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00:23, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Realm: The Astral Lounge.

Posted by TalonFor group 0
GM, 59 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 02:22
  • msg #1

Realm: The Astral Lounge

A stone disc hangs suspended impossibly in the air. It has no walls and its ceiling is a similar stone that floats a dozen feet overhead. The floor beneath you is etched in swirls and loops that intricately weave through one another. It would be a distractingly busy display if the etchings weren't so subtle. The disc itself appears to be marble and this room only has two notable features. Walking to the edge pf the disc one can look over the side, or fall over as there is no wall or railing, below you can see a churning morass of smoke, fire and solid substances. Above this tumultous pit is darkness. Though not compete darkness. Motes of light hang there, different colors, different intensities. It is like a night sky, but with only a scattering of stars. The other feature of this room are stone steps at the middle that lead up to the disc above.

Climbing those stairs leads to a larger platform. It is not barren like the one below. On one side is a lounge where a half dozen seats of marble are carved from the floor itself and ring a table. On the far side of the room is what looks like a bar. Behind it stands, or hangs?, a many limbed being who seems to be more a translucent green shimmer than a proper being. It nimbly plucks glasses and bottles from the shelves behind it while other arms wipe the counters, all of its many arms working in unison. There are no walls on this floor either giving the place an open, airy atmosphere. Another set of stone stairs sit in the middle of this room, they lead up to yet another floor overhead.

On this third floor the only feature to be found is a gateway that rises up on the far side. Unlike the marble that composes the three floors below it. Growing out of the marble is jasper, the red stone seems to have grown a natural archway. All three of these discs rotate, it is a very gentle rotation and hardly noticeable while you stand there, but the uppermost and lowermost discs both turn clockwise while the middle disc rotates counterclockwise.

Rules of the Astral Lounge
-God powers are suppressed
-Magics are suppressed
-Violence is prohibited by wards

There are others already here. Four to be precise. Two figures seated at the marble chairs are speaking, arguing, and becoming increasingly heated moment by moment. Why is anyone's guess, they look like they have more in common than not as both wear suits of armor and bear weapons, a third individual, reclining in his seat and wearing a brilliant red robe, is watching the fight with no small degree of amusement. The last person, a figure whose gender and features seem to shift from moment to moment, is trying to speak above the argument and seems to be trying to intervene, but to little avail.
player, 20 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 02:37
  • msg #2

Realm: The Astral Lounge

There was the sensation, the impression, of something vast moving through the air which suddenly came alive with stars and glowing galaxies that moved, forming the outline of a massive dragon that looked like the Heavens themselves had come to life and flew. There was a flash of silver as stardust suddenly rained down upon the platform. Out of shadow, out of argent light, stepped a woman.

She is tall and, willowy: an elfin woman with night-black hair and eyes that shine with stars. She is beautiful in a haunting, supernatural manner and moves with a natural grace as she steps on the platform and looks around, curiosity writ large in her face as she studied the other beings present, curious as to the one who invited her.
Serek Eztli
player, 16 posts
Lord of Blood
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 17:30
  • msg #3

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Pulled to being from across the stretches of the world tree and its realms, a single drop of blood fell onto the intricately etched stone floor. The single drop of blood expanded and multiplied as it began to flood and filled out the entire design of the floor with a deep scarlet red. Suddenly all of the vermillion fluids rushed together, clinging and making the form of a being as it then molded and compacted making layer upon layer of Serek's being. From bone to tissue, blood vessels, nerves, muscles and organs, then finally flesh, fur, and feathers all eirely stitched together.

The half-crow/half-goat humanoid was dressed in loosely dark fabrics and a large shroud, all beginning to soak up the flowing blood that dripped from their sutures. Turning their beak around, they looked at the others who came to form and being alongside him. Giving a silent nod of understanding that they all most likely came here for the same reason he did.

Curiousity took over Serek as he inspected the platform discs and their edges. Taking in the outside view of the realm and later of existence they now resided in. Going up the stairs to the second level, Serek's beak cocked to the side at the sight of the multilimbed bartender. Slowing walking out of some level of caution, he inspected yet other beings who sat on the marble chairs of this platform.

Walking up to the four figures, Serek had no desire to intervene in the growing dispute between the armored beings as the one who was already trying could not. So how could he if they were not willing to listen. Instead his hooved steps clacked on the floor towards the amused red-robed figure. "Greetings, my name is Serek Eztli. If I may ask, what has caused this argument?" As he spoke, he also tried to listen in some out of a level of curiosity.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:10, Sun 19 June 2022.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 12 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 21:52
  • msg #4

Realm: The Astral Lounge

At roughly the same time as the others were beginning to appear, be they from drops of blood or as incarnated astral dragon-things, there was another incarnation of the divine suddenly occurring! This one, however, was a sudden swirling of flower petals of an indeterminate type. They kind of looked like rose petals, and kind of like sakura petals, but bot actually either.

The gathering swirl of petals floated through the air slowly, but suddenly speeding up until it was more like a miniature petal whirlwind that suddenly condensed and formed into a humanoid mass. The mass condensed and congealed even further, turning into divine flesh as an unnaturally regal man emerged forth as the petals scattered through the air in a gentle burst before fading away.

The man, whose eyes glowed with a soft pearly light for a moment before they dimmed, looked around. He looked disdainfully at the group of four gods who were sitting upstairs and were involved with the argument. However, to the congealed blood and the womanized astral those divinities the regal man looked on with a much softer, more curious gaze as he sized up the people there and his surroundings at large.

"So who would be so rude as to request an audience with me unannounced and uninvited?" the regal man asked aloud, apparently to no one in particular and yet to everyone in particular.

"How very uncouth, and potentially deserving of censure, but I can shall it slide for the invitation was a gentle one and I will acknowledge thy intention. But why bother only to summon me into the fray of bickering, amusement, and bemusement? I have better things to do. So speak." the regal man suddenly added. His tone wasn't particular mean or anything, and despite the words being used there was something distinctly pleasant about it even though it was filled with chasetisement. There was something pure and sacred and untouchable about the man, and his words rang out with intense charisma despite the dampening effects of the place.
player, 12 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 22:18
  • msg #5

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Typh appeared in the place without much in the way of fanfare. A single pearl dropped in from the void and in a single moment grew into the form of a man. He was tall with olive skin streaked with glittering whorls of silver and gold with self-same eyes and long black hair that fell around his head in loose curls. In one hand he carried a stave of pure white whose apex bore a bird and he was clothed in only the vaguest suggestion of a tunic. It's fabrics near gossamer where their meager cloth bothered at all.

He took in his surroundings and gave a pleasant smile to all in attendance. One man, regal in bearing and seemingly possessed of a commanding voice was demanding answers as to his summons. Typh honored him with the slightest inclination his head but did not elect to speak. He had nothing to add to the situation and simply awaited the answer himself.

Instead he moved to where one of the other beings had taken up a seat to watch the heated debate between the armored figured. They had the right of it. When entertainment was present on simply enjoyed.
GM, 65 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 16:12
  • msg #6

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The figure trying to placate the argument between the two armored beings turned at the arrival of others. "Welcome, brothers and sisters-" they started to say with a warm sweep of their arms, but were interrupted by the shouting of those behind them. "Oh dear, this wasn't how it was supposed to be at all." the figured said in a harried murmur.

Then the god who had arrived and was dripping blood (Which seemed to be vanishing off the stonework and quickly as it fell) asked what had caused the argument. The gender-fluid god opened their mouth to answer, but was interrupted. One of the armored figures, a figure in hulking spiked armor bearing a blade as thick as ones leg on their back turned and, replied in a voice with only the faintest touch of femininity. "I am Graug, the God of War and-"

"And I am Lenacles, the God of War." said the other armored figured. This one was more lithe than the other, their armor less a fortress and more a vault, with carefully placed armor plates for protection, but which did not encase the whole frame. It showed a feminine physique beneath the metal layers. Across her back she wore a long silvered spear.

The announcement hung there in the air. Everyone assembled could see the issue immediately. There was only supposed to be one god of a domain. It was the natural order of things. They knew this just as they had known their own names when they'd been born. For there to be two gods, both claiming the same domain...

"You can see why this might be a reason for consternation," said the figure who had greeted them. "Allow me to properly bid you welcome, I am Nytal, God of Mingling. This is my Astral Lounge, here I thought I might welcome my brothers and sisters to get to know them better. This is... not how I imagined our meeting going." Those last words were nearly drowned out as the argument renewed.

"A puny thing like you is no God of War, come, fight me, my blade will show you who makes real war. I can take you apart piece by piece, I can take apart any of these gods. That is the power of war!" Graug declared with a roar and pulled the massive blade from his hip to sweep it about the room, more an extension of his statement than a threat given the constraints of this place.

Hidden behind a smooth mask of platinum and silver Lenacles's face was hidden, but her response masked none of her scorn. "You lack the art for true war. Do you think you actually grasp the subtleties of troop placement, or managing supply lines, of the importance of drills and formations? You're just a brute with a stick."

The reclining man in the brilliant red robe turned to Typh and commented, "It seems our World Tree hedged its bets. It created some redundancies. Do you suspect we all have twins out there waiting to steal our divine mantles?" The thought did not seem to concern the man. Above a carefully trimmed goatee he gave a wide toothy smile. If this idea was true it was hard to see how the god was smiling. Nothing was more sacrosanct than a gods domain. The notion that there was another god out there who also claimed it, claimed it and perhaps truly had a rightful claim, was a chilling one in a cosmos where self-actualization and purpose were driving factors.
player, 14 posts
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 16:27
  • msg #7

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Typh favored the red robed man with a polite inclination of his head and continued with his perpetual slight smile as he spoke.

"Perhaps so. There is a certain....balance to redundancy. Although I would not wish it for myself."

He then turned his focus to the pair of bickering divinities.

"Of course I foresee that these two are not so alike as they may claim."
Serek Eztli
player, 17 posts
Lord of Blood
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 18:57
  • msg #8

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek gazed at the welcoming god, giving a nod and gracious bow as he stepped a leg back. When his question was answered, came with it a silence that was palpable and understood across the room. Inspecting each of the two gods of war, Graug and Lenacles, he began to pick differences between the two. As if not only comparing them but making a study of his own for later.

Looking then to the god who welcomed them and introduced themselves as well as proclaiming what this place was. It drew some ire from Serek to see her words drowned out for the restart of their argument. Despite understanding, he ignored it for now and waited to reply to Nytal, "I thank you Nytal for the invitation and warm welcome, I apologize for arriving untimely and my sympathies for the current situation. Your Astral Lounge is a wondrous curiousity, I must say I enjoy the concept and its appearance despite it not going to idea. Though such is the way of chaos and imperfection."

Pulling back his shroud some, the blood dripping being cleared their gargled throat to speak more proclaiming and to cut out the growing argument , "I am Serek Eztli, God of Blood. My domain is what you spill Lenacles, Graug. What you feud over, spurs your adrenaline as it burns hot and boils in the heat of battle. The domain of the viscous vitality that flows through all life for all."

Looking directly at Graug and Lenacles, Serek spoke again, "What would the domain of war be without rivals to fight and compete against on equal footing. Who better for that test of mettle between siblings than those who would be equals in domain. Any other foe it wouldn't be a war it'd be a slaughter or game. Those with differences to overcome and fight through are you. Have you not considered you each representate different versions and containments of war. We are not without our faults, we are not all encompassing. We all hold our own ideas and sanctity of our domains, but are you two not proof of my words? That existence is fickle as it is compassionate. I do not ask you two to not wage battle and war between eachother as your blood fued would entertain me so as it does not involve me, as well it is each your very birthrights. However could you imagine a battlefield led by not one, but two gods of war who were tested true by eachother? Who would stand up to such an uphill battle fated against them by hardened forged gods of war?" Shaking his head for a second, "Surely not I. While we are all brothers and sisters in divine blood and rite, you two are twins destined to clash and grow, yet should anyone challenge you two together... Well, I'd be at a loss for words. If anyone were to have as many similarities as there were differences I am sure it would be you two. As you each carry war in your very blood."
player, 23 posts
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 19:06
  • msg #9

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Star cocked a brow as she watched the argument, the second joining the first when she heard the reason behind said argument. She'd never considered such a thing as there being more than one God who held the same mantle. She found the idea...troubling. If these two were any indication of things to come that likely meant others who bore matching mantles would come seeking the destruction of their rival.

She growled softly at the thought of war coming to her world and people. She would have to make preparations...

She turned to look at Nytal, inclining her head in greeting. "I am Annastarria, God of Eternity," she said, her words seeming to fill the air before she spoke and lingering like musical notes after she finished. "Thank you for the invitation. We are well-met."

