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19:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together.

Posted by ControlFor group 0
Legacy, 38 posts
Sat 23 Apr 2022
at 05:33
  • msg #50

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

What I want right now from you folks is a run-down of what "normal" is for you.  Meaning, who lives where, what's their relationships with each other like? (You're not strangers, though you don't need to be close confidants).  Based on what's out there, do you have any particular trust or distrust of another PC?

Virginia scored a top floor apartment at Epic Condominiums just West down the street from PB's gym. (Does it have a name yet?) It is on the South East corner over looking what is essentially an alley and the back end of a store. With the inclusion of trees below the balcony, it is an easy place to slip in and out of in fairy form without being seen. She will stay in the hero lair often enough once that is all set up. She uses the condo though for privacy and maintaining a credible deception of her presence.

Seattle has a fairly high crime rate spread pretty much all about the main city. It is easy to find crime if you are looking.

Virginia has been active but has kept a low profile. If too many stories of a fairy begin to fly around, Psydney may become aware of her presence. It would not cause her to flee the city but out of her own self pride she does not want Psydney to know she is there. She is vainly hoping to some day catch Psydney in a trap! Therefore most of her actions have involved her size and sneakiness, perching on many a gang member's window sill at night listening. She is piecing together the-who goes-where and does-what of it all. She has resisted taking direct action against the Mafiya to this point.

However she has not avoided common street crimes at night. Muggings, rape, violence? Nothing takes the wind out of an assailant like a little reverse gravity and a drop from fifteen feet in the air. And when you are above them in the dark, they never know what hit them.

Her relations are 'professional' at this point.
She listens closely to what Gagamba says as she has insight into the Triad. She expects this may help her understand how the Mafiya works as well.

Virginia wants to like Marie but knowing she has encountered Psydney, she is cautious, paranoid even that on some level Marie is a brain washed double agent out to get her!! Paranoid! If Marie displays moods, it probably feeds these thoughts even more. She is suss! (in character only)

Punching Bag seems genuine at face value to Virginia. She likes that. She has also caught him the act of vigilanteing about the city and likes to watch his fighting method, on occasion bumping the bad guy back into play for him or watching his back. He does not need her help, she just discretely cheers him on.

Cythi is probably Virginia's kind of nutty and they get along swimmingly.

Virginia picks up extra money with the Seattle Artists Agency. She has made herself available as a hire for product promotions at conventions in the Seattle area. This would entail her taking about a two hour crash course on a business's offerings. After which she would stand around looking pretty next to a company nerd while nerds from other companies are walking around making purchasing decisions. It beats real work.
Punching Bag
Legacy, 35 posts
Sat 23 Apr 2022
at 21:32
  • msg #51

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Punching Bag’s Gym is called Headstrong with the base underneath. His former wrestling manager who now manages his gym goes by Mr. Giovani or Stitches as he regularly patches up fighters who get hurt.

With Gagamba most likely beating most of the fighters at Headstrong, it would be likely that Punching Bag challenged her personally to a match since he is on the lookout to have a decent rival. After a few rounds of wrestling he got her in a close clinch and whispered that he knows about her being a meta and that he could help her if she wanted it. If/When she accepts, he would show her the base.

Average day:
Headstrong is open Sunday-Saturday 11am-7pm
Punching Bag and Stitches get Breakfast/Brunch at the local cafe (Where I believe Cythi works) always leaving a good tip and pleasant conversation with her if she’s not particularly busy. Nothing romantic or creepy just finds her easy to talk to. Then it’s to Headstrong where Stitches manage the staff and PB walks the floor interacting with the customers and fighters. Sometimes he even gives free personal training to those he finds promising like Gagamba. Virginia is often asked if she would like to join him for lunch to discuss local news and anything interesting going on. After closing down the gym and having dinner, PB goes out on patrols within a four block radius of his gym. Most of the time, he’s just wearing gray sweatpants, black tennis shoes, and a gray hoodie with a bandanna that is pulled up over his face when he finds a perpetrator. The crooks are badly beaten up and tossed outside his territory being told to never come back.

