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11:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

S1 07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
Temperance Sexton
NPC, 15 posts
A Whistling Woman
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 22:21
  • msg #9

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"Mph. Mercy's doing her best." Widow Sexton simply looked troubled, unwilling to let the questions drop. "Tom, you're the only one of us was in the Wood when whatever happened to change things changed - did you feel something? See it? What happened between Her letting you lads go as you would and chasing you out?"
Thomas Bees
player, 185 posts
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 20:57
  • msg #10

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Thomas gave a shrug, "I can't say what had changed because I did not know what it was like before we entered. It was all strange and out of place, different and menacing...." He sat back in his chair... "We lost sight of Mr Fox for a time but that was about it."

Lucy Ann Bees
NPC, 14 posts
Like the lily that
Grows in yon valley
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 22:10
  • msg #11

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"He stabbed something, though, didn't he?" Lucy observed. "He came out all red on the front..."
Thomas Bees
player, 186 posts
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 22:17
  • msg #12

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"I think most of that was his own ? You could have to ask him about that." Tom thought for a second had he asked about that ?

Lucy Ann Bees
NPC, 15 posts
Like the lily that
Grows in yon valley
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #13

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Lucy frowned. "He said he was only scratched, and Janet believed him...if he'd lost that much, surely he'd have waited for the Doctor."

"How much blood can you lose and stand up?" Robin asked generally, then ducked a little at the table's attention. "Not that I mean the young Squire was lying, or as he'd have any reason to, but it looked like a lot - he might've killed something."
Thomas Bees
player, 187 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 00:30
  • msg #14

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"Then perhaps a visit to check on him might be in order, when we are done here of course." He gives a smile towards Lucy.

Lucy Ann Bees
NPC, 16 posts
Like the lily that
Grows in yon valley
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 12:33
  • msg #15

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Lucy ducked uncertainly, unconsciously mirroring Robin. "Maybe the Doctor will ask, while he's there," she said, shy of drawing the handsome young Squire's attention, even if he was all but married, "-or...more of you who went in should go, to show that's the matter."

[[Historical note: remember that whilst he makes an effort to be relatively approachable, Master Fox is not just your boss but your landlord, senator (I think is the equivalent U.S. rank - one up from mayor, only he's minor enough that being an MP is optional) local celebrity and involved in the local judiciary as can catch him "off-duty" at the pub, but otherwise you'll need to think up some kind of pretext to bother the nobility.]]
Margaret Yendale
player, 184 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 4 Oct 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #16

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"Never seen a man die from loss o' blood," Maggie replies to Robin, "A sheep or a deer will die right quick when ye slit their throat, but that's a lot o' blood all at once. Deer'll carry on runnin' quite a piece with a ball in 'im though."

She catches Temperance and Lucy's eyes and mumbles, "Sorry, Ma'am, sorry, Miss, not fit table talk I s'pose."
Temperance Sexton
NPC, 16 posts
A Whistling Woman
Tue 4 Oct 2022
at 17:38
  • msg #17

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"I'm cooking a lamb," Widow Sexton pointed out, and said nothing about her husband, though she looked over to check Andrew was not put out.

"We could ask Mister Phippin about it," Robin suggested, if not loudly.

Lucy did fidget with her hands, not looking over at the sideboard, not at all. The implication she might be scared of the mention of bleeding riled her up, however, and she sat straighter: "I don't mind the talking. It's that disguised fellow with the axe I'm worried about. If he was lying in wait for someone to go up from town to the estate...!"
Andrew Sexton
player, 128 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2022
at 01:33
  • msg #18

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Andrew gave his mother a reassuring smile, abruptly reminded of what a source of strength she had been to him throughout his life. Without her unwavering belief in him, he wondered if he would have had the courage to take over father’s shop, to take up the mantle of the craftsman that so many in the village had come to rely upon.

His smile became a frown as a thought occurred to him. ”The disguised one. Myself, the doctor, and his man, Polzeath, sighted him and tried to give chase, but lost him among the trees.”

“Whoever he is, I’m almost certain that he’s responsible for what happened to Mistress Durbin. When all this talk of the Wyzenwood took hold, I began to believe that he was doing…well, her bidding. Now, I am no longer so certain. Perhaps he is acting from his own, hideous will. But in doing what he has done, he woke her from her rest and put all of Scorch Norton in greater peril.”

“Do any of you know of anyone in the village that acted in any way odd or suspicious with regard to Mistress Durbin. Did she ever complain of being fearful of anyone, or receiving unwanted attentions?”

