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18:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aboard the Serena Dawn.

Posted by The VoidFor group 0
Tyrell Morrow
player, 32 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #152

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell lines up another shot but doesnt shoot.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:07, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 32 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 03:50
  • msg #153

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya braced her electrostunner against the corner edge. She took careful aim and fired!
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:56, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 36 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 07:46
  • msg #154

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Deftly he crosses the room and picks up the dead vrusk's laser pistol as he reloads his own.
Zard Anora
player, 1 post
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 15:40
  • msg #155

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Anora's head hurt like a million bees were buzzing inside it and crashing around into her brain stem at the same time. The faint sounds of shouting and weapon fire resolved into full volume as her eyes flickered open and she realized that she was lying on the deck of the starship in the middle of some kind of fire fight. Moving her head slowly, to not attract attention and also because it might fall off if she moved it too quickly, she eyeballed the situation. There seemed to be two Yazarian and a Dralisite in a shooting war with some of the other passengers.

Nobody seemed to be paying attention to her right now, and she could see weapons within easy reach.

A big part of her wanted to just lie back down and play possum until this was all over one way or another, but the chances seemed good that sooner or later someone would vent the ship if things were not going their way, and when that happened, she needed to be up and mobile -- preferably with that Gyrojet pistol in her hand.

Rolling onto her stomach she wormed her way forward enough to grab the gun, the knife and what looked like a spare clip for the pistol. While the intruders (she certainly did not recognize them and from the confused yelling and screaming that had happened before the explosion that knocked her out, she assumed they had been boarded -- and not by any authorities) were still busy shooting at the other armed passengers she picked her target.

The blob was probably the toughest of the three, but the monkey still on its feet was probably the most aggressive. She targeted him [Y2] as she scrambled to her feet and fired at her pistol as swiftly as she could at point blank range.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:58, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 16 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 16:50
  • msg #156

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Dropping the spent Las pistol from his left hand, Tristan flips the remaining weapon over from his right to replace it.  He waits patiently for an opportunity to fire at the Yazirian pirate in front of him.
The Void
GM, 79 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #157

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tristan takes aim and waits for the downed Yazarian (Y1) to come back into sight.

Wilhelm moves across the room and picks up the dead vrusk's laser pistol as he reloads his own blaster.

The dralisite pirate is bellowing as he takes aim at Tristan. "Nigres. You frrakking coward! If we survive this - Im going to gut you and feed you to the crabs! Cosmic gorras. Die!"  The dralisite fires a single shot at Tristan. The gyrojet round bearly misses Tristan's head.

The yazarian (Y2)  pokes his head up firing a single shot and ducks back behind his cover. His snap shot misses Tristan completely, richochetting around the ship. His barking voice can be heard as he calls for help. "Captain, we have four of the passangers! Armed. Kicking the ha'chak out of us! We need reinforcements! And we need them now!"

Freya aims from her cover at the corner of the room missing again.

Tyrell keeps aiming for where the other Yazarian (Y1) would potentially reappear.

In the back of the room toward the galley, one of the passengers, a woman, rises up behind the pirates firing a gyrojet pistol three times at the Yazarian (Y2) behind cover. The Yazarian turns and raises his arm to shield himself from the woman's fire. "Mo Mo. Frakk Me." The yazarian says weakly as the woman fires at point blank range. The woman fires three rounds hitting the yazarian (Y2) twice.

Next to him the dralisite pirate is completely surprised. Tristan changes his aim slightly and blasts the suprised dralisite in the chest with two precise laser blasts. The dralisite topples to the deck of the ship.

All the pirates were down as far as Tyrell, Wilhelm, Tristan and Freya could tell. The unknown woman who had joined the fight at the last moment seemed ready to shoot someone (probably either the Yazarian or the Dralisite) who was out of sight behind cover.

OOC - New round. Since I can not put a map up at the moment I have described what you can see in the above final statement. But we are still in combat rounds so all actions take place in 3 seconds. Move, shoot etc. Please make inititive and all other necessary rolls. I was rolling the wrong damage for gyrojet pistols so I restored some Stamina and Skiensuit damage to those of you who were injured. Sorry. Still learning some of the rules - thought they did 3d10. They do 2d10.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:59, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 34 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #158

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell maintains cover as he waits for the Yazirian to either shoot or make a break for it.
The Void
GM, 85 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 03:05
  • msg #159

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The ship is jostled gently as the pirate ship docks once again with the Serena Dawn. They all knew that that meant more pirates coming aboard. The pirates still had control of the bridge and engineering. Things did not look good.

