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00:19, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Challenge of Wits.

Posted by TalonFor group 0
GM, 275 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #1

The Challenge of Wits

Through the jasper-gate, the assembled gods arrived to see the challenge that Zelia had put together to challenge Graug. On the far side of the gate the gods arrived in a huge stone amphitheater. A flat stage stood at the bottom of gently sloped bowl, the sides of which were made up of seats for attendees. Behind the stage was where the gods found themselves, a half dozen ornate seats had been arranged to provide an ideal view of the stage below. Already Zelia had claimed one of the central seats and motioned for Graug to take the other seat of honor. Cheers erupted from the stands from assembled mortals. Small and toga clad with sandy hair, they bore a strong resemblance to Zelia herself, clearly her people.

While the other three gods were left to claim their own seats, leaving one still available, Zelia already spoke up, clearly eager to undertake the challenge despite the breach in decorum. "Today we'll be engaging in a challenge of wits and intelligence. The mighty Graug here feels that her violence is equal to our intellect. Now we put that to the test!" The mortals again erupted into wild cheers and applause. "Graug, your challengers?"

The armored deity waved an arm and a portal appeared. Through it came ten mortals. They were twice the size of the mortals of this world and they were muscled so heavily they almost looked like they were made of stones like Sindaro was. Coming through the portal they peered around the amphitheater in confusion, but there were no signs of worry on them. They seemed possessed of the same confidence as their god.

Sindaro hadn't been asked, but he too created a portal and through it came through ten of his own mortals. Given how broad and craggy the god was, it was a surprise that his mortals were smooth and sleek. Composed of stone as well, theirs was polished and smooth.

"Now, our first challenge is one of organization and foresight. It'll measure a mortals spatial reasoning abilities!" Zelia said. On the stage below her mortals brought out three large boxes and then a dozen stones of different sizes. "Which group of mortals fits all the stones in their box first, wins. Is that simple enough for you Graug?" The god of war grunted and waved a hand to get on with it.

The teams assembled at their assigned boxes. Then powders were thrown into a nearby fire and turned it blue, that seemed to be the signal to begin. In a flurry of activity the mortals set upon their boxes.

"You put a great deal of work into this!" Sindaro commented from his nearby seat as he watched the spectacle intently.

"It was only a few decades to build the theater," Zelia reassured him as she leaned forward in her seat, she too eagerly watching.

Jezeleth, with no mortals of her own competing, was less concerned with watching the various mortals push, pull and turn the stones and hurriedly try to fit them into their boxes. She leaned over to Serek while the other three gods watched. "So you went to take up Graug's challenge. How was that? You clearly made it out in one piece, so it seems she's more bluster than bite."
Serek Eztli
player, 123 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 15:40
  • msg #2

The Challenge of Wits

Serek walked through as he held his regality, the adorned burial shroud was wrapped closely as it flapped around to behind his form while moving. Eyeing the amphitheater it was quite the craft among things he has witnessed. It was put together nicely for being made for the occasion alone. Assuredly it would have other uses down the line as well.

Passingly witnessing Zelia's consumed focus on Graug with the challenge over Sindaro's own participantion. It was obvious they were impatient to try and put one over on Lady Graug. Serek only hoped she didn't try to make the challenges of wits and the mind too fair for any competitors considering the first challenge. It was a simple enough kind of puzzle game to Serek, he considered how his people would fair but saw no interest in thinking further on the matter. Serek figured the main competitors would be between Zelia & Sindaro's mortals, however the God of Blood was more closely watching Graug's mountainous mortals with interest. For he would not soon underestimate them again.

Leaning on his chair some, Serek listened to Jezelth. "Do not make such hurried assumptions, or they may come back to haunt you. Lady Graug is more keen than she appears despite her obnoxious boasts, as well that air of confidence and superiority. She is a predator not a prey, and I will carry out my hunt as necessary to meet this fact."

Serek turned as he eyed Jezelth better, speaking in a hushed tone close to the other divinity, "We both had let our guards down, though now she roams free within my homeland. War has ways to invade others' realms unimpeded if she catches grasp onto another's mortal children. Using their blood and beings as a direct link through their birth ties to the realm they are created from. A heinous ability in truth. I have every intention to meet Lady Graug blow for blow, I will either see with her see eye to eye, or one will perish. Regardless of which outcome, I fear I do not see anything more than blood and death in their future. They may be nothing more than a walking threat waiting to be unleashed and steamroll through all opposition." The words were almost distasteful as he gossiped and spoke to Jezelth. However, he felt no love for Graug or their children. Though he did not have the right or feelings to bare hatered either as he was a maker of his own happenings. It was bittersweet, but he shared the ongoings of his current rival. "My people have already brought my realm Shezmu to heel, yet they only stood a chance when we held the advantage. Once that was gone, the hunter became the hunted. It was like running prey right into the jaws of the predator."

