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Differences between 2e and 5e.

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GM, 1 post
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 18:02
  • msg #1

Differences between 2e and 5e

There are many differences, many similarities, and more than a few holes in the new rules. I'll cover some of them here for those old timers that haven't had a chance to read the new rules but think they know what's going on.

You might not, anymore.

Also note that this is 5e, where a lot is left open. I'm hoping for a supplement to come out with more rules for the things that were missing, like World type, and System construction. When it does, some of what I'm guessing at for rules may be replaced.

Also note that this thread isn't a complete listing of changes, just some of the more glaring differences (like how Helms work).
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:17, Sat 29 July 2023.
GM, 2 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #2

No more Phlogiston

No more Flow, no more Crystal Shells. At some point Wildspace just fades into the Astral Plane.

Frankly, the Flow was probably safer.

Now, what does this mean mechanically?

Well, for one thing, it means you're going to use the Astral and Astral rules for travel between solar systems. Navigation has become easier...if you know enough about your destination to find it.

For another, it means transport from Prime to Astral is a little more "iffy". I'm still going to use Shell placement rules as the rule of thumb for when and where you cross over into the Astra, but coming back? Basically you go a a very large color pool to the destination solar system, and pop out at the requisite distance, but at a random location at that distance. The odds don't favor you even being near the plane of the ecliptic for that system. Assuming it has one (and most will).
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 21:18, Sat 29 July 2023.
GM, 3 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 18:11
  • msg #3


Manning a helm is different:

-Speed is dependent on ship design, and needs no crewing other than the Helmsman. Crew is: One Captain, one Helmsman, and full crew for whatever weapons are on board. Air duration and overmanning are based on these numbers.

-Helmsman don't lose spell access. From what I can tell, you could cast a spell while manning a Helm. HOWEVER: Manning a Helm requires you to Concentrate, limiting what spells you can use while doing so.

-Helms are attuned items. Yes, this means anyone taking a turn on a helm has to have an open attunement slot.

-An unattuned Helm takes the usual hour to attune. Attunement maybe transferred in a round if both parties are present, willing, and touching the Helm.

Not only is Helmsman level immaterial, but the definition of spellcaster seems a bit looser. The Magic Initiate feat seems adequate, as does an innate ability to cast many spells. This has removed the need for the wealth of specialty Helms 2e had. Basically a Minor, Major and Series Helm have become one item. Lifejammers seem unnecessary, and Orbuses (Orbi?) have been replaced by specialty Helm areas in Beholder craft.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:40, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
GM, 4 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #4

World Types

Worlds and Systems are probably waiting for another book. For now:

I'll use 2e to fake it if need comes up, but:

Suns are obviously Fire Bodies, most planets are obviously Earth Bodies, and mention of a Water Body is made in the starting Adventure.

But the way they describe Air Envelopes (and a size based on the underlying object they surround) makes me think Air Bodies aren't quite possible. Of course, it's D&D so who knows?

Still, for now, I'm avoiding them, and considering a free floating bubble of air of any size to be against the rules. Until we have actual rules, at least.
GM, 5 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 18:18
  • msg #5

Granted Spells/Warlocks

In 2e, the Flow and some spheres didn't connect to your favorite deity. Now that everything is going through the Astral, mostly it connects.

HOWEVER, both Fey Patron and Hexblade (or Undead) Patron warlocks are cut off from spells in the Astral. Fiends, Celestial, and Far Realm would be fine, but Shadowfell and FeyWild don't connect to the Astral, so there's no power conduit. Invocations will work fine (unless they grant spells). Genies, being elementals, also fall into this category, as does Fathomless (Primordial).

I am going to consider Undead Patrons to originate on the Shadowfell. That seems the most likely place, but even if it's the Prime they are on, they probably don't have the power to channel to the Astral.

Great Old Ones connection to Space seems to extend to the Astral.
, so things work just fine.

A later book may change this, of course, but I'm faking it here, so...
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:23, Sat 29 July 2023.
GM, 47 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 18:44
  • msg #6

Speeds changes

In 2e we had speed measured in hexes and ranked from speed 1 to speed 6.

A hex was 500 yards, or about 1500 feet, and time for a round was 1 minute. That equates to 150 feet per round in 5e.

Encounter distance was (as I recall) 1d20+5 hexes.

In 5e we have fixed speeds based on ship design that ranges from 30 feet per round to 70' per round. This makes 5e speeds anywhere from 20% to 45% of the slowest 2e speeds.

This makes for a variety of differences from take off and landing times to closing encounter distance.
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