She stopped speaking as her sibling spoke and nodded. "Well spoken, Serek Eztli. The conflict between these two would seem to never ending and thus speaks to the nature of Eternity which is mine. I am Annastarria, God of Eternity. It would appear each of us complements the others in some manner."
GM, 67 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 20:34
  • msg #10

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Graug waved a dismissive hand gauntlet at the end of Serek's speech. "Pah, words words words. There can only be one God of War." The helmet turned back towards Lenacles. "Come any time, bring your armies or come alone, either way, I'll show you who the real God of War is." The hulking figure challenged, then winked out as though they'd never been there.

Lenacles sighed, the sound echoing slightly in her helmet. "I apologize for that outburst. Nytal, you have my warm regards for your gracious hospitality." Turning to address Serek and Annastarria Lenacles bowed. "I am afraid in this matter though Graug and I are of one mind. Such an insult, in both words and mere existence, will not stand. I will answer her challenge and this matter will be settled. Good day, my kin." With that, Lenacles also vanished, presumably to go make battle with Graug in distant vistas.

Nytal was shaking their head, but the God of Mingling quickly straightened their face and turned to the remaining guests. "Well!" They started brightly, "Let's get things back on track! As I said previously, welcome to the Astral Lounge!" With an expansive wave of their arms, Nytal made it clear they meant the whole platform. "I found a bit of lingering Essence in my home world you see and I thought to myself 'Nytal, what better way to spend this then a place where you can meet your siblings?' and here we are!" Motioning for the others to follow, the host walked to the far edge of the platform and motioned to the view of the blackness and its mote of light beyond and the fiery pit below.

"I fashioned this place to be a sort of viewing platform you see, a way to see our new world tree, at least an abtraction of it. Those lights you see? Representations of worlds," there were made dozen glowing out there, "The number has already doubled from when I created this place," Nytal shared happily. "Down there is some remaining chaos left over from creation. Beautiful too in its own way," Nytal added, pointing at the dull glow of fire and slurry of elements running through it far below them.

"Make yourselves comfortable! The bar serves ambrosia and the Lounge is open, well, forever."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 14 posts
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 21:35
  • msg #11

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince of Blossoms looked on at the squabbling with controlled distaste. With disdain covered by a veneer of civility. That was what separated royalty from the common rabble, after all. It was always carrying oneself with noble dignity no matter what.

"Really? THIS is what you are arguing about?" the regal man asked, suddenly and with surprise in his voice.

"Really? When the answer is so obvious. So painfully obvious. It's that you two aren't actually gods of war at all. Not in the way you're thinking, anyway. Yes you both embody the spirit of armed conflict, which many refer to as war. But those things don't encompass either of you properly, now do they? It's almost a disservice, really, to let this argument go on." he said.

"I am The Prince of Blossoms, the son of the World Tree. And if the blood lord's domain is the end result of war then my domain is related to beginnings. Of virility and rulership that then spark into war which then leads into rivers of blood." he continued.

"And the answer to the argument is this: Graug is the god of Combat. Of the aspect of war that embodies the blood and sweat and strife and brutality of the battlefield. Hence, the god of combat. And you, Lenacles, are the god of Tactics. The god of the organizational and strategic elements of war.  The planning and troop placement as well as things like compacts, treaties, and so on that are governed in wartime. You are the elegant, cerebral aspect of war before the very physical final moment where you plunge your spear through the heart of your cornered opponent."
Serek Eztli
player, 18 posts
Lord of Blood
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #12

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek had nothing to say in response to the Prince of Blossoms. To some extent he agreed with them, yet only so far. Their affinities within their domains were different, even he could tell that. Yet Serek found that he had no place even as a divine to say exactly how and what a divinity represented. Shaking his head sadly as both the gods of war left. Holding to his own ideas, Serek found their settlement to that there can be only one, distasteful. "If there could only be one, then why is it we see two gods of war..." Sighing himself, there was a soft caw at the end of the sound. Shaking his head, the god of blood let go of those thoughts as they no longer pertained to him or concerned him. Now only warey that if another deity held his domain they would not see eye to eye and feel the same as Lenacles and Graug.

Listening to Nytal, Serek nodded his head along understandingly as they worked through their thought process. "A wise decision and use for essence considering. I thank you for your generosity and extending it to me as well all other divine. A realm welcome to us all as well a glorious viewing place of the tree and its birthed braches of siblings, quite the strong testament to time. "

Then he cocked his head again curiously, "Ambrosia?" It would have to be something to try as Serek traversed to the bartender and asked for one. His being only used to flesh and blood.
player, 26 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 23:28
  • msg #13

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"I believe your words fall on dead ears, Prince of Blossoms, for the are Gods of War and thus conflict is in their very nature. Diplomacy and compromise are not their way. Their way is the way of passion and violence."

She smiled at Nytal.

"Thank you, Brother. I would try Ambrosia, if you would be so kind. Perhaps our other Brothers and Sisters would join us in drink and conversation."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 16 posts
Tue 21 Jun 2022
at 01:24
  • msg #14

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince sighed softly.

"That is a shame. They don't see each other for both their similarities and their differences, and the end result will be much strife and needless bloodshed. But if that is what they wish then so be it." he replied to the others.

He then turned his head to their host.

"Nytal, was it? I suppose it was...kind? Civil? Well...let's just say I acknowledge it was well-meaning of you to create this lounge with the essence you found. Although I certainly would have appreciated a more proper introduction. Then again, I suppose I'm just being uptight and leaning on un-needed propriety. I live in a jungle with some waterfalls and ponds. It's not like there's a mailbox you can just put a letter in or something. Although that's an idea for your lounge by the way. Some sort od safe space neutral message board and mail room or something, but that's beside the point. Yet, anyway. So I suppose I'll leave it at that, and say 'well met' to you instead." the Prince said, his tone shifting from that of chastisement to one of more pure civility.

"Might I ask you to kindly explain to us what Ambrosia is?"
GM, 85 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #15

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The God of Mingling glowed in the appreciation of the other gods, despite how luke warm some of it was. "Oh think nothing of it, nothing of it at all! It's simply a pleasure getting to meet all of you!" The god said and gave a low bow. Tucking a curl of long hair behind one ear, Nytal motioned to the bar where the many limbed bartender hung. "Ambrosia is simply divine! Pun intended, a sweet nectar of the gods!" Those who were bold enough to take Nytal at his word would find the bartender was quick to procure a glass and fill it with crystalline fluid with a faint blue tint. The taste of it was exceptional, if the gods tried to compare their experiences they found the perception differed slightly from god to god, but all of them found it be an exquisitely refreshing experience.

Nytal cocked their head as thought listening to something, then added "Matters require my attention, the work of a god is never done and all that! Make yourselves at home. I'm sure I won't be long." With that Nytal vanished.
Serek Eztli
player, 25 posts
Lord of Blood
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #16

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Pulling at his beak, seemed to be a smile at Nytal from Serek as he listened and watched their modesty. Though ever curious, Serek took to the Ambrosia given to them by the bartender an extension of Nytal's gracious hospitality. It came from life somewhere, Serek purposed, relying on his body to cleanse any negatives should there be any. Though an ignorant and comforting a thought as it was. Pouring it down, it was a wondrous taste. Like a sweet nectar that for him was similar to the taste of the best and purest life-blood's. Yet it held a taste akin to the rippest fruits to offer. A wonderous curiosity indeed.

Looking to Nytal again, Serek nodded as he watched them disappear. Turning to the others still present, the God of Blood spoke, "Say, would any of you be willing to make an exchange with me. I am in dire need of new wild life within my realm. I am unsure if yours will adapt, but any would be welcome for cultivation. I seemed to have drifted off for far too long, and well. When I awoke, they were all gone. From the biggest and most terrible predators to smallest and meakest of preys. I would even come hunt and collect them myself if necessary. In return I can offer the finest of blood-steel materials. From weapons and tools to jewelry, cutlery, and dishes."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 24 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 21:37
  • msg #17

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince of Blossoms turned Serek.

"Blood Lord. I may have a solution for you, as it sounds like you have accidentally allowed your people to grow and blossom too rapidly, and too unhindered. And that they are swiftly becoming out of balance with your realm and the land." he said.

"You want more animals, but what about plantlife and flora instead? Things that could help the native wildlife of your realm grow and prosper faster, but also act as a supplementary food source for your people? If you combine this with teachings of temperance and balance then I believe your people can be saved. And it is within my power to assist you with this in exchange for simply your sincerity and goodwill going forward."

He then suddenly sneered. Although it didn't seem to be AT the Blood god or the others there. But it was a moment of sharp agitation.

"Tsk. I take back what I said about those war gods. There really can only be one, unless one or both acknowledge they have different domains than war. And if not...then I respect their desire to fight it out at this point. I even sympathize at this point. It seems they are not the only ones who are suffering from another trying to usurp their domain!"
GM, 93 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 21:29
  • msg #18

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Over on the marble seats, the last of the original gods in attendance still reclined. He'd been content to watch quietly, but now that there was a lull in the conversation he gave a great stretch and rose up from his seat and then smoothed the creases from his brilliant red robes. "It is distressing to learn we're not as special and unique as we like to think isn't it? Do you suppose this is how mortals feel all the time? I at least had the forewarning from birth that I had a rival. I am Jannik, God of Fire, by the way."

Jannik radiated warmth, both a tangible heat like a cozy fire in the woods, but also a warmth of spirit, the sort that drew strangers around a hearth. "For while I was being born I felt them. The primordial fires of creation. And my! How unpleasant to know, even before one is born, that there is another with an older claim than you! That is why, just like our warring sisters, I plan to do something about it." Jannik announced to the other assembled newborn gods. "I'm going to go kill the Primordial Fire. Who would like to join me?"
Serek Eztli
player, 28 posts
Lord of Blood
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 00:00
  • msg #19

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek held his regality as the Prince of Blossoms made his assumption, giving no sign whether the sibling deity was correct or not. Listening to their proposition, it gave Serek a thought and a moment to reply. "While I would be willing to accept plant life and flora, my realm is still bustling with them. It is the wild life that concerns me for more reasons than mere sustainance. The cycle of life within my realm has been disrupted entirely without them. A stain of blood I tend to wash out with new dyes."

Listening to the end of the Prince of Blossoms' speakings, it seemed as if Serek wanted to chime in but held his tongue. Turning instead to listen and look at the quieter god, Jannik. "Greetings Jannik. I have not felt my twin, nor do I know if they stir now. However your offer and quest intrigue me. I would see if you can claim that which is primordial. It would give my little mortals something to bare into and test their mettle against. A distraction from home and a reminder of their own mortality in the balance while outside my realm. My only real concern, is what do I get out of aiding you, Jannik? We all move with self interest in my mind first, need I remind you I have goals, wants, and needs as well."

Bringing a talon to his beak, the lord of blood angled their head slightly. Speaking, Serek was matter of factly and calm with the slight throaty noise behind it, Though, I must say I do not find it that distressing that another may hold my claim. Only if they would seek ripping it and my claim of it from me. From the moment I saw two gods of war, I looked at the multiplying mortals. I considered us only a grade of blood and existence slightly higher than those below us. Meant to carry them along as seeds. I imagine there might be hundreds upon thousands  more gods to come into existence, several or more holding my own domain whether in full title or in subparts. I see no reason to not work in full alongside them as we both hold titles to the God of Blood, our name and beings are entirely different, that is good enough for me. I do not mind aiding or teaching them either, however should they try me or prove to be my downfall, I shall devour them without a second thought as I would any foe." Serek had a cool demeaner, one that could be kind and mindful yet terrifying all the same.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 27 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 04:41
  • msg #20

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince looked at Sarek, and considered.

"There's obviously a deeper problem going on, and I'll need more information. Your realm's wildlife didn't just magically vanish. Well...most likely not, anyway. Especially if you slumbered like I sometimes do. No...I think something in your realm imbalanced it. Either that very wildlife, or perhaps your chosen people." he replied.

" mentioned a life cycle. Tell me more about this cycle of life in your realm, and also more about your people and how their biology works. What sorts of special abelites and qualities do your people have, and what sort of knowledge and beliefs do they have about hunting and gathering? What do they eat to live? And does your realm have any super predators that you're aware of? I need to know more about all of these things before I can help you." The Prince asked, matter-of-factly and openly. There wasn't a trace of dishonesty in his voice or demeanor.

He turned to the other god who had named himself Jannik.

