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Aarn, Guild of Twelve Staffs, Demarr's stay.

Posted by PortentFor group archive A
GM, 22 posts
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 07:19
  • msg #1

Aarn, Guild of Twelve Staffs, Demarr's stay

Government: Free city ruled by a hereditary monarchy subject to the approval of the nobility
      Ruler: King Angandirron

 Population: Men, Dwarves, Halflings, Drakine, Gnomes, Elves
Language(s): Aarnese
    Coinage: Farthing; Penny; Noble
  Resources: Trade, craftwork

Arms/Symbol: Halved; right, a sheaf of golden wheat on green, left a scroll and coin on brown

Guild of Twelve Staffs occupies seven towers in a large section of the Noble's District, with walls that enclose the towers, gardens and a columned dome that covers a statue of the current King of Aarn.

The seven Towers are:
   The Axial, Students, by Year of study, Seven floors, Year 1 to Year 7 on top
  The Radial, Journeyman, by Year of study, Seven floors, Year 1 to Year 7 on top
  The Genial, Masters
 The Martial, Laboratories, exercise, contest, demonstrations, examinations
 The Cordial, Dining, tailoring, bathing, supplies, requisition,
The Official, Accounting, registering, discipline, Awards, record keeping, Council chambers
 The Crucial, Libraries

Each student has a room, enough space for a desk, bed, pot and a dresser, each as a wedge with a small hand sized window with bolted metal shutter. Stone walls, wooden floors and ceilings with beams. The doors to each room have a swing to the side opening at eye level that has a bolt, and a bolt on the inside. The doors are a dark wood, so hard as to defy any tool or weapon from making any carving, mark or inscription.

Master Adritchon rarely rewarded his students with trips outside the Guild, they did happen, and each time those trips coincided with festivals or Holy days of celebrations.

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:49, Sat 14 Jan 2023.
GM, 23 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2023
at 07:31
  • msg #2

Aarn, Guild of Twelve Staffs, Demarr's stay

Master Adritchon takes a strong interest in the early years of  Demarr's study.

Demarr is brought into the presence of many different peoples in the tower of the Martial.

Half Elves, Halflings, Gnomes, Erqigdlit, Leomachi, Orcs, Half Orcs, Drakine and Men
All of these peoples Demarr knows he can effect with his Sorcery.

Dwarves are resistant to magic and Sorceries have to be.. especially tuned to the Dwarven mind.
Elves are not resistant like Dwarves, they have a much higher willpower than most other races and as Dwarves, they must also have Sorceries tuned to be able to affect them.

Drakine and other peoples of their kind are very different, not only do Sorceries have to be tuned, also their base primitive natures make them difficult targets of Mind controlling Sorceries.

Elementals require tuning and can have higher Willpower
Plants that Druids raise to 'thinking' creatures also need Sorceries tuned to them.

From the records, there have been Sorcerers that have written in journals that they attempted to use Sorcery on Dragons. Those writings reveal they met with utter defeat. Noting Dragons are creatures of Magic.

Master Adritchon also informs Demarr that the Dead cannot be affected by Sorceries of the Mind.
Not through direct example, not having any to practice, just passed on knowledge.

"Tuned to" Means different Class of Mind.
Dwarves have Magic Resistance.
Willpower means high EGO values.
Primitive means a Psychological barrier.

After those initial years, there are discussions on memories, seeing into a mind and its collective record. Many times a mind does not record correctly, it can be split into many branches, alternates to the truth of what really happened. These alternate roads of memory are more common in the conniving and devious minds. Those that lie to themselves to justify false and criminal acts. Artistic minds often insert their art into thoughts and memories to help with recall, this shifts memories into a stream of symbols and metaphor.

Their are rare minds that record only what they want to have been, not that which actually was.

Then came the years of using the world and speaking to people that would become targets of your Sorceries. Here Master Adritchon gives examples of moving people to actions they think are innocuous but are, in fact sign,s to the Sorcerer.

Master Adritchon speaks of talking to a servant and over time applying light control over actions he would not mind doing. Such as always wanting to be presentable in company of his Lord. Always wanting to straighten his shirt and vest. Always making sure his vest was buttoned correctly.  Feeling comfortable in the Sorcerer's presence when making himself presentable. Always fiddling with a left sleeve when lying.  Fiddling with a right sleeve when knew something concerning the Sorcerer. Fiddling with the vest bottom button when he was asked to deliver some secret message.  Fiddling with his vest top button when a particular person, the daughter of the Noble was involved.

All these small actions can be developed over time and with practice and focus by the Sorcerer.

Mental Illusions can be used to make people who alone, think someone has entered the room and they have a conversation, the Illusion makes the person see only someone they trust and talks to them about subjects or actions that person may already know or agree with.

