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13:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

McClain Iron Company.

Posted by The Great KarnacFor group 0
Desiree Diamond
player, 11 posts
Thu 21 Oct 2021
at 00:27
  • msg #181

Re: McClain Iron Company

Desiree was carrying the last piece of equipment as she stopped in front of the portal and looked back at the others. "Guess it is time to find out what is on the other side," she looked a little bit unsure as Shade suggested that the tough people should go first, just in case.  Which she knew included her, even if the others didn't, her skin bounced bullets.

She relaxed a little bit as K9 affirmed that it was safe and then mentioned Stuntman, "Wait, someone already went through without backup?" She looked at the others sternly and then stepped through, letting someone go into danger alone was not good, everyone should have backup.

She braced herself as she stepped through the portal, not knowing what to expected as she traveled through the barrier and appeared on the other side.
The Great Karnac
GM, 673 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Thu 21 Oct 2021
at 02:20
  • msg #182

Re: McClain Iron Company

Desiree steps through the portal, and vanishes just as The Stuntman did.
player, 455 posts
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a Road Trip?
Thu 21 Oct 2021
at 06:24
  • msg #183

Re: McClain Iron Company

In reply to Desiree Diamond (msg # 181):

"really young people now a days... they should let the beings who do not breathe go first...oh well

Hey K9 how many people can you think will jump off a cliff just because someone else did it too?

see you on the other side K9 and I do hope there is not a long drop with a sudden stop on the other side. "

 as he flies through carrying K9 just to be safe
This message was last edited by the player at 06:26, Thu 21 Oct 2021.
Follower, 50 posts
Thu 21 Oct 2021
at 12:07
  • msg #184

Re: McClain Iron Company

"Conveyance is unnecessary, this one has passed this way previously."
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:26, Fri 22 Oct 2021.
player, 258 posts
Being of Pure darkness
Secret ID-David Brock
Thu 21 Oct 2021
at 14:33
  • msg #185

Re: McClain Iron Company

"I meant me guys. I am the one who can wander around space and all..." So, he shrugged followed the others through the portal
Darryl Starre
player, 161 posts
Charming Journalist
DEX 14 SPD 3
Thu 21 Oct 2021
at 17:00
  • msg #186

Re: McClain Iron Company

Darryl shrugs. Another new adventure it seemed. He crosses the Portal, hoping his language skills would suffice in ancient Egypt.
The Great Karnac
GM, 675 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 00:27
  • msg #187

Re: McClain Iron Company

Those that step through the portal will appear in Must Be a Conman Because Egypt Me.
The Great Karnac
GM, 752 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 12:08
  • msg #188

Re: McClain Iron Company

Mere moments after stepping through the portal, the heroes are back. They aren't alone, the unconscious body of the man that was Phoenix is lying near a fair quantity of iron. The giant scorpion is also there, looking as confused as a scorpion can look. Numerous other items of mundane and eclectic purpose are scattered about, as well. The portal, of course, is gone.
player, 321 posts
Being of Pure darkness
Secret ID-David Brock
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 16:02
  • msg #189

Re: McClain Iron Company

"Do we have a zoo able to handle that thing?" Shade asks. "Or a really big insect farm? Failing that I could make a shadow flyswatter..."
Giant Scorpion
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 20:11
  • msg #190

Re: McClain Iron Company

The scorpion's tail sags, almost to the point of touching the ground with its stinger. His claws do rest on the floor. "I knew I was destined to be alone, why not in a zoo. They would, at least, feed me."
Desiree Diamond
player, 103 posts
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 21:36
  • msg #191

Re: McClain Iron Company

Desiree tilted her head at the giant scorpion, "And what do you think we should do with you?  You were willing to help overthrow the past, helped steal iron ingots from the McClain Iron Company and attacked people?  What do you think the just thing to do with you is?"  The busty blonde asked curiously as she crossed her arms.
Giant Scorpion
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #192

Re: McClain Iron Company

"That past was all I've ever known. Before he started to burn all the time, Dr. Byrnes said I must've been caught on the edge of the temporal field and forcefully mutated to this form. Before he was completely consumed by the fire, he taught me to speak."
The Stuntman
player, 197 posts
You are the star!
I do the dangerous parts.
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #193

Re: McClain Iron Company

"And look!" As soon as he had his bearing, The Stuntman waved a hand past Diamond, Muse, and the iron. "I have returned from the past with beautiful women and the iron, just as I said I would. Truly the humble Stuntman is amazing, but not as much so as the stars he stands in for. Thank you, thank you."

He then zeroed his attention on the Scorpion. "I do not think you are the type for imprisoning, my arachnid friend. Barring your appearance, I think you'd have an easy time getting work as security, especially if you can knock someone out instead of making them dead."

He looks over to the depowered Pheonix and points his pistol at him out of reflex. "Now, your... uh... uplifter, on the other hand? He needs a bull... prison."

He put the pistol away, remembering that he was trying to play by some rules these days. "A prison strong enough to hold at least a bull, and nothing else that I could have possibly been advising. I'm willing to vouch for you, for what that is worth, but I doubt anyone except you might vouch for him."