"I sympathize with you, for recently a false god of blossoms had appeared before me and dared tell me to try and become a lesser god or declare I was falsely connected to my domain. I have access to some plants and other things that are surprisingly resistant to flame, despite common expectation. And to others that can take advantage of the flames of my enemies. And I have other capabilities as well. So I would be willing to help you if you in turn would be willing to help me hunt down the false god of blossoms and exact my wrath upon him. I will either subjugate or destroy him one way or the other, but with your alliance we can resolve both our problems faster."
Serek Eztli
player, 30 posts
Lord of Blood
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 11:43
  • msg #21

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek's eyes narrowed at the Prince of Blossoms slightly. Shifting as he stood, Serek waved his winged arm and hand dismissively at him and spoke without divulging if the sibling deity was correct or not in his further assumptions, "I will not divulve any further information, they are of no concern of yours. The offer was a trade of blood-steel, skills, knowledge, or even assistance. The ongoings of my people or realm are for me to know and what I give up. I just know that this sleep was not like others I had, and that when I awoke my entire realm was different and unrecognizable. My Guise are the super predator now by default, all else is extinct."

Serek wasn't lying, but it was obvious further pressing would not budge him or change his mind. "As I said, I will take all forms of wildlife or manner of creatures from the smallest and meakest of preys to the largest and deadliest of predators. I would go as far as to fetch them myself personally in exchange for aid in blood-steel or our might considering your wars."
GM, 100 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 19:57
  • msg #22

Realm: The Astral Lounge

While both Serek and the Prince of Blossoms sought promises and recompense from Jannik in agreement for help, these demands hardly seemed to phase the God of Fire. A great smile spread over his face and he opened his arms expansively. "Wonderful! Simply wonderful that you're both amenable to lending me help in the matter! Nytal did leave out one detail while they were showing you the Lounge, this way," Jannik motioned for them to follow, then swept his way up the stairs and to the archway that stood prominently on the third floor. "When I and the others first arrived Nytal shared that this arch provided means of access to other realms which we'd visited previously. Now, the Primordial Fire doesn't reside in any realm," waving a hand off the side of the stone disc you could see the swirling lights and chaos far below, "However, I found Essence in my realm, and with that, I believe I can secure us a place to more suitably meet my would-be elder." With a flick of a wrist, a blaze of light appeared in Jannik's hand, it was unmistakably Essence. Holding it aloft, Jannik focused his attention of the Essence. Then it winked out of existence.

Below the Astral Lounge there was an immediate change. The dull glow of distant fire dimmed. In place of the swirling slurry of elements appeared great dark roots, they spread outwards and covered the lands below. These certainly added to the 'tree' metaphor of this existence.

"There! I've created a realm to contain those wild elements that preceded us." Jannik declared happily. Motioning to the archway the interior of the rose-red stone ignited and glowed invitingly. Jannik's self-satisfaction was immeasurable.

Seeing the others still not entirely he added, "Making new friends is invaluable. Who knows when one will need help?" Then with a shrug added, "Besides, there's no doubt value to plundering the bones of a dead primordial."
player, 21 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 13:13
  • msg #23

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Typh watched the passing of events with a pleasant but aloof manner. So the other gods also had twins. How curious. The World Tree seemed to be interested in producing these couplings but thus far it did not seem that the others have a very positive interaction with their twin. Not like he and Medios; how unfortunate for them. Still there was a lingering proposition that he decided he should address.

"Jannik I believe I will recluse myself from this expedition. I am not much of a fighter you see. I fear I would be more liability than asset in your endeavor."
Serek Eztli
player, 33 posts
Lord of Blood
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 23:59
  • msg #24

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek watched Jannik curiously at their excitement and followed after the God of Fire in an almost bird-like manner. Wondering what else was to the Astral Lounge that Nytal made. When presented with it, the God of Blood eyed the jasper arc way intently. It was a very useful addition.

Continuing to listen intently to Jannik, Serek followed along his train of though until they pulled out the essence and made it disappear. It was obvious Jannik was ecstatic and proud of themselves.

It was then that Typh spoke and withheld themselves from going. A soft cawing laugh escaped his beak. "Brilliant though right?! He must have been planning this from the beginning huh? Very clever, very exciting that is to hunt a primordial. Yes yes, count me in for the pickings of bone and blood. So what if you can't fight, I'll protect you friend. Yes friends are fine for now, just remember what I want for my realm and they get their predecessor. You help reap the reward and experience. To see legend made true, you are divine are you not?" Serek's voice and intentions were not insulting but rather prodding and inclusionary towards Typh.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:03, Sat 02 July 2022.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 29 posts
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 16:09
  • msg #25

Realm: The Astral Lounge

SAREK: The Prince looked at Sarek.

"Well you need to take responsibility for the balance within your realm, and the eco system there. Putting more animals into it won't solve the problem. It sounds like your people are being gluttonous and that has to be examined." he said.

"But once you tell me more about the dietary and nutritional needs of your people, I can come up with some interesting floral-based solutions. You would be surprised how many plants can actually provide similar nutrients to meat. You just have to know what you need and also how to handle the plants at play, and it can save a carnivore or omnivore from starving." he said.

"Plus, if you could tell me more about the animals in your realm and their dietary needs I could potentially use a floral solution to stimulate their growth. HOWEVER, your people still will need to have temperance lest they over-hunt the animals again."

"But until you're ready to address root causes and not just symptoms, my help will be limited. If you continue to ignore the real problems then you won't get anywhere. But if you're ready to face this, come find me and I will help you."

PvE Jannik Topic:

"Jannik? What can you tell us about the realm you just created, as well as more about the capabilities, attributes, and other traits of the other god of fire? Anything we can know ahead of time to prepare for will help!" he asked.
Serek Eztli
player, 36 posts
Lord of Blood
8/10 HP
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 17:00
  • msg #26

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek peered through his shroud, the beady dark eyes reflecting the face of the Price of Blossoms well as they scrutinized the sibling deity. "Prince, I am well aware of what needs to be done and addressed. You press an issue not your own and overstep yourself in assumptions and position. I have nothing further to discuss with you on the topic as you do not understand our places in the matter and forget what it is I ask for and purpose. I am more than ready to face this if you are. If you wish to see what has led to this issue, I would be more than happy to show you first hand to try and solve within your own little realm. You make it sound almost prosperous enough to more than handle the problem." The words dripped from Serek Eztli like venom and came with a cold chill like that of a threat. It was obvious that the way the God of Blossoms spoke, provoked him well enough. Serek could see why the Prince could not strike an accord with his twin.

Turning his head forward towards the portal, Serek remained silent until turning to face Jannik again, "I await going to the Primordial Fire, though my primary focus is elsewhere at the moment. So I may not be able to join right away. Do not wait up on me, I shall make my appearance." Serek turned and walked to the second floor. Ordering an ambrosia then taking a seat upon the stone chairs. Kicking his furry hooved feet up on the table. With Serek's current exposition, the God of Blood dare not risk staying in two primordial realms at once.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 30 posts
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 05:24
  • msg #27

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince sighed softly at Serek, and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm unsure why are you are growing agitated. You asked for help, and I offered to help. It seems you could care a less about anything besides getting animals though, and that you aren't even open to scrutiny or cross-pollinization of ideas. And that's fine. It was never my intention to 'press' any issues, as you put it. I could care a less on a personal level, honestly. I was more just trying to help out a fellow god. That's the only thing I cared about. But if that isn't what you're needing then please just forget I said anything about the matter, and we'll not speak of the matter again." the Prince replied eloquently.

He turned to Jannik, and awaited the fire god's response to his query.
player, 23 posts
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 13:03
  • msg #28

Realm: The Astral Lounge

In reply to Serek Eztli (msg # 24):

Typh made a noncommittal noise, somewhere near agreement.

"Yes it does seem that they have a been planning this day for quite sometime."

Typh then considered Serek's offer of friendship and protection. Weighing the opportunities and detriments in a moment he nodded his head once and rose to his feet.

"Then I shall accompany you friend Serek. Perhaps my abilities can be of some use to our endeavor."
GM, 112 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 15:21
  • msg #29

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Jannik shrugged his shoulders at the Prince of Blossoms questions. "I know very little of my older fiery rival. I could sense it existed, and that offends me. I'm certain you felt the fires of creation too as you were born, as you felt the unshaped earth and the wild winds. But I'm not concerned about the dirt of the sky, other gods may fight those battles." Turning to look at the gate, his face lit up by the glowing portal, Jannik added "The new realm I created was made with the purpose of containing those wilds elements so they might exist somewhere where we could face them on a more even footing. I don't know much else beyond that! While I made the realm, it is not my domain, it doesn't answer to me. I simply was able to dictate its core identity, even now I don't have a sense of the place." A wide charismatic smile bloomed on his face. "Exciting isn't it? Come my siblings and new friends, let's go on our hunt!" He exclaimed, then went striding through the jasper-gate.
player, 33 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 00:31
  • msg #30

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"My twin's intent was writ upon the walls of the city that was raised in the desert, awaiting his birth. Progress is ever made on the backs of the less evolved and so it would have been with his people and my own," Annastarria shook her head as she studied the drink she held.

"Delightful. It's sweet like the ponds of energy that swirl around Aeon and feed my Children. A hint of magic and divinity mixed with stardust. Truly sublime."

She sighed and finished the drink before setting it down.

"I shall help you in this task, Jannik. I would not want to see a sibling's realm fall and his children with it. I shall also aid you, Serek Eztli. I shall send animals of land, sea, and sky for which to repopulate your world. I would be honoured to aid you and your people in this."

She raised her glass in salute. She needed time to prepare for what may come: hostile incursions from other realms, their children, and her brothers and sisters who may hunger for what was hers and hers alone.
player, 25 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 00:33
  • msg #31

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Having resolved himself already he too proceeded through the jasper-gate but not before giving a polite inclination of his head to the other gods in attendance at the lounge. No reason to be rude as he made his departure.
Serek Eztli
player, 38 posts
Lord of Blood
9/10 HP
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 03:44
  • msg #32

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The God of Blood turned his beak from the Prince of Blossoms as they replied. Serek did not wish to be scrutinized in what made the problem or how he was handling it, only asking for assistance in the way he wanted it provided with compensation. Though they had nothing else to say in reply, simply nodding to the God of Blossoms as he agreed to not discuss it further with them.

As Typh gave their answer further, Serek was ecstatic. They almost seemed to hunch as they put their talons together happily, "Yes yes, perhaps so! A pleasure to have you along friend Typh."

Listening to Jannik, Serek considered mentioning the realm he came across. Then figured rather to discover more of it himself before bringing it out in the open. Turning to Annastarria, Serek Eztli listened closely. Raising his second glass, he finished it and gave a breath of enjoyment. Speaking even more estatically, Serek looked to Annastarria, "I appreciate your aid in the matter, repopulation is of the highest priority on my mind. When we set up an exchange, we can discuss what I can give in return for the generous aid."

Watching two of the deities disappear behind the jasper archway, Serek released a soft gurgled caw. It would be best to wait going inside, yet he gave in and followed behind having promised to watch out for Typh.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 32 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 03:14
  • msg #33

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince nodded to Serek silently. The matter was dropped and they were at peace.

He turned and "sent" a part of himself through the gate after Jannik. It was a strange experience. For unlike the astral lounge invitation, which he followed in an ethereal sense to the lounge, for the gate and Jannik he was much more active but still it worked. Being a god never necessarily meant playing by the laws of physics, after all.

Ooc: Sending a self to Labyrinth of Elements.
Serek Eztli
player, 63 posts
Lord of Blood
2/10 HP
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #34

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Making a return debut in the Astral Realm from the venture into the Labyrinth of Elements. A Serek stepped onto the well made etched marble floor of the first level. Yet as he did, his entire form was crafted from his hooved foot all the way up as the layers of the God of Blood's being wrapped upon themselves until giving his full form.

Once within, Serek Eztli took a look around across the levels of the Astral Lounge, seeing if there were any newcomers, as well the expanse of the stars among the world tree.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 49 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #35

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Having been distracted by many things, the gods of the lounge went silent. but now they were perking back to awareness again.

The Prince strode across the dream-like lounge over to Nytal, their host/hostess. One wasn't too sure with Nytal.

"Salutations, my brother? sister? Nytal. I hope you've been well. I wanted to let you know that our fiery brother perished in the labyrinth against the primordial fire he sought to slay, although we were able to get out. I thought you of all people deserved this update." the god said.

