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16:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aboard the Serena Dawn.

Posted by The VoidFor group 0
The Void
GM, 20 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 21:03
  • msg #1

Aboard the Serena Dawn

It had been a leisurely trip out of Truane's Star for the last two days. They were enroute to Athor near the Yreva Nebula, each for his or her own reason. The Serena Dawn was a fairly typical starship which carried a combination of interstellar freight and passengers (about 75 with a crew of 10-15). A medium sized ship, the Serena Dawn was also hauling a smaller exploratory or scientific systemship likely to be dropped off somewhere in route to Athor. The Dawn as the crew referred to her was an older ship but appeared beloved by her crew.

The crew of the Dawn were polite and professional as they had boarded. They wore a red uniform with the Trans-Travel logo on their breast.

The passengers were a normal mix of tourists and corporate professionals in the second class berths, except for a small handful of government officials and their security detachment. There were no first class accommodations on the Dawn. By the looks of them, the Truane Star officials were not typical government types, they seemed to be academics or technicians.

As you enter the dining room for the evening meal and are taking up your seats, the staff began taking orders with professionalism and efficiency. The food was fairly good truthfully.

Sitting at the ship captain's table were several of the government officials with the captain and his second-in-command who appeared to be an engineering officer. They were speaking casually, watching the crowd and enjoying their meal. A half dozen security personnel stood nearby.

OOC - You dont know each other at this point. But as you arrive there are only a few seats left and you end up sitting together. So introductions are in order. I am giving each of you Logic x100 in credits please spend this on gear including whatever weapons you would want. None dangerous gear will be in your cabin, weapons and military type gear will be in the cargo in personally sealed luggage. Please use only the Alpha Dawn book for gear at this point. The ship is fairly large so I will not be providing a map. If a map becomes necessary I will provide on. There are general maps posted throughout the ship and the doors of the ship are very well marked. Many say only CREW ONLY and require passcards carried by the crew members of the Dawn.

Player/Posting Note: Please do not post OOC/OOG stuff publicly on this side of the game. Everything here should be IC/IG. Keep all OOC on the Private Side of the game or PL it to the GM. You should not be conveying information between the characters OOC just do it in an IC post. Please describe how you are dressed and only convey information which others can see. If a PC can see something or hear something then so can the NPCs although it might be harder.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:23, Sun 24 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 1 post
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 04:57
  • msg #2

Aboard the Serena Dawn

A young human steps into the dining room from the passageway.  He's clean cut and groomed, perhaps overly so as his fresh hair cut hasn't grown out enough to look natural yet.  Paired with his gangly frame he looks even more awkward as moves across the mess to an available spot and sits, then placing his order.

He nervously steals an occasional glance across the room between staring at the far wall or his hands on the table, his tanned face taking on a reddish hue as if he's embarrassed.  Adding to his vibe of looking out of place, his coveralls don't look like they quite fit right and somehow don't look as 'professional' as the other passengers and crew.

Eventually he gets the nerve to address one of his fellow passengers, "Hi, I'm Tyrell, um, Tyrell Morrow."
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 1 post
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 08:27
  • msg #3

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He was clearly ex-military though his relaxed almost friendly demeanour insisted otherwise. Neither handsome nor unappealing his angular face held a mild grin. His eyes could not be seen as he wore sunglasses, totally unnecessary, clearly a fashion statement.
His clothing is functional but not casual, and his athletic build is easily noticeable.

He seats himself next to the young man. When the staff approached and he was asked for his order he simply smiled and told the lady to bring him what she would order as he always trusted the regulars.

When the young man introduced himself he offered a firm handshake. "Wilhelm Lancer, a pleasure to meet you Tyrell."
The Void
GM, 21 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 15:13
  • msg #4

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - Logic x100 credits my mistake. If you have access to Zebs Guide feel free to use it as well.
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 1 post
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 05:06
  • msg #5

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The young waitress takes their orders and returns quickly with the water and a small plate of breads and cheeses. "Welcome aboard The Dawn gentlemen, my name is Skye and I will be your waitress for dinner this evening. We have a nice selection of beverages." She says handing them each a small plastic card with a list.

"My personal preference is the Truane Select list, I could bring you a sampler if you would like?"
Tyrell Morrow
player, 2 posts
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 06:27
  • msg #6

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell shakes Wilhelm's hand and offers a smile.  "So are you stopping at Athor or continuing on?"  They young man waits a moment before adding, "I've read that Yast is a desert but I think I can manage the heat since the Hotback on New Pale gets pretty warm.  And you don't have to watch out for saruae and dons at least.  But I was wondering if know anything about the job situation there."

Tyrell looks to Skye and his tanned face get a bit redder before he manages to say, "Uh...thank you.  I'll have..." he looks at the list as his face scrunches trying to concentrate, he makes his pick an looks up again, "ah a Lacasa for drink and the sampler will be fine.  Thanks."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:52, Thu 14 July 2022.
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 2 posts
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #7

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Yes sir. The lasca is excellent as well. And you gentlemen?" She waits patiently. Her attention however seems focused on the military man at the table while she waits.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 2 posts
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 04:04
  • msg #8

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He smiles at the crewmember. "Thank you Skye, I will have a sampler and something to drink too." After she departs he addresses Tyrell. "My destination is indeed Athor. I will be visiting a friend. It's been so long since I last saw her." He sighs as his smile vanishes. "I am looking for employment too. Several career changes last three years or so."
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 3 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 01:02
  • msg #9

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Skye goes for their beverages.

OOC - Dropping the other player for lack of posting. If you know anyone please invite them. We can start this with just two PCs.
Captain Tobias Thul
NPC, 1 post
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 03:57
  • msg #10

Aboard the Serena Dawn

As they wait for their drinks and their meals to arrive, the two men watch as the ships Captain, Captain Tobius Thul, speaks casually with the government officials and his chief engineer. A message comes in on the Captains wrist communicator which he responds to briefly, seeming to give his approval of a command or instruction.

The Captain finishes his orders and a brief conversation takes place between the gathered group. The group rises to depart their meal and lift a brief toast to some shared congratulation.

As they speak, the ship is felt dropping out of warp. Through the huge windows in the wall the darkness is replaced with a yellow planet with two moons. They appear to arrived somewhere, but not their destination. The ship has stopped somewhere enroute to their final destination.

Before they can make much of an assessment of the situation, and as the gathering is breaking up, the ship shutters as if they have struck something or possibly a explosion of some kind aboard the ship.

Everyone immediately stops what they are doing and turn to the Captain in concern. The Captain turns to his wrist communicator and speaks in a hushed tone.

Quickly finishing his conversation he raises his hands confidently. His voice is confident. "Ladies and gentlemen. Remain calm please it is nothing major I assure you. Please finish your meal. Everything is fine." He departs.

The government officials follow the Captain with their security detail in tow.

The staff of the Serena Dawn quickly move to fill drinks and bring more appetizers.
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 4 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 04:00
  • msg #11

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Skye exits from the bar area with a platter filled with drinks. She walks straight to their table.

"Here you are gentlemen. Your drinks and the samplers." The young woman was clearly concerned.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 3 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 17:48
  • msg #12

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell gazes out the observation window and takes a long drink of his lacasa, clearly enjoying the light, nectar-like beverage.  He seems more calm than he did just moments ago as he briefly turns his attention to the food.  He dips a mannakan fry into a dipping sauce and takes a bite before saying to Wilhelm in a quiet voice, "I think we might be in a bit of trouble.  Everything I know about shipboard operations comes from Brim Darkstar's Unit Five comics but I would bet hard credits that the captain is doing a lot of yelling about now."

The young man picks up a slider from his platter and his sampler plater and starts into it.  Between bites he adds, "The Captain, I'm pretty sure, planned on coming out of the Void considering he was on his comms just before and seemed to approve an order.  Not sure if we ended up in the location he expected but that explosion definitely sent the compies scurrying.  Not enough information and I'm sure the staff here have their orders," Tyrell pauses a moment as he takes another sip, " to take a walk?"
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 3 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 23:23
  • msg #13

Aboard the Serena Dawn

At the sound of the explosion he shrugged momentarily and shook his head. He speaks in a low voice as to not worry anyone but Tyrell.  "We are definitely in trouble. We can only hope that this was a malfunction and not something more sinister." He scans the room once more, downs his drink and stands up. "Aye, for starters let us identify where the nearest escape pods are located."
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 5 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 14:37
  • msg #14

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Skye listens to their conversation politely. She is obviously a little nervous especially at the mention of the escape pods. They all knew the deck plans were posted throughout the starship with detailed instructions to the escape pods.

Many of the passengers have moved over toward the observation windows to look out at the unknown system they were in.

"That isnt Altor is it?" One of the older women says.

The crew all simultaneously raise their hands to their ears to key their ear communicators. They all look at ear other their eyes showing concern.

Skye speaks up as do several of the other members of the crew to the other passangers.

"Gentlemen, the Captain has asked everyone to remain here in the galley."

Red lights begin flashing in the dining galley. In the observation window suddenly appears a ship. Its an aged 200 ton vessel. Likely a merchant ship of some class. The ship has been modified with two weapon pods. On the side of the vessel is painted a red devil surrounded by silver stars.

The security crew member bolts from the dining galley. As he exits the door they hear a laser blast and the guard collapses.

OOC - We are now in combat rounds. 6 seconds. You can speak, move and take an action in 6 seconds but keep the speaking reasonable.

Serena Dawn

All interior doors are electronic sliding doors which are activated by proximity badges and access cards of various ratings and openable at specified times. The common areas of the ship is accessible to all passengers and crew with their issued badges identifying them as a legal passenger.

Cargo Hold, Bridge and Engineering - The cargo hold is only accessible by the Captain, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer and the Quartermaster which must have their badge as well as enter an access code into the door lock . The bridge  and engineering sections  of the ship are accessible to the above individuals as well as most members of the crew.

Interior Doors (60 SP, sliding pocket doors)
Interior Reinforced Doors (150 SP, bridge, cargo, engineering)
Interior Walls (150 SP)
Interior Airlocks (250 SP)
Exterior Portals (500 SP)
Exterior Hull (250 SP)
Observation Windows (150 SP)

Note: SP is Structural Points.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:37, Tue 19 July 2022.
Space Pirate
NPC, 1 post
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 15:23
  • msg #15

Aboard the Serena Dawn

A heavy set man advances on the door brandishing a blaster. "Stay where you are!" He bellows.

Many women and some of the men scream. All start moving away from the door and stand against the windows.

OOC - Roll initiative d10 plus initiative modifier. I will then make a summation post in order of highest to lowest initiative and start a new round. I will be putting up some dice roller instructions today. The pirate has an 11 initiative.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 4 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 14:17
  • msg #16

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He darts away from his seat (towards the top of the map) and then moves against the wall (on the left as you see the map). He picks up a chair and prepares to smack it against any intuder. "Tyrell, go to the kitchen and try to find the longest knife you can."
Tyrell Morrow
player, 4 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 14:24
  • msg #17

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell scoots out of his seat and staying low moves as fast as he can to the kitchen looking for potential weapons, from knives to very hot liquids.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:38, Wed 20 July 2022.
The Void
GM, 35 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 00:59
  • msg #18

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The passengers are screaming and moving to try and get as far as possible from the unknown man wielding the blaster.

Wilheim is able to move against the flow of passengers toward the door and off to the side of the door. He grabs up a chair and takes a position out of direct line of sight, holding the chair ready to smash the man as he enters.

The man enters, yelling. "I said fucking dont move!" He is wearing a gas mask and carrying several grenades on his belt. His blaster is in his left hand. He enters and  prepares to toss a grenade into the center of the room but he sees Wilheim with the chair getting ready to smash him in the face.

Tyrell turns to move for the kitchen.

OOC - The man is not surprised but Wilheim has initiative this round. Please roll your attack. Every round, always roll Initiative, attacks, and damage even if you think you missed. Make sure you ID the target in the dice roller if their are multiple possible targets. I will be posting some guidance in the Combat Rules thread. Also, always just roll the next rounds Initiative as your last roll each round. That will save us a day of waiting for Initiative rolls each round. Also please PL all OOC rolls from the dice roller into your post. Please dont reorder the rolls just copy paste them as they appear in the dice roller. It will save me time not having to bounce back and forth.

Wilhelm Lancer
player, 5 posts
IM +6, STA 65/65
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 18:03
  • msg #19

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm wasn't fond of the pirates pistol so instead of swinging the chair he held he tried to kick it out of his hand.
Space Pirate
NPC, 2 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 22:25
  • msg #20

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilheim knocks the laser pistol from the man's hand and it flies across the floor coming to rest under a nearby table.

The man tosses his grenade at their feet, planning on his gasmask to protect him, but the sudden unarmed attack by Wilheim causes the toss to go wrong and the grenade rolls into the room where it releases a cloud of doze gas harmlessly away from anyone.

Tyrell is moving for the kitchen as quickly as possible.

OOC: New round. The laser pistol flies 5 meters away from the two men in the upper left hand corner of the galley. Marked Pi on the map. I did not make a RS roll for the disarm attack this round because that is my own rule. In the future all disarming attacks will allow a Str or RS roll to resist being disarmed. New round. Please roll initiative. All attacks, damage and roll initiative for the next round as well.