He seemed satisfied with what was around him. "Annnnnnyways, I am hungry, low on ammo, and we should get ready to explain to the media our glorious triumph that we cannot prove in any way. Maybe 'we prevented a mass iron theft.'"
player, 536 posts
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a Road Trip?
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 07:17
  • msg #194

Re: McClain Iron Company

"Computers do have memory"
player, 40 posts
Remember the Author,
Not the muse they invoke.
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 01:38
  • msg #195

Re: McClain Iron Company

As the Pharaoh gives his speech Muse is off to the side lightly hitting her head with the side of her fist quietly chanting, "I am not qualified to diagnose him, I am not Qualified to diagnose him."

Back in the present she takes a turn addressing the scorpion while patting him on the shoulder? in a comforting manner. "It sounds like you are a victim of circumstance. There may be a group that can help you get settled under that understanding. After all you're too intelligent for a zoo, and I agree with Stuntman's assessment that you probably shouldn't be incarcerated. Partially due to the possibility that if you had been approached by a more ethical hand you might never have commited a crime. If I'm getting the correct impression your sense of right and wrong maybe" She stops a moment to consider a diplomatic way to phrase "Under developed." She turns to the group "Does anyone have contact with any child victim groups? Especially if they have any experience with super powered victims."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:40, Sun 25 Dec 2022.
Desiree Diamond
player, 106 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 18:17
  • msg #196

Re: McClain Iron Company

Desiree tilted her head as she listened to what the Giant Scorpion informed them about its origins and nodded her head, "Okay, yeah you got a bum deal and you deserve a second chance." She paused in thought, "By the way, do you have a name?" They were a sentient being, she would prefer to have a name for them instead of referring to them as giant scorpion.  "I have no idea how to integrate you into society though," she admitted as she looked over at the others to see if they had an idea. She nodded as in agreement as Muse made several suggestions on some ways to help.
player, 537 posts
Anyone up for
a Road Trip?
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #197

Re: McClain Iron Company

"Is the Scorpion even allowed any choice in it's future?
 She may not even want to be part of human society.
 Why do you not ask her? and what kind of hosts are you lot anyway

No one has yet asked her if she is feeling like a little aperitif like some KFC or Lamb Ragout?

 So Lady Scorpion what are your thoughts on the multitude of questions and events that are being dumped on you?

This message was last edited by the player at 19:46, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
player, 294 posts
Flying Hunter
DEX 23 SPD 7 STUN 11/52
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 06:28
  • msg #198

Re: McClain Iron Company

Nighthawk tells Desiree "whatever the scorpion might say, remember the story of the toad and the scorpion. Just because she has a voice doesn't mean she can overcome her nature."
Giant Scorpion
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 16:36
  • msg #199

Re: McClain Iron Company

"The bird man isn't wrong. I have always been a predator and know no other way. Perhaps a caged enclosure where I could be monitored and fed would be the best for all involved."
player, 323 posts
Being of Pure darkness
Secret ID-David Brock
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 16:39
  • msg #200

Re: McClain Iron Company

In reply to Giant Scorpion (msg # 199):

"How long has it been since you figured out how to talk? Humans are predators too, but we learned not to kill each other. For the most part. If you can understand all the concepts we are throwing around at you, maybe you can overcome your instincts." Shade points out.
The Stuntman
player, 198 posts
You are the star!
I do the dangerous parts.
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 01:32
  • msg #201

Re: McClain Iron Company

"[Language unknown: Ivpl'enin.] Prison never made anyone I knew better at anything except crime when they got out." The Stuntman breathed out. "Do what you must do to eat, scorpion person. You'll need friends when you get out, and I hope you don't run to the bad ones."

"As for me, food, unless there is a reason to stick around." He looked back at the prone Phoenix, and hauled him up on his shoulders in a carry position. "The things I do for reputation. Shooting you would really speed things up, but nooooo. That's 'frowned upon.'"

He considered something and got an idea that put a smile back on his face. "Hey, we count as police, right?"
player, 538 posts
Anyone up for
a Road Trip?
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 02:28
  • msg #202

Re: McClain Iron Company

In reply to The Stuntman (msg # 201):

"technically speaking we might count as Vigilantes or Special Ops but Police need to be trained in some knowledge about the Law.

we could always find some south pacific Island that is suitable for... Stinger here.  So Scorpion would you like having a nick name like Stinger???"

player, 324 posts
Being of Pure darkness
Secret ID-David Brock
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 03:21
  • msg #203

Re: McClain Iron Company

The Stuntman:
"Do what you must do to eat, scorpion person. You'll need friends when you get out, and I hope you don't run to the bad ones."

"Ummm...dont eat anything that can talk. And no cats and dogs." Shade adds quickly.
player, 539 posts
Anyone up for
a Road Trip?
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 07:30
  • msg #204

Re: McClain Iron Company

"ah ha we could always go to Glorantha! According to the facts I have, there are Intelligent insects and animals like Giant Tapir and Unicorns actually exist.  Just another road trip begging to be taken."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 07:30, Wed 28 Dec 2022.
The Great Karnac
GM, 755 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 08:06
  • msg #205

Re: McClain Iron Company

Obviously, greater authorities will need to deal with Stinger and the Phoenix. In the meantime, it appears all of the damage done by the false Pharaoh was undone by whatever he did upon his demise. Perhaps there will be some 'death curse' eventually. Plagues and geological disasters have to come from somewhere.
In this case, however, the Crusaders of Central City can return to Central City and go about their crusading.
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