"Also? We are discussing an forming a non-aggression pact and even an actual alliance between myself, Serek, Annastaria, and Typh. And I wanted to know if you wanted in? I believe we get on with you well enough and the fact of the matter is recent matters are proving there are more dangerous forces on the tree than just the 5 of us. Especially with Jannik having passed on. Something I still don't know what to make of, by the way. Apparently we're immortal but not invincible. All the more reason for an alliance."
GM, 157 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 16:57
  • msg #36

Realm: The Astral Lounge

When the group had stepped through the jasper-gate they had been bodily transported to the Labyrinth of the Elements. Now Serek and the Prince of Blossoms returned, manifesting themselves on the lowest level where all the arrivals came through. The lowest disc of the spinning divine lounge was unchanged, though the view beyond had grown breathtaking. The mostly black void was now a dizzying constellation of tiny motes of light. Sparks of gold, sapphire, ruby, pearl and less readily identifiable colors. The World Tree was springing into full bloom and this display couldn't make that any clearer. Hundreds of gods were waking and taking action, they were creating, building and exploring and this growing constellation showed all their efforts.

Upstairs the group found that Nytal had returned from whatever had occupied them in their own realm. The host of the Astral Lounge was not alone though, a half dozen other gods were currently inhabiting the seats and chatting at the bar while sipping goblets of ambrosia. Nytal was currently chatting with a broad shouldered god who appeared to have been chiseled and pieced together rather than born. Spotting the new arrival Nytal said a few words to their companion, then hurried to greet the returning guests.

"Serek and the Prince of Blossoms! Welcome back, welcome back!" Nytal gushed happily. "As you can see we have other acquaintances to make!" The God of Mingling listened to the Prince of Blossoms offer and nodded appreciatively, but shook their head. "That's so very kind of you to offer, but as I told the last group, if I accepted I would be alienating others. That would hardly make for a proper host. No, I'll remain unaffiliated and keep my doors open to anyone. But that doesn't mean I can't collaborate! In fact I was just talking to Castago over there," Nytal said, waving to the hulking figure made of stone, "He's got the most fascinating idea. He wants to make a city for the gods! I can hardly imagine what such a place would even look like, we're going to work on it together!" Nytal eager glow dimmed hearing the news of Jannik. Bowing their head, they gave a respectful moment of silence at the news.

Seeing Serek and the Prince of Blossoms looking at the other gods in attendance, Nytal continued. "Oh, and of course our other guests! There is Jezeleth, Sindaro, Zelia, Antiok, you know Graug of course, and then Ontondre. Everyone has such wonderful stories and experiences to share." Clearly this new round of socializing was going far better the first attempt. Of the six gods mention, Jezeleth was a woman in form fitting silks, Sindaro was composed or earth and stone, Zelia was a diminutive woman who reeked of chemicals, Antiok looked a bit like Lenacles had in that he was lean and armored and wore a sword on his hip. Graug was still a hulking brute in plate armor, but now she wore a long silver spear on her back, there was a hole punched in her armor right through to her heart and the stain of Aramanth clung to her. The other gods seemed to be giving her a wide berth, not that the God of War seemed bothered by this as she threw back a glass of ambrosia. Ontondre was a lithe figure wearing simple robes who reclined carelessly on one of the marble chairs.

The World Tree was a large place and full of many characters. Today there was no doubt of this.
Serek Eztli
player, 66 posts
Lord of Blood
2/10 HP
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 23:16
  • msg #37

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The brilliant gaze of the world tree's growth with celestial bodies was dizzying as they twinkled on Serek's eyes. Seeing the Prince of Blossoms, he nodded then followed up to the second level. Finding it busy with new life and faces. As well familiar ones, Nytal and Graug.

Serek bowed lightly with his furred legs as one hoove crossed behind the other at Nytal's welcome. Listening to the exchange between Nytal and the Prince, Serek nodded along. "Your collaboration would be most welcome. As well, I think it I like it best that way. I would hate to see you or this place get mixed up in something. Brilliant is the idea for a city of the gods. I would welcome such a place openly." he said supportingly.

Looking to the other deities curiously as he took their stock, Nytal introduced them perfectly. Serek was happy to see Nytal's Astral Lounge go as she hoped. It was a wonderful idea, he thought. Rather than pick out any individual, Serek decided to announce himself for ease, "Greetings to you all, sibling divines, I am look forward to drinking and talking with you more. I am Serek Eztli, God of Blood." Bowing his head and body, Serek put a winged arm infront him.

Finding himself a glass of Ambrosia from the bartender, Serek made his way over to Castago, "Hello, a pleasure to meet you. I had heard from Nytal of your idea to make a city for the gods. I find it most fascinating and would love to see how I may give aid into such an endeavor."
GM, 163 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #38

Realm: The Astral Lounge

At Serek's greeting to the room at large he received a couple of raised glasses from Antiok and Zelia, the others might have spared a glance or a nod, but were less cordial.

Crossing the busy lounge, Serek approached Castago. The hulking god turned at the God of Blood's greeting. His face was flat, both literally and metaphorically. Features were chiseled into, another literal description as the god was clearly made up of stone. While most of his features were a very close approximation of a normal mortals, such as a gentle curve to his shoulders and arms that had both tone and definition, he was still very much akin to a living statue. While the rest of the body was carved with exquisite detail, his face had only the barest attention given to. This less of expression carried over to his words. "Hullo." He replied flatly.

When Serek asked about the city though, there his attention seemed to be piqued. "It's a big project. It could use a lot of things." Holding up a massive hand with squared fingers, Castago counted off. "It needs lots of souls, and gods blood and mortals for labor. Essence wouldn't hurt either. Also something to stop the mortals from getting eaten."

Castago seemed to be done with his explanation, but fortunately Nytal was still on hand to elaborate. "The mortals will do the majority of the basic construction, while the souls can help with creating more elaborate creations. Gods will has a power of its own and with it we can fortify the realm against the ravages of time." Nytal said, addressing each point as they ran a hand through their long golden locks. "The realm we've found to build upon also has some rather aggressive inhabitants, so a long term solution to deal with those would help. And of course Essence makes everything easier, though it is always in high demand and those who find it don't often have much interest in sharing their bounty."

In the background the lounging figure of Ontondre gave a wide stretch, seeming to grow bored of the gathering, and winked out of existence.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 52 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 22:20
  • msg #39

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"Greetings fellow divinities. I am the True Prince of Blossoms, and wish blessings upon you and yours." he said to those assembled.

He turned to Nytal.

"I understand your neutrality perspective. Just let us know if anyone bothers you though, of if you'd like to exchange favors on a situational basis. We all get along well with you, after all." the Prince said to Nytal.

He turned to the others.

"This city of the gods idea you have? I have not fulyl decided on if it is a good or bad thing but I am leaning towards good. A place where culture can thrive is good in my books. However, you seem to have an idea of a realm to settle for it. some place wild and dangerous. Can you tell me more about this realm? he said.

"Especially since if I agree to participate I can help ensure ample fruit and vegetable food supplies, along with surprising sources of water and other things, to help things along as well. Not to mention I have ways to provide high quality lumber and such as well." he said.

"But we must know about this realm you guys have in mind, and the dangers you've faced there so far."
player, 52 posts
3/10 HP
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 19:15
  • msg #40

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Shadow moved across the sky before resolving itself into a piece of the cosmos come to life as The Goddess of Eternity manifested on the stone disc of the Astral Lounge. She walked in and smiled at her siblings before greeting Nytal and accepting a glass of Ambrosia which she raised in toast to the Lord of Blood and the Prince of Blossoms.

"Just the one I wanted to see," she called out to Serek Eztli. "Whenever you find a free moment, brother."
Serek Eztli
player, 67 posts
Lord of Blood
2/10 HP
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #41

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Castago's form was a curious one of stone, seemed to have been chizzled and shaped into what it is rather than grown. Though what struck Serek as odd was the body's well placed definition yet the lack of it on Castago's plain voice. Maybe they couldn't change their face so the best was their most neutral or resting face? Serek shook the thought away as he spoke with the sibling deity, nodding along while listening despite being short it was to the point mainly.

Nytal expanded upon it properly though. Helping Serek consider what type of aid he would seek and prepare. The Prince of Blossom's own investment would be a boon to the city. However his eyes drifted to the other deity who yawned then left. "I can work with my mortals to prepare a part of them in migrating to this other realm for construction and fighting against the inhabitants. Though it may be some time before they are properly ready if it is what they seek."

With the departure of one divine, Serek felt the need to talk to them while he could. Yet Serek turned towards Annastarria as she spoke, raising his glass in return to her out of respect. "Ah, Lady Eternity, but of course. I can meet the others in time, what can I do for you?"
player, 53 posts
3/10 HP
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 19:08
  • msg #42

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Annastarria smiled and moved to a table with another glass and a bottle of Ambrosia. "You look well, brother. Did you sleep as I did? Awake to a new age of your Realm and Children?"

She poured them both a drink and sat back looking troubled, her starry eyes shading to orange as twin stars began to glow.

"Whilst I slept my Children grew but Aeon did not. They made war upon each other for the first time due to scarcity. I have taken steps to relieve this lack of resources but I need to do more. I need to expand the borders of Aeon and for that I need Essence. I was thinking of undertaking an expedition to seek out a source of Essence I can use to grow my Realm. I was hoping you would accompany me but, just as important, I wanted to know how you helped your people through the hard times they experienced when your Realm was in a similar situation."
Serek Eztli
player, 69 posts
Lord of Blood
2/10 HP
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #43

Realm: The Astral Lounge

OOC: Sorry for the wall of text lmao.
Following his sister, Serek joined Annastarria at a table. Sipping his glass until empty. "As do you, sister... Indeed I slept quite long as you said, a tedious balance to my time awake. However it did grant a fresh look to the new times within Shezmu."

Serek Eztli extended his glass across the table, accepting Annastarria's pour for the both of them. The floating shroud around him, seemed to hang back behind Serek as it pulled away. The God of Blood's intense eyes and subtle nods showed his devoted ear to his sibling. Tapping the glass a few times with his talon, Serek hesitated to pull another drink from it. Sighing lightly, "Our problems stim partly from the same issue. Dwindling resources for a growing population without proper nurture and development with that growth. You hold my sympathy, Lady Annastarria."

Lifting his glass, Serek drank slowly and somberly as their eyes downcast. There was a low gurgle tone to his next words. "My choices to solve the issues were bloody and with an iron grasp. After all, when I awoke from my last enlonged slumber, there didn't remain any wildlife but the plants and insects. There were more children than what I knew what to do with or handle. I've outlawed baring children entirely now with only small exceptions and incentives for plans in the future. Though instead, the Guise's discontent led to hunting eachother from robbing to eventually lottery sport without anything else in the realm. They continued to procreate in secret and I took their children to join my personal guard to enforce my laws. Discent between those with bodies and without, Discent between those who had children and those who now couldn't, Discent between those who abided my rule and those who didn't."

Rubbing his forehead, Serek slicked his feathers back. Sighing heavily again, as he finished the rest of the ambrosia in his glass. Serek's hollow black eyes met Annastarria's shaded orange ones. " I do have regrets on my choices, though I can not afford to have those sentiments. As their deity, I find it is my duty to look ever ahead and present. Only partly to the past, if only to learn from it and change my next decisions."

Serek gestured for Annastarria to come closer. Speaking in a hushed tone, even moving away from all the other deities out of caution before continuing his tale. "I can not give you direction sister, only tell you our tale. As our problems are very different and so too must our choices be. My children did not hunt the wildlife because of food alone, but because their flesh and bodies were necessary for the Guise to possess so that they may know what it is to enjoy a physical experience, to fight eachother, and even to enjoy a different view and sense of the realm. Very early on, I came across the divine traces left from my realm's birth. Using that essence I created eternal springs of blood from an ever beating heart. Its' sanguine fluids heal and rejuvenate those who bath and drink it. Returning their youth, dispelling any ailments or illnesses, sowing their wounds, a material for our skillful crafting, and lastly an eternal well for consuming as sustenance. With my blessing to them all, my only rule was that it was open and to not be barred from any Guise who did not find themselves banished by my laws, a death sentence truly. With the pools of Ch'ich Āmēyal-li, my children did not know death except in battle nor did they want for food, as such some of my children are as old or older than I. Yet all without the sleeps I am prone to falling into. However, despite this, they wanted bodies, to hunt, to fight, to create life and raise it. It was far more than just cultivating creatures for food. So they expanded faster than ever without knowing death. So everything fell extinct as their numbers expanded neigh endlessly, and now that eternal drum in the blood springs was their very heart now. With the Night of the Hunt coming in, only a third of the Guise remain. All but the oldest and skilled of my children now lay dead, a bitter and bloody solution to my issues however Shezmu remains without a large part of its' life. Those who remained, lay attached to the pools with fear of being separated from the source of their long lives, my rules and laws are adhered to now. The only ones who truly desire to leave Shezmu are those who wish for children and my promise for allowing procreation off-realm where they are reinstated in the cycle of life and death."

