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15:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters.

Posted by The Many Faced GodFor group 0
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 122 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 04:10
  • msg #37

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Gwen merely nodded at Berion's statement that he wouldn't let anger cloud his judgement. She trusted the knight to be above that, and certainly hoped he would triumph. The Blackfin heiress bit her lip briefly at the knight's question about what should be done if her hypothesis were true, though happier points of discussion quickly caused her to brighten considerably. "I'll continue to keep my ears and eyes open where Iris is concerned, though I think the general rules are that you should dress well, demonstrate nobility, excel where you can, and act honorably in all things. But be memorable, and by the gods, do not be memorable for being dull. She is energetic and lively. I think she wants similar in her husband."

"As for you practicing your dance, most boys won't be the right height nor shape, nor will they move properly. Given that your sister is working with you on this, perhaps she will be the best choice of practice partner? I can certainly remind you of the steps and give you criticism when you stumble." She pointed to his feet. "Your feet will have to remember the steps well enough that you can find places to add your own bit of creativity without causing the entire routine to break. It would be poor form to forget that Yve is also there and trying to stay in routine." It was easy to say, but her tone made it clear she considered it somewhat difficult to accomplish. "Oh, and make sure to smile, a lot. That grin you often wear can brighten anyone's day."

Gwen steadily raised the wine to her lips again and took another sip. Like the previous sips, more for the taste than the contents of the liquid. She set it aside and leaned in, dropping her voice again as she didn't want to be overheard. "If my wild speculation is accurate, and I'm not saying it is, but if it is, it will matter to more than just the families involved. First, you assume that Ser Adham is complicit, but what if he is not? Is that why Lord Lyman looks like he has barely slept in a month? And then let's look forward to the birth of Sylvia's first child. If the gods are kind, it will be a sweet girl with curly, strawberry locks who eventually has several blond brothers. But what if the first child looks like Ser Konrad Storm, as an example. You and I won't be the only ones wondering, at that point, and then there is every possibility that a bastard inherits Castle Lychester. And if that should happen, there might be a fight for succession here and that would destabilize the entire local area. A local area that will include your family seat, plus Blackfin Den, and, gods-willing, a reinvigorated Riverthorn."

The brunette's face clouded again. "To some extent you are right in that we could keep our noses out of other families' business. But we are all lessened when a bastard inherits, and the fighting it could cause would strike awfully close to home. Not that there's anything we can do about it at this point except deal with the consequences should the worst come to pass." She took a deep breath and let it out in a huff. "That's not to say I wouldn't be sympathetic to everyone involved. If no one is the wiser, the deals made to save the Lychester family's finances and Sylvia's honor are done between senior members of their households who are trusted with their best interests. If done between adults where everyone is aware of what agreement they are making and why, then like you say, is it really our business?"
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 182 posts
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 18:04
  • msg #38

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Arching an eyebrow at Gwen, Berion chuckled.  "You can say many things about me friend, but being dull or unmemorable isn't one of them.  Still, your point is noted, thank you."

At the mention of one of the boys helping him, the knight lost his composure and began laughing uncontrollably.  Clutching his sides so as to steady himself, Berion's grin went ear to ear as he replied "Gwen, you didn't think I was serious did you?!  Of course I'll force poor Alyssa to suffer through it, not them.  Assuming you're willing to part with her for a bit sometime soon that is.  And worry not, I shant forget the good Lady Yve, regardless of how anything else turns out."

As the talk shifted to bastards and succession, the mirth on Berions features quickly faded, his expression becoming far more somber.  "Fair enough.  Seven willing that this is little more than a minor scandal at best, and that the two have a long and happy marriage.  And many many blonde children."  However the talk of a reinvigorated Riverthorn caused him to arch an eyebrow in Blackfin heiress' direction.  "Riverthorn eh?  Do you know something I don't then?  Beyond the obvious I mean" he added with a chuckle.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 124 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 19:27
  • msg #39

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Gwen quirked an eyebrow at Berion's profession of 'not being dull' as if to say she would be the judge of that. "Alyssa is your sister first and foremost, at least until she weds. Though once her feet ache from being trodden upon too often, there are others I can make available." She was satisfied with the single warning about Yve, and was apparently happy with Berion's response.

