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02:02, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Feast after the Flames.

Posted by TalonFor group 0
GM, 147 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 03:14
  • msg #1

The Feast after the Flames

Upon the twilight world of Aeon four gods gathered together to celebrate their continued life. Scorched and burned, they had brushed up against a power that preceded the World Tree itself. They had lived and for that alone there was cause to celebrate. With plentiful food and drink provided by the Aethereal, the gods had time of mirthful revelry and a chance to get to know one another better.

OOC: I'll close the thread after it goes two days without updates, so feel free to converse as you see fit!
player, 46 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 22:11
  • msg #2

The Feast after the Flames

From Aeon:


"Ahh, bulking up I see. Wise indeed, Annastarria. I wonder though, is this because of the danger a rival twin possess or something more??"

"Potential invaders, brother. Not only the threat my sibling once posed but, after seeing the Gods of War and taking their measure, I know there are those who would come and take what does not belong to them. They would plunder my Realm, enslave or kill my Children and that I shall not allow," she growled, her eyes sinking to that baleful blue that spoke of simmering anger.

She raised a glass of shimmering dew, lit from within by the energy of Aeon. "I propose an alliance between the four of us. My children, my realm, shall come to your defence if ever foes invade. You shall do the same in return. Let our Realms be joined together and share in our joys, growth, and accomplishments. Let the four of us be joined together, siblings in all ways. A pantheon, as our brother Jannik proposed before his untimely end."
Serek Eztli
player, 61 posts
Lord of Blood
2/10 HP
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 00:49
  • msg #3

The Feast after the Flames

The immediate change in atmosphere brought a slight chuckle of amusement to Serek as he enjoyed it. The works of Annastarria and her people were interesting as he followed along their roads and their brilliant lights. There was quite the differences between their people as he considered it more. When the Aethereal gathered around them on their visit, food began to be ushered in until there was an entire feast of some of Aeon's bounty.

"I see...I would be lying if I said I was not doing the same. If my people the Guise or myself were unprepared, it would spell disaster upon Shezmu should a more prepared and organized foe attack. I can not say assuredly now that I will always withhold hostile intent to others." Serek trailed off as he considered whether he should speak plainly or not. Yet decided it was better to be open with them if he was to properly respect and honor them with intentions to make a Pantheon.

The food laid out infront of Serek was not an occasion or delicacy he would miss out on. Helping himself to the various fruits and berries, trying them out and pairing them with meats and nectars. However he was in no rush and ate slowly as he aimed to try everything brought out at least once.

Sighing, Serek swirled the gathered luminescent nectar around before sipping it. "I shall give oath to not attack any of you both umprompted and without properly declaring those intentions. An alliance proper, if any foe should attack you I shall give you my efforts and arms to defend your home and destroy your enemies. In return I too shall expect the same of you. I definitely believe Nytal would be quite upset to have missed out on this, after all this started with her."

Raising his cup in the air towards Annastarria's, "So what shall we call this Pantheon?"
player, 37 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 16:43
  • msg #4

The Feast after the Flames

Typh was pleased to be served, as was appropriate for mortals to do for a divinity in such circumstances. The food and drink was strange to him but delicious in its own right. He sampled much at their table, adding it to his mental repertoire of items to pour forth with Providence when the time came. When the meal was complete and conversation turned to more official matters Typh considered his stance before speaking.

"As we have seen twice now, and as I likely imagine is occurring in your own Realms, the other divinities that awaken in our realms are often hostile or at odds with our goals. However in my own Realm I was afforded the opportunity to interact with my sibling divinity and shape them somewhat during their nascence. While there is much that we differ on I consider them my brother and have yet to come into conflict with them. In fact we travel together now to explore what is present in our shared domain."

"If this bothers you all I may not be the best member to join your pantheon. However I would not be adverse to a non-aggression pact between us and would be open to further negotiations on trade and visitation rights for my mortals."

