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17:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes.

Posted by GamemasterFor group 0
Jacob Amer (Revenant)
player, 156 posts
Cosm-Nile Empire
Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 17:12
  • msg #42

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

Jacob tried to slam the leader, but the elf saw him coming from a mile away and took steps to avoid him.

(OOC-misses elf

Playing too tough into my pool.)

This message was last edited by the player at 17:13, Sun 05 June 2022.
Ivan Borovich (Headshot)
player, 73 posts
Russian Soldier
and Realm Runner
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 11:48
  • msg #43

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

With 'his' opponents dealt with, Ivan moved in to flank the remaining leader with the old one-two of rifle butt and barrel. Coming in from the blind side, his attacks were very effective.

13:41, Today: Ivan Borovich (Headshot) rolled 18 using 1d20.  Attack
Both attacks on the reality rated elf, tot 20 for 10 'overs'.
Base damage +9 + 10 from overs, = lots.

GM, 256 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 02:30
  • msg #44

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

The remaining elves realize that you aren't the local humans who can be pushed around and use seemingly magical powers to fade into the shadows. You are now able to get in the van and head to the temple district.

All the shrines and temples have common features. The deity's holy symbol is displayed, surrounded by other writings and symbols. The most common holy symbol is that of an obsidian gem with a glowing four-pointed star radiating out from it, the holy symbol of Asten, goddess of secrets. Other holy symbols are the hilt of a broken sword (Dunad), two stars over water (Elmiir), and even on of a beautiful tree of unknown species (Rak).

While the other deities have identical symbology across the temples, Asten's have slight differences from one to the other. This seems to be significant.

One of you (preferably a brainy person like Void or Case) can attempt a DN 10 evidence analysis test to figure out what's up. Everyone else will be considered helping, so the person doing it gets +3. But since none of you have the skill, natural 20 on the die will not roll again.
player, 26 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 02:42
  • msg #45

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

OOC: Would Void be able to note the difference and understand the significance of said change giver the lack of cultural understanding and history that she presents with?
Case Morrow
player, 144 posts
Core Earth
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 03:14
  • msg #46

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

"I bet the Elven god of secrets is hiding something," Case says in a half whisper.  Looking at the slightly different holy symbols of Asten, Case mentally begins cataloging them.  He wonders if he should have paid more attention to the memorization 'games' he had to play in the Program.  Case begins to hum a tune which some may recognize <one of these things is not like the others, one of these things is not the same...>

If he can he interacts with an 'interesting' Asten shrine for a minute, attempting to use Psychometry.

23:11, Today: Case Morrow rolled 17 using 1d20.  evidence analysis.  for a total of 14 (base)

23:11, Today: Case Morrow rolled 7 using 1d20.  psychometry. -2 but still a success at 11

This message was last edited by the player at 03:15, Fri 10 June 2022.
GM, 257 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 18:50
  • msg #47

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

Void's contributions are meager, but still enough to give the group a combined +3 on evidence analysis.

Case gets a vision of a priestess with the same star gem symbol emblazoned on a breastplate approaching the entrance. With a chant and a wave, the "missing" symbols are restored. Then she taps into the same personal spirit Case uses to produce flame, except she takes one of the "useless" paths as defined by Project Eloquence. Yet in this case, a being was waiting for her at the end of the path, and together they worked to hide new symbols in a pattern in a manner of spiritual writing.

With the help of the group, Case identifies all the symbols that were altered to create the message. Perhaps if someone could tap into a source of supernatural energy, the message could be "read".

To read the message requires a test of faith or divination of DN 10. Divination cannot be used unskilled, but faith can. Coordination is allowed.
Case Morrow
player, 147 posts
Core Earth
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #48

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

Case thinks back to the monks on the bridge and if they were chanting anything or whispering prayers to their god of secrets that may somehow reveal what's hidden here.


12:10, Today: Case Morrow rolled 17 using 1d20.  faith. so 17

if coordination doesn't hit an outstanding success (20), will use Willpower card for the +3.

Priest of Asten
NPC, 1 post
May Asten reveal
the secrets you need
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 00:38
  • msg #49

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

Coordination is enough for Outstanding.

Case recalls the chant the monks were doing, "Pie Asten domine, dona nobis scientium." After about a minute, the message comes into focus: "Mayor Madsden must fall."

As soon as he speaks the phrase to the group, the door opens to show an elven priestess praying at an altar. She turns to you, revealing the obsidian star gem on her breastplate. "Welcome to the temple of Asten. You have proven yourself worthy by determining the true temple among the many counterfeits. Are you here for spiritual guidance, or is there another purpose to your visit today?
Case Morrow
player, 148 posts
Core Earth
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 00:57
  • msg #50

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

"Um...sortof guidance I guess.  Not sure how much of secret it is but we're looking for cyberpriests.  Ah weird looking French Catholic priests with metal imbedded in their skin," quickly correcting himself Case adds, "Not for spiritual guidance though.  They're after something and we want to keep them from getting whatever they are after."
Priest of Asten
NPC, 2 posts
May Asten reveal
the secrets you need
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 03:43
  • msg #51

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

"Ah, the defilers! We have reliable reports that they desecrated a different temple of Asten, most likely to destroy the intelligence message hidden within. Only Eruvel Cathfaine knows if they succeeded or not.

"After this, they fled. There are rumors they are hiding in the northern ruins, but those rumors are unconfirmed. It's a dangerous place, even for elves. Bandits lurk behind every street corner, we are told."