When the knight wished many blondes upon the wedded couple, Gwen raised her glass to that sentiment. "From your lips to the gods' ears." She didn't feel the need to add any more fuel to that fire, having spoken at more length than she liked. Rumors were one thing, rumors built on rumors built on rumors...she didn't like spreading those overfar.

"Ah, yes, Riverthorn. Apologies for not speaking with you earlier about my plans, but the seed I planted hadn't even sprouted above the surface when last we spoke." Gwen made a twirling movement of her hand that generally seemed to encompass Castle Lychester. "Our host family has noticed that there seems to be a concentration of outlaws that have taken root in Riverthorn. It is one thing to have a few bandits using the woods as cover, something completely different when they have a stronghold. Lord Lyman was hoping for some support in recommending the re-settling of those lands. I think that would be of help for everyone nearby. More, I'd like to have a Blackfin in Riverthorn, as even if sworn to Lychester we will have friendly relations on our border for decades to come. Bryn is unwed and unpromised, so I suggested to Lord Lyman that a union between him and Saerai Paege would solve a lot of problems. She could continue her family line and Riverthorn could avoid any future conflicts over ownership. Bryn will be an excellent steward of the lands and his family will hold a title. That a Blackfin will be there allows us to reasonably provide Blackfin military support and receive some benefit from the investment. And we all get rid of the outlaws."

The Blackfin heiress re-settled her braid over her left shoulder. "Much more work to be done here, for certain. Thus far I've reached agreement with Lord Lyman and broached the subject with Bryn and have his tentative agreement. Ser Jasper and Saerai would be next. Of course Darvil received her favor for the tournament, but I'm not certain that's a bad thing, as her acceptance seemed to be focused on appreciation for our family. It seems the most likely sticking point with her is that she is considering giving her life to the Faith rather than carrying on the work of her family." Gwen pressed her lips together. "Whether that is because she didn't think someone would help her retake Riverthorn remains to be seen."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:37, Thu 17 Feb 2022.
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 183 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 20:06
  • msg #40

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Chuckling at the insinuation implied by Gwen's look, Berion grinned.  "Much obliged my friend.  Though I can't promise that she won't hate you after this, so on your head be it."

At the talk of Riverthorn the knight fell silent for a bit, his expression pensive.  Given the state of things, it was likely that the Knollwood levies would be doing the majority of the heavy lifting during any sort of conflict.  It's not that the Blackfins lacked a military force, but the majority of their resources were tied up in their fleet, and thus, they were forced to rely on the banners to provide the bulk of any forces they might muster.  "I had heard some rumblings about banditry, but it's good to hear that there are plans to deal with it.  And your cousin wed to Lady Saerai you say?  It's certainly a a logical decision, and one where everyone wins" he replied, giving an approving nod.

"You of course know that you can, as always, count on my support in this endeavor."  Not that it needed to be said given that they were sworn banners of the Blackfin, but it never hurt to make the fact quite clear.  "And truth be told, given the circumstances, I'm quite pleased for the opportunity to leave Lord Lyman with a good impression."
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 127 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 01:37
  • msg #41

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Gwen smiled and nodded at Berion’s approval. ”I’m glad you approve, as we both know that you and your house will be crucial to any military efforts. I will add that this is an opportunity to wipe out bandits plaguing Lychester lands. Should you present yourself before the Lychesters covered in Glory from such beneficial military exploits, well, I would think Iris could be impressed by that.”