Turning back towards the arena, Serek's black eyes gazed at the trial passingly again. Though he spoke to Jezelth as he did, "My other siblings are away at the moment and out of immediate reach. I fight Graug across both our realms now. You said I was as mad as she, but I think we both don't believe that statement. I could use your aid in culling this bloodthirsty beast, I would provide proper compensation. I do not ask that you expose yourself to the violence or bring a target onto your back however, should I fail."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:14, Sat 27 Aug 2022.
GM, 281 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 00:41
  • msg #3

The Challenge of Wits

Below the assembled gods, the first challenge was completed. Neither Zelia nor Graug claimed victory. It was Sindaro with his slender stone mortals. The stone god seemed quite pleased with the turn about. Clapping his hands together made it sound like thunder booming through the arena. "What fun!" Sindaro exclaimed. "What's next?"

Surprisingly, Graug's mortals had been a close second while it was Zelia's own mortals who were the distant third, much to her clear displeasure. From watching them, it was clear that while Graug's mortals did not have any sort of higher learning, they had an innate talent when it came to spatial tasks.

"Next we have a challenge of math," Zelia announced. "Nothing too advanced of course, just a simple mixture of arithmetic. Addition mixed with some subtraction, division and multiplication. Out of fairness I held off from geometry, algebra or calculus." Below a blackboard was wheeled out and each group of mortals was offered chalk, then the board was turned and the problem was presented. Zelia's mortals began to furiously scribble out their work on the floor. Sindaro's mortals, peering over several times at Zelia's own, started to half heartedly make their own attempt. Graug's mortals were clearly at a loss. Serek eyed the problem and immediately calculated the answer.

Meanwhile, the conversation between Serek and Jezeleth continued. "She can bridge worlds without an invitation?" Jezeleth asked aghast. Her face was quite expressive and seemed to magnify her emotions. The expression transformed to one of calculation as Serek proposed an agreement. "Help you say? I suppose I could lend my aide. I certainly don't have any fondess for the brute. Very well, I'll lend you some of my power. I'm not much one for fighting, but perhaps it'll still be of help. In return you'll owe me a favor."

Discreetly Jezeleth leaned over and extended a hand, a shimmering representation of power appeared within her palm.

Incidental Power Lent: Diplomatic Exposure - The longer one is exposed to the god the more inclined they are to be amendable to discussion.

Down below on the stage it seemed like the challenge had hardly started when it was already announced to be concluded. Zelia's mortals were the undisputed victors.
Serek Eztli
player, 126 posts
Lord of Blood
7/10 HP
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 14:54
  • msg #4

The Challenge of Wits

As the first challenge came to an end and Sindaro's mortals won, Serek put his hands together as he clapped softly in celebration for the victory. This first challenge definitely leaned in their favor and Zelia's the least. Graug's mortals seemed to show some promise and capability if taken the time to develop and learn. However Serek doubted that would happen so suddenly unless Graug felt need for it.

Zelia then pulled out a board with chalk for the participanting mortals. It seemed the basics of math were the second challenge. By the looks of things, Zelia's children were the only ones aware of mathematics. Solving the problem at a glance, Serek figured the outcome of this second challenge. Focusing more on his talk with Jezeleth as the time passed.

"That is correct, as well I don't think there is much of a limit to the power. The portals seem semi-permanent at the very least if not entirely unless destroyed." Serek was glad he was able to garner Jezeleth's assistance. Giving a solem nod as he took grasp of the offered power. Ensuring he do so just as discretly. "I thank you, I will not forget the debt I owe you in this. Maybe now, I can have hope for an outcome not drenched with death."

Still the threat Graug held with just their existence was a real one. War had been battle tested already and they had but one focus. It didn't seem to matter who or why, as long as it was there and they could unleash it. It made the blood sports within the arena of Shezmu look paltry in comparison. Yet a turmoilous pit within Serek wanted to overcome this entirely, not just because they put blades aside to speak. Yet because of the amount of blood split, the broken and burnt buildings of his people, the lack of restraint within. Yet did Serek not sit on the other side of this a day or two ago? Serek saw no joy in personally slaughtering Graug's people or destroying their homes, yet Graug did not blink an eye as she revealed in the fight.