Then come years of talking about all before and Dreams. Illusions can alter dreams and if remembered correctly can be a source of inspiration or confusion. The Sorcerer can add cryptic language, known phrases others use, images of known animals, objects that talk or speak. Those dreaming my reject or adopt those ideas based on if they agree or if it seems harmful. Dreams are difficult to see into as then sleeping the mind is far from active, and can be under numerous layers of distress, diversion or pleasure.

A word on Priests. Avoid entering their mind, especially while in prayer, meditation or direct duty of their Office. Sorcerers have recorded such interactions and beyond having no effect, the reports have indicated loss of Sorcery spells and other... unpleasant and permanent penalties and on occasion a compelled geas.

Then in those last years, talk about being inducted into a Court. Discretion, secrecy and clandestine use of Sorcery. Plenty of advice with out knowing which Court Demarr is going to.

Demarr, any Sorcerer or Mage will be the target of Court intrigue. Spies will be every where, you likely will be second chair to the Court Mage.  You must have stories prepared. Ypu must cloak yourself in actions and adventures you have not taken. Trust no one.

It may take years to develop your influence. Go unnoticed as much as possible, they will expect you to be agreeable and pleasant. Be that but not to much. Find someone to become your enemy,. someone who will oppose you in a great many things. Enemies can be useful. You will be alone until the Court reports on your actions to the Guild, that will happen once a year on the anniversary of your induction into the Court.  We the Guild have trained you and prepared you for more than a decade. Once you leave there is nothing we can do for you, unless you are dismissed and return.

They will provide you with luxury, servants, wealth of a lesser degree and will expect you to serve and bend your research and practice to the Court's needs. You may consider the First Chair's orders as those of the Court, however, Sorcery is viewed by many as dangerous and an intrusion into the very privacy of thought.

Do not brag, do not dissemble overmuch of how your Sorceries work on thoughts, feelings and memories. Courts will have spymasters trained in seeing through lies, but a little falsehood here and there, will keep them off balance. Hopefully.
Applicant 1
player, 1 post
Wed 18 Jan 2023
at 08:45
  • msg #3

Aarn, Guild of Twelve Staffs, Demarr's stay

The initial years went by and it all started with a look of wide eyed wonder. "But master, how might you discern truth from fiction? he had asked. The idea that the mind was a road of many paths made some sense to the young mage but he had asked question unabashedly with true sincerity whenever he could. His interest of being able to read minds had piqued and opened up a whole new world.

If Demarr could create stories in his own mind, then the possibilities of others added to his own were truly limitless. It was an adventure of sorts that he became quickly aware became a fantastic opportunity to see the world even more clearly. People said one thing, and did another, people lied and people omitted truth when it was discomfortable - he already knew this from his years in the Hind family, but here, his new Master was stating that it was possible to look past all of those things and see reality in a way others might not know even existed.

While he deferred to Adritchon's power, position, experience and seeming greatness, Demarr waould speaking to him as anyone else. "I want more. I want to know everything." he would say at the end of each day to punctuate a lesson with his very deep and unshakeable need to have more.

In youth Demarr had seen truth and the next lessons came as a shock. The young boy had never, to his mind, truly employed subterfuge or had to manipulate in the ways that the older mage spoke of. But when coupling his learning so far, the extent and limits of the power: how a gentle push in a desirable direction could be easier than forcing someone to act against their nature - it seemed to make sense.

Master, in the example you gave of a servant revealing themselves through small innocuous actions, how would one detect this? After the mind control to make the behaviour habitual, surely the magical effects would subside.

Perhaps this is the main reason that Sorcerers are so disdained and feared? In a manner of speaking, men do not trust that which they cannot see with their eyes, and even with a magical eye if things are not apparent then it becomes something to distrust.
he said, pulling as much information as he could to answer everything.

Admittedly, it had made Demarr wonder if such geases or training had been worked upon him. Did he have a tell when lying to his own Master? Surely it was possible.

During early adolescence, Demarr despite knowing fullwell the distance his master had suggested keeping from the rest, and caution about being "open" and too conversational with people, Demarr had taken to doing just that.

He was naturally a social child, and revelled in the company of others but more so, and with a developing sense of his own intrigue, was able to practice dancing around conversations in a way that said much but revealed nothing.

"Master, forgive me for saying, but when you speak of the minds of elves and dwarves and dragons. Or indeed omitting the pious from our machinations, I feel that the power we wield may well be limited.

If it simply requires a bloodline not of our own, or a pious or even strong mind to subvert the course of our own magics then there are limits to what a sorcerer is capable to achieve.

For example, the elementalists can burn anyone, piety or no, elvish or no. But how would you articulate the comparison of our craft to theirs?"
he asked, prodding into the mind of his Master through directed questions.

Demarr already had some ideas about this. At this stage he was already capable of making his illusions real. Demarr's mind could burn an enemy, but it still was limited by his capacity to breach their psyche.

"How long have you been a sorcerer?" he asked directly. "Without folly, how long do sorcerers sit in Court? Is there time to spin a web over decades?" he asked again.

"Have other schools ever acted directly against a sorcerer? he again asked.

