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04:00, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel.

Posted by TalonFor group 0
GM, 160 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 19:31
  • msg #1

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Awakening to find a vast swath of time had passed was not so jarring for a second time. When Serek stirred and returned to Shezmu, he rose from Ch'ich Āmēyal-li bathed in the blood of the fountain and found himself at the edge of the Ancestral Guise homeland. Much had changed in his absence. The jungle had been cut back and the shores of the spring were now ringed with buildings. There were dozens of forges to be seen from this single spot, a barreling building that was dipping whole casks into the spring and drawing them back full to the brim with the precious blood of the spring. Guise were everywhere busying themselves with industry.

At Serek's instruction the guise had committed themselves to Hemocraft. Evidence of this commitment was everywhere. Buildings had blood-steel doorknobs. Carts had blood-steel nails and screws holding them together. Blood-steel bands fortified barrels. Everywhere was the dull crimson metal. There was no shortage of the material as it was supplied perpetually by the Blood Spring and it was only a matter of how many smiths were available to work the endless supply. Even buildings were composed mainly of metal, rather than wood or stone, as harvesting the blood from the spring and forging it was easier than creating a quarry or hauling timber. This commitment to craftsmanship had transformed the surrounding area. The guise themselves jingled and rattled with the many adornments they wore or blood-steel weapons they carried.

Aside from the many new buildings and shops. As Serek returned to the world he found that his laws had also been maintained diligently over the centuries of his absence. Vez'ek'tin soon found the God of Blood and shared with him what occurred. "We have ensured your laws are upheld. No children are born and I have ensured that balance is kept." The Heir of Shezmu shared. "There have been more nights of beasts over the years, but none so dire as the first. They have ensured new bodies, now most every guise have a form to wear." While the Nights of the Hunt had not replenished the animal population of Shezmu, they had supplemented the population with the bodies they'd been missing. Given the strict observance of Serek's laws the population had not risen. Equilibrium had been maintained. Most of the guise alive today were those that had lived in the Age of the Hunt, making the guise possibly some of the oldest mortals of the tree.

A token military had been maintained, but it was largely a formality as there was no actual danger that had motivated the guise to keep it in good standing. When feuds and battles arose they were put down almost single handedly by Vez'ek'tin. Hunting was in a somewhat better state as the Nights of the Hunt every few years provided an opportunity for the old hunters to practice their craft. But even then, hunting was considered more of a novelty than a central feature of life given that the opportunity to hunt was rare. Most of the population holed up safely away in their homes on these dark nights rather than possibly risk their otherwise immortal lives.

What was newest about this age was how metropolitan the guise had become. Most of the population was gathered in the Ancestral City which now surrounded Ch'ich Āmēyal-li. Craftsmen of all types worked with the plentiful material of the spring and trade guilds had appears. There was a jeweler's guild, a weaponsmith guild, blood brewer's guilds, carpenter's guild, all who oversaw their little economic domain and would occasionally clash with any upstart crafters who attempted to compete with them. A few smaller villages were scattered across Shezmu, such as the Blood Arena and at the military encampment at the far flung edge of the realm, but these were considered of little importance in the grand scheme of guise life. Anyone of import inhabited the Ancestral City.

This age was wildly different than the one to which Serek had awoken previously. It was amazing how several centuries could reshape an entire culture.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:36, Sun 24 July 2022.
Serek Eztli
player, 68 posts
Lord of Blood
2/10 HP
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 23:40
  • msg #2

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Arising from the tides within the pools of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li, Serek Eztli took time to regain himself and gaze about since slumber. It was not his first with such a long time passing, yet there was still an unease at the vast possible differences. However, immediately around the God of Blood, Serek was reassured. Their ample time and ease of supply from the blood springs made it clear their chosen favored material as it decorated and consisted most of the Guise and their creations. Even their buildings were majorly crafted with the dark crimson metal.

It made sense that majority of the Guise crafts and stayings were close to Ch'ich Āmēyal-li then trickled out further. Filled in by Vez'ek'tin, Serek was reassured the Guise's current state. The rest he found out with time and association among his people.

The more metropolitan Guise and their developments were a pleasant surprise however. Noticing the guild's usage of crushing any newcomers to the crafts rather than nurture their development and offer proper placement within the ranks was something Serek thought foolish. Pulling those of high standing within the realm, between the multiple crafter guilds, to his passing military, then to most of his personal guard. Serek wished to make a meeting for discussion.

It was one of plans, vision, movement, and blood. They all needed to be on the same page. However it was not closed off from other Guise attending or listening.

"I thank you all for joining me and heeding my call. It has been much time since I last woke, I am most pleased to be among you again. It has been a pleasure to witness such wonderful developments, changes, and crafts that paint Shezmu by your hands. The streets and homes of Shezmu all around show the painstaking time and effort to cumulate your crafts and way of life. I am quite proud with your diligence, your growth. I come to you now however, not to only speak of such ways but further developments. I wish for a change in how our crafting guilds work. I want a unified front between the different crafters and guilds, one that welcomes and expands as it relays your known techniques and crafting. I want it so that way you are free to develop and grow separately in your splits without worry or threat. Competition and rivalry is a given, and I enjoy the spirit to hold solidarity among the top. However, we are all in this together, we are only as mighty as our weakest links in the chain. During the first bloody Night of the Hunt, we lost so many lives who were so unprepared and inexperienced. If all of our lives relied on them, we would be dead and gone. Only openness will welcome with it the flourishing of change and variety. Allow apprenticeship and expansion, I want all of the lead crafters to work among a council past their own guilds to bring guidance to the flocks."

"I also open forth the floor and change to my law in baring children. The take for this give, is that it is the parent's lawful duty to see to their offspring being passed down the skills of the Guise so that they do not scatter in the dusts of time. To nurture and care for their children in all ways. To help with this, I would like to expand our military's duties with that of a school to its' ranks. With it will be positions for non-active duty Guise that support our crafters, hunters, trainers, and teachers. We will give the army branches to accomadate these roles and see to their further development. To this end, a unified front between the guilds and their utmost support in the Guise military is necessary rather than discent."

