjun then easily converts his bedroll into a bag, by turning it inside out.

Finally, he checks for new tasks.
Otto Bruckner
player, 151 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 21:01
  • msg #546

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto nodded in the acknowledgement that the "free ride" of Arjun's powers were over, and the Barbarian fell into thought for a few moments.

"A flail huh..." he muttered to himself.

Squaring himself up he walked over and reached down to pick up the four corners of the blanket he had used, the one that contained the "thing".

"Heads up!" He called out, then gritted his teeth and swung the entire sack over hand like it was a sock full of coins, with the goal of smashing the thing within to death against the packed dirt of the "sand disk."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 208 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 21:10
  • msg #547

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun accepts both tasks and then slowly and carefully continues to examine the Ebony Reeds. He's seen a clue, but his injured hand still throbbed a reminder to stop taking things for granted and be more cautious.

He had made many mistakes through impetuousness on this strange journey, and he was currently dying of dehydration because of them. The actor knew that he should not judge himself by the light of hindsight, but it had always been difficult not to. His entire life, he had only had himself to rely on, and couldn't abide mistakes because of it.

He checked the Demo Market page to see if he had successfully completed the Sleeping Through The Night Task, and his new total Coins.
Voice of The System
GM, 232 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 21:14
  • msg #548

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto prepares for a gruesome episode of beating his enemy to death, but instead something else happens...


The moment Otto finishes his first swing from above his head all the way to the hard ground, a bunch of dust bursts up around the impact site, which has now formed a small crater.

The sac holding the weird thing has burst as the contents violently splatter everywhere in a seven foot radius around the impact site.

A disgusting amount of strange purple goop has stained this part of the land...

As soon as the dust settles, something catches the eyes of both Dmitri and Arjun, causing them to turn their heads.
Voice of The System
GM, 233 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 21:24
  • msg #549

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun gets close to the reeds, but without touching them. Nothing new is noticed, and the thing does not seem to react in any way.

He also checks his coin total.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 210 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 21:29
  • msg #550

Re: Spawnpoint

Turning to see the noise, Arjun lets out a gasp and reaches for the strange energies emanating from the plum (careful to accept the tasks first), and attempts to weaeve it into as many daggers and arrows as he can. (up to 5 daggers, the rest arrows)

In the back of his mind, he can hear his mother chastize him, oh, Arjun! So very human of you. You find something new, and you try to make a weapon out of it.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:35, Mon 31 Jan 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 142 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 21:46
  • msg #551

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily watches the back and forth between Arjun and Otto as Otto attempts to destroy the horrible thing in the sack, sending it splattering in all directions.  She also sighs deeply as she realises that she has to earn a lot more market coins before she can benefit from it even if water is available.

"Genghis Khan used leather you know?  That way the bag wouldn't have split like that and the remains would have remained inside."

She sniffs as she tried to understand whether the smell had spread onto this place.  If so then she'd like to move away and hopes the rest would agree.  First though she checks to see that neither she nor Vlad is splattered with purple disgustingness.
Otto Bruckner
player, 153 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 21:54
  • msg #552

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto let out a celebratory woop as the thing smashed against the ground. The sensation itself was remarkably satisfying and the knowledge that he had destroyed whatever that was, and that it would be able to grow, was also quite gratifying.

When they were plunged into inky darkness again that evening, it would be one less thing to worry about.

He let the sack go where it lay, rolled his shoulders and smiled to the others.

"Well that's done." he dusted off his hands for effect. "Glad we found that thing early."

"Leather huh?" He replied to Emily. "Maybe that's what I'll choose tomorrow."

That Task completed, Otto went back to working on new foot wraps and seeing what the others were up to.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 144 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 22:05
  • msg #553

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily really didn't want to rain on Otto's parade, apart from the fact that rain might help out with their current predicament.  But she had to ask. She really did.

"So was it the only one?"

Then she asked the Watcher.
"View Market, Demo mode" followed by "View tasks."

She had no idea what the time was but what se did know was she needed water.  They all did.
Voice of The System
GM, 234 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 22:14
  • msg #554

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun reaches towards the purple mess and begins to visibly focus.

As he does so, the others can see as a shadow dagger forms in his hand, followed by one in his other hand, and then two more that appear above the slimy goop before shaking unstably and falling down.

Emily also notices the quite terrible stench, and suggests they move away from this part of the 'sand disc'.

Otto continues working on new foot wraps.

Lastly, Emily checks for new tasks.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 211 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #555

Re: Spawnpoint

While studying the Ebony Reeds:

Arjun tries to determine how the Ebony Reeds cut his hand. Using the gestural language he had developed based on that TV show he'd been in, he tries to weave a Shadow Slingstone from it, and examine the results. If the weaveing doesn't work, then he tries to recreate the vibrations it made before. If it does work, then he examines the slingstone and the Ebony Reed plant for any changes, specifically:

  • How did it cut my hand?
  • Is the slingstone still fragile?
  • How much of the original plant did it use?
  • Has the Ebony plant been damaged in any way? Is it leaking Shadow Essence?

Edit: Does he need to use the Shadow Dagger he made from the Plum to cut the Reeds to make it?

Watching Otto smear the campsite with the Prolapsed Plum of Prolepsis, he says dryly, "I guess I'm going to need to make more bedrolls. Did you get any XP?"

As Emily examines the damage, he adds, "I wonder if we can use the Regular Dirt to soak up this goo?"

After a second, he adds, somewhat unnecessarily, "I'm certainly not going to try eating that."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:28, Mon 31 Jan 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 213 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 22:31
  • msg #556

Re: Spawnpoint

Voice of The System:
As he does so, the others can see as a shadow dagger forms in his hand, followed by one in his other hand, and then two more that appear above the slimy goop before shaking unstably and falling down.

"Grab those two daggers and start gathering Fabric and Plant Fiber while they last." He suggests strongly.

Emily Khorashandi:
Then she asked the Watcher.
"View Market, Demo mode" followed by "View tasks."

"I don't think you need to specify Demo Mode. I'm just blocked from anything but Demo Mode until I buy out of it."
Otto Bruckner
player, 154 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 22:40
  • msg #557

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 555):

"Yeah I did." Otto replied happily. "And heavy weapons experience too."

Not knowing if Arjun knew something that he did not, he went with the program and grabbed one one of the daggers before going to cut the base materials he would need for his foot wraps and bandages.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 214 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 22:43
  • msg #558

Re: Spawnpoint

As Otto heads out, Arjun calls out in his raspy, dry voice, "Hurry, these shadow weapons are always going to be temporary, and moreso out of my hands. Grab some for me too?"
Voice of The System
GM, 235 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 22:52
  • msg #559

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun is relieved to find that when he tries to make a Shadow Pellet using the ebony reed that it succeeds. However, the ebony reed seems a little... dimmer? ... to his eyes.

Arjun figures that either the thing attacked him when he got too close, or perhaps it is just extremely sharp and he had not considered that before trying to pull it out of the ground.

The sling pellets seem stable, now.

As for how much of the plant was consumed by this, he is unsure... he estimates around ten pellets may be the maximum for a single reed. He doesn't know for daggers, though.

The ebony plant seems physically fine, and whatever essence was removed from it does not seem to affect it's physical health.

Otto collects some materials with a knife, rather than his bare hands.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 215 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 23:20
  • msg #560

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC Just to refresh everyone's memory, including mine:

Voice of The System:
At this point, all previous weaeves have vanished. The longest to last was his original dagger, which lasted for just about 1 hour. The other items lasted anywhere from 10-20 minutes (with weapons lasting longer than ammo), while Otto's dagger vanished after less than 3 minutes.

The time limit seems to be fairly variable at the moment, but perhaps that will change when the proper source material is used.

"Lemmee know how long these last for. The Plum-stuff may last longer than the kite-stuff."

Arjun checks to see if this has completed the relevant task, and then continues to try to experiment.

He starts to try to use one dagger as a skewer, then decides to try something new and re-weaves one dagger into a stiletto so as to make it easier to pierce the ebony reed, hopefully making it easier to keep one end of a Reed still while using the other dagger to cut it off. He is ready to leap away if the immobile plant decides to shed all semblance of floral propriety and somehow attack him while he makes these incisions.

If it isn't solidified Shadow Essence, then there are actually two materials here, the Essence, and the Reed. If it was the Reed that cut my hand, then maybe we can make some permanent tools. If all those survival games have taught me anything, it's that even a shiv is better for gathering than your bare hands.

Recalling that the semi-universal recipe for shivs, at least in the handful of games he had played, was a chunk of fabric wrapped around anything with a sharp edge, he tried using a foot of both the Cloth Rope and the Vine Rope to make a handle in order to craft an Ebony Reed Daggers. (Or possibly 2, if both types of rope work)

He hoped that these daggers might retain the Shadow Essence inside them, so that he could have a portable store of it. He was also really hoping that he had finally found material suitable for making arrows. Not that this would really solve ANY of his problems...

Worriedly, he asked the empty spot just above his left shoulder, where he had come to imagine was where Voice of System sat, like some kind of petulant angel or demon, and asked, "Hey, Voice of System? Am I still deeply off track, like you warned me? Or has the track changed to fit around this....this strangeness?"

He begins to wonder if any of this was really happening, if maybe this whole thing was some kind of terrible hallucination, but quickly cuts off this line of thinking. Focusing his mind on the throbbing pain in his hand, he leaned into his masochistically-acquired Pain Tolerance skill as he worked, keeping himself focused on his task, and neither his morbid thoughts, nor his desperate thirst.
Otto Bruckner
player, 155 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #561

Re: Spawnpoint

The work went much faster with the knife, and Otto elected to concentrate on the Cloth rather than the plants. If their recent usage was any indication, Cloth was was always going to be valuable for its general utility.

While he worked, he checked his Task list, then looked to Emily when she suggested that there could be more of those things under the surface of the new disk.

"Mmm, could be. We might have to watch for them, if they work their way towards the surface. I'd like to think that was the only one and we caught it early enough, but it would be worth checking." he agreed. "Anything interesting in the Market?"

"I'd say 10 to 15 minutes in those daggers Arjun." He reported back in helpfully.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 145 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 23:29
  • msg #562

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily has a sudden thought coming out of nowhere as she was standing there, silently listening to the others.  Could it be possible, she wondered, that stale smell?  She slapped her own forehead and said, "I've had a thought, could the stale smell we can all smell be magic?"

Then she looks at Vlad once more and says, "Dmitri?  As a telepath could it be possible that you can access Vlad's magical abilities as a Cleric?  I only ask because in Dungeons and Dragons, make water is a fairly basic clerical spell."
Voice of The System
GM, 236 posts
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 00:00
  • msg #563

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun tries to re-weaeve his item into another form... the idea is very appealing... but... it's difficult to... to...

With a start, Arjun realizes he is sweating intensely, and feels something warm and metallic dripping from his nostrils!

He blinks but feels extremely dizzy. Looking down, he sees that his dagger has changed to the shape he had imagined... However, he is beyond tired. His arms and legs are too weak right now for him to do more than slump on his knees and drool onto his lap.

Even his mind is fatigued, and he can barely form a thought...

This lasts for several minutes, during which he is not responsive.

Eventually, he comes back to himself, and the first thing he notices, even beyond his painful hand, is his thirst. His dehydration is extremely high and he feels like pushing himself any further will put him out of commission or have him start hallucinating a little fellow dancing on his shoulder.

Nevertheless, he pushes onwards.

Without touching the reed, Arjun cuts at it with his dagger, and finds that it does not react. It takes a lot of effort, mostly because of his tired muscles, but he eventually stops sawing and starts striking at it's base, which eventually gets it to break in half and  fall to the ground. He does this once more before his shadow stiletto vanishes in a puff of cold smoke.

Perhaps because his mind is so hazy, he reaches out to the Voice to ask his questions.

A response comes.

Beyond that, Arjun just tries to center himself and manage the pain, dehydration and fear.

Meanwhile, Otto checks his tasks and finds a new one.
Otto Bruckner
player, 156 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 00:15
  • msg #564

Re: Spawnpoint

"I'm honestly surprised your dance did not do the trick Emily" Otto commented as he worked. "I was thinking, the dancing and the drumming all seemed good. But what if we could work in more?" He suggested.

"I was thinking back to all the different cultures that tried to appease the Gods of their times, and they would have ritual costumes, and music, sacrifices and incense. We're pretty limited, but I met you we could make some other primitive instruments, and maybe a costume for you." he mused, before he checked his Task list.

He stood and set his cloth aside, walking a little stiffly towards Arjun. "Alllllright buddy, I think it's time for a break." He gently insisted. "I think this magic stuff is taking more out of you than you think. That and you did slice yourself to the bone not too long ago."

"Come on" he urged Arjun. "Come lay down for a bit, like, an hour at least, and we'll see what we can do about this water situation. I do have the Survival Skill, you'd think I'd be more useful than I have been..." he said with a grin.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:18, Tue 01 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 216 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 00:30
  • msg #565

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily ...said, "I've had a thought, could the stale smell we can all smell be magic?"

Arjun sniffs his Shadow Daggers experimentally. "Could be. I'm guessing your nose is better honed than mine is. Try smelling the daggers."

Once Arjun is done examining the Ebony Reeds (and recovering from his dizziness), he Gathers a bedroll's worth of Regular Dirt from the Dirt Node before returning to base, weariness screaming out of his body, he slumps unceremoniously to the ground, resting for a long while, and eventually sits back up, once again using Vlad's body as a backrest.

He'll craft 3 bedrolls (60 min?) to sell to the Market, and then spend the coins to exit Market Demo mode, claim his completed tasks, and the search the Marketplace for water and food. He contemplates checking for new tasks, but he is beyond exhausted at this point, and the prospect of another task strikes him as beyond his ability.

OOC: I'm gonna head offline in less than an hour, folks. So here's a list of craft projects in case the rest of you want to skip time forward. But don't rush on my account.

Arjun realizes that Otto has only brought back Fabric to the Spawnpoint Disc campsite, where he and Vlad are lying. Commenting, "Let's try something that doesn't really work in the real world," he will attempt to deconstruct enough Vine Rope to get 24 Plant Fiber so that he can craft a new quiver.

Next, he'll try to craft several things:
  • Ebony Reed Daggers, up to 5, using the material he gathered right before passing out
  • a crafting/tailoring kit/bag with various tools Arjun knows from his days in the props & costuming shops before he finally got on stage
  • a new Cloth Langot (15 min?)
  • 2 First Aid Pouches to hold 10 bandages in, each
  • a new quiver (as mentioned above, possibly using recycled materials) (50 min?)
  • a 2nd Vine Bow (using freshly acquired Plant Fiber) (75 min?)
  • 2 backpacks with straps for attaching the bedrolls
  • possibly, Ebony Reed Arrows, up to 26.

Even in his extremely dehydrated state, his ego and his growing aptitude for Crafts get the better of him, and he makes a little mark on each one, a kind of personal signature, using some scrap Plant Fiber. His delirious mind dreams of a day when his reputation as a Crafter Extrodinaire grows, and these trinkets from his early days become collectors items, much sought after.

He sells his original Vine Bow, and the first Ebony Reed Dagger, backpack, Ebony Reed Arrow, and First Aid Pouch that he makes, offering up each up in a kind of benediction to the Observer that had offered those first tasks and bids. Part of him is still calculating, hoping to earn extra coin, but another part of him finds some bizarre sense of spirituality in the ritual of offering the first of each new type of Crafted Recipe out to the universe in supplication, in humility.

Oh, gods, yes. He was so fucking humble, it was amazing. It felt just...perfect. He was a total badass spiritual muthafucka who was getting right with the universe by selling his crappy little trinkets on the open market. A humble, deeply spiritual entrepreneurial, bad ass actor-cum-Shadow Archer.... someone his Dad would be proud of, sitting here, praying like nobody's business....

With these thoughts floating through his head, Arjun nods off to sleep again, as Otto helps him to a prone position, whispering some nonsense that Arjun couldn't quite make out.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:32, Tue 01 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 87 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 01:09
  • msg #566

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri's headaches add to his annoyance at the situation, making it even harder for him to concentrate on the tasks at hand. Speaking of tasks, these observers want us to do tasks in this resource-deprived world. So a quick call to check tasks seems to be in order.

Despite the pounding headache, a thought refuses to leave his head. Normally, such a thought would stay there, but the rough conditions do not permit him the mental discipline to hold it in, and he says aloud, "We the unknowing, led by the unwilling, have been forced to do so much with so little, that we are now expected to do everything with nothing." The expression of the thought is enough to diminish its brainspace and allow other sensory input and thought to operate.

At some point he processes that Emily asked if he could "borrow" Vlad's clerical skills to make water. Dmitri at this point is more concerned with figuring out what these observers want, but if they choose to leave him alone for a bit, he will try to add the "borrow cleric skills" task to the end of the list.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:25, Tue 01 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 219 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 01:52
  • msg #567

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Dmitri Alvin Reslin (msg # 566):

Curled into Vlad's side, as if hungry for the warmth, the current project still in his lap, Arjun mumbles,"qualified."

It would have been easy to think the American actor had been asleep. In truth, he had been nodding off for large chunks of time, drifting in and out of consciousness, his hands slowly reaching back down to work on the next bedroll, sometimes not even finishing the next stitch before drifting off.

He turned to his side, moving Vlad's thick, meaty arm out from under his head, as he corrected the quote. "we've been forced to do so much with so little, for so long, that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing."

His voice drifts off into mumbles, though it seems clear that, regardless of the original source of the quote, Arjun was reciting lines from a specific episode of a specific TV show, and believed that was the actual quote.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 146 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 10:51
  • msg #568

Re: Spawnpoint

After the suggestion from Otto, Emily considered what possible musical instruments she could make.  She didn't know how to play a wind instrument so she had no idea where to put the holes or what kind of reed to use and how to make the mouthpiece so that was out.  She didn't think the plant fibres were strong enough to make a proper resonating chamber so a guitar was out of the question as well, but there was always a collection of different sized drums or...

She smiled slowly and made her way over first to the fabric disc and then to the vine disc and sat in the middle of the original disc and slowly, beginning with five strings of different width, followed by pegs to wind the strings around, then a neck, a head, a round frame with fabric held taut upon the frame she made her first attempt to craft a banjo.
Voice of The System
GM, 238 posts
Thu 3 Feb 2022
at 21:17
  • msg #569

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun is exhausted in more ways than one, but decides to force himself to trudge on a little longer, perhaps just so he does not lose this 'momentum'.

After filling his bedroll with dirt, Arjun decides instead of using it as a mediocre neck pillow, to use the frozen corpse of his friend instead. It's a little disrespectful, but Arjun is too tired and desensitized to worry about that.

Next, he begins to painstakingly craft three more bedrolls, in order to sell and obtain the necessary coins to exit the demo-mode of this strange 'market' function.

Later, Arjun has the idea to 'reverse craft' an item. Basically, break it down to get some of it's materials back. First, he tries this with his Vine Rope to get back enough Plant Fibers to attempt to make another quiver.

He notices something strange as he does this. He finds himself tearing apart a foot of rope at a time, as if guided to do so subconsciously... Perhaps this is covered by his diligently-trained Craft skill, in some way?

Regardless, as Arjun does so, he finds something strange... The material comes undone extremely easily. In fact, one or two half-hearted tugs is enough to unwrap his entire creation... Is it just his timing? It must be, because the thing was more sturdy than this in practice...

The second weirdest thing is that three times when Arjun is unwinding the rope to obtain strangely-unworked portions of plant fiber materials, he has to blink as a bit of the material he would expect to be holding seems to have just poof'd away!

As a result, he has to unmake 9 ft of Rope, rather than the 8 which would be expected.

In the end he is left with enough to work with, but has used all his Vine Rope, and three of the twenty seven system-recognized portions of plant fibers used to make this rope seems to have vanished into the aether, somehow during the process of deconstruction.

All in all this only takes him a few minutes.

Then, Arjun begins to really overdo himself as he goes to begin a load of other projects, on this day.

Around this time, Dmitri is feeling extremely irritated and exhausted by the countless conundrums he and his part have faced. He checks his tasks, and then mutters something he would rather have kept to himself, as it is clearly a statement of displeasure with the 'divine' beings observing this crazy world.

Afterwards, he tries to use his psychic powers to some way borrow or steal Vlad's abilities, but while he finds that he does have a connection to this strange mental power, it is far too difficult for him to control it at this stage, since he has not practiced whatsoever.

Perhaps for that reason, his attempts to gain water manipulation from Vlad fail. He even tries to will a task into existence, but there is no response to his actions here.

In response to Dmitri, Arjun mumbles a half-deranged quote in the midst of his exaggerated ideas of offering and worship.

Meanwhile, Emily works very hard to create a banjo. The strings are the easiest part to create in fact, but the body is very difficult to find a way to create, since the only solid plant material they have is the hollow tubular plants, which everyone is less familiar with manipulating than the fibrous strands that have been torn off from them for crafts.

Indeed, it would be easier if she had some sort of wood to work with, but still Emily believes she can make this work, though she does not think it will be easy.

OOC: Also, Arjun, I'll save your selling until after you've made some of your new items, since that's the order of your post and probably the intended idea was not to be left without anything at any point.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 224 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 06:43
  • msg #570

Re: Spawnpoint

Voice of The System:
OOC: Also, Arjun, I'll save your selling until after you've made some of your new items, since that's the order of your post and probably the intended idea was not to be left without anything at any point.

OOC: Yeah, I wasn't sure when I would be getting back online, so I made a big list. I'm stuck here "resting" anyway, so just let me know when I get done with any one craft.

Arjun rests his back against The Red Priest, and works slowly, his bandaged hand no doubt hampering his work. Yet, this was the only path he could think of that might lead to water, and he couldn't remember ever being this thirsty in his life.

He glanced down at Vlad, checking to see if he was still alive  -- or at least, as alive as he had been all day. Had it really only been a day?

Groggily, he shook his head to try to wake up yet again, and reviewed his status windows and notifications as a brief reprieve from his his work.

What had I been working on? Bandages? Bedrolls? Something about Nodes?

Seeing Dmitri walk past again, he asks Dmitri, "Can you tell us about these hints you've gotten about making Nodes, man? And how's the Telepath stuff coming along?"

Looking back down at the tangle of ideas in front of him, his focus and attention fading, he checks for active tasks and quests for some clue as to what he was working on, and then realizes this isn't a command he has tried before, and so checks the Market to see how many Coins he currently has.

Trying to keep himself awake, he tried talking to Emily about her banjo project, and her interest in music. "Maybe you could use the Ebony Reeds for the....the neck-looking bit? Now that we know how to gather them safely, anyway...."

When Otto next appeared (had he appeared? Had he been there all along?), Arjun pointed to the pile of Plant Fiber he had pulled out of his rope. "There seems to be a difference between the stuff we came into the world with, and ITEMs..." (he pronounced the word carefully, and you could hear the capitalization) "...but I managed to deconstruct my rope and get back almost all of it. You should try deconstructing your boots, if they're not wearable anyway. Oh, and I think I left your key back by the Reed I puked on, if you want it back. I wonder if you could deconstruct the key until a until of steel."

Privately, Arjun assumed the key was made out of some cheap alloy, not steel, but whatever.

He points at the reed amid his various piles of crafting materials, and looks somewhat confused when he sees it. "Huh. Thought I had cut down an entire plant from close to the ground, but it was still only one reed......"

OOC: I think the "arms" of the reeds might look differently than I imagined, if we cut them off at the base and only get one reed that way. Are they more like knuckles?

Also, I'm assuming we don't get recipes until we get at least halfway through the project, so I can't tell people of the recipe I have for the Stiletto yet, or theorize about what else we might be able to do with it.

"I'm gonna try making a dagger out of that one. And I was thinking, this Vine Bow gives additional natural damage, whatever that means. So we might be able to make armor with it too. Didn't you say you could wear natural armor, Otto?" Might be worth a try. These reeds, too. After we buy some water."

Water. He could feel himself losing water with every breath. Maybe he should try to just express himself with his Body Language skill, to conserve the moisture in his every breath.

Struck by a sudden thought, Arjun asks Otto, "Did you say survival skill? can you tell me if any of this stuff is poisonous? I'm so hungry I'm thinking about chewing on some of these scraps." Wearily, Arjun points to some of the bits of plant fiber and reed leftover from the crafting of the last.... Two days? Five? How long has it been since he'd had water?
This message was last edited by the player at 09:37, Fri 04 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 89 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 14:45
  • msg #571

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri looks at his task list and mutters another outburst: "Well, I don't see where we're going to park a market here, but when we do, I suppose having coins to spend would help."

Then he looks at his new alert and scowls. Then a small smile creeps across his face. "If that's what you think of me, SPARSER, be careful what you ask for."

Then Dmitri realized he was asked a question by Arjun. "The node creation thing is primitive for now. I can make soil, wood, or stone nodes, and I haven't figured out how to refresh that yet, though my latest task list hints at a possible solution. But given the title I was just awarded (Dissenter), that may be another red herring designed to build my hopes up only to dash them again. Nonetheless, it's worth trying, if only for the market coins. I will need solitude for this, so please keep people from trying to involve me until my meditation is done."

Dmitri then finds a secluded spot away from others and meditates on how he can actually use a Soil Node, given the lack of water and seeds so far.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 148 posts
Retro Musician
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 15:25
  • msg #572

Re: Spawnpoint

When Arjun asks her about using ebony reeds for the neck of her banjo, Emily thinks about this for a long moment before finally saying, "That's very kind of you but no thank you.  The reeds stink of magic for one thing but for another, what I'd really need something more solid for, preferably wood, is the frame, over which the resonator is stretched, but even in the absence of wood, I think I can do it without and I plan to try in order to improve my crafting ability and later, to accompany my own dancing and I hope to improve that.  For now though, I'm sorry if I seem lost in my own world.  I'm not meditating but I am concentrating on the task in hand."

With that, she resumes working, taking as many attempts as it takes to produce the banjo she needs.
Otto Bruckner
player, 159 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 16:21
  • msg #573

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto took a break from his bandage making to inspect the various items at Arjun's request. He had no idea how to tell if anything was poisonous, aside from trial and error, but the longer this went on the more bizarre it all seemed.

Maybe something new would happen? He had no idea.

"You really should take a break man." Otto advised. "Remember when Emily got a point docked yesterday? Who knows what kind of penalties System might start piling on if you push yourself to failure."

After brief consideration he glanced to his boots. "Think I'll hold onto them for now. Still going back and forth on leather or metal for tomorrow." He glanced to the newest island. Thing still gave him the creeps.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 227 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #574

Re: Spawnpoint

Considering Emily's obvious knowledge I'm the subject, Arjun's weary mind went to farm and strange places. "You're very musically talented for someone who works for a news agency. Make sure I get your email before we leave this place, they're are some parties I think you'd be hit at... I wonder if whoever created this.... This place, which isn't very much like a game at all, I wonder if their understanding of music musical instruments was as great as yours. Certainly, I wouldn't have imagined that I could make a bow out of all those roots.

Arjun had once again nodded off and snapped back awake, prompting Otto to once again chide him for not getting any rest. He inspected his hand once again and re-bandaged it again if needed. The lanky 30-something complained to Otto, "I'm too dehydrated to rest. Too tired to sleep. And I'm telling you, dude, I'm betting there are other ways to trigger the land expansions besides tossing stuff over the edge. When we learned about the command interface windows, we all thought you had to say them out loud, and then I thought I could also trigger them using ASL, but it turns out we don't even need to do that. System can read our gorram intentions, and take them as commands. I bet the Expansions are the same way."

Tossing a "unit" of cloth at Dmitri, Arjun grew visibly frustrated, his voice raised to a hoarse yell at the accountant-looking telepath, whose demeanor only made Arjun more leery of his System-generated abilities. "I don't care about the Nodes! You already told us you only get one, and you wasted it making the gorram endless pile of dirt. I was asking about the Expansions, dammit. The Expansions you keep telling us you have clues about but won't FUCKING tell us what they are. What are the goddamn clues, already?"

OOC: yeah, I totally wrote "nodes" instead of "Expansions" in that post. But Arjun will be damned if he admits it.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 90 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 02:26
  • msg #575

Re: Spawnpoint

"For a person who claims not to have heard the clues I was given, you have done an adequate job of summarizing them. And should you get enough sleep to attempt it, be my guest in using those assumptions to plan future expansions. I, for one, will not stop you." Dmitri's voice was even throughout the statement. Too even.
Otto Bruckner
player, 160 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 05:03
  • msg #576

Re: Spawnpoint

As Arjun grew more irritable, And Dmitri more cryptic, Otto seemed to abandon his efforts to encourage the actor to rest. He was a grown man after all, and older than Otto.

So he went and sat by Emily as he worked. Like the others he was distractedly thirsty and nauseous from hunger and the smell of the newest island. His ankle still hurt, although he thought that it was entering the itchy stage.

The overweight man sat cross legged and bent forward as he continued to tear the cloth into long strips, feeling a little useless after his "victory" over the plum, but determined to finish what he had started.

"Be nice to get out of here, see some green grass, blue sky...a stream." he said off hand to their Huntress as he worked.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:04, Sat 05 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 241 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 05:46
  • msg #577

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: I think the "arms" of the reeds might look differently than I imagined, if we cut them off at the base and only get one reed that way. Are they more like knuckles?

Also, I'm assuming we don't get recipes until we get at least halfway through the project, so I can't tell people of the recipe I have for the Stiletto yet, or theorize about what else we might be able to do with it.

OOC: You cut off the reed at the base, and the system recognized the whole plant as just one reed. The arms on the plants would be shaved off in the Craft-ing of a stiletto, and become basically a waste byproduct

As for recipes, you don't 'learn' them until you finish the first craft attempt, either with success or with failure

Dmitri ends to go and meditate, but right away as he sits down, he doesn't even need to enter a meditative state, because since he has calmed down just a little he is able to realize that Arjun has already used his Soil Node multiple times, to quite some effect.

He himself has never interacted with it, after creating it.

Meanwhile, Otto takes a look at the plant fibers Arjun gathered from the 'Root Disc'... However, nothing is really apparent from just looking at them... Again, other than how weird they are.

If they are poisonous, it's definitely not a contact poison since everyone has touched them at some point, and nobody has gotten sick with anything. Whether or not they can be eaten is unclear, at this moment.

Otto is actually finding that of everyone, thirst seems to be bothering him the least. His mouth is dry, but it's more uncomfortable than scary or painful. Perhaps the influence of his Survival skill?

Afterwards, Arjun replaces his bandages, which smell quite bad and are covered in dried blood. There does not seem to be any discoloration, so the 'fever' he had last night was probably just from shock rather than any sort of foreign agents.

After replacing his bandages, Arjun feels a tiny bit of relief, to get that disgusting cloth off of him. The thirst is becoming a big deal for him now, as he has noted many times.

OOC: Also, please note Emily and Dmitri that both of you are now suffering from mild migraines and sore throats. If you stand up or move too quickly, you also feel dizzy.

By now, Otto is a little bored and itchy, so he strikes a conversation with their huntress Emily who is crafting a banjo, all to pass the time...

Indeed, it is fitting that Otto wishes for green grass, despite the very first disc having such... Otto definitely feels now that some parts of this world just feel... fabricated and fake, as if only incidentally made for humans... and not at all like their normal world.
Otto Bruckner
player, 162 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 06:30
  • msg #578

Re: Spawnpoint

The second day began to wear on Otto as the novelty of their situation began to wear thin. His thoughts turned to friends, family and home, almost as if needing a break from thinking about how absurd their entire conundrum was.

It took a concious effort to keep his spirits up between his thirst, the smell, and the surreal "grass" beneath them. They still had no real solution, they still did not know where they were or how they had gotten here. If there was some consolation, the Tasks did provide some bit of direction.

Tomorrow would have to be the day, he thought to himself. If they did not solve the water problem tomorrow, and the food problem soon, well, it might really start to get ugly.

But they were not there yet. Still plenty of things to do. He shot a smile to Emily as she worked on her banjo, and he rolled his bandages nice and tight, leaving them in a little pile, their stockpile, ready to be grabbed and used at a moments notice.

Tomorrow he told himself. If he could get though today, get some more tasks done, they could figure it out tomorrow.

Truthfully he did not breath any easier telling himself that, but there were not many other options.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 229 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 07:08
  • msg #579

Re: Spawnpoint

After a long period of relatively companionable silence, during which Arjun falls asleep again, the actor jerks awake again, and starts mumbling something about tasks again, and looking around as if he's forgotten where he is.

When he sees Vlad is still acting as a back rest, the awful truth of their situation sinks in, and a complex array of emotions crosses his face: crushing despair, physical distress, mystery and wonder, disbelief.

He grabs the bedroll he's currently working on, and sets back to it with a will, grumbling to himself about titles, Mana, Qi, and Stamina bars, while pulling strands of thread through the knit fabric.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:09, Sat 05 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 245 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #580

Re: Spawnpoint

And so, over 8 hours pass this way...

Emily strives tirelessly towards the task of creating a banjo prototype, while Arjun dips his moisture-less toes in many fields of study.... dry fields... he is thirsty.

OOC; Check DT thread! You all have many rewards. PM me with any questions, or ask them in OOC.

You guys have some deficits, but since you've already done a lot I'm not gonna refund you, and we'll just say the 'wasted' time was spent dealing with your varying and intensifying health issues

Meanwhile, Otto and Dmitri do other activities.

OOC: You each have some deficits (unspent 'time'), so please tell me if you want to fill it.

Otto has 457 minutes to retroactively spend how he pleases. However, you cannot do combat, because I can't blitz thru that. I suggest either exercise and/or survival training

Dmitri has 509 minutes to retroactively spend how he pleases. However, you cannot do combat, because I can't blitz thru that. I suggest meditation and/or node grinding

At some point, everyone is shocked away from their respective tasks as all light in the world disappears in an instant. You are all left in near-darkness, except for a very faint silvery source of light that permeates the area.
Otto Bruckner
player, 163 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 20:08
  • msg #581

Re: Spawnpoint

At the urging of System, and despite the risk of aggravating his already dehydrated and starving condition, Otto had committed himself to getting in shape. Even if it was just a short work out session every day.

It was supremely ironic that after having ample free time to do these things at home, he had suddenly been inspired by something as simple as being assigned a "Class", but there was something to be said for "gamifying" work. He also had direct and obvious feedback now, which was another huge motivator.

He decided on an hour of very basic exercise, pushups, situps, planks, and jumping jacks. Stuff he had done in school and not really revisited since.

"Survival" was a bit more nebulous, although Otto had a surprising academic grasp on how ancient people's used to get by. He was a history student after all. This did very little to help him in practice, but it was a start.

He tried a little bit of the Vine, he tried a little bit of cloth, he even tried a little bit of the dirt. Plenty of animals ate dirt or lapped muddy water for digestive and nutrient purposes, and this stuff appeared to be about as sterile as you could get.

He considered methods for recycling urine, although they all involved fire of some sorts charcoal filtration or boiling.

Then logically enough he considered fire. They had plenty of bone dry tinder, they also had cloth, they had a good dirt area they could build a pit in. They just lacked a means of ignition.

Then he remembered...Arjun had some how built a bow. It was against all logic in his mind, bows required specialized expertise, they required specific types of wood and strings for even the simplest designs...but he had done it. It seemed to be the magic of the System.

So he experimented with making his own fire bow, something he could use to twirl a stick should they ever get one. He looked into shredding the various vine segments into very fine tinder, he dug a fire pit with his hands.

And lastly, but probably most importantly, he considered their water situation. Water was one of the bedrocks of Survival for almost any creature. It made sense to him, that he had as good a chance as any at acing this particular problem. Finding it was absolutely essential for their Survival, and as their Barbarian, he bent his will towards finding it.
Voice of The System
GM, 248 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 20:32
  • msg #582

Re: Spawnpoint

Embracing the irony of his situation, Otto becomes motivated to follow the system advice, even if it comes with obvious risks given their lack of water.

After an hour, Otto finds himself thirsty, panting and sweating.

He had taken it easy, but his stamina in the 'real world' had been truly subpar. Of all his 'physical' Stats, this one was by far the lowest, which made sense as Otto had never actually tested his body's capabilities in combat, and simply assumed he was unathletic because he sucked at exercising back in school... Then again, he hadn't joined the military so that much was kind of obvious

Despite his exerted condition, Otto does not feel dangerously dehydrated, but he does feel a little dizzy and warm... It's almost like the feeling of being dehydrated is coming onto him, but in slow motion... This was certainly something to do with 'Survival' rather than his stats or his class itself.

After this, Otto did a surreal sort of taste test of the various materials they had found.

The vine was basically like eating dry leaves... but more thick. It wasn't really harmful, but it was a little 'gross' or maybe just 'bland', and it certainly didn't seem very nutritious... Otto recalled a fact he had heard that giant herbivores like elephants, giraffes or the extinct brontosaurs had to consume an absurd amount of plant matter to get any nutrition from it... He didn't really feel like doing that though, so he left it as 'not harmful but not helpful'

At most it could be used to stave off hunger pains, if things got that bad. Nobody had actually complained of hunger yet, as water was all of their main concern. They had plenty of time to slowly starve later, because first they needed water within a day or their less-stat-influenced members would probably start... dropping

Next, Otto tried the cloth. It was gross and a bad texture for swallowing, so Otto only manages to eat a little bit. Indeed, it feels like he just ate a bunch of animal fur, or some feathers, or maybe a thing of tissue paper. It was the same sort of 'Oh shit' feeling you get when you swallow gum.

Meaning, it mostly feels bad because you don't feel right doing it, but the experience itself wasn't really awful. It's still preferable to eating something disgusting, but it doesn't make him feel good by any means.

Definitely, it doesn't seem like 'food', and he just hopes he can digest it properly.

Lastly, Otto decides to try a bit of dirt from. He reasons it's certainly a sterile enough environment around here, but it's probably safer to consume the stuff from the soil node (or the version of it that underwent automatic expansion) rather than the bug dung on Root Island. Unfortunately, the most sterile stuff is on the original disc, but they can no longer affect it in any way, so he cannot munch it, since he cannot interact with it.
Otto Bruckner
player, 165 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 20:44
  • msg #583

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto's adventures in edibility went off about as well as he expected.

While he seems to get away with the Vine and cloth with only a sort of grimace, ingesting a little of the soil, both the dirt node and the new island had left provoked more distressing results.

Luckily for everyone they had exhausted their new expansions for the day, as their Barbarian squatted with his exposed rear end over the abyss and his head in his hands as he endured the ensuing gastrointestinal distress.

It was only after this experience that he turned, now a little more drawn looking, towards the problems of fire and water.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:44, Sat 05 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 250 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 20:53
  • msg #584

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC; By fire bow, do you mean a Fire-elemental bow weapon, or is this some sort of fire starter?
Otto Bruckner
player, 166 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 20:55
  • msg #585

Re: Spawnpoint

A type of fire starter. Like a little bow that uses the string to twirl a stick into groove, to make friction, to make heat, to make sparks.

Voice of The System
GM, 251 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 21:01
  • msg #586

Re: Spawnpoint


After just sixteen minutes, Otto manages to create his first prototype!

...Unfortunately it looks closer to a model of what he was thinking of then a functional item... perhaps this would be hard to do without wood? Certainly, the string looks a little too thick as it's made of cloth, and the whole thing looks prone to set flames by a stray spark... also it's not rigid enough to stand much pressure, so any motion has to be applied very carefully...
Arjun Gandhi
player, 230 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 21:17
  • msg #587

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
He'll craft 3 bedrolls (60 min?) to sell to the Market, and then spend the coins to exit Market Demo mode, claim his completed tasks, and the search the Marketplace for water and food....

Next, he'll try to craft several things:
  • Ebony Reed Daggers, up to 5, using the material he gathered right before passing out
  • a crafting/tailoring kit/bag with various tools Arjun knows from his days in the props & costuming shops before he finally got on stage
  • a new Cloth Langot (15 min?)
  • 2 First Aid Pouches to hold 10 bandages in, each
  • a new quiver (as mentioned above, possibly using recycled materials) (50 min?)
  • a 2nd Vine Bow (using freshly acquired Plant Fiber) (75 min?)
  • 2 backpacks with straps for attaching the bedrolls
  • possibly, Ebony Reed Arrows, up to 26.

....He sells his original Vine Bow, and the first Ebony Reed Dagger, backpack, Ebony Reed Arrow, and First Aid Pouch that he makes, offering up each up in a kind of benediction to the Observer that had offered those first tasks and bids. Part of him is still calculating, hoping to earn extra coin, but another part of him finds some bizarre sense of spirituality in the ritual of offering the first of each new type of Crafted Recipe out to the universe in supplication, in humility.

By the time it is all over, Arjun recalls that the whole point of all this crafting while nearly dead of blood loss, an absolutely mutilated hand, and dehydration is to try to find something to drink.

OOC to GM:
 If you'd like to resolve the time issues, we can play this like I was so dehydrated that I forgot to sell stuff and look for something to drink but just got so focused on crafting that I forgot why I was doing it.

He sells 2 bedrolls, a Medium Cloth Pouch, a Vine Bow, the first Dry Cloth Bandage, and a Backpack; then he exits the Market's Demo mode, and browses the Market, hoping desperately for food, (potable) water, and medical supplies to be found there. He had made a point of leaving a signature mark on each piece he made, and sold the first of each of these creations, silently intending the act as an offering to whatever mad Observer had been willing to buy his previous underwear right off his junk. For you, he thought in his mind as he sold each ITEM to the Market. For you, for you for you. His hands subconsciously adopted the prayer postures of his ancestors as he offered up each item for sale. He carefully notes the prices of each one.

He arrived in this world wearing nothing but a purple satin bathrobe covered in embroidered dragons. Now, he is also wearing Stockings, a Lingot, Wrap Pants, Medium Pouch, Backpack, and Quiver of the same knitted, striped dark blue Cloth. He also has a Cloth Rope (6ft) wrapped around his waist, further securing his robe shut, to which the pouch is attached. The pouch contains 9/10 dry cloth bandages. The backpack contains a bedroll, blanket, and a small pile of scraps that might be useful for crafting.

He is carrying an Ebony Stiletto, a Vine Bow, and a (2nd) Bedroll full of Regular Dirt.

He has not washed in quite some time. In addition to the toothpaste on one side of his face, there are stains on the other side of his face from where he fainted into his own vomit. His right arm is covered in dried blood up to his forearm, and his right hand is wrapped in a bandage.

He is not entirely sure how somebody is supposed to carry all this stuff, and probably needs to make a sheath for his stiletto. And maybe he could make some kind of quick release tie-thingie onto the backpack to hold the bow on his shoulder, but that seems like a not-useful thing to do....yeah, this would probably be completely natural to me if I actually knew what the heck I was doing

Too parched to speak at this point, he uses his Body Language to express to the others It took an entire reed, but I managed to make this Ebony Stiletto, so we should all be able to make weapons now to defend ourselves!
Emily Khorashandi
player, 154 posts
Retro Musician
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 21:20
  • msg #588

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily awakens alone once more, with a mouth that tastes like a family of honey badgers made a nest in it and enjoyed a meal of water buffalo testicles.  Her mouth is dry and her head feels like Phil 'Animal' Taylor used it as a drum in the last ever Motorhead concert.

She opens the Market and sells four of her banjos, one kite and a cruddy slingshot.  She then checks the Market to see how many coins she has.  If she can, she tries to buy water but given this is unlikely, she builds a better slingshot instead.

She waits until the others are awake before playing the violin but if she has time before they awaken, she will start trying to craft a vine and cloth bow.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 232 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 21:30
  • msg #589

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC to GM: Still need to know the prices everything sold for.

Barely able to muster a squeak, Arjun waved his injured hand excitedly to get everyone's attention.

His voice a tiny, shriveled husk of his previous luxurious richness, he shrieks to the others "Water! View Bottled Water. View Mineral Water. Market, Buy Mineral Water!!! Market, Search for 'Food'!!!"

Arjun immediately starts drinking the Mineral Water as soon as it appears. As he does so, assuming he has enough Coins to do so, he will buy Mineral Water for Emily, Otto, and Dmitri as well. If any of them don't want the gift he just bought for them, he will happily keep it for himself.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:35, Sat 05 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 253 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 21:43
  • msg #590

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun is truly rocking an esoteric get-up at the moment, as he prays half-mad to some unknown entity as he sells each of his ITEMs...

And there is a response...

He sells 2 bedrolls, a Medium Cloth Pouch, a Vine Bow, the first Dry Cloth Bandage, and a Backpack

[10 blank lines suppressed]

At that moment...

World Notice


Attempt has been blocked by {SYSTEM}

In the center of 'spawn island', a large message appears and shakes violently before settling suddenly into complete stillness.

