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00:47, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Divine Ledger: Realms and Souls.

Posted by TalonFor group 0
GM, 21 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 17:40
  • msg #1

The Divine Ledger: Realms and Souls

This is a summary of a god's domain and the status of their realm.  This is where the weekly soul count is updated, which is 300 per week of active posting.  (Possibly more if you work towards enriching your Realm.)

These threads will also keep a running update of notable individuals in your realms, landmarks, cities, etc. (Assuming I stay motivated enough to keep them updated.)
GM, 26 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 20:45
  • msg #2

The Divine Ledger: Realms and Souls

Annastarria, God of Eternity

Realm: Aeon
Realm Affinity: Cold

Chosen People: Aethereal
Traits: Physicality
Flaws: Superstitious

Essence Available: 1

Provinces: 1
Central Province:
Benefits: 1/3
The Astral Academy (1)

Western Province:
Argent Sands:
Benefits: 0/2

Southern Province:
Benefits: 0/2

Souls: 500/1000

Diplomatic ties with Jezeleth


Chosen Peoples Skills
Astrology Rank 0 - 30%
Biology Rank 0 - 10%
Astral Magic Rank 0 - 65%
Architecture Rank 0 - 20%
Arcane Combat Rank 0 - 20%
Writing Rank 0 - 5%
Mathematics Rank 0 - 5%
Infrastructure Rank 0 - 50%

Special Units

Aetheria, Eternal Flame
Mythic Heir
Forged from an ember from the Primordial Fire, this entity is a large winged serpent composed of blue and purple flame. It burns brightly against the perpetual night sky of Aeon. Given its origins, it is a powerful and imposing beast.

Arcanist - 6
Given a touch of the divine, this Aethereal, whether they had it or not before, possesses an aptitude for magic. They learn the arcane arts more quickly and more easily than most other Aethereal.

Feast Beast - 10
Massive muscly creatures that graze across Aeon. The have been created to stave off starvation as the Aethereal have grown too prolific for their borders. As great a meal as these beasts offer, they'll eventually be hunted to extinction as food remains scarce.

Important Places

Established: Age of Wonder
At the foot of the mountain temple that Annastarria first built, this fledgling city was requested by the god. The Aethereal have worked to fulfill the request, though construction did not come naturally to the nomadic people.

In the Age of Serenity Aeternus finally culminated in Annastarria's vision and became a functional city, the only one on Aeon.
Concordance: The name of the building which is the head of government for Aeternus. Here Xeves coordinates the travels of the nomadic tribes, ensuring their routes make the best use of the resources of Aeon.

The Folded Hills
Mountains along the northern border of Aeon, they were created when another realm crashed into Aeon. The dying world crumbled away on its own, but the mountains created by the impact remain.

Important People

The Age of Dawn

The High Arcanist Xeves, Heir of Eternity
The oldest of Annastarria's magic pupils, they were declared to be her heir.

High Arcanist Sheva
Elevated from the aethereal, she was once a student of the Astral Academy. Now she is stationed in the City Divine where she runs the district granted to Annastarria.


Established: The Age of Strife
Led by: Undessa & Kentok
A fiercely militant tribe that would attack other Aethereal on sight. They held a stable piece of land and had maintained control of it for over a century now.

Established: The Age of Strife
Thieves who would sneak onto other tribes territory and get what sustenance they could before being forced away

Established: The Age of Strife
They rely on traps and ambushes, often attacking other tribes and then demanding rations in exchange for releasing them safely.

World Walkers
Established: The Age of Wonders
The oldest of the original tribes, they've been pushed out into the Argent Sands. There a tiny number of them eke out an existence in the hostile province.

Children of Dawn
Established: The Age of Dawn
The tribe were the direct descendants of those first Aethereal who made their campfires on the plains of Aeon. They remained truest to the old ways. Nomads and naturalists, they did not build anything permanent besides a temple of Annastarria at each of their regular stopping grounds. This tribe was headed by High Arcanist Xeves.

Established: The Age of Wonders
his tribe had been named by other Aethereal due to their preoccupation with the star filled heavens. The Stargazers also held a deep fascination with all things mystical. They saw portents in everything and had a profound number of rituals. Somewhat ironically, these many superstitious beliefs made them one of the least magically adept of the people of Aeons, but they certainly were passionate.