"Now, my news and the reason behind these movements I brought to you. In the very near future I will be bringing trained Guise enrolled into the army to other worlds, and they will need as much support from Shezmu as we can provide. In these other realms you will be cut from the ample and restoritve Ch'ich Āmēyal-li in its' whole. With this in mind, you will also be facing unknown enemies in unknown territories, many dangers will be present and all will be staking their lives on it."

"Those who leave Shezmu will be offered to either permanently leave until we pull out or to come only at extended stay. Any who change their mind Will have to do so well before return home for no messy exchanges. The way this will be done will be via myself. I can open the way to other realms but those portals are limited. As such, those who leave will not have access to Shezmu. However they will be welcome to have children off world and settle according to our rules and the rules in the workings with my sibling deities and their mortal children. Those who do not wish to settle will have a limited time within the realm until I am able to open another portal to return them home along with exchanging others and supplies between the realms. As promised those within the ranks of our military will be first among the Guise to go off world. I will require crafters, hunters, fighters, and drums of tap from the blood springs. We will build, hunt, protect, and taste the bounties of existence as we come together and expand the stars of the world tree. We will carve our being through eternity with blood. Are there any other concerns? You are free to speak your mind, Guise."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:19, Wed 27 July 2022.
GM, 168 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 20:39
  • msg #3

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Guise flocked to the banks of the Ch'ich Āmēyal-li and gathered at the return of Serek. It had the feeling more of an anticipated homecoming rather than the awe of a first impression, for all of these guise has lived when Serek had last walked the realm. This was not a new experience for them, but rather the return of their god after a long interlude. The gathered to hear his words.

The guilds were less then enthusiastic about the notion of sharing their trade secrets with their rivals. But in all realism, their rivals were only a handful of other guise, since as the population was static there was hardly a large batch of young guise waiting to become future masters. The guilds would follow the declaration as ultimately it would have little effect on the status quo in the crafting world.

News that the military would now take over schooling was met with nods of agreement by the guise. It was clear that the military was not held in high regard in guise society and often viewed as wasteful. Making them into teachers along with their constant drilling at least sounded useful to overall guise society. For what purpose was there in a military when there was no threat?

It was the last of Serek's pronouncement that drew the greatest reaction. Guise were to leave Shezmu? And also the rejuvenating waters of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li? While Serek had promised that casks of the precious blood would be brought along, being so far from the source posed a grave risk. Any unexpected problems with the supply chain and suddenly those guise who were abroad could face the prospect of their own mortality, a concept they hadn't faced since nearly the beginning of their people. Long minutes passed and it was beginning to look like no guise would take up wild adventure. But then a woman came forward.

"If it means we may bear young freely and may raise them ourselves, then I will go." she announced. Then a few more came forward as the sentiment spread. Eventually a sizable group of volunteers had come forward willing to undertake this wildly dangerous task, surprisingly they almost all women. The men who had volunteered were young guise who had never had an opportunity to achieve status in the society due to the static nature of guise society. While Serek had called for this to be a military operation, those who had stepped up to the challenge were a very different group of guise than he may have originally imagined.
Serek Eztli
player, 70 posts
Lord of Blood
2/10 HP
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 04:05
  • msg #4

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Welcomed in his return by the Guise, it seemed something they were now used to than not. That while he slept or left, the return was guaranteed. Speaking with the Guise, it seemed while many were not happy with the ideas of sharing secrets and leaving Shezmu, they gave in and others welcomed the thought to some extent. Though the sentiment was different in the why's than expected. Feeling like he should not lie or at least clear the air with his children, Serek spoke again, "I would welcome all who wish to settle elsewhere. Only know that should you change your mind you only need it be known before the next exchange of materials. Understand well that blood from the Ch'ich Āmēyal-li while promised and planned to be received is not always guaranteed to be on time. As well, should I slumber, depending the time it may very well guarantee your eventual death. Know however, that my gift of the blood spring is not a commodity that other realms, deities, or mortals possess. As far as I know currently, you are the only children to taste the waters of immortality and be so far removed from the cycle of death. Know however, that it comes for us all, myself included. Eventually we will all have our own time."

The God of Blood had many things he could do, among them were to enact his changes, to work with the Guise military, hone his craft, plant the seeds for some new skill and knowledge, or bestow more gifts of blessings and knowledge. However, rather than worry his focus on other things or split away from the Guise satisfied with his words. Serek sought to speak with them more as he garnered further their reactions. Seeking their words, voices, silence, emotions, and even their hearts. "As I stated, I have brought open the floor for change to the law considering baring children in Shezmu. With this, I would hear your opinions freely. Our numbers are not large, but they will grow endlessly with out death. Eventually to a time worse than before the Age of the Hunts. Our growth must be gradual and meeted out with leaves from our home. My current change to the law is to ensure the passing on of skills and the enrollment to the schools. The second part I add is that once the population begins to boom, we will reinact the previous ruling of enlistment and rank to bare child. I would enjoy if they too were to join the ranks of the military for our efforts elsewhere however I can not force that, it must be chosen as well. If anything I emplore those of our older generations to branch off from home and allow the young to inherit your will and skills. Without leave of Shezmu we can not truly expand the wonders of existence. My children, know that while I hold Vez'ek'tin as my heir to the throne of blood. You are all its' vassals, the flesh and blood of Shezmu and myself. It is my desire that you inherent my will and teachings just as you desire your own child to be raised underneath you. It is not that I wish to deny you the authority to raise your own, only that I must keep everything within a tedious balance. One that has already been destroyed once. I wish more so to take you with me across the expanding branches and stars of the world tree, between its' layers of existence and planes itself. To Forge entire new worlds from dust, to conquer others and their challenges. To pass the Torch from one to another through our very flesh and blood. So do not fear death my children, for stagnation is a slow and wistful death. Many of you have seen this world from my first arrival and beyond. Through my many slumbers you watched the ages pass by as eras stretched and centuries flew. Almost all of our young perished because the sanctity of passing along our being has been improperly done with taking for granted the extended lives we have. You have all been granted the life time like that of gods yet with the presence of mortals. This is because I cherish you so with my own beating heart. Your offering to me was filled with that love and I granted that blessing through Ch'ich Āmēyal-li."