Tyrell Morrow
player, 5 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 19:17
  • msg #21

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell enters the kitchen...
This message was last edited by the player at 19:18, Thu 21 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 6 posts
IM +6, STA 65/65
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 07:47
  • msg #22

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm tries to grapple with the pirate and pin him to the ground as he cries loudly in his 'Sergeant' voice. "Someone get his pistol and kill him already".
Space Pirate
NPC, 3 posts
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 14:21
  • msg #23

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The passengers are all trying to get as far from the fight as possible. The screams have stopped until, from the direction of the other entrance they all hear another man yelling. "He said stay where you are! Stop moving around or Ill bash your head in!" The corporate wage slaves begin screaming again.

Wilhelm tries to grapple the pirate but is unable to get a good solid hold on him. The pirate punches and kicks at Wilhelm striking him in the arm. "You are making this worse on yourself!" He says as he reaches for another grenade.

OOC: New round. I’ll get a map up tonight but little actual movement this round. Roll initiative. The other man has not appeared around the corner yet but you can hear him coming.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:24, Sat 23 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 7 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 09:16
  • msg #24

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He steps back and reaches for the dropped pistol, taking a quick shot at the pirate.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 6 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 11:27
  • msg #25

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell comes running out of the kitchen holding a few sharp objects.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:49, Sat 23 July 2022.
Space Pirate
NPC, 4 posts
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 12:04
  • msg #26

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm moves and grabs up the pistol from under the nearby table. He turns and fires. The pirate is struck in the leg. "Fuck!" The man yells stumbling from the blaster.

Tyrell exits the kitchen at a run just as the second pirate rounds the corner. The second pirate is also wearing a gas mask and carrying a laser pistol. "I said stop moving!!" He takes aim and fires at the Tyrell striking him in the leg with a glancing laser bolt.

The initial pirate lobs a grenade at Wilhelm. But the grenade gets caught up in the legs of the table right in front of the pirate and goes off harmlessly only catching the pirate himself in the grenade plum of doze gas.

Tyrell Morrow
player, 7 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 17:57
  • msg #27

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell ignores the pirate's orders as he yanks the safety pin of the extinguisher as he's moving towards Wilhelm with the knives.  Awkwardly shifting the blades to one hand so he can squeeze the extinguisher handle with the other, the young man does so in hopes that the white cloud will provide some cover from the pirate shooting at him.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:31, Sat 23 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 8 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #28

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Yeah, I'll fuck your corpse cunt!" Wilhelm replied menacingly as he shot at the pirate twice more.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:23, Sat 23 July 2022.
Space Pirate
NPC, 6 posts
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 21:53
  • msg #29

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm fires two blasts with the laser pistol hitting the first pirate (U) in his arm and leg. The man falls to the ground badly injured.

The other pirate (U2) fires at Tyrell again but the laser blast misses just before Tyrell sends a spray of the fire extinguisher foam at the pirate trying to blind him.

Badly injured the first pirate tosses his last doze grenade at Wilhelm and runs out of the galley back into the corridor. The grenade goes long and ricochets off the wall behind and to the left of Wilhelm again coming to rest in the middle of the room harmlessly.

OOC - Please PL your OOC info for each round. New round. Roll Initiative for this round. Roll your attacks and damage and roll initiative for the next round. There is no way to know how badly the foam affected the pirate but it should give him at least a penalty for the round.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:30, Sat 23 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 9 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 09:39
  • msg #30

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Keep delaying him lad!" cried Wilhelm as he bolted after the pirate.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 8 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 12:50
  • msg #31

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell doesn't have time to think as he sees Wilhelm run off in pursuit as the other pirate trying to drill a hole into him with a laser has his full attention.  His bigger and stronger cousins would always thump him when he was (usually) involuntarily drawn into what they called 'roughhousing' but Tyrell typically gave them a few bruises in return that gave them a moment's pause for a few days before the next 'prank' that went too far.  Despite himself Tyrell smiled at the memory of them complaining that Tyrell was too wiry and didn't 'fight fair' despite their advantages.

Pivoting, Tyrell drops the knives and extinguisher as he moves to tackle and grab the armed pirate.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:18, Sun 24 July 2022.
Space Pirate
NPC, 6 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 15:33
  • msg #32

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Be damned! You are just going to get yourself killed!" The man bellows wiping the foam from his face and turning toward the other passengers trying to clear his vision. Tyrell charges the pirate (U2) tackling him and taking the man to the ground. The sudden surprise attack causes the man to lose the grip on his laser pistol which skids across the deck coming to rest a few feet away and out of reach.

Wilhelm moves quickly to the door and shoots the fleeing pirate in the back of the head killing him. The pirate collapses to the ground without a word.

OOC - New round. The laser pistol is 2 meters away toward the bottom of the map from Tyrell and U2. New rule: +10% when you charge into melee but can only make one attack.

This message was last updated by the player at 15:33, Sun 24 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 9 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 15:50
  • msg #33

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"I won't be a slave!" Tyrell yells in reply as he desperately holds on.
The Void
GM, 44 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 16:26
  • msg #34

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The deck plans of the Serena Dawn are posted in many places around the ship.

Note: For scale remember that the galley is about 30 meters long and about 10 meters wide. Currently you are in the galley.

This message was last updated by the GM at 03:05, Wed 27 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 10 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 16:56
  • msg #35

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He could always keep his cool in a firefight. That is why they made him a Sergeant in the first place. But when he heard Tyrell's cry he couldn't help but rush to his aid levelling his gun at the surviving pirate who, to his surprise, was disarmed.
"Surrender and I will not blow your head off."
Space Pirate
NPC, 7 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #36

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The man loosens his grip and raises his hands in surrender. "OK. OK, Dont shoot." He pleads.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:36, Sun 24 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 11 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 18:59
  • msg #37

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Satisfied that he wouldn't have another man's blood on his hands he speaks in a commanding voice. "Take off you mask, your grenades and your suit. Tyrell, get his pistol and search him." He then yells for the woman that was attending them during their meal. "Skye, get over here. We need your help."
Tyrell Morrow
player, 10 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #38

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell looks a bit wary but he releases his grip and backs away to the laser pistol, picking it up.  He passes the pistol to Wilhelm as he approaches the pirate again and searches him.
The Void
GM, 45 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #39

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell strips the man of a fully charged powercell, a club and a gas mask.

Red lights begin flashing throughout the ship. Over the ships intercom comes a computerized Voice.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:54, Sun 24 July 2022.
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 6 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 19:52
  • msg #40

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Skye approaches fearfully. "Whats going on? The ship? Pirate? What are we going to do?"
Space Pirate
NPC, 8 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 19:58
  • msg #41

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"We have already taken engineering. You have no chance friend. Its just business. Nobody else needs to get hurt." the pirate says very calmly as he is searched.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 12 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 20:48
  • msg #42

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"We are going to take Engineering back!" he speaks decisively and earnestly. He turns to address the other passengers. "Listen up, if they get us they are going to make slaves of the strong ones, organs of the weak ones, and cum dumpsters of the beautiful ones. They present themselves as omnipotent and efficient but truth be told two of us, unarmed killed one and captured another. We gotta take engineering back. Their only weapon is our fear. Overcome it and they will surrender like this pest here! I am going to take them on, even If I have to do it alone. And I might die but at least I'll die a free man and not a plaything to some filthy cunt!" He turns to Tyler. "You with me lad?"
Freya Cole
player, 1 post
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 22:08
  • msg #43

Aboard the Serena Dawn

A woman approached and leaned in looking the pirate over as Wilhelm gave his motivational speech.

"Who are you? What company do you work for? Why are your people in engineering?" She jabbed the pirate rather hard with her finger as she asked her questions. "There is plenty of seating and food to spare at the buffet. This was unnecessary."

"That sounds bad ...." she said to Wilhelm and stood back straight. "But I won't have you or anyone else running off and dying alone. I will go with you. Maybe we can find a peaceful resolution. He said himself no one else needs to get hurt. And I wouldn't want to risk them making a dumpster out of you."  She gave a flirty smirk.
The Void
GM, 47 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 22:30
  • msg #44

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The pirate has only a knife, club, spare powerclip and a bag full of high tensile flex cuffs (about 40). He is not wearing a skeinsuit and you all think he boarded with others travelling in steerage. The other guy as well looks like he could have been a passenger you saw boarding for steerage.
Space Pirate
NPC, 9 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 22:32
  • msg #45

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The man lays there on the ground with Wilhelm holding a blaster to his face. He glances at the woman. he smirks fearfully. "Names Greg. Greg Turnbow. Look in not a bad guy like he says. We dont do none of that. We dont work for no one, 'Ceptin Slagg. Captain Slagg he's our captain I suppose but we all get a vote."

Greg the pirate shrugs his shoulders innocently when Tyrell pulls the flex cuffs out.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 13 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65, Ldr 3
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #46

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Who is working with you from the dawn's crew? And how many of you boarded? And where is that captain Slagg?"

Turning to the newcomer he askes. "Know how to shot a gun?"
Freya Cole
player, 2 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 23:09
  • msg #47

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"So you voted in favor of this Mr. Greg Turnbow? You voted to bring the cuffs??" Freya pulled out a pair and applied them securely to Mr. Turnbow's wrist. "Let's see how you like it."

Her eyes peeped up over the pirate's shoulder to respond to Wilhelm, "I am not a soldier but usually you just point and pull the trigger right? I might have one in luggage if we can get down there."
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 14 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65, Ldr 3
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 23:47
  • msg #48

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"You'll do fine if you are as competent with it as with the cuffs." His grin is playful but vanishes in a moment. "We should go to our quarters. I have a rifle in there." He approaches the body of the fallen guard and looks for anything of interest.
Freya Cole
player, 3 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 00:05
  • msg #49

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya walked the pirate over to the crowd huddled on the far side of the room for supervision. If for some reason they are too scared to manage him, she will cuff an ankle to a buffet table leg. Along with provide him a chair and glass of water...with a straw.

She came back over to where Wilhem and Tyrell were. "How did you get a rifle ... in your quarters?" she whispered on the down low. "They nearly took my tonsils when I came on board."
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 15 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65, Ldr 3
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 00:23
  • msg #50

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Well to be precise they are in the cargo hold but Skye here will let me borrow her pass won't you, dear?" he points to the crewwoman.
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 7 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 00:28
  • msg #51

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"My pass card will not access the cargo hold. Only the security crewmembers, engineer, the quartermaster and the captain I believe have access while in flight." Skye says matter of fact, the fear still filling her voice with emotion.
The Void
GM, 48 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 00:35
  • msg #52

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The ship jolts somewhat roughly and then in the observation window can be seen the smaller survey ship entering the view. The ships engines light and it begins to move quickly toward the nearby planet.
Freya Cole
player, 4 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 00:56
  • msg #53

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya's hands went to her pocket and she stared at the floor in thought. Then she looked back up with a gleam in her eye, "Is there a computer interface nearby?"
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 8 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 02:58
  • msg #54

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The woman never takes her watery eyes off the ship departing. "There is, yes. Over by the the door to the kitchen."
Tyrell Morrow
player, 11 posts
IM +6, STA 26/30, Ldr 2
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 03:47
  • msg #55

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Once the pirate is safely zipped, Tyrell steps back to Wilhelm and takes the laser pistol back.  He listens a moment to the others as the hash things out and question Greg when the launch of the survey ship draws his attention to the observation window.

Turn back to the pirate he comments, "Well Greg, you fellas certainly got the drop on the Dawn and knew we were coming so you're probably right that we are well and truly screwed.  Takes some planning to get your people aboard ahead of time at Truane's Star with a passel of government types along for the trip.  Seems a bit risky unless your boss knows his business..."

The Truaneor does his best to look uncertain and wavering on the wisdom of putting up a fight.  Given the aftereffects of post-combat adrenaline jitters he probably doesn't have far to go to put up a convincing performance.  "What's the name of your gang and your plans for the passengers and crew?  We weren't the ones your after, we're not worth much compared to the VIPs... and that ship?"  He says while pointing at the diminishing glow of the survey ship's drive,  "Right?  What's that planet and why is the [Truane Star] Authority interested?"
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 16 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65, Ldr 3
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 12:36
  • msg #56

Aboard the Serena Dawn

After recovering anything noteworthy from the fallen security guard and the dead pirate he checks the guards voicemail.
Space Pirate
NPC, 10 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 12:41
  • msg #57

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The pirate shakes his head pleading. "I dont know. I know they knew your ship was coming and that we had someone inside. I think he is in engineering with Ulu and Fresk they came aboard with me on Truanes Star. We call ourselves the Star Devils. But I just joined up I didnt even know where we were going so I can not answer your questions. I do what Im told and then eventually I get a cut."
Space Pirate
NPC, 11 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 12:48
  • msg #58

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Just when Wilhelm is getting ready to check the voice mail the door to the main corridor opens up. A man not dressed as a passenger wielding a gyrojet pistol steps into the door. "Fuck! Hanskins is door, we have armed passengers!!

He is wearing a tattered skeinsuit and shockgloves. He brings his pistol up to snap a shot at Wilhelm.

OOC - New round. Everyone roll initiative. Remember roll initiative, attacks, damage and another initiative for the next round.

