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09:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

S1 06 - Light and Liturgy.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
The Keeper
GM, 347 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 23:20
  • msg #1

06 - Light and Liturgy

Church of St. Giles in the Fields, ~11:20am Sunday May 5th, 1771

Sunday had brightened up whilst the village was in church: the paritioners emerged blinking into the light, briefly distracted from anything that was not the gentle shift and shuff of newly-leafed branches stretching golden and green to God's bluest heaven. It had been an inspired sermon, centred around notions of unity, collective strength in face of adversity, and the slow quiet might of faith. For a while, at least, Christian fellowship touched the hearts of the people of Scorch Norton, and after a genteel pause the Vicar dropped a request that no-one should let suspicion rule their heart, nor let it grow from some petty quarrel. Who, after all, was entirely without sin?
The Durbins had actually attended, though no-one would have blamed them if they had not come. Polly's father seemed very withdrawn and old, her mother sitting stiff like something propped up in beaded lace, jewellery and damasked finery, material shine doubtless deflecting all her inward turmoil. The weight of their grief had been like a cold spot in the white sunlit room.

Master Fox had sent apologies with his servants, claiming a bad night after his ordeal and subsequent oversleeping. John Ragge from his stables had represented both the Hall and the men of the Ragge family, his father being laid up and his brothers at work or possibly just skiving. Janet Criddle glowed in a front pew, sunlight catching in the strands of hair that escaped her church bonnet, and even if she let her daughter take her hand as the sermon turned to solidarity and the reminder of its necessity, Mrs. Criddle did not turn to look at Mrs. Durbin at all. Hester Collins had looked like she probably felt, her colour low and leaden, and Nell Babcock might not have slept, struggling to keep focus in her pew.

Maggie Yendale had actually attended, albeit unshod and sitting nearer the midwife than her kin (Levi Whitlock thought the former wonderful and mouthed 'ooo' at her as he half-dragged one of his currently-identical bumblefooted siblings towards the Hartman group). Oddly, Maggie had mostly sensed relief from many of those who had spared her a glance, especially Arnie Swanton. From the rest of the villagers there was a restlessness that the sermon, communion and liturgy gradually smoothed.

Doctor Lovelace had also seemed to be observing the way various people in the congregation took the words: when church let out he wended past those taking up offerings to the poor and waited out in the pleasant little churchyard for the Vicar to finish speaking with all who felt in need of him. Rooks wheeled overhead and occasionally brought in sticks from the countryside, and almost helped him forget his dreams.
Andrew had been a little worse for wear that morning, groggy with a slight pressure behind the temples that their household's pious half-fasting of a Sunday did not improve. Part-waking some time before it was time to get up, he'd almost thought a hare had folded her long limbs up on his chest whilst he was not quite awake enough to move and brought his injury to a warm pulse just short of pain with pressure. It was only the way he'd been lying, however. In the sober daylight it was hard to imagine the sense of connection there'd been from the night before.
Since his mother had asked him to stay put outside a moment for unexplained reasons, Andrew drifted over to the Doctor. An odd object caught his eye amongst the grass as he did so: perhaps a stray sunbleached piece of bone.

The Bees siblings had been fasting in a pious fashion due to yesterday's anxieties resulting in a lack of bread and Tom devouring the contents of the pottage-pot the evening before: Tom couldn't help but join the parish poor that day to curb the almost painful hunger gnawing at his middle. The Widow Sexton approached him moments after he got outside:

"Thomas? Would you go see Andrew for a moment?" she indicated the carpenter's whereabouts. "I need to borrow your sister for a while this morning."

Lucy gave Tom a querying look, uncertain if she should go. A sweep of children ran past, yapping and squealing to be finally at liberty, free as the clouds.

Meanwhile, Sam had been sat beside Edwin Worthey on a hard pew that seemed to only encourage him to think unholy thoughts, since any distraction was preferable to noticing his backside being turned into a square. Emma had been pale-to-greenish throughout the more recent months of her pregnancy, but nonetheless seemed particularly porcelain-like and fragile after whatever weeping she'd done over her cousin's death.

After the service, Sam was outside and admiring Mrs. Dobble's slate-blue dress in a more distracted moment when Goodie Westcott came straight up and addressed him. Maggie Yendale at her side:

"Sam Hartman, there's some things afoot as you ought to know about. Step over to where the Doctor and the carpenter have put themselves, will ye?"
Margaret Yendale
player, 155 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #2

06 - Light and Liturgy

With an old bonnet of Mercy's on her head (her own forgotten at home), Maggie does her best to attend to the readings and the sermon. Her attention doesn't stretch to long-winding sentences with overmany high flung words and concepts. Still, she appreciates the themes of fellowship and standing together to face the threat, as peaceful community is always in her heart, as well as some mischief and fun, of course.
Thomas Bees
player, 169 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #3

06 - Light and Liturgy

Thomas gave the woman a look of she cannot be serious before adding "That is not happening, given the circumstances at the moment I will keep my sister at my side. Good day." he continued on possibly looking for Andrew, but also not going out of his way to look for him either.

He did not trust The Widow Sexton given her close association with Mercy Westcott. He suspected that she was really who wanted to "borrow" his sister and that would not be happening.

Lucy Ann Bees
NPC, 8 posts
Like the lily that
Grows in yon valley
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 10:43
  • msg #4

06 - Light and Liturgy

Lucy gave the woman that often fed them an apologetic look. "I' seein to it later," she said, and hastened after her brother, leaving the widow to shake her head.