Everyone holds their breath for a moment... before...

World Notice




At that moment...

A beacon of resplendent light fills the sky, far too blinding for all of you. Instinctively, you all tightly shut your eyes and lower your heads, as the absolute luminance threatens to sear your eyeballs right out of your skulls.

Then, the sudden burst of radiance settles down into a comforting warm glow, that reminds you all of sunbathing or a comfortable nap by the fireplace.

The light has taken the shape of a six-winged angel, who has a prismatic aura of endless streams of color shooting off to fill the entire sky, and cross the horizon itself.

The angel's face is hardly visible from the distance, but each one of you is enthralled by the absolute beauty that you can see. The figure of the angel descends in a garment of pure white silk, and reaches her hand out towards Arjun...

A tiny wisp of light is about to reach him before, in a voice as sweet and soft as the heavens itself, but filled with as much passion as one's first kiss...

...I love you...

And as sudden as it came, the entire entity vanishes with a warm breeze that smells of a pleasant and light scent, perhaps blossoming flowers or a field of apples, causing the grass on the original disc to sway harmoniously and glittering lights to fall and then fade across the sky.
Voice of The System
GM, 255 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 22:07
  • msg #591

Re: Spawnpoint

Even with a high level of Body Language, Arjun is only able to silently convey to anyone with eyes on him, that 'look at this dagger I'm holding... pretty nifty, huh?'

Meanwhile, Arjun freaks out over finally finding the blessed water of life!

He views their information, but doesn't really absorb it and just buys out of sudden joy.

OOC: How much of each of these two items does Arjun spontaneously buy?

Then, he looks for food.

Later that night, Emily wakes up and sells some items.

Afterwards, she also tries to make a vine and cloth bow, but fails to do so after wasting about 30 minutes and some resources.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 235 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 22:24
  • msg #592

Re: Spawnpoint

Voice of The System:
Meanwhile, Arjun freaks out over finally finding the blessed water of life!

OOC: How much of each of these two items does Arjun spontaneously buy?

Then, he looks for food.

Arjun buys 4 mineral waters, one for each functioning PLAYER, chugs his tin bottle with great abandon, and then Views and Buys Regular Bread, which he also splits between everybody.
Otto Bruckner
player, 168 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #593

Re: Spawnpoint

The experience itself passed in a kind of serene blur, the details of which already beginning to fade, and Otto would find that he would have trouble remembering the true intensity of the visitation afterward.

She possessed an unearthly beauty, yes, she came down from the sky in a blaze of light and color, and the sheer excitement of the arrival of water was lost in the general state of awe.

The young man stood there, mouth slightly agape, and then just as suddenly as she had arrived, she was gone.

Otto stood there mute for a few minutes, then silently made his way over and took one of the bottles that Arjun had urgently offered him.

He took it in his hand, turned it over to look at it, then broke into a broad smile. "Well, looks like we're gonna make it." he said with obvious relief.

"Thanks man, really. I think...I'm gonna hold onto to mine." he told the others. "Just in case. That way, we can open it fresh tomorrow for the new island. Don't want to contaminate it."he explains. "And just in case we can't but any more, for whatever reason."

Oh he was thirsty, dehydrated even, but he had not reached the stages that Arjun had, likely because of whatever protective influence his Class had instilled in him against the rigors of things like hunger or thirst.

He did take the bread eagerly though, and breaking off a mouthful sized piece he closed his eyes as he took a bite and chewed. After he had taken a few bites he looked back to Arjun. "So...about that Goddess of Love..." He began, as if encouraging Arjun to speak about the experience.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 156 posts
Retro Musician
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #594

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily agrees that Otto's is an excellent suggestion and she too holds on until the time has come to make new expansions.  In the meantime, since she has made an unsuccessful attempt to make a vine bow, she asks Arjun for the recipe but she will hold off on making it because she has been waiting all night for the opportunity to play her banjo and dance along with her music in as alluring a way as possible as she does so in the hope of entertaining the observers.
Voice of The System
GM, 256 posts
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 00:47
  • msg #595

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto inquires to Arjun about the recent descent, while Emily asks him how to craft a copy of his bow.

Emily spends some time while everyone else is asleep practicing her Dance of Fascination.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 240 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 07:45
  • msg #596

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: still a Saturday, but yes, Arjun takes Emily how to make a Vine Bow.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 93 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 16:34
  • msg #597

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri breaks from meditating almost 7 hours and notices a bottle of mineral water next to him. He had heard that moderation was important when a deprived object was available, so he willed himself to take just a few sips to supply the body and held the rest for when a permanent supply could be obtained.

Dmitri then asks around for the source of the water.
Otto Bruckner
player, 171 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 17:29
  • msg #598

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed once again confused by an apparent complacency regarding what had just happened. Much like Arjun and his encounter with the reeds, Otto felt like there must be some disconnect, as if he was not certain that the others had seen what he had seen or experienced what he had experienced.

"Everyone else saw that right?" he asked the group as a whole as he pointed to where the being had manifested.

"The gigantic, full on, Abrahamic style Angel that just came down out of the sky? The alerts? The rays of light and all that?" he glanced between them. "It wasn't just me?"
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 94 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 22:21
  • msg #599

Re: Spawnpoint

"The last time I tried reacting to an observer entering the system I triggered an earthquake and was ordered (by you, through {SYSTEM}) to stop. Why would I try that again?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 241 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 01:25
  • msg #600

Re: Spawnpoint

Voice of The System:
Arjun is truly rocking an esoteric get-up at the moment, as he prays half-mad to some unknown entity as he sells each of his ITEMs...

And there is a response...

He sells [stuff]...
Everyone holds their breath for a moment... before...
...The figure of the angel descends in a garment of pure white silk, and reaches her hand out towards Arjun...A tiny wisp of light is about to reach him before, in a voice as sweet and soft as the heavens itself, but filled with as much passion as one's first kiss...
...I love you...

And as sudden as it came, the entire entity vanishes with a warm breeze that smells of a pleasant and light scent, perhaps blossoming flowers or a field of apples, causing the grass on the original disc to sway harmoniously and glittering lights to fall and then fade across the sky.

Beyond all reasonable expectation, Arjun's "gifts" to the Market were being accepted. He was actually being rewarded for this lunacy, this....zealotry. Again and again, he picked up an item and proffered it to the Infinite, in the kneeling prayer posture of his parent's religion.

He had never considered himself a religious man, and on some level, he still didn't think of these Observers as manifestations of the complex polytheistic-but-monotheistic beliefs his parents had raised him in. And yet, how many times had fiction portrayed those who turned to faith in times of crisis? Even now, the actor couldn't tell if he truly believed, truly Worshipped, or if he was just acting the role that the moment demanded.

In many ways, arriving in this world had felt like attending the early character development workshops that were part of his studies: a private, isolated space where the cast could explore and develop the roles that they would be playing. As the world shook, as an angelic expression of pure beauty appeared in the sky, some part of Arjun locked his true Self away, and assembled the sketch of a character he had been unconsciously developing this whole time.

Was it some form of protection against this incomprehensible sensory overload that approached him now, hand extended in lust and benediction?

It didn't matter, because the yearning of the Goddess of Beauty, the outstretched hand snuck past these mental defenses and touched some true part of his Self, and embraced him, even as his newly cobbled together character concept wrapped itself around him.

His much abused body arched in an ecstasy of divine and sexual overload (reminding him, quite vividly, of a few psychedelic experiences he'd had in the real world), and he toppled from his kneeling position back into the comatose body of the Red Priest.

He was unable to think in that glorious moment, and yet certain ideas crystalized inside his mind.

After all, it was a classic sort of story, wasn't it? The cynical creature of shadows yearning for The Light, manifested in a pretty Hollywood-typical heterosexually expression of femininity? The much abused narrative hook, "love at first sight," pulls the protagonist into a dichotomous conflict between light and dark. An effectively omniscient being loving and embracing the protagonist in ways he could no longer love himself.

But of course, he was no protagonist. He was, at best, a favored b-plot. One of the sidekick characters, doomed to die on the dark, painful road from Act 1 to Act 5.

As the visions and pleasure receded, these ideas took root deep inside him. He did not think them, but had thoughts rooted in this ideas. He realized that he had summoned a powerful force into this tranquil setting,  and that such forces could wreak havoc, if left unopposed. After all, didn't the story need a dichotomy?

Arjun was terrified at the prospect of a world marked by an omnipotent being who loved him. Perhaps, when you strip everything else away, he was simply terrified at the prospect of being loved at all.

And so, as he views and purchases some bread to go along with the water for his Party, Arjun resolved to summon a Member God of Shadows from among the Observers as quickly as he could.

Feeling mildly nourished by his single bottle of mineral water, and quarter-unit of bread, he tries to stand long enough to teach Emily how to make a Vine Bow, and answer Otto's questions.

Otto Bruckner:
Otto ... took one of the bottles that Arjun had urgently offered him.
"....I'm gonna hold onto to mine." he told the others. "Just in case. That way, we can open it fresh tomorrow for the new island. Don't want to contaminate it."he explains. "And just in case we can't but any more, for whatever reason."

Arjun's demeanor is much more relaxed and vulnerable than usual as he offers, "If you haven't unlocked the Market yet, we can see if I can sell anything the Party makes, or just my own stuff. If I can sell anything, then I can trade anything you make for food or water until you do. I posted the prices in the Party Chat."

Considering that idea further, Arjun searches the Market for boots and leather, to make boots with, and tells everyone the prices, while also trying several variations of search terms for footwear. Footwear that gave a stealth bonus seemed like the obvious choice, though he assumed it would take a while to get up to it.

He did take the bread eagerly though, and breaking off a mouthful sized piece he closed his eyes as he took a bite and chewed. After he had taken a few bites he looked back to Arjun. "So...about that Goddess of Love..." He began, as if encouraging Arjun to speak about the experience.

Arjun tips the tin bottle up high, hoping to get every last drop of water in his system, before considering Otto's question. "Yeah, I guess the Goddess of Light went from Observer to Member.  So, I guess she's, like, on the playing field now? I got kind of hysterical there, towards the end, forgot to even sell the stuff as I was making it.

"So by the time I remembered, I was really praying that this would work, that there'd be food and water in the Market. When I first tested the Sales mechanic, in addition to the base market value, someone -- The Lady of Light and Love, I guess -- someone put a bid on the item at higher value than normal. So I was, like, intending the stuff I sold for whoever it was that gave me that bid. She accepted, and then after a couple of ITEMs were sold, she revealed herself as the one who I was giving them to, and after a couple more...."

He gestured towards the Spawnpoint messages, implying the rest, as he wonders for the first time if the Goddess of Love had given up claim to the domain of Light.

Dmitri Alvin Reslin:
Dmitri then asks around for the source of the water.

Turning to Dmitri, Arjun speaks with a kind of reverence. "Thank the Goddess of Love for the bounty. Had she not accepted my devotions as I sold things, I wouldn't have been able to afford enough for everyone."

Dmitri Alvin Reslin:
"The last time I tried reacting to an observer entering the system I triggered an earthquake and was ordered (by you, through {SYSTEM}) to stop. Why would I try that again?"

Some of Arjun's old personality reasserts itself, and he caustically asks Dmitri, "Are you seriously telling me that you can't tell the difference between an UNRECOGNIZED INTRUSION and an INVESTITURE? The cracks in the world that first time, you didn't think they were a clue?"

As they talk, Arjun examines his Ebony Stiletto, hoping both to be see its stats as a weapon, and to use his weaveing to see if it still held a reserve of Shadow Essence in it.

He also examined his expanded status page, for any changes the divine experience had wrought. He hadn't told anyone about the Stat penalties he was suffering under, and now that he had a consistent path to food and water, that was the next problem on the list.

No, there's a few things I need to do first, he recalls, and then searches the Market for healing ITEMs as he replaces the dressing on his wound.

Assuming he was steady enough to walk, once the conversation ended, he gathered a backpack full of Ebony Reeds and Plant Fiber in the dark, as he contemplated what he should make for his second effort to pull divinity and balance into the World of System.

If he is feeling well enough, he will practice Shadowstepping in the night gloom as he gathers.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 96 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 03:52
  • msg #601

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri was a bit miffed at Arjun's reaction but kept a calm outward appearance. "I understand that you may have summoned a prospective Aphrodite for yourself, but I lean more toward the Athena type, especially when she has to act as a check against the rampant excesses of the other observers.

"To that end, I have been specifically challenged about my assumptions. Now you want me to assume that an observer (all of whom before then were evil) is not evil because it said it loved you? If there is an Athena type who wants to make similar advances, I won't refuse. But for now, forgive me if I wait to see if Otto gets a quest to keep me away from your Aphrodite before I approach her, thankyouverymuch."

Arjun Gandhi
player, 242 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 04:10
  • msg #602

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun appears ready to throw down with the telepath, going so far as to point his finger at him. "You.... you.... you actually make a really good point there."

Deflated, he turns away.

Then he turns back and adds, as a weak rebuttal, "Except that Evil stuff is also an assumption..."
Otto Bruckner
player, 172 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 05:02
  • msg #603

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed a little deflated by the responses. For him the event had obviously been very significant, it marked the turning point not only for themselves but they had, in effect, witnessed a new phenomenon in this place, something that at least resembled the divine in the world they had come from.

He cleared his throat. "I don't think we should mess with them at all honestly." he chimed in with a shrug. "At least not until we know more."

Much like how the Barbarian had consciously made the decision to avoid anything having to do with magic, so too did he seem very wary of these entities that seemed all too willing to respond to their actions. Fables and mythology were rife with tales of people that had gotten on the wrong side of such interactions, and he was not looking to be one of them.

Poor Vlad was an obvious example.

It felt like the day was winding down, and the worst of the crisis had been solved. Tomorrow was another day.

Otto checked his Quests and Tasks, and watched Emily's dancing and playing efforts to try and relax before bed.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:16, Mon 07 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 97 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 06:22
  • msg #604

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri seemed a bit relieved. Not that there was an observer actively involved, or the implication that we could "invite" more by our devotion, but that someone here actually seemed to listen to his point of view. {SYSTEM} identified him as a Dissenter, which he was concerned might make him the Cassandra of the group: always right but never believed or taken seriously.

When the time comes for bed, Dmitri will contemplate these observers, letting his mind wander. If one of them tries to contact him mentally, he will explore that, focusing on observers who focus on wisdom, calculation, telepathy, or even dissent, considering the title he was given.

If there is time before then, Dmitri will go through any commands he can think of to explore the market, now that he has a couple of coins to spend there.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:48, Mon 07 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 244 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 23:12
  • msg #605

Re: Spawnpoint

As Arjun shares an unusual camaraderie with Otto over the intensity with which both had reacted to the divine manifestation, the Shadow Archer Who Didn't Know How To Use A Bow had a sudden thought. Perhaps, subconsciously, he was trying to avoid the topic of the radiant beauty who had reached for his lips and touched his soul.

Calling up each window as he lists them off and examining them for changes, Arjun twists the conversation towards a completely different topic, "Can we compile a list of all the pop-up window stuff everybody has found so far, and try to guess what else there might be? See what we've all discovered over the last two days? There's...

  • Status, Expanded Status, and Character Sheet, which all seem to give basically the same info.
  • Classes, which I don't think even comes up anymore, once you've picked a class.
  • Title List, has anybody besides Dmitri acquired a title yet?
  • Party, and Party Chat, really feels to me like there is probably more there. Like, at the very least, being able to see each other on the Map.
  • Quests, and Tasks, both for stuff you can take but haven't yet. Is there a command for seeing the ones you've already accepted? With, like, progress indicator, or clues or notes?
  • Market, which includes Purchase More Market Coins, Tasks, Sell ITEMs, Trade Achievement Points and Browse the Market.

"I haven't found any kind of menus which show Health, Mana, Qi, Holy, Achievement Points, Current Tasks or Current Quests. Nothing that gives more info on your Class. Any other windows you all have found? Maybe stuff to do with Expansions or Nodes? No system prompt for Naming elements of the world? I'm really surprised there isn't anywhere that shows nutrition or thirst. Or, actually, any kind of heads-up display with that stuff on it."

On a whim, Arjun searches the Market for HUDs, books, and instructional manuals.  Maybe he can find a targeting reticule to make launching his, firing his, that's not right either. Maybe I can find a magic instruction manual that would give me all the Archer class skills I was supposed to pick up first? Better yet, a book on enchanting magic items! No, wait, dammit, I've got to stay focused on survival mode here. Which is....what?

Turning to Emily, Arjun jumps to another topic entirely. "Oh, Huntress for that Olde Time Rock 'N' Roll? Do you think you could make some traps to catch those Vine Crawlers and Cloth-Moths?
Voice of The System
GM, 263 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 03:14
  • msg #606

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun begins to instinctively split his psyche in the face of such overwhelming power directed straight at him.

He begins to wonder whether he 'believes' in this entity...? Surely, it is real, but then what would quantify 'belief'? Does he have faith in it, and if so, in what ways...

Not knowing how to answer these difficult questions, Arjun begins to think back on his life and his self, and finds himself once again taking on a persona, of some kind...

Even he does not know how truthful he is being.

Arjun purchases some bread, along with his water.

Arjun also remarks that it would be good for him to summon a God that synergizes with his system-granted abilities...

Once Arjun explains to Emily that the bow is crafted with solely vines, and no cloth, Emily realizes her mistake and is able to replicate his formula without much issue.

A bit later, Arjun searches for boots, and then for leather.

He also explains to Otto how he incidentally caused that big scene.

Afterwards, Arjun tells Dmitri about where the water came from, and also makes sure to give thanks to the one who supplied the coins they partially used to buy them.

Following that up, he also lightly berates Dmitri for his perceived tone-deafness.

As they talk, Arjun examines his Ebony Stiletto, hoping both to be see its stats as a weapon, and to use his weaveing to see if it still held a reserve of Shadow Essence in it.

Arjun checks out his new weapon, and finds that for whatever reason there is no shadow essence left in it.

Then, the actor once again peruses the Market for some ITEMs, this time for healing ones.

While Arjun has recovered enough to walk, he is not sure if he should risk using magical powers like 'shadowstepping' yet...

Dmitri also quietly allows himself to feel a bit relieved that his words are going through to the others, which means at the very least he hasn't been marked as an outcast.

Later on, as he gets ready to rest for the time being, Dmitri allows his mind to wander freely. As he does so...

Lastly, Dmitri thinks of various commands for the Market, and says many things he thinks will work, but in the end the only commands that work are the ones listed when he opens the screen. There seem to be no hidden functions here...

At some point, Arjun goes through their command list, and says the following:

Party, and Party Chat, really feels to me like there is probably more there. Like, at the very least, being able to see each other on the Map.

This triggers a notification, for everyone in Otto's party (which is all of you)

"Such a feature is available for our lovely PLAYERs, but only as part of the GUILD feature"

Voice of {System}


Hand of {System}

"Ahem! Rather, none of you have reached the required LEVEL, to use the Guild command!"

Voice of {System}

Arjun searches the Market for some more stuff...

And finally, Arjun petitions Emily for some trapmaking.

OOC - By the way, I purposefully didn't order when any of this happened, so just assume these scenes happened sometime in the last eight hours. Also, I'm going to say after these actions, you all got some sleep and now it is Day Three!
Otto Bruckner
player, 173 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 04:24
  • msg #607

Re: Spawnpoint

Morning. Day Three.

As before there was no gentle warmth creeping over the horizon, no chirping of birds, no lightening of the clouds. There were no clouds, or sky, or birds, there was only the sudden arrival of "day", like an entity flipping a switch.

Otto lay on his side in his bedroll when their surroundings lit up around them. His clothing was even more wrinkled than before, his hair darker, his countenance rougher. He hauled himself up stretched, yawned, and took up his tin bottle of water.

Once he had said his "good mornings" and asked how the others had slept, he seemed eager to try out their first expansion of the day, and to answer the burning question, if items purchased from the Market could be used for expansions.

"Everybody good with this?" he gripped the bottle and stood in the area adjacent to the central "Grass Disk". "Last chance...going once..."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 98 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 05:02
  • msg #608

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri gives a quick word of advice to Otto about his plan: "Based on my experience, I wouldn't chuck the whole bottle, just the water inside. The expansion parser makes wish parsers seem friendly in interpretation."

He goes through his previous tasks. Use the soil node: check. Meditate: check. That means it's time for new tasks. And since it's been a couple days since checking for quests, he may as well do that again. Dmitri checks his tasks and quests.

After getting his new tasks and quests, Dmitri heads over to the non-dangerous parts of the root island checking for seeds and anything that might be edible. It's not that he didn't trust the others. He just wanted to satisfy his own curiosity.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 247 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 05:08
  • msg #609

Re: Spawnpoint

A muffled yawn comes out of the actor's bedroll. "Test the system before doing the same thing every time! Verbal commands. Look for menus."

After Dmitri's comment, Arjun, predictably, offers an opposing suggestion to Otto. "Add a tiny bit of everything into the can. Plant Fiber scraps, chunks of Cloth, a pinch of dirt. TEST. THE. SYSTEM."
This message was last edited by the player at 07:35, Tue 08 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 266 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 05:33
  • msg #610

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto checks in with both Dmitri and Arjun before making his move.

Also, everyone is feeling a lot better now that they have had some water and rest... Though, hunger is becoming a concern for most of you, none of you are as hungry as you would have expected... likely an influence of having STATS...

Dmitri checks his tasks and quests, but finds both empty for the moment.

Next, he decides to venture over to the root disc, which was made from a blade of grass.

He manages to avoid the marked nests, but does not find much on his brief but thorough journey.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 161 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 10:46
  • msg #611

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily sits still on the original disk, holding her newly made bow and gazing into the void that goes beyond the disks into nothingness.  She goes terribly still for a long moment that stretches for hours.  She is not meditating, nor even thinking if she is perfectly honest, just staring.  It would take a doctor or an EEG machine to tell whether this was shock, catatonia, or status epilepticus.

Only when Arjun suggests making traps for the monsters does she look up at last.  "I'm sorry?  Did you say something?"  The light comes into her eyes and she says, "I imagine it would be easier for the moths than the vine crawlers but wouldn't they just eat the trap?"

As Otto prepares to throw the bottle over the side, she says, "Dmitri's right Otto.  If we give them a choice, they'll give us something horrible.  If the only substance available is good old fashioned aitch two oh, I think, or at least hope and hope's important in this place, we'd get a pure water dish."

She stands up and smiles and for the first time in three days, it's a proper smile.  "I should never have abandoned hope before entering here.  This is not Hell, merely the road down which we all must walk."

As Arjun talks of testing the system she nods and before going to gather materials, she says to the system enunciating each request separately and clearly. "View Market. Check Tasks. View Map. View Quests." Then she asks Arjun, "Anything else?".

With that, she walks to the vine, soil and cloth disks in turn before she returns to the original disk and sits down.  She begins crafting a trap.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 251 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 11:08
  • msg #612

Re: Spawnpoint

The hedonistic actor lingered in his bedroll as the others started their day.  He had pushed himself hard the day before, and congratulated himself on getting food and water for the party, on achieving the goals he had set out to. Achieved more than that, even, he remembered. He pushed himself out of the bedroll enough to get some light on his darkly tanned skin, fancying that the quality of the sky above them had changed subtly, and wondered again, Are you still of Light, oh Goddess of Love?

The newly born Goddess of Love had seemed a little....clingy in the last few messages she had sent, and reminded Arjun more than a little of the groupies his C-List celebrity status had brought him. Of course, she was newly-born to the gig, so possibly she had very youthful ideas about what Love was. Arjun didn't consider Love to be an emotion or an experience, it wasn't something that happened to you. Love, to Arjun, was not a surprising bloom of wildflowers, but a carefully tended garden, worked together. What was the phrase his mother had used when talking about her flowers? "Benevolent neglect," that was the phrase! How many times had his mother told him, "You can't over-water or over-fertilize them! Trust the plant to drink and eat and blossom. Your job is to keep the weeds away."

Distantly, he hears Otto talk about creating the next Expansion, and shouts a warning, more to distract himself from his own thoughts than to offer useful suggestion.

And what was that about Investiture? Lingering too long on thoughts of Love felt dangerous and uncomfortable, particularly when he remembered all the drama caused by his naive, youthful ideas of what Love was. He recalled the reference to Investiture, probably as a kind of mental escape, and sought answers: first by asking questions mentally directed at the Hand and Voice, then repeating those questions in slightly different phrasing to the Observers generally, and finally searching for the term in the Market.

Stretching joyfully, while still lying in his bedroll, Arjun buys Bottled water, Mineral Water, and Bread. Checks the price of Bandages With Balm, and then searches/prices a small jar of Balm, so he can make his own.

Finally getting up, Arjun washes his hand wound and the dried blood off his forearm with the bottled water, examines the cut carefully, and replaces the dressing. He is careful to make sure the spilt water falls into his sack full of dirt as much as possible, but realizes he needed to be more conservative with his water usage in the future.

(new bandage total: 7)

He reviews his expanded status page as he eats his breakfast of stale bread and mineral water, carefully noting the changes to his HEALTH stat, and anything else that might have changed.

He wonders aloud, "Has anybody figured out what the parenthetical numbers mean in our stat blocks?" Tentatively, he prays for guidance on the subject, carefully not directing his prayer to anyone in particular.

As he begins his daily morning yoga routine, the actor searches the Market for toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, soap, razor, etc. He idly notes prices for the cheapest options and any possible kits. Realizing he had started to develop quite a list, he also searches for a cheap journal to start writing things down in. Willfully interrupting the Telepath's meditations, he asks, "Hey, Dmitri, do you have a pen on you? Can I borrow it occasionally?"

Regardless of Dmitri's answer, he also searches for pencils, charcoal sticks, or pens. Even if anybody did have a pen, it would eventually run out.

He would need to craft more in order to eat and drink tonight, but he had sufficient plans to keep him profitably occupied for the day, at the very least. Glancing at the others, he knew that Emily had sold several banjos, and had probably earned some coin from Tasks, likely she would be able to open the Market by the end of the day.

Otto had...spent the day doing pushups? Arjun didn't know how that was going to make them any Coin to buy food and water with, but the obese Barbarian had a smart plan for the Expansions. Dmitri didn't seem to be doing anything at all except sit there. Maybe he was fasting in protest? He didn't seem like the type, but then, he wouldn't have pegged Dmitri as interested in Telepathy, either.

He had promised to make sure they wouldn't die of dehydration, or starve, but they each needed to be as self-reliant as possible. They needn't follow his path, but they needed to walk tall, and with purpose. He couldn't keep carrying them like this. He would keep them fed and watered enough to keep them from dying, and would sell things to make purchases for them, but if he continued to be generous with his Coins, it would cost him the one thing no man ever had enough of : time.

Emily had been sitting by the edge of the disks, for long enough that Arjun had used her as his dishti, his point of focus, marking a specific strand of her bed-tossed hair as a mental anchor point to align his yoga practice to. She sat there so long, that even with his extra rest in bed, he had done twice the yoga he usually did, and was already in his final Corpse Pose when his question from earlier in the morning seemed to finally penetrate her brooding.

OOC: Intentionally keeping time wibbly-wobbly here. I genuinely don't care about the timing, except in as much as I had already written all this. Plus, it felt like it went well with her catatonia.

Emily Khorashandi:
Only when Arjun suggests making traps for the monsters does she look up at last.  "I'm sorry?  Did you say something?"  The light comes into her eyes and she says, "I imagine it would be easier for the moths than the vine crawlers but wouldn't they just eat the trap?"

Arjun opens his eyes, raises his feet, and flips from Corpse Pose to standing in a move far more agile than he himself was expecting. His evident surprise kept the move from looking nearly as cool as he had hoped. Shaking it off, he suggests to Emily, "Cloth trap of some kind for the Vine-eaters, maybe? And a Vine net for the cloth-moths -- which I still haven't seen yet, I don't think. That's my best guess. More, though, I'm wondering if The World of System might guide your hand better than I could. "

As Arjun talks of testing the system she nods and before going to gather materials, she says to the system enunciating each request separately and clearly. "View Market. Check Tasks. View Map. View Quests." Then she asks Arjun, "Anything else?".

"Have you exited Demo mode yet? There are books that could be helpful....I guess the only other question I have is what you're planning to do with your Expansion today."

Arjun carefully used his Body Language and years of acting training to make sure this came across as an invitation to converse and hold space for her thoughts, even though the actor was nearly brimming with the need to direct and control the Expansion choices.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:57, Tue 08 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 267 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 11:17
  • msg #613

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily spends most of the night zoned out, as her brain processes everything that has happened over the last two days, entirely subconsciously... When she comes back to, she finally feels like she has managed to organize her chaotic thoughts... For this reason, she is able to smile.

She then speaks four commands, and takes extra care in doing so, perhaps as a form of recognition? Regardless, it makes her feel a little refreshed to do so, but that may also just be the presence of drinking water, after all this time.

First, Emily checks the market's main screen. She notices there are three possible commands from there, and there are most likely no hidden commands, as she recalls Dmitri spent much time reciting through all that the other day.

Next, she checks if any tasks have been issued to her. At the moment, no such luck.

She also views the map, and finds all five islands that exist in this world...

Lastly, she checks for quests.

After doing some routine inspections, Emily then goes along with Arjun's suggestion, and begins to try and make a trap...

At first, she has no idea where to go with it, since very few resources are available... But then, she has an idea and immediately enters the zone...

Before she knows it, she has become engrossed in the creation of an idea that even she is not completely aware of...

Her hands move almost by themselves, much like an artist in the middle of their work...

OOC: This is a bit mean, but I'm going to lock you into a craft right now, but I promise the rewards will be worth your while. Of course, if you are snapped out of this state, you won't be locked in it but I will also discard the opportunity completely

Anyway, for about 45 - 90 minutes (I'll decide when it's done as time moves), Emily is doing work with vines, fabric and probably an Ebony Reed or three, if Arjun has any left over or if he is willing to go get some for her

Arjun Gandhi
player, 252 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 11:32
  • msg #614

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: See above post, question about whether I gathered any last night as I posted, or if I do so this morning. Either way, I'll have gathered enough to spare, and can go out and get more. The Party is welcome to take some.
Voice of The System
GM, 268 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 11:54
  • msg #615

Re: Spawnpoint

Day Three

As Arjun wakes, he finds that this goddess definitely seems to be sticking to him...

And so, he inquires on if her domains have changed completely, or if she retains 'light' as a field of authority...

Arjun also begins to recall at these musings, some of his mother's words on the concept of love, and how it worked...

The Goddess responds to his words.

Arjun gets no response at first from Hand, but Voice quickly offers some information...

After purchasing his breakfast (which appears out of thin air), Arjun does some digging on the price of Bandages with Balm, and the Balm by itself.

Next, the actor checks the wound on his hand that he has been nursing for some time... The pain has faded mostly, and is not nearly as intense as it was before... His head feels clearer now, also since he got some water in him.

After taking off the current layer of dressing, he finds that the wound has scabbed, and is becoming itchy... he quickly re-wraps it to avoid the temptation to scratch.

Notably, the wound has healed much more quickly than he thought it would... Most likely, it will be just a scar by tomorrow, and even that may fade away with time!

During breakfast, Arjun finds that the Mineral Water's effect is a little strange, and vanishes quickly.

As the question comes up, Arjun prays for some more advice on the system, to which he is given an answer from a surprising source.

A bit later, Arjun does some yoga. There is no system reward, but it clears his mind and calms his breathing. He does feel healthier, at least.

Next, the actor wants to brush his teeth, so he browses the ever-reliable market for his choices... He does the same for writing supplies...
Arjun Gandhi
player, 254 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 12:57
  • msg #616

Re: Spawnpoint

His morning yoga and breakfast done (did he eat the entire quantity of bread that purchased?), Arjun buys a "Human Toiletries Kit" , extending his hand for the item to appear in. After checking the contents thoroughly, he crafts (2)cloth wash towels, if needed. Then he shaves and performs all manner of morning ablutions, using the last of the plastic bottle of Regular Water and every tool in his new kit (again, carefully aiming his runoff into his bag of dirt), praying the party's efforts to make a source of clean, potable water will come to fruition, and prays even harder that there'll be a way to bathe in it without polluting the source.

This task finished, the Shadow Archer packs up his bedroll & blanket back into the backpack, and polices the campsite for trash. Something wanted the Spawnpoint Disc to be clean and unblemished, and Arjun was willing to do his part. Unless any of the other PLAYERs want to keep their tin bottles, he collects this trash as well, and tries to deconstruct the tin bottles, intending to use the metal for arrowheads later, checking to see if the Stiletto can help cut the bottles apart.

Arjun checks his Tasks, and accepts them regardless of what they are. The only Quests he had received thus far, all had popped up without need for him to intentionally open the info page on them, and so he didn't intend to check those until he had noticed a slight pause in everyone else's routine as they checked theirs. Unwilling to miss out, he gives in to temptation and checks for Quests. He then spends a few minutes trying to find a listing of Active Tasks or Active Quests.

He takes his time laying out his materials and few makeshift crafting tools, mindfully preparing for his day of work. He examines his harvest of Ebony Reeds for Shadow Essence, just as he had done when he cut them. The reeds were a far more limited resource than the other materials they had found so far, and not nearly as mobile as the kite had been. He had been in such a fervor the yesterday, it hadn't occurred to him to check before he finished making the Stiletto. Now he had checked at every step of the process, and knew at what point the essence disappeared from the material. He needed a way to collect Shadow Essence and carry it with him, and searched the Market for options.

After much preparation, his mind turning to the information he'd been gifted by the God of Order, as he made sure everything was just within arms reach, he sat done, his back once again against Vlad's static form, for support, and to keep an eye on the man, he began his day's plans.

As he reached for his first Ebony Reed, he pauses, struck by a thought. Shifting to his kneeling prayer posture,  he prays aloud, "Goddess of Love, I must attend now to work devoted to Others. I fear that we five humans may be all that is currently in this World of System that you have deigned to notice. Can you....entertain yourself while we humans do our day's work beneath Your Shining Glory? Maybe...I dunno, pretty the place up a bit? Do you maybe have a reincarnation cycle to set up or something?"

He waits for a response, fully expecting the recently-enamored Observer to respond quickly, and finishes the conversation with all the delicacy he had mustered when cat-eared teenagers had tried to invite him back to their hotel rooms at conventions.

First, he would craft a second Ebony Stiletto. Once he was done with that, he carefully and ceremonially cleans his first Stiletto, and sells it to the Market, offering it prayerfully to whoever had granted him the unlimited pool of Shadow Essence under the kite.

Next, he fashions two simple ball-and-cup toys, using an Ebony Reed, a bit of plant fiber for the string, and a dirt-stuffed sack of Cloth for the ball. Originally, he only meant to make one, as a gift, but then decided that the Party might enjoy any sort of recreational activity that could take their minds off their current circumstance, so he fashioned a second one.

Heaving a sigh of relief as these simpler tasks clear his mind, he once again scavenges the scraps for splinters of ebony reed to use as pins and needles, and other simple crafting aids he can make. He places these carefully in his Medium Cloth Pouch, making sure that they won't prick anyone who hastily reaches into the pouch.

Now somewhat more familiar with the inexplicably dangerous Reeds, he crafts 2 simple woodwind musical instruments, like a pan flute, or a recorder. If necessary, he will search the Market for inspirations, but he figures he must be able to make something at his current Craft Skill Level.

Following that thought, he searches for Crafting Recipe books that could be helpful to any of the Party Members, given everyone's inclinations, their current circumstances, and the resources at hand.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:12, Tue 08 Feb 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 162 posts
Retro Musician
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 14:24
  • msg #617

Re: Spawnpoint

Almost as soon as he awakens, Emily finds herself deep in 'flow' as her homeworld friend Mihaly Csikszentkmihaly calls it, that state where one is so absorbed in a task that ones hands move almost automatically and while one is aware of one's surroundings, one is too engaged in the task to respond until the task is finished.

Without speaking, she nodded when anyone spoke to her and held on to her, still full, can when Arjun comes to take it.  Possibly that very incident led her to considering incorporating a can or bottle into the mark two model when this one is finished.  For now though, she continues to craft the first trap.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 99 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 14:53
  • msg #618

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeing nothing new in the tasks or quests menu was a bit annoying, but also presented an opportunity to try other things. As usual, the SPARSER was being ambiguous at best and counterproductive at worst, but at least he could test out a few "commands" knowing that the chances of any of them working were slim and none (and Slim skipped town three days ago): Create Alerts when any of the following sections change contents: Tasks, Quests, Available Market Items, Observer List, Observer Status. View Observer List and Observer Status."

While waiting for the (probable) non-effect of the above queries, Dmitri sets about trying to craft a "pen", or at least a brush out of the hollow roots. He then mixes a small amount of dirt and water together, storing it in one of the hollow roots. With "pen" and "ink" in place, Dmitri then takes a unit of cloth and tries writing on it.
Otto Bruckner
player, 175 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 15:29
  • msg #619

Re: Spawnpoint

Much like when the others had unlocked their Classes by talking about them, when Otto had been fixated on "earning" his through actions, the Barbarian felt distinctly at odd with the themes or thought processes in play here.

His own experiences, mostly older table top, and a few games like Skyrim, had not prepared him for Nodes and Markets and Expansions, but the others seemed to be doing fairly well.

If anything it seemed like the current trend was advancement through rote repetition and "crafting".

Why did they need combat skills if they were never attacked?

Why did they need survival skills if they could interact at will with some invisible market to buy things like mineral water and fresh bread? Arjun had caused a toiletry kit to pop out of thin air? What sort of setting allows for such things?

And would they ever get out of this bubble? Was there anything even outside it?

Otto was tired of playing twenty questions with invisible forces, and he felt like he was falling behind. He didn't want to craft a tooth brush and "sell it", sell it to who? They were the only ones here?

To the "God's"? Is that what Arjun had alluded to? Was this "Goddess of Love" buying Arjun's handcrafts like some kind of weird benefactor on Etsy?

Well, I don't need it but I want to support the artist

The whole thing was bizzare, and he was thirsty and hungry.


"Going twice..." He said, gave it another moment, then opened the bottle of mineral water and poured it off the edge, retaining the bottle.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 15:30, Tue 08 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 259 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 01:09
  • msg #620

Re: Spawnpoint

Noticing that Rockabilly seemed to be In The Zone, Arjun kept the others from interrupting her focus as everyone went about their day, discussing various theories about their current circumstance:

"What I'm thinking is, this Investiture stuff might be key. Guest Observers have been here since before we got here, and ol' Vox Sistema was pretty excited when we got one to Invest. And they're called Gods, after all, and in a lot of Western Fantasy, a 'god' is a world creator. We get enough Guests to become Members, maybe they'll build the rest of the world based on what we've been doing here. Like another Demo Mode. Ugh, which would mean that Sweat-Rag Disc is going to be a major terrain feature."

And at some other point:

"What gets me is that there are a TON of cheap, 1-coin books in the Market. Not just pages and pages,, a LOT more. I spent several minutes paging through the hits for Books, and never got past the 1-coin books. Heck, I don't think I made it past the titles starting with G that cost a buck. Huh, I wonder what would happen if we tried to make an expansion using a book? Would it be based on the concepts on the page, or just the physical makeup of the book? Do you think there might be books on how all of this is supposed to work?"
This message was last edited by the player at 01:10, Wed 09 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 270 posts
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #621

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun obtains a kit of basic toiletries, which is quite heavy, but can be barely grasped in his palm with all his fingers, due to being about the size of a 3 x 3 of Rubik's Cubes.

After unsealing it, Arjun finds the following packed VERY tightly inside:

 - A small plastic toothbrush with cheap bristles
 - A homemade bar of soap
 - A hairbrush made from crappy plastic
 - A small vial of either lotion or moisturizer, unclear by just the label
 - A small vial of sunscreen (labelled as such)
 - A crappy plastic razor with a tiny bit of some metal as the blade
 - A cheap nail file
 - A reusable menstrual cup
 - A pair of plastic tweezers
 - A handkerchief
 - Two rolls of one-ply toilet paper
 - Small packet of sanitary wipes
 - Spare contact lenses
 - Some sort of eye drops
 - Thirty cotton swabs

Arjun attempts to begin to deconstruct the tin bottles, and finds that while his knife CAN cut them, the material seems to somehow... lessen... whenever he does so.

After deconstructing all four tin bottles, Arjun obtains only a total of four Tin Scraps, and he has no idea what happened to the rest of the material!

Arjun checks his tasks, and they are empty, and when he checks for quests, he also finds a screen called "Quest list" with solely the phrase "No quests available". Saying "Active tasks" and "Active quests" open up the same pages respectively, but if he has any of either active, they have the phrase "IN PROGRESS" stuck before the rest of their text.

Arjun checks his haul of Ebony Reeds, and finds a total of 25. Scarily, that is about a third of the total Ebony Reeds that exist in the World!

He also searches the market for phrases like "Shadow Essence" and "Essence Capsule" among others, but those two get the most notable results for him:

A bit later, Arjun prays to his Goddess.

After that brief session, Arjun begins to make a second stiletto.

When that is done, he will sell his other Stiletto on the Market, in hopes of it reaching whatever entity aided him previously, but finds that it simply sells with no additional bid.

Next, Arjun plans to make a cup-and-ball toy, but quickly realizes an Ebony Reed is not really cup-shaped. Also a bit too dangerously sharp for a toy.

Unfortunately, the actor also has no luck in using leftover 'arms' to make anything... they seem to have inexplicably vanished when he used them for craft.

Penultimately, he decides to try and make woodwind instruments... but again, while Ebony Reeds could feasibly be used in that way, it's a bit too dangerous and difficult for him at the moment... he has the idea it's possible, but thinks making an 'Ebony Flute' would require more experience with Ebony Reeds, and maybe even better tools for shaving and hollowing them into the right shape.

And lastly, Arjun searches for crafting books.

Emily continues to make good progress on her trap, as everyone else starts their mornings.

Meanwhile, Dmitri tries to create an alert system, but gets a response in the negative. At least it's a response, though.

While waiting for the (probable) non-effect of the above queries, Dmitri sets about trying to craft a "pen", or at least a brush out of the hollow roots. He then mixes a small amount of dirt and water together, storing it in one of the hollow roots. With "pen" and "ink" in place, Dmitri then takes a unit of cloth and tries writing on it.

Dmitri indeed has some success with doing so. Perhaps because he is the first to do this, he finds a surprising alert awaiting him:

After about ten minutes, he gets another alert, along with his finished creation!
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:03, Wed 09 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 272 posts
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 02:14
  • msg #622

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto remarks that the situation seems stable... but he does not think of it in a good light... Why do they have these new powers, if they can solely spend their time doing routine labor to fill their bellies... How could they ever get out by doing just that? Was there even a way out?

Regardless of all those dark thoughts, Otto snaps back to the moment, and clearly announces his intent to pour the water over the edge.

As he does so...

World Notice

Automatic Expansion is occuring!

Searching for composition...

Searching for composition......

Searching for composition.........

Composition found!

New location has formed from [0, 0, -1] to [1, 0, -1]!

Remaining Daily Expansions: 2/3

A familiar notice pops up in a familiar place... this time with some changes!

In front of all your tired eyes, a wonderful scene that fills you once more with renewed vigor unfolds:

The precious drops of mineral water sparkle as they drip off the edge, but slow before they hit the boundary of the void...

In that moment, they bounce.

Refracting, thousands and thousands of times. A single drop becomes a thousand and they unfold in a kaleidoscope of prismatic splendor!

The water droplets become bubbles and then perfect spheres before bursting into a shower of rain and flowing through the air, defying any concept of gravity itself

Then, the last drop hits this invisible surface (or what is at least a suggestion of it), and the large amount of liquid begins to gather and swirl in a whirlpool, clouds form and vapor bursts out of vents

An entire water cycle unfolds in front of your eyes before EXPLODING in a blast of mist, and covering a larger area than ever before!

As the fog settles and dissipates quickly, you all find a great stretch of crystal-clear water... And at the 'upper' end of it, you even find some strange growths you cannot make out at this distance...

An idyllic scene that makes you instinctively want to smile

After all this, you also all notice the humidity in the surrounding area has gone up just slightly, and the air smells fresher across two of your now six discs.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 104 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 03:09
  • msg #623

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri attempts to lead the group in applause for creating the water disk expansion. "Bravo, dear sir!" He then approaches the edge of the water area and examines it in depth. Assuming the water in that disk is potable, Dmitri will finish whatever mineral water is in his bottle and refill it from the water disk. He will take a reasonable amount for himself to drink and then pour water on the soil node to see what happens.