"Now, I will fill you in with my goal, one I have yet to share so plainly in words. It is my desire to make a utopia of blood within the realm of death, an eternal bliss welcome to all of those who die where their souls pass on to the next. A freedom to lift all of our dead brethren from their foggy slumbers and into a party among one another again and alongside those we share it with. One that we will craft and master. So I beg thee, take hold of those fears and wrestle them from your heart. Reconsider your feelings, your wants, your drive, and that of everyone as a whole. Let us live with blood coursing in our claws and veins. Create an eternal dream, one that is free of death by welcoming its' embrace through our hard fought lives. Lives that will echo across all of creation! The same lives that we gave our all for to ensure our easy rest, to secure our living dream, and for all of those who lived through life and its' myriad of unending strife. For all of those robbed short of paradise. Let us create a place in death free of want, struggle, pain, and sorrow only by having conquered over them through life and blood!"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:15, Thu 28 July 2022.
GM, 172 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 20:42
  • msg #5

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Those who had volunteered to accept the journey away from Shezmu remained firm in their decision despite the warning that this would likely lead to their eventual demise. The freedom traveling abroad promised seemed to be a tantalizing enough prospect. As for the others, Serek shared his thoughts from where he stood on the bloody banks of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li. From that lot he did not sense the same enthusiasm, especially when Serek shared that his vision was for the young to replace and for their eventual death.

"Would it make more sense to send the young away?" spoke up one guise. He was the first brewer of the Brewmasters guild. "The older guise have refined their craft for centuries, a new upstart would start behind us by whole lifetimes of experience. Isn't it better to send them abroad where they can learn new things rather than always be the inferior to the masters? How could we properly share so many years of experience properly? No no, better they leave Shezmu, then perhaps they return with new idea of their own." The notion was met by murmurs of approval by the assembled guise, not surprisingly since most of the population of Shezmu were the elder generation.

"How many barrels of blood shall we prepare for our kins journey?" The brewmaster asked? "And tools for their work?" asked the forgemaster. It seemed those leaving Shezmu had the full support of those remaining behind. Their volunteering also insured that there was less chance that they themselves would have to make this journey.
Serek Eztli
player, 71 posts
Lord of Blood
6/10 HP
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 15:39
  • msg #6

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Serek had no qualms to those who wished to leave Shezmu, as it was he who offered it to them. Yet taking in the Guise's reaction to all he had to say, Serek reconsidered with what they voiced. Tapping a Talon to his beak, Serek spoke again, "Sure they would start behind you by lifetimes of experience, however it would be your duty to compound knowledge and experience that took so long to discover to make it easier to digest and learn. Refining the skills takes time, however imparted from a master takes less time. Considering your thoughts on them leaving and returning. Who would teach them if there are not the ancient masters to show them the way? I believe in that case Shezmu should remain a home for all Guise who have proven themselves worthy in their skill and lives. All who live within Shezmu may have children. However the children after a certain age and upon academic success or completion of training will be exodused off realm. Should they find themselves worthy and grow strong or develop suitable skills then they shall return home freely. All who are proven may settle elsewhere or are welcome to return to Shezmu. This will help ensure growth and development."

Though, the support given by the Guise who would remain within Shezmu was welcomed gleefully. Serek had to to consider the numbers who would leave with him. Was it just those who volunteered or would the ranks of his army join along side them? For now there was much time for the ageless Guise to prepare. There would need to be more than just what they needed, a stock of supplies for usage was necessary as well for the future. "Let us create buildings to house our  materials, tools, weapons, and supplies. I would like their stores to be filled as you work over time alongside your usual business. We have more than enough time to prepare while here so I wish for them to be filled with more than what we are taking initially. Preparations for more expeditions, exchanges as needed for off-realm Guise, as well for trade to sibling dieties and their mortals. Let us create supple carts and wagons of blood-steel to carry supplies to make a settlement upon our initial expedition. Tools for at least twice our numbers who will be leaving. Finally enough barrels of raw blood to feed the Guise leaving over three times before their expiration. That will leave enough room for food, restoration, and auxiliary crafting that may necessary. Not a drop shall go to waste, so to all of those who plan to leave, I ask only that you apprentice under the guidance of our guilds, hunters, or warriors before your leave. The second portal will be opened upon drain of the sanguine waters from Ch'ich Āmēyal-li."

Should there be no other qualms and if the Guise were ready, Serek would work side by side the crafters and aid in imparting his skill to Guise as well. Honing his craft as he forged the blood in bulk over and over again. Sighting the different masters of hemocrafting, he studied their formed techniques from over the era. Seeing what changes, innovations, and creative flares they took with the skill. While he wished to learn everything he could from the Guise and impart that which he discovered, it was a tedious learning only aided by his understanding, abilities, and keen intellect.
GM, 176 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 22:06
  • msg #7

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

There was an excited stir about the assembled guise as they heard that the ban on new children was being lifted. A few of the volunteers fell, their primary reason for agreeing to leave Shezmu now being gone. Many of the others stayed. The guise did not have a large population, given that they'd been static for centuries and had lost so many during the Night of the Hunt, but there were a couple of hundred who were willing to leave Shezmu.

The call for materials was readily answered. After decades upon decades of practice the guilds were quite adept at their work and within a few short weeks they would be able to procure everything that Serek had requested. Outside of town there was soon a mountain of crates, barrels, bags and blood-steel tools piled together. It wasn't long and the expedition was ready to set out at Serek's word.

During this intervening time, Serek visited the forges and put his talons to work at hemocrafting. Massaging the blood till it coagulated, then shaping that clay-like blood to the form he desired before baking the object. Finally he applied coarse sand to strip away the sticky outer layer to leave the hardened metal core. Over the centuries the craftsmen who had applied themselves to pursuing hemocraft had developed new tools to make more minute metal bands, or to fold metal to make the tools stronger and sturdier or make axes hold a sharper edge. Serek picked up these new methods and tricks. They had come up with new ways to apply heat to change the rate of coagulation, there were ways the brewers could spike the blood with different substances to change the consistency to make for softer blood-steel or more brittle blood-steel allowing it to be used for a wider range of applications. The mortals truly had been busy!