Speaking plainly now, Serek shook his head woefully to Annastarria, "In my wrath and their fear, I have even thought to end them all. To remove the heart would eventually spell their death within Shezmu. Yet that would only be another extinction. Something I believe I have had my fill of within Shezmu. I now look to Death itself for an answer to my problems as I try to craft a future for both the living and the dead, Lady Annastarria. My goal as I answered Jannik within the Labyrinth remains the same now. Yet with how my children are, I doubt my plans for excursions in other realms will go over well or as I want."

"I apologize for being so long winded and venting dear sister, however I believe you needed to fully understand our predicament to not make the same mistakes. This information shows my trust in you. You have my support as I too planned to head into the Labyrinth of Elements and nurture a foothold there. My plans for essence should I attain it are ones for my goal and that goal is one equal for all children of all gods. For now, you have our limited numbers, offerings of blood-steel, and even barrels of blood. I only ask that in return you host a migration of my children. So that should anything ever happen within my realm, that they might continue onward into Eternity under your gracious wings, you may have them as your own. I have full faith in that you will overcome this trying time and issue. It pains my heart however to see you go through something so similar. My Guise are good hunters though should you decide to take them in, beyond just excursions together. They could find your preys with skill, even bring down the mightiest. With them, cultivate the creatures for your children carefully. I had no chance to enact such protections or breeding for the wildlife. If it is truly dire and you truly seek my advice. Death is a mercy for those suffering as it is something your mortals are guaranteed unlike mine. In time the creatures would grow, and so too would your people return to the numbers they have now. Cull the mouths or find a different source of sustenance until the others return and grow."

Grabbing the bottle, Serek poured each Annastarria and himself another glass. Immediately he sought the divine liquid to sooth his tongue and ailments. Doubtfully speaking so much again for some time after opening up to Annastarria.
player, 40 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #44

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Typh willed an instance of himself to reappear within the lounge and took up a spot near the bar. Annastarria and Serek seemed to be involved in a deep conversation so he kept to himself for the moment, unsure how and if he wished to interject himself.
GM, 174 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 21:09
  • msg #45

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince of Blossoms

While Serek and Annastarria stepped away to speak on other matters, Nytal and Castago remained to discuss logistics with the God of Blossoms. "Supplies would be wonderful!" Nytal sais enthusiastically, "The realm Castago created for us has ample building materials, but little of anything else, as for the dangers-"

"The rock misbehaves." Castago said abruptly. Clearly not a god for many words.

Nytal nodded and bit their bottom lip, "Yes, it's as he says. At times the stone takes poorly to be mined and occasionally attacks. It's more a nuisance than a proper danger, but we've lost quite a few mortals already and it does slow down work having to bring in more builders every few weeks. But with more gods taking part, we could make much greater progress!"

The General Lounge

In the background a voice rose up and shouted over the general chatter of the lounge. "You're not willing to fight? You're as smart as you are small," Graug said with a great guttural laugh. The hulking god of war was speaking to the lithe Antiok. "I can kill any of these puny gods, including you." Graug boasted loudly and waved expressively to encompass the room, sloshing a large splash of ambrosia through the air, most of which landed of the floor, but more than a few spatters hit the fellow patrons of the lounge. Jezeleth wiped a few droplets from her silk dress with her lips pursed in clear displeasure. "But none of you need tremble or cower. I've had my fill for the time being."

"You know, fighting isn't everything, in fact, it's hardly anything," piped up Zelia. The god hardly would reach Graug's waist if the two stood side by side. "So you're good at waving around sharp bits, have you even taught your mortals to count their toes?"

"Of course, they count how many teeth they wear and skulls they carry," Graug laughed, though the voice ringing out from her helmet held a trace of ire.

Graug seemed to have taken up the bait, "Then I'm sure you'd be willing to test your mortals in a battle of wits, if they're so clever. Your mortals against mine."

"Pah, there's no excitement in 'wits'." Graug said with a dismissive wave then emptied the last of her goblet of ambrosia.

"Then we make it more exciting. The winner gets one of the losers secrets."

There was a long silence. Hidden behind the thick metal helmet Graug's expression couldn't be read, but it seemed she was actually considering the challenge. Perhaps her nature wouldn't let her turn down a challenge so easily, even one that was so clearly not in her favor. "Fine. And the winning mortals kill the losers." It seemed Graug had to have some sort of blood in her sport.

"Fine," Zelia agreed with a rolling of her eyes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:12, Thu 28 July 2022.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 56 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 01:53
  • msg #46

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince nodded solemnly at Serek, when he began to speak about his woes in his realm. He did not invade his space though when he tried to talk more discreetly to Ana though. While he didn't know the specifics, he had already long ago guessed at many of the blood god's problems. And until such a time as Serek came to him first to discuss them - and perhaps also with a slight apology for his brusqueness in the ages past - the Prince simply would not discuss such things with the blood god nor initiate such discussions, as he had agreed to not speak of it again unless the blood god wished to first.

So he stayed with Nytal and Castago first, and continued that line of discussion.

"Hmmm...interesting. So the rock and elements themselves are misbehaving? I have fought against the elements before, and know they can be a feisty and constant danger when aroused. They can be subdued by a god, but not even gods can be everywhere at once. Hence your issue with the mortals being maimed and such." he replied.

He considered.

"I can help ensure the mortals have a stable wood and water supply, and possibly aid them with recovering from injuries. I also possibly can help create safe pockets and warded zones where the earthen elements would either be substantially weaker or flat out unable to launch assaults. Although to get to a point where your entire realm is safe and stable for expansion all at once will take a great deal of time. But it is certainly now very much possible with other gods forming an alliance around this project."

He turned slightly toward the bickering Graug and Zelia.

"Ugh. What is with the gods of this tree and their incessant bickering?" he asked Nytal, only half rhetorically.
player, 55 posts
3/10 HP
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 00:06
  • msg #47

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Annastarria's eyes shaded to a warm gold as her brother spoke and she held a hand out to cover his. "I think you for your candour, brother and I mourn the losses you had to endure. We are, for all our power, not the omniscient beings we might hope to be. We make mistakes and our Children suffer but we do learn from those mistakes and from each other."

She squeezed Serek's hand before letting it go. "I would be honoured to harbour some of your children on Aeon. Once I have alleviated the issues mine face and there is plenty of food for all, I shall welcome them with open arms. They can live in the city or range across Aeon and, should something happen to you, I shall take them under the shelter of my wings and love them as you do. You have my word on this, brother. I would ask of you the same thing. Take my children into your heart and your protection should I fall."

She poured each of them another glass of ambrosia and raised her glass in toast. "Of the siblings I have met, I feel closest to you and feel our compact can only serve to strengthen and benefit our Realms and our Children."

Her face fell as she looked upon the hulking God of War. "That one carries the stain of Amaranth. She has tasted the divinity of another deity and has found a taste for it. A God of War who knows the power another God's divinity can give is a threat to all. I fear she will not stop and may well be the first threat to our Realms. She bears watching."
Serek Eztli
player, 72 posts
Lord of Blood
6/10 HP
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 07:01
  • msg #48

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The God of Blood seemed to soften some as Annastarria used her hand to cover his own. Feeling the reassurance and empathy as they connected on the subject. Serek returned Annastarria's squeeze of the hand as he listened. There was a gentle sheen within the black pools gazing back. "Know that I appreciate it dear sister, as well your words speak true. Try as we might, we are not without fault and imperfections as is the world around us. Yet I do not believe I would change that if I could. We can only endure, grow, and learn alongside one another."

Pulling up the rest of the Ambrosia, Serek finished it smoothly from his glass. Setting it back down on the table carefully. The bloody lord's feathers seemed to rest comfortably now as they puffed and softened, different than the tense standings from earlier. "I thank you for your generosity, and hope the best in your endeavors. Do not forget I would help provide aid where I can. The Aethereal are welcomed to sit within the beating drums of my heart alongside the Guise & Shezmu, you have my word. If it would help relieve issues in your realm, I would be willing to take them into Shezmu. I am preparing to send others off realm for the Labyrinth. It would be a perfect exchange, as well a possibility to expand our knowledge and strengthen their bonds."

Moving his glass over, Serek accepted the drink from Annastarria. Raising the colorful fluid high as he partook in the toast. Giving a slight gutteral caw in return, "Aye! Likewise dear sister, and as our blood ties run deeper we will all grow together."

As soon as spirits were high, the sparkingly loud God of War broke over the chatter within the lounge. Watching attentively with a shrewed gaze, Serek listened to the exchange.

Agreeing some to Annastarria's ere of caution to Graug, Serek garnered a different idea that possed risk more than not. "Then we shall make the first move, dear sister. Let us watch as close as we can, offer first acquaintanceship and peace. Witness their capabilities, strengths, abilities, knowledge, and will; with it comes their deathly counter-parts. Should they decide to make us their foe? We have already predicted that move. However there is no other time like the present!"

Taking a swig of the ambrosia, Serek stood up and made his way towards Graug and Zelia while carrying the glass. Kicking up behind was a tail swaying to and frow. Speaking up as he approached taking the opportunity before him, "I do believe such a contest and victory is one worthy to be put on display before all the gods to bare witness to this bloody triumph as they liked. It would be a pity to miss out on such a grand event, as well it would help ensures fair play between both sides." Serek took back some more ambrosia, gazing for their reactions.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:03, Sat 30 July 2022.
GM, 182 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 17:02
  • msg #49

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince of Blossoms

"Wonderful, wonderful," Nytal exclaimed in response to the promise of resources. "The realm we have chosen has plentiful build material, but little in the way of sustenance. A way to keep the mortals fed and healthy will be invaluable."

The conversation paused to listen to the exchange between Graug and Zelia. Nytal gave an understanding shrug of their slender shoulders, "What would a god be without motivations? A river, or a mountain, just a thing-"

"Don't speak ill of the mountains, I have a pact with a mountain." Castago grunted.

Nytal's cheeks flushed at the social misstep. "Of course. All I meant to say is that we gods are the instigators of the world. It's only natural we'd disagree. Plus who else is a god to compete with but other gods? Can you imagine us trying to compete with a mortal?" The God of Mingling scoffed at the very notion. "So it's only natural conflicts arise." They concluded.

"But we can plan till we're blue in the face, if we're in agreement on the work, then we should begin!" Nytal said with a decisive clap of their hands. Motioning to the Prince of Blossoms and Castago, Nytal bounced towards the steps leading to the top floor of the lounge. "Come, let's visit the site!"

The General Lounge

Interjecting himself into the exchange, Serek offered his support. Zelia clapped her hands. "Then it's decided! We will have a contest of wits! Two thousand trials-"

Graug interrupted, "No, too many."

Zelia frowned, but amended, "Fine, five hundred-"


Rolling her eyes, Zelia asked "How about ten then?" Graug's great helmet nodded in acceptance. Zelia continued, "Ten trials that will show that wits are even more valuable than the brawn you're so fond of. Mortal versus mortal. The god of the winner mortals is given a secret by the loser."

"And the losing mortals are killed." Graug reminded.

"Yes, yes, and you get to see blood spilled." Zelia said not bothering to hide her distaste for that term of the competition."

The god composed of earth and stone, Sindaro was what Nytal had called him, rough and unshaped unlike the carefully constructed Castago spoke up. "Sounds amusing. My mortals will join." There were no complaints from Zelia and Graug.

"Then it's agreed. In a weeks time I'll have the stage set and the competitions planned. Then we will see the true value of a keen mind." Zelia said, sealing the terms. With that she winked out of existence and the acrid smell of chemicals went with her.
Serek Eztli
player, 76 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 21:32
  • msg #50

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek nodded along with Zelia's declarations, turning then between them and Graug as they determined the trials and contest. Inspecting Sindaro's rougher Rocky shape passingly as they joined in on the contest. "Entertaining and amusing indeed. I shall bare only witness to these testaments, leave those mightier and more acclimated to the challenge to participate. I fear my children's participation would bore the event in lack of challenge."

As Zelia departed, most likely out of social exhaustion and to properly prepare the competition, Serek approached Graug more closely as he continued his drink. "I see that thee won their battle over Lenacles. Alone a single starting proof to your strengths among us. A shame that your rivalry came to such a fatalistic end, one I'm sure that would not come without sowing seeds of reward and blood. It was my intention before your previous departure that we meet more properly. I had wished for an exchange of skills. One most suited to your now proven being. That said, I would wish for your tutelage in tactics, war, and military strength for my mortals. You would be welcome to what I have to offer in exchange." There was honesty within his words, as even he knew that the two gods of war would be more versed in this knowledge he recently started to dabble in.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:36, Sat 30 July 2022.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 58 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 03:30
  • msg #51

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince nodded.

"I'd like to at least survey the work site and the realm its in first, and we can go from there. But I have multiple ideas on ways to help and based on the situation there, it will help inform us of next steps." The Prince of Blossoms said.