This message was last edited by the player at 12:57, Mon 25 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 17 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65, Ldr 3
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 12:56
  • msg #59

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Disappointed but not surprised by the arrival of another pirate he takes cover behind the bulkhead and fires at the pirate. "Oh fuck me!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:14, Mon 25 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 12 posts
IM +6, STA 26/30, Ldr 2
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 15:10
  • msg #60

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell hesitated a moment and pushed down the desire to hide under cover.  He didn't know much about weapons except what he was exposed to from his uncles jawing about the pros and cons of them for hunting or dealing with particular predators but the whizzing sound of the gyrojet rocket reminded him that those weapons were more field guns, not something where an animal could get in close before you could see it.  Some saruae were downright clever ambush preds.

The cord going from the pirate's belt to his gloves gave him pause.  They used powerbelts to supply energy to the big stunprods to handle ornery animals, particularly when they had to move a bull.  They didn't damage them but hurt enough to get them moving.  From experience though, a person getting jabbed with a pack powered weaponized stunner probably would do a lot more than set you on your ass seeing stars.  If he could get close and yank the cord he wouldn't have to worry about either weapon because of range or power issues.

Seeing an opening, the young man darted forward trying bowl the pirate over and pull his connection.  With luck the pirate might not even notice he didn't have power if he got the chance to use the gloves...
Freya Cole
player, 5 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 16:48
  • msg #61

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya pulled a hand held computer from her pocket and began typing at the computer terminal nearby.

Thinking out loud she said, "Let's see what we can get into. Something subtle. I think we will try the..."

At that point the door to the hallway opened and the commotion started. She gave a "Grrr" and ceased what she was doing. She did not want to take a knife to a gunfight though. Instead she decided to eliminate another threat. With several walls between her and the new intruder, she scooped up the bag of cuffs and made off to the kitchen. Going inside she looked for a waste port to dispose of them or if nothing else the best place to hide them. She was not going to allow herself or anyone else to be bound like a slave.

12:32, Today: Freya Cole rolled 6 using 1d10+5 with rolls of 1.  the next initiative.

12:31, Today: Freya Cole rolled 6 using 1d10+5 with rolls of 1.  Initiative.

Dice roller loves me today!

Space Pirate
NPC, 12 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 17:59
  • msg #62

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm ducks behind the door and fires as not one but two pirates, both wearing tattered civilian skeinsuits emblazoned with a deavils head surrounded by stars, advance into the lounge shooting gyrojet pistools. Both pirates miss their mark but only by a hair (one missed by 3%). Wilhelm blasts the first of the two pirates in the abdomen. The pirate groans in pain and drops prone behind cover of one of the tables. The other pirate advances shooting missing Wilhelm again (by 1%). Wilhelm shifts his fire and hits the second pirate in the head killing him instantly.

Tyrell appears from the other door into the galley at a full on sprint and dives at the injured pirate taking cover. Tyrell crashes down on the man trying to grapple him, but the man is able to pull away before Tyrell can get a good grip.

In the outer hallway they can hear a man speaking, likely into a comm unit of some kind, "We have a problem in the galley! I need an assist to keep the passengers contained."

Freya disappears into the kitchen.

OOC - New round. Ill post a map when I get home tonight.

Private to Wilhelm Lancer: Current STA 62/65, Skeinsuit 47, Rerolls 1/4, Laser Pistol SEU 0/20 setting 4]

This message was last edited by the player at 23:02, Mon 25 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 13 posts
IM +6, STA 26/30, Ldr 2
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #63

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell tries to keep the initiative by pressing his attack.  If nothing else he's preventing the man from getting under cover and leaving him a bit more open for a shot from Wilhelm.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:39, Mon 25 July 2022.
The Void
GM, 50 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 23:08
  • msg #64

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - Map added above. Freya is still in the galley kitchen.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 18 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65, Ldr 3
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 23:40
  • msg #65

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Without taking his eyes off the action he releases the energy cell and reloads, shooting the wounded pirate when Tyrell gives him a chance. Hopefully he will.
Freya Cole
player, 6 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 04:54
  • msg #66

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya exits the kitchen door. She grips the knife taken off the first intruder in her hand. She strolls somewhat casually toward and up behind Wilhelm to support him.
Space Pirate
NPC, 13 posts
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 05:36
  • msg #67

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell struggles with the pirate trying to yank the mans power cord from his shock gloves but fails. The pirate is able to get a grip on him and hits him with the shock gloves .

In the outer corridor they can all hear a man yelling into his communicator. "You need to hurry. Im four men down out here!" He fires around the corner at Wilhelm with a laser pistol striking Wilhelm in the arm. . Wilhelm reloads and fires from cover at the man fighting Tyrell but the shot goes wide. The pirate at the door fires a second time with his laser pistol missing.

OOC - New round. Roll initiative.

Wilhelm Lancer
player, 19 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 09:07
  • msg #68

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He cries out in pain as his left arm goes numb. Switching to an one handed grip he shots twice more. "Die already you whoresons"
The Void
GM, 53 posts
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 12:47
  • msg #69

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - Please always ID your target (#) in the dice roller before rolling to hit in the dice roller. (U3 or U4 in this case). Also include any modifiers - scope, aiming, 2v1 etc.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 14 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 14:22
  • msg #70

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell steps into the Star Devil pirate and feints going for short arm shuck.  As the man moves back he pulls the powercord, hoping the pirate was distracted enough that he didn't notice while trying to avoid being tied up.
Freya Cole
player, 7 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #71

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya comes up beside Wilhem. She wiggles her foot testing the traction on the carpet. "So we are dealing with politicians." she comments on his curse.
Space Pirate
NPC, 14 posts
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 22:54
  • msg #72

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm fires at the pirate shooting at him from the doorway. He hits the man in the arm with a blast from his laser pistol. When the pirate shoots back at Wilhelm missing.

Freya begins moving quickly, hugging the wall. She moves along the wall to try and force the pirate to come further into the room. As she closes on the door...

OOC - Very sorry for the delay folks. Waiting on rolls for Freya. She has a delayed action.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:58, Wed 27 July 2022.
Space Pirate
NPC, 14 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #73

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya slashes out at the mans exposed arm cutting him deeply through the skiensuit with one of the pirates knives.

Another laser bolt from Wilhelm's pistol and the pirate collapses back into the outer corridor dead.

In the middle of the lounge, Tyrell yanks the pirates power cable from his powerpack. The man moves to disengage from the fight and flee through the door.

OOC - Not a new round yet. Tyrell gets a free melee attack to strike or grab the pirate and if he fails Freya will also get a free attack as the man tries to flee past her. These attacks are at +20% for fleeing, basically running through a melee.
This message was last updated by the player at 01:29, Wed 27 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 15 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #74

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell tries to grapple the pirate but misses.
Freya Cole
player, 9 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 01:50
  • [deleted]
  • msg #75

Aboard the Serena Dawn

This message was deleted by the player at 04:33, Wed 27 July 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 10 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 01:57
  • msg #76

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Just as it looked like the man might slip by ...... Freya caught him with the knife afterall!
This message was last edited by the player at 02:59, Wed 27 July 2022.
The Void
GM, 57 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 03:04
  • msg #78

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The pirate barrels past Freya, despite her sashing him with the knife, and gets out into the outer corridor headed for the stairs to the cargo deck. "The passengers are not contained! Alert the Cap'n!"

OOC - New round. Roll initiative. The pirates are moving so we are staying in Combat Rounds. Every second counts because they started moving last round. Basically 3 seconds each combat round. You can move and take two visible items or search and take one item from a person at a time and it takes a round to do it. Or you can just run. You all estimate that you can move from almost anywhere in the ship to the inner corridor in 3 to f4 rounds. So time is short.

U Dead - no known weapons remain or visible.
U5 Dead - Gyrojet Pistol and Gasmask (not searched).  Clearly wearing a tattered civilian skiensuit with pirate markings for the Star Devils.
U4 Dead - Laser Pistol and a whip visible. (not searched). Also wearing Star Devils skinsuit. .

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:32, Wed 27 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 16 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 04:36
  • msg #79

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell moves forward and barely hesitates searching the deadman (U4).
Freya Cole
player, 11 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 05:01
  • msg #80

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya scooped up the gyrojet pistol and the gas mask from U5. She went out the door and made a hard right.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 21 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 10:47
  • msg #81

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Running low on ammo, search them for power cells" he cried as he went after the fleeing pirate.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:50, Wed 27 July 2022.
The Void
GM, 58 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 15:47
  • msg #82

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm moves quickly through the door while Tyrell and Freya secure gear from the two downed pirates. He gets into the outer corridor and gets off a single blaster shot before the man disappears out of sight down the stairs to the lower deck. His shot misses completely. Freya appears behind him holding one of the downed pirates' gyrojet pistols.

"Wow many are armed?!" Comes an angry voice, that sounds like a Vrusk, from below.

"At least three. They got Haskins, he's dead! This has gone to shit! " This voice sounds like the man who had just fled.

OOC - New round. Rollinititive. We are in combat rounds but they seem to have held in place for this round.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:05, Wed 27 July 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 12 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #83

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"If they are downstairs we can't get the passengers off. We are in a good position to hold them (the pirates) down but there are probably more up here. What should we do?" Her heads pivots from the stairs to the three other doors and back again.

12:02, Today: Freya Cole rolled 13 using 1d10+5 with rolls of 8.  Initiative.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 17 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 16:29
  • msg #84

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell pulls some things off the dead pirate, "Extra powerclip here!"
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 22 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 17:04
  • msg #85

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He speaks in a very low voice to Freya and Tyrell. "Can you delay them? Keep them talking, ask for a parlay. I need to check this." He reveals a chronocom.
The Void
GM, 59 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 18:04
  • msg #86

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm turns and hits the recorded message held in the security crew men's chronocom and holds it to his ear.  He adjusts the volume so that only they can hear. "This is the Captain. All security to engineering. We have pirates attacking the bridge but we must take back engineering. They have disabled bridge controls..." The message ends abruptly with a laser blast.

From below they can hear the pirates talking to their Captain. "Cap'n, we have at least three passengers armed and holding the galley. What are your orders?!"

Then they hear the pirate captain's voice on the chronocom held by Tyrell. "Hold the escape bay and engineering. We almost have the bridge then we will clear them out! If you are listening, you are costing people their lives. Surrender and no one else needs to get hurt. Sea Witch, switch all comms to reserve channel 1."

"Aye, aye Cap'n." The man pauses. "We hold here." The man says.

In the observation windows the pirate ship comes into view pursuing the much smaller survey ship. The survey ship is rocked by several well placed laser cannon blasts and rockets from the pirate vessel. The unarmed survey ship shutters as several internal explosions follow the laser cannon blast. The ship begins to spiral out of control as it plummets toward the unknown planet. Then it explodes violently, shaking the Serena Dawn.

OOC - We are now in narrative rounds. 10 Seconds.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 23 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 18:22
  • msg #87

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Thinking fast he speaks, once more in a hushed tone. "We have to get to the bridge and help the crew fight them back. Then as one we clear them all out." Switching to his second pistol which was fully charged he motions for his two companions to follow him.
Freya Cole
player, 13 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 21:33
  • msg #88

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya nodded at Wilhelm and then whispered to him with finger air quotes, "Command some people to 'guard the stairwell.'" This was followed with a wink.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 19 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 23:13
  • msg #89

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Outside the passenger areas the doors are restricted,"  Tyrell informs the others, "I'd have to get back to my cabin to get my IAC to bypass closed doors."

He goes to Wilhelm and passes a powerclip and ejects the powerclip from the most recently acquired laser pistol.
The Void
GM, 60 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #90

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Some of the passengers are moving from the galley into the lounge. Clearly, they don't know what to do and none are combatants of any kind. Some seem physically capable of fighting but not mentally capable of fighting.
Freya Cole
player, 14 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 00:23
  • msg #91

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"I have mine but I don't think we would have time to use it before we got over run." Freya whispered to Tyrell. "We need more people." She then glanced to the people filtering into the lounge and gave shrug. "I don't want to get innocent people killed but I wonder if any of them can use this pistol. They could hold the ones downstairs while we go help the bridge. Like Wihelm said, we could return with more armed people."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:24, Thu 28 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 20 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 02:37
  • msg #92

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell speaks quietly, "If bridge controls are out, even if help save the bridge and then retake engineering, the Dawn is still disabled.  With that pirate attack vessel out there...we might be able to save the ship.  And I don't think most of the other passengers are going to be any help."

"Anyway we have to move now," Tyrell heads with Wilhelm.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 24 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 07:19
  • msg #93

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He listens to the Freya's plans and he nods emphatically, leaving behind the vibroknife and the electrostunner. "Use these too."
Turning to Tyrell he flashes the passcard he got from the dead guard and winks.
Then he tries to contact the Dawn's captain using the chronocom. "Captain, we fought off some pirates in the lounge. We are armed and ready to assist. Are you in the engineering or the bridge?"
The Void
GM, 61 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 12:20
  • msg #94

Aboard the Serena Dawn

There is no response on the chronocom.
Freya Cole
player, 16 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 12:38
  • msg #95

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya tries frantically to motion one of the other passengers to come over and guard the stairwell with the gyrojet pistol she is willing to give them.

"The last thing the Captain said was they had to retake engineering, the pirates were in control from there. If the bridge has fallen we should go to engineering and take that control for ourselves. It would get us closer to a medkit too." she refers to their wounds.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 25 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 13:22
  • msg #96

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He shrugs at the chronocom's silence. To Freya he says, "Fine by me, actually, you seem the tech savvy type, take it and try to raise someone." he passes the chronocom to her and reloads his pistol with a fresh clip.
Freya Cole
player, 17 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 14:05
  • msg #97

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Seeing the passengers hesitating in the lounge, Freya took the electrostunner and vibroblade for herself. She slid her gyrojet pistol, extra clip, and knife through the door to them. She pointed at it and glared at them!