His mood has improved noticeably as he addresses the group: "Did you notice that we get three expansions today? I promised to stay out of today's expansions, and will still do so even with the added capacity, unless the group suggests otherwise."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 261 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 03:54
  • msg #624

Re: Spawnpoint

Once again, Arjun's attempts to look suave and competent fail due to critical gaps in his logic. The kit of basic toiletries, rather than being a simple toiletries bag, ends up being almost a small crate to Arjun's mind, and he nearly drops the thing as it materializes in his hand.

He stows many of the items in his backpack, and offers the menstrual cup to "anybody who needs it," without even blinking. Clearly, the industry he's from doesn't consider that subject even mildly taboo. The rolls of TP are left somewhere secure by the latrine, possibly the only things left in the box the kit came in. Others get put in the "medical pouch," but Arjun is dissatisfied with the mess so he uses some additional Cloth to add special pockets to his medical pouch and backpack for easier future organization.

Learning to come to terms with the crafting process, he stows the 3 Tin Scraps in his backpack, and dismisses the loss of the other material as part of the poor simulationist experience of his entire life these days. Glancing at his updated crafting total, he snickers, and says, "And you shall know him by his crafts, which will number six hundred, 3 score, and 6....experience points."

Contemplating the sizable portion of the total Ebony Reeds that he had just reaped, Arjun resolved to use these a bit more cautiously than he had first planned, and searched the Market for crafting ideas and cultivation techniques for Ebony Reeds. He was starting to feel like a child walking into a library for the first time, and only being allowed to look at the card catalogue. He could find out if a topic existed, but little more than that.

Again he got distracted by the issue of Shadow Essence, and the limited stock, but then resolved that this was a Future Me Problem, and today's project was getting his Market balance up again so he could have lunch and dinner. And that Balm, for his hand. He shuddered at the prospect of a scar on his beautiful body. A scar on his hand would effectively shut him out completely from hand modeling gigs! Though....he supposed he never really got into that market in the first place, and there were....other things keeping him out of it now.

Anyway, Future Arun would deal with Essence Capsules and farming special resources. Today, he was grinding armor. No, wait...I can't use the reeds for arrows at this rate, not without even an archery skill.

Grimly, he searched for arrows, particularly cheap ones, on the Market.

Arjun continues searching for a book of crafting recipes related to camping or survival in isolation.

After spending quite some frustrating time trying to make the simple toys and musical instruments he had intended to make, Arjun realizes that his understanding of Ebony Reeds is not as complete as he had thought. He starts to look for example objects made with Ebony Reeds on the market, particularly looking for armor or weapons, which leads him to look for an introduction to Enchanting armor and weapons, which leads him to look for several related thoughts, and the next thing he knows, the world explodes into a light and water show.

He leaps up from his sitting position, throwing his arms up into the air and cheers Otto's name. "Yeah! Oh, yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"

Grabbing the empty plastic bottle, the extraordinarily dressed actor heads to the new pool of water. He studies the watery disc, and then fills his plastic bottle with the water, and examines that as well, holding it up to the light to study it from all sides. After a few seconds of serious study, he announces his findings.

He considers exploring the new terrain, but his eyes return to the announcement in the center of the Spawnpoint Disc, and he realizes that a proper exploration is Emily's strength, not his.

His voice full of poorly veiled self-congratulation, the actor says, "An extra Expansion slot! I wonder what caused that?" Pausing long enough to let the congratulations pour in, Arjun is only slightly put out by the lack of a standing ovation. "Dmitri and I have done 2 each, Otto and Rockabilly still get to do 2 each before we take a turn...and you know what? Dmitri's two expansions were both sort of....not fair. So after these two, I'll let Dmitri go after that, and then I'll take a turn."

It clearly hurts Arjun to make these concessions, but it's only fair.

Yearning to explore the new space, Arjun instead returns to his makeshift crafting spot. He moves Vlad around some more, to keep the Russian from getting bedsores in his stasis, and Arjun finds a new comfortable position to sit against the Red Priest, and then turns the kite that had previously held the Shadow Essence into an additional pocket for his backpack, trying to keep it's original kite-like shape visible in the design, almost like a heraldic shield. OOC: I forget if I used it already to make the backpack, so whatever.

Next, he crafts 2 entire suits of Vine/Plant Fiber armor, including a hood, shirt, leggings, bracers, and anything else implied by his Market searches. He again intends to sell the first set. He wonders if there'll be some kind of bonus for having a complete matching set of armor.

Eyeing the new formations in the water, Arjun also makes another 30 ft of Vine Rope, expecting it will be useful in climbing those distant spires.

Recalling his earlier thought about recreation, his next project is to sew a baseball-sized cloth ball, stuffed with dirt and reinforced with extra cloth and seams. As he doesn't expect this to be a true ITEM, he only makes the one. When he finishes the makeshift baseball, he tosses it underhand to Otto, shouting the traditional warning of, "Hey, Otto! Catch!"

Arjun will, of course, be careful not to throw the ball so hard that it risks going over the edge.

Making the universal gesture for throw it back to me, Arjun tries to give everyone a break by playing catch with whoever is willing.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:35, Wed 09 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 179 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 07:15
  • msg #625

Re: Spawnpoint

For all the strangeness of this place, there was some real beauty too. Otto watched mezmorized as the water danced and churned, part of him wondering if it would ever stop, part of him wondering if they had done something wrong, but when it settled he smiled broadly and glanced back at the others.

Otto had not expected the praise in the least. In his mind it would have been tried by anybody who was next, it just happened to be his turn, but he was glad that everybody's sprits seemed to soar as they looked out over the plentiful.

"Thanks guys, it was Arjun after all that figured out how to get the stuff in the first place. But it looks like we live another day." he smiled and went with the others to refill the bottle, and then he drank deeply, forcing himself to stop at one bottle lest he vomit it back up. The thought of a "vomit island" was strong motivation to sip instead of chug, although it was remarkably good.

He let out a satisfied sound like a soda commercial and closed his eyes as he practically felt his body absorb the liquid into his veins.

Once the excitement had died down a little he approached Arjun.

"So that's a really big deal, I mean, we can use stuff from the market for expansions. That's huge." their Actor had listed a bewildering list of offerings from the store, and now they could theoretically use any of them to expand their world at this point.

They had just had a major breakthrough, but given the celebratory mood Otto was all too willing to play some catch while he mulled over their possibilities.

Amid the relaxation, he checked his Quests and Tasks, and began to consider how he might really start preparing to defend them should this world decide to up the difficulty.

He had a feeling that their relevance threshold, or whatever it was called, had just gone up. Last time that happened, the System added a bunch of Monsters to balance it out.

He wanted to be ready.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 168 posts
Retro Musician
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 13:07
  • msg #626

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily pays no attention to the changes in the landscape brought about by the addition of the immense new water disc.  She as not even made good on her intention to accept her first quest even though it implies the presence of beast type monsters, which will be nice, and of a God of Beasts, which will be AWESOME, especially if it's a dog or a crow.

For now though all of her attention remains on the creation of a trap for the vermin that have infested two of the discs.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 3 posts
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 18:04
  • msg #627

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy had been moments ago sitting in the control room of the EV Beluga research vessel in the north sea. The ship's ROV was transmitting images from hundreds of meters below the surface of a unique sea fan / copepod symbiosis, never before seen. Jerzy was coordinating with reseachers in the universities of Glasgow, Oslo, and Reykjavik, he himself the representative from the university of Gdansk. Just as the ROV's pilot was zooming in closer to confirm dimensional data on the copepods (who appeared to have developed some form of gigantism due to it's host fan's protective structure), he blinked and found himself staring at the welcome screen.

"Oh kurcze, a to co?" he says, blinking hard. His brain adjusts to the passing sense of vertigo going from sitting to standing in an instant. He looks around at his new environment, not really taking anything in. He does however immediately check through FAST for stroke, checks his pulse on his watch and tries focusing on items both near and far.

Satisfied nothing physiological is immediately apparent, he pops a squat to touch the grass below his feet and strokes his beard as he processes his surroundings.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:23, Wed 09 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 6 posts
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 21:24
  • msg #628

Re: Spawnpoint

A thought pops into his head and he fiddles with his watch to bring up its GPS function.

Arjun Gandhi
player, 265 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 22:31
  • msg #629

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: Technically, I have not successfully crafted a ball yet, but I'm pretty confident that I could have built SOME kind of throwable sack filled with dirt.

Arjun, resplendent in his thick knit wrap pants and stockings beneath his purple satin dressing robe, sees the new person appear, and carefully schools his body language and facial expressions to roll with it. He stands near their campsite with his piles of fabric, fiber and reed, and his backpack, empty quiver and giant bag of dirt arranged carefully nearby. Except for his robe, and the clothing the others were wearing, nearly everything was made with the same striped dark blue knit material.

He calls out to the newcomer, using the full force of his decades of vocal training, ensuring that the entire party can hear his deliberately innocuous sounding warning, "Hey, new guy! Catch!"

He throws the ball lightly underhand to Jerry, who is presumably standing near the center of the grassy Spawnpoint Disc.

(ooc: I dunno if that color is going to be easy to spot in walls of text, so I'm boldfacing it too.)

Is this a new "monster" thrown at us to balance the scales? he wondered, unwittingly mirroring Otto's concerns. Maybe he's an NPC? Or maybe as Investiture grows, the number of kidnap victims from Reality will grow. No, wait, one additional person per God would never work. Maybe it's some kind of logarithmically growing population count? Were there formulas that started with [5, 6] and then grew exponentially?

Wait, no. He had been the 5th to arrive, and didn't know if the others had all arrived at the same time. He needed more data. When the hell had the actor EVER said that he "needed more data" in his entire life?

He asks Otto, "Hey, when you arrived here, how many people did you see? Had everybody else arrived already? Were there more people?"

The actor grew more concerned as he recalled, tested, and rejected more mathematical growth formulas than he remembered ever learning. Something had definitely happened to his brain, and that terrified him even more than the teleporting land masses, the pop up messages, the dehydration, the starvation, all of it.

His working theory was that they had been hooked up to some kind of virtual reality suite against their will. But that couldn't explain how he was actually thinking faster and more rigorously than he ever had before. Mentally retrieving his expanded status window, he worried quietly, at least 3 times smarter than I was before I got here.

How much of his identity was based on his intellectual capacity, or any other part of his physicality?

All these thoughts faded as he gazed at the mathematical beauty of the arc of a thrown ball. Somewhere in the back of his mind, the actor calculated local gravity, wind speed, and air density based on the throws of the ball.

All these thoughts, faster than he had ever dreamed he was capable of thinking. The ball hadn't even reached The New Guy yet.

Adopting a jovial smile and the tone of banter between friends, he warns The New Guy, "If you toss that thing over the edge of the disc, you'll be tossed in after it!"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:19, Wed 09 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 106 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 00:45
  • msg #630

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri was about to return from his experiments when he heard Arjun talking about a "new guy" and playing with him in more ways than one. The college freshman version of Dmitri might have run with it just to see what would happen, the more mature version here realized that every brain cell devoted to correct thinking was a treasure here and here was a fresh supply. He addressed the "new guy": "Um, I doubt you will get thrown over the side if this "ball" goes over, but allow me to show you what has resulted from throwing things over the edge."

Dmitri points to the central area where they were standing. "This is the central disk. This over here," he said, moving over to the root area, is Root Island, created from taking a blade of grass from here and tossing it over the edge. That over there," moving over to the bluish cloth area, "is Cloth Island. We also have a water disk and Sweat Island. We know we can make more by throwing things over the edge, but we've also been told there are other ways to make them. We just haven't figured them out yet."

It was at this point that Dmitri realized he hadn't introduced himself to the new guy. He held out his hand. "Dmitri Reslin, at your service."
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 7 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 00:53
  • msg #631

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy looks at the two people and front of him, processes the information and replies in what is initially a calm tone.

"Ignorning for a moment that the words coming out of both of your mouths sound absolutely insane, can we take a few steps back to the more important question of WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?! WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!"
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 107 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 01:00
  • msg #632

Re: Spawnpoint

"You have two choices. We could try to explain all this, misunderstandings and all. Or, if you wish, I could set up a mental link and just think this explanation into your head,"Dmitri says as if it's perfectly normal to think things at people.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 266 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #633

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun continues his careful study of nonchalance.

"Yeah, man. Those are great questions. Let us know if you come up with any answers. You gonna throw that ball, or what?"

Relenting for just a bit, he confesses, "Up until about 43 minutes ago, we were mostly concerned with dying of thirst, or starvation. Well, we found a solution to the starvation problem last night, but it's still not particularly sustainable. Point is, we've been too busy to find out."

Although he is very deliberately Not Preening, there is something about the way that he doesn't that makes it very clear that when he said "we solved it," the lean, freshly shaven face meant that HE had solved it, and wasn't done patting himself on the back for it yet.

He walks over to the ball, picks it up, and throws it back to the pudgy Barbarian. Realizing he had never actually spoken aloud his reply to Otto, he says, "The Expansion thing worked with Dmitri's shirt, which wasn't a proper ITEM, so I'm guessing that part of the system responds to a broader range of input. Just like how we first thought we had to verbalize our system commands."

You can hear the capitalization in his speech.

Then, adding to Dmitri's geographical tour, "Don't forget Reedsville, though I harvested nearly half of it last night in the dark. When we're ready to start talking about cultivation, I think I'll need to focus on growing those while somebody else focuses on crops and basic resources. On the other hand, I guess I cleared out a decent patch of farmland."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 267 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #634

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Dmitri Alvin Reslin (msg # 632):

"That second option would be a lot more viable if you'd been doing anything besides sitting on your buntcake, confusing Nodes with Expansions," objected the surly actor.

"Won't exactly be helpful, telling New Guy about all the insults you've been hurling at Voice, will it, Dirt Boy?" he adds, clearly missing the irony of his objections.
Voice of The System
GM, 276 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 03:55
  • msg #635

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri takes the leap of faith, and tests the new water for drinkability...

He is surprised by how refreshing and clean the water tastes! It is extremely pure, with just a tiny hint of some unknown mineral giving a light metallic taste, that is strangely more pleasant than that would sound.

After drinking his fill, Dmitri's thirst is completely relieved.

However, never one to ignore a chance to solve a problem, Dmitri decides to test what will happen if he adds water to the Soil Node. The result is a bit surprising, as the water flows off the mound as if it were hydrophobic.

Dmitri also points out a change he has noticed in the daily expansions. Perhaps this has something to do with this 'investiture' they were notified about? The troubleshooter also agrees to stay his hand for the moment, given their prior arrangement.

Meanwhile, Arjun nonchalantly moves past any potential awkwardness, and then begins to simply modify some of his equipment. Arjun also notices that modifying an object seems to cause it to no longer be recognized as an ITEM. Thus, he is wearing an eclectic mix of ITEMs and non-ITEMs.

He also is a little amused by where his crafting XP has stopped for the moment.

Moving on, Arjun searches the shop for stuff related to Ebony Reeds, but finds absolutely nothing on the matter. 'Reeds' has countless search results, and 'Ebony' mostly points towards Ebony wood or some metal also called 'Ebony', but when he puts the two together there is no recognition whatsoever.

Next on the list, Arjun looks for arrows.

Arjun then looks for some sort of survival guide.

Followed by enchanting info.

Arjun then examines the water with a keen eye, under the light.

Next, he crafts 2 entire suits of Vine/Plant Fiber armor, including a hood, shirt, leggings, bracers, and anything else implied by his Market searches. He again intends to sell the first set. He wonders if there'll be some kind of bonus for having a complete matching set of armor.

Arjun begins the extremely long process of doing so!

He also begins to make some more rope.

(OOC - your cloth ball can be finished pretty quickly, so we'll just say it's done 'cus its cute :D. also, not a real ITEM as you predicted)

Meanwhile, Otto shares in the feelings of relief with his comrades, and then does a solo pepsi commercial. Arjun notices that, at least from his angle, it is almost film worthy.

Otto checks his quests, half out of habit and half out of thoughts of protecting this place.

Despite the excitement around her and within her, Emily faithfully continues her efforts...

and then...

In front of her, is a strange square of knitted vines... with a fair bit of string, connecting in a complex way to the rest of the object... and underneath... some of the sharpest bits from a couple Ebony Reeds...


It doesn't seem clear what this is, but Emily gets the feeling it is actually quite potent... and potentially dangerous to be rough with.

OOC: I'm going to do every post after Jerzy's intro separately :)
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 8 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 04:09
  • msg #636

Re: Spawnpoint

The wheels start to turn as the shock of the transition passes. Jerzy replies. "Thank you for the offer but no. I would like to keep my mind free from contamination for the moment at least. Sounds facinating though so maybe later.

So believing you two for a moment...let's see where that takes us.

My initial hypothesis was that there is some form of a simulation being projected or somehow fed into my sensory organs.

However, I feel lucid at the moment and my memory of the ship was so vivid that I do not believe I was drugged. In addition, the man in purple has said that you have solved the issue of starvation which leads me to believe that you have felt the sensations and effects of hunger and rectified the condition by eating. seems that I am carrying anything I had on me at the time of the transition, knowingly or otherwise.

Transportation into this place makes the most sense....but it doesn't explain the interface.

Jerzy scribbles some notes down onto his paper.

"You can call me Jerry by the way. OK, So you generate additional land mass and materials by launching things over the edge, like so?

Jerzy tosses the ball off the nearest edge.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 268 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 04:21
  • msg #637

Re: Spawnpoint

With a yelp of panic, Arjun leaps for the ball and tries to catch it before it sails over the edge.

"DUDE! What did I just say?!?"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:29, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 108 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 04:29
  • msg #638

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri recalls the words of his Human Relations instructor: "Acting on either of your first two reactions is a recipe for disaster." This meant that he should not match Arjun snark for snark, but neither should he avoid the matter altogether.

Turning to Arjun, Dmitri responds brightly. "Yes, watching everything you try turn out the opposite way you expect does lead to the occasional outburst, as you have now demonstrated. If I may make a suggestion, I would stop now before you join me in receiving a title that is not conducive to the one you want to impress."

Now he turned back to the new "recruit". "Allow me to explain. Before you got here, we had to figure out everything with no clues. This led to many mistakes, and several bouts of frustration with the Powers That Be. I had to look into myself to find some clarity, and our barbarian's creation of the water area is a massive help. When you see notes on bottled water saying minerals are added for taste, you can see how that works. It has certainly brightened my mood.

As for the mind thing, don't worry about it. It seems you have more in common with the barbarian (his word, not mine) than I would have expected at first."

This message was last edited by the player at 04:33, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 9 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 04:31
  • msg #639

Re: Spawnpoint

Sensing the panic, Jerzy also goes after the ball. You said you've been too busy to find out answers!!
This message was last edited by the player at 18:06, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 277 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 04:32
  • msg #640

Re: Spawnpoint

The moment the polish researcher appears in between the blinking of everyone's eyes, he begins to question this all in his native tongue... by doing so...

Suddenly, everyone can understand one another.

And, quite mercilessly, Arjun uses this chance to toss an unknown object at the man and tell him to 'catch'!

Arjun begins to ponder on his concerns over this new arrival... But then something worse is realized... he is thinking extremely mathematically!

Where did he even learn these formulas? Did they teach it in school... even as he asks himself that, he gets a brief memory of indeed learning something something logarithms near the end of high school.... Wow, what a feeling to recall like that...

Then, the actor-cum-mathematician plans to calculate local gravity, wind speed, and air density by the arc of the ball... However, by the time he begins to recall the formulas to do so...

The ball has reached the end of it's parabola.

Dmitri also joins in on welcoming the new fellow, but is a bit less in-your-face about it then Arjun, which hopefully helps calm the surprised man down.

Perhaps because of this, the man does seem calm... at first.

Then he blows a fuse, just a little bit.

Dmitri (probably) doesn't help too much by straight-facedly offering to beam thoughts into his head... Jerzy is feeling exceptionally chaotic in this moment.

Another thing that estranges the polish scientist, who had just been seemingly kidnapped from his submarine trip, is that the Indian-looking man in the purple robe and extremely strange clothing has incredible posture... Or, rather it's that he is managing to convey a load of information just through how he stands and moves his arms.

A sense of pride can be felt from the man, just by how he stands, and Jerzy gets the idea that the actor is discretely giving himself credit for.... solving hunger... or whatever the fuck was happening before he got here.

Jerzy definitely feels mentally overwhelmed.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 04:41, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 270 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 04:45
  • msg #641

Re: Spawnpoint

Back when the water island was created and Arjun inspected both the water and his bottle of water, he pronounced the water, "96% Purewater! No bonuses detected." He then proceeded to drink his refilled bottle of water.

It occurs to him that at some point, he may need to explain why he's been getting all this extra information. And should probably get everybody their own bottles.

As he lands, possibly with a ball in his hand, possibly face down right next to a brand new landmass, he growls at Jerry, "Not. Your. Turn, dude. We only get so many of these per day, and they're crucial to our survival. How about we all just sit down, and we can get you up to speed? Like, you're probably wondering why we all speak...why we can all understand each other. I'm Ajun, by the way. Arjun Gandhi?"

He seems to be half hoping for a certain response to his name, half resigned to a different response.
Voice of The System
GM, 279 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 04:46
  • msg #642

Re: Spawnpoint

'Jerry' takes on an analytical approach very quickly, and begins rationalizing his situation. He finds himself calming down enough to even take notes.

Then, he (perhaps accidentally) does a little trolling.

Meanwhile, Dmitri does his best to not return any of the attitude that has been launched his way... the results are... questionably successful.

Arjun stops himself before he rushes for the ball... the distance is too far, and the toss was straight off the edge, not even an arc into the air...

The new guy realizes his mistake, but it's too late to do anything about it... The most he can do is stop his urgently-moved body from throwing itself off the edge of the goddamn world!

He ends up faceplanting, quite humiliatingly.

As he has his head momentarily buried into the ground, the scientist mentally remarks that this is not such a great start... The world definitely feels unforgiving, though maybe all worlds are like that.

Despite everyone's wishes, the ball made of cloth and dirt plummets stupidly into the void, in the direction the new guy randomly through it...

World Notice

Automatic Expansion is occuring!

Searching for composition...

Searching for composition......

Searching for composition.........

Composition found!

New location has formed from [-1, 0, 1] to [-1, 0, 1]!

Remaining Daily Expansions: 1/3

From an unknown point in the void below them, countless large orbs violently bounce upwards before halting with impossible sudden-ness!

For your new landmass, you are now facing an array of strange spheres of unknown material

Guest Observer: God of Chaos is laughing his head off at the situation.

Guest Observer: God of Order is facepalming and tossing his pen away.

Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 109 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 04:48
  • msg #643

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeing that his attempts to calm this man down were not working, Dmitri turns to the others who have been here awhile and says, "We'll need another bedroll for our friend here. Whoever was making them, could you teach me how you did it? I need a bit of crafting practice here." Once he learns how, Dmitri will craft a bedroll for the new arrival, then examine the new landmass in detail.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 272 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 05:04
  • msg #644

Re: Spawnpoint

When Arjun realizes he can't possibly catch the ball, and that New Guy has leapt after it as well, he shifts his angle to make sure that Jerry doesn't fall off the edge as well.

This probably results in him landing heavily on top of Jerzy.

He gets up carefully, and helps Jerzy get up. Idly, he notices the impact of the semi-static Spawnpoint Disc on the two of them, and is pleased at the lack of dirt.

Heaving a deep sigh to regain control of his emotions, he says, "I guess celebration time is over." He looks out over the new disc floating in the void. "Balls," he says distinctly, intentionally choosing a word that is both a mild curse and an effective name for the new disc.

He examines the Ball Discs from where he stands, hoping to see a variety of heights and lighting qualities.

Contemplating the situation, he says, "For what it's worth, Dmitri has mind-linked with me before, or whatever the skill is called, and it's not as scary as it might sound. Possibly because he's too low level. And the bedroll is a good idea, Dmitri. Let's take Jerzy over to Cloth land, give him a bit of a tour, and gather enough cloth for bedrolls for everybody who still needs to learn the Recipe. Then I'll try to Teach it to whoever wants, while we explain things."

After a step, he adds, "Hold up. Let me refill my water bottle first. I want to try something."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:17, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 181 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 05:06
  • msg #645

Re: Spawnpoint

It would be fair to say that Otto was sort of overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stimulus for a few minutes.

For starters, there was another person here, a new person. He had lived in the constant company of their little band for so long that the sight of a new face was shocking in itself.

But more than that, everything seemed to burst into chaos shortly thereafter.

Once again, Emily seemed to not even notice the gigantic, beautiful, life saving body of water that had just come into their world.

Dmitri was also remarkably analytical, despite all the action.

And Arjun seemed to take the new arrival in stride, his questions, everything was kind of lost in the flurry that followed, and the ball going over the edge.

"Whoah, alright, time out guys." Otto called out with the somewhat paternal tone normally associated with Summer Camp staff. "Everybody just...chill, easy."

He approached the new arrival slowly. "Hey man, I'm Otto, Otto alright?  I know you've probably got a million questions, we did to. Still do if I'm honest, but I think your safe enough for now...I'll answer what I can." he gestured to the center of the grass disk. "Want to sit with me for a minute? Get your bearings?"

He glanced to Arjun. "Arjun, bro, I kind of want this quest, you mind, ah, playing catch with me while we do this?" he glanced to Emily. "Or you, whoever wants to do it."

He glanced back to the new arrival. "Sorry about this, it's time sensitive. What should we call you?" he explained is an apologetic way.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 273 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 05:14
  • msg #646

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun seems interested in Otto's quest and asks for more details, but agrees to help with it regardless of those details. He then checks his own quests and tasks, using ASL/Body Language for good measure.

Regardless of whether the group decides to sit or to gather cloth for bedrolls, Arjun recites from memory...

"Can we compile a list of all the pop-up window stuff everybody has found so far, and try to guess what else there might be? See what we've all discovered over the last two days? There's...

  • Status, Expanded Status, and Character Sheet, which all seem to give basically the same info.
  • Classes, which I don't think even comes up anymore, once you've picked a class.
  • Title List, has anybody besides Dmitri acquired a title yet?
  • Party, and Party Chat, really feels to me like there is probably more there. Like, at the very least, being able to see each other on the Map.
  • Quests, and Tasks, both for stuff you can take but haven't yet. Is there a command for seeing the ones you've already accepted? With, like, progress indicator, or clues or notes?
  • Market, which includes Purchase More Market Coins, Tasks, Sell ITEMs, Trade Achievement Points and Browse the Market.

"I haven't found any kind of menus which show Health, Mana, Qi, Holy, Achievement Points, Current Tasks or Current Quests. Nothing that gives more info on your Class."

As he is explaining this, he invites Jerzy to try each phrase in order to bring up the appropriate menu. There is a noticable and distinct difference between when he is quoting a previous conversation, and when he is speaking normally.

"Apparently, seeing the rest of the party on the Map requires us to create a Guild, and we're all too low level -- you might choose to pick a Class, by the way, we all have so far. Are you familiar with the concept?"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:25, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 11 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 06:22
  • msg #647

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy's went wide at the formation of ball land and he studies the phenomenon of disk formation.

As he is helped up and given the tour, he asks "Is that the first time gods of order and choas were mentioned? And the system has some form of sentience?

He thanks Dimitri for suggesting a bedroll be made and speaks about his philosophy that experiments must be replicated and how the only thing Jerzy can truly trust in this world is his perceptions.

Sitting on the Grass Disk with Otto, Jerzy introduces himself briefly and asks questions about quests and playing catch and how long everyone has been here and how he is hearing perfect polish from people who definitely shouldn't know perfect polish and where Otto came from.

Once there's a quiet moment, he attempts to bring up the Class screen
Voice of The System
GM, 281 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 06:28
  • msg #648

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri begins to craft a bedroll.

Otto and Arjun begin to play some catch, while also talking with their newest group member.

Jerzy introduces himself to Otto, as the latter man plays catch, and the American shares the information in a delicate and considerate manner, unlike the others who seemed more eager to list off everything they know as quickly as possible.

Afterwards, Godlewski checks this 'class' menu...

And finds it barren.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 110 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 06:35
  • msg #649

Re: Spawnpoint

"If you get something on that menu right away, great, but we had to wait until we actually tried something here before class options came up for us. God of Order and God of Chaos are new named designations, but we have had God of Games and whatever the Goddess Arjun brought here calls herself. Stay away from God of Games; he did some nasty stuff to Vlad over there and more when I tried to interfere." Dmitri points over to a bedroll containing a man in a coma.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 276 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 07:52
  • msg #650

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun checks on the seemingly comatose figure on the bedroll before sitting down to  work on his various craft projects.

He eyes Emily's latest project, as well as the paper and pen in Jerzy's hand, studying them for a long moment each before picking up a pile of Plant Fibers and continuing whichever project he had in his hand at the time.

"There's a bunch of Observers, all of whom are Guests except for the Goddess of Love, who recently decided to become a Member Observer. All the Observers I've seen notifications about have been 'Gods.' There seems to be some kind of connection between getting Member Gods and how much power to control our environment we're given....huh. Dmitri, have you checked your Node limitations since the Goddess graced us with her visit? I'm wondering if the increased Investiture increased that limit, too."

As he spoke, Arjun's eyes kept glancing at his stack of Ebony Reeds. He had misjudged them somewhat, first in quantity when he planned to make them into arrows, then in utility when he had tried to make the toys. Next, he had considered a kind of rattan armor like he'd seen in the Chinese section of an armory exhibition at a museum. Now, he studied them more seriously, as breaks from his work, trying to truly take the measure of them. Perhaps with a high enough Craft skill, he'd be able to glean recipes just by studying the material?

He continued. "Most of the messages seem to be coming from The Voice of System and The Hand of System, who seem to be....more directly connected to the mechanics of this place than the Observers. They've told me that this Investiture is important to whatever process we've become embroiled in."
Otto Bruckner
player, 183 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 08:26
  • msg #651

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto first accepted the Quest, having learned from previous mistakes, and then fell into conversation the best he could as they tossed his remaining boot back and forth.

The story itself was not that long, it had only been just barely three days, but he hoped that it would provide some prospective and to ease the man in to the situation.

Of course hearing it laid out might have been more difficult, but who knew? Everyone processed these things differently.

The fact of the matter was that it seemed they were stuck. How and why this came to be, they still had no idea. He answered what questions he could, of course, and seemed to favor a direct but conservative approach. They really knew very little for certain.

"So yeah...I guess that's pretty much it." he finished with a shrug, keeping up the game until he was certain that he was past his target number.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 170 posts
Retro Musician
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 10:43
  • msg #652

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily finished her trap and gazed at it.  She wondered how long she'd taken to design it or even how it would work.  She examined it carefully before she thought she had it figured out.

Then she looked up and saw how the world had changed.  There was a new guy so she checked to see whether he had used Party Chat but he hadn't so she guessed she didn't know his name.  "Hi New Guy", she said, "My name's Emily Khorashandi, what's yours?  Anyway welcome to System."   

She called up her quest list next and said, "Accept Quest - Friend Forever," and then knelt on the grass to pray as she had seen Arjun do but if she had a religion, which she doesn't, she'd be a Moslem so she borrowed practice from Islam and faced toward the direction in which she had first seen the screen and prostrated herself to it seven times saying, "Oh God of Beasts who has seen fit to grant me this quest, I praise you and prostrate myself before her and I pray to you for guidance to lead me to the first beast type monster so that I can begin my quest."*

Many things had happened while she was concentrating and she could remember few of them but the most obvious was the emergence of the huge water disc and the collection of tiny chaos discs.  Ah yes, and Arjun had said that exploration was her forte and he was right.  So for that matter was setting traps for vermin.

She looked at the map and then slowly rose to her feet.  First of all she drank her water and then made sure the can was completely empty before putting it in the pocket of her jacket.  She could refill it later.

She rose to her feet and said, "I'm sorry that I have been too busy to talk to anyone.  I hope and pray in the Beast God's name that it prove worthwhile. I'm going to set this trap and then explore."

With this, Emily walks toward the Vine disk and places her trap as close to the collapsed nest as she safely can place it. With the trap safely placed, she makes her way to the place where, on the map, the vine disc appears to meet the water disk.  She stops and gazes at the grey things, using every sense she has to try to find out what they are.

* she says this in Persian but the System translates
This message was last edited by the player at 10:45, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 16 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 20:42
  • msg #653

Re: Spawnpoint

Upon learning the existance of moths and vinecrawlers through a passing conversation with Emily, Jerzy briefly pauses from exploring the [System] Menues and goes off to secure a few samples of the critters as well as samples of the grasses, reeds, vines and plumbs.

He endeavors to analyze the floura and fauna of the [System] . Specifically he wants to see if he can discover any clues as to whether the animals are somehow synthetic or engineered or if they too were transported into this space.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 278 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 22:10
  • msg #654

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun offers to accompany Jerry to the Cloth Island part of the scientist's expedition, as the actor has not yet seen any of the moths.

"I'd offer to go with you on the entire thing, but I need to do some serious grinding."

 As Arjun worked on his crafts and chatted theories with whoever was willing, he contemplated the nature of gods and enticement. He discusses these thoughts with anyone who is open to the conversation, and invites Dmitri to practice mind-linking with him again so they can discuss the subject (an obvious offer to make amends for their earlier spat). These are some of the points he will make in those discussions:

The Goddess of Light had been won over with relatively simple offerings made in her name: the first attempts he had made of each craft recipe, with no real cohesion to the gifts offered. She seemed very young and eager, although... She had given Vlad what turned out to be solid guidance on picking a class. On the other hand, it was Vlad's attempt at offering Her Blessing that had caused the God of Games to appear and kidnap Vlad's mind, or whatever.

Kidnap again. Re-nap? Whatever. Point is, She had screwed up somehow and...and...and as a result God of Games had become the first Member God, he suddenly remembered. The Goddess of Light had not been the first Member God. Yet, what happened to Vlad had not increased Investiture.

And as well, his "devout offering" to the second God-job he wanted to fill had not been so well received. He had a lot of hints to suggest that his assumed benefactor with the Shadow Essence was far more experienced, or at least more cunning, than Her, which is likely why the simple devotional offering of First Crafts had not been enough for the second god. Likely they needed to be enticed in a way more specific to them.

As, Arjun supposed, all good enticements would normally be.

Now it seemed that Rockabilly was working on a deal with the God of Beasts, whose one interaction with Arjun had seemed....pretty straightforward. He wished Rockabilly luck in enticing the God of, he would pray to the Goddess of Love, for Emily's success in connecting with the God of Beasts.

Regardless, God of Beasts was being taken care of. Though, the idea of talking the God of Beasts into taking up some kind of dichotomous role with/against Light and Love was pretty appealing. A God of Night and Beasts would be pretty badass, and would be much more straightforward to deal with than That Other Guy.

But honestly, getting the God of Order up in this business seemed like a great way to go, just from the dude's name alone. How does one entice the God of Order to come join the World?

Arjun pauses in his craft-work, and once again carefully and meticulously orders and arranges his work space, hoping to please the God of Order with his deliberation.

Doing this, and feeling pleasure in tidying up his work space, Arjun's mind wandered to thoughts of Voice and Hand. If they were building a World that would someday, somehow be filled with NPCs and Players, and different cultures worshipping gods, then he wanted to make sure that this world respected and gave thanks to the work that Voice and Hand were doing. From their conversations, Arjun felt....he believed that those two had a thankless job, and Arjun had long ago learned that if the stage hands were properly appreciated, then that made the entire production better.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:48, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 111 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 23:07
  • msg #655

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri realizes that no one else seems to want to mind link, so he sets up a telepathic bond with Arjun. It makes sense that if there are more misconceptions, they should be hammered out in private, anyway.

Once the bond is established, he will include his observation in the link.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:56, Fri 11 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 282 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 00:03
  • msg #656

Re: Spawnpoint

"Hey Rockabilly, what you are thinking for your Expansion today?"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 174 posts
Retro Musician
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 00:40
  • msg #657

Re: Spawnpoint

Having set the trap as close as she can safely place it to the collapsed nest, Emily continues to watch the grey things in the water disk from the closest point of the vine disc. Only when Arjun calls out about her expansion did she wander back to the main disc and gaze out at the chaos discs. She grins at Arjun and says, "Does anybody have a penny, or similar? I'd like to make a wish."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 284 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 00:48
  • msg #658

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun pulls out his pockets to indicate their emptiness. Gesturing to the carefully organized piles of crafting material, he offers, "I've got a few Scraps of Tin from disassembling those Mineral Water Bottles."
Otto Bruckner
player, 184 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 04:55
  • msg #659

Re: Spawnpoint

At some point Otto overheard Emily asking for a coin. "No coins, but I've got my keys still, and the keyring, my belt buckle, and my necklace" he reached up and touched the "Thor's Hammer" pendant. "Rather not toss that one away...if I had to guess the keys are probably the hardest, or the key ring itself." he mused.

"I think any sort of metal would be a big help at this point." he agreed. "If you do metal, I can do leather, and hopefully between the two we can make some real progress."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 286 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 05:03
  • msg #660

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun taps his mouth with a single finger, considering the idea. "Or, do you mean, like, does anybody have any money? Is it just the physical material that things forms the input, or are conceptual elements carried with it? The quiver full of dirt gave us reeds, which are kind of like arrows..."
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 18 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 05:32
  • msg #661

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy thinks.

Well, I have this GPS locator beacon. It should have precious metals in the circuity.

Just no one fall overboard.

Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 112 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 05:46
  • msg #662

Re: Spawnpoint

"Truth be told, I have no intention of coming close to an edge I might fall over."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 176 posts
Retro Musician
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 08:21
  • msg #663

Re: Spawnpoint

"I was thinking of money as a concept to encourage the granting of wishes," says Emily, "but also copper because it's the easiest metal to work with."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 113 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 17:44
  • msg #664

Re: Spawnpoint

"I was abducted before I loaded up with useful things such as keys, change, and a wallet. The shirt was one of the most valuable things I had left."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 287 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 23:00
  • msg #665

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun, his face finally washed of the toothpaste stain that had arrived with him, says nothing more on the topic of preparedness, as he continued to macrame a pair of shoes for himself.

"Waterworld over there isn't the same shape or size as the others. Do you think that's the Investiture? It isn't the quantity of material tossed over, a blade of grass yielded the same sized disc as Dmitri's shirt. Are we still talking about trying to lay a path of land towards a destination, or do we want to ring the lake, or...."
Voice of The System
GM, 290 posts
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 14:58
  • msg #666

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun attempts to study his materials in order to glean some recipes... He feels a bit inspired about possibilities in making more kinds of weaponry, but otherwise doesn't get a sense for anything specific.

Otto manages to complete his quest with little time to spare.

Emily snaps out of her half-dazed work on her project, and finds herself with a strange and dangerous item in her hands... As she looks at it, she tries to inspect how it works... It seems extremely hard to tell... but, somehow she manages to glean information from only this...?

Afterwards, Emily enthusiastically agrees to the quest sent by this 'God of Beasts'. With only a slight bit of awkwardness, she tries her best to imitate a prayer session from Islam, which she is not extremely familiar with but hopes to be able to emulate.

Whether or not it is successful is a little unclear, since there is no immediate response.

The idea that maybe part of the quest is creating an environment for beast-types comes to her mind. This would make sense because at the moment none of them are aware of any beast MONSTERs.

Afterwards, she apologizes for any inconvenience, before then going to place this trap near the collapsed nest. She does so without difficulties, and feels proud of her work, if a little impatient to see it's effectiveness.

Then, Emily stands on the edge of the Vine Disc and uses all her senses to analyze the unidentified gray objects...

She gleans quite an unreasonable amount of information, at least for a normal person.

After getting a rundown of the place, and being guided through the various menus they have all discovered by Arjun, Jerzy decides to move on his own and get samples of what he can.

Right away, he notes something EXTREMELY strange, as he goes to pick a blade of grass from the 'main disc'.

Bending down, he uses his thumb and index finger to hold onto one of the blades. But, as he pulls, he finds that his two digits slip, and he lightly scratches himself. It doesn't draw blood and barely breaks the skin (depending how long his nails may be at this moment), but it is frustrating.

He tries again. This time, he loses his balance or something and ends up clasping his own hand as he misses the grass by just a milimeter.

He tries again. However, as soon as he looks at his hand to find the blade of grass he does not have any memory of what happened after he made this attempt. Also, his hand is empty?

He tries again. After grasping the blade, he pulls. And pulls a little harder. Then, he yanks thinking the roots may be tied or something and hits his head lightly on the ground.

He pulls up and goes to wipe the dirt off his face. There is no dirt. He looks down.

The grass and soil have no mark. He stands up with a sense of fear. He looks down. His knees left no mark. The grass is untouched. His knees are not dirty, and there is no grass on them.

He steps back in terror. There is no footstep. The grass is not even creased.



He moves on, eventually.

Jerzy arrives at the 'root island' or 'vine island', the name is not decided it seems.

Half-expecting to repeat that uncanny nightmare, Jerzy hesitantly goes to take some of this strange plant material... His hand grasps it. He pulls. It breaks, and he is now holding some.

The polish scientist sighs in relief, not aware he had been holding his breath.

He inspects the item in his hand. Immediately, he is disgusted and put off.

The man had probably done some research on plants at some point, and something about this screamed 'impossible'...

Jerzy is holding a section of a hollow tube. The diameter is about six inches, but the flesh is merely an inch thick. It is green on the outside, but the inside is slightly grayed.

It is a bit soft, and quite flexible... But... how does it get nutrience? There is no sign of the veins you may find in a leaf or a plant's stem. It has no 'roots'... This island is just this stuff, but there is no dirt below, and it never seems to rain... The sky also has no sun, but there is light... is it close enough to sunlight for photosynthesis to occur??

Something is wrong... this stuff should by all means be dead... but, if it were dead... why has it not decayed? There surely must be bacteria present, since people arrived here from Earth... yet...

It makes him unhappy, but at least he managed to procure a sample of this weird 'plant'.

On the 'ebony island' or 'dirt island' or 'sand island', again there is no final name, Mr. Godlewski visually inspects one of these 'ebony reeds'... He had heard the story of the man named Arjun slicing his hand badly on them, so for now he does not touch.

Right away, the thing is weird... it is glossy, and sharp... extremely dark in color, so much so that he has to look at the edge to contrast with the background, or find a place where the sourceless light bounces off the glossy surface...

The item reminds him a bit of obsidian... It doesn't seem plant-like... maybe it has been petrified? regardless, at the moment he cannot collect a sample, but the thing definitely looks extremely sharp, hard, and brittle... not much like most plants.

Lastly, the man goes to collect one of these plums, which Arjun had told him was called a "Prolapsed Plum of Prolepsis"... everyone had uncomfortable stories of the thing, but Jerzy had thought maybe they were just squeamish...

However, as he arrives on 'sweat-rag island', which is aptly called such... he immediately regrets what may have been hubris...

This place is disgusting, but worse, it is terrifying.

The ground... is it rubber? wet cloth? ... brain matter? he cannot tell, it is a terrible spongey substance that leaks water whenever he steps on it... The color is a horrific whitish pink, with a hint of light blue in some spots...

The whole place is hilly... but... with folds? He is reminded of some less decent parts of human anatomy, which immediately makes him flush and his stomach roll...

The stench is also... well, not extreme.. he had smelt worse. It is not nearly as bad as even regular old compost... some of the sulfur compound he may have smelt would have been far worse... if he had ever dealt with skunks or stinkbugs, this is nothing...

but still... the smell... it makes him feel sick... nauseous... it's.... organic? ... no, maybe somewhere in between... it is putrid in a way his conscious brain cannot comprehend.

He eventually finds a fold, and sees a hint of dark purple underneath...

here, he questions if he really wants to continue?

OOC; If you go forward here, there will be some major rewards (in line with your character concept, in fact), but it will not be a comfortable place for your character... He may even be sick or suffer some mental stress.

Of course, moving away would be boring and even disadvantageous, but I'll let you determine Jerzy's current willpower. Trying later may lessen the return, but it wont erase it if he just takes a short break

Overall, the polish man hates many parts of this world.

Everything he has learned feels... like it does not apply, to this realm.

So many things... even just at a glance... they seem to exist in some strange state between the cracks in humanity's understanding of life itself.

It is cosmically dreadful
Voice of The System
GM, 292 posts
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 15:20
  • msg #667

Re: Spawnpoint

As Arjun and Dmitri share a mind link, some of Arjun's 'voiced thoughts' trigger responses from some entities above. Notably, it is audible to both participants. Perhaps, purposefully, perhaps a result of the skill use.

A bit later in their shared link, Arjun remarks on how epic it would be to have a Night Beast God... damn... cool....

After doing some craft work, Arjun takes a short break to clean up and organize his workplace with the intent of pleasing this 'God of Order'.

