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14:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Cleric, 129 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 18:43
  • msg #45

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

"Agreed, we should seal this place up forever." Razyll said as he followed closely behind Talitha.
Dungeon Master
GM, 269 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 22:26
  • msg #46

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Arialis reaches out to detect magic and the resulting feedback nearly knocks her to her knees. Normally detecting magic is fairly uninformative but in the face of truly powerful magic at artifact or deity like levels even the simple cantrip can convey the power coursing somewhere around her.

Meanwhile as Talitha enters the room they hear a screeching from above. A small winged demon-like creature flies out from a hiding spot.

"Intruders! You dare violate Mother's sanctum!"

The creature pulls out a tiny dagger and cuts its own wrist. Blackish blood drops down into the pool and the water begins to chrun violently.

Pausing here for reactions and I'll get the tracker set up for proper combat tomorrow.
Fighter, 181 posts
30/30; AC 19; F:7 R:8 W:6
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 22:35
  • msg #47

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Talitha does not have time to react to the demon in time to avoid him doing anything. She just grabs her sword and shield and gets ready for whatever is to come.
Cleric, 130 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 01:39
  • msg #48

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Razyll looked up at the creature and cast a burning beam of light towards the demon. The cleric muttered his prayers as the Divine Lance rocketed toward the demon-creature.

If only a reaction, I will use Divine Lance as Razyll's first action when we drop into iniative.
Razyll rolled 24 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 17.  Divine Lance (ranged spell attack).
Razyll rolled 5 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 1.  Good Damage.

Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 113 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 18:31
  • msg #49

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Kaddock sees the demon pull out the dagger.

"What?? You're not big enough to take us on your own?  You have to call your mommy?" snears Kaddock.

He nocks an arrow and let's it fly.

11:30, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 22 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 16.  Longbow Attack.
11:30, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 8 using 1d8 with rolls of 8.  Longbow Damage.

Apologies if I don't do this right.  I'm still getting familiar with the 2e action mechanics.

Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 145 posts
AC:15 HP:24
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 20:45
  • msg #50

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Feali watched in anticipation concerned about what would happen next. Her mind raced through the spells that she had available to her, but someone she thought that the small demon was not the only threat, something was happening, but what? A summoning ritual? worst?
Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 143 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 02:44
  • msg #51

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Arialis stumbled and staggered just after she let loose the her innate detect magic. What she sensed tossing her for such a loop that she couldn't even speak in her heavily accented common, her words coming out in her native elven instead. [Language unknown: "Lick, lat ectit. Leev'ilma hatereect, riarth n olek'omin bleoerith... Oufiprer, o oer..."] She clenched both of her blades tightly, in order to not drop them, as she tried to regain her composure.
Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 127 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 08:27
  • msg #52

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Tristen brought his shield up. "Prepare to die demon." He drew his sword and prepared to strike.
Dungeon Master
GM, 271 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 21:48
  • msg #53

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

The pool bubbles and broils and suddenly clawed hands reach out from within and out from the pool two more of those monstrosities claw their way out. They quickly scramble to either side of the pool picking up Ranseurs from racks of them set to either side. As they do so the pool's glow seems to fade considerably.

Razyll blasts the creature with a lance of pure good energy causing it to scream in pain and its skin to blister and boil.

Kaddock's first shot strikes true but as he lines up a second Tsuto bumps into him and the two tumble to the side, although this time Kaddock doesn't fall down.
You get three actions a turn. Attacking is one so you can potentially attack 3 times however each time you attack you get successive penalties. There are other things to spend actions on like powering up abilities, moving, aiding others, recalling knowledge about your foe etc.

Faeli creates an illusion of the ground cracking and splitting open but unfortunately the devil has wings and is flying while one of the monsters ignores her illusion completely. The other seems to believe her but with a mighty leap it crosses over to attack.

Talitha, Arialis, and Tristen react more cautiousuly, readying weapons and shields but still move in to strike.

Take your first turn's actions and then post your second turn's. Note the imp is flying 20' up so cannot be engaged in melee, at least not in the normal sense...