+15% Hemocraft Advancement
Serek Eztli
player, 74 posts
Lord of Blood
6/10 HP
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 13:50
  • msg #8

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Garnering a few hundred Guise for the excursion as others boomed in excitement with their reason to leave Shezmu gone. It seemed they were quite satisfied with the ruling given on children. It did not take long either for the supplies to be procured by the time tested workmanship from the Guise crafters. All that was left now for Serek was to open the way ahead. Gathering all of those who would leave, Serek discussed with them shortly, "I hope that you all are ready and prepared? Should you require time to utilize the opportunities here before our leave, now would be the time to speak up and work on those requirements. If not, then we shall depart after a celebration tomorrow to send you all off alongside me."

With that in mind, Serek made preparations for the celebration upon their fated departure. Getting Guise gladiators from the arena ready to preform, sending in requests to the brewers for their insights on flarfully quenching the festivities, and the final touches were to give out his blessing to those who showed the most promise out of the group. To the Guise that proved themselves best would recieve an uplifting to hero. To the next six Guise, his blessings were different to suit their strong points as well what was needed among the group. Three hemocrafters, two hunters, and one warrior. At the celebration, the God of Blood drank merrily from the brews of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li's restorative blood, enjoying best the time he could alongside them. The next morning outside of the town after everything died down, Serek met with the expedition group at the supplies. Geared readily with a potion from the blood springs, a blood-steel scythe and layer of chain armor. Opening for them and himself a portal to the Labyrinth of Elements. Sending forward first a copy of himself to stabilize it from the other side and ensure the safe passage for the Guise.

-500 souls for Hero ranked mortal, -400 souls for 6 special units.

+5HP for consuming blood from Ch'ich Āmēyal-li (10/10HP)
Parallel existence sent to Labyrinth of the Elements

Finishing that business, Serek returned to the forges alongside his people. Devoting his current time to honing his craft everyday as one would a blade, working with the processes forged by his inventive and busy mortals. Picking up more subtlies within the hemocrafting processes in working with the now different bloods and blood-steels. Tapping into their hidden secrets diligently as they pulled and pushed the brewed bloods into coagulation, laying them in casts or carefully shapping their forms, finally tempering the the sanguine then aiding their finishing touches to the order. Stripping away imperfections with bangs, grinds, and newly familiar tools. Utilizing the metal properties within the concentrated blood to the right crafts and projects, trying his best to learn well their intricate reactions with other additives and spikes between the brews and what changes in process aided for what outcomes.

Witnessing their craft and learning more. It was no longer a wonder how the Guise had changed so much since he began his slumber. Though, it seemed to him now something was missing. Serek gained an idea from his recent visit to Annastarria's realm.

The next project Serek wished to be worked in was a blend of their culture, architecture, and Hemocrafting skills. For Serek planned on a grand temple to encorporate and encompass Ch'ich Āmēyal-li and its' heart. It was to be made mostly of blood-steel if it could be helped. The idea for the temple was to be one that kept the pools intact and allowed a flow from the blood springs through the halls undisturbed and for the beating vital fluids to extend their reach further than to just those within. A place to unify the surrounding crafter guilds and home their efforts. A place to home the God of Blood, his worship, his voice to the Guise, and even Serek's personal guard. A tall order requiring much planning, work, and development.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:56, Sat 30 July 2022.
GM, 180 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 16:15
  • msg #9

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

There was excited agreement. So it was decided that the youth of Shezmu would be sent away to realms far removed, in time they could return to bring back what they discovered. The eldest of the society were clearly relieved that they did not face the prospect of their own mortality. The numbers of the youth were too few to have a unified opinion.

Serek has a great deal of planning on his mind and he set it into motion. Calling for a great tournament at the Blood Arena, he declared the winner would be blessed. What came next were weeks of fighting in the arena with Serek and Vez'ek'tin watching from seats of honor. Contestants were struck down and removed from the competition one by one till the final two faced one another. There the final battle unfolded. The winner of this Realm wide competition was a guise who wore a hulking beast as its host. Where Vez'ek'tin had dominated the arena through nimbleness and speed, this hero used the raw power of its host and a simmering rage to power through his opposition. This was how the new hero, Serinos, was anointed by Serek. This would be one to lead the way for the settlers soon to depart Shezmu.

OOC: Per the Realms thread there was only 700 Souls to spend, not 900 as I believe one week the souls weren't claimed, so for now there's only enough to spend 500 to raise the hero.

Then a portal to the Labyrinth of Elements was created and the guise settlers were sent through. For the first time guise had left their home realm and had traveled to lands far beyond. There in that hostile prison of the Primordials mortal set foot.

Back at home, Serek continued to practice with Hemocraft and learn the many small ways in which mortals had advanced the art. His talons regained their rhythm at molding the coagulated blood, his tireless shoulders hammered and flattered out hardened metal, he kin eye began to quickly pick out flaws in the metal to remedy the issue while the blood-metal was still soft. Serek's continued engagement with the smiths of Shezmu was also raising their social standing, the Forgemaster's guild were coming to be seen as the defacto ruling guild of the Ancestral City

+10% Hemocraft Advancement

Note: This raises the Guise skill of Hemocraft to Rank 1. Now on average a normal guise hemocrafter is generally rank 1 when practicing the skill. This reflects the skill has permeated the society and elevated the baseline for the entirety of the craft. Thus it is more common to find hemocrafters and those that do exist tend to be more skillful on average.