A bit later, Arjun tries to get himself to feel a bit more sympathetic towards these two entities.

Emily gives a bit of a mischievous smile towards the chaotic 'ball' disc... Then, requests a coin...

The group discusses the valuable nature of their various metal trinkets, and how they may be able to use it in the future...

Arjun remarks on the water disc being a separate shape from before.

He and Dmitri will both specifically notice at this point (perhaps due to their INTELLIGENCE, or the current use of telepathic bond) that the coordinates system used by the World seems to be (as displayed on Map menu): North/south, up/down, west/east.

However, it is all integer-based, despite the obvious fact that the exact placement of these discs are not directly north or south, and there have actually always been slight difference in angles.

It goes without saying that they both think this is much more likely a deliberate choice, rather than a mistake in calculations. The former would be hard for them to figure out, but the latter is inconceivable for an entity/force that can create an entire goddamn world.
Otto Bruckner
player, 185 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 17:23
  • msg #668

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto broke into a smile as he completed the Quest and opted to view his Expanded Status to see what changes might have occured.

It quickly became apparent that their newest addition, Jerzy, would be in good company. He seemed to fit right in with Dmitri and Vlad, and was already studying this new place. Otto, conversely, just wanted to be ready should it try to kill them.

His goals for the day became more clear.

Priority one was getting into fighting shape. With the others seeming to focus exclusively on intellectual pursuits or the manufacturer of things, their Barbarian saw it as his role to provide the muscle, which meant he would need a lot more muscle. That and he needed to be able to fight for more than a few minutes without getting exhausted, that was important.

Priority two was helping Emily with her project. The God of Beasts seemed to have taken an interest in both of them, which made sense to him, Huntress, Barbarian, similar "roots", so to speak.

Priority three was getting a weapon, a real weapon, and he figured he would turn to their "Artificer" Arjun , at this point he was so far ahead that Otto figured it made sense to ask him to do it instead of grinding for the skill himself. Maybe he could come up with something to trade, the man had already done a lot for them.

He also checked his Quests and Tasks.

He figured Emily would choose her next expansion, and then he would go after her.

Now that he had eaten and that they had a steady source of clean water, he could really start to work out in earnest, and so he did so.

Not at sore as he expected, he began doing some more complex exercises like burpees and planks, wondering all the time if one of the books Arjun mentioned might have more information on strength and fitness, and how he might earn the coins to get access to the Market himself.
Voice of The System
GM, 293 posts
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 17:55
  • msg #669

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto smiles at his progress, but decides there is still more to do before he will feel safe with protecting himself and the group if combat arises, as the genres that seem to be present in this world often demand.

With a source of water (though a little light on foodstuff), Otto feels ready to push himself to do some exercise.

He also had the intent to help Emily with her projects in any way he could, as well as try and think of something to trade with Arjun for a weapon off the Market, or made via the Craft skill...

His quests and tasks were barren at the moment, which seemed to be the general state of things, unless an Observer or the administrators wanted something enough to request for it.

With all that in mind, Otto can take as much time as he wants to do his exercise.

OOC: From here on, your 'exercising' as time passes, in the same way that others may be working on craft projects. Meaning, unless you say you are doing something else, I'm going to assume Otto is doing this activity.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 177 posts
Retro Musician
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 19:56
  • msg #670

Re: Spawnpoint

Realising that nobody has any money, Emily checked the inside pocket of her jacket to see if there is anything in there, whether coins, paper or plastic. If there is, she will use them in that order,if not then she will use the plastic button.  Either way,she walks to the edge of the cloth disc at a lace where she can see only the 'brown' chaos disc and she throws her material to the void in a place where the new disc can be expected to touch the chaos discs well as the cloth disc.

Then without waiting for the new disc to form, he walks slowly around the edge of the cloth disc and then the original disc, slowly observing each chaos disc in turn.

Only after that does she say to Arjun, "I was wondering. If we build bridges to all the Chaos discs do you think that would please the God of Order?
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 114 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 00:52
  • msg #671

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri seems unfazed. "I would have no idea what this God of Order considers pleasing. I'm more concerned at the moment with pleasing any God (or Goddess) of Wisdom that happens to be observing."

If water can't be added to the soil node, he will use the node as he has, by adding a handful of the soil node onto the bouncy ball expansion to see what happens. Dmitri will then add water to a small portion of each of the expansions and observe the results of his actions.
Voice of The System
GM, 294 posts
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 01:05
  • msg #672

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: Going to sleep, so i'll adjudicate the rest in the morning
Voice of The System
GM, 295 posts
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 17:34
  • msg #673

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily finds her pockets are empty, so she tears one of the buttons off of her jacket and tosses it into the void, at a point between the brown ball and the cloth island.

As she does so...

World Notice

Automatic Expansion is occuring!

Searching for composition...

Searching for composition......

Searching for composition.........

Composition found!

New location has formed from [-2, 0, 1] to [-2, 0, 1]!

Remaining Daily Expansions: 0/3

The button wobbles strangely, giving off a weird noise before...


A loud and reverberating noise fills the entirety of the space, causing everyone to jump in surprise... It slowly fades away, as in the place of Emily's plastic button, is a gigantified version of that same button!

OOC: Since the jacket was black leather, I will say the button was also a black color.

Notably, the position of this new disc is directly below the brown 'chaos' sphere, not in the small space between it and cloth island.

Following that scene, Emily goes around and looks at the chaos orbs while moving around their perimeter. She notices the following:

 - The red, pink, blue and green orbs are very glossy

 - The brown and grey orbs are dull

 - The pink, brown and grey orbs are a little lumpy

 - The red and green orbs are orb-shaped

 - The blue orb seems to be an absolutely perfect sphere

 - The red orb smells fruity

 - The pink orb smells EXTREMELY sweet

 - The green orb smells sharp and sour, but not really good or bad.

 - The blue orb smells very fresh

 - The brown orb smells like earth

 - The gray orb smells... kind of like a rock?

A bit later, Dmitri tosses a bit of dirt over the small gap towards the red ball.

It lands, and stays there, just like the other times he had moved the dirt from the node around the place.

Next, he collects some water and dishes it out to each of the expansions.

First is the main disc. He pours a bit of the water, and it flows onto the ground pretty normally, but notably neither the grass nor soil underneath become wet, so the water doesn't get absorbed and just spreads out until gravity no longer makes it flow any which way.

Second is the root disc. The water is poured onto one of the tube-like vines, and it mostly spills into the unlit tangle below, but some is absorbed into the plant fibers... making them gross and soggy.

After that experiment, Emily (who is somewhat nearby) notices a very faint scent of 'wet grass' from that portion of the plant. It is not pleasant like morning dew, but rather slightly unpleasant like a fistful of marshland.

Third is the cloth disc. The water soaks almost immediately into the blue fabric, darkening it. Very little is spilled downwards, but the stain is quite large... the cloth left over is likely to be totally useless for crafting.

Emily thinks the smell from that wet cloth is pretty gross, evoking a similar feeling of discomfort as the sweat rag island, though far less extreme in terrible-ness.

Fourth is the ebony/sand isle. The dark and coarse kind of soil here (which is different from both the node soil, the main island soil, and the bug excrement) thirstily drinks up the water, though not as quickly as the down.

Emily smells rather normal mud.

Fifth is the disgusting pinkish island made from a rag with the sweat of a man delirious from blood loss and pain. The water is absorbed a little bit, but it takes a really long time because the sponge-like ground already has an unidentified disgusting liquid soaked in.

Emily doesn't notice a different in smell, but reckons if there is anything it would be overpowered by the relatively stronger odor of the island that was already there.

Sixth and last is the bouncing ball island. Dmitri again doesn't step foot onto this island, and just tosses the last of his water sample onto the red ball from the safety of the main disc.

The red ball doesn't really seem to absorb much of the water, and it eventually just falls off the edge. Dmitri thinks there was not a lot of information there... but then he notices that some dew drops have clung to the surface of the ball. As he looks at this, he gets a bit of deja vu, but he is not sure where from.

Emily also gets a strong sense of familiarity with the scene of that red ball covered in moisture... it's not unpleasant, but it feels a bit out of place, inexplicably.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 178 posts
Retro Musician
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 18:20
  • msg #674

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily says to Otto, "I'm sorry that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped nor even in the right place."

She also said what she'd noticed about Dmitri's experiments. And in particular, "I don't think the wet cloth will ever be much use for crafting as we know it but it smells faintly of magic if that makes sense."

To Jerzy she says, "If they haven't offered you any classes yet, why not try telling them your favourite equations or maybe something from the works of Lem or Sapkowski."

Then she walked around the discs, inviting Arjun to walk with her as she considered all of the materials she could use in crafting the first bridge.
Otto Bruckner
player, 186 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 18:25
  • msg #675

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto watched as the gigantic button manifested before them, black and glossy in the "light" of this world. He thought it an interesting choice, not one he would have considered, but he figured plastic had its merits.

He went out to explore it for a bit, when he was struck by an idea.

Returning to the grass disk he took two of the keys he had and began to rub them vigorously together along the serrated teeth, trying to cause little chips, fragments and abrasions. His hope was that as the button had been more or less an exact copy, so too might the more easily manipulated flaws and shavings manifest in a way that would make them easier to manipulate when scaled up.

"Alright, here we go." He said aloud, and if nobody intervened, he dropped the shiny silver colored key with all it's flaws off of the southern end of the new plastic disk.

Voice of The System
GM, 296 posts
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 18:33
  • msg #676

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto does manage to chip the key with some force, and enough motions to make his arms start to tire. He is also careful to strike away from himself so that if his hand slips he doesn't stab or slice his fingers, wrists or forearms...

Then, when he is done, the American barbarian let's the faux silver housekey, now damaged go, as he stands on the edge of the void...

As the thing leaves his hands, it drops, before falling past his feet, and a moment later the bottom of the disc.

It soars down, and down and down until it is no longer visible... and then--!





Nothing happens?
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 115 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #677

Re: Spawnpoint

"Well now we know what happens when the daily expansion limit is exceeded. Maybe it will surface tomorrow when our limit refreshes. But for now, I would suggest gathering up what remains in case it doesn't."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 289 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 06:58
  • msg #678

Re: Spawnpoint

Updated for completeness:
Arjun Gandhi:
    Day 3:
  1. 1st 'Vine Shoes' takes 120 minutes and 45 plant fibers
    (done: 40+? minutes, left: 80-? minutes)
  2. Examine, then Sell Vine Shoes. Buy 'Small Tin of Balm'
  3. Craft 1 Bandage with Balm, use it to dress wound
  4. 2nd 'Vine Shoes' takes 60 minutes and 45 plant fibers
  5. 1st 'Vine Cap' takes 180 minutes and 60 plant fibers
  6. Cloth Rope, 24ft added to existing 6ft. 12 minutes, 72 Cloth
  7. About 285 minutes of day time left to do other stuff, if my math is right. Let me know if I need to keep making adjustments.
    Day 4:
  1. 1st 'Vine Leggings' takes 240 minutes and 90 plant fibers
  2. 1st 'Vine Gloves' takes 120 minutes and 45 plant fibers
  3. 1st 'Vine Tunic' takes 300 minutes and 120 plant fibers

Otto Bruckner:
Priority three was getting a weapon, a real weapon, and he figured he would turn to their "Artificer" Arjun, at this point he was so far ahead that Otto figured it made sense to ask him to do it instead of grinding for the skill himself. Maybe he could come up with something to trade, the man had already done a lot for them.

Though Otto has not yet broached the subject with him, Arjun's mind is already contemplating the armament situation. His inspection of the Ebony Reeds had mostly inspired thoughts of weapons, but he was very concerned about the rarity of the resource. Arrows, he now realized, they would have to buy for the most part. He had yet to test the Stiletto's sharpness, which he needed to do. But once reassured the weapon was of utility in combat, surely, he could imagine a two handed Ebony Reed weapon for Otto?

Emily Khorashandi:
Only after that does she say to Arjun, "I was wondering. If we build bridges to all the Chaos discs do you think that would please the God of Order?

Arjun is still working on a pair of vine shoes at this point, inexplicably switching between one shoe and the other so that neither will be complete until practically the same time, when Emily asks about the God of Order.

"I haven't had much contact with Him yet. The project would have to be Orderly, so I'd suggest we plan it with greater detail that we have been so far. Jerzy has a notebook and pen, and seems to have a scientific mind, so perhaps he can help design the project? Out of all of us, he seems like the best match for Order, so far. Though, a rope bridge doesn't seem very Order-iffic, and the Ebony Reeds are scarce enough that I'm loathe to use them to stake down the ends of such a bridge....I've already harvested more of them than I should have before learning how to cultivate more."

OOC to Jerzy: grey doesn't stand out very well amidst the walls of text, so I've randomly chosen Aqua for whenever I mention you, to make sure you see anything I write about/to you. PM me if you want a different color :)

A brief pause while he thinks about it. "Seems to me that the resource we've used the least is the Dirt Node. Rows of farm crops can be very symmetrical, and I'm assuming we can buy seeds from The Market. Might be easier to try that.

Emily Khorashandi:
Then she walked around the discs, inviting Arjun to walk with her as she considered all of the materials she could use in crafting the first bridge.

Arjun puts down his current project and stretches long and luxuriously. "Great time for a break. I want to check out those islands in the water, too. I assume they're mineral deposits. Oh, and I have yet to see one of those cloth-moth things."

He considers what to bring with him, and leaves his quiver and bow. After putting them down carelessly, he stops himself, and then makes a point of laying them out in a careful, orderly pattern alongside his piles of crafting materials.

He grabs his stiletto, and his nearly full plastic bottle of water, stows it in his backpack, which we wears. After a second's thought, he also grabs the makeshift russack of Dirt. "Mind if we start at Sweatrag? I want to try a few things. For science."

As they pass through Reedsville, Arjun will stop at the Reed where he cut himself, where he carefully examines the blood-fed reed stump for any signs of growth, and asking Emily to likewise inspect it.

He'll then test the stiletto's sharpness on the bloody key that Otto had given him right before he cut his hand, possibly driving the blade into the ground as well.

He'll collect the key, damaged or otherwise, storing it in his backpack.

Moving to the nearest full Ebony Reed, he'll study it carefully, and again ask Emily to carefully Perceive the thing. "I'm about to try watering it, so I want you to be able to detect the smallest sign of growth."

And then he will do exactly that, and carefully water the Ebony Reed, using his entire bottle of water on that one plant.

When they get to Sweatrag, which Arjun has only heard about until now, he makes a big show of how disgusting the smell is, and empties his russack full of dirt onto the close edge of Sweatrag.

Watching the results, he asks Emily, "You said something about smelling magic?"
Emily Khorashandi
player, 179 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 11:52
  • msg #679

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods "Yes that slightly off smell to the ebony reeds and the much stronger more disgusting version of that smell from the plums. There's a much less powerful version attached to the wet cloth."
Otto Bruckner
player, 188 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 14:08
  • msg #680

Re: Spawnpoint

As Otto watched the key drop into the void and nothing happened he threw up his hands a little, not terribly surprised. "Well, now we know." he agreed.


A short time later Otto approached Emily during one of his rest periods, having recalled her prayers. "So what can you tell me about this Friends Forever quest? Is there anything I can do to help out?" he asked in an upbeat way and rubbed his hands together. "My last Quest also have me some, what's it called, favor? Well the God of Beasts was apparently happy with me for doing it, so it sounds like we are kind of on a similar path."


Although Arjun, clever as he was, was way ahead of him, Otto did eventually come around to ask him about his crafting expertise and weaponry. "So these reed things, I still haven't handled one. Have you figured out if they have an edge to them? Are they just sharp at the top?" he asked curiously. "I keep comin' back to the idea for somethin' like a spear, but we've got nothin' we can use for a shaft. I mean, you think heavy weapons, they pretty much all have a shaft of some kind right? Except for maybe something like a two handed sword."


Otto does develop the desire to do something a little different as the day goes on, and tries to figure out a system to keep their water supply untainted. They have a few different containers now, and the most simple way would seem to be to tie some of their thread around one of the bottles so that only one container is used to actually collect the water, and that comes into very limited contact with them, much like the bucket of a well.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 180 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #681

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily smiles and nods to Otto. "I am tasked with taming a beast type monster to extreme loyalty. It's something I was planning to do as soon as I found one so it was something of a no-brainer."
Otto Bruckner
player, 189 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 19:59
  • msg #682

Re: Spawnpoint

"Cool" Otto agreed, arms crossed as he nodded enthusiastically. "Is there a way I can help with that? Do we know what a Beast type Monster is yet?" He asked. "I almost wonder if those books Arjun mentioned might have some info on them."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 181 posts
Retro Musician
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 20:32
  • msg #683

Re: Spawnpoint

Given Arjun's desire to see one of the blue moths, Emily begins to craft a butterfly net and a sample container.

She then checks her status, the market and her tasks and quests
Voice of The System
GM, 297 posts
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #684

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun recalls that he has used the Ebony Stiletto to cut things before, and it seems to be the sharpest material across what he has worked with thus far.

If he intends to confirm this, Arjun will find that 'fabric/cloth' and 'plant fibers' cut as easily as butter or paper, while it also cuts dirt as easily.

The only 'hard' material across the discs are Ebony Reeds, the black plastic on button island, and maybe the unidentified gray formations or some of the chaos balls.

Of all of those, Arjun for now only tests it on Ebony Reeds, and finds that it basically cannot cut nor damage itself unless significant force is applied by the user. This makes sense as the material is identical.

Arjun then spends a moment envision if he could make a large two-handed weapon suitable for a barbarian with these 'plants'.... He gets a sense it's possible, but is likely to be a challenge given the size of the reeds themselves are not large...

To be fair, a long spear would be very simple to make, but they neither have any wood for the shaft, and also are not sure if 'spear' is considered a 'heavy weapon', even if it is 'two-handed'...

Just then, Arjun has the idea of something that could definitely work... a lance! Notably heftier than a spear, though also awkward to use outside of mounted combat...

However... it also seems like quite a difficult prospect to try and craft...

All in all, it's not looking impossible, but there it is also not hopeful

A bit later, Arjun takes a break from crafting and lays down his in-progress work. Then, he belatedly remembers to properly order it, in the hope of advertising to a certain Observer.

Then, he walks with their Huntress to inspect some places for possible materials.

On their way, Arjun stops at the Ebony Reed that originally cut him. His dried blood is still there along the middle of the plant, but indeed some of it seems to have soaked into the ground!

As Emily looks at it though, she notices a couple more things:

 - It is hard to see against the very black material, but there seem to be a large number of arms growing around the base of the 'plant'

 - Emily doesn't remember for sure, but feels that a lot more blood was spilled than is presently visible. Since Dmitri had already tested the ground's absorptiveness, she would know even that would not account for the diminished quantity... in fact, it's a greater difference when you realize that blood is thicker than water and so probably doesn't absorb as easily into soil.

 - The base of the ground has a reddish tint, but otherwise there is little sign of dried blood on the ground, where most of it should have flowed to.

Next, Arjun pours out his water. Emily watches carefully, but there is no reaction, except for the stuff that is absorped into the reddened soil. Emily will notice the absorption rate is unchanged, between the reddish and normal dirt.

At this point, Arjun's eyes bug out for a moment, and then he begins to more easily see the slight shape variation in the root of the plant... Weirded out, he blinks and looks away, but finds that his surroundings seem a little dimmer... He vaguely feels his pupils un-dilating and then the scenery is normal again.

Meanwhile, Otto ties a single string from 'dmitri's shirt fabric island' around one of the bottles they saved from Arjun's Market purchases. He declares this will be the collecting bottle, to avoid as much contamination as they can.

Emily begins to craft a butterfly net. This will not take too long, and is basically finished by the time her, Otto and Arjun can gather on Cloth island.

The container is a bit harder to make, since they don't really have any materials for that, but she could use one of the plastic bottles if she wants. The whole get-up is a bit reminiscent of little kids going bug-catching

She also checks her many things in preparation for going 'hunting', the only of which with changes is her tasks page.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 291 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 01:50
  • msg #685

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily nods "Yes that slightly off smell to the ebony reeds and the much stronger more disgusting version of that smell from the plums. There's a much less powerful version attached to the wet cloth."

Arjun crouches down near the edge of Sweatrag, reaching out with his hands as if the actor could touch the magic. He asks Emily, "Has this magic smell always been Shadow Essence?"

The conceited egomaniac then tries to pull magic out of the Sweatrag surface, and weaeve a dagger out of whatever magic he can find there.

Otto Bruckner:
As Otto watched the key drop into the void and nothing happened he threw up his hands a little, not terribly surprised. "Well, now we know." he agreed.

Arjun sneaks up on Otto as he watches the key disappear forever into the void, so that he can appear abruptly over the barbarian's shoulder and hopefully surprise the man by whispering, "Balls."

The actor, having spent over a decade keeping his curses TV-appropriate, was starting to enjoy the innocuous curse word, rooted in the history of the world they were creating.

Whether the Barbarian is surprised or not, Arjun comments dryly, "I hope you have a spare key for that door, cuz that sucker is gone. What did that key even open?"

Although Arjun, clever as he was, was way ahead of him, Otto did eventually come around to ask him about his crafting expertise and weaponry. "So these reed things, I still haven't handled one. Have you figured out if they have an edge to them? Are they just sharp at the top?" he asked curiously. "I keep comin' back to the idea for somethin' like a spear, but we've got nothin' we can use for a shaft. I mean, you think heavy weapons, they pretty much all have a shaft of some kind right? Except for maybe something like a two handed sword."

Arjun explains about the sharpness properties, and how they differ slightly between the living reeds, the cut ones, and this single stiletto he's made, digressing into speculation about the impact of Shadow Essence on the Reed's resilience while still connected to the ground. "Do Barbarians need Heavy weapons? Or just two handed weapons? The thing is, with cloth and vine..." The actors eyes dart back and forth as he abruptly changes topics, his mind working faster than his mouth could report. "I always make and unmake rope in whole foot increments. And I can join small scraps together in ways you can't in the real world. Do you see what I'm saying?"

OOC: I have a strong visual image of a Shadow Archer/would be Artificer trying to explain Shadow Farming in detail to a Barbarian in a gaming tee.

Seeing Otto trying to follow his tangent train, which was leaping from thought to thought so quickly it was more like a tangent gazelle, Arjun tried to slow down. "We don't seem to be limited by the shape of the original material, but I haven't figured out what the limitations are yet. I might be able to make you a giant whopping two handed sword out of Ebony Reeds, but I haven't figured out how that happens. It's one of the reasons I'm trying to make these shoes out of the plant fiber, to try to understand the...." The actor bites back a few choice curse words. "...particular physics of this System. I don't want to waste more Reeds than necessary, so it's not a great material to experiment with.... could I develop a recipe without wasting materials? You know what, I'll think more about this after I save up enough for the book that should....huh....books..."

Arjun loses focus entirely, his mind working more quickly than his mouth can convey. "Assuming there are crafting and skill books, for a minimum of 10 Coins....Maybe we could write books and sell those back to the market...And how much different is a lance tip from a stiletto anyway?"

And then he grabs Otto's shoulder and looks him straight in the eye, and whispers urgently, "I assumed these STATs would just give us bonuses to rolls or something, but ever since my Intelligence boosts, I am thinking with far greater complexity." He hisses into the barbarian's ear, his eyes dark with concern. "This place is changing us."

Otto Bruckner:
"Cool" Otto agreed, arms crossed as he nodded enthusiastically. "Is there a way I can help with that? Do we know what a Beast type Monster is yet?" He asked. "I almost wonder if those books Arjun mentioned might have some info on them."

"Dude, there are like a zillion books on the market. But if you want to give me some search terms and I'll look, so long as it doesn't get in the way of my tailoring. I looked a little already for world creation stuff,'s not a robust search system, and Hand can only do so much with the interface he's been given."

Examining the blood-soaked Ebony Reed, Arjun worries, "Does this thing look bigger to you? I thought I had cut it down at the base of the stem, or was that another one? Do you think these suckers feed on blood? It would explain why it cut me when I wasn't being wary....and stilettos are weapons designed to make opponents bleed."

As they study the 2nd Reed while watered with H20, Arjun memorizes the plant's shape so he can study Ebony Reed growth rates, in the hopes of learning about their cultivation methods.

Surprised by his Night Vision going off, Arjun lets out a yelp of surprise, and then tries to intentionally re-activate Night Vision to study the movement of Shadow Essence in and around the nearby (watered) Ebony Reed.

He murmurs an apology to Emily, barely coherent amid the babble of his own thoughts, as he drops to his hands and knees and stares very closely at the ground.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 02:24, Tue 15 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 190 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 02:27
  • msg #686

Re: Spawnpoint

On the topic of keys...

"That one was for my parents, if we ever get out of here, gonna need a new one." He sighed softly and looked off the edge onto the abyss. "I'm guessing we've all been reported missing by now..."

On the topic of weapons...

"The thing specifically says Heavy Weapon Mastery, so I'm gonna guess things like...axes, hammers, things like that. But not like, the ridiculous anime stuff" he grinned. "I feel like Hollywood has really gotten into a lot of people's heads when it comes to that stuff, ya know? Even a real Dane Axe was only a couple of pounds, long, big, but light and razor sharp."


On the topic of books...

"Well you've done more than enough, we already owe you. Unless...maybe we can find a way to transfer Market Coins? I would guess that's not a thing, but who knows?"
Voice of The System
GM, 304 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 02:51
  • msg #687

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun tries to draw magic from the gross landmass, but to no effect...

A bit later, Arjun firmly implants the shape of the reed - from all angles - into his mind... He does this while using night vision to actually perceive the thing which swallows most of the ambient luminance!

That ambient 'light'... also another unanswered question they all have.

From this reed, Arjun sees a full amount of Shadow Essence emanating forth... It is actually not exactly right to call it 'seeing', but it's quite similar... it feels a bit hazier than actually looking at a visible phenomenon... would it trigger the same sensation in his brain as if something from his mind's eye was being transplanted... yeah, it feels 'vague' to the point of being almost imagined... but still, Arjun has confidence his mind is at least stable enough to not hallucinate this experience...

The thought that maybe the reason he perceives this 'essence' when others do not, is because it may exist in a separate 'place'... he is not sure of the terminology, but a word like 'extraplanar' or 'extradimensional' could be appropriate? Well, it's just a theory. Maybe the sight is just tricky to the brain, like a desert mirage or an optical illusion.

As Otto says the word "Transfer"...
Otto Bruckner
player, 191 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 04:08
  • msg #688

Re: Spawnpoint

"Oh!, hey" Otto seemed pleasantly surprised as the window popped up on front of him. "Looks like we much do I owe you? You said the water was three? And the bread?" he asked Arjun.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 294 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 04:24
  • msg #689

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun continues to work on his shoes as the conversation continues.

"Regular water, in the plastic bottles is 3, but the Mineral Water I gave everybody to start with, with the added Health effect, is 5 Coins. The Mineral Water comes in tin bottles. And 3 for the Bread, yeah, but I divided it up equally between everybody. None of you have had a Full Unit of Bread yet. I'm surprised you guys aren't more hungry."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:32, Tue 15 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 192 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 04:38
  • msg #690

Re: Spawnpoint

"So was I, but I think that the Survival Skill that came with my class is helping a lot." He admitted. If they had been back home he would have been going crazy with hunger by now he was sure.

"System, please donate six of my Market Coins to Player Arjun" he said aloud.

If that worked, it would open up all sorts of possibilities. "That should still leave me with...18 or so." and he guessed that Arjun had plenty given all his crafting and sales. Still, he hated the thought of being indebted.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 295 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 07:42
  • msg #691

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
Updated for completeness:
    Day 3:
  1. 1st 'Vine Shoes' takes 120 minutes and 45 plant fibers
    (done: 40+? 90 minutes, left: 80-? 30 minutes)
  2. Examine, then Sell Vine Shoes. Buy 'Small Tin of Balm'
  3. Craft 1 Bandage with Balm, use it to dress wound
  4. 2nd 'Vine Shoes' takes 60 minutes and 45 plant fibers
  5. 1st 'Vine Cap' takes 180 minutes and 60 plant fibers
  6. Cloth Rope, 24ft added to existing 6ft. 12 minutes, 72 Cloth
  7. About 285 minutes of day time left to do other stuff, if my math is right. Let me know if I need to keep making adjustments.
    Day 4:
  1. 1st 'Vine Leggings' takes 240 minutes and 90 plant fibers
  2. 1st 'Vine Gloves' takes 120 minutes and 45 plant fibers
  3. 1st 'Vine Tunic' takes 300 minutes and 120 plant fibers

OOC to GM: Note that Arjun is no longer planning on making a 2nd suit of the vine armor, and I reordered the list a while ago. Just mentioning it cuz the Downtime Activity list hasn't been updated yet, which I know is a pain to keep updating.

Otto Bruckner:
"So was I, but I think that the Survival Skill that came with my class is helping a lot."

Arjun raises an eyebrow. "Are you getting Survival experience this entire time? That's got to be....a weirdly rewarding form of masochism."

"System, please donate six of my Market Coins to Player Arjun" he said aloud...."That should still leave me with...18 or so."...

"Nice, man. Thanks. You've got more than me at this point. But I guess I've spent a bunch already. Right now, I'm trying to earn enough to buy this book that will hopefully teach me all the Archer Class basics I should have learned before starting with this prestige class. But it's 20 bucks, on top of the 70 I've already spent just to get yesterday's food and water."

Arjun checks his Market Balance, Tasks list, and quests, not really expecting any. While checking his balance, Arjun decides to search the Market for a cheap heavy weapon for Otto, like a great club or a large wooden sword.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:33, Tue 15 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 306 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 12:40
  • msg #692

Re: Spawnpoint

A screen appears in front of Otto at his command:

And barely an instant later, in front of Arjun as well.

Arjun checks through some of his various pages after this... still thinking it's pretty weird to have these augmented-reality holograms appear in front of their eyes... but finds no changes.

Then, he searches the Full Market for a potential 'heavy weapon' for Otto. The first result is - just as he had predicted - a wooden club!
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 21 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 15:20
  • msg #693

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Voice of The System (msg # 666):

A little while ago, back at sweat rag Island, paused to Jerzy contemplate the discoveries. The local ecology is clearly inspired by life on earth but entirely novel and unnerving. Reality, such that it was was not behaving as it should here and his senses are not as reliable as back on earth. This, to a man of science is extremely troubling.

As a coping mechanism for his...situation, Jerzy had fallen back to his notebook, pen scratching on paper. He frowns as he realizes his field notebook has limited capacity and the mysteries of this place are great. He remembers something he learned back in school. In the past when parchment was scarce, one would write text on a page, then rotate the page 90 degrees and write text over it, doubling the amount of information on each sheet.

He also knew he would have to use shorthand. His note-taking style was already brief but, well, drastic measures needed to be taken.

After taking a few minutes to write, he steadied himself and looked forward into the folds of the unsettling white lumpy structure. This place as much of a wonder for the senses as a twist of the mind, a normal man would have stopped by now and tried to forget these discoveries. Jerzy was not a normal man, all his life he looked for the unknown and now that he has found the greatest mystery of his life, he almost beside himself in a kind of horrified giddiness.

He pushes forward, into the unknown, terrified with a slight tremble of excitement, pushing for a plum.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:24, Tue 15 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 309 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 15:40
  • msg #694

Re: Spawnpoint

Underneath the sickly fold, there is a lot of thick mucus, which indeed incapsulates another strange, purple organism...

Jerzy finds himself breathing heavily through his mouth, both out of fear and thrill, as well as to avoid the scent of the place as much as possible...

As Jerzy's hand touches the glossy surface of the disgusting and lumpy... thing? Jerzy isn't yet sure whether this be a plant, animal, in another kingdom, or something completely outside his previous understanding of 'life'...

He realizes that this whole experience is as intellectually exciting as much as it is cosmically terrifying! Its...

A perfect distraction.

And, with that though in mind, he rips the plum from the pit, momentarily unaware that he has an involuntary smile on his face... and not a pleasant one, at that.

Then, with a series of DING sounds, many alert appears in front of his eyes.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 23 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 15:45
  • msg #695

Re: Spawnpoint

He reads the text in front of him and stores that information for the immediate moment.

He takes the plum and goes back to the grassy disk. Once he can breath unimpeded, he stops and studies the plum and takes noted of the color, shape, skin texture, and most importantly...taste?

With the information documented he goes to join the others.
Otto Bruckner
player, 193 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 16:03
  • msg #696

Re: Spawnpoint

"Not the whole time no, but I've been getting some." He replied to Arjun when asked about his Survival Skill. "It is kind of an interesting dilemma, ya know? Might think of it as a kind of...self denial."

It was sometime during this conversation that Jerzy came back to the Grass Disk, "plum" in hand, handling the thing with his bare fingers. Otto felt a wave of revulsion run through him, recalling all too well the smells and sensations associated with the one he had destroyed.

He shot a meaningful glance to Arjun, then was on his way over when Jerzy...tasted it.

It was a good thing Otto only had some water and a little bread in his system, because his reaction was immediate and physical.

"Oh no, no man, what are yo..." He did not finish the word but dry heaved, the distinctive almost vomiting sound from sheer disgust. It stopped the Barbarian in his tracks, or rather diverted him towards the edge where he lingered, just in case he might actually vomit. "I really wouldn't do that!" He called from where he was in a nauseated way, but too late...
This message was last edited by the player at 00:24, Wed 16 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 311 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 23:54
  • msg #697

Re: Spawnpoint

Settling down, the polish scientist takes note of the dark purple color of the plum. It's shape and texture is also noted as being some sort of soft, rubbery orb with just a bit of firmness, covered in a layer of stretchy glossy skin that eventually peters out to become a wrinkled sort of 'tail'...

And then, perhaps confused about the fact this hideous and strange thing is called a 'plum', Jerzy unbelievably licks the flesh... It's... pretty tasteless actually... A little bit of a slightly salty taste, which may just be whatever traces of the mucus is left... However, his gag reflex seems to trigger with the aftertaste... which is... I mean, hard to say? It kind of feels like if carbon monoxide were a taste... not really something you can sense clearly, but something that puts you on edge. Maybe it's just his imagination, but he tastes a bit of halitosis, btu that could have already been there...?

Regardless, the man then takes a bite out of the main body of the thing, expecting a fruity taste... it takes a bit of effort to break the half-inch thick rubbery skin with his teeth, and then...


The skin breaks with a strange hissing sounds that puts everyone but Jerzy's hair on ends... he is unaffected because... he doesn't have time to react to the sound before his jaw finishes it's closing motion!


The inner ball is punctured, but the sensation is to brief to glean any information.

The sound is like pulling a wad of hair out of the shower, or really any analogy that is gross and sounds like something being 'unplugged'


Then, the inner orb is broken into, and a wet gushing sound, sort of like biting into a very very overripe pear.

In that one moment, Jerzy is overcome with an unfathomable situation. The reason it is unfathomable, is because he momentarily loses a sense of everything, sort of like what may happen to somebody who suddenly gets punched in the back of the head, or the sort of feeling you may have as you fall to your knees after finding a family member's corpse.

The feeling is so overwhelming, that Jerzy's body instictively reacts to purge itself. From several orifices, he spews everything inside of him outwards as he begins to shudder and heave as if unable to breathe...

In fact, breathing is a little hard, but he wouldn't realize that until a bit later.

As his senses come back, everything LOOKS grainy and sepia, as if he just burned his retinas! Everything SOUNDS like rushing water as if he has the worst migraine of his life! Everything FEELS tingly as if his whole body has lost circulation or been lightly static shocked! Everything SMELLS like ozone!

None of those things are important though... Because the Great Flood that is pain washes all the smaller floods away!

Rational thought is impossible.

His head, eyes, nose and even his teeth feel like they are burning! It's not the same severity as touching a stove, but the sort of feeling someone may get in their sinuses when they inhale spice dust, or pepsi, or some other terrible irritant... except it's all across his face!

Then, after a few moments (though, your sense of time is not really functioning) Jerzy begins to regain his senses as he bobs in and out from the pain...

This turns out to be a curse, not a blessing.

The taste... oh gods... how to describe it?? He had already spit out the small bite he had taken... but it doesn't matter...

In his life, Jerzy has probably smelt compost. Maybe their is a chance he has even smelt a Mexican/Indian Restaurant's public washroom after an e coli breakout, and when no staff had been on hand to do any maintenance...

This is worse...

And it's not a 'smell', but what it would taste like to... ingest that.

It's in his throat, under his tongue, behind his lips... everywhere...

The gagging is so intense, that Jerzy cannot catch his breath... his head spin and eyes go even more red as he tries to breathe but cannot because he is repeatedly gagging against his will, more intensely than he ever has in his life!

For a moment, a wash of even greater fear than he already has comes over him, as he truly believes for a single second that his stomach may come out through his mouth... In that moment, he literally fears death, and his perception of time slows almost to nothing...

Not that he can recognize it, but the level of adrenaline that is in him right now would be similar to a soldier in an active warzone... or two olympic athletes fully in their zone at the finals, after years of training...

For everyone else not subjected to that small taste of Hell itself, they simply see Jerzy begins to seize and convulse as he goes beyond the fetal position as he is so curled that his back is arched in the air like a cat, and his face is being pushed into the ground.

His fingers curl so much that they have gone white and are shaking, yet all this is involuntary... So is the repeated retching... and... other bodily fluids being excreted...

The sound is the worse... Because even while ripping his throat with retches... they can hear the man screaming as his breath slowly disappears.

Thankfully, the same sensations he must be feeling do not reach you. All of you simply smell a slightly rotten stench, and nothing more.

Emily, with her superior sensory skills, gets a much stronger version of that sense, perhaps enough to make her vomit, but if she has a strong stomach it is bearable, as it is not quite similar to directly smelling garbage... Some people can do it, some people cannot.

The only other thing Emily can sense beyond what everyone else can is indeed a strange prickling feeling... it seems dangerous so she takes a step back instinctively, where she is... She briefly feels a little itchy... and then the idea comes to her...


Fortunately, Jerzy doesn't die or sustain any serious injury... well, except for terrible stomach cramps. He manages to breathe through his nose, after fainting from about a minute of horrendous exposure...

Five minutes later, he comes to, but his mind is not strong enough yet to say he is fully aware...

After fifteen minutes, Jerzy is able to build thoughts, and may be able to even speak... if he has the energy...

Around this time, he will notice two messages that he missed during the incident.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 27 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 00:24
  • msg #698

Re: Spawnpoint

Struggling for breath and pushing the thought of his soiled....everything from his mind. Jerzy wipes his hands, and weakly completes his notes of the plum:

"Taste: I was visited by the First Horseman - Pestilence"

He sets about trying to clean himself.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 298 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 00:33
  • msg #699

Re: Spawnpoint


Voice of The System:
Arjun tries to draw magic from the gross landmass, but to no effect...

OOC: I'm pausing Sweatrag since there ended up being a lot more to discover in Reedsville than I expected, and it will probably influence my ideas about what to do in Sweatrag. Besides, Emily is sick OOC so I might as well save some Adventure(tm) for her. :)

Arjun has confidence his mind is at least stable enough to not hallucinate this experience...maybe the reason he perceives this 'essence' when others do not, is because it may exist in a separate 'place'...'extraplanar'...Maybe the sight is just tricky to the brain, like a desert mirage or an optical illusion.

Luckily, 25+ years of debauchery and heavy drug use had well prepared Arjun for this sort of trippy hallucination. A skilled hallucinator, and consummate connoisseur of surreal experiences, Arjun was almost more comfortable staring into this "Shadow Plane" or whatever and tripping out to the sights therein than he was to dealing with the Survival Camping From Hell situation going on in his "reality."

He watches the Shadow Essence, studying it to see if it moves, flows, pulsates or anything else. His eyes travel from the tip top of the reed, down into the roots of the Ebony wonders and as far beyond as he can, letting his mind relax into the psychedelic experience of it while also keeping light mental awareness of his surroundings in the "real world."

His minds wanders a bit, balking at the thought of calling this place "real." But what should he call it instead? Tangible? Corporeal? He was not truly sure it was either of those things. The Visible World? No, for the whole point was that he could see into this other realm. The Material World? Ha! The whole problem was that this world was sorely lacking in materials. Finally, he settles on the Somatic World, since it was a place that, while not necessarily real, is a place where he could both starve to death and do something about. If that's not "of the body," he didn't know what was.

As his eyes continued to trace the Shadow Essence in both flora and ground, he considers further that a World sort of implied a globe, didn't it? And right now, this entire place was pretty flat. So, actually it was the Somatic Plane.

This ludicrous and meaningless internal debate concluded, Arjun watches the reaction of the shadow essence carefully as he pours a few drops of water in key places.

Talking Weapons with Otto

Arjun considers the notion of getting Survival Skill XP by starving yourself to death. "So you starve yourself long enough to level up the skill, which means you can starve yourself for longer, which means you'll HAVE to starve yourself for even longer to get more does that even work? Like, is this place controlling the caloric calculus of our body?"

Arjun thinks about this, and decides that he is thirsty, so he goes over to refill his bottle from the Bottle-on-a-String that Otto had set up earlier. Trying to transfer the water into his own bottle seems like a wasteful process, so he quickly fashions a simple tin funnel to attach to the well-bottle-thingie, to help reduce spillage, out of the scraps he had collected from dismantling the bottles.

Returning a few minutes later, he sits himself back down, and informs Otto, "There's a Rough Wooden Club for 4 Coins. Description: A lumpy and lopsided club poorly carved from a single chunk of wood. Very commonly used by primitive orcs or ogres, and uncivilized or tribal goblins. Which, first off, means that there WILL be orcs, ogres, and goblins, at some point. But second, that's probably a heavy weapon, and I could probably refine it into something nicer....Or you could buy some wood from the market and I could make it for you. Let me check, how much does wood cost? I've seen Leather for as low as 3 Coins. There's probably metal for sale too, if you want to test exactly how much crafting I can do with little more than a knife."

Arjun watches as the Newb carries a Plum of Prolepsis  over to the campsite. His eyes bug out as the scientist puts it in his mouth. Horrified, he cannot look away. Arjun accidentally activates Night Sight to watch this horror show from the Shadow Plane side.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:40, Wed 16 Feb 2022.
Voice of The System
GM, 315 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 00:38
  • msg #700

Re: Spawnpoint

Fortunately, there is plenty of fresh water available to wash himself and his clothes... Though, it would be a little difficult to do without getting undressed first. Oh, and he can only obtain it one bottle at a time, given the group's sanitation procedures...

It would be quite a huge hit on moral to just jump in the water in this state.

Also, given the otherworldly climate of this place, it's probably not unhealthy to wear soaking clothing, but it would still be uncomfortable. Though, wearing one's birthday suit could also be uncomfortable.

Another issue of the climate would be how quickly his clothes WOULD dry if hung up... given that his field is not meteorology or whatever, Jerzy probably cannot calculate the evaporation rate of moisture in this environment.

With his body back under his control, Jerzy takes a deep breath and completes his notes with a hint of humor. He also sees that the plum he had bit into is still laying on the mainland. It's smell is bad, but nothing compared to what he had just experiences.

As he thinks so, he finds a series of messages has appeared before him.

Even after repeatedly rinsing his mouth and gargling... or even snorting some water particles, Jerzy still has a pretty nasty burning sensation in his mouth, throat and sinuses. He also has a bit of a headache, and is pretty damn dizzy. This will last until he fully rests.

The taste of rot can be washed away mostly, but the relatively lighter after-taste still vaguely lingers for hours.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 301 posts
Shadow Archer
(Selfish Sociopath?)
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 00:47
  • msg #701

Re: Spawnpoint

As Jerzy begins retching, Arjun leaps to his feet, grabs his bottle of water, and rushes to the scientist's aid. As he steps towards Jerzy, he shouts, "Market! Search for poison antidotes!"

He tries to help wash the taste out of the man's mouth, while also trying to avoid stepping in any of the vile substances that are coming out of both the scientist and the plum.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:06, Wed 16 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 198 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #702

Re: Spawnpoint

"Oh shit..." Otto seemed to recover as soon as their newest arrival hot the ground and started convulsing.

He ran as fast he could safely do so over to Jerzy, then grabbed the man by under his arms and started to drag him towards the center of the grass disk. "Hold on man, we got ya."

His foremost fear was that he might some how fall off into the unknowable abyss below with all the chaos, but Arjun was one step ahead in looking for an antidote.

Otto was no medic, had never done anything of the sort, so he sort of ended up holding Jerzy at arms length while he voided before he lay him down on his side.

"Doesn't look good..." He said to nobody in particular with an urgent tone as he grabbed up a handful of rags and went to go make sure the prostrate man could still breath.