World Walkers
Established: The Age of Wonders
The World Walkers nomadic route had them tracing the boundaries of Aeon. They were endlessly fascinated by the cliff that marked where Aeon stopped and the rest of the cosmos stretched out. They had started to map out the constellations that lay below the horizon of the world and had been trying to make forays into the Argent Sands, though the razor-like silver sands had so far stopped any meaningful progress into entering the new province.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:25, Tue 04 Oct 2022.
GM, 27 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 20:45
  • msg #3

The Divine Ledger: Realms and Souls

Serek Eztli, God of Blood

Realm: Shezmu
Realm Affinity: Water

Chosen People: Guise
Traits: Creative
Flaws: Fractious

Provinces: 1
Central Province
Benefits: 2/3
Ch'ich Āmēyal-li, The Bloodspring (2)

Souls:  1000/1000

Trade ties with Sindaro (Tenuous)


Chosen Peoples Skills
Hunting Rank 0 - 45%
Hemocraft Rank 1 - 0%
Military Rank 0 - 45%
Architecture Rank 0 - 10%
Knowledge: Labyrinth of the Elementals Rank 0 - 85%
Knowledge: Elementals Rank 0 - 10%

Special Units

Personal Guard - 6
Appointed by Serek Eztli himself, these Guise serve as enforcers of law and the hands of Serek, conducting his will where he's not available to do so himself.

Drillmasters - 6
Guise who have been divinely touched to aide them in leading training and military drills. They possess a gift of authority and an air of leadership that helps ensure their words are given greater heed.

Conspicuous Drillmasters -2
Two of the drillmasters were more elaborately marked than the others. They embodied the presence of a drill sergeant or announcer. Loud and full of presence as their mask chitterings and chattering echoed with their voice, their claws scrapped and sparked brilliant lights against one another, their flowing and billowing cloaks glowed with a shifting of florescent colors either at will or passively. Yet even their masks seemed to have spots that glowed with bioluminescence to accentuate their markings, grooves, and growth. They were truly special in the nature of their makings, two of a kind.

Objects of Power

Ryūketsu the Last Rites
Legacy Item: Hemocraft Blade
A long shaft bearing a rounded head of sharp blood-steel. The weapons was forged using hemocrafting and is a legacy to the craft.
This weapon will scale with the wielders Hemocrafting ability. Any cuts it leaves will never cease to bleed.

Important People

Age of the Hunts
Vez'ek'tin, Gladiator of the Blood Arena
Hero and Heir
Champion of the Blood Arena for long decades, upon the return of Serek he was elevated. He was assigned the duties of enforcing Serek's will and laws within Shezmu. A highly skilled hunter and single-combatant.
Granted Powers:
Dismembered Body
Grafted Body

Immortal Age of Steel
Serinos, Hero of the Arena
A guise wearing a hulking beast body.  Where Vez'ek'tin had dominated the arena through nimbleness and speed, this hero used the raw power of its host and a simmering rage to power through his opposition.

Important Places

The Ancestral City
This city formed where the guise originally made their home. It's importance to Shezmu and guise culture was only solidified further when the Ch'ich Āmēyal-li was created nearby. Over the centuries it has grown into the largest settlement of Shezmu and the vibrant heart of the realm.

Ch'ich Āmēyal-li, The Bloodspring - Place of Importance
Multiple interconnected pools of warm fresh blood emanate from an ever beating heart at the center. Those who bathe and drink of it would be revitalized, sickness and infirmity dispelled.
Traits: It miraculously heals wounds, cures illness and infirmity and restores youthful vitality.

Rules for Manipulating the Night of the Hunter

As Serek ushered in the Night of the Hunt, he possesses some ability to manipulate when the event occurs and the potency of it.

Years - For every year up that Serek moves the event he must expend 100 souls
Potency - Increasing the potency of the Night costs 100 souls
          Note: Nights will generally be a 1 potency, can be scaled up to 10.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:18, Thu 15 Sept 2022.
GM, 28 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 20:46
  • msg #4

The Divine Ledger: Realms and Souls

The Prince of Blossoms, God of Blossoms

Realm: The Cascading Pools of Irani
Realm Affinity: Life

Chosen People: Kitsune
Traits: Creative
Flaws: Arrogant

Essence Available: 2

Provinces: 1
Central Province:
Benefits: 0/3

Eastern Province:
Benefits: 0/2

Souls:  750/1100

Diplomatic ties with Sindaro


Chosen Peoples Skills:
Agriculture Rank 0 - 35%
Law and Justice Rank 0 - 15%
Liberal Arts Rank 0 - 40%
Kamihana Rank 1 - 45%
     Omamori - 50%
     Foxfire - 50%

Special Units

Cathedral Tigers - 4

Two unnaturally large tigers! They had white fur with deep black strikes and eyes and were a perfect blend of the monochrome colors of the false god, but blended and subordinated and perfected under the power of the True Prince. Their eyes gleamed with unnatural intelligence. Two of them guard the Cathedral of Blossoms.

Two fiery tigers also guard the Cathedral of Petals.

Salamanders - 4
Serpentine fire that stands taller than a kitsune, these blazing creatures reside in Easfyre and are hostile to non-kitsune.