Lastly, Serek had a vision. That of a grand temple structure, one that would encompass the Ch'ich Āmēyal-li. One that would preserve the original pools, but also even expand the reach of those flows of blood through man made aqueducts. It was a grand vision, one that would made the rejuvanating blood even more accessible, and one that would take time. A great deal of time. The project was set into motion and the combined prowess of the guilds came together to make it a reality. It would take decades upon decades to complete, but time was something the guise had in abundance.
Serek Eztli
player, 77 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 22:43
  • msg #10

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

With things set into motion and unfolding within Shezmu, Serek made his way about seeing to the different venues and activities across the home realm. Witnessing the weeks of fighting within the Blood Arena for his tournament, Serek consulted with Vez'ek'tin as they exchanged words on each display before them as they sat from above in honorific seatings. As time went on, the battles intensities seemed to grow as they also waned. Many being quick and bloody clashes. It was the raw strength and ferocity of Serinos to come out as victor to this contest, an opposite to Vez'ek'tin's more agile and quick handlings. Though, power would be a necessity for the Guise in the departure as well. Coalescing the divine power flowing through the God of Blood's being, he anointed Serinos as a hero given by his blessing.

With the Guise on their departure alongside Serek into the Labyrinth of Elements, the God of Blood worked diligently to hone his craft. Achieving a level of workmanship he felt comfortable with for the time being as he raised his familiarity within the forges. The continued efforts in Hemocrafting where seen in its' affects across Shezmu during his time across the realm. More often than not did he stumble across Guise versed in the skill. A testament to devoted time to their abilities.

Beginning the plotting for such a grand endeavor as the temple and aqueducts, it required the ability to sustain future growth and development than just what was here now surrounding the pools. There was trial and error as they compounded their eras of learning and building into something new and visionary. The expanse of time to work on it was a factor as well to balance normal work necessities for Shezmu, that which was required to support Guise off-realm, and now the visionary temple. While for the time being the Forgemaster's Guild was seen as the defacto head of the guilds, such a feat would require the cooperation of all the guilds. Those who were more versed in buildings and garnering the sanguine fluids would be vital to this project.

Not quite as titular as the grand temple, there was also work to be done to craft the schools for children Guise and future youths. Seeing to finding appropriate teachers within the ranks of the blood army and recruiting others to assist. Within Shezmu they had plenty of time to focus on their studies and learning, once versed in the knowledge and skills of their elders they had graduated past those they were to gain experience off realm before returning. To this extent, Serek returned his focus while within Shezmu to mainly that of his military and school system. Imparting their rankings, discipline, knowledge, and drillings into the young. However Serek was not without care, they had time to spend with their family, to cater to themselves, and to spend freely. Working on a system alternating their study focuses in levels.
GM, 185 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #11

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Years stretched on and were better measured in the progress of the Blood Spring temple than by the coming and going of seasons. The buildings erected around the Blood Spring were dismantled first to make room for the temple which was intended to encompass the restorative blood pools. The going was slow. While the guise had learned a great deal during the passing centuries, architecture was not an endeavor to which they had applied themselves. They had much to learn and many mistakes were made and work they'd done years earlier they often ended up tearing down as they learned better ways to do the work later.

+10% Architecture advancement

At the same time, Serek had expanded his skills through study and dedication and had reached a milestone. Hemocrafting was coming more naturally now, both to himself and to the smiths of the guise. The work they did today put to shame their earliest attempts. The same could be said for Serek's own work. Now the World Tree itself was taking notice and so Serek forged a legacy of blood-steel that would carry forward till this World Tree fell, should that day ever come.

Choose one of the following to establish as Serek's Legacy of Hemocrafting

Legacy of the Sanguine Blade: Putting his Hemocrafting to use, Serek would one day during his crafting feel like his hands had taken on a life of his own. For a year and a day he would toil at the forge, molding, shaping, sharpening, then shattering the long sharp edge and doing the work all over again. When he would finish he'd hold a blade which would embody the legacy of Hemocrafting.
Legacy: Create a bladed weapon and name it, this weapon will scale with the wielders Hemocrafting ability. Any cuts it leaves will never cease to bleed. (Lethal to mortals, though not as certain a death for greater beings.)

Legacy of the Blood-Steel Occult: Serek could fundamentally alter the nature of blood-steel. As it existed now it was akin to smithing natural metals, albeit from a different source. In this moment Serek could alter the composition of blood-steel. It would gain an affinity to the arcane. Power would be more readily imbued into blood-steel, though this was a double edged gift, it meant blood-steel could be infected by other magics from errant exposure.
Legacy: Blood-steel gains an affinity for the occult and more readily takes on supernatural powers, for good or ill.

The Yet-To-Be-Written Legacy: Or devise your own legacy. This will impact every realm of this world tree. It must relate to the Hunt in some manner. Discuss the specifics with the GM first.
Serek Eztli
player, 79 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 05:44
  • msg #12

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

The passing of time seemed to blend into being marked with the progress of the temple around the blood spring. With its' developments came bringing apart their previous works and constructions to make the way for new and better ones. Requiring adjustments for their learnings and different approaches to the work. However it was the starting road to something further beyond their current scope of life.

During these passing stretches of time, the Guise and Serek worked diligently and studiously on the skill of Hemocrafting. Something that began to feel right and close with their connection. The hammering echoes of their crafters' testiments did not go unseen by the world tree. Recognized by creation in his works alongside the Guise, Serek Eztli's hands took a life of their own as they led him every day on the same blood-steel. Toiling with a hyper focus of an aristisan in their work flow, cleaning the piece into perfection as the deity outed the flaws started it over and over again. Shaping the elongated blade with precise care for a year. The day after a year of its' work, Serek eyeingly applied the finishing touches and processes over the blade. For what was the final time to mark its' completion, the blade was sharpened and rose as it stretched through the air. Gripping the large scythe tightly, Serek sliced downward with two hands on its' haft. There was keen sound as it split the air and bleed out whistles in its' after wakes. It was the very living embodiment of Hemocrafting's legacy, one that for good or ill would carry on until the World Tree itself fell. Legacy of the Sanguine Blade chosen.

