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16:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting.

Posted by Mayor MadsdenFor group 0
Johnny Ichii
player, 120 posts
Pan Pacifica
Ion Gusoku
Thu 5 May 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #46

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Communal bathing is something Johnny is use to. He climbs out of his armor and strips down to climb into the ice bath.

"Refreshing," is all he has to say about it.

09:25, Today: Johnny Ichii rolled 34 using 1d20, rerolling max.  Bathing .

Total 19, Good Success

player, 16 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 18:32
  • msg #47

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Void looked at the ice bath and cocked her head as she saw some of the others climbing in. She took a drink of her blue drink (she liked blue) and cocked an eyebrow in puzzlement.

"Is it typical to sit in a bath of cold water amongst friends? All of this is so new."
Case Morrow
player, 126 posts
Core Earth
Thu 5 May 2022
at 19:23
  • msg #48

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Case looks at the pools dubiously a moment.  He was still getting used to that he didn't have to comply, or rather refuse to comply and face punishment.  But if he tried to weasel out it, he'd make the others look bad.  Coming to a decision the young man shucked off his clothes with no modesty and gets into a pool.

After a time, he pushes his painfully thin form out of the icy bath, Case quickly dries himself off with the blanket from his pack and puts his baggy clothing back on.


15:15, Today: Case Morrow rolled 1 using 1d20.  possibility.

14:59, Today: Case Morrow rolled 14 using 1d20.  STR check.


This message was last edited by the player at 23:05, Thu 05 May 2022.
Tongue Lasher Frold
NPC, 4 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 21:55
  • msg #49

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Tongue Lasher lifts an eyebrow toward Void, then smiles. "This bath helps the thought processes. I make all my important decisions here. And I have so many questions about this offer of citizenship and council membership."

She glances Jacob's direction and notices he's not in any discomfort, then sees a hint of pleasure on Johnny's face and winks. Upon seeing Case exit the bath, she says, "I understand you twigs can't stand the water that long, so I thank you for at least entering. Perhaps when you have built up more mass, you can see the benefits."  Tongue Lasher then looks toward Void and Ivan to see what they do.
Ivan Borovich (Headshot)
player, 68 posts
Russian Soldier
and Realm Runner
Fri 6 May 2022
at 10:53
  • msg #50

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Ivan shrugged, stripping off and climbing into the bath. "Should have... how say... twig to beat with and steam water first. Still, remind of home." He obviously wasn't in any distress, but also wasn't contributing to the discussion.
player, 17 posts
Fri 6 May 2022
at 17:59
  • msg #51

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Void thought for a moment then nodded and pulled back her hood, revealing long black hair. The eyes, so often shadowed were black starfields, her skin was white, unmarred, the colour of snow.

She slid the cloak off and let it drop to the ground. Billowing robes joined the pile of black cloth until she was fully revealed for the first time. Her body was as white as her face, equally unblemished, and devoid of hair.

She seemed untroubled by anything like modesty as she stepped forward and into the ice water.
GM, 239 posts
Fri 6 May 2022
at 22:36
  • msg #52

Re: Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

17:20, Today: Gamemaster, on behalf of Void, rolled 4 using 1d20, rerolling max.  STR check. Translates to -6 on bonus chart.
STR 6 - 6 bonus = 0. Failure.

Considering it would take an additional 15 on a Possibility die roll (or two Adrenaline/Action cards on top of a Possibility roll of less than 11), it may not be worth it to try to improve. Failure means Void will be freezing throughout and Very Stymied on any other rolls for the encounter.

If you want to modify the roll, let me know. In any case, I will continue with Tongue Lasher.

Tongue Lasher Frold
NPC, 4 posts
Fri 6 May 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #53

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Seeing everyone at least attempt the ice bath challenge, Tongue Lasher starts asking her questions: "Denmark is a monarchy. Does the Queen still live?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:38, Fri 06 May 2022.
Case Morrow
player, 127 posts
Core Earth
Sat 7 May 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #54

Re: Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Tongue Lasher Frold:
Seeing everyone at least attempt the ice bath challenge, Tongue Lasher starts asking her questions: "Denmark is a monarchy. Does the Queen still live?"

Case thinks back to the meeting with the mayor and tries not to think about how cold he is.  Keeping his teeth from chattering he observes, "Oh yeah the mayor said Denmark was a constitutional monarchy and that the Queen still holds power.  Though that she delegates that power to the city and councils.  Guess that means you and the others if you accept he invitation to represent the trolls."
Tongue Lasher Frold
NPC, 5 posts
Sat 7 May 2022
at 04:03
  • msg #55

Re: Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

"So, the trolls will have to swear fealty to the Queen?"
Case Morrow
player, 128 posts
Core Earth
Sat 7 May 2022
at 19:24
  • msg #56

Re: Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Tongue Lasher Frold:
"So, the trolls will have to swear fealty to the Queen?"

Case thinks a moment, "Pretty sure since Denmark is a constitutional monarchy that everyone has to follow the constitution, including the Queen.  So the people of Denmark choose who will govern them and everyone follows the rules laid out in the constitution (in theory;-).  So if you join up, the trolls will also get a say in who leads and what is done.  So I guess that's a no, you don't swear fealty to the Queen and have to serve her like the old feudal lords.  The Queen still has a role but it's not the same I suppose...she serves Denmark instead of the other way around."
Tongue Lasher Frold
NPC, 6 posts
Sun 8 May 2022
at 00:03
  • msg #57

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Tongue Lasher scowls and dives under the surface for a few seconds. When she surfaces, she asks, "So the trolls will pledge to uphold this Constitution paper that says the Queen can't make us swear fealty to her. Is that correct?
Johnny Ichii
player, 121 posts
Pan Pacifica
Ion Gusoku
Sun 8 May 2022
at 06:06
  • msg #58