Snapping back to present, Serek watched for the third challenge. "My hopes were not ones drenched in such Blood. I fear the outcome and it's negative affects. If we survive, my people will thirst to be avenged and will aim to drive the stakes of vengeance into the heart of the beast known as War." Shaking his head some what disapprovingly. The battle raged within their realms, Serek's own city was now being laid to waste as a causality for their clash. All that they had built up and worked for, all aimed at for their ways and fun. This was what Serek wanted, this is what he wanted to prepare for, this is what Serek would have to drink in to overcome if he were to fight fire with fire, war with war, and blood with blood.
player, 90 posts
10/10 HP
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 02:22
  • msg #5

The Challenge of Wits

The Goddess of Eternity and the Prince of Blossoms stepped through the portal to the  amphitheater to watch the challenge issued by their siblings to match wits. It was, she thought, an odd thing to challenge the Goddess of War to but there was some motive behind it she had yet to grasp.

She smiled and greeted the others as she made her way to a seat, sparing the brightest smile for her dear brother, Serek. He, along with the Prince of Blossoms, had become her most valued and loved sibling and she was always pleased to see him.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 109 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 02:26
  • msg #6

The Challenge of Wits

The Prince arrived after Annastaria and looked around as curiously as she did, trying to assess the situation while trying to remain politely in the background for now. He nodded civilly at anyone who acknowledged him and Annastaria, although was less gregarious about it than she was and more polite and full of propriety.

He followed after Anna to take a seat, and observed the drama for now.
GM, 285 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 18:02
  • msg #7

The Challenge of Wits

The arrival of two more gods was noted by the host. Zelia did not seem displeased to have a larger audience to witness her recent victory in the tournament. "That would be a point for my mortals," Zelia chimed up happily, "See, Graug? War is hardly all there is to life." The god of war waved a gauntleted hand as though to say 'Get on with it.' Zelia frowned, clearly hoping for more a response, but continued. "For our next challenge it is a test of logic and deduction."

Below three tables were wheeled out. Atop them sat four glasses of clear liquid. "For our next challenge the mortals must put their skills of deduction to work. You see, three of the glasses contain terrible poison, something I came across while visiting a realm full of base chemicals and-"

She wasn't even done laying out the challenge. Graug's mortal had stepped forward and each of them had drunk the glasses. Three of them collapsed into twitching and spasming heaps, the survivor held up their glass.

"They solved it," Graug said, despite her face being hidden behind her helm, the gods satisfaction came through clearly.

Zelia blinked and sputtered, "Solved it? They didn't solve anything! Three of them are dead!"

"And the one that isn't found the glass without poison." Sindaro piped up, "You didn't say they couldn't die in the process."

For Serek who had taken a keen interest in Graug's mortals this drove home another lesson. Evidently fear wouldn't be a strong motivator. Threats of force or violence would fall on deaf ears to mortals who had no qualms of drinking poison.

Meanwhile Serek and Jezeleth spoke, the god shrugged her slender shoulders as Serek explained more of his situation. "You weren't hoping for blood? What were you hoping for exactly? Graug is many things, but subtle is not one of them. Violence begets violence so they say."
player, 93 posts
10/10 HP
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 22:36
  • msg #8

The Challenge of Wits

"A battle of wits involving Graug and her mortals? How interesting," Annastarria said, leaning over so her words traveled only to the Prince's ears. "Though I wonder why this was done."

She frowned when she saw the Goddess of War's children spend themselves needlessly in the task before them. Life was a gift to be cherished - so she had taught her children from the first days of Aeon. Graug's mortals threw theirs away without pause for a seemingly minor victory in a contest of wits - that did not bode well for any who might have quarrel with the brute and her children.

"What is the prize for victory?" She asked one of the gods close by.
Serek Eztli
player, 132 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 01:31
  • msg #9

The Challenge of Wits

Serek shuffled in the seat as his feathers moved with the curious joining of others. Looking upon the Prince of Blossoms and Annastarria warmly, his hardened gaze softened. Returning the lovely smile to Annastarria with a slight purring caw and nod of his head, the sides of his beak pulling slightly to mimic the smile.

As he spoke with Jezeleth, the God of Blood shrugged his own shoulders slightly to the questions, "You are right, subtly is not her strength. Maybe I was a fool, thought it would be contained to her realm on my terms. I had no intent for the destruction and death she delivers without restraint." Serek swatted with his talons as he shook his head, trying to uphold that he did have restraints. "I let her draw me into it and gave her what she wanted. Graug has shown me now that it is bloody, and it can be utter desolation and death. I do not believe my preemptive strike was incorrect in the slightest, all they want is war. It is all they dare care about. I wanted what I could gain out of it, what I could provide from it, and what I could change with it."