"Come on." She led Wilhelm and Tyrell to the engineering corridor.

"Dawn security report. Dawn security report."
she called on the chronocom.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 21 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 14:16
  • msg #98

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell gives the pirate bodies a hard look as he says to the others, "With the bridge out, and engineering out, and bridge controls out I doubt even if retake those areas the Dawn is lost regardless.  There's an active armed vessel out there and the Dawn will need repairs before she can move even if she has enough crew left alive to man her.  Not to mention those Truane Star Authority officials had a full security team so if they're down already I don't give us good odds of riding to the rescue.  It's a hard choice but I'd rather take my chances on that planet rather than as a pirate prisoner or space debris.  With the gov't sponsored mission there is sure to be a follow-up...we just have to survive 'til then."

His attention on the other two passengers that showed any gumption, "Our decision loop is tightening and we're in a survival situation.  I'm going to my cabin and getting my gear.  Hopefully that world is no worse than Yast so it should be useful.  I think we should move as a group.  Then to the cargo.  We might have to see if the quartermaster's office is nearby but we might be able to break in if the pirates haven't already (or that card works).  Then clear the way to the escape pods."

Tyrell glances to the passengers gathering in the lounge, "We can leave a chronocom with Skye and call her to get the passengers moving as we clear a path.  I'm starting now."

Tyrell looks at the pirate chronocom and sets his Ident into it and taps in the chronocom's number into his datapad (so he doesn't forget it).  He swings by to whisper to Skye in a calm voice, "Hold onto this chronocom, it has my number in it.  Going to clear the path to the pods so get ready to get them moving when I call."

Without wasting further time he jogs back to his cabin...
The Void
GM, 62 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 15:29
  • msg #99

Aboard the Serena Dawn

They wait until Tyrell passes the chronocom to Skye and turns back. The young woman looks completely terrified. Then, together they follow Freya toward the passenger quarters and the engineering section. A glance over their shoulder, they see the passengers standing in the door of the lounge not knowing what to do exactly. A man steps forward to the front of the group and takes the gyrojet pistol. He looks at the stairs down and then at the other passengers.

The red lights of the all hands emergency alarms are still flashing as they enter the narrow corridor to their quarters starboard and port. The engineering door at the far end of the corridor is closed and the door lock indicator glows red, indicating it is locked.

A glance from Freya questioningly and the two men point to which side their quarters are on. Freya and Tyrell's quarters are on the starboard side (left side, bottom of map) of the Dawn and Wilhelm's quarters are on the port side (right side, top of map). Freya heads toward the starboard side first heading for Tyrell's IAC and her MedKit first.

Once they were ready, Freya slid the card into the reader and the door opened. Wilhelm had his blaster at the ready and scanned the hallway. The hallway is empty but they can all hear someone crying for help around the corner and the sounds of a scuffle of some kind.

"Please dont. Please stop." a voice pleaded.

"I told you dont resist!" Another voice comes followed by a meaty slap of a fist striking someone.

<RED>OOC - OOC - We are back in combat rounds. You guys might want to call delays. <RED>
Tyrell Morrow
player, 22 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 16:10
  • msg #100

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell nods to Wilhelm as they hear the cries for help around the corner.  He stays out of his way for him to line up the first shot.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 26 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 16:18
  • msg #101

Aboard the Serena Dawn

There was not a chance in hell he would let pirate scum harm anyone else. Silently he rounded the corner and shot the pirate twice.
Freya Cole
player, 18 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 17:20
  • msg #102

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya took a wide swing to give Wilhem room and went around the corner with him. She held the electrostunner out ready to apply correction to any pirates who required it.
The Void
GM, 63 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 20:59
  • msg #103

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The pirate doesnt even see it coming. Wilhelm blasts the vrusk pirate twice. Once in one of its legs and another time in the arm. It collapses onto of the dralisite passenger it was beating.

The dralisite is badly beaten and restrained but happy to have been saved. The vrusk pirate was carrying a single grenade, club and a gas mask.

Otherwise there is no one else in the passageways of the passenger area. There are likely a few more passengers hiding in their quarters though.

Freya and Tyrell quickly grab their gear from their rooms.

OOC - No longer in combat rounds. Back in narrative rounds.
Tristan Kell
player, 2 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 22:49
  • msg #104

Aboard the Serena Dawn

An awkward and heavy thud announces Tristan's hurried stumble into the passageway.  He regains his composure quickly, crouching down and looking for the voices he heard in his cabin a moment ago.

"Hello?" His voice quiet, but clear amidst the blaring of the emergency klaxon.
Freya Cole
player, 19 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 22:53
  • msg #105

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya comes back with her stuff and speaks to the dralasite. "Are you ok? Did they take any of your...uhm no I guess not. You might want to hide. We are trying to fight but we are short on numbers. How are you two?" Speaking to Wilhelm and Tyrell. "I am Freya by the way. Do we want to get your things?" Intending Wilhelm. "You are both hurt, I have a medkit. Hiding or surrendering may not be the worst option we have but I hesitate to abandon ship just yet. Not with things out there getting blown up."
Tristan Kell
player, 3 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 23:04
  • msg #106

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Hearing the sound of conversation, further down the passageway, Tristan cautiously walks toward the sound.  He carefully peers both ways out of the opened door.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 23 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 23:59
  • msg #107

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell nods to Freya, "Tyrell, ah...Tyrell Morrow.  I got hit twice but I think Wilhelm got socked with more power.  Better see to him first so he can get to his cabin.  Though we retake a disabled ship we still get blown up.  Launch a bunch of pods at once and the odds of escape go up."

"I'd go to the lounge and wait for a moment.  That's where the other passengers are and once we get a pathway clear to the escape pods we'll call.  You don't want to be left behind for the pirates," he adds to the dralasite.

The New Paleor checks the dead vrusk pirate for any gear.  Anything not immediately useful he throws into a rather large and sun bleached backpack he brought out of his cabin moving with some urgency as his mouth moves a klick a tick, "Prospecting on Yast was my fallback plan so I have some more survival gear in cargo.  Gonna need a card and a pin to get in those if the pirates haven't blasted them open.  Only a few of the crew have that access.  Dunno where the Quartermaster is and the Security Chief and Captain stand good odds of being dead because of the fighting on the bridge but they may have taken the Chief Engineer alive.  Especially if they were using doze gas.  We have a few masks now so if we do Engineering we go in masked up..."

As he finishes searching the dead insectoid and hoisting the pack up on his back and adjusting other equipment (like a gas mask) he notices the new arrival.  "Uh...hello.  We're not pirates."
Freya Cole
player, 20 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 01:40
  • msg #108

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Speaking to the drasalite, "Tyrell is right. The lounge might be a safe place for you."

Speaking to Tyrell and Wihhelm "If I am going to work on those wounds we will need to tuck away some place out of sight. Up to you two."

She pats her waist and says to Wilhelm, "You can take my power belt if that is what are going for in your room. It would save us time. I am sure they are not making cookies in engineering while they wait on us to arrive."

When Tristan peeps out, she spins around with the electrostunner "Who are you?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:53, Fri 29 July 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 5 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 03:51
  • msg #109

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The new arrival takes in the scene before him with a brief nod.  He looks at the young woman with the weapon pointed at him, and quirks a brow.  A fleeting look passes over his face, that in almost any other situation, would appear to be amusement.

"I'm Tristan," he says with a dazzling smile.

Glancing at the woman's companions and further down the passageway, his eyes narrow slightly.  With more seriousness in his tone, he continues.  "It seems we are experiencing a...suspension of our previously planned trajectory.  Do you have something resembling a plan for this dire turn of events?  I believe I overheard something...something, cargo bay?"

This message was last edited by the player at 04:11, Fri 29 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 27 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 07:18
  • msg #110

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He too encouraged the Dralasite to make a run for the lounge. "Aye, get to the others, if you move fast you should be safe."

To the woman who has finally introduced herself. "Freya, eh? A lovely name! I am Wilhelm Lancer, mercenary. I don't have much in the cabin, besides some medical supplies. I do have some toys in the cargo hold as well as some armor and a helmet. It is a pity that only the three of us are willing to take the fight to the pirates. Unless..." turning to the newcomer "know how to shoot a pistol?"
The Void
GM, 64 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 13:02
  • msg #111

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The dralisite stands dumbfounded. "Name Frulong. Jason. I. I... Ive never even held a weapon."
Tristan Kell
player, 6 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 13:28
  • msg #112

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The left corner of his mouth slowly turns up into a crooked grin.  He tilts his head to the side thoughtfully, while looking at the mercenary.  "You know...I am passingly familiar with shooting a pistol.  I tend to prefer energy weapons, so if you have an extra one tucked away, I believe I could be of assistance."

Tristan holds Wilhelm's gaze for a moment before turning sharply to Freya.  "What was that about cookies?"
This message was last edited by the player at 13:51, Fri 29 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 28 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 14:21
  • msg #113

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He passes his pistol and two half spent energy cells to Tristan Kell as he spoke to the dralasite. "You make a run for the others. NOW!"
Then turning to Freya "No time for cookies, did you manage to raise anyone on the chronocom?"
Tyrell Morrow
player, 24 posts
IM +6, STA 21/30, Ldr 2
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 14:27
  • msg #114

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell digs out the laser pistol he ejected a clip from and puts a full powerclip as he gives the newcomer a quick update, "Heading to engineering next as soon as Wilhelm collects any gear he wants from his cabin.  If you have anything in yours you want, I'd get it now.  Assuming we can get through the engineering hatch, the Chief Engineer is one of the few members of the crew with a passcard and a pin to get into cargo.  Not sure how many are in there but right now it looks like the Dawn is dead in space with locked out bridge controls so even if we recover her we're likely still an easy target."

Looking at Tristan's face, the young man tries to get a read on him, "Now you could surrender and be a good prisoner for the Star Devil pirates.  Maybe they just want to ransom the passengers and crew.  Or mebbee they'll use them as slaves or anything else they damn well please.  But there is a nearby planet which if we can get to with the escape pods is a hell of a big place to hide out until a S&R expedition can be mounted.  No guarantees either way but the Star Devils seemed to be going through a lot of trouble to capture folks alive given the doze grenades and masks just to space us."

"Granted it's the latter option for us now," Tyrell says with an unexpectedly feral grin, "So if you're gonna see the fight through, the pistol is yours."

Tyrell passes Tristan the loaded laser pistol if he reaches for it (figuring if he was another pirate that boarded as a passenger he'd already be armed;-).
This message was last edited by the player at 14:31, Fri 29 July 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 7 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 20:06
  • msg #115

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Accepting the proffered blaster from Wilhelm, Tristan spins the weapon absently on his left palm, feeling it's balance.  Grunting in apparent disappointment, he mumbles something about...beggars and choosers.  His hand nearly a blur, he deftly flips the pistol in the air, snapping it up, and slipping it into his waistband for a left hand draw, while juggling the two spare power clips into a side pocket in his tightly cut, black BDU.

Grey eyes gleaming in anticipation for a moment, the young man reaches toward the second offered weapon.  He gives it, what appears to be a professional, "once over," before giving a despondent sigh, hope draining from his face.  Tristan turns the weapon over, shakes it twice, seeming to will it into something of greater quality while distractedly ticking off Tyrell's points.

"Ummm...Engineering....passcard for cargo, right...Star Devils...cute...surrender, wait...surrender?"  He slowly turns to look at Tyrell, grey orbs glaring dangerously.  "I do NOT...surrender," he growls.  The gunfighter holds Tyrell's gaze intently, for but a moment, then looks down at the Las pistol.  He extends his arm, aiming at some imaginary foe further down the passageway.  Chuckling to himself, he continues, "I uh, do not's not in my creed."

Right hand tugging on the strap of his backpack, he mutters, "got my things...well, all except my things in cargo."  He lowers the weapon slightly, before peering back at Morrow.  "So, where were we...?  Ransom or slavery...?!"  He snickers to himself.  "I'll pass!  That leaves the nearby planet...and escape pods...escape pods it is."

Tristan sniffs the air tentatively.  "Seriously, there are no cookies?"
This message was last edited by the player at 21:16, Fri 29 July 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 25 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #116

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya lowered the stun gun realizing Tristan was not a pirate.

"Nice to meet you Wilhelm. The radio has been silent. No response"
Freya responded and waited for the others to speak.

"A few pirates seemed surprised we resisted, frightened even! Abandoning ship could put us in a worse situation. We don't know where we are but their ship was waiting on us. They must have known our route and possibly even have a base on that planet. At the moment our choices are to press on or to make terms before anyone else gets hurt worse. If we are going to take action our best bet is engineering. But if your actions match that swagger Tristan, I will personally make everyone cookies when this is over."
she quipped.
The Void
GM, 65 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 23:24
  • msg #117

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The dralisite backs away from them slowly and then runs as quickly as he can back toward the galley. Tyrell takes up the dead vrusks grenade, club and gas mask.

Together the now four passengers move to the portside passenger quarters to Wilhelms room.

There is no change in the outer corridor and there are no pirates in the other passenger quarters area. A few passengers peer out of their rooms and seeing the armed group they quickly duck back inside and lock their doors.