The Prince of Blossoms
player, 48 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 22:25
  • msg #5

The Feast after the Flames

The Prince nodded at Annastaria.

"I am most amenable to a non-aggression pact at the very least, and open to an actual alliance as well. You saw how useful my goodwill was in the elemental labyrinth. I am a big believer in the value of intentions as well as the actual words of an agreement. The spirit and the letter if you will." he said.

He turned to Serek.

"As long as you keep your hostile intent away from my realm and my person, we will have no quarrel. I agree that it is best we organize a bit now, early on, lest we are all caught unaware my a more organized force later down the line." the Prince said to the blood god civilly.

He turned to the others.

"I think we should ask Nyal as well if he/she wants in on this as well." he mused aloud.

He turned to Typh.

"I have no issue with you having found peace with your doppleganger. I did not even realize peace was an option. I would be willing to accept the submissions and vassalage of my nemesis, but I am unsure if we can reach a true accord as peers and equals after what has all happened. But we shall see. If my nemesis expresses a desire for camaraderie rather than duality then I'll at least hear him out. But for now...I intend to eventually pursue him, although am in no rush." he said.

"But you and I, Typh? I would be most pleased with an alliance between us. Between all of us."
player, 48 posts
3/10 HP
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 22:50
  • msg #6

The Feast after the Flames

Annastarria stood, held out her arms and twirled, her eyes lighting and turning a warm gold. "Do you not see it, brothers? We are alive in this garden of plenty and there is no reason for us to ever seek to do harm on one another. Nor do we need to take that which is freely offered. A true alliance benefits all of us, our Realms, and our Children. What powers could prevail against four siblings bound together by common purpose?"

She laughed and spun around once more, her black skirt flaring around her. "A pantheon is what we shall be if all agree! We can bring others in and make ourselves unassailable from within and without. Our power, our realms combined?"

She held up her arms and laughed as a blue-purple shield flared into life on her right, a curved sword in her left. "Magic, skill in weapons, hunting, the crafting of Bloodsteel, fortune, misfortune? Who could stand against us with such powers? We would defend our Realms and Children together and bring prosperity to the World Tree."
Serek Eztli
player, 64 posts
Lord of Blood
2/10 HP
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #7

The Feast after the Flames

There was a sound similar to that of a purr or inverse crowing from Serek as Annastarria flushed as she spoke. Drinking the nectar in his cup there was a satisfying sigh released from his beak. "I can only imagine a force equal to ours would be something of the same like to our pantheon or similar to the Primordials." there wasn't meant to be pessimism within his voice. Only a side of realism garnered from their recent fiery experience.

However, that did not drain his spirits as Serek caught the energy Annastarria exuded. "Together we are stronger and will be able to accomplish much. I say that we make an oath to our cause and coming prosperity brought to the world tree. One that is bound in both blood and magic tied with rule and law."

Serek seemed to get serious in the discussion as he leaned forward onto the table, flurring his feathers out as his dark shroud pulled back and hung in air around him. Yet his voice was one full of excitement and hunted at deep thought. Bringing up his many notions and speaking of his people. "To this, I believe that we should exercise the bring about of rules within our alliance and further a possible growing Pantheon. As well, I think that I can make a place possible for all of our mortals to interact and meet each other. We should discuss what plans we shall hold and how we shall go about ruling over them. As I am sure there would be a sense of chaos with their mortal individualism as maybe even possible our own. While I rule my people with bloody talons, they are mostly free to do as they please. Especially considering I have yet to garner new wildlife to institute those necessary changes. My rule and law among them is now secure, I have begun the roots for an army of within the ranks of the Guise. However they are mostly viciously skilled hunters and I strive to nurture the skill of hemocrafting among them for now before elevating their other skills and securing the ground of them as a military. Many of my people have lived almost as long as I have, the most skilled and older are the majority of their population. I believe if we are all working together, we should try to lean into their strengths and come together as one to blend them to cover the others' weaknesses. The Guise would be great scouts and rangers I believe."
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