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09:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[OOC] The Bar.

Posted by Mr. JohnsonFor group 0
Mr. Johnson
GM, 176 posts
Let's make a deal...
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 05:35
  • msg #148

Re: [OOC] The Bar

I'm finally pulling the trigger on the group thread although it seems like half the  players I had selected for it are MIA so we'll  take it a little slow while I bring in the remaining players.

IF YOU KNOW WHY YOU ARE THE MCHUGHS feel free to post. If you have no idea why you would be going to a downtown McHughs during lunch hour just hold up and you'll figure it out soon enough.
Ash Barnett
Mystic Adept, 112 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 06:46
  • msg #149

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Mr. Johnson is a dick.  He'll make a tiny violin from a few of your character's heartstrings and then play it.  You won't miss them necessarily, but you'll hear the sound and go "oof."
Technomancer, 49 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 10:19
  • msg #150

Re: [OOC] The Bar

*Snorts*  In fairness, he does it to the NPCs too?
Johnny Law
Face, 56 posts
Criminal, Attorney
"Trust me. I'm a Lawyer."
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #151

Re: [OOC] The Bar

I'll start posting in the morning.
Mr. Johnson
GM, 178 posts
Let's make a deal...
Tue 3 May 2022
at 21:57
  • msg #152

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Apologies this last week has been crazy for me.

Just as a blanket rule I'm overriding all connection talks that have been going on. Sorry but for the purposes of this game it is important that nobody knows anyone directly. Finding out you have the same fixer? Sure but everyone is in different circles.
Mr. Johnson
GM, 180 posts
Let's make a deal...
Tue 3 May 2022
at 22:06
  • msg #153

Re: [OOC] The Bar

I'm so sorry. I let this game slip at a critical point and you, wonderful players, took the initiative to have fun and interact with one another but unfortunately you took it in a direction too far.

I will restart the scene. I'll keep what you have written so you can easily copy and paste the parts that make sense or at least use them to build your new replies.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:07, Tue 03 May 2022.
Mr. Johnson
GM, 183 posts
Let's make a deal...
Tue 3 May 2022
at 22:14
  • msg #154

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Alright...thread restarted. Apologies for the delay and confusion. Take two!
Ash Barnett
Mystic Adept, 121 posts
Wed 4 May 2022
at 00:56
  • msg #155

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Uhhh...  Did Retro leave?  I tried to respond to the private thread where we'd created that initial link back during character creation, and rpol won't let me select him as a recipient.
Mr. Johnson
GM, 186 posts
Let's make a deal...
Wed 4 May 2022
at 02:35
  • msg #156

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Yeah. He was given a specific role to play in the food fight thread and I think I just didn't remind him enough and he accidentally derailed the thread.

Turning back the dial after being gone for over a week meant he decided to drop the game. I don't blame him at all. I hate myself for screwing this up right now. I dropped the ball. I don't have a lot of stuff pre-planned but basically that thread is the one thing this whole game has been leading up to so while I don't have specific plans on the ending it needed to kick off in a certain way. I gave Retro the path and he either forgot or decided he didn't want to follow that plan.

I thought about just letting things run but in the end I wasn't willing to scrap all my plans over it. I took a minute and just couldn't figure out how to salvage it.

Like I said, I take full blame and I understand that this has done some damage to the game. I'm hoping you all are willing to stick it out but I also understand if this shameful negligence means you want to spend your valuable time elsewhere.
Johnny Law
Face, 59 posts
Criminal, Attorney
"Trust me. I'm a Lawyer."
Wed 4 May 2022
at 17:22
  • msg #157

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Any way to recover my old introductory food fight post? I think it was just fine. And if it wasn't, I think a few tweaks would be okay.
Mr. Johnson
GM, 188 posts
Let's make a deal...
Thu 5 May 2022
at 03:04
  • msg #158

Re: [OOC] The Bar

I'll PM you.
Johnny Law
Face, 61 posts
Criminal, Attorney
"Trust me. I'm a Lawyer."
Thu 5 May 2022
at 13:31
  • msg #159

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Thank you!
Mr. Johnson
GM, 195 posts
Let's make a deal...
Sat 14 May 2022
at 03:36
  • msg #160

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Okay so everyone is ready for the Food Fight thread. <evil grin>

Now comes the most important decision of that thread:

What do you eat?

The order that the "message" sent you is:

- Double Bacon McHugh Burger -  a typical double hamburger that comes out to about 1/3rd of a pound. Not real meat of course. Heck even the lettuce and tomato and pickle were probably secretly soy protein dyed green or red and flavored.

- Grilled Chicken Rancho-Tastic Salad - a typical chicken mixed vegetable salad with ranch seasoned (fake) chicken and practically swimming in ranch dressing.

- Nu-Apple Pie - completely artificial and it doesn't even try to hide it. A product from years ago that never went away, it was created as a  "sugar free desert". Marketing on this was heavy on it being a "diet food" until it turned out it still had almost 400 calories in its tiny, three bite form. But instead of sugar it had chemicals that were occasionally known to cause extreme gastrointestinal distress.