Her face clouded briefly, though her tone was inquisitive rather than troubled. ”What did you make of Ser Ramsbold’s report upon his arrival? And more, do you have an opinion of him?”
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 185 posts
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 18:21
  • msg #42

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Chuckling, Berion tapped his nose by way of reply, making his agreement with the Blackfin heiress quite plain.  "The thought had crossed my mind, yes.  As for Ser Ramsbold, I trust what I say does not leave this room?"  Waiting just a moment for Gwen's acknowledgment, the knight continued.  "I think he's a brave man and loyal servant of your family.  Even if he is more than a little brash and impatient.  As for his report, I must admit that it gave me pause.  He mentioned seeing a band several scores strong, perhaps more. That by itself is rather notable, if only because bandits and their ilk don't usually gather in those sorts of numbers as they're a disorganized, fractious lot, who usually lack any sort of centralized leadership.  Beyond that, it's simply a lot of mouths to feed, clothe, and house."

Pausing only to take a sip of water, Berion quickly continued.  "Any man who has been to war will tell you that battles are won long before you take the field.  The numbers and quality of the men, the terrain, and the supplies they have.  Now, most armies have supply chains to provide them with anything that they are not able to acquire via forging.  But these men don't have that luxury, they're bandits after all.  And for a force like this to winter in Riverthorn, they'd have to be immensely well supplied.  Supplies that, given the state of the things, should be next to impossible to procure simply from the surrounding lands..."  Leaving the implication unsaid, Berion finally fell silent, his expression pensive.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 129 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 20:08
  • msg #43

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Gwen nodded at the request for discretion, then smiled at what she suspected was insinuation. “I am not yet wed to Ser Ramsbold, so his loyalty is still Bracken first. He is on my father’s short list which is why I asked your opinion of the man. As turnabout is fair play, I’ll further ask you to keep your eyes and ears open for anything concerning him. Though mostly I want you to consider how you would feel about him as Blackfin’s Lord Protector. And Ser Derrin as well, of course. I don’t need to tell you how significant this decision will be.” Gwen hadn’t previously sought outside counsel on this, but she obviously placed a great deal of trust in Ser Berion.

She quirked an eyebrow when considering the bandit troubles. ”Easiest way to supply Riverthorn is, well, by the river. Are you thinking a blockade may be in order? Uncle Thoren will be excited by that prospect I’m sure. It won’t necessarily tell us who is behind the supplies, though perhaps it will give some clues.” Gwen also had her own sources of information concerning what happened on the river. She would likely consult with them on her return.
Thoren Blackfin
House Blackfin, 88 posts
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 22:46
  • msg #44

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

"My lady, Ser Berion," he said in greeting to the both of them.

"Apologies for the late entrance. I had a few conversations to wrap up before I could get away. Now, I could be wrong, but I thought I heard something about a prospect that might excite me. What is this now?"
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 187 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 00:25
  • msg #45

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Berion's reply died in his throat as Gwen's uncle entered the conversation.  Waving the man in with a smile, the knight stood and extended a hand in greetings as he quipped "How many times must I tell you that there's no need for titles amongst friends?  And we were discussing the matter of Riverthorn.  I was busy speculating wildly about the nature of the bandit problem.  Namely that given their numbers and the recent change in seasons, there remains the potential of outside assistance of some sort, else they'd have likely long since run out of supplies."
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 130 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #46

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Gwen grinned as her uncle appeared. She nodded at Berion’s greeting and waited for her uncle to take a seat before adding her own emphasis. ”Your name came to the fore because my speculation is that the bandit’s supplies likely came by water. Thus if we are to sever their supply lines, a naval blockade may be in order. If we commit to that, you would be my choice to lead our forces.”

Gwen considered what else they’d discussed, then provided a condensed version for Thoren to digest.

OOC: Basically, Thoren, feel free to read through the above and assume Gwen passed along the gist.
Thoren Blackfin
House Blackfin, 89 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 03:05
  • msg #47

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

He clasped Berion's hand, and then clapped the knight on the shoulder before seating himself with the both of them, his presence obviously being at ease belying his earlier formality. Listening to Gwen's summary of what he had missed, Thoren took in the information quietly and dispassionately, as he was wont to do, digesting what was told to him, integrating it with his own thoughts, and thinking about what to say in response.