"And I think I should further explore the elemental labyrinth as well. I may be able to find something there to grant me inspiration for dealing with the temperamental earth in the city worksite realm as well, but enough musings. Honored Nytal and Castago? Please lead the way and I shall come with."

The Prince would send a "self" through whatever portal Nytal and Castago opened to the city worksite. But he also sent a "self" back into the Labyrinth of elements. Although primordial fire was not his focus this time.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:58, Sun 31 July 2022.
GM, 189 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 20:24
  • msg #52

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince of Blossoms

"Let us see you to the site!" Nytal exclaimed excitedly and with Castago led their newly partner up to the top floor of the lounge. Laying a hand on the jasper gate, the red archway blazed to life and Nytal motioned for the Prince of Blossoms to pass through.

OOC: The Prince of Blossoms will disappear from the Lounge and be moved to a new thread.

The General Lounge

With Zelia's departure, the challenge now in motion, Graug's helmeted head turned towards Serek. She listened then let loose a loud guffaw. "Of course I won. I am the God of War. You want lessons in war, little bloody bird? I will teach you. Take me to your realm." The massive god of war announced. Not one for long speeches as had been made clear from the previous interactions. With a creaking of leather straps and rasp of metal rubbing on metal the God of War climbed to her feet and walked towards the stairs leading upwards where the jasper-gate would allow for passage.
Serek Eztli
player, 81 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 06:44
  • msg #53

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek raised his glass of ambrosia up in support to Graug as they finished the divine fluids, "Indeed you are the God of War." At their quick acceptance to his request, Serek cocked his head slightly. The God of Blood did not figure it would come so readily, holding some reservations and caution. As Graug climbed their way up out of the chair, Serek ushered an winged arm forth for them to lead the way.

Traversing towards the stairs and solid jasper gateway, Serek stopped by his sibling Annastarria. "Dear sister, I would be most honored and pleased to extend an invite to host you within my realm of Shezmu in addition. I can show you our current works and introduce you to my children, as well a chance to further our discussions."

Whether Annastarria would join or not, Serek eventually made his way to the third level alongside Graug. Looking at the God of War curiously as he measured the fellow deity, Serek shared his thoughts. Serek spoke plainly to the hulking armored goddess, their tone was one that did not betray them or hold weakness, "Before I open the way to Shezmu, I do not mean to harbor any disrespect towards you, Graug. However what are your intentions and plans to pass on your lessons to my children?" Serek considered asking out right for an accord of good intentions before pulling forth Shezmu in the gateway. However speaking it out loud would only inadvertently announce that Serek lacked trust and suspected ill outright of Lady Graug. Though, before finalizing his decision the God of Blood wanted to hear Graug's answer.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:58, Mon 01 Aug 2022.
GM, 193 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 22:08
  • msg #54

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Graug followed Serek up to the top floor, then when he paused her armored form turned towards him, listening with an air of impatience. "You wanted to learn? So I will teach. Teach through doing. I will bring you war as you desire. We will burn your forests, break your weapons and slaughter your people. In this way you will learn war." Graug said, the words dripping with relish at the prospect of the lessons she would teach.
Serek Eztli
player, 84 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 22:43
  • msg #55

Realm: The Astral Lounge

There was a palpable silence for a few moments after Graug finished speaking. The blood seemed to ooze from Serek's sutures all over rather than drip, yet not a drop settled on the flooring. Serek's gaze was almost like daggers shot through the God of War's helmet as he inspected the hulking divinity's eyes. "I have decided that I will kill you, Lady Graug." There was no anger within his voice. Only a calm contempt that now ran through his blood. "How about we make this interesting? I purpose that you welcome me and mine into your realm instead. You are well versed in war, as you are war itself. However it would be an entertaining attempt by mine to bring it to you, no? A home field advantage, yes? So all the more fun and surprise when we rend the flesh and drink the blood of your freshly deceased carcasses. What better prey to consume than one who has already tasted the victory of blood?...Unless that is, you can't take on any challenge as you so boastfully claimed infront of all the others?" Serek then yawned longingly almost half uninterested himself. Playing on the God of War's being, he set up the pieces. To the God of Blood, even if he didn't get his way but only upset Graug the slightest, it was enough of a victory for now.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:05, Mon 01 Aug 2022.
GM, 197 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 00:57
  • msg #56

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"Of course you're going to try and kill me. You're a god." Graug replied. The threat to her life received as blithely as her own promise had been delivered. Violence was a natural state to this god. When Serek coyly suggested his people visit instead, there was no hesitation. Perhaps that should be a cause for concern. "Of course, you are welcome to make war. First your mortals can die, then you can die." Laying her gauntleted hand upon the jasper-arch it lit up brilliantly and Graug strode through. Two of the gods who had been chatting below had followed the pair up and watched the exchange.

"I wouldn't," spoke up Antiok, the lean god wearing the light armor of carefully placed metal plates and straps of leather.

The sultry god in the silk dress shrugged her slender shoulders, "But they're not you now are they?" Jezeleth added, "Of course, I wouldn't either, but I don't have a taste for those sorts of game."

"I enjoy a fight," Antiok conceded, "But what Graug wants is butchery. It seems to be she's well enough contained so long as we don't invite that sort of savagery onto us."
Serek Eztli
player, 85 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 02:11
  • msg #57

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"Try?" Serek cocked his head lightly. Yet when Graug readily accepted his purposal, it gave him an eerie chill. "You are not the God of Death, nor is victory assured."

Looking to the God of War lay their hand upon the arch and seeing it glow with light, Serek was almost bold enough to walk right in behind Graug's visage. Yet hesitated, thinking it carefully for a moment. It was then in his silence that the other deities who followed them spoke up.

Studying them for a moment as they each spoke, contemplating their words. "It isn't a game. Nor is it a simple fight. It is fatalistic bloodshed. With no bloodfeud, no thrill of the hunt, no grand idea. Simply slaughter, as you so accurately said, they want butchery."

Serek gazed each Jezeleth and Antiok up and down, "So you're afraid? Of course you realize that they will not ever stop, an embodiment of ceaseless war. There is no containment, only avoidance. We are all most likely their mark only time will tell when. We either can work together to nip this now and prove our strength and lack of fear, or it will come back to haunt you each one by one."

Rustling their feathers, Serek situated his clothes as the burial shroud clung to him. Preparing to depart, the God of Blood addressed the other two again. "I find that they are absolutely insufferable, don't you? Why spend eternity cowering from such an antagonistic beast while waiting for their demise when we can deliver it. What say you both, together we can more easily accomplish this goal. Their only allies have been blood and death, you have blood on your side already so why not send them to their dearly departed other, do we have an accord?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:14, Tue 02 Aug 2022.
GM, 200 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 01:20
  • msg #58

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"He's as mad as Graug," commented Jezeleth to the armor clad god with her. With a toss of her hair she sauntered back down the stairs and out of the conversation.

Antiok lingered a moment longer. "Fear? I simply don't care to play her games. Graug revels in war. If you share the same passion, then by all means engage with her. I'm just not much interested in churning fields into mud and blood. As I said, I enjoy a fight, but war is just wasteful mess. I have other projects I intend to work on. Perhaps you'll find other gods who are itching for violence to join you in your conquest through." With that Antiok turned to join Jezeleth in the lounge below. Before he went, he turned and held up a hand. A shimmer of power appeared hanging in the air. "She was quite the blowhard though, I'm not above tipping the scales." Striding back down the stairs Antiok left the power hanging there, a divine favor.

Incidental Power Granted: Infallible Strike - One blow is guaranteed to find its way through defenses and hit home. (Assuming the said god attacked does not have a Manifested Power which counters this.) Serek will retain this power until 8/9/22 or until the power is used.

Serek was left with the glowing gateway and a decision to make.
Serek Eztli
player, 88 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 07:02
  • msg #59

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek eyed Jezeleth silently as they walked away. Only nodding his beak slightly towards their comment. It would seem it took two to dance, and Serek was the second or third to fall in line for Graug's antagonism.

Antiok spoke their peace, thinking of their words, Serek tried to connect with them better but found it hard. "Graug looks at our children and selves' lives as a game for her enjoyment. To destroy and slaughter as she bathes in it. Yet these matters are no game. I can not say I revel in it, for I do not share such a passion. I believe it is best that those who would come have a pension for violence but not a love for it, they would be best to carry down their demise. However I have to take action now, fight fire with fire." Funny enough such a plan did not work for Jannik however it did for the Primordial Fire. "Thank you, I promise to make the most out of this gift, to not let it go to waste. I will remember it well."

This would be the Lord of Blood's first time confronting another deity. Standing alone among the third floor level, Serek lowered his stance and body readily. The moment he walked through that gate could be the very moment he was under attack. Settling with that thought for a second, Serek rushed through the Jasper-gateway.
GM, 205 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #60

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Accepting the divine power and finding he was making this stand alone, Serek went to meet the challenge he'd extended to Graug, though it was starting to feel distinctly the other way around.

OOC: Moving Serek to another thread.
player, 60 posts
5/10 HP
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 14:28
  • msg #61

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Annastarria stood and smiled at her brother's offer to see his Realm and was going to join until she heard what the God War intended. Her eyes shaded to that baleful blue as she regarded the crass, oafish warrior and she shook her head.

"Thank you for the invitation, brother. I will gladly take you up on it another time. Deal with this one and seek me here when you are done."

She moved up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder once Graug had stepped through. "Send for me if you need me and we will end that one together. Do not fall by her hands because she will drink your essence dry. She has done so once already and shall do so again."

She extended a hand which erupted into blue and white flame which hung in the air when she withdrew her hand. "Use this to force her into stillness in order to strike a blow."

Incidental Power Granted: Contemplation: She can send someone into a state of contemplation of the Eternal Paradox. Few are able to handle this and can be driven insane. Others are enlightened when they realise there is no answer and, from this, comes serenity, drive, and purpose.
Serek Eztli
player, 91 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 16:01
  • msg #62

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Before his departure, Serek nodded to Annastarria understandingly. "Indeed another time for once I return, sister."

Looking at the God of Eternity's hand momentarily before meeting their gaze as he listened. "Should I require it, I will call upon you. I do not plan to die by their hands should death lie in my fate. They will find that my blood will not be drained so easily."

Feeling yet another extended gift of power by a divine, Serek did not let the tools he could use go to his head. "Thank you, Lady Annastarria, I will use your power well and return this favor." Bowing his head quietly in exchange.

Departing into the archway as he did, the God of Blood no longer remained inside of the Astral Lounge.
Serek Eztli
player, 111 posts
Lord of Blood
6/10 HP
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 00:43
  • msg #63

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Reforming himself inside of the lowest level of the Astral Lounge, Serek looked around him again to take in the surroundings and any nearby. Taking his trip back to the second level where most seemed to go to. Though, he had intent, looking for the God of War. Not to start any fights or unnecessary remarks, but a more proper talk. As well there was the challenge she needed to attend to that Serek held interest in.
GM, 258 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 22:50
  • msg #64

Realm: The Astral Lounge

In the lounge Zelia had rejoined the other gods. The small god was looking annoyed as she sat at a table drumming her fingers. There was no sign of Graug as the tardiness was clearly wearing on her patience. She was sharing some words with the stony Castago when she spied Serek. "I heard you went to go fight with that overgrown behemoth. Since you're here and she is not does that mean she's dead? In that case I suppose I should feel less annoyed her tardiness," there was a pause and she added, "And yet I do not. I put a great deal of effort into arranging these challenges!"

"My mortals will still partake in the game," Sindaro spoke up.

Zelia sighed, "You're not the one I wanted to beat. But I suppose it's better than letting the games go to waste."
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:05, Thu 25 Aug 2022.
Serek Eztli
player, 113 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 00:00
  • msg #65

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek strided through, gathering himself a glass of Ambrosia. Eyeing the gathering of deities and their ongoings. Locking eyes with Zelia for a moment after inspecting eachother passingly. Listening, Serek's hooves clacked softly against the flooring as he took a seat near by. Lifting up the glass as he took a long dejected sip. Sighing softly as he answered while trying to relax in the seat, "Do not worry, Graug still lives, it was more of a stalemate than not. She held the advantage on the field of battle towards her favor, so I eventually had to retreat. I have doubts that any single divine could overcome that brute in a duel now. It became obviously clear they have only worked on themselves towards a straightforward goal and left the rest behind."