- Strawberry milkshake. While it definitely didn't have real milk in it, the whole city had been marketing blitzed for a month advertising it as having REAL strawberry (flavoring) in it. Even McHugh's haters had been saying it was...decent while the consurmists in the city were raving about it. It is the "Shamrock Shake" of Detroit at the moment. Everyone wants one, there are even memes of people lining up for them and it is a stroke of luck that they even have them in stock right now.

Of course it has whatever other traditional "fast food" menu items like burgers, fries, fake "healthy food" that is somehow worse for you than the burgers.

Please be meticulous about what you eat and how much you eat (i.e. do you just take a bite, do you finish it etc.)

There's no hiding it, this is going to play heavily into how the scene develops but I advise you not to get too meta about what you eat or not. You're in a fast food joint, it's lunch time. Act accordingly <evil grin>
Mr. Johnson
GM, 196 posts
Let's make a deal...
Wed 18 May 2022
at 21:55
  • msg #161

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Lock the fast food thread because before the scene can go on I need to know what fast food y'all are eating.

Simple questions:

  1. Did you eat the burger?
  2. Did you eat the salad?
  3. Did you eat the apple pie?
  4. Did you drink the milkshake?

The answer determines which thread you get diverted into...
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:57, Wed 18 May 2022.
Ash Barnett
Mystic Adept, 123 posts
Thu 19 May 2022
at 07:39
  • msg #162

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Sorry to everyone.  After the long pause and the rollback, I try to write something in-character again and just bounce.  I've had long gaps in games and recovered before, but I'm just not catching it this time.  Sorry.

Partially it's the loss of a chunk of backstory I think.  I'd worked Retro into Ash's character history in relation to some other events.  If he was just gone that happens in SR, life is cheap, but the rollback on character details that were worked out in chargen is throwing me off I think.

I don't really want to drop, hopefully I can slog through soon.

Anyway, the current question, burger and shake I guess.  We'll see if I can pick things up.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:47, Thu 19 May 2022.
Decker, 42 posts
Thu 19 May 2022
at 17:25
  • msg #163

Re: [OOC] The Bar

I already established what Geist is eating (fries, a small order) since she didn't order anything with the numbers and instead waited to see if anyone else did.
Johnny Law
Face, 65 posts
Criminal, Attorney
"Trust me. I'm a Lawyer."
Thu 19 May 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #164

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Johnny tried Soykaf, and lost his appetite.
Mystic Adept, 43 posts
Thu 19 May 2022
at 17:52
  • msg #165

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Salad for Winter, plus a diet soda if there is time to get one.
Mystic Adept, 45 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 14:04
  • msg #166

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Quick question, how do we deal with resources across game threads? Specifically, edge - did Winter start this thread with her edge fully recovered? Or is the same as in the solo thread? Or something in between? From what I gather, main game thread is happening a couple of days after the solo thread (at least for Winter).
Mr. Johnson
GM, 200 posts
Let's make a deal...
Tue 24 May 2022
at 03:47
  • msg #167

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Yes on the full edge for this instance.

Going forward it is handled on a case by case basis because the timing of events matters. If there is time for downtime and recovery then it isn't as important but if you're somehow in two places at the same time it might be an additional burden to share damage and edge across threads.
Decker, 49 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 08:23
  • msg #168

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Ok so quick question about the jamming.

With 5 Noise Reduction, even with a top of the line Jammer (R6) and some extra noise for the grid being bad/busy (say 2?) matrix actions should still be possible, just sluggish. If that's not the case, can Geist determine whatever they're doing to the local network that I, the player, aren't seeing?
Mr. Johnson
GM, 211 posts
Let's make a deal...
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 04:52
  • msg #169

Re: [OOC] The Bar

I don't know if this was made clear or not but you are free to post in both your personal threads and you group threads. Don't worry about the timing if you can. Group threads get a little timey wimey because  I don't want to try and actually put days and stuff but if it helps you, just assume your personal thread is happening BEFORE the group threads until the group threads are over and then at the  next time jump your personal thread will happen  AFTER the group thread  stuff.
Mr. Johnson
GM, 230 posts
Let's make a deal...
Mon 12 Sep 2022
at 19:59
  • msg #170

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Welp, it's that time, sad to say. Most of the players have dropped and I am at a point where I need to scale back my commitments on RPOL to accommodate real life pressures. I hope you all had fun, I know things didn't move very much for many of your stories but such is the PbP life I suppose.

I'll keep the game up in case there is anything you want to salvage. Also feel free to ask questions if you want to know the juicy details of the group/solo storylines. I'm dropping the game but I'm not  completely out of RPOL yet so ping me if there's anything you want to ask.
Mystic Adept, 74 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2022
at 22:06
  • msg #171

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Ah, well. Thanks for the game, everyone. Maybe we'll see each other in some other game.
Decker, 40 posts
Sat 17 Sep 2022
at 17:09
  • msg #172

Re: [OOC] The Bar

Noooo! I understand. I'm sorry to see the game go. Thank you for running.
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