"Supply by river when possible given the options offers an edge with regard to safety and security with respect to the transport of goods. It requires many more men and resources to waylay river supply, whereas a small group of brigands can disrupt a wagon train more easily - and it is easier to avoid attention on the water than it is on land. I'm inclined to agree that for that number to subsist in Riverthorn, they would have need of outside supply, and that it is likely such supply comes by river," he said.

"A blockade would be good, and not only for cutting off the supply. If we intercept the supply, we could learn who is sending it. That would give us some information on the stakes and the parties involved, and what we might be up against. If we're committed to this endeavor...and I agree that this provides as good an opportunity for House Blackfin to expand it's footprint...we will need all the information we can get."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:09, Mon 21 Feb 2022.
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 188 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #48

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Taking another sip of his drink, Berion fell silent as Gwen brought her uncle up to speed.  It wasn't until Thoren had finished sharing his thoughts that the knight spoke once more.  "I'm glad we're in agreement.  Though it also strikes me that given some of the contacts that the Blackfins have amassed over the years amongst the law-abiding river folk, that we might be better positioned than most to find out just who might be supplying these ne'er-do-wells.  As you say, we need all the information we can get" he replied, flashing Thoren a smile and approving nod before turning to Gwen.

"The good news is that spring muster was started some weeks ago, so it won't take long to mass our forces, if and when you desire it.  And besides, this seems precisely the sort of thing needed to shake the rust off the men after a long winter."
Thoren Blackfin
House Blackfin, 90 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 15:41
  • msg #49

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

"That is a good note. The smallfolk that live along the river - especially closer to Riverthorn - may be informed to a degree about the goings on there. Riverthorn is a few miles inland from the Red Fork, but much closer to a creek that feeds into it. If they are supplied by river, they'd have to unload here and transfer cargo into smaller craft, or move it overland at least a bit. That's going to leave a mark and make some notice."
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 133 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 22:23
  • msg #50

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Gwen nodded at the points raised by both her uncle and Ser Berion. "I've a few contacts that I've developed over recent years, and Father likely has more." Not to mention anyone Thoren had befriended among the river captains and crew. "We can see what turns up when we start to ask questions. Perhaps someone has seen something."

She pondered for a moment. "It seems like we will need to co-ordinate several groups. The Lychesters from here, our own naval and land forces, and likely Ser Ramsbold will want to take part as he has responsibility for the Riverroad."
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 191 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 22:42
  • msg #51

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Nodding his agreement, Berion sat quietly for a minute before piping up once more.  "I had something else that I wished to speak of, though I'm a touch leery of doing so given the circumstances."  Exhaling heavily, the knight turned to the Blackfin heiress and continued "Gwen, you asked me earlier if I saw any squires today that didn't give their best effort, and while I can't say with absolute certainty, I can simply say that Daveth Darry had no place in the finals.  None whatsoever.  The fact that he made it out of the first round was near miraculous, as Ayron Kettleblack is a notably better hand at the tilt."

Turning to Thoren, he added "You remember the boy during the hunt.  The young man was barely able to stay on his horse, much less control the damn thing.  And yet he makes the finals?  And then there was the matter of Valen's performance.  I've never seen him struggle the way he did, not even close.  And it wasn't because of Daveth Darry's skill in the saddle, let me assure you.  I can't quite put my finger on just what it was, but I've been at this long enough to tell you both with complete confidence that something was amiss today."
Thoren Blackfin
House Blackfin, 91 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 23:01
  • msg #52

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

"People seemed surprised that Donmere Wallain was unhorsed so quickly. I heard some talk that Donmere Wallain complained of some fault in his equipment. Maybe there was truly something off about his kit," Thoren mused.