Jylis Danna'd, the Celestial Dragon of Wood/Water
Mythic Beast
"It's scales were a light green, reminiscent of lilies and kelp. And while the thing was alive and biological, its scales had a flowing aesthetic of water-worn wood while its eyes glowed a bright watery-green color. This celestial dragon embodied a mix of wood and water affinities in a holistic blend that somehow worked...just like it did with the primordial driftwood that once served as its core."
Molded from driftwood fished up from an metaphysical watering hole, it is a powerful creature the likes of which will live on it tales.

Important Places

Cathedral of Blossoms
Founded: Age of Edicts
Quality: Allows access to Kamihana
The pool in which he'd originally manifested was imbued with a soft glow and had divine energy poured into it. The air gained a hushed quality and the air gained a stillness to it. There was a sense of the holy that hung about the boughs of these trees now and new sparkle to the spray coming off the falls. Even if this place were left to grow wild, it tend towards wild flowers and bright fresh blooms rather than weeds and scrub brush.

Cathedral of Petals
Founded: Age of Piety
Quality: Allows access to Kamihana
This Cathedral is an actual structure. Built beside the caldera of Easfyre, this cathedral is like its predecessor in that it allows Kamihana to be drawn upon even while the Prince of Blossoms is absent or dormant. Blooming with sakura blossoms it overlooks the churning pit of lava below.

Important People

The Age of Piety

Ikyte, Spring Bearer
Second of Irani
Religious leader of the Children of the Petals, the organized religion of Irani. Now aged with gray in her ear and tail fur, her arm also bears a pattern of delicate scars that look like flower blossoms that tell the story of when she lost the arm during magical experimentation.
She was restored to youthful vitality when she became the Second of Irani.

Kenderis, Summer Bearer
Second of Irani
The hand chosen successor of Ikyte, before she was granted divinely long life by being a second. Kenderis was chosen for his religious zeal. He was elevated to Second of Irani during the Age of Piety.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:06, Tue 13 Sept 2022.
GM, 29 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 20:46
  • msg #5

The Divine Ledger: Realms and Souls

Typh, God of Fortune

Realm: Aegos
Realm Affinity: Wind

Chosen People: Prothemi
Traits: Social, Independent
Flaws: Superstitious

Provinces: 1
Central Province:
Benefits: 1/3
Journey's Peak: Permanent gateway to Labyrinth of the Elements

Souls:  650/1000


Chosen People Skills:
Seafaring Rank 0 - 25%
Craft (Ships) Rank 0 - 25%
Persuasion Rank 0 - 40%
Exploration Rank 0 - 80%

Special Units

Voyager - 1
A Promethi who is blessed to be more adept at manning a ship and traveling the sea.

Fortune Spirit - 2
At a glance the Fortune Spirit can often be mistaken for a water elemental, but these entities have a fondness for guiding boats safely through waters or leading them to hidden treasures. As such, sailors bear a great fondness for such spirits.

Gold Bird - 2
This bright yellow bird has a faint metallic sheen to its plumage. It makes its nests near veins of minerals and gemstones. A trait that will make it highly popular amongst mortals once they learn of this affiliation.

Homebound Moss - 1
This variant of moss grows on the sides of rocks and trees in the direction of safe places.

God-Touched Explorer - 17
One of those first few Prothemi to successfully journey to the Labyrinth of Elements and return. They gained the blessing of Typh and this blessing added to their already natural abilities.

Important People

Age of Dawn
Kaymen, the Inevitable
The explorer who found the strange power lying at the heart of the Island of Inevitable. He was elevated to the status of hero. As a hero he retains an affinity for exploration.

Important Places:

The Age of Dawn
Hearth: The home island of the Prothemi, it was where they originated and is the center of their culture. Not the largest or the most abundantly rich island when it came to resources, it was the most developed. Hunts and shacks have been raised all across the island and dirt roads mark the important paths.

Far Shore: The first island the Prothemi visited that was not Hearth they dubbed Far Shore, despite the irony of the fact it was the closest shore. Regardless of that small detail, the island is larger than Hearth and has far more trees, which are now a much in demand material as the ships were perpetually being built.

Inevitable: This island was the third and newest island. Named thus as all the currents in this part of the sea would eventually guide one to the island. Another larger island, it had only the smallest foothold of Prothemi. Rumors sailors brought back spoke of strange beasts and settlers going missing in its jungles. Thus the name of the island was starting to hold a more ominous second meaning.
     Journey's Peak: The highest point on Inevitable, here Typh laid the gate which leads to the Labyrinth of the Elements.

Sheer Shores: The last island in the Aegos heartland seas, the island possesses sheer cliff walls. The Prothemi have erected scaffolding and catwalks to allow them to travel up and down the cliffs. There they have a logging camp and gather the great amount of trees available.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:15, Fri 19 Aug 2022.
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