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Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 28 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 23:01
  • msg #1


Factions are a work in progress. So far only two are known to exist, and they aren't particularly well known.

As factions are discovered, they will be included here. As more information about them is discovered, their entries will be updated.

A short list of Factions in play or under construction:
The Lodge of the All Seeing Eye
The Necropolis
The Astrologers
The Cult of the Feather Serpent
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:37, Wed 26 Sept 2018.
GM, 55 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 17:47
  • msg #2

Factions and Warlocks

While this is by no means true of all Factions, some beings, mostly Fiendish, but some Arch Fey, one group of Deity-less Celestials, and one or more Great Old Ones have what are equivalent to Cults. As such, most if not all of the membership in these groups are Warlocks. Power is the draw, often as not, after all.

Also note: Such Cults generally have restrictions requiring certain Invocations, types of familiar, etc that can be accessed. Deities may turn a blind eye to an occasional free thinking cleric, but when an Arch Devil wants you to tow the line you'd better hope you aren't missing any toes.

For the most part such groups are broken down by pact:
-Tomes are the Sages.
-Blades are the paladin equivalents.
-Chains, which tend towards one of the special (ie: intelligent) familiars, are more likely to be somewhere between a rogue equivalent and a Ranger equivalent, depending on background and skill selection. Having a familiar smart enough to interpret what it sees on a scouting mission frees the Chain to use his own senses at the same time, often a very handy thing.

The first three factions below follow this patterns, although there are likely others as yet undiscovered.

The Lodge of the All Seeing Eye, however, does NOT. It prefers Rangers and Diviners and anyone who can convince them he or she is a Sage. Weather Witches welcome.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:54, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
GM, 56 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 17:48
  • msg #3

Factions: The Necropolis

The Necropolis Faction is merely rumored. It is assumed that the Egyptian Undead have agents out in the world as evidence of necropolis interference has been seen in a number of places.

It is not clear what Badge identifies this faction.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:09, Wed 26 Sept 2018.
GM, 57 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 17:54
  • msg #4

Factions: The Astrologers

The Astrologers is another Egyptian faction, independent (it's thought) of the necropolis. Truthfully, they are as much a Noble Guild as a Faction.

The Astrologers are Warlocks. Male exclusively, Far Realm exclusively, and Tome Pact generally (never Blade Pact).

For backgrounds, Acolyte and Sage are most common. They study the Heavens.

Those who have a familiar, from any source (ritual, feat, or ability) generally have one that is equivalent to a fiend, but never an imp or quasit.

They serve the Living Pharaoh and Egypt, and work as advisers and diviners. In their spare time, they are much like the Lodge in that they study and learn, but any expeditions are generally Royal, not Faction, sponsored.

The Faction Badge is the emblem of the Faction. Using it without permission is treason.

Skill options for Background Choices: Arcana, Religion, Perception
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:57, Wed 06 May 2020.
GM, 58 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 18:08
  • msg #5

Factions: The Cult of the Feather Serpent

There is a peninsula connecting the Northernmost Western continent to the Saurian continent to the south. It is a jungle and a no man's land. The Feathered Serpents are the reason. There are two sort: Couatl and Flying Snakes.

The Couatl were set by Queztlcouatl to prevent the evil of the Aztec Gods from entering the ancient Saurian Lands (generally called the Dinosaur Continent in Atlantis).

It is said that Queztlcouatl is dead. Certainly there has never in living memory (and that's of the very long lived Couatl) a Cleric of Queztlcouatl. So the Couatl cheat...they empower Celestial Warlocks.

Faction Agents are generally of non warlock classes. Ranger most commonly.

Warlocks tend to be Acolytes, and of any Pact, but other backgrounds are possible, including the occasional Peasant Hero.

While most Factions have some sort of symbol as a badge of membership, the CFS has...flying snakes. Tome warlocks use a wizard ritual, Chain warlocks have the ability to bond one as part of their Pact, Rangers might well be Beastmasters. All others learn either the Ritual Caster Wizard Feat, or the Magic Initiate (Wizard) feat.

In all cases the Flying Snake in question is the iridescent feathered sort, and Celestial if bonded (pets, on the other hand, are Beasts). The ability to bond one though spell or class ability is granted by the Couatl, and no one may do so without their intercession. Why is not known.

Skill options for Background Choices: Religion, Animal Handling, Perception
Languages taught are: Draconic and Celestial
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:55, Mon 18 Oct 2021.
GM, 60 posts
Thu 27 Sep 2018
at 00:08
  • msg #6

Factions: Horizon Walkers

I really need to make a faction equivalent for Horizon Walkers, but currently they are mostly a  group of independent Central and Eastern European rangers fighting vampires, werewolves, and hags and their human servants on the quiet. Often working as, say, a woodsman in a field near to Grandma's house.....
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:31, Fri 20 Sept 2019.
GM, 84 posts
Mon 6 Jan 2020
at 19:04
  • msg #7

Factions: The Lodge of the All Seeing Eye

The Lodge of the All Seeing Eye is a fraternal organization of Atlantean wizards and sages.

All members are Wizards usually Diviners, and mostly Sages or Faction Agents. An occasional retired nautical weather witch (Wizard or Storm sorcerer) will join, bringing information of far off places where the Lodge has yet to send an expedition. Even Bards, Arcane Tricksters and Eldritch Knights have been known become members, but NEVER a Warlock or wisdom based spell caster.

The Lodge is named after it's most prized possession: An intelligent Crystal Ball with telepathy, used to monitor and communicate with expeditions in the field.

The Lodge funds field research into...well, anything that catches it's interest. Usually this includes a Faction agent and hirelings. Poseidon's church general provides medical support, and occasionally a ship. Trustworthy mercenaries and specialists are hired to round out the expedition, or are recruited from within the Lodge's specialist (ie: non wizard) members.

The Badge of the Lodge is a round crystal with an iris and pupil etched into it, much like a small version of The Eye.

Skill options for Background Choices: Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Medicine
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:58, Wed 06 May 2020.
GM, 121 posts
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 03:28
  • msg #8

Factions: Trident Trading Company

As a Patron, Trident has the following stats:

Patronage is a mix of Aristocrat (Merchant Mastermind)/Guild (Merchant Consortium)

They sell select unique magic items they hold the secrets to, or are just too easy to need to farm out (Hot Plate, Continual Flame devices), and merely move everything else around.

-Extraordinary Expenses reimbursed, after an accounting (assuming they agree)
ordinary expenses don't need an accounting (Expenses for the job, not in general)
-Moderate Lifestyle covered at Company housing, but only if they want to keep you around for a future job. (Shipboard life falls in this category, to them, as well)
-Resources: They buy and sell everything. They can find what you need, even buyers)
-Training (double speed): Company tools and languages include:
      Vehicles (Water)
      Vehicles (Land)
      Navigator's tools

Current Contact can vary, but ship crews generally have an Attentive Overseer, connected by way of the Ship's Sending Stone.
As a Faction:
-Skills: Insight and Perception
-Languages: Primordial is always one. The other is open.
-Badge: Using a letter of Introduction/Intent to Trade, but an actual metal badge with a -Trident, like a tiny Hot Plate, is not unheard of.
-Equipment: The book is actually a catalog of proprietary items, and most commonly transported trade goods. Magic Items included, to date, are just Hot Plates, Sending Stones, and various Continual Flame devices.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:01, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
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