The God of Blood continued to work alongside the Guise in the planning and laying down the marvelous concoctions of tumbling and irregular blood-steel pieces, all held captive in a resilient dance of weight, dark-light and gravity. It is not the why that matters most in falling in love but to sing the praises of one’s beloved, and Serek Ezteli does exactly that. Falling in love with blood, for example, he molded their shapes to buttresses, arches, and arcades melded in the walls of the future stretching halls with their ongoing columns and apses to support the atriums of the temple. This was because Serek knew that a love song for blood could best be expressed through shape not just in the form of blades.

Summoning the Heir of Blood to speak, Serek would inform them first hand, "Vez'ek'tin, we may possibly be holding guest deities within Shezmu. I want to stress a level of caution among our people when dealing with them or their people. At least especially one. I asked for their assistance in teachings of war and military, however they do not hold my trust, infact they hold the opposite of it. As such to prepare I want word spread through the ranks and to welcome them. I also ask you personally for a return of my gifted abilities to you, as well to help aid me in honing my edge in training and fighting together. In addition, our people will return soon to prepare for their leave again."
GM, 199 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 21:26
  • msg #13

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

OOC: Were you going to name your new weapon or continue to call it the Sanguine Blade? Either way works.

It felt more like the blade was born than crafted. The weapon that Serek held was peerless. There would never be a finer one forged from blood-steel. In its glittering edge it bore future potential that could be coaxed out from a true hemocrafter master. It was a blade that could grow along with Serek, a mirror of his own skills. Throughout the tree this blade would come to be a symbol of this craft.

Against the backdrop of grand construction the God of Blood called his heir to attend him. Vez'ek'tin attended, still wearing the many limbed body that he'd inhabited for these long centuries, now with a few extra limbs he'd attached over the years due to the divine power he possessed. "I will tell our hunters that we intend to invite predators to our land. Should they go astray, we will be ready to bring them to heel," the former pit fighter said confidently. Kneeling, the divine power imbuing him flowed out in a crimson shimmer. Settling across Serek, it sank into him and the God of Blood once again possessed his full divine arsenal.
Serek Eztli
player, 87 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 06:34
  • msg #14

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

OOC:Actually, I would like to name it!! I'll put it down in the post."

Almost as if the blade took a life of its own it hummed silently and the crimson steel seemed to flow under its keen finish. Showing Serek a piece of its splendor under a true master of Hemocrafting. The God of Blood felt more pride in his work and legacy than ever. It was a herald to the skill of hemocrafting, a proof of its pinnacle capabilities. The Sanguine Blade had been born in Shezmu under Serek's guiding hand, it only felt right for him to give it a name and title. Holding it with both hands up high, the God of Blood spoke, "I dub thee as Ryūketsu the Last Rites. May your blade reave the ichor and blood from our foes throughout the realms and stretches of time across the world tree."

Nodding to Vez'ek'tin as he attended him, "It seems the God of War is more translucent to their nature than I first thought. The only way to truly learn war it seems to them is not by preparations but by living and experiencing it. At least by their living testiment. So rather than invite death and destruction to our home, we will institute a grand hunt on their home realm. That of the divine Graug and their mortal children. We will take the flesh of any who oppose us, feast on their blood, and reap their realm for ourselves." Serek Eztli reached forward as the crimson shimmers of divine energy flowed from his heir to him. Coalesced and restored to their full power, Serek Eztli walked forward some. "You used my power well, I am glad that my blessings did not go to waste. We will prepare to recieve our returning brothern off realm, as it has proved inhospitable. A change of focus for the Labyrinth to be a returning expedition for exploration, experience, training, and harvesting of its materials. However for now, we must focus our attention on our hunt and enemy before we are stalked visciously to the end. The God of War sees all as prey, we bore witness first hand to what happens when you hunt all of your prey to extinction. They said they would burn our forests, break our weapons, and slaughter our people all while laughing." Serek scoffed heartedly.

"This is life or death, do or die. Our victory will not come freely, yet I would rather die than give it to them laying down to accept our demise. We have watched eras stretch on, with it growth and stagnation both, life develop and flutter out, deaths rise and come to an end. Let us show them our knowledge, skills, strength, and then let them choke on it in pools of their own blood as they wish." With that Serek extended their main focus to preparing for war and battle instead.

Now was a time where the importance of their developing military was a requirement. Personally overseeing the development of Shezmu's military, Serek wanted to lean more into where their strengths lie and then incorporate the tactical or numerical changes. Exercises and trainings meant to put them in a place to stay on their toes. Using experience from the expedition in the Labyrinth of Elements, Serek applied it with the Guise to prepare them for off world. Trekking through the jungles and marshes of Shezmu, with supplies on hand. Making camp and extending leave from it while having to protect it. Enforcing opposing units or greater numbers to face off by any means necessary from hunting with traps and stealth to mounting full defenses and seiges. Plenty of times did he as their field of battle. There were plenty returns to the training fields between these happenings.

The other side of this coin was seeing to if armor was a viable option for the Guise now. That aside, Serek recognized alongside them that his own lacking skills in a fight without the aid of divine abilities would be problematic. Probably one he could not fix so readily.
GM, 207 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 17:44
  • msg #15

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Serek shared the news of the returning expedition of guise, but it was overshadowed by the talk of coming conflict. While Serek warned of the god of wars violent intentions, the guise were unconcerned. Vez'ek'tin drummed his feet excitedly at the prospect of the coming conflict. "We will show them that the guise are the greatest hunters," the Heir of Shezmu said eagerly. "It will be as you say, God of Blood, we will feast on their blood and hunt them across their own lands!"

The returning guise were greeted warmly and many gathered to hear the countless tales from the expedition, there was a surge of new art inspired by the motifs of elementals. Jewelry containing gems or composed of metals from the Labyrinth were soon highly sought out. Wearing a bangle of gold or a necklace of silver was a sign of high station indeed. These glittering metals stood out starkly compared to the deep crimson, nearly black, blood-steel.

But the returned guise expedition was merely a pleasant distraction compared to the preparations around the Ancestral City. Hunters from the outer edges of the realm were journeying to the city. Word was spreading far and wide that Serek intended to lead the guise on a hunt.