Thankfully, luckily, the whole thing seemed to be over in twenty minutes or so, and it seemed that despite Otto's gears the man would not die from his ill advised culinary adventure.

"I'll gonna go kill that damn thing before anything else happens." He declared, and grabbed up a blanket in order to repeat his previously effective method of smashing the thing apart under it's own weight on the dirt disk.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:27, Wed 16 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 29 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 02:29
  • msg #703

Re: Spawnpoint

"Thank you for the concern. I think I will survive. Made a fine mess of myself haven't I? This place seems to have its own set of rules here, it's quite bizarre.

I did receive messages from both the voice and the hand of the system, and they sounded like ordinary and most importantly empathetic people, well the voice did at least. The hand seemed to enjoy my bad luck.

Do we know much more about them?

As he is making conversation, He attempts to clean his clothes as much as possible, stripping naked if necessary. It does not bother his European sensibilities, its just a human body after all. Plus it gives him a chance to scan for lingering effects of the pestilence plum.

Edit: He does turn away from the group as he does so to ease any discomfort of the group
This message was last edited by the player at 02:31, Wed 16 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 303 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 05:54
  • msg #704

Re: Spawnpoint

"No worries, my dude. It's really disorienting, and you're really jumping in head first. Just, uh, maybe try not to let any of this muck get into our water supply?"

Arjun searches the Market for a cheap bucket, probably wooden, definitely with a handle that can be tied to the string, hopefully less than 5 Coins, and then buys it, to help clean Jerry and to make sure the water doesn't get tainted (by washing the filth off the edges and into the void below).
This message was lightly edited by the player at 07:36, Wed 16 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 31 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 08:31
  • msg #705

Re: Spawnpoint

The whole ordeal had slowed Jerzy's mental momentum considerably. As he dresses, he considers the words of his new companions "It is difficult to describe, but to me this place is...intoxicating might be the best word.

The adrenaline spike of being shunted into this, possibly virtual, definitely augmented, physics defying reality coupled with the dopamine rush of discovering life, or something close to it that may not require the light of the sun or the heat of the earth AND possibly being the first to CATALOG AND CLASSIFY it, is the greatest high I have experienced in my entire life.

But I have been selfish in my studies and clearly we are in a potentially life-threatening survival situation. You have my apologies and my full commitment to the group. I have been offered several classes and the one I think will be most helpful to our predicament is mutation mage. Let me make the selection and see what...powers that grants me, it is about time I am useful around here.

Jerzy pulls up the classes menu and selects Mutation Mage as his class.

Turning to Emily, "Sapkowski would be quite at home here.

Oh Dimitri, what did you mean when you mentioned mind melding or whatever that was?"

He glances over to Otto, curious what he meant by "killing" the damn thing.
Voice of The System
GM, 317 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 14:32
  • msg #706

Re: Spawnpoint

As Arjun strongly embraces the psychedelic experience, he finds himself in a strange, liminal place mentally.

On one hand, he is completely immersed with his newfound surroundings, yet he is also keeping more than just a modicum of awareness of what is around him... It's... extremely intellectually satisfying?

Yeah, it's the sort of feeling one may get when they put their all into an assignment at school or project at work, and are rewarded for it. A sense of fulfillment and effort.

For this reason, Arjun doesn't realize as he slowly slips and slips deeper into this 'dual awareness'... until...

A cough shakes him back to himself. It's wet... huh?

Arjun immediately goes about wiping his face and clearing his throat... a strange metallic taste is there?

He feels a little dizzy for a moment... worst of all, he feels a little cross-eyed... or something similar.

Pulling his hand back, Arjun is filled with a strange sight. Blood. He touches his nose, and feels wetness.

Huh, that's... a pretty extreme nosebleed... He belatedly realizes the pounding waves of a headache are slowly receding from him... how long had he been like this?

He feels lightheaded... a little whoozy.

The only thing that had brought him back was the wallops of blood that had choked his agape mouth, after pouring in rivulets from his nose...

Had he... overworked his brain?

With that thought, Arjun sharply looks up, and just as his instinct had told him, there are windows there...

Arjun then realizes why he feels cross eyed...

The blood on his hands is both red in color... and... red in... essence?

Indeed, another layer of... imagination? imposed vision? augmentated reality? unclear, but it's present as he looks at the blood on his hands... a red ... plasma or energy or vapor emerges from the blood on his hands...

It is just like the shadow essence he had seen previously...

A bit later, Arjun fashions a Tin Funnel with his remaining tin scraps...

Arjun searches for Wood on the Market.

Arjun watches the horrible scene in front of him, totally captivated.

As he uses his newfound abilities to watch the scene twofold... he finds something truly terrifying that triggers a sense of fear that is unfamiliar...


At that moment, the polish newbie begins to have a truly shocking reaction to his own actions! He begins to convulse and vomit like a patient of some terrible disease!

Arjun immediately searches for poison antidotes and rushes forward with his water.

The actor manages to avoid any gross missteps, but even by wrangling Jerzy during this event, he is unable to get the actor to take any water in his mouth, as the scientist is not in control of his body at the moment, and is completely seizing regardless of how they move his arms, legs or torso.

Otto also rushes forward to help, and easily manages to drag the science man to the center of the disc. There, he uses rags to make sure nothing is blocking his breathing way, and finds that the problem isn't anything being plugged, but that he cannot take breaths between his gasps for air...

Otto uses the cloths to wipe the man's nose, hoping to stimulate him to breathe through it, and miraculously it indeed works! Though, the response seems instinctual and not in conscious response to the stimulus.

Perhaps that is why this all ended in 20 minutes, rather than with something much worse.

Once Jerzy has mostly recovered, Otto takes the initiative to deal with the cause of his friend's misery, even though it hasn't moved an inch...

as Otto approaches it with blanket in hand, he flinches as he momentarily feels like the thing vibrates or twitches... but then he convinces himself it was just a mistake on his part, and picks it up before smashing it into the ground, causing another putrid burst of purple goop.

Jerzy takes the most efficient route to clean himself, only showing minor hesitance for the sake of those around him.

Arjun helps him out by purchasing a Wooden Bucket for 3 Market Coins, and a Wooden Scoop for 2 Market Coins. He can very easily use a bit of cloth nearby to make a string if he wishes. Even if he doesn't know the knot to use, his INTELLIGENCE allows him to figure it out quickly.

Fortunately, the incident happened far enough away from the other discs to only taint the Main Disc, which actually still has remnants of Arjun's hand's blood, and the previous Plum Incident. Since the main disc basically repels everything that touches it (in the sense it will not mix with it), none of the waste they have produced has been absorbed, so some cleaning may be good... Water won't be needed to clean anything, though something to remove the various smells in the air may be nice.

Finally, Jerzy admits his faults, as well as his excitement, and then promises to think of their situation before his own interest in it, before selecting one of the classes offered to him...

OOC: With all that's happened, I'm going to push us forward about 25 minutes, but with no DT progress for anyone.

Also, please note that anyone who uses DT will have to adjust for their Craft skill reductions, since I only post the base info.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:16, Wed 16 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 200 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 16:12
  • msg #707

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto did not feel the need to bring up Jerzy's decision, he had suffered enough by far without having to discuss was enough that he seemed to be recovering well.

"It's real weird, it's like those know it's comin'" Otto remarked after he had smashed the second plum.

"I think I'm gonna have to patrol that thing, like, once a day at least" he commented with resignation once he got back to the grass disk. "Last time I was out there I only spotted one of those cysts, and it was easily half the size this one was. That means that they are coming up from beneath, and that they grow really quick. Don't want to see what happens when they get much bigger. They're definitely alive." he declared.

The thought was sickening, but someone had to do it. The alternative could be ugly if it was ignored.

"It's probably the same with these other disks, the Crawlers, the Moths, remember how they are multiplying? Eventually they might overwhelm their little kingdoms and spread out...we should keep an eye on them."

"Any luck finding a heavy weapon?" He asked Arjun. "I think I'm gonna go check on the vine disk, save the gross one for last, and maybe see what I can see over there on the far end of the water."
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 32 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 16:47
  • msg #708

Re: Spawnpoint

Herzy studies his character sheet for a moment before looking. "Let me try something."

Jerzy heads over to the vine disk and cuts a length of vine around 8 ft (2.4m). He straightens out the vine as best he can, he attempts to cast modify plant to harden the vine.
Voice of The System
GM, 320 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 17:18
  • msg #709

Re: Spawnpoint

The 'vine's on 'vine island' are more similar to semi-soft tubes than vines, but Jerzy doesn't have any trouble yanking out with his bare hands, or using a tool to cut away, the 8 ft.

After straightening it, Jerzy focuses on using one of his new skills to 'toughen' the plant...

A moment passes... then a minute... then a couple...

This whole time, he gets a strange sense of... something... being drained from him. Some sort of energy loss? Though, he cannot really identify it... It's an unfamiliar sense.

Perhaps this is his Mana?

As time passes, he notices this energy fading more and more... it doesn't seem to affect his health or stamina, but it's easy to notice, and just a little unpleasant.

Eventually, his scientific brain tries to 'measure' the amount of energy... he doesn't really have any starting point to use numbers on, but he reasons from sense alone that it feels like he has used about half of his mana on this specific skill, after nearly five minutes.

As he glances at the plant, though, he doesn't really notice much of a change? He releases the skill, and touches the plant... It maybe is a bit stiffer? But... it's not super notable?

He notices a window has appeared after using his skill.

There seems to be a difference between the terms 'Modify' and 'Enhance'... The former does not seem to have immediate effects... perhaps there has been some invisible changes?

Given the distinction in wording, the latter likely is immediate and temporary, for use in combat, while this may be more of a production-type ability... if Jerzy has any familiarity with those game terms, or even just makes the connection with what Otto and Arjun have previously told him about some of their skills.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 33 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 17:33
  • msg #710

Re: Spawnpoint

"Hmmm...curious....well lets try out thus thing." Jerzy says to himself.

He grabs a unmodified piece of vine and attempts to cast bio-analysis on both the unaltered vine and the one he just modified to look for differences.
Voice of The System
GM, 321 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 18:01
  • msg #711

Re: Spawnpoint

With just a glance at the mundane vine, he rapidly begins to realize a few things about it, though it all stuff he had already discovered before...

He gets the feeling that if he spends a few minutes studying it, he will glean more. Will he?

By looking at the altered vine, he similarly gets the same sort of mental ideas, but there is a half-formed thought of 'hm... something's different here...' and after a few choice synapses fire, Jerzy has an eureka as he realizes 'some ONE did something'...

Summing up, it appears he can tell at basically a glance whether anyone (in this case him) has previously modified the plant's structure.

He may get more information by inspecting for a handful of minutes... Will he?
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 34 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #712

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy grabs the two vines and makes his way to the center disk.

"Hello everyone, so it appears that I am able to exert some form of magic over the vines. I had initially intended to harden the vines for potential use for spears to assist Otto but the change does not appear strong enough. I have also unlocked diagnostic magics so I will attempt to discover the extent and limitations of the "Modify Plants" spell. If you need me, I'll be over here."

Jerzy settles down and casts bio-analysis and studies the effect of the spell for 2 hours.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 118 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #713

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri has been spending time between observing all the new expansions and meditating on possible ways to expand that don't involve throwing things off the edge.

If there is time left, he will process what happened to Jerzy. After a while, he will learn of Jerzy's request about mind melding and once his link with Arjun is complete, attempt to initiate Telepathic Bond with Jerzy.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 307 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #714

Re: Spawnpoint


As Arjun tastes his own blood, he regains awareness of his surroundings and spits the fluid onto the ground, and washes out his mouth, careful to spit his mouthrinse onto a different spot, and wipes his face with (after a beat to remember he has them) a sanitary wipe. He checks to see if he's stained his outfit, which is definitely a cool look and did not make him look like a circus clown at all. Or if it did, it made him look like one of those clowns from awesome circuses like that French one he had that one DVD of.

He tried to recall details from his psychedelic experience. While his new skill was cool and everything, there'd been a point to it. He'd been trying to....what? Study the flows of Shadow Essence in the Reeds and the ground that it grew out of, that was it. He was trying to learn how to cultivate more of these things.

Realizing that he'd missed an important step, he tried to scoop up a double-handful of the soil in this area, and examined it. Next, he tried to scoop up an equal amount of the blood soaked soil, and examined that. Returning both scoops of dirt back where he found them as best he could, he tried to mark the places where he'd watered the soil with either blood or water, so he could come back and check on them later.

Exhausted from his ordeal, he sat down, and stared blankly at the scene before him. Emily looked at the world around her, Otto learned about this world by trying to force it to his will, Dmitri thought about things long and hard, and Jerry experimented with things -- what was Arjun's approach? Arjun rolled with it, and held his thoughts lightly. He meandered, and System seemed to reward him most for it.

So, he tried not to think too hard on it, but just sort of daydreamed and rested. He tried to let his eyes shift between the sight he normally used and these other Skill-wrought senses naturally, watching the Red Essence (he assumed it was Life Essence or something) in the blood and the Shadow Essence permeating Reedsville interact with each other, as he considered the problem.

How did the Ebony Reeds grow? How did any reed grow? Wasn't the whole point of reeds that they didn't have seeds? Something about rhizomes?

After a few short minutes of this, Arjun realizes that he can still taste a bit of blood in his mouth, and returns to the campsite to brush his teeth again, change his bandage and take a break from exploring after that ordeal.

He tells Emily that they can get back to exploring after a break. A break he will use to go back to crafting a pair of shoes for himself, a sensible and comprehensible task that he understood.

OOC: ...thus hopefully tying up this knot of wibbly wobbly time until Emily feels better.

After The Taste Test

Arjun is completely unfazed by Jerzy's nudity, his homeworld profession long ago teaching him to treat the body as an instrument, and is polite enough to not react to the stench. After a beat, Arjun recalls that he bought a Toiletries Kit, and offers a homemade bar of soap to Jerzy, and he uses stray bits of Cloth to tie the Tin Funnel, Wooden Bucket, and wooden scoop together, using some fancy knots.

Jerzy Godlewski:
"...I did receive messages from both the voice and the hand of the system, and they sounded like ordinary and most importantly empathetic people, well the voice did at least. The hand seemed to enjoy my bad luck.

Do we know much more about them?

"I try to think of their antics as a kind of Waldorf and Statler to this muppet show of a situation. I can't explain why, exactly, but the sense that I get is that they have had about as much of choice in their situation as we had -- though, again, that's a hypothesis, not a working theory. I think that's the correct terminology. Anyway, I try to treat them like stage crew. Oh, said you were on a research boat? So, think of them like the ship's NCOs. Hand is actually pretty funny, once you learn to see things through his point of view."

Jerzy Godlewski:
" the greatest high I have experienced in my entire life."

As Jerzy mentions getting high, Arjun briefly flicks on his Magic Sight to "take a hit" of his own, new, favorite high. Thus, he is too distracted to stop the scientist before the Polish man chooses his class.

He raises a hand, too, late, and then tries to roll with it (and not roll his eyes too hard at this impetuous "scientist"). "Uh, yeah, cool...hey, how rare is the Mutation Mage class? Shadow Archer is a Rare class, and it turns out that you're not supposed to take it until after you take a more basic class. I don't actually have any kind of ranged attack Skill. Is it the same for you?"

Eyeing the puddles of filthy water collecting everywhere, Arjun excuses himself from the conversation with Jerzy, and grabs everyone's bedrolls, including Vlad's, and inspects them for filth. Walking over to the Soil Node, he fills the viable bedrolls with dirt, packing them in hard.

Using these makeshift "sandbags" that were really sacks of dirt, Arjun constructs a barrier to keep runoff from contaminating the Water Disc. "Don't worry, folks, I'll replace them before tonight," he reassures everyone.

As Jerzy finishes washing himself, Arjun gathers up everything, including his crafting spot and the box of TP by his makeshift latrine, and moves it all safely off the Spawnpoint Disc to somewhere safe in Reedsville (making a point to organize the piles in an orderly fashion. He then uses buckets of water to push all the filth off Spawn Disc and into the void below. He then uses his blanket like a giant sponge to mop up all the remaining water.

Mentally, he updates his project list to replace the bedrolls and blankets before bedtime.

As he is cleaning, he chats with Otto....

Talking Weapons with Otto

Otto Bruckner:
"It's real weird, it's like those know it's comin'" Otto remarked after he had smashed the second plum.

"Uh, yeah. There's, like, some kind of malevolent and pro-active Shadow Essence in those things. Much thicker than the Shadow in the Reeds. Kind of....goopy." The Archer shrugs helplessly, trying to explain something he's only seen a glimpse of.

"I think I'm gonna have to patrol that thing, like, once a day at least...It's probably the same with these other disks, the Crawlers, the Moths, remember how they are multiplying? Eventually they might overwhelm their little kingdoms and spread out...we should keep an eye on them."

"I still haven't even seen whatever's infesting Cloth Island, but you're right, we're the only predators in this place. The eco-system here isn't going to stay balanced if we don't do some population control. Hopefully, this book will teach me how to shoot a bow, and these gorram arrows in the Market are bundles of arrows and not, like, 4 Coins per arrow."

Arjun sighs as he does some mental math. "This bucket set me back a bit, so I still need about 20 Coins for the book and some arrows. After I get those, I'll join you on patrols. If this vine clothing actually counts as armor, maybe I'll make you a set, too, huh? Or we could buy you some big stompy boots for hot stomping action."

"Any luck finding a heavy weapon?" He asked Arjun. "I think I'm gonna go check on the vine disk, save the gross one for last, and maybe see what I can see over there on the far end of the water."

Arjun repeats what he had said earlier, quoting himself from memory with surprising accuracy, even to himself.

Arjun Gandhi:
"There's a Rough Wooden Club for 4 Coins. Description: A lumpy and lopsided club poorly carved from a single chunk of wood. Very commonly used by primitive orcs or ogres, and uncivilized or tribal goblins. Which, first off, means that there WILL be orcs, ogres, and goblins, at some point. But second, that's probably a heavy weapon, and I could probably refine it into something nicer....Or you could buy some wood from the market and I could make it for you. Let me check, how much does wood cost? I've seen Leather for as low as 3 Coins. There's probably metal for sale too, if you want to test exactly how much crafting I can do with little more than a knife."

"A 'plank' of wood starts at about 1 or 2 Coins and goes up to mid-20s at the high end. A 'log of timber' starts at around 5, and goes up over 50 Coins, which is the most expensive stuff I can see, it seems. I bet I could make something pretty cool for you with a log and some Reeds."

Finally, he makes an offer to Otto: "Help me clean all this nasty gunk off the Disc, and I'll join you for your walkabout."

Jerzy Godlewski:
Jerzy grabs the two vines and makes his way to the center disk.
"Hello everyone..."

Arjun listens to the mage and mildly suggests, "Send useful info like that to the Party Chat. It actually keeps a log of the conversation that we can review. You want to come on patrol with us, or do you want to stay here and figure out your new class?"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:01, Thu 17 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 201 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 03:49
  • msg #715

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto agreed at once to help with the clean up, they were rapidly running out of towels and rags, but they also had a window where they could dispose of their refuse by merely pitching it off the side.

He set to work at once helping with the cleaning project.

"Four coins? That seems fair...would you be willing to act as the go between? I can give you an extra coin as a commission fee." He suggested with a grin. "After all, you had to buy in, and that probably set you back as well."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 309 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 03:53
  • msg #716

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun is visibly relieved at the offer of a commission, and readily agrees. Once Otto transfers 5 Coins, Arjun will buy the Rough Wooden Club and give it to Otto.

(OOC: edited the above post, but I'll add it here too)

Arjun uses his blanket as a giant sponge to pick up the last of the water off the Spawn Disc, wringing it out over the edge.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:02, Thu 17 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 202 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 04:36
  • msg #717

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed quite excited by the prospect of having a weapon after the past few days of trying to obtain one.

"System, please transfer five of my Market Coins to Player Arjun." He said aloud.

"So there are the classic Monster races somewhere here?" Otto commented, wary but some how comforted by the fact that he actually recognized something in this strange place . "Which also means...there's got to be more than what's here...way more, right?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 310 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 04:50
  • msg #718

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun isn't willing to commit to the theory just yet. "Or, System has content from previous projects. There's a gazillion books in the Market. So many pages of 1 Coin books that my eyes glazed over. That implies a pretty involved history. But what I really can't figure out is that some of the stuff on the Market is called stuff like (GLOBAL_MARKET_GUEST_916) Cheap Poison Antidote!!, with two exclamation marks. No professional designer would do that. What does that imply?"

His mind racing between thoughts, Arjun adds, "Hey, did you ever finish burrowing down to the bottom of one of these discs?"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:53, Thu 17 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 203 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 04:58
  • msg #719

Re: Spawnpoint

"Well..." Otto did not have to consider the problem long. "That probably means there are other players, could be thousands of them...or, I suppose they could be NPC's and the System is trying to get them to mimic human behavior?" he mused. "I mean, that's just shooting the dark, but we still have no idea why we are here, or how we got here, or even where we are." he shrugged.

"Look at that Angel, right?" He glanced over to where the huge being had manifested. "Where does the System get the idea for a huge Abrahamic Angel like that?  The concept itself is only particular to a few faiths, and the gigantic, glowly six winged kind? That's game stuff, it had to have learned that from someplace, someone, there are too many similarities. Somebody or some thing thought it was cool, and boom, Goddess of Love, right? They didn't go with, I don't know...Aphrodite" he gestured haphazardly "They went strait to like...Japanese video game angel, I don't know... Final Fantasy, Diablo. That says a lot I think, and like you said, the System, the Voice, they seem human, right? They probably got their ideas from the same kind of places we get ours, that's why we were able to unlock the class I had in mind with a single movie quote, the System, all of us, were mostly on the same page."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:00, Thu 17 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 311 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 05:18
  • msg #720

Re: Spawnpoint

"It means there WAS a society here, at the very least. Maybe there was an apocalypse and System is rebooting? The quote thing, though, makes me wonder. Did Voice of System know the movie, or did it just sense your understanding of the quote? It really seems like it has access to our internal monologues. It chose to identify itself to us as System, knowing the full implications such a term would have on us. And the windows, too. That was a directorial choice. I mean, it was a conscious design decision, by a specific entity."

Recalling the sight of his personal divine fangirl, Arjun smiles lasciviously. "Have you had much contact with the Guest Observers? They seem like discrete entities to me, though I guess it would be trivial to make that happen. But....we can only hunt for clues in the places we see them. Guest Observer, Member Observer, God, Voice & Hand of System, those all seem like clues to me. This place has rewarded us pretty considerably for getting a Guest Observer to sign up for Membership. I think that's maybe what it's all about, from System's point of view. It's trying to get Observers to sign up. It's a pretty Dramatic Model perspective, as Alan Watts would say."
Otto Bruckner
player, 204 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 05:41
  • msg #721

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto considered Arjun's point for a time.

"You could be on to something there...but I have a feeling it works both ways." He posited.

"Take this Goddess of Love right? As a hypothetical. She did us a solid, did you a solid, bought your stuff, which let us get water and food...maybe saved our bacon, and you working with her."he began. "But...these Quests that pop up, these Tasks, they sometimes have a rejection penalty right? If you don't take it, or you take it and fail it, they can hit you" he glanced over to Vlad. "Could be they  hit you really hard."

He looked back to Arjun more seriously now. "So this Goddess, again, hypothetical. I'm just sayin' that she might be taking your relationship pretty seriously given all she's done for you so far, might not want you praying to, hanging out with, or even accepting Quests from other Observers,could get jealous, and you know what they say about Hell having no fury..." he shrugged.

"Could be wrong of course, she could be some hippie free love kind who doesn't care which Observers you party with, don't know, but it's probably worth thinkin' about." Another shrug.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 121 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 05:48
  • msg #722

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri took a small break from his observations to comment: "I get where you're going, but to me that would put us in the unenviable position of bringing Observers in so that they can run this World. So if they are the focus of the World, why bring us in to begin with?

"I believe that any contact with Observers is to help us, not the other way around. Not that I have found any Observers who would be willing or able to help someone like me who has been trained to observe, deduce, and then act. But should there be such a one, and should that Observer make a reasonable offer, I can be persuaded."

Arjun Gandhi
player, 312 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 05:56
  • msg #723

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun considers this carefully. "I've only had the one Quest so far, so I' don't feel comfortable speculating on what range of values the different options can have."

 Arjun's Body Language suggests that he is deeply uncomfortable discussing the God of Love's personality.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:21, Thu 17 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 205 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 14:56
  • msg #724

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed to sense Arjun's discomfort and pivoted slightly to talk more about himself. Unfortunately he was not very discreet about it, so it was a little obvious, even if well intentioned.

"It's a little interesting me to me that we find out about the God of Beasts before ever actually seeing, well, a beast here, ya know?" he suggested along the same theme. "I mean, back where we can from it's the opposite, if you are a tribe living in the woods, the deer, the wolves, the bears, they are all really important to your well being, you come to believe that if you pray to the right God your hunts might be more successful, or the deer might have a lot of babies in the Spring, or the bears might stay out of your pantry, stuff like that." he gestured a little as we spoke.

"Here it seems like we have a God, most likely from somewhere else, trying to manipulate the conditions here to his favor, it's almost backwards, trying to offer rewards to influence us instead." he grinned. "It's pretty wild."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 14:56, Thu 17 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 317 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 15:21
  • msg #725

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun nods vigorously. "Right? And he's not even here. He's still a Guest Observer. So how does one tempt a God of Beasts to sign up for membership without any beasts? Although.....he DID approve of me marking my territory when I made that disc and then pissed on it before anyone else had stepped foot on it. So, maybe more stuff like that?"
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 122 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 17:18
  • msg #726

Re: Spawnpoint

"Personally, I'd be wary of that, as it sounds like this Observer is trying to turn you into a beast..."
Voice of The System
GM, 326 posts
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #727

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy begins to study these two objects for one hour each...

Dmitri spends about an hour and a half in meditation, while the others perform their various activities.

During this time, he brainstorms for ideas, but finds they really have no hints on what is possible... They have only found one method thus far, but there may be any number of others.

Then, Dmitri's thinking shifts at the end of his meditation, and he realizes their angle may have been wrong...

"throwing stuff off the edge" does indeed 'trigger' automatic expansion, while "wishing for something to be there" has not... In that case, automatic expansion would likely trigger if they stepped off the edge, right?

What if they attacked it with a weapon, but kept hold of the weapon?

Perhaps they could even use some sort of attack magic?

Dmitri realizes that the only requirement they have observed for automatic expansion is some sort of physical interaction with the edge. Likely throwing objects is not the limit, but just one type of interaction...

Then, is there some way to more directly determine their expansions? Speaking it aloud has surprisingly not been tried, but would that work? Sound waves... do they count as interaction? They are distortion in matter, but nothing more... at least thoughts produce some form of electromagnetism...?

Still... given what has happened thus far, their will does indeed seem to play some role in the World... the {SYSTEM} may just be a framework to limit and interpret their wills?

Hm... there are many things to test.

A bit later, Dmitri may decide to create a Telepathic Bond with Jerzy, but only if Jerzy consents.

Meanwhile on 'reedsville' Arjun gets out of his trance, and wipes himself off, finding that his purple satin robe has indeed been painted a little red... His face is pale and he feels woozy, though given that is all he is suffering after losing WAY more blood than should come out of one's nose, he can only be a little relieved.

He takes a closer look at the regular soil on the island, as well as the watered soil, and the bloody soil. Then, he marks each of them with a small groove in the ground after replacing them fairly well.

Settling down after grooming himself, Arjun finds that his wound has completely healed... there is still a bit of a mark, that is not really even a scar... he has the intuition that a bandage with balm would remove that mark, while a dry bandage would probably just be uncomfortable and not heal it any more...

After sitting, Arjun lets his mind wander on how those things grew... well, actually, he knew that... they had just appeared.

Perhaps none of their surroundings were actually renewable... it was a little scary to think, but then again they also seemed to have the ability to keep expanding... still, it may become in the future that they have to auction off specific slots for simple things like 'food', 'water' or 'basic crafting materials'...

The things do seem to have some sort of reaction to blood... but whether or not it will grow them, he cannot say yet... also, if that is the case... well, let's just hope people keep their cool and remember where the blood they'd be using as fertilizer comes from... or rather, WHO it comes from...

There is also that whole deal with MONSTERs... apparently, there were two kinds in their world, and possible two more... the wording was ambiguous, but since they had only had any spottings of two... maybe there were just two?

Maybe, like in games, there were 'rare monsters' that only appeared randomly or under certain conditions? Still, combat, huh? Against bugs and stuff it's not scary... but what if it were against goblins? Even if they were weak enough that they COULD kill them... would they feel comfortable doing something like that?

What if human beings were summoned as enemies? Children? What if they had to kill people they knew??

Arjun realizes quickly his thoughts are wandering a bit more than intended, so he stows away that negativity for when it is warranted...

For now, he is left with the possibility that the materials around them are not renewable... it's scary, but the Automatic Expansions are also a work-around for that... still, with time, there may be issues with distance, or danger level? Would those things increase with {INVESTITURE}? Arjun thinks they could...

As Jerzy cleans himself, Arjun doesn't seem bashful at all, and hands him a few things to help wash up with. The soap unfortunately isn't really scented, and it's a big lopsided to use, but it's still fairly helpful in at least giving a feeling of being more clean... well, it also probably is better than just rinsing off... The plum juice (yuck) doesn't really seem to be corrosive or anything, but if it were water would actually make it worse, no?

The two talk briefly about the administration, which surprisingly results in them both getting the same message, accompanied (unlike usual) with a two-chime DING-DONG!

After their talk ends, Arjun moves to create some makeshift sandbags from the bedrolls, saying he will replace them in advance of night-fall.

Next, he moves all his stuff to Reedsville, where he has indeed been spending quite some time. Then, he (with the assistance of Otto) fully clean 'the spawn point'. Satisfied with their work of both tidying and sanitizing the place, Arjun and Otto look up to find a shared notification for them.

Once they finished cleaning, Arjun bought Otto a weapon and Otto reimburses the actor accordingly.

OOC: It goes through

Continuing on with their casual talks, Otto and Arjun begin to talk about the World, the administration, the Market, the Observers and so on... Dmitri joins them for a bit as well.

As the three continue their conversation... Suddenly...

And then, in the center of the world...


PLAYERs have exceeded the significance threshold of the current World!

Searching for solution...

Searching for solution......

Searching for solution.........

Solution found.

Initiating "Manual MONSTER Generation"





(8) New Species of MONSTERs have been spawned at [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [1, 0, -1], and [-1, 0, 1]

Cause: Significant {INFORMATION} was delivered sooner than expected.

No further information.

Another screen appears to everyone's eyes:

"Alright, done... Everything's working? Good..."

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Greetings, PLAYERs of Untitled {SYSTEM} World!"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Unfortunately, do to administrative incompetence, there has been a sudden surge in significance..."

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"For you all, this means danger... unfortunately..."

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"We are very sorry!"

Voice of {SYSTEM}


Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Well, with that said... Before I wish you luck, allow me to reveal some more information, now that we're already here... ha..."

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"To answer some of your queries:"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Question: What is global market guest? Answer: PLAYERs from other {SYSTEM} Worlds"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Question: Why does Goddess of Love look like that? Answer: That was Her choice..."

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Question: Was there a previous history to this World? Answer: No. It started with you, and us."

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Question: Can we read your minds? Answer: ...Yes... but we try to respect your privacy"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Question: Who designed this {SYSTEM}? Answer: {SYSTEM}"

Voice of {SYSTEM}


Hand of {SYSTEM}

"You shut the fuck up!"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"... WAH ... WAH ..."

Hand of {SYSTEM}

"Moving on!"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Question: How can there be Observers of concepts which do not exist in the World? Answer: Observers are distinct from {SYSTEM}"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"Those are all the questions I can answer at the moment. Once again, I apologize on behalf of the administration"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

"...really... why does this World have to be so damn... irregular?"

Voice of {SYSTEM}

This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 00:37, Fri 18 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 123 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 23:30
  • msg #728

Re: Spawnpoint

Having gotten the answers he wanted (though it won't be until the next day that he finds out if he got the answers he needs), Dmitri then turns to Jerzy: "Yes, I tried mind melding with our comatose guy and found I have a knack for it. Let me know if you are willing to try."

Realizing that Party Chat was set up before Jerzy arrived, Dmitri attempts to invite Jerzy into the Party.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:37, Thu 17 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 318 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 00:03
  • msg #729

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun puts on a very worried look. "Eight monsters!? Significant information was delivered? Significant information was delivered?! What significant information?! I didn't get any significant information! Did you? Hey! Hey! We didn't get any of this information."

Turning back to the Spawnpoint disc, Arjun calls out to Dmitri, inviting the Telepath to stick with them. "Hey, fox-man! I think this is a job for Hawk Mode."

Turning to Otto, Arjun speculates more quietly, "Keep scouting, or go back and wait until I manage to get a ranged skill? Right now, it's barely worth going back for my bow."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:43, Fri 18 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 39 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #730

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy unfolds the blade on his multi-tool.

"If anyone is better with a knife than I am, I have one here!"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 319 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 00:19
  • msg #731

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun turns his head up to the sky, and addresses the Hand and Voice, who seem to be collectively referred to as "The Administration." "You guys recognized a Conan quote, but you don't know who Waldorf and Statler are?! Don't you have, like, all of human media at your disposal?? GO. WATCH. THE. Muppet Show. The early 1990s series, not the latest reboot. You'll like it. Hand, in particular, I think, will love a particular character."

Arjun carefully didn't say which Muppet he thought Hand would identify with, because honestly, Arjun just assumes that everybody will identify with somebody from that cast, and saying "you in particular will like this bit I'm gonna be vague about" was just a sort of bog standard sales strategy.

Seeing Jerzy with the knife, Arjun raises his Ebony Stiletto. "I can make a few more of these, if anyone wants them. They're....surprisingly sharp. But I don't have a Skill."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:22, Fri 18 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 206 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 01:43
  • msg #732

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto was just getting his new club trying to get past the fact that it had manifested out of thin air, when everything seemed to break loose again.

To Otto, everything that occurred over that short span, and much of it was significant, was secondary to the one fact that stood out to him clearly.

There were eight new Monsters, and System had admitted not only that they were dangerous, but that they had appeared as a mistake.

"Hey guys, let's group up real quick, come on...all together here in the center." He encouraged, and rested his new club over one shoulder. "Don't know what these things are, but let's not mess around just in case, yeah?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 326 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 02:28
  • msg #733

Re: Spawnpoint

When Arjun and Otto finished cleaning the Spawnpoint Disc, Arjun tries to sell his filthy, sopping wet blanket on the Market, since he had so many purchase plans that every Coin counted. If that didn't work, he threw the disgusting thing over the edge and into the void, though he sort of disliked this habit of willful littering they were all picking up.

He had not replaced the bandage on his hand, estimating that it would do little good without the Balm. Now, as the messages warning of dangers flooded his vision, the actor/incompetent ninja found himself looking into that mild scar as if it held answers.

Though he would later describe it as "doing some quick math," it would have been more true to say that calculations were, in fact, written into his scar. He does not calculate how much money he can make by selling everything, nor does he assess the potential value of keeping each item rather than selling it. All those answers are already inside him, just waiting for him to know them. It is a little terrifying.

As Otto and Arjun return to their campsite, the lanky, dark-hued man mutters an oath that would have been suitable for prime time TV while still expressing the severity of his distaste. Arjun sells his Bedroll and remaining 7 Dry Cloth Bandages.

Calling up (GLOBAL_MARKET_GUEST_8916) Archer Class Fundamentals from the Market Search feature, Arjun examines the listing for more details, lowers himself slowly to his preferred prayer posture, and prays earnestly to the Goddess, "Love and Light, will buying and reading this book give me the Archer skills I'm missing?"

After waiting a sufficient time for Her to respond, he then addresses the collection of Observers and Administrators that he's come to think of as The Studio Audience, and begs for mercy: "Can I please get a hint for how we can make sufficient amends to remove these STAT penalties?"
This message was last edited by the player at 08:25, Fri 18 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 328 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 03:06
  • msg #734

Re: Spawnpoint

Conferring with Dmitri (possibly through telepathy, I've lost track of whether we're connected or not at this moment), Arjun works with the telepath to translate the coordinates in the warning to their Mental maps.

(8) New Species of MONSTERs have been spawned at [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [1, 0, -1], and [-1, 0, 1]

"So that's....Vine Disc, somewhere past the Vine Disc, Reedsville, Sweatrag, the Balls, and the top half of the Water -- I'm guessing that's gonna be on the deposits, rather than fish."

Edit: "Huh. If you count each Ball separately, that's eight discs. So probably one on each."

OOC: I'm wondering if the 1st two coordinates are supposed to be Reedsville and Sweatrag.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:11, Sat 19 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 125 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 03:32
  • msg #735

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri takes note of the monster locations and sets about with the barbarian to examine and hunt them down. His "weapon" of choice is his mind, blasting whatever the barbarian sees as worthy of killing.

OOC: I concur with Arjun's concern about where the first two monster coordinates are.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 43 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 04:12
  • msg #736

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy joins Otto on the spawn disk and keeps a lookout. Adrenaline spiking as he tries to remember his training from his compulsory military service.

"We can wait for them to come to us or we can go to them. I can weaken enemies if I can get close enough to touch them, try to keep them busy for a moment and I'll try to find an opening"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 329 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 08:44
  • msg #737

Re: Spawnpoint

As they gather at the recently-reassembled campsite on Spawndisc, Arjun takes a brief second to enjoy the improved smell of a recently cleaned space, as he picks up his bow and quiver.

Adding to the conversation about combat proficiencies, Arjun explains, "Hopefully, things will change when I read this Archer Fundamentals book, but in the meantime I'm limited to being supply-guy. Otto figured out that you can transfer Coins to me, so if you haven't exited Demo Mode yet, I can buy things for you. I can make weapons, including arrows for Rockabilly (and later, myself), from out of the Shadow Essence in the Reeds and Plums. I also have Night Vision, and now Magic Sight, so I should do second watch at night."

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Remember that the last time we got this message, the monsters were bugs, and they didn't coming gunning for us immediately. I suggest we wait until I'm done reading this book, so I can hopefully get the archery skill, then scout out the situation as a group, and see if Mz Korashandi here can tame one of the monsters. Otto and I were about to go anyway."

"Other option is, I can make a few Ebony Stilettos for whoever wants one, first. I also wouldn't mind everybody's help making this vine outfit -- I'm betting that it'll have extra defensive properties, and if it does, we can make sets for everybody."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:41, Fri 18 Feb 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 126 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 17:34
  • msg #738

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri takes a look at how the outfits are made, and then helps out making them. After all, if we have the time, protection is a good thing.
Voice of The System
GM, 336 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 21:38
  • msg #739

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri attempts to invite Jerzy to the party, but gets this message instead:

As the group prepares for combat, Arjun tries to sell his soaking and filthy blanket, but to no avail. The system does not seem to recognize it as an ITEM, and even the clingy goddess does not seem interested in bidding on it.

To that end, Arjun chucks it off the edge while lamenting everyone's growing familiarity with what is shamelessly littering.

Arjun then makes the intense decision to sell off much of his stock, in order to get the quick cash right away.

With this done, he then plans to purchase a book on Archer, and seeks guidance from the Goddess of Love!

He gets a response right away.

Afterwards, Arjun begs to the Observers, but whether out of sympathy or nothing to say, there is not an immediate response... before...

Dmitri and Arjun chat about coordinates.

OOC: It should be Reedsville, Sweatrag, Top of Water, and Balls respectively. If I made any mistakes I apologize, I am pretty weak at graphing lmao

As the group all huddle together, ready for combat... they wait around and begin to think of settling down and making some last minute preparations... however...


(1) MONSTER species at [1,0,0] are Bloodlusted!

In that moment... fortunately, everyone is on Spawn Disc... because, all of Root Island begins to shake and shudder, before-

Hundreds, thousands, maybe tens of thousands of VIne Crawlers begin to wriggle and leap out of the tangled vines of Vine Disc!

A horrible stench of rot emits from them, and beneath their great swarm, you see a cauldron of that same gunk they used to repair the nest Otto once stomped!

The entirety of the island begins to be shrugged off the edge and collapse in various places, just from the motion of these creatures! The surface you had walked on... well, it seems over the last few days it had been hallowed out completely, and the top was only left because the bugs knew you were using it... The pit Otto dug also was untouched, except for the fact that all around and under it are networks of bugs and brown junk!

For a moment, you all fear certain doom, but then...


Hand of {SYSTEM} is exerting some of their power!

Voice of {SYSTEM} and Eye of {SYSTEM} are bearing part of the price!

An invisible force splits the middle of the mass of bugs, causing them to well up on the sounds and writhe around as they spill off the edge... then, in a split second, the disgusting bowl underneath them begins to crumble away to dust!

In the next five seconds, more than 99.9% of your potential enemies fall into the void as they screech in a warbling tone, and spray dark goop out of their bodies in desperate attempts to survive!

As the proverbial dust settles, less than a hundred bugs remain, on the rim of the vine disc, which sways unstably with the very light wind!

Then, they begin to march towards you all, on the island that is 'map south' of them!
Otto Bruckner
player, 208 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 21:49
  • msg #740

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto's eyes were so wide that they others could clearly see the whites of them as the entire island roiled, surged and then split open to let the massive undulating swarm spill out like a biblical apocalypse.

He did not even have the wherewithal to make some comment about it, until their salvation came in the form of a sort of divine inspiration, the island crumbling, shearing apart, and leaving them with...still a lot of bugs.

Suddenly, the bearded man glanced briefly about and took a tentative step forward. "Don't let them infest anything else!" he cried, not exactly an inspiring message, but the sudden fear that the same situation could happen to any one of their limited islands was suddenly strong in him.

The big, somewhat fat man raised his new club like a baseball bat and charged headlong at the center of the swarm, intent on smashing the bulk of them while they were still more or less compact from their crossing.
Voice of The System
GM, 338 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 22:35
  • msg #741

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto rushes forward without hesitation, and immediately slams his club into the first group of bugs setting foot on their main disc!


The loud crunch actually hurts his ears, and he is surprised by his own strength as his muscles tremble but don't knot, and his shoulders pop but don't sprain... his body is indeed changing beyond the ken, it seems?

With that single attacks, four bugs are immediately turned into paste under Otto's club!

Their brown inner goop splatters about, some hitting Otto's footwear, grossly.

Otto begins to feel a little heat in his chest, beyond the normal physical response to sudden aggression...
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 129 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 23:38
  • msg #742

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri uses the one weapon he has ever had, his mind, to target bugs and blow them up, starting with the nearest ones. He uses his Mental Assault, imagining each bug bursting like those that fell underneath the barbarian's boots.
Voice of The System
GM, 341 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 00:17
  • msg #743

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri uses Mental Assault to try and explode one bug after another...

As he does so, he has a surreal feeling of his consciousness spreading out and... assaulting the enemy! It's pretty weird, and a little disorienting, but overall it feels empowering.

However, he immediately notices something after his first attack... The first bug he chose wobbles a bit but then continues on...

He recalls the ability's text verbatim, and realizes these entities may not have 'minds' for him to use his thought energy against? From his experience just now, he can tell that his ability uses thought energy to cause harm, but when the attack ended without effect, Dmitri realizes it's because these enemies are not viable targets, it seems...

He can continue using the attack, which will have no more effect than slightly slowing down the bugs... It also gives XP, even thought it keeps failing. Using the ability repeatedly may cause him to become dizzy due to the mental taxation.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 332 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 00:54
  • msg #744

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun shrieks in rage and terror as the swarm approaches and he reads some messages that he doesn't like the contents of.

Surrounded by the rest of the party, while Otto smashes beetles in their defense, Arjun feels alone, abandoned, and helpless.

Seeing no other good choices, he buys the arrows he found earlier , praying that it would at least be more than just one arrow.

Stowing his latest purchase in his quiver, however briefly, Arjun draws an(the?) Arrow, charges it with Umbral Arrow, and shoots it into the oncoming swarm.

At least there's so many of the suckers that it should be hard to miss.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:06, Sat 19 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 209 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 01:02
  • msg #745

Re: Spawnpoint

Like a man who goes to open a stubborn jar only to have the thing shatter in his hands under the force, Otto felt a sense of raw physicality surge through him as the club connected.

He felt good. He felt right.

Recovering the club still besmeared with little bits of brown muck and carapace, he swung again, and again, aiming for the largest concentrations of beetles as he felt his thigh and back muscles engage and the club solid in a white knuckled grip, punctuating each swing with a grunt.
The System Master
GM, 344 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 01:12
  • msg #746

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun finds, to his extreme displeasure and misfortune, that indeed he can only buy one arrow for that price.