OOC - Sorry for my delayed posting today. Busy day at work today. I would suggest doing first-aid on those injured. You have definitely talked enough to do so and the pirates are not in your immediate area. At least for now.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:12, Sat 30 July 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 26 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 01:01
  • msg #118

Aboard the Serena Dawn

While in Wilhelm's quarters, Freya began immediately to set up to perform first aid. She waited on Wilhelm to do what he needed to do and then began with him first since he appeared to have taken the most wounds. She scanned him with the medscanner. Pressing some buttons she went for the specifics of his wounds.

She wrapped a few places with banadages and said, "Ok Mr. Lancer, take a few deep breaths. This is strong stuff. You will recover quickly but may experience a moment of vertigo as it hits your system." She used her medkit plus a shot of biocortizone.

Then she turned to her attention to Tyrell. "You are hurt as well, let me help you. It takes nerves of steel to go lunging at people with weapons like you did. I hope you only do this when on galactic cruises and not every single place you go."

She scanned him. "Hmm..." She slapped the side of the scanner with her palm. "Hold still, I want to scan you again. Achard Thiers Syndrome does not seem correct."

"Ok got it! A simple shot of biocortizone here should do the trick"

"Are you hurt Tristan?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:27, Sat 30 July 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 8 posts
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 01:23
  • msg #119

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Seemingly put out after having firmly convinced himself that the need to commit violence was eminent, the young Gunfighter trails his new acquaintances.  However, the promise of baked confections more than compensates for any "souring," of his mood.

Tristan finds an unoccupied seat out of Freya's way and peers about the mercenary's quarters curiously.  His eyes drink in every detail, while his hands, appearing to move of their own accord, strip the newly acquired Las pistol down to it's base components, only to be cleaned and reassembled. He continues to repeat this task in a cathartic fashion, only stopping briefly when queried by Ms Cole.

Appearing momentarily confused by her question, Tristan stares at Freya for a moment before grinning bemusedly.  "No Freya.  I am quite well.  Thank you for your concern."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:51, Sat 30 July 2022.
The Void
GM, 66 posts
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #120

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Between Freyas stichwork and the biocort Wilhelm is feeling much better as is Tyrell.

OOC - If you are going to put things like wounds healed into a post just PL it to the character directly. Or other info that only that character would hear or know just PL it. PL the rolls all together in one clump to just me. Over time the game becomes more like reading a story if we limit the OOC stuff in the IC threads.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 27 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30, Ldr 2
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 04:32
  • msg #121

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell ejects the powerclip from the proffered pistol and puts it back in his coveralls (and the spare laser pistol into his pack) with Tristan taking a pistol and clips from Wilhelm.  "The Vrusk had a gas mask, a club," and he holds up the egg shape of a grenade as he looks at it, "And a grenade."

"Who doesn't have a gas mask yet?  If you want something for close in fighting I have a whip and a pair of clubs," his face reddens after the fact as he senses he may have walked into what one of the others may consider a good time.

"Uh...we better get moving soon," he adds hastily.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 29 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 13:19
  • msg #122

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He stretches his fingers after Freya is done working on his arm. The numbness of the shot was receeding being replaced with a mild pain, which was welcome. No damage to his nervous system. "Thank you girl, much appreciated." Noticing the grenade Tyrell was holding he extends a hand to examine it. "Is it a frag grenade? Let me have a look!"

Then he speaks again. "So we have this predicament. If we go for the engineering as we are we are sorely lacking in firepower. If we clear the hold we will have sufficient gear but we will have more firefights ahead of us. And the rest of the passengers don't seem to keen on fighting for their lives."
The Void
GM, 67 posts
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 14:25
  • msg #123

Aboard the Serena Dawn

When Tyrell holds up the grenade they can all see that it’s another dose grenade. Clearly the pirates I rented to take prisoners.

They suddenly hear yelling, screaming and gun fire coming from the outer corridor where the passengers where.

Over the ship’s intercom comes the voice of the pirates captain. “This is Captain slagg. My men have instructions not to kill you unless you resist. Surrender. Do not resist and things will go easier on you.”

OOC - we are in combat rounds.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:10, Sat 30 July 2022.
The Void
GM, 70 posts
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 18:33
  • msg #125

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The screaming and the laser fire carry through the ship as someone keys the intercom and shares the sounds of the violence throughout the ship.

There is an explosion from probably a grenade just on the other side of the bulkhead.

Things seem to be getting worse as the pirates pull out everything they have to subdue the ships passengers.

OOC - Below is what I have as currently where everything is. You all also have your gear from your cabin so could everyone just drop a quick description of their gear they are carrying visibly as well as weapons. I have added all powercells and clips etc off your sheets to the below. These PLs will be the master power list. It will be maintained here in a PL to you.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:45, Sat 30 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 30 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #126

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Well, it seems to me that we are running out of options. We need to get to the lower deck ASAP or we are done for. I only hope the other passengers will join us." He approaches the door, his pistol at the ready. "We should try to get them by surprise and kill a few of them before they can react. Maybe they will retreat and give us a window of action. Ready?"
The Void
GM, 71 posts
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 19:54
  • msg #127

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - I have you all still in the passenger quarters. This door leads to the corridor which that runs to engineering. Its not the door into the room with the pirates yet.

Freya Cole
player, 27 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 20:25
  • msg #128

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Sounds like things are changing. I guess I am for fighting to downstairs too. Maybe we can get some of the passengers to the lifeboats with us. At least we managed to get some of our gear."

She carries a backpack filled with gear and wears a Chronocom on her wrist. One of the captured gasmask was latched to the outside of the pack and wore a powerpack belt on her waist. Holding the Electro Stunner in one hand and the vibroknife in her off hand. One of the pirates clubs hung from her belt.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:17, Sat 30 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 28 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30, Ldr 2
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 21:49
  • msg #129

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell adjusts his pack and frame again as he fishes out a gas mask he took from a pirate. Between latches on his belt and strategically placed on his backpack frame he's practically festooned with scanners and other small electronic devices.  A toxy-rad gauge is clipped onto his vest and the pockets on both his vest and coveralls also show tell tale signs of even more odds and ends.

Looking to Freya he nods, "Okay, shoot up the pirates rounding up the passengers, try not to hit any innocent bystanders, go down to the cargo and try to get into the lockers.  Then to pods.  Everyone onboard?"

He adjusts his laser pistol power output  and puts the gas mask in place, ready to move.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:04, Sun 31 July 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 10 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 02:20
  • msg #130

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Snapping the last component into place on his newly acquired Las Pistol, Tristan rises slowly to his feet.  The young man looks around at the others.

"Kill a few of em...cargo bay....escape pods.  Sounds good."
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 32 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 12:12
  • msg #131

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Glad we are in agreement, let's try to take them by surprise." He walks as silently as he can towards the bedlam, his pistol at the ready.
The Void
GM, 72 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 14:24
  • msg #132

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The small group gathers at the door ready to move together. They dont know what is going on the other side but the screams and cries and the gunfire echo's over the intercom. Clearly the pirates are pacifying the passengers. They here the sounds of the pirates yelling for the passengers to laydown and do not resist.

OOC - Currently you are in narrative rounds. You will all be moving together I assume, so on the same initiative which I will say will be Freya's because she is in the leadership position. So, Alex please roll initiative for the group. When ready just do an IC countdown. 1,2, 3... fingers held up. This I assume will be a delayed action. So I need everyone to declare their specific delayed action in a private line to GM. Alex please wait until I tell you to count down because I need everyones delayed actions before I can start the combat rounds. The delay should be specific like "fire two shots at the closest threat" or "fire at the pirate with the most dangerous weapon" etc. Your delay should also involve telling me if you are going to move, seek cover etc. Also, please confirm that your weapons and power are correct below. As soon as you open the door I will be rolling for surprise. That is why time is of the essence. You want the fight to still be going on when you burst through the door.

[5 blank lines suppressed]

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:20, Mon 01 Aug 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 29 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30, Ldr 2
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 15:35
  • msg #133

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell stands crouched ready to move into the room.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:22, Mon 01 Aug 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 11 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 16:01
  • msg #134

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Sucking air over his teeth, gazing at the ceiling, Tristan holds his Las pistol in a very relaxed grip.  He slowly twists his neck to the left, eliciting a muffled crack, and peers at the door.

"Way I reckon it...we either rush the room, kill any Devils' we see, basically push em out, maybe, put em on their back heel...or we sit back here, nice and cozy...take shots from this "fine," bit o' cover...see who breaks off first.  Seein' as we're in a might bit of a hurry, I'm more inclined to option A..."

The Gunfighter looks at each of the others in turn, searchingly, for a moment.  He finally settles on Freya, grinning to himself as if he just uncovered some mysterious secret.

"What'll it be doll?"
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 33 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 22:29
  • msg #135

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Alright,we get in there violently and spread out. Move in, Shoot, move to cover, and keep shooting until they are all dead!" Donning a gas mask he stacks up against the door frame, pistol at the ready. "Let's do this!"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:11, Mon 01 Aug 2022.
The Void
GM, 74 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 23:46
  • msg #136

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - Waiting for Freya to call the ball. If you did not declare any movement you will be standing still. If you did not declare any cover you will not have any. Please make your rolls now. Every time you call a delay make all the rolls, to hit, damage etc. If you will be moving then apply the penalties. I will apply your damage to the targets you designated in your delay in Reaction Speed order on Freya's initiative.
Freya Cole
player, 29 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 04:37
  • msg #137

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya stood coolly while everyone else hyped themselves up.

She spoke to Tristan. "I think movement works in our favor. Staying here in one place gives all of them a point to focus on. Keep moving. Shout! They may mistake you for one of their own. I like the idea of an aggressive assault, it should surprise them. But let's keep moving toward that cargo hold, cover, and possible escape. But remember, don't get yourself killed if you can help it.

Freya's expression turned serious and then she smiled widely. "You could give me more credit than that I believe. We can discuss it later, after you earn some cookies.

Everyone ready? Ok, here we go...4...3...2...1...GOOO!"

The Void
GM, 75 posts
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 05:27
  • msg #138

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Ooc - I can not move the scene forward because I don’t have all the rolls.
Tristan Kell
player, 13 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 18:45
  • msg #139

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tristan's only response is a curt nod, as he glides deftly toward the passageway door.
The Void
GM, 76 posts
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 22:28
  • msg #140

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya punches the door and they all start moving.

As they enter the room they see the bodies of wounded and stunned passengers laying around the passage. Clearly the pirates had hit them with multiple doze grenades as well as fragmentation grenades before they burst in to subdue by force if necessary. Almost directly in front of the door as they enter the room is a Yazarian Star Devil (Y3) armed with a laser pistol and an autopistol. Nearby was a human pirate (H3) armed with a gyrojet pistol and a needler. On the far side of the room was a Vrusk (V1) armed with a laser pistol and an elecrto-stunner.

At the top of the stairs leading to the escape pods was a Yazarian Star Devil (Y1) armed with a laser pistol and a stun baton. Nearby stood the human who had fled from the galley attack (H1) he was armed with his gyrojet pistol and shock gloves. Coming up from below decks was a second human wearing the pirate colors (H2) armed with a gyrojet pistol and a sonic stunner.

As the group enters the Yazarian (Y3), the nearest human (H3) and the Vrusk are not surprised and immediately begin to flee or dive for cover (dodging -20, for your second shots). The other three are taken completely by surprise.

The Yazarian (Y3) brings his pistol up but Tristin moves into the room blasting the Yazarian (Y3) in the side back. Wilhelm targets the same yazarian hitting him in the arm and the yazarian is dead before they are even in the room.

Tyrell moves in firing and seeing the yazarian already down, targets the next most dangerous threat, the human getting ready to dive for cover (H3). Tyrell kills the human with a single blaster hit to the arm.

Freya firer her electrostunner at the yazarian (Y1) pirate near the stairs with his back to them but the blast of photons goes wide missing completely. She takes cover behind the storage tables between her and the stairs.

The Vrusk (V1) turns to flee. He hits the door lock to the bridge passageway and the door opens. Tristan keeps moving forward and trains his pistol on the fleeing vrusk, hitting him in the back with his blaster. Wilhelm also keeps moving into the room and targets the fleeing vrusk, hitting it in the leg and the vrusk topples over dead in the passageway door.

Tyrell turns and fires at one of the human coming up the stairs. His blaster strikes the man in the chest the man lets out a wail of agony and topples backward down the stairs.

OOC - New round. Roll initiative. Tyrell and Freya finished their movement for this round but technically if Wilhelm and Tristan dont like their current position they can get all the way across the room if they want. Please make sure the below is correct. In the interest of everyone's learning the rules - Modifiers this round for you guys were walking 0, PBR +10. For the pirates Dodging -20 (those not surprise after your initial surprise action).

