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13:23, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies.

Posted by PsynisterFor group 0
Akyra Clethtinthiallor
Dragonborn Cleric, 369 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 12:27
  • msg #251

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

The dragonborn nodded, though winced. "Not too far." She said softly, her wounds clearly evident of the strain she had been through
Dwarf Barbarian, 94 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 12:58
  • msg #252

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Brillik rushes to Akyra's side and though he's not tall enough to support her fully upright, he moves his head under the strongest arm and supporst her as a foundation supports a home.  "Mein Gott you are heavier than I imagined, but do not vorry, I haff you."  He doesn't struggle under her weight, as they test the first few steps.  "Now, lets go before I haff to throw her over my shoulder like a pack horse." He said smirking in Akyra's direction.
GM, 588 posts
Dungeon Master
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #253

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

With the summoning ritual thwarted and Akyra's own body used as a conduit to purify the storm, an avatar of an evil god, bent on destruction, was denied entrance into the prime material plane. The alter on top of the tower had nearly been destroyed, and the platinum symbol of Bahamut that had been embedded in the top of the alter stone was saved by Akyra, leaving its outline as the only unscorched part of that alter stone.

The group took their battered and wounded, and made their way back down the tower steps.
Ariadne Greenthorn
Half-Elf Druid, 414 posts
Half Elven Druid
AC 16. HP 31/20
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 20:30
  • msg #254

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

In reply to Psynister (msg # 253):

Ariadne paused, putting a hand on the tower.  She turned to her Traveling Companions and shook her head.
"My friends, I know it feels unsafe, but this tower will protect us.  I feel the lingering protection of Bahamut, but also the loving hand of Mother Nature herself.  This tower was originally made and dedicated to Her, I think, despite all the years and changed hands since, so She shall be watching over us.  I think we can rest here."
Akyra Clethtinthiallor
Dragonborn Cleric, 370 posts
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 07:44
  • msg #255

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Akyra nods at Brilik as he offered to support her and wordlessly accepted the help. When Ariande spoke, she looked at her. "I doubt there is any danger here - the storm would have chased out all sane options. I too feel the tower would be safe - but we should post guards none the less."
Halfling Monk, 272 posts
Monk 1/Rogue 3 (Assassin)
AC: 16 | PP: 17 | HP: 25
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 02:29
  • msg #256

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Sakamoto was not entirely sure what he had bore witness too, but he knew it to be a thing of miracles. When his longtime travelling companion had emerged from the "trial" he had uncharacteristically wanted to run to her, to embrace her and welcome her back ... but he could tell she was in no condition for such treatment. Then, almost as suddenly as it had enveloped him, his stoic nature reclaimed it's rightful place and instead he simply offered her a smile and a bow of his head.

Then, as they began to discuss where to stay, and hearing Ariadne's suggestion of using the tower, he set off to scout it and the surrounding immediate area.

Sakamoto rolled 25 using 1d20+7, rerolling all ones ((Stealth)).
Sakamoto rolled 26 using 1d20+7, rerolling all ones ((Perception)).

Lizardman Paladin, 191 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 03:22
  • msg #257

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

The hunter nodded when Ariadne suggested that the tower would be a good place to rest, before opening its toothy maw. "I saw in my visiooons that this tooower has been here foooor a loooong time. In my visioooon, a great battle between a green flying lizard and a white one oooocured here."

Finding a place to sit, he started examining the wrist weapons he had taken from the orcs.
Warlock, 45 posts
Yuan-ti Warlock
AC [19] HP [18/40]
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 03:17
  • msg #258

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Zhalis stood by while Akyra undertook what would probably be the greatest trial of her life, watching, waiting. Based on her own relations to Leviathan, Zhalis could tell there were other factors at play, but what the outcome would be was still a mystery. Akyra continued to be assaulted with the lighting and then all of a sudden, seemed to be the conduit for it. She had passed the trial...and the storm, which had been growing steadily worse the longer time went on, was gone in an instant.

Zhalis took the first easy breath since she had met the group she now stood with and smiled. If they could survive this, they could survive anything.

 And then to Akyra herself,
Akyra Clethtinthiallor
Dragonborn Cleric, 371 posts
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 10:02
  • msg #259

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Akyra sat down with a wince, looking at Zhalis, she smiled. "I'm sure you wondered what happened up there. I'll explain what happened as best i can, but in short - this was an ultimate test of Bahamut for me. That is why i stepped into the lightning and grabbed this...." She held up her new holy symbol

she looked at it. "I don't remember all of it, but i do know that my test, my sacrifice saw fit to stop the evil from breaching  here. Bahamut saw fit to give me choices." She took a breath and leaned her head back against the wall. "One was i could join him at his side, proud of my achievements. Another was continue the path of a warrior that i was on."