"I do trust your instinct that something is off, though I don't know why they would act to favor the Darry boy. Unless I'm mistaken, he's a cousin of the main line, with little chance to inherit. I think they've got at least three sons. I heard his cousin betting a fitted suit of full plate from my Lord Father's own armoury, and a castle-forged poignard to match against Daveth's making the final four. That was his wager against a mere five gold. My nephew stands to make out well from that bet. Why he publicly bet against him is anyone's guess, though perhaps to throw off suspicion that his doing well was on account of tampering...that's a possibility."
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 137 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 22:16
  • msg #53

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Gwen listened closely to what Berion and Thoren each had to offer concerning the earlier joust. She nodded and considered briefly, her hazel eyes focusing briefly on the wall opposite where she sat rather than on her companions. After some thought, her gaze returned to the knight and her uncle. "If there was some impropriety, I certainly hope it wasn't perpetrated by anyone in our party, though I'm inclined to think it wasn't. As far as I can tell, the only one of us who stood to gain anything from Daveth's progress was Bryn, and I doubt the prospect of winning armor from a squire's joust is enough to entice foul play."

The Blackfin heiress pressed her lips together briefly. "Still, it reminds us that there are wagers being made, and some of them rather substantial. Bryn may not have been the only one to do so." Gwen paused and took another small sip of the Arbor gold. "Obviously, Daveth stood to gain the most from a victory. A title and the ability to inherit from his stepfather could drive a person to attempt to skew results in their favor. If that were the case, one could argue the gods provided swift punishment."
Berion Knollwood
Blackfin Banner, 203 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 15:20
  • msg #54

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Berion frowned slightly at the mention of Donmere Wallain's complaint, but remained silent, listening to the others share their thoughts on the matter at hand before speaking up once more.  Turning to the Blackfin heiress, he asked "Gwen, do you remember dinner the other night?  The exchange between Lady Aliana and Ser Lyonel about the young man's future prospects that is.  We know that passions are running high, and given the stakes, it doesn't seem too shocking to me that someone sought to put their thumb on the scale as it were."

Sighing heavily, the knight paused for a moment before adding "Truth be told, it also gives me pause ahead of the rest of the competition.  If someone was influencing earlier events, who is to say they won't try again?  Especially given that they by all accounts not only succeeded but managed to keep everyone else in the dark about their manipulations."
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 148 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Wed 16 Mar 2022
at 01:50
  • msg #55

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Gwen nodded at Ser Berion's question. "I do recall the conversation about the boy's prospects. And yes, it's certainly possible someone put their thumb on the scale, as you say. Though as my cousin stated rather succinctly, Daveth may eventually be an excellent steward of his father's estates, among other qualities. Given he would have been unlikely to be knighted in any other way, perhaps the outcome is for the best and we should wish the Darrys well and be generous with our praise for the young knight at this evening's feast."

Gwen looked back at the entrance. "It sounds like the knightly joust is about to begin. We should continue this discussion later, perhaps with Valen, Bryn, and Darvil as well."

A broad smile brightened Gwen's face and she wished the knight good fortune. "May the gods smile upon you, Berion, though we will need to take our leave."

OOC: Note that this concludes the portion of this thread that took place in Ser Berion's pavilion between the Squire's Joust and the Knight's Joust.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
House Blackfin, 82 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Tue 22 Mar 2022
at 01:33
  • msg #56

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

In between rounds Cat shows up a Ser Berion's tent. She's careful to stay out of the way, figuring her presence will draw Valen's attention when he's not immediately serving Ser Berion. Until then she waits patiently.
Valen Vance
House Blackfin, 89 posts
Squire To
Ser Berion
Wed 23 Mar 2022
at 19:43
  • msg #57

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

After checking over Ser Berion’s horse and righting some dents in his armor from the last joust, Valen returns to the tent to replace his tools and sees Catelyn to the side. He puts them down and turns toward her with a greeting.