Giving his attention back to Zelia and the others, Serek clapped lightly for the winners of the round. Unsurprised by Graug's stoic gesture and quietness. Yet as Zelia continued to the next challenge, she was hardly done explaining it before Graug's mortals jumped before anyone said leap. While everyone seemed shocked at the outcome, Serek laughed at the event, "Though are three heads better than one when three are brain-dead enough to drink lethal poison?"

It was more than unexpected though than anything, Serek was more than aware at their fearlessness. This only drove home that lesson true. Listening to the dispute Serek agreed with Sindaro some, but had his counter point, "Lady Zelia didn't get to finish stating the challenge to begin with. I say it was a quick start before any rulings can be made." Serek continued as he folded his arms, "I say let Lady Graug's children have this victory, they may have won the battle but are at a loss with the war of wits. Each party holds one victory now and the stakes are raised! Do not forget the losing children are set to die anyway. If you had any confidence you would win, you should have no qualms with their deaths now. Afterall it wouldn't change the outcome from anything else than blood." Fear was not a factor with these mortals at all. Where Serek was able to bring the Guise to a reign with it, they cared not if they died. However the value of their lives was little, a reflection of how Graug treated them as well. Like fodder to throw at a foe until one toppled over, Serek theorized. Brave, bravely stupid. Sighing at a reflection of himself to that as well.

Serek had no intent on answering Annastarria's question, as the only answer he had was stated. If there was a prize other than life, it was not spoken of yet, which left him curious to the answer.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:55, Wed 31 Aug 2022.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 118 posts
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #10

The Challenge of Wits

The Prince also raised a curious brow, and asked to those gathered,

"What is the purpose of this contest? Is it pride? Boredome? Or something else I wonder?" he asked aloud.

"and I also am curious as to the prize such an event would grant. Even if it is bragging rights and one's mortals surviving."
GM, 294 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 23:16
  • msg #11

The Challenge of Wits

Zelia opened and closed her mouth a few times, her displeasure clear, but fought back whatever response she had been inclined to share. "Fine." She relented in the face of Sindaro's and Serek's agreement. The victory was tallied. It left one victory each to Graug, Sindaro and Zelia. "Then we'll commence with the next test. A proper test of intellect and reasoning." The emphasis on proper being impossible to miss.

The bodies were moved and the tables wheeled away as the next challenge was laid out. This one was a test to use the materials provided, a number of long reeds, to construct a structure. Whichever structure supported the most mortals won. This challenge, being more involved, afforded the gods more chance to talk while the mortals busied themselves below.

The living crag that was Sindaro leaned over and replied to Annastarria and the Prince's questions. "Some weeks back Graug was quite boastful of her prowess. Zelia seemed to take offense that the god of war did not properly value more intellectual pursuits. So here we are. The stakes for this wager were that the losing gods both gave the winner a secret. So far it's been quite exciting," Sindaro said happily.

Jezeleth was still chatting conversationally with Serek, "It seems the god of war is more cagy than we give her credit," the god mused aloud. "But it seems you both found what you were looking for in your own way. Has the clash changed your views going forward?"

While Zelia and Graug both seemed fixated on the ongoing challenge, the two of them being far more invested in the ongoing challenge, Sindaro turned back to the other gods and chatted good naturedly. "This is my first contest of mortals. They've done well so far! What of your own people's? Or is it rude to ask? Some of our kin don't seem to have much regard for mortal kind, perhaps I'm being presumptuous."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 120 posts
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 23:32
  • msg #12

The Challenge of Wits

The Prince nodded at him graciously.

"No offense taken, Brother Sindaro. My people are advancing well, but they are having some social and other issues right now which is why I have not debuted them yet." he replied.

"My hope is soon within the next few ages they will start venturing outside my realm, but for now I do not feel they are ready or mature enough yet to handle that priviledge." he added.

"One thing I'd like ask you all...have any of you here heard of a pantheon group called The Unity? I believe they are going to potentially become rivals or even enemies to everyone here. Even Graug, honestly, for while I find Graug's actions distasteful she hasn't actually initiated hostilities against any of us and has been reactive, so I'm not prepared to dismiss her as of yet if she maintains a certain base level of decency. But the Unity may be different and may end up being a foe to us all, even our war god there. But I would like to know if any of you have heard of The Unity first before making any more judgements." he asked.
Serek Eztli
player, 134 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 01:04
  • msg #13

The Challenge of Wits

Serek nodded along as he listened to Zelia. This next challenge didn't have room for the interpretations the previous had, as well it was a time consuming process he and the others could passingly watch as they talked among themselves. As Sindaro filled in his newly arrived siblings, Serek nodded along. As the reward was stated, he released a soft ah as he remembered.