She held up the symbol to her eye level. "The final, which i chose, was the most difficult and painful. I would follow a path of Bahamut none have yet walked. The dragon-father has all aspects. Dragons, war and protection. But what is also not well known is the dragons link to weather and life. My new path is linked to the primal path of natural weather." She looked at her hands. "It's well known that Gold, silver and blue dragons have powers over weather - storms, wind, rain. Perhaps that is why he gifted me with my new scales....he felt my families darkness was no longer a part of me and has given me a outward sign of his approval."

The dragonborn smiled as she closed her eyes. "Now, if you don't mind, i need some rest. Ariande....keep the staff with you until i wake. when i do, we can discuss wether i continue using it, or you will."

She started breathing regularly, ready to get some rest
GM, 594 posts
Dungeon Master
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 23:24
  • msg #260

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

As the group settled in to rest and recover from the events, processing what they had seen and what they had been through, they took shelter within the tower of Thundertree's ruins. Brillik helped Akyra to get settled, proving strength of body where hers was currently lacking. Sakamoto set off in order to secure the area and be sure there were not other orcs hiding about.

Some took the time to examine the items that they had found in their encounters to the tower. Khorth discovered that the bracers were well made, but mundane. They seemed to be about as effective as a dagger would be, with their main benefit being that it was always at the ready so no time would have to be wasted drawing it from your belt. (The bracers are daggers in all ways, except they lose the throwing property and you're considered to always be armed while wearing the bracers. They still require the same types of actions and such to use, but no action is needed to draw one.)

Ariadne felt a connection to the Mother strongly here, knowing it to be a place of safety, one that would keep everyone whole. Within an hour, all who had rested within the tower felt as renewed as they would had they spent a week in relaxation and recovery. Even old wounds that lingered found themselves healed. Minor scars turned soft and pink, as though they were nothing but small, recent scratches that would fade before the end of the day.
Dwarf Barbarian, 99 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 00:30
  • msg #261

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

As they rested Brillik took the time to remove some of the sharpest teeth from the dead Boar.  It took him a few times as they they still charged with the electricity with which he attacked the party.  After lining some gloves with thick padding he managed to remove them from the dead animal.  He tried mounting them to his gloves like punching spikes, his helm as though he could make a headbutt more dangerous, but eventually decided to mount the curved teeth to his bracers and shoulders.  He then tested to see how they would react against a nearby tree, and each time he struck the tree a loud *CRACK* could be heard leaving scorch marks that spiderwebbed out from the point of contact.

"Sehr Gut." could be heard as he removed his armor.  Also, during the downtime he looked through the local flora and foliage for things like barley, and wheat, if they were gonna be there a while he might be able to collect something for a new brew when he got back home
Ariadne Greenthorn
Half-Elf Druid, 417 posts
Half Elven Druid
AC 16. HP 31/20
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 01:54
  • msg #262

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Ariadne spent time in prayer, thanking Mother Nature and The Natural Order of the world for their help
She was a normally a bit more casual, even nonchalant, about her faith,  but recent events have made her thankful
Akyra Clethtinthiallor
Dragonborn Cleric, 375 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 23:36
  • msg #263

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Akyra nodded to Brillik in thanks as she lay down and rested, drifting into sleep.

Akyra stood on an empty plain, her wounds all healed, she wore a simple blue robe, complimenting her new coloration. The symbol on the robe was that of a dragon in flight with two bolts of lightning behind it - a fitting icon for her new following of bahamut. As she stood there, she heard a voice in her mind. You have done well sister, but much more is needed from you yet. You strength, your wisdom and your faith will shine like a bolt of lightning in a dark sky.

She smiled and nodded. “Your will, Bahamut”

Akyra woke some time later, surprised that much of her pain was gone. The burns from the lightning had faded and her wounds from the boar all but closed up - even her scars from previous battles were gone. She sat up and looked around at the group. She then looked at her hands, the scales no longer black and more a dark blue. She smiled as she thought of what this meant.

She looked at Ariadne as she stood. “We need to speak about the staff that grants healing - we can both use it. With your new bow, and my axe, we have formidable weapons….but with recent events I expect my role will be less warrior-like, especially with Brillik with us. So the question is, would you like to hold the staff as a back up healing option, or should I hold it?”
Ariadne Greenthorn
Half-Elf Druid, 418 posts
Half Elven Druid
AC 16. HP 31/20
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 23:41
  • msg #264

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Ariadne frowned in thought, then shrugged
"I'm fine with you holding it.  I may try to step up into a more warlike role in our little group.  I was satisfied, in years past, to be on my own, but the last few weeks has lent themselves to an excitement and thrill of the hunt that I've not felt before.  So you hold the staff with my blessing, and I'll push myself as an archer and with my shifting to the forms of the Natural Order."
Akyra Clethtinthiallor
Dragonborn Cleric, 376 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 23:43
  • msg #265

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

The Dragonborn nodded and took the staff, happy with her decision.
GM, 596 posts
Dungeon Master
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #266

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

The time that the group spent resting within the walls of the tower were uneventful, yet rejuvenating. Wounds were healed, stamina recovered, and pure daylight for the first time in nearly a week was a welcome sight.