Grumbling internally about how much of a scam that is, Arjun knocks the arrow and infuses it with Shadow Energy... as he does so...

To his eyes, the arrow begins to swirl with vicious dark energy, sharp and poignant!

To others, they see a bit of darkening in the light around the arrow, but otherwise nada.

Then, the actor-cum-archer fires blindly into the crowd in hopes of hitting any target...

He is, at least, successful in this... and to a great extent!

One of the bugs is pierced by the arrow quicker than the blink of an eye, and afterwards several of the surrounding bugs begin to burst in fits of darkness and shadow!

Arjun can see with his magic sight that fragments of the Umbral Arrow split and strike several nearby enemies as well!

A total of four bugs are killed!

Meanwhile, Otto relishes in the feeling of power and control, and does so in such a great sense that he misses an alert...

Then, the newbie barbarian begins to use overhead attacks whenever a group of enemies approaches from the annihilated disc!


With that, he crushes a group of five, then of six!

The more he does so, the more infatuated he becomes with the raw tactical sensation and hormonal ecstasy of destroying something! His reason is already slipped before he realizes, but as he is fighting at the very front of the line, it's not an issue at the moment.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 333 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 01:31
  • msg #747

Re: Spawnpoint

With a whoop off triumph, Arjun reaches for another arrow. Failing to find one, he looks around with Magic Sight to find anything he can weaeve into more arrows.
The System Master
GM, 345 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #748

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun still has a large number of Shadow Reeds he has harvested, and they give off plenty of essence to use for Weaeving.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 334 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #749

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: I thought they didn't have any Essence in them before when I looked?

Relieved, and suspecting divine or administrative influence, Arjun weaeves arrows and fires them into the swarm as quickly as he can (which is not particularly quick, given his unfamiliarity with the aiming process).
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 131 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #750

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri's thoughts percolate, despite his best efforts to suppress them:
Once again, {SYSTEM} finds a way to disappoint...

So apparently these bugs have the Mindless tag. Oh well, no need to beat my head against an immovable {SYSTEM} again...yet. What I need now is to find something hard to crush these things.

And with that, he heads to the area of Spawnpoint near the water where the "deposits" are, looking for one that can be held in the hand.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 335 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #751

Re: Spawnpoint

Sensing Dmitri's intended destination through their mind-link, Arjun offers, "I could buy you some boots? Basic ones cost 5 Coins, but this one I saw for 10 Coins sounded better for this job. I am seriously thinking about buying a set for myself right now. Just transfer me the coins."
The System Master
GM, 346 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 02:28
  • msg #752

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: Ah yeah, it's message #420, you actually used up all that essence to weaeve 25 Shadow Arrows for your quiver, I think?

I'll say with your new skill, you can see that five reeds still have dredges of essence left, which you didn't notice before

Arjun uses his newfound sight to find that there is still some shadow essence weakly emanating from five of the twenty-five ebony reeds he has collected...

Using that knowledge, he rapidly weaeves a shadow arrow and fires it off into the crowd of bugs, which Otto is slaughtering!

This time, he only kills three due to the increased distance really wrecking his amateur aim.

Meanwhile, Dmitri complains and heads over to the water disc, where he tries to eye out one of the gray deposits that he cannot see clearly through the water, and try to determine if any can fit in his hand.

As a result, he ends up standing there until Arjun offers to buy him the gear for 'stomping duty'. Dmitri realizes that unless he dives into that part of the disc (where new monsters have spawned), he is not going to be able to gather any of that gray material from all the way over where he is.
Otto Bruckner
player, 210 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 02:33
  • msg #753

Re: Spawnpoint

As Dmitri goes in search of Deposits, and Arjun considers shadow magic and shopping, Otto feels like he is in the fight of his life.

The warmth in his chest feels hot and vital, a rush of blood, a pang of fear, the chaos of the moment.

If anything he moves faster now, the club a blur and an audible woosh as it drags through the air to come crashing down on the skittering things that seem to scurry and swarm despite the losses they had suffered.

The windows and updates are lost, ignored, as adrenaline takes hold through an insidious  urge.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 337 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 03:39
  • msg #754

Re: Spawnpoint

"He shoots, he scoooooooores!"

 Drawing forth the dredges from the 2nd reed, Arjun weaves another arrow, aims, and fires.

He had, surprisingly, grown too reliant on the System's Skill system. As an actor (which Arjun considered a job, a calling, and a way of life), mastery of his body was an essential part of his profession. He didn't need the System to decide he knew how to fire a bow. He'd had the lessons before this crazy journey. He could remember them and he could fire them.

Plus, I'm pretty sure I look dead sexy to my Goddess, like this.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 44 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 04:22
  • msg #755

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy touches Otto and attempts to cast enhance animal to buff up his stamina.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:22, Sat 19 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 45 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 14:31
  • msg #756

Re: Spawnpoint

He also watches the group's flanks, casting touch of deviance and stabbing any bugs that slip through or around.
The System Master
GM, 349 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 16:42
  • msg #757

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto continues his rampage, slaughtering two more groups of bugs with large overhead swings that would leave him vulnerable if his enemies could reach his ankles in height!

Five are killed, and then seven!

Something about this truly feels right to Otto... perhaps a life of lethargy had robbed him of the sense of thrills that he hadn't even know he was seeking... or perhaps it's nothing like that, and he is simply going with the flow of chaos... but either way, in this moment he doesn't need to think about that, and he feels content to use his body and weapon to crush and stomp on things til they burst!

Arjun regrets his over-reliance on {System} before turning his focus back to the archery lessons he had taken back in his life as a third or second-rate actor...

At first, he believes that such memories are lost to him, and at least his body certainly doesn't remember it... but then...

Arjun can clearly recall a few scenes of when he had trained with the bow and arrow. He remember the male instructor who had taught him... even the smell of his cologne? Well, at the time it had been overpowering, so maybe it left an imprint?

Ah... wait... he can also remember one of the faces of the fellows who had worked with him. A cute girl with a sort of 'girl next door' vibe had also been training... What was her name? She had said... but Arjun does not recall, maybe he had never really listened?

He DOES recall that the girl had said something about wanting to become an actress.... What else? Ah yeah, he had been sorely beaten by her, hadn't he?

No... maybe it was just by a few points? Still, he remembers feeling... indignant.

He moves away from those slightly-uncomfortable thoughts of maybe-unearned jealousy and pride, and then turns back to the recollections of what the man had shown him...

Right, there had been all sorts of things. But, the main focus was on simply how to use the bow... he had told Arjun and the others whose names and faces are lost to the shadow archer now, that the first thing they must learn is how to use the bow... not to aim well, and not even to shoot quickly...

Arjun corrects his stance, re-nocks his arrow, and even shifts his arms about... This should be... a little better? Hopefully.

The other thing was... what was it? Arjun struggles for a moment... Oh yes! It was arm strength! The man explained that the bow was not a 'Dexterity weapon' at the time, Arjun may or may not have realized he was making a game-reference, but that much was clear now. Indeed, using a bow required considerable arm strength, and wasn't really about quick fingers at all... though hand-eye coordination was a must.

Arjun, now using the weapon as properly as he can remember being taught, then follows through the advice on how to fire, skipping the aiming step due to time constraints and the fact it isn't gonna be necessary at this distance and with this size of target...

Finally, to the best of his ability, Arjun properly releases an arrow for the first time since he arrived here!

As the arrow soars, Arjun feels like his time has slowed... Right, the man's teachings back then had not been enough to get Arjun very far... he had manages to SIMULATE using a bow, but he had never really learned... maybe he hadn't cared to? He was an actor, not a profession that requires mastery in anything but charisma... and appearance, too.

Realizing that his time is still slowed, Arjun is shocked... the arrow should not be 'soaring'... the distance it has to cover is so short it should basically appear there to human eyes... then, Arjun looks up - maybe for guidance, which is another habit he has developed - and indeed finds a strange notification...

As soon as his eyes finish reading it, his sense of time resumes and--


With a loud and sharper noise than one may expect, the arrow fired by Arjun skewers two bugs in a row, before the dark energy rapidly decays five more scampering in the vicinity!

Meanwhile, Jerzy plays support as he lightly touches the raging barbarian to increase his stamina... He pulls back before the man can react to his faint contact, though... Otto is a bit scary right now, after all!

In that moment...

Otto is interrupted in his slaughter with a strange sensation! His chest feels... bloated? Ouch! It seriously is starting to hurt! He glances down, and his chest looks... bigger?



Otto begins to panick, but the sound gets louder!







It's in the middle of his ears!!

He is looking around and can't find it!! But then-

Huh? Is that... his breathing?

He holds his breath for a moment... no noise... he breathes out...


?? What on earth...

His chest doesn't hurt anymore, and furthermore... he feels ENERGIZED?

He feels like he could go all day... none of his weak stamina is holding him down now!

The thrills return, along with an explosive breathing sound in his ears!


Jerzy looks in awe at Otto, whose chest has bloated and his nostrils flare hugely!

He had simply tried to increase his stamina STAT... but instead, the outcome had been...

Well, it's hard to tell externally, but given the man's reactions... had his lungs GROWN??

Jerzy is both terrified of this power, and utterly thrilled with the rife opportunity for study presented by it!

(Un?)fortunately, no bugs slip through the combination of Otto holding the front line and Arjun wiping out any people who group up along the outskirts, so touch of deviance is not needed.
Otto Bruckner
player, 211 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 17:14
  • msg #758

Re: Spawnpoint

Amid all the strange, thrilling and primal sensations, the notion that something was amiss churned it's way to the surface. Like a car that was otherwise running fine but felt different, he wondered briefly if he had been wounded.

At almost the exact same time a second wind freed him from the vague feeling of extreme exertion. He felt better than he could remember.

He felt like he could do this all day.

With a renewed burst of energy he swung, stomped and stampeded over the thining swarm, only vaguely aware that his very biology seemed to be changing by the moment.
The System Master
GM, 351 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 17:33
  • msg #759

Re: Spawnpoint

With renewed vigor, Otto feels free as a bird as he slaughters large groups of bugs which are now starting to move together to invade the disc he is safeguarding!

So far, the group has killed forty-one bugs, not that anyone is keeping count. Thus, only fifty-two remain in the World!

They are moving together now, so when Otto strikes his club down as they emerge, he kills many more on the first strike (13), a little less on the second strike (10), and overall is thrilled with it...


SkkR!! SSSkk- KkCSAAAchh!--DeSSCraachchkkieeei!!!

Horrendous screeching emerges from the remaining 29 bugs as they begin to leap the remaining distance and ravage Otto's ankles, and more as they begin to desperately climb up his legs, clawing them to what feels like shreds!

Otto screams out in pain, his voice many times deeper than he remembers it, and his bellow far louder than should be possible for human lung capacity!

Two of the bugs actually die from the loudness of the noise, some how!

For a moment, everyone watches as all the clothing below Otto's hips are basically disintegrated within a moment, before two dozen bugs claw and pierce small bloody holes into his body, with both their forearms and mandibles!

They are slowly crawling higher! What will you all do??
Arjun Gandhi
player, 339 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 18:18
  • msg #760

Re: Spawnpoint

Recalling the red essence he had seen in his own blood earlier, Arjun takes another hit off the Magic Sight hookah, and looks around for escaping Life Essence, or whatever it was, from the dying Vine Crawlers, and tries to grab some of that to weaeve into arrows from distances he had never tried before, trying to create them in batches that appear in his quiver rather than just one arrow at a time.

Up until now, he had always worked with essences that were easily within reach. Even the Ebony Reeds were further away than he had tried before. He had not actually considered the potential reach of the skill before.

His eyes flicking to his still-opened Character sheet,  and with his next shot, he looks for signs of the additional damage  he's supposedly doing, as he weaeves another Shadow Arrow nocked in place, he attempts to imbue it with Umbral Arrow (though it no doubt has not finished cooling down yet, whatever that meant) he checks his stance, waits for the right moment in his breath, and screams out a quote from one of his favorite childhood books, "Blood and Souls! Blood and Souls for the God of Darkness!"

After all, he reasons, the arrow is made out of magic darkness. And if the God of Darkness doesn't like this particular type of gift, then He will certainly let Arjun know, and that would at least be a step in the right direction.

As the arrow starts to fly, Arjun very-nearly-belatedly realizes that his mental state is just as important as the words of his offering, and relaxes back into that half-mad, half-pious state he had spent long hours in the previous day's craftwork. It is a mental framework he had only briefly ever connected to before, briefly, barely, ephemerally, but ever since the Goddess had nearly touched him, had reached for his true Self, this fervent perspective on the world had been inside him, just waiting and existing.

With a semi-hysterical giggle he whispers to the Goddess of Love, "Hey, Goddess, you did know you're in love with a polytheist, right?"
This message was last edited by the player at 18:29, Sat 19 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 212 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 18:41
  • msg #761

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto did not recognize the sound coming out of his own throat. It was a bellow more suited for a stick animal thana human, but the sudden sharp pain repeated up and down his legs and hips elicited a spasm, a howl, and caused him to drop his club with a dull thud.

Using his hands he grasped, pulled, wiped and crushed as he began to backpedal.

"Get em off!"
the voice wasn't his, but that of some booming giant, his legs smeared with blood his cargo pants rent through with holes and tears.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:10, Sat 19 Feb 2022.
The System Master
GM, 354 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 18:46
  • msg #762

Re: Spawnpoint

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the dying Vine Crawlers do not give off essence he can weaeve into Shadow Arrows... though, as he peers closely at them to look for that, he does get a brief and faint glimpse of some green sort of .... vapor/plasma?

As soon as he does that though a crack of pain tears through his head, and he sneezes... blood

From then on, he tries to avoid looking at the bugs while using Magic Sight, and simply watches his attacks for any of the damage he should be getting... What he finds is... nada.

For his next attack, Arjun weaeves his third of five arrows, and tries to imbue it with his skill - which fails due to being on cooldown (which is indeed unclear) - before shouting out a really cringy line in hope of attracting a god of darkness!

A response emerges!

The actor also tries to capture an honest headspace of mad devotion... as he does so, he gives an appropriately half-crazed whisper to the Goddess who has attached to him...

Another response emerges!

Meanwhile, in the middle of a bloody war between Otto and many bugs... Through the pain, an even stronger sensation is felt by the american-turned-barbarian!

A sense of great power fills his entire body, equal to about everything thus far combined! He cannot help but let out a yell of elation at the feeling, mixed with his current state!

Everyone else sees as a golden light warbles and shines VERY brightly for a few short moments, solely on Otto's form!

And then, it fades with a new jingle of DUN DUN DUN DUNG!!

Otto alone, now slightly calmer, sees a window in front of him!

Something weird is noticed by many then, not least Otto, as after this strange effect... all the wounds Otto had just sustained are healed! Furthermore, he feels in peak condition!

His mood has also been stabilized, but he feels the rage ready to respond to his call once more!
Otto Bruckner
player, 213 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 19:15
  • msg #763

Re: Spawnpoint

The sweet mercy of relief.

Like somebody had flipped a switch his pain vanished, his mind unclenched from the adrenaline and pain and he found that he could think more clearly.

"Come on guys! Get in here!" He called, two of them had legitimate melee weapons and the swarm was half of what it had been. What's more,they were all on him, so the danger to anybody getting involved now seemed less to his mind.

There were messages he was going to want to recall later, but for the moment he was still in the thick of it, although he took some measure or satisfaction and pride that the beetles had not been able to re-infest one of the other disks. Yet.

He continued his "hand to hand" struggle as he yelled, obviously not being able to bring the sizable club to bear in such close quarters.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 47 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 20:05
  • msg #764

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy passes his hand across otto's legs, attempting to cast touch of deviance on multiple bugs on each pass.

After a couple of passes, he sets about knocking them loose and stabbing with the knife.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 343 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 00:16
  • msg #765

Re: Spawnpoint

"Uh, maybe stop, drop and roll?" Arjun calls out to Otto uncertainly.

Arjun runs up to Otto and tries to use his vine bow to sweep the vine crawlers off of him.
The System Master
GM, 356 posts
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 00:38
  • msg #766

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto struggles and flounders on the bugs that are once more beginning to bite him, and calls for help!

With his palms alone, he is able to knock off 5 bugs, which are then crushed underfoot!

Jerzy runs up and rubs at two of the bugs on Otto's legs, but only touches one before they scatter upwards or around Otto's thighs, and then he pulls away in a panic because he nearly touched Otto instead of the target...

That would have been unimaginably horrific, because Otto sees right away as the bug touches by Jerzy begins to melt into a blob of sludge as it screeches out louder  than the remaining horde, and spews scalding brown tar everywhere as it's legs and mandibles crack and break in multiple places before vanishing into the puddle of mutated slime...

A single drop of that stuff lands on a bare part of Otto's left leg, right under the knee, and immediately begins to blister and the area around it turns purple and withers as the veins become visible and some sort of infection takes root!

To the barbarian, it feels like kneeling on a hot stove, and he immediately feels feverish and his tonsils feel sore!

OOC: I averaged out your two luck scores to determine if Otto would get hit by touch of deviance... fortunately, due to the huge disparity, I decided to only give him second hand poison... thank Goodness you took that Stat point in luck btw otto

Lastly, Arjun runs over and swats two Vine Crawlers away but they do not actually die or get injured much.

The remaining 21 bugs on Otto bite at his legs, and a few even start eating the cloth on his torso!

The poison in his leg pulses once, extremely urgently!
Otto Bruckner
player, 214 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 00:46
  • msg #767

Re: Spawnpoint

Amid the chaos of the last few moments of the attack, Otto seemed very hesitant to throw himself on the ground as he was worried about the bugs being given easy access to his more vulnerable face, neck and head.

So far his defensive efforts seemed to have focused on the bugs furthest "up" his body, and he continues thrashing, grasping and crushing them as quickly as he can...

That was until suddenly he spasmed and jumped, letting out a pained yell as he lurched to his left, a stronger, sharper pain amid all the other non inconsiderable torments.

"Gah!" he cried, and began to focus on the area where the pain had been most severe now, seeming to be under the belief that one of the crawlers had hit some sensitive spot.

One leg was basically bare now and the other hung only by his belt, patches of already bloodied skin were again opened and now his black shirt was beginning to tatter around the hem as the crawlers got access to the middle parts of his body
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 48 posts
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 01:22
  • msg #768

Re: Spawnpoint

Oh Kurwa! That wasnt supposed to happen! 

Jerzy immediately attempts to cast Enhance animal again to strengthen Otto's immune system. (assuming he has enough mana).

If that doesn't work he tries to triage, cleaning the wound, banaging, and keeping blood, bugs, and icor away from the wound.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 344 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 01:41
  • msg #769

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun continues trying to swipe the bugs off, calculating if it would be more effective for him to stab the ones that fall off than it would be for him to continue knocking them off.

Of course, he'd have to go get the blade. He really needed to make a sheath for that thing!

My dagger is over by my bedroll! Arjun offers to the party. "Grab it, if you want. Dunno the tiny thing will be off any use.
The System Master
GM, 357 posts
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 19:27
  • msg #770

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto swats, crushes and kills three more bugs by his waistline!

Jerzy uses the last of this strange energy to try and buff up Otto's immune system, after accidentally indirectly poisoning him!

Otto feels feverish and nearly falls over from vertigo for a moment before righting himself! He blinks a few times, but his eyelids feel heavy...? His nose and throat and eyes and ears and... every part of his body feels stuffy and bloated... he feels sick, but his stomach seems to twist away whenever he heaves, so nothing comes out!

His face and chest are very hot, while his feet and hands are frigid...

He is sweating before he knows it, and is panting heavily and with a raspy tone...

The others see that Otto's skin has gone a little green, and his entire face and exposed skin seems red and puffy, while he shivers and reeks with the distinct smell of a 'sick person' that some people find extremely offputting...

As Arjun observes this, he also particularly makes sure to stab the two grounded bugs to death with the sharpest point of his bow... The thing wobbles unstably, and he worries for a moment that he nearly broke it, but fortunately it seems undamaged...

As Jerzy observes this, he remarks that this is very clearly a super intense immune-system reaction... whatever it was that Jerzy had done, is causing Otto's entire body to forcefully push out the contagion...

just as he thinks this...

Otto goes extremely pale, and he collapses onto his knees, nearly fainting from a sudden surge of icy lightheadedness and tingling in his fingers and toes...

He feels a strange pressure building in the spot where he had been injured... before...

Half of the remaining bugs on Otto's body screech out and leap away as they flee! Two even jump off the edge of the disc, in their sudden panic!

The remaining nine bugs are not so lucky, as they begin to rapidly scale the barbarian's body to rip at his throat and crawl in his ears... unfortunately, none of them make it far enough to escape the sudden threat... as...

From the barbarian's knee, which has gone completely while past the point of believing there can be blood flowing beneath, and is bloated to the point of surreality, a small white fuzz begins to press out of the wound as the half-unconscious American begins to convulse despite being totally numb across his body by now... The knee begins to swell and swell, until it looks like it will burst, but instead...

The small bit of white fuzz coming from the knees begins to burst out, become a pale foam that moves pseudo-organically, as it spreads and spreads down the body, drowning all the bugs that are still trying to attack or infest the Barbarian!

The bugs do not even let out sounds as their bodies are whittled away and consumed in under four seconds by the sudden strange... organism?

Then, after an entirely unreal amount of goop has left the knee, the bloating has also receded, except for one thing...

The knee bulges strangely and the previous wound, no longer bleeding whatsoever, BULGES open as something pushes to break through the opening....

In that moment, seven white legs splay out from the wound, before sticking into the ground and PULLING forward with incredible struggle... the remaining foam at this point has begun to turn purplish and let off a rotting scent before basically flattening, dissipating and decaying into very little material that is almost ashen in color

As the last bit of that stuff dies, the seven legs finally manage to pull out from the wound and with a SCHPLOOOORP sound, the seven legs are revealed to on their 'back' be carrying a gigantic coagulated mass of dark brown... something...?

Then, after wobbling, the seven white legs collapse and begin to wrap around the brown orb, before they begin to leak a similar  fuzz, that also grows into a foam and slowly dissolved the entire formation...?

After a half minute, this finishes... and by then, Otto's pale, bloodless, limp leg begins to slowly regain color, as all at once the veins begin to become visible, and blood flows once more...

Otto is unable to continue with the fight, but only seven bugs remain for the group to take down. His leg becomes normal after five minutes, and he will wake up after 20 more...

The wound also begins to bleed again once his leg has fully recovered, but it is quite light, even though the ripped skin and muscle tissue has deepened and grown larger after the forceed... excretion?

The only person who even has a hint of what is going on is Jerzy... and even he is shocked by what he sees.
Otto Bruckner
player, 215 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 20:34
  • msg #771

Re: Spawnpoint

There was a real mercy to Otto's grasp on consciousness waning as his condition developed, or perhaps resolved itself.

Their American Barbarian, their "Barbarican" if you will, went down hard. He thrashed and fought and writhed until with his last energies he tried to crush his foes beneath the very weight of his body before he went still, clearly breathing, but overwhelmed by whatever was occuring within his body and the punishment he had already received.

He lay there on his side, his clothing tattered and missing in large patches, his eyes closed as his leg proved host to some kind of incredibly bizzare phenomenon.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 345 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #772

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun is horrified, but dealing with one problem at a time. Kill anything attacking Otto now, worry about this 7-legged grossness later.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 133 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 02:10
  • msg #773

Re: Spawnpoint

Out of the frying pan, into the fire...Brain the size of a planet, and all they want me to do is kill bugs...

A plan had formed in Dmitri's mind for how to deal with this "retribution" for advancing the world too quickly, but it would have to wait. Now, the goal is to deal with the immediate problem. If it does work, great. If not, it will probably no longer be his problem. First, he tries Mental Assault on the spider thingy. If that doesn't work, (as he expects it won't), he then dives into the water to retrieve something hard enough to bash flesh.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 51 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 03:30
  • msg #774

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy was captivated by the response he forced upon Otto. A hyper-augmented immune response issuing forth from the host mechanism and eradicating potential parasites and threats.....just.....DOESN'T HAPPEN! This magic that Jerzy is tapping into is a new dimension into biological processes he will have to get used to, and do it quick.

And.....the immune systems response at the end...was most unsettling. It appeared that Otto's Leukocytes manifested into a discrete and observable organism that acted upon its host to pull out an infection, like something out of Amazonian myth.


He also makes a mental note to apologize to Otto when he comes to for hijacking his body.

"I am sorry to startle everyone like that but I felt I must act decisively! I will take care of Otto. He says as he attempts to stop the bleeding and make Otto comfortable.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 348 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 04:43
  • msg #775

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeing the Barbarian Cashier had passed out and that Jerry was moving to help him, Arjun calls out the location of Otto's bandages, having sold his own recently. "Bandages. Otto's right pockets. Nice move, Jerry. Weird, but cool."

It struck Arjun that he had sold the bandages VERY recently indeed. Arjun didn't think the world revolved around him (at least, not all the time, anyway), but that was the old world. The real world. And Voice had said that they were the only PLAYERs in the world, that this was the beginning of this world's history. Entities calling themselves "gods" were actively watching them.

It was entirely possible that this world DID revolve around him, around them. The implications of this were terrifying, and it seemed like they would get punished if they tried to discuss it.

Unbidden, he imagined what a particular ex partner would say if she found out that Arjun had been kidnapped and taken somewhere where he and a few others were actually the reason the entire world existed.

"Love and Light?" he asks the Member Goddess, to avoid the thoughts."Think you could give us a little help? Nothing too complicated, don't want to risk a repeat of when Vlad asked for your blessing, but.... maybe tell us if there are any still aggro'd?"
This message was last edited by the player at 08:32, Mon 21 Feb 2022.
The System Master
GM, 360 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 20:30
  • msg #776

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri tries to attack the horrifying spider-like thing, even though it seems to be 'on their side' to some extent. Still, it does not work.

Thus, Dmitri dives under the water to search for something hard enough to kill the remaining seven bugs on the main disc which are now scattering away from the group!

Jerzy goes to Otto's wound, and finds that the bleeding is not severe in any way... also, he is not really a surgeon despite knowing a lot about biology, plus he doesn't have very many tools at his disposal...

Regardless, it's probably okay thankfully, so Jerzy just focuses on making the unfortunate man comfortable, by propping him up, covering his wound with a bit of cloth, straightening his torn clothes, washing his remaining bite marks, and giving him a drink.

Afterwards, Arjun seeks out information that will not advance the world too quickly.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 351 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 04:23
  • msg #777

Re: Spawnpoint

Still uncertain as to what's going on with Otto, Arjun continues to offer first aid options to Jerry. "If he's been poisoned, there are antidotes we can buy from the Market. Cheapest is 15 coins, though."

Questions about Otto's health, and the possibility of a First Aid skill, float briefly in his mind, but Arjun tries to put them away and stay focused on the dangers of the moment. He distracts himself by glancing at his latest notifications, and rolls his eyes so hard that they would fall out of his eyes if this was a cartoon.

Great, he thinks to himself. Not only have I been kidnapped and left to fend for myself in this crazy alternate world without a scrap of a clue as to how to even drink, starved and dehydrated for days, all for the amusement of some gorram audience, NOT ONLY are we about to be devoured by a half dozen different types of insect swarms, but NOW -- now, the only one I've coaxed into helping at all turns out to be some f*#$!ing infant who treats me like a toy that can be scolded while I'm fighting for my life and I have to pretend that I actually....

His thoughts freeze and a chill runs through his body as he realizes she can read my thoughts.

He reaches for the green essence we saw rising out of the dead vine crawler bodies to weaeve another arrow. Failing that, he uses half of his remaining shadow essence to weave that arrow.

Again, he tries to weaeve this one straight into the nocked position, as he fires into the largest grouping of the remaining seven bugs.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:23, Tue 22 Feb 2022.
The System Master
GM, 364 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 05:09
  • msg #778

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun is invisibly extremely frustrated by the situation, but it does not show on his face, for the reason that the Body Language skill moderates the user's expression automatically, not that anyone is thinking of that in this moment.

Suddenly, he stiffens to a point of visibility - even past the extent of that skill - and then begins to try and weaeve an arrow from the green essence...

He finds he has seemingly no ability to tug or bend the strange vapor only his eyes can see, except for just a small extent...

Then, he shoots and fires, taking out a fleeing bug with his last weaeve-able shadow arrow.

However... in that moment... a series of... unfortunate... messages appears

With that, a strange feeling of... emptiness? ... runs through Arjun.

It's not severe, and it's not shocking, but it's noticeable... noticeable that SOMETHING is missing...? It's not really recognizable to him... it's not grief, and it's not sorrow... it's also not shame or terror. Maybe something like abandonment? Could be... though, it's not entirely an emotional sensation either

As he looks around, Arjun does not truly believe in that moment that it's just his eyes that feel like there is less light in the world... and that things seem... just a little more unhappy, right now

The pleasant smell of the water no longer makes him calm... it's just wet. The essences he can see around him are not as mysterious and intriguing, but make him think more of splotches of paint accidentally spilled over a canvas...

That half-believed sense of... devotion and awakening... he cannot really recall what it was like, and he finds it even harder to make himself feel it again...

The wind tastes slightly bitter, as he breathes it in.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 354 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 05:56
  • msg #779

Re: Spawnpoint

The System Master:
By the way, Arjun and Jerzy (the only two able party members at the moment) should be aware the six bugs have made some progress to scatter around the main disc, and are generally hurrying towards Ebony or Cloth island.

With both your high INTELLIGENCE stats, you would both be aware you have roughly 'three rounds' (not that it means anything from an IC perspective lol) before they actually get there.

They are notably not heading towards the water disc, which would make sense since they seem subterranean

"Jerry! Don't let them escape! Even one gets away, we'll have to deal with another swarm in a few days!" Arjun screams as he chases after the bugs heading towards Ebony Reed Island.  He cleared out all the nearby reeds, so he's looking around frantically with Magic sight for something to turn into another arrow. He'll stomp on them with his bare feet if he has to.

It's weird to admit, even to himself, but he has felt peculiarly protective of "Reedsville" since he marked it as his territory. Whether that sensation has dimmed or heightened in response to the sudden absence of Love (such a familiar feeling!), he is unsure.

But even if it's just a memory of territoriality, he's determined not to let a single bug get to His Island alive.
The System Master
GM, 369 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 06:02
  • msg #780

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun is single-mindedly focusing on taking down the only bug left running towards his 'territory', and he is just about to catch up to it, 10 ft from his land... before...


The actor skids on his heels and stumbles forward a little, fortunately missing the edge, before he turns and sees the last enemy has been dealt with by Emily, with her vine bow.

Perhaps he is relieved, or a bit peeved.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 355 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 07:22
  • msg #781

Re: Spawnpoint

With his Magic Sight activated (he really was getting kind of high off this new mode of vision, though it felt more like a performance high than a narcotic), Arjun watches the disgusting, mind-damagingly untenable puff of green essence explode out of the last bug, and growls as he tries to bend it to his will.

"Thought you could infest my island, did you? Thought I would let you eat my reeds?"

He wouldn't be surprised if more blood was going to pour out of his nose some more. He didn't care. These things had hurt Otto, had eaten nearly all of their vines, had been yet another cute little message from their tormentors -- tormentors who got all offended when we accused them of kidnapping us. "Oh, no," he spat with poorly feigned innocence. "We're not the ones who took you! We're just the ones who are making you dance inside your prison. We're just the ones who know all the rules and punish you when you don't obey them, even though we never told you. We're just the ones who tell you not to worry your pretty little heads about it when one of us eats Vlad's soul. Oh, but you should know that wasn't US! After all, we've been SOOooo generous with information."

He twists and pulls the green bug essence, doing to it what he felt like the Observers and Administration had been doing to them. It was probably some kind of poison, judging by Otto's reaction. It didn't matter. He abused and tortured it, venting the metaphorical poison in his own soul after his last three days.

He had tried to roll with it. All his life, he had tried to roll with it. Tried to see the other person's side. Tried to be the bigger man. Not this time.

He calls up the Market entry for Empty Essence Capsule, intending to buy the probably-useless thing and stuff this bug's soul into it.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 52 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 12:02
  • msg #782

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeing the flurry of activity has died down a bit, Jerzy proceeds to Triage.

He polices the bodies, finishing off any that still twitch. He collects some bug samples for analysis later. He checks in on everyone in his party, makes sure no one is in need of assistance.

Once satisfied, he checks the quest and tabs screen.

"So.....does that happen often? He asks as he gathers his normal and modified vines and the bug samples.

If there's no other excitement, he'll go back to bioanalyzing the vines and now the bug as well
This message was last edited by the player at 20:28, Tue 22 Feb 2022.
Otto Bruckner
player, 217 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 16:18
  • msg #783

Re: Spawnpoint

Unconscious is an odd thing.

For the briefest of moments he felt like he was back home in bed. Like waking up on the first day of vacation ready to go into work and pleasantly remembering that you don't have to go.

But as he tried to move their new reality imposed itself painfully.

Otto grunted and rolled to a sitting position, one side of his face red from laying on it, his long hair a mess. He sat there with his arms on his knees and look at the state of his legs, looked at the state of his clothes, and tried to ignore the pain and discomfort.

"What happened?" He asked , obviously confused to any nearby. "Did we get'em all?"

As he collected his thoughts he eventually brought up his Status, then Quests and Tasks

He stared at the private screen as he continued to wake up and gather his thoughts, he rubbed at his beard.

"Good morning System. Could I please put those two points into Strength, and all those skill points into Heavy Weapon Mastery? Thank you."

With a careful demeanor, he rose to his feet and regarded his pants and shirt with frustration. He was not as comfortable with his huge doughy body as their Polish friend was...

He had almost some weight since they had arrived here, probably a few inches around his waistline, so that was something to celebrate. Days of starvation will do that to you.

"Oh, System, Title Information? many Titles can we have active at one time?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:19, Tue 22 Feb 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 53 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 21:12
  • msg #784

Re: Spawnpoint

Nodding towards Emily and Arjun, "Yes, it appears that way.

I need to apologize about your leg and your current state. I was trying to weaken the bugs attacking you. The situation...backfired but I was able to partially correct my mistake.

On the bright side, I am reasonsbly sure you are not suffering from any diseases or parasites at the moment.

Arjun Gandhi
player, 356 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #785

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy Godlewski:
"So.....does that happen often? He asks as he gathers his normal and modified vines and the bug samples.

Putting his mask of civility back on, Arjun answers, "First time. Probably not the last. There are probably just as many critters hiding on Cloth Island. We really need to do a proper patrol. Check out the new creatures, and try to get a sense of how many there are of the other monsters from the first bit of interference. Those vine crawlers only appeared 2 days ago, and look how many of them there were."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 184 posts
Retro Musician
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 10:31
  • msg #786

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily has only one weapon right now and no arrows to shoot from it.  On the other hand, she has a net and the skill to make traps.  The first thing she has to do though, is make her way to cloth island with her net and go hunting for a butterfly for two reasons, first of all because it is a task she has been given (for which she will receive 2 market coins) and secondly because Arjun has yet to see any of these butterflies.

Once she has caught a butterfly, showed it to Arjun and earned her coins, she will go exploring with Arjun and in particular, looking for the new monsters.
The System Master
GM, 371 posts
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 17:21
  • msg #787

Re: Spawnpoint

As Arjun spits out all the saved-up vitriol in his heart over the last three days of nightmares and struggle, he gives up trying to do anything productive with the green bug essence, and simply vents his anger on it by pushing it with as much force as he can, in the intent to harm it, somehow...

As he does so...

The system pipes in with more undesired information... yet, as it does so, Arjun at least finds it is becoming easier to push and press at the green essence... in fact, slowly, he begins to break down some sort of barrier to his own actions, and feels both a little freed and a little crazed as the green essence begins to jolt and twist to his wishes!

To complete his hateful attack against this enemy, Arjun goes to purchase an Empty Essence Capsule, but finds the cost is 25 Coins, which may or may not limit his decision to buy it.

Meanwhile, Jerzy - maybe unawares to Arjun's fuming rage and hidden attack against what he believes to be the soul of the enemy - goes around and ensures no corpses remain alive, before collecting some samples from the less-damaged, dead foes before finally settling down adn resuming his bio-analysis for the next 1 hour 30 minutes.

He also checks his tasks and quests, but they are barren.

In his somewhat-fitful unconscious period, Otto briefly has the comforting idea that he is sleeping in his bed, back home in America - well, in Earth - but reality splashes on his face like a glass of cold water in the morning.

He wakes up in a fairly awful condition... His clothing is torn, and he has numerous bite wounds across his legs, and one much more grievous wound under his right knee, which is big enough to stick multiple fingers in... It's strangely not bleeding, and the texture of the skin around it is weird...

Putting his mind off that for the moment, Otto habitually checks his status, quests and tasks, finding the new changes he would have expected, but nothing further in this time.

Speaking politely to the system, which is an attitudinal whiplash towards how Arjun had been verbally ranting just before he had woken up... which the others may had chosen to ignore, since it is unlikely they didn't hear anything.

Regardless, at Otto's command, both his STAT points are invested into Strength, and the bonus XP into his main attack skill...

As for immediate effects, he feels like he may be able to exert a bit more force now... in truth, he does not know how much that will be, since he has continuously been surprised by his strength since arriving here... which makes sense, given it is likely a combination of these fantasy-like STATs, as well as him never having actually needed to struggle so hard, given that he lived as a modern man...

As Otto ponders the effects of his new title, he questions how many titles can be 'equipped' or 'activated' at once, and an answer comes to him.

And lastly, after combat has ended, Emily goes back out with Arjun - if and when he feels calm enough and willing to do so - and continues their exploration journey.

Regardless of if she is accompanied, Emily quite easily manages to make her way to Cloth Island, where she spends the next ten minutes focusing strongly and Observing her surroundings... Eventually, she feels a tiny shift in the wind, and from that movement is able to strain her eyes to see a small flittering in the air!

She approaches casually, making the decision to not try and outpace the creature, but trick it into thinking she is unawares of it... The thing flutters a little further, maybe out of instinct, but doesn't flee away from her.

Once she feels she is close enough, she rights the net in her hand, and with just a little anxiety makes a small leap before swinging the net and catching the little thing!

It bashes against the inside of the net several times before lightly landing on the edge.

After that, she looks closely at what is in her net, and eventually manages to spot a translucent silver creature which sort of resembles a moth. It's shape is like if someone had folded a paper cut-out of a heart, down the line of symmetry, and it's size is small enough to fit on the tongue.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 188 posts
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 19:16
  • msg #788

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily takes the moth so that she can show it to Arjun.  Then she takes it back to where she found it and, embarrassed by her new title, releases it back into the wild.  Then she goes on with the exploration of all of the discs, with or without Arjun as she goes in search of monsters.  She plans to visit first the original disc, then the ebony disc.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 55 posts
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #789

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy sits with his materials spread before him, organized fully engrossed in his task as he stares into the biological life of this world.

Get gets lost in the semi-living state of the vines, the color difference between living and seemingly necrotic tissues. He notes the cell structures at the cuts he made to extract the sample and any grain or striations on the vines surface, relative densities of the clean and modified vines segments, whether they can be considered Woody, if there's any presence of reproductive organs or roots, do the vines branch in any logical fashion or is each vine individual, do the vines maintain constant diameter or do they taper?

If he wraps up with the vines, he turns his attention to the bugs, noting number and shape of limbs, how they attach to the body, any segments between head, thorax, abdomen, how many transition segments there are between the major segments, anttenae, mandible, claws or talons, wing or pseudo wings, shapes, colors, textures, scents, bikes, ichor, blood, eye shape, eye structure, eye spacing, presence of hairs or outgrowth, any silk or similar generated substances, if all of the samples are the same age, size.

Those are the conscious things he is looking for but as he does so, he attempts to reach out with his new powers and sees what other information he gathers.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 360 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 05:33
  • msg #790

Re: Spawnpoint

A few notifications disrupt Arjun's nasty mood. "One gorram Coin short, he hisses. "I guess I did have it earmarked for other things."

He takes several deep breaths, and puts his mask of civility back on, still keenly aware of the all-too-familiar lack of love and compassion in his life. Distantly, he analyzes the experience from its technical point of view, asking himself, "What are the mechanics of how Her absence is affecting me?"

Tossing the now-putty-like squibby chunk of green essence over the edge of the Known World, Arjun stands, takes another deep breath, and then rejoins the others

(and then msg 785 happens)
Arjun Gandhi
player, 361 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 05:33
  • msg #791

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto Bruckner:
He had almost some weight since they had arrived here, probably a few inches around his waistline, so that was something to celebrate. Days of starvation will do that to you.

When he sees the doughty Barbarian's dysphoria, Arjun is as tactful and professional as anyone here has ever seen the actor be as he casually mentions, "You know, gaining or losing mass and keeping it at a different standard than your body naturally prefers is a big part of acting for television and movie roles. I'm not a trainer, myself, but I've worked with a few over the years. Combat related stats might be important to our survival. Might be worth starting a morning workout routine we all do. Include a jog around the world as a kind of patrol, while we're at it."

On the subject of food, Arjun tries to estimate what time it is, and how long it's been since his late breakfast.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:33, Thu 24 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 362 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 05:57
  • msg #792

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy Godlewski:
"I need to apologize about your leg and your current state.

Arjun is obviously impressed by the Mutation Mage's skills. "Sounds like your new class got tested in the...field of fire? Whatever the cliche is. I wonder if you'd have better aim if you had a wand? Hey, do you think you could make those Ebony Reeds reproduce....uh, better? Faster?" Glancing at the devastation of Vine-land, Arjun adds, "Maybe the vines too?"

After a second's consideration, Arjun also asks, "If you're cool with it, I'd like to try my Magic Sight while you're doing your magic, and then compare notes."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:16, Thu 24 Feb 2022.
The System Master
GM, 375 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 06:13
  • msg #793

Re: Spawnpoint

As everyone has continued their tasks after the end of combat, they all remain available on standby, as Emily begins to continue her wandering, by her lonesome this time.

The main disc is completely the same as it has been for a couple days now, so Emily moves on to the Ebony disc as her next place of investigation.

Once she gets there, her senses don't seem to pick up anything, even though the system definitely explained there was at least one new MONSTER spawned here...

As she focuses highly on her senses, she begins to attune deeply with the environment, and half losing track of time... before...

rrrrumm-bbuuuh - bkk bk bk!

A noisy vibration underneath her feet causes her eyes to open up!

Emily stands up, a little panicked, and feels a bit wobbly, even though her sense of balance is okay... as she stands there, a bit of worry fills her... there is.... stuff happening, that she just cannot quite perceive even with her level of sensitivity...

Meanwhile, Arjun tries to go through his memory, and quickly finds that, to his best estimate, it has probably been almost exactly four hours since he woke up... he isn't at the point of memorizing the passage of time to the moment, but his sense of it, even through retroactive inspection is... much much sharper...

He is not feeling particularly hungry, anyway though.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 363 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 06:13
  • msg #794

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily takes the moth so that she can show it to Arjun.  Then she takes it back to where she found it and, embarrassed by her new title, releases it back into the wild.  Then she goes on with the exploration of all of the discs, with or without Arjun as she goes in search of monsters.  She plans to visit first the original disc, then the ebony disc.

Arjun accompanies Emily to Cloth Island, and while she attempts to capture the bug, Arjun collects enough Cloth for replacement bedrolls and blankets for everybody.

The actor suggests waiting for "our front line guy", Otto, before continuing to the other islands, but doesn't mind either way.

"I'd also like to clean that mess off of the Campsite Island before it gets dark, in honor of Order," he adds to his mental To Do List. "And I need to make new bedrolls for everybody, and a replacement blanket for me. Should take about a hour for the crafts, and it took [#VALUE] to clean the place last time."

He sighs heavily. "It never ends."

Arjun accompanies Emily on the new patrol, using both his normal senses and his Magic Sight to look for dangers. He studies the landscape, cutting samples of the "soil" in each area with his Stiletto, and examining them  before sharing his findings with the far more perceptive Huntress.

He does the same thing with any resources he finds. He stores all these samples carefully so that he can use his Shadow Sight to examine them once it gets dark.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 364 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 06:13
  • msg #795

Re: Spawnpoint

At some point, he mentions to whoever is nearby, "I somehow picked up the Archery skill in the middle of that fight. I've spent all day working towards getting this Archer Class Fundamentals book, but now I've already got the one skill I really cared about. I can't even guess what the other two are. Think it's still worth buying? It's 20 coins, and that feels like a lot."
Otto Bruckner
player, 218 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 06:24
  • msg #796

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto seemed to accept Jerzy's explanation with a sort of confused resignation. He did not know exactly what had happened, and he seemed content enough that he was alright, the bugs seemed to be dead, and everything seemed to have worked out.