Arialis1926/26Longsword +8/+4/+01d8+2 (s)-
Faeli1424/24TK Projectile +81d6+4 (b)-
Kaddock1932/32Longbow +7/+3/-11d8 (p)-
Razyll1826/26Scimitar +7/+2/-31d6+3 (s)-
Talitha1930/30B. Sword +10/+5/+01d8+4 (b, nl)-
Tristen1634/34Sword +8/+3/-21d8+3 (s)-
Monstrosity #1 (W27)18HealthyRanseur +10/+5/+01d10+4-
Monstrosity #2 (Z24)18HealthyRanseur +10/+5/+01d10+4-
Winged-Imp (Z27)17InjuredClaws +9/+5/+11d6-1Flying high

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:50, Tue 08 June 2021.
Fighter, 182 posts
30/30; AC 19; F:7 R:8 W:6
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 07:09
  • msg #54

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Talitha looks at the creatures emerging from the pool and the IMO on the air and her eyes narrow.
"More of these creatures again... Kaddock, can you handle the flying bastard?"
Although she aware of how dangerous the creatures are, there is little she can do about it.
She moves to the creature on the north and attacks it.

A1: Raise shield.

A2: Move to X26.

I raise shield as first action because the creatures have reach, so I'll get an AoO when I get close to melee combat.

A3: Attack the monster

08:08, Today: Talitha rolled 29,6 using 1d20+10,1d8+4 with rolls of 19,2.  Attack and damage.

Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 147 posts
AC:15 HP:24
Fri 11 Jun 2021
at 03:39
  • msg #55

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Faeli moves to W24 and casts Burning Hands and gouts of flame rush from her hands. "Well, I guess we know now where the uglies came from!"

A1: Move to W24
A2 and A3 Cast Burning Hands spell
Faeli Blackbriar rolled 9 using 2d6 with rolls of 3,6.  Burning Hands

This message was last edited by the player at 03:42, Fri 11 June 2021.
Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 144 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Fri 11 Jun 2021
at 05:21
  • msg #56

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

"Well, this should be as fun as the last time. Those of you that have ranged abilities, take out that flier!" Came her very accented common. Then with her swift agility she moved forward quickly next to Talitha! "SHIELD!" Uttering the word for the spell a glowing shield appears before her as she slashes her sword at the beast!

[OOC: Action 1: Stride to W26.
Action 2: Cast Shield.
Action 3: Slash beast at W27 with Longsword.

01:18, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 20,5 using 1d20+8,1d8+2 with rolls of 12,3.  Longsword Attack.
Hit AC: 20
Damage: 5

My AC is 20 right now.]

Cleric, 131 posts
Fri 11 Jun 2021
at 10:41
  • msg #57

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Razyll targets the flying creature with his Divine Lance and summons forth another burning blast of Sarenrae's light.

A1&A2Today: Razyll rolled 7 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 3.
Today: Razyll rolled 13 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 6.  Target Flying Devil creature with Divine Lance.
A3 Raise Shield

This message was lightly edited by the player at 16:20, Sun 13 June 2021.
Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 114 posts
Sat 12 Jun 2021
at 22:59
  • msg #58

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Kaddock gives a grunt of triumph as his arrow strikes true and then another grunt as he's bumped by Tsuto.  "Do that again and one of these arrows will strike as true in you."

"Yes, Talitha, I will concentrate on the flying creatures."

Kaddock pulls back and launches two arrows at the flying creature.  As he watches his two shots hit true he tries to remember if he knows the vulnerabilities of these monstrosities.


A1: Fire at Z27
A2: Fire at Z27
A3: Recall Knowledge on monstrosities
15:54, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 19 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 13.  Longbow Attack.
15:54, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 5 using 1d8 with rolls of 5.  Longbow Damage.

15:56, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 22 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 19.  Longbow Attack.
15:56, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 3 using 1d8 with rolls of 3.  Longbow Damage.
(I adjusted the numbers for the 2nd attack since I didn't have a macro for that.)

15:59, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 6 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 1.  Recall Knowledge Occultism.

Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 128 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 22:21
  • msg #59

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Tristen rushed over to block the path of the second Monstrosity (Z24). The creature was ugly. But the paladin wasn't afraid. The sword struck true and sliced the creature deeply in the thigh. "I'll keep this one busy!"

A1: Move to Y24
A2: Attack Z24, AC 18
rolled 18,8 using 1d20+8,1d8+3 with rolls of 10,5.  ATK/DAM
A3: Raise Shield

Dungeon Master
GM, 273 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 03:35
  • msg #60

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Talitha charges forward and she and the creature both swing hard and heavy with little thought of defense. Both of them take a fearsome blow although Talitha is able to catch hers with the shield. The force of the blow is enough to crumple her shield completely.