Taking assessment of his forces, it was hard for Serek to properly judge them. He'd never fought anyone. They had grown better at marching and maintaining formation and could adeptly follow maneuvers, that was a great improvement from where they had been centuries ago. There were still occasions when spats would occur between leadership, these seemed unlikely to ever disappear entirely. Utilizing the guise in small regiments looked like the best approach to avoid these disagreements in the heat of battle. Almost all of the army now possessed armor as well, but every piece that would be damaged or destroyed in battle would be a precious loss since with the guise and their myriad of forms it meant every piece of armor was custom made. They were all only fully armored now because they'd existed for centuries and had plenty of time for it to be forged. Still, this was a well armed as Serek could ever hope for them to be.
Serek Eztli
player, 92 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #16

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Standing with a presence of command, Serek brought his hands behind his back. Looking at Vez'ek'tin as he answered, there was a sense of pride in himself and his people. The confidence was great, especially for moral. "Good, we shall prepare until then, for now I shall scout the realm of Reket, home to Graug, God of War. We will fall upon their land towards the end of the Night of the Hunt within Reket. It will be a good cover for our invasion. Making our move then as dawn comes, we will fall upon our prey when they finally expect rest, we will strike them where they are weakest."

With the return of the expedition, Serek held a celebration for their return and efforts. A praise and reward separate from their bounties for their hard earned efforts. There were shifts to the culture as new arts found inspiration from the visages and tales of the Labyrinth of Elements, its inhabitants, and dangers. The various glittering bright to deep colored gems both natural or heated that and the glittering golds and silver metals plundered were added to the collection of Guise jewelry as it decorated their bodies variously and artistically. A sign of their station and standing as they were now highly sought after across the realm with their striking appearance in contrast to the deep and dark colors of the blood steel jewelries. Serek hoped that this would help spark more Guise to go off-realm in the future.

However with the spread of Serek's word, many Guise hunters from far reaches of Shezmu came from the deep jungles and their waters. It was a welcome sight, as he planned to bring them on a great hunt indeed. Though it would not be one without risk and without death.

With the many gathered in the ancestral city, Serek inspected the Guise. Serek seemed to lack the experience and correct eye to assess his forces properly for a battle with another, as he had no idea to predict how things would turn out. Yet the God of Blood was keen enough to recognize the shifts in the Guise, they picked up on movements together and following maneuvers or orders more easily. A great boon for their efforts at that. It would seem disagreements and spats would not ever be removed from the Guise ranks, however Serek would work to keep the Guise in smaller units to ensure this was as close to not happening as possible within the battles and hunts.

Serek had to consider his forces' armor well. While each was outfitted on their various forms, it came with a problem that replacements would not be easy. Considering their options well, Serek thought on the matter. "Should your bodies become too worn, should your protections become more than salavagable. I emplore you to either fall back or release your body. I should it be needed and able, take the bodies of your foe. Though be warned while you could use your their protections and flesh, they are well versed in their bodies and how to combat them well. So beware if you do my children."

With the whole of the Guise outfitted, came the importance to ensure they had more than enough casks of blood for the trip. The other supplies were important, but lacked entire necessity for now. Replacements for weapons were more so and armor lesser. A foothold within Reket was an after thought.

With time to wait until leading them on the hunt, Serek decided to bring experimentation upon himself within the pools of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li. Rending the flesh from his hands and trying to mimic his control of blood to repair himself similar to how the rejuvenating pools did. Pulling them in layers over eachother again and again as he tried to tap into the understanding and potential within the blood. Even with injuried Guise, Serek wanted to try his hand at it before allowing the Bloodspring to do its work.
GM, 218 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #17

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

After the efforts to outfit the expedition to the Labyrinth, preparing the sortie for the assault on Reket was simple. There was no need for long term planning. For the assault it was a simple matter of collecting weapons, casks of blood and gathering all the willing warriors. The whole matter was done in less than a few weeks. Then it was only a matter of waiting for Serek's word.

While the mortals did their preparation, Serek devoted himself to new experiments with the Ch'ich Āmēyal-li. He wanted to further examine the way in which that blood renewed flesh and bone. Slicing his own hands, the God of Blood examined the way in which they mended upon drinking from the Ch'ich Āmēyal-li. He tried to emulate the effect, moving and manipulating the blood with his will. This did not come wholly unnaturally to him. It was not entirely unlike manipulating blood to form weapons, but the level of control required for healing proved to be an entirely different level. Whereas weapons were simple implements of destructions, healing was the highest level of tailoring, fixing blood vessels and mending muscle just so. Doing it wrong meant it would not function as intended.

+10% Divine Advancement
Serek Eztli
player, 96 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 17:31
  • msg #18

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

The God of Blood spent much time and attention on his new pass time as they sat diligently waiting. Serek Eztli had an almost instinctive and intuitive level of control and focus while manipulating blood for weapons and attacking or defending. However emulating the divinely blessed blood of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li came with patience and a strenuous amount of concentration. Mimicking the pulls and flow of the blood as it stitched together mending the strands of muscle and stretching nerves to veins, bone, and layers of tissue. The process was a demanding one that required some aid from his current knowledge of healing and biology. As well, the blood spring's tutelage in the perfected process, giving him room to make mistakes and learn from them.

Rather than freely tear and slice at his hands to begin the experiments and learning processes over and over again. Serek began to sit and focus his level of control and manipulation to pull at his own blood and flesh to undo themselves and come apart into free flowing blood undoing the processes of healing and repairing, only to kick start them over again. To intimately grow in tune with these processes and work as he watched, carefully experimenting on himself and his divine powers.

With the time right in the realm of Reket, Serek called and announced for the Guise to gather to set off. Their preparations did not take long in comparison to that for their expedition. The assault was ready now and the Night of the Hunt in motion. "My Guise, may you have blood and glory on this Night of the Hunt! We shall bring our foes to heel and let them have a taste of our blood-steel!" Opening the portal, on both sides now, Serek guided all of the warriors, hunters, and members of the blood army through the shimmering gateway through space and time. As they finished, each Serek crossed through to connect and bind themselves. Passing along Ryūketsu the Last Rites to each instance, as well the newly stolen/found pair of arms bound now to his existence.
Serek Eztli
player, 107 posts
Lord of Blood
6/10 HP
Sat 13 Aug 2022
at 21:47
  • msg #19

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Serek quit his mindless curious pickings and experiments of his powers. His main focus was on a fight elsewhere, but now that changed. Making his way through to the edges of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li's pools and through some of the current crafting efforts. Giving loud caws of alert, "Retreat and stay clear or death may befall you! The enemy comes to our den."