However he was still pretty rough. He sat for some time, collecting his thoughts and looking at the various screens before he stiffly and carefully made his way over for a drink of water. He was so torn up that he moved like an old man at first while he got a feel for how serious his wounds really were.

When he felt up to it, he took some of the cloth that had been gathered and began to try to make a simple kilt. With his clothing in tatters, getting a little decency seemed like a good place to start. It was going to be difficult to concentrate or be taken seriously with if his dong was constantly peeking out of his ruined clothing.

At Arjun's question, Otto seemed to think for a moment. "That's a good question...I have Heavy Weapon Mastery, not just Heavy Weapons, I don't know if there is a, I guess it would be a prerequisite skill? An entry level version? Hard to say. At the very least I imagine it would give you a bunch of points in it, if you did already have it. That might be worth the cost?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 365 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 06:30
  • msg #797

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun cheers up immensely at Otto's suggestion and buys the Archer Class Fundamentals book.

Still, there's a haunted look in Arjun's eyes, as if something precious and beautiful had been taken from him.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:38, Thu 24 Feb 2022.
The System Master
GM, 376 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 07:14
  • msg #798

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun collects a load of cloth during the trip, and stays a bit after to gather further.

He is noticing that at this point his Ebony Stiletto has started to dull slightly.

Next, he collects samples of earth from each disc they visit with an earth-bed of some kind.

The first is the ebony island.

Meanwhile, Otto does his best to cover himself modestly, given that his clothes have been ruined after he acted as the vanguard for their fight against the bloodlusted bugs...

He spends some time creating a kilt, and is done by the time Emily and Arjun arrive on Ebony island together.

Also, in a rare show of double notification from crafting, Otto realizes how he could better perform this craft... if he just had a bit more skilll...

Unfortunately, he's still left with a fairly crappy kilt, for the time being.

During this time, he and Arjun project their voices, and the latter eventually decides to bite the bullet and drop a load of money on a theory book on the archer class.

Materializing in Arjun's hands, which is just usual at this point, is a fairly-thick manual of some kind, with a crude brown leather cover, and somewhat yellowed pages that are a little thin, and certainly not modern in production. Overall, the quality is passable.

Regardless, the book jumps right into dense text, with little regards for spacing or font size... Arjun quickly flips through the pages, and though they are not numbered, reasons that it's probably about 200 pages, despite it's relatively smaller size, because of the thinness of the pages.

Though, with this text cramming, it may be closer to 300 pages to someone used to reading novels with bearable type size and line spacing.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 189 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 07:30
  • msg #799

Re: Spawnpoint

Listening to what is going on under the ground on ebony island, Emily realises two things, first that she needs arrows and a quiver if she is to be a huntress (which she is) and second that whatever is going on needs her senses to improve.

The first is easiest, or is it.  Suppose the new monster responds to vibration, maybe that's what she should give it.  She takes out her banjo and begins to play and dance, pausing every three or four minutes to see whether anything has changed. If nothing changes in twenty minutes though, she will gather materials to make arrows and a quiver.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 366 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 07:35
  • msg #800

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun carefully packs the book away into his backpack and continues exploring with Emily.

Idly, he discusses primitive waterproofing and weatherproofing methods with the Huntress, a topic he has only the vaguest understanding of, and that based mostly from TV shows, movies, and crafting/survival games.

"This is a Medium Rich Soil (Dark Coloration), the Node is just Regular Dirt -- oh, and the node says it is Level 1. I wonder if we can level the Node itself somehow." he tells Emily. "I'm not seeing any magic in the ground itself. I want to check out the Reed stumps too, with this new sense."

He looks for the new Monster species of this disc, going so far as to hunt for any System Commands that might show a list of nearby units, or total world populations.

When Emily mentions arrows and quivers, Arjun shares the Level 2 Vine/Cloth Quiver recipe with her, and debates the merits of finishing his shoes before working on the arrows.

Vine/Cloth Quiver, Lvl 2; 50 Min; 23 Cloth, 24 Plant Fibers. Holds 25 arrows.

"You can add your own pockets and things to it, but then it no longer counts as an ITEM, which mostly seems to mean you can't sell it, so far. Probably other issues too."

"Until we know we can farm the Ebony Reeds effectively, we've got an extremely limited supply of them," he warns.

Thinking on the subject, he searches the Market for seeds, blueberry bushes, and fruit tree saplings. "I would love an entire grove of mango trees! The wood is viable lumber, though admittedly pretty cheap, and mangoes are a good source of nutrition."
This message was last edited by the player at 07:38, Thu 24 Feb 2022.
The System Master
GM, 377 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 07:46
  • msg #801

Re: Spawnpoint

As Emily hums a tune, there is no real response, however, after her footwork picks up, and goes along with the tune...

BRUUh Rumm bukk baa

Several rumbling noises can be heard, from various places below and around her and Arjun!

Then... something miraculous happens.

Along with the footwork closely matching her simple song - which consists of nothing more than a few coords and some humming to a specific beat - the rumbles under the ground begin to reflect the pattern of her feet!

Bum ba raaum

Bum ba raaum

Bum ba rumbara'Rum ruhm

Bum ba raaum!

Bum ba raaum!

Bum ba rumbara'Rum ruhm!

Before she knows it, the entire ground is shaking violently enough to nearly cause her to misstep, and ruin her rhythm... but no, that will not happen!

Utilizing her sense of music that she has had all her adult life, as well as her newly-found trust in her senses, Emily's dance sways ALONG with the shaking ground, not AGAINST it!

In that moment, as the hearty tune comes to a crescendo...

As Emily is basically riding the roiling earth, on the very last note...


Despite their INTELLIGENCE and SENSE, neither of the two PLAYERs are able to immediately organize their minds...

Slowly, they both realize what they are seeing.

Seven pillars have erupted from underneath the ground of Ebony Island!

Sprays of dirt cake them in dry soil, and bits of minerals get stuck in their hair, ears and eyelashes! The ground trembles once before finally settling...

The two notice, belatedly, they are ankle-deep in displaced earth!

And, surrounding them, are seven creatures... familiar, but not really.

Two meters tall or long, slightly looking down on them, even with the quite reasonable distance of between 20 and 30 ft, are beings that are not immediately recognizable...

Then, it clicks for both. Earth worms. The fleshy, slimy, brownish-pinkish texture is the same! Slightly segmented, and slithering...

Yes, they are just like normal earth worms from Earth! Except... well... they are extremely tall, and seem to be swaying peacefully as they 'look' in the direction of Emily and Arjun with their featureless ends, which could be other ass or head, not entirely clear to the two... perhaps Jerzy would know or could tell, funnily enough.

In this moment, a standstill. What actions will the PLAYERs take?
Arjun Gandhi
player, 367 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 08:07
  • msg #802

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun examines them while extricating himself from the dirt. 

He tries to remain calm and ready to act.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 190 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 08:19
  • msg #803

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily has seen Dune and explains the sand dance to Arjun, demonstrating as she speaks. The sand dance is a walk without rhythm except that humans find it difficult to walk without rhythm and so, instead, she tries to devise a very complex rhythm which she plays on the Banjo to move between the worms and out of the area surrounding the people.
The System Master
GM, 379 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 08:23
  • msg #804

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun holds, thus passing any initiative over to Emily or the wormlike creatures

Meanwhile, Emily plays her banjo and mimics - to the best of her ability - something she saw in a very famous Sci-Fi movie, and equips a unharmonious gate as she moves away...

In response to her displeasing rhythm of song and footwork, the wurms begin to visibly tense and bristle!

One even begins to wave it's tail end underneath the ground, in an angered way...

From these creatures, she gets the sense that she has just done something unexpectedly insulting... perhaps moving from 'song and dance' to 'inhuman procession' was a truly terrible leap of logic...

there is still a chance to salvage this.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 369 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 08:43
  • msg #805

Re: Spawnpoint

Panicking, Arjun starts to snap his fingers and sing his big number from the musical episode of the fantasy show he had "starred" in.

"Mmm num ba de
Dum bum ba be
Doo buh dum ba beh beh"

Although he would never call himself a "singer" or a "musician," and certainly was not as skilled as Emily, Arjun would call himself a "musical theater kid," and grew up on the choreography of Bollywood films.

After a second, he shrugs and gives in to those musical theater urges, and starts doing the choreography from that episode, greatly hampered by the lack of editing, director, or post processing.

Worriedly, he wonders how he'll handle the bits that had been done with wirework.

Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

With his eyes, he begs Emily to save him from this strange mess.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:09, Thu 24 Feb 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 191 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 10:54
  • msg #806

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily grins at Arjun and continues playing Under Pressure, under pressure, joining in as the dance continues, seeking to please the audience of worms since there was no chance that they'd ignore the two of them.  But then, she remembers a Western woman working with Eastern performers to produce something that merged beautifully the tropes of Bollywood with Rock n Roll.

"Nearly every inch of us on the line
Plucking on the string of everything
That could have been
Such unrescued treasure fractals of her lives
Tham ja murh ja naseeba
Kahaan le aaye naseeba
If you move like lightning
Charging through the angry skies
And intercept on the arrow of time
Kahaan le aaye naseeba
But we just might make this up
With our heads held high
So this story continues with
Minds without fear
Baadal lehraaye maat ka jo
Ban jaa bijli baadal ko cheer tu
Rooh ko kar de yun roshan
Bas mushqil hai naamumkin toh nahi
Ban jaa bijli naseeba
Kahaan le aaye Naseeba
If you move like lightning
Charging through the angry skies
And intercept on the arrow of time
Kahaan le aaye naseeba
But we just might make this up
With our heads held high
And this story continues with
Minds without fear
Jhi jhi re jhi jhi re jhi jhi re jhi jhi re
Jhi jhi re jhi jhi re jhi jhi re jhi jhi re
Jhi jhi re jhi jhi re jhi jhi re jhi jhi re
Jhi jhi re jhi jhi re jhi jhi re jhi jhi re
Kahaan le aaye Naseeba
If you move like lightning
Charging through the angry skies
And intercept on the arrow of time
Kahaan le aaye naseeba
But we just might make this up
With our heads held high
So this story continues with
Minds without fear"

Arjun Gandhi
player, 371 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 12:07
  • msg #807

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun stumbles for a step, but then lets his feet and her music guide him.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 56 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 18:47
  • msg #808

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
Jerzy Godlewski:
"I need to apologize about your leg and your current state.

Arjun is obviously impressed by the Mutation Mage's skills. "Sounds like your new class got tested in the...field of fire? Whatever the cliche is. I wonder if you'd have better aim if you had a wand? Hey, do you think you could make those Ebony Reeds reproduce....uh, better? Faster?" Glancing at the devastation of Vine-land, Arjun adds, "Maybe the vines too?"

After a second's consideration, Arjun also asks, "If you're cool with it, I'd like to try my Magic Sight while you're doing your magic, and then compare notes."

Jerzy doesn't look up from his studies, "I am current trying to determine the extent of the plant modifications I can perform, the ability...does not behave the way I expected when I tested it.

My intent is for it to be productive to our current situation, so yes, I can try."

At the eruption of the Worms, Jerzy puts aside his DT activity and runs over to observe the worms. Writing copious notes on his observations. "Where did they come from?? Did you call to them?? He remarks at their gigantism and ensures that he does not get too close. Unlike the hidden dangers of this place, like the plums, these 7 worms and their writhing movements are as much of a clear danger as the bugs were.

"Otto is not yet back to full strength; Please use caution." Jerzy does not make any threatening motions, just ensures his multitool is accessible and is prepared to cast touch of Deviance if necessary. His eyes affixed to the head of the nearest worm.
Otto Bruckner
player, 219 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 04:15
  • msg #809

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto had just been trying on his rough "kilt". He called it a kilt, because that sounded more manly than something like a towel wrapped around his waist, but it was what it was. It was thick, blue, a little stiff, and it covered his johnson. The man was now shirtless, with his foot wraps, and his kilt and he felt a little strange, self conscious even.

Then, as if in a fever dream, he heard singing, and playing and then...worms?

Worms. Like big, fat nightcrawler style fishbait only man sized and...dancing?

Otto stared with his mouth open slightly. If this was a Lovecraft novel, this is when the author would pan away and let the sheer insanity of it all be left to the reader. But this was his reality, and he sort of had to watch, because he was unable to look away. Like a fever dream, he felt generally miserable and very, very confused.

His lower body still covered in bites, he sat with his club on his lap and just sort of watched, from a distance, unable to come up with anything to say, or shout, or even anything to do that might help, if they needed help? He really couldn't tell.

Those were some big ass worms, and he was still pretty tired. If they did need help, he figured it would be apparent in short order.
The System Master
GM, 381 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 04:52
  • msg #810

Re: Spawnpoint

As Emily plays the main theme of a new song on her hand-made banjo, she and Arjun substitute their lack of bass with stomping their feet!

They even manage to keep the separation between the male and female vocals, by having Emily and Arjun only speak certain lines respectively...

Perhaps, if Arjun has any ability to speak Indian, he will even be able to bring further authenticity to the rendition of the piece...

Regardless, the seven giant worms seem to REALLY like this song... they sway mystically and thrash their heads to the sky, in a way reminiscent of both charmed snakes and a raving crowd at a rock concert, respectively...

As the song comes to a close, the air seems almost static...

Emily belatedly notices some alerts in front of her eyes...

As the song and dance of the duo enthrall both worm and human alike, Jerzy only manages to write a bit of notes down on the creature, before he too is sucked into the rhythm!

Meanwhile, Otto is left dumbfounded and a little depressed at the absurdity of what's happening, and he finds himself filled with a bit of ennui as he simply sits there, instead of diligently approaching to preemptively defend these people...

In that moment...
Otto Bruckner
player, 220 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 04:59
  • msg #811

Re: Spawnpoint

Spurred perhaps, much like a tired horse that knew it was expected to keep going, Otto hauled himself to his feet, trying not to wince at the pain and the soreness in his limbs.

Slowly, he approached the bizzare scene, giving the two plenty of time to see him coming, with his club resting on one shoulder.

Maybe he should be nearby, just in case.
The System Master
GM, 383 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 05:09
  • msg #812

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto approaches, just as the song and dance finish...

As he approaches, he notices all seven worms turn towards him slightly, before looking back at Emily and - to a lesser extent - Arjun

Then, just as he arrives, one of the worms moves forward before anybody can react!


Lowers it's head to the Huntress. Resting it on the floor in a universal posture of submission.

It's 'head end' is wriggling a little, perhaps indicating a desire for something...?
Arjun Gandhi
player, 372 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 05:15
  • msg #813

Re: Spawnpoint

Back when Otto was waking up, Arjun mentions a Small Jar of Balm which can be applied to bandages to enhance healing, which he has seen on the market for 8 Coins.

Arjun does indeed speak Hindi fluently enough to sing in it, and what's more, turns out to be a fan of Imogen Heap, so he recognizes the song! It takes him a few steps to realize what tune she's playing, but once he does, he knows his part well -- almost like he used to sing it back when the song first hit the charts.

He continues to dance a bollywood/fantasy style dance to go with it. He stomps his feet and claps his hands to the beat.
The System Master
GM, 384 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 05:23
  • msg #814

Re: Spawnpoint

A few moments after one of the worms lowers it's head to Emily, the worm nearest Arjun twitches in what seems to be... some sort of thought? It's unclear, but for whatever reason it also lays it's head down in front of Arjun, but a lot more calmly than the former worm did.

It also wriggles a little... Arjun's mind tells him that it's expecting something... and, furthermore, the behavior is a little familiar... where had he seen this before?
Arjun Gandhi
player, 374 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 05:32
  • msg #815

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun whispers to the group, "A bit obvious, but I believe these are called Gigantic Earth Worms, and they're of the Monster type."

Arjun watches Emily's reaction to the prostration of worms before her radiant beauty, and follows her lead.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 193 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 09:52
  • msg #816

Re: Spawnpoint

First of all, Emily says, "I Accept", in a clear voice but momentarily still.  Then she bends down to take a handful of dirt, which she offers to the earthworm as a rider might offer sugar to a horse.  "Does anyone know what they wants?" she ask, but without waiting for an answer, she moves slowly behind the head of the worm and hugs it gently, one leg on each side of its body and commences to dance a slow, gentle dance, something between a lullaby and a love song.  The song she sings is more hummed than sung, without words.
The System Master
GM, 386 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 20:30
  • msg #817

Re: Spawnpoint

As she offers a handful of dirt, the worm raises it's 'head' - which again, is sort of the same as it's rear - before a small hole opens, and a liplike extension gently takes the dirt and pushes it down what is probably the throat...

Never having seen a worm eat up close, it's pretty neat. Also, a little strange.

The worm seems appeased, but a little stilted, as if not exactly expecting that... Then, Emily pulls it into a gentle dance, which causes it's 'tail' to beat heavily against the ground, in a gesture that is reminiscent of a happy dog or puppy.

It's not really that easy to dance with someone with that kind of body shape, so it's more of just a mutual swaying motion, without really much contact, since the worm is too heavy for Emily to support, and the worm doesn't have any appendages to support her with...

Still, after a few moments, the large creature nods wiggles in a motion reminiscent of a head nod, before turning away to the rest of the worms.

They share a moment of... wriggling... probably SOME kind of communication... before...

Once more, all of the worms do a leap under the surface, with a bit of roiling motion on the floor, before disappearing.

And then, with just that...


(1) MONSTER Species at {1, 0, 0} has been domesticated!

Generating rewards...

Generating rewards...

Generating rewards...

Rewards generated!


1. PLAYER {Emily Khorashandi}: 15 Achievement Points

2. PLAYER {Arjun Gandhi}: 4 Achievement Points

3. PLAYER {Otto Bruckner}: 1 Achievement Point

4. N/A

5. N/A

Jerzy Godlewski
player, 57 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 20:50
  • msg #818

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy bends down and peers into the ground, looking to see traces of the worms in the dirt below and says, "Out of all the things ive seen in the last few hours....that has been the strangest.

I'll..make some notes and get back to what I was doing."

Emily Khorashandi
player, 195 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 21:17
  • [deleted]
  • msg #819

Re: Spawnpoint

This message was deleted by the player at 21:20, Fri 25 Feb 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 196 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 21:19
  • msg #820

Re: Spawnpoint

Having accepted the privilege of a dual class, Emily checked whether she had received any new class skills.  Then she checked for quests and tasks.
The System Master
GM, 387 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 21:47
  • msg #821

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy finishes his brief notes on the creatures, before diligently returning to his task.

Emily finds a large amount of interesting new skills.

She also checks her quests and tasks, but finds them empty at the moment.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 375 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 02:08
  • msg #822

Re: Spawnpoint

"Achievement points? How do we use those? System, open Achievements? Spend Achievement Points?" Arjun tries several possible commands to try to use his Achievement Points.

Turning to Emily, he shrugs and asks, "Shall we move on? Or do you want to go back to camp and try to make some arrows first?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 221 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 02:41
  • msg #823

Re: Spawnpoint

"Huh" Otto said in puzzlement as the display popped up and the worms...supplicated...themselves?

He really had no idea what was going on here.

"Well, looks like Shai-Hulud here is our new friend" he threw up his free hand in a confused way. "Guess I can be Stilgar? I've got a beard"

He paced a little, not quite sure what to do now, and after a brief moment. "I should probably come with you. I'm not hurt that bad."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 376 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 03:34
  • msg #824

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun eyes Otto's wounds critically, analyzing what to do about them. "I guess that jar of Balm is the next thing I'm gonna be grinding crafts for. I guess I have a couple of days to bank enough for the thing I want to make an Expansion with..."

Distracted by his own thoughts, he shakes it off. "Domesticated Giant Earth Worms. Not really sure how that'll be useful.....though I'm guessing Vine Island is in a sorry state after all those vine crawlers. Wonder if the earth worms can help with that?"

His eyes widen as the actor comes up with a silly joke. "I'm gonna name mine Jim."
Otto Bruckner
player, 222 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 03:47
  • msg #825

Re: Spawnpoint

"Whole damn islands gone man." Otto informed Arjun casually. "When System saved our asses it went full old testament and just sunk it." Otto's weariness seemed to be in correlation to his casual speech. Like the more tired he got the less formal he became.

The Barbarian winced a little as he shifted his weight and looked over towards where the worms are. "So their all domesticated? But that means we need to take care of them right? Those are big... animals? Monsters? Are we gonna need to feed them ya think?" he rubbed at his beard.

"Wait...Earthworm Jim? Really?" He glanced over at Arjun with a suppressed smile. "You're old bro"

"Shai-Hulud!" He said in a celebratory way. "Old Man of the Desert!, gonna get me some maker hooks, ride that thing around our little play pen....get some spice, Mentat Class? Saurdaukar Class? Fedaykin Death Commando Class yeah, hell, why not just go all the way unlock the Worm class? Rule as God Emperor? Why not?" He threw up his hands, although one was obviously holding the club.

It was hard to tell if he was exasperated, dog tired or maybe starting to lose it a little bit with everything going on. Maybe this was just his way of venting a little?
This message was last edited by the player at 03:48, Sat 26 Feb 2022.
The System Master
GM, 391 posts
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 04:09
  • msg #826

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun queries for 'spend achievement points', which opens a brand new, never-before-seen alert menu!

Meanwhile, Otto makes some references and gets maybe a bit overexcited...
Arjun Gandhi
player, 377 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 07:05
  • msg #827

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun makes a deflecting gesture to ward off Otto's mockery. "It's GONE? What happened to the Node? Damn, I hope I have enough vine for the projects I'm working on."

Closing several windows (but definitely keeping the one with all that information from Hand), Arjun catches up on his messages.

"Okay. Spend Achievement Points seemed to work. Not a super obvious system. Let's get the Spawndisc a bit more orderly, and then make some arrows for the Huntress and I. I'm not comfortable continuning this until I have a few arrows made out of real stuff."

Arjun heads back to clean up the Spawndisc, lay out a very orderly campsite and crafting spot, and then craft some Ebony Reed arrows, hopefully with everyone's help.

A dozen arrows each may not be full capacity, but it is something, at least.

OOC: I'm trying to follow Emily's previous suggestions here. If she wants to continue exploring without making the arrows first, that's fine by me.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:28, Sat 26 Feb 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 197 posts
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 20:03
  • msg #828

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily joins Arjun in cleaning up the spawn disc and making ebony arrows.  She also asks the system about spending achievement points.  She considers moving on to find the next set of monsters but she's reluctant to go on to the sweatrag disc because it smells terrifying so she'll leave that till last.

Before further exploring, she suggests to Arjun.  "If we want to explore the chaos discs, maybe I need to make much bigger butterfly nets to cover the spheres so we can jump onto them and not fall off."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 379 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #829

Re: Spawnpoint

"I'm more of a Save The Best For Last kind of guy, myself, but it's your Quest. Where do you want to hit next? I dunno if we've got enough vines as it is for the project I wanted to make, let alone an island-sized butterfly net. Otto says the island is GONE...."

He doesn't mention the possible loss of the Node, though he is worried about it.

After cleaning the spawn disc, Arjun focuses on the idea of Orderliness as they set up the camp again, trying to let the System guide his hands to make the "most orderly" shapes. Of course, he used everyone's bedrolls to create the embankment sandbags to prevent impurities from getting washed back into the water after Jerry's Plum Experiments(tm), so the "camping site" is little more than 4 blankets, 2 bedrolls, and his piles of crafting material.

He does all this with much less spring in his step than before -- the disconnection from the Goddess of Love left a mark on him that was not easily ignored.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 198 posts
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 22:55
  • msg #830

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily blinks. Then she blinks some more and then again. "Wh-waddayamean, gone?" she asked.  "Never mind. Let's go investigate this goneness shall we?  See if we can recreate it?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 380 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 23:34
  • msg #831

Re: Spawnpoint

Arrows first, or go now? It's right over there.... oh my."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 199 posts
Sun 27 Feb 2022
at 07:32
  • msg #832

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily continues working on the arrows and says, "Arrows first."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:05, Sun 27 Feb 2022.
The System Master
GM, 394 posts
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 07:18
  • msg #833

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily copies the command that Arjun used, and sees this:

Then, she helps Arjun clean up the landmass, again.

Finally, the two begin to craft ebony arrows.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 381 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #834

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun makes conversation with the rest of the Party as he works, though Dmitri seemed to have vanished somewhere during the fight and not yet returned.

His effort to chat is practically valiant, in its attempt to push through his own malaise. Somehow, he felt even worse than the first time a girlfriend had ever walked away in the middle of a fight, like he was some kind of rank amateur at relationships.

OOC: Apologies for the long post, but it's all just roleplaying conversations and shouldn't need any adjudication.

Otto Bruckner:
He paced a little, not quite sure what to do now, and after a brief moment. "I should probably come with you. I'm not hurt that bad."

"If everybody chipped in 2 Coins, we could buy that Jar of Balm. I get the sense that you'll not only heal faster with it, but better."

Arjun shows Otto the scar on his hand from, by way of demonstration.

"I have a strong sense that if I applied a Balm Bandage to this now, even the scar would fade. Mineral Water supposedly gives a bonus to your Health stat too, but the effect seemed very temporary, even though it's 5 bucks a go. At least you get a tin bottle with it..."

He also asks Otto and Jerry, "Has Jerry been invited into our Party yet?"

Jerzy Godlewski:
At the eruption of the Worms, Jerzy puts aside his DT activity and runs over to observe the worms. Writing copious notes on his observations. "Where did they come from?? Did you call to them?? He remarks at their gigantism and ensures that he does not get too close. Unlike the hidden dangers of this place, like the plums, these 7 worms and their writhing movements are as much of a clear danger as the bugs were.

Arjun tries to answer the scientist's questions without snark, but his poor mood after the "spat" with his Goddess was hard to push down for the actor. He could put on a face, take on a role, but he didn't know which one would be most useful.

"I mean, they're giant earthworms. They came from under the Medium Rich Soil in Reedsville. Or do you mean before that? Best I can figure is, the System has some kind of database that's connected to every other world like this one, and probably just copied it from their into its database for this world.

"Rockabilly summoned them with her song and dance, a skill set she's been dedicated to pretty much since she got here. Not sure why.

He considers further. "Help me out with this, Professor." Arjun seems to have picked a nickname for Jerry. "There were 7 worms, each about 2 meters long with a diameter of [___]. The disc is about a cylinder with a 50ft diameter, 6ft deep, which is a volume of...[___] cubic feet, which works out to be about [___] cubic feet per worm. So how long until those suckers starve to death? Presumably they'll be good for the soil..."

Arjun works out these numbers in his head.

"Why....why would we want domesticated giant earthworms, anyway? Are we....farming them?" He makes a disgusted face at the prospect.

Emily Khorashandi:
Before further exploring, she suggests to Arjun.  "...explore the chaos discs...make much bigger butterfly nets...not fall off."

"We could make more rope?" Arjun suggests. "I don't claim to understand how it works, but it seems like we could actually all work on a single piece of rope together, each taking one foot at a time. I've currently got 6 feet of rope to start with, and I've added and subtracted to it in ways that are....unique to this setting."

With the loss of Vineland, Arjun mentally updates his project list, and then approximates how much Plant Fiber he had collected before the island disappeared.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:25, Tue 01 Mar 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 200 posts
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 18:18
  • msg #835

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily looks at Otto's wound and as she worked on the arrows and then, fair enough the rope as well, she began to sing.

'Now that we have gotten through
One more fall
I can just admit I've got it all
'Cause I do
'Cause I've got You
We've crossed these battle lines to many times
It passes through the heart
But it never leaves a mark

'Cause Your love just keeps on healing me
No matter how I bruise
If I just trust You
Your love just keeps on dealing me one more cue
One more chance that wasn't there before
In your arms no pain can harm the way I'm feeling
Lord I know that Your love is healing

I've kicked around those lines in my head
But I've never listened to the words that You said
See where its lead
Well I know I have it now
'Cause You showed me how
And all I had to do
Was just to keep my eyes on You

'Cause Your love just keeps on healing me
No matter how I bruise
If I just trust You
Your love just keeps on dealing me one more cue
One more chance that wasn't there before
In your arms no pain can harm the way I'm feeling
Lord, I know that Your love is healing

'Cause Your love just keeps on healing me
No matter how I bruise
If I just trust You
Your love just keeps on dealing me one more cue
One more chance that wasn't there before
In your arms no pain can harm the way I'm feeling
Lord, I know that Your love is healing

She smiled at Otto and said, "I hope you're a bit less hurt now."
Otto Bruckner
player, 224 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 18:51
  • msg #836

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto calmed, eventually. They had all been through a lot but the absurdity of it all seemed to wear on him far more than the bloody, painful little bites. He paced, he looked tired, and he went back to rest.

Otto shrugged at the idea for the balm. "I appreciate it, but let's save somethin like that for when one of us gets really hurt, 'cause it's gonna happen, if we stay here long enough." he suggested wearily. There was a lot of talk, academic style talk, from Jerry and Arjun. He was getting used to this sort of thing, but it was not his way. "If I could bother you for some more bread though, I'd gladly pay for some of that.", and if Arjun was willing he transferred him four market coins.

Then, as he was changing his bandages Emily came over with her song.

Otto was not used to people singing, nobody sang where he come from, and they certainly didn't sing to other people. He was briefly confused before he gradually relaxed and genuinely seemed to enjoy the last half or so.

He didn't seem to know what to say at first, but he smiled and seemed more relaxed and contended. "Thanks...that's very sweet of you." he said sincerely.

When the time seemed right, he took one of the wash clothes that had been used to clean the green stains of the bugs and tried to draw a little pattern on the back of his hand, to see if the color would transfer.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:53, Mon 28 Feb 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 382 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 19:43
  • msg #837

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun debates the merits of the Balm with Otto. "Or, maybe we should test the medical supplies we have access to now, when the stakes are low, so we're familiar with the process when it's time critical?"

He doesn't seem to care much either way. His Body Language implies that he's mostly just trying to find something to distract his depressive thoughts.

"The Small Jar of Balm costs 8 coins. Level 2 Bandages are my cheapest product to make, at 5 minutes and 5 Cloth, and sell for 1 Coin apiece -- and there seems to be some kind of time discount as you keep making the same recipe, so I could make that in less than 30 know, I'm really not usually this analytical, and it worries me."

OOC: We, the players, know that it's a level-based discount, but I'm rp'ing as if Arjun has misread the clues.

Addressing Emily and Jerry as well as Otto, he asks, "Do we want to split up the job of making basic supplies among everybody who's doing the Craft thing? Give the lower recipe stuff to whoever has the lowest Craft level, so they get the XP? Or give the job to whoever can do it fastest? Do we want to share recipes?"

Arjun initially just quietly enjoys Emily's music as she sings, but then activates his Magic Sight to watch Emily's performance with the mild psychedelic euphoria it produced.
When he sees the magic, he exclaims. "That's new! What's up with that?"

He also buys a load* of bread with Otto's money, and checks the price of the Jerky he'd seen before, once again trying to will it to appear where he wanted. "Of course, bro. You don't even have to ask."

OOC to GM: *Is that supposed to be a Loaf of bread? I may have typo'd.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:38, Tue 01 Mar 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 58 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 00:33
  • msg #838

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy dismissively gestures at his assembled biomatter.

"I need to understand these skills if i am to be of any use.

Modify plant did not work as intended so I need to understand what the skill does do."

Jerzy continues his bioanalysis.
The System Master
GM, 396 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 11:03
  • msg #839

Re: Spawnpoint

After talking with some people, Arjun notices that while he still feels gloomy after the Goddess turned away from him, having pretending to be upbeat and more energized than he really is has indeed helped his mood a little bit...

With this, Arjun does some quick maths about how much remaining supplies of Plant Fibers the group has with them.

After Arjun does this math, he - and the whole group - also notice that the remaining crescent is mostly that weird dung, or charred fibers, so there is likely not much to salvage from it.

Meanwhile, a physically worn and mentally/emotionally exhausted Otto talks with Arjun about the buying of balm.

After, he finds himself pacing about before settling down to change his bandages.

While doing so, Emily comes over and sings a song to him as she works on something else. At first, this is awkward for him, but eventually he allows himself to relax.

When she is done, he thanks her and then goes back to his work...


All those bloody, bite marks, and any other scratches or strains across his body?

The minor wounds have vanished from his body.

A bit after noticing this and reacting, Otto uses yucky bug corpses to dry and draw a pattern on the back of his hand... however, it's sadly not that kind of resource (dye or ink) as his struggling mind had made the jump towards, and instead he basically just needs to wash his hands after smearing a bug corpse on it... gross

Meanwhile, Arjun further talks about stuff with the others, but they all seem to understand it's just to distract himself after his fight with the Goddess...

Jerzy in particular notices that it's a little strange for him to be able to realize this... I mean, he can definitely tell Arjun is feeling down at the moment... but for him to be able to make the connection between his current behavior (which is quite convincing by the way... was this man an actor back on Earth?) and that previous event...

It's definitely not something he would normally be able to figure out...

Also, as Emily was singing Arjun had used his Magic Sight... he had not seen any sort of Essences... but... a strange... I don't know... distortion in the air? Hm...

In response to Otto's request for bread, Arjun gladly buys him some!

Finally, Jerzy also continues his bioanalysis of the unchanged vine and the changed vine. he reckons there is about 75 Minutes left on that...
Arjun Gandhi
player, 386 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 16:01
  • msg #840

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun continues to chat idly while still crafting arrows and rope.

During a stretch break, his eyes unfocused as though he's interacting with System Menus, he busts out laughing.

"Hey, party, get this! I was looking for other stuff to eat in the Market, and found this entry."

The actor adopts a pose and a voice that drips with the idea of cheap pirate mascot  for a small local business's ads. "Jolly Joe's Jerky! Th' name a th' game is makin' and sellin' loadza meat jerky, An' th' MVP a this 'ere game is Jolly Joe! Made by Joe from Joe for Joe! IT'S ALL JOE, ALL THE TIME, BABY! Stinkin' dirt cheap, and tastes jus' damn like it! Jolly Joe's Jerky; Shut Up And Eat! Not recommended for consumption by persons with gastrointestinal diseases, eating disorders, or litigious tendencies."

At the end, he switches to a much more formal voice, akin to the disclaimers at the end of an ad for snake oil.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:08, Tue 01 Mar 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 204 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 17:47
  • msg #841

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily cocked her head on one side and asked, "Litiginous tendencies?"  she broke into a wide grin and asked, "Does that mean that 'Lawyer' was an available class that nobody stumbled upon?"

She was quiet for a moment or two and then began strumming on her banjo before singing not with any mystical intention this time, she thought she was just singing.  And dancing of course.  Always dancing.

"I'd sell your heart to the junkman
Baby, for a buck, for a buck
If you're looking for someone to pull you out of that ditch
You're out of luck, you're out of luck

"Ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
There's leak, there's a leak, in the boiler room
The poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones that we kept in charge?
Killers, thieves, and lawyers

"God's away, God's away
God's away on business
God's away, God's away
God's away on business

"Digging up the dead with a shovel and a pick
It's a job, it's a job
Bloody moon rising with a plague and a flood
Join the mob, join the mob

"It's all over, it's all over, it's all over
And there's a leak, there's a leak, in the boiler room
The poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones that we kept in charge?
Killers, thieves, and lawyers
God's away, God's away, God's away
On Business
God's away, God's away
On Business
Business, ha!

"Goddamn there's always such a big temptation
To be good, to be good
There's always free cheddar in a mousetrap, baby
It's a deal, it's a deal
God's away, God's away, God's away
On business
God's away, God's away, God's away
On business

"I narrow my eyes like a coin slot baby
Let her ring, let her ring
God's away, God's away
God's away on business
God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business"

Arjun Gandhi
player, 388 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 17:56
  • msg #842

Re: Spawnpoint

Deeply familiar with the artistic genius Emily was now singing, Arjun began plucking his bowstring and slapping the bow like a drum in time to one of his favorite songs.

"At some point, you've got to do Raindog for me," he pleads.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 206 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #843

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily grins.  "Perhaps to accompany a raindance?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 390 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 18:47
  • msg #844

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun chuckles. "What kind of skills do you think the Lawyer class would get?"

And also, "Naw, for a raindance y you gotta do Africa by Toto. Oooh, and have you ever heard Jah Wobble? A version of The Sun Does Rise would probably please the Goddess."

His improving mood falters as he thinks of the Goddess, and then chides himself for mooning over the Observer like he had ever known her well enough to justify these feelings inside him.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 207 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 19:16
  • msg #845

Re: Spawnpoint

"Jah Wobble?" asked Emily.  "Bass player in Public Image Limited, had a hit in 1978 with Dreadlock Don't Deal In Wedlock and in 2021 did an album called Guanyin.  Wushu Demon in particular was great for dancing to."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 391 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 19:29
  • msg #846

Re: Spawnpoint

"That's the one! Though, I'm mostly familiar with his Invaders of the Heart era. Very trip hop, which is my jam. The Sun Does Rise is a major departure from the rest of those albums, but it's amazing. I wish they did a music video for that one."

Emily Khorashandi
player, 210 posts
Sat 5 Mar 2022
at 15:23
  • msg #847

Re: Spawnpoint

With six arrows crafted each [how many craft points is that worth?] Emily stands and moves with a great deal of trepidation in the direction of the sweat rag disc where she will engage all of her senses in the search for monsters.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 397 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 5 Mar 2022
at 20:09
  • msg #848

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: a dozen arrows each, for a total of 24
Emily Khorashandi
player, 211 posts
Sat 5 Mar 2022
at 20:42
  • msg #849

Re: Spawnpoint

Correction noted and accepted. Apologies
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 63 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 00:56
  • msg #850

Re: Spawnpoint

After pouring over the organic materials before him for some time, Jerzy stands up and stretches.

"oh jeez, we really need to make a proper workbench with chairs, this is terrible on my back. "

He strolls over to Arjun and Emily, crafting nearby, "So I have made some headway into these skills of mine and I believe I can begin to be of use around here."

He approaches their bows and casts modify plant to increase the tensile strength of the bow and bowstring. He hopes to increase the draw strength of the bow.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:06, Tue 08 Mar 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 402 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 01:15
  • msg #851

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun pulls his bow protectively into arms."Dude! I *just* made arrows for this thing! We can't collect any more vines! No!"

The large pile of vines he's been working with lay conspicuously nearby.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 64 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 01:18
  • msg #852

Re: Spawnpoint

"...alright, i suppose you can sell the old one if it is successful, right?

The intent here is to increase the strength of these vines to make the more effective bows, rope, whatever we make out of them."

He shifts his focus on the surplus vines.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:24, Tue 08 Mar 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 65 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 01:38
  • msg #853

Re: Spawnpoint

"What I learned is that my original theory of this ability was far too optimistic. I had attempted to impart rigidity onto the moss-like structure of these "vines". It was far too supple to be turned into a spear shaft, my abilities not strong enough.

This modification should not be destructive and should provide a modest increase.

Though, I must insist that I perform this skill in order to level it up to be more useful. "

Jerzy Godlewski
player, 66 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #854

Re: Spawnpoint

"I also had a good look at the ebony reeds. ..They do seem to be organice abd I believe that that contain some form of genetic information. I am not able to modify them as readily as the vines, perhaps with more levels into this skill.

But our vine island has been destroyed yes? How was vine Island originally created?"

Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 149 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 05:33
  • msg #855

Re: Spawnpoint

"The vine island was the first one we created. After a misunderstanding of my Node Creation skill, eventually someone took one blade of the grass on the main disk and tossed it over the edge.

"From what I can tell, we probably don't need to throw stuff over the edge; interactions of approved kinds should trigger expansion if we have daily slots. Now to figure out what those approved interactions are."

After checking his stats, tasks, and quests, Dmitri notices his Node Creation has refreshed. So he will use Node Creation to place a Regular Stone Node near the bedrolls, but not so close as to infringe on them.
The System Master
GM, 410 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 08:46
  • msg #856

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy attempts to use his skill to modify Arjun and Emily's bows, but Arjun pulls back. When he goes to do it with Emily's bow, however, the skill fails.

Somewhat fortunately, he at least has an alert appear to inform him what went wrong:

Afterwards, though, he tries to do so on some of the remaining vines.

He only manages to mass-enhance about six of them at once before his control wavers... afterwards, he feels a little tired (in a strange way not entirely mental nor physical), and may feel like he needs to rest while recognizing that is not the issue.

Jerzy realizes this is probably what it feels like to have used all his 'mana'.

If he uses bio-analysis again in quick succession, he will become slightly mentally fatigued, which compounds a little with the prior strange exhaustion, but only in a subjective way, and it isn't objectively too bad for his health or anything.

The bio-analysis is also less tiring than he thought it would be... perhaps this is the result of gaining XP in it? Or, perhaps, it's caused by the fact that the alterations made were similar enough...

Jerzy may believe it is the second one, as he notices right away that loads of information from this new batch of altered vines comes flooding in even without his intensive focus... and it's all but identical to his previous changes!

Thus, he comes to a possible conclusion. The bio-analysis skill works quicker on things he has already seen... just like the human mind... interesting!

Meanwhile, Dmitri checks his stats and tasks and quests, but finds them all totally barren for the moment. Not that he really loves being given instruction by entities he cannot see, but it's probably objectively more usable than having nothing?

Well, he's not in such a bad mood at the moment (especially after an encounter after so long with something of this World that seeks not to kill him), so his feeling of 'dissent' are not too strong.

At this point, Dmitri also notices that his Node Creation skill has refreshed, due to the previous one being destroyed! This is good since it means he won't be stuck with a permanent -1 slot. Perhaps the system is at least THIS reasonable?

Regardless though, Dmitri then attempts to create a new type of Node, and in a new location.

However, just as he finishes activating the skill, he immediately realizes with his good memory that this won't work... and of course, {SYSTEM} takes the opportunity to tell him this too...

At least this time the "parser" is being more courteous and productive... well, one of them...
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:46, Tue 08 Mar 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 213 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 10:00
  • msg #857

Re: Spawnpoint

"Are we ready then?" asked Emily, and with that, and with arrows quivered as any good Huntress would wish, she sang a song to her bow.

"Bow take my arrows as a mother
Birth them in power
Send them to their targets
May my arrows travel far

"Bow take my arrows as a tiger
Unsheath them as claws
Rend the flesh before them
Then arrows strike deep and hard

"Bow fill my arrows with the power
Of lightning unchained
Of hail and sleet and snow
Arrows strike like falling stars

With her bow suitably blessed, Emily makes her way, slowly and stealthily to the sweatrag disc and uses all of her senses once more in the search for the monsters of that disc.
The System Master
GM, 411 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 13:34
  • msg #858

Re: Spawnpoint

As the group prepares to move out towards 'sweatrag', Emily sings a song to her bow in an attempt to bless her arrows... however, there is no effect!

Then, a sort-of-helpful window appears, to sort-of-explain some things.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 403 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 15:13
  • msg #859

Re: Spawnpoint

As they prepare to go on patrol, Arjun examines his new Vine Shoes before putting them on, standing up, and doing the typical Bouncing At The Knee thing people always seem to do when trying on shoes.

Next he helps divide the arrows into quivers, a dozen each.

Packing up his backpack, Arjun adds his new blanket, and gives Jerzy a Cloth Blanket as well. Finally, he wraps the 30ft length of rope around himself, lacking any other idea how to store it for travel.

Hoisting his vine bow, he explains his flinch-reaction to Jerzy. "First, dude, you should really ask before doing things to other people's stuff," blithely ignoring the actor's own frequent history, both in this world and the last, of casually screwing with other people's stuff without asking for permission.

Jerzy Godlewski:
"...alright, i suppose you can sell the old one if it is successful, right?

"Second, I don't mind you experimenting and honing your skill, but we don't have the materials to replace these bows, so I would personally prefer a slower, more methodical approach, before doing stuff to both bows. Rockabilly can at least use slings as well as bows, though I can't remember if she still has her sling."

He watches Jerzy cast, with Magic Sight, and examines Emily's bow and the vines that have been so targeted. "Neat. How long does this last for, do you know yet? I'd need roughly that entire pile of 73 fibers for my last project. I was hoping to make some 'armor' out of it, probably a cap, but I suppose there is enough for a bow instead. And the cap and shoes are hardly a full set of armor, which was what I was hoping for."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:41, Tue 08 Mar 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 214 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #860

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily reads the window and nodded.  She understands but she will sing to her bow anyway, with power or without power because she loves her bow.  Now though, she stands on the sweatrag disc and listens.  And she looks.  And she holds still despite the fear, despite the burning want to run screaming, and she smells.  She feels the air upon her skin and she feels gravity beneath her feet.  She watches the quality of light, and she looks for shadows and for movement.