Two crits. Talitah takes 18 damage, catches 5 on her shield and takes 13 crumpling her shield. In return she deal 12 damage on her crit.

Faeli blasts the other one with a gout of flame. It rolls partially out of the way but still takes some burns.

Arialis steps forward and puts a sword into the spawn.

Razyll lets loose another blast of holy light but the devil soars and loops around it.

Kaddock fires off two shots at the imp but try as he does he can't seem to recall learning about this particular breed. He does know that there are hundreds of different types of demons and devils each with their own look and, quite often, mutations that make them not fit into the standard demonic or devilish modld.

Tristen moves forward and like across the room the creature swings in at him as he swings into it. He connects with his sword but takes a hit from the side. He catches it with is shield but the force is so strong it splits the shield in half!
Tristen hit is and is hit by AoO. He takes 10 damage -> minus 3 from shield = 7 damage and his shield is destroyed.

Up in the air the creature casts a spell and suddenly there are four of them flapping and circling around.

The creature in front of Talitha hits her with another might swing and the mighty warrior is knocked unconscious by a strike that nearly takes her skull off.
Another crit! 26 damage drops her to 0 - dying 1
Please make Recovery Checks until healed.

The creature turns and strikes at Arialis but she evades its bite and its attempt to rip her sword from her hand.

Tristen takes a hit from the creature and with his shield broken and a hinderance to his defenses the creature scores a critical hit!
Crit! Tristen takes 12 damage

Round 3
Arialis1926/26Longsword +8/+4/+01d8+2 (s)-
Faeli1424/24TK Projectile +81d6+4 (b)-
Kaddock1932/32Longbow +7/+3/-11d8 (p)-
Razyll1826/26Scimitar +7/+2/-31d6+3 (s)-
Talitha190/30B. Sword +10/+5/+01d8+4 (b, nl)Dying 1
Tristen1622/34Sword +8/+3/-21d8+3 (s)-
Monstrosity #1 (W27)18WoundedRanseur +10/+5/+01d10+4-
Monstrosity #2 (Z24)18InjuredRanseur +10/+5/+01d10+4-
Winged-Imp (Z27)17MauledClaws +9/+5/+11d6-1Flying high, Duplicated

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:38, Fri 18 June 2021.
Cleric, 132 posts
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 13:02
  • msg #61

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Razyll touches his holy symbol once more as he prayers to Sarenrae to give him the strength to heal the fallen warrior Talitha.

A1&A2 (Two Action) Heal 1d8+8
Razyll rolled 12 using 1d8+8 with rolls of 4.  Heal (Talitha)
+12 HP for Talitha
A3 Raise shield

Fighter, 184 posts
30/30; AC 19; F:7 R:8 W:6
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 13:29
  • msg #62

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Talitha feels the healing power coming back to her body thanks to Razyll's spell. She stands up with her newly gained strength ignoring her broken shield. She grabs her bastard sword with both hands and his the creature one again.
Running it's not an option, so if this is going to be her last battle she'll leave it with proud.

A1: Stand up
A2&3: power attack both hands.
14:23, Today: Talitha rolled 19,25 using 1d20+10,2d12+4 with rolls of 9,12,9.  power attack & damage, THW.
hits AC 19 for 25 HP of damage.

Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 148 posts
AC:15 HP:24
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 20:27
  • msg #63

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Faeli curses and pulls from a copper piece from her coin pouch. She brings the coin up to eye level as she pronounced the words of her enchantment before she releases the coin which dips a little before it darts off toward the creature at Z24.

A1 & A2 Telekinetic Projectile spell
Faeli rolled 24 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 16.  Attack Creature at Z24 (TK Projectile).
Faeli rolled 10 using 1d6+4 with rolls of 6.  TK Projectile damage for creature @Z24.

Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 129 posts
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 22:23
  • msg #64

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Tristen discarded the broken shield. He steeled himself for what was about to happen. "Adabar! Aid your champion. This beast threatens your fair town of Sandpoint!!! Tristen brought the blade down three times. The first bit deeply into the side, but the other sword strikes were parried.

A1: Attack Z24 HIT!
rolled 18,8 using 1d20+8,1d8+3 with rolls of 10,5.  ATK/DAM
A2: Attack Z24 Missed
rolled 14,9 using 1d20+3,1d8+3 with rolls of 11,6.  ATK/DAM
A3: Attack Z24 Missed
rolled 5,5 using 1d20-2,1d8+3 with rolls of 7,2.  ATK/DAM

Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 115 posts
Mon 21 Jun 2021
at 03:28
  • msg #65

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Kaddock watches as Talitha goes down.  Since his earlier two shots hit true he does the same.

