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03:19, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine.

Posted by TalonFor group 0
GM, 192 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 22:04
  • msg #3

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

"I am the God of Construction," Castago grunted. Ever to the point.

Nytal nodded, twirling a lock of hair between their fingers, "And his mortals are well taught in the art as well!" Nytal said, motioning to the far side of the camp. There was the evidence of the first efforts of the contruction of the divine city. The marble have been chiseled and chipped away and what had once been the ground was now a tip of a tower which descended down two stories. Other smaller towers were carved out around it. This marble quarry was still relatively small, but the towers that were being created were of a level of craftsmanship that the Prince of Blossoms had not seen before, whether in Iran or his brief visit to Aeon.

Within the quarry walls there were a few irregular holes that were out of place given the methodical approach the mortals had taken with the rest of the mining. The reason why revealed itself as the Prince watched. A mortal gave out a cry below, "Shiverstone!" and then the earthen man ran to climb a ladder to escape the area he'd been in. Behind him the rock wall he'd been chiseling away shuddered then moved and from it came out a serpentine shape. Composed of marble just like everything else it had been perfectly camouflaged till it pulled itself free. Then it went slithering after the builder who'd dared to wake it. It's wide jaws snapped down on the unlucky mortal and snapped him in half. Castago's bland features resolved themselves into a deep frown. Kneeling down the hulking god picked up a hammer that had been left lying there, then he drew his arm back and back and back... then flung the hammer. There was enough force behind the throw that it shattered the marble snake and embedded the hammer into the wall behind it.

"As we mentioned, construction has been dangerous." Nytal said apologetically. Castago grunted. Several other builders were descending down to clear the newly created debris.

"As you can see we've only just started," Nytal continued, "But it's going to be wonderful. We'll have great tall towers, then while plazas below and all manner of buildings so we can bring together all the many miraculous things our different worlds offer. There will be dedicated living areas for some mortals and then there will be areas only the gods may walk naturally. Here we'll have the finest architects, blacksmiths, tailors, writers and all other manner of arts and crafts." The God of Mingling could scarcely contain themselves as they described the grand plans they had for this massive slab of marble.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 64 posts
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 23:43
  • msg #4

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince considered a bit.

"I can see the dangers now. Interesting. The elemental activity here is tremendous. But how di got this way is strange, as you said you used essence right to make this realm?" the Prince asked.

"I suppose that means even with essence we don't have 100% control over the outcome of what's created, especially realms. Perhaps the primordial nature of essence itself carries within it elemental power...or the potential for it, anyway." he continued.

We will have to work on that. And we also need to help make the campsites for the mortals safer as well. But like I told you, food will be an issue if we don't take action. So that will be my first project. Mister Castago? Would you be willing to teach me some of the rudimentary knowledge of your obviously superior architectural knowledge? It will help me create a space here for food and such."
GM, 196 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 00:43
  • msg #5

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

"Bring the supplies. You can learn by doing." Castago replied. That seemed to be a yes? Sometimes the god was brisk to the point of being difficult to comprehend. Taking up another hammer, since the first one was still embedded in the quarry wall below, the God of Construction strode down to join his mortals who were toiling below.

Nytal smiled encouragingly and waved, showing no desire to get their own hands dirty with tools. "Summon up a portal and bring some mortals though, I'll make sure to coordinate them. It'll be a relief not to be providing all the food myself anymore," the God of Mingling shared.

The ground shook and trembled as Castago struck the marble with the hammer. The mundane tool somehow did not shatter. Clearly this was a divine power at work, there was no other explanation how that tool would survive as each time the God of Construction swung it he sheard away entire crags of stone. Seeing the God of Construction at work, the notion of this divine city was perhaps not as unreasonable as it had appeared at a glance.

Note: Providing enough support to the City Divine to provide tangible benefit will strain the home realm providing the aide. (IE, if mortals are provided it will require a significant chunk of the home realms population. If food is provided it will strain the amount of food available at home.) Being involved in a project of this magnitude meant sacrifices were going to be required.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 65 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 01:15
  • msg #6

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince of Blossoms shook his head.

"My people are not yet ready for a venture such as this. They also are busy taking measures against a natural disaster that will be occurring sometime in a near future age. However, there will come a time when some of them will come here as well, but now is not the time." the Prince replied.

"I alone can create vast amounts of food with my power, and I have the knowledge as well to do it properly and efficiently. But I wish to learn more about architecture from Castago, for I have plans to create a vast and sprawling garden that will be able to sustain itself even in an environment like this. So this age, I am going to spend more in preparation. Although I can create some spot food here and there my intention for my projects is to create something sustainable and lasting that can be tended to by mortals." he continued.