Brillik worked on incorporating the giant boar's tusks and teeth into his armor, a trick the group had seen from the likes of Khorth before. They still contained some of the creature's affinity for lightning, throwing an occasional arc of electricity that licked down the leather straps that now held it. Though Thundertree itself was in ruin, and had been for some time, the there had been farming done here in the past, and there were wild fields containing some of the ingredients he was after.

The clutch sisters had new rewards for their efforts, one in the physical form of the sword she'd found upon arriving at the tower, while the other was something all together different.

Ariadne and Akyra discussed their roles in light of recent events, and the changes that would inevitably come because of them.

Khorth, alien creature that he was, brooded on his alien thoughts, while Sakamoto's thoughts were turned oddly toward home.

Decisions made, work conclude, lines of thought explored, it was time for the group to make their return to Phandalin.

The next three days of travel will be uneventful, so we can cut straight to you being in town if there's no RP or other things you want to take care of in the meantime.
Dwarf Barbarian, 101 posts
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 18:52
  • msg #267

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Brillik secures his belongings, and over the three days does what he can to be as personable as possible.  After everything they just went through, a hot bath, cold Ale, and a bed are what he truly desired.

(OOC: I'm good to move along if everyone else is.  Though I would enjoy some more RP if anyone is up for it.)
Lady Chlora
Yuanti Sorceres, 95 posts
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 18:58
  • msg #268

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

"Brillik, that was pretty amazing, even slamming into the tower as a giant. Everyone did incredible things in the battle but Akyra I think you stole the show. It is not often one grounds the lightning for so long and comes out stronger." Chlora bows slightly to the Dragonborn.

After packing up she talks with her sister about her new sword as they take the long walk back to Phandalin. She is more open to talking to the other members of the group then she had been as well.
Akyra Clethtinthiallor
Dragonborn Cleric, 377 posts
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 23:54
  • msg #269

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Akyra, though mostly healed, had a few aches as she walked, the healing staff used as a walking stick. Gone was the obvious warrior - though her axe was present the staff was all that was held and her shield, melted away in tbe strike, was cast aside. Even her armor was scortched and needed repair.

As she walked, she thought on what had happened and her new role. This was briefly reprised as Chlora spoke, and she smiled. "You see it that way sister, but what I did was just Instinct to me. I knew if I didn't do it, we all would have died, and I stepped in thinking I would die. My actions were to save my friends and stop the evil."

She winced as she moved. "...and as for stronger, I don't think so. Different,  defiantly but not stronger. My bond with Bahamut is more solid - where before I felt like a holy warrior, now I feel I'm a true follower of the platinum one. My role in life will be less warrior like, though it still is a part of me."

She looked up. "My strength, my path is now that linked to Bahamuts link to weather and storms, as do many dragons. My view was rigid and ordered and I now realise now that path has led me to limited my potential.  Sometimes there is beauty and order in the chaos of nature.....something I forgot long ago."
Ariadne Greenthorn
Half-Elf Druid, 419 posts
Half Elven Druid
AC 16. HP 31/20
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 10:43
  • msg #270

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Ariadne smiled
"This is definitely a different kind of life than I'd expected.  All this magic and godly stuff seemed more the stuff of legend.  It feels odd to be in the middle of it"
Lizardman Paladin, 193 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 03:50
  • msg #271

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

The scaly paladin shook his head the looked at the Bahamut priestess in her eye, before grinning. All that added wisdoooom and yoooou still talk tooooo much, Darkscale. Rest up, the hunt is nooooot ooooover. . Squatting, he settled to take the first watch, tail twitching.
Dwarf Barbarian, 102 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 04:50
  • msg #272

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

In reply to Lady Chlora (msg # 268):

"Why, Danke Fraulein, or Lady Chlora, or Chlora...sorceress..." he seemed to be stumbling over his words.  "Entschuldigung... I... well I'm not used to people paying me compliment.  Thank you.  So, what do I call you by, or do you prefer?"
Akyra Clethtinthiallor
Dragonborn Cleric, 378 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 07:52
  • msg #273

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

The dragonborn looks at Khorth with a draconic smile. "I can still keep up with you, lizard, words or not." She looked at the druid and shrugged. "I saw myself as a warrior priest - and now this. Seems destiny has a path, despite our own plans."
Warlock, 46 posts
Yuan-ti Warlock
AC [19] HP [18/40]
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 11:05
  • msg #274

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

Zhalis smiled at Chlora before turning to Khorth, "It is not just Akyra who speaks a plethora. I've never been part of a group that felt the need to have a constant conversation. It is quite intimidating."
Lady Chlora
Yuanti Sorceres, 96 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 11:29
  • msg #275

Day 5 - Rituals & Prophecies

"Lady Chlora during social occasions but Chlora will do during times like this out on the road." and she was impressed. He might have seemed less then social company at the tavern but he more then proved himself against that boar and those cultist orcs. She was impressed with many of them though a little sad to think Akyra was thinking of sacrificing herself.

She nodded to her clutch sisters words. It was taking time to get used too but she was starting to as she listened to the din of conversations.
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