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:25, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 34 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 23:02
  • msg #141

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Diving into cover he aims his pistol and shoots at the human pirate. "Surrender or die!"
Tyrell Morrow
player, 30 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30, Ldr 2
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 01:25
  • msg #142

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell tries to carefully line up a shot at the pirate coming up the stairs and pulls the trigger.
The Void
GM, 77 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 01:34
  • msg #143

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - Dont forget to use rerolls. Its ok to say - "reroll if missed" in the dice roller. The reroll will only be applied if the initial roll is a miss.
Freya Cole
player, 30 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 01:41
  • msg #144

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya shouts, "You are not getting any organs out of me!" Then she peeped out from the table and fired at the Yazarian.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 02:28, Tue 02 Aug 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 14 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 01:41
  • msg #145

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tristan falls back into cover beside Tyrell, ejecting his spent power clip, and inserting a spare.
Space Pirate
NPC, 14 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 03:26
  • msg #146

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The first yazarian pirate (Y1) is the first of the pirates to react. He turns toward Freya to fire his laser pistol but Freya get her shot of. The blast of photons hits the yazarian but the yazarian shrugs off the blast. The yazarian fires his blaster at Freya as he is dodging (-20) to cover. His first shot strikes Freya in the chest . The yazarian fires again at Freya but misses.

Wilhelm aims and fires at one of the human pirates (H1) from cover. His blasters strikes the man in the arm and the man collapses to the deck.

Tristan takes cover and reloads.

The human on the stairs (H2) does not immediately reappear but Tyrell is waiting and fires as soon as another Yazarian (Y2) comes into view with a gyrojet pistol raised. But Tyrell misses his shot. The yazarian (Y2) lets loose with a series of rapid shots at Tyrell with his gyrojet hitting him in the arm and chest . Only his skeinsuit saves his life.

OOC - New round. Dont forget rerolls and also remember there are weapons laying around from the dead pirates. Always, always, always roll initiative as your first roll then roll your attacks and damage every round. Identify your preferred target in the dice roller. If you know you would miss then you must make your reroll to hit right then. If you dont, I will assume that you would not choose to reroll. Y1 and Y2 both have hard cover -20 to hit.

Combat Note - Characters can always move and shoot but there are penalties. Characters can dodge and shoot (imposes a -20% on both attacker and defender to hit), but you can fire normal rate of fire. The Yazarian (Y1) did this this round. The vrusk did not because I didnt know the rule at the time.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:44, Tue 02 Aug 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 31 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 11:11
  • msg #147

Aboard the Serena Dawn

With the yazarians moving, Freya decided to shift positions. She runs back and hops over Tristan. Then she posts up at Tristan's 9 o clock position (his perspective) on the corner wall, over at the fallen vrusk/bridge hallway door section.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 35 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 11:34
  • msg #148

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He shifts towards the entrance they came from. He takes careful aim at the closest Yazarian and fires once. "Surrender or die, cunts!"
Tyrell Morrow
player, 31 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 16:15
  • msg #149

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell scoots over next to Wilhelm to put some cover between him and both Yazirians as he snaps off a shot that direction.
Tristan Kell
player, 15 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 00:48
  • msg #150

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tristan reaches down and picks up the discarded Las pistol from the Yazirian's corpse, at this feet.  He pops up from cover and fires at the first Pirate he sees.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:12, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Space Pirate
NPC, 15 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 01:38
  • msg #151

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tristan takes up one of the fallen pirates blasters and comes up firing. His first shot hits the Yazarian (Y1) in the head and the Yazarian goes down behind cover.

Freya clamors past Tristan to take cover on the other side of the room firing at the other Yazarian (Y2). The electrostunner blast hits mostly the heavy metal storage counter the pirate uses for cover.

Tyrell switches pistols while he moves to better cover and fires a laser blast at the same Yazarian (Y2). The laser scorches the metal storage casing.

Wilhelm takes aim from cover and fires at the Yazarian (Y2) striking him in the arm.

The remaining Yazarian (Y2) drops behind full cover and can be heard snarling loudly, likely into his communicator, "Get up here you bilge rats! Captain we have them pinned down in the central corridor! But not for long."

From the stairs leading to the escape pods a dralisite appears in pirate colors with a gyrojet pistol firing. Tristan fires at the advancing dralisite hitting it in the chest. But the dralisite pirate moves next to the Yazarian (Y2) firing at Freya, then then Tristan, and then back to Freya. The third shot hits Freya in her arm .

OOC - New round. Roll initiative, to hit, make sure to include the target of the attacks and any mods (like aiming) and then damage. Make rerolls immediately if you think you miss and would use a reroll. Dont reorder your rolls. I am used to removing them from the bottom. Just cut and paste them. It should save you time.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:38, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 32 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #152

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell lines up another shot but doesnt shoot.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:07, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 32 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 03:50
  • msg #153

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya braced her electrostunner against the corner edge. She took careful aim and fired!
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:56, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 36 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 07:46
  • msg #154

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Deftly he crosses the room and picks up the dead vrusk's laser pistol as he reloads his own.
Zard Anora
player, 1 post
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 15:40
  • msg #155

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Anora's head hurt like a million bees were buzzing inside it and crashing around into her brain stem at the same time. The faint sounds of shouting and weapon fire resolved into full volume as her eyes flickered open and she realized that she was lying on the deck of the starship in the middle of some kind of fire fight. Moving her head slowly, to not attract attention and also because it might fall off if she moved it too quickly, she eyeballed the situation. There seemed to be two Yazarian and a Dralisite in a shooting war with some of the other passengers.

Nobody seemed to be paying attention to her right now, and she could see weapons within easy reach.

A big part of her wanted to just lie back down and play possum until this was all over one way or another, but the chances seemed good that sooner or later someone would vent the ship if things were not going their way, and when that happened, she needed to be up and mobile -- preferably with that Gyrojet pistol in her hand.

Rolling onto her stomach she wormed her way forward enough to grab the gun, the knife and what looked like a spare clip for the pistol. While the intruders (she certainly did not recognize them and from the confused yelling and screaming that had happened before the explosion that knocked her out, she assumed they had been boarded -- and not by any authorities) were still busy shooting at the other armed passengers she picked her target.

The blob was probably the toughest of the three, but the monkey still on its feet was probably the most aggressive. She targeted him [Y2] as she scrambled to her feet and fired at her pistol as swiftly as she could at point blank range.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:58, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 16 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 16:50
  • msg #156

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Dropping the spent Las pistol from his left hand, Tristan flips the remaining weapon over from his right to replace it.  He waits patiently for an opportunity to fire at the Yazirian pirate in front of him.
The Void
GM, 79 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #157

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tristan takes aim and waits for the downed Yazarian (Y1) to come back into sight.

Wilhelm moves across the room and picks up the dead vrusk's laser pistol as he reloads his own blaster.

The dralisite pirate is bellowing as he takes aim at Tristan. "Nigres. You frrakking coward! If we survive this - Im going to gut you and feed you to the crabs! Cosmic gorras. Die!"  The dralisite fires a single shot at Tristan. The gyrojet round bearly misses Tristan's head.

The yazarian (Y2)  pokes his head up firing a single shot and ducks back behind his cover. His snap shot misses Tristan completely, richochetting around the ship. His barking voice can be heard as he calls for help. "Captain, we have four of the passangers! Armed. Kicking the ha'chak out of us! We need reinforcements! And we need them now!"

Freya aims from her cover at the corner of the room missing again.

Tyrell keeps aiming for where the other Yazarian (Y1) would potentially reappear.

In the back of the room toward the galley, one of the passengers, a woman, rises up behind the pirates firing a gyrojet pistol three times at the Yazarian (Y2) behind cover. The Yazarian turns and raises his arm to shield himself from the woman's fire. "Mo Mo. Frakk Me." The yazarian says weakly as the woman fires at point blank range. The woman fires three rounds hitting the yazarian (Y2) twice.

Next to him the dralisite pirate is completely surprised. Tristan changes his aim slightly and blasts the suprised dralisite in the chest with two precise laser blasts. The dralisite topples to the deck of the ship.

All the pirates were down as far as Tyrell, Wilhelm, Tristan and Freya could tell. The unknown woman who had joined the fight at the last moment seemed ready to shoot someone (probably either the Yazarian or the Dralisite) who was out of sight behind cover.

OOC - New round. Since I can not put a map up at the moment I have described what you can see in the above final statement. But we are still in combat rounds so all actions take place in 3 seconds. Move, shoot etc. Please make inititive and all other necessary rolls. I was rolling the wrong damage for gyrojet pistols so I restored some Stamina and Skiensuit damage to those of you who were injured. Sorry. Still learning some of the rules - thought they did 3d10. They do 2d10.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:59, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 34 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #158

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell maintains cover as he waits for the Yazirian to either shoot or make a break for it.
The Void
GM, 85 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 03:05
  • msg #159

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The ship is jostled gently as the pirate ship docks once again with the Serena Dawn. They all knew that that meant more pirates coming aboard. The pirates still had control of the bridge and engineering. Things did not look good.

Most of the passengers were unconscious on the deck from being hit with multiple doze grenades or were dead.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:15, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Zard Anora
player, 2 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 12:16
  • msg #160

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Two of them are still moving!" called Anora as she fired the last two rounds in her pistol into the monkey closest to her [Y2].

As soon as the pistol clicked on an empty chamber, she scuttled away from them, seeking cover through the doorway behind her where she can reload the gun with the spare clip she found.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:07, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
player, 1 post
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 13:05
  • msg #161

Aboard the Serena Dawn

  An antenna twitched just before the insectoid figure began to stir. A young Vrusk passenger began to lift himself up, but suddenly paused as he began to register that there was gunfire happening around him. He flattened himself to walk on all ten limbs, keeping his body low to the ground and trying not to call attention to himself. He noted that a couple Yasarians (who were most likely invaders) were taking cover from a fire fight. Suddenly a human female sprang up and attacked one of them (Y2) before fleeing and calling out to the others. As he sees this he realizes the peril that the human put herself into, and if he did nothing, these invaders would claim another life.

As the woman flees, the Vrusk charges at the injured pirate (Y1) before it could train it's weapon on her, and push the furry alien back out into the opening before the Vrusk attempts to flee himself.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:18, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 38 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 14:02
  • msg #162

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Finally some more passengers were joining the fight, unwilling to perish like cattle. He jumps close to Freya, and shot twice, prioritizing the Yasarian to the human. "Kill them fast, we haven't got much time!"
Freya Cole
player, 33 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 15:24
  • msg #163

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya crouched a bit to allow Wilhelm an easier shot over her head. "Don't hit the passengers!" Freya called out seeing some were beginning to take action.
The Void
GM, 86 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 15:30
  • msg #164

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Ooc - None of the Pirates are visible because they are laying prone behind cover. The only one who can shoot them is the unknown female passenger.
Tristan Kell
player, 19 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 15:44
  • msg #165

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Slipping from behind cover, Tristan keeps his Blaster aimed where he last saw the Yazirian pirate.  He moves carefully forward at low crouch, hoping to take the scum unawares.
player, 4 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 16:00
  • msg #166

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The Vrusk was about to pounce on the Yasarian (Y1), but then realized the creature laid stun from a head shot. He decided to strip the being of his weapons. He used the creature's own stun baton on him while aiming the pistol at the one engaged by the human woman (Y2).
The Void
GM, 87 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 18:47
  • msg #167

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell, Freya and Wilhelm all stayed behind cover and kept their weapons trained on where the pirates were taking cover . .

The unknown female passenger shoots the yazarian pirate (Y2) again at point blank range before she falls back behind cover in the lounge. Her gyrojet round tears through the Yazarians skein and into his arm.

Tristan rises and moves up quickly but cautiously holding his laser pistol at the ready . As he rounds the corner of the storage containers, he delivers a blow with a fist to the Yazarians head (Y2) . The Yazarian (Y2) slumps over unconscious.

A vrusk passenger recovers from the doze gas and grabs up one of the pirates fallen laser pistols (Y1) as well as the pirates stun baton and hand axe.  The vrusk looks confused and rather terrified.

The remaining pirate, the Dralisite, slowly raises his pseudopods into the air, and the gyrojet pistol clatters to the deck of the ship. "Hey ah? You win. You win. You got us." But his visual sensor sockets, the things that served as eyes for their race, indicate that he knows reinforcements are on their way. <Green>"I surrender. Don't shoot.<Green>

OOC - Narrative rounds. Y1 remains stunned from the head shot and could recover at any time. Y2 is knocked out and will probably be down for a minute or two. You can still do combat if you want but if no one does combat, then we are moving into narrative rounds and I am counting time. Clock is ticking. There are about 10 passengers who are waking up and about 20 passengers who are totally out cold. I have set a time for when the pirates will start to arrive in the central corridor and I will be counting the time it takes to talk and do things. Only one person can talk time so dont waste your words. I would also suggest that you do things like collect gear at the same time you are talking. Tick tock. Tick tock.
player, 5 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #168

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The Vrusk chittered nervously as he looked around to see that the humans appeared to have things in hand.

*chirp* *Tik-tik* "...Umm, Humans. This invader appears to have been subdued. I have taken his weapons." *Tik-tik*

"Someone please take this gun from me", he pleaded. His hand quivered as he kept it trained on the pirate (Y1). "I am not cut out for this. *chirp"
Tyrell Morrow
player, 35 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 20:21
  • msg #169

Aboard the Serena Dawn

With the surrender of the Dralasite, Tyrell holsters his pistol and goes to the Star Devil.  He quickly searches the blob and then stunned/unconscious yazirians (Y1 & Y2) relieving them of anything useful before drawing his weapon again and motioning.

"Help your friend up and then drag that one (indicated Y2) to the galley.  You can cool your heels there for a bit," he tries to say with more authority than he feels.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:28, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 21 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 20:27
  • msg #170

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Doing as the Vrusk asks, Tristan smoothly relieves him of the Las Pistol, snatching it up into his right hand, while keeping the Blaster in his left hand trained on the surrendering Dralisite.  He appears to search the ground for anything that will yield an energy clip, muttering under his breath as he peers around himself quickly.