Most of the passengers were unconscious on the deck from being hit with multiple doze grenades or were dead.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:15, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Zard Anora
player, 2 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 12:16
  • msg #160

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Two of them are still moving!" called Anora as she fired the last two rounds in her pistol into the monkey closest to her [Y2].

As soon as the pistol clicked on an empty chamber, she scuttled away from them, seeking cover through the doorway behind her where she can reload the gun with the spare clip she found.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:07, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
player, 1 post
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 13:05
  • msg #161

Aboard the Serena Dawn

  An antenna twitched just before the insectoid figure began to stir. A young Vrusk passenger began to lift himself up, but suddenly paused as he began to register that there was gunfire happening around him. He flattened himself to walk on all ten limbs, keeping his body low to the ground and trying not to call attention to himself. He noted that a couple Yasarians (who were most likely invaders) were taking cover from a fire fight. Suddenly a human female sprang up and attacked one of them (Y2) before fleeing and calling out to the others. As he sees this he realizes the peril that the human put herself into, and if he did nothing, these invaders would claim another life.

As the woman flees, the Vrusk charges at the injured pirate (Y1) before it could train it's weapon on her, and push the furry alien back out into the opening before the Vrusk attempts to flee himself.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:18, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 38 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 14:02
  • msg #162

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Finally some more passengers were joining the fight, unwilling to perish like cattle. He jumps close to Freya, and shot twice, prioritizing the Yasarian to the human. "Kill them fast, we haven't got much time!"
Freya Cole
player, 33 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 15:24
  • msg #163

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya crouched a bit to allow Wilhelm an easier shot over her head. "Don't hit the passengers!" Freya called out seeing some were beginning to take action.
The Void
GM, 86 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 15:30
  • msg #164

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Ooc - None of the Pirates are visible because they are laying prone behind cover. The only one who can shoot them is the unknown female passenger.
Tristan Kell
player, 19 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 15:44
  • msg #165

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Slipping from behind cover, Tristan keeps his Blaster aimed where he last saw the Yazirian pirate.  He moves carefully forward at low crouch, hoping to take the scum unawares.
player, 4 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 16:00
  • msg #166

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The Vrusk was about to pounce on the Yasarian (Y1), but then realized the creature laid stun from a head shot. He decided to strip the being of his weapons. He used the creature's own stun baton on him while aiming the pistol at the one engaged by the human woman (Y2).
The Void
GM, 87 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 18:47
  • msg #167

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell, Freya and Wilhelm all stayed behind cover and kept their weapons trained on where the pirates were taking cover . .

The unknown female passenger shoots the yazarian pirate (Y2) again at point blank range before she falls back behind cover in the lounge. Her gyrojet round tears through the Yazarians skein and into his arm.

Tristan rises and moves up quickly but cautiously holding his laser pistol at the ready . As he rounds the corner of the storage containers, he delivers a blow with a fist to the Yazarians head (Y2) . The Yazarian (Y2) slumps over unconscious.

A vrusk passenger recovers from the doze gas and grabs up one of the pirates fallen laser pistols (Y1) as well as the pirates stun baton and hand axe.  The vrusk looks confused and rather terrified.

The remaining pirate, the Dralisite, slowly raises his pseudopods into the air, and the gyrojet pistol clatters to the deck of the ship. "Hey ah? You win. You win. You got us." But his visual sensor sockets, the things that served as eyes for their race, indicate that he knows reinforcements are on their way. <Green>"I surrender. Don't shoot.<Green>

OOC - Narrative rounds. Y1 remains stunned from the head shot and could recover at any time. Y2 is knocked out and will probably be down for a minute or two. You can still do combat if you want but if no one does combat, then we are moving into narrative rounds and I am counting time. Clock is ticking. There are about 10 passengers who are waking up and about 20 passengers who are totally out cold. I have set a time for when the pirates will start to arrive in the central corridor and I will be counting the time it takes to talk and do things. Only one person can talk time so dont waste your words. I would also suggest that you do things like collect gear at the same time you are talking. Tick tock. Tick tock.
player, 5 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #168

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The Vrusk chittered nervously as he looked around to see that the humans appeared to have things in hand.

*chirp* *Tik-tik* "...Umm, Humans. This invader appears to have been subdued. I have taken his weapons." *Tik-tik*

"Someone please take this gun from me", he pleaded. His hand quivered as he kept it trained on the pirate (Y1). "I am not cut out for this. *chirp"
Tyrell Morrow
player, 35 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 20:21
  • msg #169

Aboard the Serena Dawn

With the surrender of the Dralasite, Tyrell holsters his pistol and goes to the Star Devil.  He quickly searches the blob and then stunned/unconscious yazirians (Y1 & Y2) relieving them of anything useful before drawing his weapon again and motioning.

