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17:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC Discussion.

Posted by The LegacyFor group 0
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 100 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 02:16
  • msg #81

OOC Discussion

Let me know if you two want to free RP.  If not, I'll have a post up summoning the Spirit of Sharpness the moment I hear back from you.
Vislae, 75 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 02:32
  • msg #82

OOC Discussion

I'd be down for some open RP but I suspect we're all too objective oriented characters to waste too much time on idle chitchat.
The Legacy
GM, 76 posts
Path of the Suns
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 05:49
  • msg #83

OOC Discussion

Bhaskara, are you drawing a summoning circle in the middle of the Celestial Bazaar?  Just making sure before I have anyone react.  You might need your companions to make sure no one steps on the circle as you're getting it ready, if so.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 102 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 18:11
  • msg #84

OOC Discussion

They are trying to, yes.

I'm trying to get a better feel for the character, and I'm liking strangely unobservant as one of their traits.  The multitude of voices compels them to action sometimes, and that leads to a certain amount of obliviousness.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 104 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #85

OOC Discussion

Man, if you did a thing to raise the difficulty of this Spirit, we are about to have a double failure on our hands!

18:52, Today: Bhaskara Kohli rolled 5 using 1d10+3.  Contract Negotiation 2 + Manipulation Bene.
Vislae, 77 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 00:42
  • msg #86

OOC Discussion

Apologies for my relative silence here. It's been a hard few weeks and didn't feel like much for Everly to say in the moment. >.>
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 106 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 01:18
  • msg #87

OOC Discussion

Tryvv is up anyways.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:19, Thu 23 July 2020.
Jonah Ophidon
Vislae, 25 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 08:39
  • msg #88

OOC Discussion

I didn’t realize you called me into the scene.  Sorry.  Also I just want to suggest that if this doesn’t work we let it go.  It is a far bigger problem than summoning will solve.  Trust me.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 107 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 14:16
  • msg #89

OOC Discussion

Why did I call you Tryvv?

I blame it on grad school, last night was Research Methods, my brain is like a fried egg afterwords.
Jonah Ophidon
Vislae, 26 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 15:49
  • msg #90

OOC Discussion

In reply to Bhaskara Kohli (msg # 89):

No worries.  Been there done that have the piece of paper.  Brutal class.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 113 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 04:42
  • msg #91

OOC Discussion


I know I'm into a game when I find myself chomping the bit for a person who typically has an even faster response time than me to post so I don't skip them narratively.

Solid work Legacy, really enjoying playing this with you all.
Jonah Ophidon
Vislae, 32 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 16:30
  • msg #92

OOC Discussion

I’ll be getting back to this shortly.  Had an in-law visit...  A good guy but it took it out of me having to deal with people for four days straight.
The Legacy
GM, 84 posts
Path of the Suns
Sun 9 Aug 2020
at 08:54
  • msg #93

OOC Discussion

Week busier than expected - work is being a pain, will need to wait until Tue the 11th to start posting again. Apologies!
The Legacy
GM, 85 posts
Path of the Suns
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #94

OOC Discussion

Windstorm. No power. Will post when able.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 116 posts
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 02:18
  • msg #95

OOC Discussion

Be safe, no rush.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 117 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 22:41
  • msg #96

OOC Discussion

Well, apparently in wishing you safety I cursed myself.

We had a heat wave, which led to a freak weather event called a Roll Cloud around 2:30am yesterday.  The Roll Cloud caused massive winds, knocked out the power and internet, and literally left us in the dark with no cell service when the heat lighting started a forest fire near by.  Woke up to smoke at 5:30am after a restless night of lighting and thunder.  Had to grab the bug out bag and the cat to drive into town just to get enough of a signal to call the non-emergency line and figure out if our place was going to burn down or not.

So yeah, relaxing weekend.
Jonah Ophidon
Vislae, 35 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 22:45
  • msg #97

OOC Discussion

Well I’m glad you’re ok...  I also appreciate living somewhere that the environment doesn’t actively try to kill me.
The Legacy
GM, 86 posts
Path of the Suns
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 00:22
  • msg #98

OOC Discussion

Bhaskara, I feel for you and I hope you and your cat are doing all right!

I now in a position do to an update on what happened in my neck of the woods.  Search for "Iowa derecho" if you want to see exactly what happened, but what basically was going on was that on Monday, August 10th a massive windstorm hit my area around 1:30pm (I was asleep due to my nocturnal schedule, but I woke up in a hurry).  It was a derecho, a straight-line windstorm with winds up to 100mph, though it was about 80mph in my area.  Is sounded like a freight train and looked like a hurricane, with branches and bits of roofing flying by our front windows.  We lost power shortly after the storm and didn't get it back until last evening on Friday the 15th.  We didn't get Internet back until Saturday the 16th, and spent most of Sunday and Monday replacing the food we'd lost from our fridge and ice chest and doing chores we couldn't do with the power out.  We were very lucky in that we (or my parents in the same area) didn't have any house damage and very minimal tree damage. Some folks weren't so lucky. There were trees across roads, trees on houses, and some cities had very massive property damage to a huge amount of homes and businesses (one city to the west of us has people camping in their front yards as they have no place else to stay). There are still roads shut with trees and light poles across them, and we've lost an immense amount of trees everywhere.  Every day for a week the air is alive with the sounds of generators, chainsaws, and woodchippers.  It's going to take weeks to get the branches and trees cleared that fell down during the storm, more to remove the trees that are damaged but still upright, and every third house is sporting a tarp to cover lost shingles, roof damage, or worse. We're one of the lucky ones and I am very grateful right now.

I will hopefully be able to update the game tonight or tomorrow.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 118 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 01:10
  • msg #99

OOC Discussion

Holy shit.

I'm so glad to hear you're alright.

No rush on posting, I apparently got the kiddy version of what you've been through.
Vislae, 82 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 01:44
  • msg #100

OOC Discussion

No rush, just glad the both of you are alright.
Jonah Ophidon
Vislae, 36 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 08:57
  • msg #101

OOC Discussion

Seriously, glad everyone is doing alright.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 119 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 16:43
  • msg #102

OOC Discussion

Sorry for the continued radio silence.

40 acres blossomed into in 10,000 acres on Tuesday night, with 22,000 people displaced.

I am one of those, we got the call to evacuate at 12:30am on Wednesday morning.  Grabbed the wife the bug out bag, and the cat, packed up the car, and fled to a hotel. The fire line crossed my house yesterday, so I have no idea if it's still standing.

Leaving the hotel today to go live with some friends in a nearby city this afternoon.

Don't know when I'll be posting next.
The Legacy
GM, 87 posts
Path of the Suns
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 00:06
  • msg #103

OOC Discussion

I'm so sorry Bhaskara!  It's very beastly out there.  :(  I hope you and yours are all right. *hugs*
Jonah Ophidon
Vislae, 37 posts
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 13:41
  • msg #104

OOC Discussion

I hope everyone is doing ok.  Good luck to all.  Maybe some day soon, when Earth isn’t trying to kill us all, we can back to some sort of normal.
Vislae, 83 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 13:45
  • msg #105

OOC Discussion

That'd be delightful. As it stands, I'm not terribly fond that I've been getting Tornado warnings and watches at least once a week for the last two weeks. >.>
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