"Kill a few of em...cargo bay....escape pods....Kill a few of em...cargo bay....escape pods...Stupid fracking Civi's...Kill a few of em...cargo bay....escape pods...prolly get us all killed..."

Tristan prowls wolfishly toward the stairwell down to the Cargo Bay, trying not to miss any potential ammunition lying on the ground. Snapping up from his exploration and musings, he speaks loudly back over his shoulder toward the insectoid, "Okey shooty shooty, how bout tie em up?"

Passing by the departing pirate, he absently drawls, "Better move with a purpose.  If I see you're dead."

Taking aim down the stairwell with both Blasters, Tristan readies himself to descend.

"We're out of time.  Stick to the plan.  We get our things from cargo and take the pods' to the planet surface."  The Gunfighter giggles to himself, disturbingly. "Chocolate chip.  I want Chocolate chip Freya...and DONT, skimp on the chips!  Mmmmmm...sure do like cookies..."

This message was last edited by the player at 22:12, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
player, 6 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 20:56
  • msg #171

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The insectoid cocks his head at the human male's strange speech pattern as he relinquished control of pistol and stunned invader. Now that the weapon was out of his hand he seemed to visibly calm.

*Tik* I will leave restraining the invaders to others. *Tik*  I am a Doctor, NOT a warrior. *chirp*  He seemed to ponder over the gunfighter's malady for a moment. "Are you feeling well? Suffering from any trauma? *tik-tik*" He asks as the fighter began walking away.
Tristan Kell
player, 22 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 21:09
  • msg #172

Aboard the Serena Dawn

A deep sigh utters from the depths of the Gunfighter's lungs.  "Isn't Life...just, well, one great big trauma, Doc?"  He cocks an eye toward the ceiling, his tone waxing philosophically, "Ain't it all about the Creator's creatures just getting smacked around...treated somethin' awful...only to be squashed, a bug?"    The young man rolls his eyes with a leering glance at the Vrusk.

Tristan's shoulder's heave with laughter, as though he's made the galaxy's greatest jest.  Over his continued snickering, he mutters, "well thoughts is that we're all sufferin' from some kinda trauma.  Just, each one of us needs to hold it together, and make somethin of ourselves...  Whatdya think?  What's your...professional opinion?"

Oddly, despite the wandering nature of his speech, the fighter's hands remain steady and solidly locked in, aiming down the stairwell for any threat.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:15, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
The Void
GM, 89 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 22:03
  • msg #173

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The dralisite does exactly as he is ordered, dragging the unconscious Yazarian (Y2) into the galley. The other Yazarian (Y1) comes too and is able to move under his own power for the most part. They mumble to each other as they are moved into the other room.

Tyrell recovers several powerclips shoving them into his pockets and takes up the two dropped gyrojet pistols while he is talking and shoves them into his belt.

[5 blank lines suppressed]

OOC - Time clicks by (about 60 seconds have elapsed) while the group gets their bearings. If you have already posted please hold off so I can find out what everyone else is doing while you guys are talking.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:43, Fri 05 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 40 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 00:35
  • msg #174

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Glad that the pirates surrendered he speaks to Tristan. "Quickly, we need to get to the storage and get our gear." Then he speaks in a loud voice addressing the civilians. "We are going to abandon the ship, start boarding the escape pods or become organs, slaves and toys for the pirates."

With his pistol at the ready he begins to climb down the stairs.
The Void
GM, 92 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 12:01
  • msg #175

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Ooc - waiting for Freya and Zara to post.
Freya Cole
player, 34 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 12:17
  • msg #176

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya eases from around the corner as everyone emerges. She comes over and inspects the pirates.

"I suppose we can let you live despite your crimes, for now. I highly suggest you find another line of work. I also suggest you get your friends off this ship." she said to the pirates.

To everyone else she says, "Everyone who wishes to get off this boat, get downstairs to the lifeboats! The two Kaboomite charges are set to go off. We only have so much time!" Then she follows with Wilhelm in the others toward the cargo hold.
The Void
GM, 94 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 12:38
  • msg #177

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The passengers who are rousing begin trying to get their friends and family awake enough to get to the escape pods. Some few begin making their way alone. You all just hope there are enough pods for you by the time you all get there.
Zard Anora
player, 5 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 13:49
  • msg #178

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Anora is confused and scared. The general thinking about getting boarded by pirates is that you are now dead. The faint hope of the escape pods is clouded by the fear that there is nowhere to escape to. But she supposes a small chance is better than no chance.

Checking her weapon and looking at the other dead or disabled pirates to see if they have anything useful for a sudden evacuation of the ship, she nods at Freya.

"OK. Lifeboats it is. Do we need vacuum suits? Will they be down in the escape pod?"

It seems there was a lifeboat drill when they first set out, but she had a cracking hangover . . .
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 41 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 14:23
  • msg #179

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Looking back at Zard he simply shrugs. "Who knows, one can hope. But I ain't leaving without my rifle." He then addresses the young man. "Tyrell, lad, get into one of them lifeboats and make sure nobody launches it before we get there will ya?"
The Void
GM, 95 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 15:50
  • msg #180

Aboard the Serena Dawn

While the vrusk and Tristan are talking, the unknown woman moves among the bodies recovering weapons and ammunition. She collects up a pair of gyrojet pistols, a needler and auto pistol. a stun baton as well as ammunition, a powerbelt pack, gas mask and a pair of shock gloves.

As the passengers than can and the small group of liberators move below to the cargo and escape pods deck they come to a compartment where clearly a pitched battle had taken place between the bulk of the pirates and the government officials. The bodies of several security guards, Truane government types and a few pirates lay about. The government officials are not present. On the deck lay a couple of laser pistols  clearly their powercells pulled and other weapons: a knife and a vibroblade . The government security guards wear civilian skein suits as do the pirates, although the pirate regalia are emblazoned with the devil face and circle of stars . All the government and security folks wear chronocoms.

There is a locked portal to the cargo and passenger baggage area which is clearly marked: CARGO/BAGGAGE - RESTRICTED ACCESS. The red light above the portal indicates the portal is locked. The other side of the chamber is a portal marked LIFEBOATS. The door status indicator light is green.
Tristan Kell
player, 23 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 17:16
  • msg #181

Aboard the Serena Dawn

With a parting smirk at the Doctor, Tristan makes his way down the stairwell, humming a vibrant naval tune.  He takes the steps several at a time, eager to make his way to the cargo bay.  The young man stops cold when he sees the bodies of the government officials, the impromptu ditty dying off into a low growl.

The Gunfighter picks up the vibroblade, as he walks haltingly to the corpses of the administrators  He kneels down amidst them, taking a long look at the faces of the fallen representatives...genuine anger clearly etched on his face.

"What...what have they done...these filthy frackin curs...."

He closes the eyes of an official, his hand resting almost gently on the woman's cheek.  He shakes his head slowly, seeming to deny the deaths.  Yet, with a slight sigh, he licks his upper lip, outrage slipping to pragmatism, and searches the body for identification, while also slipping the spokeswoman's chronocom from the ground into one of his pockets.

Collecting any identification from the official's bodies, Tristan speaks distractedly, "Someone needs to be lookin to that Cargo hatch.  Wilhelm's not the only one staying til' he's collected his belongin's..."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:25, Fri 05 Aug 2022.
Zard Anora
player, 6 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #182

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Anora feels almost numb at the sight of the carnage below. She approves of the respect the tall young man shows to the dead security guards, but when he expresses a willingness to stay and die rather than lose some object that he owns, she quirks her eyebrows at him.

"The dead own nothing," she says as she loots the bodies down here as well, passing out spare weapons to the passengers who look most likely to be able to fight back if the are ambushed. She takes one of the chronocoms for herself and offers the other to the smaller framed woman with short black hair (Freya), along with one of the gyrojet pistols of she doesn't have one.

"It's not a boy girl thing," she says grimly. "You're the only one who hasn't threatened to run off and find their toys while the rest of us are left waiting around for them to come back."

Moving on to the hatchway access to the lifeboats, she tries to open the door.
Tristan Kell
player, 24 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 20:45
  • msg #183

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Fingers turning white as he grips the two Blasters in his hands, Tristan glares at Zard murderously.  He mutters under his breath while watching to see if any of the individuals in the Bay are able to open the Cargo hatch.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:32, Fri 05 Aug 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 36 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 21:01
  • msg #184

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya moved downstairs picking up any lethal weaponry she could find along the way. Pausing at the bottom of the stairs she spoke to those wishing to get into the cargo hold.

"Nothing in there is worth your lives. I am going to hold a boat." She looked to see if that was what Tyrell was doing as well and will join him if he does.

"Take this. We don't have time to code break. You have about A minute."

She handed him the sonic scalpel in her pocket. "This can cut some metal. If that does not work, forget the stuff. The dead can't enjoy cookies. One minute!"

She emphasized the time and moved toward the life boats.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:02, Fri 05 Aug 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 25 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 21:27
  • msg #185

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tristan shakes his head slowly.  "What's left of my family is on the other side of that door.  Fraid we'll have to disagree...  Tis' worth my life and more."

This message was last edited by the player at 21:28, Fri 05 Aug 2022.
Zard Anora
player, 7 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 21:41
  • msg #186

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Family?" Anora cocks her head to one side in puzzlement. "In the baggage compartment? Are they stowaways?"

Not that she had anything against the idea. She just wanted to understand what was going on and why this seemingly sane man thought his famiiy was in with the luggage.
Tristan Kell
player, 26 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 22:03
  • msg #187

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The Gunfighter looks up at the ceiling for a long moment...and slowly lowers his eyes to look at Zard.  His smile is anything but kind, as he replies, "you know've cast yer judgmental attitude my direction, once already...don't think I'm gonna give ya another chance.  Run yer mouth mouth reckless again, I'm gonna put a hole in ya.  I'll make sure it's somewhere's that won't kill ya, but I will put it some place very painful.  We'll call it...mmmm....a reminder on how to treat strangers decent.  Just so ya never forget"

Tristan spins the Blaster in his left hand effortlessly, never taking his narrowed eyes from the woman's.  "Go ahead...ask another presumsuous' question...say somethin' stupid...please."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:05, Fri 05 Aug 2022.
The Void
GM, 96 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 22:24
  • msg #188

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The lifeboat bay is empty except for seven tiny lifeboats which each seats about six or eight. The passengers rush forward filling them immediately and begin launching without waiting. There are clearly not enough for all of the passengers of the ship. Clearly they are launching before some of them even have the maximum passengers on them.

The door to the cargo compartment is a hardened door compared to most of the other doors in the ship. There is a card reader pad with a number pad to enter the necessary code.

OOC - Another full minute has passed. Tick-tock. Tick-toc. The door has about 150 structural points. A clip or two of gyrojet slugs should open it. I know that I have told several character in-game that they know about how long you guys have before the pirates arrive.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 42 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 22:37
  • msg #189

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Fight after we are done not dying please! I need my rifle!" He approaches the door, uses the card he has taken from the dead guard and quickly scans his chronocom for what could be the password. They were so lousy he was sure he probably had a mail to himself with all the passwords.
The Void
GM, 97 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 22:40
  • msg #190

Aboard the Serena Dawn

No password or pin in the chrono. The door doesn’t open.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 38 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 00:31
  • msg #191

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell pulls up his IAC and takes a look at the door.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:32, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
The Void
GM, 98 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 00:38
  • msg #192

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell connects his IAC and has the door open in just a few clicks.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 39 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 00:48
  • msg #193

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell doesn't hesitate and heads into the cargo towards the lockers.
Tristan Kell
player, 27 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 01:00
  • msg #194

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Spinning the Blaster a final time, Tristan slips it into his BDU waistband.  The ice in his gaze evaporates with disarming speed, and he waggles his eyebrows at Zard.  The Gunfighter pantomimes shooting her with his forefinger.  "Be watchin ya," he purrs, chuckling to himself as he rapidly follows Tyrell into the hold, seeking his storage lockers.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:43, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
player, 7 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 01:27
  • msg #195

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The doctor was just reaching into his breast pocket, but stopped when Tyrell stepped to the panel to work his magic on the door. As the door opened and human stepped in, the doctor quickly followed suit, and went to locate his luggage.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:06, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
The Void
GM, 99 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 02:19
  • msg #196

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tristan, Wilhelm, Tyrell and the vrusk immediately enter the cargo bay and begin looking for their luggage. Dozens of storage containers line the walls and fill several aisles across the floor of the bay.

Clearly it will take some time to find what they are looking for. They each move to their storage compartment and secure their bags.

OOC - I am assuming that Freya and Zard did not go into the cargo bay but you are standing there when the door opens and the others go in. So you still have that option.
player, 8 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #197

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The Doctor cocked his head as something caught his attention. He disappears around a corner.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 40 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #198

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell waves to get the others attention and points deeper in the cargo hold.  With exaggerated movement he mouths two words .

With the vrusk moving he draws his pistol and follows at a crouch.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:39, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 37 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 04:09
  • msg #199

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya gave a surprised expression when Tyrell deftly opened the door to the cargo bay. "Well done. Hurry." While she could have entered for her things, instead she turned away and went to the escape vehicle docking bay. Once there she took the control of a vehicle, flashing the stun gun should anyone dare to argue.