What would Marie’s connection with PB be?
This message was last edited by the player at 21:36, Sat 23 Apr 2022.
Prospect, 14 posts
Angel Atebelo
Sun 24 Apr 2022
at 12:06
  • msg #52

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Punching Bag:
With Gagamba most likely beating most of the fighters at Headstrong, it would be likely that Punching Bag challenged her personally to a match since he is on the lookout to have a decent rival. After a few rounds of wrestling he got her in a close clinch and whispered that he knows about her being a meta and that he could help her if she wanted it. If/When she accepts, he would show her the base.

Wouldn't it be more fun and comic-booky if he had followed her from the gym and gotten into an "I know you're using Exalt!" brawl?
Punching Bag
Legacy, 39 posts
Sun 24 Apr 2022
at 12:15
  • msg #53

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Yeah you make a good point. That way they could cut loose without damaging his gym.
Legacy, 35 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 03:17
  • msg #54

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Virginia wants to like Marie but knowing she has encountered Psydney, she is cautious, paranoid even that on some level Marie is a brain washed double agent out to get her!! Paranoid! If Marie displays moods, it probably feeds these thoughts even more. She is suss! (in character only)

Touching on this now that I've had a chance, I could see the fact that Marie completely suppresses her emotions and moods as another means to drive that paranoia some too. lol
Legacy, 54 posts
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 03:24
  • msg #55

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Touching on this now that I've had a chance, I could see the fact that Marie completely suppresses her emotions and moods as another means to drive that paranoia some too. lol

That's good stuff. Whatever you do, Virginia may imagine something devious about it. hahahaha
Legacy, 36 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #56

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

What I want right now from you folks is a run-down of what "normal" is for you.  Meaning, who lives where, what's their relationships with each other like? (You're not strangers, though you don't need to be close confidants).  Based on what's out there, do you have any particular trust or distrust of another PC? 

As suggested by Cythi, Marie lives in one of the apartments up above the shops. She's likely 'friends' with Cythi to a point if Cythi wants. She probably maintains a distance from Virginia because of her own (Marie's) ties to Psydney and not wanting to hurt Psydney and the fact that that could also cause her own emotions to go off considering how she may or may not feel about Psydney.

Also...  As a vigilante, you are a public figure, whether you want it or not.  Virginia has some amount of deniability in that regard.  And eventually, you'll get a name for the team and all that.

Right now, I want to know just how active you are doing the vigilante thing?  And, if quite active, what's the focus?  I'm assuming Exalt is going to be a primary focus--cause it seems to provide a lot of nice fertile ground.  But this doesn't have to be your character's primary focus...

Marie is known publicly as Mind Dagger because of the incident with the police that led to her arrest. She sees this as a chance at redemption, and is therefore going into this venture full boar. That said she is also afraid of her powers, and the ties of her emotions to her powers so many times she is not going at full power. Cythi likely knows this.

All of these things... they may be added to your character as Complications, because I want excuses to throw hero-points at you as often as I can.  I want you to feel like you can do all the things they allow you to do with relative impunity!

Coming from a heavy background with Fate games, I equate Hero-Points to Fate Points, and feel that hero points are woefully under-used!

Legacy, 37 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 03:35
  • msg #57

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Touching on this now that I've had a chance, I could see the fact that Marie completely suppresses her emotions and moods as another means to drive that paranoia some too. lol

That's good stuff. Whatever you do, Virginia may imagine something devious about it. hahahaha

I tossed this at Jait, but it could be something that Virginia even suspects in all her paranoia.

But basically Marie has a unwritten complication that she would essentially fall for the first person that her powers barely affect or do not affect. So when he proposed the Psydney relationship to me, I tossed that at him too.