"So I ask that you bear with me graciously, and humor me my preparations. I have many plausible ideas, but would like to shore up my architectural knowledge as well. However, I can provide some more immediate relief for food and water on a spot-check basis. But the first thing I'd like to do is create a well or cistern of sorts. I have magic that should be able to help fill it with water but I refuse to just blast apart chunks of the ground and fill water in a ditch." the god said.

He then turned and walked with Castago.

"Let me learn of architecture from a master like yourself, and in turn I can more properly work on infrastructure that we will need in future ages to come." The Prince said as he picked up a near by hammer.
player, 58 posts
5/10 HP
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 22:52
  • msg #7

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

Vast wings unfurled as Annastarria appeared in the sky over the newly born city. She roared in greeting to her siblings then came in for a landing and looked around with golden eyes as she took thundering steps forward.

"Greetings, brothers and sisters!" She bowed her head towards The Prince of Blossoms before continuing. "It is good to see you again, my brother.

"I am Annastarria, Goddess of Eternity and I have come to see how I may be of service to this grand undertaking."
GM, 201 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 01:27
  • msg #8

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

Nytal greeted the newly arrived god. "Excellent, excellent! It is wonderful to see you again Annastarria. We have need of anything you can imagine! Food, tools, souls, mortals, divine blood, even simple labor. Whatever one wishes to lend to the efforts we will accept! Together we'll have the honor of creating something grander than even ourselves!"

Returning their attention to the Prince of Blossoms proposed project Nytal nodded, "A well would certainly help! And gardens! Castago doesn't seem to be one much for teaching, but you stay and help with the work, no doubt you'll pick up new tricks!"

Note: If a god chooses to help with the labor of building itself, then any time they gain Skill Advancement elsewhere they can choose to lower that bonus by 5% and convert it to Construction advancement. (So if you gained 15% towards Agriculture, you could instead gain 10% Agriculture and 5% Architecture) Learning from doing is slow, but steady.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 68 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #9

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince gave a polite curtsey to his allied sister, Annastarria.

"A pleasure to see you this age as well, sister. And a pleasure to be in your company now." he Prince responded to her.

"We were discussing some things and ideas about ways to progress with the city project. This is going to take literal ages to finish I suspect, but it wouldn't be worth it if it weren't a challenge. But together, like Nytal said we can make it happen!"

He then turned and looked outward.

"I am going to slowly learn about architecture I think, from working here with Castago and the others. It will take me time, but once I have a firm grasp of the basics I believe I can escalate my efforts and begin projects on my own. I primarily intend to get up a well and Cistern, as well as some sustainable gardens and such as well. I can help heal injured mortals and provide food and water on a limited scope basis but those are merely stop gaps. But in an age or two, you can all expect to see my projects pick up and get more exciting. But this age I am going to be focusing on learning about elementals and about architecture, so that once it's time for me to ramp things up I'll be able to make informed decisions."
player, 61 posts
5/10 HP
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 14:41
  • msg #10

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

"I shall help you, brother. Learning by doing is something we can take with us to our own children and the cities they build across our Realms," she said with a smile.

She turned to Nytal as a thought occurred to her. "Brother, is your Realm or any you know of equipped to aid with food and water? My own Realm needs to grow to continue to sustain my children. Whilst I last slept their numbers grew and with those added numbers came scarcity of resources which led to war to stave off starvation. I seek a way to expand the borders of Aeon but until I can so I need to feed my children. I welcome any ideas you might in that regard."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 71 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 03:41
  • msg #11

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince of Blossoms nodded to Ana.

"Yes, slow and steady will win this race. And we're not on a time table per say. Plus, haste makes waste. Proper preparation is the key, and I want to be able to properly modify part of this place without grabbing Xastago as my pocket-architech. Because that would be inefficient. Hence why I'm taking time to learn and prepare first before undergoing projects." he replied.

"Oh Annastarria? Are you having resource issues with your realm similar to like how Serek was? I could help you with that in exchange for your goodwill and favor." the Prince offered.

"I offered to help Serek with a similar issue several ages ago, but he got defensive when I was asking about his situation and the Guise. Especially when it was painfully obvious he and his Guise were the problem and not the realm. And now that we know the Guise have some sort of body stealing ability, this makes further sense. But I still could have helped. But I told him I'd not discuss the matter with him again on my own. He is welcome to plead and apologize to me for the minorly offensive tantrum before I'll ever consider. help him with his resource issues again." The Prince stated.