Case Morrow
player, 149 posts
Core Earth
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 04:12
  • msg #52

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

"Eruvel Cathfaine, former knight of the Army of Light, gotcha," Case confirms, "So...ah...reading the Ovaltine secret message...why must Mayor Madsden fall?"
Priest of Asten
NPC, 3 posts
May Asten reveal
the secrets you need
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 04:43
  • msg #53

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

"Well, it wouldn't be a secret if I told everyone, now would it?" She winks at Case slyly.

To get that information out of her, you will need to test persuasion. Had you been an elf, she probably would have given you the answer immediately, but since explaining the message hidden in her temple is literally one of the duties of her position, it won't take much convincing. The DN is 6, and the penalty for non-elves trying to persuade elves does not apply to this test.
Case Morrow
player, 150 posts
Core Earth
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 05:09
  • msg #54

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

Case catches himself from repeating automatically something he was taught about maintaining secrets that would be taken in the worst way and instead looks side to side for eavesdroppers and then says, "A secret has no value unless it's shared.  We're storm knights who are hunting down the cyberpriests who defiled Asten's shrine, we definitely aren't 'everyone'."

00:49, Today: Case Morrow rolled 14 using 1d20.  second chance persuasion. (card used)

00:47, Today: Case Morrow rolled 3 using 1d20.  Persuasion.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:09, Sun 12 June 2022.
Priest of Asten
NPC, 4 posts
May Asten reveal
the secrets you need
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 22:42
  • msg #55

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

The priestess smiles at the wise answer. "You have the makings of a priest. The information provided by the shrines come from agents who convey their intelligence to Eruvel Cathfaine. The leader decides which messages are put into the temples."

She stares at the message further. "Ah, the subtext indicates an assassination attempt is to take place late tonight against the Mayor. Only brief messages can be encoded, so that is all I can provide."

OOC: The two avenues open at this time are to seek audience with Eruvel about the assassination plot and searching the northern ruins to see if the Cyberpapists are still around. You do recall that the wyvern who flew by you with the undead rider was headed north.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:56, Wed 15 June 2022.
Case Morrow
player, 151 posts
Core Earth
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 04:58
  • msg #56

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

In reply to Priest of Asten (msg # 55):

Case nods his head in thanks and looks to the others, "Well since the mayor is being attacked latter we can look for the cyberpriests now before they move on if they haven't already...assuming they found what they were looking for in that defiled temple."  Letting them mull it over for a few moments he returns his attention back to the priest of Asten, "Um....did you notice any other strangers?  Like with fedoras and tommy guns...uh Egyptian Nazi types?  Sort of dress like my friend here except less bandages?"  Realizing what he implied he apologetically rushes over his words, "Uh not-that-I-think-you-are-a-nazi-I-think-you're-cool ah...sorry Revenant."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:03, Mon 13 June 2022.
Ivan Borovich (Headshot)
player, 74 posts
Russian Soldier
and Realm Runner
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 07:25
  • msg #57

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

Ivan pulled out his cell phone, checking if call roaming was active. If not, if he had internet access.
Priest of Asten
NPC, 5 posts
May Asten reveal
the secrets you need
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 13:28
  • msg #58

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

The priestess frowns. "No, I think I would remember someone like that coming through here. Sorry. But if you are hunting more outsiders like that, I wish you luck."

OOC: Enough Core Earth reality exists here to get phone signal and mobile data up and running.
Jacob Amer (Revenant)
player, 159 posts
Cosm-Nile Empire
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 14:04
  • msg #59

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

In reply to Case Morrow (msg # 56):

"Uhhh...thanks? I think? Also...I'm Egyptian, not German. Plus, Nazi usually wear uniforms. You are thinking of the SS. And my fashion choices are not Nazi-like, thank you very much!" Jacob tried to sound offended, but really he was restraining a chuckle.
Case Morrow
player, 152 posts
Core Earth
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 01:39
  • msg #60

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

In reply to Jacob Amer (Revenant) (msg # 59):

"Well more like that Gestapo guy in Indiana Jones who burns the amulet inscription on his hand gets his face melted at the end...," Case stops talking as he looks at the gloved, trenchcoated Revenant who's face is totally obscured by bandages that are wrapped around his entire head and topped off by an old fashioned fedora.  He says quietly, "I thought with the dark glasses you wear that you might be more of an Invisible Man like from the old movies and the trench coat was so you could 'get invisible' really quickly."

Case flounders a bit and glances to the others, "Uh, so about seeing if those cyberpriests are still around and then going to see Eruvel about what the attack on the mayor is all about?"
This message was last edited by the player at 10:49, Tue 14 June 2022.
GM, 259 posts
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 04:32
  • msg #61

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

*Tosses a Possibility at Case for excellent roleplay of social awkwardness.*
Ivan Borovich (Headshot)
player, 75 posts
Russian Soldier
and Realm Runner
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 07:27
  • msg #62

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

Ivan sent an sms to the mayor's security guy (the only one that he had paid any attention to to be honest) stating 'Credible indicators of assassination attempt planned for evening on your Principal.'
Security Detail
NPC, 1 post
the Mayor
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 14:32
  • msg #63

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

Message received. Relocating target to Security Ops in Palace. Please keep advised.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:35, Tue 14 June 2022.
Ivan Borovich (Headshot)
player, 76 posts
Russian Soldier
and Realm Runner
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 06:02
  • msg #64

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

In reply to Security Detail (msg # 63):

GM, 260 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 15:43
  • msg #65

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

OOC: The last plan mentioned was to search for the cyberpriests and then talk to Eruvel about the assassination plot. Is this still the plan?
Case Morrow
player, 153 posts
Core Earth
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 16:27
  • msg #66

Copenhagen Scene 3: Prying Eyes

What Case has suggested thus far.
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