Replying to Jezeleth, Serek narrowed his eyes slightly, "In a way we both found what we sought but didn't. I think her lack of ability to kill me yet vexs her more than she would confess. I appreciate your borrowed ability, it might be the only thing parting her heavy sealed lips." he chuckled to himself. Considering the other goddess's question for a second, Serek answered plainly, "Yes, I would say that it has changed mine. The real question is if it has changed Graug's any. I think Zelia's challenge here would have been more appropriate if I were to bet my children's lives and homes." Though now the topic of Graug came to a drull on his part.

As Sindaro conversed with the rest, Serek listened to both him and the Prince's reply. "I think all of the mortals are doing quite well. It is a shame such a heavy possibly weighs on them as well for our amusement and disputes. Personally, I haven't seen my children in about a century. Though I am much in the same mind as my brother the Prince of Blossoms."

Though as his brother brought up his question and talked of the Unity, Serek tapped his talons against his beak softly as they clacked to his thoughts. "Really? I find Lady Graug is just a bit rough around the edges, though aren't we all. But what does one expect when they are too shy to speak or show their face often." Serek joked lightly and in good fun before the possibly unsettling news, "What has the Unity done though to warrant such a reaction and insinuation?"
player, 100 posts
10/10 HP
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 18:15
  • msg #14

The Challenge of Wits

Annastarria's eyes shaded to red as she leaned forward and thought of the Unity. "One of their number sent out some metal beast to ravage and destroy Realms and farm their Essence. One dead Realm crashed into Aeon and wrought damage upon my landscape. The Prince and I pursued the creation and found another Realm that had been attacked, its Heart stripped. We went with that Realm's God to the Realm where that thing had been unleashed and found he was farming the power. We stopped him from doing any more damage, returned that which he had taken where we could, and punished him for his wrongdoing but he swore vengeance upon us in the name of the Unity."
GM, 309 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 15:15
  • msg #15

The Challenge of Wits

"Oh the Unity!" Sindaro said brightly when the Prince asked. "Yes, they're a lovely group of gods. They such a passionate lot! So full of ideas and purpose! Nytal introduced us." The crag god listened as Annastarria recounted his adventure. His rough face furrowed, then he shook his head. "I'm certain it's only a misunderstanding. It sounds like that was a wild, messy hunt, I'm sure things got confused."

Down below the next contest concluded. Zelia's mortals were victorious, but Sindaro's came in a close second. Both of them had created two very different structures from their reeds. One could have argued that Sindaro's mortals, being made of stone, were at a disadvantage, but the god did not raise any complaints. Graug's mortals made a dismal showing, hardly creating anything could be considered 'built' in any regard.

The next several challenges were then introduced and solved in rapid succession. A logic puzzle, a game called billiards which required bouncing balls at precise angles, at which Graug's mortals did surprisingly well, a challenge of mixing difference liquids to achieve a certain color. Zelia's lead in the contest grew as it neared the end of the contest.

Meanwhile Jezeleth seemed to have tired of hearing of Graug, "Yes, well, I'm glad it went well," she said to Serek, then redirected the conversation to the new topic. "The Unity sound fascinating. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting them myself yet," the god shared, "Sindaro, you say that Nytal was able to put you in touch with them? What were these plans that had you so smitten?"

"Oh wonderful things! They talked of something called economics, so all our worlds could do better trade with one another. Oh! And they talked of building a temple on all our worlds, they said they were inspired when their mortals started spontaneously dedicating a garden to some foreign god. They've already got a number of portals created between their different realms. The way their mortals work with each other, it's very impressive. After seeing all the squabbling in the Lounge it was quite refreshing to see so many of our kin coming together for a joint purpose. They want to unify all the Realms you see. The worlds are so isolated in their current states, they'll help break down those great barriers. I'm planning to reach out to them soon and see how I might be able to help, may I'll even join. It sounds like a wonderful cause."
Serek Eztli
player, 142 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Sat 10 Sep 2022
at 17:01
  • msg #16

The Challenge of Wits

Raising a feathered brow, Serek Eztli contemplated Annastarria'account of the Unity's doings. Gaging Sindaro's reactions, he listened then shifted his attention back to the contests at hand. Nodding along passively to Jezeleth while she redirected the topics to switch to the unity. Serek shifted with interest to what had to be said of the Unity.

Drawing his own thoughts on the matter, it seemed to Serek that the Unity has progressive and unifying ideals behind them, however on the other hand they acted mirthlessly without disregard. To what end did they regulate such acts of bloodshed and destruction? They would be fierce if they held a strong backing. Containing proof would be important if they held such a strong image on the other side of things.