"I'll keep firing at the flying beast, once its down then I'll aim at the others," he shouts.

Then he notices there are now four of them.  He keeps aiming at what he thinks was the same one he hit earlier.  "Hit true," he whispers to himself.  "Hit true."


A1 Shoot at Z27 - MISS
20:25, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 14 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 7.  Longbow Attack.
20:25, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 2 using 1d8 with rolls of 2.  Longbow Damage.

A2 Shoot at Z27 - MISS
20:26, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 14 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 11.  Longbow Attack.
20:26, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 7 using 1d8 with rolls of 7.  Longbow Damage.

A3 Moves to w23

Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 146 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Tue 22 Jun 2021
at 03:20
  • msg #66

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

"Shield!" Saying the command word for her shield spell she then lets lose with the full fury of her bladed might!

[OOC: Action 1: Cast Shield.
Action 2 & 3: Double Slice creature @ W27.

23:19, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 21,4 using 1d20+8,1d6+2 with rolls of 13,2.  Shortsword Attack.
Hit AC: 21
Damage: 4

23:19, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 9,9 using 1d20+8,1d8+2 with rolls of 1,7.  Longsword Attack.
Hit AC: 9
Damage: 7]

Dungeon Master
GM, 276 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 18:10
  • msg #67

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Razyll pours healing magic back into Talitha getting her back to the land of the living.

Talitha barely rolls out of the way as the creature tries to strike down at her. As its blade hits stone she launches herself up and into it using her full body weight to punch her sword straight through its chest. It's giant bisected mouth quivers and it coughs up a few gobs of blackish ichor before sliding dead off her blade leaving streaks of tar-like blood behind.

Faeli sends a coin flinging hard into the other creature's head with enough force to draw blood.

Tristen seizes the opportunity as it staggers forward to cut the things throat and it too dies in a pool of blackish blood.

Kaddock trieds to draw a bead on the flying creature but the four images are all dancing and twirling around one another like a swarm of birds and when he finally does release they scatter causing his arrows to miss their marks.

Arialis suddenly finds herself without a viable target as the flying creature is out of her reach.
Let me know if you want to redo

Up overhead the four copies start weaving arcane magic and up from the pool of water comes a watery copy of the flying creature. It flaps wings made of water and begins to take flight as well.

Round 4
Arialis1926/26Longsword +8/+4/+01d8+2 (s)-
Faeli1424/24TK Projectile +81d6+4 (b)-
Kaddock1932/32Longbow +7/+3/-11d8 (p)-
Razyll1826/26Scimitar +7/+2/-31d6+3 (s)-
Talitha1912/30B. Sword +10/+5/+01d8+4 (b, nl)Wounded 1
Tristen1622/34Sword +8/+3/-21d8+3 (s)-
Winged-Imp (Z27)17MauledClaws +9/+5/+11d6-1Flying high, Duplicated
Water Creature16HealthyClaw +8/+3/-21d6+1-
Monstrosity #1--Dead------
Monstrosity #2--Dead------

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 118 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 19:33
  • msg #68

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

"Arrgghh!" grunts Kaddock.  "Stop movin' around."

He notices the watery creature appear.  This is a new threat.  He's not sure if his arrows would do anything.  He resumes firing twice at the flying imp.

Try as he might those images are distracting and both shots miss.

He looks at the water thing again trying to remember if he's seen one of those before.


A1 fire arrow at Imp - MISS
12:30, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 15 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 8.  Longbow Attack.

A2 Fire Arrow at Imp - MISS
12:30, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 9 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 6.  Longbow Attack.

A3 Recall Knowledge on watery creaturem - Nope... *sigh* :)
12:33, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 2 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 1.  Recall Knowledge - Arcana.

Cleric, 135 posts
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 10:39
  • msg #69

[1.06] The Catacombs of Wrath

Razyll moves closer and targets the flying demon with a blast of divine energy. As his Divine Lance erupts Razyll growls, "Stand still, still? you little rat."

A1&A2 Divine Lance Cantrip
A3 to move closer if needed to get the flying demon within range of the Divine Lance spell 30ft distance
Razyll rolled 22 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 15.  Divine Lance (Flying Demon).
Razyll rolled 6 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 2.

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