The trend of all lessons was that Demarr, a young and enthusiastic man initiating conversation to learn more, get more information and ultimately converse with someone who had replaced his parents. Part was perhaps to show dedication to the art that they both practiced but more deeply than that the young man had become something that he could have never attained in the Hind dynasty: the master of his own power. Through his learning, cultivation of magics and actions upon leaving Aarn, everything he could achieve would be entirely upon his own actions and not inherited through his house's name.
Master Adritchon
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 06:00
  • msg #4

Aarn, Guild of Twelve Staffs, Demarr's stay

"That is a very food question to ask. Truth for whom? Even with just one, the Truth of why of some act, some words, some thoughts, Sorcerers are the closest to finding Truth.

Alchemists say they can force the truth with potions, Druids say the only truth lies in understanding the essence of all things, Conjurers say they can force the truth out with fear, Diviners say they know truth through observation. All these Arts pale in comparison to Sorcery being able to sift through all who participated, look at the thoughts and intentions.

Even though we can know the truth, after looking for it, sifting it, remaining objective... those we tell must trust us, otherwise it is for naught.

If you find fiction, remove it until all that is left is Truth, that is Magic

"Detection is difficult. The skill of altering, ever so slightly actions that one might make based on mere impulse over any one other, over time, with a continuing control, over days weeks, even months, that kind of direction is subtle,

A Sorcerer would have to trace back what might appear to be faint choices and compare them to a lifetime of memories, actions. While the Sorcerous effect cannot be detected, unless you happen to be looking at the very moment the spell is cast, it means being aware of those around you, vigilance of habits, limiting the number of companions and servants to a number you can manage.

Courts employ Sorcerers to find and make aware, those that need to be, of plots from saboteurs, assassins, foreign agents, despoilers, and thieves. In the beginning it will be difficult.  I cannot prepare you for all the emotions, all the motives, all the injuries that Men, indeed all mortals, have and justify actions, which to them, seem to serve a higher purpose, a Right purpose. In the end it is not you that will decide it is the Court.

When things happen that are crimes or decrease the Right workings of a Court, you will be blamed, that will be used against you and too many, will cause you to lose your head. It is always the difficulty in the beginning.

Loyalties can shift, alliances shift, wealth can be gained or lost, reputation can be assassinated as easily as trust or Love.  They want to believe you can do many things and see almost all things, we know what is possible, but their belief is a shield, if it is not used, you lose a great deal of Protection

"It may be you can not believe such a thing is possible. Here at the Guild we teach many uses of Sorcery, yet, there are many things we should not do. What we can not do is a matter of understanding the Sorcerous limits, which there are few, yet, they do exist.

We are Mortals, does it surprise you that there are works we can not accomplish, barriers we cannot overcome? Have the Gods seen to this? To all of it?

Consider why were we given the Schools of Magic? Why not have all of this, the Schools, somply be the domain of the Pious? Unless you think like some. In our own way we do serve, just those we serve are mortals as well, and not divine, yet, they ask us for divine knowledge or divine like results.

I have seen an Elementalist bring forth a firestorm that marched across a valley like a curtain of red, yellow and white cloth, which rippled and distorted the air to look like paper thin waterfalls, in the middle of this a lone figure in sackcloth moved through it untouched, while all others were consumed. It turned the tide of an entire war.

Our craft is subtle, we deal in the influence of what-did-not-come-to-pass. We avert, prevent, turn aside, undermine, or deflect what others cannot see. Most rightly fear us, as to combat what we can, we must peer into thoughts, emotions, the machinations of will and desire.

We can burn or create cults, know words that will soothe or inflame passions. Some of us turn away from those decisions, and we turn to teach, instructing those who come after, try to warn.

"All my life I have been a Sorcerer. To count the days, years would be too much insight into where or who I am.

How long any of us serve a Court is unknowable. Maybe the Theurgists know... How well you serve, are seen to be of service, yes, it can be decades, maybe it should be decades. Always there is a interregnum, a passing of Courts to the next capable. If a Sorcerer has not done his due service, and the next has reason t doubt loyalty or too powerful a hand, that is when service ends, by blade or trade. Few are bold enough to kill a Sorcerer who has served for decades, yet, it has happened. Most often a trade far in advance, if possible, has been made for another Court to take in another Mage.

Other schools have, can you guess which ones?

The answer is Wizards. Wizardry is a school that has immense skill in dispelling any Magics. They see far better than we Sorcerers can, all the permutations, the weakness', the advantages, better for them to tamp down on all magics around them so as to lessen the threat t all around them. Wizardry births magical detectives and assassins both. To us and members of any School, each is both. They are Disciplinarians, Judges.

Be thankful they exist, and that School is trained only to counter magics

At the end of Demarr's time at the Guild, Master Adritchon will speak to him about what he is permitted to take with him and the appearance Demarr can take, the Staff he should take to represent that he is now a Master Sorcerer.
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