Just watch out arguing with someone who's powers are linked directly to their emotions. ;)
Legacy, 97 posts
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 04:03
  • msg #58

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Cythi is friends with EVERYONE!  And Control was right Cythi would take in so many strays.  I half debated one of the areas being dedicated to actually taking stray kitty's or something akin.
Legacy, 38 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 04:24
  • msg #59

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Cythi is friends with EVERYONE!  And Control was right Cythi would take in so many strays.  I half debated one of the areas being dedicated to actually taking stray kitty's or something akin.

MEOW! lol

Makes me wonder how Cythi feels about the emotionless Marie. Hmm...  I bet she woulda made her take in a stray kitty to help with her emotions! lol
GM, 144 posts
Thu 28 Apr 2022
at 06:45
  • msg #60

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Emotional support kitteh!
Legacy, 100 posts
Fri 29 Apr 2022
at 04:40
  • msg #61

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Several in the kitty kafe!
Prospect, 5 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 21:52
  • msg #62

Re: OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Okay, I got the mechanics figured out, now I need to figure out her backstory. What are the general elements I need to plan on?  What city are we in?

My plan is that she makes her living by teaching gymnastics, is that something easy to incorporate?  Although that can change if it doesn't work with group.
Player, 86 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 22:16
  • msg #63

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

In reply to Ace (msg # 62):

Seattle. And considering Punching Bag owns the local gym, I think we can fit that in. :-)
Prospect, 6 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 22:25
  • msg #64

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

kewl,  I thought that was mainly a fighting gym?  But if he has room for kids gymnastics classes...woot! :D
Player, 126 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 22:29
  • msg #65

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

If you want a separate property although PB's gym is probably the best, Cythi owns a building with multiple bays.
Prospect, 7 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 23:01
  • msg #66

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

I am good with being in Punch's gym, I would prefer she is a teacher and not owner of a gym. :)
GM, 180 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #67

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

I haven't looked at the build first-stab yet.  That's probably gonna be tomorrow or Sunday.

If PB is looking for a profit motive and a community-engagement motive, then an open, multi-use space would fit the bill. Gymnastics,  dovetails real nicely with wrestling training, after all.   But I can also see yoga and  some of the more vigorous fitness programs.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:58, Sat 25 June 2022.
Punching Bag
Player, 79 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 18:44
  • msg #68

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

PB could certainly expand for renting out gym space for entrepreneurs wanting to do personal training or teaching. Particularly if he knows the person to be a meta. Give them a safe space to be themselves and on the down low build that community up. The gym also has direct access to a tunnel that leads to the group base. Stitches is the middle aged manager of the gym that takes care of PB’s business affairs.
Prospect, 9 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #69

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

In reply to Punching Bag (msg # 68):

Excellent PB. :)  I can start thinking about her history.

does PB keeps his meta status on the down low?
Punching Bag
Player, 81 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 21:04
  • msg #70

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

For the most part yeah. Although I’m sure some people know a meta is around his gym as he does patrols within a three block radius keeping his streets clean. If he does run into a meta, he tries to figure them out and connect with them.

Edit: After Stitches runs a background check on them of course lol
This message was last edited by the player at 21:05, Sun 26 June 2022.
Prospect, 10 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 01:04
  • msg #71

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Okay, I don't see Cameron as being financially able to fund running a gymnastics gym.  So her Aunt Alexis Diaz is the one working with Stitch and PB to setup a gymnastics gym.  Alexis Diaz made it to the Olympics when she was a teenager as a secondary.  She has spoken up in the past for equal rights for all.

Does she sound like someone PB would work with?
Punching Bag
Player, 82 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 02:11
  • msg #72

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Yep. Consider her hired by PB as a personal trainer in gymnastics to gym members if she wants.
Prospect, 11 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 02:33
  • msg #73

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

In reply to Punching Bag (msg # 72):

Cool.  I am imagining that she also runs classes for kids up to teenagers.  And that there is a separate room setup for the gymnastics since that has a lot of equipment to go with it.

Oh, and Alexis would send Cameron to PB for martial arts training and someone who might be able to help Cameron handle her anger.
Punching Bag
Player, 83 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 05:02
  • msg #74

OOC: Back-Story - How the Team Came Together

Sounds good.
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