"But you, Sister? You have so far proven to be lucid in thought and gracious in demeanor without being overly secretive or offended easily. I can help you tap into the true potential of your realm and its ability to sustain your people. Perhaps we can teach one another some skills the other knows?" he offered as a deal.

"I will visit you in your realm if you agree, but I can teach you about agriculture and the lore of earth and soil, and perhaps help introduce some watery plants that won't harm your ecosystem. Have you ever heard of a watermelon? It's a delicious and watery fruit that is large in size. Or how about oranges? I could share much with you, sister. Perhaps in return you can teach me a skill you have that I don't know about? Maybe we can teach one another at the same time?"
player, 62 posts
5/10 HP
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 15:51
  • msg #12

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

"I am and I thank you for your offer and would be honoured to host you in Aeon again, show you the Realm and let you see firsthand of what I speak. Helping me solve the scarcity problem would be wonderful of you and I would be in your debt. If you can help and there is something I can offer in return you have but to ask."

She turned her massive head sharply and her eyes flared purple before shading to a deep red.

"Something has happened..."

The part of her that remained on Aeon was responding to the collision of another Realm with her own.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 72 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 16:14
  • msg #13

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince nodded, and then looked concerned.

"I will head there now, Sister. And whatever is happening over there, just remain on guard until I meet with you and I'll do my best to help with it." he said.

A part of him suddenly departed from this strange marble realm, and at the same time Anna would feel him entering her Realm somewhere.

OOC: Sending a self to Annastarria's realm.
player, 85 posts
10/10 HP
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 18:56
  • msg #14

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

Whilst she slept in Aeon the self she sent here continued to work and learn how to build - talents she would put to use in her own Realm and the city she wanted to continue to grow.

"I sleep now but shall awaken and when I do I should be honoured to host you, my brother. I have a new province to explore and tame, one that is verdant with life and blooming, growing things. I think that province is well-suited for a tea house, the first embassy between us."

As she continued to work and speak with her brother she sent another self to the Lounge to speak with her brothers and sisters there.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 107 posts
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 19:10
  • msg #15

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince was walking with his sister and working with her then as she spoke, and he replied.

"I am on the threshold of mastering the basics of architecture. My time spent idling away here was not actually idle at all. I've been learning and accumulating knowledge, and watching the mortals here work and Castago as well, and occasionally trying my hand as well." he said.

"As for you, Sister. Your realm is in a state of flux which is why I'm not visiting it right now (ooc: I wan Talon to be able to close the thread and get your new one up before I head back over lol). But I am prepared to come visit you and do a survey if you will have it. Fir I'd like to help teach your people some of the basics of agriculture, which should help with your infrastructure issues for sure." he said.

"I'll also use my powers to seed some of the farms and such initially as well to give you all a head start."
player, 87 posts
10/10 HP
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 19:55
  • msg #16

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

"The new province helps," Annastarria said as she stopped to watch an intriguing piece of construction. "It is teeming with life and my charge to Xeves was to learn ways to manage food and infrastructure whilst I slept so as to not have issues like the one in the previous age come up again. With plenty comes the risk of mismanagement, of course, so I would be very grateful for any aid you could offer. Seeding, agriculture, and you mentioned watermelons, yes? All these would be most appreciated and helpful to my children."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 110 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 02:30
  • msg #17

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince nodded.

"I shall see you soon. I'd love to see the fruits of your labors and of the new province as well." he said as he sent a "self" to Aeon again.
GM, 289 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 22:01
  • msg #18

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

Time was a fickle thing to measure in the World Tree. While it was hard to say precisely how long had passed in other places, within the construction site of the City Divine hundreds of years had passed. What had started a flat featureless plain had been transformed. Carved out by pickaxe blow after pickaxe blow, it had been a long laborious affair, and one which was not nearly concluded, but an effort which was finally starting to show results.

A great chasm had been carved during the intervening centuries, the peaks tall spires of marble marked what used to once be ground level. Below them the structures expanded outward to form larger structures and also plazas and bridges. On the edges of this chasm and down below the bridges workers were still toiling, chipping away at the marble and still steadily expanding this place. Some splashes of green marked the foliage that the Prince of Blossoms had brought to this world and added to the efforts. They provided a welcome change from the otherwise blinding white of the marble on marble structures.

Today the four gods who had been lending their efforts to the cause stood on one of the wide plazas that was testament to their work. "Amazing. It's simply amazing what we've done." Nytal shared enthusiastically as he waved his arms to encompass this massive city-in-a-ravine they'd ever so painstakingly carved out.