Drinking more, Serek did not want to further underestimate the God of War or their mortals. His first judgements were not entirely accurate, though he felt some bond with Graug enemy after clashing in battle. However, if he was betting on this next outcome between Graug and Zelia it would be in favor of the later. Tapping his talons softly against the glass Serek continued after some thought, "They might be late due to tending to their mortals or my current presence within her realm. Have patience and you will have your challenge with them soon enough no doubt."
GM, 267 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 22:22
  • msg #66

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The assembled gods of the Lounge felt Graug's arrival before they saw her. The lumbering steps of the armored god of war sent faint reveberations through the floor as the god climbed the steps to the central meeting area of the lounge. Adorned in her helmet again, Graug now bled freely and dark crimson rivulets ran down the front of her spiked platemail. Zelia perked up at the appearance of the rival god. "Aha! I thought you had lost your nerve! Serek was just telling us about your... encounter. It looks like the bloody bird got you good," the small god said with a wry smile, not bothering to hide her satisfaction with the new wound that god had sustained.

The massive metal shoulders shrugged. "The war isn't over yet." Waving a gauntleted hand impatiently, Graug motioned towards Zelia, "Now, come, come come. It's time to put you in your place." The jab earned an unfriendly growl from Graug, but the god of war followed as Zelia climbed to her feet and raced over to the stairs leading up. Neither of them had addressed Sindaro, but the crag-like god seemed unbothered as he too got up and followed after them. Jezeleth in her clinging red silks was still lingering in the Lounge and seemed intrigued enough to follow the group.

Those gods who had taken an interest gathered outside the jasper gate and, at Zelia's touch, it ignited to allow them passage to her world. The small god and the perpetual scent of chemicals that wafted after her went through first, followed by Graug, then Sindaro.
Serek Eztli
player, 118 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 23:58
  • msg #67

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek's hollow black eyes gazed over towards the way up from the previous level as the resounding steps of the God of War signaled their return to the Astral Lounge. Their visage covered by their helm again, it almost seemed to betray the beauty protected underneath or hold the image she wanted to potray towards others within the shell of defense. It seemed that the blood from the wounds he caused in their fight sill ran fresh as it poured out from their platemail. To the satisfaction of Zelia at that, Serek stayed silent as he drank the rest of his ambrosia.

Though Graug was right, the war was not over yet. It had only just begun. "I hope our battle was entertaining enough for you. We will see how the next one turns out when we get there." There was a tone of neutrality to his words, as he nodded slightly to Graug in return. Following their immediate impatience, Serek trailed behind the group of gods who were interested. It seemed Jezelth returned and followed suit alongside them as they made their way to the jasper archway. As the rest of the gods passed through after Zelia, Serek's beak turned curiously at Jezelth as his feathers fluffed and narrowed, "You should come watch with me. The more who attend but do not participate the better the crowd. We can converse as we witness the unfolding events, even if it is just us among the crowd of mortals. I do not wish to miss out on this opportunity to bare witness and hold a proper talk with you."
GM, 270 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 13:42
  • msg #68

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"Us amongst mortals?" Jezeleth replied aghast. "Perish the thought! You really think Zelia will insult us like that?" The silk adorned god asked in dismay. "I suppose we'll find out." Then she too disappeared through the arch. Serek followed after.

OOC: Opening up a new thread.
Serek Eztli
player, 120 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 14:19
  • msg #69

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek chuckled softly at Jezeleth's much dismayed reply. "I doubt it, though one never knows." The God of Blood considered his previous words, though unintentionally they got what he wanted to not be the only spectating divine. Shrugging to himself, Serek followed through the arch to witness the events unfold first hand.
player, 86 posts
10/10 HP
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 18:58
  • msg #70

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Goddess of Eternity arrived in time to see several of her brethren departing through a jasper gate for some challenge or another which intrigued her quite a bit.

"May I join you?" She called out. "I would see what challenge has been issued and to whom."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 106 posts
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 19:06
  • msg #71

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince of Blossoms also reappears in the lounge, and looks curiously at the assembly of gods.

"Hmmm...yes brothers and sisters, what indeed are you all up to?" he asked.
GM, 283 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 00:56
  • msg #72

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The portal continued to glow for some time longer. While the other gods had all passed through to attend the spectacle of the challenge and there was no on invite Annastarria and the Prince of Blossoms though, there was no one to say they couldn't enter either.
player, 88 posts
10/10 HP
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 02:10
  • msg #73

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"I think we should take this as invitations, my brother. Shall we go see what entertainment our siblings seek?" Annastarria asked, giving her brother a smile and holding out her hand for him to take before they walk through the portal.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 108 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 02:12
  • msg #74

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince nodded, and gentlemanly accepted her offered hand as they walked through the portal together.

"Yes...we've been so absorbed in our own issues, that we're losing track of what our more mischievous brethren are up to. Let us go and pay them a visit."
player, 55 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 01:01
  • msg #75

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Typh watched from his silent seat with a distant amusement as the gods travelled to realms unknown through a portal. He'd likely have spoken up if he wasn't so distracted with his own adventures but the moment had passed and in truth he wasn't entirely sure he was the right company for these games.

No he would bid his time and see if there were other opportunities to be had.
Serek Eztli
player, 146 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 21:28
  • msg #76

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Moving from Zelia's contest, Serek walked back until he rejoined others in the Astral Lounge. There was a quiet air around him. Straying from the other divines, Serek pulled himself to the side. Blinking for a few moments, Serek let the weight around him sink in. The crime of defilement hanged like a stench, one that brought immediate disdain from peers. Now he would truly have to be careful. They would weigh him in silent contempt and eerie.

Gazing about, Serek eyed Typh and came to him. Approaching slowly, the God of Blood hoped that his siblings Annastarria and Prince would join him. "Ah the ever enigmatic Lord Typh. I am glad to catch you! I hope your travels and adventures have gone well. I am excited to catch up with you and hear your tales!" Serek held up his excitements in tone despite that he feared the other divine's reaction for a moment.

Serek wanted to discuss something with his other siblings, however there seemed to be a breath of hesitation now. Serek didn't agree to the name of the League, he had swore his oaths and his partaking on the matter. For his siblings to properly interact with the other divines and keep their pantheon healthy, Serek would have to keep distance to ensure they didn't carry the burdens of his sin. However despite further social distancing, Serek yearned to close the ties, "I wish to offer my realm up between us. Of course I shall work to rebuild and expand, bring back the crafts and efforts of my children. However, I see no reason why any of your mortals should not be allowed to Shezmu and Reket with my recent victory over Graug. I would like for my lands to begin being a place where we can come together."

Walking towards the jasper arch-way, Serek brought his talons up and brought visage of Shezmu along its being. "My heart is my home, and I open them to you."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:25, Tue 13 Sept 2022.
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 138 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #77

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince appeared in the lounge, and immediately eyed Serek sternly. However, when they had made their alliance ages past the Prince had done so in good faith and he was hesitant to discard Serek completely. Especially since now, more than ever, the blood good seemed like he needed a sacred presence like the Prince nearby.

If the Blood god would ever be able to atone for his sins, it wouldn't be done by totally alienating him. However, he did deserve the enmity of most gods now and he also deserved for even his own pantheon to hold him to a much higher bar than before.

He walked over to Annastaria, and leaned in to speak to her solemnly.

"I...believe we should continue to associate with Serek. He is a sinner and has made some very poor life choices, but he still is very much part of our little pantheon League and it feels dishonorable to just cast him aside suddenly. At least, without giving him a chance to work toward atonement and self-betterment. Plus, as cranky as the god is and as morally impaired as he is, he has remained loyal to the pantheon and I believe that means something." he said to Anna.

"So if you are in agreement sister, let us go hear him out. But I'd like to make a vow to you and perhaps later with Typh as well: if Serek falls into madness and becomes some heartless war-machine like Graug, or if he keeps Amaranthing and staining his soul even more pitch black, then we need to put him down like a rabid dog. I know this sounds awful, but I think if we are going to continue giving him the camaraderie of our pantheon then in exchange we have to take responsibility for potentially enabling a monster." he continued.

"But with that said...I think we should try to extend our hands out to him for now, and give him the benefit of the doubt. If we don't, then I doubt anyone else will. And before he was a sinner he was a member of our little faction first. It isn't fair for us to alienate him and then expect him to hold to our high standards. If you're in agreement, let us go with him."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:27, Tue 13 Sept 2022.
player, 112 posts
10/10 HP
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 00:59
  • msg #78

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"I agree, brother. I shall repeat my words to him at the Challenge. I am appalled by what he has done but I have never faced what he had to face in the form of Graug's invasion of his Realm. I'm not sure how I would have reacted in the face of my children's possible extinction and the destruction of my city. He is our brother and I love him as I love you. I will not turn from him now, not after the things we four have seen and done together. What kind of sister would I be if I did that? Come, let us speak with him."

She walked forward to stand before Serek. Her eyes had changed from the swirling starfield to a sullen red but her face was as serene as he had ever seen it.

"What can we do to aid your children, my brother?"
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 139 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 02:00
  • msg #79

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince nodded solemnly at Anna, and walked beside her to Serek.

"Brother of Blood, Serek, we have decided not to turn away from you. Although know that we will be scrutinizing you more than ever. But in exchange, know that our loyalty remains intact." the Prince said to the blood god firmly.

"I offered to help you ages ago with your children and realm, and you got prideful and rebuked me. I say to you this: cast those feelings aside, and I will gladly try and help you once again. I hope that now, ages past the last time we discussed this, that you can finally trust me enough to accept my assistance." he continued.

"Sins aside...I share our sister's sentiment that you have gone through QUITE an ordeal, and I feel for you as our pantheon brother. If it would please you I will help breath life back to your realm and people. You can recover from this. You don't have to feel like you permanently lost everything. Not with us backing you."
Serek Eztli
player, 147 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 05:07
  • msg #80

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek regarded Annastarria and Prince as they approached, giving a solemn nod as he listened. It was obvious that the weight of his actions already changed their attitudes and tone. Aware of them already and the ones within himself now, the bleeding divinity sinned. Putting at odds and straights with how to handle, deal, interact, and regard him. Showing any pain from this would only put it on them further now. No, Serek needed to stride forward and reassure them that it is was fine, they were fine, and that he too was okay even when he wasn't. "Loyalty in exchange for scrutiny?"

Listening further to the Prince of Blossoms, Serek cocked his head some as eyes narrowed, "Dear Brother, Prince of Blossoms, your scrutiny is warranted however only pesters me unwantedly. Your offer failed to aid me, instead when I stayed your hand you gazed down at me snobbishly for refuting you. However my heart was closed off to welcoming others so readily and the outside ways we could aid eachother than just my problem. My stewardship over my people came with hardships, but I managed fine. I slept with hundreds then awoke to thousands and silence among all wildlife. I dare thee to return them to their splendor and fill the hole they left. Food and plant life did not ail me of any troubles, but I did not try to see past solving my immediate issue."

"Your scrutiny only stands to question and insult me. If you trust me and I hold your loyalty, I ask you to not compromise that with such pesterings or else everything is just a question of goodwill. But we are too busy delivering answers with arrogance. I apologize for my previous rudeness and I thank you properly now for having extended your hand graciously in the first place" Bowing his head respectfully to the Prince as he exchanged forgiveness and apology. Waving his taloned hands at the subject, Serek's head shook as a sigh dejectedly parted him. "Regardless of the past, my home now stands to ruin guided by both my hand alongside Graug's, still all wildlife remains gone."

Moving on to the matter at hand, Serek continued as he opened his arms to all of his siblings infront of him. "I bid you to not worry. For I aim to carry the weight of sin from all of those who are led astray, to hunt all of those who do not seek retribution, forgiveness, or change. The shield and spear of the world tree and the League. Shezmu and the Guise will aim to be backbone of this. I am more than readily accepting of your aid my dearest siblings. I open Shezmu to you and your children freely!"

Serek turned to the Jasper archway, Shezmu shimmering as a portal within the gem gate. Waving feathers and talons to it, his shroud flapped freely behind, the God of Blood continued, "Currently I search for what happened to my children. However, I have plans to welcome you and your children. I would see us raise our efforts together and see what visions we can craft upon it! "
This message was last edited by the player at 07:02, Thu 15 Sept 2022.
player, 59 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 16:42
  • msg #81

Realm: The Astral Lounge

In reply to Serek Eztli (msg # 76):

Typh smiled and gave a shallow inclination of his head.

"Welcome back Serek. I hope that your travels have been well. I myself have spent a mortal decade or so travelling the chaotic landscape of the morphic seas."

He then listened to Serek's proposition.

"I have perhaps a few mortals that might be suited to such travels to foreign places but they have been away from their own kind for most of their young lives. I would wish them time to spend among their own people. That said perhaps a stable portal could be established between Aegos and your own world. Assuming we have a reasonable guarantee of safety."