Robin Yendale
NPC, 8 posts
Bound Apprentice
Wed 5 Oct 2022
at 22:28
  • msg #19

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Robin had been frowning deeply for a while, oblivious to glances exchanged amongst the women and Lucy's awkward fidgeting at the mention of attentions, not looking at her brother. He hesitated as the others thought, then, eventually, spoke:

"When the Doctor said about 'im, Goodie Westcott said it was strange that...well, if y'was murderen, as you'd go from quiet an' strangling to late afternoon and an axe, an' maybe being seen to need a disguise. It's like...I mean, if he was after one person, and ran away from you rather than threaten anyone, or use the axe...that's like revenge, isn't it?"

"I haven't done anything needs revenging, though!" Lucy said, scarcely keeping her voice level.

"No, but he might think that, or that it was Tom did for Mistress Durbin, seeing as they were walking together and Tom's really tall, with big hands and such. Or someone else on the estate. Or...or if there were witches or wanderin thugees or Rom folk or jews or something, and one of them was sorting out that She was confused, Her in the Wood, and the young Squire stabbed them..."
Robin's imagination was clearly in a fired and lurid place by now.
Thomas Bees
player, 188 posts
Sat 8 Oct 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #20

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"Well given the information, perhaps a walk around the village and we can head towards the hall on the off chance we catch Mr. Fox.... Who knows what we may see ..."

Margaret Yendale
player, 185 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 13 Oct 2022
at 03:28
  • msg #21

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Maggie's eyes shift sideways at Robin for an instant before she says slowly: "Well I know that Jim Stone is--was, that is-- fond, I s'pose ye'd say, of Polly an' it may be her of him. Leastways, he had her silver fish of her, p'rhaps as a love token. Might be she would walk out with him, if they was sweethearts. Or it may be him lookin' t'venge her on someone he suspects of her killing."
The Keeper
GM, 393 posts
Thu 13 Oct 2022
at 22:37
  • msg #22

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Lucy had given Tom an uncertain look then glanced about the table to see what the others thought of their wandering around. Maggie's words made her frown a bit and she opened her mouth to speak but wound up talking over Robin:

"He w-"
           "-n't gossip like that, M-" Robin hesitated and gestured Lucy to speak first.

"They weren't like that, anyone on the estate could tell you. She was paying favour to Tom, besides, and then some." A glance at her brother said she hadn't quite forgotten what she'd gathered from the Vicar's inquiries in the church yesterday.

"It would have to be someone as didn't know them much, or was suspicious like Polly's mother, to think he killed her, over a silver fish or for jealousy or anyhow...I, I mean, a getup like that to make people look for somethin distinctive an' strange and not him at all, that's like something he'd do, right enough, but if he wasn't for sure about who he was 'venging on, he'd not go for them with an axe. An' if he was for sure, why wouldn't he tell the inn to tell the magistrate, and have everyone see the killer hanged, proper-like?"

Margaret Yendale
player, 186 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 15 Oct 2022
at 03:12
  • msg #23

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"Ah, Lucy, why does anyone do anything? I'm not sayin' I'm right, just that it could be." She turns to Tom Bees.

"Sorry, Tom. Mayhap Polly an' Jim was just friends, at least on her side, but men get twisted in their hearts an' get jealous even when they've no cause. She give him her fish! That meant something at least t'him."

Back to Lucy: "If he is just bent on vengeance, well, laws a' magistrates might look too slow an' chancy when he wants t'punish th' evildoer with his own hands.

"I dunno, I'm just a dumb ox I guess. But them's my thoughts on it."

Robin Yendale
NPC, 9 posts
Bound Apprentice
Sat 15 Oct 2022
at 13:41
  • msg #24

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"Maybe she meant to run off from her mother, and it was for remembering her," Robin said, a little defensive. Lucy was looking uncomfortable. "Didn't you ask him that when you caught him up outside church?"

"All right, here's food," Widow Sexton put in, and everyone set to laying out. Lamb, wild greens, bread and turnips roasted with the drippings made their way to the table and thence to plates.

"-I'll ask him," Robin resumed of a sudden, as was his wont. "About if he means to witch or murder anyone, too. He's not offended if you ask him straight out, besides he can't lie. I- well, maybe if sir, you'd come with me? For witness," he asked Andrew, "-an' we could see the Bees home on their way, with their walk."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:56, Sat 15 Oct 2022.
Margaret Yendale
player, 187 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 15 Oct 2022
at 18:46
  • msg #25

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"I'll be off then," says Maggie, rising, her food half-consumed. Truth to tell, she's somewhat miffed that Robin excluded her from his plans. Indeed a flush creeps up her throat. "Good day, all. Thank'ee for dinner."

