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03:31, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(IC) The Island: Beach.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
Kitsune Druid, 166 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 18:01
  • msg #374

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I am almost sure it's a variant of meat-hunting constrictor vine. Gimmie a moment to keep on track."

Keeper nodded, agreeing with the cautious party members before walking under a bush and emerging as a fox again, ready to track and lead them to the thieves.

OOC: 26 Survival to follow the tracks of said thieves. By scent as transformed into small, and hopefully unapettizing looking, fox.

19:00, Today: Keeper rolled 26 using 1d20+9.  survival check.

GM, 435 posts
Fri 4 Nov 2022
at 15:55
  • msg #375

(IC) The Island: Beach

Unfortunatly the 'tracks' so to speak its hard to tell which way but probably in the direction of the backpack. Makes sense. There seems to be oddly a roughed up area near the backpack, as Keeper keeps his distance. at least 40 feet. It seems rather odd with the backpack. Maybe it was dropped down and there is nothing to fear. Stopping in its tracks, Keeper gets a different wiff. Lavender. Its more of a pungent smell but not bad. It leads around the backpack tree. As the fox looks up in the tree it spots something where the backpack lies but can't make it out with all the foliage, trees, branches and whatnot. But it doesn't seem to really move.

Sief looks up at Kara "Doesn't hurt to grab it right? Taking it doesn't hurt and we might need it...." He leans on his umbrella for a moment and taps his rapier. Sitting down, he ponders what to do "I could try an' grab it."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 288 posts
Fri 4 Nov 2022
at 20:38
  • msg #376

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I think that would be too dangerous, Sief. We don't know what's between here and there. And I worry about that moving vine." Kara looks at her Hawk. "Shandar, go scout by that backpack. If it looks clear to get closer, come sit on my left shoulder. If it's dangerous, come back to my right."
GM, 441 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 23:18
  • msg #377

(IC) The Island: Beach

The bird flies over and scouts.

Nothing. It flies down and lands on the backpack.

Still nothing.

Frustrated with everyone trying to figure out what to do and he told them he would do it, the goblin reaches up towards the backpack and mutters something in Draconic. It starts to move towards the group.

Nothing happens. Nothing creeps up. Nothing attacks it. The bird flies off and lands on her shoulder. It flutters and lands on the ground near the group "I told you I got it. Don't believe Seif." He crosses his arms over his chest and stares at the group.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:13, Tue 08 Nov 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 170 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 16:46
  • msg #378

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kitsune gaped at the goblin, then trotted forwards and inspected closer the vines around the backpack.
"You risked, you take loot."

OOC: YOLO ! Ready action to run back to the party if vines do as much as twitch. Should I roll Perception or I can take 10 on the examination?

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 162 posts
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 18:36
  • msg #379

(IC) The Island: Beach

“Thank you, Seferiz for taking the risk that the rest of us were trying to avoid. Can we at least see what is inside the pack before you claim full ownership?” said Kamatar with a regretful tone in his voice. Still looking suspicious at the area, Kamatar quietly readied two arrows in his bow. “Seferiz my friend, these arrows are for your protection from anything that might still try to attack you.” he explained.
GM, 446 posts
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #380

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I got my own arrows. Just want my gear. Everyone else got all upset about a vine!" He grumbles "And I'm not your friend. Someone needs to get the pack so I did instead of standing there and doin' nothing!" The goblin puts the umbrella over his shoulder and stares at all of them before lowering it and extending it outwards so no one can see him. Maybe its a slap in the face. Its good he seems to be gaining confidence. Its like a battle between the half-orc and goblin with Keeper and Kara in the middle! He looks down, probaboly realizing its not his as its way too big "Go on. Take it. Seif do this, Seif do that. All the time. Beat on Seif." Something seems to be bothering the bard. Maybe something happened in the past. He grumbles and starts to walk off in the direction where Keeper probably pointed out. He starts to humm but he suddenly stops in his tracks. He seems to be staring at something or someone and his hand goes to his mouth.

Before he vomits.

What the heck happened???
Kitsune Druid, 172 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 22:54
  • msg #381

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kitsune re-transformed and pulled out the sling and stone from the ground while hurrying towards Seif and looking around for the cause of goblin's distress.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 290 posts
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 04:08
  • msg #382

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara, watched as Sief used magic to retrieve the backpack. If she had known he could do it that way, there wouldn't have such a discussion about it. But, the good news was that he succeeded and no one had to risk exposing themselves to danger.

"Oh good job, Sief." She pet Shandar as he landed on her shoulder. "I didn't know you could do it that way."