"Help your friend up and then drag that one (indicated Y2) to the galley.  You can cool your heels there for a bit," he tries to say with more authority than he feels.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:28, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 21 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 20:27
  • msg #170

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Doing as the Vrusk asks, Tristan smoothly relieves him of the Las Pistol, snatching it up into his right hand, while keeping the Blaster in his left hand trained on the surrendering Dralisite.  He appears to search the ground for anything that will yield an energy clip, muttering under his breath as he peers around himself quickly.

"Kill a few of em...cargo bay....escape pods....Kill a few of em...cargo bay....escape pods...Stupid fracking Civi's...Kill a few of em...cargo bay....escape pods...prolly get us all killed..."

Tristan prowls wolfishly toward the stairwell down to the Cargo Bay, trying not to miss any potential ammunition lying on the ground. Snapping up from his exploration and musings, he speaks loudly back over his shoulder toward the insectoid, "Okey shooty shooty, how bout tie em up?"

Passing by the departing pirate, he absently drawls, "Better move with a purpose.  If I see you're dead."

Taking aim down the stairwell with both Blasters, Tristan readies himself to descend.

"We're out of time.  Stick to the plan.  We get our things from cargo and take the pods' to the planet surface."  The Gunfighter giggles to himself, disturbingly. "Chocolate chip.  I want Chocolate chip Freya...and DONT, skimp on the chips!  Mmmmmm...sure do like cookies..."

This message was last edited by the player at 22:12, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
player, 6 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 20:56
  • msg #171

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The insectoid cocks his head at the human male's strange speech pattern as he relinquished control of pistol and stunned invader. Now that the weapon was out of his hand he seemed to visibly calm.

*Tik* I will leave restraining the invaders to others. *Tik*  I am a Doctor, NOT a warrior. *chirp*  He seemed to ponder over the gunfighter's malady for a moment. "Are you feeling well? Suffering from any trauma? *tik-tik*" He asks as the fighter began walking away.
Tristan Kell
player, 22 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 21:09
  • msg #172

Aboard the Serena Dawn

A deep sigh utters from the depths of the Gunfighter's lungs.  "Isn't Life...just, well, one great big trauma, Doc?"  He cocks an eye toward the ceiling, his tone waxing philosophically, "Ain't it all about the Creator's creatures just getting smacked around...treated somethin' awful...only to be squashed, a bug?"    The young man rolls his eyes with a leering glance at the Vrusk.

Tristan's shoulder's heave with laughter, as though he's made the galaxy's greatest jest.  Over his continued snickering, he mutters, "well thoughts is that we're all sufferin' from some kinda trauma.  Just, each one of us needs to hold it together, and make somethin of ourselves...  Whatdya think?  What's your...professional opinion?"

Oddly, despite the wandering nature of his speech, the fighter's hands remain steady and solidly locked in, aiming down the stairwell for any threat.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:15, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
The Void
GM, 89 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 22:03
  • msg #173

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The dralisite does exactly as he is ordered, dragging the unconscious Yazarian (Y2) into the galley. The other Yazarian (Y1) comes too and is able to move under his own power for the most part. They mumble to each other as they are moved into the other room.

Tyrell recovers several powerclips shoving them into his pockets and takes up the two dropped gyrojet pistols while he is talking and shoves them into his belt.

[5 blank lines suppressed]

OOC - Time clicks by (about 60 seconds have elapsed) while the group gets their bearings. If you have already posted please hold off so I can find out what everyone else is doing while you guys are talking.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:43, Fri 05 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 40 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 00:35
  • msg #174

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Glad that the pirates surrendered he speaks to Tristan. "Quickly, we need to get to the storage and get our gear." Then he speaks in a loud voice addressing the civilians. "We are going to abandon the ship, start boarding the escape pods or become organs, slaves and toys for the pirates."

With his pistol at the ready he begins to climb down the stairs.
The Void
GM, 92 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 12:01
  • msg #175

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Ooc - waiting for Freya and Zara to post.
Freya Cole
player, 34 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 12:17
  • msg #176

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya eases from around the corner as everyone emerges. She comes over and inspects the pirates.

"I suppose we can let you live despite your crimes, for now. I highly suggest you find another line of work. I also suggest you get your friends off this ship." she said to the pirates.

To everyone else she says, "Everyone who wishes to get off this boat, get downstairs to the lifeboats! The two Kaboomite charges are set to go off. We only have so much time!" Then she follows with Wilhelm in the others toward the cargo hold.
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