"This ride is having a .....momentary delay."
The Void
GM, 100 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 05:26
  • msg #200

Aboard the Serena Dawn

By the time Freya and Zard arrive there are only two lifeboats remaining with room in them. Freya pushes her way through the group of passengers and she goes to the one that was not been opened yet and keys the door. The Captain of the Serena Dawn had clearly activated authorizations already and her passenger pass card opens the boat  without any delay.

OOC - Tick-tock. Tick tock. We are in combat rounds. There are 20 CR in 1 minute. Each round spent searching the cargo takes 1 Narrative round or three CR. But three or four people searching means you will each be finding things each narrative round.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:38, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
Space Pirate
NPC, 16 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 05:29
  • msg #201

Aboard the Serena Dawn

A young man, the pirate who had fled emerges from around the corner with a gyrojet pistol. He doesnt fire. His pistol is leveled on the vrusk. Clearly the pirate is as terrified as the vrush is. "Dont shoot. Please. Dont shoot."

OOC - He has a delay.
Zard Anora
player, 8 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 05:31
  • msg #202

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Zard yells. "Hey boys! We have to go! This boat is on autopilot. We launch with or without you in 1 minute! Move your asses!!!!"
The Void
GM, 101 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 05:32
  • msg #203

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - 19 CR before launch. You can carry double your STR in kg for short distances. But you only have 2 hands. So, your baggage and one other item. Possibly two more items if they are small. There is a cart nearby which you might be able to load up. But it will take time to get the cart and then load it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:40, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 43 posts
IM +6, STA 41/65, Ldr 3
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 13:27
  • msg #204

Aboard the Serena Dawn

As he is searching for something useful  he speaks to the pirate trying to appear as non threatening as possible. "We ain't shooting you boy. We are leaving. Holster your pistol and stay back."
The Void
GM, 102 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 15:02
  • msg #205

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - We are in Combat rounds. If you are disregarding the combat and doing something else. Please follow the below guidance.
Tristan Kell
player, 28 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 16:52
  • msg #206

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Not apprising the pirate as any serious threat, Tristan ensures that he has all of his baggage and walks briskly to the escape pod.
Freya Cole
player, 38 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 17:52
  • msg #208

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya waits patiently as the one minute ticks by. She is fully expecting a clamored last moment entry from the gun stingers. She sits at the controls and straps in.
player, 9 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 20:04
  • msg #209

Aboard the Serena Dawn

When the pirate pointed the weapon at the doctor, he held his hands up in a non threatening manner.

*chirp* The human is correct. We are leaving. There is no need for violence.

He cautiously backpedals the way he came.

Once he is far enough, he'll race to the life pods with his belongings.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:05, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 41 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 20:43
  • msg #210

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"We don't have time for this.  Just beat it," he tells the young pirate, "Leave the gun and ammo, go up to the lounge and stay there."

So long as the young pirate moves Tyrell dashes back to his locker and asks anyone nearby, "Could you give me a hand with this cart?"  He then proceeds to unsling his backpack, puts it on the cart, and practically shovels the contents of one locker into it before hoisting back on his back and pulling out toolkits out of the second and throwing them on the cart.

"If you don't have anything else to do, open up lockers and load'er up.  Let's move"
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:02, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
The Void
GM, 105 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 02:41
  • msg #211

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya and the woman named Zard had already strapped themselves into acceleration seats. Freya had taken the seat at the controls. Lifeboats were for the most part autopiloted vessels designed to be computer controlled for the passengers safety. The controls could be over ridden in case of an emergency but the controls were very limited.

The lifeboats computers sputtered to life when the boat was opened and the boats sensors scanned the nearby system for a safe place to land.

Text scrolls across the screen.

System scanning, scanning, scanning...

The launch countdown never ceased ticking off the seconds and the computerized voice continues to reiterate the need for the passengers to take their seats. The gunslinger Tristan enters the lifeboat followed quickly by the Vrusk. Both secure their bags into hanging nets and take their seats.

Over and over again the computer relays the urgency that the lifeboat is about to launch. "An evacuation emergency has been declared. 25 seconds to launch. Please take a seat and fasten seat your belt. An evacuation emergency has been declared. 20 seconds to launch. Please take a seat and fasten your seat belt. An evacuation emergency has been declared. 15 seconds..."

Just then, Wilhelm and Tyrell appear at the door of the lifeboat with a cart full of luggage and shipping containers which they quickly start throwing through the door onto the floor of the lifeboat.

"Lifeboat door will automatically close in 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...."

Tyrell and Wilhelm basically crash the loaded down cart into the door and the bags careen across the floor of the boat. The two board the lifeboat falling to the floor.

They all suddenly hear yelling in the lifeboat bay. A group of a half dozen pirates enter the lifeboat bay, firing lasers and gyrojet rifles. Some are wearing personal armor and one has a heavy laser on a gyro-stabilization mount. A laser blast streaks through the closing door hitting very near Tyrell. They feel the lifeboat shudder and lurch as the heavy laser strikes the lifeboat as well as a number of gyrojet rounds. Gyrojet rounds ricochet around the inside of the lifeboat. Several indicator lights suddenly start flashing in the console.

"4, 3, 2, 1. Lifeboat door sealing. Prepare for launch."

The lifeboat door shuts with a swish and the boat launches into space.

The angry yells of the pirates are lost in the vacuum of space and the sudden red flashing lights and alarms going off in the lifeboat.
The Void
GM, 106 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 02:58
  • msg #212

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Autopilot inoperable. Autopilot inoperable. Autopilot inoperable. Autopilot inoperable. Autopilot inoperable. Autopilot inoperable." Flashes on the screen. And continues to flash ceaselessly. The lifeboat is careening off into deed space. The guidance system has not fired properly and the lifeboat is spiraling wildly. The loose baggage flies around the inside of the lifeboat along with Wilhelm and Tyrell.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 42 posts
IM +6, STA 15/30, Ldr 2
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 03:32
  • msg #213

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell doesn't waste much time, focusing on the things he can control rather than worrying about the things he can't.  He focused on grabbing his techkit from the mess of stuff and pulling himself forward using the crash seats as handholds.  He was no starship engineer, but some technical problems were universal especially since the diagnosis was 'Yup, got a bullet hole in it'.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:01, Sun 07 Aug 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 39 posts
IM +5, Sta 55/55, Ldr 1
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 04:57
  • msg #214

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya did not look back as the launch clock wound down. She could envision well enough the mad scramble taking place behind her in the last seconds. She was glad to hear, by the voices behind her, that her recent acquaintances had made it aboard.

Leaning her head back against the head rest for the launch, she lifted her right arm up where the pirates could see it down the aisle. If this were to be her last seconds, she wanted to convey a clear message to them. She shot them the bird and shouted "Assholes!" as the door closed.

After the boat launched she implored, "Someone grab hold of all that crap!". She began to look for how to stop the spiraling.
Tristan Kell
player, 29 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 4
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 06:36
  • msg #215

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Eyes closed and arms casually grasping the drop bar in front of him, Tristan hums a spirited naval tune, occasionally emphasizing a note with his hand.  Oblivious to the chaos within the pod, the young Gunfighter appears relaxed, and seems to be enjoying the crazed descent toward the unfamiliar planet.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 44 posts
IM +6, STA 60/65, Ldr 5
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 15:44
  • msg #216

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Bringing as much gear as he could find as well as his own stuff he climbs to where Freya sits in the acceleration seat at the lifeboats control. "I can fly this!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:46, Sun 07 Aug 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 40 posts
IM +5, Sta 45/55, Ldr 2
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #217

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya manually fights with the controls trying to determine if the craft is damaged and how she might rectify the situation.

"That is nice to know. Are you any good at it? I cannot tell by you floundering around the cabin." She responded to Wilhelm.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:43, Sun 07 Aug 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 45 posts
IM +6, STA 60/65, Ldr 5
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 19:26
  • msg #218

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Smirking at her comment he responds "Can't be worse than a dogfight!" He approaches and quickly scans the indicators.
The Void
GM, 109 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 20:02
  • msg #219

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Freya moves aside and lets Wilhelm into the acceleration seat. He flicks a series of buttons and switches to bypass the autopilot.

Tyrell is working on the damaged thruster controls and after a few moments of reconnecting damaged wires the guidance thrusters respond as they should. Wilhelm takes the control stick and gently guides the lifeboat back toward the planet.

As you approach the daylight side of the planet, they can see nothing. A great portion of the planet is shrouded in clouds. A red flashing X marks the safest landing site the boats sensors can find. Wilhelm puts the lifeboat into a shallow orbit with a destination for the X and lifeboat travels to the other side of the mystery planet, where it begins its descent into the dark, clear night.

Several lights still indicate damage to the vessel and as they enter the atmosphere Wilhelm starts to notice exactly how little control he has over their landing.

As they enter the planets atmosphere the lifeboat shacks wildly. Sparks begin to fly from the onboard computer. Then, after several seconds of jolting, a rear engine explodes and a fire erupts on the exterior of the lifeboat.

The fire grows larger and hotter as you descend, even entering the passenger compartment.

Wilhelm struggles with the control to bring the lifeboat down as safely as possible.

In the windows at the front of the shuttle they all watch as a massive desert spreads out before them with intermittent rock formations. The lifeboat is headed straight for a massive rock formation. Wilhelm struggles at the foot controls and hits several levers which control baffles designed to slow a ship in decent.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 46 posts
IM +6, STA 60/65, Ldr 5
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 20:33
  • msg #220

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He held tightly on the controls, attempting to maintain a steady rate of descent. "I need to focus on flying this shit, try to use the radio and see if there is someone else on this fucking planet."

He didn't like deserts. He has never been in one and they were ill prepared to survive it. And flying over one without an engine and their ship on fire sounded very much like a slow painful death.

But they had to preserve. And they would. "Fuck them rocks!" he cried out, a hint of a grin at his face as he knew how to survive it. First they dove to gain some speed, then he managed to turn the ship around almost instantly, flying very close but in parallel to the rocks until their speed died down and they landed smoothly and safely.

"Damn, am I good!"
The Void
GM, 110 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 21:06
  • msg #221

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm gets the lifeboat up just enough to clear the rock outcropping and guides the lifeboat down. Clearly an amazingly skilled pilot, or a very very lucky one, somehow he brings the lifeboat in to skid across the desert landscape cutting a deep gouge into the flat sandy surface until the ship comes to a complete stop.

Wilhelm then casually hits several switches which deliver a blast of fire extinguishing foam putting out the fire inside the compartment.

OOC - The engines are still on fire and the lifeboat could exploded. You can either try to save the lifeboat or get your gear out of the boat before the thing explodes.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 47 posts
IM +6, STA 60/65, Ldr 5
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 22:49
  • msg #222

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Tristan, Tyrell, grab everyone's gear and get it away. Everyone else, grab a fire extinguisher or two and help me."

True to his word, he grabs two fire extinguishers and runs around the ship.
The Void
GM, 111 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 23:02
  • msg #223

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - There are only two fire extinguishers. So only one other person can assist Wilhelm. But you have to leave behind your equipment to so.
Zard Anora
player, 9 posts
IM +5, Sta 49/49, Ldr 1
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 00:08
  • msg #224

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"You. You. You." Anora points at the others in turn. "Start getting our gear off the lifeboat. Now!"

She has a voice used to command and being obeyed.

"Don't forget the gear that came with the lifeboat. I saw there are eight compartments marked Survival Pack, one marked each as Gas Masks, Raft, Kitchen, Tents, Water Distiller/Purifier, Rations, Water, Emergency Receiver, and finally 2 marked Tools. Let's get those too."

She issues orders, but gets busy herself, expecting everyone else to pull their own weight as the lifeboat burns
player, 11 posts
IM +8, Sta 40/40, Ldr 6
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 00:47
  • msg #225

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The Doctor readily complied with the authoritative sounding human female. He hurriedly grabbed some of the packs that she indicated.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:52, Mon 08 Aug 2022.
Tristan Kell
player, 31 posts
IM +7, Sta 45/45, Ldr 3
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #226

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Hastily slipping out of the drop harness and raising the safety bar, the Gunfighter surges out of his seat with an exuberant yell. "Yeah!!!  Wooohooooo!!!  What a ride!" He punches the air and then abbreviates a salute toward Wilhelm.  "Frackin bravo Sir!"

Tristan hurriedly slings his bags out the pod hatch and starts yanking open gear compartments. He begins grabbing items and tossing them out the hatch, in what seems like, a very methodical, and prioritized manner.

Tristan tosses his bags to safety.  He then starts grabbing and tossing out equipment in the following priority order:  Water, Water Distiller/ Purifier, Survival Pack, Rations, Emergency Receiver, Tents, and tools.  If there is time remaining, he starts in on other gear, including the newly acquired items.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:27, Mon 08 Aug 2022.
Freya Cole
player, 41 posts
IM +5, Sta 45/55, Ldr 2
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 03:22
  • msg #227

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Not bad...for a scoundrel!" Freya responded when the ship came to rest. "We are alive. I will over look the fact we are on fire."

Freya agreed with Zard's direction and fell in line with the effort.

"Come on now. Let's all work together. Get what you can and get away from this thing! Does anyone need help getting off?"

She looked about first for anyone who was injured and might need help getting off the ship. Next she began gathering survival supplies. Water first, then tools, and receivers, but she grabbed all that she could or anything the others were not able to get.
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