"Here, come on, you've surely nothing against Master Sexton," Lucy said, tugging at her brother's sleeve as he seemed set to stride right past where Andrew had noticed something near a grave and seemed to be considering picking it up.
Thomas Bees
player, 170 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 10:59
  • msg #5

06 - Light and Liturgy

Thomas watched Andrew for a second and then turned to his sister, "There are odd things happening in the village and some people are far to causal about it. Mercy Westcott has a hand in it, so it is best to stay out of her and her friends way."

"Your safety is my responsibility so lets just stay together for the time being."

he moved closer to Andrew "Found something interesting ?" he asked....

The Keeper
GM, 348 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 11:16
  • msg #6

06 - Light and Liturgy

Meanwhile, Maggie drifted away from Goodie Westcott on seeing the elder Stones pass by with their elder daughter and her husband: first distracted by wondering once again who would call their son Miles and if his brothers might be Yards and Feet, then realising Jim was trailing some steps behind and moving to cut him out amongst the crowd. The boy stopped when Maggie came around before him, his eyes sliding from her gaze to the jaunty little bonnet sort-of covering her hair.

The surge of wanting to touch that red seemed enough distraction to knock the notion that he ought to speak some greeting to the lady quite out of his head, though he only twitched his fingers and looked aside. Behind them the rooks called out to each other among the trees. "..."
Martin Lovelace
player, 113 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 20:17
  • msg #7

06 - Light and Liturgy

"Something caught your eye?" he asked Andrew. He tried to follow the man's gaze, but couldn't tell precisely what he was looking at or for.
Andrew Sexton
player, 106 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 00:28
  • msg #8

06 - Light and Liturgy

The carpenter crouched down, both Thomas and the Doctor having seen his attention drawn to the small, bleached object. He silently wondered if the fear that had gripped him on his walk home, and the unsettling dreams which had followed, had left his mind in a haze, one that served to guide his awareness toward anything that seemed out of place…and possibly threatening.

”Perhaps a bone?” he replied to their questions, scooping up what he had spied.
piece of chalk
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 00:35
  • msg #9

06 - Light and Liturgy

The object proved to be a piece of chalk, sitting amongst the graves for no apparent reason.
Reverend Palmer
player, 115 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 00:43
  • msg #10

06 - Light and Liturgy

The Church of Saint Giles in the fields has been a sacred site for not only Reverend Palmer, but most of the villagers of Scorch Norton for the entirety of their lives, a Lord's home where respite, tranquility and contemplation awaited with open arms for those willing to seek them out, even momentarily. Assuming that the recent unfortunate events would have left the previously unreachable bastion of faith untouched would be a grave mistake. The parishioners, along with Reverend Palmer have unwillingly brought with them the burden of doubts and sorrow that smoldered at the bottom of their soul, into the place of worship, a threat that required to be alleviated sooner rather than later.

Reverend took his role of the shepherd figure among the community with utmost seriousness, hoping wholeheartedly that his words this morning, have at least somewhat succeeded at soothing the inner turmoil and pain, which started seeping more and more out of the villagers with each passing hour.

Once the sermon had finished, Reverend Palmer cleared his throat, prior to taking a sip of the cold stream water, steadying himself to approach the Bereaved Durbins. "Mister Durbin, Misses Durbin, Lord's blessing to you..." The clergyman bowed his head slightly, before addressing each of the Durbin family members. "...Thank you for being here with us, your strength humbles us all. Know that whenever you find yourself striken by sorrow or doubt, you can find support and counsel in me, and in parishioners standing by your side."
Sarah Durbin
NPC, 6 posts
Ain't Fit For Heaven
& Just Came From Hell
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 08:46
  • msg #11

06 - Light and Liturgy

Phillip Durbin managed to smile through his pain, but his wife drew herself up to almost the Vicar's height in a shimmer of finery. "Someone's done this, Vicar. Let the Lord find'm and smite him and rot out the heart from his chest."

The genuine ferocity died off, however, as Mrs. Durbin's natural self-centred anxieties welled up: "I tried to raise her right, Vicar, I tried so hard. She was not a bad girl, she just had a will to her, that's all. We ought to have locked her away. I said, sometimes, we ought to lock her up for her own good, but I never insisted... Someone killed her, Reverend. Someone killed my baby, an' she did nothing to them, she wouldn't...she..." she trailed off, swayed, and fortunately chose to slump against her husband rather than Cecil.

Polly's father just held his wife, swaying with her, and offered his hand across to grasp with thanks for the words, acknowledging the Vicar had done all he could. Emma Worthey came up and laid a hand on her aunt's shoulder, rubbing it in vague encouragement.
Andrew Sexton
player, 108 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 12:26
  • msg #12

06 - Light and Liturgy

”Chalk. Odd to find it here…” Andrew said, his voice trailing off as he wondered why it might have been discarded in this place, close to the churchyard.

Looking toward the assembled graves, he studied the stones for signs of unusual markings.

07:22, Today: Andrew Sexton rolled 33 using 1d100.  Spot Hidden - Spot Hidden 50%
Lucy Ann Bees
NPC, 9 posts
Like the lily that
Grows in yon valley
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 12:57
  • msg #13

06 - Light and Liturgy

"Oh, Tom would've dropped that yesterday, belike, when he was chasing a hare," Lucy Bees put in. Andrew was already finding marks amongst the grass further back, however, if not of chalk.
Martin Lovelace
player, 114 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 15:05
  • msg #14

06 - Light and Liturgy

"Why did he have chalk in the graveyard in the first place? Did he ever catch that hare?" he asked her.
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