"It's a good start," Castago begrudgingly agreed, verbose as ever.

"More than a good start! We have proper dwellings and magnificent structures waiting to be filled! It's time we set ourselves to making this place a little more homey." Nytal declared. "I'm going to get my people situated in that quarter there," the god of mingling shared as he motioned across one of the bridges towards one of the several housing districts. "It won't be long before we have other gods taking interest in visiting!"

A Stake in the City Divine

Participating gods are rewarded for their efforts to help with building the City Divine. They are designated with a district in which they hold local influence and sway.

Large District: Granted to gods which provided a substantial contribution to the efforts. Whether this was Essence, a great expenditure of souls, or mortal efforts given in great enough amounts that it placed strain at home.
Allows the ruling god to implement 3 traits for the district.

Moderate District: Granted for gods who invested some meaningful amount of finite materials or mortal aide.
Allows the ruling god to implement 2 traits for the district.

Small District: Aide was provided, but only in a token amounts which were didn't use any finite materials or cause any inconvenience for the aiding god.
Allows the ruling god to implement 1 trait for the district.
OOC: Based on the level of aide provided both Annastarria and the Prince obtain small districts.

Note: Gods may name their district in the City Divine and describe the aesthetic they overlay all that marble that lies underneath. A 'trait' is a flexible term. It could be that all roads somehow lead back to the village square, or that it's perpetually evening in a district, take the form of a permanent gateway to another realm, or many other things. The selected trait isn't 'smart' and able to precisely differentiate between individuals and it only affects the select district itself.
player, 92 posts
10/10 HP
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 22:29
  • msg #19

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

"I am most impressed by the progress we have made. The city shall be a work of art. I shall bring some of my children across to join me in the building as well as learning these skills so they can be applied to Aeon. If it please you I shall claim this district," she said, pointing to one that would be most in the shade of the mountain.

"They shall also bring across some foliage native to Aeon. My world is perpetually night so I don't know how well it will fare here but we shall see."

With a thought she began to organise a group of her children who would come and join in the continued creation of the great city she had watched and helped grow for centuries.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 114 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 02:44
  • msg #20

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince of Blossoms considers, and accepts a small district for now as well.

"I also am pleased to see how the progress has gone, and apologize it has taken me an age to get ready to really get things going. But I'm there now, and shortly (i.e. after Wednesday ooc lol) I will be prepared to start some of those projects that I promised as well." he said.

"For now, a Small District will be fine for me. Although as I contribute more and more over time I may lay claim to more of the city and increase its size to a larger district. But getting a water source and some farming installations going with my new architecture knowledge will be my next set of projects."
player, 97 posts
10/10 HP
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 20:46
  • msg #21

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

Whilst she continued watching and learning here, dining with her brother on Aeon whilst also flying him to Shademire and watching the battle of wits, another part of her was speaking with some of the bright minds of her children back home. Those learned in the ways of construction as well as those who could be of aid but also learn the techniques here to bring home. When they were ready she opened a portal and brought her children, tools, and foodstuffs from Aeon to the growing city. Enough to allow her to claim a Moderate District.
GM, 298 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 22:27
  • msg #22

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

OOC: At this point the effort has been made! You'll both receive a small district at this time. Perhaps increased support in the future may open up new opportunities to gain influence in the City Divine. In the meantime, you two can write up what you would like to name your district and apply your own artistic flair to it as well as decide what trait you'd like it to hold.
player, 101 posts
10/10 HP
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 18:20
  • msg #23

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Goddess of Eternity claimed her district and brought her mortals there to live, learn, and teach. The sky over the district darkened until it was the eternal night of Aeon lit by stars, galaxies, and nebulae. She would remain with her children and continue their efforts to enlarge the city and use the techniques she learned back in her own Realm.

"I name you Arcanists of the City Divine," she told her children as she imbued them with power to elevate them as other Arcanists of her choosing had been. "Make me proud and represent Aeon well, my children."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 126 posts
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 04:50
  • msg #24

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince had finally mastered the basics of architecture! It was time to send his plans into the next phase.

OOC: Thinking about my district still. Will get back to you soon.

The first thing to do was to get a water source going. This was perhaps one of the biggest issues the mortals were facing, and it would affect thge prospects of long-term architecture as well. So the Prince went to an an un-developed part of the large marble plane, above the nascent dug-out city and on the outskirts, and he began walking in a large circle that was about 100 feet in radius! Flowers of various sorts unnaturally burst from the marble "blank slate" surface of the ground in his wake, effectively marking the boundaries of this circle in a vibrant ring of flowers.