"Do you know who I can speak with to know more Sindaro? Did you consider joining their rank??" Serek rubbed his lower beak softly with his talons.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 128 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2022
at 16:42
  • msg #17

The Challenge of Wits

The Prince considered as well. While the Unity sounded like they had some good ideas, they clearly were a utilitarian sort of group that wasn't afraid to destroy entire worlds for their own goals. And He had a sneaking suspicion that their desire to unify worlds was more imperialistic than anything.

"They sound imperialistic to me, honestly. I have a sneaking suspicion that is their end goal and I wouldn't be surprised if their pantheon and ours had conflict if they encroached too much on our interests."
player, 106 posts
10/10 HP
Sun 11 Sep 2022
at 21:47
  • msg #18

The Challenge of Wits

"Their goals are laudable but their methods are...less so. If they wish to be good neighbours then I would consider allying with them but they needs must stop harvesting Realms for that to happen. The amount of Essence gathered there speaks to several dead Realms besides the one that crashed into mine or the one we, hopefully, helped save. I think I shall check on that one in time. Hopefully our brother was able to repair and save his Realm."

She sat back to watch the competition and listened to the conversations around the coliseum.
GM, 313 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 12 Sep 2022
at 20:24
  • msg #19

The Challenge of Wits

Sindaro perked up curious as the Prince of Blossoms spoke and followed up enthusiastically, "You have a pantheon too? Wonderful! What is it called? What is the goal of your pantheon?" Looking back to Serek the crag god added, "I spoke with the God of Order, Nytal introduced us. I didn't get the chance to meet the others. I certainly am considering joining! They have such a wonderful vision of the future."

Meanwhile the games below were concluding, the last handful of challenges were resolved in short order. It had begun as a close thing, but Zelia's mortals had pulled ahead and ultimately the hostess also proved to be the victor.

"And the brightest minds secure the victory," the small figure said triumphantly. "Let this be a lesson that strong arms and sharp edges are hardly the end all and be of all!"

Graug grumbled within her armor, then hopped down. In a single smooth motion she unsheathed her blade and in a single wave also dispatched all her competing mortals. Sindaro's own hardly had time to realize what was occuring when a second sweep of Graug's blade sundered them as well. "Fine, you win," Graug said as she hopped back into the divine stands.

"Now, for your secrets," Zelia said, still flush with victory. Still grumbling, Graug went off to one side and shared a few words with Zelia, then Sindaro went next, the god throwing a few glances at the bodies of his unceremoniously executed mortals below.

The were still in conversation when Graug vanished. A few moments later and the stain of Aramanth appeared upon Serek, the crime of defilement appearing plainly upon the bloody bird. "Did...did Graug just die?" Sindaro asked aloud. All eyes fell onto Serek who had openly spoken of feuding with Graug and who now bore the stain of Aramanth. Sindaro, Jezeleth and Zelia recoiled at the sudden development of this social occasion. The atmosphere of the festivities took a sour turn, it was becoming quite clear the games were at an end.

Taking the time to mingle with the other gods had given the opportunity to create new connections. Those gods who had taken part could forge new trade agreements and diplomatic connections with the other gods in attendance. Unlike many other resources, diplomacy was not a finite resource.

OOC: You may choose one of the gods below to form diplomatic relations of strike up trade. The same god can be chosen by multiple gods unlike most rewards. But only one relation can be forged at this time. These agreements can be honored, but if they're ignored it will hurt ones diplomatic standing. You can choose either a Diplomatic relationship or a Trade agreement. Each one will set up different expectations from the other party.

Note, Serek will not be eligible to create any diplomatic ties to the other gods here. Due to his new stain of Aramanth, they're unwilling to associate with him.

Forge Diplomatic Relations

Zelia, the Curious: Insightful, curious, holding intelligence and learning in high esteem, she also has a competitive streak as seen by this game.
Diplomatic Ties: She prefers diplomatic relations in the form of joint projects, typically scientific or explorative in nature.
Trade Ties: Her preferred form of trade is a trade of ideas, she places particular value in theoretical and highly abstract fields of knowledge.

The Unflappable Sindaro: Friendly, even-keeled and upbeat. Sindaro is a low-maintenance individual who would not require a great degree of effort to maintain cordial diplomatic ties.
Diplomatic Ties: Constantly curious of new events occurring, Sindaro would wish to be notified of any developments occurring around the World Tree.
Trade Ties: If trade is established with Sindaro he can provide a great deal of raw earthen materials such as stone or unworked metals. In return he prefers to receive finished goods, particularly tools.