She's up and out before anyone can say, "Stay," were any so moved.

Outside the cottage, she hesitates, deciding where to go. She must remember to bring a rabbit for Widow Sexton's larder.
The Keeper
GM, 394 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #26

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

The table certainly did protest Maggie's running off, but she was too large a creature for easy capture. Outside, the day was still sunny and the honeysuckle pungent, woodpigeons crooning to each other in the distance and everything very quiet as the village ate the long lunch or snoozed after it. Nathaniel Hartman jogged across the village green near the middle, sending a hare bolting off and someone's dog to start barking at it, and new leaves moved gently in the wind.

It might be nice in her favoured grove, or she could set to hunting down Goodie Westcott or Jim Stone, or she might go up to the Wood and yell at Herself to be clear on what She wanted, or go complain to Hessie about her brother's assumption that she'd be bad at questioning his friend. Alternatively, there was always hunting to be done, and drinks to be claimed. A sparrow whirred past with a beakful of grubs, briefly perching on a gutter and then away.
Andrew Sexton
player, 129 posts
Sun 16 Oct 2022
at 21:25
  • msg #27

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

”We can speak to Jim together,” Andrew told Robin, admiring the boy’s courage, but unwilling to have him go on any errands involving the disappearance alone.

When Mistress Yendale departed, he added, ”I think you should speak to your sister, as soon as you’re able. I think she may have felt a bit hurt about you not including her in your inquiries. You’re quite important to her.”
Robin Yendale
NPC, 10 posts
Bound Apprentice
Sun 16 Oct 2022
at 23:05
  • msg #28

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Robin was clearly upset, both by Maggie's depature for reasons he couldn't follow and the gentle remonstance of his master: he tried to look like he wasn't by biting a crust and chewing until he was sure of what his face was doing. Lucy watched with anxiety except when her friend might be looking, understanding the unshaped feeling of threat at seeing a friendship judged a courtship by a full adult of eighteen.

"I just thought she must have tried talk the long way with him, you know, hints and that, for that he ran off after. I didn't mean to say she couldn't come, nor like she'd pay me so much mind if I did. I...should I go after her? I don't much understand what I did to offend her so I don't know how to say sorry for real. It's different than just sayen it." Robin swallowed a piece of turnip hard, unable to articulate further.
Thomas Bees
player, 189 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 00:53
  • msg #29

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Thomas ate slowly thinking over what had been said. When Robin suggested they walk home he gave a nod in agreement, he had things that needed to be done and a cart that needed returning as well.

"Pay her no mind." He said to Robin. "She may have had other affairs to put in order."

Margaret Yendale
player, 188 posts
the poacher's daughter
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 11:41
  • msg #30

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Maggie stood indecisive for just a moment, then put her indecision into movement. She left the Sexton threshold and let her feet take her where they would while her mind turned over possible courses. She strode swiftly along lanes and paths.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:42, Mon 17 Oct 2022.
Robin Yendale
NPC, 11 posts
Bound Apprentice
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 22:30
  • msg #31

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

"'Least she's too big to do away with easy..." Robin said, a little unconvinced.

Widow Sexton had gone to look out of the doorway after Maggie and returned, looking only slightly troubled. Maggie Yendale would go where she would go, and that was all there was to it. Lucy threw her a questioning look.

"Away up by the lane. -but yes, y'can surely have what she's left for pottage," Tempe confirmed with a smile.

[[Maggie, I can pick/roll up a random destination if you do want to simply get lost, just let me know in PM/somewhere.

Everyone else, we can keep this thread unless/until splitting up: is there any other notion, speculation or plan of action you'd like to bring to the table, whilst a literal table is there to bring things to?]]

Thomas Bees
player, 190 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 23:22
  • msg #32

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

OOC: I think I am good. Thomas will return the cart back up to the estate and have a natter with anyone there.

Andrew Sexton
player, 130 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 12:20
  • msg #33

07b - Sunday Lunch - Andrew, Maggie, Tom

Andrew smiled at his mother’s kindness, mindful that it had always been her way.

”Thank you for the meal, mother. It was wonderful,” he told her. In recent years, he had striven to be certain to express his gratitude to her for everything that she did, though he wondered at times if such efforts were adequate to all she had given.

OOC: Andrew will accompany Robin to speak with Jim.
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