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

"Do you not want to support something that says no one can make you serve them, not even the Queen?" Johnny asks, curious but not judging.
Tongue Lasher Frold
NPC, 7 posts
Sun 8 May 2022
at 15:40
  • msg #59

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

"I am just thinking this through. So who then has the right to demand that the trolls raise up troops to fight for them?"
Jacob Amer (Revenant)
player, 148 posts
Cosm-Nile Empire
Mon 9 May 2022
at 01:35
  • msg #60

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

"Look, the high lords are gonna use your people as shock troops. At least with the Queen you get representation in leadership to advocate for troll needs. The high lords demand utter servitude. Sounds like the choice is easy." Jacob points out.
Tongue Lasher Frold
NPC, 8 posts
Mon 9 May 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #61

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

"Frold does not like surprises. The last surprise cost the lives of trolls and humans. So it is good to avoid them when possible. So please pardon these questions; trolls are new to this idea of participation in government.

"Before, the emissary of the High Lord would demand the trolls fight somewhere, and we obeyed. We are free from the High Lord, and currently operate on our own. If trolls join this council, who would ask that of us? It should be the Queen, but she hasn't been seen here in months. So in her absence, who would give that command?"

Case Morrow
player, 129 posts
Core Earth
Mon 9 May 2022
at 06:30
  • msg #62

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

" mean is Denmark like a High Lord where they can just tell you to just drop everything to go fight somewhere willy nilly," Case exclaims, "She doesn't have that kindof power.  That sort of thing is decided on by folks elected by the people."

He thinks a moment before continuing, "Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark so who fights when and where falls to the people here....the city council, the mayor, and you if you join together."
Tongue Lasher Frold
NPC, 9 posts
Mon 9 May 2022
at 13:56
  • msg #63

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

"The mayor can lead us in battle?! That seems...unwise. She too frail to survive very long. Break like twig." Tongue Lasher turns to Case. "No offense to you, Storm Knight."

It's clear that Tongue Lasher is reality-rated, and like you, she can sense Possibilities in others. She's clearly worried that the mayor, with no Possibilities and no visible combat skills, would be a poor troop leader.
Johnny Ichii
player, 123 posts
Pan Pacifica
Ion Gusoku
Mon 9 May 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #64

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

"We," Johnny indicates his companions with a waved hand, "Chose to fight. We each have reasons, but what the High Lords are is worse than anything I can say.  So we chose to fight with the Delphi Counsel. The Counsel sends people like us to support places that need us, but we can't be everywhere all the time. If you agree to this offer, you are agreeing to use your voices in decisions. You are agreeing that others can ask for your help, but no one can demand it. We are asking you to agree to help your home be better for everyone. If fighting becomes necessary, you would have a voice in who leads, a voice that lesser people would be wise to heed. And if the enemies of Copenhagen learn that you have aligned with the city, they would certainly rethink plans to start a fight."

He shrugs and leans back into the ice bath.

"I am not a politician, but I can only see good things for the Trolls who sign on."
GM, 242 posts
Mon 9 May 2022
at 20:13
  • msg #65

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Time for Johnny to make a persuasion test. Tongue Lasher is intrigued, but will take some convincing. As a result, you will need a total of 16 to get a firm yes. Failure will mean more negotiation.

With Johnny's Favored status, make the first die roll, and if it's not a 1, you can accept it or cancel it and reroll. Possibilities and cards apply after deciding whether to use Favored. Card trades are allowed before or after the roll.

Johnny Ichii
player, 125 posts
Pan Pacifica
Ion Gusoku
Tue 10 May 2022
at 00:52
  • msg #66

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Johnny's words sometimes fail him, so he punctuated his remarks by flexing his muscles; then he flexed his connection to Reality, reaching for the one that made the offer look most advantageous.

His show of strength from within the peace of the ice bath proved quite convincing.

17:44, Today: Johnny Ichii rolled 12 using 1d20.  Possibility.
17:42, Today: Johnny Ichii rolled 17 using 1d20.  First

CHA 7 +9 roll=16

Tongue Lasher Frold
NPC, 10 posts
Tue 10 May 2022
at 02:34
  • msg #67

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Tongue Lasher smiles, showing more teeth than a mouth should have. "Well, Storm Knights, you have answered my questions with honor! Tell the mayor that we accept. Frold will send trolls with you to prove words are true. When Copenhagen goes to war, perhaps we fight with you!"

She calls Murk, Furg, and Urk (from the van incident) and gives them instructions in Troll. Then they all accompany you to the van (which strains to fit the four trolls in with you but manages to do so) and everyone drives to City Hall. The trolls exit and it's off to Frederiksberg to continue your main quest.

This is the end of the scene. Card resets are coming, along with the option to discard a Destiny Card for a replacement. Then the next scene will begin at the gate to Fredericksberg.
player, 18 posts
Tue 10 May 2022
at 02:43
  • msg #68

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Void somehow managed to stay in the icy water the entire conversation but wasn't really in a place to contribute. She was a being that craved new experiences and sensations and this was definitely new and not particularly pleasant.

She was shaking violently by the time she climbed out of the ice water and reached for her clothes. Her teeth were audibly shaking but she moved. Slowly but she managed to move.

"I can't feel my toes," she told Case as she started to put her robes and cloak back on.
GM, 243 posts
Tue 10 May 2022
at 03:45
  • msg #69

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

Card hands are refilled. Anyone who wants to discard one of their Destiny Cards and replace it with a new one may do so before we advance to Scene 3.
Case Morrow
player, 131 posts
Core Earth
Tue 10 May 2022
at 05:07
  • msg #70

Copenhagen Scene 2: Town Meeting

In reply to Gamemaster (msg # 69):

no discards
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