When Sief bit at Kamatar about not being his friend, Kara winced. That was unnecessary. Sief was still offended in some way by Kamatar. Clearly their team would have to work on their communication style. Then Sief realized that the pack wasn't his and bade them take it before walking off. Kara followed with her eyes, but the rushed to him when he started to vomit.

"Sief. What's wrong?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 163 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 04:25
  • msg #383

(IC) The Island: Beach

Quickly stepping up to Sief, while putting his bow and arrows away, Kamatar was careful to arrive at the goblin's side just before Kara. “Seferiz, are you alright?” he asked, looking concerned as he reached the goblin's side, carefully looking to see if the smaller humanoid had been injured and by what.
GM, 448 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #384

(IC) The Island: Beach

As the others approach there is a horrid stench. Scattered all over is dry blood. And something else...Body parts. Most of the bodies seem to have been torn apart and eaten but there is a thumb here, foot there. Part of a skull there. Its hard to tell who did this and why, or how many people got killed. Seif pukes again and places a hand against the tree. He's shivering. Scattered around are more flowers, oddly about the same area as where the backpack was seen. Maybe its coincedene. They are different colors as well.

Make a Perception Check and a Fort Save DC 15
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 164 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 23:17
  • msg #385

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Narrator (msg # 384):

16:12, Today: Kamatar Fletch rolled 26 using 1d20+8.  Perception check.
16:14, Today: Kamatar Fletch rolled 9 using 1d20+6.  Fort save 15

Looks like Kamatar is going to see what makes him vomit or that and something else.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:59, Sun 13 Nov 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 174 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 17:07
  • msg #386

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper just peeked a little, and then he made a strangling noise in his throat before falling to his own knees and retching.

OOC: Perception 21, Fortitude 6 ... I assume that Keeper lost his lunch now.

18:06, Today: Keeper rolled 21 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

18:06, Today: Keeper rolled 6 using 1d20+4.  Fortitude save.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 291 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #387

(IC) The Island: Beach

Following her keen nose, Kara looks about at the carnage. The stench and gore was disgusting, and really didn't like seeing body parts strewn about, but she didn't feel the need to vomit.

16:28, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 22 using 1d20+6.  Perception
16:29, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 5 using 1d20.  Fortitude.

At least she thought she didn't, until she did. So, instead of soothing her friends she too dropped to her knees and vomited the meager contents of her belly.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:32, Sat 12 Nov 2022.
GM, 452 posts
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 21:48
  • msg #388

(IC) The Island: Beach

The entire group starts to vomit! They puke several times, dropping to their knees at the horrid sight of all the body parts and blood strewn around the area. Slithing through the foliage are four snakes. Not huge but they seem focused on each of the group! They lunge at each of them trying to get their bites into their flesh!

Perception is to see the snakes.
For 1 round everyone takes a -1 to their attack and Fort saves due to throwing up and are flat footed. For everyone that is hit make a DC Fort Save vs 13.
Failure: Kamatar loses 2 Con (Temporarily), Kara loses 1 Con (Temporarily)

13:42, Today: Narrator rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  Kara.
*Hits 1 Damage

13:42, Today: Narrator rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  Keeper.

13:42, Today: Narrator rolled 15 using 1d20+4.  Seif.

13:41, Today: Narrator rolled 13 using 1d20+4.  Kamatar.
*Hits 2 damage

Kitsune Druid, 178 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 20:37
  • msg #389

(IC) The Island: Beach

Too busy puking, for the company, Keeper was too slow to notice the attacking snakes ... but luckily it bit only his robe. His retaliation was clumsy and only poked the animal.

OOC: Intiative 5, Keeper acts in the same moment as Kara. Keeper attacked snake back, missing with the quaterstaff.

21:34, Today: Keeper rolled 5 using 1d20+3.  initative.
21:36, Today: Keeper rolled 11 using 1d20+1.  Attack snake .

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 168 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #390

(IC) The Island: Beach

The moment he took to recover from the stench was too long to prevent him from being struck by the giant snake that wounded him. With his bow and two arrows already in his hands, it only took a breath for him to smoothly take a step back and focus on his target.

After taking a 5' step.
Kamatar will make a Perfect Strike against the snake for his first arrow.
(Perfect Strike allows him to roll his attack roll twice and take the higher result.)
Then Kamatar will make a standard attack with his second arrow.

First Attack
Kamatar Fletch rolled 21 using d20+5-1.  Perfect Strike 1st roll, First Arrow.
Kamatar Fletch rolled 6 using d20+5-1.  Perfect Strike 2nd roll, First Arrow.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 9 using 1d8+1.  Arrow Damage.