He then held his tongue as he watched the interplay between the three gods that had gone off to the challenge. Seems he was right to have stayed behind afterall. Whatever had passed between them seems to have strained their alliance.
player, 114 posts
10/10 HP
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #82

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Once more Annastarria reached out a hand to smooth her brother's feathers. Her smile  was genuine as was the affection in her eyes as she spoke. "As I said to you in the amphitheatre, you are my brother and I love you. I have not had to endure what you did with the invasion of your home and the scattering of your children so I can neither condemn nor can I condone what you have done. But I shall aid you and your children as I have sworn to in ages past."

She looked at her gathered siblings - these first three that she had met so many ages ago, together again for the first time in many long centuries. "All of you shall have my aid and if I can provide aid and succour to your Realms and children then I shall do so for oaths we have sworn and I stand by them now as I did then."

She looked at the portal and began to walk forward. "Come, brothers. Let us see how we can aid Serek's Realm and children recover from the invasion it has suffered."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 141 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 03:34
  • msg #83

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince listened to Serek's reply politely, before responding.

"I understand that at the time I initially offered you aid, that you may have seen my words as condescending or unwanted truth that you did not want to hear. I realize that most people cannot handle the truth, including gods. you were my pantheon brother I felt you needed to hear the truth regardless, rather than turn away from it, and I will admit I was...disappointed in your earlier attitude toward me." he replied, although not meanly. The Prince was simply matter-of-fact.

"However...It pleases me greatly, though, to hear that you have since reconsidered your previous stance! So allow me to explain. First of all...never underestimate the impact of plants and other flora on your eco system. Even if your people are mostly or entirely carnivorous, there is a food cycle in nature and if you had allowed me to aid you previously I had intended to to bolster your ecosystem and allow for an increased reproduction of new animal life, which would have helped offset your issue. But that is not all - I believe there are plants that you and your people have not discovered or that simply do not exist yet in your realm that could potentially aid in issues of hunger and nutrition for the Guise. Like did you know that there are some plants that actually have almost the exact same nutrients as meat and blood?" The Prince asked, seriously and not jokingly.

"I wished to try some of these things with the Guise as well. And finally, I wished to teach you and your people about land management and agricultural techniques, so that you can get more for your buck so to speak and more efficiently steward your realm's resources. Together, I had a program in mind that would help increase the wildlife of your realm, possibly supplement the dietary needs of your people with environmentally sustainable crops that have meat and blood-like nutrients, and then impart wisdom I've developed over ages to allow your people to sustainably do this without you or I helping." he said.

"If you are inviting us to your realm and asking for our help, then I am willing to carry out this program that I initially wanted to use to help you. Doesn't this stir hope in you, Blood brother? Can you see that our pantheon can help you in different ways to get your realm back on track? I was not jesting when I said earlier that not all was as lost as it seemed. I know you were hesitant to accept our aid in previous ages, but let bygones be bygones and let's focus on moving forward, yes?"
Serek Eztli
player, 149 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 21:41
  • msg #84

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek listened as he gave subtle nods to Typh. It seemed the elusive god was more preoccupied with affairs within his home. Though he does share the realm with his brother Meidos, which much stir up something for the god. "Thank you my dear Brother Typh! Though my travels have been, stalled sadly. I have not seen or spent time on any sea, it must be a diligent endeavor to keep you as such. I commend your efforts and time upon them. As well, when it comes to your mortals, I can promise that your children would be safe underneath mine. Allow your mortals to spend time at home and rest. If I may, bring any of your injured or sickly. I shall take all of those who are destined for death or retirement an option for them, should they want it."

There was a moment of shock or silence as Serek felt Annastarria's hand cusp down on his feathers. Her voice and eyes were more than reassuring enough as spoke to him. There was a slight pur in Serek's throat. Closing his eyes momentarily, Serek opened them as their gaze softened. "Thank you, dear sister. You hold my love within your heart. I will do everything I must, to not see any other go through such hardships. Especially those that I love, my dear siblings. I will always uphold my oath to you, even if my times are trying."

Continuing with the Prince of Blossoms, Serek listened and studied his brother. There was much to be said, but Serek held his tongue. "Prince, I can be stand-off ish. Certainly against certain criticisms, especially when you do not know the whole of the truth and circumstances surrounding the matter. An outside view on the situation can always be easier though, is it not? It was my fault to act out on knowledge unknown to you yet and withhold it. However I plan to share that and more with you today."

Serek smiled from beak to beak as the Prince spoke of his plans and asked his question in serious repose, "Yes well, not to disappoint you my brother. However Shezmu is home to many supple plants filled with an ichor like substance of blood or fleshy like that of meat. Those typically tend to bite back or have curious defenses. If you can stimulate my wild life to raise from the dead or come into existence. I more than welcome the thought and plan, plants and their bounty has been seen as a sign of hard times previously to my people. Though it has long became their only other source of food when out in my realm. With your aid we can reign in the cultivation of those we can use for food and others in crafts or mixtures."

Serek shook his head though some before any departures, there was a slight glint in his eye. Each of them stood infront and offered more than enough. Acts full of heart and loyalty within their blood. There was an enthusiasm in his voice, "I believe that you all might be misunderstanding this some. Hope is of course not lost especially with your help, my children have been found, and of course I seek to rebuild! However it is not just that and simple aid to which I end this offer and plee." Shaking his taloned finger several times, Serek continued, "Shezmu is open to you and your children to live in not just momentarily for aid. Allow this to be the first testimony of our pantheon coming together! To craft and share among each other, fill out the gaps that the others leave. The idea of stable portals definitely comes to mind, as well even a proper Tea House, and schools in different fields." Serek genuinely seemed keen to this idea. It was bound to happen eventually. The unity opened portals across the realms already, he saw no need now to deny his siblings. "I warn you now, there are going to be a few things I'll need to impart to you for consideration of this, all that are imperative to be understood for this endeavor to work. However, those details can wait until you see for yourselves. There you may decide as you wish."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 145 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 22:07
  • msg #85

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince nodded at Serek.

"It is my hope that you are more open with me in the future as well. While I may criticize sometimes, it is only because I care. I am the Prince of Blossoms. It is my imperative and my nature to critique, judge, and assess that which lies before me and determine how it can best blossom, and if it even SHOULD blossom." he said. "So please be understanding and patient if I ever irk your sensibilities. For normally I never critique without just cause. And in your case, I also have good plans in store for you." he added, before turning to Typh.

"My wayward pantheon brother! I would like to make some time soon to spend with you as well, for it has been too long since we engaged for more than passing moments. But you are not forgotten and are always well-regarded by us, brother." he said, turning back to Serek.

"I have some ideas about those plants, actually. But with my techniques, they can be more tamed and domesticated over successive generations. We can breed for desired traits in plants that would be more fit for the guise to consume agriculturally while selecting against negative ones like excessive venoms, thorns, snapping elements, and so on. I also would like to try introducing something called lima and kidney beans to your realm as well and see how the Guise take to them. These plants have meat-like nutrition while being great for the soil quality." he said.

"As for long as even just a bit are left I can utilize agricultural and other principles to help facilitate breeding and population growth of these critters. You will have to be VERY struct with the Guise though on not poaching them - like strict to the point of maiming punishments or worse if they don't take the hint - as it will an age or two to fully realize results but we could slowly repopulate your realm with its native fauna once again. Including utilizing some captured animals and such from nights of the hunt that we work on domesticating and breeding as well." he said.
player, 116 posts
10/10 HP
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 00:44
  • msg #86

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"Then let us venture forth to meet your children and see Shezmu for the first time as I have long looked forward to the day when we can see more of our respective Realms. I shall do what I may to assist you in your rebuilding and recovery and healing of your children. I may well dispatch some of my own here to assist, should you deem it to be so, brother."

She gave him a reassuring smile; her eyes shading to a warm gold as she looked upon him.

"Whenever you are ready."
Serek Eztli
player, 151 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 21:18
  • msg #87

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek placed a taloned hand upon the Prince's shoulder momentarily as he nodded in good faith. "I do not imagine that I can escape your natures. Only that I can accept and work with them, dear brother, just as you do my own. I have my own reservations as I am sure everyone does, but I'll be more forthcoming that I promise."

Listening then to Annastarria, Serek seemed to continue to unravel his own thorns at her genuine care. He did not dismiss his brother's, yet Serek was still softening up to his more prudent nature. With feathers shifting and fluffing more happily as blood slicked down them, Serek gave a bright smile. Speaking a bit seriously there was a gentle undertone despite the words, "The feeling is mutual, I long await to still explore other realms respectively. Though my children have far been removed from the cycle of life for some time, this event was one that was harsh on them. As I have dearly spoiled my children despite their own hardships. They now wear the marks of strife and time passed upon their beings. There are far fewer now than the ages past and they have witnessed it all. We no longer hold a city to present as our testimont against time. In its place now is a scar of war."

When the Prince of Blossoms turned back to him again with the plans of agriculture Serek rubbed his bottom beak lightly. "We can breed wanted traits separately? Still we could use the benefits of their evolved defenses elsewhere. Venoms especially are useful among the hunts. The other defenses grown from Shezmu could help aid in the Guise's own protection from future enemies. The food and their nutritions would be a vital element to play among my people now. Cultivation and gathering was not a strong suit I feared. Even more sad, there remains no trace of any wildlife aside from the Night of the Hunts, a now imperative trial for Guise to prove themselves worthy of flesh and blood. One that will forever replace the once mighty and meek beasts of Shezmu."

Serek looked to all of his siblings again as he spoke to them in a more enthusiastic way, "I wish for Shezmu to be a place for all our souls to enjoy and work together in. Any aid is grandly welcomed as it patches our open wounds and helps to rebuild the bones to hold for our future bodies." Serek looked down for a second solemnly then released a soft breath as he gazed back up at his siblings. "It may be forward, but I would emplore any of your mortal children that you are willing to allow be brought. Even if only momentarily. I especially will take in those who are injured, sickly, retired, or destined for death. I would breath into them a second life from within my heart."

Walking towards the portal, Serek concluded. "The day has come, with it exploration and the deepening of bonds. I now await to greet you all fair welcome within Shezmu."
The Prince of Blossoms
player, 147 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2022
at 04:03
  • msg #88

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The Prince nodded. He was pleased that Serek was finally, after literally ages, beginning to see the true merits of the Prince's plans and realize he wasn't just spouting hot air. And he was even beginning to take some ownership of it when he suggested breeding poisonous plants and such, which the Prince found pleasing. The food circle began, more or less anyway, with plants and it was from this truth that the Prince knew he could aid his pantheon in their own realms.

"Yes I agree we should take an excursion and check things out, and a survey and assessment of the realm needs to be done to assess the aftermath of your war with Graug too." the Prince said.

"Annastarria? Shall we head out to Serek's realm?"
player, 118 posts
10/10 HP
Tue 27 Sep 2022
at 22:12
  • msg #89

Realm: The Astral Lounge

"I am ready and have been looking forward to this for some time. A closer relationship with my siblings and their children has always been something to look forward to and now that it is here, I am most pleased."

She stood by the portal and waited to follow Serek in. As his home it was only proper that he step forward first.
GM, 326 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Tue 27 Sep 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #90

Realm: The Astral Lounge

The portal opened at Serek's will and invited Annastarria and the Prince of Blossoms to access the home realm of the god of blood.

You may now transition to the Shezmu realm.
Serek Eztli
player, 156 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Wed 5 Oct 2022
at 12:14
  • msg #91

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek gazed for a few moments at Typh as he brought back some awareness to the Astral Lounge, "Brother, I have something I wish to share with you. Beyond just my home realm, for when you are ready."

If Meidos accompanied Typh, Serek would greet him with full respect and regard. Extending both offers to the younger god of (mis?)fortune.
player, 61 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 16:18
  • msg #92

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek's reappearance in the Astral Lounge took Typh by surprise but he nodded agreeably.

"Of course Serek."

He turned to his younger brother Medios.

"Medios I am going to create another instance in Serek's world. I imagine we will spend a great deal of time discussing political matters which are likely to bore you. I will return shortly."

With that he turned to Serek and nodded for him to proceed.
Serek Eztli
player, 165 posts
Lord of Blood
10/10 HP
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 22:14
  • msg #93

Realm: The Astral Lounge

Serek bowed his head and waved his winged arm to guide Typh, "You need not dispel your attentions here. I only ask for a partial of it. I need not steal you away from your brother."

Serek gave then Meidos a passing glance and a respectful nod of his beak. "Apologies, Lord Medios, that I do not hold entertainments to provoke excitement for you. We shall see what lays in the future. Though, if I might suggest. The Ambrosia here is a curiousity you must try."

Going from there, Serek opened the way to his realm again. Wanting to bring Typh along to the current happenings inside of Shezmu and the Myopic Fields of Death.
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