Wanting total accuracy, Serek opened a portal to Reket from this side. Aiming to collapse one instance and drop Graug right by where Serek was the most powerful, standing within the pools of the Bloodspring.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:48, Sat 13 Aug 2022.
GM, 245 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sun 14 Aug 2022
at 15:08
  • msg #20

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Serek opened a portal in Shezmu and... nothing came through. He felt his second self in Reket extinguish and was no longer in danger, but Graug had not followed. That seemed strange given how willing the God of War had been to meet challenges posed to her. But perhaps it was a blessing, Serek was reeling from the encounter and what had become of the guise he'd taken through the portal remained a mystery.

In the Ancestral City nearby guise looked to Serek with confusion and some concern as they observed his wounds. None of the guise here had any way of knowing what had transpired on Reket. Given how long the expedition had been gone to the Labyrinth of the Elements, it would be some time before they would wonder.

Though would they be given that time? Almost all of Serek's forces were in Reket, either dead or marooned on the foreign world. Replenishing them was no easy task, and while Serek had lifted the ban of procreation, there were still very few youths. This was due to both time and inertia, while laws could be dictated and then rescinded easily, it took more time for cultural shifts to occur and the guise had become quite used to their childfree existence. Those who were willing, even eager, were the expeditionary members who had gone to the Labyrinth, and they'd not had the chance to have offspring given the harsh environment there.

But those were long term issues. For now, Serek had a wildly dangerous god to contend with, and one he doubted was simply content to leave their fight unfinished. For all Graug's single minded dedication to violence, she was quite exceptionally good at waging violence. There was the very real danger she would be talented at war as well. The threats of violence against Shezmu were still fresh in Serek's mind and had only gained weight after their clash in Reket.
Serek Eztli
player, 110 posts
Lord of Blood
6/10 HP
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 00:39
  • msg #21

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

The extinguishing of Serek's other instance as the two landed on one realm, Serek waited for a few moments to see Graug come through. Even feel the tether of their divinity across his land. Yet it was for not, Serek had fully retreated from the battle now safely. Thoughts of what to do now spiraled alongside what became of his invading Guise.

Looking around him, the God of Blood noticed the confusion among the Guise. Time would pass and the loses would be heavy for Shezmu in this endeavor of war. Graug had earned the right to her words as she proved it in their battle. He could not afford to underestimate her in any sense. Whether that was to come after him, to wage war across fields, to follow through her threats, or simply continue to grow single-mindedly into a divine being of war.

Extending his blood into the pools of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li, Serek coated his wounds with the rejuvenating blood and prepared another vial incase it was necessary. (+5hp) "I require two casks of blood to be brought through this next portal. I am leaving again now, I need to see to our forces off realm, our prey is strong."

The God of Blood could not sit idle as he left his forces dead or marooned on Reket. There was little telling what time passed between the realms in these few moments. While he did not yet seek another battle with the God of War, it was something he had to consider. Once the casks were ready, Serek opened another portal to Graug's realm. Stepping through with the small number of mortals and allowing them back into Shezmu. Afterwards, Serek Eztli sent a parallel existence to the Astral Lounge.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:44, Wed 17 Aug 2022.
GM, 253 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 14:48
  • msg #22

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Not tarrying, Serek sought out answers that could only be found in Reket. What had become of the forces he'd taken there? Bringing a cask of the healing blood with him, he departed once again.

Returning to Reket
Serek Eztli
player, 116 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 23:30
  • msg #23

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Another portal hummed as it opened within Shezmu, letting in with it the warriors of the realm. Serek was soon to slumber, the weariness waring on him. Making his way through the grand constructions to where he would rest. He would have to trust the Guise to continue onward during his rest, preparing themselves for the hardened battles to come. The numbers lost were heavy, the cost of underestimating his foes weighed on him.

Serek was busy this Era, and the next he would only have to be busier. The work of a divine was not easy, though neither were the lives of his mortals. They both would need to take in the lessons of blood to attain the strength necessary for a future he wanted to craft alongside his people and the others within the World Tree. That is if he were to be successful in shaping the branches of creation like a proper hemocraftsmen.
GM, 265 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #24

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

Sunset fell upon the age of steel, Serek felt the weariness settle upon him. In those waning hours he could provide his final direction to the guise while he was absent. The paths the guise had followed in this age were similar to the Age of the Hunts, though in this era he'd worked to ignite a passion for exploration. In these final hours he could push the guise to continue down a path in his absence.

Focus on Exploration: While much of Shezmu had been explored already given that it was a small realm and so much time had passed, pushing the guise to remember the wider world meant keeping stories alive and keeping that sense of adventure and curiosity about what lay beyond the horizon.

Focus on War: War was no longer an abstract concept. The guise had learned of violence first hand and arguably at the hands of a virtuoso of violence. Many had been slain, others had been battered and bruise and maimed. But there were lessons in loss just as in victory. The guise could be instructed to continue honing their arts of violence.

Focus on Craftsmanship: Or there was hemocrafting. No longer a crude and fledgling craft, it had been studied diligently through the past age and its practice had been elevated, the uses for blood-steel had been expanded and could be researched further to further test the limits of the craft.
Serek Eztli
player, 117 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 21:19
  • msg #25

Shezmu: The Immortal Age of Steel

As Serek Eztli drifted off into rest with Shezmu, he used the last of his energies and efforts to use his talons to guide the Guise people over the coming age. Directing them to get intune with the lessons that came from loss and violence now that they had a taste of it proper. Expanding their repertoire, the God of Blood choose the Focus on War for the Guise people.
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