”Hello again Lady Catelyn, what brings you here?”
This message was lightly edited by the player at 19:44, Wed 23 Mar 2022.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
House Blackfin, 83 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Wed 23 Mar 2022
at 21:42
  • msg #58

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Cat glances about subtly, but obviously to Valen and anyone paying her serious attention. She seems to be making sure no one from outside of Ser Berion's group is within earshot. Quietly so that even Ser Berion's group is unlikely to hear she says, "Can horses hear sounds we can't hear? Ser Gareth's mount seemed like it was being distracted by sounds I could not hear, maybe no one could hear. Someone may be assisting Ser Jarrack, making some sort of distraction for his opponents' mounts. Ser Berion isn't up against Ser Jarrack yet, but he could end up being later. I don't know if doing something to muffle sounds in his horse's ears might help or not, though. I'm going to try to watch and listen from somewhere better during Ser Jarrack's next match."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:43, Wed 23 Mar 2022.
Valen Vance
House Blackfin, 90 posts
Squire To
Ser Berion
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #59

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Valen is surprised when Catelyn is the one to bring up this topic, maybe others in the crowds who had a better opportunity to observe things were able to also notice something weird with the horses. He responds subtly as well.

"It's a possibility but I think that's something more akin to dogs, I noticed something similar so I went around the field asking some people who worked with horses what they know can affect them, however I did not hear anything like that. It might seem hard to believe but there have been plenty of signs already of a Warg acting in the areas surrounding the castle and they might have powers that could spook or affect a horse." From the incredibly aggressive feline in the hunt to the attack in the wolves such ideas seemed a lot less unbelieavable to him now. "I think it'd be wise to observe anyone who seems stressed, strained or observing Ser Jarrak or the horses intently during the joust, he has repeatedly bowed to a certain woman who he seems to be championing for, it's a motive to aid him so it's worth paying attention to her.

He stops for a moment before continuing. "It might not be just with Ser Jarrak, I experienced something that might be related, but I'd ask that you do not talk of it further if we do not find anything, I don't want to make unfounded excuses and if it turns into a rumour it could affect others. Are you fine with that?" He seems serious and trusting of Catelyn to speak of this.
Lady Catelyn Mooton
House Blackfin, 84 posts
15 years old
Ward of House Blackfin
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 13:17
  • msg #60

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Cat listens to him. She doesn't seem at all surprised when he mentions a warg. "There is a reason I pray to the old gods and the new. The new have arrived, but the old remain. A warg was not what I'd immediately thought of, but that is a reasonable answer. I'll keep an eye out for a woman associated with Ser Jarrak. And don't worry, I'm not going to go around telling people. I wanted to let you know because it seemed like your horse was a little off, and I wouldn't want your mentor to have trouble how Ser Gareth did."
Valen Vance
House Blackfin, 91 posts
Squire To
Ser Berion
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 20:35
  • msg #61

Chapter 4 - Knollwood Quarters

Content with the confirmation Valen continues. ”During my joust against Daveth I had more trouble controlling my ride than I’ve rarely experienced, specially with a trained one which I made sure to get acquainted with before the events. For someone who couldn’t control his horse during the hunt he beat many better riders without showing as many power with the lance as say Edric and Ofren, I suspected him of using a mare in heat but that was disproved by my change of mounts. Darvil and the others who faced him might well have experienced the same, but I’m not in a good position to question the other two as I do not know them and bringing the topic up as also someone who lost to him may well make them more unwilling to mention it, it’s easy to assume I’d plan to bring it up to dispute the result and if unconvincing any compliance from them would stain their honor as well. It’s something I don’t want for myself nor them if there’s no proof of foul play.”

Even though there were many people affected, direct evidence seemed hard to find, specially if a warg had been behind it.  “However I can’t imagine why the Warg would help both Ser Jarrak and him, both might not even be aware there was interference if the source was sorcery.”
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