Jezeleth, the Socialite: Dapper and well dressed, this god is found where festivities are being held. She enjoys subtle battles of silken words and well placed gossip.
Diplomatic Ties: Maintaining ties with Jezeleth will involve attending the many galas she hosts for various gods and also require the hosting of your own.
Trade Ties: She offers luxury food and textiles, these don't come in abundance, but are exceptional in quality. In return she prefers mortals servitors in return to serve as labor for the demands of the work her many galas pose.
player, 108 posts
10/10 HP
Mon 12 Sep 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #20

The Challenge of Wits

Annastarria settled back to watch the games with great interest and cheered the end and celebrated the victory Zelia's mortals had handed her. She was, however, quite appalled by the casual slaughter of Graug's own children and even more so by her killing of the children of another. Had she known of this contest and had her children lost that would have been their fate and that was something she could not abide. She had loved her children since their birth on Aeon and had watched them even before she herself had been born. They had only failed her once but had learned from that and had never needed a repeat demonstration of her anger. How could any God do anything less than love their children?

It was troubling but only hastened her resolve to see to it that her beloved people were safe and well-trained.

She had watched and contemplated the gathered deities during the game and decided that Jezeleth would best suit her as she would likely meet a great many others from different Realms should she seek formal ties with her so she went over to open Diplomatic Ties with the outgoing Goddess.

The games took a decidedly grim turn when her brother, beloved above all save the Prince, suddenly bore the stain of Amaranth upon him, coming so soon as it did after Graug vanished. It wasn't difficult to put the two together and arrive at the only logical conclusion.

" have you done?" She asked in a low voice, horrified at what she saw before her now. "Why?"
Serek Eztli
player, 144 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Mon 12 Sep 2022
at 23:58
  • msg #21

The Challenge of Wits

Sindaro spoke and Serek listened, it seemed the Unity had a strong face and front. Enough so to get divinities interested and engaged in great faith. However what his siblings spoke in eerie revealed a nature behind their mask to Serek. It peaked his interest in this other pantheon. Their goals and efforts seemed applaudable however, their methods and disregard ran high if they didn't see past piercing the heart of others' realms. "This other pantheon sounds quite lovely on the upside. However would you really be willing to risk shrugging off even the rumors of their actions? It reeks of a den of wolves who rolled around in the blood of the sheep they dress as."

Watching the challenges pass as they spoke and mingled between themselves, Serek would want to open ties to many here but took the opportunity to close in on Trade Ties with Sindaro

As Zelia stood victor with her mortals, Serek gave a series of claps and a moment of appraisal for their efforts. Her words spoke true though, at least before Lady Graug slew the losing mortals in one swipe then two. It left a bad taste in Serek's mouth how it was handled. Shaking his head solemnly for those killed over this.

Tapping his talons at the sharing of secrets and their conversations, Graug finally faded from this existence. The stench of his crime floated in the air as it spread across to all those around him. There was a palpitable tension within the air so thick as it surrounded the blood stained god. Serek gazed down for a moment away from the cast eyes of his siblings and any horrors they withheld. Raising his beak, Serek spoke softly, "There is no excuse or benevolence within my actions, only reason."

"As Lady Graug wanted to show us and impart at the end of these little challenges. When the gloves are off, loss means irrefutable death and mercy at your betters. As distasteful an act it was." Serek wanted to shrug it off but faced and bowed his head in respect for the dead participants.

Stretching his arms out and waving them slightly as he continued to speak, "Both Gods of War now lay dead beside who ever else Graug has drained of their divinity. Realms sit as shattered remnants of their former selves and my children are scattered to the winds if they even yet live."

Looking now at each of the gathered divinities in the eyes, Serek could see and feel the weight behind their gazes. Swallowing the lump of feelings caught within his throat, "I have taken their power as my own for both my realm, mortals, and as well as hers. I will carry the Blood of War within me, so that I shall carry the weight of their sins and take them alongside my own."

Looking over to Graug's vanished position, Serek continued as his tone adjusted, "Lady Graug was only interested in pilfering our dead bodies and realms for fun, I almost lost to that. Damn it even, I tried to invite them alongside me to the end. Why should I act in complacency as other divines lined their head to her chopping block for giggles?" Shaking his head profusely for a second as if refusing that outcome now. "No, I will do what I must to not come so close should wolves bare their fangs at my throat again. Rather than lay as prey or predator, I will be their hunter. I shall use this not to conquer and wage senseless war, but to overcome any opposition that risks you, the world tree, and myself."

Serek moved his taloned hand over his bleeding chest as blood ran down the feathers. "That I solmenly swear." Serek did not speak for approval, to lord over others, or even defend himself. However speaking to let himself be known, what the others thought now was their right. At the end, it was Serek who placed himself here and now within these circumstances and his actions that led to this. Responsibilities laid cast on him for his own actions.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 133 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 00:50
  • msg #22

The Challenge of Wits

The Prince of Blossoms watched on as the competition ramped up, while asking the gods assembled about the Unity. He frowned at Sindaro a bit, and nodded.