In short, she uses every ounce of observational skill to try to find the monsters here.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 404 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 15:23
  • msg #861

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy Godlewski:
"I also had a good look at the ebony reeds. ..They do seem to be organic and I believe that that contain some form of genetic information. I am not able to modify them as readily as the vines, perhaps with more levels into this skill.

But our vine island has been destroyed yes? How was vine Island originally created?"

Nodding seriously (and, perhaps for the first time, without rancor) at Dmitri's explanations for the creation of the Vine disc, Arjun focuses instead on the first information.

"Ah, okay, that seems to clinch it. I suspect the ebony reeds are a higher tier resource. We need to find an abundant, basic tier resource for you to work with. Do you think we could plant these vines and grow more? Would planting some as crops be better, with, like, a placebo group and a control* group? I'm guessing the cloth doesn't come from any kind of fantasy plant. Hopefully we'll find more resources to try with. Before that disc was destroyed, those would have been the best ones to start with, I guess."

Arjun makes a mental note to show Jerry his basic experiments with the reeds, water, and blood.... later. For now, he really wants to get exploring.

OOC: * = he's an actor. You think he knows science terms accurately?
Arjun Gandhi
player, 405 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 15:32
  • msg #862

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
In short, she uses every ounce of observational skill to try to find the monsters here.

As they stand on Sweatrag, Arjun likewise observes with his every sense and skill, and discusses any features he sees with the others, trying to find the underlying sense and rhythm of the place.

He draws and lightly notches an arrow, and examines the island from the arrow's perspective, hoping to unlock some kind of aiming zoom feature.

Recalling the phrase "lay lines" in one of the many class descriptions he had unlocked a few days ago, Arjun uses his Magic Sight to look for some kind of underlying ebb and flow of essence around them.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 67 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 17:01
  • msg #863

Re: Spawnpoint

In reply to Arjun Gandhi (msg # 861):

Jerzy gives a dismissive nod, as a parent would be chastized for breaking the rules of pretend. "As I mentioned, the modifications are nondestructive so I didnt see an issue, though I suppose you...veterans are operating under familiar concepts of ownership with regards to this unearthly reality we find ourselves in. I will seek permission in the future.

While I personally am a proponent of ethicsl socialism, it very much seems like the world is challenging us as a group so it seems like forming an anarcho-collective seems to be logical.

As for cultivation, I would be willing to volunteer for this effort, though it would be useful to secure a fertile plot of land to begin. The spawndisk appears....sterile. Can we buy dirt in the market?


Jerzy checks the market for dirt and joins the hunting party, blade of his multitool ready and touch of Deviance prepared.
The System Master
GM, 412 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #864

Re: Spawnpoint

Unlike when he had watched Emily cure Otto's wounds, Jerzy's use of magic is much clearer than a mere sort of distortion...

As he uses his plant modification skill, Arjun watches as a strange energy - with a color which he can somehow perceive yet not identify - seeps from his fingertips before...


What the hell?

Arjun has to turn away, as he immediately starts to get a headache!

Contact was made, but after that...

What kind of procedure was that?? It was so... goddamn complicated!

If even a glimpse had caused him this much mental fatigue even with his STAT-improved cognition, how crazy is the real data?!

Arjun does raise his eyes to another place though, as he sees a window with a surprising number displayed!

Now, in the present, Emily is steeling herself after just a few steps into sweatrag... Indeed, something about this place is... bothersome

If everything else in this world was a bastardization of life as they knew it... well, this is two steps farther down the road of madness than that!

Everyone shares these feelings, and perhaps with that sense of solidarity, Emily is able to steel herself and open her senses to this terrible place.

Listening, and feeling, and seeing, and smelling... even tasting, though fortunately not much but the atmosphere! Of course, these are not all done simultaneously, lest Emily risk blowing a couple fuses in her brain's processing sector!

Regardless, she does so for nearly a minute, before she picks up on something!

A... shuffling... yes... something... underground? It's... too heavy to be one of those 'plums'... it's ... the new MONSTER?

She opens her eyes - which had incidentally been closed as she focused hard - and everyone but her realizes they are more than a tad bloodshot from the effort.

The huntress also notices a window alerting her of some sweet gains.

As Emily acts as their eyes and ears, Arjun nocks his arrow in hope for a last-ditch attempt at improving his bowmanship...

The system does not reward him for it, though.

However, next he tries something else, which works out better...

As he activates the skill, more cautious than usual to make sure any mental fatigue he had suffered has diminished , and indeed it has since he looked away from Jerzy's strange casting quite quickly, and also is more excited to explore than both that ennui and the one from the goddess' departure combined...

Thus, with the skill on, Arjun searches for these 'lay lines'....

Of course, nothing is that different at first... right?

Well, no... hold on...

Things do seem a little... grainy?

He nearly turns the skill off there, worrying he may be already bleeding from the nose... but... it doesn't feel like that... it's... pressureless... much lighter than intense focus...

Yet, of course, as soon as he lets himself think that... he DOES feel the pressure building! However... he can tell... he can handle this much! And... and something is on the other end!

The noise in the image he is seeing becomes more saturated and dense, and then weirdly the particles bloat into blotches! He feels dizzy and sick...

Just as he is about to activate the skill, he finds the first hint of it! Yes! He can see the l--

The skill turns off on his own, and he finds himself once more with a bloody nose and ringing ears as he stares at the mundane world... His legs are even a little shaky...

Damn it. He couldn't press all the way! In fact... the further he looked... yeah, it was getting exponentially more difficult to unveil those things!

Still... all he really saw... the only thing he distinctly can recall is a sort of... distortion? Well, yeah, but it's much more complex and... sophisticated?... then the distortion of Emily's casting..

He gets the idea then, mostly unbidden of his own conscious thought processes, that what it was just the 'indication of ley lines' and not the ley lines themselves....

Hm... perhaps that makes sense? Certainly, this skill is likely to be able to see ley lines... but given it's level is only in the single digits... such a feat... well, how strong WOULD it be to be able to see the magical foundation of the world itself?

Yeah, maybe that was reaching a bit... Still, the confirmation that they were there was good.

Oh, and so is that sweet window telling him of his reward for being so bold!

Shockingly, despite having a higher physical toll on him, the XP reward is actually LESS than 'studying' (used loosely here) Jerzy's technique... woahza

Arjun also feels the threat of mental fatigue building, and has to spend a moment half-hyping and half-centering himself in order to stave it off...

Perhaps it may be better to keep Magic Sight off for a while... if he does end up using it again too soon... well, he gets the feeling it may be a bad move to treat it as a simple trick if it were to actually come with side effects due to overuse...

Jerzy discusses his political beliefs (OOC: lmaooo XD) before searching the market for dirt... unfortunately, he is still locked out through a paywall!

Thus, for now he simply readies whatever his version of a swiss army knife is, as well as his awesome magical powers!
Emily Khorashandi
player, 215 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 22:24
  • msg #865

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily detects the new monster in this place and points it out to her comrades, but once again, it's underground so she can't see it.  It's heavier than the plums but she's not sure that it's as big as the worms.  She considers dancing for them like the worms but there is no way she's going to hand feed the monsters in this place with whatever the soil here is made of.

For now, she does not attempt to dig them up, merely points out to her comrades the current location of the monsters.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 406 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 22:58
  • msg #866

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy Godlewski:
Jerzy gives a dismissive nod, as a parent would be chastized for breaking the rules of pretend. "As I mentioned, the modifications are nondestructive so I didn't see an issue, though I suppose you...veterans are operating under familiar concepts of ownership with regards to this unearthly reality we find ourselves in. I will seek permission in the future.

Arjun shrugs, accepting Jerry's point but not backing down from his own. "I'm not saying we need to be stickler's about it. Just saying that maybe we should exert extra caution with the extremely limited resources, like the reeds and the vines now, and water up until this morning."

Arjun's Body Language seems to suggest that at this point, he's less concerned with the outcome of the "argument" than in learning more of Jerry's personality through the discussion.

While I personally am a proponent of ethical socialism, it very much seems like the world is challenging us as a group so it seems like forming an anarcho-collective seems to be logical.

"I dunno what that is, but I generally worry about any idea where you have to specify that you prefer to do the Ethical version of it. Anyway, I can see your point about it seeming like it's challenging us as a group, but....if they were doing things to promote more....what's the term? More PvP antagonism, then would that be visible to everybody? Besides, the isolation is enough to drive us against each other. Like they said in No Exit, hell is other people."

It's pretty obvious that Arjun thinks he's quoting a play, and not a philosopher.

As for cultivation, I would be willing to volunteer for this effort, though it would be useful to secure a fertile plot of land to begin. The spawndisk appears....sterile. Can we buy dirt in the market?

Pointing to the ground they had just traversed to get to Sweatrag, Arjun explains, "The soil here is Medium Rich Soil (Dark Coloration). There WAS a Soil Node on Vineland that gave an unlimited supply of Regular Soil."

He pauses in his thought to address Dmitri, "Any idea if that Node is still there? Or how to make nodes level up?"

Returning to the farming discussion, "I harvested maybe a third of the reeds before I really realized how few there are. Their rhizomes should still be intact and hopefully not-impossible to find. We could dig them up, replant them in a more Orderly fashion, and then section off other chunks for other crops. Not sure how the worms are going to affect that viability. We can probably find a book with basic farming techniques in the market for probably 20 Coins, in fact...."

Arjun quickly checks the market for basic farming books and tells everyone the price.

He considers for a moment, "Or, the next time you get a turn using one of the Expansions, you could try to make whatever landmass you want to make. We started off with 2 Expansions per day, and now that we've increased Investiture by one Member God, we seem to be up to 3 per day."

As Arjun takes another hit of his new favorite addiction, Magic Sight, the juice plows into his brainstem and drives him to his knees as more blood pours out of his nose. Gah he thinks to himself. I need to learn how to look for landscapes, not read every flower.

Wiping his nose and rinsing his mouth out with some of his water, Arjun gets back to his feet and unceremoniously spits the bloody water over the nearest edge, careful not to get any on Sweatrag. He can feel ideas about how to test the edges of this skill further, poking up behind his headache like an eager child jumping to look over a fence.

Still, it seemed like there was Essence flowing everywhere, if only he can get to it. He attempts to weave a mace out of the nearest essence, whether layline or plum, and then offers the mace to Jerry, asking him, "These don't last long, but as you say, we need to practice. Do you have a weapon preference?"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:55, Tue 08 Mar 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 408 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 23:58
  • msg #867

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily Khorashandi:
Emily detects the new monster in this place and points it out to her comrades...

Arjun readies his bow in response, and looks for signs of the monster.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 68 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 15:38
  • msg #868

Re: Spawnpoint

"Its been years but I have trained on Rigles, handguns and knives during my national service. I doubt you can conjure a 9mm handgun so lets go with a knife. This little one is not the most suited." He says, gesturing to his multitool.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 216 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 16:24
  • msg #869

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily draws her own bow, although she's expecting these monsters to be somewhat smaller than the worms if and when they surface.  Meanwhile she lets her voice play through the register moving from middle C to the top of her chest range and then down from there as long as she can go.  She then repeats the same thing with her head range.

As Arjun and Jerzy armed up she said, "Let's not attack first.  We don't know what these monsters are yet.  Maybe they can be tamed and maybe we can live with them.  Maybe they even eat the plums and defecate neatly bundled and more easily handled magic.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 409 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 16:48
  • msg #870

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun nods curtly at Emily's words. His entire demeanor has changed from his usual Layabout attitude to his professional posture. "Strong agree. Defend, not attack. Priority is to study and learn. This is just prep against the worst case scenario."
The System Master
GM, 413 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 17:06
  • msg #871

Re: Spawnpoint

Though Emily vaguely 'senses' a monster, she cannot really point out where it is to the group... She's not that accurate, yet.

Meanwhile, Arjun reads aloud the first result he finds on the market for 'Farming Book'

He explains the thing is called "Guide to Basic Agriculture" and it costs fifteen coins. Furthermore, he pulls up a description and reads out loud a simple and straightforward premise;

"This book contains entry-level information on the basics of planting, growing and harvesting general crops. More advanced techniques and techniques for many crops are not included in this version"

After doing so, he then attempts to weaeve out of thin air, but basically without his skill up he doesn't see any essences, and beyond that he doesn't "feel" any...

Likely any plums nearby are covered up, and so maybe there is interference. Also, clearly, it seems leylines either don't count as essences, or are just too advanced of a kind for him...

Probably the former, since there seems to be a difference in terminology between 'essence' and 'magic'...

Thus, no mace can be created.

And now, the group simply idles after agreeing to not attack... How far forward shall they press into territory that potentially belongs to enemies? At the moment, they have stilled at just about ten feet in since they haven't treaded many paces for long
Arjun Gandhi
player, 410 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #872

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun lowers his bow for a second to massage his forehead and wipe at the drying blood from his nose. "I think I might be overdoing the magic stuff a bit. Tried to pull the essence straight out of the layline, but....ow. We'll need to wait until we find a plum or other source before I can make a blade for Jerry. I'll try to make a bunch of essence arrows, too, and we can test if they'll survive as long in my quiver or if I have to be touching them."

Arjun suggests exploring the perimeter of Sweatrag and then circling in, just so they can measure the place, though he's careful to phrase it as an option for the others to consider. He seems to be exerting more effort than usual to keep his habit of momentum from sounding directorial.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:05, Wed 09 Mar 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 217 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 18:54
  • msg #873

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods and agrees with Arjun's suggestion.  In the absence of plums, she looks around to see whether they are well hidden or just plain gone.  Then she goes along with Arjun in walking the edges of the sweatrag disc, counting the number of footsteps it takes them to circumnavigate and then to cross the disc from the place they end up to the opposite side.

With the rag more explored, she makes another attempt to try to work out in what direction the monsters are from a given point.
The System Master
GM, 415 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 19:41
  • msg #874

Re: Spawnpoint

As the group begins to circle the perimeter clockwise, inwards at 10 ft, Emily eventually stops the group as they crest a very short 'hill' with a signal, and a truly noxious smell fills her nose...

Yep. The familiar stench of a plum, which is intense enough to even overpower the ambient scent of sweatrag itself!

With her heightened senses, it makes her more vulnerable to these things - as now she is picking up a strangely sweet hint to the smell, which is even more revulsive - but, in this case she has had enough encounters with this particular odor to be able to keep her lunch and wits, even if it's more rough than the last time...

After a moment to steady herself, she points out a medium-sized fold on the ground. As the group looks and squints, they do manage to get a sliver of a glimpse at something dark beneath.... this one is probably more tightly sealed under there, since they cannot really make out any color or even if there is matter there or just empty space...

But, they since trust emily's eyes and ears, they may as well trust her nose too.

As Emily places her line of sight in this direction which is no longer hindered by the short hills, a small twitch of movement about 25 ft in and JUST around the bend of another mound causes her to react as well...

Perhaps the new monster?
Emily Khorashandi
player, 218 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 20:17
  • msg #875

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily points in the direction of the movement and walks as stealthily as she can, continuing around the perimeter until they can get a better view.  She draws her own bow now, just in case, that thing is some kind of predator.  "Let us move very slowly", she whispers.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 412 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 20:50
  • msg #876

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun nocks an arrow and looks everywhere BUT where Emily had pointed out the movement, wary of getting ambushed by a second critter.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 70 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 21:53
  • msg #877

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy stays between the two, ready to act but letting Arjun watch their backs and Emily take point.

His recent experience with the plums fresh in his mind but since he is not snacking on one, he seems to be handling the scents well.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 150 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #878

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri opens his mind to the possibility of this monster having a mind that can be reached and searches for a suitable mind that's not part of the group to initiate a telepathic bond with. After all, if it worked once, it might work again.
The System Master
GM, 419 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #879

Re: Spawnpoint

As the group slowly moves in formation towards the last known sighting of the (possibly hostile) target, while keeping eyes and ears open to the area around them, Jerzy remarks mentally that indeed the scent may be bad, but truly nothing compared to the absolute trauma of tasting one!

Just thinking about it is enough to make his spine shiver, so he is more than happy to not immerse himself any further in the memory... Despite not really being poisonous (not that he swallowed much of it, either way) it was probably around the same level of 'god awful' as eating breakfast out of a public toilet!

Well, at least it's increased his mental resistance... kinda

Now, Dmitri has the idea to perhaps initiate a telepathic bond... except, simply opening his mind does have SOME sort of effect, but no tether emerges or anything...

That makes sense because before he generally chose a target... for this, though he isn't sure if sight is required, he does have a fairly good idea of where the target would be... the distance is probably also okay.

With that, he tries to 'initiate a connection', despite the fact he isn't really targeting a specific mind, but a possible one in a certain direction...

His eyes do see a strange ethereal purplish-pinkish tether appear and shoot out quicker than he can sense before waving once and spasming before shattering into a dust of the same hue!

He registers that as an obvious skill failure... perhaps he can try again?

Doing so a few times, causes him to feel a little mentally fatigued, but not overmuch... And then, on one of the attempts, there is a success as he latches onto something at last!

A static ""noise"" (used loosely) comes through, which is recognizable to him as basically half-formed idle half-conscious thoughts of a being actively thinking a load of nothing into the link... Sort of like when you just let your mind wander, or maybe when you are distracted by hyperfocusing on something but not really 'thinking' anything about it...

For now, that is all.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 151 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 04:50
  • msg #880

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri now knows there's enough of a mind to possibly initiate conversation. But given the trigger-happy demeanor of his compatriot, he needed to hurry. "Hang on people, I may have a mind connection here."

He then turns his attention to the creature whose mind he has partially linked to and thinks, "Hello, creature. Can you hear me?"
The System Master
GM, 424 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #881

Re: Spawnpoint

After halting the party, Dmitri mentally thinks towards the creature...

A startled response comes back!

This time, it is more easily translated, though once again Dmitri is aware these thoughts are not done in English, or any language... though, the creature's stream of consciousness does seem closer to an internal monologue than the mere feelings and half-thoughts of the little crustacean-like entity he had previous spoken with

'Huhh? Whho?? {Not me}.... Scarinng!' notably, the thought is only on the topic of Dmitri's intrusion, not towards him in particular. Still, he is able to hear it since no attempt to hide is being made.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 221 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:49
  • msg #882

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily moves slowly to change the angle of her view slightly.  She wants to know what the creature looks like as well as how it feels to Dmitri but her movements are still extremely slow, she also looks around to see whether she sees anything resembling tracks or spoor.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 417 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:54
  • msg #883

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun's restless mind, craving another hit of Magic Sight but fearful of another overdose (how quickly I adopt the language of drug usage! I'm fine, though. I don't have a problem controlling it, he reassures himself), Arjun's mind wanders slightly.

He tries to calculate the size of the island and understand the overall geography of the place. If he could learn to predict where the Plums would be...
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 152 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 20:24
  • msg #884

Re: Spawnpoint

The meaningful response causes Dmitri to speak and think together. "Sorry. Not trying to scare. Who are you?"
The System Master
GM, 426 posts
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 05:15
  • msg #885

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily angles her view, but that doesn't really change whether or not an obstacle is blocking her. She's have to jump for that, or maybe just get on the  tips of her toes.

Next, she observes hard for any tracks or scent, and though she finds no tracks, she does get a whiff of a new smell, MUCH more unpleasant that that of a plum!

It's actually as if several plums were mixed together, and then... fermented! Also, there is a bit of something that is somewhat reminiscent of body odor, and one kind of zoo-like!

Still, not enough to make her hurl, but truly unpleasant - and probably at the limits of what she can stomach...

Arjun glances around the island, and tries to measure it... he finds it's shockingly easy for him to assign his choice of unit such as 'centimeter' or 'inch' or 'foot' or 'meter' and then use that to get a value for the space between points... of course, he isn't sure how accurate it is, just that he is able to do it very quickly...

Still, that isn't enough for the whole thing, since the terrain is rough and in the way. The overall geography is easy to grasp, but not at all normal or earthlike. The ground is wrinkled and folded all over, and several lumpy mounds rise out of the otherwise mostly flat terrain. The tallest of them are just above the waist, while the shortest are mid-calf.

The other thing the actor may try is to simply use the knowledge he has about the diameter of this landmass being roughly forty feet from any previous thoughts on the matter, and then simply calculate the area of a circle, which is basically regular addition to him at this point... Hell, he can even get a few decimal places in there what with the irrationality of pi...

actually, how many decimal places of pi CAN he remember? Probably no more than he ever knew at some point... which probably wasn't a ton, but still...

Beyond that, he has no real way to 'predict' where plums would be, as they have only ever found two (maybe a third now) and he hasn't studied any sort of pattern. By looking itself, well that's best left to Emily, but if he DID do so, the big giveaway for them would clearly be hollow space underneath a fold (which until now has had some level of exposure to the outside, and not been entirely self-contained).

He would also notice that generally the plums thus far seem to haev been found in ""valleys"" and not on the raising parts of the terrain.

After Dmitri sends his message, the sense of static is cut off after a moment... it flickers in out and out a couple times before going silent.

Then, with a terse growl, another translated message appears...

"{what you}...??"

The emotion in the pseudo-thought is ... well hard to measure ... but, it's definitely a bit hostile... not in a 'fight to the death way' like the other hostile things in this place, but definitively aggressive or maybe just angry... the severity? Dmitri isn't able to tell, really... it could be anywhere between a pissed off customer to a pitbull or rottweiler on the verge of ripping some faces off if provoked any further...

And below that... though, it's hard to be certain... Dmitri thinks he can sense suspicion.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 153 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 05:44
  • msg #886

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri moves into a more defensive posture, not quite submissive, but ready to go there if things get worse. He looks to make his voice as even-tempered as possible as he says and thinks, "We're humans. What are you?"

OOC: I'm assuming the "you" from the creature was plural. Mine is intended to be singular. If Dmitri knows the creature was speaking in the singular, I will respond in kind.
The System Master
GM, 428 posts
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 03:16
  • msg #887

Re: Spawnpoint

OOC: You can assume freely, but the phrase and delivery themself were both ambiguous

There is a rapid reply,

'You is {more than one}!??'

Then next to the latter half of Dmitri's words... 'Not {telling}... not {knowing what} this'

And with that, the tether spasms terribly before collapsing to nothing!
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 155 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 03:57
  • msg #888

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri is saddened, not just by the fact that the creature broke contact, but the probable reaction of his companions to the broken link. "They don't know what they are. And they aren't talking to me anymore."
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 71 posts
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 05:41
  • msg #889

Re: Spawnpoint

Seeing the group kind of stall in its hunting, jerzy observes the consistency and nature of the "ground".
Emily Khorashandi
player, 225 posts
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 08:06
  • msg #890

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily thinks hard about what Dmitri says as she resumes observations.  After a few moments she starts trying to locate the truly horrible smell, the one that is concentrated and fermented plums.  She hopes their shit will help identify them as beast or not beast.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 422 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 16:35
  • msg #891

Re: Spawnpoint

Sensing Jerry crouch down, more than actually seeing him, Arjun offers the use of his Ebony Stiletto, saying, "You want to try taking a sample of the ground? And you can hold onto this dagger for this patrol, if you want."

Assuming Jerry obliges, Arjun examines the chunk of Sweatrag Jerry pulls up, possibly suggesting a larger or smaller chunk.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 72 posts
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 17:49
  • msg #892

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy thanks Arjun for the blade and tries to collect a representative sample.

"Do we believe the 'monster' is digging under this? It does not seem like the best medium. Perhaps it's just under a fold? "
Emily Khorashandi
player, 226 posts
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 19:14
  • msg #893

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily looks at Jerzy and says, "I suspect it's something like a rat so it can be under or over.  I have no proof of that though and currently it's just a guess.  I'm looking for some of its shit.  Once we have that, we might have more of a clue."
The System Master
GM, 431 posts
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 01:00
  • msg #894

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily, seemingly fully in her role as a huntress, decides to look for any droppings left behind by the creature... not that she knows anything about scatology anyway...

She doesn't notice anything, but she does manage to sus out the putrid smell is coming from behind the mound, where the supposed creature is.

Meanwhile, Jerzy and Arjun cut out a small section of the ground and study it... They also both notice sickly strands of... some substance... latched onto the portion they pull out, before snapping back to the floor wetly after being pulled apart.

Also, a clear liquid, more viscous than water, is seeping from the damaged part they severed... The smell is truly terrible, and they have to lean back or else risk being violently ill...

Well, it seems the smell of this place is coming from this liquid... perhaps putting the 'sweat' into the 'sweatrag' so to speak
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 73 posts
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 16:18
  • msg #895

Re: Spawnpoint

Whispering Jerzy says, "Well, we might be able to use the 'rag' for something, though it will need to be processed.

Are we going to confront this creature?"
He adds, gesturing to the mound.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 423 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 17:07
  • msg #896

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun whispers back to Jerry, "And identify it, before even that. This is the first time the system hasn't told me what an object is."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 157 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #897

Re: Spawnpoint

"{SYSTEM} may not know what it is. I tried asking it and the creature didn't know. If {SYSTEM} is taking names of creatures from the creatures themselves, it would not have a name to attach to it."
Otto Bruckner
player, 227 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 18:54
  • msg #898

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto, ready to rejoin the others after his brief rest and some personal time, approached the group from the side of the dirt disk, his club over one shoulder, his chest bare above his kilt and foot wraps.

He looked better than he had, and although Emily's had worked her magic on his wounds, he seemed to be in better spirits than he had, calmer, more confident.

"What's goin' on?" he asked as he paused at the edge. He was not looking forward to getting his footwraps soaked again, and began to take them off so he could set them aside.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 227 posts
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #899

Re: Spawnpoint

"It's a monster and it's heavily imbued with magic", says Emily.  "If there's one, I wouldn't worry about it but maybe it's scared.  Most species of spider tend to be easily frightened, rats are neophobic, and little kittens.  It's probably not a bird, but I'm not sure whether it's a beast or not.  Let me try this."

With that, Emily began playing gently on her banjo and accompanying that with a song in Farsi, which System possibly translates differently for different people.  It's a lullaby she learned as a child.
The System Master
GM, 432 posts
Tue 15 Mar 2022
at 23:09
  • msg #900

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto takes off his shoes as he joins the party on the grossest part of the land. Also, the wettest if you don't count water as being wet.

Meanwhile, Emily plays a song in hopes of calming the unseen monster.

As she plays, there continues to be no reaction. Perhaps it has calmed down, perhaps not.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 75 posts
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 14:28
  • msg #901

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy has a thought, mostly inspired by....Arjun's apparent break up? Jerzy didn't have the best grasp of what was going on there.

Feeling a little embarrassed and a more than a little foolish, Jerzy looks up into the sky(?) and speaks, "Diety of Ultimate Truth, if you exist, I beseech you for understanding. I seek knowledge of this place, specifically what creature Emily has found. If there is anything you require in return I would gladly consider carrying out your will."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 228 posts
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 15:24
  • msg #902

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily moves close and indicates to Otto that he should do the same, so that they can catch Jerzy when he falls.  If Jerzy doesn't get a positive result, she plans to start exploring the chaotic ball disc.
Otto Bruckner
player, 228 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #903

Re: Spawnpoint

"It's under there?" Otto gestured to the bizzare fleshly strata, obviously concerned. "If it is we should cut it out and kill it before it gets any bigger." he suggested grimly. "Better we get it before it gets us, whatever this thing grows, it's...unnatural..."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 425 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 23:48
  • msg #904

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun considers Dmitri's counter-suggestion, saying, "So you think System is copying everything from elsewhere and not know what? After what happened the last time we tried analyzing the season plot rather than the episode, I don't know that I want to talk about this..."

As Otto approaches, Arjun says, "We definitely should kill all the plums we can find."

He worries about this unidentified ground material but doesn't know what else to do to analyze it. And, if he's being honest with himself, this disc gives him the creeps and he'd rather just be done with it.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 158 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 00:02
  • msg #905

Re: Spawnpoint

"The question should be whether killing these things improves or diminishes our survival. If their removal gives us freedom to purge the stench from this place, great! If not, we may be exterminating a potential ally we could use later."

OOC: Dmitri doesn't expect this to persuade anyone, but he feels the need to put the thought out there. I have no objections to whatever the group does in this matter.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 230 posts
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 13:47
  • msg #906

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily agrees with Dmitri but she speaks in monosyllables as she watches carefully over Jerzy.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 426 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 16:44
  • msg #907

Re: Spawnpoint

"They're malevolent, they intend us harm, and there's some kind of essence-entity within them that can cause them to twitch at early stages. I'm not interested in waiting until they're a bigger threat before dealing with them. "

Steeling himself against what he's about to subject himself to, Arjun activates Magic Sight once more, and examines the chunk of ground, the hole it was cut out of, and then their surroundings one more time.

Then he suggests the party either kills the plum or moves on.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 231 posts
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 19:05
  • msg #908

Re: Spawnpoint

"I would have said move on", said Emily, "But if you have some evidence of malevolence rather than rattish neophobia, my mind can of course be changed."
The System Master
GM, 434 posts
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 19:44
  • msg #909

Re: Spawnpoint

As the group considers what the intent of these various entities could be, and bemoans how alien and disgusting they are, Jerzy in particular is still trying to grab the attention of a god that may or may not exist... this has not gone well before...

As Arjun switches his tired magic sight back on, likely realizing that he has indeed been heavily relying on this skill for information, a pang of a headache immediately hits him... he manages to push it back though, but soon turns off the skill as he finds what he wanted to see.

The ground had no pair of essences, but he COULD see five sources of pairs of essences, distinctive of these plums, beyond the hill, spread around a bit farther in.

Secondly, beyond the hill he could sense ANOTHER pair of black and purple energy... but this one is more intense than the plums, and is in the position of the creature Dmitri had briefly communicated with.

Vaguely and hazily, he can actually see two more sources of that same stronger version of essence, but they are together near the furthest edge of the disc, nearing the maximum range of this skill at the time.

Meanwhile, Jerzy finishes his ill-advised potential summoning of a new Observer... and with this...





Calculating Alias...

Calculating Alias......

Calculating {INVESTITURE}...

Calculating {INVESTITURE}......

Finishing Calculations...


There is no shaking of the world, and there is no panicked messages from the Observers or Administration. Instead, the {SYSTEM} itself solves everything cleanly.

Meanwhile, Jerzy receives a message.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 232 posts
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 21:33
  • msg #910

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily smiles, "And it seems that Jerzy has received answers from a divine source.  We are all ears, Jerzy. What did the God of Ultimate Truth say?"
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 76 posts
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 22:15
  • msg #911

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy replies to emily, "It asks a simple inquiry, what do i have to offer."

Turning back to the sky, Jerzy offers, "If you are omniscient in, I can offer only knowedge I bring with me from before. However if you are as much of a stranger here as I am, I can share all that I learn of this fascinating place. If both worlds are well known to you, then the only novel information I can provide is my own perspective on this experience.

In return, I ask for information to keep my and my fellow humans alive here. Most urgently what are the other living beings on this island and are they a threat?"
Jerzy is ready to share any knowledge of the old world and the new.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 159 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 00:13
  • msg #912

Re: Spawnpoint

"If it helps, you can offer an instant disciple. Although my normal attitude toward interfering entities is one of generalized indifference, this particular deity is one that I can get behind. I was looking for a deity of wisdom, but this is a reasonable facsimile of that."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 233 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 00:17
  • msg #913

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily blinks and looks from Jerzy to Dmitri and back to Jerzy.  "I would have thought 'Ultimate Truth' was if anything, almost the antithesis of wisdom."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 160 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 00:20
  • msg #914

Re: Spawnpoint

"I would beg to differ. Wisdom is knowing what to do with knowledge, which is impossible without knowledge to apply."
Otto Bruckner
player, 229 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 00:20
  • msg #915

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto had made plain his discomfort in invoking these "Deities", but he stayed silent in the matter. He rolled his neck back and forth, causing a few muffled pops, and seemed to consider the terrain.

"Looks like we would need to dig...or cut our way down." He mused quietly, mostly to Arjun.
The System Master
GM, 435 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 00:24
  • msg #916

Re: Spawnpoint

Everyone is quiet in waiting as Jerzy gets a quick, but quite long response.

Well, a 'god' would be able to compose a message rather quickly, huh?
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:25, Sun 20 Mar 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 427 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 00:43
  • msg #917

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun quietly points out the various sources of magical emanations he had located, and then attempts to sneak a sight of the closest of the five nearby.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 77 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 01:31
  • msg #918

Re: Spawnpoint

"This is agreeable, provided I can save the 4 reveals for a later date.

We can proceeed, though the experience with the purple objects may be a little...unpleasant."

Turning to the group, Jerzy says, "heads up, this diety will be giving me telepathic information on this monster, and future monster. Though they did so with a disclaimer that they are not liable for injury. So...I might be taking one for the team here."
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 78 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 01:33
  • msg #919

Re: Spawnpoint

"And to be specific, this is the god of knowledge."
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 161 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 03:54
  • msg #920

Re: Spawnpoint

"About as specific as anything around here. Say, Mr. God of Knowledge, do you have any knowledge about how to assign names to things that don't have them? Because I don't like addressing entities by title as it sounds too unattached, especially if we're supposed to be putting investiture in them. Just saying."
Otto Bruckner
player, 230 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 04:01
  • msg #921

Re: Spawnpoint

"Well, there you go" Otto nodded and hefted his club when Jerry more or less gave them the green light to go monster hunting. "What'cha thinkin' Shadow Man? Can you make a weapon that can hack through a few feet of this...stuff?" he asked Arjun as he raised one eyebrow slightly.
The System Master
GM, 436 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 04:34
  • msg #922

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun gets on his tip toes to catch a peak at the closest fruit, but it's still blocked by the hill. The farther ones are actually angled in such a way that he could see them, but their distance also is a factor.

In the first place, the plums are hard to notice since the biggest tell would be a lump in the ground... and well, this whole place is a little lumpy.

And now, as he looks at it again, Arjun realizes the far end of this disc leads into a bit of a valley, where the two nonplum sources must be hidden from him!

Basically, in this position nobody can see much of anything.

Meanwhile, both Jerzy and Dmitri receive a message.

Meanwhile, the barbarian just wants to hit stuff
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:34, Sun 20 Mar 2022.
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 162 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 05:23
  • msg #923

Re: Spawnpoint

It is evident from what his last girlfriend called his "eye flash" that Dmitri has many things he wishes to say to this new Guest Observer, but he does not wish to express them to the group if he doesn't have to. To that end, he tries to set up a Telepathic Bond with the Observer, or at least open his mind up to the entity so that it can read his thoughts.
The System Master
GM, 438 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 05:49
  • msg #924

Re: Spawnpoint

Dmitri tries to use his telepathic bond on the observer, but the skill does not activate. This makes sense, as it needs a target, and simply imagining whatever 'source' is behind the messages he is receiving is clearly far, far from viable.

Thus, he simply opts to think it out in his mind instead of saying anything. He also personally tries to direct the thoughts or maybe just leave them open for viewing, which is a bit weird to do but maybe it will have some effect.

Anyway, another alert appears before him as he finishes.

After a few moments of Dmitri reading a screen in front of him, everyone except him sees a new alert appear before them.

New Quest Offered: Trial of Naming

"Whichever PLAYER offers me the most valuable information will receive a great gift"

(Time Limit: 1 Minute)

(Other Conditions: PLAYERs may not discuss this quest. Any information must be offered privately)

(Acceptance Reward: Slight increase in reputation with Guest Observer: God of Knowledge)

(Rejection Penalty: Tremendous decrease in reputation with Guest Observer: God of Knowledge)

(Completion Reward: {Privilege of Naming})

(Failure Penalty: N/A)

Guest Observer: God of Knowledge

Emily Khorashandi
player, 234 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 07:28
  • msg #925

Re: Spawnpoint

"Quest accepted", whispers Emily, "music carries information for those who can listen.".

With that she begins playing her banjo, running through an arpeggio including all twelve notes in an octave, then in the octave above, making a grand total of twenty-four notes. She then begins composing a tune that goes, c#, then up an octave to b-flat in the next octave up, up to f#, continuing to play with a simple code hidden in the music. . "But of course with spaces and chords and changes of rhythm, music can carry  yet more important and complex information." she demonstrates.
The System Master
GM, 439 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 08:15
  • msg #926

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily whispers some cryptic stuff in a hushed voice that everyone else can pick up on due to the short distance, and then plays a fairly simple tune, which isn't particularly anything.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 235 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 11:39
  • msg #927

Re: Spawnpoint

PM to the God of Knowledge
This message was last edited by the player at 11:40, Sun 20 Mar 2022.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 79 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 12:22
  • msg #928

Re: Spawnpoint

"Quest accepted, deal accepted. Will transfer both sets of infromation via telepathic link"
Dmitri Alvin Reslin
player, 163 posts
Super Genius
for rent
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 17:13
  • msg #929

Re: Spawnpoint

"Finally, a quest! Very well, quest accepted." Dmitri then fires a lengthy thought at this God of Knowledge.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 428 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 17:58
  • msg #930

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun narrows his eyes and furtively watches each person as they accept the quest, checking to see who had figured out on their own that the System was already in their brain, recording everything they think and do, and who was used to it.
The System Master
GM, 440 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 06:05
  • msg #931

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy seeks to monopolize both interactions with this new entity, while Dmitri answers despite having been the only one NOT invited to participate by the God, and Arjun narrows his eyes at the group while silently thinking.

Meanwhile, Otto is probably still against the idea of cooperating with these entities more than is necessary...

After a few moments, a window emerges, this time visible to ALL of you.

"Humph... It seems only two of you made any real effort... this is... unusual"

Guest Observer: God of Knowledge

"What a strange World, this one is"

Guest Observer: God of Knowledge

"Very well then... I shall make my judgement. Both submissions were satisfactory, but one stands above the rest. Furthermore, I believe there is two - no perhaps up to four - of you that could even use this privilege properly..."

Guest Observer: God of Knowledge

Then... after a moment... your own windows appear in front of many of you.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 06:06, Mon 21 Mar 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 429 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 07:50
  • msg #932

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun glares up into the sky like it had said something nasty about his mother.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 80 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 12:58
  • msg #933

Re: Spawnpoint

Jerzy is a little crestfallen from not succeeding at the quest, but is not surprised as he is the newest arrival.

"Thank you for the opportunity. Can we complete our deal regarding monster information. At present I would like to know of the we previously encountered on the vine disk and the monsters on this disk. "
Emily Khorashandi
player, 237 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 14:07
  • msg #934

Re: Spawnpoint

"Check available tasks." says Emily.  She then plays a short and previously unknown tune on the banjo.   Then she says allowed.  "I hereby name this disc, 'sweatrag'".

Then she speaks to her companions and says, "I don't know whether this is even possible, but what do you all think we should call System?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 231 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #935

Re: Spawnpoint

Otto rolled his eyes and seemed somewhat amused, clearly not impressed by this particular "God". The irony that he had been a University student, that he had been studying anthropology and history in particular was not lost upon him.

He was amused because here he was, literally a Barbarian in this new place, half naked with his club in hand and the God of Knowledge was chiding him for not playing along. It all seemed very thematic.

"Alright...we're wasting time. Arjun. Can you do a billhook you think? If they can clear sod and brush, maybe we can hack up enough of this stuff to make some progress" he suggested. "Or maybe a spear? We can kind of prod down with it until we hit it's pocket? Try to lance it or force it to the surface?" He added.

At Emily's question he glanced over. "Whatever it is it should be original I think. Not some knockoff."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:51, Mon 21 Mar 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 238 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 16:03
  • msg #936

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods to Otto, "So you'd rule out any existing game and probably anything of the form something and something else?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 232 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 16:20
  • msg #937

Re: Spawnpoint

"If it were up to me I would." Otto affirmed. "If only because it's an opportunity to do our own thing. Sure the Gods have had some influence, but a lot of this seems completely up to us."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 239 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 16:38
  • msg #938

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nods, she starts to sit down and then said, "No, I won't be sitting here. We've explored and helped create the world, but wouldn't you say we're a bit like rats in a maze?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 430 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 17:12
  • msg #939

Re: Spawnpoint

"What's a billhook? I'd need material to work with, and the only nearby essences are, uh, currently being used. Kill that one, and then I can make you a spear."

Turning to Emily, he says, "Name for System? How about Arsehole? Villain? No? You want a serious suggestion, huh? But not a reference to anything? How about Incantation?"
Otto Bruckner
player, 233 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 17:22
  • msg #940

Re: Spawnpoint

"Rats, maybe. Probably a whole lot more interesting than rats I would guess." Otto shrugged and looked to Arjun.

"Point me in the right direction man, I'll see what I can do." he seemed resigned to the task, believing it vital for their safety, and seemed to be taking it quite seriously.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 81 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 17:33
  • msg #941

Re: Spawnpoint

"Of Mice and Mephistopheles...Faustian abduction...The Devils Unknown...Players in an unknown time and space...Lab rats...The alien's playground...unidentified foreign game (UFG)..." Jerzy says, mostly to himself. He was never the best with originality and was instead extremely derivative.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 431 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 17:40
  • msg #942

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun nocks an arrow and draws it, pointing at the nearest essence source, his Body Language pointing out the threat.

"Maybe we should start by picking a general theme? Are we looking for funny sounding names? Epic sounding ones? Me, I'd go for puns, if I was in charge of naming stuff. Oh, and thanks for calling this hell hole Sweatrag. I kind of like the name."
The System Master
GM, 442 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 19:08
  • msg #943

Re: Spawnpoint

As Emily declares her intent to name the locale, a screen appears before her.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 240 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 19:58
  • msg #944

Re: Spawnpoint

"Oh", sighed Emily, "Sweatrag has been rejected by the System.  Now I'll have to come up with another one.  They've made five suggestions, four of which are not recommended and the other of which is positively discouraged.  Then..."

She paused and thought for a while and then her face broke into a smile and she winked at Jerzy.  "I have an idea.  That may be unacceptable too but what do you guys think of Pripyet?  Or failing that, Eyam?"
Arjun Gandhi
player, 432 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 20:38
  • msg #945

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun throws up a hand in a warding gesture. "Hold up. Why isn't Sweatrag acceptable? If there are parameters, then we should know what they are, otherwise we're just going to keep offering unacceptable suggestions."
Otto Bruckner
player, 234 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #946

Re: Spawnpoint

"Yeah, that seems odd. You do the quest and still don't let you name stuff?" Otto seemed a little miffed on Emily's behalf. "It's not even obscene or anything, and what if it was? We're all adults here." he pointed out.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 82 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 21:27
  • msg #947

Re: Spawnpoint

"...That is not necessarily true, nor is it necessarily true that the observers and system entities in the space are human..."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 433 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 22:07
  • msg #948

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun gets a panicky look on his face. "HEY! Remember what happened the last time we speculated on the nature of our abductors and their guests."
Emily Khorashandi
player, 241 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 22:16
  • msg #949

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily nodded to Jerzy, and was about to speak until Arjun made a comment about the last time.  Her lips clamped closed for a moment but then... the mention of parameters, she facepalmed and said, "Oh wait!  It could be the format that makes it unacceptable, all the suggestions were of a certain form.  Adjective and a description of a land formation or in one case instead of an adjective, there was land formation of noun (that was discouraged) I think maybe I could call it 'magical marsh' or 'sweet-smelling swamp' if I wanted to be sarcastic.  What do you guys think?"

To the system she said, "View parameters for naming."
Arjun Gandhi
player, 434 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 22:27
  • msg #950

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun considers the landscape around him, with its rolling hills of flesh and abscess filled with giant pimple-like cancers. "I mean, land formation-wise, I'd probably call this place either a field, or a glade, maybe a heath, moor, prairie, or lowland...I'd kind of like to call Vineland something like The Ebon Dunes, you know, for the Herbert reference....Maybe we could call Sweatrag....The Fields of... Regret?"

Arjun doesn't seem particularly happy with his final suggestion for Sweatrag.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:32, Mon 21 Mar 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 242 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #951

Re: Spawnpoint

Emily snorts and for a moment considers Arjun's suggestion but she stops herself.  "Considering the lyrics, I think I don't want to tempt fate."
Otto Bruckner
player, 235 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #952

Re: Spawnpoint

"It's the Taint " Otto quipped. "'Cause it taint skin, and it taint cloth. It's just...taint." he joked.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 83 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #953

Re: Spawnpoint

Arjun Gandhi:
Arjun gets a panicky look on his face. "HEY! Remember what happened the last time we speculated on the nature of our abductors and their guests."

"What happened last time?"
The System Master
GM, 443 posts
Tue 22 Mar 2022
at 00:27
  • msg #954

Re: Spawnpoint

As the group discusses possible names for the disc, Emily tries to specify any parameters.

After a fairly long moment of no response, a window emerges.
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