This would be the site of a very large man-made pond-cistern. He intended it to be about 20 or 30 feet deep for now, as future projects could involve channels being carved from it to make small irrigation ditches and such as well as transport water to other parts of the city. But for now, this would do as a sort of prototype that could be potentially expanded upon later if need be.

Raising his hands, a LARGE cloud of swarming petals suddenly materialized around him as petals emerged from his divine aura, granted form and function by his manifest power. The cloud of petals rose up high into the air before suddenly becoming razor-sharp and as hard as steel, before surging downward into the bounds of the flower circle! The mass of petals made a grinding noise as they began to tear into the marble, churning and grinding at it as stone gradually gave way under the manifest power of the Prince.

The Prince of Blossoms begins carving out an area of unworked "blank slate" stone on the outskirts of the city bounds that will eventually become a very large well-cistern-pond. No water right now - that part is coming in a future phase. :)
GM, 330 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 29 Sep 2022
at 23:02
  • msg #25

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

With the initial groundwork being complete for the City Divine the districts of the city were divvied up. Work was not done, not by any measure, the fields of marble still stretched off every which way, but now the City Divine was not merely a concept. It had buildings, streets, plazas and newly formed districts.

Nytal and Castago had claimed two sizable districts, testament to the scores upon scores of mortals and materials they'd dedicated to the cause. In a few short days these large districts were transformed by the efforts of the gods and their mortals. No longer austere white upon white, Nytal's district was hung with silks, rich dark wood was brought in through portals and added as dramatic flourishes to buildings. Residential buildings were soon occupied by the androgenous mortals of the god of mingling, they were no longer indigent workers living out of tents. They operated mortal businesses and hurried the streets of that district to and fro. Castago's quarter was put back to the hammer and chisel and transformed per the god of constructions specifications. Workshops of all kinds were raised, wood carvers, stonesmiths, foundries and a great many other buildings dedicated to craft and construction were created. Many of these buildings belched forth smoke, fires in their bellies fed by wood brought in from other worlds. This constant haze of smoke hung heavily over the construction district, the soot adding darkened smudges to the once pristine marble.

Then there was another district. It was as large as Castago and Nytal's own, but no other gods had been present during the years of building. It stood empty at the moment, but inside were a number of domed temples and plinths waiting for statues to be raised. "Oh yes, this is the quarter for the Unity," Nytal shared happily when asked about the empty quarter. "They have given us Essence for the further development of the City and so this will be their part of the city. I'm it won't be long until they begin to arrive," the god of mingling shared.
player, 123 posts
10/10 HP
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 01:06
  • msg #26

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

"I am bringing my children across to settle my district," Annastarria told Nytal. "There shall be a High Arcanist here to lead them and this district shall reflect my own Aeon. A forever nighttime sky where one can see into eternity itself. Endless stars wheeling overhead, galaxies and nebulae as seen within my form and that of my children.

She opened a portal and let her High Arcanist and the children who would settle this Eternal District through to claim that which she had made her own.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 154 posts
Fri 7 Oct 2022
at 03:27
  • msg #27

Realm: The Unified Efforts of the City Divine

The Prince wondered at what trait would best define his district, and really the answer was obvious. The entire district would become one Huge SACRED SPACE. The cobblestones would emanate the purity and propriety of the first laws, while the air and the very ambiance itself would be suffused with purity and cleanliness and the feeling of reverence, awe, restraint, and respect. Especially for the Prince of Blossoms, One's ancestors, the tree of life, and of faith and tea and the arts. The plants themselves would gravitate toward growing in an orderly - albeit not stifling and rigid - manner as they adopted sacred geometries and were filled with pure life energies.

The Prince' District takes on its first trait of BEING SACRED.

The Prince frowned at the mention of the Unity.

"I see. So the Unity will be here too. He aware that they are not on good terms with the League right now. Although technically, that is more due to the actions of one of their member than them themselves. So perhaps I should give them a fair chance to prove themselves. and judge them on their own merit." he said.

He then considered.

Nytal and Castago? I have decided to amp up my contribution to the development of the Divine City by granting a substantial boon of mystical resources to the city's development. In particular, it will enhance the construction of my cistern and garden projects but will also provide raw mystical resources for the city in general." the Prince said.

"With that said, I am talking about an expenditure of resources that should allow me to expand my district from a small into a large one. does donating 1000 souls to the efforts of the divine city sound?"

OOC: The Prince offers 1000 souls toward the efforts of the divine city in exchange for being able to upgrade to a large district.
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