Second Attack
Kamatar Fletch rolled 16 using d20+5-1.  Attack Roll 2nd Arrow

Kamatar Fletch rolled 6 using 1d8+1.  Arrow Damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:34, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 293 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 02:42
  • msg #391

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kara shrieked. God, she hated snakes. Slithery slimy looking things that bite. And one bit her. She felt it too. It was poisonous and she could feel its effect immediately. Grabbing her sickles by their handles she  swept out a strike.

21:41, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 4 using 1d20+1.  Attack.
21:41, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 12 using 1d20.  Fortitude.

GM, 460 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 02:56
  • msg #392

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

The monk hits one of them soundly twice.

The bard steps back after vomiting and winks out!

One of the snakes harrasing Sief turns and goes after Kamatar flanking him. It misses but the other snake going after Kamatar hits.
Kam: Lose 1 HP. Fort Save DC: 13

One of the snakes slithers up and attacks Keeper! It hits but does no damage!

The last goes after Kara, slithering up to her! It bites into her leg!
Kara: Lose 2 HP.
Con: Lose 2 more HP so 4 total.
-1 to Fort Save so going at -1 Fort.

Snake: AC 14 ??/15 vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Kara
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Keeper
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:19, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 294 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #393

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Bit again, Kara shrieked again. Except this time, it was a spell, ear-piercing scream. She hated snakes after she stepped back;

22:20, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 16 using 1d20.  Fortitude.
22:20, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 18 using 1d20.  Save v Poison.
22:22, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 5 using 1d6.  Damage from Spell

5' step back
Spell: Ear-Piercing Scream
DC: 15

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:31, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 181 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 07:08
  • msg #394

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper keeps swinging! And backpedaling from the snake's aggressive onslaught.

OOC: Attack vs snake, miss. 5' step back towards kara and kamtar.

08:06, Today: Keeper rolled 10 using 1d20+2.  Attack snake.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:09, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 169 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 08:27
  • msg #395

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar growled as the goblin vanished and the snake that was attacking the goblin suddenly struck him. The brief moment of confusion allowed the first snake to bite him again. A flicker of anger briefly rose in the half-orc's eyes before being subdued.

Keeping his bow in his left hand, the half-orc quickly pulled out his nine section whip and deployed it defensively, causing its length to fly around his body at fantastic speeds and discouraging attacks against him.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 10 using 1d20+6.  Fort save.

Things are not getting better.

Weapon has blocking quality, giving a +1 to AC when fighting defensively.
Kamatar takes the total defense action, which gives him a +4 to AC.

Kamatar's AC begins at 16. +1 for the Nine Section Whip and +4 for using the Total Defense Action.

16 + 1 + 4 = AC 21

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:45, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
GM, 465 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 23:41
  • msg #396

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kam goes all full defensive!

Kara casts her spell as she steps back. The snake doesn't seem bothered but is hurt by it.

Keeper swings but misses.

The bard winks in flanking Kamatar and swings but misses!

The snake by Sief hisses and strikes! But misses!

The other snakes strikes at Kam! Barely misses (Got a 20 total!)

The snake attacking Keeper strikes out! And misses!

And the last one slithers up and goes to strike Kara! And misses again!

Lucky group lol!

Sief is flanking one on Kamatar (+2 to hit Kam)
Snake: AC 14 ??/15 vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/03 vs Kara
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Keeper
Kitsune Druid, 183 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 17 Nov 2022
at 08:13
  • msg #397

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper's wild flailing finally connected with the snake attacking him with a wet crunch!
He kept slowly backpedaling towards Kara. The kitsune huffed and puffed.
"I'll try to help, Kara!"

OOC: Hit vs AC 15, 4 bludgeoning and magical dmg vs Snake. Move action to flank Kara.
I believe all the help he can provide will be First Aid after the battle though. :P

09:10, Today: Keeper rolled 4 using 1d6+1.

09:10, Today: Keeper rolled 15 using 1d20+2.  Attack snake.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 296 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #398

(IC) The Island: Beach

Everything she was doing was failing. It was just a stupid snake, but she couldn't hit it and her spell barely hurt it all. At this point, she decided that running might actually be the best option, but she wasn't going to turn her back to the thing in case it would strike again. Even if it would only buy her a moment, she swung her sickle again, then backed up away from the sinister serpent as quickly as possible.

14:49, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 5 using 1d20+3.  Attack. but I mistyped. I only have a +1 so I really rolled a 3
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