"The Unity is a wolf in sheep's clothing mated with a an imperialist in a philanthropist's skin. Demanding respect, decorum, and propriety is one thing. I'm basically the patron god of such things at this point. But widespread, invasive, imperialistic action and rape of entire realms in the name of an agenda that seems nice on the surface but only thinly veils their totalitarian intentions is a whole other thing." he stated.

"And yes my stony brother, I do have a pantheon technically. We're more like a mutual-defense alliance than anything as rigid as the Unity, and consist of myself, Annastaria, Serek, and the ever-elusive Typh. Technically, Janik the god of fire was technically a member as well but his untimely death put a damper on that, Tree bless his memory. And of course we have a few allies and friends and associates as well who aren't part of our pantheon but whom we consider to be on good or at least civil terms with us. Like everyone here, for instance, and Nytal and such we have goodwill for and wish for continued peace with." he said.

"If I had to name our Pantheon, I'd call us the League of Divinity, or just the League if you had to sum it up in one word. We're more free-spirited than the Unity, but we still acknowledge the inherent dignity of all gods and demand the proper respect and sincerity of action from others that our godly stations afford us. We're not all exactly alike on some topics, but we never attack one another and band together against outside threats and try to help one another when it suits us."

He then considered, and began to realize he appreciated Sindaro's sincerity and curiosity, mixed with the man's more friendly nature. "Perhaps you and I can be more than acquaintances, yes? Don't let the Unity tempt you with their lies. You should think about the freedom and comeraderie the League has to offer instead." the Prince said, as he began to establish diplomatic ties with Sindaro.


Then suddenly, Graug disappeared and died while Serek's aura became filled with the taint of Aramanth and his sins.

"Oh Serek! What have you done? I have long held my tongue against criticizing your poor land stewardship and resource management, and perhaps some other things, but this is too much. How could you defile your sacred body like that? The body that was given to you by the Tree of Life?" he asked aloud and boldly, askance.

"Know that while what you did may have given you a quick power boost in the short term, that the tree will find a way to punish you for breaking the one taboo that must not be broken. Power stolen from a god like that...there's no way it won't one day harm you from within, even if the tree's disapproval isn't enough of a bane." he continued.

"If you pledge to be the shield and the spear of the League, then so be it. But I will hold you to your pledge."
player, 110 posts
10/10 HP
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 16:43
  • msg #23

The Challenge of Wits

She had contemplated this whilst flying with the Prince and had made up her mind. To that end she walked slowly over to her brother, lifted a hand, and smoothed some of his feathers.

"I would have helped had you let me know. I could have saved some of your children. Know that my heart aches at the thought that you have lost them. I cannot condone your action but...I cannot condemn it, either. I find the act reprehensible but you are my brother and we have sworn oaths bound by word and the love between siblings. That love has not faded."

She pulled him in for a gentle hug.

"What can I do to help Shezmu?"
GM, 316 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 20:56
  • msg #24

The Challenge of Wits

"That's quite enough of... whatever this has become.' Zelia said not hiding her distaste as she regarded Serek. "Thank you to those who have attended the games. I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you in the future."

Jezeleth nodded serenely to Annastarria, "Wonderful, new friends are always a delight. I look forward to attending your next festivities to properly conclude our new relationship. It will pleasure to see who you choose to associate with," the flick of Jezeleth's eyes towards Serek made it clear that the god wondered if Annastarria would be inviting the new pariah which was the god of blood.

Nearby Sindaro bowed to the Prince of Blossoms. "It was a pleasure speaking with you. The League of Divinities, if that's what you've all decided upon, sounds nice. It doesn't seem to quite have the same vision as Unity, but nice. Having friends in case of danger is always valuable." Regarding Serek, the bow the crag god offered was stiffer. "If you wish to trade and are able to reliably provide a source of finished goods, I'll see that my end of the bargain is fulfilled." The words were polite, but far chillier than they had been only a few minutes prior. It was truly impressive how quickly the cordial attitude towards Serek had soured.

Portals were being opened and the gods in attendance were seeing themselves out. The air of levity had certainly drained from the event and now all those in attendance seemed to want nothing more than to be on their way. If there were to be more discussions of a burgeoning pantheon, they would need to be held in a more hospitable venue. With the existence of a fully formed Pantheon of gods looming over, it seemed now was the time when more formal arrangements were required than simply handshake agreements regarding the future.

OOC: Closing down this thread, you can continue any discussions in the Astral Lounge.
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